Patrologia orientalis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (original) (raw)
Reviewer: Gregorovivs -favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - July 9, 2008 (edited)
Subject: Some additional info
The Tomus Septimus contains 5 fascicules, they are:
I. - Mgr. ADDAï SCHER. - Traités d'Isaï le docteur et de Hnana d'Adiabéne sur les Martyrs, le Vendredi d'or et les Rogations suivis de la Confession de foi a réciter par les évèques nestoriens avant l'ordination.
II. - Mgr. ADDAï SCHER. - Histoire Nestorienne (Chronique de Séert, seconde partie, fasc. I).
III. - I. GUIDI. - Le Synaxaire éthiophien. II. Le Mois de Hamlé.
IV. - A. A. VASILIEV. - Kitab al-'Unvan (Histoire universelle ecrite par Agapius [Mahboub] de Menbidj), seconde partie, fasc. 1.
V.- E. W. BROOKS. - The hymns of Severus of Antioch and others in the syriac version of Paul of Edessa as revised by James of Edessa (fin).
In the links section of the left, you can click in the 'http' link to get a full file [.tar] with the original images obtained with the scanner [.jp2]. The size is between 300 - 700 Mb, with a great resolution [4368 x 2912 px.]
The fascicule 2 can be downloaded individually from
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