anime_bgrounds - Profile (original) (raw)

on 2 June 2006 (#10367904)

Anime Backgrounds, Banner, Icons & More

Photobucket - Video and Image  Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingAnime_BGrounds RulesPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

_Rule 1:_DO NOT post anything larger then 300x300px.If its a banner or background, fallow the image with
the image url(Icons dont have to have image url's). If your content is larger then 300x300pixels then please post it in an lj_cut.

Rule 2: You can have any content you like posted as long as at least one of your images is anime or
manga related.

_Rule 3:_Do to the fact that children might view your posts please do not display anythig over pg-13. If you wish to show off something that might be considered over that or your not sure please post in a lj-Cut and clearly state in your
post above the lj-cut that your content might not be suitable for children.

_Rule 4:_As far as language is concerned, I dont care
just as long as you dont verbally attack anyone.

_Rule 5:_All fonts must not be larger then html size (h3), if you wish to make a post with a font size larger then html size (h3) then please place it under a lj cut.

Rule 6: If you have any more specific rules for users of live journal using any of your images please
clearly state those rules in your posts(No hotlinking, giving credit, ect*)

_Rule 7:_The advertisement of non affiliated communitys is not allowed, unauthorised advertisement will result in the post being deleted and reported as spam. If you would like to become affiliated with this community please send the request as a message to fangirl_friend2's personal journal. Stating that a post is X-Posted is ok, as long as it is stated behind an lj-cut.

_Rule 8:_Users making fake cuts to posts outside of the community, are still exspected to fallow the rules. If rules are broken, post will be deleted.

_Rule 9:_All posts must REMAIN(by default) friends only. Posts found not adhering to this rule will be deleted.

_Rule 10:_If violations exceed more then 10 violations. Then the next post will be deleted,and the violator will be banned from the community. Users who are banned will have the option to explain themselves and ask for reinstatement at fangirl_friend2.

animeicons ino_icontest twistedcuteness
kouga_stills dream_contest naruto_awards
disney_awards ff_abc wolfsrainawards
anime_eloquence flcl_awards videogame_lims
bebop_chorus hoshidesigns ff_layouts
sesshy_icontest beautiful_spark anime_spectrum
inu_villains eerie_graphics fanficaholics
download_dump text text

Profile Banners

Free Image Hosting

If you wish to become affiliated or to just help pimp out our community, please feel free to copy and past one of the fallowing codes into your profile page.

The Fallowing Banner Was Made By:fangirl_friend2

The Fallowing Banner Was Made By:fangirl_friend2

The Fallowing Banner Was Made By:fangirl_friend2

adult swim, advent children, anime, anime icons, anime icontests, anime layouts, art, avatars, awards, background, backgrounds, banner, banners, bishounen, books, cartoon, cartoons, comics, drawing, friends only, game, help, how, how to, humor, icon, icon awards, icon's, icons, icontests, image, internet, japanese history, literature, livejournal, livejournal backgrounds, lj, lj background, lj backgrounds, lj icons, making layouts, manga, movies, music, photos, romance, toon, toons, tutorial, vampires, video games, wallpaper, writing