The nautiloid cephalopods: a strange success (original) (raw)

none 10.1144/gsjgs.144.1.0001 Geological Society of London Geological Society of London 1881 30749713 44798 2024072316124700261 10.1144 2024-07-24T06:34:38Z 2007-12-20T22:39:02Z 27 Journal of the Geological Society JGS 0016-7649 2041-479X 05 16 2007 01 1987 144 1 The nautiloid cephalopods: a strange success President's anniversary address 1986 CHARLES HEPWORTH HOLLAND Department of Geology, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland The origin of the cephalopods from the Monoplacophora is briefly considered. The first rare Upper CambrianPlectronoceras are now known to be succeeded by a later Cambrian radiation involving the Plectronoceratida, Ellesmeroceratida, and two other orders, all well documented from Chinese occurrences. The greatest success of the nautiloid cephalopods came in the Ordovician Period with three evolutionary pulses in the Tremadoc, Arenig, and later Ordovician. Three particular Palaeozoic problems are treated: gigantism in cephalopods, the orthocone operculumAptychopsis, and the Chinese Pagoda Limestone as an example of an 'Orthoceras' limestone. Devonian developments included the origin of the ammonoids through their first suborder, the Bactritina; the origin of the coleoids; and the beginning of the long history of the coiled Nautilida. After a brief aside on the classification of the cephalopods, the Nautilida are treated in terms of their survival after the extinction of the ammonoids. Finally, there are comments on the livingNautilus. 06 06 2022 01 1987 1 15 10.1144/gsjgs.144.1.0001 1 10.1144/crossmark-policy true 1986-07-09 1986-08-02 2022-06-06 10.1144/gsjgs.144.1.0001 Bergström J. Holland B. Larsson K. Norling E. & Sivhed U. 1982. Guide to Excursions in Scania. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning Uppsala Series Ca No. 54. 10.1038/303422a0 Hawaiian Shell News Carlson B. 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