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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inAngiePen's LiveJournal:

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Sunday, July 29th, 2012
9:11 am Over at the Torquere LiveJournal Today I'm hosting the Torquere LiveJournal Community today, talking about Emerging Magic, the sequel to A Hidden Magic, and anything else that comes to mind. We have candied bacon, so come on over and hang for a while.I'm going to do a drawing tomorrow for a $10 Torquere gift certificate; for every post of mine you comment on over there today (up through noon Pacific time tomorrow) you'll get a slip in the drawing. I'll be posting throughout the day, so check back a few times, or just wait till later and do it all at once -- maybe during a gap in the Olympics coverage or something. :)Angie (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Saturday, January 14th, 2012
9:30 am Rec: Proving a Point savageseraph wrote a fun fic for me for the slashababy fest this year. (Last year? Anyway, the most recent one. :) ) It's called "Proving a Point" and it's about Sean and Viggo, with Harry and Karl (all right, mostly Harry) deciding he has something to prove. He did, but maybe it wasn't quite what he was expecting. [pets Sean and Viggo] This is a great story, and it deals with jealousy and temptation and trust and love in exactly the way I like. Check it out.Angie (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, January 13th, 2012
5:32 am Fic: In a Perfect World, 2/2 Title: In a Perfect World, 2/2Author: AngiePenRecipient: afra_schatzPairing: Eric/ViggoRating: RRequest: Eric Bana/Viggo would be awesome but Orlando/Sean B., Karl/Sean B., Karl/Viggo or Bernard/Sean B. are great as well. Requested genres: (well, some of this is only sort of a genre :)) contemporary AUs, NZ timed fic, smut, and/or est!relationship. I'm not much for angst, h/c and really kinky stuff.Summary: AU; Eric's trying to break into acting while doing comedy clubs and some modeling to pay the bills. Just after he's met a guy who might become someone special, if only he has time to find out, he gets a chance at what might be his big break, but it'd force him to stay locked in the closet for years.Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognize. I know nothing about their social lives or sexual activities, more's the pity. This is fiction, period. It is done as a labor of love and I make no money from it.Notes: Written for the 2011 slashababy fic fest for afra_schatz. I'd never thought about Eric and Viggo together before, but I like both of them, so I decided to give it a shot.Part 1Viggo sort of invited himself over for dinner on Tuesday. Not really in the sense of, "Hey, I'm coming over for dinner, make something nice," but they'd been talking on the phone and the conversation had wound around this and that and they'd just sort of agreed that they wanted to keep talking and that they were both getting kind of hungry, and putting those together resulted in Viggo coming over with a bottle of wine and platter of tamales. Eric had ice cream in the freezer, and that was dinner.( Read more...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
5:25 am Fic: In a Perfect World, 1/2 Title: In a Perfect World, 1/2Author: AngiePenRecipient: afra_schatzPairing: Eric/ViggoRating: RRequest: Eric Bana/Viggo would be awesome but Orlando/Sean B., Karl/Sean B., Karl/Viggo or Bernard/Sean B. are great as well. Requested genres: (well, some of this is only sort of a genre :)) contemporary AUs, NZ timed fic, smut, and/or est!relationship. I'm not much for angst, h/c and really kinky stuff.Summary: AU; Eric's trying to break into acting while doing comedy clubs and some modeling to pay the bills. Just after he's met a guy who might become someone special, if only he has time to find out, he gets a chance at what might be his big break, but it'd force him to stay locked in the closet for years.Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognize. I know nothing about their social lives or sexual activities, more's the pity. This is fiction, period. It is done as a labor of love and I make no money from it.Notes: Written for the 2011 slashababy fic fest for afra_schatz. I'd never thought about Eric and Viggo together before, but I like both of them, so I decided to give it a shot.Eric checked the address on his phone one more time, noted the building across the street, then went to find a place to park. While roaming the nearby streets, hunting for a gap in the cars lining the curbs, a panicky voice in the back of his head was babbling at him to turn around, go back home, get a day job flipping burger's at McD's or stocking shelves at WalMart or something else, anything else.He told that part of his mind to shut the fuck up.( Read more...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
