Seyrani Koncagul | Ankara University (original) (raw)
Papers by Seyrani Koncagul
The aim of the study was to identify genetic variants associated with personal best scores in Tur... more The aim of the study was to identify genetic variants associated with personal best scores in Turkish track and field athletes and to compare allelic frequencies between sprint/power and endurance athletes and controls using a whole-exome sequencing (WES) approach, followed by replication studies in independent cohorts. The discovery phase involved 60 elite Turkish athletes (31 sprint/power and 29 endurance) and 20 ethnically matched controls. The replication phase involved 1132 individuals (115 elite Russian sprinters, 373 elite Russian endurance athletes (of which 75 athletes were with VO2max measurements), 209 controls, 148 Russian and 287 Finnish individuals with muscle fiber composition and cross-sectional area (CSA) data). None of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) reached an exome-wide significance level (p < 2.3 × 10−7) in genotype–phenotype and case–control studies of Turkish athletes. However, of the 53 nominally (p < 0.05) associated SNPs, four functional va...
The domestication and breeding of small ruminants are virtually as old as human history. As in ma... more The domestication and breeding of small ruminants are virtually as old as human history. As in many countries of the world, sheep farming activities are attractive for producers due to ease of management, care, efficient utilization of undersized grasslands, resistance to disease and harsh climatic conditions. Sheep (Ovis aries) is the most cultivated farm animal in different parts of the world, after goat, among livestock. There are approximately 1314 sheep breeds around the world [1]. Sheep are multipurpose animals that are raised for their meat, milk, fleece, skin, fur and fertilizer. Turkey is one of the world's most important sheep farming countries in the globe and there are about 37.28 million heads in almanac of 2019. 1 Essentially, Turkish sheep breeds are divided into two categories: thin-and fat-tailed breeds. The most common Turkish sheep breeds are fat-tailed breeds such as Akkaraman, Morkaraman, İvesi, Karakaş and Norduz [2]. The region of Lake Van basin with high altitude conditions is home to many native animal species such 1 as Karakaş and Norduz sheep that are thought to be well adapted domestic gene sources around the region for many years. Besides, these sheep breeds are a reliable economic resource preferred by small family businesses in and around the region for sheep farming. Norduz and Karakaş sheep are categorized as a multipurpose, fat-tailed sheep and produced for milk, meat and fleece in the region [3-5]. Various molecular techniques and gene markers are used in genomic levels for molecular identification (phylogenetic) and genetic variation (polymorphism) analysis and studies. Over the past decades, different forms of genetic markers have been used in gene mapping attempts of plants, animals, and humans with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. These are briefly; restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), singlestrand length polymorphism (SSLP), minisatellites and microsatellites, and single nucleotide polymorphisms Abstract: Karakaş and Norduz sheep have been adapted to the Lake Van region of Turkey for many years as being domestic genetic resources and meat, milk, and fleece traits are a reliable economic resource especially preferred by small family businesses around the area. In this study, the data set consisted of milk yield (MY) and milk content components; milk fat (MF), fat-free dry matter (FFDM), dry matter (DM), protein (Pro), lactose (Lac), pH, acidity H (aH), and lactic acid (Lac). Besides, Karakaş (n = 30) and Norduz (n = 26) sheep were chosen to investigate based on the SNP method. Correspondingly, genomic DNA from both breeds exon 2 of the GDF9 gene region was amplified, 815 base pairs (bp) in length, by means of PCR. Therefore, there were three noval SNPs detected in both breeds under investigation. Although SNP1 and 2 with genotypes of GG and AG had statistically significant impacts on both milk production and milk components (p < 0.01), SNP3 with genotypes of TT, TC had no significant effects on the milk characteristics in question.
The main objectives of this study were to compare eight mathematical models for ability to descri... more The main objectives of this study were to compare eight mathematical models for ability to describe weekly egg production curve of individual hens, and to examine any relation of egg production curve parameters with initial body weight (BW) and feed intake (FI) when they are fed a single diet. After determining the best model, the model was also investigated to assess whether it was sensitive to increase in egg production intervals; from weekly (1W) to 2 weekly (2W) to four weekly (4W) productions. Data were obtained from 114 Nick Brown laying hens raised in the same environmental conditions. The models were compared using residual mean (RM), coefficients of determination (R 2 ), correlation between the observed and the estimated egg production curves (r), AIC and BIC statistics. With respect to the goodness-of-fit criteria, among the eight models, GK2001 model with 3 parameters performed best to describe the curve of individual weekly egg production. RM, R 2 , r, AIC and BIC values...
Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 2013
The aim of this study was to give general information about the products status, breeding systems... more The aim of this study was to give general information about the products status, breeding systems and to propose recommendation to improve the potentials about goat breeding in Turkey. For these purposes, FAO agricultural statistics is presented by evaluating data obtained. Turkey has significant potential in terms of small ruminant breeding, the number of animals and the production value. According to 2010 figures, 0.5% of the world goats' population is bred in Turkey with the presence of 5.1 million goats. As a result, over the years, based on the continuous decrease of goats in Turkey, there is a decrease of 9% of goats in comparison to the previous year. In 2010, there is a 30% increase in goat milk production and 9.2% decrease in goat and sheep meat comparing to the previous year.
Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 2013
In this study, it was intended to present general information about the products status, breeding... more In this study, it was intended to present general information about the products status, breeding systems and to propose recommendations for improvement of the potentials about sheep breeding. Based on the agricultural statistics by FAO, there is an important potential in terms of sheep breeding, the number of animals and the production value. According to 2010 figures, 2.1% of the world sheep population is in Turkey with the presence of 21.8 million sheep. As a result, based on the continuous decrease in the presence of sheep in Turkey, there is a decrease of 10% sheep over the previous year in 2010. In 2010, there is an increase of 10% in terms of sheep milk, a decrease of 9.2% sheep and goat meat and a decrease of 27% in terms of wool production comparing to the previous year. ПОТЕНЦИЈАЛИ И ЗАСТАПЕНОСТ НА ОВЧАРСТВОТО И ОВЧИТЕ ПРОИЗВОДИ ВО ТУРЦИЈА Целта на оваа студија е да се презентираат општи информации за статусот на производите, системите на одгледување и да предложи препораки за подобрување на потенцијалите за одгледување на овци. Врз основа на земјоделските статистики од ФАО, постои значаен потенцијал во однос на одгледувањето на овци, бројот на животните и вредноста на производството. Според статистиката во 2010 год., 2.1% од светската популација овци се одгледува во Турција, чиј број изнесува 21,8 милиони овци. Како резултат на тоа, врз основа на континуираното намалување, бројот на овците во Турција има пад од 10%, во однос на претходната година. Во 2010 година е забележан пораст од 10% во однос на производството на овчо млеко, намалување од 9,2% во производството на овчо и козјо месо и намалување од 27% во однос на производството на волна, во споредба со претходната година.
Genetic diversity (GD) refers to the variety of genes within a species. In order to preserve GD w... more Genetic diversity (GD) refers to the variety of genes within a species. In order to preserve GD within a species, different populations must be sustained. GD allows livestock species for adaptation to changes in environmental conditions over time and is, consequently, essential to species survival. Unfortunately, GD in livestockis threatened by various reasons such as intensive artificial selection programs in animal production systems (genomic selection), mating schemes (inbreeding) and global warming along with inappropriate management strategies and policies. Moreover, recent molecular genetic approaches provide more and more powerful tools for unravelling the molecular basis of phenotypic diversity in genomes of farm animals.Future plans concerning GD must contain the sustainable application, development and conservation of domesticated animal genetic resources requires information on the diversity of both national and international resources, therefore referring to global infor...
Evcil keciler (Capra hircus), yaklasik 10.000 yil once Neolitik devirde Yakin Dogu’daki Fertile C... more Evcil keciler (Capra hircus), yaklasik 10.000 yil once Neolitik devirde Yakin Dogu’daki Fertile Crescent bolgesinde evcillestirilmis ve bugun Dunya’nin butun kitalarina yayilmistir. Keciler, etinden, sutunden, lifinden ve derisinden yararlanilan onemli ciftlik hayvanlaridir. Ciftlik hayvanlari uzerinde yapilan filogenetik calismalarda mitokondriyal DNA molekuler belirtec olarak kullanilmaktadir. Son zamanlarda, kecilerde yapilan molekuler filogenetik calismalarda A, B1, B2, C, D, F ve G olmak uzere 6 mitokondriyal haplogrup tanimlanmistir. Soy A, en cesitli olanidir ve tum kitalara yayilmistir. Bu derlemede, kecilerde yapilan molekuler filogenetik calismalar hakkinda bilgi verilmistir.
Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 2020
Öz Bu çalışmada, Şanlıurfa yöresindeki Akkaraman (AK) ve İvesi (IV) koyunlarının filogenetik yapı... more Öz Bu çalışmada, Şanlıurfa yöresindeki Akkaraman (AK) ve İvesi (IV) koyunlarının filogenetik yapıları moleküler tekniklerle belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın hayvan materyalini, Şanlıurfa ve yöresinde yetiştirilen Akkaraman (AK) ve İvesi (IV) koyunları oluşturmuştur. Koyunlardan genomik DNA izolasyonu için kıl örnekleri toplanmış ve tüm örneklerden genomik DNA izole edilmiştir. Koyun DNA örneklerinde mitokondriyal Sitokrom b (Cyt b) gen bölgelerini çoğaltmak için gerekli ileri ve geri primerler tasarlanmıştır. Koyun Cyt b gen bölgeleri polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu tekniği (PZR) ile çoğaltılmıştır. PZR ürünlerinin gen dizi bilgileri elde edilmiştir. Populasyonlar için toplam bölge sayısı, G+C oranı, polimorfik bölge sayısı (S), haplotip sayısı (h), haplotip farklılığı (Hd) ve nükleotid farklılığı (π) değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Koyun haplotiplere ait Cyt b gen dizileri
Scrapie is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy caused by prions and leads to neurodegenerat... more Scrapie is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy caused by prions and leads to neurodegeneration in the Central Nervous System (CNS) of sheep and goats. Genetic resistance/susceptibility to scrapie is well studied and it is known that the variations of 136th, 154th and 171st codons at the ovine PRNP gene have a major effect on the development of the disease. Many studies demonstrated that selection for PRNP genotypes has not influenced other performance traits, nevertheless, there is a knowledge gap about the possible link between the PRNP gene and the status of the other important diseases that affect the sheep population worldwide. In the present study, we tested whether there is an association between scrapie-related PRNP genotypes and fecal egg count (FEC) of gastrointestinal nematodes in seven adult Turkish sheep breeds. For this purpose, FEC scores of studied sheep (n = 253) were determined and the same animals were genotyped for the PRNP gene. Finally, an association anal...
Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 2020
The aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate some nonlinear functions i.e. Brody, Negative... more The aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate some nonlinear functions i.e. Brody, Negative Exponential and Bertalanffy in order to describe the growth of Awassi male lambs (n=120) at the age of 10 months. The coefficient of determination values estimated for Brody, Negative Exponential and Bertalanffy models were 0.9523, 0.6094, and 0.9428 R 2 for the first-time interval (0-90 days of age), 0.9866, 0.9743 and 0.9797 R 2 for the second time interval (0-180 days of age) and 0.9924, 0.9853 and 0.9902 R 2 for the third time interval (0-300 days of age), respectively. Pearson correlation coefficients between the observed and predicted weight values of the Awassi lambs were found as 0.9417, 0.9255 and 0.9203 for 0-90 days of age, 0.9741, 0.9501 and 0.9634 for 0-180 days of age and 0.9824, 0.9765 and 0.9790, for 0-300 days of age, respectively. Brody, Negative Exponential and Bertalanffy models were found to be useful models to describe the growth of Awassi lambs raised in Turkey. In conclusion, it could be suggested that the nonlinear functions might allow breeders to achieve remarkable information in practice in terms of determining managerial problems, slaughtering age, ideal feed amounts, and the studied breed's growth standards.
Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019
Bu calismada, Hereford irki sigir populasyonunda Stearoyl CoA Desaturase (SCD) gen polimorfizmi b... more Bu calismada, Hereford irki sigir populasyonunda Stearoyl CoA Desaturase (SCD) gen polimorfizmi belirlenmistir. SCD geni ekson V bolgesi gen dizi bilgilerine gore A702G, T762C ve C878T tek nukleotid polimorfizmleri (SNP) tespit edilmistir. A702G bolgesinde AA, AG ve GG genotiplerinin frekanslari sirasiyla; %20.69, 44.83 ve 34.45, T762C bolgesinde TT, TC ve CC genotiplerinin frekanslari sirasiyla; %13.79, 62.07 ve 24.14, C878T bolgesinde CC, CT ve TT genotiplerinin frekanslari sirasiyla; %44.83, 31.03 ve 24.14 olarak hesaplanmistir. Bununla beraber, A702G bolgesinde A ve G allel frekanslari 0.431 ve 0.569, T762C bolgesinde T ve C allel frekanslari 0.448 ve 0.552, C878T bolgesinde C ve T allel frekanslari 0.603 ve 0.397'dir. Ayrica ilgili SNP’ler bakimindan populasyonun Hardy-Weinberg dengesinde olmadigi belirlenmistir (P>0.05).
