The Irish In Australia: The Beat of a Distant Drum : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (original) (raw)
An old Australian documentary from 1987 about the Irish I found on a VHS tape. Does not appear to be for sale anywhere, so I put it here for preservation purposes.
One in three Australians have Irish origins - and this is reflected in the national character. The humour, the sense of self mockery, ideals or fair play, the dislike of pomp and bombast, the celebration of noble failure, and all characteristics both Irish and Australian.
The story of the Irish in Australia has been one of conflict, often echoing dramatic events in Ireland. It's a history that has been potentially so diverse that it has been ignored. But it is the key to understanding why Australia has become the democratic nation that it is, and yet remains ambivalent on national issues.
This program shows the alternative face of white Australia, the one they chose to ignore. (as spoken back in 1987)