counteracting racism with diversity (original) (raw)

Last chance to save a man's life [21 Sep 2011|03:19pm]
One of the salient points in this case is that Troy Davis is a black man in Georgia. Please read on...Troy Davis was convicted of murdering a Georgia police officer in 1991. Nearly two decades later, Davis remains on death row — even though the case against him has fallen apart.The case against him consisted entirely of witness testimony which contained inconsistencies even at the time of the trial. Since then, all but two of the state's non-police witnesses from the trial have recanted or contradicted their testimony.Many of these witnesses have stated in sworn affidavits that they were pressured or coerced by police into testifying or signing statements against Troy Davis.One of the two witnesses who has not recanted his testimony is Sylvester "Red" Coles — the principle alternative suspect, according to the defense, against whom there is new evidence implicating him as the gunman. Nine individuals have signed affidavits implicating Sylvester Coles.Georgia's State Board of Pardons and Paroles has recently rejected Troy Davis' clemency petition. Troy continues to face execution on Wednesday Sept. 21 at 7 pm EDT (midnight Weds night UK time). Please take action before this time.We cannot let an innocent man die.Please take these two simple actions - asking the Parole Board to reconsider (they can change their mind at any time), and asking that Chatham County (Savannah) District Attorney Larry Chisolm step in and withdraw the death warrant.Take action here here can't let them kill an innocent man. This really is Troy's last chance.Thank you for your support.UPDATE: THE PAROLE BOARD ARE BLOCKING AMNESTY'S EMAILS, BUT YOU CAN STILL TAKE ACTIONPlease forward the email below to the Parole Board at free to personalise the text or change the title of the email. We must keep the pressure on the Board, and let them know that the world is watching. Executing Troy would be an outrageous travesty against justice.----------Please grant Troy Davis clemency State BoardPardons and Paroles webmaster2 Martin Luther King Jr. DriveSE Suite 458East Tower30334-4909 AtlantaUSAGEORGIA Dear Clemency Board members, I call on the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles to take all steps necessary to ensure that Troy Anthony Davis is not executed. You have voted to deny him clemency despite the fact that significant doubts continue to plague his conviction. You must reconsider and reverse this decision immediately. Seven of the nine witnesses have changed their story and no physical evidence links Davis to the crime. No one should be executed, especially when there are so many doubts about guilt. This case has generated widespread attention because so many people in Georgia and throughout the world are disturbed by the thought of a man being executed when somuch doubt about his guilt remains unresolved. Nothing can undermine public faith in a criminal justice system faster than an execution when there are still serious doubts about guilt. Georgia cannot afford to make such a mistake, and I urge you to do everything in your power to prevent this injustice from taking place. Yours sincerely, [YOUR NAME AND AREA/COUNTRY]
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in memory of adolf hitler [20 Apr 2010|08:06am]
Heil....HeilHitlerHe.. #In Memory of Adolf Hitler# ..Heil....HeilHitlerHeHeil....ilHitlerHeil.... We will always remember ....Heil....ilHitlerHeilHeil....Heil............. and cherish you. Your .....Heil....Heil........Heil....Heil............. acts of selflessness ......Heil....Heil........Heil....Heil........... will be passed down from ....Heil....Heil........HeilHitlerHeilHitler... generation to generation. ...HeilHitlerHeilHitlerHeilHitlerHeilHitler... The lies that dishonor your .HeilHitlerHeilHitler........Heil....Heil..... name will be vanquished. ..........Heil....Heil........Heil....Heil.... You were a true patriot ............Heil....Heil........Heil....Heil.... and a lover of all men, ............Heil....HeilHeilHitlerHe....Heil... all races, all religions. ...HeilHitlerHe....HeililHitlerHeil....Heil.. #In Memory of Adolf Hitler# ..ilHitlerHeil....Heil
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There are few if any true racists; only 'ethnicists' [22 Mar 2010|01:29am]
