iman ashofteh | Allameh Tabataba'i University (original) (raw)

Papers by iman ashofteh

Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Model of the Risks of International Strategic Alliances in Home Appliance Industry in Iran

‫مدیریت بازرگانی, 2019

Objective Today, many Iranian and foreign companies consider partnering with each other. Iranian ... more Objective Today, many Iranian and foreign companies consider partnering with each other. Iranian companies strive to partner with foreign companies to build the capacity needed to achieve their business goals and foreign companies also tend to reach new markets by partnering with local partners. However, despite the government's emphasis and the efforts of Iranian companies to attract foreign partners, this has hardly happened in the Iranian home appliance industry, indicating risks to both domestic and foreign investors. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate, identify and model the risks that Iranian companies face in Strategic Alliance with foreign companies in Iranian home appliance industry. Methodology This research is done in pragmatism paradigm, using exploratory sequential mixed method. In the qualitative phase, the Strategic Alliance risks are discovered through semi-structured interviews using qualitative content analysis approach. Then in the quantitative p...

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Model of the Risks of International Strategic Alliances in Home Appliance Industry in Iran

Journal of Business Management, 2019

Objective Today, many Iranian and foreign companies consider partnering with each other. Iranian ... more Objective
Today, many Iranian and foreign companies consider partnering with each other. Iranian companies strive to partner with foreign companies to build the capacity needed to achieve their business goals and foreign companies also tend to reach new markets by partnering with local partners. However, despite the government's emphasis and the efforts of Iranian companies to attract foreign partners, this has hardly happened in the Iranian home appliance industry, indicating risks to both domestic and foreign investors. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate, identify and model the risks that Iranian companies face in Strategic Alliance with foreign companies in Iranian home appliance industry.
This research is done in pragmatism paradigm, using exploratory sequential mixed method. In the qualitative phase, the Strategic Alliance risks are discovered through semi-structured interviews using qualitative content analysis approach. Then in the quantitative phase, the required data were collected by a questionnaire from industry experts and financial professionals and were analyzed with Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). The statistical population includes the experts, university professors as well as the board of directors, senior managers and specialists of companies active in Iran home appliance industry and their foreign partner.
187 phrases were extracted from a total number of 18 interviews with 20 experts. These phrases were then classified into 69 indices using content analysis. The final model consists of a total of 22 elements as the perceived risks of international Strategic Alliance in three stages of the formation, operation and termination of alliance.

The results show that at the beginning stage (formation) of Strategic Alliance, the factors of “partner selection”, “opportunistic behavior”, “negative inter-dependence to the partner” and “weaknesses in international contracts” are at the highest level and have the least impact. Besides, "political risks" and "legal risks" are at the second and third levels having more impact on other factors. At the operational stage of the alliance, factors such as "low value of made-in-Iran brand", "internal differences in management", "non-compliance", "opportunistic behavior", "high price", "poor raw material supply infrastructure" and "demand risks" are at the highest levels with the least impact and the factors such as "political risks", "legal risks" and "economic risks" are at the lowest level with the highest impact on other factors. At the termination stage of alliance, the factors of "international litigation problems" and "evaluation and determination of the partners' share" are at the highest level having the least impact and the "legal risks" factor is at the lowest level having the most impact on the other factors. The sets of risks involved in each stage of the Strategic Alliance have mutual impacts on each other.

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Research paper thumbnail of International Strategic Alliances in the Iranian Home Appliance Industry: A Model of the Perceived Risks for Foreign Partners

Iranian Journal of Management Studies, 2019

Attracting foreign investment is one of the most important policies of the Iranian government for... more Attracting foreign investment is one of the most important policies of the Iranian government for improving economic conditions. Nevertheless, despite the government and the Ministry of Industry's emphasis as well as the efforts of Iranian companies to attract foreign partners, this is less common in Iranian home appliance industry, which indicates the risks for foreign investors. Accordingly, the present study aims to identify and model the risks that foreign investors face through a Strategic Alliance with local companies in the Iranian home appliance industry. Hence, the Strategic Alliance risks are investigated through semi-structured interviews with 20 industry experts and the use of qualitative content analysis, and next, the extracted factors are validated by the academic and industry experts' views using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The final model is proposed using Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). The research results demonstrate 9 major risk factors in the formation stage, 13 risk factors in operational stage and 6 risk factors in the termination stage of strategic alliance lifecycle. One of the significant findings of this study is that the political, legal and economic risks of Iran are the main risk factors for foreign companies in all three stages of strategic alliance lifecycle in Iran.

