A history of the modern Middle East : Cleveland, William L : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (original) (raw)

Includes bibliographical references and index

Pt. I. The Development of Islamic Civilization to the Eighteenth Century. 1. The Rise and Expansion of Islam. 2. The Development of Islamic Civilization to the Fifteenth Century. 3. The Ottoman and Safavid Empires: A New Imperial Synthesis -- Pt. II. The Beginnings of the Era of Transformation. 4. Forging a New Synthesis: The Pattern of Reforms, 1789-1849. 5. The Ottoman Empire and Egypt During the Era of the Tanzimat. 6. Egypt and Iran in the Late Nineteenth Century. 7. The Response of Islamic Society. 8. The Era of the Young Turks and the Iranian Constitutionalists. 9. World War I and the End of the Ottoman Order -- Pt. III. The Struggle for Independence: The Interwar Era to the End of World War II. 10. Authoritarian Reform in Turkey and Iran. 11. The Arab Struggle for Independence: Egypt, Iraq, and Transjordan from the Interwar Era to 1945. 12. The Arab Struggle for Independence: Syria, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia from the Interwar Era to 1945