12:33 am |
Tuesday, October 9th, 2007 |
1:33 pm - A solidarity action with Russian anti-fascists in Minsk, Belarus |
resistenz_a In saturday 7th of August 2pm, an illegal action was organised in Russianembassy of Minsk in solidarity with Russian anti-fascists.Around 50 anti-fascists and anarchists showed up in Russian embassy ofMinsk, in order to show solidarity with Russian anti-fascists and in orderto point out, that nazis may murder people in Russia with impunity. Asaction was illegal, it did not lasted more than five minutes. Protesterscould only unroll banner with text "no tofascism", and carry portraits offour anti-fascists murdered in Russia (Timur Kacharava, Aleksander Ryuhin,Stanislav Korepanov and Ilya Borodaenko), when police showed up and demandedto stop illegal action. Police immediately called OMON riot police, andbegan grabbing people.All of the participators managed to leave the scene before OMON showed up. 4persons were arrested, in following day all of them got a 3 days prisonsentence do be executed immediately in a kangaroo court. Some 15 people wentto support arrested in the court and managed to shout something to them.Arrested were in good spirits, but it was obviously that they were frozen injail the previous night. They should be released today. There is a danger that one of the arrested will be expelled from university.Pictures:http://belarus.avtonom.org/?p=481http://belarus.indymedia.org/10643Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96cM4-3JXKk(source: http://avtonom.org/index.php?nid=1234) (comment on this) |
Monday, July 30th, 2007 |
3:42 pm - Need solidarity! |
rustle_castle Treatment to antifascists, civil activists and all those who do notbehave indifferent…On July 21st, around five o'clock in the morning, a group of 15-20nazi-skinheads attacked an ecological anti-nuclear camp, organised bythe movement "Guardians of the rainbow" and the organisation"Autonomous action", located near Angarsk (Irkutsk region). (comment on this) |
Sunday, July 22nd, 2007 |
6:03 pm |
resistenz_a lya "Ugler" Borodaenko from Nahodka was murdered by boneheads in Angarsk (Russia). He was only 26. He was RASH. There was ecocamp against atomic industry organised by anarcho-communists of "Avtonomnoe Deystvie" Avtonomous Action (www.avtonom.org). About 15 pigs attacked sleeping activists in 5.10 am. They were armed by knives and pneumatic pistols. Ecocamp was burned. Many people were injured. Two activists are in hospital with fractures. Police have found two nazis. Personality of other 13 bastards have been discovered. Please spread this information. (comment on this) |
Sunday, June 17th, 2007 |
8:13 pm - Comix, Postcards, Lobbying |
andyluke Environmental justice activism through the sequential arts of comix. 'Read By / Best Before End' is an exciting new project I hope to debut in August at Caption and Climate Camp. Its an anthology aimed at bringing together people who have never drawn comix before and those who have. I'm also looking for a co-ordinating team. If you're interested in utilising the potential of what comics can achieve have a look here. (comment on this) |
Monday, May 28th, 2007 |
8:49 pm - Freedom of speech poll |
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007 |
4:17 pm - Питер. Суд по делу Тимура. |
Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007 |
5:05 pm - The Holocaust...Again (read the link before reading my [disjointed] thoughts) |
laeth_maclaurie http://www.virginia.edu/insideuva/textonlyarchive/96-11-15/3.txt The taboo issue also looms large. I think any intelligent person should find the evidence for the Holocaust compelling. At the same time, I find it somewhat disturbing that we've reached a point in Western history where agreement with a particular interpretation of a historical event is seen a non-negotiable part of being a morally 'good' person. That this is an absurd way to think ought to be obvious, but it apparently isn't to most people. Dr. Novick touched briefly on another issue that doesn't receive nearly as much attention as it ought to, namely the way the Holocaust narrative is used on contemporary discourse. For Jews, it has become a discourse of exoneration, a get out of jail free card that has allowed, for instance, the Israeli government to act with near impunity against its neighbors (and against Arabs living within Israeli occupied territory). For others, it is a discourse of guilt, a silly 'never again' rhetoric that drives policy decisions that are objectively against the interests of the nations that pursue them (see Iraqi Freedom, Operation). And still for others (present enemies of Israel, primarily), it is a narrative of cynically manipulated fear (see Iran). None of these narratives are productive or helpful, and their continued use to bludgeon the political opponents of the unfettered domination of Israel over its neighbors in fact is a major driving force behind revisionism and Holocaust denial. I think there's a degree to which the way the Holocaust is decontextualized in Western (and especially American) education that also breeds