antiwithdrawal (original) (raw)

If you are withdrawing from benzodiazepines, keep on updosing, cant deal with the side effects, or anything else re-guarding benzo withdrawal these sites will be very useful to you.

User: jsmooth123
Date: 2008-10-03 21:00
Subject: Personal Update/ Benzodiazpines
Security: Public
Tags: addiction, ativan, benzos, klonopin, medication, meds, side effects, suicide, withdrawal, xanax, youtube

Hello all,

It has been a while and now im finally off the seroquel (as of tonight) after a 10-11 month taper!

Current Meds:

1mg Klonopin (morning)

.5mg Lorezepam at night

In about 2-4 weeks ill start on the .5mg Ativan taper. Im so excited im off the Seroquel. The insomnia is crazy now though. I find myself up to 1 AM and not even realize it.

Ive been having numbness, aches/pains, muscle stiffness -- just like when I was getting off Lithium. Had to go to the ER for some pain, primarily 5/500 of Vicodin to help me get through it, and im going to save a couple for when I start to get off the benzos.

Im telling anyone whos reading this. If I can do it, you can do it.

I cant believe its been almost a year (if not a year) already that ive been withdrawing and am almost at my goal! Very excited about my progress.


Very helpful for anyone whos going through withdrawal or thinking about going through withdrawal for the mighty benzos.

Everyone can do it! Stay Strong!



P.S. Check out these videos! This guy is great. Subscribe.

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So I saw a new psychiatrist today regarding taper off of my benzo.

The first thing I noticed upon being in the doctor's office is just how full his tiny lobby area was. Granted, there are two doctors there, but it just seemed cramped. Oh, well. Busy appointment-time?? I hope so**.**The doctor was alright, that is, he'll serve the purpose for which I need him: tapering from my benzo... but other than that, he did disappoint me in a couple of ways:

  1. He seemed to ask me why I need to taper, what the reason is I need to be off of my medicine and what am I going to do when I am done with my medicine and awful lot during the visit. Now, I realize (and he told me this at the end of the appointment) that he just really wants to know what I am thinking and fully understand it, but it really did give me the impression that he doesn't consider anxiolytic benzodiazepines addictive, at least not in my situation.

  2. He was rather impersonal, but that's OK. I've only really seen one other psychiatrist in my entire life, and she was just a sweetheart anyway. I forget that doctors are people too!

  3. I hate to say this, and I don't mean to be racial, but he and I obviously had some language barrier issues. He's Indian, and surprisingly enough his English was awful - just awful! I know mine isn't the greatest, but I do have a Bachelor's in language (OK... let all the criticism commence, people!)... so, it just irked me when he couldn't conjugate verbs_... English_ verbs here! English verbs are easy to use. However, what can I expect from Americans who misuse past participles ... I'm getting off-subject. My point is is that our conversation would have been clearer had his English been a little easier to understand. And I know I suck at speaking other languages in foreign lands, so, I'm no better, I suppose.

  4. OK, this is the killer... for those of you who know what tapering off of a medicine that has potential for dependency is like, you know what I mean when I say he had the audacity to compare blood pressure medication with anxiolytic medication (specifically benzodiazepines)! It made me mad as hell.

Actually, a couple of times he made me mad as hell and I had to tell him that
a) I am on a medicine which I should have not been on for more than a couple weeks and have become dependent on them. I tried a taper with a general practitioner who isn't well-versed in psychiatric drugs which made me feel very ill, therefore, I seek a doctor well-versed in them, and if he (this new psychiatrist) isn't that well-versed in it, perhaps I should seek others.
- He didn't seem too offended to this, in fact, he kind of took it as food for thought.

b) When I felt I was being talked "down-to" (perhaps this was part of the language barrier thing again), I just got upset and started spewing as much knowledgeable things I knew about benzodiazepines to him, to show him I'm not just a psycho patient there, but am one who's done my homework, to which he later apologized. Again, he was really just probing me for information, and in fact I know that I can be a brute to those I feel challenge my intellect in what appears to me a negative way. I told him about the Dr. Aston in the UK, how the UK (at least from what I've read) appears to have a little bit more in the way of benzo treatment centers, etc. I told him I know about benzo equivalency dosages, etc., and inquired if he should switch me to a new med that would be easier to pill-split.

