apocolocyntosis - Profile (original) (raw)
on 24 July 2004 (#3928968)
Greetings and welcome!
This is apocolocyntosis, a community dedicated towards Classical Literature of every genre, era, and language. Everyone is welcome to join, from Greek/Latin students, professors, scholars, researchers, and college students, to weirdos who have a fond place in their heart for Martial's epigrams, Juvenal's satire, and Vergil's Big Fat Roman Epic otherwise known as The Aeneid.
Feel free to join and discuss the namesake of this community, the wonderful Apocolocyntosis of Claudius by Seneca the Younger, dispute any of the topics named in the first paragraph, and above all, worship the not-so-dead languages of classical Rome and Greece.
Please do not forget to introduce yourself, your occupation (teacher/student, etc), your level of study if a student, your favorite piece of classical literature that you've ever read in translation or the original dead language, and feel free to include something miscellaneous concerning the classics.
Please direct any questions, comments, observations, or lamentations to 1-800-cette_vie. You may also contact the mod on AIM at handcuffed2verdi.
Ave'tque vale!
Post scriptum: A commercial announcement - you can find our sister communities here.
njcl02 is dedicated to the National Junior Classical League and welcomes any students or teachers interested in the classics or being a member of JCL.
certamen is dedicated to... well, you guessed it, certamen, a Jeopardy-like trivia game for JCL students featuring questions about all aspects of classical culture, history, and mythology.
ab urbe condita, aeneas, aeschylus, anapaest, apocolocyntosis, apollonius, aristophanes, athens, brundisium, caesar, carmina, carthage, cato the elder, cato the younger, catullus, catullus 16, chiasmus, cicero, comedy, dactyl, dactylic hexameter, de bello gallico, de rerum natura, dead languages, dido, drama, epigrams, euripides, fabulae, fasti, figura etymologica, greece, greek, hendecasyllabic, hesiod, homoioteluton, hysteron proteron, iamb, in catilinam, jcl, juvenal, late antiquity, latin, latin literature, livy, lucan, lucretius, martial, massilia, medea, menaechmi, metamorphoses, meter, miles gloriosus, mostellaria, odi et amo, orator, ovid, petronius, phillipics, plautus, pleonasm, pliny the elder, pliny the younger, poetry, pro archia, pro caelio, roma, roma antiqua, roman, rome, satire, saturnalia, satyricon, seneca the elder, seneca the younger, sicily, spondee, suetonius, tacitus, the aeneid, the brutus, the frogs, the orestia, the trojan women, the twelve caesars, tragedy, trochee, vergil, virgil