Halil İbrahim Usta | Ankara University (original) (raw)


Papers by Halil İbrahim Usta

Research paper thumbnail of Лексические элементы как показатели языковых напластований (на материале Среднеазиатского тафсира)

Первая всероссийская научная конференция «Рукописное наследие Востока»: тезисы материалов конференции, посвященной памяти М. И. Воробьевой-Десятовской (1933–2021)., 2022

Лексические элементы как показатели языковых напластований (на материале Среднеазиатского тафсир... more Лексические элементы как показатели языковых напластований (на материале
Среднеазиатского тафсира)
Как известно, А.К. Боровков в свое время опубликовал «лексику» среднеазиатского тэфсира. Я тоже изучал текст среднеазиатского тафсира и подготовил на эту тему магистерскую диссертацию в 1989 г. Я переводил «Лексику Боровкова» на турецкий язык как критическое издание. В 2011 г. опубликовал транскрипцию текста тафсира в Турции. В этот раз хочу
сообщить коллегам о лексических элементах в тексте среднеазиатского тафсира как показателях языковых напластований.
Шведский тюрколог Ларс Йохансон (2001) высказался по этому поводу так: «Язык отражает социальные обстоятельства, исторические изменения, историю культуры и расселения, а также созвездия политического господства. Таким образом, лингвистические данные могут помочь восстановить исторические факты. Проблемы возникновения и развития разновидностей заставляют обратить внимание на взаимодействие с экстралингвистическими фактами». Тема моего доклада позволяет выявить ареал распространения традиционных идеологий, степень их трансформации в зависимости от региона.
Опора на четкое разграничение внутренних, присущих самому языку, законов его развития и внешние, социальные факторы, обусловливающие это развитие, а также анализ языковых изменений, показывая действие как тех, так и других, позволяет отнести исследование к диахронической социолингвистике. Применение данной методологии в тюркологии в области социальной стратификации, выявлении ее причин и проявлений в рамках исторического текста представляет несомненный научный интерес.

Research paper thumbnail of Sözlükçülük ve Sözlük Araştırmacılığı

Modern Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi /Journal of Modern Turkish Studies, 2010

ÖZET Bu yazının birinci bölümünde sözlükçülük (leksikografi) alanının sınırlarını belirlemek amac... more ÖZET Bu yazının birinci bölümünde sözlükçülük (leksikografi) alanının sınırlarını belirlemek amacıyla farklı kaynaklardaki tanımlarına yer verilmekte; leksikografinin teorisi, alanı, terminolojisi ve hedefleri üzerinde durulmaka; Türkiye'de bu alandaki çalışmalar ...

Research paper thumbnail of Fi̇rdevsî-İ Rûmî’Ni̇n Bi̇r Münazarasi

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 2009

... Mübahase için Türkçe Sözlük'te sadece “konuşma” denilere... more ... Mübahase için Türkçe Sözlük'te sadece “konuşma” denilerek yetinilmişken (1998:1600), Örnekleriyle Türkçe Sözlük'te “1. Bir iş hakkında iki kişi arasında söylenen söz; çeşitli konular hakkında karşılıklı konuşma. 2. Bahse girme; bahis; iddia.” karşılıkları verilmiştir. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Türkçe Sözlük Hazırlamada Yöntem Sorunları

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 2006

... yüzyılın başında ise Batı modeli sözlükçüğü çok iyi bilen ve bunu Türkçeye uyarlayan kişi, Şe... more ... yüzyılın başında ise Batı modeli sözlükçüğü çok iyi bilen ve bunu Türkçeye uyarlayan kişi, Şemseddin Sami (Fraşeri) olmuştur. ... Çünkü ekşi olan diğer yiyecekler (elma, erik, kiraz, vişne) göz önünde bulundurulduğunda bunların sirke ve limon tadında olmadığı görülür. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Türk Gramerci̇li̇ği̇ni̇n Tari̇hi̇nde Kavai̇d Ki̇taplarinin Yeri̇

Research paper thumbnail of Ağız Tasniflerinde Kullanılan (Fonolojik) Ölçütler Üzerine

Journal of Turkish Studies, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Kur'ân'da Taş Motifinin Anlambilimsel İncelemesi

Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Türkçe-Rusça İki Dilli Sözlükler

Turkish-Russian Bilingual Dictionaries, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Osmanlıcanın Islahı Uzerine

Reform of the Ottoman Language, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of Ortak Turk Dili ve Magcan Cumabayev

Turkish Language as Lingua Franca and Mağcan Cumabayev, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Orta Asya Kur'an Tefsiri Sözlüğü

Central Asian Quran Interpretation Dictionary, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Azerbaycan Siiri Kuzey

