Katarzyna Balbuza | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (original) (raw)


Books by Katarzyna Balbuza

Research paper thumbnail of Maria Musielak, ΠΡΟΣ ΜΝΗΜΗΣ ΧΑΡΙΝ ΣΥΛΛΕΛΕΓΜΕΝΑ. Wybór prac naukowych z lat 1999–2019, red. K. Balbuza, K. Królczyk, A. Tatarkiewicz, współpr. K. Derko, A. Liwerska-Garstecka, Poznań 2024

Maria Musielak, ΠΡΟΣ ΜΝΗΜΗΣ ΧΑΡΙΝ ΣΥΛΛΕΛΕΓΜΕΝΑ. Wybór prac naukowych z lat 1999–2019, red. K. Balbuza, K. Królczyk, A. Tatarkiewicz, współpr. K. Derko, A. Liwerska-Garstecka, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Antiquitas Aeterna. Classical Studies Dedicated to Leszek Mrozewicz on His 70th Birthday / K. Balbuza, M. Duch, Z. Kaczmarek, K. Królczyk, A. Tatarkiewicz (editors), Wiesbaden 2021, Harrassowitz Verlag

https://www.harrassowitz-verlag.de/ANTIQVITAS\_AETERNA/title\_6959.ahtml, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Meministine? Memory and Oblivion in the Ancient World — the Ancient World in the Memory and Oblivion, ed. by Katarzyna Balbuza, Maria Musielak, Krzysztof Królczyk, Poznań 2019

Meministine? Memory and Oblivion in the Ancient World — the Ancient World in the Memory and Oblivion, ed. by Katarzyna Balbuza, Maria Musielak, Krzysztof Królczyk, 2019

This volume deals with the way in which, and in what form, the memory of the ancient world functi... more This volume deals with the way in which, and in what form, the memory
of the ancient world functioned within the framework of ancient societies and in later epochs (reception).

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Research paper thumbnail of Studia Lesco Mrozewicz ab amicis et discipulis dedicata, Poznań 2011 (co-edition of the book)

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Research paper thumbnail of ÆTERNITAS AVGVSTI. Kształtowanie się i rozwój koncepcji wieczności w (auto)prezentacji cesarza rzymskiego (od Augusta do Sewera Aleksandra), Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznań 2014 („ÆTERNITAS AVGVSTI. Entwicklung der Ewigkeitskonzeption in der Selbstpräsentation des römischen Kaisers")

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Research paper thumbnail of Triumfator. Triumf i ideologia zwycięstwa w starożytnym Rzymie epoki Cesarstwa (Triumphator. The Triumph as an Expression of the Ideology of Victory from Augustus to Diocletianus), Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznań 2005

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Papers by Katarzyna Balbuza

Research paper thumbnail of Richard Anthony Abdy, Peter Franz Mittag, The Roman Imperial Coinage, Volume II, Part 3: From AD 117–138, Hadrian, Spink, London 2019, 332 pages, 218 plates, indices; ISBN 978-1-912667-18-5

Richard Anthony Abdy, Peter Franz Mittag, The Roman Imperial Coinage, Volume II, Part 3: From AD 117–138, Hadrian, Spink, London 2019, 332 pages, 218 plates, indices; ISBN 978-1-912667-18-5

Notae Numismaticae, May 20, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of A memoir about Dr. Ryszard Piasek – a Poznań filmmaker

Historia i Świat

A memoir about Dr. Ryszard Piasek – a filmmaker, reporter, social activist and film producer.

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Research paper thumbnail of A memoir about Dr Ryszard Piasek - a Poznan filmmaker

Historia i świat, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Feiern der Besiegung Armeniens durch Marcus Antonius in Alexandria: ein Triumph, eine dionysische Pompe oder eine Feierlichkeit sui generis?

