M A QUASIM | Aligarh Muslim University (original) (raw)

Papers by M A QUASIM

Research paper thumbnail of International conference on Remote Sensing and GIS for applications in Geosciences

Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Petrography and Diagenetic Evolution of the Proterozoic Kaimur Group Sandstones, Son Valley, India: Implication Towards Reservoir Quality

In Central India the Upper Kaimur Subgroup of Vindhyan Supergroup, primarily consists of three li... more In Central India the Upper Kaimur Subgroup of Vindhyan Supergroup, primarily consists of three lithounits-Dhandraul Sandstone, Scarp Sandstone and Bijaigarh Shale. The framework grains, mineralogy, matrix, pore properties and cements were identified. Average framework composition of the texturally super-mature Dhandraul Sandstone is Qt99 F0.1L0.8 and texturally less mature, Scarp Sandstone is Qt99 F0.2L0.8. The important diagenetic components identified based on the framework grain–cement relationships are mechanical compaction, cements, authigenic clays and dissolution and alteration of unstable clastic grains and tectonically induced grain fracturing. The early to intermediate stage of the diagnostic realm e.g., mechanical compaction, cementation, dissolution, and authigenesis of clays (dominantly kaolinite, mixed illite-smectite and minor illite). Mixed illite-smectite and illite occur as pore-filling and or lining during authigenic phases. Kaolinite and silica (quartz) overgrowt...

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Research paper thumbnail of Diagenetic Control on the Distribution of Porosity within the Depositional Facies of Proterozoic Rajgarh Formation, Alwar Sub-basin, Northeastern Rajasthan

Journal of the Geological Society of India

The sandstones of the Proterozoic Rajgarh Formation are texturally immature and compositionally s... more The sandstones of the Proterozoic Rajgarh Formation are texturally immature and compositionally sub-mature quartz arenite to arkose in composition. The reservoir quality of sandstones is strongly influenced by depositional facies and various types of diagenetic modifications. A significant reduction in primary porosity in the studied sandstone is mainly due to high mechanical compaction followed by chemical compaction rather than the cementation process. Arkose from the river-dominated estuary facies show infiltrated clay coating, feldspar dissolution, iron-oxide cementation, leaching of detrital by iron-oxide cement, kaolinization of feldspar, the fracturing of detrital, partial albitization and folding of mica. The pore-lining clay has helped in retaining primary porosity, and leaching and dissolution processes were the main process generating secondary porosity in this facies. Tidal flat sub-arkose petrofacies display compaction of micas and unstable rock fragments into the pseudomatrix, expansion of muscovite by kaolinite, and pore-filling silty matrix that occupied intergranular spaces. Quartz-arenite petrofacies from shallow marine deposit show grain replacive kaolinite, pyrite precipitation, glauconite authigenesis, muscovite bending, albitization of plagioclase, feldspar overgrowths, dissolution, and grain fracturing. Pyrite plays a significant role in the reduction of both primary and secondary porosity by precipitating in intergranular spaces and in dissolution voids of feldspar. Moreover, fractures in detrital act as a second cycle porosity generation process in the shallow marine petrofacies. The linking between the diagenetic processes and depositional facies provides a geologic model for hydrocarbon exploration through reservoir quality prediction. Therefore, the petrographic observations indicate quartz-arenite (shallow marine facies) and sub-arkosic sandstones (tidal flat facies) are the least suitable latent reservoir because of their lowest primary and secondary porosity and unconnected pore spaces. Arkosic (river-dominated estuary facies) compositions are considered to be appropriate frameworks for potential reservoir rocks. This study reveals that the depositional environment largely controls the diagenetic pathways and hence, influences the reservoir quality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Depositional mechanism of Fort Member Sandstone (Early-Late Bathonian), Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan: insights from granulometric analysis

Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes

ABSTRACT Granulometric analysis is an imperative tool used to reveal the hydrodynamic conditions,... more ABSTRACT Granulometric analysis is an imperative tool used to reveal the hydrodynamic conditions, mode of transportation and deposition of siliciclastic sediments. Forty-two samples of Fort Member Sandstone of the Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan were selected and studied with the help of detailed granulometric analysis which include both graphical as well as mathematical moment methods. Micro textures were recognized as chatter marks, curved and straight steps, grooves, upturned plates in association with V impact pits and triangular solution pits suggesting the predominance of mechanical activities over the chemical dissolution. The analysis shows the sandstone is coarse-grained, very well sorted, very fine to fine skewed and very platykurtic to platykurtic in nature. The dominance coarse grains give an indication of high energy level and almost stable as there is not much variation in the grain-size. Bivariate plots show that the sediments were deposited in beach sub-environment which was also confirmed by the linear and multigroup discriminant analysis. C-M plot shows that the sediments were transported by rolling and log-log plot also confirms the transportation by the traction processes. These features describe the sediments deposited by the fluvial process dominated by tractive current pattern in a shallow marine depositional environments.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lithofacies characteristics and depositional environment interpretations of the Middle Jurassic Fort Member rocks, Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan, India

Journal of Sedimentary Environments, 2020

The present study is focused on the identification of lithofacies characteristics and depositiona... more The present study is focused on the identification of lithofacies characteristics and depositional environments for the Middle Jurassic sediments of Fort Member, Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan (NW India). Three facies associations are documented as tidally influenced fluvial, tidal/inter-tidal flat and wave-dominated shoreface facies deposits. Facies association-1 contains matrix-supported clasts, planar and flaser cross-stratified sandstone, interbedded sandstone and horizontal laminated sandstones; indicative of tidally influenced fluvial deposits. Facies association-2 characterized by herringbone cross-stratified sandstones, horizontal laminated sandstones, planar and trough cross-stratified sandstones, the alternate band of sandstone and shale, mud-crack sandstone developed on a tidal/inter tidally influence deposits. Facies association-3 consists of wave-dominated shoreface facies association consisting of wavy and lenticular beds, interference ripples, horizontal laminated sandstone, small scale planar cross-stratified sandstone, trough, and hummocky cross-stratified sandstone as well as fossiliferous limestone. Palaeoflow patterns from unipolar to bipolar indicate a change from tidal influence fluvial to marine depositional environments. The overall lateral and vertical distribution of lithofacies shows that the depositional environment was tidal-dominated fluvial channel to the marine realm.

