animal_lives - Profile (original) (raw)

on 22 November 2003 (#1478837)

This community is for the establisment of the philosophical principals of vegetarianism or anything else. We'll try and go in depth on different topics, such as the real differences between humans and animals, vegans and vegetarians, plants and animals, life and non-life. Also, if it comes up, we'll discuss topics dealing with Animal Rights. Cases against the abuse of animals will be allowed. We allow ALL animal activists, no matter their dietary ideals or reasoning. Attacks on others will NOT be allowed. And just so you know, I'll choose the bias against vegans most likely in a conflict, if necessary. Give me philosophy, give me activity, give me your entire life story. Vegitarian, meat eater, freegan, fruititarian. Skyclad or Leather Loving. Because, after the day is done, humans are animals too.

We do not accept the ideals of the group Animal_Rights - Do not confuse us with Militant Vegans

animal rights, anti-militant, death, diet, dietary need, freeganism, laws, life, pacifism, philosophy, religion, veganism, vegetarianism