Przemyslaw Plucinski | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (original) (raw)

Papers by Przemyslaw Plucinski

[Research paper thumbnail of Kontrdyskursy anarchistyczne. Przyczynek do analizy miejskiej sfery kontrpublicznej [Anarchist Counter-discourses. A Contribution to the Analysis of the Urban Counterpublics]](

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, 2020

The basic categories of the article are the concepts of counter-public sphere and counterpublics.... more The basic categories of the article are the concepts of counter-public sphere and counterpublics. The article has theoretical-empirical character. It offers the analysis in terms of conceptual history as well as the investigation on “anarchist urban movements” with particular emphasis put on specific types of discursive and self-organization practices necessary for the construction and reproduction of anarchist counterpublics. The counter-discourses present in selected anarchist press publications, with particular emphasis on “Przegląd Anarchistyczny” [“Anarchist Review”], were subjected to a detailed study.

[Research paper thumbnail of Anarchistyczne ruchy miejskie w Polsce. Próba wieloaspektowej charakterystyki [Anarchist Urban Movements in Poland. An Attempt at Multi-faceted Analysis]](

Aktywizmy miejskie, 2020

The theoretical reference frame adopted in the article is the perspective of the “new urban quest... more The theoretical reference frame adopted in the article is the perspective of the “new urban question” developed by Andy Merrifield. The article offers the analysis of contemporary Polish anarchist movements as urban movements. The starting point of the paper is the historical perspective and the search for the genesis of the “urbanization of anarchism” in the views of the Alternative Society Movement (Ruch Społeczeństwa Alternatywnego) or in the unfulfilled hopes of alterglobalism. In the following part the article delivers the analysis of materialistic interpretations of "the the right to the city" doctrine shared by anarchist movements’ activists based on author's own empirical research.

Research paper thumbnail of Forces of Altermodernization: Urban Social Movements and the New Urban Question in Contemporary Poland

The article discusses contemporary Polish 'right to the city' movements and their potential for c... more The article discusses contemporary Polish 'right to the city' movements and their potential for creating change, described here as the potential for 'alternative modernization', a term rooted in the alterglobalist movement. The waning of the latter's energy has fostered the emergence of local movements focused on protest and reform. In Poland, both an historical anti-urbanity and monologic patterns of regime transformation (the latter producing the 'anti-city') have become points of reference for urban movements and their demand for alternative patterns of modernization, called here altermodernization. The altermodernist model focuses, among other things, on discourses and praxis of decommodification, institutional reform and visions of a 'well-organized city'. The article is primarily a product of desk research and the author's own materials based on in-depth interviews collected in six Polish cities as well as participant observation and content analysis. Keywords: Right to the city, urban social movements, alternative modernization/altermodernization, commodification and decommodification, post-socialism

Research paper thumbnail of Poglądy gospodarcze Ruchu Społeczeństwa Alternatywnego

Artykuł podejmuje problematykę poglądów ekonomicznych rozwija-nych w ramach Ruchu Społeczeństwa A... more Artykuł podejmuje problematykę poglądów ekonomicznych rozwija-nych w ramach Ruchu Społeczeństwa Alternatywnego, ruchu społecznego aktywnie działającego w Polsce w latach 80. i 90. XX wieku. Skupia się przede wszystkim na polemice RSA z liberalizmem oraz krytyce liberalnej transformacji ustrojowej roku 1989. Rekonstruowane tu poglądy stały się istotnym składnikiem dziedzictwa polskich, antysystemowych ruchów społecznych, jak również elementem odradzającej się sfery publicznej.

