am_i_pregnant (original) (raw)

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any?
pills Tarina Fe 1/20 (I believe it is a generic form of Microgestin Fe 1/20, but it is a low dose pill with 21 active and 7 iron placebos)

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?
None, I have been on it since Jan 12 and take it every day. There have been a couple of times where I've taken it like an hour or two late, but otherwise right on time. I've never missed a single pill.

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next?
28/29ish since I've been on the pill. First month was on the second day of the placebo and second month was on the third day of the placebo. Prior to starting the pill, it varied between 24 and 27 days.
5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)
About to graduate from grad school in May, so recently started the job hunt, currently work two jobs on top of school and just recently got engaged, so quite a lot going on.

6. What was the month/day your last period started?
March 4-7

7. What date(s) did you have sex?
March 9th
8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?
In vagina

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?
Not necessarily, although I think it is mostly my anxious mind running away with me. I've had spouts of bloating and am convinced I had tender breasts, but I may have been poking around them too much. My primary concern is that I had sex the night of the first pill of a new pill pack. Since I've been taking my pills continuously, I didn't really think about whether or not the pill was effective at that time. I went straight from my placebo week into my new pack and didn't start it late, but the whole 7 days with no hormones throws me off and makes me worried I wont be protected from ovulation if it were to occur on like day 10 or 11.

Perhaps I just need someone to explain to me how an individual active pill works. In my case, I began my placebo week on 3/2, started bleeding 3/4 and stopped on 3/7. Finished taking my placebo pills on 3/8 and began my new active pills on time on 3/9. Had sex late on 3/9 after getting engaged. We had discussed wanting to use both BC and condoms until we were ready for kids, but things got carried away after a couple glasses of wine and the high of getting engaged. Needless to say, we threw my otherwise anxiety ridden caution to the wind and relied on the fact that I had been taking my HBC pills.

This is all a very terrifying ordeal that will probably scare me into just getting the IUD so I don't sit here and try to remember every single day of the last month and if I took my pill at exactly the right time.

29 January 2016 @ 09:44 am

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any?

Tricira lo (ortho tri cyclen lo generic)

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?

Took one pill about 18 hours late and then continued taking my pill as usual that day and for the rest of the pack (as the pamphlet says to do, without backup protection).

I normally take my pill at noon but some days, I wasn't as on the dot as usual because of my schedule at work.

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?

Avoiding it.

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next?

I'm not sure - because I'm on the pill, I don't chart it closely. Generally, it comes at the end of the month, after starting a new pack at the beginning of the month.

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)

I was sick with a bad cold and sinus infection over new years for about a week and it really wore me down. I started in a new role at work at the beginning of January and have been very stressed about it and what will happen with my role when my contract ends in a few months (I could be unemployed). It's triggered a bit of depression and anxiety that I deal with from time to time.

6. What was the month/day your last period started?

My placebo week started on Sunday and I haven't had my period yet. My last period started a few days before the new year.

7. What date(s) did you have sex?

Other than this week, when I'm supposed to have my period, we have sex a few times each week. I don't chart this.

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?

In vagina.

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?

My period isn't usually this late in coming during my placebo week (I'm a Sunday start and it usually comes mid-week), although I know that it can come at any point during the week. It makes me feel uneasy and I've started questioning my pill taking and trying to think back and remember what I could have done wrong.

I understand that I'm probably being ridiculous but I can't help it, I feel utterly anxious.

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any?
The pill, plus we always either use a condom or pull out. I'm a religious pill taker, only missed a pill by an hour at most, once.

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?
I switched from Lo Loestrin FE to Gildess Fe last month, but I started the new brand the next day after my placebo pills ended. I'm worried that these new pills weren't effective right away this month.

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next?
Supposed to be 28, but I always start around the second or third day of placebos.

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)
I have been exercising a bit more recently. Also have been stressed because of finals and this scare.

6. What was the month/day your last period started?
Started May 24th and ended May 28th. It was a bit shorter but heavier than it usually is. Probably due to switching brands?