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Research paper thumbnail of Depositional environment of the Fort Member of the Jurasic Jaisalmer Formation, (western Rajasthan

Geologica Acta, 2017

Lithofacies and granulometric analysis were carried out to decipher the depositional environment ... more Lithofacies and granulometric analysis were carried out to decipher the depositional environment of the Fort Member of the Jurassic Jaisalmer Formation. Based on field data nine lithofacies have been identified including trough cross-bedded sandstones, planar cross-bedded sandstones, matrix supported conglomerates, thinly bedded siltstone and sandstones, herringbone cross-bedded sandstones, wave rippled sandstones, laminated sandstones, hummocky cross-bedded sandstones, limestones and shales. Granulometric analysis of the sandstones samples has been carried out for their statistical and textural parameters. Bivariant plots of textural parameters such as graphic skewness versus graphic standard deviation and skewness versus standard deviation confirm the high energy (beach) origin of sandstones. These results suggest a wide spectrum of marine environments ranging from inner shelf to upper shoreface for the Fort Member sandstones.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sedimentation in a Rifted Basin: Insights from the Proterozoic Rajgarh Siliciclastics, Delhi Supergroup, Northeastern Rajasthan

Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2020

The fining upward sequence of Proterozoic Rajgarh Formation mainly consists of feldspathic sandst... more The fining upward sequence of Proterozoic Rajgarh Formation mainly consists of feldspathic sandstone, quartzarenite, bands of shale and have a restricted lateral extent with variable palaeoflow pattern. Eight major lithofacies identified from this succession collectively indicate fluvial to marginal marine depositional set up. The Rajgarh quartzose to feldspatho-quartzose siliciclastics are fine- to coarse grained, poorly- to moderately sorted derived from a stable continental block provenance that deposited in a fault bounded graben. The deposition of the Rajgarh siliciclastics can be best explained by short transportation, high relief and fast sedimentation in rapidly subsiding fault-bounded basin and indicate radial slope and source located in the Dausa uplift in the east and banded gneissic complex (BGC) in the south and southeast.

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors influencing Detrital Mineralogy and Tectono-provenance of Fort Member Sandstone, Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan, India

Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2019

Detrital mineralogy of the sandstone of Fort Member of Jurassic Jaisalmer basin has been investig... more Detrital mineralogy of the sandstone of Fort Member of Jurassic Jaisalmer basin has been investigated with respect to provenance, the influence of palaeoclimate, distance of transport and effects of diagenesis on the detrital mineralogy. Petrographic studies based on quantitative analysis of the detrital minerals revealed that the sandstones are composed mostly of quartz, feldspar, mica, chert, rock fragments and heavy minerals. The detrital modes of the studied Fort Member sandstone, which are indicative of mature stable cratonic blocks and recycled orogen provenance, where sediments are likely to be derived from collision orogen under semi-humid to humid climatic conditions. Petrographic data coupled with the palaeocurrent analysis results indicate a mixed provenance including granites, granite-gneisses, low and high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Aravalli craton.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Diagenesis on the Reservoir Characters in Ridge sandstone of Jurassic Jumara dome, Kachchh, Western India

Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2018

Ridge sandstone of Jurassic Jumara dome of Kachchh was studied in an attempt to quantify the effe... more Ridge sandstone of Jurassic Jumara dome of Kachchh was studied in an attempt to quantify the effects of diagenetic process such as compaction, cementation and dissolution on reservoir properties. The average framework composition of Ridge sandstone is Q80F17L3, medium-to coarse grained and subarkose to arkose. Syndepositional silty to clayey matrix (3% average) is also observed that occurs as pore filling. The diagenetic processes include compaction, cementation and precipitation of authigenic cements, dissolution of unstable grains and grain replacement and development of secondary porosity. The major cause of intense reduction in primary porosity of Ridge sandstone is early cementation which include silica, carbonate, iron, kaolinite, illite, smectite, mixed layer illite-smectite and chlorite, which prevents mechanical compaction. The plots of COPL versus CEPL and IGV versus total cement suggest the loss of primary porosity in Ridge sandstone is due to cementation. Cements mainly iron and carbonate occurs in intergranular pores of detrital grains and destroys porosity. The clay mineral occurs as pore filling and pore lining and deteriorates the porosity and permeability of the Ridge sandstone. The reservoir quality of the studied sandstone is reduced by clay minerals (kaolinite, illite, smectite, mixed layer illitesmectite, chlorite), carbonate, iron and silica cementation but on the other hand, it is increased by alteration and dissolution of the unstable grain, in addition to partial dissolution of carbonate cements. The potential of the studied sandstone to serve as a reservoir is strongly related to sandstone diagenesis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Recrystallization and Provenance History of the Upper Kaimur Group Siliciclastics, Son Valley, India: Coupled Petrographic and Fluid inclusion Proxy

Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2019

The Mesoproterozoic Kaimur Group belonging to upper part of Vindhyan Supergroup, conformably over... more The Mesoproterozoic Kaimur Group belonging to upper part of Vindhyan Supergroup, conformably overlies the carbonate sequence of Semri Group (Lower Vindhyan) in the Son Valley, central India. The Upper Kaimur Group consists of Dhandraul sandstone, Scarp sandstone and Bijaigarh shale. The detrital contents of the Dhandraul and Scarp sandstones are mainly composed of several varieties of quartz followed by feldspar, rock fragments, micas and heavy minerals. Fluid inclusion studies are carried out on the detrital and recrystallized quartz grains of the Dhandraul and Scarp sandstone to know about the fluid phases already present in the source rock and / or introduced in the recrystallisation process. Fluid micro-thermometry reveals the presence of two types of fluids: (i) bi-phase low saline aqueous inclusions, (ii) bi-phase high saline aqueous inclusion. These fluids were trapped during the development of grain and recrystallization processes. The salinity of these inclusions in the quartz grain is in the range of 5.7 to 13.4% suggests that initially there was good proportion of marine water during the initiation of sedimentation. The provenance of these rocks may be granite/metamorphic rocks of Mahakoshal Group and Chhotanagpur granite-gneisses and minor input from Bundelkhand granite complex.

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated petrographic, mineralogical, and geochemical study of the upper Kaimur Group of rocks, Son Valley, India: Implications for provenance, source area weathering and tectonic setting

Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Provenance, tectonic setting, source weathering and palaeoenvironmental implications of Middle-Upper Jurassic rocks of Ler dome, Kachchh, western India: Inferences from petrography and geochemistry

Geochemistry, 2018

Abstract The Middle-Upper Jurassic sandstones and shales of Ler dome (Chari and Katrol Formations... more Abstract The Middle-Upper Jurassic sandstones and shales of Ler dome (Chari and Katrol Formations), Kachchh, western India, have been analyzed for modal, bulk mineralogy and geochemistry to deduce their provenance, tectonic setting, source area weathering and palaeoenvironmental conditions. The detrital modes of Ler dome sandstones indicate that they were emanated from recycled orogen (uplifted shoulders of rift) and stable cratonic source in passive margin setting. Rapid deposition of sediments from a granitic source area can be predicted from feldspar abundance. A highly mature heavy mineral assemblage characterized in the form of high Zircon-Tourmaline-Rutile (ZTR) index also endorses these findings. The X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) data show the presence of clay minerals depicting moderate to extensive chemical weathering in an oxidizing environment with periodic cycles of transgression and regression. The chemical index of weathering, chemical index of alteration and plagioclase index of alteration suggest moderate to high and low to moderate weathering conditions for sandstone and shales, respectively, that took place in low to moderate relief. We postulate that Ler dome sediments are derivative of the eroded and weathered parts of the Aravalli craton located on east and northeast of the basin and the Nagarparkar Massif placed to the north and northwest.

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Research paper thumbnail of Depositional environment and tectono-provenance of Upper Kaimur Group sandstones, Son Valley, Central India

Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2016

The Mesoproterozoic Upper Kaimur Group consists of Bijaigarh Shale, Scarp Sandstone, and Dhandrau... more The Mesoproterozoic Upper Kaimur Group consists of Bijaigarh Shale, Scarp Sandstone, and Dhandraul Sandstone. Based on the lithofacies data set, two major facies associations were identified, namely—tidal sand flat/sand bar facies association (TSFA) and tidally influenced fluvial channel facies/tidal channel facies association (TIFCFA). The Dhandraul Sandstone has been interpreted as a product of TIFCFA and the underlying Scarp Sandstone in TSFA which endorses a tidal dominated estuarine setting. Detrital modes of the Dhandraul and Scarp Sandstones fall in the quartz arenite to sub-litharenite types. Petrographical data suggest that the deposition of the Upper Kaimur Group sandstones took place in humid climate and was derived from mixed provenances. The sandstone composition suggests detritus from igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, and recycled sedimentary rocks. The sandstone tectonic discrimination diagrams suggest that the provenances of the Upper Kaimur Group sandstones were continental block, recycled orogen, rifted continental margin to quartzose recycled tectonic regimes. It is envisaged that the Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic granite, granodiorite, gneiss, and metasedimentary rocks of Mahakoshal Group and Chotanagpur granite–gneiss present in the western and northwestern direction are the possible source rocks for the Upper Kaimur Group in the Son Valley.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diagenetic features of Jurassic Fort Member sandstone, Jaisalmer formation, western Rajasthan

Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2017

Jaisalmer Formation consists of 360m thick succession of medium to coarse grained sandstones with... more Jaisalmer Formation consists of 360m thick succession of medium to coarse grained sandstones with interbeds of shale, claystone and occasional lignite that rest over Lathi Formation, is the basal part of the Jaisalmer basin. The rocks are exposed amidst desert, low mounds and shallow stone quarries. Sandstones were deposited in shallow marine to deltaic environments. The studied sandstones consist of abundant quartz followed by feldspar, mica, chert, rock fragments and heavy minerals. The study mainly deals with identification of various diagenetic features such as compaction, cementation and porosity evolution. During mechanical compaction rearrangement of grains took place and point, long and suture contacts were formed. The sandstones are cemented by iron oxide, silica overgrowth, carbonate and clay. Porosity has developed due to dissolution of iron, carbonate cement and feldspar grains. Dissolution and alteration of feldspar, lithic fragments and pressure solution were the main source of quartz cements. The sandstones show good amount of existing optical porosity with an average of 7.19%. Porosity reduction is mainly due to early stage of mechanical compaction and subsequent pervasive calcite and iron oxide cementation. Further, porosity reduced due to deposition of clay cement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Provenance, palaeoweathering and tectonic setting of the Kuldhar Member Shale (Callovian–Oxfordian), Jaisalmer Formation, western Rajasthan

