Wenchland (original) (raw)

(no subject)

February 2nd, 2020 (11:47 pm)

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This journal is now mostly friends only. I use these entries as a form of diary - one which talks back - and decided I ought to have a bit more control over them.

If you're looking for my stories then a complete list of everything I've written that's up on the net can be found here: Antonia East's Stories.

If you are interested in having me as a friend (and I love friends) then please comment and tell me a bit about yourself. I'd like to hear from you.

All the best,


Golden Apples of the Sun

October 29th, 2007 (12:24 am)


I feel: tired

Again, Bart, I'm sorry! I started your prompt and promptly (ha ha) found that I was being pants at it. I know it'll work at some point. I demanded a request from katieay instead, and then stayed up too late writing it (even though it's only 2.5k).

So here we go. Katie wanted Dumbledore and Grindelwald (she actually wanted their duel but I got Ambitious and then, er, didn't write the duel at all).

( Golden Apples of the SunCollapse )

At Bottom Bridge

October 27th, 2007 (07:22 pm)


I feel: creative

I'm sorry, bartsspace. The Harry retelling Ron and Hermione's first kiss will be along later. It will also be in the first person as I decided to write the three prompts in 1st 2nd and 3rd person.

super_pan asked for George/Luna. I have to credit the beautifully-coifed katieay because a line of this fic is completely stolen from what she said.

( At Bottom BridgeCollapse )

Hannah/Neville for Mags

October 25th, 2007 (12:16 am)


I feel: contemplative

Too long for the comments box!

( Too long for the comments box but too short to be given a titleCollapse )

P.S. Owing to my eternal stupidity and inability to read, Hannah is the landlady of The Three Broomsticks, not The Leaky Cauldron. She's working her way up the Wizarding World's pub hierarchy. I don't say this in the fic, but she trained with Aberforth in The Hogs Head before progressing ...

Fic dump

February 1st, 2007 (11:22 pm)


I feel: bored

I was internet-less this evening, annoyingly, and after writing a bit more of the Story of Madness (it again is song inspired and I have decided that Snow Patrol does terrifying things to my brain) I went through the graveyard of unfinished stories on my computer.

Annoyingly, some of them are snippets I quite like.

So I thought I'd share a few bits and pieces that can stand up by themselves.

1. Cho (drabble, though not 100 words)

You don’t fall in love at sixteen, she thinks. You don’t fall in love at sixteen. It’s impossible. It wasn’t love. It was a warm hand and a nice smile and some happy kisses.
It was her first gown and feeling beautiful and a waltz and a kind, handsome, laughing boy’s arms.

It wasn’t love.

It’s tears. It was pain and shock, but now it’s just an ache. Tears and more tears because she can’t stop crying.

She wasn’t in love with him. She loved the times, and she cries for being carefree.

When she remembers, their faces are like the ones in old photographs. Young faces whose flesh will wither. Bright expressions which will turn grim. And one young man who will age no more.

And so she cries again. Even though she didn’t love him.

2. Lily (I suppose this might be a ficlet? 600 odd words, anyway)

( LoveCollapse )

3. Back for Christmas (originally meant to be the start of something but I only ever liked this bit)

( A Horcrux-hunting we shall go.Collapse )

4. Nymphadora Anne Tonks (again, the beginning might not be bad but whatever tried to follow certainly was. This could sort of work on its own, as how Tonks joins the order, although I'm meant to be working on a different version. This is longish - 7000 words.)

( That's AUROR Nymphadora Anne Tonks to you.Collapse )

January 2nd, 2007 (08:32 pm)


current location: Macclesfield
I feel: cold

Happy new year everyone. All the best for 2007.

Here are two more Christmas stories.

vicki595 asked for an HP/Narnia crossover and for some reason the result is quite weird.

( Finding the WayCollapse )


‘With Eyes Closed’ for aggiebell90 who wanted Neville at Christmas time.

Er, I think this should carry a warning: Don’t read this if you’re in a good mood. Nor, maybe, if you’re in a bad one. Perhaps you should read it if you feel like being thoroughly depressed. Perversely I found it very easy to write … but now I’ve read it over I’m pretty convinced I am a horrible horrible person for not writing something post-Hogwarts and fluffy for Neville who, goodness knows, deserves it.

It’s really not much of a present, Julie! Or at least it’s definitely not a cheerful one.

( here’s NevilleCollapse )

Fic again

December 17th, 2006 (03:33 pm)


I feel: amused

For bartsspace, who wanted Harry and Hermione having a slightly suggestive conversation. Ah well, my friends, I tried.

( JoggingCollapse )

Limits my lederhosen!

December 16th, 2006 (06:54 pm)


I feel: chipper

Right oh, I have a batch of three stories written in response to this post and, funnily enough, I managed to get none of them under my self-imposed word limit of 1000 words. BaF's one is excusable because it was her birthday as well. In all other cases, the length (and worth) of the story is just because it turns out that way.

Please note, none of these are betaed or even particularly polished. They're just written.

1. A Very Weasley Christmas, for erised1810 who wanted Weasley Christmas before Ron goes to Hogwarts.

( 6.30 on Christmas morningCollapse )

2. 'Baggage' for magnolia_mama who asked for something with Hermione. I think you once gave me a prompt like this before, Mags, and I never wrote it. And now I can't find said prompt, but here we go.

( BaggageCollapse )

3. 'The Last Word' for bringandfly who asked for drunken Sirius trying to persuade drunken James that Lily isn't the girl for him.

( The Last WordCollapse )

Please feel free to sign up if you would like a story (although most won't be as long as these ones, I was bored today - can you tell?). Bart, I am working on yours, but I just don't think I am


innuendo-minded enough to do it justice! We shall see.

*Hugs to all*

P.S. The Swiss don't have mince pies. Can you imagine the horror?

'One More Death' in GoF: A Horcrux Clue?

March 12th, 2006 (11:57 pm)

On the Leaky Cauldron quotes widget, I noticed this in a quote from Voldemort:

Come, Wormtail, one more death and our path to Harry Potter is clear. He says it in the first chapter of Goblet of Fire, when Frank Bryce is listening at the door.

At the lexicon, they have this to say:

And which death is this? Who is left to murder for the plan to happen? Several more people do die, of course, including Barty Crouch Sr., but none of these deaths were really part of the initial plan. It is very likely that this bit of text is a relic of the rewrite Rowling did part way through writing this book. Perhaps in the earlier draft, Wormtail would have had to murder the teacher that Barty Crouch Jr. would impersonate. As it stands, there is no other murder in the plan, and this text is an error. (Text quoted from here.)

With the introduction of the horcuxes in Half-Blood Prince, this quote could take on a different meaning. Voldemort may want to go after Harry with all his horcruxes made. Dumbledore suggests that Nagini may be one - perhaps this is the point at which Voldemort makes his last horcrux. This might explain why he kills Frank, rather than Obliviates him. Although Voldemort's not one to worry about a dead Muggle, he might have known that the strange death of the gardener of Voldemort's father's house would attract Dumbledore's attention - which it does. Whereas no one would have noticed a slightly-dazed old man.

Sound plausible?

Midnight English Time

February 10th, 2006 (12:00 am)


I feel: cold