7. What date(s) did you have sex? 5/5, 5/7, 5/11, 5/15, 5/18, 5/21, 5/22, 5/24, 5/26-29th

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?
In condom or pulled out

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?
Experiencing nausea, breast pain, had lots of back pain and cramping for the past two weeks. I feel like I could very well be making up a lot of this in my head because I have an extreme paranoia of becoming pregnant. I do have an anxiety disorder too..

Thank you in advance for all responses and advice!


1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use if any?


2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?


3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?

Trying but having fun and seeing what happens

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next?

Usually 28

5. Any changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)

Some added stress but nothing significant- I've been more stressed/anxious in past and didn't have any change in cycles

6. What was the month/day your last period started?

2/7. I started light red/pinkish bleeding on 3/2 (5 days earlier than expected). Bleeding then got a bit heavier on 3/6 but nothing compared to what a normal period is or feels like. I am still bleeding at this point which makes it 9 days.

7. What date(s) did you have sex?

2/21, 2/23, 2/24, 3/2

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?


9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?

Current bleeding is not close to what a normal period is. I'm usually every 28 days with bleeding lasting only 5 days. Starting with spotting and then changing quickly to heavy. Only other time my period changed was two years ago when I ate a bunch of edamame and soy milk over two months.

Please take the time to thank the people who take the time to help you.

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any?

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)? N/a

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next?
30 days

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)

6. What was the month/day your last period started?
April 1

7. What date(s) did you have sex?
April 11,12,13

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?
In vagina

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?
Too early to tell, but starving all the time.

19 January 2014 @ 10:29 pm

2 posts in one week, i'm on a roll. Using the survey again just to make things clearer.

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ETA: update for panicky people like me; went to the doctor's to get checked for possible infections because i was convinced something was going on. Nothing. Just breakthrough bleeding and a lot of stress. Had my period today, a day earlier than normal with mild cramps and all.

13 January 2014 @ 04:31 pm

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any?
Pill (Yasmin) and condom

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?
Not that i know of.

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next?
23-25 days. i am regular with the pill.

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)
General stress of work and some digestive problems.

6. What was the month/day your last period started?
Jan 2 to Jan 6

7. What date(s) did you have sex?
Dec 14-15 (it is way before my period, i know)

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?
in condom while inside me

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?
Feeling bloated and my natural vaginal discharge is more than i am used to. Of course it might be the same but i am paying too much attention to it now.
i know the chances are extremely slim to none that i am pregnant (considering i had my period and all) but just wanted to get your opinion for the peace of my mind

11 September 2013 @ 11:55 pm

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any?
2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?
no protection
3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?
not necessarily either one
4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next?
i don't really keep up with that. it's pretty regular?
5. Any changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)
not really. new job, but it's not that stressful.
6. What was the month/day your last period started?
August(not sure of the exact day... I think it was around the 12th)
7. What date(s) did you have sex?
August 23, 24, 31st
8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?
pulled out
9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?
last week i had a yeast infection(which i've never had before), breast tenderness, peeing frequently, spotting last week(which i guess could be implantation bleeding, but at the time i assumed it was from the infection). Also, I took a pregnancy test Sunday night and it appeared to be negative, but it could've been too early. I took one tonight(I don't have time in the mornings) and it seemed to give me a faint positive WAY soon. almost immediately. i think there was a line there, at least. maybe i'm just going crazy? lol.

What do you all think? I'm going to retest probably Friday morning. I want to go to the doctor for a blood test, but not sure when I can take off from work.

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1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any? - condom

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)? - condom slipped off

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it? - avoiding

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next? - 28 - 30

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?) - nothing

6. What was the month/day your last period started? - May 7th

7. What date(s) did you have sex? - May 14th

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)? - In condom, which unfortunately slipped off

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant? - severe nausea, larger breasts

Thanks so much!!!