Journal of Sedimentary Environments

The geochemistry of the Kuldhar Member Shale (Callovian-Oxfordian), Jaisalmer Formation, western ... more The geochemistry of the Kuldhar Member Shale (Callovian-Oxfordian), Jaisalmer Formation, western Rajasthan has been investigated to identify the source rock characteristics, palaeoweathering and tectonic setting of the source area. The Kuldhar Member Shale has higher concentration of SiO2, CaO, Fe2O3, Al2O3, K2O and classified as Fe-shale. The positive correlation of Al2O3 with other oxides apart from CaO suggests that these elements are primarily associated with micaceous/clay minerals. The Kuldhar Member Shale shows slightly light rare-earth element (LREE)-enriched and flat heavy rare-earth element (HREE) patterns with negative Eu anomaly, and are similar to granitic rocks from Precambrian Aravalli Craton situated in the southeast and some minor contribution from the Malani Igneous Suits (MIS) in the south of the basin. Provenance modelling indicates that the Kuldhar Member Shale is best modelled with a mixture having 59.5% Aravalli Supergroup rocks, 25% Delhi Supergroup rocks (North Delhi Fold Belt), 14% Banded Gneissic Complex (BGC) and 1.5% Malani Igneous Suits (MIS). The chemical index of alteration (CIA), index of compositional variability (ICV) and the A-CN-K diagram of the Kuldhar Member Shale suggests that the source area experienced moderate to high degree of chemical weathering under warm and humid climatic conditions. The shift of sediment source from distal in the beginning to local during later period suggests sedimentation in a tectonically active basin.

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Research paper thumbnail of Recrystallization and Provenance History of the Upper Kaimur Group Siliciclastics, Son Valley, India: Coupled Petrographic and Fluid inclusion Proxy

Springer, 2019

The Mesoproterozoic Kaimur Group belonging to upper part of Vindhyan Supergroup, conformably over... more The Mesoproterozoic Kaimur Group belonging to upper part of Vindhyan Supergroup, conformably overlies the carbonate sequence of Semri Group (Lower Vindhyan) in the Son Valley, central India. The Upper Kaimur Group consists of Dhandraul sandstone, Scarp sandstone and Bijaigarh shale. The detrital contents of the Dhandraul and Scarp sandstones are mainly composed of several varieties of quartz followed by feldspar, rock fragments, micas and heavy minerals. Fluid inclusion studies are carried out on the detrital and recrystallized quartz grains of the Dhandraul and Scarp sandstone to know about the fluid phases already present in the source rock and / or introduced in the recrystallisation process. Fluid micro-thermometry reveals the presence of two types of fluids: (i) bi-phase low saline aqueous inclusions, (ii) bi-phase high saline aqueous inclusion. These fluids were trapped during the development of grain and recrystallization processes. The salinity of these inclusions in the quartz grain is in the range of 5.7 to 13.4% suggests that initially there was good proportion of marine water during the initiation of sedimentation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diagenetic Features of Jurassic Fort Member Sandstone, Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan

Jaisalmer Formation consists of 360m thick succession of medium to coarse grained sandstones with... more Jaisalmer Formation consists of 360m thick succession of medium to coarse grained sandstones with interbeds of shale, claystone and occasional lignite that rest over Lathi Formation, is the basal part of the Jaisalmer basin. The rocks are exposed amidst desert, low mounds and shallow stone quarries. Sandstones were deposited in shallow marine to deltaic environments. The studied sandstones consist of abundant quartz followed by feldspar, mica, chert, rock fragments and heavy minerals. The study mainly deals with identification of various diagenetic features such as compaction, cementation and porosity evolution. During mechanical compaction rearrangement of grains took place and point, long and suture contacts were formed. The sandstones are cemented by iron oxide, silica overgrowth, carbonate and clay. Porosity has developed due to dissolution of iron, carbonate cement and feldspar grains. Dissolution and alteration of feldspar, lithic fragments and pressure solution were the main source of quartz cements. The sandstones show good amount of existing optical porosity with an average of 7.19%. Porosity reduction is mainly due to early stage of mechanical compaction and subsequent pervasive calcite and iron oxide cementation. Further, porosity reduced due to deposition of clay cement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Petrofacies and Tectono Provenance of the Sandstones of Jara Dome, Kachchh, Gujarat

The Ridge and Athleta Sandstone members of Jara Dome have been analyzed for their petrofacies, pr... more The Ridge and Athleta Sandstone members of Jara Dome have been analyzed for their petrofacies, provenance and tectonic setting. Various factors responsible for modification of the original detrital composition of the sandstones have been critically examined. In addition, heavy minerals have also been studied to strengthen the interpretation of the provenance. These sandstones were derived from a mixed provenance including granites, granite-gneisses, low and high-grade metamorphic and some basic rocks of the Aravalli Range and Nagarparkar Massif. The petrofacies analysis reveals that these sandstones belong to the continental block, recycled orogen and rifted continental margin tectonic regime. The first cycle and recycled detritus was further intensely modified as a result of weathering under warm humid climate and transport before burial, thereby providing mineralogical maturity to the sandstones of the Jara Dome.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geologica Acta.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Geologica Acta.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of International conference on Remote Sensing and GIS for applications in Geosciences

Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Petrography and Diagenetic Evolution of the Proterozoic Kaimur Group Sandstones, Son Valley, India: Implication Towards Reservoir Quality

In Central India the Upper Kaimur Subgroup of Vindhyan Supergroup, primarily consists of three li... more In Central India the Upper Kaimur Subgroup of Vindhyan Supergroup, primarily consists of three lithounits-Dhandraul Sandstone, Scarp Sandstone and Bijaigarh Shale. The framework grains, mineralogy, matrix, pore properties and cements were identified. Average framework composition of the texturally super-mature Dhandraul Sandstone is Qt99 F0.1L0.8 and texturally less mature, Scarp Sandstone is Qt99 F0.2L0.8. The important diagenetic components identified based on the framework grain–cement relationships are mechanical compaction, cements, authigenic clays and dissolution and alteration of unstable clastic grains and tectonically induced grain fracturing. The early to intermediate stage of the diagnostic realm e.g., mechanical compaction, cementation, dissolution, and authigenesis of clays (dominantly kaolinite, mixed illite-smectite and minor illite). Mixed illite-smectite and illite occur as pore-filling and or lining during authigenic phases. Kaolinite and silica (quartz) overgrowt...