Modern Azerbaijani Poetry, 1996


Research paper thumbnail of Ağız Tasniflerinde Kullanılan (Fonolojik) Ölçütler Üzerine


In all scientific studies, take it to prepare documents and sort of issues should be the first and primary task. This principle also applies to grammar studies. In general language, specifically the classification of the dialect researches, of course, is not a job to be done very easily. But instead of considering this job to avoid difficulties, measures should be identified and action should be taken in this direction. Dialectology studies have become a tool of sociolinguistics. Rather serious and extensive studies on the use for this purpose.
The papers presented in previous years, and we examine the articles published are only found in the opinion on the classification of the dialects in several studies. Dialect studies, have reached levels that could pose a major corpus of theoretical studies but remained few. The reasons for this situation are several factors that complicate their dialect research.
In these studies, we do not see a common understanding and shared vision dialectologists. Statistics, which is made in 1991, supports our view that the criteria of dialectologists not fully match the criteria of other dialectologists’ quantity and content. This shows it is too early to talk about traditions in dialectological works.
It is already clear that they were not so thoughtful about how to choose the criteria. When we look at the criteria for the classification of Turkic languages, then we see that they have such characteristics as small numbers, generality and selectivity. Unfortunately, unusual approaches hold in the Turkish dialectology: chosen some features of the dialect and they are sorted as criteria.
On the other hand, it must be observed difference between the groups and subgroups of dialects. The reliability of the classification of dialects depends on the criteria that agree to the above difference.
In the works of dialectology is another important issue is the fact that some features to oppose modern Turkic languages to the peculiarities of the Turkish dialects, it does not give results. So it cannot be the main pillar of such phonological equivalence as shown by the uniformity of the Turkic languages; because these languages were influenced by migration, high level of education, means of communication, cultural bundles, regional languages, etc. In other words, we should not disregard the fact that some features of Turkish dialects may occur under the influence of the local environment and others may arise sociological or psychological background and in the last they can be factors such as human flaws.
I adhere to the view that dialectology will use synchronous methods, so there is no need to compare with the findings of studies on the old Turkish language, because it leads us to a dead end. On the other hand there is evidence of the fact that scientists have found large differences between the features of the dialects of the Turkish language from the old Turkish language. So if we cannot find an equivalence between the features of the dialects of the Turkish language with phonological characteristics of the old Turkish language which can be found in the manuscripts, it is not possible to use in the classification of dialects as criteria.
In Turkish dialectology for a long time was the traditional approach, which is characteristic only of comparative historical research: to find similarities between the phonological features of dialects of the Turkish language with the characteristics of those tribes who moved into Anatolia in the 11th century. But while there are still unresolved problems, we cannot offer such equivalents as criteria.
Phonological features identified in relation to the dialect, "general" heading are converted into the criteria. But every "feature" distinctive "criteria" is not, cannot. In the case does not meet the general line "of unknown cause" is called. Classification of the features cannot be seen in the dialect movement. Their conversion to a certain extent should be restated in a way that may be at least substantially. And a certain number of criteria must be distinctive.
In conclusion we can say that the above problems constitute an obstacle to the search for true and stable criteria for the classification of dialects.
Phonological changes seen in everyday speech, so far, have used as criteria by which to classify dialects of Turkish language. In other words, diachronic conclusions, considered the most important and take advantage of research, in the final analysis did not take into account the dialectologists. We should fully discuss this paradox, because it does not give any benefit to the young researchers.

Research paper thumbnail of Kuran'da Taş Motifinin Anlambilimsel İncelemesi

Semantics of Stone-motifs in the Quran, Apr 1, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Исторический обзор первых подстрочных переводов Корана

Research paper thumbnail of Заимствованные синтаксические структуры в турецком языке

Research paper thumbnail of İYELİK EKİNİN DÖNÜŞTÜRÜCÜ İŞLEVİ



Research paper thumbnail of Лексические элементы как показатели языковых напластований (на материале Среднеазиатского тафсира)

Первая всероссийская научная конференция «Рукописное наследие Востока»: тезисы материалов конференции, посвященной памяти М. И. Воробьевой-Десятовской (1933–2021)., 2022