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any? Yasmin (21 days) HBC and condoms

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)? On my first day of 7 day break of the package before the actual the condom broke, but two days after I got my period (lighter and shorter). Last Friday (day 15) got confused and thought I missed the pill the day before and took 2, later I realized I didn't and know I have the 21 pill missing (gonna end the package in 20 days instead of 21).

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it? AVOIDING!

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next? Last two have been on day 24.

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?) Last months have my life has been VERY stressful, I have trouble sleeping.

6. What was the month/day your last period started? March 17, first I had regular bleeding but later it stoped and was just like a deep brown spotting. Next morning the full bleeding came back.

7. What date(s) did you have sex? March 15, 24,27,30.

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)? In condom

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?
Last days I've been so paranoid about the possibility of being pregnant, even though my bf and I are using condoms as backup or he's not finishing inside me. I've been dreaming of myself getting pregnancy tests, feeling my breasts fuller, feel bloated, having some ovarian pain, even some breakouts in my face (which I used to have before staring the pills on late January but were doing fine lately). I don't actually know if my stressful life is making me be so freak out and paranoid or is there real risk of being pregnant.
Last Friday night I mistakenly took two birth control pills (one at 12 am the other one an hour later) thinking I had forgotten the one of the day before (which I actually didn't). Later I realized I just got confused of the day and know I'm a day in advanced of my regular schedule, so instead of finishing the 21 pills next Thursday I'm gonna do it on Wednesday. So, what should I do now? Should I have an 8 day break or should I start a new package a day earlier than regular (Wednesday instead of Thursday)?

In adnvance, so many thanks for the help.

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any? Nuvaring

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)? Started Nuvaring on the 10th of March had unprotected sex late at night on the 15th early morning 16th of March.

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it? Avoiding it

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next? not really sure it changes so often.

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?) I am currently taking OxyElitePro diet pills and I started a diet Monday

6. What was the month/day your last period started? March 4th

7. What date(s) did you have sex? Very late at night March 15th early morning March 16th

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)? in vagina

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant? Since I didn't wait the full amount of 7 days to have unprotected sex after inserting the Nuvaring. I took a plan B pill early Monday Morning but I fear that I may have taken that to late. I took the Nuvaring out on the 31st of March(Sunday) since it was my 3 week mark but it is now Tuesday and I have yet to start my cycle. I took an early detection pregnancy test this mronign but it came back negative. I'm confused and starting to panic.

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any? Pull out

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)? Sometimes not pulling out

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it? Not actively trying yet, but not opposed to it if I am

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next? have PCOS so no real set timeline, but when I happen to stay regular for a while it's usually right around 40-45 days

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?) no

6. What was the month/day your last period started? Jan. 3

7. What date(s) did you have sex? Too many to keep track of... most recently every day March 12-23

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)? on the 12-13 inside me, every other time pulling out

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant? Because I have very irregular periods and don't use a real method of birth control, I generally take a pregnancy test every month I don't have a period. March 11th, took a test, came back negative and started spotting on the 12th. Since I seemed to be starting my period and it's less probable to get pregnant, my bf came inside me both days. On the 14th I stopped spotting. Was feeling very sick this week and he thought he was being cute so he handed me a pregnancy test Friday morning (March 22nd). That was positive. Today I started spotting and cramping. Took another test and it was after much discussion, negative. I have now bled through two pads and don't know. Am I miscarrying? Or was it a false positive? Am I possibly pregnant?

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any? Condoms

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)? Not that I know of

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it? AVOIDING!

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next? between 25 and 28 for the past 3 or 4 months.

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?) massive amounts of stress (I have an anxiety disorder and this is not helping) and I moved back to school after 2 weeks of being at my safe, relaxing home environment...

6. What was the month/day your last period started? Feb 28

7. What date(s) did you have sex? March 5, twice. One of those times he didn't finish, but we still used a condom both times.

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)? In vagina in condom.