Journal of Biotechnology, 2017
Animal biotechnology can help produce farm and companion animals as well as conserving endangered... more Animal biotechnology can help produce farm and companion animals as well as conserving endangered species as being native genetic resources. Using molecular markers, it is possible to preserve the genetics of endangered species, therefore, generating increased genetic diversity. The Van cats are one of the endemic species, living around Lake Van region and endangered. Microsatel-lite markers are widely used for estimating genetic diversity and genetic differentiation in a population. The aim of this study was to characterize genetic structure and detect genetic differentiation of the Van cat population under a conservation programme based on eye colors, fur length and a three spot on head. 25 male and 41 female cats were selected and 4 microsatellite loci (FCA176, 478, 547, 688) were chosen throughout the domestic cat genome. Heterozyosity (H) and Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) were estimated as 0.446 and 0.347; 0.425 and 0.335; 0.204 and 0.183; 0.495 and 0.372 for each loci, respectively. As a result, combining phenotype and marker data, no genetic relations in pedigree were obtained. Moreover, there were no statistical evidences among marker loci and phenotypes but statistical relationships between FCA176, FCA478 loci and three head spots and fur length were detected, respectively, (p = 0.0734 and p = 0.0651).
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2012
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2010
Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2010
This study was conducted to develop the prediction equations for 150 day milk yield on the cumula... more This study was conducted to develop the prediction equations for 150 day milk yield on the cumulative part lactation milk yield records of Awassi sheep in the southeastern region of Turkey. In the study, a total of 145 sheep lambed during the 2007–2008 lambing year. Among the single monthly yields, the 3 rd month (R 2 = 0.836) was the best for 150 days prediction followed by 2 nd and 4 th month (R 2 = 0.756 and 0.659, respectively). Among the cumulative monthly yields, the TMY04 (R 2 = 0.982) was the best for 150 days prediction followed by TMY03, TMY02 and TMY01 (R 2 = 0.926, 0.797 and 0.659, respectively). The phenotypic correlation was the highest between the LSV150 and TMY04 (r = 0.991) followed by TMY03, TMY02 and TMY01 (0.962, 0.893 and 0.775, respectively). It was concluded that the total milk yield of the first three month after lambing could accuratly be used to predict the total lactation milk yield of Awassi sheep if there is lactation.
Small Ruminant Research
Visna/maedi (VM) is a multisystemic disease of sheep characterized by persistent lentiviral infec... more Visna/maedi (VM) is a multisystemic disease of sheep characterized by persistent lentiviral infection, slow progression and eventually death. The VM virus (VMV) affects sheep throughout the world and is the focus of national eradication campaigns. A major host gene associated with infection has been identified in North American sheep (TMEM154); however, its effect is unknown in Turkish sheep. Our aim was to determine VMV seroprevalence in naturally infected Turkish sheep, characterize their TMEM154 alleles, and test for association with infection. A 2017 serological census was taken of 2266 ewes from 11 flocks, at six locations, comprising seven native and four composite Turkish breeds. VMV serum antibodies were measured with an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Eight of 11 flocks were infected with VMV (2 to 83% seroprevalence). TMEM154 variants were typed by sequencing exon 2 from all 287 seropositive ewes and a subset of their seronegative flockmates (1059 total). TMEM154 sequencing revealed five of 12 known haplotypes encoding missense mutations, and one previously unreported variant (G38R) in Kivircik sheep. VMV seroprevalence in ewes with highly-susceptible TMEM154 haplotypes (full length E35 variants) was higher than the overall flock seroprevalence and independent of breed type. Genetic association was tested in 76 matched case-control pairs from 751 comingled ewes from a research flock. Pairwise analyses showed the risk of infection was 3-fold greater for ewes with one or two copies of highly-susceptible TMEM154 haplotypes compared to those with combinations of K35 and deletion variants (CI95 1.3-8.7, p-value 0.009). Allelic combinations of TMEM154 K35 and deletion variants had an apparent protective effect against VMV strains in Turkish sheep. The low frequencies of K35 and deletion alleles in native Turkish breeds suggests selective breeding may help reduce the seroprevalence in affected flocks and decrease the risk of outbreaks in VMV-free flocks.
Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2010
The objectives of the present study were to compare the growth curve models for their ability to ... more The objectives of the present study were to compare the growth curve models for their ability to describe the growth of Turkish Norduz sheep, and to estimate the growth curve parameters by the selected growth model. The data were collected from 93 male lambs and 86 female lambs from birth to 198 day of age. Five different nonlinear models, Brody, Gompertz, Logistic, Bertalanffy and Negative exponential, were compared using coefficient of determination (R 2), asymptotic mature weight (BW A), residual standard deviation (RSD) and coefficient of correlation (r) between the observed and estimated growth curves. The Logistic growth model was observed to be appropriate for explaining the growth of Norduz female and male lambs. Male lambs grew faster and attained larger mature weight than female lambs showing that sex is the main factor affecting the growth of Norduz lambs. Type of birth had no effect on the growth of the lambs.
