Heaven on Earth (original) (raw)

14 February 2011 @ 01:44 am


⇒ Uragiri Wa Boku no Namae o Shiteiru (x18) ⇒ Sailor Moon (x13) ⇒ Resonance of Fate/End of Eternity (x20)

⇒ Gundam 00 (x6)

⇒ Sweet Pool (x16)

Here @ arusatia

24 September 2009 @ 03:27 am


I'm looking for the original image of this icon:

I really hope someone can help me, because the image looks so beautiful^^

Hello people, this is strawberry_us (duh) one of your mods in the com.

This post will be short and simple, and is something that concern us all. So I beg you to read it.

I encourage you to read the rules, and everytime you've got a doubt the thread to post your question can be found here. This is to avoid problems like the one we just had some time ago:

a member of this community, gundam_tieria, posted a doujinshi, but didn't friend-locked it. We warned her (together with caelestin ) about it and she didn't do anything about it. If I'm making her name public is to warn you about her, because she's been stealing other people's work and this could happen to any of the members of this community.

Not only that, I've also got to know that the links of the doujinshi didn't belong to her an of course, either did the scans.

For not giving proper creidt of the media resources we post in this community


we could have big issues and the community would have to be closed

, and we don't want that, do we?

So far, she's been posting and claiming things as her own here, and in the Lockon x Allelujah Community, iro_dori . She also has a site in which she exposes everything she finds, claiming it as her own, even art from artits who're in the Gundam 00 fandom and are very well known in Deviant Art.

The site is the following: http://prisma-yaoi.blogspot.com/

She's been already contacted properly but so far she never replied back.

That's why she's been expulsed out of the community


I don't like to do these things, and I bet eithercaelestin does, but when troubles likes these arrive to the community we can't just pretend we didn't see them.

So please, please,

to evade problems similar to this or any other kind, read the rules, contact us for any doubt you may have

. We're members of this community and mods, we're here to answer to your questions and help you out in whatever the community is concerned.

Thank you =)

Hello people. I know I can be sort of annoying but there has been a rumour since yesterday about a virus that hacks communities, and since caelestin and I are mods of alletier , we're of course, concerned.

Please take a moment to read this: (taken from harenchibox )

If you're a member of any large community, you'll probably have seen this warning already, but it can't hurt to post it again, just in case. Many of you have seen the Russian spambot journals that are going round LJ, and a lot of you will have probably had them trying to add you to their friends list. Lately, these journals have been doing the following:

1) Joining communities with large memberships, and posting an entry (with comments disabled) containing a link. When the link is clicked, a keylogger (something that logs what you type on your keyboard) is downloaded to your computer, and the hacker/poster can then gain access to whatever passwords you type in, which can obviously mean they could access your LJ, your Paypal, and whatever else you use online.

2) Hacking into the journals (by using the above method) of Moderators of large communities, and posting an entry as the Moderator, suggesting that the community is going to shut down, or move to a new location, and including a link in the entry. When the link is clicked, the keylogger is downloaded, etc, etc.



Hello my AreTier fellows!

Some time ago together with ametori we created a

Directory for Fanart artists and Doujinshikas of the Gundam 00 Fandom

, and we'd really like to have new people there. It doesn't matter if you're not a fanart artist/doujinshika, the site is a free-joining community so you can get daily updates of the directory's work.

The rules to be a part of the Directory are simple, so please check them out before posting anything. We expect it to grow soon and to get to know more people and their art :D

Feel free to join, watch and advertise :D

So, my beloved Allelujah & Tieria fans please do join <3 I know some of you here really enjoy drawing and we want that kind of people in the community as well!

Hello everyone! As caelestin said I'll be helping her out with the community as a co-mod :D so we'll be doing our very best to make this place even prettier and wonderful!

Now, to bussiness:

I've been modifying some tags to make this place a little organized. So please, I beg you to respect them when posting anything. And also, to check the rules if you've got any questions or doubts about it :3.
Then, yes, the layout. It's new. Do you like it? I did my best on it haha. I hope it doesn't look like a drastical change and it's okay with all of you.

I'll be soon posting some scanlations and updating some of the links that I already posted, so please look forward to it!

And finally, I'd like to pimp something that I bet you'll all love!

Yes! As the banner says, it's Allelujah and Tieria's approved fanlisting by the TAFL.
Show a little of your love to them by joining and meet the other fans! <333

Hey guys! Despite the fact that we've been sleeping for quite a while, alletier is alive :). Your mod had just been very busy with fighting A-Laws work.

Anyway, to jumpstart this comm's resurrection, please meet vainilla, who will be helping me co-mod the comm ♥. We'll be both updating the profiles, fixing the tags and doing modly things for the next few days. Meanwhile, feel free to post anything (H)Allelujah/Tieria related or pimp the post to your friends, family, co-workers, co-pilots, co-innovators, etc. XD;.

Thank you for joining/staying in the comm. Future plans will be determined by how active the comm will be ♥.

- nikki

PS: I think I posted a bit too late >_>. Belated happy birthday, Allelujah :).

Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful

Current Music: Nakajima Megumi as Ranka Lee (Macross Frontier) - Diamond Crevasse 50/50

28 October 2008 @ 05:33 pm

Pairing: Allelujah/Tieria

Setting: Second season, the after-credit scene in episode 3

Though my repertoire of b00bies fanfiction lies mainly with the shorter two Meisters as a pairing, an Allelujah/Tieria plot rabbit with rabies bit me yesterday night, so this one is for vainilla the rest of you who adore this pairing, yet are dry of any recent AlleTier ficcage, from what I caught a glance of last time... D:

Woe; it's only one piece of chocolate instead of a box, though. D':

I still hope that it's somewhat sufficient~


****(** ‘A question sculpts itself fluidly, inside a hole in his mind.’ Allelujah and Tieria, four years later. )


25 October 2008 @ 12:47 pm

Pairing: SetsuTie & AlleTie

Setting: First season

A Glass of Milk makes a guest appearance. Lockon is abused. D:

And someone on my Friends list was talking about Meister packages a few weeks ago; lo is the day.


( "I'm telling you, we're descendant from bonobos." Setsuna insisted monotonously, "Do you want to grope my crotch and see?" )


Bonobos are bisexual primates who are exceptionally sexually active.
