İhsan Çiçek | Ankara Üniversitesi (original) (raw)

Papers by İhsan Çiçek

Research paper thumbnail of Coğrafya bölümlerinin öğretim üyesi profilleri

Türk coğrafya dergisi, Jun 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Karçal Dağları'nın buzul jeomorfolojisi ve 36Cl kozmojenik jeokronolojis

Turkiye'deki daglik alanlarin bircogunda Pleistosen sirasindaki yaygin buzullasmalara ait izl... more Turkiye'deki daglik alanlarin bircogunda Pleistosen sirasindaki yaygin buzullasmalara ait izler uzun sureden beri arastirmacilarin ilgisini cekmekte ve literaturde genis yer bulmaktadir. Bununla birlikte, cesitli zorluklar nedeniyle bazi daglardaki buzullasmalar konusundaki yayinlar halen sinirli sayidadir. Kucuk Kafkaslar'in Kuzeydogu Anadolu'daki en bati uzantisi durumunda olan Karcal Daglari (41.24° K, 42.06° D, 3431 m) da bu alanlardan biridir. Karcal Daglari'nda Pleistosen sirasinda yaygin bir sekilde buzullasmaya ugramis ve halen aktuel buzullara ev sahipligi yapan cok sayida vadi bulunmaktadir. Bu calismada, bunlardan biri olan Karcal Vadisi arastirilmistir. Calisma iki asamada yurutulmustur. Oncelikle, uc yil suren arazi calismalariyla Karcal Vadisi'ndeki jeomorfolojik birimler detayli bir sekilde haritalanmis, yaslandirmalar icin geri cekilme morenleri ile fosil kaya buzullarindan 10 adet ornek alinmistir. Daha sonra, arazide alinan orneklere kozmojenik 36Cl yuzey yaslandirmasi yontemi uygulanmistir. Yaslandirma sonuclari, Karcal Vadisi'nde Son Buzul Maksimumu'ndan Gec Buzul Donemi sonuna kadar gecen doneme ait bir buzul kronolojisinin ortaya cikmasini saglamistir. Buna gore, Karcal Vadisi'ndeki buzul, yaklasik 19.9 ± 1.2 binyil once en genis yayilima ulasmistir. Aktuel buzulun onundeki kaya buzuluna yakin kesimlerdeki yas verileri ise 15.7 ± 1.3 binyil once buzulda yeniden bir ilerleme oldugunu gostermistir. Calismada elde edilen sonuclar, Kucuk Kafkaslar'da kantitatif verilere dayali ilk calisma olmasinin yani sira Dogu Karadeniz Daglari'ndaki ve diger vadilerde daha once yapilmis olan yaslandirmalari desteklemesi bakimindan da onem tasimaktadir.AbstractEvidence of widespread mountain glaciations during the Late Pleistocene in Turkey has long attracted attention of researchers. However, there were no studies that contain absolute ages in the Lesser Caucasus despite the fact that it is one of the major glaciated regions in the Eurasia. Here, I present first cosmogenic 36Cl surface exposure ages from the Karcal Mountains (41.24° N, 42.06° E, 3431 m above sea level-a.s.l.), which is located in the most northwestern part of the Lesser Caucasus in the northeastern Anatolia. In the Karcal Mountains, there are numerous valleys that have experienced significant glaciations since Late Pleistocene. I have investigated one of the largest valleys, the eastern facing Karcal Valley, that hosts a small recent glacier located at above 3000 m a.s.l., a rock glacier and lateral and ground moraines. I conducted the study in two stages. First, I mapped the geomorphological units in the Karcal Valley based on detailed field works. Later, I collected 10 rock samples from recessional moraines and fossil rock glacier boulder for cosmogenic 36Cl surface exposure dating. The results outline a glacial chronology from the Last Glacial Maximum to the end of the Late Glacial. Accordingly, the Karcal Valley paleoglaciers reached its largest extent approximately 19.9 ± 1.2 ka ago and is represented by recessional moraines. Fossil rock glaciers were dated to 15.7 ± 1.3 ka. These quantitative results are first in the Lesser Caucasus and compatible with previous ages obtained from other valleys in the near Eastern Black Sea Mountains and in other mountains of Anatolia.

Research paper thumbnail of Konya’da Şehirleşmeye Bağlı Bağil Nem ve Su Buhari Basıncı Değişiklikleri

Coğrafi bilimler dergisi, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Antalya'nın Termal Konfor Özellikleri, İklim Model Verileri Kullanılarak Gelecek Projeksiyonları ve Turizme Etkileri

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Oct 25, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The Statistical Analysis of Precipitation in Ankara, Turkey

Fırat Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of The Geomorphological Features of Surroundings of Lake Ercek

DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 1, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Ankara şehrinde yüzey sıcaklıklarının arazi örtüsüne göre mevsimsel değişimi

Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 2013

In this study, the seasonal variation of the surface temperature of Ankara urban area and its env... more In this study, the seasonal variation of the surface temperature of Ankara urban area and its enviroment have been analyzed by using Landsat 7 image. The Landsat 7 images of each month from 2007 to 2011 have been used to analyze the annually changes of the surface temperature. The land cover of the research area was defined with supervised classification method on the basis of the satellite image belonging to 2008 July. After determining the surface temperatures from 6-1 bands of satellite images, the monthly mean surface temperatures were calculated for land cover classification for the period between 2007 and 2011. Accordşng to the results obtained, the surface temperatures are high in summer and low in winter from the air temperatures. all satellite images were taken at 10:00 am, it is found that urban areas are cooler than rural areas at 10:00 am. Regarding the land cover classification, the water surfaces

