María Angélica Arzuaga | Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia) (original) (raw)
Papers by María Angélica Arzuaga
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Sep 1, 2006
Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde, Apr 5, 2021
Objetivo: conhecer o significado da braquiterapia em mulheres com câncer ginecológico. Métodos: p... more Objetivo: conhecer o significado da braquiterapia em mulheres com câncer ginecológico. Métodos: pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória realizada com 32 mulheres, submetidas à braquiterapia em instituição oncológica de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Na coleta de dados, entre setembro de 2017 e julho de 2018, aplicou-se entrevista semiestruturada. As comunicações foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo, incluindo regras de enumeração para análise dos dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e para quantificação dos relatos agrupados. Publicações relacionadas com o tema e a Teoria do Conforto sustentaram teoricamente a inferência dos dados. Emergiram cinco categorias temáticas, neste artigo apresentam-se três. Resultados: a categoria "O medo e as crenças pessoais no enfrentamento do câncer ginecológico e da braquiterapia" destaca o medo da morte, o desejo pela cura e o apego à família e à religiosidade; "Medo do tratamento e desconfortos relacionados" retrata as alterações relacionadas aos contextos físico, psicológico e ambiental; "Dor como significado" revela a percepção dolorosa sentida pelas mulheres em decorrência da doença ou da braquiterapia. Conclusão: conhecer o significado da braquiterapia permite que os enfermeiros possam repensar a coleta de dados e o planejamento de enfermagem para melhor educação em saúde e redução dos desconfortos.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2005
Estudio cualitativo que explora el proceso de toma de decisiones en la reproduccion. Describe el ... more Estudio cualitativo que explora el proceso de toma de decisiones en la reproduccion. Describe el contexto para dicha decision. Se entrevistan 17 hombres y 23 mujeres, entre 20 y 35 anos, de diferentes estratos sociales, procedencias y niveles educativos, con relacion de pareja mayor a un ano. Metodologicamente se apoya en la teoria fundada y el interaccionismo simbolico. Los hallazgos muestran diferentes significados de reproducirse y de interpretar las normas de genero, los cuales guian las decisiones sobre la descendencia. Cuando las parejas entienden la reproduccion como un fin, deciden prepararse y planear el numero y el momento de realizarla. Son decisiones dialogadas y concertadas a la luz de sus planes de vida. Cuando entienden reproducirse como un medio para lograr fines individuales, como son, desde lo masculino obtener placer sexual o cuidados, y desde lo femenino, encontrar estabilidad afectiva, emocional y economica para tener unas determinadas condiciones de vida, las decisiones son individuales no negociadas. No se preparan, e interpretan rigidamente las normas de genero, lo cual conduce a relaciones de inequidad. La reproduccion no es motivo de preocupacion y en consecuencia, los hijos aparecen inesperadamente, lo que se convierte en motivo permanente de conflicto entre la pareja.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem, 2016
The purpose is to analyze the incidence rate of malignant neoplastic lesion by detection type and... more The purpose is to analyze the incidence rate of malignant neoplastic lesion by detection type and the proportional distribution of mammograms in women between 40 and 69 years of age from the State of Santa Catarina and from Brazil. This is a descriptive observational study of data from the Information Technology Department of the Unified Health System between 2009 and 2012 and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The greatest mammography coverage was in the group from 45 to 49 years, 22.2% in Brazilians and 23.1% in women from Santa Catarina. The greatest proportional distribution was 89.2% in Brazilian women between 40 and 44 years and women from Santa Catarina between 50 and 54 years. The incidence rates of malignant neoplastic breast lesion diagnosed by imaging increased in Brazil and Santa Catarina. In Brazil, in 2012, the highest detection was by palpation and, in Santa Catarina, by imaging. In conclusion, the screening is below the recommended, the higher proportional distributions of mammograms permitted a larger number of diagnoses of malignant neoplastic lesions and the application of mammograms as from the age of 40 years contributed to the diagnosis of breast cancer between the ages of 40 and 49 years.