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant? I've been experiencing a ton of bloating and gas this week... more than my normal amount before my period. I find this whole thing really strange because I get pretty bad ovulation cramps and they occurred on March 14 and 15, which should put my mind at ease that I did not ovulate at a fertile time. Still, I get bad anxiety like this every time I have sex and I don't agree with HBC so I guess I have to deal with it. If anyone could give me any advice, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much in advance.

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any?
I went off the pill 6 months ago. My husband and I were using condoms, but starting March 9th (around when I was supposed to see AF) we have been having completely unprotected sex.

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?
None that I noticed.

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?
We are not trying, but not preventing.

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next?
Usually around 30-33

5. Any changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)

6. What was the month/day your last period started?
February 5. So far this cycle has been 42 days long.

7. What date(s) did you have sex?
We have sex everyday. Very rarely do we miss a day. Since March 9 when we stopped using protection we have had sex every day.

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?
Inside me.

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?
My period is around 10 days late, but it's been late before (although, not this late). No sign of AF at all. No cramping. However, for the past 2 days I have had little waves of nausea. I have also experienced fatigue (been taking lots of naps and going to bed early) and a lot of CM. The CM looks like EWCM, maybe just a little thicker. Is it possible I am just ovulating really late?

I haven't tested because I'm not sure when I ovulated. I figured I would wait at least 16-18 days after we started having unprotected sex (unless AF finally arrives), since I figure it is unlikely I got pregnant while we were still using condoms.

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any? I used pills until January 25th.

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)? Nope.

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it? Trying to get pregnant.

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next? When I was on the pills, I had a normal 28-day cycle. I took my last pill January 25th, bled between February 1st-4th, and haven't had a period since.

5. Any changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?) Stopping the birth control may change my cycle. Also, knowing that we were going to start trying, I went to my doctor and weaned myself off of all of my fibromyalgia and migraine medications in mid January. None were safe for conception or pregnancy.

6. What was the month/day your last period started? February 1st.

7. What date(s) did you have sex? February 9th, 12th, 14th, and 17th.

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)? Inside of me.

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant? By the calculators I can find, I was supposed to begin my period on March 1st. On March 1st and 2nd, I had cramping that made me think my period was going to start, but to date it hasn't. Today, from the moment I woke up, I've had a strange pressure in my lower abdomen, almost like I have to pee, but without the urgency - and it's been there all day long. Am I allowed to start hoping yet? :)

25 February 2013 @ 11:42 pm


1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any? I've been off HBC since November 2012.

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)? N/A

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it? Trying to get pregnant.

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next? An average of 29 days. Currently I'm on CD28.

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?) Nothing except the usual trying to conceive stress (which I've had for months).

6. What was the month/day your last period started? Tuesday, January 29.

7. What date(s) did you have sex? Around expected ovulation/fertile days (Feb 8, 11, and 15). predicted O date as Feb 11 but changed to Feb 13 after input of temps. I stopped temping consistently after Feb 16 for different reasons.

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)? Ejaculation in vagina all times.

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?

Here's a long list:

Feb 16-18 LOTS of clear/watery CM from Feb 19-22 a significant amount of creamy white cm. CM has since decreased a bit but still there and creamy. Starting Feb 18, my sense of smell has become more sensitive, especially to smoke and sweet smells. Starting Feb 22, I've had a very annoying and semi-constant copper/bitter taste in my mouth, especially when I drink anything. I've had my friends and husband taste my drinks/food after I get the nasty taste and they say it tastes fine.

The problem: Negative pg test Feb 22 and 24. Went to GP doctor because I've had a sore throat since Feb 21-nothing really bad, just annoying. Negative strep test and doc says the copper taste and sore throat could be from allergies (despite the fact that I've been taking my allergy medicine every day and have not had any sinus issues for over two months). I took a test after the doc apt at 3pm on Feb 25. The test was a Clearblue Plus. At first glance the test read negative. However, after about five minutes of administering the test, I could see a VERY faint line that would read as pregnant. However, the line was SO faint that I had to look at it in the right light and at the right angle in order to see the positive line. :/

My period is due either Feb 26 OR Feb 27 since my cycles aren't always a set number of days. I don't feel like my period is coming on, but I don't always get cramps and stuff before my period starts. :/ Not knowing is driving me insane and I sort of feel crazy for seeing such a faint line on the test. My husband was at work until really late so I didn't get a chance to get a second set of eyes to check out the test before it was too late. I've decided to wait to take a test until the morning of Feb 27 if I don't get my period tomorrow.