[Research paper thumbnail of E pluribus unum? Źródła i specyfika ruchów miejskich we współczesnej Polsce [Sources and Specificities of Urban Movements in Contemporary Poland]](

Artykuł skupia się na dwóch wątkach: wskazaniu i interpretacji źródeł współczesnych miejskich ruc... more Artykuł skupia się na dwóch wątkach: wskazaniu i interpretacji źródeł współczesnych miejskich ruchów społecznych (MRS) w Polsce oraz próbie diagnozy zjawiska. Zwracamy uwagę na ideologiczne napięcia, które są obec- ne w ramach odmiennych nurtów miejskiego aktywizmu, w różnym stopniu poszukujących tożsamości w nawiązaniach do tradycji „prawa do miasta”. Poszukujemy jednocześnie między nimi synergii, swoistej „jedności w wie- lości”, powstającej w warunkach współczesnego środkowoeuropejskiego miasta. Tekst zamyka analiza ilościowa i próba charakterystyki publiczności ruchów miejskich na przykładzie Poznania. Źródłem danych są wyniki exit poll oraz dane Państwowej Komisji Wyborczej.

This article focuses on two threads: identi cation and interpretation of the sources of urban social movements in Poland, and an attempt to diagnose the phenomenon. Ideological tensions are shown to be present within the various strands of urban activism, to a varying degree seeking identity in connection with the traditional “right to the city”. We also look for synergy, a peculiar “unity in diversity” arising out of the conditions of a modern Central European city. The nal part of the text consists of a quantitative analysis and an attempt to characterize urban movements, using Poznań as an example. The data sources used were exit polls and data from the National Electoral Commission.

Research paper thumbnail of Decyzjonizm zamiast debaty? O przeciwstawnych wzorach działania w sferze publicznej


The paper deals with the controversy between two antithetical theories of democracy and the public sphere: the agonistic approach (represented by the classics: Hannah Arendt and Carl Schmitt) and the deliberative theory (in this paper reduced to Jürgen Habermas’ communicative theory).
The author offers a reconstruction of the essence of the controversy between Chantal Mouffe and Jürgen Habermas, focusing on Mouffe’s critique of liberalism derived from Carl Schmitt’s thought. The paper ventures to challenge Mouffe’s approach, particularly the view of pluralism offered by both, the agonistic and the communicative perspectives. What makes the two perspectives distinct is the issue of inclusiveness exclusiveness of the object (what is the conflict about?) and the subject (who participates and who is excluded?). The paper concludes with a statement that it is the discursive communicative approach (criticised for its liberal roots) that offers much more space for democratic pluralism.

Research paper thumbnail of Emancypacja w czasach ołowiu. Herbert Marcuse a kwestia przemocy


The article examines violence as a means of emancipatory action in the thought of Herbert Marcuse. Ambivalent character of the relation between radical social theory and radical action is presented as well as pragmatic justifications for potentially “purifying” function of violence.

Research paper thumbnail of Jaka demokracja miejska? Przypadek Ruchu Społeczeństwa Alternatywnego

In the presented paper the attention is focused on the so-called urban social movements, especial... more In the presented paper the attention is focused on the so-called urban social movements, especially on the radical, anarchist faction of Polish urban movements. The article offers detailed analysis of the case of Ruch Społeczeństwa Alternatywnego [RSA; Alternative So- ciety Movement], the social movement that operated most actively in Poland in the 80’s and 90’s of the 20th century. First of all, the main interest is on urban outlook that movement’s activists expressed as a part of unof cial counterpublics. It clearly corresponds with what we call today a demand of “urban democracy” or “the right to the city”. To some extent they have idiosyncratic character, however, on the one hand drawing its emancipatory potential directly from the anarchist tradition, on the other being closer to the libertarian ideas.

Research paper thumbnail of Im gorzej, tym lepiej albo widmo kryzysu MRS?

Urban social movements have been increasingly present in the public sphere, as well as at the ver... more Urban social movements have been increasingly present in the public sphere, as well as at the very core of political debate in contemporary Poland. Some of them have also moved towards institutionalized politics, expressing growing political ambitions. The litmus test of this process were recent local elections. The political strategy of ‘entering the system,’ which takes place in some cases, may be a turning point in the logic of political development of Polish urban social movements.
The paper examines some of the most crucial problems it raises. Two of them deal with es- sential problems of sociology itself: rstly, with the construction of the theory of (urban) social movements and secondly, with the problem of social (co)production of knowledge. The third issue concerns the possible crisis of urban social movements as a consequence of their too far-reaching institutionalization.

