Reading with the heart : the way into Narnia : Schakel, Peter J : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (original) (raw)
Includes bibliographical references and index
A critical analysis of C.S. Lewis' classics--the Chronicles of Narnia
Reading with the heart: the critical approach -- "A great sculptor's shop": law and grace in The lion, the witch and the wardrobe -- "Finding out by experience": belief and disbelief in Prince Caspian -- "Putting the clock back": progress in The voyage of the "Dawn Treader" -- "You must use the map": signs and scripture in The silver chair -- "Throwing up the sponge": trust vs. luck in The horse and his boy -- "Putting the human machine right": moral choice in The magician's nephew -- "My true country": longing in The last battle
xiv, 154 pages ; 21 cm