Saturday, October 22nd, 2011
12:39 pm Orlando Sighting :D Okay, not quite, but at least a mention.Howard Taylor does Schlock Mercenary, the best SF web comic I've run into. He also does movie reviews, and today he posted one about the new Three Musketeers movie. He mentioned Orlando in a way I thought people over here would get a kick out of:_I did have some complaints. This movie only has one Orlando Bloom in it, but it needed three, or maybe four. In fact, it looked like at least two of the non-Orlando-Bloom swashbuckling, slender, dark-haired men were trying really hard to BE Orlando Bloom -- weird, since he's already in the movie._LOL! Maybe we could get a petition going, asking for an All-Orlando version of Three Musketeers? I'll bet Howard would sign it! Or maybe not. But plenty of folks around here would, yes? :DAngie (7 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011
2:01 pm Marriage in New York (orig. posted 27 July 11) [A post that should've gone up while LJ was down.]The Guardian UK did a beautiful photo piece about gay couples getting married in New York. Look at the pictures, read the captions; I had tears streaming by the time I was halfway through. Especially check out the fourth photo -- Myron Levine and Philip Zinderman have been together for fifty-one years and were finally able to get married. That's so awesome. And now I'm tearing up again.Huge kudos to the people of New York. This should be happening in every state.Angie (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, April 29th, 2011
12:50 am Baratunde Thurston on Trump and the Birth Certificate Fiasco Yes, this. (8 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, March 17th, 2011
12:11 am Now We Know How Bad it Has to Get for the Republicans to Disown Someone Clue delivery for Jack Davis: You know you're a radical wingnut when even the folks in charge of the modern Republican party dump your butt because you're embarassing them.[Caveat: yes, I know there are plenty of thoughtful, intelligent Republicans in this country. They're just not the ones in charge of the party right now, and that's a major problem for the US in the 21st century.]Jack Davis has been pushing for a congressional seat for the last few elections, and threw his hat into the ring when Chris Lee resigned over an internet sex scandal, necessitating a special election to fill his newly empty spot. Things were apparently going well until Mr. Davis suggested, in public, "that Latino farmworkers be deported -- and that African-Americans from the inner city be bused to farm country to pick the crops."Wow. Seriously.Because clearly 1) all Latino farmworkers are illegal aliens, and 2) rounding up black people and forcing them to the fields to do agricultural labor worked so well for this country last time we did it.( Read more...Collapse ) (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, January 8th, 2011
3:24 am Fic: Releasing Tension Title: Releasing TensionAuthor: AngiePenFandom: ActorslashPairing: Karl/HarryRating: NC-17Summary: Harry's been so wound up and stressed out lately that it's starting to affect his health, and Karl's worried. He has an idea that might help Harry let go, but he's not sure Harry will go for it, or that it'll even work if he agrees to try. Karl thinks it's worth a shot, though, and it'll likely be fun regardless.Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognize. I know nothing about their social lives or sexual activities, more's the pity. This is fiction, period. It is done as a labor of love and I make no money from it.Notes: Written for savageseraph for the 2010 slashababy fest.Karl knew it'd been another bad day when he didn't hear Harry come in.On good days, the rapid-fire thudding of boots up the wooden steps, the rattle-clatter of the screen door and the creak-slam of the back door -- on good days, all those noises in quick sequence told Karl that the day's shoot had gone well and that Harry was in a good mood. A relaxed and upbeat Harry was open and noisy, as though the good mood had to spread to the world around him.Quiet meant Harry was holding it all in.( Read more...Collapse ) (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, December 2nd, 2010