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Model of the Risks of International Strategic Alliances in Home Appliance Industry in Iran/ الگوی ریسک‌های شراکت راهبردی بین‌المللی در صنعت لوازم خانگی ایران

Journal of Business Management, 2019

Objective Today, many Iranian and foreign companies consider partnering with each other. Iranian ... more Objective Today, many Iranian and foreign companies consider partnering with each other. Iranian companies strive to partner with foreign companies to build the capacity needed to achieve their business goals and foreign companies also tend to reach new markets by partnering with local partners. However, despite the government's emphasis and the efforts of Iranian companies to attract foreign partners, this has hardly happened in the Iranian home appliance industry, indicating risks to both domestic and foreign investors. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate, identify and model the risks that Iranian companies face in Strategic Alliance with foreign companies in Iranian home appliance industry. Methodology This research is done in pragmatism paradigm, using exploratory sequential mixed method. In the qualitative phase, the Strategic Alliance risks are discovered through semi-structured interviews using qualitative content analysis approach. Then in the quantitative phase, the required data were collected by a questionnaire from industry experts and financial professionals and were analyzed with Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). The statistical population includes the experts, university professors as well as the board of directors, senior managers and specialists of companies active in Iran home appliance industry and their foreign partner. Findings 187 phrases were extracted from a total number of 18 interviews with 20 experts. These phrases were then classified into 69 indices using content analysis. The final model consists of a total of 22 elements as the perceived risks of international Strategic Alliance in three stages of the formation, operation and termination of alliance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the Effect of Demographic Factors in Consumer Buying Decision

Journal of Economic & Management Perspectives, 2017

In this study, using the Kotler’s consumer behavior model, the impact of the demographic factors ... more In this study, using the Kotler’s consumer behavior model, the impact of the demographic factors in the ranking of factors affecting Iranian consumer buying decisions when buying home appliances (LG microwave and vacuum cleaners products in this case) has been investigated. By simple random sampling from all the buyers of LG microwave and vacuum cleaners in Iran, more than 700 buyers of LG microwaves and vacuum cleaners in Iran are selected randomly and contacted by phone calls and finally 400 analyzable questionnaires are obtained. Friedman test and SPSS software as well as OWA mathematical method and Lingo software is used in this study to test the hypotheses and rank the factors. The results of this study demonstrate how demographic factors have influence on the ranking of the factors affecting Iranian consumer buying decision. At the end, some suggestions and recommendations are provided for suppliers and distributors of home appliance which would help them to adjust their marketing strategies based on the characteristics of their target consumers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Management in the Complexity paradigm

International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS)​ ISSN 2356-5926, 2016

In this paper, the dimensions of the new paradigm, the paradigm of complexity and its impact on s... more In this paper, the dimensions of the new paradigm, the paradigm of complexity and its impact on strategic management are examined. The results of this study show that, since the fundamental issue of strategic management in turbulent environments is to achieve creativity which can adapt with a turbulent environment as well as maintaining stability, strategic management in complexity paradigm will not be a rational formulation of the strategic plan which is then implemented and controlled. In this paradigm, however, the creation of strategy should be an emergent and self-organized process that arises from spontaneous group discussion between directors and managers on strategic issues. Implementation of strategies should also be flexible and at the same time, orderly. Decision-making should be decentralized, and provide and facilitate learning and experiencing. Also, the personnel should be encouraged to change. The control should be done locally and through the personnel. Managers must provide members with the information needed for this approach and exert control through the members or their teams.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the Differences in Negotiation Styles of Iranian and Korean Managers

Organizational Culture Management, 2015

People with different cultures use different strategies in the process of negotiation and the suc... more People with different cultures use different strategies in the process of negotiation and the success of international negotiations is dependent on the negotiators' ability to communicate effectively in different cultural conditions. The aim of this study is to identify the differences between the negotiation style of Iranian and Korean managers. For this reason, this research utilized a combination of quantitative and qualitative approach. The quantitative approach is done by statistical analysis of the questionnaires gathered from total 29 managers who are engaged in the international agreements between two companies LG and Goldiran. To get more clear results, the result of the questionnaires is then investigated in the interview with some of the managers. The finding of this research is that although Iranian and Korean negotiators have similar negotiation style, there are some differences in communication and outcome factors. At the end, practical recommendations for negotiators are offered.