Investigación y Educación en Enfermería, Aug 1, 2015
Objective. This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the ... more Objective. This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the Master's in Collective Health (MCH) of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, during the period from 1996 to 2013. Methodology. Ours was a descriptive, observational study, based on documentary research and content analysis. The work analyzed the degree works presented in the MCH since 1996 until 2013, reported in the library of the Faculty of Nursing, and the scientific articles published. These were reviewed manually using an instrument containing the variables of the characteristics of the works and articles. Results. Some 51 degree works were included, corresponding to eight cohorts from the Master's in which 65 master's students have graduated and 61 professors have participated as counselors. The most common themes have been Gender and Health (27%) and Food and Nutrition Safety (16%). The most frequent populations object of study were women (14%) and population groups and/or community (14%). The methodologies used have been 90.2% qualitative, 3.9% quantitative, and 5.9% mixed. A total of 52.9% of the degree works were published as articles in scientific journals; of these, 46.49% corresponded to A2 journals, according to the classification by COLCIENCIAS. Conclusion. The characteristics of the degree works show increased dissemination in scientific journals, as well as diversification in the populations object of study and progress in the dissemination of the knowledge generated in the MCH, thus, contributing to progress in collective health in national and international settings.
Investigación y Educación en Enfermería, Aug 1, 2015
Objective. This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the ... more Objective. This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the Master's in Collective Health (MCH) of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, during the period from 1996 to 2013. Methodology. Ours was a descriptive, observational study, based on documentary research and content analysis. The work analyzed the degree works presented in the MCH since 1996 until 2013, reported in the library of the Faculty of Nursing, and the scientific articles published. These were reviewed manually using an instrument containing the variables of the characteristics of the works and articles. Results. Some 51 degree works were included, corresponding to eight cohorts from the Master's in which 65 master's students have graduated and 61 professors have participated as counselors. The most common themes have been Gender and Health (27%) and Food and Nutrition Safety (16%). The most frequent populations object of study were women (14%) and population groups and/or community (14%). The methodologies used have been 90.2% qualitative, 3.9% quantitative, and 5.9% mixed. A total of 52.9% of the degree works were published as articles in scientific journals; of these, 46.49% corresponded to A2 journals, according to the classification by COLCIENCIAS. Conclusion. The characteristics of the degree works show increased dissemination in scientific journals, as well as diversification in the populations object of study and progress in the dissemination of the knowledge generated in the MCH, thus, contributing to progress in collective health in national and international settings.
Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde
Objetivo: conhecer o significado da braquiterapia em mulheres com câncer ginecológico. Métodos: p... more Objetivo: conhecer o significado da braquiterapia em mulheres com câncer ginecológico. Métodos: pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória realizada com 32 mulheres, submetidas à braquiterapia em instituição oncológica de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Na coleta de dados, entre setembro de 2017 e julho de 2018, aplicou-se entrevista semiestruturada. As comunicações foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo, incluindo regras de enumeração para análise dos dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e para quantificação dos relatos agrupados. Publicações relacionadas com o tema e a Teoria do Conforto sustentaram teoricamente a inferência dos dados. Emergiram cinco categorias temáticas, neste artigo apresentam-se três. Resultados: a categoria “O medo e as crenças pessoais no enfrentamento do câncer ginecológico e da braquiterapia” destaca o medo da morte, o desejo pela cura e o apego à família e à religiosidade; “Medo do tratamento e desconfortos relacionados” retrata as alterações relacionadas aos c...
Investigación y Educación en Enfermería
Objective: to understand the couple´s process to achieve fertility control. Methodology: a quanti... more Objective: to understand the couple´s process to achieve fertility control. Methodology: a quantitative survey carried in Medellín, Colombia. Seventeen men and twenty three women between 20 and 35 years, of different social stratus and educational levels, with more than a year marital relationship were interviewed. The methodology is supported on grounded theory. Results: the findings show how according to feminine and masculine significants the couples assume a .xed position facing reproduction. This deal with is a decision-taking process between risky and safe decisions. Accordingly some are continually “searching security” to avoid unwanted children while others are continually “taking risks” about an unwanted pregnancy. Discussion: the couple’s strategies to face reproduction are tainted by their interpretation of the gender norms. The security looking couples assume gender norms in a flexible way whereas the risk-taking couples have a rigid perception of the gender norms and th...