Do you think I'm pregnant? Has anyone else ever had SUCH a faint positive line on a pg test? Has anyone had a copper taste in their mouths from allergies?? I've NEVER had a copper taste in my mouth and I've heard it can be a pregnancy symptom.. UGH! I feel like tearing my hair out!

Thanks in advance for any advice and encouragement! :)

25 February 2013 @ 04:28 pm


I took a Rite-Aid brand pregnancy test this morning. It appeared negative. I looked at it again about 10 hours later and there is definitely a blue line in the test window. I've heard that evap lines do not have color... is this possibly a positive test?

Survey questions:

1. What type of birth control?
Tubal cautery 9 years ago. (people often conflate the most permanent form of birth control with 100% effective but it's not. It's statistically less effective than IUDs.)

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?

  1. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day
    of your next? 24-25

5. Any changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)
My last to periods were very light and only lasted about 1 1/2 days.

6. What was the month/day your last period started? 2/21

7. What date(s) did you have sex?
A lot.

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?
In vagina.

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?
My last two periods were very light and I felt more PMS after them than before them.
Another time, a few years ago, I had what might have been a very faint positive test accompanied by weird light periods.


19 February 2013 @ 06:51 pm


1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use?
Nuvaring, condoms, pulling out.
2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)? No. Tested the condoms with water each time.

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it? Avoiding!

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next? I had my last period starting 1/21/13. For the last 7 months, I take my ring out, and I start my bleed the next day like clockwork.

5. Any changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?) no recent chances.

6. What was the month/day your last period started? 1/21/13

7. What date(s) did you have sex? December 12 and 14, then February 14 and 16.

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)? Pulled out, took condom off, ejaculated on lower back.

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant? I take my ring out and for the last 7 months have gotten my bleed the next day like clockwork. I took my ring out Sunday, and haven't had any indication that a bleed is coming.

This might be stupid. I'm just incredibly paranoid and anxious right now. I had gastric bypass just about a year ago, which increases fertility from the rapid weight loss, which is the reason for the three types of preventative methods. Is it possible to skip a period so soon (3 days) after sex? If I get a quant blood test tomorrow, can I expect accurate results?

30 November 2012 @ 04:05 pm

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any?
Lutera birth control

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?

I missed 1-2 days of pills twice within a few weeks but quickly took them.

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?
Avoiding it.

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next?

I'm not particularly sure. Given I'm on the pill, I would assume 28.

5. Any changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)

I've been exercising a lot more lately and have been stressing out with a few panic attacks within the past week and now... it's a little worse given this worry of mine.

6. What was the month/day your last period started?
My last period started October 28th and ended November 4th. At that time I had a week left of pills when it started.

7. What date(s) did you have sex?
I can't recall ALL the times but I do recall having sex a few times during the week of Thanksgiving.

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?

Going off of my pack of pills and the 28 day cycle, my only concern is that my period would have started this week (Sunday 25th).

I'm a little mopey like I would be if my period was coming and see my face breaking out SLIGHTLY, but my period still hasn't started and I'm on my placebo pills. Both pregnancy tests I took, one in the morning and one in the late afternoon after a nap came up negative. Sunday I would start my new pack of pills.

31 October 2012 @ 07:36 pm

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any?
either none or pull out.

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?
not avoiding, not trying

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next?

5. Any changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)
no matter how much stress I have ever had, i have NEVER missed a period. but nothing out of the ordinary.