Marcus Antonius. History and Tradition, ed. by D. Słapek and I. Łuć, Lublin, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa pod tytułem „Meministi? Pamięć i niepamięć w świecie starożytnym, świat starożytny w pamięci i niepamięci”


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Research paper thumbnail of Sztuka rzymska

Recenzja książki: Elżbieta Makowiecka, Sztuka Rzymu od Augusta do Konstantyna, Wydawnictwa Uniwer... more Recenzja książki: Elżbieta Makowiecka, Sztuka Rzymu od Augusta do Konstantyna, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2010,216 s., 194 ilustracj

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Research paper thumbnail of Propaganda idei sekularnej w mennictwie Filipa I Araba, Filipa II i Otacylii Sewery

Świat starożytny. Państwo i społeczeństwo, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Travis Durden, Myths and Idols. Gwiezdne Wojny W Artystycznym Entourage’U

Historia@Teoria, 2019

The project Myths and Idols, by the French photographer Travis Durden, came into being in 2015 by... more The project Myths and Idols, by the French photographer Travis Durden, came into being in 2015 by means of digital technology. The artist processed photos of nine selected modern sculptures, mostly related to ancient matters, in order to provide them with the attributes or heads belonging to the heroes of the famous Star Wars saga. The sculptures chosen by Durden for his project had been created by European artists (French sculptors and one Italian master) and they are exclusively of an early modern provenance (arising from the Renaissance, Classicism, and Neoclassicism). Not a single work of ancient art is included. However, the classical (ancient) art itself became an object of the Parisian sculptor’s interest in terms of taking early modern art into account as the artists of the latter patterned themselves on ancient samples and picked up ancient subject matters. Likewise, Star Wars in turn constitutes a product of the American pop- culture frequently referring to motifs which ha...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Idea of aeternitas of State, City and Emperor in Augustan Poetry

Klio, 2014

The years of the early Principate, especially the rule of Augustus, are witness to the radical ch... more The years of the early Principate, especially the rule of Augustus, are witness to the radical change, on the contrary to Republic, in the number of references of aeternitas especially in Roman poetry. Famous Augustan poets close to the idea of aeternitas are Virgil, Tibullus, Propertius, Horace and Ovid. Numerous references to the concept of aeternitas constituted the outcome of the contemporary mentality and specific world views towards the issue of the permanence and stability of the state; they resulted from social expectations as well as from ideological creations of the new power. The notion of aeternitas, which Augustan authors referred to, was deliberately set in the religious and political tradition of Rome. By means of this notion, poets extremely frequently conveyed the idea of the permanence and stability of the state as well as of the prevailing political system. Most often the concept was evoked in the context of the tradition of the foundation myths of Rome, especiall...

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[Research paper thumbnail of Autoprezentacja cesarzy rzymskich w mennictwie II i III wieku n.e. Erika Manders, Coining Images of Power. Patterns in the Representation of Roman Emperors on Imperial Coinage A.D. 193–284, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden–Boston–Tokyo 2012. [=Impact o](https://attachments.academia-assets.com/103586982/thumbnails/1.jpg)

Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 2014

Recenzja książki: Erika Manders, Coining Images of Power. Patterns in the Representation of Roman... more Recenzja książki: Erika Manders, Coining Images of Power. Patterns in the Representation of Roman Emperors on Imperial Coinage A.D. 193––284, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden–Boston–Tokyo 2012 [=Impact of Empire, 15], 363 s.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studia Lesco Mrozewicz ab amicis et discipulis dedicata

P rofessor Leszek Mrozewicz was born 60 years ago. Being a member of the historians' guild, ... more P rofessor Leszek Mrozewicz was born 60 years ago. Being a member of the historians' guild, as well as our Birthday Man, we wish to confirm that fact with a certain astonishment. e person, whom we are now talking about, excels in rather youthful vigor and breathtaking expeditions around the world; he is no ordinary professor. And his honours and awards by various academic dignitaries give further testimony to this fact. He was anything but tied to his desk, despite his prolific literary output. us, given the breadth of his experiences and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Monety antyczne i ich wartość pozaekonomiczna dla starożytnych i współczesnych odbiorców

Wiadomości Historyczne nr 4, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of IMP XV/SICIL – The debate over the Augustus golden quaternio of Pompeii

Augustus: From Republic to Empire

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Research paper thumbnail of Katarzyna Balbuza, Karol Beyer (1818-1877)