The aim of the study was to identify genetic variants associated with personal best scores in Tur... more The aim of the study was to identify genetic variants associated with personal best scores in Turkish track and field athletes and to compare allelic frequencies between sprint/power and endurance athletes and controls using a whole-exome sequencing (WES) approach, followed by replication studies in independent cohorts. The discovery phase involved 60 elite Turkish athletes (31 sprint/power and 29 endurance) and 20 ethnically matched controls. The replication phase involved 1132 individuals (115 elite Russian sprinters, 373 elite Russian endurance athletes (of which 75 athletes were with VO2max measurements), 209 controls, 148 Russian and 287 Finnish individuals with muscle fiber composition and cross-sectional area (CSA) data). None of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) reached an exome-wide significance level (p < 2.3 × 10−7) in genotype–phenotype and case–control studies of Turkish athletes. However, of the 53 nominally (p < 0.05) associated SNPs, four functional va...
The domestication and breeding of small ruminants are virtually as old as human history. As in ma... more The domestication and breeding of small ruminants are virtually as old as human history. As in many countries of the world, sheep farming activities are attractive for producers due to ease of management, care, efficient utilization of undersized grasslands, resistance to disease and harsh climatic conditions. Sheep (Ovis aries) is the most cultivated farm animal in different parts of the world, after goat, among livestock. There are approximately 1314 sheep breeds around the world [1]. Sheep are multipurpose animals that are raised for their meat, milk, fleece, skin, fur and fertilizer. Turkey is one of the world's most important sheep farming countries in the globe and there are about 37.28 million heads in almanac of 2019. 1 Essentially, Turkish sheep breeds are divided into two categories: thin-and fat-tailed breeds. The most common Turkish sheep breeds are fat-tailed breeds such as Akkaraman, Morkaraman, İvesi, Karakaş and Norduz [2]. The region of Lake Van basin with high altitude conditions is home to many native animal species such 1 as Karakaş and Norduz sheep that are thought to be well adapted domestic gene sources around the region for many years. Besides, these sheep breeds are a reliable economic resource preferred by small family businesses in and around the region for sheep farming. Norduz and Karakaş sheep are categorized as a multipurpose, fat-tailed sheep and produced for milk, meat and fleece in the region [3-5]. Various molecular techniques and gene markers are used in genomic levels for molecular identification (phylogenetic) and genetic variation (polymorphism) analysis and studies. Over the past decades, different forms of genetic markers have been used in gene mapping attempts of plants, animals, and humans with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. These are briefly; restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), singlestrand length polymorphism (SSLP), minisatellites and microsatellites, and single nucleotide polymorphisms Abstract: Karakaş and Norduz sheep have been adapted to the Lake Van region of Turkey for many years as being domestic genetic resources and meat, milk, and fleece traits are a reliable economic resource especially preferred by small family businesses around the area. In this study, the data set consisted of milk yield (MY) and milk content components; milk fat (MF), fat-free dry matter (FFDM), dry matter (DM), protein (Pro), lactose (Lac), pH, acidity H (aH), and lactic acid (Lac). Besides, Karakaş (n = 30) and Norduz (n = 26) sheep were chosen to investigate based on the SNP method. Correspondingly, genomic DNA from both breeds exon 2 of the GDF9 gene region was amplified, 815 base pairs (bp) in length, by means of PCR. Therefore, there were three noval SNPs detected in both breeds under investigation. Although SNP1 and 2 with genotypes of GG and AG had statistically significant impacts on both milk production and milk components (p < 0.01), SNP3 with genotypes of TT, TC had no significant effects on the milk characteristics in question.
The main objectives of this study were to compare eight mathematical models for ability to descri... more The main objectives of this study were to compare eight mathematical models for ability to describe weekly egg production curve of individual hens, and to examine any relation of egg production curve parameters with initial body weight (BW) and feed intake (FI) when they are fed a single diet. After determining the best model, the model was also investigated to assess whether it was sensitive to increase in egg production intervals; from weekly (1W) to 2 weekly (2W) to four weekly (4W) productions. Data were obtained from 114 Nick Brown laying hens raised in the same environmental conditions. The models were compared using residual mean (RM), coefficients of determination (R 2 ), correlation between the observed and the estimated egg production curves (r), AIC and BIC statistics. With respect to the goodness-of-fit criteria, among the eight models, GK2001 model with 3 parameters performed best to describe the curve of individual weekly egg production. RM, R 2 , r, AIC and BIC values...
Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 2013
The aim of this study was to give general information about the products status, breeding systems... more The aim of this study was to give general information about the products status, breeding systems and to propose recommendation to improve the potentials about goat breeding in Turkey. For these purposes, FAO agricultural statistics is presented by evaluating data obtained. Turkey has significant potential in terms of small ruminant breeding, the number of animals and the production value. According to 2010 figures, 0.5% of the world goats' population is bred in Turkey with the presence of 5.1 million goats. As a result, over the years, based on the continuous decrease of goats in Turkey, there is a decrease of 9% of goats in comparison to the previous year. In 2010, there is a 30% increase in goat milk production and 9.2% decrease in goat and sheep meat comparing to the previous year.
Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 2013
In this study, it was intended to present general information about the products status, breeding... more In this study, it was intended to present general information about the products status, breeding systems and to propose recommendations for improvement of the potentials about sheep breeding. Based on the agricultural statistics by FAO, there is an important potential in terms of sheep breeding, the number of animals and the production value. According to 2010 figures, 2.1% of the world sheep population is in Turkey with the presence of 21.8 million sheep. As a result, based on the continuous decrease in the presence of sheep in Turkey, there is a decrease of 10% sheep over the previous year in 2010. In 2010, there is an increase of 10% in terms of sheep milk, a decrease of 9.2% sheep and goat meat and a decrease of 27% in terms of wool production comparing to the previous year. ПОТЕНЦИЈАЛИ И ЗАСТАПЕНОСТ НА ОВЧАРСТВОТО И ОВЧИТЕ ПРОИЗВОДИ ВО ТУРЦИЈА Целта на оваа студија е да се презентираат општи информации за статусот на производите, системите на одгледување и да предложи препораки за подобрување на потенцијалите за одгледување на овци. Врз основа на земјоделските статистики од ФАО, постои значаен потенцијал во однос на одгледувањето на овци, бројот на животните и вредноста на производството. Според статистиката во 2010 год., 2.1% од светската популација овци се одгледува во Турција, чиј број изнесува 21,8 милиони овци. Како резултат на тоа, врз основа на континуираното намалување, бројот на овците во Турција има пад од 10%, во однос на претходната година. Во 2010 година е забележан пораст од 10% во однос на производството на овчо млеко, намалување од 9,2% во производството на овчо и козјо месо и намалување од 27% во однос на производството на волна, во споредба со претходната година.
Genetic diversity (GD) refers to the variety of genes within a species. In order to preserve GD w... more Genetic diversity (GD) refers to the variety of genes within a species. In order to preserve GD within a species, different populations must be sustained. GD allows livestock species for adaptation to changes in environmental conditions over time and is, consequently, essential to species survival. Unfortunately, GD in livestockis threatened by various reasons such as intensive artificial selection programs in animal production systems (genomic selection), mating schemes (inbreeding) and global warming along with inappropriate management strategies and policies. Moreover, recent molecular genetic approaches provide more and more powerful tools for unravelling the molecular basis of phenotypic diversity in genomes of farm animals.Future plans concerning GD must contain the sustainable application, development and conservation of domesticated animal genetic resources requires information on the diversity of both national and international resources, therefore referring to global infor...
Evcil keciler (Capra hircus), yaklasik 10.000 yil once Neolitik devirde Yakin Dogu’daki Fertile C... more Evcil keciler (Capra hircus), yaklasik 10.000 yil once Neolitik devirde Yakin Dogu’daki Fertile Crescent bolgesinde evcillestirilmis ve bugun Dunya’nin butun kitalarina yayilmistir. Keciler, etinden, sutunden, lifinden ve derisinden yararlanilan onemli ciftlik hayvanlaridir. Ciftlik hayvanlari uzerinde yapilan filogenetik calismalarda mitokondriyal DNA molekuler belirtec olarak kullanilmaktadir. Son zamanlarda, kecilerde yapilan molekuler filogenetik calismalarda A, B1, B2, C, D, F ve G olmak uzere 6 mitokondriyal haplogrup tanimlanmistir. Soy A, en cesitli olanidir ve tum kitalara yayilmistir. Bu derlemede, kecilerde yapilan molekuler filogenetik calismalar hakkinda bilgi verilmistir.
Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 2020
Öz Bu çalışmada, Şanlıurfa yöresindeki Akkaraman (AK) ve İvesi (IV) koyunlarının filogenetik yapı... more Öz Bu çalışmada, Şanlıurfa yöresindeki Akkaraman (AK) ve İvesi (IV) koyunlarının filogenetik yapıları moleküler tekniklerle belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın hayvan materyalini, Şanlıurfa ve yöresinde yetiştirilen Akkaraman (AK) ve İvesi (IV) koyunları oluşturmuştur. Koyunlardan genomik DNA izolasyonu için kıl örnekleri toplanmış ve tüm örneklerden genomik DNA izole edilmiştir. Koyun DNA örneklerinde mitokondriyal Sitokrom b (Cyt b) gen bölgelerini çoğaltmak için gerekli ileri ve geri primerler tasarlanmıştır. Koyun Cyt b gen bölgeleri polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu tekniği (PZR) ile çoğaltılmıştır. PZR ürünlerinin gen dizi bilgileri elde edilmiştir. Populasyonlar için toplam bölge sayısı, G+C oranı, polimorfik bölge sayısı (S), haplotip sayısı (h), haplotip farklılığı (Hd) ve nükleotid farklılığı (π) değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Koyun haplotiplere ait Cyt b gen dizileri
Scrapie is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy caused by prions and leads to neurodegenerat... more Scrapie is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy caused by prions and leads to neurodegeneration in the Central Nervous System (CNS) of sheep and goats. Genetic resistance/susceptibility to scrapie is well studied and it is known that the variations of 136th, 154th and 171st codons at the ovine PRNP gene have a major effect on the development of the disease. Many studies demonstrated that selection for PRNP genotypes has not influenced other performance traits, nevertheless, there is a knowledge gap about the possible link between the PRNP gene and the status of the other important diseases that affect the sheep population worldwide. In the present study, we tested whether there is an association between scrapie-related PRNP genotypes and fecal egg count (FEC) of gastrointestinal nematodes in seven adult Turkish sheep breeds. For this purpose, FEC scores of studied sheep (n = 253) were determined and the same animals were genotyped for the PRNP gene. Finally, an association anal...
Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 2020
The aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate some nonlinear functions i.e. Brody, Negative... more The aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate some nonlinear functions i.e. Brody, Negative Exponential and Bertalanffy in order to describe the growth of Awassi male lambs (n=120) at the age of 10 months. The coefficient of determination values estimated for Brody, Negative Exponential and Bertalanffy models were 0.9523, 0.6094, and 0.9428 R 2 for the first-time interval (0-90 days of age), 0.9866, 0.9743 and 0.9797 R 2 for the second time interval (0-180 days of age) and 0.9924, 0.9853 and 0.9902 R 2 for the third time interval (0-300 days of age), respectively. Pearson correlation coefficients between the observed and predicted weight values of the Awassi lambs were found as 0.9417, 0.9255 and 0.9203 for 0-90 days of age, 0.9741, 0.9501 and 0.9634 for 0-180 days of age and 0.9824, 0.9765 and 0.9790, for 0-300 days of age, respectively. Brody, Negative Exponential and Bertalanffy models were found to be useful models to describe the growth of Awassi lambs raised in Turkey. In conclusion, it could be suggested that the nonlinear functions might allow breeders to achieve remarkable information in practice in terms of determining managerial problems, slaughtering age, ideal feed amounts, and the studied breed's growth standards.
Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019
Bu calismada, Hereford irki sigir populasyonunda Stearoyl CoA Desaturase (SCD) gen polimorfizmi b... more Bu calismada, Hereford irki sigir populasyonunda Stearoyl CoA Desaturase (SCD) gen polimorfizmi belirlenmistir. SCD geni ekson V bolgesi gen dizi bilgilerine gore A702G, T762C ve C878T tek nukleotid polimorfizmleri (SNP) tespit edilmistir. A702G bolgesinde AA, AG ve GG genotiplerinin frekanslari sirasiyla; %20.69, 44.83 ve 34.45, T762C bolgesinde TT, TC ve CC genotiplerinin frekanslari sirasiyla; %13.79, 62.07 ve 24.14, C878T bolgesinde CC, CT ve TT genotiplerinin frekanslari sirasiyla; %44.83, 31.03 ve 24.14 olarak hesaplanmistir. Bununla beraber, A702G bolgesinde A ve G allel frekanslari 0.431 ve 0.569, T762C bolgesinde T ve C allel frekanslari 0.448 ve 0.552, C878T bolgesinde C ve T allel frekanslari 0.603 ve 0.397'dir. Ayrica ilgili SNP’ler bakimindan populasyonun Hardy-Weinberg dengesinde olmadigi belirlenmistir (P>0.05).