Research paper thumbnail of Kaçkar Dağında Buzul Şekilleri, Yaylalar ve Turizm

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, Feb 13, 2018

As on the other high mountains of Anatolia, Pleistocene glaciation leaves clear traces on the Kac... more As on the other high mountains of Anatolia, Pleistocene glaciation leaves clear traces on the Kackar Mountains (3932 m.) as well. At the Kackars, the glaciers are clearly seen at high levels up to 2000 m. in the North and 2200 meters in the South. Today, this is one of the most significant actual glacier sites in Anatolia. There is a close relationship between transhumance, which is one of the most important socio-economic activities of the region, and climatic conditions. The fact that snow melts at different times as the height increases in a very short distance influences transhumance directly. For this reason, at least two highlands belonging to the same village are situated in different vertical height steps. This paper presents geographical and topographical information on the glaciers and highlands of the Kackars, one of the most important heights of the Black Sea region, and investigates their contribution to the tourism of the region.

Research paper thumbnail of KAÇKAR DAĞINDA BUZUL ŞEKİLLERİ, YAYLALAR VE TURİZM (Glacier Shapes on the Kaçkar Mountains, Yaylalar and Tourism)

Fakülte dergisi, 1993

Anadolu'nun diğer yüksek dağlarında olduğu gibi Pleistosen buzul laşması, Kaçkar Dağı'nda (3932 m... more Anadolu'nun diğer yüksek dağlarında olduğu gibi Pleistosen buzul laşması, Kaçkar Dağı'nda (3932 m) da belirgin izler bırakmıştır. Pleistosen'deki kalıcı kar sının 2700 m olan Kaçkar'da buzul izleri kuzeyde 2000, güneyde 2200 m lere kadar rahatlıkla izlenebilmektedir. Burası, bu gün de Anadolu'nun en önemli aktüel buzul alanlarından birisidir. Kaçkar Dağı'nın daha çok kuzey yamaçlarında yer alan, aktüel buzullarının dilleri 3000-3200 m lerdedir. Pleistosen'de kilometrelerce uzunluğa sahip olan büyük buzullardan arta kalan tekne vadilerin tabanlarında çeşitli yükseltilerde yayla yerleş meleri vardır. Yaylaların konumlarıyla buzul şekilleri arasında sıkı bir iliş ki sözkonusudur.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the role of voluntary business associations on borrowed institutionalism in regional development: insights from the case of Kayseri in Türkiye

Eurasian Geography and Economics, Jun 1, 2023

Institutional and cultural traditions, usually shaped by noneconomic factors, help to reduce the ... more Institutional and cultural traditions, usually shaped by noneconomic factors, help to reduce the transaction costs of firms, particularly the costs of knowledge transfer. This study attempts to explain the effects of non-economic factors over voluntary business associations (BAs) and highlight the concept of “borrowed institutionalism” to illustrate the constructive and destructive power of BAs in their use of their relationships with the political establishment for their members. In Türkiye, BAs are not only economic actors but are also embedded in social forms that contain secular or conservative characteristics. While, the structures of these associations that operate within various ideologies can contribute to the institutional setting, they can also hinder the economic potential of a region by developing love or hate relations with the respective political structures. This forms the basis of the concept of “borrowed institutionalism” introduced in this study. Kayseri, which is one of Türkiye’s successful production centers with its unique socio-political characteristics, and predominantly home to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) appears to be a critical case to analyze the role of BAs. The findings from Kayseri case study support the idea that both secular and conservative forms of BAs can cyclically be constructive or destructive for their members and create borrowed institutionalism based on non-inclusive institutionalism.

Research paper thumbnail of Heyelan Olayları ve Karadeniz Kıyı Şeridinden Örnekler