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Conference Presentations by iman ashofteh

Research paper thumbnail of استفاده از وزن های او دبلیو ای در رتبه بندی عوامل تاثیرگذار بر تصمیم خرید مشتری هنگام خرید لوازم خانگی/Ranking factors affecting consumer’s buying decision when purchasing home appliances using OWA weights

The 3rd National System & Industrial Engineering Conference. Tehran, 2012

با توجه به ورود نام های تجاری گوناگون به بازار، رقابت شدیدی میان تولیدکنندگان برای تاثیرگذاری در ... more با توجه به ورود نام های تجاری گوناگون به بازار، رقابت شدیدی میان تولیدکنندگان برای تاثیرگذاری در تصمیم نهایی مصرف کننده هنگام خرید لوازم خانگی در ایران وجود دارد. شناسایی عوامل تاثیرگذار بر تصمیم مصرف-کننده، به تولیدکنندگان کمک می کند تا بتوانند محصولات خود را براساس سلیقه بازار هدف طراحی کرده و استراتژی های مناسب که منجر به افزایش فروش و سهم بازار بیشتر می شود را اتخاذ نمایند. در این تحقیق، با در نظر گرفتن مدل رفتار خرید مصرف کننده کاتلر به تشخیص میزان تاثیر هر یک از 4 گروه اصلی آمیخته بازاریابی که عبارتند از: محصول، قیمت گذاری، توزیع و ترویج) بر تصمیم خرید مصرف کننده ایرانی هنگام خرید لوازم خانگی که در این تحقیق محصول ماکروویو مورد مطالعه می باشد پرداخته و سپس این گروه از عوامل و همچنین
عوامل تاثیرگذار زیرمجموعه هر یک از این گروه ها را نیز براساس میزان اهمیت آن ها رده بندی و تحلیل می نماید.

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Research paper thumbnail of مقايسه روش آمار ناپارامتريك و روش رياضي او دبلیو ای در رتبه بندي عوامل مؤثر بر تصميم خريد/Comparing non-parametric statistics approach with OWA weights approach in Ranking factors affecting consumer’s buying decision

The 11th International Management Conference, Sharif University., 2013

با توجه به ورود نامهاي تجاري گوناگون به بازار، رقابت شديدي ميان توليدكنندگان براي تاثيرگذاري در ت... more با توجه به ورود نامهاي تجاري گوناگون به بازار، رقابت شديدي ميان توليدكنندگان براي تاثيرگذاري در تصميم نهايي مصرف كننده هنگام خريد لوازم خانگي در ايران وجود دارد. شناسايي عوامل تاثيرگذار بر تصميم خريد مصرف كننده، به توليدكنندگان كمك ميكند تا بتوانند محصولات خود را براساس سليقه بازار هدف طراحي كرده و استراتژي هاي مناسب كه منجر به افزايش فروش و سهم بازار بيشتر ميشود را اتخاذ نمايند. در حال حاضر شركتهاي موجود در بازار لوازم خانگي ايران با اتكا بر نتايج حاصل شده از ساير كشورها، استراتژيهاي گوناگون را تجربه كرده كه با توجه به تفاوت ايران با ساير كشورها در ابعاد فرهنگي، اجتماعي، مذهبي و ...، اين استراتژي ها گاهاً منجر به پايين آمدن ميزان فروش و از دست دادن سهم بازار ميگردند و براي جبران آن هزينه و زمان زيادي صرف مي گردد. در اين تحقيق، با در نظر گرفتن مدل رفتار خريد مصرف كننده كاتلر به بررسي ميزان تاثير هر يك از 4 گروه اصلي آميخته بازاريابي (كه عبارتند از: محصول، قيمت گذاري، توزيع و ترويج) بر تصميم خريد مصرف كننده ايراني هنگام خريد لوازم خانگي كه در اين تحقيق محصول جاروبرقي مورد مطالعه ميباشد پرداخته و سپس اين گروه از عوامل و همچنين عوامل تاثيرگذار زيرمجموعه هر يك از اين گروه ها نيز رده بندي و نتايج حاصل از دو روش با OWA براساس ميزان اهميت آنها و با استفاده از روش آماري ناپارامتريك و همچنين روش رياضي يكديگر مقايسه ميگردند.

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Research paper thumbnail of اجراي استراتژي در پارادايم پيچيدگي/Strategy execution in complexity paradigm

the annual conference on entrepreneurship and strategic innovation, Tehran University., 2014

