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In presenting to the public a revised edition of tlie Battles of the British Navy, the Author has to express his gratitude for the indulgence conceded to his early effort. The period which has elapsed since the publication of the first edition, has been in great part employed by him in rendering this record of the brilliant performances of the Navy more com- plete. Considerable departures from former statements have, in many instances, been thought necessary, and the addi- tional matter will, he hopes, be found important. Numerous previously unnoticed actions have been introduced, the de- tails of others extended, and the names of hundreds of officers, distinguished by their valour and devotion to their country, have been gleaued from official and other docu- ments.

The object sought to be achieved by the comp'iler, is to place within the reach of his countrymen an impartial record of those great and glorious conflicts on the ocean, by which England has gained her supremacy among nations. To the energy and skill of the British Navy, commerce owed her j^rotection against the world in arms, and without such powerful aid, peaceful traffic among civilized nations could never have attained its present flourishing condition.

Previously to the publication of the first edition of this work, however, no comprehensive record of the kind existed. Spread over scores of volumes, isolated portions only of the noble deeds of England's sailors were accessible, except to the patient inquirer. English historians have paid little atten-

VOL. I. a



tion to the deeds of the Navy ; and only the more prominent among them have obtained a place among our household words.

In revising the earlier portions of the work, much valuable assistance has been derived from the elaborate production of the late Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas.^ Unfortunately for the subject, that indefatigable and talented author did not live to complete his task, and two volumes only were prepared and published before his unlooked-for decease.

The authorities used in these volumes are not in all cases quoted, or the annotations would have exceeded the text, and the popular form of the work have been destroyed. The works of Lediard,^ Campbell,^ Beatson,'* Chamock,^ Schomberg,^ Brenton/ James,^ Marshall,^ the Naval Chronicle,

' A History of the Royal Navy from tlie Earliest Times to the "Wars of the French Revolution. By Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas, G.C.M.G.

2 vols. London : 1847. Nelson's Letters and Despatches, Edited by Sir N. Han-is Nicolas. 7 vols. 8vo. London : 1845-46.

^ Lives of the British Admirals ; containing a New and Accurate Naval History from the Earliest Periods. By Dr. J. Campbell. With a Continuation down to the year 1779, written under the inspection of Dr. Berkenhout. 4 vols. London : 1781.

■♦ Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, 1727 — 1783. By Robert Beatson, Esq. LL.D, 6 vols. 8vo. London: 1804.

' Biographia Navalis ; or, Impartial Memoirs of the Lives and Cha- racters of Officers of the Navj'' of Great Britain, from the year 1660 to the Present Time, 1794 — 98. Also, History of Marine Architecture,

3 vols. 4to. London : 1802.

^ Naval Chronology, &c. from the Time of the Romans to the Treaty of Peace in 1802. 5 vols. 8vo. By Isaac Schomberg, Esq. Captain in the Royal Navy. London : 1802.

7 The Naval History of Great Britain fi-om the year 1783 to 1822. By Edward Pelham Brenton, Esq. Captain in the Royal Navj'. Lon- don : 1823.

^ The Naval History of Great Britain from the Declaration of War by France in February, 1793, to the Accession of George IV. in January, 1820. By William James. 6 vols. Second Edition. Lon- don : 1826. Also another edition, re'ised by Captain F. Chamier, R.N. London,

5 Royal Naval Biography ; or. Memoirs of the Services of all the Flag


1799 — 1818, the Annual Register, &c., have furnished the staple data, all which have been carefully collated with each other, and illustrated by miscellaneous biogi-aphies and essays, and original communications from living participators in the actions described.

In June, 1847, her most gracious Majesty, desirous of bestowing some mark of distinction as well upon her sailors as her soldiers, issued an Order in Council, under which all the surviving participators in the principal and some minor actions fought since 1793 have been decorated mth a naval medal and clasp, or clasps. A committee of flag officers, comprising Admirals Sir Thomas Byam Martin, G.C.B., the Honourable Sir Thomas Bladen Capel, K.C.B., and Sir James Alexander Gordon, K.C.B., having for their secretary Edward Gifiard, Esq., of the Admiralty, examined the claims of the numerous applicants ; and the various exploits selected will be found especially noticed in the following pages.

Oflacers, Captains, and Commanders whose Names appeared on the List of Sea Officers in 1823, &c. By John Marshall (b), Lieutenant in the Eoyal Navy. 12 vols, or parts. London : 1823-35.



Holy War — Sea Justices {note), page 1 . Reduction of Cyprus — destruc- tion of a Turkish Dromon, 2. Siege of Acre, 3. Greek fire, 4. De- struction of French fleet at Damme — Eustace the Monk, 5, Hubert de Burg — death of Eustace the Monk — Norman fishermen, 6. Great fight between Enghsh and Normans — reduction of Castellion — Sir Thomas Turberville, a traitor knight, 7. Landing at Hythe and Dover — Cinqvie Port mariners — expedition to Cadsand, 8. Expedition to Ant- werp— ^French landing at Southampton — attack of Boulogne — battle of Sluys, 9. King Edward's letter (note), 10. Anecdote {note) — expe- dition to Brittany — Countess of Montfort, 12. Relief of Hennebon — Sir Walter Manny at Quimperle — invasion of France — battle of Cressy — siege of Calais, 1.3. Surrender of Calais — sea-fight ofi" Winchelsea — destruction of the " Cog Thomas" — naval pastime {note), 14. Relief of Rochelle — Pembroke's defeat — landing on the coast of Sussex, 16. Mercer the Scotch pirate — Philpott's pati-iotism — anecdote {note), defeat of De Bucq, 17. Sir Hugh Despenser, predatory expeditions — Pedro Nino, 18. Surrender of Harfleur — Agincourt — Genoese car- racks — balingers, 19. Death of Lord West — naval warfare of private adventurers — Sir Andrew Barton — cannon used in ships {note), 20. Death of Barton — "Great Hai-ry " — expedition to Brest, 21. Destruction of the Regent and Cordelier — landing at Brest, 22. Galley-fight — death of Sir Edward Howard — anecdote, 23. Brighton burnt — inva- sion of Picardy — Boulogne taken — projected invasion of England — loss of the Mary Rose, 24. Boulogne recaptured — invasion of Guernsey and Jersey, 25.


State of the navy — dispute with Spain, 26. Scouring the narrow seas — Spanish armada, 27. English fleet, 28. Arrival of armada, 29. Engagement with, 31. Defeat of — expedition against the Spaniards, 32. Private expeditions — expedition to the Azores, 33. Death of Sir Richard Grenville, 34. Centurion and Spanish galleys — capture of treasure-ship — expedition to Brest — death of Forbisher, 35. Death of

a 2


Hawkins and Drake — expedition to Cadiz — capture of galleons, 36. Taking of Fayal — destruction of galleys at Coimbra, 37.


Expedition to Algiers — first Dutch war — Tromp and Blake, 38. Ayscue and De Ruyter, 39. Bodley and Van Galen — cutting out of the Phoenix, 40. Blake's defeat of the Dutch, 41. Blake and Tromp -— Tromp's bravado — generals of the fleet, 42. Defeat of the Dutch, 43. Action off Leghorn, 44. Blake and Tromp — death of Deane, 45. Naval tactics, 46. Death of Tromp, 48. Penn and Venables, 49. Capture of Jamaica — Blake's expedition, 50. Capture, of treasure- ships, 51. Blake at Santa Cruz — death of Blake, 52. Expedition to Algiers — second Dutch war — union flag, 53. English armament — breaking the line, 54. -' Opdam killed — anecdote, 56. Death of Law- son — attack at Bergen — De Ruyter, Prince Rupert, and Monk, 57. Engagement ofi" the Goodwin, 58. Action renewed — heroism of Myngs, 59. Action off the North Foreland — defeat of the Dutch — anecdote of De Ruyter {note) — destruction of shipping at Schelling, 61. Lawrence Heemskirk (note) — actions, 62. Infraction of the treaty of Breda — Harman with Dutch and French squadrons, 63. Dutch in the Medway, 64. Elizabeth and Dutch ships — Kempthorn and corsairs, 65. Actions with corsairs — capture of Dutch convoy — third Dutch war, QQ. Boat action in Bugia Bay — French alliance — action off the Gunfleet, 67. Destruction of the Roj^al James — death of the earl of Sandwich, 68. St. Helena taken — Spragge and Cornelius Tromp, 70. Anecdote of Mr. Leake {note), 71. Tiger and Schaerles — French co-operation {note), 72. Peace with Holland — homage of the flag conceded, 73.


Narborough and the Tripoline states, 74. Guernsey and White Horse — gallantry of Harman — actions with corsairs, 75. Morat Rais — Kempthorn and corsairs, 76. Sallee rovers — Nonsuch and French ships off Guernsey — action in Bantry Bay, 77. Action off Beachy Head, 78. Supposed defection, 79. Single ship actions — action off Deseada, 80. Battle off Cape Barfleur, 81. Destruction of shipping at Cherbourg, 85. Ditto at La Hogue, 86. Rooke and Dutch fleet off Lagos — bombard- ment of St. Malo, 87. Infernal machine — defence of a merchant ship, 88. Attack on shipping in Bertheaurae Bay — Weymouth and Med- way with French privateers, 89. Bombardment of French sea-ports, 90. Scarborough and French privateers — Portsmouth and French ship — Nonsuch and* ditto — Plymouth with Content and Trident — Meesters {note), 91. Hope and French squadron — capture of the Dartmouth — bombardment of St. Malo, 92. Benbow — attack on Calais — defence of a fishing-vessel, 93. Ditto of coaster — We3anouth and Fougueux, 94. Peace of Ryswick — Medway and Pontchartrain — Harlow and Pointis, 95. Capture of Aurora, 96.



Queen Anne — Benbow and Du Casse, 97. Benbow wounded, 98. Defection of his captains — death of Benbow, 99. Hopson in Vigo Bay, 100. Dragon and French ship, 102, M. St. Paul — shipping destroyed at Granville, 103. Capture of Philippeaux, AugTiste, and Hazard, 104. Reduction of Gibraltar, 105. Action off Malaga, 107. Capture of Revenge — Leake and Pointis, 111, Death of St. Paul — capture of Pendennis — Montagu and French ships, 112. Capture of Fowey — ditto ofWinchelsea — reduction of the Balearic Islands, 113. Storming of Alicant — Romney and consorts at Malaga, 114, Resolution and French squadron, 115. Wyld and Forbin — forcing the Var, 116. Bom- bardment of Toulon — wreck of Shovel at Scilly — insufficient protection of convoys, 117. Destruction of the Devonshire — capture of piivateers, 118. Capture of Adventure — Wager and Spanish treasure-ships, 119. Toilet and Du Guai Trouin — Lord Dursley and ditto, 121, Sweepstakes captured — capture of Fowey — Falmouth and French squadron — Speed- well and privateers — Pljanouth and L'Adriad, 122. Du Guai Trouin — Portland with Coventry and Mignon, 123. Defiance and Centurion with French ships, 124, Winchester and Dutch privateer — Salisbury and St. Albans with French ship — Suffolk and Galliard — Kent and Superbe, 125, Cutting out in Hy feres Bay — capture of Maure — attack on French fishing harbours, 126, Capture of Pembroke — action in Vado Bay — capture of Advice in Yarmouth Roads, 127. Newcastle and French flotilla — capture of the Toulouse — Peace of Utrecht, 128. Losses and gains, 129.


Hind and Sallee rovei's — dispute wdth Spain — Byng and Castaiieta, 130. Action off Sicily, 132, Walton's laconic epistle — reduction of Messina, 133, Looe and Spanish privateer — destruction of Genoese ships — ditto of Spanish shipping at Port Antonio — ditto of two ships at Ribades, 134, Taking of Vigo and Ponta Vedra — quadruple alliance — capture of Roberts the pirate, 135. Reduction of Morocco, 136. Dispute with Spain — capture of Porto Bello, 137. Capture of the Princeza, 139, Mistaken action — expedition against Carthagena, 140. Squirrel and Spanish privateer — Pulteney and xebecks, 144, Sapphire at Vigo — attack on La Guira, 145, Attack on Porto Cavallo, 146, Rupert and Faversham at Pensacola — Guernsey and privateer, 147. Attack on Gomera — Centurion and galleon, 148.


War with France — action off Toulon, 149. Matthews and Lestock, 152. Northumberland and French squadron — attack on Fishotte, 153, Rose and Spanish freight-ship — Lion and Elizabeth, 154. Jersey and St. Esprit — capture of French convoy — capture of the Anglesea —


Augusta and privateer — Captain and Grand Turk — Fowey and Griffin — Dunkirk privateers, 155. Hampton Court and Lys — Captain, &c., with Neptune and Florissant — Pojtland and Auguste — Defiance and Ambuscade, 156. Shoreliam's tender and privateers — -Alexander and Solebay, 157. Action off Negapatam — Weasel and French privateers — Nottingham and Mars — Woolwich and Severn with French squadron, 158. Anson and De la Jonquiere, 159. Fortune and French privateers — ^Viper and Hector, 161. Merlin and treasure-ships — Hawke and De Letendeur, 162. Anecdote ()io^e), 165. Capture of Glorioso — Bellona .and Due de Chartres — Amazon and Renommee, 166. Capture of Mag- nanime — reduction of Port Louis, 167. Action off the Havannah, 168. Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle — losses and gains, 169.


The ''seven years' " war — Boscawen and De la Motte — Dunkirk and Alcide, 170. Byng's action, 172. Byng shot, 175. Colchester and Lyme Avith Aquilon and Fidelle — - Dispatch and French privateer — Adventure and Infernale — Terrible and Alexander, 176. British and French squadrons off Cape Francois, 177. Augusta and convoy, 179. Tartar and privateers, 180. Badger and Escorte, 181. Happy and Infernal— Unicorn and privateers — Antelope and Aquilon, 182. Cap- ture of Due dAquitaine — Southampton and privateers-— Seahorse and French frigates, 183. Prince Edwai-d and French frigate — Southampton and Emeraude, 184. Unicorn and Hermione — Antelope and Moras, 185. Hussar and Alcy on — capture of Bien Acquis — Adventure and Machault — Hussar and "Vengeance, 186. Capture of Orphee — Mon- mouth and Foudroyant, 187. Loss of the Prince George — Hawke's attack in Aix Roads, 189. Capture of Galathee — action off Negapatam, 190. Howe's attacks on French seaports, 191. Capture of Eaisonnable — French privateer at Spithead, 192. Thurot — cutting out Prudente and Bienfaisant, 19-3. Lizard with Heroine and consort — Southampton and Caumartin — Antelope and Belliqueux, 194. Vestal and Bellona — Thames and Coventry with 'Palmier, 195. Isis and French squadron — Windsor and French squadron, 196. Southampton and Melampe — Achilles and Florentine, 197. Capture of Arethuse — action near Toulon, 198. Boscawen and De la Clue, 199. Pocock and D'Ach^, 201. Hawke and Conflans, 203. Thurot and British frigates, 206. Thurot killed — Malicieuse and Opale with Flamborough and Bideford, 207. Boat-action at Grenada, 208. Action between frigate squadrons, 209. Cutting out Vainqueur and Mackau — Trent and Bien Aime — L^nicorn and Vestale, 210. Ditto and Aigrette — capture of Brune — Richmond and Felicite, 211. Minerve and Warwick — capture of Cbevrette — ■ Rippon and Achille, 213. Vengeance and Entreprenant — ■ Isis and Oreflame, 214. Capture of Bertin — ditto of St. Ann — Thundei'er and Achille — Thetis and Buffon, 215. Bellona and Brilliant with Coura- geux and consorts, 216. Cutting out at Dunkirk — destruction of Leverette, 217. War with Spain — Danae and Tigre, 218. Ferret and privateer, 219, Milford and Gloire — Fowey and Ventura, 220. Cap-


ture of Hermione — Terpsichore and letter of marque — captm-e of Havannah, 221. Taking of Manilla — capture of Spanish galleon, 222. Termination of hostilities, 223.


