Juan Antonio Barrio | University of Alicante / Universidad de Alicante (original) (raw)

Papers by Juan Antonio Barrio

Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. La intervención real en la ciudad de Orihuela a través de la implantación de la insaculación en

La intervención real en la ciudad de Orihuela a través de la implantación de la insaculación en 1445, 1996

In the work we explain how insaculation was introduced in Orihuela, demonstrating that the main a... more In the work we explain how insaculation was introduced in Orihuela, demonstrating that the main architects of its establishment were Queen María and the bishop of Lérida as president of the royal council, supported by royal officials such as the governor of Orihuela and by members of the local oligarchy like the Rocamora family.

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. La intervención real en la ciudad de Orihuela a través de la implanjtación de la insaculación en

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. Selección, participación y promoción en los municipios de la Corona de Aragón (ss. XIIIX-XV)

Cuadernos Medievales, 2023

Between the 13th and 15th centuries, the Crown of Aragón was a political conglomerate consisting... more Between the 13th and 15th centuries, the Crown of Aragón was a political conglomerate consisting of numerous kingdoms and earldoms, each with its own institutions and governing bodies. Every political government of the Crown of Aragón convened the Royal Courts, and had its own laws, tax systems and separate currency.
In this context there is an apparent institutional symmetry in the models for administrative and political organisation of the towns and cities in the territory, constituted from the 13th century as Universitas through the requisite royal concession. The singular nature of the regional institutions in each territory of the Crown of Aragón and the various privileges and royal provisions received by each urban conurbation, led to the creation of specific municipal institutions with their own instruments of selection, social participation and systems of promotion in each of the royal towns and cities in the territory.
This paper aims to analyse the various mechanisms for selection, social participation and promotion systems in the towns and cities of the Crown of Aragón, based on a study of the different electoral systems established in each urban centre, the social profiles of the governing groups in each municipality, and the internal instruments of social and political promotion in each city of the Crown of Aragón between the 13th and 15th centuries.

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. Conquista y creación de la Frontera en la villa de Alicante durante el reinado de Alfonso X

Estudios de Frontera XII. Homenaje a Manuel García Fernández, 2023

The town of Alicante was incorporated into Western Christianity in the 13th century. In this peri... more The town of Alicante was incorporated into Western Christianity in the 13th century.
In this period, the companies to conquer territories from Islam in the peninsula
Iberica had an extraordinary size and were directed and capitalized by the
monarchy, which was the institution that had arrogated the competence of the occupation
military and political of al-Andalus and the organization of the repopulation of said spaces
by Christian settlers.

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. Prácticas y procedimientos jurídicos e institucionales de la inquisición real de Valencia

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Research paper thumbnail of La compleja religiosidad de las conversas valencianas (ss. XV-XVI)

Apasionadas, mujeres y devociones, 2022

The study analyzes the complex religiosity of the Valencian converts through the use of inquisito... more The study analyzes the complex religiosity of the Valencian converts through the use of inquisitorial sources.

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. El diezmo en la ciudad de Orihuela en la Edad Media

El diezmo en la ciudad de Orihuela en la Edad Media, 2022

The conflicts between the Oriolan authorities and the bishopric of Cartagena, they were frequent ... more The conflicts between the Oriolan authorities and the bishopric of Cartagena,
they were frequent in the 14th century and in the 15th century. In the work we are going to study
the role of the tithe in the development of such confrontations, using
abundant documentation, a part of it unpublished, and a document
exceptional, an extensive memorial of grievances sent by the authorities of Orihuela to the Pope in 1433, located in the Municipal Archive of Orihuela

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Research paper thumbnail of «Y delibero de vivir como judío. Y se fuesse donde no lo conociessen y viviesse como judío». Exilios y conversiones en el Mediterráneo en la segunda mitad del siglo XV y principios del siglo XVI, a través de la documentación inquisitorial

En los márgenes de la historia: Marginales y minorías, 2021

This paper analyses the routes to exile and the religious conversions of Spanish Jewish converts ... more This paper analyses the routes to exile and the religious conversions of Spanish Jewish converts between the second half of the 15th and the early 16th century, through a study of testimonies given to the Valencia Inquisition Court. Scrutiny of the inquisition documents has made it possible to verify religious phenomena such as Messianism and the desire of some Jewish converts to convert back to Judaism, which resulted in a need to move to other cities where they could indulge their religious beliefs and concerns. Some of the Jewish converts who fled the Iberian peninsula and took the path to exile, were disappointed to find that their expectations were not fulfilled, and on disembarking in the city of Valencia, they gave detailed confessions to the Inquisitors of the story of their exile, in addition to denouncing other converts from Judaism who managed to flee and set up in different Mediterranean cities. Based on those witness accounts, we were able to reconstruct the routes of exile and the religious transformations that developed in the Mediterranean at the end of the Middle Ages.