resentment. Because the Holocaust is taught as a seperate event, its connections to the wider historical context of its time is lost. The Holocaust is unthinkable without the military conditions that prevailed in the early 1940s, yet it is rarely taught in the context of the war. Worse, it is taught as a specially heinous crime targeting a special people, which not surprisingly, breeds resentment (the more so given that essentially half of Hitler's victims weren't Jews at all, and despite occasional genuflections in the direction of Gypsies and homosexuals, the Holocaust is still taught almost exclusively in the context of Jewish suffering). This tendency to teach the Holocaust as a special event with no historical parallels obscures the fact that it was one of many genocides in an age of genocides. The Holocaust wasn't a unique event that could only have happened in Germany to Jews, and only at the direction of Adolf Hitler. Rather, it was an archetypal example of an evil built into the fabric of the modern nation-state: systemized, centralized and industrialized violence as a political tool. It's a pattern that began with the Conquistadors and the trans-Atlantic slave trade, was instutionalized by the Terror, intensified and industrialized during the 19th century colonial expansion, made the chief instrument of state policy by Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mao and made endemic to much of the world through the post-colonial adoption of Western organizational models. The Holocaust is just one of many such events, but that gets lost in the sociopolitical shuffle. (comment on this) |
2:59 am - Operation Bite |
andyluke Operation Bite has me worried. For those not in the know, its twenty-four hours of air-strikes planned for Iran on Friday April 6th. The intended targets are weapons bases, research centres and laboratories. Regardless, innocent people are going to be killed in another illegal war, aggressors the Bush regime, with Tony Blair providing the ignition.There are some links here if you'd like to know more about it.Sources http://fr.rian.ru/world/20070321/62387717.htmlhttp://fr.rian.ru/world/20070319/62260006.html(The original news in Russian)In Englishhttp://www.rense.com/general75/bite.htmhttp://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2007/03/366713.html(Or Google)This is managing to crawl off the interwebs and alternatives onto mainstream papers but its not fast enough. Most of the focus seems to be on the 'igniter' of the fifteen British prisoners. I've emailed every newspaper in Northern Ireland on this. I don't want to see some newscaster break down in tears on screen three or four months from now, crying about how he warned them but nobody would listen. An answer to this 'preventitive war' bull is preventitive news, and if there is no Operation Bite this Friday or between now and the summer, then I'll be happy I've been proved wrong. (comment on this) |
Tuesday, January 16th, 2007 |
3:39 pm - The new wave of Nazi terror in Russia |
resistenz_a An article by Vlad Tupikin about the murders of antifascists. Published on Polit.ru on Dec. 30. 2006 in Russian (http://polit.ru/analytics/2006/12/30/antifa.html**) From knives to explosives The new wave of Nazi terror in Russia**Last Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2006, the case about the murder of 20 years old (after nine days he would be twenty) antifascist Alexander Ryuchin was taken to court. On 16th of April 2006 he has been slaughtered with the knife in the suburbs of Moscow, on the way to the concert of pank-hardrock music, popular among young Moscow antifascists. A few skinheads attacked Sasha and his friend Egor. Actually there was no fight – there was a murder.Three attackers have been detained, Nazi attributes and literature have been found it their home apartment. Other three of them went into hiding. It may seem that everything is clear? But don’t hurry to make your judgements. The case has been brought to a court not under the murder clause. The detainees, two members of Slavonic Union – Vasily Reutov and Andrey Anziferov, as well as the member of the group “Format 18” Alexander Shitov are to be charged of “hooliganinism”, conducted by the group of individuals through an deliberate collusion or organized group" (Art. 213. 2 CC RF), “Wilfull infliction of the light damage to a health“ (Art. 115 CC RF) and for “beatings” (Ст. 116 УК РФ). And the case about the murder has been given to separate procedure, those accused under it are Alexander Parinov and Nikita Tikhonov who were gone into hiding and one unidentified person.The attorney Stanislav Markelov, representing the mother of the killed, Tatyanan Petrovna Ryukhina, has informed the reporter of REGNUM agency: “Everything is being done, in order to decrease the level of social danger of Reutov’s, Anziferov’s and Shitov’s actions. There is a pretty cynical, but working rule: if there is corpse there is a case on ‘Murder”. And I’m very concerned, that the case about the murder of antifascist by the activists of right wing radicals became an exclusion form this rule”.Another strange thing of the same kind is that, the case about the murder of another 20 years old young antifascist form Saint Petersburg Timur Kacharava hasn’t been given to the court up to this moment. He was also slaughtered by the followers of right wing radical views, who had attacked him and his friend Maxim on 13the of November 2005 in the very city centre of Saint Petersburg, near the shop “Bukvoed”, on Ligovsky Avenue. It’s a busy place, the parking place of tourist buses, leaving for Finland, next to it is the Moscow train station. There was no fight either. They rushed upon him, stabbed him several times with knife. One of them got onto the neck of Timur that became fatal. (comment on this) |