Rebellion in America — capture of Gaspe — privateers off Boston, 226. Mowat's expedition, 227. Fowey and Washington — American ensign {note) — capture of Providence, 228. Glasgow and American squadron, 229. Relief of Quebec, 231. Action on Lake Champlain, 232. Attack on Charlestown, 234. Capture of a transport, 237. Chevaux de frise, 238. Operations on the Delaware — attack on Fort Mifflin, 239. Mil- ford and Cabot — capture of Fox — Rainbow and Hancock, 242. Expe- dition to Machias — Beaver and Oliver Cromwell — Camel and consorts with Raleigh and Alfred, 244. Alert and Lexington — Antigua and Blacksnake — Racehorse and Guest, 247. Gustavus Cunningham — cap- ture of Harwich packet, 248. Operations on the Delaware, 249. French sympathy, 251. Howe and D'Estaing, 252. Attack on Rhode Island, 256. Renown and Languedoc, 257. Isis and Cesar, 258. Preston and Ton- nant — Yarmouth and Randolph, 259. Ariadne and Ceres with Raleigh and Alfred, 260. John Paul Jones at Whitehaven — and at St. Mary's Isle — Ranger and Drake, 261. Arethusa and Belle Poule — Alert and Courier — capture of Licorne — Keppel and D'Orvilliers, 263. Ostrich and Polly — Pearl and Industry — action off Pondicherry, 267. Fox and Junon — capture of Raleigh, 268. Jupiter and Triton — Maidstone and Lion — Apollo and Oiseau, 269 — Rattlesnake and French cutters — loss of the Arethusa- — -Kite and French frigate, 270. Experiment and squadron in Cancale Bay — Jupiter and French convoy — Licorne and Audacieuse — Ruby and Prudente, 271. Action off Grenada, 272. Ex- pedition to Virginia, 275. Ascent of the Hudson — Long Island Sound, 278. Attack on Fairfield — surprise of Stony Point, 279. Expedition to the Penobscot, 280. D'Estaing repulsed at South Carolina, 283. Pearl and Santa Monica, 285. Serapis and Bon Homme Richard, 286. Quebec and Surveillante, 295. Capture of Alcmene- — ■ Fortunde and Blanche — Tartar and Santa Marguerita — Salisbury and San Carlos, 296. Capture of the Caraccas fleet — defeat of Langara, 297. Surprise and privateers, 298. Capture of Monsieur — Comwallis and De la Mothe Piquet, 299. Action off Martinique, 300. Iris and Hermione, 303. Apollo and Stanislaus, 304. Romney and Artois — Prudente and Capri- cieuse, 305. Nonsuch and Belle Poule, 306. Porcupine and privateers — Flora and Nymphe, 307. Capture of Comte d' Artois — Pearl and Esperance— Zeph}T and Senegal, 308. Boat-action off Mangalore, 308. Bellona and Princess Caroline — capture of Minerva — Warwick and Rotterdam — capture of American, 309. Cerberus and Grana — action off the Chesapeake, 310. Action off Porto Praya, 311. Resource and Unicorn, 312. Action off Fort Royal Bay — Canada and Santa Leoca- dia, 313. Nonsuch and Active, 314. Atalanta and Trespassey with Alliance — Flora and Crescent with Castor and Brill, 315. Charleston and consorts with French frigates, 316. Action off the Dogger Bank,


  1. Helena and Spanish gun-boats, 319. Iris and Trumbull — Came- leon and Dutch lugger — Chatham and Magicienne — action off Lynn Haven Bay, 320. Savage and Congress, 323. Artois with Mars and Hercules — Kempenfelt and De Guichen, 324. Action off St. Christo- pher's— capture of Trincomald, 325. Actions in the East Indies, 326. Success and Santa Catalina — General Monk and privateers, 335. Kodney and De Grasse, 336. Capture of Caton, Jason, &c. — Foudroy- ant and Pegase — Pelican and privateers, 344. Defiance and Zeuse — Santa Margaritta and Amazone, 345. Coventry and Bellone — loss of the Royal George — Due de Chartres and Aigle, 346. Kainbow and Hebe — Hector with Aigle and Gloire, 347. Capture of Aigle, 348. Torbay and London with Sibylle and Scipion, 349. Ruby and Solitaire — Mediator and French squadron, 350. Capture of the South Carolina — Endymion and Magicienne with Sibylle, 352. Hussar and Sibylle,

  2. Leander and Couronne — Argo with French frigates, 354. Action off Pondicherry, 355. Peace with France and Spain — losses and gains,

  3. State  of  the  navy — Phoenix  and  Resolue,  358. 

French revolutionary war — state of the navy, 359. Scourge and Sans Culotte — recapture of Spanish galleon, 360. Iris and Citoyenne Franfoise — Venus and Semillante, 361. Capture of Hyaena — Nymphe and Cl^opatre, 362. Boston and Embuscade, 364, Lord Hood at Toulon, 365. Evacuation of Toulon, 368. British at Corsica, 372. Crescent and Reunion, 373. Agamemnon and French frigates, 374. Thames and Uranie — capture of Inconstante — Antelope and Atalante, 376.


Juno at Toulon, 378. Reduction of Corsica, 380. Capture of Pomone, Engageante, and Babet, 382. Orpheus and Du Guai Trouin, 383. Swiftsure and Atalante — Channel fleet, 384. Lord Howe's actions, 385. Killed and wounded, 402. Carysfort and Castor — Crescent and consorts off Guernsey, 403. Romney and Sibylle — destruction of Volontaire — capture of Revolutionnaire, 404. Centu rion and Diomede with French frigates — capture of the Alexander, 405. Reduction of Martinique, 406.


Blanche and Pique, 407. Lively and Tourterelle, 408. Capture of the Berwick — Hotham's action off Leghorn, 409. Capture of Gloire and Gentille — capture of convoy in Goui'ville Bay, 412. Thetis and Hussar with French store-ships — Thorn and Courier National — Dido and Lowestoffe with Miner ve and Art^mise, 413. Comwallis's retreat,


  1. Bridport's action, 417. Hotham's action in Frejus Bay, 420. Captiire of Alliance, 422. Southampton with Vestale and consorts — Kose and French privateers, 423. Capture of Censeur — Mermaid and Rdpublicain — capture of Eveiil^, 424. Capture of Trincomal^ — sur- render of the Cape of Good Hope, 425.

Capture of Bonne Citoyenne — boats of Diamond and Liberty at Cape Frehel — capture of Etoile — E^volutionnaire and Unitd, 426. Sir Sid- ney Smith at Havre — capture of Virginie — boats of Agamemnon and squadron in Laona Bay — boats of Niger at the Penmarks, 427. Spencer and Volcan — capture of Argo — Suffisante and Revanche — Santa Marga- rita and Tamise, 428. Unicorn and Tribune, 429. Dryad and Proser- pine— capture of Legfere — Jason carried into Greenock — Southampton and Utile, 430. Glatton and French squadron, 431. Aimable and Pens^e — Mem^aid and Vengeance — Spanish alliance — destruction of the An- dromaque, 432. Raison and Vengeance — capture of Elizabeth — ^Vic- torious and Arrogant with French frigates — Pelican and Mddde, 433. Terpsichore and Mahonesa — Laj)wing with Decius and Vaillante, 434, Tei'psichore and Vestale, 435. Minerve with Sabina and Ceres, 436. Capture of Colombo, Amboyna, and Banda — capture of Dutch squadron in Saldanha Bay — Polyphemus with Justine and Tortue, 437.


French expedition to Ireland — Indefatigable and Amazon with Droits de I'Homme, 438. East-India fleet and M. Sercey — Andromache and Algerine ship, 440. Battle of St. Vincent, 441. Killed and wounded, 449. Surrender of Trinidad — landing in Fisgard Bay — capture of Resistance and Constance, 450. Terpsichore and Santisima Trinidad — ■ Viper and Spanish privateer — boats of Hermione at Zaccheo — capture of Hardi and Musette — boats of Magicienne and Regulus at Cape Roxo, 451. Destruction of Hermione at Port au Paix — capture of Ninfa — boats of Minerve and Lively at Santa Cruz, 452. Bombard- ment of Cadiz — Nelson and Spanish launch, 453. Bombardment of Cadiz — destruction of Calliope — Nelson at Santa Cruz, 454. Anecdote of John Lovell, 455. Arethusa and Ga\6t6 — -Alexandrian and Coq,

  1. Ditto and Epicharis — Penguin and Oiseau — Pelican and Trompeur,

  2. Battle of Camperdown, 458. Killed and wounded, 462. Anec- dote of Lieutenant Bullen, 463. Recapture of Hyasna — boats of Fairy off Calais, 464. Phoebe and N^r^ide, 465. Growler and French luggers ■ — capture of Daphne, 466.

George and Spanish privateers — Pomone and Ch^ri — Kingfisher and Betsy — boats of Babet at Martinique, 467. Melampus and Volage—


Speedy and Papillon — Marquis of Cobourg and Revanche — Recovery and Revanche — Victorieuse and two French privateers, 468. Mars and Hercule, 469. Pearl with French frigates — boats of Flora at Cerigo — destruction of Confiante, 470, Princess Royal and Aventurier — Sea- horse and Sensible, 471. Capture of the Seine — boats of Regulus in Aguada Bay, 472. Lion and Spanish frigates — Brilliant with Vertu and R^generee, 473. Battle of the Nile, 474. Killed and wounded, 482. Boats of Melpomene and Childers at Coregeiou — Indefatigable and Vaillante — Espoir and Liguria — Hazard and Neptune, 486. Leander and G^n^reux, 487. Capture of Decade — gallantry of Mr. Fane— cap- ture of Flore, 490. Action in Donegal Bay, 491. Melampus and Resolue — Mermaid and Kangaroo with Loire, 493. Fisgard and Immor- tality 495. Fate of Bompart's squadron — Sirius with Furie and Waakzaamheid, 496. Ambuscade and Baionnaise, 497. Perdi'ix and French privateer, 500.


Wolverine and French privateers, 501. Capture of Santa Teresa — Dsedalus and Prudente, 502. Espoir and Afi'ica, 503. Sibylle and Forte, 504. G^nereux at Ancona — defence of Acre by Sir Sidney Smith, 506. Telegraph and Hirondelle, 512. Boats of Trent at Porto Rico — San Fiorenzo and Amelia with French frigates, 513. Amaranthe and Vengeur — Fortune and Salamine — boats of Success at La Sel"a — heroism of a marine, 514. Capture of Perree's squadron — Alcmene and Courageuse — boats of Alcmene at Vivero — recapture of Crash — Lieu- tenant Humphreys at Schiermonikoog, 515. Capture of Dutch squadron in the Texel — Clyde and Vestale, 516. Tamar and Rdpublicain — Arrow and Wolverine with Gier and Draak, 517. Camel and Rattlesnake with Preneuse — Speedy with Spanish gun-boats, 518. Jupiter and Preneuse, 519. Trincomale and Iphigenie — boats of Echo in Lagnadille Bay — capture of Spanish treasure -frigates, 520. Cerberus and Spanish fi'igates, 521. Cutting out of the Hermione, 522. Solebay with French squadron, 523. Courier and Guerrier — destruction of the Preneuse — boats of Queen Charlotte in the Straits of Gibraltar, 524. Viper and Ferret— Abergavenny's tender and Lieutenant Fitton, 525.



Vignette Title.

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Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham Seal of the Lord High Admiral Admiral Sir Francis Drake ... Sir Walter Raleigh Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk General and Admiral Robert Blake . . . General and Admiral George Monk, Duke of Albemarle 64 Edward Montagu, Earl of Sandwich , , . Prince Rupert ... Admiral Sir Edward Hawke ... Vice- Admiral Sir George Collier Captain Sir Richard Pearson ... Admiral Lord Viscount Rodney- Rear- Admiral Richard Kempenfelt ... Admiral Lord Hood ... Admiral Earl Howe ... Admiral Lord Viscount Bridport Admiral Earl St. Vincent Admiral Lord Viscount Duncan


G8 71 189 242 287 296 324 366 384 403 441 464

Admiral Byng's action off Minorca, 1756 ... ... 174

Admiral Keppel's action, 1778 265

Byron's action in the West Indies, 1779 ... .'.. 274

Sir Samuel Hood and Comte de Grasse, 9th April, 1782 338

Biitish and French fleets, 12th April, 1782 340

Lord Howe on the 29th of May, 1794 389

Action off the Hyeres Islands, June, 1795 ... ... 421

Three diagi-ams of the British and Spanish fleets off

Cape St. Vincent, 14th February, 1797 ...442, 444, 445 Position of the Captain when foul of the two Spanish

ships ... ... .. ... ... ... 446

Battle of Camperdown ... ... ... ... 460

Sketch of Aboukir Bay and position of French fleet,

1798 476



The efforts used by tlie monarchs of Christendom to rescue Jerusalem from the power and possession of infidels, brought into action that energetic spirit, and that gallant daring, wliich have ever since distingTiished British seamen. Richard, of the Lion Heart, having made common cause with Philip of France, a joint expedition was fitted out for the prose- cution of the Holy War. Early in 1190, a large fleet, col- lected from all parts of England, Normandy, Poitou, Brit- tany, and Aquitaine, had assembled at Dartmouth, from wliich port they are supposed to have sailed in the month of April. 1 Richard had proceeded overland to Marseilles, where the fleet was to assemble preparatory to proceeding on their mission. This fleet was commanded by Gerard arch- bishop of Aix, Bernard bishop of Bayonne, Robert de Sabloil, Richard de Camville, and William de Fortz of Oleron, who were styled " Sea Justices." Ill prepared to contend Avith the lofty waves of the Western Ocean, this fleet was dispersed shortly after leaving the Channel ; but the major part, com- manded by Robert de Sabloil and Richard de Camville, suc- ceeded in reaching Lisbon. This di'ision of the fleet left the Tagus in Jidy, and outside the river joined William de Fortz, and thirty-three ships. The fleet thus recruited numbered 106 large ships, carrymg troops and stores,- and after a passage of

2 BATTLES OF [1190-1.

twenty-eight days reached Marseilles. On their arrival, it was found that Hichard had left for Sicily a short time pre- viously, and thither the fleet followed, and found him at Scylla. Richard entered Messina in great triumph, where he found Philip of Erance. Certain disputes with Tancred, king of Sicily, delayed the fleet at Messma until the succeeding year. On the 10th April, 1191, having been reinforced with thirty vessels from England, the fleet sailed for Palestine ; but a storm overtaking them, several ships separated from the main body. Among the number missing, was the ship in which Berengaria, Richard's affianced queen, was embarked. Richard proceeded to Crete, but not fijiding the ship there, sailed for Rhodes. In the meanwhile the ship of which Richard was in search had entered a port of Cyprus, then ruled by Isaac Comnenus, the self-styled emperor ; but who, not having behaved hospitably to his royal visitants, incurred the ire of Richard. The fleet on the 6th of May entered the harbour of Lymesol. Not content with the terms offered by Isaac in atonement of his conduct, Richard took such mea- sures as obtained for him the sovereignty of the island of CypiTis. Isaac, bound in silver fetters, was ordered to be imprisoned at Palestine ; and after receiving the homage of the Cypriots, and making arrangements for the government of this the first foreign possession of the English crown, Richard pursued his voyage. On the 7th of June, when near Barruth, an immense ship was discovered — a Turkish dromon. Richard ordered his galleys to examine the stranger ; but the dromon refused to aUow any one to board. Being attacked, the assailants were gTeeted with showers of missiles, Greek fire, and other combustibles. To board so lofty a ship from galleys was no easy task ; but being personally urged on by Richard, some of the galley-men jumped over-board, and diving under the vessel's bottom, attached ropes to her iiidder, by which means they gained the power of steering her. Some

into details on the subject, formed at Messina 100 sail and 14 busses, ''vessels of great capacity, very strongly and compactly built." The principal ships had three spare rudders, thirteen anchors, thirty oars, two sails, three sets of all kinds of ropes, &c. Each vessel had a skilful com- mander, and a crew of fourteen sailors, and carried forty war-horses with their armour, the same number of foot soldiers, and provisions and stores of all kinds for twelve months. — Nicolas's History of the Navy, vol. i. p. 76.


of the most agile now ascended lier sides ; but so numerous and brave were her defenders, that the assailants were over- powered. As a last resource the galleys were ordered to try the effect of their beaks. They receded, and forming a line to windward, the crews urged their galleys with all the power they could bring to bear, and with such velocity did they strike the object with their iron prows, that the sides of the dromon were sufficiently pierced to admit the water. The Tiu'kish ship sank, and out of 1,500 men said to have been on board, only fifty-five were spared. Richard landed at Acre, June 10th, and such was the impulse given to the besiegers by his presence, that on the 12th of July following Acre surrendered.

Previously to the arrival of Richard's fleet, several very gaUant actions had taken place between the galleys of the besiegers by whom the port was blockaded, and the besieged. The following graphic account given by Geofiery de Vinesauf,^ of one of these encounters, will be foimd interesting, as illus- trating the naval warfare of the period. " The people of the town ill brooked their loss of the hberty of the sea, and re- solved to try what they could effect m a naval battle. They brought out their galleys, therefore, two by two, and preserving a seemly array in their advance, rowed out to the open sea to fight the approaching enemy; and our men preparing to receive them, since there appeared no escape, hastened to the en- counter. On the other hand, om* people manned the war-fleet, and making an oblique circuit to the left, removed to adistance^ so that the enemy should not be denied free egTess. When they had advanced on both sides, our ships were disposed in a curved line, so that if the enemy attempted to break through, they might be enclosed and defeated. The ends of the line being drawn out in a sort of crescent, the stronger were placed in front, so that a sharper onset might be made by us, and that of the enemy might be checked. In the upper tiers the shields, interlaced, were placed circularly ; and the rowers sat close together, that those placed above might have freer scope. The sea became calm, so that neither the blow of the warrior, nor the stroke of the rower, might be impeded by waves. AdvancLQg nearer to each other, the trumpets


.4 BATTLES OF [1213.

sounded on botli sides and mingled their dread clangour. First they contended with missiles ; but oiu- men more earnestly j)lied theu' oars, and pierced the enemy's ships ^vith the beaks of theu' own. Soon the battle became general, the oars were entangled ; they fought hand to hand ; they grappled the ships with alternate casts, and set the decks on Hre with the burning oil commonly called the Greek fire.^ This fire con- sumes Hint and iron. * * * There was one galley which through the rashness of our men turned its side close to the enemy, and thus, ignited by the fire thrown on board, admitted the Turks, who rushed in at all parts. The rowers leapt into the sea ; but a few soldiers remained through desperation ; — ^the few overcame the many, and re- took the half-burnt ship from the beaten foe. In this naval conflict the adverse side lost both a galley and a galliass, Avith their crews."

