Anne Rajala | Arcada - (original) (raw)
Papers by Anne Rajala
My thesis deals with the problem of truth, or more specifically truth-telling in documentary film... more My thesis deals with the problem of truth, or more specifically truth-telling in documentary film. Documentary film is often seen as something different from fiction and news, yet as something telling us about reality, a truth claim. Some define documentary film merely as “art” with no difference to fiction, however, both views are equally problematic. Cinema in general can be view at as a language, and from e.g. a sociological point of view, language is able to shape reality, and thus, cinema contributes to the social construction of reality. Therefore, I am looking at documentary film as a sort of truth claim, or as an act of truth-telling. These in their turn are linked to knowledge, and what we perceive or interpret as truth or real. My claims are based on a limited review on key contributions in cinema theory, as well as sociology and philosophy. By investigating truth, truth claims, and truth-telling within documentary film, we may find new approaches to address, problematise ...
This volume is the third book-length publication of the research programme Media and Education in... more This volume is the third book-length publication of the research programme Media and Education in the Digital Age (MEDA), after Media and Education in the Digital Age. Concepts, Assessments, Subversions (Peter Lang, 2014) and Storytelling and Education in the Digital Age. Experiences and Criticisms (Peter Lang, 2016). MEDA is an interdisciplinary programme whose main goal it to coordinate, collect and circulate research on the disparate domains in which the development of new technologies has an impact on education. Launched in 2012 at Arcada University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki, Finland), the main mission of MEDA is to support critical education and pedagogy. Based on the epistemic coordinates of critical theory and social constructionism, MEDA includes several projects inspired by a variety of disciplinary and methodological approaches. In addition to the epistemic coordinates, these projects have two common tasks: to identify the important challenges to critical education and pedagogy and to suggest the contours of adequate responses. One of the main projects in this programme is MEDA-Cinema. This project originated from the desire to improve the education of Swedish-speaking Finnish filmmakers by looking at the impact of globalization and digitalization on cinema. The main research questions of this project focus on two dimensions: the relationship between cinema and cultural identity and the political economy of local cinema. The essays in this collection focus on the second dimension or, more precisely, on the organization of material and immaterial resources necessary for local cinema to endure as a valuable and vibrant alternative to other forms of cinema. In line with the mission of applied research, the main normative goal inspiring our project is rather practical: to support local cinema and the education of local filmmakers in addressing the cultural effects and challenges brought about by globalization and digitalization. The essays in this collection pick up particular aspects of these challenges and invite the reader to problematize local cinema as a cultural form that is both vulnerable and valuable. The publication of this volume has been made possible also thanks to funding provided by the following institutions (in alphabetical order): A.F. Lindstedts & Svenska handelsinstitutets fond för handelsutbildning, Fonden för Teknisk Undervisning & Forskning, Svenska Kulturfonden. More information of MEDA and MEDA-Cinema are available at https://rdi. Contents
Lähikuva – audiovisuaalisen kulttuurin tieteellinen julkaisu
Dokumenttielokuva genrenä sijoittuu usein ihmisten mielikuvissa jonnekin uutisten ja fiktioelokuv... more Dokumenttielokuva genrenä sijoittuu usein ihmisten mielikuvissa jonnekin uutisten ja fiktioelokuvien välimaastoon. Joillekin se saattaa olla todellisuuden taltiointia ja näyttämistä suoraan ja sellaisenaan. Toisille se on elokuvantekijän subjektiivinen näkökulma tai kokemus maailmasta. Kolmansille taas elokuva itsessään muovaa todellisuutta – oli se faktaa tai fiktiota. Yhteistä on kuitenkin ajatus dokumenttielokuvan erityisestä suhteesta todellisuuden kanssa. Katsauksessa dokumenttielokuvaa käsitellään mediakasvatuksen työkaluna, jonka avulla voi kehittää kriittistä medialukutaitoa, kriittistä ajattelua ja itsetuntemusta.