Tuesday, November 21st, 2006 |
1:32 pm - Дебаты - Рыжков против Поткина в Билингве |
Monday, November 20th, 2006 |
6:30 pm - 18 ноября. Бауманская. ANTIFA HOOLIGANS MOSCOW |
resistenz_a Перед хардкор концертом в москве, нацисты решили подкараулить одиночных товарищей идущих на концерт и дать им пизды ( ну классика нацистских "карательных действий" (мде) ) ,в результате чего на остановке толпой в 15-20 человек были избиты 5 молодых людей в том числе 1 девушка ( девушку правда нацисты не тронули,и такое бывает ) . 1 молодой человекбыл доставлен в реанимацию в результате получения 2 ножевых ранений в спину,остальные ребята из больницы приехали в клуб под конец концерта. Немного позже еще пара молодых людей в компании со своими девушками ,также шедшая на концерт подверглась атаке нацистов в явном преимуществе. одному из ребят в упор в лицо выстрелили пневматикой,после чего товарищ был доставлен в местный травмпункт. -=ANTIFA HOOLIGANS MOSCOW=- портал ANTIFA.RUhttp://www.antifa.ru/yforum/showthread.php?p=41128#post41128ещё (comment on this) |
Sunday, October 29th, 2006 |
3:27 pm - Electronic Blockade to Protest Police Actions in Oaxaca! |
Friday, September 1st, 2006 |
3:05 pm |
12:15 pm - 1st of September. It’s time to say “STOP Nazism!” |
resistenz_a We invite you to join the international action "Stop Nazism!" We refer not only to the activists and the leaders of youth organizations (antifascist, civil or human rights), but to the common dwellers of Eastern and Western Europe, Russia and all the CIS countries - to all people who on their way to school or work, to shop or club come across hate symbols on the walls and fences of your cities and towns. These symbols promote violence and intolerance as due methods to solve the recent problems of society. The new phase of the International Action "Europe without Nazism", initiated by a group of youth antifascist organizations, will start on 1 September and last till 9 November 2006 How to join the Action "Europe Without Nazism" From 1 September to 9 November we invite you to: 1) Take part in the raid "Europe without Nazism" Paint over at least one hate symbol in your city and put a symbol of peace instead. We stand against the fact that walls of our houses, schools and shops should serve as propaganda of Nazi ideas. When the action is underway we are going to create a map of "Europe without Nazism", where one would trace all the participating regions and spot all the outcomes of the participants, including yours! Instruction http://www.stopnazism.hrworld.ru/plus/eng.shtml Stencil (template) http://www.stopnazism.hrworld.ru/plus/traf.shtml Application form Safety Plan http://www.stopnazism.hrworld.ru/plus/i\_eng.shtml Attention! Even if you don't live in Europe or even dwell on another continent, we would welcome your participation and solidarity! 2. Become the participant of the international graphic competition and send us YOUR variant of "Peace symbol". We are looking forward to your images and symbols that convey the ideas of antifascism and Human Rights. The best artifact will be applied during the preparation of the materials (stickers, posters, post cards, etc.) for the European wide actions against Nazism, racism and fascism. Instructions http://www.stopnazism.hrworld.ru/plus/c\_eng.shtml 3. Put you name under the Manifest -5 (http://www.stopnazism.hrworld.ru/eng/) as an act of solidarity to the Neo-Nazi resistance in Europe and worldwide. Encourage your friends, colleagues and acquaintances do the same. We appeal especially to journalists and mass media to disseminate this information among their readers, viewers and listeners. We aspire to know that dozens and hundreds and thousands of Europeans and people all over the world speak out "Stop Nazism" in different languages. Prep-team of International Action "Stop Nazism!" Phone: + 7 910-346-61-80, +7 915 548 71 90, +7-918-497-48-27 e-mail: stopnazism@anti-fa.ru www.stopnazism.hrworld.ru (comment on this) |
12:13 pm - 1 сентября. Время сказать «СТОП нацизм!» |