HERALD, Nov 16, 2017

Сажетак: О односу NAO индекса и падавина и средње температуре у Турској су проведене бројне студи... more Сажетак: О односу NAO индекса и падавина и средње температуре у Турској су проведене бројне студије (Türkoğlu et. al, 2006, Türkeş and Erlat, 2003). У раду ћемо анализирати управо овај однос усљед недовољних података о утицају NAO индекса на број мразних дана те на максималну и средњу максималну температуру. Параметри телеконекције у мањој или већој мјери утичу на глобалну климу те на њену диференцијацију према регионима. Турска је удаљена од океана а на климу у овој земљи више утиче NAO него ENSO (Sensoy et al, 2011). Рад се бави могућим утицајима NAO индекса (сјеверно-атлантске осцилације) на број мразних дана, те на максималну и средње максималну температур у Турској. Коришћени су подаци са 41 хидрометеоролошке станице у Турској и то вриједности за број мразних дана, екстремне максималне температуре и средње максималне температуре за временски период од 1960. до 2015.године. Најновији подаци NAO индекса су преузети са NCAR/UCAR Националног центра за атмосферска истраживања. Преузете су само вриједности индекса веће од ±0.5како бисмо елиминисали неутралну фазу NAO индекса. Мразним даном се сматра онај дан када је минимална дневна температура ваздуха испод 0°C. Поред тога, коефицијенти корелације су израчунати коришћењем Pearson формуле и за средње максималне и за екстремне максималне температуре, као и параметри броја мразних дана укључујући мјесечни ниво и DJFM. Сматра се да је корелација слаба ако су вриједности r између ± 0.10-0.29, за вриједности ± 0.30-0.49 она је умјерена, а за вриједности 0.50-1.00 је висока. Поред тога, ± приказује смјер корелације. Уколико је израчуната статистичка вриједност (t) већа од циљане табеларне вриједности (према степену слободе и нивоу значаја), хипотеза се не може потврдити те неће бити значајне корелације. У нашем раду, степен слободе износи 56-2 = 54, а израчунати праг је ± 0.27 за α = 0,05 и ± 0.34 за α = 0,01. Према добијеним резултатима, однос између NAO индекса и максималне температуре је негативан, што заправо значи да негативан NAO индекс доводи до повећања максималне температуре. Умјерене/повишене и значајне негативне корелације су измјерене у мају, децембру, те DJFM у већини станица. Постоји слаба позитивна корелација почетком и крајем јесени (септембар и новембар). Уопштено говорећи, постоји слаба негативна веза између NAO индекса и средње максималне температуре, мада се у јуну и октобру јављају умјерене и статистички значајне корелације будући да су то прелазни мјесеци. Другим ријечима, негативни NAO индекс доводи до повећања средње максималне температуре, док се слаба позитивна корелација јавља у августу. Однос између NAO индекса и броја мразних дана је углавном позитиван, што значи да ће позитивни NAO индекс повећати број мразних дана док ће негативан индекс довести до мањег броја истих. На већини метеоролошких станица је забиљежена висока и статистички значајна позитивна корелација код DJFM осим у Истамбулу, Текирдагу, Чанакалеу и Мерсину. Према резултатима, DJFM NAO индекс нарочито утиче на климу у Турској усљед атмосферске циркулације. Средња температура у Турској у порасту је од 1981. године. Правац односа температуре је негативан док је позитиван када је ријеч о броју мрзних дана.

Research paper thumbnail of Göller (Hunut) Dağında buzul şekilleri, yaylalar ve turizm

AÜ Türkiye Coğ. Araş. ve Uyg. …, 1994

Research paper thumbnail of Kuzey Atlantik Salınımının (KAS) Büyük Menderes Havzası'nda Yağış ve Akım Üzerine Etkileri

Fırat Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Analysing of Rainfall Distribution in Ankara by Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems

In this study, it is intended to investigate factors that is affecting distribution of rainfall w... more In this study, it is intended to investigate factors that is affecting distribution of rainfall within the city and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools are used to make digital layer from products of satellite and Radar which are today's commonly used monitoring tools in Remote Sensing Method (RSM). Secondarily; it is intended to determine the relationship between surface rainfall measurements and remote sensing measurements which are obtained from satellite and radar. Finally; it is aimed to determine how urbanization is affected the distribution of rainfall over the city by examining these relationships on city base. It is proposed that results of this study can be primarily an input for city planners for correctly improving and planning of cities and also for reduction-prevention studies against to natural disasters which are related to the climate and especially depending on rainfall. Furthermore, it can be provided a base within the scope of coping studies which are made with the trilogy of prevention, mitigation and adaptation against to climate change that has become a problem in our century. For the study, precipitation events which are occurred in Ankara are examined on June 6 in the year 2010. For the date of June 6 in 2010, output of numerical prediction models, surface observations and Radar PPI data have been obtained and ECMWF model outputs, Radar PPI data and surface observations have been mapped in the GIS and analyzed. In the sample analysis it is observed that rainfall zones have moved according to the movement of the frontal system and they are not concentrated especially in the east parts of Ankara. In sampling dates, it is interesting to consider that the dust transportation along with frontal systems which are brings rainfall is observed in Atmospheric Dust Forecasting System maps. It is thought that the systems which are cause precipitation, topographical structure of the city and dust transportation from the Saharan Desert have been more effective in the formation of precipitation. GIS is important systems to prepare risk and mitigation maps for extreme events. Furthermore GIS can use to monitoring, preventive precaution and rescue planning in Disaster and Emergency Management Centre (DEMC) during a disaster situation. GIS can use different layer such as risk, actual situation, rod, hospital, etc. at same time. GIS can search and show possible best solution for DEMC studies. The issues, to use RADAR and Meteorological Models data in GIS is format of data that these data can not use directly in GIS systems. Due to this RADAR and models data can distribute to user standard format such as NetCDF or GIS readable format.

Research paper thumbnail of Karpuz Çay Aşaği Çiğirinin Paleojeomorfoloji̇si̇

Antalya korfezinin dogusunda Karpuz Cay ve Acisu tarafindan olusturulan kiyi ovasi, daha cok alca... more Antalya korfezinin dogusunda Karpuz Cay ve Acisu tarafindan olusturulan kiyi ovasi, daha cok alcak tepelik alanlarla cevrelenmis alcak kiyi ozelligindedir. Kiyi ovasi gunumuzden yaklasik 4000 yil once gelismeye baslamis, Akdeniz kiyilarinin genc ovalarindan biridir. Calisma alaninda jeomorfolojik birimler, genel olarak, yasi Miosen olan Karpuz Cay ve Erken-Gec Pliosen olan Yenimahalle formasyonlari uzerinde gelismistir. Denizin cekilmesinin Gec Pliosen'de gerceklesmesinden dolayi yoredeki en yasli morfolojik birimler; En erken Pleistosen yasli asinim yuzeyleridir.Gec Pleistosen-Holosen donemindeki kiyi kesimi gelisiminin tarihlendirilmesinin amaclandigi calismada, birbirinden belirgin farklarla ayrilan donemler ortaya konulmustur. Calisma alaninda yuzey arastirmalarinin yaninda 3,5-21 metre derinliklerde sondajlar yapilmistir.Elde edilen ornekler laboratuar ortaminda analiz edilmistir. Bu orneklerden ortam kosullari belirlenmis, iclerinde kavki ve bitki kalintilarinin bulundugu ornekler C14 yontemiyle tarihlendirilmistir. Makro fosillerin bulundugu orneklerin incelenmesinde Bivalvia turlerinden Cardium edule ve Gastropoda turlerinden Cerithidea insulaemaris, Tegula pulliga, Gyraulus intermixtus ve Turritella terebra turleri tanimlanmis, ekolojik ozellikleri dikkate alindiginda bolgenin sig denizel etki altinda kaldigi, zaman zaman acisu ve tatli su ozelliginde de gelistigi belirlenmistir..Sondajlardan elde edilen sonuclar ve arazi gozlemlerine dayanilarak sahanin aluvyal jeomorfolojisi ve jeomorfolojik gelisimi ortaya konulmustur.