Compte Rendu (International Numismatic Council), No. 68, p. 63-69, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Maria Musielak, ΠΡΟΣ ΜΝΗΜΗΣ ΧΑΡΙΝ ΣΥΛΛΕΛΕΓΜΕΝΑ. Wybór prac naukowych z lat 1999–2019, red. K. Balbuza, K. Królczyk, A. Tatarkiewicz, współpr. K. Derko, A. Liwerska-Garstecka, Poznań 2024

Maria Musielak, ΠΡΟΣ ΜΝΗΜΗΣ ΧΑΡΙΝ ΣΥΛΛΕΛΕΓΜΕΝΑ. Wybór prac naukowych z lat 1999–2019, red. K. Balbuza, K. Królczyk, A. Tatarkiewicz, współpr. K. Derko, A. Liwerska-Garstecka, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Antiquitas Aeterna. Classical Studies Dedicated to Leszek Mrozewicz on His 70th Birthday / K. Balbuza, M. Duch, Z. Kaczmarek, K. Królczyk, A. Tatarkiewicz (editors), Wiesbaden 2021, Harrassowitz Verlag

https://www.harrassowitz-verlag.de/ANTIQVITAS\_AETERNA/title\_6959.ahtml, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Meministine? Memory and Oblivion in the Ancient World — the Ancient World in the Memory and Oblivion, ed. by Katarzyna Balbuza, Maria Musielak, Krzysztof Królczyk, Poznań 2019

Meministine? Memory and Oblivion in the Ancient World — the Ancient World in the Memory and Oblivion, ed. by Katarzyna Balbuza, Maria Musielak, Krzysztof Królczyk, 2019

This volume deals with the way in which, and in what form, the memory of the ancient world functi... more This volume deals with the way in which, and in what form, the memory
of the ancient world functioned within the framework of ancient societies and in later epochs (reception).

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Research paper thumbnail of Studia Lesco Mrozewicz ab amicis et discipulis dedicata, Poznań 2011 (co-edition of the book)

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Research paper thumbnail of ÆTERNITAS AVGVSTI. Kształtowanie się i rozwój koncepcji wieczności w (auto)prezentacji cesarza rzymskiego (od Augusta do Sewera Aleksandra), Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznań 2014 („ÆTERNITAS AVGVSTI. Entwicklung der Ewigkeitskonzeption in der Selbstpräsentation des römischen Kaisers")

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Research paper thumbnail of Triumfator. Triumf i ideologia zwycięstwa w starożytnym Rzymie epoki Cesarstwa (Triumphator. The Triumph as an Expression of the Ideology of Victory from Augustus to Diocletianus), Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznań 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Richard Anthony Abdy, Peter Franz Mittag, The Roman Imperial Coinage, Volume II, Part 3: From AD 117–138, Hadrian, Spink, London 2019, 332 pages, 218 plates, indices; ISBN 978-1-912667-18-5

Richard Anthony Abdy, Peter Franz Mittag, The Roman Imperial Coinage, Volume II, Part 3: From AD 117–138, Hadrian, Spink, London 2019, 332 pages, 218 plates, indices; ISBN 978-1-912667-18-5

Notae Numismaticae, May 20, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of A memoir about Dr. Ryszard Piasek – a Poznań filmmaker

Historia i Świat

A memoir about Dr. Ryszard Piasek – a filmmaker, reporter, social activist and film producer.

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Research paper thumbnail of A memoir about Dr Ryszard Piasek - a Poznan filmmaker

Historia i świat, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Feiern der Besiegung Armeniens durch Marcus Antonius in Alexandria: ein Triumph, eine dionysische Pompe oder eine Feierlichkeit sui generis?

Marcus Antonius. History and Tradition, ed. by D. Słapek and I. Łuć, Lublin, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa pod tytułem „Meministi? Pamięć i niepamięć w świecie starożytnym, świat starożytny w pamięci i niepamięci”


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Research paper thumbnail of Sztuka rzymska

Recenzja książki: Elżbieta Makowiecka, Sztuka Rzymu od Augusta do Konstantyna, Wydawnictwa Uniwer... more Recenzja książki: Elżbieta Makowiecka, Sztuka Rzymu od Augusta do Konstantyna, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2010,216 s., 194 ilustracj