  1. — King John having been excommunicated by the Roman pontiff, Philip, king of France, gladly availing him- self of the pope's denunciation of his rival, made preparations to invade England. The count of Flanders, siding with John, however, Philip determined to commence hostilities

1216-7.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 5

with his neighboiu', and the army and fleet prepared for the invasion of England were sent to Flanders. An immense concourse of shij)ping, therefore, assembled at Damme. So numerous was it, that the harbour could not contain the whole, and many ships were compelled to anchor outside. John, being appealed to, readily responded to the call, and 500 vessels, commanded by the earl of Salisbury, the duke of Holland, and the count of Boulogne, and having on board 700 knights, proceeded to the relief of the Flemish. The French were unprepared for this hostile and prompt measure. Their ships were deserted of theii' crews, who were engaged in plunder on shore, or as others say, besieging Ghent; 300 sail, laden with corn, wine, and arms, were cap- tm-ed, and 100 others burnt. The earl of Salisbury then landed at the head of liis troo^^s, but Philip despatched an overpowering force, and compelled him to retreat to the ships. Philip, fearing further calamities, withdrew his army from Flanders, after burning the remainder of his ships.

  1. — The Straits of Dover were infested about this time by French shipping, which, under the command of Eustace the Monk, committed serious inroads upon English com- merce. Eustace was formerly in the pay of John, but in 1214 transferred his services to Prince Louis of France. The English barons, bemg at this time disgusted with the con- duct of John, offered the crown to Louis, daupliin of France, who gladly accepted the j)i'0230sal. A fleet of 600 sail, col- lected for this semice by Eustace at Calais, sailed for Eng- land; and although at first dispersed by a north-east v/ind, subsequently landed at Sandwich, and mastered the whole of Kent, except Dover Castle. Kmg John died on the 19th October, and was succeeded by the infant prince, Hemy.

  2. — The battle of Lincoln was a severe blow to the hopes of Louis, but it was to the hardy valour and skill of the Cinque Port mariners that a finishmg stroke was put to his aspirations. On the news of the defeat of Louis reaching France, Pobert de Courtenay collected an army, which he em- barked at Calais in eighty slips, and a large number of galleys, the whole commanded by Eustace the Monk. This force put to sea on the 24th August, with the intention of proceeding up the Thames to London. At this jimctm^e, Hubert de Burg, governor of Dover Castle, by dint of great entreaty

6 - BATTLES OF [1293.

and exertion, collected sixteen large sliips, and about twenty smaller vessels ; and with this small force put to sea. Hu- bert de Burg commanded the squadron, ha^Tiig with him Sir Philip d'Albini, Sir Henry de Turberville, Sii' Richard Suard, Sir Richard, a natural son of King John, together with the bravest of his knights and retamers. The wind was blowing fresh from the southward, and the French, not anticipating the hostile reception in store for them, were going free, steer- ing so as to round the North Foreland. De Bm'g's fleet made a stretch over to the French coast, which induced Eustace to think they were bound for Calais ; but, having got Avell to windward, the English bore away for, and speedily overtook, the French rear. ThroMTJig thefr grapnels on board, a farious onslaught was made upon the enemy. The crossbow-men and archers, under Sir Philip d'Albini, dis- charged their bolts and arrows, doing immense execution. Quantities of unslaked lime, reduced to powder, being blown by the wind into their opponents' eyes, completed the dismay. The English then boarded, and cutting away the rigging and halyards, the masts and sails went over the side, and rendered them entirely helpless. Numbers of the French knights, preferring death to imprisonment, leapt overboard. Out of the whole fleet only fifteen escaped. One of De Burg's grand objects, however, was to obtain possession of Eustace ; and, after diligent search, the quondain ecclesiastic was found in the hold of one of the captured vessels, and Sfr Richard, John's bastard son, became the monk's executioner.

  1. — The reign of Henry III. fiuTiishes few naval oc- currences sufficiently prominent to demand notice, and hence a blank of more than half a century. In this year, however, a circumstance haj^j^ened which involved Engla.nd in another war with France. An English ship belonging to the Cinque Ports having entered a port of Normandy, the crew were attacked, while procming fresh water, by some Norman fishermen, and one man killed. In consequence of this fracas, the Normans assembled all their forces, expecting the EngHsh to take revenge, and the latter to repel further insult. The Normans shortly afterwards added to their former crime that of hanging the crews of two English vessels which they captured, and at the same time hung an equal number of dogs, implying that they entertained no

1294-5.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 7

sort of diiference between the two races. Tlie Cinque Port mariners immediately prepared to revenge this insulting cruelty; and, after numerous acts of hostility committed on both sides, it was at length resolved that the matter should be settled in one grand fight. A ship was stationed half- way between the coasts of England and Normandy, to mark the place of engagement, and on the 14th April (or 14th May, according to another authority) this action took place. Both parties had obtained assistance from their neighbours ; — the English from the Irish and Dutch, and the French from the Flemish and Genoese ; and the assembled fleets amounted to little short of 200 on each side. Snow and hail preluded the encounter, which is described as having been most terrific. Thousands fell, and a number of ships were destroyed, when victory decided in favour of the Eng- lish. The latter returned in triumph, attended by nume- rous prizes. The French king demanded satisfaction for the losses sustained by his subjects, and it was ultimately agreed to give him possession of Gascony for forty days. At the expiration of this period Philip refused to restore that possession, and Edward determined to regain it by force of arms.

  1. — Edward divided his fleet into three squadrons. Sir John de Botetourt commanded fifty-three sail at Yarmouth, Sir William de Leyboiu^ne commanded the Portsmouth squadron, and a good knight, named Ormonde, the western and Irish squadrons. This fleet united in October, and trans- ported an army to Castellion, in Gascony, which place at once surrendered. Other places also yielded, but Bourdeaux suc- cessfully resisted the efibrts of the English.

  2. — At the instigation of Sir Thomas Turberville, an English traitor knight, a prisoner in France, Philip was in- duced to attempt the invasion of England. The traitor, to obtain his freedom, offered to go to England, where he stated he could by false representations obtain custody of certain seaports, which, upon the appearance of the French fleet, he would deliver into PhiliiD's hands ; but Edward refused to place any trust in Turberville's representations ; and when Philip, with 300 sail, arrived off" the English coast, he had to wait in vain for the promised traitorous signal. The crews of five French ships, however, effected a landing at Hythe, and

8 BATTLES OF [133^.

being drawn into the coimtiy by a feigned retreat of tbe king's forces, the whole were destroyed, and one of the galleys captm-ed. On the 1st August the French fleet ap- peared off Dover, and 1-5,000 men, it is said, landed and burnt the town ; but the knights, who had the custody of the sea, and the people of the place, raUied and drove the enemy back to the sliips ydih great slaughter. Dan Thomas, a monk (who was slain in his church), and fourteen of the townspeople, were kiUed. Tm-ber^oLle's treason was dis- covered shortly afterwards, and he paid the usual penalty of liis crime. The ships of the Cinque Ports captured about the same time fifteen Spanish vessels, richly laden, bound to Flanders, and a portion of the Yarmouth squadron effected a landing at Cherbourg, and committed depredations.

  1. — On the 24th of March, the French galleys, com- manded by Sir Nicholas Bahuchet, landed near Portsmouth, under English banners, and ha\dng by those means deceived the people, plundered and burnt the town, sparing only the church. The same force landed at Guernsey and bmiit the town. Edward's forces were at this time, and indeed for some years previously, too much occupied by the war with Scotland, to return these and other precediug insults in a fitting manner. It is, however, to be feared that the lawless proceedings of English mariners generally, and of those of the Cinque Ports in particular, were such as to have given our neighbours too much cause for retorting upon England the piracies her sailors had committed. So intent were the seamen upon foUomng their indi\ddual interests, that the commands of the king to collect a fleet were for a time un- heeded, and at length but imperfectly obeyed. The isle of Cadsand, near the entrance of the Sluys, being garrisoned by Flemish knights, much mischief was done to the English on their passage to and from England. To dislodge them, Edw^ard ordered the earl of Derby to embark in the fleet commanded by Sir Walter Manny, and to proceed thither. The force, comprismg oOO men-at-arms and 2,000 archers, embarked at London, and on the 10th of November arrived oft' Cadsand. As the ships approached the harboui', the English archers shot their arrows with such effect, that the Flemings, though 5,000 strong, were compelled to retire. A landing was then effected, and after a desperate hand-to-hand

1339-40.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 9

struggle, the Flemings were defeated, lia\dng lost 1,000 men. The to^\Ti was sacked and burnt.

  1. — Edward having resolved to go to Flanders, in the hope of inducing the duke of Brabant and his other allies to support his claim to the crown of France, orders were sent to the admii'als and sherilfs of Kent and Sussex to pro\ide sliipping for the transport of the army. It was necessary to repeat the order in the most 2)ereniptory manner ere the requisition was complied with, and on the 16th of July, the king embarked at Orwell, in Suffolk. The squadron from Yarmouth shortly afterwards joined, and the expedition landed at Antwerp on the succeeding day. In the mean while Philip had sent a squadron to Southampton, wliich landed on a Sunday, and sacked and burnt the town while the inhabitants were at church ; but before reaching their ships, Sii* John Arundel attacked the invaders, and com- mitted much slaughter among them. The Christopher and the Edward, two ships belonging to Edward, were captured about this time by the French fleet ; both valuably laden.

  2. — The Cmque Port mariners, as ready to avenge insults offered to the nation as to themselves, fitted out an expedition against Boulogne. Avaihng themselves of a dense fog, they entered the port, biu-nt four large ships, nineteen galleys, and twenty smaller vessels, besides houses.

  3. — This year is distiuguished by a very desperate battle, at which Edward III. was present. Edward had now formally assumed the title and arms of king of France, and had determined to maintain liis right by force of arms. Orders were consequently issued to all the seaports to impress shipping, and proclamations and inducements of every kind were resorted to for the purpose of collecting a, sufficient squadron. The king arrived at Ips^^ich in June, in readiness to embark for Flanders ; but hearing that the king of France had assembled an immense fleet at Sluys to oppose his landing, Edward's advisers earnestly dissuaded him from proceeding -with the expedition. In vain, however, did they represent the difficulties in his path, for on the 20th of June Edward embarked in the cog^ Thomas, commanded by

^ "Alarger vessel than those usually designated 'ships.' * * * * The cog John had a crew of eighty-two men." — Nicolas, vol. i. p. 362.

10 BATTLES OF [1340.

Hicliard Fylle, and attended by the earls of Derby, North- ampton, Arundel, and Huntingdon, and other noblemen. On the 22nd, Sir Robert Morley, with fifty sail of ships, joined the royal fleet, previously numbermg 200 sail ; and on the 23rd gained sight of the French fleet lying in the har- bour of Sluys. The French ships were manned with more than 35,000 Normans, Picards, and Genoese ; and com- manded by Kiriet, Bahuchet, and the renowned Genoese admu'al Barbenoire. Doubts have arisen as to whether the action which ensued was fought "svithin or without the har- bour. King Edward's letter^ states broadly that it was within the port ; but it is probable that the principal part

' As the only letter written by a sovereigTi detailing a naval victory, the following is peculiarly interesting : —

"Most dear Sie, — We, considering well that you are desirous to hear good news of us, and how it has fared with us since our leaving England, have you to know that the Thursday after our departure from the port of Orwell we sailed all the day and the night following^ and the Triday, about the hour of noon, we came on the coast of Flanders, off Blankenberg, where we had sight of the fleet of our enemies, w^hich were all gathered in the port of Swyne (Sluys), and as the tide did not then suit to meet them, we remained there all that night. The Saturday — the day of St. John — soon after the hour of noon, with the tide, we, in the name of God, and in the confidence of our right quarrel, entered into the said port upon our enemies, who had placed their ships in very strong aiTay, and which made a very noble defence all that day and the night after, but God by his power and miracle granted us the victory over our said enemies, for which we thank him as devoutly as we can. And we have you to know that the number of ships, galleys, and great barges of our enemies amounted to 190, which were all taken, except twenty-four which fled ; and some of them were since taken at sea. The number of men-at-arms and other armed people amounted to 35,000, of which number, by esti- mation, 5,000 escaped, and the remainder, we are given to understand by some persons who are taken alive, lie dead in many places on the coast of Flanders. On the other hand, all our ships — that is to say, the Christopher and the others which were lost at Middleburgh — are now retaken, and there are taken in this fleet three or four as large as the Christopher. The Flemings were willing to have come to us at the battle, from the commencement to the end. Thus God our Lord has .shown abundant grace, for which we and all our friends are ever bound to render grace and thanks to him. Our intention is to remain quiet in the river until we have made certain arrangements with our allies, and other our friends at Flanders, as to what should be done. Most dear Son, may God be the keeper of you !

"Given under secret seal, in our ship cog Thomas, Wednesday, the eve of St. Peter and St. Paul." — Nicolas's History of the Eoyal Navy, vol. ii. p. 61.

1340.] THE BRITISH NAlT. 11

took place off the raoiidi of the harbour, since there would not have been space within for such an extensive contest. Our early historians, Knyghton and Hemingford, differ as to the number of the enemy's ships, the former stating it at 250, the latter at 200, besides smaller ships, &c., and Froissart estimates it at 140 large sliips, besides " hokebos." The masts of such a numerous assemblage resembled a forest, rather than shijDping. Of these ships nineteen were distin- guishable for their great size. Early on Saturday morning, the 24th of June, the two fleets were at no great distance from each other, but it was noon ere the tide suited for the entrance of the English. Edward placed the largest ships in the van, well manned with archers ; and between each a smaller vessel was stationed, containing men-at-arms. The second division, consisting of smaller vessels, carrying archers, was kept in reserve. The French fleet was in four divisions, and the ships were secured to each other with chains. Quantities of large stones were stored in the tops, and also in small boats hoisted to the mast-head, to be hurled on the heads of assailants. The Christopher, full of Genoese archers, was in the foremost rank with the Edward, Katherine, Rose, and other large cogs, all of wliich had been captured from the English on previous occasions. At about llh. A.M., Edward ordered his fleet to prepare for battle, but to stand off on the starboard tack, in order to gain the advantage of having the sun at their back. The French, misled by this proceeding, imagined that their adversaries were declining the engagement. Another reason assigned for the manoeuvre is, that the English finding the enemy chained together, despaired of being able to break through them. Believing that Edward, whose banners were dis- played on board one of the ships, intended to decline the combat, the French cast off their lashings and pursued the English. They were, however, shortly undeceived ; for hav- ing gained the advantage sought, the English bore away for the enemy, and commenced the fight at noon. Sir Hobert Morley attacked the Christopher, in which he was well supported by the earls of Huntingdon and Northampton, Sir Walter Manny was the fourth ship engaged ; but in a short space of time each found a warm antagonist. Flights of arrows darkened the sky ; huge stones and missiles of

12 BATTLES OF [1342.

every kind then used in warfare, fell in all directions, dealing death, contusions, and wounds, wliile, hand to hand, engaged the men-at-arms and brave mariners. Hatchets, lances, swords, and every available weapon, found full employment. The ships clustered together and secured to each its adver- sary ; by grapnels the crews boarded, and all that strength and valour could accomplish on either side was performed. In the end, the French were completely defeated with terrific slaughter. The Christopher, Edward, Katherine, and Rose^ with several large French ships, were captui'ed ; and so com- plete was the discomfiture of the van division, that the remainder sought safety in flight. The number of slain and drowned^ has been estimated at from 25,000 to 30,000. The French admirals, Kiriet and Bahuchet, were included among the killed ; Imt a French historian, q^uoted by Nicolas,^ states that Bahuchet, after he was slain, was hung to the yardarm of one of the English ships. The loss of the English is estimated by a Flemish writer at 4,000. A more despe- rate or sanguinary struggle is not on record, and it heralded that martial glory which subsequently crowned the arms of England at Poictiers and Cressy.