Research paper thumbnail of Freedom Now! Radykalny jazz i ruchy społeczne

Music is obviously not only an aesthetic phenomenon. It is embedded in a dense network of social ... more Music is obviously not only an aesthetic phenomenon. It is embedded in a dense network of social relations However, its social involvement is rather ambiguous, particularly since the second half of the twentieth century. On the one hand, music is one of the main elements of cultural capitalism and a part of the system of domination. On the other hand, music provokes, (co)produces or possibly strengthens and coexists with a number of counterdiscourses and social projects of counterhegemonic character.

The main objective of the paper is to examine relationships between both, revolutionary jazz and revolutionary social movements, namely the civil rights movement, but above all radical movements, especially black power movement. The crucial questions I am interested in are problems of selforganization, performative social practices, as well as alternatives elaborated by radical-oriented jazz circles in various social dimensions, for instance economic or symbolic.

Research paper thumbnail of "Miasto to nie firma!". Dylematy i tożsamość polityczna MRS w Polsce

The paper deals with the problem of political identity of contemporary urban social movements in ... more The paper deals with the problem of political identity of contemporary urban social movements in Poland. They are clearly not homogenous and their nature is hybrid. The main criterion of differentiation between them is the interpretation of the idea of the right to the city (RTTC) and of urban democracy, which helps to identify significant differences between the three main wings of Polish urban social movements: neo-anarchist movement, tenants movement and middle-class-based movements. They differ according to their organisational forms, the degree of institutionalisation, strategy, and, finally, how they define the key urban issues.

The paper also deals with the issue of a “(r)evolutionary” rhetoric widely spread among urban activists. It indicates progressive functionalisation of the RTTC and urban democracy ideas. On the one hand, both of them are just empty signifiers in Laclau’s terms and are being increasingly used as a fashionable political label. On the other hand, however, thanks to the functionalisation of the idea we can consider urban social movements, in all their diversity, to be a significant driving force of modernisation.

Research paper thumbnail of Miejskie (r)ewolucje. Radykalizm retoryki a praktyka reformy

The paper deals with the idea of the right to the city (RTTC), one of the leading ideologies of c... more The paper deals with the idea of the right to the city (RTTC), one of the leading ideologies of contemporary emancipatory politics. It also focuses on social actors (mainly Polish urban social movements) as the RTTC users and deals with the
problem how urban activists use the idea in everyday political praxis. The right to the city is analysed with respect to the Laclau’s notion of an “empty signifier”, that is, as an
element which depends on the interpretation put on it in the pragmatics of social struggles. Furthermore, the article examines the fact of consistent functionalization of the
RTTC idea. The initially Marxian concept of revolutionary origins is now becoming increasingly reformist and is being used mainly as a popular political label.

Research paper thumbnail of Metroengelsizm, czyli o Engelsowskich korzeniach badań nad miastem

The paper is a part of a wider discussion regarding such problems as the right to the city, spati... more The paper is a part of a wider discussion regarding such problems as the right to the city, spatial justice or gentrification. Drawing from the Marxist tradition, the article focuses especially on the heritage of Frederick Engels and the analysis of his crucial “urban” writings: The Condition of the Working Class in England (1845) and The Housing Question
On the one hand the article offers relatively literal reconstruction of Frederick Engels’ views and their evolution. In this regard it focuses on a description of numerous
practices of depriving the working classes of the rights to the city (e.g. miserable conditions of living, cottage system as a form of social control). On the other hand the paper
translates these classic views into the contemporary sociological language and imagination, putting them into the context of such practices as spatial (in)justice or gentrification.

[Research paper thumbnail of Teoria krytyczna H.Marcuse, Ruchy Spoleczne, Kleska Nowej Lewicy [NK29]](

The article addresses the problem of the relationship between critical theory of Herbert Marcuse ... more The article addresses the problem of the relationship between critical theory of Herbert Marcuse and the nature of the New Left social movements that were born in the 60's of the twentieth century. Although the so-called New Left is a broader phenomenon for the purposes of this article we made some simplifi cation, reducing it to anti-institutional,
anti-hierarchical, critically-oriented social movements and the counterculture. The article also challenges the widespread myth 3M (Marx, Mao, Marcuse).