Research paper thumbnail of Ayii̇ni̇ Mağarasi (Kayseri̇)

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 2000

Ayıini Kayseri İli'nin Develi İlçesi'ne bağlı Küçükkünye Köyü sınırları içerisinde yer alan karst... more Ayıini Kayseri İli'nin Develi İlçesi'ne bağlı Küçükkünye Köyü sınırları içerisinde yer alan karstik bir mağaradır. 1830 metrede bulunan ve Permokarbonifer yaşlı kalkerler içerisinde açılmış eski bir akarsu yatağı olan mağara toplam 160 metre uzunlukta ve tüp şeklindedir. Ayıini Mağarası'nın tavanında ve duvarlarında tipik mağara birikim şekilleri olmamakla beraber yine de sarkıt ve dikitlere yer yer rastlanmaktadır. Mağara tabanında traverten çamuru ile karışık halde çimentolanmış kemikler bulunmaktadır. Mağarada bulunan bu insan kemiklerinin varlığı karstik mağaralardaki gelişim sürecini saptamak açısından önem taşımaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Urban effects on precipitation in Ankara

Atmosfera, 2005

In this study, trends of the precipitation day classes in the warm period (May-September) were in... more In this study, trends of the precipitation day classes in the warm period (May-September) were investigated for Ankara. Data collected by Ankara Meteorology Station (AMS) which has urban characters, and Esenboga Meteorology Station (EMS) which has rural characters, were statistically analyzed to understand the trends of the precipitation day classes. At both, the urban and rural stations, an increase was observed in the number of precipitation days and light precipitation days within years. However, the number of heavy precipitation days increased at the station with urban character (AMS), while it decreased at the station with rural character (EMS). A 50% increase was observed in the number of heavy precipitation days at the urban station (AMS) in comparison with that of the rural station (EMS). The increasing trend in the precipitation and light precipitation days at both stations may be related to the changes in climate. However, the increase in the number of heavy precipitation ...

Research paper thumbnail of Erçek Gölü Yakin Çevresi̇ni̇n Jeomorfoloji̇k Özelli̇kleri̇

Nature and Science, May 1, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Tectonic geomorphology of the Acıgöl Graben, western Turkey

<p>The Acıgöl Graben is located in an extensional provinc... more <p>The Acıgöl Graben is located in an extensional province of western Turkey, related to combining effects of the southwestward retreat of the Hellenic trench and the westward displacement of the Anatolia Plate. This is a 50 km long and 10 km wide neotectonic depression with a NW-SE orientation that veers into an E-W trend in its southern part. The basin has a late Miocene to Quaternary fill, and according to borehole data Quaternary sediments exceed 600 m. The Acıgöl and Maymundağı Quaternary faults, respectively, control the SE and NW margins of this internally drained basin, which hosts a playa-lake. The higher elevation of the SE mountain front and the proximity of the lake to this margin suggests some asymmetry in the graben structure. This study analyses the graben-bounding faults by means of detailed geomorphological mapping, and demonstrates their late Quaternary activity by geomorphic evince and Optically Stimulated Luminiscence (OSL) dating. The Acıgöl Fault on the SW margin juxtaposes Mesozoic carbonate rocks against Quaternary deposits along the linear mountain front-piedmont junction. The uplifted range, with a local relief of around 1 km, shows geomorphic evidence of deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD), such as ridge-top depressions, uphill-facing scarps, internally drained troughs and bulged toes. The SW margin on its southern sector displays E-W intra-basin faults that offset and tilt recent basin-fill deposits, producing backtilting on geomorphic surfaces. These deformations control the anomalous orientation of some drainages that flow towards the basin margin. OSL ages provide a maximum age of 24 ka for the youngest displacement event on these faults. On the NW margin of the graben, the Maymundağı Fault, with a NW-SE to E-W orientation, is expressed as a linear mountain front with triangular facets up to 700 m high. This fault juxtaposes Oligocene conglomerates against Quaternary alluvial fan deposits. In the southern section where the basin attains an E-W trend, the fault displays two parallel fault strands. The northern fault strand is the master basin bounding fault located at the toe of the mountain front, whereas the southern one is an intra-basin fault expressed as a scarp that offsest alluvial fan surfaces and deposits. Here we differentiate two generations of alluvial fans: (1) oversteepened and dissected old fan surfaces restricted to the footwall block; and (2) active fans in the downthrown block with their apex at intersections points associated with the fault scarp. Numerical ages indicate fault activity younger than 3 ka.</p>

