Hegel And Dialectical Materialism by DEBORIN Abram Moiseevich : Kamran Heiss : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (original) (raw)

DEBORIN (present. Loffe ) Abram Moiseevich [4 (16) June 1881, metro station Upino, Lithuania - March 8, 1963, Moscow] - Russian philosopher. After graduating from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bern (1908), he participates in the revolutionary movement. From 1903 a Social Democrat, in 1907–17 a Menshevik. After the October Revolution - the philosophizing ideologue of Bolshevism, will teach in the Communist University. Ya.M.Sverdlova and the Institute of Red Professorship. Works at the Institute of Karl Marx and F. Engels; in 1924–31 director of the Institute of Philosophy. In 1926–30, editor-in-chief of the journal Under the Banner of Marxism. From 1929 - academician, in 1935–45 -Member of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Edited by Deborin were published scientific publications of the classics of materialistic philosophy, the collection of Hegel's 15 tons. According to Deborin, dialectics as the science of universal connections and real world relations is applicable not only in socio-historical practice, but also in any area of ​​concrete scientific knowledge . As a general methodology of scientific research, materialistic dialectics is interpreted by Deborin as an ideology, obligatory for scientists, including natural scientists. In the 1920s. was the official philosopher of power in the 1930s. subjected to criticism as "Menshevik idealist." In the 1950s dealt mainly with the history of socio-political thought.


1. Dialectical materialism. SPb., 1909;

2. Ludwig Feuerbach . Personality and worldview. M., 1923;

3. Hegel and dialectical materialism. - In the book: Hegel . Соч., Т. 1. М. –Л., 1929;

4. Dialectics and natural science. M. - L., 1930;

5. Philosophy and Marxism. M – L., 1930;

6. Introduction to the philosophy of dialectical materialism. M. - L., 1931;

7. Socio-political teachings of the new and modern times, vol. 1-3. M., 1958–67;

8. Philosophy and politics. M., 1961.

Deborin, Abram Moiseevich

(pseudonym of A. M. Ioffe). Born June 4 (16), 1881, in the small town ofUpyna, now in Silale Raion, Lithuanian SSR; died Mar. 8, 1963, inMoscow. Soviet philosopher. Academician of the Academy of Sciencesof the USSR (1929). Born into a petit bourgeois family. Became aSocial Democrat in 1903 and was a Menshevik from 1907 to 1917.Member of the CPSU from 1928.

Deborin graduated from the faculty of philosophy of the University ofBern in 1908. Beginning in 1905 he conducted a struggle againstMachism. After 1920, he was engaged in research and editorial workand teaching. From 1926 to 1930 he was managing editor of the journal_Pod znamenem marksizma_ (Under the Banner of Marxism). In 1935 hebegan to work in the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In the 1920’she criticized mechanism in defending materialist dialectics. In the late1920’s and early 1930’s, Deborin and his group, which was in charge ofthe journal Pod znamenem marksizma, were subjected during debateto criticism for errors; the errors consisted of an underestimation of theLeninist stage of Marxist philosophy, a certain separation of philosophyfrom practice, and efforts to link the dialectic of Marx to the idealisticdialectic of Hegel.

The resolution of the Central Committee of the ACP (Bolshevik) of Jan.25, 1931, on the journal Pod znamenem marksizma noted that “on anumber of highly important questions” the Deborin group had adoptedpositions of “Menshevizing idealism” (see “O partiinoi i sovetskoipechati,” Sb. dokumentov, 1954, p. 407). From the 1930’s to the1950’s, Deborin wrote a series of works on the history of sociopoliticaldoctrines of modern times and the history of the philosophy of Marxism.Deborin was awarded two orders and also medals.


“Gegel’ i dialekticheskii materializm.” In G. W. F. Hegel, Soch., vol. 1.Moscow-Leningrad, 1929.
Dialektika i estestvoznanie, 4th ed. Moscow-Leningrad, 1930.
Lenin i krizis noveishei fiziki, 2nd ed. Leningrad, 1930.
Filosofiia i marksizm: Sb. st., 3rd ed. Moscow-Leningrad, 1930.
Vvedenie v filosofiiu dialekticheskogo materializma, 6th ed. Moscow-Leningrad, 1931.
Karl Marks i sovremennost’. Moscow-Leningrad, 1933.
Sotsialno-politicheskie ucheniia novogo i noveishego vremeni, vol. 1.Moscow, 1958.
Filosofiia i politika. Moscow, 1961.