Dr. Dobb's Journal, June 1986 : Dr. Dobb's Journal : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (original) (raw)

Dr. Dobb's Journal, June 1986

Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools for the Professional Programmer

Telecommunications Without Errors

TELECOMMUNICATIONS: How to Fix Line Glitches, by Joe Marasco

TELECOMMUNICATIONS: The CompuServe B Protocol, by Levi Thomas and Nick Turner

MODULA-2: 68000 Cross Assembler Listings, by Brian R. Anderson

HUMAN INTERFACE DESIGN: The SwyftCard, by Dave Caulkins. Jef Raskin's new user intervace for the Apple IIe and IIc

C CHEST -- A General-Purpose Sorting Program, by Allen Holub

16-BIT SOFTWARE TOOLBOX: DUP and FORCDUP Functions, Windows Development Kit, Building Overlays, by Ray Duncan

STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING: Overloading Procedures, Exporting Opaque Types, Data Hiding, by Namir Clement Shammas

EDITORIAL, by Nick Turner

VIEWPOINT: What's Wrong With C, by David Carew

SWAINE'S FLAMES, by Michael Swaine