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Research paper thumbnail of Las comunidades subalternas urbanas en el Reino de Valencia en la Edad Media. De la integración a la segregación. Discurso, organización y mecanismos de representación

Las comunidades subalternas urbanas en el Reino de Valencia en la Edad Media. De la integración a la segregación. Discurso, organización y mecanismos de representación. , 2014

The work analyzes the evolution of the subaltern communities in the Middle Ages, with an analysis... more The work analyzes the evolution of the subaltern communities in the Middle Ages, with an analysis of the medieval urban community and with the study of the impact of the urban protests of the artisans in a medieval urban center and the organization of the community of Jewish converts. and the claims raised by them in the city of Orihuela in the fifteenth century. It is analyzed with special interest in the work. The speeches, the organization and the mechanisms of representation of the subaltern communities in the Valencian medieval municipality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Las comunidades subalternas urbanas en el Reino de Valencia en la Edad Media. De la integración a la segregación. Discurso, organización y mecanismos de representación

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Antecedentes, consecuencias y desarrollo de la guerra de los dos Pedros en la villa medieval de Guardamar, 2021

The objective of the article is to analyze the impact of the War of the Two Peters in the medieva... more The objective of the article is to analyze the impact of the War of the Two Peters in the medieval town of Guardamar. For that purpose, the historical records that contextualize the armed conflict are established and the development of the war is explained by analyzing the main warlike actions that took place in Guardamar. Likewise, the consequences of the War of the Two Peters in the history of Guardamar are studied.

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. Todo por el rey. Antecedentes, causas y desarrollo de la Germanía en la ciudad de Orihuela

Todo por el rey. Antecedentes, causas y desarrollo de la Germanía en la ciudad de Orihuela, 2022

The objective of the study is to reflect on the background, causes and development of the Germaní... more The objective of the study is to reflect on the background, causes and development of the Germanía de Orihuela. In the context of studies on the germanías of the kingdom of Valencia, the analysis of the Germanía de Orihuela has not yet been addressed in depth.

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Research paper thumbnail of Los judeoconversos en la frontera sur del reino de Valencia (ss. XIV-XV)

Anales de la Universidad de Alicante. Historia Medieval, 2009

La evolución de los judeoconversos en la Península Ibérica desde la conversión masiva de 1391 has... more La evolución de los judeoconversos en la Península Ibérica desde la conversión masiva de 1391 hasta la introducción y actuación de la Inquisición a finales del siglo XV, esta asociada al devenir de las sociedades urbanas hispánicas en el Cuatrocientos. En este artículo planteamos una serie de reflexiones de partida sobre la inserción de los judeoconversos en la Península Ibérica en el mundo urbano y trasladamos estas cuestiones a un observatorio específico, la ciudad de Orihuela, un centro urbano fronterizo del sur del reino de Valencia.

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. Los conversos de judío en la ciudad de Orihuela en la Edad Media

The aim of the article is to present a general and updated vision of the historical trajectory of... more The aim of the article is to present a general and updated vision of the historical trajectory of the Jewish converts in the city of Orihuela during the Middle Ages.
The historical documentation exhumed in recent years shows the vitality of a relevant community in its demographic composition, in its cohesion and in the efforts made by its leaders to achieve adequate political and social integration in the Oriolano municipality. The difficulties they had to achieve full participation in the building offices of the city and the persecution they received with the implementation of the Royal Inquisition, ended up weakening the group at the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century.