Toda investigación debe estar orientada por principios Bioéticos. Investigación cualitativa, con ... more Toda investigación debe estar orientada por principios Bioéticos. Investigación cualitativa, con enfoque de estudio de caso, con el objetivo analizar las problemáticas Bioéticas y Biojurídicas asociadas a los proyectos de investigación identificadas por los Comités de Ética de Investigación en salud en humanos. Participaron integrantes de Comités de Ética de Investigación en salud en humanos de Medellín y su Área Metropolitana; fueron realizadas entrevistas semiestructuradas, seguidas de análisis de contenido. Emergieron las siguientes problemáticas: debilidades en la validez científica y argumentación bioética de los protocolos de investigación; imprecisión de roles de los investigadores; vacíos y desactualización de la normatividad colombiana; inadecuada valoración del riesgo, de la beneficencia y no maleficencia para los participantes; procesos de consentimientos informados inadecuados; coberturas inadecuadas de las pólizas; conflictos de interés de investigadores y de integrant...
Empiria. Revista de metodología de ciencias sociales, 2021
La teoría fundamentada (TF) es una metodología de investigación ampliamente conocida y utilizada ... more La teoría fundamentada (TF) es una metodología de investigación ampliamente conocida y utilizada en las ciencias sociales. Tiene varias versiones (Teoría Fundamentada Glaseriana, Straussiana, Dimensional, Constructivista y Análisis Situacional) que muestran diferencias que tienden a generar cierta confusión en su estudio y uso. Es el caso del proceso de análisis de datos. Para identificar estas diferencias, se realizó una revisión intencionada de la literatura publicada en los últimos 20 años en español, portugués e inglés. Hicimos una búsqueda sistemática en cinco bases de datos científicas y Google Scholar Beta. Fueron seleccionados 72 textos, incluidos libros y artículos de los cuales 31 están escritos por los principales referentes de cada versión y 41 escritos por otros autores y autoras que contribuyen a la comprensión del método. El análisis de estos textos permitió identificar elementos comunes y diferencias significativas. Los resultados encontrados revelan cinco aspectos c...
Revista Cubana de Enfermería, Dec 1, 2010
Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online, 2017
Objective: to analyze the relationship between mammographic screening and detection of breast can... more Objective: to analyze the relationship between mammographic screening and detection of breast cancer in Brazilian women aged 40 to 69, between 2009 and 2012. Method: observational, descriptive study, carried out with data collected in 2014 in the database of the Informatics Department of the Unified Health System and of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The incidence rates of malignant breast neoplasms were calculated according to Brazilian regions and schooling; distribution of mammography exams performed in Brazil; proportion of women who underwent mammography according to the age group and years investigated. Results: the incidence rates of malignant neoplastic lesions detected by palpation and imaging increased in the years 2009 and 2011, but there was a decrease in detection by palpation in 2011 and 2012. Conclusion: the proportion of women who underwent mammography increased by age group investigated, but the values are still below the recommended. Descripto...
This article aims to share the experience of choosing Grounded Theory from a Classic perspective,... more This article aims to share the experience of choosing Grounded Theory from a Classic perspective, as a methodology to undertake doctoral re-search training. First, we identify main perspectives in this methodology. Second, we highlight most important Baney Glaser´ contributions in Grounded Theory. That provides researchers to meet investigation challenges process and to increase its stock of knowledge. Classic Grounded Theory for a doctoral thesis development allowed us to reknow it as perspective, and to build up a way in which the researcher is to develop inven-tiveness and desire to investigate and search to understand the reality around. This methodology, ever since it opens doctoral students in nursing a range of possibilities by allowing them to study, not only biological, but also ethical, creative, imaginative, context which are appropriate to nursing care, a way to ensure the integral vision of the human being, raison of been of our profession.