From all of this, there were some very good things about this doctor:

  1. He praised my recent seeking a therapist/counselor. He told me just how important it is to practice Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, something I admit to having dropped the ball in the past. I told my new doctor that it was in fact my comfort with the benzodiazepine that made me disregard this important aspect of recovery. I vowed to him that I will pick this up with my new therapist, which made things easier in the session.

  2. He does fully support me and my efforts - his words exactly. He doesn't want to see me fail. He's just concerned about how I'm going to be when I do no longer have the clonazepam in my system. He just wanted me to be aware of this, and I really appreciate that.

  3. If nothing else, he is a doctor who has the ability to prescribe the medicine and devote all our appointment time on my recovery, which is something I shouldn't be expecting from my GP, who is actually a wonderful internal medicine doctor, but whose attention is more focused on HIV medicines and treatment/prevention.

So, there you have it. My psychiatrist and I have an action plan. I need to continue to see him, not on a regular basis, but at least in a month. I am to practice cognitive behavioral therapy with my therapist. I am also to work on my perfectionism and my self-esteem issues (as he quickly picked up on both - another reason I respect him). I am to continue Effexor at 300 mg/day and clonazepam at 0.25 mg/day. He wants the clonazepam to be continued for 3 months, but I'm not sure if I will go that slow. I asked him if I could taper to 0.125 eventually, like after one month, to which he responded "no," but we'll see. In all honesty, I still feel like I'm "adjusting" to 0.25mg, so, that's OK.

Another important point!!! I did this as a test: I asked him if it's OK to just quit either of my meds "cold turkey." He answered "no." He also said, and this is the deal-clincher, that with any psychiatric medicine, when coming off, "it is always better to go slow, the slower, the better." Thank God he said that!

So, I have someone in my corner, even if he may or may not fully understand me, the feeling of dependence on benzodiazepines, or the English language (?? dunno, it just seemed odd to me). Here's to me and the next step in repair!


(x-posted to julleri , antiwithdrawal , and panic_anxiety

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Hello. My name is Jason. I am joining this community regarding benzodiazepine withdrawal.

Male, 26, USA
Body Weight: 142

Medication Overall:
Mood Stabilizers - none
Antipsychotics - none
Antidepressants (SSRIS) - I have been on different ones in the past. Zoloft in about 2001 and 2002, but had stopped taking it without any apparent side effects. Zoloft revisited in 2003 but again, discontinued. Celexa followed in 2004, taken through early 2008 at a dose of about 20 mgs /day. Effexor switch due to feeling no more effects from Celexa, currently at 300 mg/day.
MAOIs - none
Benzodiazepines - Lorazepam (early 2004) changed by a psychiatrist to Clonazepam Spring 2004. Have been on ever since. Max dosage: approx. 2 mg/day (roughly 2004 or 2005). Currently at 0.25 mg/day after much too rapid six-week taper to 0 mg. Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome symptoms set in, therefore have called to see a new doctor for this.

How long were/have you been on/off the med(s):

SSRIs - on 4 years, prior just minor use 1 year
Benzos - on 4 years



How often?:

Too much, need to control my use.

How long did it take you to get off?

Not applicable, except in the case of my early use of SSRI Zoloft, in which it took me no time to stop use with no effects. Unsure why.

Any Medical Problems? (diabetes etc...)

Lower GI disturbances, possibly cause of medicine withdrawal symptoms or anxiety. IBS.

I withdrew from Clonazepam from February 29, 2008 (at that time dose of 1 mg/day in the morning) to 0 mg starting on April 21. First week after having been off of the medicine I was having other issues related to IBS and fell ill, therefore did not notice any benzo withdrawal symptoms for about one week. At that point, I began to feel dizzy, anxious, scared, even more depressed than normal, forgetful. I was having trouble sleeping (waking in the middle of the night), had some scary nightmares, lost weight, and felt just uneasy and like I was crazy. I started to think I may have Schizophrenia, but found after reading about benzodiazepine withdrawal that my Central Nervous System was freaking out, likely due to a quick taper after too long of use on a addicting medicine. I therefore found the medicine I had left after discontinuation and restarted use, now currently at .25mg/day, and feel ill. My symptoms, though, are not as bad as they felt when I had stopped. I restarted on May 4, and have decided to not use my General Doctor for treatment in this taper, but have found a brand new psychiatrist. I am very afraid of what's to come. I need to have a doctor who realizes just how important a SLOW and TIMED taper of this medicine is for my well-being and health. I would like to taper as slow as I possibly can over the next 6 months to one year.