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Research paper thumbnail of Diagenetic Control on the Distribution of Porosity within the Depositional Facies of Proterozoic Rajgarh Formation, Alwar Sub-basin, Northeastern Rajasthan

Journal of the Geological Society of India

The sandstones of the Proterozoic Rajgarh Formation are texturally immature and compositionally s... more The sandstones of the Proterozoic Rajgarh Formation are texturally immature and compositionally sub-mature quartz arenite to arkose in composition. The reservoir quality of sandstones is strongly influenced by depositional facies and various types of diagenetic modifications. A significant reduction in primary porosity in the studied sandstone is mainly due to high mechanical compaction followed by chemical compaction rather than the cementation process. Arkose from the river-dominated estuary facies show infiltrated clay coating, feldspar dissolution, iron-oxide cementation, leaching of detrital by iron-oxide cement, kaolinization of feldspar, the fracturing of detrital, partial albitization and folding of mica. The pore-lining clay has helped in retaining primary porosity, and leaching and dissolution processes were the main process generating secondary porosity in this facies. Tidal flat sub-arkose petrofacies display compaction of micas and unstable rock fragments into the pseudomatrix, expansion of muscovite by kaolinite, and pore-filling silty matrix that occupied intergranular spaces. Quartz-arenite petrofacies from shallow marine deposit show grain replacive kaolinite, pyrite precipitation, glauconite authigenesis, muscovite bending, albitization of plagioclase, feldspar overgrowths, dissolution, and grain fracturing. Pyrite plays a significant role in the reduction of both primary and secondary porosity by precipitating in intergranular spaces and in dissolution voids of feldspar. Moreover, fractures in detrital act as a second cycle porosity generation process in the shallow marine petrofacies. The linking between the diagenetic processes and depositional facies provides a geologic model for hydrocarbon exploration through reservoir quality prediction. Therefore, the petrographic observations indicate quartz-arenite (shallow marine facies) and sub-arkosic sandstones (tidal flat facies) are the least suitable latent reservoir because of their lowest primary and secondary porosity and unconnected pore spaces. Arkosic (river-dominated estuary facies) compositions are considered to be appropriate frameworks for potential reservoir rocks. This study reveals that the depositional environment largely controls the diagenetic pathways and hence, influences the reservoir quality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Depositional mechanism of Fort Member Sandstone (Early-Late Bathonian), Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan: insights from granulometric analysis

Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes

ABSTRACT Granulometric analysis is an imperative tool used to reveal the hydrodynamic conditions,... more ABSTRACT Granulometric analysis is an imperative tool used to reveal the hydrodynamic conditions, mode of transportation and deposition of siliciclastic sediments. Forty-two samples of Fort Member Sandstone of the Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan were selected and studied with the help of detailed granulometric analysis which include both graphical as well as mathematical moment methods. Micro textures were recognized as chatter marks, curved and straight steps, grooves, upturned plates in association with V impact pits and triangular solution pits suggesting the predominance of mechanical activities over the chemical dissolution. The analysis shows the sandstone is coarse-grained, very well sorted, very fine to fine skewed and very platykurtic to platykurtic in nature. The dominance coarse grains give an indication of high energy level and almost stable as there is not much variation in the grain-size. Bivariate plots show that the sediments were deposited in beach sub-environment which was also confirmed by the linear and multigroup discriminant analysis. C-M plot shows that the sediments were transported by rolling and log-log plot also confirms the transportation by the traction processes. These features describe the sediments deposited by the fluvial process dominated by tractive current pattern in a shallow marine depositional environments.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lithofacies characteristics and depositional environment interpretations of the Middle Jurassic Fort Member rocks, Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan, India

Journal of Sedimentary Environments, 2020

The present study is focused on the identification of lithofacies characteristics and depositiona... more The present study is focused on the identification of lithofacies characteristics and depositional environments for the Middle Jurassic sediments of Fort Member, Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan (NW India). Three facies associations are documented as tidally influenced fluvial, tidal/inter-tidal flat and wave-dominated shoreface facies deposits. Facies association-1 contains matrix-supported clasts, planar and flaser cross-stratified sandstone, interbedded sandstone and horizontal laminated sandstones; indicative of tidally influenced fluvial deposits. Facies association-2 characterized by herringbone cross-stratified sandstones, horizontal laminated sandstones, planar and trough cross-stratified sandstones, the alternate band of sandstone and shale, mud-crack sandstone developed on a tidal/inter tidally influence deposits. Facies association-3 consists of wave-dominated shoreface facies association consisting of wavy and lenticular beds, interference ripples, horizontal laminated sandstone, small scale planar cross-stratified sandstone, trough, and hummocky cross-stratified sandstone as well as fossiliferous limestone. Palaeoflow patterns from unipolar to bipolar indicate a change from tidal influence fluvial to marine depositional environments. The overall lateral and vertical distribution of lithofacies shows that the depositional environment was tidal-dominated fluvial channel to the marine realm.