The paper shows the dynamics of views of “late” Herbert Marcuse, above all portraying him as a thinker entangled in “praxis”. It discusses the legacy of the New Left
from the perspective of its defeats and victories, finally focusing on the latter. Marcuse himself treated all the struggles started by the New Left social movements with hope, as a prelude to the struggle for a better, more just and – what is the most important – possible world. Not without a reason on the Berlin tombstone of German-American thinker
appears the word: Weitermachen!

Research paper thumbnail of A Liberal Enchanted By Socialism? The Idea Of Ownership in Neoliberal Doctrine Of Ferdinand Zweig

Ferdinand Zweig, who seems to be forgotten today, was one of the most eminent representatives of ... more Ferdinand Zweig, who seems to be forgotten today, was one of the most eminent representatives of the so-called “Cracow School,” an influential circle of economists associated with the Jagiellonian University.
Zweig, as one of the ardent defenders and advocates of the revival of liberalism, devoted part of his considerations to the ‘nature’ of one of the fundamental social institutions, standing in the centre of the liberal doctrine, namely, the category of ownership. The idea of ownership as a socioeconomic problem is never suspended in a vacuum; thus, in order to consider its place in Zweig’s thinking, we should refer to this author’s fascination with the liberal doctrine and his attitude to socialism, and in more detailed considerations as to the motifs of the criticism of monopolisation of the capitalist economy, expectations related to the stock form of ownership, and finally, issues related to social structure should be addressed.

Journal Issues by Przemyslaw Plucinski

Research paper thumbnail of Praktyka Teoretyczna 4(14)/2014 Polityki popkultury

Autorki i autorzy prezentowanego numeru „Praktyki Teoretycznej” podejmują problemy (wielo)polityc... more Autorki i autorzy prezentowanego numeru „Praktyki Teoretycznej” podejmują problemy (wielo)polityczności współczesnych popkultur, ich przeobrażeń rynkowych i społecznych oraz znaczeń, jakie poszczególne przykłady kultury popularnej odgrywają w kształtowaniu współczesnego pejzażu kulturowo-ekonomicznego.

Research paper thumbnail of Praktyka Teoretyczna 3(9)/2013 "Po kapitalizmie"

Talks by Przemyslaw Plucinski

Research paper thumbnail of Klasy społeczne to mit! O klasach społecznych, meandrach polskiej transformacji, kondycji związków zawodowych i lewicy z Davidem Ostem rozmawia Przemysław Pluciński

Przemys aw Pluci ski: Na wstępie chciałbym odnieść się do Twojej tezy, którą wyrażasz między inny... more Przemys aw Pluci ski: Na wstępie chciałbym odnieść się do Twojej tezy, którą wyrażasz między innymi we wstępie do książki Elizabeth Dunn, czyli problemu "wytwarzania klas społecznych" w Polsce po 1989 roku. Stwierdzasz mianowicie, że klasowość to cecha społeczeństwa kapitalistycznego, a więc potransformacyjnego. Davidzie, na ile przychyliłbyś się do poglądu, że w ramach polskiej transformacji nie mieliśmy jednak do czynienia z projektem wytwarzania klas społecznych, ale raczej z procesem urabiania pewnych klas społecznych do posłuszeństwa i uległości? Warto bowiem w tym momencie pamiętać o jednym: socjalizm mimo wszystko upodmiotowił robotników oraz, po części, kobietyprzede wszystkim jako robotnice. Problem z upodmiotowieniem, o którym mówię, był jednak taki, że miało ono charakter niepełny, było upodmiotowieniem na smyczy partii, jeśli mogę się tak potocznie wyrazić. Była to przy tym jedna z przyczyn rodzącego się niezadowolenia. Na ile więc poparłbyś tezę, że polska transformacja to jednak rekompozycja strukturalna w wymiarze klasowym, po części też zmiana elit?

