Assessing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder : Anastopoulos, Arthur D., 1954- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (original) (raw)

Includes bibliographical references (pages 259-280) and indexes

Diagnostic Criteria: A Historical Perspective -- Primary Characteristics and Associated Features -- Implications for Assessment -- Assessment Procedures -- Establishing a Diagnosis -- Planning Treatment -- Providing Feedback -- Assessing Treatment Outcome

This volume provides child health care professionals and educators with a comprehensive set of empirically-driven, process-oriented guidelines for assessing children and adolescents who exhibit symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD). The content of Assessing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder includes a detailed description of the defining features of AD/HD, along with a comprehensive discussion of the manner in which AD/HD and its associated features unfold across the life span. Also presented is a comprehensive review and critique of various assessment procedures. Against this background, the reader is guided through the process of selecting measures and arriving at an accurate AD/HD diagnosis. The text also reviews the process of translating assessment data into treatment recommendations, giving feedback to children and families, and evaluating treatment effectiveness

xvi, 349 pages : 26 cm