I study racial anthropology. Consequently I have read posts on internet forums that deal with racial anthropology, and some of such forums have a 'racist' bent. After reading through the posts on such forums, it has become clear to me that true racists are in fact rare among those people who are typically called 'racists'. Most people that one would call 'racists' are in fact more accurately described as 'ethnicists'. Ethnicity is not the same thing as race; 'ethnicity' refers to a cultural group, plus the racial traits of the cultural group, which may be rather racially diverse.The ethnicists are highly nationalistic, and place high value on their nation's flag and their nation's culture. They also typically have fascist ideology, which is characterized by forced cultural uniformity. These people are not so much concerned with race as with 'multiculturalism'. Psychologically, they are authoritarians, who view their own culture as 'the proper way'. Due to their authoritarian temperament, the ethnicists have a natural affinity for the roman catholic church, because of it's emphasis on hierarchy, orthodoxy, and authoritarian social rules. Ironicly, the ethnicist KKK was, and might still be, anti-catholic, simply because the United States was once (at the time that the KKK was founded) a primarily protestant country. The ethnicists are typically anti-muslim, and yet have ideals that are quite similar to those of the islamists (muslim theocrats), including anti-abortionism, penis mutilation, male dominance over women, and censorship of nudity. Due to this dominant-authoritarian temperament, the ethnicists are easily angered, and often by unpredictable things that would not even slightly anger a person of reasonable character.Since the ethnicists are not true racists, they do not believe that evolutionary psychology is true. The ethnicists attribute the behaviors and ideals of racially-european people that they are opposed to, as being the result of 'spiritual decay'. The ethnicists therefore desire to strictly control all media, in the same way that the nazis and soviets did; they desire to do so under the guise that the media is what controls (aka 'brainwashes') the people. If the ethnicists were truly racists, then they would not care so much about controlling the media, because they would believe that it is the genes that control people, rather than the environment. This belief that europeans have a 'spiritual' problem also allows them to scapegoat the jews as causing a 'spiritual infection' upon europeans, via the media.One problem with true racism, in the eyes of the ethnicists, is that it is too scientificly testable and falsifiable, and it can backfire upon one's own race. The ethnicists themselves often belong to particular racial elements which they do not want too much attention to be drawn to, lest other people notice the link between their racial elements and ethnicism, and learn the evolutionary psychology which causes said racial elements to be ethnicist.The ethnicists focus on the conflict between the 'great races' or 'macroraces', and downplay the importance of racial diversity within the macroraces. Racial science reveals the inconvenient truth that there is a higher degree of innate psychological and physical difference between europeans, than between the european race and other macroraces. Within every macrorace, there are bell curves, both of psychological traits and physical traits. These bell curves reflect the diversity of racial elements within the macrorace. Although some macrorace bell curves are ahead of others on the average, there are large overlaps between them. Due to the mixing of the ancestral racial elements over the centuries, even these racial elements within the macroraces have much less genetic separation from eachother than they once did, meaning that there is a considerable degree of diffusion of the ancestral racial elements into individual genes and chromosomal fragments.In conclusion, the ethnicists have worse character, and are less scientificly accurate, than the average person. That is due to an innate authoritarian character, and the world would be a better place if the ethnicists were sterilized.
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Go for "it" [11 Jan 2010|10:30am]
[ **mood** | creative ] Sad people world-wide ignored, abused, lost, hurt, maimed, killed.For how much longer will cruelty be tolerated?"I don't see a colour, I see a HUMAN being."Instead of hating, fearing loss of jobs, housing and employment,good citizens need to demand a BETTER world.To get started, just produce "it.""it" is the IDEAL way to help the poor, the homeless.Full details available for FREE: non-commercial website).
