Notable American women, 1607-1950; a biographical dictionary : James, Edward T., ed : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (original) (raw)
"Prepared under the auspices of Radcliffe College."
Biographies A-F -- Biographies G-O -- Biographies P-Z
Abolitionists -- Actresses and theatre managers -- Anthropologists and folklorists -- Architects and interior decorators -- Art collectors and patrons -- Art critics and historians -- Art educators -- Astronomers -- Authors -- Biologists -- Botanists and horticulturists -- Chemists and physicists -- Children's authors -- Circus performers -- Civil war figures -- Classicists -- College administrators -- Composers -- Dancers -- Educational reformers -- Educators of the handicapped -- Entrepreneurs -- Explorers and travelers -- Feminists -- Film actresses and directors
Geographer and geologist -- Hawaiian nobility -- Health reform advocates -- Heroines -- Historians -- Historical preservationists -- Home economics -- Illustrators -- Indian captives -- Indian reform advocates -- Indian women -- Inventors -- Kindergartners -- Labor leaders -- Labor reformers -- Lawyers -- Lecturers and orators -- Librarians -- Literary scholars -- Magazine editors -- Ministers and evangelists -- Missionaries -- Missionary society leaders -- Mormon women
Music educators and patrons -- Naturalists -- Negro women -- Newspaperwomen -- Nurses -- Painters -- Peace advocates -- Performing musicians -- Philanthropists -- Philosophers -- Photographer -- Physicians -- Political figures -- Printmakers -- Prison reformers -- Psychologists -- Religious educators -- Religious founders and leaders -- School founders and administrators -- Sculptors -- Settlement houseleaders
Social and civic reformers -- Social economists -- Social leaders -- Social workers -- Socialists and radicals -- Suffragists -- Temperance advocates -- Translators -- Welfare work leaders -- Wives of the presidents -- Women's club leaders