Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (original) (raw)
Books by Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik
Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik. 2017. Sobre la polifonía del yo dialógico y su devenir discursivo en la... more Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik. 2017. Sobre la polifonía del yo dialógico y su devenir discursivo en la realidad de la vida coti-diana. En: Neyla Graciela Pardo, Abril Luis Eduardo Ospina Raigosa (compiladores) Miradas, Lenguajes y Perspectivas Semióticas Aportes Desde América Latina, 317–331.
El objeto de este trabajo son las múltiples voces en las que el yo humano está involucrado a través de diálogos intersubjetivos que ocurren entre los participantes imaginados de la comunicación interpersonal. Se supone que la dialogicidad es una propiedad universal de los seres humanos que son conscientes de sí mismos en relación con otros, especialmente por los psicólogos clínicos, los investigadores del cerebro, los científicos literarios, los semióticos del arte o los teólogos, que utilizan nociones tales como trascendencia, interacción, capacidad de respuesta, intercambiabilidad de roles. Por lo tanto, desde la perspectiva del dialogismo trascendental, el individuo humano es considerado como una complejidad de yoes privados y sociales que comunican internamente entre sí y anticipan incluso las respuestas a posibles preguntas en grupos de comunicadores empíricamente observables y racionalmente inferibles. El foco principal se sitúa en el devenir discursivo del yo que se forma a sí mismo, de un ser inclusivamente animal a un ser exclusivamente humano, en-y-con-su-entorno como resultado de la polifonía y la heterofonía que se entremezclan en sus diálogos externos e internos.
Palabras clave: constructivismo, diálogo, discurso, virtualidad / actualidad, el yo
On multivoicedness of the dialogical self and its discursive becoming in the reality of everyday life
The point of departure, in this paper, constitutes the concept of “selfhood” derived from the investigative domain of respective disciplines which distinguish between a concrete person and a mental subject as two dimensions of the same human individual. A topic of discussion creates here the private and social existence modes of the human selves manifesting themselves in two types of groupings: in empirically observable interpersonal collectivities and rationally inferable intersubjective collectivities. Relevant is a distinction between “personality” of an individual entering interpersonal relationships in the physical domain and “subjectivity” of him-or-her-self deduced from intersubjective relationships in the logical domain. In consequence, the principal focus of this paper is placed on the discursive becoming of the private self, as an inclusively animal or as an exclusively human being, considered in the light of personal-subjective and/or social constructivism. This becoming, seen through the lenses of mundane and existential phenomenology, means a formation of a uniquely human self engaged not only in monological but also in dialogical forms of communication by the employment of narrative patterns, as personal-subjective narratives, social-cultural narratives, and metalinguistic or metascientific narratives. What underlies an examination is how human beings form themselves in-and-with-their-surroundings as a result of multivoicedness and varivoicedness of opinions or beliefs intermingling in their external and internal dialogs. Emphasizing the dialogical nature of human mind, this paper aims at showing how dialogs involve consequential exchanges of mutually influencing voices. The dialogical nature of the self is assumed to be a universal property of humans when they are aware of themselves in relation to others regardless of their culture and societal experience. Dialogicality is exposed as one of basic human features, especially by therapists, clinical psychologists, brain researchers, literary scientists and semioticians of art, or theologians, taking into account such notions, as transcendence, interaction, responsiveness, interchangeability of sender-and-receiver or author-and-addressee roles. Hence, from the perspective of transcendental dialogism, the human self is regarded as a complexity of multiple voices of internal participants who continuously communicate with each other and who anticipate even the responses to possible questions, thus emerging and developing thanks to such socially conditioned interactions.
Key concepts: constructivism, dialog, discourse, virtuality/actuality, the self
Wąsik, Elżbieta Magdalena. 2017. Sobre la polifonía del yo dialógico y su devenir discursivo en l... more Wąsik, Elżbieta Magdalena. 2017. Sobre la polifonía del yo dialógico y su devenir discursivo en la realidad de la vida cotidiana. En: Neyla Graciela Pardo, Abril Luis Eduardo Ospina Raigosa (compiladores) Miradas, Lenguajes y Perspectivas Semióticas Aportes Desde América Latina, 317–331.