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New Resource -My Social Work Network [01 Dec 2009|11:45am]
Hi all,Just wanted to let everyone know about a free resource I founded for social workers called My Social Work Network ( From looking at this community, it seems your involvement on this site would be perfect! On My Social Work Network, you can create a professional profile, network with other social workers globally who share your interests (search social workers by location, expertise, degree, experience, school, or company), search thousands of social work jobs (we are currently US based, but are adding a new career center this week in which we hope to post international jobs), post and browse resources, blog, and keep current on social work news -just to name a few features. We just added free volunteer/internship posts for those who are either looking to fill a position or for those who are seeking a position. You do not have to be a social worker to join, just bring your passion for your causes.My hope is My Social Work Network will help our profession to better connect and mobilize so we can better fulfill our mission of social and economic justice for all. Though we are based in the US, we are gaining a number of members throughout the world. Our site can be translated into 35 different languages and we hope to gain global reach to empower the work we do as social workers. Feel free to check the site out and if you feel it adds value to the work we do, please help to spread the word. Sincerely,Michelle C. Bussolotti, MSWFounder of My Social Work
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Music video against racism, xenophobia and discrimination [13 Feb 2009|03:25pm]
hi! I am community moderator music_action . This community was founded by russian media activists, who collect and distribute music video for Social and Civil Action about Freedom, Peace, Environment, Human Rights, social movements, NGO etc. Thank you to everyone who gives advice and recommendations of antiracists music video! Chumbawamba, Credit to the Nation - Enough is Enough (anti-nazi song)We would be glad if you join! Help distribute information about community media_action !An cut - list of Music video against racism, xenophobia and discrimination (add!):( Read more...Collapse )
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[22 Aug 2008|10:48am]
add_a_radical Is a new and fun community for meeting other bloggers with not-so-common political views. Radicals from the left and right and any other direction you can think of! Anyone is welcome to join and look for friends to add, but we must remind you to please READ the rules before you post.
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Mountaintop Removal [19 Aug 2008|09:02pm]
I'd like to invite friends to take a look at a new community I've just started to raise awareness about Mountaintop Removal in Appalachia (king_coal).Mountaintop removal is a form of coal mining in which mountains are literally eradicated to reach the coal beneath the surface. The surface material is bulldozed into neighboring valleys, often destroying the stream beds that feed into local water systems. Hundreds of square miles of Appalachia are being devastated by this practice, which provides cheap coal to power plants across the country. Meanwhile, the true cost of the coal is being born by the people and ecosystems of Appalachia.For some reason, this practice goes largely ignored by the mainstream press and environmental movement.Please take a look and decide if you can help.Peace
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[16 Jun 2008|11:39am]
The Gender Public Advocacy Coalition is pleased to announce the release of its 2008 GENIUS Survey in partnership with Ernst & Young. GenderPAC works to ensure that classrooms, communities and workplaces are safe for everyone to learn, grow and succeed. The Gender Equality National Index for Universities & Schools (GENIUS), GenderPAC’s most recent effort to end discrimination and promote awareness, encourages colleges and universities to recognize the benefits of a GenderSAFE campus - supportive equitable and protective for all students. Choosing to participate in GENUIS sends a strong public statement that bullying or discriminating based on the race, sex or gender of a student, faculty, or staff member is not tolerated at your institutionFill out the survey at:, and make sure that we have data for as many schools as possible. Your voice will help us continue to work towards a safe and welcoming environment for every student
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[18 Mar 2008|04:42pm]
Karim Amer is an Egyptian man currently serving a four-year sentence in Borg al-Arab Prison in Alexandra. He was charged on February 22, 2007 after making dissentient statements against Islam and his government. He stated his opinion in a peaceful and non-threatening manner, but he was still imprisoned. Amnesty International has declared him to be a prisoner of conscience and has demanded his immediate release. I believe it is necessary for the international community to come to his aid at a time when he is unable to do so himself. Please sign the petition below for his release.