  1. — A dispute arising respecting the sovereignty of Brittany, Edward and Philip took contrary sides. John, count of Montfort, one of the claimants, having acknowledged the right of Edward to the throne of France, Edward felt bound to assist his cause. On the 20th of February, a fleet of from 150 to 200 sail, assembled at Orwell, was placed under command of Sir Walter Manny, who received orders to obtain possession of all the fortified places in Brittany. Sir Walter sailed on the 20tli of March, haiing embarked 120 men-at-arms and 1,000 archers. The fleet arrived off* Hennebon, after a tedious passage, at a critical moment. The countess of Montfort, who is described as possessing " the

^ An anecdote is related by Walsingham of the way in which the news of this great blow to Philip was conveyed to that monarch. Philip's courtiers, not daring to inform their master of the catastrophe, induced the court jester to find some means of breaking it to him. Entering the king's presence, the fool loudly and repeatedly proclaimed the cowardice of the English, and when asked by Philip what he meant, and for what reason he abused them, he replied, " Because they are cowards, and dare not leap into the sea, as our gentlemen of France and Normandy did."

2 History of the Poyal Navy, vol. ii. p. 57.


courage of a man, and the heart of a lion," was closely be- sieged in Hennebon by the count of Blois. Driven to extremities, the garrison was on the point of surrendering, when the countess, looking out to sea, discovered the approach of the British relief Charles speedily raised the siege, and Sir Walter Manny and liis companions were received in the most gratifying manner by the heroine and her brave associates. A large squadron, consisting of Spaniards and Genoese, sent by Don Luis of Spain to assi.st Charles of Blois, subsequently fell hito the hands of Sir Walter Manny at Quimperle.

  1. — Edward failing in liis negotiations with the deputies of Flanders, whose allegiance he wished to obtain for the prince of Wales, an immense fleet v/as collected for the purpose of enforcing that sovereignty to which he conceived he had a right in France as well as Flanders. Edward arrived at Porchester about the 20th of June, and on the 2nd of July wrote to the cardinals who had been sent by the pope with the view of inducing him to suspend hostilities, that he was already on his passage to France. On the 1 0th of July the kmg embarked at the Isle of AVight, and on the 11th, sailed with a fleet estimated at 1,100 large ships and oOO small vessels. The prince of Wales accom- panied his father, and numerous noblemen and knights, 4,000 men-at-arms, 10,000 archers, and a body of Irish and Welsh foot soldiers, composed the expedition. On the 12th, a landing was eflected at La Hogue, but it took six days to disembark the horses, troops, and stores. Eleven large French ships were burnt at La Hogue, and many others at Barfleur ; and the towns were subsequently ravaged and burnt for a distance of 120 miles. Cherbourg was included in the devastation, and sixty-one ships of war, having fore and stern castles, besides crayers ^ and small vessels, were captured and burnt. The series of conquests made by Edward belong- to military history ; but it may be as well to mention that the field of Cressy was won, and siege laid to Calais. During the siege of Calais, Sir Walter Manny and his squadron f(3und ample employment in blockading the port, and in pre- venting supplies from being thrown in j and the earls of

' Small merchant vessels of about sixty tons,

14 BATTLES OF [1350.

Northampton and Pembroke did good service on the occasion. Calais surrendered on the 3rd of September, 1347.

  1. — The Spaniards having robbed some English ships, and murdered their crews, and having threatened to destroy- all English shipping, Edward assembled a fleet, and pro- ceeded to Winchelsea. On the 28th of August, he embarked on board the cog Thomas. He was accompanied by the prince of Wales and many great personages, including the earl of Richmond (then too young to wear armour). Sir Walter Manny, and nearly 400 knights. The king, attired in a black velvet jacket and beaver hat, stationed himself in the bow of liis ship, then, we presume, considered the post of honour.^ At length the Spaniards, with forty large ships, de- nominated carracks, hove in sight. So strong and handsome were they, that they were the theme of admiration to all beholders. Each mast was decorated with rich standards and banners; and their tops filled ^vith soldiers and missiles. At 4h. P.M. on Sunday, the 29th, the wind blowing fresh from the north-east, the look-out man announced the enemy's approach. The Spaniards were sailing down channel at a rapid rate, and had they sought to avoid an action, the English ships would not have been able to bring one on. The EngUsh fleet, led by their chivalrous king, stood out to the attack, and on arriving close to a heavy ship, Edward, reckless of consequences, ordered his steersman to lay her aboard ; the order was quickly obeyed, but such was the -violence of the contact, that the mast of the cog Thomas went over the side, the men in the top were drowned, and the ship sprang a dangerous leak. The Spaniard then sheered off", lea-ving Edward to seek another combatant. With difficulty he succeeded in gTappling with an enemy, and, impetuously boarding, carried her, after much opposition. Einding the cog Thomas to be now sinking, a fact previously kept from the knowledge of Edward by his knights, she was abandoned, and sank, the remainder of the crew remo-vdng

^ They are said to have remained three days at anchor ; and, to beguile the time, the king caused his minstrels to play a German dance which Sir John Chandos had recently introduced, and he made Chandos sing with them ; but from time to time the king looked aloft at the man whom he had placed in the castle at the top of the mast, to announce the approach of the Spaniards. — ^Nicolas.


into the prize. In the prize, Edward pursued the enemy (by this time engaged closely by other ships as well), and pushed into the thickest of the fight. The prince of Wales's ship was also in a sinking state, grappled by a huge adversary, when the earl of Lancaster opportunely arrived up, and shouting " Derby, to the rescue ! " boarded and obtained possession of the Spaniard, throwing all who resisted into the sea. The prince had only time to get his followers into the prize, when his own ship foundered. Sir Robert de Namur and his ship, La Salle du Roi, were in imminent danger of being carried off by the Spaniards. He had grappled a large ship, but being warmly opposed, could not overcome his antagonist. The two ships were rapidly leaving the rest of the fleet ; and the English ships were unable to overtake the pair of com- batants. Froissart gives Sir Robert's valet (Hannekin) the credit of extricating the ship from the danger of being run away with, by cutting the halyards of the principal sail, and afterwards the shrouds. The English, taking advantage of the confusion caused by the fall of the yard and sail on the deck, boarded, and driving the Spaniards into the sea, obtained possession of the prize. The Spanish fleet was completely beaten, and twenty-six large ships captured. Edward, satisfied with his victory, stood in-shore, and anchored at Rye, with his prizes. ISTo record is preserved of the casualties on either side, but which must have been numerous.

When all the circumstances of this sea-fight are considered, it must ever rank high in our annals ; for although the English ships were probably more numerous, yet, in such an encounter, the superior size of the Spaniards gave to them an inconceivably great advantage. Not without reason, there- fore, did this victory gain for Edward the title of King of the Sea ; and the prince of Wales, known as Edward the Black Prince, and the young John of Gaunt, gained on this day un- fading laurels. The successes attending the arms of England, wliile they for a time paralyzed the efforts of her enemies, had the effect of rendering the people supine and careless of their best bulwarks, and numerous were the inroads made upon her shipping and seacoast.

  1. — On the 10th of June the earl of Pembroke sailed from Southampton in. command of a squadron, intended for



tlie relief of Roclielle, than besieged by the French. Pem- broke was accompanied by several valiant knights, including Sii' Guichard d' Angle. The king of France ha'ing learnt the object of the expedition, despatched the fleet of his ally the king of Castile, consisting of forty large ships and many barges, to intercept them. The Spaniards were commanded by Ambrosio Bocanegi'a. The English squadron arrived off Bochelle on the :?2nd Jmie ; but the Spaniards were before- hand, and were found lying at the entrance of the harbom*. To engage them was ine\itable, although the inferiority of the force under Pembroke was such as to render it a des- perate undertaking. In addition to the large number of men-at-arms on board the Spanish ships, whose weapons were crossbows and cannon,^ large bars of iron and lead were used with destructive effect. The Spaniards weighed, and being to windward, bore dowTi upon the EngHsh ships with loud shouts and great noise. They were received with similar somids, and the fight became very animated on both -sides. The lofty ships of the Spaniards were, in this instance, more than a match for their comparatively diminutive oppo- nents. Pembroke, and D' Angle, and the other knights, gave most astounding proofs of chivahy ; but, nevertheless, when night put an end to the contest, they were the losers of two barges. The rival squadrons anchored for the night close to Kochelle, and the next morning the fight was resmned by the Spaniards bearing down on the English mth all sail set. Pembroke was attacked by four large ships full of soldiers, and against such fearful odds it was in vain long to contend. The earl and liis brave companions in arms were made prisoners, and the chief part of his ships taken or destroyed. The loss of Guienne w^as attributed to this discomfiture.

Edward III. died 1337, and was succeeded by Richard, whose youth and mental weakness were untoward cii'cum- stances, and of which every advantage Avas taken.

  1. — The French fitted out a fleet, wliich, mider the command of Admiral de Vienne, attacked the sea-coasts of Sassex, and burnt the towm of Rye. On the 21st August, a body of troops was landed on the Isle of Wight, which pillaged and bm'nt the towns and villages. It is also stated

' Froissart.



that PortsmoutL, Dartmoiitli, and Plyiiioutli, were suc- cessively attacked and destroyed by this force. Wliile the country was in this disorganized state, Mercer, a Scotch j^irate, distinguished liimself. With his small squadron he attacked some ships lying under the walls of Scarborough Castle, which he carried off; and being joined by the French, became very formidable. In this stniit John Philpott, an alderman or merchant of London, came forward to the rescue of his country's honour, and at his own expense fitted out a squadron, in which he embarked 1,000 men-at-arms. This squadron put to sea in quest of Mercer, and was fortunate enough to fall in with and completely overpower him. N^ot only were Mercer's ships captured, ]3ut the cliief part of his prizes fell into the hands of the English, all of which were carried into Scarborough. Philpott^ was called to account by the privy comicil for ha\ing acted mthout legal authority, but liis answers were so conclusive, that '•' the lords,"' says Campbell, " were content to dismiss with thanks a man whose virtues were more illustrious than their titles."

  1. — After much exertion a fleet was got together to di'ive the French from the coast of Sussex, along which they had committed much devastation. The earl of Arundel (the king's lieutenant) took command of the exjDedition, and put to sea in March. The earls of Nottingham and Devonshire, and the bishop of Norwich, were jiresent in the fleet, as well as many other distinguished personages. Ha^^ng obtained intelligence that a fleet, composed of Flemish, French, and Spaniards, belonging to the merchants of Hainault and Flanders, laden Avith wine, and commanded by Sir John de Bucq, admiral of the Flemish sea, who had rendered himself conspicuous against the English, was on its passage from Pochelle to Sluys, Arundel took measures to intercept.it.

^ To the reproaches of the earl of Stafford, the sturdy citizen indig- nantly replied, " I did not expose myself, my money, and my men to the dangers of the sea, that I might dejorive you or your colleagues of your knightly fame, nor to acquire it for myself, but from pity for the misery of the people and the country, which from having been a noble realm, with dominion over other nations, has, through your supineness, become exposed to the ravages of the vilest race ; and since you would not lift a hand for its defence, I exposed myself and my property for the safety and deliverance of our country." Philpott was mayor of London in 1377 and 1378, and distinguished himself by other patriotic acts.


T.; •'^mvitm/mmsmmtamtmata^itaamsctamiMmi ■tiniiiiiMjii • mim j j i^—i^ m-

18 BATTLES OF [1404.

On the 24tli March the Flemish fleet was seen, numbering 100 sail. It was freighted -with 19,000 tons of the richest Gascony wine. The Enghsh feigned a retreat ; but the feint did not succeed. The English having, however, gained the wind, bore away in chase, and, after a sharp battle, eighty sail were captured, and some others tv/o days afterwards. ^ Sir John de Bucq was taken prisoner, and died on his parole in England, every offer for exchange or ransom having been declined. In this year Sir Hugh Despenser, who accom- panied the earl of Arundel's squadron, was made prisoner by the Erench. It is stated by French writers, that Sir Hugh was twice taken after severe actions, fought under similar circumstances — once in 1382, and again in 1387. The Monk of St. Denys states, that 400 Normans, who lived by piracy, sailed from Harfleur in May, 1387, to attack an English convoy. After a furious action on both sides, the Normans conquered ; and after sharing the booty among them, the Norman pirates sent the English commander, Despenser (or Spenser), to the king of France, who sent him back to England without ransom, a sort of acknowledgment that the act which effected his capture was a piratical one.

Various private and predatory expeditions occurred during several subsequent years, in which the sea-coasts of England, France, and Brittany, suffered much. In 1404, Sir William Duchatel, in command of a French force, landed at Ply- mouth, and afterwards at Dartmouth, at which latter place that renowned knight and many of his gallant followers were slain by the native peasantry. Several knights were captured at the same time, and the valour of the captors was handsomely acknowledged by Henry lY.

  1. — An expedition, composed chiefly of Castilian gal- leys committed several depredations upon the western ports of England. The galleys first made the coast of Cornwall, attacked and burnt a town called Chita, or, as it is supposed, Looe. At this place the galleys were nearly wrecked by the force of the ebb tide. The Cornish-men assembled in gTcat numbers, and a retreat proving desu-able, the galleys j)i'o- ceeded to Falmouth. Pedro Nino, the Spanish commander, proposed to land and engage the enemy prepared to meet

' Froissart relates that wine was rendered so plentiful in England by the enormous quantity captured, that it was sold at fourpence a gallon.

1415-16.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 19

them, but Sir Charles de Savoisy, on the part of the French, objected, and the project was negatived. The expedition then stood out of the port, and next entered Plymouth, but there also were repulsed, and going further up channel, landed at Portland, which, being undefended, several houses were burnt. They next landed at Poole, to revenge the inroads made by one Henry Pay upon the coasts of Spain and Portugal. Here several houses were biu-nt, and a sharp battle fought, in which Pay's brother fell, and the English were forced to retreat. An unimportant landing at the Isle of "Wight summed up the performances of Pedro Nino for that year ; but in 1406 he made an ineffectual attempt upon the coast of Suffolk, where he narrowly escaped destruction.

  1. — Henry Y., two years after ascending the throne, reasserted the English claim to the French crown ; and as- sembled a flotilla of 1,400 vessels, carrying 24,000 archers and 6,000 men-at-arms, at the head of which force Henry entered the Seine on the 11th August. Harfleur was be- sieged, and surrendered on the 24th September ; and on the 25th October the English army gained the victory at Agincourt.

  2. — Harflem* being closely besieged by the French, an EngHsh fl^et was assembled for its relief, under the duke of Bedford, and Sir Walter Hungerford was appointed admiral. On the 15th August, the fleet, consisting of about 400 small vessels, being off the Seine, had a desperate engagement vrith. a number of large Genoese carracks, which had been hired by the French. The action lasted five hours, and terminated in the defeat of the French and the capture of three gTeat carracks and many small vessels; and 1,500 men are said to have been killed on the side of the enemy, but only 100 on the part of the Enghsh. The French had collected a large force to intercept vessels going to Calais, and the Cinque Port authorities were called upon to fit out ships to put down the enemy. The earl of Warwick, cajjtain of Calais, and five balingers — a description of galley, attacked one of these carracks, which was higher by the length of a lance than the most lofty of the EngHsh vessels. The fight lasted a considerable period, and at last the English, not ha\ing any boarding-ladders, were unable to gain a footing on the enemy's deck. In this action Lord West was killed. While


20 BATTLES GF [1417-92-1512.

standing near tlie mast, putting on his armour to board the carrack, and being without his bacinet, he was struck on the head by a stone, wliich caused his death.

  1. — The earl of Huntingdon, admiral of a scjuadron collected with the view of exterminating pirates, defeated a fleet of large shijDS on the 25th July. The mode of attack was to run slap aboard. Some of the sliips on this occasion came into such violent collision, that their forecastles were knocked away and the men throv,m oA*erboard. In other cases the sliips grapj^led, and decided the ^matter by a hand- to-hand struggle. Huntingdon carried several prizes into Southampton.

On the 29th of July, Henry sailed from Portsmouth with 1,500 vessels on his expedition to France, during the course of which he made liis triumphal entry into Paris, where his title of regent and heir of France was publicly admitted. In the subsequent reign, however, France, vvdtli the exception of Calais, was lost. The wars of York and Lancaster succeeded, and the end of the century arrived, ere the opportunity of attending to foreign disturbances or insults was obtained.

1492.1 — j^^ fi^Q mean time, pirates, or private adventurers who differed little from pirates, kept alive the naval prov/ess of England ; and, with the exception of the taking of Sluys by Sir Edward Poynings in 1492, we meet with no deed of sufficient importance to record. The naval power of England was, however, revived by Hemy VII., and from this period may be dated its gradual rise.