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Research paper thumbnail of Depositional environment of the Fort Member of the Jurasic Jaisalmer Formation, (western Rajasthan

Geologica Acta, 2017

Lithofacies and granulometric analysis were carried out to decipher the depositional environment ... more Lithofacies and granulometric analysis were carried out to decipher the depositional environment of the Fort Member of the Jurassic Jaisalmer Formation. Based on field data nine lithofacies have been identified including trough cross-bedded sandstones, planar cross-bedded sandstones, matrix supported conglomerates, thinly bedded siltstone and sandstones, herringbone cross-bedded sandstones, wave rippled sandstones, laminated sandstones, hummocky cross-bedded sandstones, limestones and shales. Granulometric analysis of the sandstones samples has been carried out for their statistical and textural parameters. Bivariant plots of textural parameters such as graphic skewness versus graphic standard deviation and skewness versus standard deviation confirm the high energy (beach) origin of sandstones. These results suggest a wide spectrum of marine environments ranging from inner shelf to upper shoreface for the Fort Member sandstones.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sedimentation in a Rifted Basin: Insights from the Proterozoic Rajgarh Siliciclastics, Delhi Supergroup, Northeastern Rajasthan

Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2020

The fining upward sequence of Proterozoic Rajgarh Formation mainly consists of feldspathic sandst... more The fining upward sequence of Proterozoic Rajgarh Formation mainly consists of feldspathic sandstone, quartzarenite, bands of shale and have a restricted lateral extent with variable palaeoflow pattern. Eight major lithofacies identified from this succession collectively indicate fluvial to marginal marine depositional set up. The Rajgarh quartzose to feldspatho-quartzose siliciclastics are fine- to coarse grained, poorly- to moderately sorted derived from a stable continental block provenance that deposited in a fault bounded graben. The deposition of the Rajgarh siliciclastics can be best explained by short transportation, high relief and fast sedimentation in rapidly subsiding fault-bounded basin and indicate radial slope and source located in the Dausa uplift in the east and banded gneissic complex (BGC) in the south and southeast.

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors influencing Detrital Mineralogy and Tectono-provenance of Fort Member Sandstone, Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan, India

Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2019

Detrital mineralogy of the sandstone of Fort Member of Jurassic Jaisalmer basin has been investig... more Detrital mineralogy of the sandstone of Fort Member of Jurassic Jaisalmer basin has been investigated with respect to provenance, the influence of palaeoclimate, distance of transport and effects of diagenesis on the detrital mineralogy. Petrographic studies based on quantitative analysis of the detrital minerals revealed that the sandstones are composed mostly of quartz, feldspar, mica, chert, rock fragments and heavy minerals. The detrital modes of the studied Fort Member sandstone, which are indicative of mature stable cratonic blocks and recycled orogen provenance, where sediments are likely to be derived from collision orogen under semi-humid to humid climatic conditions. Petrographic data coupled with the palaeocurrent analysis results indicate a mixed provenance including granites, granite-gneisses, low and high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Aravalli craton.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Diagenesis on the Reservoir Characters in Ridge sandstone of Jurassic Jumara dome, Kachchh, Western India

Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2018

Ridge sandstone of Jurassic Jumara dome of Kachchh was studied in an attempt to quantify the effe... more Ridge sandstone of Jurassic Jumara dome of Kachchh was studied in an attempt to quantify the effects of diagenetic process such as compaction, cementation and dissolution on reservoir properties. The average framework composition of Ridge sandstone is Q80F17L3, medium-to coarse grained and subarkose to arkose. Syndepositional silty to clayey matrix (3% average) is also observed that occurs as pore filling. The diagenetic processes include compaction, cementation and precipitation of authigenic cements, dissolution of unstable grains and grain replacement and development of secondary porosity. The major cause of intense reduction in primary porosity of Ridge sandstone is early cementation which include silica, carbonate, iron, kaolinite, illite, smectite, mixed layer illite-smectite and chlorite, which prevents mechanical compaction. The plots of COPL versus CEPL and IGV versus total cement suggest the loss of primary porosity in Ridge sandstone is due to cementation. Cements mainly iron and carbonate occurs in intergranular pores of detrital grains and destroys porosity. The clay mineral occurs as pore filling and pore lining and deteriorates the porosity and permeability of the Ridge sandstone. The reservoir quality of the studied sandstone is reduced by clay minerals (kaolinite, illite, smectite, mixed layer illitesmectite, chlorite), carbonate, iron and silica cementation but on the other hand, it is increased by alteration and dissolution of the unstable grain, in addition to partial dissolution of carbonate cements. The potential of the studied sandstone to serve as a reservoir is strongly related to sandstone diagenesis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Recrystallization and Provenance History of the Upper Kaimur Group Siliciclastics, Son Valley, India: Coupled Petrographic and Fluid inclusion Proxy

Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2019

The Mesoproterozoic Kaimur Group belonging to upper part of Vindhyan Supergroup, conformably over... more The Mesoproterozoic Kaimur Group belonging to upper part of Vindhyan Supergroup, conformably overlies the carbonate sequence of Semri Group (Lower Vindhyan) in the Son Valley, central India. The Upper Kaimur Group consists of Dhandraul sandstone, Scarp sandstone and Bijaigarh shale. The detrital contents of the Dhandraul and Scarp sandstones are mainly composed of several varieties of quartz followed by feldspar, rock fragments, micas and heavy minerals. Fluid inclusion studies are carried out on the detrital and recrystallized quartz grains of the Dhandraul and Scarp sandstone to know about the fluid phases already present in the source rock and / or introduced in the recrystallisation process. Fluid micro-thermometry reveals the presence of two types of fluids: (i) bi-phase low saline aqueous inclusions, (ii) bi-phase high saline aqueous inclusion. These fluids were trapped during the development of grain and recrystallization processes. The salinity of these inclusions in the quartz grain is in the range of 5.7 to 13.4% suggests that initially there was good proportion of marine water during the initiation of sedimentation. The provenance of these rocks may be granite/metamorphic rocks of Mahakoshal Group and Chhotanagpur granite-gneisses and minor input from Bundelkhand granite complex.

