I love deadlines. (original) (raw)

22 November 2010 @ 05:42 pm

Mein Gott, 71 icons?!

→ 41 Pokemon icons (including Gen I and Gen II game leader/elite VS sprites)
→ 11 The Producers (2005)
→ 11 Lady Gaga
→ 4 stock/fashion
→ 4 VS Kotone variations


( With my lightning bolts a-glowin', I can see where I am going...Collapse )

Current Mood: soresore

Current Music: Sound Life :: AJA (Trigun OST)

hay guise. ♥

42 icons:
6 Beatles
4 Sailor Moon (for sailor_stills)
8 Christoph Waltz (mainly)
22 + 2 stock icons (two added in variations)

some of these icons came out D:


( But I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more...Collapse )

Current Mood: blahblah

Current Music: I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) :: The Proclaimers

...i hardly need to make an introduction, right? OHRIGHT DIFFERENT ACCOUNT so this is actually tea_and_opium, and i'm posting my icons and stuff here now. ♥

okay, to the fun stuff~ i have textures.

(hope the image isn't too big. E_____E;)

( download link under hereCollapse )


Current Mood: blahblah

07 February 2010 @ 04:20 pm

Just a quickie, as I wanted to get out a few icons that've been sitting around:
-3 Pin-up models
-1 (admittedly quickly-made) Inglourious Basterds pun

001 002 003

Not even worth of an lj-cut, really, so. u__u

-please comment if you're taking any; feedback is very much appreciated <3
-credit is also appreciated but obviously not required
-if you like what you see here, feel free to watch the comm

Current Mood: goodgood

Current Music: Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand -- The Beatles

24 October 2009 @ 03:04 pm

I don't know what it is with me and uploading icons literally months after I've made them, but I swear, someday, I'll have icons to show that actually, y'know, are reflective of what I'm currently capable of pulling off in my PS Elements. :'D -brick'd-

This round contains largely non-fandom (and several NSFW) icons. ♥

-2 Beatles (one group, one George)
-16 women, ranging from just nice shots to BDSM~

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

( I want to love you madly...Collapse )

-please comment if you're taking any; feedback is very much appreciated <3
-credit is also appreciated but obviously not required
-if you like what you see here, feel free to watch the comm

Current Mood: sillysilly

Current Music: Love You Madly -- Cake

26 September 2009 @ 11:49 pm

Oddly enough, these were all made within a week of my previous post; the delay's a tribute to how much I detest uploading pictures and doing the coding. > >; -lazy-

Beatles-themed, once again.~

-1 Group Beatles
-6 John/Stu
-3 George/Ringo
-3 Stu/Astrid

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

( Nightswimming deserves a quiet night...Collapse )

Current Music: Trashing the Camp -- Phil Collins

02 August 2009 @ 05:07 pm

Beatles icons that I've been working on mostly in the past two or three days, though a handful are from contests about a month back.~

-2 Ringo Starr
-10 George Harrison
-11 George/Ringo
-3 John/Paul
-2 George/John
-2 Beatles
-1 Ravi & George
-1 WE'RE ON A BOAT! (it was necessary. Really.)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

( Show me that I'm everywhere, and get me home for teaCollapse )

Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful

Current Music: Hello City -- Barenaked Ladies

Olivia Wilde icons, done as experiments to see what I could do with simple pictures.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

( Icons HereCollapse )

Current Mood: energeticenergetic

Current Music: When You're Evil -- Voltaire

While today's chemistry class was a bit lacking academically, the fact that we spent an hour and a half adding oil paints onto the top of a basin of water and dipping paper into the mixture certainly made up for it. So what do I do? Go home and make my first actual texture set with it.

Please point out any flaws/issues with downloading et cetera, as I'm entirely new both to filesharing sites and making texture sets to share with others (though I've made them for my own personal use a fair amount before).

And yes, the "Part 1" at the bottom does mean there's a Part 2 that should be coming sometime this weekend.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Download the zip folder here.

-please comment if you're downloading; feedback is very much appreciated <3
-credit if you use my textures in your graphics
-if you like what you see here, feel free to watch the comm

Current Mood: pleasedpleased

Current Music: The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite -- REM

Icon Requests

In the interest both of learning not to procrastinate, and of possibly being inspired, I'm opening up icon requests. When you request icons, it can be either vague/broad in subject, or fairly specific; just so long as you don't completely limit what I would be able to do in making the icon. You can also provide pictures, and while it's not necessary it /is/ appreciated and will probably result in something closer to what you had in mind.

To request an icon, please include:
-the subject (a grassy field, Gaspard Ulliel, Mark from RENT, et cetera; keep in mind that they can be text icons, as well)
-picture(s), if you'd like something specific
-any text you'd want in addition to the main picture (or if you'd like text and simply don't know/care /what/ specifically)
-yes, you can request more than one; though I'll probably have multiple versions anyway of a single request, all of which will be shown to you. Limit of three specific icons requested at a time.



Current Music: Whip It -- Devo