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Anales de la Universidad de Alicante. Historia Medieval., 2017

The imprecise territorial demarcation established for land along the banks of the Segura River be... more The imprecise territorial demarcation established for land along the banks of the Segura River between the Kingdom of Murcia and the Kingdom of Valencia, following the Treaty of Torrellas in 1304, led to numerous disputes between inhabitants on either side of the frontier as daily life became disrupted by tension and conflicts over the economic use of borderlands or frontier areas. Disputes were taken to Murcia and Orihuela, the most affected towns, to be resolved. This situation lasted from the early 14th century to the second half of the 15th century, when the local authorities of the two towns decided to carry out a precise and definitive demarcation of their borderlands and set out physical boundaries for their corresponding frontiers

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Anales de la Universidad de Alicante. Historia Medieval, n.º 21, 2019

The article explains and supports a line of investigation based on the social-modal biographies o... more The article explains and supports a line of investigation based on the social-modal biographies of the working classes, those ignored by history. The main focus of our study would be the Valencian Jewish converts known as “conversos,” based on legal records and archives with particular emphasis on unearthing the practices of the Inquisition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Los conversos de judío en la ciudad de Xátiva: creencias y prácticas religiosas (1439-1490) a través de la visión del "otro"

This study undertakes a reconstruction of the religious beliefs and practices of Jewish conversos... more This study undertakes a reconstruction of the religious beliefs and practices of Jewish conversos in
the city of Xàtiva during the 15th century, based on evidence from the formal reports filed with the
officers of the Royal Inquisition Court of Valencia. The analysis of the depositions given by a group
of Old Christians who reported various Jewish conversos in Xàtiva has allowed us to examine a wide
range of religious beliefs, festive traditions, customs, gestures, rituals and superstitions practiced by the
Jewish conversos. Our study has also highlighted the inquisitorial zeal and horizontal social control
carried out by some individuals –Old Christians– against other people –Jewish conversos– under the
protection of the Inquisition officers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Per servey de la Corona d´Arago. Identidad urbana y discurso politico en la frontera meridional del reino de Valencia: Orihuela en la Corona de Aragón, ss. XIII-XV

From the Orihuela Observation Group, this paper analyses the mechanisms behind the political disc... more From the Orihuela Observation Group, this paper analyses the mechanisms behind the political discourse and urban identity that developed in the city of Orihuela following its incorporation into the Crown of Aragon in 1296, as well as the evolution of these two phenomena during the 14th and 15th centuries. We used a study method that can be applied to medium-sized towns and cities that evolved in unique historic or territorial settings. The political development of Orihuela between 1243 and 1304, which included three changes in political leadership, together with the fact that it was named capital of a territorial demarcation, granted city status in 1437 and converted into a key geostrategic and frontier location for both the Crown of Aragon and the Kingdom of Valencia, led local leaders to develop a political discourse and identity that emphasised the city’s frontier position and the monarchy’s need for its services, its position as a territorial capital and the secular aspirations for a diocese of its own. All of this occurred in a pivotal area that played a key part in the bellicose tension that existed between the Iberian Peninsula’s two main powers from the mid-13th through to the 15th century, witnessing such decisive events as the War of the Two Peters and the concentration of significant military efforts by both Crowns in their battle to win over the lands of southern Valencia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Los orígenes de la Inquisición medieval europea. La legislación y la tratadística inquisitorial

El objetivo del presente artículo es el análisis de los tratados,manuales o instrucciones elabora... more El objetivo del presente artículo es el análisis de los tratados,manuales o instrucciones elaborados por los inquisidores y que sirvieron para definir y desarrollar
las bases jurídicas, institucionales y legislativas de la Inquisiciónmedieval europea y fijar y establecer en estas guías o repertorios las principales pautas y cauces normativas del procedimiento inquisitorial y de los tribunales inquisitoriales
en las actuaciones que desarrollaron en diferentes zonas de la Europa cristiana occidental en los últimos siglos de la Edad Media.

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. La intervención real en la ciudad de Orihuela a través de la implantación de la insaculación en

La intervención real en la ciudad de Orihuela a través de la implantación de la insaculación en 1445, 1996

In the work we explain how insaculation was introduced in Orihuela, demonstrating that the main a... more In the work we explain how insaculation was introduced in Orihuela, demonstrating that the main architects of its establishment were Queen María and the bishop of Lérida as president of the royal council, supported by royal officials such as the governor of Orihuela and by members of the local oligarchy like the Rocamora family.