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Research paper thumbnail of Propaganda idei sekularnej w mennictwie Filipa I Araba, Filipa II i Otacylii Sewery

Świat starożytny. Państwo i społeczeństwo, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Travis Durden, Myths and Idols. Gwiezdne Wojny W Artystycznym Entourage’U

Historia@Teoria, 2019

The project Myths and Idols, by the French photographer Travis Durden, came into being in 2015 by... more The project Myths and Idols, by the French photographer Travis Durden, came into being in 2015 by means of digital technology. The artist processed photos of nine selected modern sculptures, mostly related to ancient matters, in order to provide them with the attributes or heads belonging to the heroes of the famous Star Wars saga. The sculptures chosen by Durden for his project had been created by European artists (French sculptors and one Italian master) and they are exclusively of an early modern provenance (arising from the Renaissance, Classicism, and Neoclassicism). Not a single work of ancient art is included. However, the classical (ancient) art itself became an object of the Parisian sculptor’s interest in terms of taking early modern art into account as the artists of the latter patterned themselves on ancient samples and picked up ancient subject matters. Likewise, Star Wars in turn constitutes a product of the American pop- culture frequently referring to motifs which ha...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Idea of aeternitas of State, City and Emperor in Augustan Poetry

Klio, 2014

The years of the early Principate, especially the rule of Augustus, are witness to the radical ch... more The years of the early Principate, especially the rule of Augustus, are witness to the radical change, on the contrary to Republic, in the number of references of aeternitas especially in Roman poetry. Famous Augustan poets close to the idea of aeternitas are Virgil, Tibullus, Propertius, Horace and Ovid. Numerous references to the concept of aeternitas constituted the outcome of the contemporary mentality and specific world views towards the issue of the permanence and stability of the state; they resulted from social expectations as well as from ideological creations of the new power. The notion of aeternitas, which Augustan authors referred to, was deliberately set in the religious and political tradition of Rome. By means of this notion, poets extremely frequently conveyed the idea of the permanence and stability of the state as well as of the prevailing political system. Most often the concept was evoked in the context of the tradition of the foundation myths of Rome, especiall...

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[Research paper thumbnail of Autoprezentacja cesarzy rzymskich w mennictwie II i III wieku n.e. Erika Manders, Coining Images of Power. Patterns in the Representation of Roman Emperors on Imperial Coinage A.D. 193–284, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden–Boston–Tokyo 2012. [=Impact o](https://attachments.academia-assets.com/103586982/thumbnails/1.jpg)

Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 2014

Recenzja książki: Erika Manders, Coining Images of Power. Patterns in the Representation of Roman... more Recenzja książki: Erika Manders, Coining Images of Power. Patterns in the Representation of Roman Emperors on Imperial Coinage A.D. 193––284, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden–Boston–Tokyo 2012 [=Impact of Empire, 15], 363 s.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studia Lesco Mrozewicz ab amicis et discipulis dedicata

P rofessor Leszek Mrozewicz was born 60 years ago. Being a member of the historians' guild, ... more P rofessor Leszek Mrozewicz was born 60 years ago. Being a member of the historians' guild, as well as our Birthday Man, we wish to confirm that fact with a certain astonishment. e person, whom we are now talking about, excels in rather youthful vigor and breathtaking expeditions around the world; he is no ordinary professor. And his honours and awards by various academic dignitaries give further testimony to this fact. He was anything but tied to his desk, despite his prolific literary output. us, given the breadth of his experiences and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Monety antyczne i ich wartość pozaekonomiczna dla starożytnych i współczesnych odbiorców

Wiadomości Historyczne nr 4, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of IMP XV/SICIL – The debate over the Augustus golden quaternio of Pompeii

Augustus: From Republic to Empire

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Research paper thumbnail of Katarzyna Balbuza, Karol Beyer (1818-1877)

Compte Rendu (International Numismatic Council), No. 68, p. 63-69, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Katalog nowych znalezisk monet rzymskich z okolic Ostrowa Lednickiego. Projekt Lednica "Razem dla ratowania zabytków" (2018-2022)

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Research paper thumbnail of Roman coin finds from vicinity of Ostrów Lednicki. Lednica Project “Together to Save the Heritage” (2018-2022)