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I am a graduate student studying the effects of benzodiazepine drugs. Benzodiazepines are also known as the minor tranquilizers. Valium, Clonapin, Ativan, Xanax etc. are some of the most common. If you, or someone you know well, have used, or are using these drugs, please fill out the survey that applies. If you know anyone in either of these categories (user, or know someone who is a user) please encourage them to take the survey as well. Your participation is voluntary, fully confidential, and greatly appreciated.

For those who are using or have used benzodiazepines, please complete this survey:

For those who know someone who has used or is currently using benzodiazapines, please complete this survey:

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Reason for aches.

Lithium binds to the muscle(s).

Straight from a neurologist.

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This blog will never be "spiced up" -- ever. Most if anything its a guide about psychiatric drugs. Information Database via LJ. If you want to comment fine, if you dont thats alright too. I hope someone/somebody will find the information here helpful to a full understanding of their medication. Hopefully discussion arises, eventually.

The guides are my own personal experiences of tapering down. You yourself may have to adjust the way you taper down on your medication. Everyone is different. Nor am I telling you to get off your meds. This is simply info. Every so often I will be checking back here to see if any discussion arises.

Taper down slowly and safely. I will sign on to my AIM screenname every so often.

Peace and Love.


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User: jsmooth123
Date: 2008-03-24 12:24
Subject: Recovery/Info/Books/Help
Security: Public
Tags: abuse, addiction, antidepressants, books, help, medication, overcoming, recovery, rehab, rehabilitation, suicide

How to Get Off Psychiatric Drugs Safely gives a step-by-step method - Free Online

How to Get Off Psychiatric Drugs Safely (Spiral-bound)

The Antidepressant Solution: A Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Overcoming Antidepressant Withdrawal, Dependence, and "Addiction"

The Anti-Depressant Fact Book: What Your Doctor Won't Tell You About Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa, and Luvox (Paperback)\_sim\_b\_title\_1

Your Drug May Be Your Problem: How and Why to Stop Taking Psychiatric Drugs [BARGAIN PRICE] (Paperback)\_cp\_b\_1?pf\_rd\_p=317711001&pf\_rd\_s=center-41&pf\_rd\_t=201&pf\_rd\_i=1420867423&pf\_rd\_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf\_rd\_r=07VMMR2Y408QBNCCNE1P

America Fooled: The Truth About Antidepressants, Antipsychotics And How We've Been Deceived (Hardcover)\_sim\_b\_title\_5

Coming Off Antidepressants (Paperback)\_sim\_b\_title\_1

Doctor's Book of Food Remedies (Paperback)\_1\_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1206375271&sr=1-2

THE BENZO BOOK (Paperback)\_1\_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1206375271&sr=1-1

Point of Return (Your Personal Guide to Taper Off Anti-Anxiety & Anti-Depressant Drugs) (Volume 1) [COLOR] (Paperback)\_sim\_b\_img\_1

Benzodiazepine Dependence Toxicity and Abuse (Hardcover)\_sim\_b\_title\_4

Prescription Drug Addiction: The Hidden Epidemic (Paperback)\_sim\_b\_title\_2

Though most are from amazon, this shouldnt matter. They are still valuable sources of information. Im sure you can find all of these books (free) if you were to search for them (PDF format.) Links cover info about recovery from benzos, antidepressants, antipsychotics, the truth about "big pharma", and understanding the dangers of prescription drugs along with addiction.


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User: jsmooth123
Date: 2008-03-24 11:51
Subject: SSRI Antidepressant Support/help
Security: Public
Tags: abuse, addiction, antidepressants, medication, meds, paxil, psyche meds, seroxat, side effects, ssris, uk

Im sorry I cant provide any of you with the info about antidepressants as much I want to. I was searching google and found some interesting links that may be of some use to you.

Hope it helps.


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