Civil War Virginia Battle Globe Tavern Weldon Railroad (original) (raw)

While Hancock's command demonstrated north of the James River at Deep Bottom, the Union V Corps and elements of the IX and II Corps under command of Major General G.K. Warren were withdrawn from the Petersburg entrenchments to operate against the Weldon Railroad.

At dawn August 18, Warren advanced, driving back Confederate pickets until reaching the railroad at Globe Tavern. In the afternoon, Major General Henry Heth's division attacked driving Ayres's division back toward the tavern. Both sides entrenched during the night.

On August 19, Major General William Mahone, whose division had been hastily returned from north of James River, attacked with five infantry brigades, rolling up the right flank of Crawford's division. Heavily reinforced, Warren counterattacked and by nightfall had retaken most of the ground lost during the afternoon's fighting.

On the 20th, the Federals laid out and entrenched a strong defensive line covering the Blick House and Globe Tavern and extending east to connect with the main Federal lines at Jerusalem Plank Road.

On August 21, Hill probed the new Federal line for weaknesses but could not penetrate the Union defenses. With the fighting at Globe Tavern, Grant succeeded in extending his siege lines to the west and cutting Petersburg's primary rail connection with Wilmington, North Carolina.

The Confederates were now forced to off-load rail cars at Stony Creek Station for a 30-mile wagon haul up Boydton Plank Road to reach Petersburg.

Confederate General John C.C. Sanders was killed on August 21.

Result(s): Union victory

Location: Dinwiddie County

Campaign: Richmond Petersburg Campaign (June 1864-March 1865) next battle in campaign previous battle in campaign

Date(s): August 18-21, 1864

Principal Commanders: Major General G.K. Warren [US]; General Robert E. Lee, Lieutenant General A.P. Hill, Major General Henry Heth, and Major General William Mahone [CS]

Forces Engaged: Corps (34,300 total)

Estimated Casualties: 5,879 total (4,279 US; 1,600 CS)