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. La intervención real en la ciudad de Orihuela a través de la implanjtación de la insaculación en

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. Selección, participación y promoción en los municipios de la Corona de Aragón (ss. XIIIX-XV)

Cuadernos Medievales, 2023

Between the 13th and 15th centuries, the Crown of Aragón was a political conglomerate consisting... more Between the 13th and 15th centuries, the Crown of Aragón was a political conglomerate consisting of numerous kingdoms and earldoms, each with its own institutions and governing bodies. Every political government of the Crown of Aragón convened the Royal Courts, and had its own laws, tax systems and separate currency.
In this context there is an apparent institutional symmetry in the models for administrative and political organisation of the towns and cities in the territory, constituted from the 13th century as Universitas through the requisite royal concession. The singular nature of the regional institutions in each territory of the Crown of Aragón and the various privileges and royal provisions received by each urban conurbation, led to the creation of specific municipal institutions with their own instruments of selection, social participation and systems of promotion in each of the royal towns and cities in the territory.
This paper aims to analyse the various mechanisms for selection, social participation and promotion systems in the towns and cities of the Crown of Aragón, based on a study of the different electoral systems established in each urban centre, the social profiles of the governing groups in each municipality, and the internal instruments of social and political promotion in each city of the Crown of Aragón between the 13th and 15th centuries.

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. Conquista y creación de la Frontera en la villa de Alicante durante el reinado de Alfonso X

Estudios de Frontera XII. Homenaje a Manuel García Fernández, 2023

The town of Alicante was incorporated into Western Christianity in the 13th century. In this peri... more The town of Alicante was incorporated into Western Christianity in the 13th century.
In this period, the companies to conquer territories from Islam in the peninsula
Iberica had an extraordinary size and were directed and capitalized by the
monarchy, which was the institution that had arrogated the competence of the occupation
military and political of al-Andalus and the organization of the repopulation of said spaces
by Christian settlers.

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. Prácticas y procedimientos jurídicos e institucionales de la inquisición real de Valencia

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Research paper thumbnail of La compleja religiosidad de las conversas valencianas (ss. XV-XVI)

Apasionadas, mujeres y devociones, 2022

The study analyzes the complex religiosity of the Valencian converts through the use of inquisito... more The study analyzes the complex religiosity of the Valencian converts through the use of inquisitorial sources.

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. El diezmo en la ciudad de Orihuela en la Edad Media

El diezmo en la ciudad de Orihuela en la Edad Media, 2022

The conflicts between the Oriolan authorities and the bishopric of Cartagena, they were frequent ... more The conflicts between the Oriolan authorities and the bishopric of Cartagena,
they were frequent in the 14th century and in the 15th century. In the work we are going to study
the role of the tithe in the development of such confrontations, using
abundant documentation, a part of it unpublished, and a document
exceptional, an extensive memorial of grievances sent by the authorities of Orihuela to the Pope in 1433, located in the Municipal Archive of Orihuela

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Research paper thumbnail of «Y delibero de vivir como judío. Y se fuesse donde no lo conociessen y viviesse como judío». Exilios y conversiones en el Mediterráneo en la segunda mitad del siglo XV y principios del siglo XVI, a través de la documentación inquisitorial

En los márgenes de la historia: Marginales y minorías, 2021

This paper analyses the routes to exile and the religious conversions of Spanish Jewish converts ... more This paper analyses the routes to exile and the religious conversions of Spanish Jewish converts between the second half of the 15th and the early 16th century, through a study of testimonies given to the Valencia Inquisition Court. Scrutiny of the inquisition documents has made it possible to verify religious phenomena such as Messianism and the desire of some Jewish converts to convert back to Judaism, which resulted in a need to move to other cities where they could indulge their religious beliefs and concerns. Some of the Jewish converts who fled the Iberian peninsula and took the path to exile, were disappointed to find that their expectations were not fulfilled, and on disembarking in the city of Valencia, they gave detailed confessions to the Inquisitors of the story of their exile, in addition to denouncing other converts from Judaism who managed to flee and set up in different Mediterranean cities. Based on those witness accounts, we were able to reconstruct the routes of exile and the religious transformations that developed in the Mediterranean at the end of the Middle Ages.