[Research paper thumbnail of Kontrdyskursy anarchistyczne. Przyczynek do analizy miejskiej sfery kontrpublicznej [Anarchist Counter-discourses. A Contribution to the Analysis of the Urban Counterpublics]](

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, 2020

The basic categories of the article are the concepts of counter-public sphere and counterpublics.... more The basic categories of the article are the concepts of counter-public sphere and counterpublics. The article has theoretical-empirical character. It offers the analysis in terms of conceptual history as well as the investigation on “anarchist urban movements” with particular emphasis put on specific types of discursive and self-organization practices necessary for the construction and reproduction of anarchist counterpublics. The counter-discourses present in selected anarchist press publications, with particular emphasis on “Przegląd Anarchistyczny” [“Anarchist Review”], were subjected to a detailed study.

[Research paper thumbnail of Anarchistyczne ruchy miejskie w Polsce. Próba wieloaspektowej charakterystyki [Anarchist Urban Movements in Poland. An Attempt at Multi-faceted Analysis]](

Aktywizmy miejskie, 2020

The theoretical reference frame adopted in the article is the perspective of the “new urban quest... more The theoretical reference frame adopted in the article is the perspective of the “new urban question” developed by Andy Merrifield. The article offers the analysis of contemporary Polish anarchist movements as urban movements. The starting point of the paper is the historical perspective and the search for the genesis of the “urbanization of anarchism” in the views of the Alternative Society Movement (Ruch Społeczeństwa Alternatywnego) or in the unfulfilled hopes of alterglobalism. In the following part the article delivers the analysis of materialistic interpretations of "the the right to the city" doctrine shared by anarchist movements’ activists based on author's own empirical research.

Research paper thumbnail of Forces of Altermodernization: Urban Social Movements and the New Urban Question in Contemporary Poland

The article discusses contemporary Polish 'right to the city' movements and their potential for c... more The article discusses contemporary Polish 'right to the city' movements and their potential for creating change, described here as the potential for 'alternative modernization', a term rooted in the alterglobalist movement. The waning of the latter's energy has fostered the emergence of local movements focused on protest and reform. In Poland, both an historical anti-urbanity and monologic patterns of regime transformation (the latter producing the 'anti-city') have become points of reference for urban movements and their demand for alternative patterns of modernization, called here altermodernization. The altermodernist model focuses, among other things, on discourses and praxis of decommodification, institutional reform and visions of a 'well-organized city'. The article is primarily a product of desk research and the author's own materials based on in-depth interviews collected in six Polish cities as well as participant observation and content analysis. Keywords: Right to the city, urban social movements, alternative modernization/altermodernization, commodification and decommodification, post-socialism

Research paper thumbnail of Poglądy gospodarcze Ruchu Społeczeństwa Alternatywnego

Artykuł podejmuje problematykę poglądów ekonomicznych rozwija-nych w ramach Ruchu Społeczeństwa A... more Artykuł podejmuje problematykę poglądów ekonomicznych rozwija-nych w ramach Ruchu Społeczeństwa Alternatywnego, ruchu społecznego aktywnie działającego w Polsce w latach 80. i 90. XX wieku. Skupia się przede wszystkim na polemice RSA z liberalizmem oraz krytyce liberalnej transformacji ustrojowej roku 1989. Rekonstruowane tu poglądy stały się istotnym składnikiem dziedzictwa polskich, antysystemowych ruchów społecznych, jak również elementem odradzającej się sfery publicznej.