Journal of Biotechnology, 2017
Animal biotechnology can help produce farm and companion animals as well as conserving endangered... more Animal biotechnology can help produce farm and companion animals as well as conserving endangered species as being native genetic resources. Using molecular markers, it is possible to preserve the genetics of endangered species, therefore, generating increased genetic diversity. The Van cats are one of the endemic species, living around Lake Van region and endangered. Microsatel-lite markers are widely used for estimating genetic diversity and genetic differentiation in a population. The aim of this study was to characterize genetic structure and detect genetic differentiation of the Van cat population under a conservation programme based on eye colors, fur length and a three spot on head. 25 male and 41 female cats were selected and 4 microsatellite loci (FCA176, 478, 547, 688) were chosen throughout the domestic cat genome. Heterozyosity (H) and Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) were estimated as 0.446 and 0.347; 0.425 and 0.335; 0.204 and 0.183; 0.495 and 0.372 for each loci, respectively. As a result, combining phenotype and marker data, no genetic relations in pedigree were obtained. Moreover, there were no statistical evidences among marker loci and phenotypes but statistical relationships between FCA176, FCA478 loci and three head spots and fur length were detected, respectively, (p = 0.0734 and p = 0.0651).
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2012
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2010
Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2010
This study was conducted to develop the prediction equations for 150 day milk yield on the cumula... more This study was conducted to develop the prediction equations for 150 day milk yield on the cumulative part lactation milk yield records of Awassi sheep in the southeastern region of Turkey. In the study, a total of 145 sheep lambed during the 2007–2008 lambing year. Among the single monthly yields, the 3 rd month (R 2 = 0.836) was the best for 150 days prediction followed by 2 nd and 4 th month (R 2 = 0.756 and 0.659, respectively). Among the cumulative monthly yields, the TMY04 (R 2 = 0.982) was the best for 150 days prediction followed by TMY03, TMY02 and TMY01 (R 2 = 0.926, 0.797 and 0.659, respectively). The phenotypic correlation was the highest between the LSV150 and TMY04 (r = 0.991) followed by TMY03, TMY02 and TMY01 (0.962, 0.893 and 0.775, respectively). It was concluded that the total milk yield of the first three month after lambing could accuratly be used to predict the total lactation milk yield of Awassi sheep if there is lactation.
Small Ruminant Research
Visna/maedi (VM) is a multisystemic disease of sheep characterized by persistent lentiviral infec... more Visna/maedi (VM) is a multisystemic disease of sheep characterized by persistent lentiviral infection, slow progression and eventually death. The VM virus (VMV) affects sheep throughout the world and is the focus of national eradication campaigns. A major host gene associated with infection has been identified in North American sheep (TMEM154); however, its effect is unknown in Turkish sheep. Our aim was to determine VMV seroprevalence in naturally infected Turkish sheep, characterize their TMEM154 alleles, and test for association with infection. A 2017 serological census was taken of 2266 ewes from 11 flocks, at six locations, comprising seven native and four composite Turkish breeds. VMV serum antibodies were measured with an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Eight of 11 flocks were infected with VMV (2 to 83% seroprevalence). TMEM154 variants were typed by sequencing exon 2 from all 287 seropositive ewes and a subset of their seronegative flockmates (1059 total). TMEM154 sequencing revealed five of 12 known haplotypes encoding missense mutations, and one previously unreported variant (G38R) in Kivircik sheep. VMV seroprevalence in ewes with highly-susceptible TMEM154 haplotypes (full length E35 variants) was higher than the overall flock seroprevalence and independent of breed type. Genetic association was tested in 76 matched case-control pairs from 751 comingled ewes from a research flock. Pairwise analyses showed the risk of infection was 3-fold greater for ewes with one or two copies of highly-susceptible TMEM154 haplotypes compared to those with combinations of K35 and deletion variants (CI95 1.3-8.7, p-value 0.009). Allelic combinations of TMEM154 K35 and deletion variants had an apparent protective effect against VMV strains in Turkish sheep. The low frequencies of K35 and deletion alleles in native Turkish breeds suggests selective breeding may help reduce the seroprevalence in affected flocks and decrease the risk of outbreaks in VMV-free flocks.
Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2010
The objectives of the present study were to compare the growth curve models for their ability to ... more The objectives of the present study were to compare the growth curve models for their ability to describe the growth of Turkish Norduz sheep, and to estimate the growth curve parameters by the selected growth model. The data were collected from 93 male lambs and 86 female lambs from birth to 198 day of age. Five different nonlinear models, Brody, Gompertz, Logistic, Bertalanffy and Negative exponential, were compared using coefficient of determination (R 2), asymptotic mature weight (BW A), residual standard deviation (RSD) and coefficient of correlation (r) between the observed and estimated growth curves. The Logistic growth model was observed to be appropriate for explaining the growth of Norduz female and male lambs. Male lambs grew faster and attained larger mature weight than female lambs showing that sex is the main factor affecting the growth of Norduz lambs. Type of birth had no effect on the growth of the lambs.