resistenz_a Приглашаем Вас принять участие в международной акции "Стоп нацизм!". Мы обращаемся не только к активистам и лидерам молодежных организаций (антифашистских гражданских, правозащитных), но и к обычным жителям Восточной и Западной Европы, России, стран СНГ - ко всем, кто по пути на работу или учебу, в магазин или клуб встречают на стенах и заборах "символы вражды". Знаки, которые пропагандируют, что насилие и нетерпимость - хороший способ решить проблемы общества. 1 сентября по инициативе ряда молодежных антифашистских организаций начинается акция, продлящаяся до 9 ноября. подробнее:http://www.stopnazism.hrworld.ru/about/rus2.shtmlhttp://ru.indymedia.org/newswire/display/15385/index.php (comment on this) |
Tuesday, August 8th, 2006 |
4:23 pm - Акция в Питере |
Friday, August 4th, 2006 |
2:37 am - kid's stuff... |
tabby676 I’m 7.5 months pregnant and looking for children’s books, baby’s books, and children’s/baby’s movies/shows that are enjoyable, educational, have good politics, and strong female characters. I’ve already thought of a few but I’m looking to stock up on stuff in the last couple of months before I give birth… any suggestions?X-posted a lot (comment on this) |
Tuesday, August 1st, 2006 |
12:35 pm - The GALL is Breathtaking |
laeth_maclaurie Having murdered hundreds of Lebanese civilians, called down rocket fire that has led to several civilian deaths in Israel, destroyed the infrastructure of Lebanon, caused an environmental crisis, weakened the democratically elected Lebanese government - all without materially degrading Hezbollah - Ehud Olmert is now indicating his willingness to exchange prisoners with Hezbollah as a part of a negotiated ceasefire! And what does all of this demonstrate? Well, it proves two things I've said all along: 1. This was never about Hezbollah or terrorism or captured soldiers. This was about internal Israeli politics. Ehud Olmert had to prove to the electorate that he's got the stones to really be Sharon's legitimate successor, and he didn't care who died (Lebanese OR Israeli) in the proving. 2. The United States could have ended this any time they wanted. Note that as soon as the US started leaning on Israel, impediments to peace started vanishing. So, in conclusion, fuck you Ehud Olmert and double fuck you George W. Bush! (1 comment | comment on this) |
Monday, July 31st, 2006 |
8:15 pm - The Problematic Mel Gibson |
laeth_maclaurie It's a dark time, an ugly time, an age, like so many, beset with chaos and war. Bombs are falling. Cities are crumbling. Women, children and the elderly are being slaughtered like cattle.And Mel Gibson is the front page news.The actor/director/Cheesus-loving nutjob is back in the headlines these days, not for his as yet unreleased film about the fall of Maya (whose rites of human sacrifice were probably what appealed to Gibson, who never met a snuff film he didn't like), but for a recent DUI and its aftermath. Apparently, Mr. Gibson, in an intoxicated state, said some things to a Malibu sherrif's deputy that he probably shouldn't have. Well, that's not really a big deal, Charlie Sheen does this sort of thing on a monthly basis. The intersection of stars and bars and driving cars is one we're all endlessly familiar with at this point: hardly a week goes by without a celebrity meltdown of one sort or another. Drinking, drugging, wenching, assault on an officer - you're not really a star until you've been to rehab, had a messy divorce or spent a night in the pokey. Such is the state of fame in America.The issue here is that the things Mel shouldn't have said were about a people you definitely can't say them about: Mel Gibson mouthed off about Jews. Apparently, Mel didn't get the memo. The President? Fair game. Whites? Absolutely. The military? Fire at will. Blacks, Arabs and women? You might have to tread a little more carefully, but phrase it right and you'll sail on through. Jews? Uh uh. Don't even try it. Sorry pal, there are lines you just can't cross and this is one of them. Do that and the people who don't control Hollywood will try and make sure you never work in this town again.And that brings us to the crux of the matter. The Hollywood elite hates Mel Gibson. And it's not because he's a crabby bigot and a miserable filmmaker. There have been plenty of raging anti-semites in the industry, and Mel is hardly the first to let his sentiments slip at a moment of public weakness. The problem from Hollywood's perspective is that this isn't the first time Gibson has played with this particular fire. Gibson's father is an on-the-record Holcaust denier, and Mel himself has been, at best, evasive on the same issue. The controversy surrounding The Passion of the Christ is instructive here as well. This didn't come out of nowhere, there's a long backstory that feeds the hatred of the Hollywood left for Mel Gibson.And that's the real problem Hollywood has with Gibson. That he is an anti-semite is bad enough. That he is an anti-semite that they have not managed to punish for his beliefs is intolerable, and lies at the core of the current wave of frothing commentary. Mel's mouth has gotten away from him in the past, and he walked away unscathed. Mel self-financed a film repeating the medieval 'blood libel' of deicide and turned it into a nearly $700 million worldwide phenomenon. The people who don't control Hollywood just can't have that, and they're gunning for him again. (comment on this) |