[Research paper thumbnail of E pluribus unum? Źródła i specyfika ruchów miejskich we współczesnej Polsce [Sources and Specificities of Urban Movements in Contemporary Poland]](

Artykuł skupia się na dwóch wątkach: wskazaniu i interpretacji źródeł współczesnych miejskich ruc... more Artykuł skupia się na dwóch wątkach: wskazaniu i interpretacji źródeł współczesnych miejskich ruchów społecznych (MRS) w Polsce oraz próbie diagnozy zjawiska. Zwracamy uwagę na ideologiczne napięcia, które są obec- ne w ramach odmiennych nurtów miejskiego aktywizmu, w różnym stopniu poszukujących tożsamości w nawiązaniach do tradycji „prawa do miasta”. Poszukujemy jednocześnie między nimi synergii, swoistej „jedności w wie- lości”, powstającej w warunkach współczesnego środkowoeuropejskiego miasta. Tekst zamyka analiza ilościowa i próba charakterystyki publiczności ruchów miejskich na przykładzie Poznania. Źródłem danych są wyniki exit poll oraz dane Państwowej Komisji Wyborczej.

This article focuses on two threads: identi cation and interpretation of the sources of urban social movements in Poland, and an attempt to diagnose the phenomenon. Ideological tensions are shown to be present within the various strands of urban activism, to a varying degree seeking identity in connection with the traditional “right to the city”. We also look for synergy, a peculiar “unity in diversity” arising out of the conditions of a modern Central European city. The nal part of the text consists of a quantitative analysis and an attempt to characterize urban movements, using Poznań as an example. The data sources used were exit polls and data from the National Electoral Commission.

Research paper thumbnail of Decyzjonizm zamiast debaty? O przeciwstawnych wzorach działania w sferze publicznej


The paper deals with the controversy between two antithetical theories of democracy and the public sphere: the agonistic approach (represented by the classics: Hannah Arendt and Carl Schmitt) and the deliberative theory (in this paper reduced to Jürgen Habermas’ communicative theory).
The author offers a reconstruction of the essence of the controversy between Chantal Mouffe and Jürgen Habermas, focusing on Mouffe’s critique of liberalism derived from Carl Schmitt’s thought. The paper ventures to challenge Mouffe’s approach, particularly the view of pluralism offered by both, the agonistic and the communicative perspectives. What makes the two perspectives distinct is the issue of inclusiveness exclusiveness of the object (what is the conflict about?) and the subject (who participates and who is excluded?). The paper concludes with a statement that it is the discursive communicative approach (criticised for its liberal roots) that offers much more space for democratic pluralism.

Research paper thumbnail of Emancypacja w czasach ołowiu. Herbert Marcuse a kwestia przemocy


The article examines violence as a means of emancipatory action in the thought of Herbert Marcuse. Ambivalent character of the relation between radical social theory and radical action is presented as well as pragmatic justifications for potentially “purifying” function of violence.

Research paper thumbnail of Jaka demokracja miejska? Przypadek Ruchu Społeczeństwa Alternatywnego

In the presented paper the attention is focused on the so-called urban social movements, especial... more In the presented paper the attention is focused on the so-called urban social movements, especially on the radical, anarchist faction of Polish urban movements. The article offers detailed analysis of the case of Ruch Społeczeństwa Alternatywnego [RSA; Alternative So- ciety Movement], the social movement that operated most actively in Poland in the 80’s and 90’s of the 20th century. First of all, the main interest is on urban outlook that movement’s activists expressed as a part of unof cial counterpublics. It clearly corresponds with what we call today a demand of “urban democracy” or “the right to the city”. To some extent they have idiosyncratic character, however, on the one hand drawing its emancipatory potential directly from the anarchist tradition, on the other being closer to the libertarian ideas.

Research paper thumbnail of Im gorzej, tym lepiej albo widmo kryzysu MRS?

Urban social movements have been increasingly present in the public sphere, as well as at the ver... more Urban social movements have been increasingly present in the public sphere, as well as at the very core of political debate in contemporary Poland. Some of them have also moved towards institutionalized politics, expressing growing political ambitions. The litmus test of this process were recent local elections. The political strategy of ‘entering the system,’ which takes place in some cases, may be a turning point in the logic of political development of Polish urban social movements.
The paper examines some of the most crucial problems it raises. Two of them deal with es- sential problems of sociology itself: rstly, with the construction of the theory of (urban) social movements and secondly, with the problem of social (co)production of knowledge. The third issue concerns the possible crisis of urban social movements as a consequence of their too far-reaching institutionalization.

