alyssa_daily - Profile (original) (raw)
Welcome to Alyssa Milano Daily, a daily picture community for fans of Alyssa Milano.
alyssa_daily is a picture-only community.
Not icons. Not gossip. Not news. Not reviews. Not advertising. Not results of your quizzes/memes. Just pictures. There are other communities for icons, gossip and news.
A few things you should know..
1. Every post to alyssa_daily MUST contain a picture. If you do not have a website to store your images on, there are numerous free image hosting services available. We recommend Photobucket for free image hosting. If your post does not contain a picture, you will get a mod on your arse about it. All it has to be is ONE PICTURE!
2. Not hot-linking what-so-ever. Please upload all pictures to your own server so people who pay for their bandwidth don't go over.
3. Use lj-cuts for large images (over 80KB or 500 pixels) or multiple images. This is so people who don't have fast connections don't have to wait as long to view the community.
4. Please use proper grammar. We've all been through grammar school, so I'm sure we all know how to spell. TyPiNg lYkE DiS makes you look stupid, and it's hard to read. I don't care if you use words like "talkin'" "lookin'" stuff like that, but please don't use words like "u", "r", "lyke", etc. because it's not that hard to type the word properly.
5. No rude comments/entries and NO BASHING!. I understand that not everyone agrees that Alyssa is awesome, and that not everyone agrees with her about the Shannen drama on the Charmed set, but please do not make any rude comments/entries. They will be deleted without notice, and you will be banned.
Your mod(s),nekoghoul (CREATOR)
CONTACTING nekoghoul
If for some reason, you need to contact me, you can email me at and I'll glady respond.
If you want to be added here, let us know. :) If I added you here without asking first, I'm sorry. If you want to to remove you, let me know.