12:22 pm Ian Being Awesome (and Funny) Just a quick drive-by, and I haven't read my Flist in ages so I'm hoping this hasn't already made the rounds here [grin/duck] but I had to share this.Ian up in front of a film festival audience and talks about filming the balrog sequence in Rings. It's short and funny -- check it out. :DAngie (Comment on this)
Monday, November 8th, 2010
4:54 am A Lost Boy, Chapter 39/39 Title: A Lost BoyAuthor: AngiePenPairing: Liam Neeson/Orlando Bloom, minor Liam/Johnny Depp, plus a few other pair-ups among the supporting characters.Rating: NC-17 overallSummary: Slave Orlando's been taken and the kidnappers aren't interested in ransom. And of course Master Liam's thundering rage is only at the personal insult, that someone would disrespect him by daring to touch his property.Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognize. I know nothing about their social lives or sexual activities, more's the pity. This is fiction, period. It is done as a labor of love and I make no money from it.Notes: 1) Set in poisontaster's Kept Boy universe -- FAQ here. See Chapter 1 for more notes.2) This is it, then end. Wow! I want to thank everyone who's commented and stuck with me for these two-years-and-a-bit. This is one of my favorite stories, in a really wonderful universe, and it's been great getting to play in poisontaster's sandbox and share the result with all of you. Thanks so much! {{{}}}Previous Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, Thirty-Four, Thirty-Five, Thirty-Six, Thirty-Seven, Thirty-EightMargaret knelt on the kitchen floor next to Samantha, waiting. Their master had come in through the kitchen door and commanded the two of them and Johnny to kneel there and wait while he brought in his new body-slave.( Read more...Collapse ) (63 Comments |Comment on this)
Sunday, November 7th, 2010
2:57 am A Lost Boy, Chapter 38/39 Title: A Lost BoyAuthor: AngiePenPairing: Liam Neeson/Orlando Bloom, minor Liam/Johnny Depp, plus a few other pair-ups among the supporting characters.Rating: NC-17 overallSummary: Slave Orlando's been taken and the kidnappers aren't interested in ransom. And of course Master Liam's thundering rage is only at the personal insult, that someone would disrespect him by daring to touch his property.Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognize. I know nothing about their social lives or sexual activities, more's the pity. This is fiction, period. It is done as a labor of love and I make no money from it.Notes: 1) Set in poisontaster's Kept Boy universe -- FAQ here. See Chapter 1 for more notes.Previous Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, Thirty-Four, Thirty-Five, Thirty-Six, Thirty-SevenLiam sat on a rock next to a picturesque (and rather loud) cascading waterfall, reading mail on his phone and deliberately not looking at his watch every forty seconds. He wasn't up pacing, either, or looking over his shoulder at the driveway leading up to the Monterey Clipper Inn where he'd booked a room, although he didn't expect to stay the night. The small hotel was near to where Thewlis would be picking up his new body-slave, though -- Thewlis, who'd finally surfaced, battered but alive, a few days after Liam had returned from India with ghostly blood on his hands and grim satisfaction in his gut -- and they were all meeting at the hotel, outside on the grounds where it was cold but peaceful and private, him and the young man he'd purchased.( Read more...Collapse ) (22 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, November 6th, 2010
4:09 am A Lost Boy, Chapter 37/39 Title: A Lost BoyAuthor: AngiePenPairing: Liam Neeson/Orlando Bloom, minor Liam/Johnny Depp, plus a few other pair-ups among the supporting characters.Rating: NC-17 overallSummary: Slave Orlando's been taken and the kidnappers aren't interested in ransom. And of course Master Liam's thundering rage is only at the personal insult, that someone would disrespect him by daring to touch his property.Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognize. I know nothing about their social lives or sexual activities, more's the pity. This is fiction, period. It is done as a labor of love and I make no money from it.Notes: 1) Set in poisontaster's Kept Boy universe -- FAQ here. See Chapter 1 for more notes.Previous Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, Thirty-Four, Thirty-Five, Thirty-SixBy the time Orlando was shoved into a cell on the display corridor -- a small, bare room about six feet square with a glass wall at the front and a concrete bench along one side -- he felt as if he'd been drugged again. He knew he hadn't, or assumed he hadn't, but he could only vaguely perceive what went on around him. He had enough awareness to respond properly to stimulus when necessary, but otherwise it was like he was trapped inside his skull. Or maybe hiding there. It was safer inside, with as much of his conscious self as possible focused inward, ignoring what happened to him, to his surface, to his body.( Read more...Collapse ) (22 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, November 5th, 2010