Historia Slavorum Occidentis, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Imperial Women in the Monetary Distributions (Liberalitas) in Rome in the Light of Numismatic Sources

Studia Historiae Oeconomicae, 2019

Liberalitas was one of the most important forms of social activities of the Roman emperors. In qu... more Liberalitas was one of the most important forms of social activities of the Roman emperors. In quantitative terms, it is also one of the five most important imperial virtues. It appeared on coins as Liberalitas Augusti, which gave this virtue an additional, divine dimension. The first Empress to depict the idea of imperial generosity on the coins issued on her behalf was Julia Domna. In this respect, her liberalitas coins mark a breakthrough in the exposition of this imperial virtue. The well-known female liberalitas coin issues, or imperial issues with empresses’ portraits, date back to the third century and clearly articulate the liberalitas, both iconographically and literally, through the legend on the reverse of the coin. Other coins, issued on behalf of the emperors (mainly medallions), accentuate in some cases (Julia Mamaea, Salonina) the personal and active participation of women from the imperial house in congiarium-type activities. The issues discussed and analysed, which ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Augustowskie emisje tresviri aere argento auro flando feriundo Między republiką i cesarstwem – propaganda rodowa czy cesarska?

Klio - Czasopismo Poświęcone Dziejom Polski i Powszechnym, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Monografia Mennictwa Trajana

Recenzja ksiązki: Bernhard Woytek, Die Reichspragung des Kaisers Traianus (98–117). Moneta Imperi... more Recenzja ksiązki: Bernhard Woytek, Die Reichspragung des Kaisers Traianus (98–117). Moneta Imperii Romani 14. 2 Bande (Veroff entlichungen der Numismatischen Kommission 48 = Denkschrift en der Philosophisch-Historische Klasse der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaft en, 387), Wien 2010, 682 s. ogolem, 156 tablic, 29,7x21 cm.

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Research paper thumbnail of Atlas personifikacji żeńskich, męskich i geograficznych na imperialnych monetach rzymskich

Recenzja ksiązki: Franziska Schmidt-Dick, Typenatlas der romischen Reichspragung von Augustus bis... more Recenzja ksiązki: Franziska Schmidt-Dick, Typenatlas der romischen Reichspragung von Augustus bis Aemilianus. Erster Band: Weibliche Darstellungen. (Veroffentlichungen derNumismatischen Kommission 38 = Denkschriften der Philosophisch-Historische Klasse derOsterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 309 = Numismatische Zeitschrift, herausgegeben vonder Osterreichischen Numismatischen Gesellschaft, 110), Wien 2002; Franziska Schmidt-Dick, Typenatlas der romischen Reichspragung von Augustus bis Aemilianus. Zweiter Band: Geographische und mannliche Darstellungen (Veroffentlichungen der Numismatischen Kommission 55 = Denkschriften der Philosophisch--Historische Klasse der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 428), Wien 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Katarzyna Balbuza, RICHARD ANTHONY ABDY and PETER FRANZ MITTAG The Roman Imperial Coinage, Volume II, Part 3: From AD 117–138, Hadrian, Spink, London 2019, 332 pages, 218 plates, indices; ISBN 978-1-912667-18-5, p. 328-332

Katarzyna Balbuza, RICHARD ANTHONY ABDY and PETER FRANZ MITTAG The Roman Imperial Coinage, Volume II, Part 3: From AD 117–138, Hadrian, Spink, London 2019, 332 pages, 218 plates, indices; ISBN 978-1-912667-18-5, p. 328-332

Notae Numismaticae XVI, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Paul J. Burton, Roman Imperialism, Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2019 (Brill Research Perspectives in Ancient History), S. 114, ISBN 978-90-04-40462-5, €70.00