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letter from my ignorant uncle [22 Feb 2008|12:03am]
So I'm pretty new to the community, so I'm not sure if this is not a place for rant posts or not - if this is inappropriate please let me know and feel free to delete this post.I just got this email from my conservative, Republican uncle who constantly complains that there are too many illegal immigrants, too many social programs, and that everyone should just mind their own business and make their own way in the world. I've tried talking to him about race issues before, but it never really sinks in and I'm still not confident enough in expressing my opinions about race and conveying clear anti-racist messages to people who disagree, so I'm never able to make much headway in conversations with him.It may just be that this has been a very charged week for me with race because of recent hate crimes that happened on our campus, but this just sent me over the edge:( )
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[08 Feb 2008|06:56pm]
Hello everyone! I am forming a community that encourages solidarity and understanding between Christian and Muslim women. It is a place for women to discuss universal concerns and to learn about each other and separate customs and hopefully to prevent future prejudices. If anyone is interesting in joining this community, I would be honored for you to be a part of it.The link is: you very much.
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March on Jena - January 21st! [14 Jan 2008|03:19pm]
January 21st: Oppose the Lynch Mob Racists! No to Nooses! Free the Jena Six! We Want a Better World!White Supremacists plan to march in Jena on Martin Luther King Day in 2008. On Martin Luther King day of all days, the one day that is supposed to be about the struggle of Black people, they are coming to march with Nooses! This is a call to people everywhere: On Monday January 21st, get to Jena! OPPOSE THE LYNCH MOB RACISTS! Displaying nooses is a hateful and terrorizing message. These racists want to take us back to the days of lynch mobs murdering Black people in this country. Nooses are INTOLERABLE. Bring a sign, hang a poster, make a banner, get to Jena, SAY NO TO NOOSES! The Jena High students said no to nooses hung at their school when they protested by standing underneath the “white only tree”. Then on September 20th, 2007 tens of thousands of people stood up, marching in Jena and around the country. People said Enough is Enough to the injustice in punishing Black youth who take a stand against racism. The white supremacists call Black youth criminals and thugs, they say, “Jail the Jena Six”. Let's say it loud again in Jena: FREE THE JENA SIX! It is in response to September 20th and what that day achieved that white supremacists are lashing out, with a message that takes us back to the horrors of lynch mobs and segregation. When racism rears its ugly head, it is up to people everywhere white and Black, people of all nationalities, to take a stand. If you are against injustice and inequality, if you want racism to end... its up to you to voice it! If we don't speak up and stand up, this horrific message will go unopposed. If not us who? If not now when? Protest in Jena on January 21st. Join people everywhere in politically opposing white supremacy and drowning out their message of hate with the message that WE WANT A BETTER WORLD. January 21st Committee Initial signatories: * A group of 14 Jena residents Black and white, young and old, including two parents of the Jena Six * Reverend Raymond Brown Community Activist, New Orleans * William Winters, Baton Rouge Activist * Student Organizers from University of California, PA and Howard University * Alice Woodward and Hank Brown, Jena, LA correspondents for Revolution * Herb Boyd, The Black World Today, NY,NY * Don Rojas, The Black World Today, NY,NY * Miky Espinal, NY organizer for Health & Hospital Workers Union 1199* * Thomas Kleven, Professor of Law, Thurgood Marshall School of Law * Idress Stelley Foundation * Education Not Incarceration (SanFransisco Chapter) * San Fransisco Bayview Free The Jena Six Task Force * San Fransisco Village Voice Community Radio, 105.5 FM * San Fransisco Bay view Campaign to End the Death Penalty * Sess 4-5 Nuthin But Fire Records, New Orleans * Cindy Sheehan, Candidate for Congress, California's 8th district, mother of KIA soldier Casey Sheehan * 60 residents of Cabrini Green, Chicago * C3 (Community, Concern, Compassion)/Hands Off Iberville, New Orleans * Mayday New Orleans * Don Paul, writer, musician, Housing is a Human Right, New Orleans *For identification purposes only Join us! This call is still in progress and we invite organizations, student groups, Jena residents and others to endorse. Spread the word! Get out this call far and wide, support and build for January 21st! Contact the committee: 318.312.1297
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[07 Dec 2007|08:30pm]
In period three, my algebra teacher was being racist to a dark skin classmate. He wasn't even doing anything, and the teacher said that he was being a disruption to the class and was sent out side. She also said the same thing to a girl defending him.