Aquichan, 2021
Objective: To reveal the meaning of breast cancer. Materials and method: A narrative research stu... more Objective: To reveal the meaning of breast cancer. Materials and method: A narrative research study that selected, using the snowball technique, 11 women (data saturation) diagnosed with breast cancer, on disease remission, and living in the region of Florianópolis (Brazil). Semi-structured interviews were conducted between August and December 2018, and they were subjected to the Collective Subject Discourse technique. Four central ideas emerged from the analysis of the narratives; this article presents the central ideal called “Meaning of the breast cancer diagnosis”, which has eight sense categories. Results: The central idea covers the following categories: “Suffering when facing the diagnosis”, “Fear of the disease and of death”, “Professional inability for bad news”, “Initiatives to streamline treatment”, “Concern and affection with the family members as a driving force to face cancer”, “Difficulties with the family members”, “Support from the family members, from the professio...
Texto & Contexto - Enfermagem, 2016
The purpose is to analyze the incidence rate of malignant neoplastic lesion by detection type and... more The purpose is to analyze the incidence rate of malignant neoplastic lesion by detection type and the proportional distribution of mammograms in women between 40 and 69 years of age from the State of Santa Catarina and from Brazil. This is a descriptive observational study of data from the Information Technology Department of the Unified Health System between 2009 and 2012 and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The greatest mammography coverage was in the group from 45 to 49 years, 22.2% in Brazilians and 23.1% in women from Santa Catarina. The greatest proportional distribution was 89.2% in Brazilian women between 40 and 44 years and women from Santa Catarina between 50 and 54 years. The incidence rates of malignant neoplastic breast lesion diagnosed by imaging increased in Brazil and Santa Catarina. In Brazil, in 2012, the highest detection was by palpation and, in Santa Catarina, by imaging. In conclusion, the screening is below the recommended, the higher propo...
Investigación y educación en enfermería, 2015
This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the Master'... more This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the Master' in Collective Health (MCH) of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, during the period from 1996 to 2013. Ours was a descriptive, observational study, based on documentary research and content analysis. The work analyzed the degree works presented in the MCH since 1996 until 2013, reported in the library of the Faculty of Nursing, and the scientific articles published. These were reviewed manually using an instrument containing the variables of the characteristics of the works and articles. Some 51 degree works were included, corresponding to eight cohorts from the Master' in which 65 master' students have graduated and 61 professors have participated as counselors. The most common themes have been Gender and Health (27%) and Food and Nutrition Safety (16%). The most frequent populations object of study were women (14%) and population groups and/or community (14%). ...
Revista cubana de enfermería
Para a prática de docência optou-se pelo método pedagógico de Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas. ... more Para a prática de docência optou-se pelo método pedagógico de Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas. O problema exposto, de acordo com a proposta pedagógica, foi a carência da prática de orientação pré-operatória pela enfermagem a pacientes
Investigación y Educación en Enfermería, 2015
Objective. This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the ... more Objective. This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the Master's in Collective Health (MCH) of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, during the period from 1996 to 2013. Methodology. Ours was a descriptive, observational study, based on documentary research and content analysis. The work analyzed the degree works presented in the MCH since 1996 until 2013, reported in the library of the Faculty of Nursing, and the scientific articles published. These were reviewed manually using an instrument containing the variables of the characteristics of the works and articles. Results. Some 51 degree works were included, corresponding to eight cohorts from the Master's in which 65 master's students have graduated and 61 professors have participated as counselors. The most common themes have been Gender and Health (27%) and Food and Nutrition Safety (16%). The most frequent populations object of study were women (14%) and population groups and/or community (14%). The methodologies used have been 90.2% qualitative, 3.9% quantitative, and 5.9% mixed. A total of 52.9% of the degree works were published as articles in scientific journals; of these, 46.49% corresponded to A2 journals, according to the classification by COLCIENCIAS. Conclusion. The characteristics of the degree works show increased dissemination in scientific journals, as well as diversification in the populations object of study and progress in the dissemination of the knowledge generated in the MCH, thus, contributing to progress in collective health in national and international settings.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Sep 1, 2006
Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde, Apr 5, 2021
Objetivo: conhecer o significado da braquiterapia em mulheres com câncer ginecológico. Métodos: p... more Objetivo: conhecer o significado da braquiterapia em mulheres com câncer ginecológico. Métodos: pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória realizada com 32 mulheres, submetidas à braquiterapia em instituição oncológica de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Na coleta de dados, entre setembro de 2017 e julho de 2018, aplicou-se entrevista semiestruturada. As comunicações foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo, incluindo regras de enumeração para análise dos dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e para quantificação dos relatos agrupados. Publicações relacionadas com o tema e a Teoria do Conforto sustentaram teoricamente a inferência dos dados. Emergiram cinco categorias temáticas, neste artigo apresentam-se três. Resultados: a categoria "O medo e as crenças pessoais no enfrentamento do câncer ginecológico e da braquiterapia" destaca o medo da morte, o desejo pela cura e o apego à família e à religiosidade; "Medo do tratamento e desconfortos relacionados" retrata as alterações relacionadas aos contextos físico, psicológico e ambiental; "Dor como significado" revela a percepção dolorosa sentida pelas mulheres em decorrência da doença ou da braquiterapia. Conclusão: conhecer o significado da braquiterapia permite que os enfermeiros possam repensar a coleta de dados e o planejamento de enfermagem para melhor educação em saúde e redução dos desconfortos.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2005
Estudio cualitativo que explora el proceso de toma de decisiones en la reproduccion. Describe el ... more Estudio cualitativo que explora el proceso de toma de decisiones en la reproduccion. Describe el contexto para dicha decision. Se entrevistan 17 hombres y 23 mujeres, entre 20 y 35 anos, de diferentes estratos sociales, procedencias y niveles educativos, con relacion de pareja mayor a un ano. Metodologicamente se apoya en la teoria fundada y el interaccionismo simbolico. Los hallazgos muestran diferentes significados de reproducirse y de interpretar las normas de genero, los cuales guian las decisiones sobre la descendencia. Cuando las parejas entienden la reproduccion como un fin, deciden prepararse y planear el numero y el momento de realizarla. Son decisiones dialogadas y concertadas a la luz de sus planes de vida. Cuando entienden reproducirse como un medio para lograr fines individuales, como son, desde lo masculino obtener placer sexual o cuidados, y desde lo femenino, encontrar estabilidad afectiva, emocional y economica para tener unas determinadas condiciones de vida, las decisiones son individuales no negociadas. No se preparan, e interpretan rigidamente las normas de genero, lo cual conduce a relaciones de inequidad. La reproduccion no es motivo de preocupacion y en consecuencia, los hijos aparecen inesperadamente, lo que se convierte en motivo permanente de conflicto entre la pareja.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem, 2016
The purpose is to analyze the incidence rate of malignant neoplastic lesion by detection type and... more The purpose is to analyze the incidence rate of malignant neoplastic lesion by detection type and the proportional distribution of mammograms in women between 40 and 69 years of age from the State of Santa Catarina and from Brazil. This is a descriptive observational study of data from the Information Technology Department of the Unified Health System between 2009 and 2012 and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The greatest mammography coverage was in the group from 45 to 49 years, 22.2% in Brazilians and 23.1% in women from Santa Catarina. The greatest proportional distribution was 89.2% in Brazilian women between 40 and 44 years and women from Santa Catarina between 50 and 54 years. The incidence rates of malignant neoplastic breast lesion diagnosed by imaging increased in Brazil and Santa Catarina. In Brazil, in 2012, the highest detection was by palpation and, in Santa Catarina, by imaging. In conclusion, the screening is below the recommended, the higher proportional distributions of mammograms permitted a larger number of diagnoses of malignant neoplastic lesions and the application of mammograms as from the age of 40 years contributed to the diagnosis of breast cancer between the ages of 40 and 49 years.