Eos, 2021

Das zu rezensierende Buch von Paul J. Burton (= B.), eine synthetische Darstellung des römischen ... more Das zu rezensierende Buch von Paul J. Burton (= B.), eine synthetische Darstellung des römischen Imperialismus, führt den seit mehr als hundert Jahren stattfindenden Diskurs über das Charakteristische an der Außenpolitik des antiken Roms fort. In seinen Erörterungen setzt sich B. hauptsächlich mit Diskussionsbeiträgen aus dem nordamerikanischen Wissenschaftlerkreis, jedenfalls aber mit dem Standpunkt der englischsprachigen Forscher auseinander. Sein Interesse gilt insbesondere dem in den 80er Jahren des 20. Jhs. begonnenen und bis heute andauernden Diskurs. Das Werk umfasst 114 Seiten und besteht aus fünf Kapiteln. Das erste Kapitel ("Introduction", S. 1-9) bietet einen Überblick über den bisherigen geschichtswissenschaftlichen Diskurs zur römischen Eroberungspolitik. Zunächst wird die von Tenney Frank vorgenommene erste systematische Analyse dieser Problematik (Roman Imperialism, New York 1914) unter die Lupe genommen. Anschließend stellt B. die Thesen anderer im 20. Jh. tätigen Forscher des römischen Imperialismus vor (die damalige Geschichtsschreibung neigte überwiegend zur Theorie des defensiven Imperialismus). Dieses Revue endet mit dem 1979 erschienenen Werk des britischen Forschers W.V. Harris (War and Imperialism in Republican Rome, Oxford 1979), wobei auch die in den 80er Jahren vorgebrachten Entgegnungen auf Harris' Thesen (A.N. Sherwin-White, J. North, E. Gruen) zusammenfasst werden. Im selben Kapitel finden wir außerdem einen kurzen Überblick über die antiken Quellen zum römischen Imperialismus (S. 7-8). Das zweite Kapitel ("Imperialism", S. 10-17) beginnt mit einer Definition des Hauptbegriffs, um dann zur Geschichte des Diskurses über die neuzeitliche Theorie des Imperialismus überzugehen. Als Erstes analysiert B. die Auffassungen John Hobsons, die von diesem in der monumentalen Studie aus dem Jahre 1902 zu den politisch-wirtschaftlichen Aspekten des römischen Imperialismus (Imperialism: A Study, London 1902) dargelegt sind, und zum Schluss betrachtet er die Auffassungen der Forscher aus dem 20. Jh. Dabei spricht sich B. für die Definition Michael W. Doyles aus, wonach: "Imperialism is simply the process or policy of establishing or maintaining an empire". Zum Charakter jenes Prozesses meint Doyle: "It can be achieved by force, by political collaboration, by economic, social, or cultural dependence" (M.W. Doyle, Empires, Ithaca 1986, S. 45). Und das Imperium an sich sieht er als "a system of interaction [formal or informal] between two political entities, one of which, the dominant metropole, exerts political control over the internal and external policy-the effective sovereignty-of the other, the subordinate periphery" (S. 12). Das so definierte Forschungswerkzeug sei, so B., optimal für die Untersuchung der Eroberungspolitik Roms. Am Anfang des mit "Roman Imperialism" (S. 18-72) betitelten dritten Kapitels unterzieht B. den römischen Imperialismus einer Bewertung. Die Frage "Did the Romans have an empire, in Doyle's terms?" wird von ihm bejaht (S. 18). Zu Recht bemerkt er, dass es in Diskussionen und Forschungen zu den imperialistischen Aktivitäten Roms stets am schwierigsten sei, Folgendes zu klären: "did the Romans covet an international empire, and how aggressively did they pursue it?" (S. 19). Um diese Frage zu beantworten, prüft er antike Quellen auf die Einstellung ihrer Verfasser zu dem von Rom aufgebauten Reich hin. Im zweiten Unterkapitel (S. 39-73) wird die Titelfrage nicht mehr-wie im ersten Unterkapitel-aus der Perspektive antiker Geschichtsschreiber, sondern aus dem Blickpunkt gegenwärtiger Historiker betrachtet. Ausgegangen wird hier von der These William Harris' (War and Imperialism...), der auf die außenpolitischen Motivationen der Römer einen metrozentrischen Maßstab anlegen wollte. Anschließend erörtert B. den in der Geschichtsschreibung durch Harris' These hervorgerufenen Diskurs. Das nächste, vierte Kapitel ("The Diversification of the Field", S. 73-92) ist weiterhin den modernen Forschungsergebnissen gewidmet. B. beleuchtet hier die römische Imperialismusfrage

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