animagic100 - Profile (original) (raw)

Before you get all confused on what this is, animagic100 is an icon challenge. Yeah, you've seen communities like this popping up all over the place recently. Inspired by communities like disney100, icons100 and iconfiend100, this community is obviously animated themed. Any cartoon series or movie that is not Disney or anime/manga is allowed here. A general movie/TV show can be claimed, so can pairings, or individual characters, etc. by an individual; and that individual shall be challenged to make 100 icons of their claim using 50 themes and 50 artist's choice. Each claim can only be claimed by three people, and each individual is allowed up to three claims. So how exactly do things work here?

« Please read the FAQ and userinfo before joining the community. Decide if its something you'd have fun doing and would be dedicated to doing.

« Join the community using the journal that you will be claiming and posting icons with. Note: Iconists of all different skills and experience are invited to join and participate. You don't have to be an expert or considered "elite" to join. This isn't about labels, its about having fun and being creative! So whether you're a novice or experienced iconist, please feel free to join and have fun!

« Once you've joined the community, go ahead and check over the claimed list. If what you want to claim isn't taken, go ahead and comment at this post to stake your claim. If you request a claim and haven't joined the community yet, your request will not be approved.

« As for making and posting up your icons. Once you request a claim and its approved, you'll be granted posting access. After that point, you have an unlimited time to finish your claim, as long as you post at least five icons a month. That's not really asking much.

« On that note, you have one week from the day your claim is approved to post your first batch of icons. If nothing is posted by this point, you have twenty-four hours (1 day) to contact me and tell me why you've been so lazy. If I don't hear from you, your posting access will be revoked and your claim will be void. Meaning someone else can take it.

« Also, if you are not able to make a post of at least five icons a month, your claim will be removed.

« You're allowed to give up your claim at anytime, just be sure to comment here and let me know which claim you have, and why you're dropping the challenge. No hard feelings of course. Life comes first, of course.

« If you've completed your claim be sure to let me know here. You will be awarded a personalized banner, and your name (as well as a link to all of your icons) will be posted.

« Once someone has completed their challenge, their claim will be up for grabs so someone else can have a turn. If you see a completed challenge, don't be afraid to attempt to claim it as well! Part of the fun is seeing how different people interpret the same claim!

001. Join the community before making a claim. I will not approve your claim otherwise, no matter what.

002. Each individual is allowed up to three claims, as long as they feel they can keep up with that task.

003. Once you're approved you have one week to post up your first batch of icons, and three months to make all 100. Not that hard, right?

004. All icons posts related to this challenge must be posted in this community to be counted to restart your 1 month countdown. They can crossposted anywhere, and you can lead us to a fake cut to your journal, but make a post in this community. If posting directly in here, no more than three teasers, everything else behind a cut.

When the icons are posted to the community, please use this format:
Subject: Themeset: Theme(s): Notes/Credits:

005. Each claim subject (movie, character, etc) can be claimed by three people for now, while the community is still getting off its feet and making a name for itself. If this ever changes, there will be a mod post indicating this rule change.

006. Feel free to post bits and pieces of your 100 icons in as many posts as you need (as long as at least 5 icons are in each post). However, to recieve your banner for completing the challenge, once you finish your 100 icons, all 100 must be posted up in one post.

007. Less of a rule, more of a "we'd love it if you would", but when posting, please remember to tag your entries according to series/movie title. Upon approval, but before your first post, a mod will add your tag to the list.

008. Fifty icons must follow the fifty themes of either of the themesets created for the challenge, and the other fifty can be labeled as the iconist wishes, as they are artist choice. For the themes, your icons do not have to contain the word of the theme, the themes are just there to help guide your imagination; to see what you can create!

Themesets are at this post.

Mod Team:

disney100: A Disney themed icon challenge!
titan_100: A Teen Titans 100 icon challenge!
famous_banners: A graphics community of banners!
icons100: The second community of its type! Make 100 icons of any TV show or movie!
vg_icon_100: Make 100 icons of a video game!
musicon100: Make 100 icons of a musician or band!

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