6. What was the month/day your last period started?
oct 3 or 4.

7. What date(s) did you have sex?
oct 15, 16

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?
in vagina on 10/15, pulled out 10/16.

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?
im mainly just playing the waiting game. i did get a migraine today which is common before I start my period. I went off BCP because they were causing frequent hormonal migraines. I'm looking into the copper IUD if I am not pregnant.
thank you all so much in advance for reading/advising.

22 October 2012 @ 06:28 pm

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any?

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?
Trying to prevent, but I don't really care what happens in the end. If I'm pregnant, it's a blessing. If not, that's okay too.

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next?
About 28 days, and usually comes like clockwork.

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)

6. What was the month/day your last period started?
September 17th or 18th.

7. What date(s) did you have sex?
September 23rd, and I know for sure I had sex twice in a row on the 29th. I may also have had sex the 28th, not sure.

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?
I started feeling some fullness in my lower abdomen a few days ago. I've also been super tired, super hungry, and super thirsty, waking up to pee in the middle of the night, and generally going to the bathroom more. Oh, and my boobs feel bigger and my clothes are a little tighter, too.

I took a test 2 days after my period was late and it was negative, so I guess I'll wait a few more days and try again.

11 October 2012 @ 05:23 pm

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any? Combination pill

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)? As our schedule has suddenly gone from up during the day and sleeping at night to the complete opposite, there were a few times that I forgot the pill until the next day, but I always took as soon as I remembered (never longer than 12 hours later.) I also wasn't good at taking it at exactly the same time, but I did usually take it around the same time.

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it? We were avoiding. Going to start trying starting this month, but as we haven't quit smoking yet, we have put it off for a bit.

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next? usually 28 exactly (when on the pill)

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?) Not really, other than switching our schedule. That's not really that stressful, though. Just different. Since I'm unemployed it doesn't impact me too much.

6. What was the month/day your last period started? Early/mid September (not sure of exact day)

7. What date(s) did you have sex? We have sex every other day or so regularly

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)? in vagina

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant? Although I'm not late-late (as is, fully through with inactive pills, there are two days left of those) I'm considerably late for how regular I usually am. Looking up signs of early pregnancy, I also have several of those. Although some of them could be attributed to an upcoming period (frequent urinating, fatigue, bloating) they usually come for me pretty much the day right before I start and I've been having these symptoms for several days with no sign of bleeding. I also have some that aren't related to my period like certain smells bothering me (a little less than a week ago, my dog started smelling really bad to me all of a sudden even though she gets bathed regularly and has gone much longer without one and never stunk to me), some nausea (not enough to actually make me vomit, but enough to be uncomfortable. It comes and goes throughout the day.) I've also been having lower back pain which can be associated with one's period, but never before with mine and I've been noticeably moody.
I took one home pregnancy test that came back negative a couple days ago and it came back negative, but I'm still worried. I have some more at home but don't know whether to check again yet.
I'm worried because we want to start trying soon, but we hadn't planned to until I'm off my BC (which would be this Sunday, when the inactive pills are gone) and so we've been smoking through our stockpile of cigarettes since we both are quitting when we start trying. I don't know if I had gotten pregnant this month if the smoking could harm anything (which would be our only concern if I WERE pregnant now.)
Is it possible? TIA for any help or advice.

14 September 2012 @ 10:21 pm

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any? None, coming off the depo shot

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)? No, just didn't use any

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it? Not trying, but not avoiding either.

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next? 27

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?) Not really.

6. What was the month/day your last period started? Aug 21

7. What date(s) did you have sex? September 3. I noticed EWCM right around then, maybe the same day?

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)? Full in vagina.

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant? Oh, here goes.
Since early this week I've been pretty tired (normal PMS for me) and napping whenever my son does (not normal PMS). My stomach just doesn't agree with whatever I eat and I've had rotten indigestion/frequent runs to the bathroom for #2 (kinda normalish PMS). Sore and larger boobies (I think normal? I've never noticed before) and I'm friggin' HOT. Patting my son down for bed can leave me drenched. Also...I usually break out really bad before my period, but I have not a spot on my face (just like my last pregnancy).