Investigación y Educación en Enfermería, Aug 1, 2015
Objective. This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the ... more Objective. This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the Master's in Collective Health (MCH) of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, during the period from 1996 to 2013. Methodology. Ours was a descriptive, observational study, based on documentary research and content analysis. The work analyzed the degree works presented in the MCH since 1996 until 2013, reported in the library of the Faculty of Nursing, and the scientific articles published. These were reviewed manually using an instrument containing the variables of the characteristics of the works and articles. Results. Some 51 degree works were included, corresponding to eight cohorts from the Master's in which 65 master's students have graduated and 61 professors have participated as counselors. The most common themes have been Gender and Health (27%) and Food and Nutrition Safety (16%). The most frequent populations object of study were women (14%) and population groups and/or community (14%). The methodologies used have been 90.2% qualitative, 3.9% quantitative, and 5.9% mixed. A total of 52.9% of the degree works were published as articles in scientific journals; of these, 46.49% corresponded to A2 journals, according to the classification by COLCIENCIAS. Conclusion. The characteristics of the degree works show increased dissemination in scientific journals, as well as diversification in the populations object of study and progress in the dissemination of the knowledge generated in the MCH, thus, contributing to progress in collective health in national and international settings.
Investigación y Educación en Enfermería, Aug 1, 2015
Objective. This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the ... more Objective. This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the Master's in Collective Health (MCH) of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, during the period from 1996 to 2013. Methodology. Ours was a descriptive, observational study, based on documentary research and content analysis. The work analyzed the degree works presented in the MCH since 1996 until 2013, reported in the library of the Faculty of Nursing, and the scientific articles published. These were reviewed manually using an instrument containing the variables of the characteristics of the works and articles. Results. Some 51 degree works were included, corresponding to eight cohorts from the Master's in which 65 master's students have graduated and 61 professors have participated as counselors. The most common themes have been Gender and Health (27%) and Food and Nutrition Safety (16%). The most frequent populations object of study were women (14%) and population groups and/or community (14%). The methodologies used have been 90.2% qualitative, 3.9% quantitative, and 5.9% mixed. A total of 52.9% of the degree works were published as articles in scientific journals; of these, 46.49% corresponded to A2 journals, according to the classification by COLCIENCIAS. Conclusion. The characteristics of the degree works show increased dissemination in scientific journals, as well as diversification in the populations object of study and progress in the dissemination of the knowledge generated in the MCH, thus, contributing to progress in collective health in national and international settings.
Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde
Objetivo: conhecer o significado da braquiterapia em mulheres com câncer ginecológico. Métodos: p... more Objetivo: conhecer o significado da braquiterapia em mulheres com câncer ginecológico. Métodos: pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória realizada com 32 mulheres, submetidas à braquiterapia em instituição oncológica de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Na coleta de dados, entre setembro de 2017 e julho de 2018, aplicou-se entrevista semiestruturada. As comunicações foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo, incluindo regras de enumeração para análise dos dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e para quantificação dos relatos agrupados. Publicações relacionadas com o tema e a Teoria do Conforto sustentaram teoricamente a inferência dos dados. Emergiram cinco categorias temáticas, neste artigo apresentam-se três. Resultados: a categoria “O medo e as crenças pessoais no enfrentamento do câncer ginecológico e da braquiterapia” destaca o medo da morte, o desejo pela cura e o apego à família e à religiosidade; “Medo do tratamento e desconfortos relacionados” retrata as alterações relacionadas aos c...
Investigación y Educación en Enfermería
Objective: to understand the couple´s process to achieve fertility control. Methodology: a quanti... more Objective: to understand the couple´s process to achieve fertility control. Methodology: a quantitative survey carried in Medellín, Colombia. Seventeen men and twenty three women between 20 and 35 years, of different social stratus and educational levels, with more than a year marital relationship were interviewed. The methodology is supported on grounded theory. Results: the findings show how according to feminine and masculine significants the couples assume a .xed position facing reproduction. This deal with is a decision-taking process between risky and safe decisions. Accordingly some are continually “searching security” to avoid unwanted children while others are continually “taking risks” about an unwanted pregnancy. Discussion: the couple’s strategies to face reproduction are tainted by their interpretation of the gender norms. The security looking couples assume gender norms in a flexible way whereas the risk-taking couples have a rigid perception of the gender norms and th...