محيط امروزي روز به روز پيچيدهتر و غير قطعيتر مي شود. سازماني كه در پي شكل دهي روابط متعادل ثابت ب... more محيط امروزي روز به روز پيچيدهتر و غير قطعيتر مي شود. سازماني كه در پي شكل دهي روابط متعادل ثابت با محيط ذاتاً غير قابل پيش بيني است و شالوده هاي خود را بر نقاط قوت خود و همسازي با محيط بر زمين قرار مي دهد، با دست خويش خود را نابود مي كند و تسليم نوآوري رقباي ديگر مي شود. در اين پژوهش به بررسي ابعاد پارادايم جديد، يعني پارادايم پيچيدگي پرداخته و تاثير آن بر مديريت استراتژيك و نحوه اجراي استراتژي در اين پارادايم مورد بررسي قرار مي گيرد. نتيجه اين پژوهش نشان مي دهد كه از آنجايي كه مسئله اساسي اجراي استراتژيك در محيط هاي پر تلاطم، دستيابي به خلاقيتي انطباق پذير با محيطي در مرز آشوب، و حفظ هم زمان ثبات و اجراي درست استراتژي است، اجراي استراتژي مي بايست با درگير كردن كليه كارمندان، انعطاف پذيري سريع از طريق تعادل بين ساختار و تغييرات محيطي و پيشرو شدن در ايجاد تغيير پيش از آنكه محيط سازمان را مجبور به تغيير كند، باشد كه اين امر نيازمند مجموعه اي از قوانين استراتژيك است كه به مديران كمك كند تا با تغييرات سريع محيطي، بدون نياز به پيروي از فرآيند آهسته و سنتي اجراي استراتژي، مقابله نمايند.

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Research paper thumbnail of الگوي مذاكرات بازرگاني از ديدگاه اسلام/Business negotiations from Islamic point of view

International Conference on Socio-Cultural Studies and Religious Research - Ghadir, Rasht, Iran., 2016

دين اسلام تاكيد ويژه اي در تبيين رفتار مناسب دركسب و كار و تجارت دارد و يك بخش مهم از كسب و كار و... more دين اسلام تاكيد ويژه اي در تبيين رفتار مناسب دركسب و كار و تجارت دارد و يك بخش مهم از كسب و كار و تجارت، مذاكرات بازرگاني است. به تعداد فرهنگ هاي گوناگون، سبك هاي مذاكره وجود دارد و به دشواري مي توان به شناخت دقيقي از اين تنوعات دست يافت. يكي از عناصر فرهنگي كه بر رفتار مردم تاثير مي گذارد، مذهب است. در اين پژوهش تلاش شده است تا با توجه به ضرورت بومي سازي علوم انساني، ضمن بررسي برخي از مولفه هاي سبك مذاكرات در ادبيات بين الملل، بينش و الگوي دين اسلام پيرامون اين مولفه ها را با جستجو در قرآن و روايات و احاديث معصومين (ع) و ساير منابع موثق ، شناسايي نمايد. اين پژوهش توصيفي و روش گردآوردي داده ها، كتابخانه ايست. نتايج اين پژوهش نشان مي دهند كه نگاه اسلام به مذاكرات با تاكيد بر ارزش هاي اخلاقي و انساني است و دين اسلام، مذاكره كنندگان را به داشتن رويكرد برد-برد و ايجاد اهداف مشترك، برقراري ارتباط مستقيم و صريح، پيروي از سبك مصالحه و اجتناب از مجادله، عدم استفاده از تاكتيك هاي توزيعي در جهت كسب قدرت توصيه مي نمايد. همچنين پايبندي به مفاد قرارداد منعقد شده و اجرا و تفسير آنها با حسن نيت در دين اسلام توصيه شده است.

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Research paper thumbnail of تاثير تفاوت هاي فرهنگي بر اثربخشي مذاكرات بازرگاني/The Effect of Cultural Differences on Business Negotiations

2nd International Conference on The Coherence of Management and Economics in Development -Tehran University-Iran., 2017

در اين پژوهش، به بررسي تاثير تفاوت هاي فرهنگي بر اثر بخشي مذاكرات بازرگاني پرداخته شده است. اين پ... more در اين پژوهش، به بررسي تاثير تفاوت هاي فرهنگي بر اثر بخشي مذاكرات بازرگاني پرداخته شده است. اين پژوهش نشان مي دهد كه چگونه افراد با فرهنگ هاي متفاوت، استراتژي هاي ارتباطي و استراتژي هاي قدرت متفاوتي را دنبال مي کنند و همچنين اصول مذاكره با كشورهاي رابطه مدار چگونه بايد باشد. از آنجايي كه بسياري از ارتباطات و مبادلات ميان دولت ها و ملت ها و سازمان ها بر مبناي مذاكرات صورت مي گيرد، آشنايي با زمينه هاي فرهنگي و ويژگي هاي محيطي به طرفين مذاكره كمك خواهد كرد تا ضمن آگاهي از شرايط و خواسته هاي يكديگر، رويكرد موفقي براي مذاكره برد-برد اتخاذ نمايند.