Resumen. El objeto de este trabajo son las múltiples voces en las que el yo humano está involucrado a través de diálogos intersubjetivos que ocurren entre los participantes imaginados de la comunicación interpersonal. Se supone que la dialogicidad es una propiedad universal de los seres humanos que son conscientes de sí mismos en relación con otros, especialmente por los psicólogos clínicos, los investigadores del cerebro, los científicos literarios, los semióticos del arte o los teólogos, que utilizan nociones tales como trascendencia, interacción, capacidad de respuesta, intercambiabilidad de roles. Por lo tanto, desde la perspectiva del dialogismo trascendental, el individuo humano es considerado como una complejidad de yoes privados y sociales que comunican internamente entre sí y anticipan incluso las respuestas a posibles preguntas en grupos de comunicadores empíricamente observables y racionalmente inferibles. El foco principal se sitúa en el devenir discursivo del yo que se forma a sí mismo, de un ser inclusivamente animal a un ser exclusivamente humano, en-y-con-su-entorno como resultado de la polifonía y la heterofonía que se entremezclan en sus diálogos externos e internos.
Palabras clave: constructivismo, diálogo, discurso, virtualidad/actualidad, el yo.
On multivoicedness of the dialogical self and its discursive becoming in the reality of everyday life
The subject matter of this paper constitutes multiple voices in which the human self is involved through intersubjective dialogs occurring between imagined participants of interpersonal communication. Dialogicality is assumed to be a universal property of humans, who are aware of themselves in relation to others, especially by clinical psychologists, brain researchers, literary scientists, semioticians of art, or theologians, utilizing such notions, as transcendence, interaction, responsiveness, interchangeability of roles. Hence, from the perspective of transcendental dialogism, the human individual is regarded as a complexity of private and social selves who internally communicate with each other and anticipate even the responses to possible questions in empirically observable and rationally inferable groups of communicators. The principal focus is placed on the discursive becoming of the self who forms itself, from an inclusively animal to an exclusively human being, in-and-with-its-surroundings as a result of multivoicedness and varivoicedness intermingling in its external and internal dialogs.
Key concepts: constructivism, dialog, discourse, virtuality/actuality, the self
The following treatise enters into the domain of metalinguistics and even broader into the metasc... more The following treatise enters into the domain of metalinguistics and even broader into the metascience embracing the relationships between the sciences of language and the sciences of man. The theoretical focus of it concentrates around two questions about the nature of the linguistic object which try to answer in what particular perspective language can be viewed as a tool serving an individual human being to achieve communicational tasks or to what extent it can be considered as a specific property distin-guishing the category of man as Homo sapiens, among other species. As a result of these inquiries a postulate is put forward to elaborate the founda-tions for a human-centered concept of an ecological grammar of language exposing the primacy of biological, psychical, cultural and social condition-ings of man as a living organism, a self-aware person and a participant of interpersonal communication.
Papers by Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik
Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia, 2006
Porozumiewanie sie jezykowe jako gatunkowo-specyficzna wlaściwośc czlowieka uwarunkowana rozwojem... more Porozumiewanie sie jezykowe jako gatunkowo-specyficzna wlaściwośc czlowieka uwarunkowana rozwojem ekologiczno-spolecznym ludzkości
Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia, 2003
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Aug 1, 2013
This paper departs from the argumentation that it is possible to conclude about the evolutionary ... more This paper departs from the argumentation that it is possible to conclude about the evolutionary stages of languages, including the emergence of protolanguage(s), not only by making use of linguistic facts but also by paying attention to the linguistic abilities of their producers, i.e., respectively, language doers, language speakers and language knowers. In reality, the understanding of the human faculty of speech, realized in cognition and communication, can serve as a valuable clue for the explanation of the rise of various individual languages, which have contributed to the growth of multilingualism in the world. Emphasizing the importance of the reflexive nature of human selves as a prerequisite to the appearance of language, the paper discusses selected hypotheses put forward by three Polish scientists Włodzimierz Sedlak, Jan Trąbka, and Bernard Korzeniewski, who deal with physical aspects or correlates of verbal means of communication. On the basis of empirical data provided by them as well as their hypothetical reasoning, it is argued that language and other systems of social symbols, which people use for communicating and understanding each other, could emerge just then when the physical and physiological processes occurring in the human brain/body had led to the growth of subjective consciousness. In that case only, as asserted by representatives of natural sciences in question, the development of thinking and speaking activities, which had proceeded with the involvement of language, must have taken place along with some psychological processes at the individual level.
