me me me (original) (raw)

I want
an observer
with a difference
I want
in a kinesthetic manner
swim it breathe it run through it swallow it screw it laugh love scream-----
scream in ecstasy
scream in pain
I want to fear
I want to feel the rush
control and loss

(loss is faith: the submissive are the believers?)

and I want to know.
Most of all.....

....I want to know

NUDGE me all you want but I won't BUDGE unless I want Spring! with chance of showers (a glittering shower of gold Zeus was such a naughty boy!)…

ask me a question about a character (past, present, potential) and I'll answer IC. ----- in other news I found out how to get to the roof of…

that we PUSH the ones we love AWAY "for their own protection" (sometimes when we NEED THEM THE MOST?) I'll just be a drain on them. I can do this…