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Drafts by iman ashofteh

Research paper thumbnail of نقش ارزیابی عملکرد کارکنان در بهبود بهره وری/The Role of performance appraisal in improving productivity

Sanat Khodro Magazine, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Model of the Risks of International Strategic Alliances in Home Appliance Industry in Iran

‫مدیریت بازرگانی, 2019

Objective Today, many Iranian and foreign companies consider partnering with each other. Iranian ... more Objective Today, many Iranian and foreign companies consider partnering with each other. Iranian companies strive to partner with foreign companies to build the capacity needed to achieve their business goals and foreign companies also tend to reach new markets by partnering with local partners. However, despite the government's emphasis and the efforts of Iranian companies to attract foreign partners, this has hardly happened in the Iranian home appliance industry, indicating risks to both domestic and foreign investors. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate, identify and model the risks that Iranian companies face in Strategic Alliance with foreign companies in Iranian home appliance industry. Methodology This research is done in pragmatism paradigm, using exploratory sequential mixed method. In the qualitative phase, the Strategic Alliance risks are discovered through semi-structured interviews using qualitative content analysis approach. Then in the quantitative p...

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Model of the Risks of International Strategic Alliances in Home Appliance Industry in Iran

Journal of Business Management, 2019

Objective Today, many Iranian and foreign companies consider partnering with each other. Iranian ... more Objective
Today, many Iranian and foreign companies consider partnering with each other. Iranian companies strive to partner with foreign companies to build the capacity needed to achieve their business goals and foreign companies also tend to reach new markets by partnering with local partners. However, despite the government's emphasis and the efforts of Iranian companies to attract foreign partners, this has hardly happened in the Iranian home appliance industry, indicating risks to both domestic and foreign investors. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate, identify and model the risks that Iranian companies face in Strategic Alliance with foreign companies in Iranian home appliance industry.
This research is done in pragmatism paradigm, using exploratory sequential mixed method. In the qualitative phase, the Strategic Alliance risks are discovered through semi-structured interviews using qualitative content analysis approach. Then in the quantitative phase, the required data were collected by a questionnaire from industry experts and financial professionals and were analyzed with Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). The statistical population includes the experts, university professors as well as the board of directors, senior managers and specialists of companies active in Iran home appliance industry and their foreign partner.
187 phrases were extracted from a total number of 18 interviews with 20 experts. These phrases were then classified into 69 indices using content analysis. The final model consists of a total of 22 elements as the perceived risks of international Strategic Alliance in three stages of the formation, operation and termination of alliance.

The results show that at the beginning stage (formation) of Strategic Alliance, the factors of “partner selection”, “opportunistic behavior”, “negative inter-dependence to the partner” and “weaknesses in international contracts” are at the highest level and have the least impact. Besides, "political risks" and "legal risks" are at the second and third levels having more impact on other factors. At the operational stage of the alliance, factors such as "low value of made-in-Iran brand", "internal differences in management", "non-compliance", "opportunistic behavior", "high price", "poor raw material supply infrastructure" and "demand risks" are at the highest levels with the least impact and the factors such as "political risks", "legal risks" and "economic risks" are at the lowest level with the highest impact on other factors. At the termination stage of alliance, the factors of "international litigation problems" and "evaluation and determination of the partners' share" are at the highest level having the least impact and the "legal risks" factor is at the lowest level having the most impact on the other factors. The sets of risks involved in each stage of the Strategic Alliance have mutual impacts on each other.

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Research paper thumbnail of International Strategic Alliances in the Iranian Home Appliance Industry: A Model of the Perceived Risks for Foreign Partners

Iranian Journal of Management Studies, 2019

Attracting foreign investment is one of the most important policies of the Iranian government for... more Attracting foreign investment is one of the most important policies of the Iranian government for improving economic conditions. Nevertheless, despite the government and the Ministry of Industry's emphasis as well as the efforts of Iranian companies to attract foreign partners, this is less common in Iranian home appliance industry, which indicates the risks for foreign investors. Accordingly, the present study aims to identify and model the risks that foreign investors face through a Strategic Alliance with local companies in the Iranian home appliance industry. Hence, the Strategic Alliance risks are investigated through semi-structured interviews with 20 industry experts and the use of qualitative content analysis, and next, the extracted factors are validated by the academic and industry experts' views using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The final model is proposed using Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). The research results demonstrate 9 major risk factors in the formation stage, 13 risk factors in operational stage and 6 risk factors in the termination stage of strategic alliance lifecycle. One of the significant findings of this study is that the political, legal and economic risks of Iran are the main risk factors for foreign companies in all three stages of strategic alliance lifecycle in Iran.