Research paper thumbnail of Coğrafya bölümlerinin öğretim üyesi profilleri

Türk coğrafya dergisi, Jun 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Karçal Dağları'nın buzul jeomorfolojisi ve 36Cl kozmojenik jeokronolojis

Turkiye'deki daglik alanlarin bircogunda Pleistosen sirasindaki yaygin buzullasmalara ait izl... more Turkiye'deki daglik alanlarin bircogunda Pleistosen sirasindaki yaygin buzullasmalara ait izler uzun sureden beri arastirmacilarin ilgisini cekmekte ve literaturde genis yer bulmaktadir. Bununla birlikte, cesitli zorluklar nedeniyle bazi daglardaki buzullasmalar konusundaki yayinlar halen sinirli sayidadir. Kucuk Kafkaslar'in Kuzeydogu Anadolu'daki en bati uzantisi durumunda olan Karcal Daglari (41.24° K, 42.06° D, 3431 m) da bu alanlardan biridir. Karcal Daglari'nda Pleistosen sirasinda yaygin bir sekilde buzullasmaya ugramis ve halen aktuel buzullara ev sahipligi yapan cok sayida vadi bulunmaktadir. Bu calismada, bunlardan biri olan Karcal Vadisi arastirilmistir. Calisma iki asamada yurutulmustur. Oncelikle, uc yil suren arazi calismalariyla Karcal Vadisi'ndeki jeomorfolojik birimler detayli bir sekilde haritalanmis, yaslandirmalar icin geri cekilme morenleri ile fosil kaya buzullarindan 10 adet ornek alinmistir. Daha sonra, arazide alinan orneklere kozmojenik 36Cl yuzey yaslandirmasi yontemi uygulanmistir. Yaslandirma sonuclari, Karcal Vadisi'nde Son Buzul Maksimumu'ndan Gec Buzul Donemi sonuna kadar gecen doneme ait bir buzul kronolojisinin ortaya cikmasini saglamistir. Buna gore, Karcal Vadisi'ndeki buzul, yaklasik 19.9 ± 1.2 binyil once en genis yayilima ulasmistir. Aktuel buzulun onundeki kaya buzuluna yakin kesimlerdeki yas verileri ise 15.7 ± 1.3 binyil once buzulda yeniden bir ilerleme oldugunu gostermistir. Calismada elde edilen sonuclar, Kucuk Kafkaslar'da kantitatif verilere dayali ilk calisma olmasinin yani sira Dogu Karadeniz Daglari'ndaki ve diger vadilerde daha once yapilmis olan yaslandirmalari desteklemesi bakimindan da onem tasimaktadir.AbstractEvidence of widespread mountain glaciations during the Late Pleistocene in Turkey has long attracted attention of researchers. However, there were no studies that contain absolute ages in the Lesser Caucasus despite the fact that it is one of the major glaciated regions in the Eurasia. Here, I present first cosmogenic 36Cl surface exposure ages from the Karcal Mountains (41.24° N, 42.06° E, 3431 m above sea level-a.s.l.), which is located in the most northwestern part of the Lesser Caucasus in the northeastern Anatolia. In the Karcal Mountains, there are numerous valleys that have experienced significant glaciations since Late Pleistocene. I have investigated one of the largest valleys, the eastern facing Karcal Valley, that hosts a small recent glacier located at above 3000 m a.s.l., a rock glacier and lateral and ground moraines. I conducted the study in two stages. First, I mapped the geomorphological units in the Karcal Valley based on detailed field works. Later, I collected 10 rock samples from recessional moraines and fossil rock glacier boulder for cosmogenic 36Cl surface exposure dating. The results outline a glacial chronology from the Last Glacial Maximum to the end of the Late Glacial. Accordingly, the Karcal Valley paleoglaciers reached its largest extent approximately 19.9 ± 1.2 ka ago and is represented by recessional moraines. Fossil rock glaciers were dated to 15.7 ± 1.3 ka. These quantitative results are first in the Lesser Caucasus and compatible with previous ages obtained from other valleys in the near Eastern Black Sea Mountains and in other mountains of Anatolia.

Research paper thumbnail of Konya’da Şehirleşmeye Bağlı Bağil Nem ve Su Buhari Basıncı Değişiklikleri

Coğrafi bilimler dergisi, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Antalya'nın Termal Konfor Özellikleri, İklim Model Verileri Kullanılarak Gelecek Projeksiyonları ve Turizme Etkileri

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Oct 25, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The Statistical Analysis of Precipitation in Ankara, Turkey

Fırat Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of The Geomorphological Features of Surroundings of Lake Ercek

DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 1, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Ankara şehrinde yüzey sıcaklıklarının arazi örtüsüne göre mevsimsel değişimi

Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 2013

In this study, the seasonal variation of the surface temperature of Ankara urban area and its env... more In this study, the seasonal variation of the surface temperature of Ankara urban area and its enviroment have been analyzed by using Landsat 7 image. The Landsat 7 images of each month from 2007 to 2011 have been used to analyze the annually changes of the surface temperature. The land cover of the research area was defined with supervised classification method on the basis of the satellite image belonging to 2008 July. After determining the surface temperatures from 6-1 bands of satellite images, the monthly mean surface temperatures were calculated for land cover classification for the period between 2007 and 2011. Accordşng to the results obtained, the surface temperatures are high in summer and low in winter from the air temperatures. all satellite images were taken at 10:00 am, it is found that urban areas are cooler than rural areas at 10:00 am. Regarding the land cover classification, the water surfaces