Pandemics and the Critical Role of Knowledge Management, Mar 14, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Mar 6, 2023
Straipsnyje analizuojama kalbų tarpusavio įtaka taikant du analitinius požiūrius: pirmuoju požiūr... more Straipsnyje analizuojama kalbų tarpusavio įtaka taikant du analitinius požiūrius: pirmuoju požiūriu analizuojama pati kalba, antruoju – dėmesys sutelkiamas į komunikuojančių individų analizę. Nagrinėjama iki kokio lygio tiesioginio kontakto paveiktos kalbos plėtojimas priklauso nuo tam tikros kalbos struktūros ypatybių, ar visgi didesnę įtaką daro pašnekovų asmeninės savybės. Remiantis literatūra, susijusia su iškeltais klausimais, atskleidžiamas individo priežastinis vaidmuo kalbiniame kontekste. Tuo pačiu metu, straipsnyje teigiama, kad neskolintinų kalbos elementų ir struktūrų paieška reikalauja apibrėžti natūralumo, žymėtumo bei nežymėtumo sąvokas per žmogiškųjų gebėjimų prizmę. Žvelgiant kritiškiau, šis straipsnis pagrindžia teiginį, kad principus, kurie lemia tiesioginio kontakto paveiktus kalbos pokyčius individo komunikacinių gebėjimų požiūriu, galima atskleisti išnagrinėjus daugiakalbių individų asmeninio bei grupės identiteto formavimąsi, labiausiai pasireiškiantį kodų kai...
Proceedings of the world congress of the IASS/AIS, 2015
A synthesis of linguistic theories of communication on a philosophical basis The Polish linguist ... more A synthesis of linguistic theories of communication on a philosophical basis The Polish linguist and semiotician Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik has been preparing for a long time a monograph on the epistemological foundations of linguistics and the theories of communication, and now this outstanding synthesis is available for readers interested in these most essential and innermost problems of semiotics. If we could say that the 20th-century humanities experienced 'a linguistic turn' in many dimensions, starting from the well-known statement by Ludwig Wittgenstein in his Tractatus logico-philosophicus that "Grenzen meiner Sprache sind Grenzen meiner Welt", we might also call this period the age of semiotics: from Ferdinand de Saussure's structuralism to Russian formalism and subsequently via structuralism to the Paris School of Algirdas Julien Greimas, language has been the center of Claude Lévi-Strauss's 'Copernican revolution' in the humanities. On the other hand, the semiotic approach also grew from its primary language-centered position to the cultural field covering all human communication and signification, including the one of the nonverbal sign systems. Yet, the linguistically based theories that emerged were so numerous that it became hard to classify and master them. Elżbieta Wąsik's treatise, exploring the linguistic dimensions of the self, offers an elegant solution to this challenge, assuming the standpoint of the speaking, writing, and communicating subject. Of course, this would not have been possible in the semiotic context before its postmodern turn and reevaluation of subjectivity as the origin and core of all human communicating existence. The Anglo-Saxon school of analytic philosophy had made its own linguistic turn a long time ago, and in some cases, this approach was in dialogue with European structural linguistics and its continuation in various semiotic schools. Moreover, having departed from the pragmatist semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce, in which language was no longer in the center of study at all, it arrived at the Tartu school of cultural semiotics, which was launched from a strictly linguisti
Scripta Neophilologica Posnanienia, 2018
Uncovering the multidimensional identity of the human self
Filozofia i Nauka, 2018
This paper aims at elaborating the concept of linguistic self with regard to its twofold existenc... more This paper aims at elaborating the concept of linguistic self with regard to its twofold existence modes, namely as a physical person and as a mental subject, being shaped by external and internal dialogs in interpersonal and intersubjective communication. These dialogical encounters, constantly changing the reality of everyday life, are based, on the one hand, on the observable multitextuality of narratives, and on the other, on the multi-voicedness of opinions. As such, it lays emphasis on the need for a holistic approach to human beings as a psychosomatic unity, taking part in cognition with their minds and bodies, and developing itself both in-and-with the physical and logical domains of their surrounding ecosystems. In view of the private and public character of the self, the author postulates to consider in future studies the achievements of personal and social constructivism.
