Gender and Christianity in medieval Europe : new perspectives : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (original) (raw)
158 p. : 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references (p. [129]-143) and index
Convent ruins and Christian profession : toward a methodology for the history of religion and gender / Lisa M. Bitel -- Tertullian, the angelic life, and the bride of Christ / Dyan Elliot -- One flesh, two sexes, three genders? / Jacqueline Murray -- Thomas Aquinas's chastity belt : clerical masculinity in medieval Europe / Ruth Mazo Karras -- Women's monasteries and sacred space : the promotion of saints' cults and miracles / Jane Tibbetts Schulenberg -- Priestly women, virginal men : litanies and their discontents / Felice Lifshitz