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Model of the Risks of International Strategic Alliances in Home Appliance Industry in Iran/ الگوی ریسک‌های شراکت راهبردی بین‌المللی در صنعت لوازم خانگی ایران

Journal of Business Management, 2019

Objective Today, many Iranian and foreign companies consider partnering with each other. Iranian ... more Objective Today, many Iranian and foreign companies consider partnering with each other. Iranian companies strive to partner with foreign companies to build the capacity needed to achieve their business goals and foreign companies also tend to reach new markets by partnering with local partners. However, despite the government's emphasis and the efforts of Iranian companies to attract foreign partners, this has hardly happened in the Iranian home appliance industry, indicating risks to both domestic and foreign investors. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate, identify and model the risks that Iranian companies face in Strategic Alliance with foreign companies in Iranian home appliance industry. Methodology This research is done in pragmatism paradigm, using exploratory sequential mixed method. In the qualitative phase, the Strategic Alliance risks are discovered through semi-structured interviews using qualitative content analysis approach. Then in the quantitative phase, the required data were collected by a questionnaire from industry experts and financial professionals and were analyzed with Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). The statistical population includes the experts, university professors as well as the board of directors, senior managers and specialists of companies active in Iran home appliance industry and their foreign partner. Findings 187 phrases were extracted from a total number of 18 interviews with 20 experts. These phrases were then classified into 69 indices using content analysis. The final model consists of a total of 22 elements as the perceived risks of international Strategic Alliance in three stages of the formation, operation and termination of alliance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the Effect of Demographic Factors in Consumer Buying Decision

Journal of Economic & Management Perspectives, 2017

In this study, using the Kotler’s consumer behavior model, the impact of the demographic factors ... more In this study, using the Kotler’s consumer behavior model, the impact of the demographic factors in the ranking of factors affecting Iranian consumer buying decisions when buying home appliances (LG microwave and vacuum cleaners products in this case) has been investigated. By simple random sampling from all the buyers of LG microwave and vacuum cleaners in Iran, more than 700 buyers of LG microwaves and vacuum cleaners in Iran are selected randomly and contacted by phone calls and finally 400 analyzable questionnaires are obtained. Friedman test and SPSS software as well as OWA mathematical method and Lingo software is used in this study to test the hypotheses and rank the factors. The results of this study demonstrate how demographic factors have influence on the ranking of the factors affecting Iranian consumer buying decision. At the end, some suggestions and recommendations are provided for suppliers and distributors of home appliance which would help them to adjust their marketing strategies based on the characteristics of their target consumers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Management in the Complexity paradigm

International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS)​ ISSN 2356-5926, 2016

In this paper, the dimensions of the new paradigm, the paradigm of complexity and its impact on s... more In this paper, the dimensions of the new paradigm, the paradigm of complexity and its impact on strategic management are examined. The results of this study show that, since the fundamental issue of strategic management in turbulent environments is to achieve creativity which can adapt with a turbulent environment as well as maintaining stability, strategic management in complexity paradigm will not be a rational formulation of the strategic plan which is then implemented and controlled. In this paradigm, however, the creation of strategy should be an emergent and self-organized process that arises from spontaneous group discussion between directors and managers on strategic issues. Implementation of strategies should also be flexible and at the same time, orderly. Decision-making should be decentralized, and provide and facilitate learning and experiencing. Also, the personnel should be encouraged to change. The control should be done locally and through the personnel. Managers must provide members with the information needed for this approach and exert control through the members or their teams.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the Differences in Negotiation Styles of Iranian and Korean Managers

Organizational Culture Management, 2015

People with different cultures use different strategies in the process of negotiation and the suc... more People with different cultures use different strategies in the process of negotiation and the success of international negotiations is dependent on the negotiators' ability to communicate effectively in different cultural conditions. The aim of this study is to identify the differences between the negotiation style of Iranian and Korean managers. For this reason, this research utilized a combination of quantitative and qualitative approach. The quantitative approach is done by statistical analysis of the questionnaires gathered from total 29 managers who are engaged in the international agreements between two companies LG and Goldiran. To get more clear results, the result of the questionnaires is then investigated in the interview with some of the managers. The finding of this research is that although Iranian and Korean negotiators have similar negotiation style, there are some differences in communication and outcome factors. At the end, practical recommendations for negotiators are offered.