Sign Systems Studies, 2018
addictions, immigration, ecosystemic thinking, education, mind and care, health, psychotherapy an... more addictions, immigration, ecosystemic thinking, education, mind and care, health, psychotherapy and medicine, communication and double bind, metalogue and epistemology. What is more, the festival topics would concentrate around the idea of living-systems development in the realm of plants, animals, and humans engaged in species-specifi c cognizing activities and meaningful relationships within and with their natural and cultural environments.
Sustainable Multilingualism, 2016
The paper tackles two investigative approaches to the study of mutual influences among languages ... more The paper tackles two investigative approaches to the study of mutual influences among languages in which researchers focus either on languages themselves or on communicating individuals. Considering the question of whether and to what extent the contact-conditioned language development results from structural properties of respective languages, or is rather triggered by psychic properties of their speakers, the study exposes, on the basis of selected literature on the subject, a causative role of humans in language contacts. At the same time, it argues that the search for unborrowable language features and structures entails defining naturalness, unmarkedness, and markedness in terms of human abilities. More critically, this paper substantiates the statement that uncovering the rules, which govern the contact-induced language change in terms of communicative properties of humans, implies, for example, the necessity of dealing with identity and group affiliations of multilingual subjects demonstrable, apart from language transfer and lexical and grammatical interference, mostly in codeswitching. Thus, the author argues that the sources of linguistic changeability and variability in contact situations must be read, in the first instance, into the psychic conditionings of socially and culturally determined language speakers. All in all, she tries to prove that linguistic borrowings cannot be examined in accordance with universal applicability or absoluteness but with reference to principles of human perception, memorizing, the ability of association, etc., as well as the economy of effort in communication in conjunction with individual and socio-cultural needs of humans, their knowledge and attitudes.
Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 2017
Departing from the biological notion of ecology that pertains to mutual relationships between org... more Departing from the biological notion of ecology that pertains to mutual relationships between organisms and their environments, this paper discusses theoretical foundations of research on the nature of human mind in relation to knowledge, cognition and communication conducted in a broader context of social sciences. It exposes the view, explicitly formulated by Gregory Bateson, that the mind is the way in which ideas are created, or just the systemic device for transmitting information in the world of all living species. In consequence, some crucial points of Bateson's reasoning are accentuated, such as the recognition of the biological unity of organism and environment, the conviction of the necessity to study the ecology in terms of the economics of energy and material and/or the economy of information, the belief that consciousness distorts information coming to the organism from the inside and outside, which is the cause of its functional disadaptation, and the like. The conception of the ecology of an overall mind, as the sets of ideas, notions or thoughts in the whole world, is presented against the background of theoretical and empirical achievements of botany and zoology, anthropology, ethology and psychiatry, sociology and communication studies in connection with the development of cybernetics, systems theory and information theory.
Sign Systems Studies, 2015
The article focuses on the human individual as a signifying and communicating self whose properti... more The article focuses on the human individual as a signifying and communicating self whose properties can be detected or assumed on the basis of its language in verbal communication through texts and text-processing activities or, more broadly, in both verbal and non-verbal communication through signs and sign-processing activities in the semiotics of culture. The point of departure is the distinction between the observable self and the inferable self, i.e., a concrete person who transmits and receives verbal and/or non-verbal messages, and a mental subject who is engaged in creating and comprehending them. As a consequence of this distinction, it can be stated that the communicative network of the human life-world consists of two types of collectivities. On the one hand, there are speakers and listeners of particular languages who form interpersonal collectivities of those transmitting and receiving perceivable meaning bearers through physical-acoustic sound waves in the communicatio...
Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik. 2017. Sobre la polifonía del yo dialógico y su devenir discursivo en la... more Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik. 2017. Sobre la polifonía del yo dialógico y su devenir discursivo en la realidad de la vida coti-diana. En: Neyla Graciela Pardo, Abril Luis Eduardo Ospina Raigosa (compiladores) Miradas, Lenguajes y Perspectivas Semióticas Aportes Desde América Latina, 317–331.
El objeto de este trabajo son las múltiples voces en las que el yo humano está involucrado a través de diálogos intersubjetivos que ocurren entre los participantes imaginados de la comunicación interpersonal. Se supone que la dialogicidad es una propiedad universal de los seres humanos que son conscientes de sí mismos en relación con otros, especialmente por los psicólogos clínicos, los investigadores del cerebro, los científicos literarios, los semióticos del arte o los teólogos, que utilizan nociones tales como trascendencia, interacción, capacidad de respuesta, intercambiabilidad de roles. Por lo tanto, desde la perspectiva del dialogismo trascendental, el individuo humano es considerado como una complejidad de yoes privados y sociales que comunican internamente entre sí y anticipan incluso las respuestas a posibles preguntas en grupos de comunicadores empíricamente observables y racionalmente inferibles. El foco principal se sitúa en el devenir discursivo del yo que se forma a sí mismo, de un ser inclusivamente animal a un ser exclusivamente humano, en-y-con-su-entorno como resultado de la polifonía y la heterofonía que se entremezclan en sus diálogos externos e internos.
Palabras clave: constructivismo, diálogo, discurso, virtualidad / actualidad, el yo
On multivoicedness of the dialogical self and its discursive becoming in the reality of everyday life
The point of departure, in this paper, constitutes the concept of “selfhood” derived from the investigative domain of respective disciplines which distinguish between a concrete person and a mental subject as two dimensions of the same human individual. A topic of discussion creates here the private and social existence modes of the human selves manifesting themselves in two types of groupings: in empirically observable interpersonal collectivities and rationally inferable intersubjective collectivities. Relevant is a distinction between “personality” of an individual entering interpersonal relationships in the physical domain and “subjectivity” of him-or-her-self deduced from intersubjective relationships in the logical domain. In consequence, the principal focus of this paper is placed on the discursive becoming of the private self, as an inclusively animal or as an exclusively human being, considered in the light of personal-subjective and/or social constructivism. This becoming, seen through the lenses of mundane and existential phenomenology, means a formation of a uniquely human self engaged not only in monological but also in dialogical forms of communication by the employment of narrative patterns, as personal-subjective narratives, social-cultural narratives, and metalinguistic or metascientific narratives. What underlies an examination is how human beings form themselves in-and-with-their-surroundings as a result of multivoicedness and varivoicedness of opinions or beliefs intermingling in their external and internal dialogs. Emphasizing the dialogical nature of human mind, this paper aims at showing how dialogs involve consequential exchanges of mutually influencing voices. The dialogical nature of the self is assumed to be a universal property of humans when they are aware of themselves in relation to others regardless of their culture and societal experience. Dialogicality is exposed as one of basic human features, especially by therapists, clinical psychologists, brain researchers, literary scientists and semioticians of art, or theologians, taking into account such notions, as transcendence, interaction, responsiveness, interchangeability of sender-and-receiver or author-and-addressee roles. Hence, from the perspective of transcendental dialogism, the human self is regarded as a complexity of multiple voices of internal participants who continuously communicate with each other and who anticipate even the responses to possible questions, thus emerging and developing thanks to such socially conditioned interactions.
Key concepts: constructivism, dialog, discourse, virtuality/actuality, the self
Wąsik, Elżbieta Magdalena. 2017. Sobre la polifonía del yo dialógico y su devenir discursivo en l... more Wąsik, Elżbieta Magdalena. 2017. Sobre la polifonía del yo dialógico y su devenir discursivo en la realidad de la vida cotidiana. En: Neyla Graciela Pardo, Abril Luis Eduardo Ospina Raigosa (compiladores) Miradas, Lenguajes y Perspectivas Semióticas Aportes Desde América Latina, 317–331.
