Mudraraksasam : a complete text ; with exhaustive, critical grammatical and explanatory notes, complete translation, & a masterly introduction by Vasudeva Abhyankar Shastri and Kashinath Vasudeva Abhyanker : Visakhadatta : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (original) (raw)

Reviewer: wujastyk - November 19, 2017
Subject: bibliographical information

Shastri, V.A. and Abhyanker, K.V. (eds) (1916) Mudrārākṣasam (a Complete Text) with Exhaustive, Critical Grammatical and Explanatory Notes, Complete ... Translation, & a Masterly Introduction (1st edn) (Ahmedabad).
Worldcat Permalink:
editor = {Vasudeva Abhyanker Shastri and Kashinath Vasudeva Abhyanker},
title = {Mudrārākṣasam (a Complete Text) with Exhaustive, Critical Grammatical and Explanatory Notes, Complete Translation, \& a Masterly Introduction},
date = {1916},
location = {Ahmedabad},
publisher = {Nandlal C. Bodiwala},
edition = {1},
url = {},
urldate = {2017-11-18},

There is 1 review for this item. .