  1. — Sir Andrew Barton, a Scotch adventurer, ha^dng under his command the Lion and Jenny Perwin, committed various depredations upon the English coasts, to the gTcat injury of na^dgation. Tliis he did under the pretext that King James III., the late king of Scotla^nd, had granted him

' A new feature, about this time, began to be generally introduced into the ships of all countries. As early as the thirteentli centur^^ great guns are stated to have been used in a fight between the ships of the Icings of Tunis and Seville ; and, according to some printed representa- tions still extant, cannons were used on board the ships of England in the reign of Eichard III. ; but guns were not then pointed through port-holes, but fired over the ship's bulwarks, and consequently could only be used upon the upper deck.


letters of reprisals against tlie Portuguese, and under this pretence he pkmdered ships of aU nations, alleging that the goods on board were Portuguese. Complaints having been made to the privy council of England, the earl of Surrey, being present, declared " that the narrow seas should not be so infested while he had estate enough to furnish a ship, or a son capable of commanding it." Two ships were accord- ingly fitted out (Campbell supposes at the earl's o^Yn cost), and the command given to Sir Edward and Sir Thomas Hov/^ard. They put to sea, but after cimising in company for some days, separated ; and Sir Thomas Howard was fortunate enough to meet Sir Andrew Barton alone off the Goodwin, Barton being a very experienced sailor and courageous man, made a desperate defence, liimself cheering the crew with the whistle to his last breath. Beiiig, how- ever, mortally wounded, the remainder of his crew submitted, and received quarter. The consort of the Lion was over- taken and caj^tm'ed by Sir Edward Howard, and both prizes were carried in triumph into the Thames.

Henry VII. was the monarch of whom it may be said that he laid the fomidation of the royal navy. From the earliest periods, the ports and maritime towns of the kingdom had furnished their quota of ships, which, assembling at an appointed rendezvous, placed themselves under the orders of the king's officers. The first ship which, strictly speaking, belonged to the royal navy, was the Great Harry, built in 1490.

  1. — War Avas declared against France, and a fleet fitted out, the command of which was conferred upon Sir Edward Howard, lord high admiral. The expedition departed in May, and having conveyed a land expedition to Spain as far as Passages, Sir Thomas Howard (brother of the lord high admiral) landed at Conquet and Brest, burnt the toAvns, and laid the country waste. The French also fitted out a fleet ; but the king having reinforced the English squadron Avith twenty-five large ships, Sir Edward Howard was enabled to offer them battle. Sir Thomas Knivett, or Knevet, commanded the Regent, a ship of 1,000 tons ; ^ and Sir Charles Brandon (who, in addition to the crew, was

' This was the first ship built in Woolwich dockyard.

22 BATTLES OF [1513.

accompanied by Sir Henry Guildford, and sixty of the tallest yeomen of tlie guard, commanded the Sovereign,^ the next ship in size to the Regent. On the 10th of August, the English fleet, numbering forty-five large ships, arrived off Brest just as the French fleet, of thirty-nine sail, was coming out, and Sir Edward Howard made the signal for an engage- ment. The Kegent and Cordeher (the largest ship in the French fleet) attacked each other, as if by mutual consent j both grappled, and a well-contested battle ensued. But the Cordelier unfortunately took fire, and that ship and her antagonist blew up. On board the Kegent, Sir Thomas Ejaivett and 700 men were lost ; and ta the Cordelier, Sh' Pierce Morgan (Sieur Porsmoguer), the French admiral^ and her crew of 900, are supposed to have perished. This is supposed to have been the first sea action in which great ^ms were extensively used. After the destruction of these ships the fleets separated, the French making their €scape into Brest ; but both had sustained considerable damage.

  1. — In the spring of this year a fleet of forty-two large ships, besides tenders, under the orders of Sir Edward Howard, lord high admiral, was despatched to destroy the French fleet in Brest harboiu\ The expedition, on arriving ofi* Brest, found the French fleet ready for sea. The English immediately entered the harbour, and observing that the French had thrown up several batteries for the protection of the fleet, and that such precautions had been taken as to render an attack difficult. Sir Edward Howard resorted to a ruse. He sent the boats of the fleet to an unprepared side of the harbour, with the apparent intention of making a landing there, which drew large bodies of men down to the shore for its protection ; but, in the mean time, the admiral mailed higher up the harbour, and landed opposite the town of Brest. The country was ravaged, and the houses burnt close up to the walls of the citadel, after which the Enghsh fleet withdrew. In the mean time six French galleys anived on the coast, but hearing that the Enghsh were in Brest,


made for the Bay of Conquet, and, for better security, M. Pregent, who commanded the galleys, disposed them between two fortified rocks. After clearmg the harbour, the lord liigh admiral determined on endeavouring to destroy the galleys, but as liis large ships could not go sufficiently close, he took the only two galleys he had, and going on board one, and accompanied by two barges and some boats of the fleet, proceeded to the attack. Sh' Edward succeeded in getting alongside the galley commanded by M. Pregent, when he ordered them to be lashed together, and a hand-to-hand fight ensued. The admiral was followed by a Spanish cavalier, and seventeen men, and their impetu- osity was such as at first to bear down all resistance ; but the galleys having separated, the French rallied, and in their turn successfully attacked the Enghsh. Borne down by numbers, many were driven into the sea, among them the heroic admiral; and one seaman only remained alive of all who had boarded. Lord Ferrers, who commanded the other galley, was also defeated. ^ The king was much dis- tressed at the loss of so valuable a subject; and immediately appointed Sir Edward's brother, Sir Thomas Howard, to the post of lord high admiral ; placing at the same time a large force at his disposal. Su* Thomas Howard ampl}^ revenged his brother's loss ; and on the 1st of July in the same year, landed in Whitsand Bay, pillaged the adjacent country, and burnt a large town.

Flushed with his temporary success, M. Pregent landed on the coast of Sussex, where he ravaged the country,

^ Previously to making tliis bold attempt upon the French fleet, Sir Edward Howard, feeling convinced of the practicability of the design, proposed to the privy council that his majesty shoiild have the chief command in so glorious an enterprise. Those, however, to whom this spirited proposal was made, altogether objected to the king's placing himself in so exposed a situation, and the proposition of the well-meaning- admiral was sharply negatived. Piqued by the style of this refusal, Sii" Edward Howard (whose maxim was that a seaman never did good who was not resolute to the verge of madness) determined upon the desperate line of conduct which he fell in pursuing. Finding his death or capture certain, after his galley had separated from him, he took his chain of gold nobles, which hung round his neck, and his great gold whistle, the insignia of his office, and threw them into the sea, in order that the spoils of an English admiral should not fall into possession of an enemy.

24 BATTLES OF [1.514-22-44-4.5.

and acquired some booty ; but lie was speedily obliged to retire by Sir Thomas Howard.

  1. — M. Pregent again landed on the Sussex coast, and burnt Brighton, in return for which a similar descent was made by Sir John Wallop in Normandy.

1522.^ — War was acfain declared as^ainst France — Eruland being joined by Charles "V., emperor of Germany.

A large fleet being assembled by the confederate powers, the joint command was conferred upon Thomas Howard, earl of Surrey ; but its operations were confined to a few unimportant conquests over the towns on the French coast about Picardy and Champagne. During the year ensuing (1523), similar attacks were made by an English squadron under Sir William Fitz Williams. From this year til] 1544 was a period of peace.

  1. — Henry having declared war against France, sailed with a large force for Calais, and from thence attacked and took Boulogne. The French king drew all his naval force as well as an army together, to attempt its recovery.

  2. — The fleet destined for the attack of Boulogne being in readiness before the army, was ordered to proceed to the coast of England. The French fleet arrived ofi" the east end of the Isle of Wight on the 18th of July. One of their largest ships, mounting 100 pieces of brass cannon, took fire just before the fleet's leaving port, and was totally destroyed. The fleet which thus menaced England consisted of 150 large ships, and sixty vessels of a lesser size, besides galleys. King Henry, hearing of the approach of this for- midable fleet, proceeded to Portsmouth, to expedite the equipment of 100 sail of ships, then getting ready at that port. On the appearance of the enemy ofi" St. Helen's, he instantly ordered all the ships ready for sea to proceed to the attack ; but the ]\Iary Pose, of sixty guns, was iq:>set in a light squall, and sank. Sir George Carew and his ship's com- 2^any, except thirty-five, perishing.^ The loss of this ship

' About this time muskets cr matchlocks were introduced into the navy.

■^ Several guns and decayed portions of the wreck of the Mary Hose were recovered in 1835. A number of stone shot were amongst the relics obtained. About the middle of the century, iron superseded stone shot.



was oA^dng to tlie lovv-ness of her ports ; wliicli were not more tliaii sixteen inches from the water. The whole force which the English had to oppose to the formidable fleet of the French did not exceed sixty ships ; but the French con- tented themselves with making a demonstration, and with landing a few men at different places on the Isle of Wight, and in attacking Brighton. The chief part of the fighting took place between the row-galleys of the French and some of the English ships, the Great Harry bearing the brunt. ]M. du Bellay, a French writer, states that the English in this action possessed a sort of light vessel, called by the French " rambarges," and by the English, " pinnaces," which were of great length and narrow. They used both sails and oars, and pulled Avith great rapidity. They attacked the Frencli galleys Avith great success, and completely routed them. Peace was concluded June 7th, 1546.

Durincf the short reimi of Edward YI. few naval actions occurred of any consequence, the principal having l^een in prosecuting the war against Scotland.

  1. — In this year Boulogne was recaptured. The French also made an attempt upon the islands of Guernsey and Jersey, which they attacked with a large squadron of ships of war, and 2,000 land forces. The English govern- ment having notice of this invasion, and being aware that the islands were indifferently pro\ided, despatched a squadron and 800 men, under the command of Commodore (afterwards Sir William) Winter. On the arrival of the English com- modore, he found the islands closely besieged ; but undis- mayed by the superior force of the French, he gallantly attacked and completely defeated them, killing near 1,000 men, and compelling the remainder to seek safety in flight. The ships of war fell into the hands of the English, by whom they were burnt. ^

26 BATTLES OF [1559-69.


The commencenieiit of Elizabeth's reign gave evidence of the high value she placed upon her sailors, and throughout it we find abundant proofs of tlie good effect of her tending. The " dominion of the seas" had been claimed by the Saxon kings ; but many hard battles had to be fought to establish the assumed supremacy ; and, to a female's sovereign hand we owe, in great measure, the foundation of our naval power. One of the first acts of Elizabeth's reign was to store her magazines. She ordered several pieces of brass and iron cannon to be cast, and caused large quantities of gunpowder to be made, the first manufactured in England. The number of ships of the navy she caused to be considerably increased, and in a short time collected a well-equipped and powerful fleet. By her encouragement of private adventures, also, she induced numerous powerful and wealthy individuals to fit out sliips to cruise against Spain, and these, when assailed by foreign foes, she brought to serve her. With these means at her command, Elizabeth might be said to have exercised control over a fleet capable of employing 20,000 seamen. At length, however, the spirit of privateering grew to such a height that the queen was obHged to exert her utmost power to restrain it.

  1. — A dispute having occurred respecting the restora- tion of certain treasure landed at Plymouth from some Spanish ships, driven into that port by French pirates, reprisals were resorted to by both parties, and many Spanish ships were taken by English cruisers. Althotigh hostilities were not formally declared, numerous private adventures were fitted out against the Spaniards, and inconceivably large sums of gold obtained. The stimulus thus furnished induced a vast number of daring characters to adventure life and limb, and many individuals thus brought forward lent


<> J:^^)a.ay^

1576-88.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 27

theii' aid to strike terror into tlie enemies of England, and, in jDroportion, to embolden the nation, relying on the protec- tion of the navy from foreign invasion.

  1. — In consequence of the seizure of an English bark by some Huguenot privateers, the queen issued her orders to the lord high admiral to "scour the narrow seas." Ac- cordingly, "William Holdstock, esquire, comptroller of the navy, with three light frigates, carrying 360 men, was ordered on this service, and he executed his task with such diligence that, between the Eoreland and Falmouth, he cap- tiured twenty privateers of different nations, containing 900 men, and recaptured fifteen merchant ships, their prizes.

The daring exploits of Drake and his band, and of the many other adventurers, and the quantity of gold taken by them from the Spaniards, at length drew down upon Eng- land the threatened vengeance of that powerfud nation. Hitherto, for nearly twenty years, conquest and insult had been obtained and offered with impunity ; but the patience of the Spaniards was at leng-th exhausted, and in consequence the formidable armada, termed by them "invincible," was fitted out, which was to crush and annihilate England and her puny defenders.

  1. — This fleet consisted of 132 large ships, averaging 448 tons burden each, together with numerous galleases, and many smaller vessels, mounting in all 3,165 pieces of brass and iron ordnance. On board these vessels were embarked 51,855 soldiers, 8,776 mariners, and 2,088 galley-slaves. On board the armada were carriages, horses, mules, chains, wliips, butchering-knives, thumb-screws, &c., showing that the Spaniards, if successful, were bent upon grandeur as well as vindictive retaliation. Twelve ships were named after the apostles, and priests to the number of 180 were embarked on board the different ships. The cost of daily maintenance of this fleet, and its crew, &c.,has been estimated at 32,000 ducats. The fleet of England, in comparison with this vast flotilla, was miserably small, and yet the sequel proved that the battle is not always to the strong. Charles Howard, earl of Effingham, was selected to command the tiny fleet, as lord liigh admiral ; to whose precautions and able measures Eng- land was mainly indebted for the triumph obtained over her formidable foe.

28 BATTLES OF [1588.

On the 21st of May, the lord high admiral, lea^dng Lord Henry Seymour in the narrow seas mth forty sail of English and Dutch shijDS, to watch the movements of the duke of Parma, departed from the Downs, and sailed down Channel "with as many ships as he could procure, and twenty merchant sliips. On the 23rd of May he arrived at Plymouth, where he was joined by Sir Francis Drake, whom the lord high admiral appointed his vice-admiral, with 60 ships. The English fleet then amounted to 90 sail, and after storing and victualling the ships, the whole put to sea, and cruised in the mouth of the Channel between Ushant and SciUy.

England, in the meanwhile, was left in the most feverish state of excitement. The vast preparations and the de- nounced vengeance of a bigoted and enraged nation — acting upon minds ignorant of the streng-th and prowess of their sailors, which was to j^rotect them from the threatened horrors — caused great consternation : nor was the alarm altogether ill founded. The fleet of England was composed of sliips collected in such manner as the short time permitted, and few of them were calculated to contend with the power- ful ships of Spain. Dr. Campbell thus describes the English fleet :—

Men-of-war belonging to her Majesty 17

Other ships hired for this ser'ice ^ . . . . 12

Tenders and store-ships 6

iFurnished by the City of London (being double the number de- manded), all well manned and well provided 16

Tenders and store-ships - 4

Furnished by the City of Bristol ; large and strong ships, and which

did good service ^ 3

Prom Barnstaple, merchant ships converted into frigates ........ 3

Prom Exeter 2

A tender and stout pinnace 2

Prom Plymouth, stout ships equal to the men-of-war 7

Under Lord Henry Sejmiour . . , 16

Ships furnished by the nobility, gentry, and commons of England. . 43 By the Merchant Adventurers, prime ships and excellently well

furnished 10

A fly-boat and Sir W. "Winter's pinnace 2


The number embarked on this occasion did not exceed


15,000 men, while the Spanish force was manned by 8,7 G 6 mariners and 21,855 soldiers.

On the 1st June, this fleet of Spain sailed from the Tagus, v.ith all the pomp and pride imagina})le ; hut they had not reached further than Cape Finisterre, Avhen a gale of wind dispersed them. Several of the galleys deserted and took refuge in a port of France, and many of the ships would, doubtless, have fallen into the hands of the English had not a northerly wind sprung up, which enabled them to i-each their own shores. The report of this dispersion of the Spa- nish armada reached England, and being greatly exagge- rated, it was stated that the whole fleet was destroyed, and that no attempt upon England could be made until the next year. Accordingly, the lord liigh admiral was ordered to dismantle four of his largest ships ; but the admiral objected to this measure, and offered to maintain the ships at his own charge, rather than weaken Ms force by their loss. Dis- trusting the report of the damages sustained by the armada, the admiral determined on standing over to the coast of Spain, to ascertain by his own observation their truth or falsehood. He arrived within a short distance of the coast, where he learnt the real extent of the injury received in the gale ; and, the wind sliifting to the southward, he returned in all haste to Plymouth. On the 12th of July he arrived at Plymouth, and used all expedition in refitting and revic- tualUng his fleet. Nor was his haste unnecessary ; for the same wind which had brought the English fleet to England was also wafting the huge armada to her shores.