Research paper thumbnail of Kaçkar Dağında Buzul Şekilleri, Yaylalar ve Turizm

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, Feb 13, 2018

As on the other high mountains of Anatolia, Pleistocene glaciation leaves clear traces on the Kac... more As on the other high mountains of Anatolia, Pleistocene glaciation leaves clear traces on the Kackar Mountains (3932 m.) as well. At the Kackars, the glaciers are clearly seen at high levels up to 2000 m. in the North and 2200 meters in the South. Today, this is one of the most significant actual glacier sites in Anatolia. There is a close relationship between transhumance, which is one of the most important socio-economic activities of the region, and climatic conditions. The fact that snow melts at different times as the height increases in a very short distance influences transhumance directly. For this reason, at least two highlands belonging to the same village are situated in different vertical height steps. This paper presents geographical and topographical information on the glaciers and highlands of the Kackars, one of the most important heights of the Black Sea region, and investigates their contribution to the tourism of the region.

Research paper thumbnail of KAÇKAR DAĞINDA BUZUL ŞEKİLLERİ, YAYLALAR VE TURİZM (Glacier Shapes on the Kaçkar Mountains, Yaylalar and Tourism)

Fakülte dergisi, 1993

Anadolu'nun diğer yüksek dağlarında olduğu gibi Pleistosen buzul laşması, Kaçkar Dağı'nda (3932 m... more Anadolu'nun diğer yüksek dağlarında olduğu gibi Pleistosen buzul laşması, Kaçkar Dağı'nda (3932 m) da belirgin izler bırakmıştır. Pleistosen'deki kalıcı kar sının 2700 m olan Kaçkar'da buzul izleri kuzeyde 2000, güneyde 2200 m lere kadar rahatlıkla izlenebilmektedir. Burası, bu gün de Anadolu'nun en önemli aktüel buzul alanlarından birisidir. Kaçkar Dağı'nın daha çok kuzey yamaçlarında yer alan, aktüel buzullarının dilleri 3000-3200 m lerdedir. Pleistosen'de kilometrelerce uzunluğa sahip olan büyük buzullardan arta kalan tekne vadilerin tabanlarında çeşitli yükseltilerde yayla yerleş meleri vardır. Yaylaların konumlarıyla buzul şekilleri arasında sıkı bir iliş ki sözkonusudur.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the role of voluntary business associations on borrowed institutionalism in regional development: insights from the case of Kayseri in Türkiye

Eurasian Geography and Economics, Jun 1, 2023

Institutional and cultural traditions, usually shaped by noneconomic factors, help to reduce the ... more Institutional and cultural traditions, usually shaped by noneconomic factors, help to reduce the transaction costs of firms, particularly the costs of knowledge transfer. This study attempts to explain the effects of non-economic factors over voluntary business associations (BAs) and highlight the concept of “borrowed institutionalism” to illustrate the constructive and destructive power of BAs in their use of their relationships with the political establishment for their members. In Türkiye, BAs are not only economic actors but are also embedded in social forms that contain secular or conservative characteristics. While, the structures of these associations that operate within various ideologies can contribute to the institutional setting, they can also hinder the economic potential of a region by developing love or hate relations with the respective political structures. This forms the basis of the concept of “borrowed institutionalism” introduced in this study. Kayseri, which is one of Türkiye’s successful production centers with its unique socio-political characteristics, and predominantly home to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) appears to be a critical case to analyze the role of BAs. The findings from Kayseri case study support the idea that both secular and conservative forms of BAs can cyclically be constructive or destructive for their members and create borrowed institutionalism based on non-inclusive institutionalism.

Research paper thumbnail of Heyelan Olayları ve Karadeniz Kıyı Şeridinden Örnekler


