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About this JournalNo themes, no word counts, and no time limits. Multifandom, open to all genres, and all ratings. A community to share *all* of your fic, whatever the pairing, or fandom. Current Month 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 252627282930
Sep. 13th, 2022 @ 03:19 pm Updated Fic: What We Become: A Supernatural/Walking Dead CrossoverTags: comic, tv I'm posting regularly again! So I won't be advertizing/spamming it constantly, but looks like I'm doing well with updating every Sunday again. Hope you enjoy!Title: What We Become: A Supernatural/Walking Dead CrossoverAuthor: AhavahGenre: ApocalypticRating: MatureWarnings: None for this chapterSpoilers: Spoilers for both series, as well as mild spoilers for later seasons of Being Human (US), whose characters have a cameo storyline.Summary: Chapter: Ch. 20: There Will Be Blood Maggie searches for Glenn, while Dean & Co. prepare to take on Grady Memorial Hospital.About this EntryAss-Butt, Supernatural: Heyahavah:Leave a commentPermanent Link
Sep. 4th, 2022 @ 12:03 pm Updated Fic: What We Become: A Supernatural/Walking Dead CrossoverTitle: What We Become: A Supernatural/Walking Dead CrossoverAuthor: AhavahGenre: Apocalyptic Rating: MatureWarnings: Graphic depictions of violence, major and minor character deathsSpoilers: Spoilers for both series, as well as mild spoilers for later seasons of Being Human (US), whose characters have a cameo storyline.Author's note: I'm posting regularly again after facing some health issues, and I apologize for seeming to drop this fic! It was not intentional.Summary: Fic: Set after TWD season 3 (after Woodbury but before Season 4 picks up) and an alternate SPN season 6 where the main apocalypse was still thwarted but Pestilence succeeded in releasing the Croatoan virus "swine flu vaccine". I'm incorporating characters and storylines from both The Walking Dead (tv show and comics) and Supernatural. This is primarily a canon divergence, but I do borrow certain aspects from both sources. I have done my best to use those aspects in the spirit of "What If" and "Homage", and I have tried very hard to make it my own and avoid plagiarism. Chapter: 19: Self Help Dean looks for a way to help Sam after his wall breaks, not realizing that Sam alone holds that key. Glenn wakes to find himself in strange company.About this EntryAss-Butt, Supernatural: Heyahavah:Leave a commentPermanent Link
Jun. 21st, 2021 @ 09:24 am [Updated Fic] What We Become: A Supernatural/Walking Dead Crossover (Ch. 17 of ?)Tags: comic, tv x-postedTitle: What We Become: A Supernatural/Walking Dead Crossover Chapter 17: Adventures in BabysittingAuthor: AhavahFandoms: Supernatural/The Walking Dead (TV and comics). Cameos from Being Human (US) main characters.Rating: MatureWarnings: Spoilers for TWD through Season 4 and SPN through Season 6. The BH(US) characters are following an alternate Season 3+. Graphic language and violence. Individual warnings are given on each chapter.Pairings: N/A for this chapter Summary: Fic: Beginning after TWD season 3 (after Woodbury but before Season 4 picks up) and an alternate SPN season 6 where the main apocalypse was still thwarted but Pestilence succeeded in releasing the Croatoan virus "swine flu vaccine". This Ch: Carol tracks the vampires who took Lizzie.About this EntrySupernatural: Deadahavah:Leave a commentPermanent Link
Jun. 3rd, 2021 @ 08:38 pm [Updated Fic] What We Become: A Supernatural/Walking Dead Crossover (Ch. 1-16 of ?)Tags: comic, tv x-postedTitle: What We Become: A Supernatural/Walking Dead Crossover Chapter 16: What Happened and What's Going On Author: AhavahFandoms: Supernatural/The Walking Dead (TV and comics). Cameos from Being Human (US) main characters.Rating: MatureWarnings: Spoilers for TWD through Season 4 and SPN through Season 6. The BH(US) characters are following an alternate Season 3+. Graphic language and violence. Individual warnings are given on each chapter.Pairings: N/A for this chapter Summary: Fic: Beginning after TWD season 3 (after Woodbury but before Season 4 picks up) and an alternate SPN season 6 where the main apocalypse was still thwarted but Pestilence succeeded in releasing the Croatoan virus "swine flu vaccine". This Ch: Survivors of the Governor's (with vampire allies) attack attempt to regroup.About this EntrySupernatural: Cower in Fearahavah:Leave a commentPermanent Link