My thesis deals with the problem of truth, or more specifically truth-telling in documentary film... more My thesis deals with the problem of truth, or more specifically truth-telling in documentary film. Documentary film is often seen as something different from fiction and news, yet as something telling us about reality, a truth claim. Some define documentary film merely as “art” with no difference to fiction, however, both views are equally problematic. Cinema in general can be view at as a language, and from e.g. a sociological point of view, language is able to shape reality, and thus, cinema contributes to the social construction of reality. Therefore, I am looking at documentary film as a sort of truth claim, or as an act of truth-telling. These in their turn are linked to knowledge, and what we perceive or interpret as truth or real. My claims are based on a limited review on key contributions in cinema theory, as well as sociology and philosophy. By investigating truth, truth claims, and truth-telling within documentary film, we may find new approaches to address, problematise ...
This volume is the third book-length publication of the research programme Media and Education in... more This volume is the third book-length publication of the research programme Media and Education in the Digital Age (MEDA), after Media and Education in the Digital Age. Concepts, Assessments, Subversions (Peter Lang, 2014) and Storytelling and Education in the Digital Age. Experiences and Criticisms (Peter Lang, 2016). MEDA is an interdisciplinary programme whose main goal it to coordinate, collect and circulate research on the disparate domains in which the development of new technologies has an impact on education. Launched in 2012 at Arcada University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki, Finland), the main mission of MEDA is to support critical education and pedagogy. Based on the epistemic coordinates of critical theory and social constructionism, MEDA includes several projects inspired by a variety of disciplinary and methodological approaches. In addition to the epistemic coordinates, these projects have two common tasks: to identify the important challenges to critical education and pedagogy and to suggest the contours of adequate responses. One of the main projects in this programme is MEDA-Cinema. This project originated from the desire to improve the education of Swedish-speaking Finnish filmmakers by looking at the impact of globalization and digitalization on cinema. The main research questions of this project focus on two dimensions: the relationship between cinema and cultural identity and the political economy of local cinema. The essays in this collection focus on the second dimension or, more precisely, on the organization of material and immaterial resources necessary for local cinema to endure as a valuable and vibrant alternative to other forms of cinema. In line with the mission of applied research, the main normative goal inspiring our project is rather practical: to support local cinema and the education of local filmmakers in addressing the cultural effects and challenges brought about by globalization and digitalization. The essays in this collection pick up particular aspects of these challenges and invite the reader to problematize local cinema as a cultural form that is both vulnerable and valuable. The publication of this volume has been made possible also thanks to funding provided by the following institutions (in alphabetical order): A.F. Lindstedts & Svenska handelsinstitutets fond för handelsutbildning, Fonden för Teknisk Undervisning & Forskning, Svenska Kulturfonden. More information of MEDA and MEDA-Cinema are available at https://rdi. Contents
Lähikuva – audiovisuaalisen kulttuurin tieteellinen julkaisu
Dokumenttielokuva genrenä sijoittuu usein ihmisten mielikuvissa jonnekin uutisten ja fiktioelokuv... more Dokumenttielokuva genrenä sijoittuu usein ihmisten mielikuvissa jonnekin uutisten ja fiktioelokuvien välimaastoon. Joillekin se saattaa olla todellisuuden taltiointia ja näyttämistä suoraan ja sellaisenaan. Toisille se on elokuvantekijän subjektiivinen näkökulma tai kokemus maailmasta. Kolmansille taas elokuva itsessään muovaa todellisuutta – oli se faktaa tai fiktiota. Yhteistä on kuitenkin ajatus dokumenttielokuvan erityisestä suhteesta todellisuuden kanssa. Katsauksessa dokumenttielokuvaa käsitellään mediakasvatuksen työkaluna, jonka avulla voi kehittää kriittistä medialukutaitoa, kriittistä ajattelua ja itsetuntemusta.