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Virtual Panhandling for Reparations [07 Oct 2007|10:14pm]
I Am Virtually Panhandling for Reparations! (Please REPOST) Heather in CT National Day of Panhandling for Reparations is a national street performance on October 10, 2007, led by conceptual artist damali ayo. I am participating in this performance because I believe that a conversation about reparations has been pushed aside for way too long. This country has paid reparations for some of its past injustices, but not for slavery. Why not? I am sitting with this sign to show that I want reparations for American Slavery to move forward. You can participate too. Bloggers- spread this post to any and all blogs that you belong to. This performance is a great way to generate dialogue and re-energize the stalled conversation about reparations, and a great way to show the power of blogs for connecting people, art, social issues and dialogue! Here is How to Panhandle Online: note: If you want to physically participate by panhandling on a street corner in your community, sign up here. 1-REPOST this post to your blog under the title “Virtual Panhandling for Reparations” Remember to include this entire post, including these instructions and the “about” section below. 2-TAKE A PHOTO of yourself with a handmade sign that reads “Reparations accepted here” or “I support Reparations.” Post this to your blog with the reason you find this performance worth your participation. Try to inspire others to participate. 3-EMAIL YOUR PHOTO with your name, city and state to A collection of all the photos will be posted here (include the link) on October 11th. 4- COLLECT ACTUAL REPARATIONS! Click here to make a reparations payment. The money will be collected and redistributed to individual African Americans. Those who make and receive payments will receive a receipt (via paypal). 5- CALL IN YOUR STORIES! The National Day of Panhandling for Reparations Voice Mail is (971) 285-4820 Share your experiences, thoughts, opinions, excitements, concerns, and most importantly stories! On the day itself you can give this number out to people who can call in and share their thoughts. Help us collect all the participating blogs and virtual panhanlders. Paste the following code at the end of your post Panhandling for Reparations Make sure everyone knows that you are a virtual panhandler for reparations by posting a banner. Grab the code below: Copy this code into your profile to display this banner! Copy this code into your profile to display this banner! About National Day of Panhandling for Reparations: OCTOBER 10, 2007. People of all races across the United States will take an hour or two to sit in a range of locations in our communities: outside of businesses, libraries, museums, art galleries, or on busy street corners. We will wear signs reminding passersby of the history of slavery in the United States. We will collect reparations in the form of money from white Americans for the enslavement and free-labor of Africans and African Americans during the establishment and economic rise of this country. This money will be immediately paid out to black passersby. Both parties will be offered a receipt. We will do this to offer a convenient opportunity for American citizens to acknowledge, apologize and compensate the unpaid labor of African Americans, the travesty of slavery, and the rightful due of reparations. This work began in 2003 as a street performance by artist damali ayo. In living flag: panhandling for reparations damali panhandled for reparations on the streets of various cities across the United States. In each of her locations she engaged a steady flow of reparations received and paid. October 10, 2007 marks the first annual National Day of Panhandling for Reparations where others join damali in this performance. Even more Info: The Basics Panhandling Instruction Kit, Video, Audio, Questions etc. Q&A with Heather Day Get Reparations Gear! See all the Virtual Panhandlers! Photos will be posted on October 11, 2007 Send a Reparations Day Ecard More on damali ayo Panhandling for Reparations
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Unsubscribe [02 Oct 2007|09:50pm]
"Unite against terrorism. Unite against human rights abuses in the 'war on terror'. We did not sign up. We do not approve. We unsubscribe."Amnesty International have recently created a new campaign/movement called 'Unsubscribe!'You can support it by adding your name at That's all you have to do, just add your name.Oh, and sign up to the LJ group I've created in support of the movement (which is featured on the Amnesty site). tell your friends.:)
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