HERALD, Nov 16, 2017

Сажетак: О односу NAO индекса и падавина и средње температуре у Турској су проведене бројне студи... more Сажетак: О односу NAO индекса и падавина и средње температуре у Турској су проведене бројне студије (Türkoğlu et. al, 2006, Türkeş and Erlat, 2003). У раду ћемо анализирати управо овај однос усљед недовољних података о утицају NAO индекса на број мразних дана те на максималну и средњу максималну температуру. Параметри телеконекције у мањој или већој мјери утичу на глобалну климу те на њену диференцијацију према регионима. Турска је удаљена од океана а на климу у овој земљи више утиче NAO него ENSO (Sensoy et al, 2011). Рад се бави могућим утицајима NAO индекса (сјеверно-атлантске осцилације) на број мразних дана, те на максималну и средње максималну температур у Турској. Коришћени су подаци са 41 хидрометеоролошке станице у Турској и то вриједности за број мразних дана, екстремне максималне температуре и средње максималне температуре за временски период од 1960. до 2015.године. Најновији подаци NAO индекса су преузети са NCAR/UCAR Националног центра за атмосферска истраживања. Преузете су само вриједности индекса веће од ±0.5како бисмо елиминисали неутралну фазу NAO индекса. Мразним даном се сматра онај дан када је минимална дневна температура ваздуха испод 0°C. Поред тога, коефицијенти корелације су израчунати коришћењем Pearson формуле и за средње максималне и за екстремне максималне температуре, као и параметри броја мразних дана укључујући мјесечни ниво и DJFM. Сматра се да је корелација слаба ако су вриједности r између ± 0.10-0.29, за вриједности ± 0.30-0.49 она је умјерена, а за вриједности 0.50-1.00 је висока. Поред тога, ± приказује смјер корелације. Уколико је израчуната статистичка вриједност (t) већа од циљане табеларне вриједности (према степену слободе и нивоу значаја), хипотеза се не може потврдити те неће бити значајне корелације. У нашем раду, степен слободе износи 56-2 = 54, а израчунати праг је ± 0.27 за α = 0,05 и ± 0.34 за α = 0,01. Према добијеним резултатима, однос између NAO индекса и максималне температуре је негативан, што заправо значи да негативан NAO индекс доводи до повећања максималне температуре. Умјерене/повишене и значајне негативне корелације су измјерене у мају, децембру, те DJFM у већини станица. Постоји слаба позитивна корелација почетком и крајем јесени (септембар и новембар). Уопштено говорећи, постоји слаба негативна веза између NAO индекса и средње максималне температуре, мада се у јуну и октобру јављају умјерене и статистички значајне корелације будући да су то прелазни мјесеци. Другим ријечима, негативни NAO индекс доводи до повећања средње максималне температуре, док се слаба позитивна корелација јавља у августу. Однос између NAO индекса и броја мразних дана је углавном позитиван, што значи да ће позитивни NAO индекс повећати број мразних дана док ће негативан индекс довести до мањег броја истих. На већини метеоролошких станица је забиљежена висока и статистички значајна позитивна корелација код DJFM осим у Истамбулу, Текирдагу, Чанакалеу и Мерсину. Према резултатима, DJFM NAO индекс нарочито утиче на климу у Турској усљед атмосферске циркулације. Средња температура у Турској у порасту је од 1981. године. Правац односа температуре је негативан док је позитиван када је ријеч о броју мрзних дана.

Research paper thumbnail of Göller (Hunut) Dağında buzul şekilleri, yaylalar ve turizm

AÜ Türkiye Coğ. Araş. ve Uyg. …, 1994

Research paper thumbnail of Kuzey Atlantik Salınımının (KAS) Büyük Menderes Havzası'nda Yağış ve Akım Üzerine Etkileri

Fırat Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Analysing of Rainfall Distribution in Ankara by Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems

In this study, it is intended to investigate factors that is affecting distribution of rainfall w... more In this study, it is intended to investigate factors that is affecting distribution of rainfall within the city and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools are used to make digital layer from products of satellite and Radar which are today's commonly used monitoring tools in Remote Sensing Method (RSM). Secondarily; it is intended to determine the relationship between surface rainfall measurements and remote sensing measurements which are obtained from satellite and radar. Finally; it is aimed to determine how urbanization is affected the distribution of rainfall over the city by examining these relationships on city base. It is proposed that results of this study can be primarily an input for city planners for correctly improving and planning of cities and also for reduction-prevention studies against to natural disasters which are related to the climate and especially depending on rainfall. Furthermore, it can be provided a base within the scope of coping studies which are made with the trilogy of prevention, mitigation and adaptation against to climate change that has become a problem in our century. For the study, precipitation events which are occurred in Ankara are examined on June 6 in the year 2010. For the date of June 6 in 2010, output of numerical prediction models, surface observations and Radar PPI data have been obtained and ECMWF model outputs, Radar PPI data and surface observations have been mapped in the GIS and analyzed. In the sample analysis it is observed that rainfall zones have moved according to the movement of the frontal system and they are not concentrated especially in the east parts of Ankara. In sampling dates, it is interesting to consider that the dust transportation along with frontal systems which are brings rainfall is observed in Atmospheric Dust Forecasting System maps. It is thought that the systems which are cause precipitation, topographical structure of the city and dust transportation from the Saharan Desert have been more effective in the formation of precipitation. GIS is important systems to prepare risk and mitigation maps for extreme events. Furthermore GIS can use to monitoring, preventive precaution and rescue planning in Disaster and Emergency Management Centre (DEMC) during a disaster situation. GIS can use different layer such as risk, actual situation, rod, hospital, etc. at same time. GIS can search and show possible best solution for DEMC studies. The issues, to use RADAR and Meteorological Models data in GIS is format of data that these data can not use directly in GIS systems. Due to this RADAR and models data can distribute to user standard format such as NetCDF or GIS readable format.

Research paper thumbnail of Karpuz Çay Aşaği Çiğirinin Paleojeomorfoloji̇si̇

Antalya korfezinin dogusunda Karpuz Cay ve Acisu tarafindan olusturulan kiyi ovasi, daha cok alca... more Antalya korfezinin dogusunda Karpuz Cay ve Acisu tarafindan olusturulan kiyi ovasi, daha cok alcak tepelik alanlarla cevrelenmis alcak kiyi ozelligindedir. Kiyi ovasi gunumuzden yaklasik 4000 yil once gelismeye baslamis, Akdeniz kiyilarinin genc ovalarindan biridir. Calisma alaninda jeomorfolojik birimler, genel olarak, yasi Miosen olan Karpuz Cay ve Erken-Gec Pliosen olan Yenimahalle formasyonlari uzerinde gelismistir. Denizin cekilmesinin Gec Pliosen'de gerceklesmesinden dolayi yoredeki en yasli morfolojik birimler; En erken Pleistosen yasli asinim yuzeyleridir.Gec Pleistosen-Holosen donemindeki kiyi kesimi gelisiminin tarihlendirilmesinin amaclandigi calismada, birbirinden belirgin farklarla ayrilan donemler ortaya konulmustur. Calisma alaninda yuzey arastirmalarinin yaninda 3,5-21 metre derinliklerde sondajlar yapilmistir.Elde edilen ornekler laboratuar ortaminda analiz edilmistir. Bu orneklerden ortam kosullari belirlenmis, iclerinde kavki ve bitki kalintilarinin bulundugu ornekler C14 yontemiyle tarihlendirilmistir. Makro fosillerin bulundugu orneklerin incelenmesinde Bivalvia turlerinden Cardium edule ve Gastropoda turlerinden Cerithidea insulaemaris, Tegula pulliga, Gyraulus intermixtus ve Turritella terebra turleri tanimlanmis, ekolojik ozellikleri dikkate alindiginda bolgenin sig denizel etki altinda kaldigi, zaman zaman acisu ve tatli su ozelliginde de gelistigi belirlenmistir..Sondajlardan elde edilen sonuclar ve arazi gozlemlerine dayanilarak sahanin aluvyal jeomorfolojisi ve jeomorfolojik gelisimi ortaya konulmustur.