On the 19th of July tliis dreaded enemy, commanded by the duke of Medina Sidonia, after encountering much bad weather, apjoeared oflT the Enghsh Channel. They made the Lizard, but mistaking it for the Ram Head, stood off to sea again, with the intention, on the following morning, of at- tacking the EngHsli fleet in Plymouth Sound. But on the same day. Captain Thomas Fleming, commanding an English privateer, discovered them, and made all speed to Plymouth with the intelligence. The wind blew fresh from the south- west ; but, notwithstanding the great difiiculty of clearing the Sound vvdth that ^vind, so great was the anxiety of the lord high admiral, that he persevered, and got out in the after- noon of the same day, but with six sliips only. On the 20th,

iiimcTiMii inr-«i«iiM>i-^i I MiMiiiiiiimi'T- i i ■ ■ i '■— -i-- ■ -"^'i i " i t ■■ ' '' ''' ** ''""nii ' ' ""

30 BATTLES OF [1588.

many more ships got out, and with his fleet of fifty-four sail, he stood off shore in search of the enemy. The Spanish armada was soon discovered, extending in a line abreast, of near seven miles in extent, and steering up Channel before the wind. " The ships," says Lediard, " appeared like so many floating castles, and the ocean seemed to groan under the weight of their heavy burdens." The lord high ad- miral did not attempt to arrest their progress, but waited for the remainder of his ships to come out of Plymouth, v^hen he intended to attack their rear. The next morning, being Sunday, July 21, many ships having joined the English fleet, which now amounted to 100 sail, the lord liigh admiral ordered a pinnace, called the Defiance, commanded by Mr. William Cope, to proceed to the attack, and to denounce war against the enemy, whilst he, in his own shij), the Ark- Royal, followed up the attack. The ship the admiral en- gaged, he mistook for the Spanish admiral's, and he fought her until several ships dropped astern to her rescue, when, being imsupported, he was obHged to leave off action. Drake, Hawkins, and Forbisher, also, gallantly advanced and at- tacked the enemy, and so animated was the fire those expe- rienced leaders kept up, that the Spanish fleet was thrown into the greatest confusion. The English ships, though in- significant in point of size, possessed the advantages of being easily handled and good sailing, and therefore attacked their enemies wherever they appeared most vTilnerable and in dis- order. At length the admiral thought fit to recall his sliij^s, to await the junction of forty sliips still in Plymouth. Dm^ing the night the wind increased, and several Spanish shij)S got foul of one another, and were much damaged. Among them was a galleon, which, having lost her foremast and bowsprit, was deserted by her crew, and became a prize to Sir Francis Drake, Avho, it seems, had closely followed the armada during the night, as had also the lord high admiral, with the "White Bear and Mary Eose. In the morning, therefore, the admiral and his immediate followers were a long distance in advance of the body of the fleet.

On the 23rd, the second engagement took place. The wind having changed to north-east, the Spanish fleet was under the necessity of bringing on an action, and at day- break bore down upon the EngHsli fleet, which, upon seeing'


the design of the Spaniards, tacked to the westward. In the course of a short time the action commenced. Confusion reigned triumjjhant, and it is probable that the EngHsh were as much indebted to the shot of the Spaniards for their success as to their o^vn. Personal bravery was everywhere consj)icuous. The diminutive size of the English ships pre- served them from injury, the shot of their lofty adversaries passing harmlessly over them. Mr. WiUiam Cope, who was a volunteer on the occasion, in a small pinnace called the Defiance, fell in the action whilst performing j)rodigies of valour. The ^vind was blowing fresh with a heavy sea, which increased the confusion of the Spaniards, and the nimble and well-handled ships of the English committed great devasta- tion with impunity. To give anything like a correct detail of this day's battle would be impossible. The wind shifted from north-east to south-east and south-south-east, and tliis, together with the number of ships, caused separations. These separations again gave rise to acts of bravery and skni, to succour the over-pressed ; but it does not appear that any decisive advantage was gained by the English be- yond taking one large Venetian sliip and several small vessels. The fight continued throughout the day with unabated vigour, so lonof as the Eno-lish ammunition lasted.

On the 24th, a cessation of firing took place, the English having no powder ; and the lord high admiral availed him- self of the respite to bring his fleet into better order. He divided the fleet into four squadrons, himself commanding one iu the Ark-Royal, and committing the other tliree to the charge of Sir Erancis Drake, in the Revenge, Sir John Hawkins, in the Victory, and Captain Martin Eorbisher, in the Triumph. On the 25th, the armada had reached as far up Channel as the Isle of Wight, and here, having out- sailed the St, Ann, a Portuguese galleon, the Victory made her a prize. But Sir John Hawkins did not keep his rich booty without some trouble : three Spanish galleases (a powerful description of galley mounting heavy guns) ap- proached to her rescue ; but these were at length beaten off*, with much loss, by the Ark-Royal and the Golden Lion.

This action took place during a calm, both fleets looking on, but neither being able to take any part, with the excep- tioD of the two ships above named, which were towed by the

32 BATTLES OF [1589.

galleys to the attack of the galleases. A few other skir- mishes occurred this day, but no decisive battle ; and on the succeeding day it was determined not to attack the armada asain until it had arrived in the Straits of Dover. The Spaniards accordingly pursued their course, the English fol- lowing them at a respectfid distance.

On the 27th of July the armada anchored off Calais, and the English fleet, now amounting to 140 sail, also anchored at no great distance to the westward. Here the lord liigh admiral fitted out eight of his oldest ships for fire-ships, and on the night of the 28th sent them among the Spanish fleet under Captains Young and Prowse. On the near approach of these ships to the Sf)aniards they were fired, and caused a universal panic and much loss, although it does not seem that any actual damage was committed by the burning vessels. Several of the Spaniards, having put to sea to avoid the fire-sliips, were driven past Calais, and were warmly attacked by the Revenge, Victory, Nonpareil, Mary Rose, Hope, Dreadnought, Swallow, and several others. The loss to the Spaniards in these various encounters was very great. A galleon, the St. Matthew, was captured, the St, Pliilip was cast away, and, in short, the whole Spanish fleet, reduced to the utmost distress, determined on retreating from the scene of their reverses. The poor remains of this once proud fleet reached the Spanish coast about the end of September, in a miserable plight, having lost ten of their number on the coast of Ireland, and, altogether, forty large ships, which had foundered or had been captured or destroyed in the Channel. The loss to the English amounted only to one small ship, and about 100 men ; wliile the loss to the Spaniards, accord- ing to several accounts, amounted to 10,185 men. In reward for his devotion and skill, the lord high admiral was created earl of Nottingham, and was further made lord justice itinerant of all the forest south of Trent.

  1. — In the following year an expedition was fitted out against the Spaniards, conjointly by the queen and by private adventurers. Queen Elizabeth furnished six ships and £60,000, and committed the naval charge of the expe- dition to Sir Francis Drake. Lisbon was attempted, and found too strong ; but at Cascaes the castle was taken and blovrn up, and a number of small vessels belonging to the

1590-91.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 33

Hanse Towns, illegally trading, were taken. The fleet returned laden with much booty, and 150 j)ieces of cannon, but having lost near 6,000 men by disease.

In the same year another semi-national expedition, under the earl of Cumberland and Vice-Admiral William Monson, was fitted out, consisting of three ships of the royal navy and several private ships, which committed much damage upon the coasts and shipping of the Spaniards ; but the English suffered very severe privations, and sustained very heavy losses.

  1. — Elizabeth assigned the annual sum of <£8,970 to the repairs of the royal navy, but the great strength of this branch of her power still remained with private adventurers, who, since the trade had become so lucrative, had fitted out squadrons in vast numbers. The trade of Spain was entirely unprotected, save by the merchants themselves, but who were unable to hold out against the skill and courage, heightened by cupidity, of the daring rovers who bore the flag of England, and whose deeds were sanctioned and approved by their queen. In this year ten ships of the queen, commanded by Sir John Hawkins and Sir Martin Eorbisher, were despatched to intercept the India fleet ; but the enterprise failed, omng to intelligence of the expedition having reached Pliilip, king of Spain, who sent orders to keep the India ships back.

  2. — A fleet of seven queen's ships, — Defiance, Revenge, Nonpareil, Bonaventure, Lion, Foresight, and Crane, under the command of Lord Thomas Howard, sailed with the pur- pose of intercepting the India ships, which had during the preceding year been kept back. The expedition, which was veiy badly found, departed for the Azores, and anchored at Elores, where for six months it awaited the approach of the treasure-ships. In the mean time, Don A Iphonso Bassano was despatched by the Spanish king to convoy the fleet home ; and hearing of the small force of the English squadron at Flores, he determined on attacking it. The English squadron was wholly imprepared ; and, to add to their disasters, the crews had suffered much from sickness. Hearing of the approach of the Spanish force, however, the admiral put to sea immediately, though %vith scarcely half his men. The brunt t)i the engagement which followed was principally borne by


34 BATTLES OP [1591.

the Revenge, commanded by Sir Kichard GrenviUe. Tliis ship was laid on board at one and the same time by the St. Philip, of 1,-500 tons and seventy-eight guns, and four other of the largest Spanish ships, filled with soldiers. IsTotwithstanding the inequality of the conflict, the brave crew of the Revenge, headed by the gallant captain, who, though wounded early in the action, refused to quit the deck, repulsed every attempt at boarding, and maintained the fight from 3h. P. M. until midnight, at wliich time, the intrepid captain received a wound in the body from a musket-ball. He was then obliged to be carried below to have his wound dressed, and wliile under the surgeon's hands, received another shot in the head : the surgeon was killed at his side.

The gallant crew held out till dayhght, by which time the ship was reduced to a mere wreck, and her decks were co- vered with the killed and wounded. Their ammunition also was expended, and nothing remained but to surrender. The remaining officers and crew, however, refused to strike, unless they were promised their Hberty, which the Spaniards consenting to, the ship was surrendered. But although the first prize to the Spaniards, the Revenge was not doomed to be a trophy which could be exhibited, as she foundered a few days afterwards with 200 of the Spanish crew which had been placed in her. Of her devoted crew, only sixty sur^dved this glorious action ; and scarcely one of them but bore the marks of the desperate encounter. At one time they had fought against fifteen ships of the enemy, and the Spaniards, it is said, lost near 1,000 men before they subdued their brave enemy. Sir Richard Grenville was carried on board the Spanish admiral's ship, where he died two days afterwards ; nor did the Spaniards refrain from acknowledging his extraordinary courage and behaviour. The remaining ships of the English squadron, unable to cope with the greatly superior force of the Spaniards, withdrew from the contest, and after making a few unimportant captures, returned to England.

Sir George Carey also attacked a Spanish squadron, of greatly superior force, in the West Indies, but being deserted by two of his ships, was unable to bring about a victorious result.

We feel bound to mention the bravery of Captain Brad-

OB; 1618.

l092-94:-95.] THE BRITISH NAYY. 35

sliaw, who, in command of a mercliant sliip called tlie Centurion, on her return from Marseilles to England, was attacked by five large Spanish galleys, in the Straits of Gibraltar. Two of the galleys, filled with men, attempted to board the Centurion on each side, and the other one astern ; but notwithstanding that Captain Bradshaw had only forty- eight men and boys to oppose to this numerous force, he succeeded in defeating every attack, and preserved his ship with the loss of only four men kiUed, and ten wounded.

  1. — In 1592, an expedition, under Sir Martin For- bisher, consisting of ships belonging to the queen, and Sir Walter Kaleigh, and others, conjointly sailed for the coast of Spain, and took many ships of the enemy. Among them was a carrack, called Madre de Dios, which, from the descrip- tion given, must have been a ship of the most extraordinary kuid. '• She had," says Lediard, " seven decks of 165 feet from stem to stern, was of 1,600 tons burden, manned with 600 men, and carried thirty-two brass guns. Her cargo was valued at £150,000, on her arrival in England, besides what the officers and seamen had plundered her of when taken." The queen's adventure in this voyage was only two ships, one of which, the least of the two, was at the taking of the carrack ; in wtue of which, she assumed power over the whole of the valuable cargo, taking what portion of it she pleased, and making the remainder of the adventurers submit to her pleasure, with whom, it is said, she dealt but in- differently.

  2. — Sir Martin Forbisher was sent T^dth four of her majesty's shij)s — the Vanguard, Rainbow, Dreadnought, and Acquittance — to aid the French in the attack upon Brest, then in the possession of the Spaniards. The admiral entered the harbour with his ships, and attacked the forts with much vigour ; but the defence was so well conducted, that a gTcat number of men and officers were kiUed and wounded. But at leng-th the place was surrendered, and the garrison put to the sword. Sir Martin Forbisher, a brave and skilful admiral, was here lost to his country ; for, being wounded in the hip by a small shot, he died of his woimd, after bringing liis squadron to Plymouth.

  3. — An imsuccessful expedition, which sailed in the following year to the West Indies, also deprived the nav^^ of


36 BATTLES OF [1596.

two other skilful seamen and brave commanders, — Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins.

  1. — On the 1st of June an expedition, consisting of

the following ships — Repulse, Ark-Royal, Mere Honour,

Warspight, Lion, Rainbow, Nonpareil, Vanguard, Mary Rose,

Dreadnought, Swiftsure, Acquittance, Crane, and Tramontane,

of her majesty's, and Dutch and hired vessels to the number

of 126 — sailed from Plymouth under the command of Charles

Howard, earl of Nottingham, lord high admiral. The

charge of the land expedition rested with the earl of Essex.

The design of this armament was to destroy the Spanish

fleet in Cadiz, which, it was said, was fitting to renew the

attempt upon England. In the fleet were many of the most

skilful commanders the navy could boast, by dint of whose

exertions the armament was equipped with such great

celerity, that it arrived off Cadiz before any news of its

preparation had reached Spain. This was also owing to the

admiral's precaution in detaining every vessel, small or large,

which he chanced to fall in with. On the 20th of June the

expedition arrived off Cadiz, and on the following morning

the smallest and fastest of the ships entered the harbour of

Cadiz, commanded by the lord high admiral in person,

havinof under him his son. Lord Thomas Howard, Sir Walter

Raleigh, Sir Thomas Southwell, Sir Thomas Carew, Sn'

William Monson (knighted for this service), and several

others. The soldiers also, under the earl of Essex, attacked

and took the town, and would have put the garrison to the

sword, had it not been ransomed by the payment of about

600,000 ducats. The lord high admiral refused to allow

the fleet lying in Puerto Real to be ransomed, although two

millions of ducats were offered, but sent Sir Walter Raleigh

and Lord Thomas Howard to destroy it. The Spanish

ships fought well, but in the end were completely defeated.

Spain lost two rich galleons, carrying together 100 brass

guns, which were taken ; thirteen ships of war, eleven ships

freighted for the West Indies, and thirteen others : and

1,200 pieces of ordnance were taken or sunk. The damage

was estimated at twenty millions of ducats. Cadiz was

plundered, all the forts demolished, and a great part of the

town laid in ashes ; and having effected all this, the English

fleet departed on the 5th of July, for Ferrol, but found the




to^sTi deserted by its inhabitants. The lord high admiral was desirous of crowning his triumph by the capture of the treasure-ships, but in his proposal he found no supporters, and the fleet returned to England.

The king of Spain, enraged at these successes, fitted out a large fleet, with the design of taking revenge, but he was again forestalled by the prudent foresight of the queen, and by the skill of her subjects. He had collected a great many ships in the harbour of Ferrol, with the intention to invade Ireland ; and a large fleet of 120 of English and Dutch sliips, under the command of the earl of Essex, having under him Admiral Sir "William Monson, finally sailed from Plymouth on the 17th of August, Avith the intention of frustrating his object. It was found impracticable, however, to attack the shipping in Ferrol, and after having suflfered much from bad weather, the fleet sailed to the Azores. Fayal was taken, and Gracioza ; they also fell in with the India fleet, but from, great mismanagement, the whole were suffered to escape, and the expedition returned to England greatly dis- ajjpointed.

In 1602 an expedition was fitted out against the Spaniards, under the command of Sir Kichard Levison and Sir W. Monson, but it met with no very decided success, with the exception of taking a large caiTack of 1,600 tons, and burn- ing a few galleys at Coimbra.

38 BATTLES OP [1620-52.


  1. — In the month of October, 1620, a squadron of six ships of war, and twelve hired ships, under the command in chief of Sir Kobert Mansel, vice-admiral of England, sailed from Plymouth on an expedition to Algiers. By negotiation, forty Christian slaves were recovered. In the following spring, this squadron, reinforced fi'om England, attempted to destroy the Algerine shipping in the harbour, but failed in performing anything at aU Avorthy the extent of power employed.

Passing over the remaining few and unimportant naval transactions of the commencement of this century, we proceed to an important era — 1652 — a year famous for the naval battles fought, not agaiust luxurious Spaniards, but against men as hardy and brave as any age or country ever pro- duced.

  1. — On the l-lthof May, Captain Young, commanding an English man-of-war in the Channel, fell in with a Dutch squadron off the back of the Isle of Wight, the commander of which refused to strike his flag. This being a mark of respect which ships of the English navy had been accustomed to receive. Captain Young opened fire upon the Dutch com- mander's ship, and compelled her to haul do^Ti her flag.