Research paper thumbnail of Freedom Now! Radykalny jazz i ruchy społeczne

Music is obviously not only an aesthetic phenomenon. It is embedded in a dense network of social ... more Music is obviously not only an aesthetic phenomenon. It is embedded in a dense network of social relations However, its social involvement is rather ambiguous, particularly since the second half of the twentieth century. On the one hand, music is one of the main elements of cultural capitalism and a part of the system of domination. On the other hand, music provokes, (co)produces or possibly strengthens and coexists with a number of counterdiscourses and social projects of counterhegemonic character.

The main objective of the paper is to examine relationships between both, revolutionary jazz and revolutionary social movements, namely the civil rights movement, but above all radical movements, especially black power movement. The crucial questions I am interested in are problems of selforganization, performative social practices, as well as alternatives elaborated by radical-oriented jazz circles in various social dimensions, for instance economic or symbolic.

Research paper thumbnail of "Miasto to nie firma!". Dylematy i tożsamość polityczna MRS w Polsce

The paper deals with the problem of political identity of contemporary urban social movements in ... more The paper deals with the problem of political identity of contemporary urban social movements in Poland. They are clearly not homogenous and their nature is hybrid. The main criterion of differentiation between them is the interpretation of the idea of the right to the city (RTTC) and of urban democracy, which helps to identify significant differences between the three main wings of Polish urban social movements: neo-anarchist movement, tenants movement and middle-class-based movements. They differ according to their organisational forms, the degree of institutionalisation, strategy, and, finally, how they define the key urban issues.

The paper also deals with the issue of a “(r)evolutionary” rhetoric widely spread among urban activists. It indicates progressive functionalisation of the RTTC and urban democracy ideas. On the one hand, both of them are just empty signifiers in Laclau’s terms and are being increasingly used as a fashionable political label. On the other hand, however, thanks to the functionalisation of the idea we can consider urban social movements, in all their diversity, to be a significant driving force of modernisation.

Research paper thumbnail of Miejskie (r)ewolucje. Radykalizm retoryki a praktyka reformy

The paper deals with the idea of the right to the city (RTTC), one of the leading ideologies of c... more The paper deals with the idea of the right to the city (RTTC), one of the leading ideologies of contemporary emancipatory politics. It also focuses on social actors (mainly Polish urban social movements) as the RTTC users and deals with the
problem how urban activists use the idea in everyday political praxis. The right to the city is analysed with respect to the Laclau’s notion of an “empty signifier”, that is, as an
element which depends on the interpretation put on it in the pragmatics of social struggles. Furthermore, the article examines the fact of consistent functionalization of the
RTTC idea. The initially Marxian concept of revolutionary origins is now becoming increasingly reformist and is being used mainly as a popular political label.

Research paper thumbnail of Metroengelsizm, czyli o Engelsowskich korzeniach badań nad miastem

The paper is a part of a wider discussion regarding such problems as the right to the city, spati... more The paper is a part of a wider discussion regarding such problems as the right to the city, spatial justice or gentrification. Drawing from the Marxist tradition, the article focuses especially on the heritage of Frederick Engels and the analysis of his crucial “urban” writings: The Condition of the Working Class in England (1845) and The Housing Question
On the one hand the article offers relatively literal reconstruction of Frederick Engels’ views and their evolution. In this regard it focuses on a description of numerous
practices of depriving the working classes of the rights to the city (e.g. miserable conditions of living, cottage system as a form of social control). On the other hand the paper
translates these classic views into the contemporary sociological language and imagination, putting them into the context of such practices as spatial (in)justice or gentrification.

[Research paper thumbnail of Teoria krytyczna H.Marcuse, Ruchy Spoleczne, Kleska Nowej Lewicy [NK29]](

The article addresses the problem of the relationship between critical theory of Herbert Marcuse ... more The article addresses the problem of the relationship between critical theory of Herbert Marcuse and the nature of the New Left social movements that were born in the 60's of the twentieth century. Although the so-called New Left is a broader phenomenon for the purposes of this article we made some simplifi cation, reducing it to anti-institutional,
anti-hierarchical, critically-oriented social movements and the counterculture. The article also challenges the widespread myth 3M (Marx, Mao, Marcuse).

