Advances in Interaction Studies (original) (raw)

none 10.1075/ais.7 John Benjamins Publishing Company John Benjamins Publishing Company 1757 69163302 1539325 1418880 202412111222000058 10.1075 2024-12-11T17:38:49Z 2014-06-13T13:48:47Z 13 Advances in Interaction Studies 1879-873X 10.1075/ais Domenico Parisi Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, National Research Council, Rome Future Robots Towards a robotic science of human beings This book is for both robot builders and scientists who study human behaviour and human societies. Scientists do not only collect empirical data but they also formulate theories to explain the data. Theories of human behaviour and human societies are traditionally expressed in words but, today, with the advent of the computer they can also be expressed by constructing computer-based artefacts. If the artefacts do what human beings do, the theory/blueprint that has been used to construct the artefacts explains human behaviour and human societies. Since human beings are primarily bodies, the artefacts must be robots, and human robots must progressively reproduce all we know about human beings and their societies. And, although they are purely scientific tools, they can have one very important practical application: helping human beings to better understand the many difficult problems they face today and will face in the future - and, perhaps, to find solutions for these problems. 7 6 26 2014 6 13 2014 9789027204615 9789027270085 John Benjamins Publishing Company Amsterdam 10.1075/ais.7 10.1088/0954-898X/1/2/003 10.1007/978-1-4615-3180-7_23 Neural networks in biomedicine Parisi 113 1994 Are neural networks necessarily passive receivers of input? Advances in artificial life. Third European Conference on Artificial Life Parisi 439 1995 10.1007/3-540-59496-5_317 Learning in the active mode 10.1177/105971239600400305 10.1159/000278734 10.1177/105971239800600306 Intelligent robots: Sensing, modelling and planning Arkin 377 1998 Ecological robotics: A schema-theoretic­ approach 10.1177/1059712309340855 10.1007/3-540-48304-7_24 10.1111/1467-7687.00101 Connectionist models of cognition and perception Borghi 40 2002 10.1142/9789812777256_0004 The role of perception and action in object categorization Seeing and thinking Di Ferdinando 58 2005 Internal representations of sensory input reflect the motor output with which organisms respond to sensory input 10.1037/a0020887 10.1162/artl.1993.1.1_2.75 10.1016/S0166-2236(97)01149-1 10.1177/10597123030112004 10.1177/1059712307085098 How the body shapes the way we think Pfeifer 2007 From animals to animals 1 Cecconi 391 1991 10.7551/mitpress/3115.003.0053 Evolving organisms that can reach for objects Toward a practice of autonomous systems Parisi 207 1992 Learning, behaviour, and evolution 10.1177/105971239400300102 10.1162/artl.1995.2.2.179 Adaptive individuals in evolving populations Parisi 419 1996 The influence of learning on evolution Adaptive individuals in evolving populations Miglino 399 1996 Discontinuity in evolution: How different levels of organization imply pre-adaptation Rethinking innateness. A connectionist perspective on development Elman 1996 10.7551/mitpress/5929.001.0001 10.1177/105971239600500104 10.1177/105971239900700205 Evolutionary robotics: The biology, intelligence, and technology of self-organizing machines Nolfi, 2000 10.7551/mitpress/2889.001.0001 10.1162/106454600568320 Evolving modular architectures for neural networks Di Ferdinando 253 2001 10.1007/978-1-4615-0267-8_12 Modularity. Understanding the development and evolution of complex natural systems Calabretta 309 2005 10.7551/mitpress/4734.003.0025 Evolutionary connectionism and mind/brain modularity 10.1007/s12065-007-0002-4 Artificial Life 2 Ackley 487 1992 Interactions between learning and evolution 10.1177/105971239300200104 10.1162/1064546053278991 10.1088/0954-898X/5/4/005 From perception to action Nolfi 146 1994 10.1109/FPA.1994.636092 Phenotypic plasticity in evolving neural networks Advances in Artificial Life Nolfi 353 1995 10.1007/3-540-59496-5_311 Evolving artificial neural networks that develop in time Perceptual and cognitive development Parisi 373 1996 10.1016/B978-012279660-9/50029-4 Computational models of developmental mechanisms Advances in evolutionary synthesis of neural networks Parisi 215 2001 Development in neural networks 