Personally I feel that I am, but my period isn't due until Monday and all the "Test 5 days sooner" HPT's have said negative. The wait for Monday is driving me bananas, I wish I knew right now, especially since my fiance and I are semi long distance until June but I see him this weekend. I really wanted to deliver the news in person without an extra trip :/

Anyway, I'll stop whining. Thank you for taking the time to give me your opinions and possibly knock sense into me/calm me down.

10 September 2012 @ 08:13 pm

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any?
Condoms, the Today sponge, Next Choice, and schecking cervical mucus for ovulation.

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?
The condom broke for sure, and while I followed the directions for inserting the sponge, we went a little wild such that the sponge may have moved its position because the string was all the way in the back such that I had a very hard time taking it out. The sponge actually broke off a little when I took it out, and I ended up going to the doctor's to have it taken out. The doctor did say that the sponge was wedged tightly though.

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it? AVOIDING IT. While I do consider starting a family with my boyfriend, it's still too early in the relationship, and both of our careers just took off, so getting pregnant now is NOT an option.

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next? About 29-32 days.

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?) Stress from work. I worked over 60 hours a week in August.

6. What was the month/day your last period started? August 16.

7. What date(s) did you have sex? Early morning of September 8.

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)? In vagina.

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant? I've had spotting yesterday and today (Monday). I know that one of the side effects of EC is spotting but I heard that the same goes for implantation (yikes!!!)?

The condom was a complete failure, and I know he came inside me. I dunno about the Sponge, but I took EC about an hour after we had sex, and I didn't throw it back up, so I hoped it worked. Also, while I don't monitor my basal body temperature, I do check for cervical mucus every month, and the last time I had that kind of discharge was Labor Day weekend, so at least 5 or so days before I had sex with my boyfriend.

However, I do have a question that's a bit time sensitive - I dunno whether I should ask this in birthcontrol instead, so I apologize if the question is more suited for that comm and will post it there. I just read today that the copper IUD can be inserted up to 5 days after sex as a form of EC, and it can be over 99% effective. I had sex early Saturday morning, so I'm still within the 5 day range, so my question is should I make an appointment to have it inserted? The only complication is that I'm flying out of town for work Friday, and if the post-procedure will cause a lot of pain, I'm not sure whether that is worth it.

Thank you so much for all your help. I find this community to be very helpful and non-judgmental. I'm just completely freaking out right now that I just need an second opinion from someone objective. Thanks a bunch for reading.

01 September 2012 @ 04:58 pm

1. What type of birth control (Condoms, pills, pulled out) did you use, if any?
i'm using loloestrin.

2. Were there any problems with your protection (condom breaking, missing pills)?
i missed two pills this month..however both times that i missed taking the pill, it was a week and two weeks before the sex occured

3. Are you trying to get pregnant, or avoiding it?

4. How many days are between the first day of one period and the first day of your next?

5. Any big changes which could change your cycle (major change in diet, exercise, new medication, new stress?)
my boyfriend just moved to houston from michigan, so needless to say..we've been "busy" and i hadnt had sex in a while.

6. What was the month/day your last period started?
august 1st

7. What date(s) did you have sex?
everyday since august 25th.

8. Where was ejaculation(in vagina, in condom, pulled-out)?
in vagina

9. Is there anything else that makes you think you're pregnant?
i was supposed to start on august 29th. with the loloestrin there have been months that i haven't gotten a period..but i've had a lot of cramping and my boobs are sore. i want to eat ALL THE TIME and i've been nauseous. i just thought it would be super late in my cycle to get pregnant and being on the pill..even though i missed 2 pills that month..and when i didn't start my period on the 29th or the 30th..i would normally start my new pack the 31st and i didn't start it til today. i'm just not sure how worried i should be, but if it could be stress from him coming down here and us trying to get settled, i dont want to go get a test if its not necessary.
thanks in advance yall!