The paper shows the dynamics of views of “late” Herbert Marcuse, above all portraying him as a thinker entangled in “praxis”. It discusses the legacy of the New Left
from the perspective of its defeats and victories, finally focusing on the latter. Marcuse himself treated all the struggles started by the New Left social movements with hope, as a prelude to the struggle for a better, more just and – what is the most important – possible world. Not without a reason on the Berlin tombstone of German-American thinker
appears the word: Weitermachen!

Research paper thumbnail of A Liberal Enchanted By Socialism? The Idea Of Ownership in Neoliberal Doctrine Of Ferdinand Zweig

Ferdinand Zweig, who seems to be forgotten today, was one of the most eminent representatives of ... more Ferdinand Zweig, who seems to be forgotten today, was one of the most eminent representatives of the so-called “Cracow School,” an influential circle of economists associated with the Jagiellonian University.
Zweig, as one of the ardent defenders and advocates of the revival of liberalism, devoted part of his considerations to the ‘nature’ of one of the fundamental social institutions, standing in the centre of the liberal doctrine, namely, the category of ownership. The idea of ownership as a socioeconomic problem is never suspended in a vacuum; thus, in order to consider its place in Zweig’s thinking, we should refer to this author’s fascination with the liberal doctrine and his attitude to socialism, and in more detailed considerations as to the motifs of the criticism of monopolisation of the capitalist economy, expectations related to the stock form of ownership, and finally, issues related to social structure should be addressed.

Research paper thumbnail of Praktyka Teoretyczna 4(14)/2014 Polityki popkultury

Autorki i autorzy prezentowanego numeru „Praktyki Teoretycznej” podejmują problemy (wielo)polityc... more Autorki i autorzy prezentowanego numeru „Praktyki Teoretycznej” podejmują problemy (wielo)polityczności współczesnych popkultur, ich przeobrażeń rynkowych i społecznych oraz znaczeń, jakie poszczególne przykłady kultury popularnej odgrywają w kształtowaniu współczesnego pejzażu kulturowo-ekonomicznego.

Research paper thumbnail of Praktyka Teoretyczna 3(9)/2013 "Po kapitalizmie"

Research paper thumbnail of Klasy społeczne to mit! O klasach społecznych, meandrach polskiej transformacji, kondycji związków zawodowych i lewicy z Davidem Ostem rozmawia Przemysław Pluciński

Przemys aw Pluci ski: Na wstępie chciałbym odnieść się do Twojej tezy, którą wyrażasz między inny... more Przemys aw Pluci ski: Na wstępie chciałbym odnieść się do Twojej tezy, którą wyrażasz między innymi we wstępie do książki Elizabeth Dunn, czyli problemu "wytwarzania klas społecznych" w Polsce po 1989 roku. Stwierdzasz mianowicie, że klasowość to cecha społeczeństwa kapitalistycznego, a więc potransformacyjnego. Davidzie, na ile przychyliłbyś się do poglądu, że w ramach polskiej transformacji nie mieliśmy jednak do czynienia z projektem wytwarzania klas społecznych, ale raczej z procesem urabiania pewnych klas społecznych do posłuszeństwa i uległości? Warto bowiem w tym momencie pamiętać o jednym: socjalizm mimo wszystko upodmiotowił robotników oraz, po części, kobietyprzede wszystkim jako robotnice. Problem z upodmiotowieniem, o którym mówię, był jednak taki, że miało ono charakter niepełny, było upodmiotowieniem na smyczy partii, jeśli mogę się tak potocznie wyrazić. Była to przy tym jedna z przyczyn rodzącego się niezadowolenia. Na ile więc poparłbyś tezę, że polska transformacja to jednak rekompozycja strukturalna w wymiarze klasowym, po części też zmiana elit?