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated petrographic, mineralogical, and geochemical study of the upper Kaimur Group of rocks, Son Valley, India: Implications for provenance, source area weathering and tectonic setting

Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Provenance, tectonic setting, source weathering and palaeoenvironmental implications of Middle-Upper Jurassic rocks of Ler dome, Kachchh, western India: Inferences from petrography and geochemistry

Geochemistry, 2018

Abstract The Middle-Upper Jurassic sandstones and shales of Ler dome (Chari and Katrol Formations... more Abstract The Middle-Upper Jurassic sandstones and shales of Ler dome (Chari and Katrol Formations), Kachchh, western India, have been analyzed for modal, bulk mineralogy and geochemistry to deduce their provenance, tectonic setting, source area weathering and palaeoenvironmental conditions. The detrital modes of Ler dome sandstones indicate that they were emanated from recycled orogen (uplifted shoulders of rift) and stable cratonic source in passive margin setting. Rapid deposition of sediments from a granitic source area can be predicted from feldspar abundance. A highly mature heavy mineral assemblage characterized in the form of high Zircon-Tourmaline-Rutile (ZTR) index also endorses these findings. The X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) data show the presence of clay minerals depicting moderate to extensive chemical weathering in an oxidizing environment with periodic cycles of transgression and regression. The chemical index of weathering, chemical index of alteration and plagioclase index of alteration suggest moderate to high and low to moderate weathering conditions for sandstone and shales, respectively, that took place in low to moderate relief. We postulate that Ler dome sediments are derivative of the eroded and weathered parts of the Aravalli craton located on east and northeast of the basin and the Nagarparkar Massif placed to the north and northwest.

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Research paper thumbnail of Depositional environment and tectono-provenance of Upper Kaimur Group sandstones, Son Valley, Central India

Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2016

The Mesoproterozoic Upper Kaimur Group consists of Bijaigarh Shale, Scarp Sandstone, and Dhandrau... more The Mesoproterozoic Upper Kaimur Group consists of Bijaigarh Shale, Scarp Sandstone, and Dhandraul Sandstone. Based on the lithofacies data set, two major facies associations were identified, namely—tidal sand flat/sand bar facies association (TSFA) and tidally influenced fluvial channel facies/tidal channel facies association (TIFCFA). The Dhandraul Sandstone has been interpreted as a product of TIFCFA and the underlying Scarp Sandstone in TSFA which endorses a tidal dominated estuarine setting. Detrital modes of the Dhandraul and Scarp Sandstones fall in the quartz arenite to sub-litharenite types. Petrographical data suggest that the deposition of the Upper Kaimur Group sandstones took place in humid climate and was derived from mixed provenances. The sandstone composition suggests detritus from igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, and recycled sedimentary rocks. The sandstone tectonic discrimination diagrams suggest that the provenances of the Upper Kaimur Group sandstones were continental block, recycled orogen, rifted continental margin to quartzose recycled tectonic regimes. It is envisaged that the Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic granite, granodiorite, gneiss, and metasedimentary rocks of Mahakoshal Group and Chotanagpur granite–gneiss present in the western and northwestern direction are the possible source rocks for the Upper Kaimur Group in the Son Valley.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diagenetic features of Jurassic Fort Member sandstone, Jaisalmer formation, western Rajasthan

Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2017

Jaisalmer Formation consists of 360m thick succession of medium to coarse grained sandstones with... more Jaisalmer Formation consists of 360m thick succession of medium to coarse grained sandstones with interbeds of shale, claystone and occasional lignite that rest over Lathi Formation, is the basal part of the Jaisalmer basin. The rocks are exposed amidst desert, low mounds and shallow stone quarries. Sandstones were deposited in shallow marine to deltaic environments. The studied sandstones consist of abundant quartz followed by feldspar, mica, chert, rock fragments and heavy minerals. The study mainly deals with identification of various diagenetic features such as compaction, cementation and porosity evolution. During mechanical compaction rearrangement of grains took place and point, long and suture contacts were formed. The sandstones are cemented by iron oxide, silica overgrowth, carbonate and clay. Porosity has developed due to dissolution of iron, carbonate cement and feldspar grains. Dissolution and alteration of feldspar, lithic fragments and pressure solution were the main source of quartz cements. The sandstones show good amount of existing optical porosity with an average of 7.19%. Porosity reduction is mainly due to early stage of mechanical compaction and subsequent pervasive calcite and iron oxide cementation. Further, porosity reduced due to deposition of clay cement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Provenance, palaeoweathering and tectonic setting of the Kuldhar Member Shale (Callovian–Oxfordian), Jaisalmer Formation, western Rajasthan

