Bart Ehrman - Misquoting Jesus : Bart Ehrman : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (original) (raw)

Reviewer: Cite-it -favorite - December 27, 2014
Subject: Misleading-he should have used primary resources

Ok, I get that he used a few primary resources, but he should never have palled-up with Dan Brown's claim that Constantine had anything to do with forming ... the New Testament Canon. The First Council of Nicaea, in which Constantine minimally participated, never addressed the NT Canon. Rather the Council created the Nicaean Creed and twenty Canons, which were rules about church administration. Truth lovers should follow this link for a full text of what the Council of Nicaea covered: (scroll to text)
Also, Constantine STOPPED murderous religious persecution with the Edict of Milan, which states: "Our purpose is to grant both to the Christians and to all others full authority to follow whatever worship each person has desired."
Ehrman should have referenced his resources to prove that most ancient texts were seriously corrupt, and, if this applied to the Bible, he should have answered the hundreds of reasons why we Christians believe that the things he assumes were added hundreds of years later were actually additions by the apostles themselves.

Reviewer: Truth Defender -favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - October 24, 2014
Subject: Amazing book, one of the best in the field..

One of the leading Biblical scholar and historian Professor Ehrman clearly presents how the New Testament was altered over the ages, by whom and for what ... purposes. Even the Christian theologians admit that the New Testament we have today is not in its original form.. How, in that case, it can be claimed that it is an inspiration from God? Professor Ehrman successfully refutes these allegations with sound evidences. This book is a must for everyone who wants to know the Truth about the New Testament.

Reviewer: Mithrasrising -favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - December 13, 2012
Subject: Re Apeism is Stupid.

I'll tell you what's "stupid."
Taking a book written 2000 odd years ago as the "inerrant," word of God, that's what.
It isn't, it's the VERY ... errant words of human beings, written in Hebrew/Greek, the original manuscripts, or even the copies, of copies of which we've never seen.
It's littered with contradictions which the blind are happy to ignore.
It was cobbled together hundreds of years after the "death," of Jesus, who I'm not aware dictated it to anybody at the time of his life, for very political reasons and overseen by one of the most murderous Emperors Rome had ever seen, who made the Cult into an official State Religion and that's the only reason it spread through the Roman Empire and has been passed down to us in the badly translated form we have today.
That's before we get into all of the ideas it filched from previous pagan religions all of which can be found by a small amount of research into Horus, Buddha, Dinonysus, Osiris, Mithras and Krishna.
There's nothing "original," about the "life," or "teachings," of Jesus..
As for the 1948 Israel comment which you insist is taken "out of context," I suggest you re-read the book, if you dare and he goes onto explain the "prophecy," of Jesus, which he got so wrong and on which, among others, literalists are pinning their hopes of a "salvation," which is never going to happen.
If God wants to give us his "inerrant," word, I'd suggest he finds a much more effective way of doing so, like speaking to us with a booming voice from the clouds, once and for all, rather than relying on what's become a "false idol," to millions of sad, deluded souls, in the form of The Bible.
Merry Xmas..apparently, that's the 25th of December?

Reviewer: Apeism is Stupid -favorite - December 22, 2010
Subject: It's EASY...

to find disagreements in the New Testament IF you ignore parts of, or, take things out of context with the entire New Testament, and/or Old Testament. ... If the so-called expert of this book would read Matthew 24 and other prophecies for the end times, he would learn that Jesus never taught they were living during the generation of His 2nd Coming, because of all the prophecies that must be fulfilled first... like the rebirth of Israel (which happened on May 14, 1948) and the repossession of Jerusalem (which happened in 1967). The generation that sees the budding of the fig tree (Matthew 24:32-35), or the rebirth of Israel (May 14, 1948) will see Jesus' 2nd Coming. We are living in the End Times as described by Jesus and the prophets. Dump the false religion of Islam and its false god,"Allah", and receive and believe in the name of Jesus, God's only Son (John 3:16), whom alone can wash away our sins (Romans 10:9)(John 1:29).
Also, the author loves to use the term "apologie" instead of "apologetics" when describing the Christian's activities of giving a explanation of alleged discrepancies of the Holy Bible. Christians never need to give an apology for God's inerrant Word! We do need to give reasons to believe, and that process is called,"apologetics", NOT apologies.
Merry Christmas...

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