This was succeeded on the IStli of the same month by another quarrel. The Dutch had assembled a fleet of 150 ships, under the command of Marten Harpetz Tromj), com- monly called Van Tromp, and celebrated for .skill and bravery. A small squadron, under the command of Captain (formerly Major) Nehemiah Bourne, was lying in. the Downs, when Tromp, with a fleet of forty ships, put in there, as he said, from stress of weather. Bourne remarked, by way of re- joinder, that the truth of his reason would best appear by the shortness of Ms stay ; and requested him to leave the


anchorage, sending, at the same time, notice to General Robert Blake, who was riding in Dover Roads with fifteen ships. The next day, the Dutch fleet beat down to Dover, and was entering the roadstead, when General Blake opened fire upon the leading Dutch ship, in consequence of her not paying the required homage of striking the flag. Tromp's fleet immediately returned this fire with the broadsides of as many of his ships as would bear, and the English squadron then got underway, the better to manoeuvre with the enemy. Blake, desirous of settling the dispute by single combat with Tromp, took the lead ; but his chivalry drew upon him the united fire of the Dutch ships near him. Being joined by Bourne's division, the combat would have been upon more equal terms ; but the Dutch, not inclined to risk a general engagement, made sail away, leaving two ships in possession of the English, and having lost many men.

On the 4th of July, Vice- Admiral Sir George Ayscue (or Ayscough), who had just returned from the West Indies — having in his passage captured four ships of war and ten merchant ships — attacked the St. Ubes fleet of forty sail, on the French coast, thirty of which were taken or destroyed.

On the 8th of July, war was formally declared between England and Holland ; and on the 12th, two Enghsh frigates, commanded by Captains Peacock and Taylor, en- gaged two Dutch ships of war ofl" the coast of Flanders. After a close engagement, one ship was boarded and taken, but soon afterwards sank, and the other ran on shore.

On the 13th, Blake took a large homeward-bound convoy.

On the 16th of Augaist, Vice- Admiral Sir George Ayscue being off Plymouth with thirty-eight sail, for the protection of the English trade, fell in with Admiral De Ruyter, who, with a fleet of equal force, was convoying about fifty outward- bound merchant ships down the channel. De Ruyter showed no unwillingness to fight ; and taking twenty merchant ships into his own fleet, bore down upon the English, in line abreast. The English vice-admiral, with nine of his head- most ships, behaved nobly, passing between the Dutch ships, and engaging them with much vigour. The fight lasted from four in the afternoon mitil dark ; but being ill supported by many ships. Sir George Ayscue was unable to capture any of the Dutch ships, but sank two, and killed many of their

40 BATTLES OF [1652".

men. Rear-Admii^al Peck lost a leg, and died of his wound ; and one fire-ship was captured. Sir George followed the Dutch fleet the next day, but was unable to overtake it.

About the end of July, an English squadron of three small ships of war and one fire-ship, under Commodore Richard Bodley (or Bacliley), while convoying four merchant ships, engaged a Dutch squadron of eleven sail, under Admiral Van Galen — one of the ships being commanded by Cornelius, son of Yan Tromp. The fight lasted two days. The first day's action took place ofi* Elba, and lasted till dark, %vithout much advantage to either party. Three Dutch ships separated in the night from the main body, and bemg becalmed, could not effect a rejunction : but eight large sliips bore down upon the four English vessels (Commodore Bodley having sent his convoy into port), and engaged them with much fury. Van Galen laid Bodley's ship aboard, but liis ship having been thrice set on fire, he sheered off -with much loss. A second ship taking her place, was also beaten off mth the loss of her mainmast. This ship was boarded by the Phoenix, an English frigate, and carried ; but the latter being left almost deserted by her crew, was in turn boarded and taken by another Dutch ship, and her prize recaptured. Commodore Bodley's ship was again boarded by two Dutch ships ; but the crew de- fended her with great courage, and succeeded in beating them off, though ^\ith the loss of 100 men killed and wounded. The squadron, now much disabled, bore up for Porto Logon e, leaving the Dutch sliips much cut up in hulls, sails, and rigging.

The Phoenix was retaken on the 26th of November, m Leghorn Roads, by the boats of Commodore Appleton's squadron, commanded by Captain Owen Cox, who had been a lieutenant of her. The following is the Dutch narrative : — " The Phoenix was given to Captain Van Tromp, whose ship had been quite disabled m the late action, and lay at anchor in Leghorn Roads, where, tliinking themselves secure, they spent their time in mirth and jolHty. Cox manned three boats with tliirty men in each ; and, in addition to then- weapons, each man was provided with a bag of meal to tlu'ow in the eyes of the Dutchmen. On St. Andrew's day, in the evening, Cox left his ship, but, o^dng to the darkness of the night, parted from one of the boats, which caused some


delay ; but the boat rejoined, and at day light all three were alonjrside the frigate- The boats' crews had each their appointed work. One had to cut the cables, the second to go aloft and loose the sails, while the thiixl closed the hatches, and kept the crew in subjection. Tromp was below ; but hearing the alarm, he rushed out of his cabin, and discharged his pistols at the English, who were, however, by that time masters of the frigate ; so, leaping out of the cabin- window, he swam to a Dutch ship astern, and was taken up. The Phoenix was carried off in triumph, and reached Naples in safety." This violation of the neutrality of the port of Leg- horn gave great offence to the gi'and duke of Tuscany, and caused his highness to remonstrate with the parliament, and to order the English ships to quit his territories. The par~- lia,ment disavowed the act, and gave orders for the recall of Commodore Appleton, under whose directions the act com- plained of had been committed.

The Dutch fleet, commanded by Admirals De Witte and De Kuyter — Tromp, m consequence of his preN-ious want of success, being in disgrace with his government — appeared off the Good^vin in large force, in the month of September ; but the weather was so unsettled, that the English fleet could not weigh until the 28th. On that day, at noon, the Dutch fleet was discovered, consisting of fifty-nine sail of men-of-war, besides many smaller vessels ; and the English, of nearly equal force, under Blake, having with him Yice-Admiral Penn, stood towards them with a fresh breeze at west by north. At about 3h. p.m., Blake, in the Resolution, ha-ving only a portion of the fleet up with him, with Yice-Admiral Penn, in the James, of sixty guns, shortened sail, to allow the remainder of his ships to close, and at 4h. most of the' ships having joined, chase was given to the Dutch, and an engagement shortly afterwards took place. The Sovereign, Captain Peed, one of the largest ships of the English fleet, touched on the Kentish knock. The ship, however, soon got off again, and engaged and sank a Dutch rear-admiral's ship. Several of the largest English ships also grounded on tliis shoal ; but the Dutch, drawing less water, went over it. Eour Dutch ships were dismasted at the onset. One rear- admiral was taken by the Nonsuch, 40-gTin ship ; Captain Mildmay and two captains were among the prisoners. About

42 BATTLES OF [1653.

300 men were killed and as many wounded on board the English ships, and their masts and sails much damaged ; but they pursued the Dutch on the two following days to the mouth of the Texel^ and then returned into port with their prizes.

The season of the year being far advanced, the parhament had incautiously reduced the fleet under Blake to little more than forty ships, deeming another attack from the Dutch improbable. On the 29th of November, in the morning, the admiral, whose flag was flying on board the Triumph, of sixty guns, was lying in Dover Eoads with the remains of his fleet, when he perceived a Dutch fleet of eighty large ships, and small vessels, in all ninety-five, commanded by Tromp, at anchor two leagues to leeward. Blake immediately got under- way to meet the enemy, who had also weighed anchor. At about the pitch of the Ness, the leading ships of the two fleets met, and a vigorous battle ensued. As other ships got xip, many broadsides were exchanged, which killed and wounded six- teen men in the Triumph. The Victory, of fifty guns, Cap- tain John Mann, was hard pressed by the enemy ; but the Vanguard, Captain Joseph Jordan, and some other ships coming up, rescued her. The Garland frigate was boarded by two large Dutch ships bearing admirals' flags, and cap- tured, after a long and obstinate engagement, and the Tri- umph having at the same time lost her fore-topmast, was unable to proceed to her relief ; the Bonaventure also was taken. The English ships were greatly cut up in sails and rigging, and reduced to an almost unmanageable state, and, after maintaining the fight with a force so vastly superior from a little after noon until night was closing in, bore up for Dover Roads. Tromp did not pursue the advantage, or he ought to have destroyed every EngHsh ship ; and, although vaunting loudly of their "victory," it was far less praise- worthy than many of their defeats. Tromp, in consequence of this action, hoisted a broom at his mast-head, indicating thereby that he would sweep the narrow seas of all English shi^jping.

  1. — The year succeeding was still more eventful ; but, without wishing to detract from the value of the services rendered by Generals Blake, Monk, and Deane, upon whom the appointments of " admii-als and generals " had been con-


ferred, the better to suit the views and feelings of Cromwell and his parliament, we must not be unmindful of the claims of those skilful and courageous commanders Penn, Lawson, Jordan, and many others, who must necessarily have framed every nautical evolution.

On the 18th of February, the English fleet, of about seventy sail, under the joint command of Admirals Blake, Deane, and Monk, sailed from the Downs for the purpose of intercepting Tromp on his return from the Isle of Ehe. The Dutch fleet, which on this day was fallen in with off Port- land, consisted of seventy-three shij)s of war, having under convoy 300 merchant ships, and was divided into three squadrons, commanded by Tromp, De Ruyter, and Evertzen. On discovering the EngHsh, Tromj), being about five miles to windward (wind westerly), gave orders for the merchant vessels to haul to the wind, while he, with his fleet in line abreast, or, as some say, in form of a half-moon, bore down upon the enemy. The Triumph (the general's ship). Speaker (Vice-Admiral Penn), Fan-fax (Rear- Admiral Lawson), and about twenty ships of their divisions, being many miles ahead, and to windward of the body of the English fleet, were the first to engage, and a very hard-fought battle ensued. The Prosperous, Assistance, and Oak were boarded by the Dutch, and carried, but afterwards recovered ; and, until sup- ported by fresh sliips, the Enghsh were nearly annihilated. As soon, however, as this was the case, the Dutch hauled to the wind, and endeavoured to make ofi"; but they were chased, and the action protracted mitil night closed in.

During the night, preparations were made by the English for renewing the fight ; and seven or eight ships which had sufiered most in the action were destroyed, and their crews distributed amongst those ships which had lost most men. On the morning of the 19th, the fleets were off" the Isle of Wight, the Dutch having then their convoy ahead. At 2h. p.m. the fleets again engaged with great desperation, and five Dutch ships were captured and destroyed. The Dutch fleet having again got ahead, the English pursued all night, and at 9h. A.M. of the 20th, with five of the fastest of the ships and the frigates, again closed, and did much execution. The Dutch, finding themselves so hard pressed, ordered the mer- •chant ships to drop astern out of the fleet, thinking the bait


would be sufficient to induce the English to forego further pursuit ; but the generals gave strict orders that none of the ships that could get up to theii' men-of-war should take the merchant ships, and in consequence the chase and action con- tinued until the evening. By this time the fleets were only about four leagnies from Calais, and the Dutch fleet stood in for that anchorage, the wind having shifted to the north- west. The English were also obliged to anchor oflT Blackness. In the night it came on to blow strong, and the Dutch, availing themselves of the darkness, put to sea with the flood tide, and efiected their escape. In tiiis encoimter both fleets suffered severely. The EngUsli had one ship sunk, besides those destroyed after the first day's battle ; but the killed and wounded, although acknowledged to have been severe, is not stated. Among the killed were Captains Ball, Mildmay, and Barker, and Mr. Sparrow, secretary. The Dutch loss in the three days' action was, eleven ships of war and sixty merchant ships ; 1,500 men were killed, and 700 taken prisoners.

The unfortunate breach of the neutrality of Leghorn, com- mitted in the recapture of the Phoenix in the gallant manner before stated, so incensed the grand duke of Tuscany, that he ordered Commodore Apple ton to restore the Phoenix or quit Leghorn. The commodore's squadron at this time con- sisted of the Leopard, of fifty-two guns ; Bonaventure, forty- four ; Sampson, thirty-six ; Levant Merchant, twenty-eight ; and Pilgi'im and Mary, of thirty guns each ; while Van Galen's squadron, of sixteen sail, was lying off" the port waiting to intercept him as soon as he should put to sea. Commodore Appleton therefore sent information of the cir- cumstances to Commodore Bodley, who was lying at Elba with liis small squadron, and arranged that he should make his appearance off" the port, and thus draw the Dutch off" shore, to clear the way for his squadron. This was performed accordingly on the 3rd March ; and the Dutch, upon ob- serving Bodley's squadron, got underway to go in pursuit. Upon this. Commodore Appleton also got underway ; which the Dutch admiral percei\ing, instantly gave up the pursuit of Bodley's squadron, and attacked Apj^leton's. The Bona- venture unfortvmately took fire and blew up at the commence- ment of the engagement ; soon after which. Admiral Van


Galen's leg was shot off, from wliicli wound lie died. Com- modore Bodley's squadron having joined, the action became o-eneral, and was very gallantly contested on both sides. Cornelius Tromp attacked the Sampson, but was beaten off ; the Sampson was, however, shortly afterwards destroyed by a fire-ship. The Leopard, Levant Merchant, and Pilgrim were all three overpowered and taken, and the Mary alone effected her escape by joining Bodley's squadron.

The English fleet, strengthened by many new ships, put to sea in May. The total force of the three squadrons, into which the English fleet was divided, amounted to 105 ships, momiting 3,840 guns, and manned by 16,269 men. On the 1st of June, while the English fleet, with the exception of Blake's squadron, was lying in Yarmouth Roads, advice was brought that the Dutch fleet had been seen upon the coast ; upon which the English immediately weighed. Early in the morning of the 2nd, being off the south head of the Gable, the Dutch fleet, consisting of 1 04 ships, was discovered about two leagues to leeward. The English bore down upon them, and from eleven to twelve o'clock the engagement was very severe. About noon, Deane was cut in two by a cannon- ball, and it is recorded that Monk, seeing him fall, took the cloak from his own shoulders, and with the utmost composure covered Deane's mangled body. Van Kelson, a Dutch rear- admiral, Avas blown up in his ship in the middle of the action. The battle raged till six, when the Dutch bore up, and en- deavoured to escape.

Blake joined in the night with eighteen fresh ships, and pursued the Dutch. On the 3rd, a light wind enabled the English again to bring on an action. About noon the fight was renewed, and continued four horn's. Tromp grappled and attempted to board the James, bearing Vice- Admiral Perm's flag, but was repulsed with much loss ; and in return Tromp's ship was boarded. The English drove all the people below, upon which Tromp ordered the deck to be blown up, which was performed successfully, causing great loss to the English. N^otwithstanding this repulse, liis shijD was a second time boarded by the crew of the James and of another ship ; but De Witte and De Puyter bore down, and saved Tromp from certain capture. The victory was most decisive : the Dutch were pursued until night, but a lee

46 BATTLES OF [1653.

shore deterred tlie English from continuing the pursuit, and next morning the remains of the Dutch fleet entered the Texel. Eleven Dutch ships were taken, and 1,300 prisoners, among them six captains and two rear-admirals ; six ships were simk, one bearing a rear-admiral's flag ; two were blown up among their own fleet, and one sank in consequence of that accident : total, twenty ships taken and destroyed. One of the prizes is said to have measured 1,200 tons, and to have had fourteen ports in a tier.

On the English side. General Deane and 126 men and officers were killed, and 236 womided ; the ships were also much cut up, but no ship was lost.

Little was known of the great art of gaining decisive naval victories at the commencement of the seventeenth century. Sir William Monson, one of the most enhghtened seamen and skilful admii-als of the period in which he flourished (about 1600), ^\T.ites — " The most famous naval battles these late years have afforded, were those of Lepanto against the Turks, in 1577 ; of the Spaniards against the French at the Tercera islands, in 1580 ; and betwixt the armada of Spain and the English, in 1588. In these en- counters, wherein the Spaniards had the chiefest part, as I have said before, they imitated the disciphne of war by land, in drawing their ships into a form of fight, which in my opinion is not so convenient ; though I confess, in a sea- battle that shall consist of galleys in a calm, it is better to observe that order than in ships ; for men may as well follow directions by their hands in rowing, as an army by words of the tongue speaking, or their legs mo^dng. But ships, which must be carried by wind and sails, and the sea affording no firm or steadfast footing, cannot be commanded to take their ranks like soldiers in a battle by land. The weather at sea is never certain j the winds variable ; ships unequal in sailing ; and when they strictly seek to keep their order, commonly they fall foul of one another, and in such cases they are more careful to observe their directions than to offend the enemy, whereby they will be brought into disorder among themselves.

