Affidavit of TOJO Hideki 東條英機宣誓供述書 #5 (original) (raw)



東条英機宣誓供述書 - 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション (

13. As War Minister, and in conjunction with the Supreme Command, I participated in the stationing of troops in northern French Indo-China about the end of September 1940. The southern policy itself was the resulting effect of the continuous economic strangulation of Japan by America and Britain, and the general lines were laid on the “Gist of Main Points in Regard to Dealing With the Situation to Meet the Changes in World Conditions” determined on 27 July 1940. (Ex. 1310) There were two aspects to this southern policy. One was to sever the coalition between America and Britain with Chungking, as a means of solving the China Incident, and the other was the establishment of economic self-sufficiency for Japan. Both aspects developed as High State Policy in order to preserve the right of self-existence and of self-defense and, furthermore, they were intended to be attained through peaceful means until pressure from America, Britain, and the Netherlands, against Japan, resulted in unforeseen practical developments.


14. I shall testify now relative to the request made to the French Indo-China authorities for a grant of facilities in connection with the dispatch of a small Japanese force to northern French Indo-China. Primarily, this troop movement was made at the urgent request of the Supreme Command as a necessary adjunct in conducting the China Incident. During the life of the previous Cabinet, that is, the latter part of June 1940, the French Indo-China authorities had agreed voluntarily to prohibit the passage of supplies through French Indo-China to the Chang Kai-shek regime, and, in order to carry out this arrangement, an observation force was dispatched from Japan. (Ex. No. 618) Identical arrangements were made in Burma at about the same time. However, after putting the plan into action, it became clear that it was impossible to insure complete stoppage of aid to Chungking with such a small observation force. In addition to this, after the partial closure of traffic on the French Indo-China border, it was announced from Chungking that the route would be reopened by force, and it gradually accumulated its military strength near the border regions. Under these changed circumstances the Japanese High Command felt it necessary to defend North French Indo-China. Moreover, the Supreme Command desired to carry out the campaign in the interior of China as a means of speedily concluding the China Incident, and wished to have bases in northern French Indo-China for that purpose. The Liaison Conference held about the latter part of July gave recognition to this request, and the Government was ordered to negotiate with the French authorities. (Original text: the Government decided to negotiate with the French side.) The important items required were the stationing of a specified number of troops in northern French Indo-China, and the passage of a specified number of troops through that region. To the best of my recollection, the strength of the former was set at 6000 and that of the latter at about 25,000 (Original text: 2,000). Negotiations were commenced on 1 August 1940 between Foreign Minister MATSUOKA and the French Ambassador to Japan, M. Charles Arsene Henry, and an understanding was reached on 30 August after a formal exchange of notes. (Fx, No. 620 Appendix 10 - I, II) This understanding was that Japan recognized the sovereignty and territorial integrity of France in French Indo-China, and France, on her part, undertook to offer special facilities for the stationing of Japanese troops in the specified area. Japan further guaranteed that this situation was not to take on the nature of a military occupation.


15. This MATSUOKA-HENRY agreement of 30 August 1940 settled the basic principles, and there was a concurrence that the French Government was to promptly issue the necessary instructions to the local French Indo-China authorities to commence negotiations on the spot for the purpose of satisfying Japan's specific requirements. Accordingly, Major General Nishihara, who was there present as Chief of the Observation Party, and acting under instructions from Imperial Headquarters, immediately opened negotiations with the French Indo-China authorities and the agreement on those basic items was arrived at by 4 September. (Fx. No. 620 Appendix 11) The detailed items concerning the facilities to be offered was scheduled to be signed on 6 September, but this was delayed by reason of an unfortunate incident occuring on 5 September involving the alleged crossing of the boundary between French Indo-China and China by a Japanese battalion. Incidentally it was ascertained through a later Court-Martial proceeding that the battalion did not violate the French Indo-China border at all. As a matter of fact, this troop movement was for patrol purposes, and not a single shot was fired, but the French Indo-China authorities made this occurrence an excuse for refusal to sign the detail agreement. At that time, the French Indo-China authorities outwardly swore allegiance to the Vichy Government but there was room for doubt as to the actual veracity of their real intent. On our part, there was a critical urgency for troop dispatch and there was much anxiety over the breakdown of the negotiations. Nevertheless, in spite of this drawback the policy of peaceful settlement was maintained to the very end, and the Army General Staff sent the Chief of the First Section to French Indo-China to assist in the negotiations.


On that occasion both the Chief of the Amy General Staff and myself, as War Minister, gave strict injunction (Original text: earnest advice) that the dispatch of troops must be carried out on a peacetime basis. Notwithstanding all these efforts, the detail agreement was not finalized and so about 18 or 19 September Imperial Headquarters issued instructions to the Nishihara Unit to request a reply, with the dead line to be set at noon of 22 September. (Tokyo time.) It was felt that since the local authorities were procrastinating, despite the agreement of the French Home Government, some resort to freedom of action on our part was justified, and, consequently, the evacuation of Japanese nationals was effected before that dead line.


A decision could not be reached with the French Indo-China authorities before noon of the 22nd, but we, on our part, made certain concessions, and two hours after the stipulated time, i.e. about 2 P.M., the detailed agreement was finally signed by both parties. (Fx. 620, Appendix 12) Nevertheless, at 12:30 in the morning of the following day (the 23rd) an exchange of firing took place between the Japanese and French troops on the border between French Indo-China and China. This incident was occasioned by the fact that the front line troops stationed near the border were deployed in inaccessible mountains and valleys, and contact with them was therefore difficult. In spite of every effort on our part communication as to the conclusion of terms could not be transmitted in time. The French also, on their part, were delayed in relaying information to their troops, (Original text: the notification on the French side was also incomplete,) but this small encounter of arms was settled within the same day. The Nishimura Corps was scheduled to enter Haiphong Bay under escort of the French Navy but because of this clash on land at the northern front it did not enter at Haiphong Bay but landed without incident on the beach to the south. There was, in addition, another incident involving a Japanese observation squadron, which due to a misunderstanding in signals between the Commanding Officer and his subordinates, dropped bombs in the outskirts of Haiphong, but this was clearly a mistake and inconsequential.


16. To summarize. The dispatch of Japanese troops to north French Indo-China in the latter part of September 1940 was prompted by a desire to speedily solve the China Incident and from beginning to end it was our consistent policy to accomplish that wish peacefully. The strength of the forces was held down to the barest minimum, and the actual number dispatched was, as I remember, only about 4,000, a figure far below the agreed total. That the American authorities well understood the above circumstances is shown by the message of President Roosevelt to the Japanese Emperor on 8 December 1941, which contains the following, “More than a year ago your Majesty's government concluded an agreement with the Vichy government by which five or six thousand Japanese troops were permitted to enter into northern Indo-China for the protection of Japanese troops which were operating against China further north.”


As explained above, although some minor unforeseen incidents occurred in connection with the entry, in order to maintain strict troop discipline, I, as War Minister, took stringent disciplinary measures and enforced them. To wit, the Regimental Commander and subordinate officers were court-martialed, and the local Commanding General and Staff members of the Imperial Headquarters were either removed from office or transferred to minor posts. These measures were taken in line with the wishes of the Emperor stressing the necessity for strict military discipline, which were uttered time and again previous to this, and which were in accordance with my own consistent policy to uphold military order and enforce military discipline, and these were activated by the requirements of internal administrative need (Original text: the matters of the discipline inside of the military) and did not in any way indicate that there was any responsibility on our part under international law vis-a-vis the French.