Research paper thumbnail of Ayii̇ni̇ Mağarasi (Kayseri̇)

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 2000

Ayıini Kayseri İli'nin Develi İlçesi'ne bağlı Küçükkünye Köyü sınırları içerisinde yer alan karst... more Ayıini Kayseri İli'nin Develi İlçesi'ne bağlı Küçükkünye Köyü sınırları içerisinde yer alan karstik bir mağaradır. 1830 metrede bulunan ve Permokarbonifer yaşlı kalkerler içerisinde açılmış eski bir akarsu yatağı olan mağara toplam 160 metre uzunlukta ve tüp şeklindedir. Ayıini Mağarası'nın tavanında ve duvarlarında tipik mağara birikim şekilleri olmamakla beraber yine de sarkıt ve dikitlere yer yer rastlanmaktadır. Mağara tabanında traverten çamuru ile karışık halde çimentolanmış kemikler bulunmaktadır. Mağarada bulunan bu insan kemiklerinin varlığı karstik mağaralardaki gelişim sürecini saptamak açısından önem taşımaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Urban effects on precipitation in Ankara

Atmosfera, 2005

In this study, trends of the precipitation day classes in the warm period (May-September) were in... more In this study, trends of the precipitation day classes in the warm period (May-September) were investigated for Ankara. Data collected by Ankara Meteorology Station (AMS) which has urban characters, and Esenboga Meteorology Station (EMS) which has rural characters, were statistically analyzed to understand the trends of the precipitation day classes. At both, the urban and rural stations, an increase was observed in the number of precipitation days and light precipitation days within years. However, the number of heavy precipitation days increased at the station with urban character (AMS), while it decreased at the station with rural character (EMS). A 50% increase was observed in the number of heavy precipitation days at the urban station (AMS) in comparison with that of the rural station (EMS). The increasing trend in the precipitation and light precipitation days at both stations may be related to the changes in climate. However, the increase in the number of heavy precipitation ...

Research paper thumbnail of Erçek Gölü Yakin Çevresi̇ni̇n Jeomorfoloji̇k Özelli̇kleri̇

Nature and Science, May 1, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Tectonic geomorphology of the Acıgöl Graben, western Turkey

<p>The Acıgöl Graben is located in an extensional provinc... more <p>The Acıgöl Graben is located in an extensional province of western Turkey, related to combining effects of the southwestward retreat of the Hellenic trench and the westward displacement of the Anatolia Plate. This is a 50 km long and 10 km wide neotectonic depression with a NW-SE orientation that veers into an E-W trend in its southern part. The basin has a late Miocene to Quaternary fill, and according to borehole data Quaternary sediments exceed 600 m. The Acıgöl and Maymundağı Quaternary faults, respectively, control the SE and NW margins of this internally drained basin, which hosts a playa-lake. The higher elevation of the SE mountain front and the proximity of the lake to this margin suggests some asymmetry in the graben structure. This study analyses the graben-bounding faults by means of detailed geomorphological mapping, and demonstrates their late Quaternary activity by geomorphic evince and Optically Stimulated Luminiscence (OSL) dating. The Acıgöl Fault on the SW margin juxtaposes Mesozoic carbonate rocks against Quaternary deposits along the linear mountain front-piedmont junction. The uplifted range, with a local relief of around 1 km, shows geomorphic evidence of deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD), such as ridge-top depressions, uphill-facing scarps, internally drained troughs and bulged toes. The SW margin on its southern sector displays E-W intra-basin faults that offset and tilt recent basin-fill deposits, producing backtilting on geomorphic surfaces. These deformations control the anomalous orientation of some drainages that flow towards the basin margin. OSL ages provide a maximum age of 24 ka for the youngest displacement event on these faults. On the NW margin of the graben, the Maymundağı Fault, with a NW-SE to E-W orientation, is expressed as a linear mountain front with triangular facets up to 700 m high. This fault juxtaposes Oligocene conglomerates against Quaternary alluvial fan deposits. In the southern section where the basin attains an E-W trend, the fault displays two parallel fault strands. The northern fault strand is the master basin bounding fault located at the toe of the mountain front, whereas the southern one is an intra-basin fault expressed as a scarp that offsest alluvial fan surfaces and deposits. Here we differentiate two generations of alluvial fans: (1) oversteepened and dissected old fan surfaces restricted to the footwall block; and (2) active fans in the downthrown block with their apex at intersections points associated with the fault scarp. Numerical ages indicate fault activity younger than 3 ka.</p>