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Research paper thumbnail of استفاده از وزن های او دبلیو ای در رتبه بندی عوامل تاثیرگذار بر تصمیم خرید مشتری هنگام خرید لوازم خانگی/Ranking factors affecting consumer’s buying decision when purchasing home appliances using OWA weights

The 3rd National System & Industrial Engineering Conference. Tehran, 2012

با توجه به ورود نام های تجاری گوناگون به بازار، رقابت شدیدی میان تولیدکنندگان برای تاثیرگذاری در ... more با توجه به ورود نام های تجاری گوناگون به بازار، رقابت شدیدی میان تولیدکنندگان برای تاثیرگذاری در تصمیم نهایی مصرف کننده هنگام خرید لوازم خانگی در ایران وجود دارد. شناسایی عوامل تاثیرگذار بر تصمیم مصرف-کننده، به تولیدکنندگان کمک می کند تا بتوانند محصولات خود را براساس سلیقه بازار هدف طراحی کرده و استراتژی های مناسب که منجر به افزایش فروش و سهم بازار بیشتر می شود را اتخاذ نمایند. در این تحقیق، با در نظر گرفتن مدل رفتار خرید مصرف کننده کاتلر به تشخیص میزان تاثیر هر یک از 4 گروه اصلی آمیخته بازاریابی که عبارتند از: محصول، قیمت گذاری، توزیع و ترویج) بر تصمیم خرید مصرف کننده ایرانی هنگام خرید لوازم خانگی که در این تحقیق محصول ماکروویو مورد مطالعه می باشد پرداخته و سپس این گروه از عوامل و همچنین
عوامل تاثیرگذار زیرمجموعه هر یک از این گروه ها را نیز براساس میزان اهمیت آن ها رده بندی و تحلیل می نماید.

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Research paper thumbnail of مقايسه روش آمار ناپارامتريك و روش رياضي او دبلیو ای در رتبه بندي عوامل مؤثر بر تصميم خريد/Comparing non-parametric statistics approach with OWA weights approach in Ranking factors affecting consumer’s buying decision

The 11th International Management Conference, Sharif University., 2013

با توجه به ورود نامهاي تجاري گوناگون به بازار، رقابت شديدي ميان توليدكنندگان براي تاثيرگذاري در ت... more با توجه به ورود نامهاي تجاري گوناگون به بازار، رقابت شديدي ميان توليدكنندگان براي تاثيرگذاري در تصميم نهايي مصرف كننده هنگام خريد لوازم خانگي در ايران وجود دارد. شناسايي عوامل تاثيرگذار بر تصميم خريد مصرف كننده، به توليدكنندگان كمك ميكند تا بتوانند محصولات خود را براساس سليقه بازار هدف طراحي كرده و استراتژي هاي مناسب كه منجر به افزايش فروش و سهم بازار بيشتر ميشود را اتخاذ نمايند. در حال حاضر شركتهاي موجود در بازار لوازم خانگي ايران با اتكا بر نتايج حاصل شده از ساير كشورها، استراتژيهاي گوناگون را تجربه كرده كه با توجه به تفاوت ايران با ساير كشورها در ابعاد فرهنگي، اجتماعي، مذهبي و ...، اين استراتژي ها گاهاً منجر به پايين آمدن ميزان فروش و از دست دادن سهم بازار ميگردند و براي جبران آن هزينه و زمان زيادي صرف مي گردد. در اين تحقيق، با در نظر گرفتن مدل رفتار خريد مصرف كننده كاتلر به بررسي ميزان تاثير هر يك از 4 گروه اصلي آميخته بازاريابي (كه عبارتند از: محصول، قيمت گذاري، توزيع و ترويج) بر تصميم خريد مصرف كننده ايراني هنگام خريد لوازم خانگي كه در اين تحقيق محصول جاروبرقي مورد مطالعه ميباشد پرداخته و سپس اين گروه از عوامل و همچنين عوامل تاثيرگذار زيرمجموعه هر يك از اين گروه ها نيز رده بندي و نتايج حاصل از دو روش با OWA براساس ميزان اهميت آنها و با استفاده از روش آماري ناپارامتريك و همچنين روش رياضي يكديگر مقايسه ميگردند.

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Research paper thumbnail of اجراي استراتژي در پارادايم پيچيدگي/Strategy execution in complexity paradigm

the annual conference on entrepreneurship and strategic innovation, Tehran University., 2014