Лексические элементы как показатели языковых напластований (на материале Среднеазиатского тафсир... more Лексические элементы как показатели языковых напластований (на материале
Среднеазиатского тафсира)
Как известно, А.К. Боровков в свое время опубликовал «лексику» среднеазиатского тэфсира. Я тоже изучал текст среднеазиатского тафсира и подготовил на эту тему магистерскую диссертацию в 1989 г. Я переводил «Лексику Боровкова» на турецкий язык как критическое издание. В 2011 г. опубликовал транскрипцию текста тафсира в Турции. В этот раз хочу
сообщить коллегам о лексических элементах в тексте среднеазиатского тафсира как показателях языковых напластований.
Шведский тюрколог Ларс Йохансон (2001) высказался по этому поводу так: «Язык отражает социальные обстоятельства, исторические изменения, историю культуры и расселения, а также созвездия политического господства. Таким образом, лингвистические данные могут помочь восстановить исторические факты. Проблемы возникновения и развития разновидностей заставляют обратить внимание на взаимодействие с экстралингвистическими фактами». Тема моего доклада позволяет выявить ареал распространения традиционных идеологий, степень их трансформации в зависимости от региона.
Опора на четкое разграничение внутренних, присущих самому языку, законов его развития и внешние, социальные факторы, обусловливающие это развитие, а также анализ языковых изменений, показывая действие как тех, так и других, позволяет отнести исследование к диахронической социолингвистике. Применение данной методологии в тюркологии в области социальной стратификации, выявлении ее причин и проявлений в рамках исторического текста представляет несомненный научный интерес.

Research paper thumbnail of Sözlükçülük ve Sözlük Araştırmacılığı

Modern Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi /Journal of Modern Turkish Studies, 2010

ÖZET Bu yazının birinci bölümünde sözlükçülük (leksikografi) alanının sınırlarını belirlemek amac... more ÖZET Bu yazının birinci bölümünde sözlükçülük (leksikografi) alanının sınırlarını belirlemek amacıyla farklı kaynaklardaki tanımlarına yer verilmekte; leksikografinin teorisi, alanı, terminolojisi ve hedefleri üzerinde durulmaka; Türkiye'de bu alandaki çalışmalar ...

Research paper thumbnail of Fi̇rdevsî-İ Rûmî’Ni̇n Bi̇r Münazarasi

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 2009

... Mübahase için Türkçe Sözlük'te sadece “konuşma” denilere... more ... Mübahase için Türkçe Sözlük'te sadece “konuşma” denilerek yetinilmişken (1998:1600), Örnekleriyle Türkçe Sözlük'te “1. Bir iş hakkında iki kişi arasında söylenen söz; çeşitli konular hakkında karşılıklı konuşma. 2. Bahse girme; bahis; iddia.” karşılıkları verilmiştir. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Türkçe Sözlük Hazırlamada Yöntem Sorunları

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 2006

... yüzyılın başında ise Batı modeli sözlükçüğü çok iyi bilen ve bunu Türkçeye uyarlayan kişi, Şe... more ... yüzyılın başında ise Batı modeli sözlükçüğü çok iyi bilen ve bunu Türkçeye uyarlayan kişi, Şemseddin Sami (Fraşeri) olmuştur. ... Çünkü ekşi olan diğer yiyecekler (elma, erik, kiraz, vişne) göz önünde bulundurulduğunda bunların sirke ve limon tadında olmadığı görülür. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Türk Gramerci̇li̇ği̇ni̇n Tari̇hi̇nde Kavai̇d Ki̇taplarinin Yeri̇

Research paper thumbnail of Ağız Tasniflerinde Kullanılan (Fonolojik) Ölçütler Üzerine

Journal of Turkish Studies, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Kur'ân'da Taş Motifinin Anlambilimsel İncelemesi

Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Türkçe-Rusça İki Dilli Sözlükler

Turkish-Russian Bilingual Dictionaries, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Osmanlıcanın Islahı Uzerine

Reform of the Ottoman Language, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of Ortak Turk Dili ve Magcan Cumabayev

Turkish Language as Lingua Franca and Mağcan Cumabayev, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Orta Asya Kur'an Tefsiri Sözlüğü

Central Asian Quran Interpretation Dictionary, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Azerbaycan Siiri Kuzey

Modern Azerbaijani Poetry, 1996


Research paper thumbnail of Ağız Tasniflerinde Kullanılan (Fonolojik) Ölçütler Üzerine