Toda investigación debe estar orientada por principios Bioéticos. Investigación cualitativa, con ... more Toda investigación debe estar orientada por principios Bioéticos. Investigación cualitativa, con enfoque de estudio de caso, con el objetivo analizar las problemáticas Bioéticas y Biojurídicas asociadas a los proyectos de investigación identificadas por los Comités de Ética de Investigación en salud en humanos. Participaron integrantes de Comités de Ética de Investigación en salud en humanos de Medellín y su Área Metropolitana; fueron realizadas entrevistas semiestructuradas, seguidas de análisis de contenido. Emergieron las siguientes problemáticas: debilidades en la validez científica y argumentación bioética de los protocolos de investigación; imprecisión de roles de los investigadores; vacíos y desactualización de la normatividad colombiana; inadecuada valoración del riesgo, de la beneficencia y no maleficencia para los participantes; procesos de consentimientos informados inadecuados; coberturas inadecuadas de las pólizas; conflictos de interés de investigadores y de integrant...
Empiria. Revista de metodología de ciencias sociales, 2021
La teoría fundamentada (TF) es una metodología de investigación ampliamente conocida y utilizada ... more La teoría fundamentada (TF) es una metodología de investigación ampliamente conocida y utilizada en las ciencias sociales. Tiene varias versiones (Teoría Fundamentada Glaseriana, Straussiana, Dimensional, Constructivista y Análisis Situacional) que muestran diferencias que tienden a generar cierta confusión en su estudio y uso. Es el caso del proceso de análisis de datos. Para identificar estas diferencias, se realizó una revisión intencionada de la literatura publicada en los últimos 20 años en español, portugués e inglés. Hicimos una búsqueda sistemática en cinco bases de datos científicas y Google Scholar Beta. Fueron seleccionados 72 textos, incluidos libros y artículos de los cuales 31 están escritos por los principales referentes de cada versión y 41 escritos por otros autores y autoras que contribuyen a la comprensión del método. El análisis de estos textos permitió identificar elementos comunes y diferencias significativas. Los resultados encontrados revelan cinco aspectos c...
Revista Cubana de Enfermería, Dec 1, 2010
Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online, 2017
Objective: to analyze the relationship between mammographic screening and detection of breast can... more Objective: to analyze the relationship between mammographic screening and detection of breast cancer in Brazilian women aged 40 to 69, between 2009 and 2012. Method: observational, descriptive study, carried out with data collected in 2014 in the database of the Informatics Department of the Unified Health System and of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The incidence rates of malignant breast neoplasms were calculated according to Brazilian regions and schooling; distribution of mammography exams performed in Brazil; proportion of women who underwent mammography according to the age group and years investigated. Results: the incidence rates of malignant neoplastic lesions detected by palpation and imaging increased in the years 2009 and 2011, but there was a decrease in detection by palpation in 2011 and 2012. Conclusion: the proportion of women who underwent mammography increased by age group investigated, but the values are still below the recommended. Descripto...
This article aims to share the experience of choosing Grounded Theory from a Classic perspective,... more This article aims to share the experience of choosing Grounded Theory from a Classic perspective, as a methodology to undertake doctoral re-search training. First, we identify main perspectives in this methodology. Second, we highlight most important Baney Glaser´ contributions in Grounded Theory. That provides researchers to meet investigation challenges process and to increase its stock of knowledge. Classic Grounded Theory for a doctoral thesis development allowed us to reknow it as perspective, and to build up a way in which the researcher is to develop inven-tiveness and desire to investigate and search to understand the reality around. This methodology, ever since it opens doctoral students in nursing a range of possibilities by allowing them to study, not only biological, but also ethical, creative, imaginative, context which are appropriate to nursing care, a way to ensure the integral vision of the human being, raison of been of our profession.