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Research paper thumbnail of Las comunidades subalternas urbanas en el Reino de Valencia en la Edad Media. De la integración a la segregación. Discurso, organización y mecanismos de representación

Las comunidades subalternas urbanas en el Reino de Valencia en la Edad Media. De la integración a la segregación. Discurso, organización y mecanismos de representación. , 2014

The work analyzes the evolution of the subaltern communities in the Middle Ages, with an analysis... more The work analyzes the evolution of the subaltern communities in the Middle Ages, with an analysis of the medieval urban community and with the study of the impact of the urban protests of the artisans in a medieval urban center and the organization of the community of Jewish converts. and the claims raised by them in the city of Orihuela in the fifteenth century. It is analyzed with special interest in the work. The speeches, the organization and the mechanisms of representation of the subaltern communities in the Valencian medieval municipality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Las comunidades subalternas urbanas en el Reino de Valencia en la Edad Media. De la integración a la segregación. Discurso, organización y mecanismos de representación

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Antecedentes, consecuencias y desarrollo de la guerra de los dos Pedros en la villa medieval de Guardamar, 2021

The objective of the article is to analyze the impact of the War of the Two Peters in the medieva... more The objective of the article is to analyze the impact of the War of the Two Peters in the medieval town of Guardamar. For that purpose, the historical records that contextualize the armed conflict are established and the development of the war is explained by analyzing the main warlike actions that took place in Guardamar. Likewise, the consequences of the War of the Two Peters in the history of Guardamar are studied.

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. Todo por el rey. Antecedentes, causas y desarrollo de la Germanía en la ciudad de Orihuela

Todo por el rey. Antecedentes, causas y desarrollo de la Germanía en la ciudad de Orihuela, 2022

The objective of the study is to reflect on the background, causes and development of the Germaní... more The objective of the study is to reflect on the background, causes and development of the Germanía de Orihuela. In the context of studies on the germanías of the kingdom of Valencia, the analysis of the Germanía de Orihuela has not yet been addressed in depth.

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Research paper thumbnail of Los judeoconversos en la frontera sur del reino de Valencia (ss. XIV-XV)

Anales de la Universidad de Alicante. Historia Medieval, 2009

La evolución de los judeoconversos en la Península Ibérica desde la conversión masiva de 1391 has... more La evolución de los judeoconversos en la Península Ibérica desde la conversión masiva de 1391 hasta la introducción y actuación de la Inquisición a finales del siglo XV, esta asociada al devenir de las sociedades urbanas hispánicas en el Cuatrocientos. En este artículo planteamos una serie de reflexiones de partida sobre la inserción de los judeoconversos en la Península Ibérica en el mundo urbano y trasladamos estas cuestiones a un observatorio específico, la ciudad de Orihuela, un centro urbano fronterizo del sur del reino de Valencia.

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. Los conversos de judío en la ciudad de Orihuela en la Edad Media

The aim of the article is to present a general and updated vision of the historical trajectory of... more The aim of the article is to present a general and updated vision of the historical trajectory of the Jewish converts in the city of Orihuela during the Middle Ages.
The historical documentation exhumed in recent years shows the vitality of a relevant community in its demographic composition, in its cohesion and in the efforts made by its leaders to achieve adequate political and social integration in the Oriolano municipality. The difficulties they had to achieve full participation in the building offices of the city and the persecution they received with the implementation of the Royal Inquisition, ended up weakening the group at the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century.

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Anales de la Universidad de Alicante. Historia Medieval., 2017

The imprecise territorial demarcation established for land along the banks of the Segura River be... more The imprecise territorial demarcation established for land along the banks of the Segura River between the Kingdom of Murcia and the Kingdom of Valencia, following the Treaty of Torrellas in 1304, led to numerous disputes between inhabitants on either side of the frontier as daily life became disrupted by tension and conflicts over the economic use of borderlands or frontier areas. Disputes were taken to Murcia and Orihuela, the most affected towns, to be resolved. This situation lasted from the early 14th century to the second half of the 15th century, when the local authorities of the two towns decided to carry out a precise and definitive demarcation of their borderlands and set out physical boundaries for their corresponding frontiers

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Anales de la Universidad de Alicante. Historia Medieval, n.º 21, 2019

The article explains and supports a line of investigation based on the social-modal biographies o... more The article explains and supports a line of investigation based on the social-modal biographies of the working classes, those ignored by history. The main focus of our study would be the Valencian Jewish converts known as “conversos,” based on legal records and archives with particular emphasis on unearthing the practices of the Inquisition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Los conversos de judío en la ciudad de Xátiva: creencias y prácticas religiosas (1439-1490) a través de la visión del "otro"