In all scientific studies, take it to prepare documents and sort of issues should be the first and primary task. This principle also applies to grammar studies. In general language, specifically the classification of the dialect researches, of course, is not a job to be done very easily. But instead of considering this job to avoid difficulties, measures should be identified and action should be taken in this direction. Dialectology studies have become a tool of sociolinguistics. Rather serious and extensive studies on the use for this purpose.
The papers presented in previous years, and we examine the articles published are only found in the opinion on the classification of the dialects in several studies. Dialect studies, have reached levels that could pose a major corpus of theoretical studies but remained few. The reasons for this situation are several factors that complicate their dialect research.
In these studies, we do not see a common understanding and shared vision dialectologists. Statistics, which is made in 1991, supports our view that the criteria of dialectologists not fully match the criteria of other dialectologists’ quantity and content. This shows it is too early to talk about traditions in dialectological works.
It is already clear that they were not so thoughtful about how to choose the criteria. When we look at the criteria for the classification of Turkic languages, then we see that they have such characteristics as small numbers, generality and selectivity. Unfortunately, unusual approaches hold in the Turkish dialectology: chosen some features of the dialect and they are sorted as criteria.
On the other hand, it must be observed difference between the groups and subgroups of dialects. The reliability of the classification of dialects depends on the criteria that agree to the above difference.
In the works of dialectology is another important issue is the fact that some features to oppose modern Turkic languages to the peculiarities of the Turkish dialects, it does not give results. So it cannot be the main pillar of such phonological equivalence as shown by the uniformity of the Turkic languages; because these languages were influenced by migration, high level of education, means of communication, cultural bundles, regional languages, etc. In other words, we should not disregard the fact that some features of Turkish dialects may occur under the influence of the local environment and others may arise sociological or psychological background and in the last they can be factors such as human flaws.
I adhere to the view that dialectology will use synchronous methods, so there is no need to compare with the findings of studies on the old Turkish language, because it leads us to a dead end. On the other hand there is evidence of the fact that scientists have found large differences between the features of the dialects of the Turkish language from the old Turkish language. So if we cannot find an equivalence between the features of the dialects of the Turkish language with phonological characteristics of the old Turkish language which can be found in the manuscripts, it is not possible to use in the classification of dialects as criteria.
In Turkish dialectology for a long time was the traditional approach, which is characteristic only of comparative historical research: to find similarities between the phonological features of dialects of the Turkish language with the characteristics of those tribes who moved into Anatolia in the 11th century. But while there are still unresolved problems, we cannot offer such equivalents as criteria.
Phonological features identified in relation to the dialect, "general" heading are converted into the criteria. But every "feature" distinctive "criteria" is not, cannot. In the case does not meet the general line "of unknown cause" is called. Classification of the features cannot be seen in the dialect movement. Their conversion to a certain extent should be restated in a way that may be at least substantially. And a certain number of criteria must be distinctive.
In conclusion we can say that the above problems constitute an obstacle to the search for true and stable criteria for the classification of dialects.
Phonological changes seen in everyday speech, so far, have used as criteria by which to classify dialects of Turkish language. In other words, diachronic conclusions, considered the most important and take advantage of research, in the final analysis did not take into account the dialectologists. We should fully discuss this paradox, because it does not give any benefit to the young researchers.

Research paper thumbnail of Kuran'da Taş Motifinin Anlambilimsel İncelemesi

Semantics of Stone-motifs in the Quran, Apr 1, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Исторический обзор первых подстрочных переводов Корана

Research paper thumbnail of Заимствованные синтаксические структуры в турецком языке

Research paper thumbnail of İYELİK EKİNİN DÖNÜŞTÜRÜCÜ İŞLEVİ



Research paper thumbnail of Лексические элементы как показатели языковых напластований (на материале Среднеазиатского тафсира)

Первая всероссийская научная конференция «Рукописное наследие Востока» (программа, 2022

Как известно, А.К. Боровков в свое время опубликовал «лексику» среднеазиатского тэфсира. Я тоже и... more Как известно, А.К. Боровков в свое время опубликовал «лексику» среднеазиатского тэфсира. Я тоже изучал текст среднеазиатского тафсира и подготовил на эту тему магистерскую диссертацию в 1989 г. Я переводил «Лексику Боровкова» на турецкий язык как критическое издание. В 2011 г. опубликовал транскрипцию текста тафсира в Турции. В этот раз хочу сообщить коллегам о лексических элементах в тексте среднеазиатского тафсира как показателях
языковых напластований. Шведский тюрколог Ларс Йохансон (2001) высказался по этому поводу так: «Язык отражает социальные обстоятельства, исторические изменения, историю культуры и расселения, а также созвездия политического господства. Таким образом, лингвистические данные могут помочь восстановить исторические факты. Проблемы возникновения и развития разновидностей заставляют обратить внимание на взаимодействие с экстралингвистическими фактами». Тема моего доклада позволяет выявить ареал распространения традиционных идеологий, степень их трансформации в зависимости от региона.
Опора на четкое разграничение внутренних, присущих самому языку, законов его развития и внешние, социальные факторы, обусловливающие это развитие, а также анализ языковых
изменений, показывая действие как тех, так и других, позволяет отнести исследование к диахронической социолингвистике. Применение данной методологии в тюркологии в области
социальной стратификации, выявлении ее причин и проявлений в рамках исторического текста представляет несомненный научный интерес.