Aquichan, 2021
Objective: To reveal the meaning of breast cancer. Materials and method: A narrative research stu... more Objective: To reveal the meaning of breast cancer. Materials and method: A narrative research study that selected, using the snowball technique, 11 women (data saturation) diagnosed with breast cancer, on disease remission, and living in the region of Florianópolis (Brazil). Semi-structured interviews were conducted between August and December 2018, and they were subjected to the Collective Subject Discourse technique. Four central ideas emerged from the analysis of the narratives; this article presents the central ideal called “Meaning of the breast cancer diagnosis”, which has eight sense categories. Results: The central idea covers the following categories: “Suffering when facing the diagnosis”, “Fear of the disease and of death”, “Professional inability for bad news”, “Initiatives to streamline treatment”, “Concern and affection with the family members as a driving force to face cancer”, “Difficulties with the family members”, “Support from the family members, from the professio...
Texto & Contexto - Enfermagem, 2016
The purpose is to analyze the incidence rate of malignant neoplastic lesion by detection type and... more The purpose is to analyze the incidence rate of malignant neoplastic lesion by detection type and the proportional distribution of mammograms in women between 40 and 69 years of age from the State of Santa Catarina and from Brazil. This is a descriptive observational study of data from the Information Technology Department of the Unified Health System between 2009 and 2012 and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The greatest mammography coverage was in the group from 45 to 49 years, 22.2% in Brazilians and 23.1% in women from Santa Catarina. The greatest proportional distribution was 89.2% in Brazilian women between 40 and 44 years and women from Santa Catarina between 50 and 54 years. The incidence rates of malignant neoplastic breast lesion diagnosed by imaging increased in Brazil and Santa Catarina. In Brazil, in 2012, the highest detection was by palpation and, in Santa Catarina, by imaging. In conclusion, the screening is below the recommended, the higher propo...
Investigación y educación en enfermería, 2015
This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the Master'... more This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the Master' in Collective Health (MCH) of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, during the period from 1996 to 2013. Ours was a descriptive, observational study, based on documentary research and content analysis. The work analyzed the degree works presented in the MCH since 1996 until 2013, reported in the library of the Faculty of Nursing, and the scientific articles published. These were reviewed manually using an instrument containing the variables of the characteristics of the works and articles. Some 51 degree works were included, corresponding to eight cohorts from the Master' in which 65 master' students have graduated and 61 professors have participated as counselors. The most common themes have been Gender and Health (27%) and Food and Nutrition Safety (16%). The most frequent populations object of study were women (14%) and population groups and/or community (14%). ...
Revista cubana de enfermería
Para a prática de docência optou-se pelo método pedagógico de Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas. ... more Para a prática de docência optou-se pelo método pedagógico de Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas. O problema exposto, de acordo com a proposta pedagógica, foi a carência da prática de orientação pré-operatória pela enfermagem a pacientes
Investigación y Educación en Enfermería, 2015
Objective. This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the ... more Objective. This work sought to characterize the scientific production of the degree works in the Master's in Collective Health (MCH) of the Faculty of Nursing at Universidad de Antioquia, during the period from 1996 to 2013. Methodology. Ours was a descriptive, observational study, based on documentary research and content analysis. The work analyzed the degree works presented in the MCH since 1996 until 2013, reported in the library of the Faculty of Nursing, and the scientific articles published. These were reviewed manually using an instrument containing the variables of the characteristics of the works and articles. Results. Some 51 degree works were included, corresponding to eight cohorts from the Master's in which 65 master's students have graduated and 61 professors have participated as counselors. The most common themes have been Gender and Health (27%) and Food and Nutrition Safety (16%). The most frequent populations object of study were women (14%) and population groups and/or community (14%). The methodologies used have been 90.2% qualitative, 3.9% quantitative, and 5.9% mixed. A total of 52.9% of the degree works were published as articles in scientific journals; of these, 46.49% corresponded to A2 journals, according to the classification by COLCIENCIAS. Conclusion. The characteristics of the degree works show increased dissemination in scientific journals, as well as diversification in the populations object of study and progress in the dissemination of the knowledge generated in the MCH, thus, contributing to progress in collective health in national and international settings.