محيط امروزي روز به روز پيچيدهتر و غير قطعيتر مي شود. سازماني كه در پي شكل دهي روابط متعادل ثابت ب... more محيط امروزي روز به روز پيچيدهتر و غير قطعيتر مي شود. سازماني كه در پي شكل دهي روابط متعادل ثابت با محيط ذاتاً غير قابل پيش بيني است و شالوده هاي خود را بر نقاط قوت خود و همسازي با محيط بر زمين قرار مي دهد، با دست خويش خود را نابود مي كند و تسليم نوآوري رقباي ديگر مي شود. در اين پژوهش به بررسي ابعاد پارادايم جديد، يعني پارادايم پيچيدگي پرداخته و تاثير آن بر مديريت استراتژيك و نحوه اجراي استراتژي در اين پارادايم مورد بررسي قرار مي گيرد. نتيجه اين پژوهش نشان مي دهد كه از آنجايي كه مسئله اساسي اجراي استراتژيك در محيط هاي پر تلاطم، دستيابي به خلاقيتي انطباق پذير با محيطي در مرز آشوب، و حفظ هم زمان ثبات و اجراي درست استراتژي است، اجراي استراتژي مي بايست با درگير كردن كليه كارمندان، انعطاف پذيري سريع از طريق تعادل بين ساختار و تغييرات محيطي و پيشرو شدن در ايجاد تغيير پيش از آنكه محيط سازمان را مجبور به تغيير كند، باشد كه اين امر نيازمند مجموعه اي از قوانين استراتژيك است كه به مديران كمك كند تا با تغييرات سريع محيطي، بدون نياز به پيروي از فرآيند آهسته و سنتي اجراي استراتژي، مقابله نمايند.

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Research paper thumbnail of الگوي مذاكرات بازرگاني از ديدگاه اسلام/Business negotiations from Islamic point of view

International Conference on Socio-Cultural Studies and Religious Research - Ghadir, Rasht, Iran., 2016

دين اسلام تاكيد ويژه اي در تبيين رفتار مناسب دركسب و كار و تجارت دارد و يك بخش مهم از كسب و كار و... more دين اسلام تاكيد ويژه اي در تبيين رفتار مناسب دركسب و كار و تجارت دارد و يك بخش مهم از كسب و كار و تجارت، مذاكرات بازرگاني است. به تعداد فرهنگ هاي گوناگون، سبك هاي مذاكره وجود دارد و به دشواري مي توان به شناخت دقيقي از اين تنوعات دست يافت. يكي از عناصر فرهنگي كه بر رفتار مردم تاثير مي گذارد، مذهب است. در اين پژوهش تلاش شده است تا با توجه به ضرورت بومي سازي علوم انساني، ضمن بررسي برخي از مولفه هاي سبك مذاكرات در ادبيات بين الملل، بينش و الگوي دين اسلام پيرامون اين مولفه ها را با جستجو در قرآن و روايات و احاديث معصومين (ع) و ساير منابع موثق ، شناسايي نمايد. اين پژوهش توصيفي و روش گردآوردي داده ها، كتابخانه ايست. نتايج اين پژوهش نشان مي دهند كه نگاه اسلام به مذاكرات با تاكيد بر ارزش هاي اخلاقي و انساني است و دين اسلام، مذاكره كنندگان را به داشتن رويكرد برد-برد و ايجاد اهداف مشترك، برقراري ارتباط مستقيم و صريح، پيروي از سبك مصالحه و اجتناب از مجادله، عدم استفاده از تاكتيك هاي توزيعي در جهت كسب قدرت توصيه مي نمايد. همچنين پايبندي به مفاد قرارداد منعقد شده و اجرا و تفسير آنها با حسن نيت در دين اسلام توصيه شده است.

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Research paper thumbnail of تاثير تفاوت هاي فرهنگي بر اثربخشي مذاكرات بازرگاني/The Effect of Cultural Differences on Business Negotiations

2nd International Conference on The Coherence of Management and Economics in Development -Tehran University-Iran., 2017

در اين پژوهش، به بررسي تاثير تفاوت هاي فرهنگي بر اثر بخشي مذاكرات بازرگاني پرداخته شده است. اين پ... more در اين پژوهش، به بررسي تاثير تفاوت هاي فرهنگي بر اثر بخشي مذاكرات بازرگاني پرداخته شده است. اين پژوهش نشان مي دهد كه چگونه افراد با فرهنگ هاي متفاوت، استراتژي هاي ارتباطي و استراتژي هاي قدرت متفاوتي را دنبال مي کنند و همچنين اصول مذاكره با كشورهاي رابطه مدار چگونه بايد باشد. از آنجايي كه بسياري از ارتباطات و مبادلات ميان دولت ها و ملت ها و سازمان ها بر مبناي مذاكرات صورت مي گيرد، آشنايي با زمينه هاي فرهنگي و ويژگي هاي محيطي به طرفين مذاكره كمك خواهد كرد تا ضمن آگاهي از شرايط و خواسته هاي يكديگر، رويكرد موفقي براي مذاكره برد-برد اتخاذ نمايند.

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