Resumen. El objeto de este trabajo son las múltiples voces en las que el yo humano está involucrado a través de diálogos intersubjetivos que ocurren entre los participantes imaginados de la comunicación interpersonal. Se supone que la dialogicidad es una propiedad universal de los seres humanos que son conscientes de sí mismos en relación con otros, especialmente por los psicólogos clínicos, los investigadores del cerebro, los científicos literarios, los semióticos del arte o los teólogos, que utilizan nociones tales como trascendencia, interacción, capacidad de respuesta, intercambiabilidad de roles. Por lo tanto, desde la perspectiva del dialogismo trascendental, el individuo humano es considerado como una complejidad de yoes privados y sociales que comunican internamente entre sí y anticipan incluso las respuestas a posibles preguntas en grupos de comunicadores empíricamente observables y racionalmente inferibles. El foco principal se sitúa en el devenir discursivo del yo que se forma a sí mismo, de un ser inclusivamente animal a un ser exclusivamente humano, en-y-con-su-entorno como resultado de la polifonía y la heterofonía que se entremezclan en sus diálogos externos e internos.
Palabras clave: constructivismo, diálogo, discurso, virtualidad/actualidad, el yo.
On multivoicedness of the dialogical self and its discursive becoming in the reality of everyday life
The subject matter of this paper constitutes multiple voices in which the human self is involved through intersubjective dialogs occurring between imagined participants of interpersonal communication. Dialogicality is assumed to be a universal property of humans, who are aware of themselves in relation to others, especially by clinical psychologists, brain researchers, literary scientists, semioticians of art, or theologians, utilizing such notions, as transcendence, interaction, responsiveness, interchangeability of roles. Hence, from the perspective of transcendental dialogism, the human individual is regarded as a complexity of private and social selves who internally communicate with each other and anticipate even the responses to possible questions in empirically observable and rationally inferable groups of communicators. The principal focus is placed on the discursive becoming of the self who forms itself, from an inclusively animal to an exclusively human being, in-and-with-its-surroundings as a result of multivoicedness and varivoicedness intermingling in its external and internal dialogs.
Key concepts: constructivism, dialog, discourse, virtuality/actuality, the self
The following treatise enters into the domain of metalinguistics and even broader into the metasc... more The following treatise enters into the domain of metalinguistics and even broader into the metascience embracing the relationships between the sciences of language and the sciences of man. The theoretical focus of it concentrates around two questions about the nature of the linguistic object which try to answer in what particular perspective language can be viewed as a tool serving an individual human being to achieve communicational tasks or to what extent it can be considered as a specific property distin-guishing the category of man as Homo sapiens, among other species. As a result of these inquiries a postulate is put forward to elaborate the founda-tions for a human-centered concept of an ecological grammar of language exposing the primacy of biological, psychical, cultural and social condition-ings of man as a living organism, a self-aware person and a participant of interpersonal communication.
Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia, 2006
Porozumiewanie sie jezykowe jako gatunkowo-specyficzna wlaściwośc czlowieka uwarunkowana rozwojem... more Porozumiewanie sie jezykowe jako gatunkowo-specyficzna wlaściwośc czlowieka uwarunkowana rozwojem ekologiczno-spolecznym ludzkości
Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia, 2003
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Aug 1, 2013
This paper departs from the argumentation that it is possible to conclude about the evolutionary ... more This paper departs from the argumentation that it is possible to conclude about the evolutionary stages of languages, including the emergence of protolanguage(s), not only by making use of linguistic facts but also by paying attention to the linguistic abilities of their producers, i.e., respectively, language doers, language speakers and language knowers. In reality, the understanding of the human faculty of speech, realized in cognition and communication, can serve as a valuable clue for the explanation of the rise of various individual languages, which have contributed to the growth of multilingualism in the world. Emphasizing the importance of the reflexive nature of human selves as a prerequisite to the appearance of language, the paper discusses selected hypotheses put forward by three Polish scientists Włodzimierz Sedlak, Jan Trąbka, and Bernard Korzeniewski, who deal with physical aspects or correlates of verbal means of communication. On the basis of empirical data provided by them as well as their hypothetical reasoning, it is argued that language and other systems of social symbols, which people use for communicating and understanding each other, could emerge just then when the physical and physiological processes occurring in the human brain/body had led to the growth of subjective consciousness. In that case only, as asserted by representatives of natural sciences in question, the development of thinking and speaking activities, which had proceeded with the involvement of language, must have taken place along with some psychological processes at the individual level.