This study undertakes a reconstruction of the religious beliefs and practices of Jewish conversos... more This study undertakes a reconstruction of the religious beliefs and practices of Jewish conversos in
the city of Xàtiva during the 15th century, based on evidence from the formal reports filed with the
officers of the Royal Inquisition Court of Valencia. The analysis of the depositions given by a group
of Old Christians who reported various Jewish conversos in Xàtiva has allowed us to examine a wide
range of religious beliefs, festive traditions, customs, gestures, rituals and superstitions practiced by the
Jewish conversos. Our study has also highlighted the inquisitorial zeal and horizontal social control
carried out by some individuals –Old Christians– against other people –Jewish conversos– under the
protection of the Inquisition officers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Per servey de la Corona d´Arago. Identidad urbana y discurso politico en la frontera meridional del reino de Valencia: Orihuela en la Corona de Aragón, ss. XIII-XV

From the Orihuela Observation Group, this paper analyses the mechanisms behind the political disc... more From the Orihuela Observation Group, this paper analyses the mechanisms behind the political discourse and urban identity that developed in the city of Orihuela following its incorporation into the Crown of Aragon in 1296, as well as the evolution of these two phenomena during the 14th and 15th centuries. We used a study method that can be applied to medium-sized towns and cities that evolved in unique historic or territorial settings. The political development of Orihuela between 1243 and 1304, which included three changes in political leadership, together with the fact that it was named capital of a territorial demarcation, granted city status in 1437 and converted into a key geostrategic and frontier location for both the Crown of Aragon and the Kingdom of Valencia, led local leaders to develop a political discourse and identity that emphasised the city’s frontier position and the monarchy’s need for its services, its position as a territorial capital and the secular aspirations for a diocese of its own. All of this occurred in a pivotal area that played a key part in the bellicose tension that existed between the Iberian Peninsula’s two main powers from the mid-13th through to the 15th century, witnessing such decisive events as the War of the Two Peters and the concentration of significant military efforts by both Crowns in their battle to win over the lands of southern Valencia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Los orígenes de la Inquisición medieval europea. La legislación y la tratadística inquisitorial

El objetivo del presente artículo es el análisis de los tratados,manuales o instrucciones elabora... more El objetivo del presente artículo es el análisis de los tratados,manuales o instrucciones elaborados por los inquisidores y que sirvieron para definir y desarrollar
las bases jurídicas, institucionales y legislativas de la Inquisiciónmedieval europea y fijar y establecer en estas guías o repertorios las principales pautas y cauces normativas del procedimiento inquisitorial y de los tribunales inquisitoriales
en las actuaciones que desarrollaron en diferentes zonas de la Europa cristiana occidental en los últimos siglos de la Edad Media.

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Research paper thumbnail of BARRIO BARRIO, J.A. El diezmo en la ciudad de Orihuela en la Edad Media

El diezmo en la ciudad de Orihuela en la Edad Media. Los conflictos en torno a la percepción del tributo, en un territorio eclesiástico fronterizo, 2022

During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, conflicts between lay powers and ecclesiastical a... more During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, conflicts between lay powers and ecclesiastical authorities in Western Europe were frequent and intense. One of these episodes of fierce confrontation took place between the municipal authorities of the city of Orihuela and the Bishopric of Cartagena-Murcia. The jurisdictional situation that existed between both instances of power was peculiar, since the arbitral sentence of Torrellas-Elche of 1304-1305, the city of Orihuela, which came to belong to the kingdom of Valencia, which was part of the Crown of Aragon, depended in ecclesiastical matters on the Bishopric of Cartagena, located in the kingdom of Murcia, which was one of the kingdoms of the Crown of Castile. The city of Orihuela was under the political dominion of the Crown of Aragon and under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Crown of Castile, a foreign territory, with which it could even be at war, as happened in the War of the Pedros in the 14th century or in the war of 1429-1430 in the 15th century. The aim of the study is to analyze the role of the reception of the royal tithe granted to the city of Orihuela and the conflicts generated by the jurisdiction and powers over the collection of the tithe in the city of Orihuela in the Middle Ages.

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