Sep. 29th, 2019 @ 11:35 pm Talking Is The Hard PartTags: Slash. Strong Language. Mature Themes.Author: j2jsquared Fandom: The Magicians - USTitle: Talking is the Hard PartCharacters: Quentin Coldwater and Eliot WaughPairing: Quentin/Eliot (Queliot)Rating/Warnings: R. Slash, Strong Language.Summary: Quentin and Eliot discuss their feelings after the trip to Old Fillory and everything that happened.A/N: Thanks to Judy for betaing and to anyone who reads and reviews.Disclaimer: I don’t own The Magicians, settings, characters, or anything you recognize and I don’t claim to. I make no money for writing this story.Words: 932Read on A03About this Entryj2jsquared:Leave a commentPermanent Link
Apr. 14th, 2019 @ 11:20 am FIC: what you leave behind ( and what you take with you )Tags: anime, gen Title: what you leave behind ( and what you take with you )Author: ohmydarlingdearFandom: Hunter x HunterGenre: Gen (Kite-centric)Rating: Teen/PG-13Word count: approx. 2.25kWarnings: character death/talk of deathSummary: What they don’t understand is that every roll is a bad roll in the end. ( reflections on a life of borrowed time, of searching for meaning, of trying to find salvation in all the wrong, and sometimes some of the right, places )**( READ @ AO3 )**About this Entryohmydarlingdear:Leave a commentPermanent Link
Mar. 26th, 2019 @ 01:10 pm The Mating Call Of The Northeastern Screech Owl, Chapter 6Tags: gen, tv Fandom: Jeeves and WoosterWord Count: 1254Characters: Bertie, Jeeves, OMCsRating: PGSummary: In which Bertie and Jeeves experience the high life, Hollywood style.Chapter 6: Diamonds On The CandlesticksChapter 5: Childe Rolande To The Huge Pile CameChapter 4: The Soup ThickensChapter 3: Time For MachinationsChapter 2: Bobby And The Terrible IdeaChapter 1: Listen To The MockingbirdI have no idea if anyone even comes around here any more, but what the hell.About this EntryDogpipecuddyclothes:Leave a commentPermanent Link
Sep. 30th, 2017 @ 09:25 pm FIC: */ Heroes */ Almost Like Rendered in CrayonTags:, slash Title: Almost Like Rendered in CrayonAuthor: naemi Fandom: Heroes Pairing/Characters: Matt/MohinderSpoilers: none; canon-divergence in/around season 2 Rating: NC-17/ExplicitTag Line: It's ridiculous. A man driven by logic and science should know better than to lose himself in a fantasy that cannot be. But scientist or not, Mohinder is also still a man.[read on LJ or AO3]About this EntryWritingnaemi:Leave a commentPermanent Link
Apr. 2nd, 2017 @ 11:06 am Swiss Army Man: Sex Lessons From "Sarah", Part ThreeTags: movie, slash Fandom: Swiss Army ManTitle: Sex Lessons From Sarah, Part ThreeRating: RCharacters/Pairings: Manny, HankWord Count: 1,500Genres: Smut, Hurt/Comfort, SchmoopSummary: In the aftermath of their quarrel about Sarah, Hank figures out a way to take Manny's mind off of it.It takes ingenuity to have sex with a dead guyDancing And Singing And FartingSex Lessons from "Sarah", Part OneSex Lessons from "Sarah", Part TwoAbout this EntryDogpipecuddyclothes:Leave a commentPermanent Link
Apr. 2nd, 2017 @ 10:56 am Sex Lessons from "Sarah", Part TwoTags: movie, slash Fandom: Swiss Army ManTitle: Sex Lessons From Sarah, Part TwoRating: RCharacters/Pairings: Manny, HankWord Count: 1,389Genres: Angst, Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Gender ConfusionSummary: "Sarah" is reading Manny "Gone With The Wind". "She" and Manny have a conversation about love, but when they start kissing, Hank becomes "Sarah" and freaks out.How can you have a love triangle when there are only two people?Part 3 of the After Verse"She's gone, Manny! She's never coming back!"Sex Lessons From "Sarah", Part OneDancing And Singing And FartingAbout this EntryDogpipecuddyclothes:Leave a commentPermanent Link