3:23 am A Lost Boy, Chapter 36/39 Title: A Lost BoyAuthor: AngiePenPairing: Liam Neeson/Orlando Bloom, minor Liam/Johnny Depp, plus a few other pair-ups among the supporting characters.Rating: NC-17 overallSummary: Slave Orlando's been taken and the kidnappers aren't interested in ransom. And of course Master Liam's thundering rage is only at the personal insult, that someone would disrespect him by daring to touch his property.Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognize. I know nothing about their social lives or sexual activities, more's the pity. This is fiction, period. It is done as a labor of love and I make no money from it.Notes: 1) Set in poisontaster's Kept Boy universe -- FAQ here. See Chapter 1 for more notes.Previous Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, Thirty-Four, Thirty-FiveCage was two minutes late the next evening. It was long enough to be disrespectful, but little enough that it might be just a difference in watch settings. Liam despised that kind of game-playing, but he was used to ignoring it. If an adversary was trying to get an emotional reaction, giving it to him would be stupid.( Read more...Collapse ) (24 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, November 4th, 2010
3:31 am A Lost Boy, Chapter 35/39 Title: A Lost BoyAuthor: AngiePenPairing: Liam Neeson/Orlando Bloom, minor Liam/Johnny Depp, plus a few other pair-ups among the supporting characters.Rating: NC-17 overallSummary: Slave Orlando's been taken and the kidnappers aren't interested in ransom. And of course Master Liam's thundering rage is only at the personal insult, that someone would disrespect him by daring to touch his property.Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognize. I know nothing about their social lives or sexual activities, more's the pity. This is fiction, period. It is done as a labor of love and I make no money from it.Notes: 1) Set in poisontaster's Kept Boy universe -- FAQ here. See Chapter 1 for more notes.2) Finished! :DPrevious Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, Thirty-FourThewlis had been out of contact for ten days, since sending the message about Csokas leaving the country. Ten days had been long enough for Liam to go from annoyed to worried; he hadn't gone so long without a report since hiring the man, and it'd never taken more than a few hours to get a response to an e-mail or phone message.( Read more...Collapse ) (12 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010
2:41 am A Lost Boy, Chapter 34/39 Title: A Lost BoyAuthor: AngiePenPairing: Liam Neeson/Orlando Bloom, minor Liam/Johnny Depp, plus a few other pair-ups among the supporting characters.Rating: NC-17 overallSummary: Slave Orlando's been taken and the kidnappers aren't interested in ransom. And of course Master Liam's thundering rage is only at the personal insult, that someone would disrespect him by daring to touch his property.Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognize. I know nothing about their social lives or sexual activities, more's the pity. This is fiction, period. It is done as a labor of love and I make no money from it.Notes: 1) Set in poisontaster's Kept Boy universe -- FAQ here. See Chapter 1 for more notes.2) Finished! :DPrevious Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-ThreeLiam filed away Thewlis's message on his computer and sat back to think. The rat was running, and the hole he was headed for was one where Liam didn't have any established contacts. He knew people in Germany, yes, but the chances of assassinating someone in an airport between gates, on less than a day's notice, were low to nil. And besides, Liam wanted to be there at the end.( Read more...Collapse ) (18 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010