Pandemics and the Critical Role of Knowledge Management, Mar 14, 2023
De Gruyter eBooks, Mar 6, 2023
Straipsnyje analizuojama kalbų tarpusavio įtaka taikant du analitinius požiūrius: pirmuoju požiūr... more Straipsnyje analizuojama kalbų tarpusavio įtaka taikant du analitinius požiūrius: pirmuoju požiūriu analizuojama pati kalba, antruoju – dėmesys sutelkiamas į komunikuojančių individų analizę. Nagrinėjama iki kokio lygio tiesioginio kontakto paveiktos kalbos plėtojimas priklauso nuo tam tikros kalbos struktūros ypatybių, ar visgi didesnę įtaką daro pašnekovų asmeninės savybės. Remiantis literatūra, susijusia su iškeltais klausimais, atskleidžiamas individo priežastinis vaidmuo kalbiniame kontekste. Tuo pačiu metu, straipsnyje teigiama, kad neskolintinų kalbos elementų ir struktūrų paieška reikalauja apibrėžti natūralumo, žymėtumo bei nežymėtumo sąvokas per žmogiškųjų gebėjimų prizmę. Žvelgiant kritiškiau, šis straipsnis pagrindžia teiginį, kad principus, kurie lemia tiesioginio kontakto paveiktus kalbos pokyčius individo komunikacinių gebėjimų požiūriu, galima atskleisti išnagrinėjus daugiakalbių individų asmeninio bei grupės identiteto formavimąsi, labiausiai pasireiškiantį kodų kai...
Proceedings of the world congress of the IASS/AIS, 2015
A synthesis of linguistic theories of communication on a philosophical basis The Polish linguist ... more A synthesis of linguistic theories of communication on a philosophical basis The Polish linguist and semiotician Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik has been preparing for a long time a monograph on the epistemological foundations of linguistics and the theories of communication, and now this outstanding synthesis is available for readers interested in these most essential and innermost problems of semiotics. If we could say that the 20th-century humanities experienced 'a linguistic turn' in many dimensions, starting from the well-known statement by Ludwig Wittgenstein in his Tractatus logico-philosophicus that "Grenzen meiner Sprache sind Grenzen meiner Welt", we might also call this period the age of semiotics: from Ferdinand de Saussure's structuralism to Russian formalism and subsequently via structuralism to the Paris School of Algirdas Julien Greimas, language has been the center of Claude Lévi-Strauss's 'Copernican revolution' in the humanities. On the other hand, the semiotic approach also grew from its primary language-centered position to the cultural field covering all human communication and signification, including the one of the nonverbal sign systems. Yet, the linguistically based theories that emerged were so numerous that it became hard to classify and master them. Elżbieta Wąsik's treatise, exploring the linguistic dimensions of the self, offers an elegant solution to this challenge, assuming the standpoint of the speaking, writing, and communicating subject. Of course, this would not have been possible in the semiotic context before its postmodern turn and reevaluation of subjectivity as the origin and core of all human communicating existence. The Anglo-Saxon school of analytic philosophy had made its own linguistic turn a long time ago, and in some cases, this approach was in dialogue with European structural linguistics and its continuation in various semiotic schools. Moreover, having departed from the pragmatist semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce, in which language was no longer in the center of study at all, it arrived at the Tartu school of cultural semiotics, which was launched from a strictly linguisti
Scripta Neophilologica Posnanienia, 2018
Uncovering the multidimensional identity of the human self
Filozofia i Nauka, 2018
This paper aims at elaborating the concept of linguistic self with regard to its twofold existenc... more This paper aims at elaborating the concept of linguistic self with regard to its twofold existence modes, namely as a physical person and as a mental subject, being shaped by external and internal dialogs in interpersonal and intersubjective communication. These dialogical encounters, constantly changing the reality of everyday life, are based, on the one hand, on the observable multitextuality of narratives, and on the other, on the multi-voicedness of opinions. As such, it lays emphasis on the need for a holistic approach to human beings as a psychosomatic unity, taking part in cognition with their minds and bodies, and developing itself both in-and-with the physical and logical domains of their surrounding ecosystems. In view of the private and public character of the self, the author postulates to consider in future studies the achievements of personal and social constructivism.
