I'm game (original) (raw)

ask me a question about a character
and I'll answer IC.


in other news

I found out how to get to the roof of the apartment building.
I'm wet from rain.
from being hardridden.

do you make up your own detective stories in your brain while doing things?

I like ot be an illegitimate son of Batman
trained by Oracle
slinking around the apartment hallways

and scaring my cat.

heh heh heh

what we do to entertain ourselves!
you can find out from me at $3.99/minute
or simply by asking

(I'm cheap
and come with



NUDGE me all you want but I won't BUDGE unless I want Spring! with chance of showers (a glittering shower of gold Zeus was such a naughty boy!)…

that we PUSH the ones we love AWAY "for their own protection" (sometimes when we NEED THEM THE MOST?) I'll just be a drain on them. I can do this…

there's a proper term for the Fmaily you know who you are. sassholes heh heh heh ;>