Journal of Sedimentary Environments

The geochemistry of the Kuldhar Member Shale (Callovian-Oxfordian), Jaisalmer Formation, western ... more The geochemistry of the Kuldhar Member Shale (Callovian-Oxfordian), Jaisalmer Formation, western Rajasthan has been investigated to identify the source rock characteristics, palaeoweathering and tectonic setting of the source area. The Kuldhar Member Shale has higher concentration of SiO2, CaO, Fe2O3, Al2O3, K2O and classified as Fe-shale. The positive correlation of Al2O3 with other oxides apart from CaO suggests that these elements are primarily associated with micaceous/clay minerals. The Kuldhar Member Shale shows slightly light rare-earth element (LREE)-enriched and flat heavy rare-earth element (HREE) patterns with negative Eu anomaly, and are similar to granitic rocks from Precambrian Aravalli Craton situated in the southeast and some minor contribution from the Malani Igneous Suits (MIS) in the south of the basin. Provenance modelling indicates that the Kuldhar Member Shale is best modelled with a mixture having 59.5% Aravalli Supergroup rocks, 25% Delhi Supergroup rocks (North Delhi Fold Belt), 14% Banded Gneissic Complex (BGC) and 1.5% Malani Igneous Suits (MIS). The chemical index of alteration (CIA), index of compositional variability (ICV) and the A-CN-K diagram of the Kuldhar Member Shale suggests that the source area experienced moderate to high degree of chemical weathering under warm and humid climatic conditions. The shift of sediment source from distal in the beginning to local during later period suggests sedimentation in a tectonically active basin.

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Research paper thumbnail of Recrystallization and Provenance History of the Upper Kaimur Group Siliciclastics, Son Valley, India: Coupled Petrographic and Fluid inclusion Proxy

Springer, 2019

The Mesoproterozoic Kaimur Group belonging to upper part of Vindhyan Supergroup, conformably over... more The Mesoproterozoic Kaimur Group belonging to upper part of Vindhyan Supergroup, conformably overlies the carbonate sequence of Semri Group (Lower Vindhyan) in the Son Valley, central India. The Upper Kaimur Group consists of Dhandraul sandstone, Scarp sandstone and Bijaigarh shale. The detrital contents of the Dhandraul and Scarp sandstones are mainly composed of several varieties of quartz followed by feldspar, rock fragments, micas and heavy minerals. Fluid inclusion studies are carried out on the detrital and recrystallized quartz grains of the Dhandraul and Scarp sandstone to know about the fluid phases already present in the source rock and / or introduced in the recrystallisation process. Fluid micro-thermometry reveals the presence of two types of fluids: (i) bi-phase low saline aqueous inclusions, (ii) bi-phase high saline aqueous inclusion. These fluids were trapped during the development of grain and recrystallization processes. The salinity of these inclusions in the quartz grain is in the range of 5.7 to 13.4% suggests that initially there was good proportion of marine water during the initiation of sedimentation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diagenetic Features of Jurassic Fort Member Sandstone, Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan

Jaisalmer Formation consists of 360m thick succession of medium to coarse grained sandstones with... more Jaisalmer Formation consists of 360m thick succession of medium to coarse grained sandstones with interbeds of shale, claystone and occasional lignite that rest over Lathi Formation, is the basal part of the Jaisalmer basin. The rocks are exposed amidst desert, low mounds and shallow stone quarries. Sandstones were deposited in shallow marine to deltaic environments. The studied sandstones consist of abundant quartz followed by feldspar, mica, chert, rock fragments and heavy minerals. The study mainly deals with identification of various diagenetic features such as compaction, cementation and porosity evolution. During mechanical compaction rearrangement of grains took place and point, long and suture contacts were formed. The sandstones are cemented by iron oxide, silica overgrowth, carbonate and clay. Porosity has developed due to dissolution of iron, carbonate cement and feldspar grains. Dissolution and alteration of feldspar, lithic fragments and pressure solution were the main source of quartz cements. The sandstones show good amount of existing optical porosity with an average of 7.19%. Porosity reduction is mainly due to early stage of mechanical compaction and subsequent pervasive calcite and iron oxide cementation. Further, porosity reduced due to deposition of clay cement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Petrofacies and Tectono Provenance of the Sandstones of Jara Dome, Kachchh, Gujarat

The Ridge and Athleta Sandstone members of Jara Dome have been analyzed for their petrofacies, pr... more The Ridge and Athleta Sandstone members of Jara Dome have been analyzed for their petrofacies, provenance and tectonic setting. Various factors responsible for modification of the original detrital composition of the sandstones have been critically examined. In addition, heavy minerals have also been studied to strengthen the interpretation of the provenance. These sandstones were derived from a mixed provenance including granites, granite-gneisses, low and high-grade metamorphic and some basic rocks of the Aravalli Range and Nagarparkar Massif. The petrofacies analysis reveals that these sandstones belong to the continental block, recycled orogen and rifted continental margin tectonic regime. The first cycle and recycled detritus was further intensely modified as a result of weathering under warm humid climate and transport before burial, thereby providing mineralogical maturity to the sandstones of the Jara Dome.

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Research paper thumbnail of Geologica Acta.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Geologica Acta.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Depositional environment of the Fort Member of the Jurassic Jaisalmer Formation (western Rajasthan, India), as revealed from lithofacies and grain-size analysis

Lithofacies and granulometric analysis were carried out to decipher the depositional environment ... more Lithofacies and granulometric analysis were carried out to decipher the depositional environment of the Fort Member of the Jurassic Jaisalmer Formation. Based on field data nine lithofacies have been identified including trough cross-bedded sandstones, planar cross-bedded sandstones, matrix supported conglomerates, thinly bedded siltstone and sandstones, herringbone cross-bedded sandstones, wave rippled sandstones, laminated sandstones, hummocky cross-bedded sandstones, limestones and shales. Granulometric analysis of sandstone samples has been carried out for their statistical and textural parameters. Bivariant plots of textural parameters such as graphic skewness versus graphic stadard deviation and skewness versus standard deviation confirm the high energy (beach) origin of sandstones. These results suggest a wide spectrum of marine environments ranging from inner shelf to upper shoreface for the Fort Member sandstones.

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