Sign Systems Studies, 2018
addictions, immigration, ecosystemic thinking, education, mind and care, health, psychotherapy an... more addictions, immigration, ecosystemic thinking, education, mind and care, health, psychotherapy and medicine, communication and double bind, metalogue and epistemology. What is more, the festival topics would concentrate around the idea of living-systems development in the realm of plants, animals, and humans engaged in species-specifi c cognizing activities and meaningful relationships within and with their natural and cultural environments.
Sustainable Multilingualism, 2016
The paper tackles two investigative approaches to the study of mutual influences among languages ... more The paper tackles two investigative approaches to the study of mutual influences among languages in which researchers focus either on languages themselves or on communicating individuals. Considering the question of whether and to what extent the contact-conditioned language development results from structural properties of respective languages, or is rather triggered by psychic properties of their speakers, the study exposes, on the basis of selected literature on the subject, a causative role of humans in language contacts. At the same time, it argues that the search for unborrowable language features and structures entails defining naturalness, unmarkedness, and markedness in terms of human abilities. More critically, this paper substantiates the statement that uncovering the rules, which govern the contact-induced language change in terms of communicative properties of humans, implies, for example, the necessity of dealing with identity and group affiliations of multilingual subjects demonstrable, apart from language transfer and lexical and grammatical interference, mostly in codeswitching. Thus, the author argues that the sources of linguistic changeability and variability in contact situations must be read, in the first instance, into the psychic conditionings of socially and culturally determined language speakers. All in all, she tries to prove that linguistic borrowings cannot be examined in accordance with universal applicability or absoluteness but with reference to principles of human perception, memorizing, the ability of association, etc., as well as the economy of effort in communication in conjunction with individual and socio-cultural needs of humans, their knowledge and attitudes.
Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 2017
Departing from the biological notion of ecology that pertains to mutual relationships between org... more Departing from the biological notion of ecology that pertains to mutual relationships between organisms and their environments, this paper discusses theoretical foundations of research on the nature of human mind in relation to knowledge, cognition and communication conducted in a broader context of social sciences. It exposes the view, explicitly formulated by Gregory Bateson, that the mind is the way in which ideas are created, or just the systemic device for transmitting information in the world of all living species. In consequence, some crucial points of Bateson's reasoning are accentuated, such as the recognition of the biological unity of organism and environment, the conviction of the necessity to study the ecology in terms of the economics of energy and material and/or the economy of information, the belief that consciousness distorts information coming to the organism from the inside and outside, which is the cause of its functional disadaptation, and the like. The conception of the ecology of an overall mind, as the sets of ideas, notions or thoughts in the whole world, is presented against the background of theoretical and empirical achievements of botany and zoology, anthropology, ethology and psychiatry, sociology and communication studies in connection with the development of cybernetics, systems theory and information theory.
Sign Systems Studies, 2015
The article focuses on the human individual as a signifying and communicating self whose properti... more The article focuses on the human individual as a signifying and communicating self whose properties can be detected or assumed on the basis of its language in verbal communication through texts and text-processing activities or, more broadly, in both verbal and non-verbal communication through signs and sign-processing activities in the semiotics of culture. The point of departure is the distinction between the observable self and the inferable self, i.e., a concrete person who transmits and receives verbal and/or non-verbal messages, and a mental subject who is engaged in creating and comprehending them. As a consequence of this distinction, it can be stated that the communicative network of the human life-world consists of two types of collectivities. On the one hand, there are speakers and listeners of particular languages who form interpersonal collectivities of those transmitting and receiving perceivable meaning bearers through physical-acoustic sound waves in the communicatio...