10.1006/drev.2000.0520 10.1016/S0885-2014(02)00119-3 On Growth, form, and computers Cangelosi 339 2003 10.1016/B978-012428765-5/50051-7 Artificial life models of neural development 10.1177/10597123030112003 Developmental Science Schlesinger 7 158 2004 10.1111/j.1467-7687.2004.00333.x Evolving agents as a metaphor for the developing child 10.1016/j.cogdev.2012.07.002 Developmental robotics: From babies to robots Cangelosi 2014 From Animals to Animats 2 Cecconi 167 1992 Neural networks with motivational units Machine learning and perception Parisi 3 1996 Motivation in artificial organisms Artificial organisms that sleep Mirolli 377 2003 10.1080/09540090412331314768 10.1049/PBCE071E_ch10 10.1177/1059712310388528 10.1007/978-3-642-21283-3_19 Frontiers in Psychology Parisi 69 1 2011 The other half of the embodied mind 10.1177/1059712313487389 10.1016/j.tics.2004.10.004 10.1016/j.biosystems.2007.05.015 10.1177/1059712310375471 10.1177/1059712313486817 10.1006/brln.1997.1815 10.1080/095400998116512 10.1007/978-1-4471-0663-0_12 10.1016/S0093-934X(03)00353-5 Artificial Life 9 Mirolli 182 2004 Language, altruism, and docility: How cultural learning can favour language evolution 10.1080/09540090500177539 Talking to oneself as a selective pressure for the emergence of language Mirolli 182 2006 A neural network model for explaining the asymmetries between linguistic production and linguistic comprehension Mirolli 670 2007 10.1016/j.cub.2007.01.058 10.1177/1059712307087597 10.1109/TAMD.2011.2120608 10.1016/j.plrev.2011.10.014 10.1075/ais.3 10.1177/1059712313497976 10.1075/eoc.4.1.07can How nouns and verbs differentially affect the behavior of artificial organisms Cangelosi, 170 2001 Language as an aid to categorization: A neural network model of early language acquisition Mirolli 97 2005 10.1007/s11023-009-9174-2 10.1109/MCI.2010.937321 10.1016/j.newideapsych.2009.07.001 Parallel processing in neural systems and computers Cecconi 237 1990 Learning to predict the consequences of one’s own actions 10.1007/11840541_2 Artificial Consciousness Parisi 191 2007 Mental robotics 10.1007/3-540-58266-5_3 10.1162/106454603322392460 10.1073/pnas.0400054101 10.1140/epjb/e2004-00123-0 Cognition and multi-agent interaction: From cognitive modeling to social simulation Parisi 328 2006 Sociality in embodied neural agents 10.1162/artl.2006.12.3.289 10.1111/j.1469-185X.2012.00236.x 10.1177/1059712311426912 10.1007/s10506-013-9146-y Swarm intelligence: From natural to artificial systems Bonabeau 1999 10.1093/oso/9780195131581.001.0001 10.1016/S0921-8890(02)00372-X Social science from the bottom up Epstein 2006 Generative social science Towards a practice of autonomous systems Menczer 337 1992 A model for the emergence of sex in evolving networks: Adaptive advantage or random drift? Artificial societies: The computational simulation of social life Parisi 238 1995 Kin-directed altruism and attachment behaviour in an evolving population of neural networks 10.1007/978-3-662-03366-1_16 Computational Intelligence: Research Frontiers Floreano 232 2008 Evolution of altruistic robots 10.1098/rspb.2010.1407 10.1177/1059712311417737 10.1177/105971239300200102 10.1177/105971239500400103 Neural nets Denaro 100 1996 Cultural evolution in a population of neural networks 10.1109/64.608170 10.1007/3-540-48304-7_67 10.1002/cplx.10010 10.1177/0022002702251025 Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Systems Acerbi 9 1 2006 Cultural transmission between and within generations Origins and Evolution of Language Cecconi 234 2006 Simulating the expansion of farming and the differentiation of European languages 10.1007/978-3-642-37577-4_9 10.1177/1059712306072335 10.1017/CBO9780511489808 10.1007/978-3-662-03366-1_10 Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation Cecconi 1 1998 Individual versus social survival strategies Cellular Automata Parisi 194 1998 A cellular automata model of the expansion of the Assyrian empire Complexity hints for economic policy Delre 181 2007 10.1007/978-88-470-0534-1_11 Information and cooperation in a simulated labour market: A computational model of the evolution of workers and firms Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation Gigliotta, 10 1 2007 Groups of agents with a leader Mathematics and Archaeology Cecconi Simulating the emergence of proto-urban centres in Ancient Southern Etruria