5:47 am A Lost Boy, Chapter 33/39 Title: A Lost BoyAuthor: AngiePenPairing: Liam Neeson/Orlando Bloom, minor Liam/Johnny Depp, plus a few other pair-ups among the supporting characters.Rating: NC-17 overallSummary: Slave Orlando's been taken and the kidnappers aren't interested in ransom. And of course Master Liam's thundering rage is only at the personal insult, that someone would disrespect him by daring to touch his property.Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognize. I know nothing about their social lives or sexual activities, more's the pity. This is fiction, period. It is done as a labor of love and I make no money from it.Notes: 1) Set in poisontaster's Kept Boy universe -- FAQ here. See Chapter 1 for more notes.2) Finished! :DPrevious Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-TwoMarton had almost seven hours between planes in Munich, which was perfect because he had some business to take care of before he went on. India was a perfect place to settle, at least for a while -- tropical and cosmopolitan, easy to get lost in, and none of that annoying language thing one had to deal with in just about any other place where he could be out of reach of the long Imperial arm.( Read more...Collapse ) (22 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, November 1st, 2010
1:08 am I FINISHED A LOST BOY!!! :D Holy sheep, for a while there I thought I'd never get through it! [beam] I just got to a point, like breaking a logjam, where it all flowed from there, it was almost like October of '08, when I started this thing and wrote 40K in two weeks. Wow, that was two years ago!So it's done. It's 39 chapters long, and 89,536 words. That's not counting "Turf Battles," by the way -- only the main novel. "Turf Battles" would add another 17,494 words, for a total of 107,030 words. Whoa. [stares at number for a while]What I'm going to do now (after going to bed) is read over the chapters I still have to post (33-39) and apply sandpaper as needed. That shouldn't take more than a day or two. So on Monday or Tuesday I'll start posting, and I'll post a chapter a day until the whole thing's up; it'll take one week. And then we'll be done, OMG! :DIf you need to refresh your memory [cough] the first chapter is here, and the last posted chapter (32) is here. All the chapters link through to previous and next, and each chapter has all the previous chapters linked in the header, so however you prefer to read.I want to thank everyone who's been reading, and especially everyone who's commented, for your wonderful support and saintly patience. I love this story and I've loved sharing it with you all, and I love this verse, so thanks as well to poisontaster for letting us play in her sandbox. You're all awesome. :)See you again in a day or two. [wave]Angie (18 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, October 20th, 2010
2:43 am This Is How it Happens Harriet Jacobs at Fugitivus made this pretty awesome post about how most women in our society are socialized, how we're taught to behave and relate to others in social situations, and how that leads to a culture where way too many women end up getting raped and then blamed for it. I'm going to quote the core list, because it really needs to be spread around, but I encourage you to read her whole post. I had to stop myself from just going on and on and on with the copy hilighting, because it's all true and it's all important.If women are raised being told by parents, teachers, media, peers, and all surrounding social strata that:( Read more...Collapse ) (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, October 1st, 2010
12:08 pm Bullies and Other Predators Cindy Potts over on LiveJournal posted this, and I felt a great need to ask permission to repost, rather than just linking as I usually would. I love Cindy's fiction, but her blog is really awesome. This post rings with TRUTH in a way that's very rare to read. I wish I could round up all the people who think that bullying is "just kids being kids" or that it's "only words, just ignore it" or that "if you ignore the bullies, they'll get bored and go away" and tie them to chairs and read this aloud to them, until they get it.===============A Note on Personal ResponsibilityAnd so, it is said to me, you can't really bully someone to death. You can certainly make them miserable, but that choice, that ultimate final choice to end it all, to leap from the bridge, to borrow Daddy's gun, that's out of your hands. That's beyond your power, beyond your responsibility, beyond anything you could conceivably be held accountable for. The blame in suicide lays always upon the person who kills themselves, for they always have another choice.A fatal reclamation of personal power, as it were.I read all these stories of freshly dead children and I say bullshit on that.( Read more...Collapse ) (Comment on this)

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