" Suppose a fleet to be placed in the form of a half-moon, or other proportion, to fight : if an enemy charge them home in any of the corners of the half-moon, they will be forced


to bear up into their main battle, and then \vill ensue dangers and disorders of boarding one another ; insomuch that it will not be possible for a general to give new dii'ec- tions, but every ship must jBght at its will, not by command. The greatest advantage in a sea-fight is to get the wdnd of one another ; for he that has the "svind is out of danger of being boarded, and has the advantage where to board, and how to attempt the enemy. The wind being thus gotten, a general need give no other directions than to every ad- miral of a squadron to draw together their squadrons, and every one to undertake his opposite squadron, or where he shall do it for his greatest advantage ; but to be sure to take a good distance of one another, and to relieve that squadron that shall be overcharged or distressed. Let them, give warning to their sliips not to venture so far as to bring them to leeward of the enemy ; for it will be in the power of the enemy to board them, and they not to avoid it. The strict ordering of battles by ships was before the invention of the bowline, for then there w^as no sailing but before the wind, nor no fighting but by boarding ; whereas now, a ship will sail within six points of thirty- two, and by the advantage of wind, may rout anv fleet that is placed in that form of battle."

Tliis method, however, was not followed by British sailors during the Dutch wars.' In the instructions to captains of ships issued by the committee for the Admiralty, is the following : — " You are to take notice, that in case of joining battle, you are to leave it to the ^T.ce-admiral to assail the enemy's admiral, and to match yourself as equally as you can j to succour the rest of the fleet as cause shall require, not wasting your powder, nor shooting afar ofi", nor till you come side by side." ^ But it soon became apparent that something beyond a confused host of ships fighting without order was to be desired, that confusion being attended with the most unsatisfactory results ; and it was found that that fleet was usually victorious which fought in line. The fol- lowing account of the gTeat battle ofi" the Texel, written by a French gentleman, who embarked on board a small vessel to witness the action, gives a vivid description.

^ "Memorials of Penn," vol. i. p. 405.

48 BATTLES OF [1653.

" The 7tli of August (N.S.),i I discovered Admiral Tronii^'s fleet, consisting of more than a hundred ships of war. It was drawn up in three squadrons, and was bearing down. \vith the wind right aft, to fall upon the English, whom it met with on the same day, nearly equal in number, and drawn up in line extending above four leagues N.N.E. and S.S.W. The 8th and 9th were passed in skirmishes ; but on the 10th they came to a decisive battle. The English had endeavoured to gain the v/ind ; but Admiral Tromp having always kept that advantage, and having drawn up his own fleet in a line parallel to that of the English, bore down upon them, and began the battle with so much fury, that many ships were very soon seen dismasted, others sunk, and others on fire. The two fleets were afterwards enveloped in a cloud of smoke, so dense that it was impossible to form a judgment of the fierceness of the battle, otherwise than by the horrible noise of the cannon Avith which the air re- sounded, and by mountains of fire which every now and then were seen rising out of the smoke, with a crash which ^ave sufficient notice that whole ships were blowing up. In fact, many ships were blown up ; and, in particular, it is said that Admiral Tromp, having perceived three English ships which had run foul of each other, immediately sent a fire-ship, which arrived so precisely in time, that they all took fire at the same instant, and blew up with a report capable of striking terror into the breast of the most in- trepid. ^

" Nevertheless," contmues the French narrator, " the English sustained, Avith incredible valoin-, all the efforts of the Dutch, and were seen to perish rather than to give way, which grieved Admiral Tromp, and made him resolve to attack the English admiral ; and the two ships were on the point of grappling, when Admiral Tromp was killed by a musket-shot. Tliis disaster damped the courage of the Dutch, who began to bear to windward, and to engage only in retreating. The action was no longer so violent ; and the smoke dispersing, the two fleets were seen in a condition which showed the horrible fury of the conflict. The whole

^ "Memorials of Penn," vol. i. p. 509, et seq.

^ This must have reference to the Oak and Worcester, which were burnt in the action.


sea was covered with dead bodies, with fragments, and with hulls of ships, still smoking or burning. Throughout the remainder of the two fleets were seen only dismasted vessels, and sails perforated throughout by cannon-balls. Nearly thirty ships perished between the two parties ; and the English, ha\dng pursued the enemy as far as the Texel, had the honour of the "victory, which cost them as dear as it did the vanquished."

We have here presented to us a tolerably faithful account of this memorable action. Admkal Blake was unfortunately prevented from sharing in the honours by illness, and the command of the parliament's fleet devolved upon Monk, assisted by Penn, Lawson, Jordan, and others. The entire force of the Engiish was 120 ships, cariying about 4,000 guns and 17,000 men. Tromp first put to sea (according to a memorandum of a communication from Holland left by Sir W. Penn^) with eighty-three men-of-war, four fire- ships, and twenty-five merchantmen ; but was afterwards reinforced by De Witte, with twenty-five men-of-war and four or five fire-ships, making in all 108 men-of-war, eight fire-ships, and twenty-five armed merchant ships ; and their loss, as estimated by themselves, amounted to 6,200 men in all, as follows : — Slain, 1,200, among whom was Admiral Evertzen, and many persons of distinction ; drowned, 1,500 ; wounded, 2,500 ; prisoners, 1,000. The Dutch loss in ships amounted to twenty-six men-of-war, sunk or burnt. On the side of the EngHsh, seven captains and 500 men fell in battle ; and five captains and 800 men were wounded ; besides the loss of three ships. There is Httle doubt that fighting in line originated with the Dutch.

Tliis decisive victory induced the Dutch to negotiate a peace, which was shortly afterwards concluded on Cromwell's ovvTi terms, the honour of the flag being one of the conditions demanded and submitted to. In this war, which lasted only twenty-three months, the English took 1,700 prizes, valued by the Dutch at near six millions sterUng.

On the 24th of December, an expedition sailed for the West Indies, under the command of General and Admiral Penn and General Venables, against the Spanish islands;

50 BATTLES OF [16-55.

butj owing to tlie disagreements of the commanders, and the great defects in its equipment, it was not very successful. Jamaica, however, was taken, and has ever since been annexed to England. It must be observed, that this was a most unjust proceeding, war not having been declared against S^^ain.

  1. — The marauding states of Africa availing themselves of the Dutch war, plundered and made prisoners of many English subjects. Blake was therefore despatched with the following squadron to demand restitution and satisfaction : —

Ships. Men. Gum. Captains.

p , qrrj /'A \ Robert Blake, General.

° '"■ ' * * ■ " ■" ■ ■ I John Stokes, Captain.

Andrew.-....-... 300 .. 54 .. Richard Badeley, Vice- Admiral.

Unicorn . , ... . . -. 300 . . 54 . . Joseph Jordan, RearAdmiral.

Lambert .-. .-. ... 260 . . 50 . . Roger Cuttance.

Hampshire ... ... 160 . . 34 . . Robert Blake.

Bridgewater ... ... 260 . . 50 . . Anthony Earning.

Foresight 160 .. 36 .. Peter Mortham.

Worcester 240 . . 46 . . William Hill.

Plymouth ....... 260 .. 50 ... Richard Staj-ner.

Kentish 170 . . 40 ... Edward Witheridge.

Diamond ... . . .-. 160 ... 36 .-. John Haraian.

Taunton ... 160 .. 36 .. Thomas Vallis.

Ruby 160 . . 36 ^. Edmd. Curtis.

Newcastle 180 . . 40 . . Xath. Cobham.

Amity . . 120 . . 30 . . Henry Pack.

Mermaid ... . . . . 100 . . 22 . . James Ableson.

Pearl 100 . . 22 . . Benj. Sacheverell.

Maidstone . . 140 . . 32 . . Thomas Adams.

Princess Mary . . 150 . . 34 . . John Lloyd.

Elias 140 .. 32 .. John Symonds.

And five smaller vessels.

Blake was also empowered by Ms government to demand compensation of the grand duke of Tuscany, to the amount of .£60,000, for damage and loss done to the English in his dominions, both by Prince Bupert and the Dutch. He accordingly sailed to Leghorn ; and his terms being accepted, and the money paid, Blake departed for Tunis, where he demanded the release of all English captives taken by the corsau's, and satisfaction for the injuries and losses sustained. The answer Blake received from the bey was to the effect, that he might seek redress from the castles of Guletta and Porto Ferino. Tunis was well fortified, the shore lined by


batteries mounting 120 pieces of cannon ; and, in addition to these, the harbour was defended by a castle mounting tv/enty guns, and by several smaller forts. Notwithstanding the for- midable nature of this stronghold, the English fleet entered the bay, and anchoring witliin musket^shot of the batteries, engaged with such effect, that they were quickly demolished. While liis ships continued firing on the batteries, Blake sent the boats of the squadron with the fire-ships into the harbour, where they destroyed nine ships. This spirited performance was achieved with no greater loss to the Enghsh than twenty- five men killed and forty-eight wounded. Without waiting to enter into terms with the bey, Blake sailed for Tripoli and Algiers ; and those governments, hearing of what had been done at Tunis, at once agreed to the terms proposed. From thence Blake returned to Tunis, where he found all submis- sion ; and not only were English captives but Dutch also delivered up to him.

Blake was joined ofi* Cadiz by Admiral Edward Mount agu, from England, with a small reinforcement, and he was ordered to blockade Cadiz, and secure the Sj^anish treasure-sliips expected from India. The fleet continued to watch the port imtil, water and provisions failing, Blake, with the greatest part of Ms ships, proceeded to Lisbon, leaving off" Cadiz Captain Bichard Stayner with seven frigates. On the 9 th of September the Spanish India fleet of eight large ships ap- proached Cadiz, mistaking Stayner's squadron for merchant vessels. Captain Stayner, after a, long pursuit, closed with them with the Speaker, Bridgewater, and Plymouth, and opened a heavy fire upon his imsuspecting victims. In a short time one ship sank, one took fire and was burnt, two ran ashore, and were destroyed, and two were captured ; the remainder, one of which contained the prmcipal part of the treasm-e, escaped into Cadiz.

This act, scarcely short of piracy,^ was crowned with the mockery of a public thanksgiving. War was afterwards formally declared against Spain by the parHament ; and Blake,

' The only plea which can possibly be urged in defence of the act seems to be the fact that the Spaniards, hearing of the capture of Jamaica, immediately laid an embargo upon the effects of all the English merchants and families in their dominions, and upon about eighty sail of ships, together valued at a million sterling,


52 BATTLES OF [1657-60.

who had returned home in triumph, sailed again with a fleet, with which he continued to blockade Cadiz, until hearing that another treasure-fleet had put into Santa Cruz, Tenerifle, he immediately sailed thither.

1657.— On the 20th of April Admiral Blake and his fleet arrived before the town, off which six galleons, richly laden, were, as the captains thought, lying secure from any attack. Santa Cruz hes in a deeply-indented bay, and the anchorage was flanked by forts, the more dangerous from their being only a few feet from the water's edge. So secure did the Spanish governor consider the galleons, that he is reported to have said, " Let Blake come if he dare." After obtaining a rough survey of the j^osition of the galleons, which were anchored outside the boom, the smaller vessels lying inside, Blake resolved to attempt theii- captui-e or destruction. Captain Stayner, in the Speaker, was appointed to lead, and Blake following with the whole fleet, the action became very warm. The Spanish galleons were boarded and set on fire, except two, which were sunk, and this was effected in a very short space of time. The English fleet was only saved from severe loss by a providential change of wind. Blake had entered the anchorage with a fine breeze from the northward ; but no sooner had he completed his object, than it changed to south-west, and -svith this mnd the fleet was conducted out of the range of the batteries, having had no more than forty-eight men kiUed and 120 wounded. Captain Stayner, on his return, was knighted by Cromwell ; but the rewards justly due to the unparalleled skill and bravery of Blake were wrested from him by death. Admiral Blake died on board the St. George, as his \ictorious fleet was entering Plymouth, on the 17th August, 1657.'

  1. — May 23, King Charles II. embarked at Scheveling, on board the Royal Charles (late Naseby), eighty guns. His majesty was escorted by a large fleet, and landed at Dover May 25th, and on the 29th made his entry into London.

1665.] ■ THE BRITISH NAVY. 53

Tangiers ha\ing become the property of the English crown, as a part of the queen's dowry, a squadron was despatched thither under admiral the earl of Sandwich (Edward Moun- tagu), to take possession, as well as to punish the dey of Algiers for having violated the treaty for the suppression of pii'acy. Tangiei'S surrendered, and the squadron departed for Algiers. The dey refusing to treat, the English squadron opened fire on the batteries and town ; but not having suffi- cient strength, the earl departed for Lisbon, lea\ing Yice- Admiral Sir John Lawson with a sufficient force to blockade the ports and harass the trade. This object Sir John per- formed so effectually, that in a short space of time the pii'atical states vv^ere all reduced to subjection. The strength of their fastnesses, however, soon made those marauders forget their promises, and in a short time they became as bad as ever.

Circumstances having occun-ed to lessen the peaceable understanding between Holland and England, a squadron was despatched under Sir Robert Holmes to the western coast of Africa, where he made reprisals upon the Dutch, in consequence of certain infringements upon the charter of the Royal African Comj)any. The Dutch also sent a large squadron thither under De Ruyter, vnth. the design of making reprisals upon the English, and took several forts, and obliged others to be demolished belonging to the African Company. In consequence of these hostile proceedings, con- tinued at intervals for four years, war was ultimately pro- claimed— by the Dutch in January, and by the English in February, 1665.

  1. — A large fleet was fitted out, and the chief com- mand conferred upon James, duke of York, having under him many commanders who, during the preceding Dutch war, had performed excellent service. Sir William Penn was appointed " great captain commander under his royal highness," Sir John Lawson, Sir Christopher Myngs, and Sir George Ayscue, \ice-admirals ; and the captains were also selected on account of their courage and experience.

The first action which took place after the declaration of hostilities occurred near Cadiz. Commodore ^ Thomas (after-

^ It was customary at this period to appoint captains to be com-

54: BATTLES OF [1665.

v/arcls Sir Thomas) Allen, having under his orders a squadron of nine ships, fell in with a Dutch fleet of forty sail of mer- chant ships (many of which were well armed), under the convoy of four third-rate sliips of war, commanded by Com- modore Brackel. Foiu' of the richest ships were taken or sunk, and Commodore Brackel killed j but the remainder of the fleet escaped into Cadiz, where for a time they were blockaded by the EngHsh squadron.

On the 8th of March, the London, of eighty guns, bearing Sir John Lawson's flag, caught tire and blew up at the Nore, whereby 300 persons perished, and the shij) (one of the finest in the navy) was wholly destroyed. Su' John Lawson there- fore hoisted his flag in the Royal Oak, seventy-six. An- nexed is a list of the fleet.

To this gTand fleet the Dutch ojoposed one equally power- ful, and committed the command of it to the Heer Wasse- naer. Baron Opdam, having under him the two Evertzens and Cornelius Tromp, with the best seamen Holland could boast. The English fleet put to sea in April, and stood over to Holland ; but meeting with bad weather, returned to Solebay on the morning of the 1st of June. It is necessary here to draw attention to an important fact, which, although shrewdly guessed at by Admiral Ekins in his work on naval battles, has been clearly brought to Hght. Allusion is made to the evolution understood to have been first practised by Lord Bodney, called h^eaking the line ; but that this move- ment w^as effectually and designedly performed on this occa- sion by the English fleet there can be Httle doubt.

At noon, on the 1st of June, the Dutch fleet, which leffc the Texel on the 13th May, hove in sight off the Enghsli coast ; and a large number of colUers having shortly before joined, the greater part of the crews were taken to man the English fleet, and the duke of York put to sea. The Dutch fleet vv^as then supposed to consist of 120 sail, including ten

manders-in-chief on different foreign and borne stations, with the rank of commodore only. These commanders-in-chief were jjermitted to carry flags, and on some occasions allowed to hoist the union flag at the main, — at least Charnock asserts this ; but the probability is, that the flag so used was the burgee, or swallow-tailed flag ; and possibly the union flag, stated by him to have been hoisted as above, was swallow-tailed also.

List op the English Fleet, March 20, 1665. — (From ^lemorials ofPenn, Vol. II.)


who bears the Umon Flag, and his Vice-Admiral the

White Flag.

EARL OF SANDWICH'S SQUADRON, with his Vice-Admiral carrying the Blue.

First -RATB. Royal Charles —


Royal Oak


Old James

St. George



Mary ,





Bristol frigate. . . Happy Return . Yarmouth . . , r .




Bonaventure . . .















Little Mary


Hired Ships.

Royal Exchange

Coast frigate . . .

Loyal George . . .





King Fernando .

Ships .. 'i

r H.R.H. D. of York, Ld. Ad. I SirW.Penn,Gt.Capt.Com. l^John Harman, Capt.

♦Sir John Lawson, Vice-Ad. Sir W. Berkeley, Rear-Adm. Earl of Marlborough, Capt. ♦Joseph Jordan.

Richard Beach . John Hart. *J. Lambert. Thomas Aliph. Thomas Goulduig. John Chicheley. Geof. Peirce. Arthur Langhome. Henry Hyde. John Parker. John Allison. John Pearce. Moore.

Edward Grove. Mons. du Telle. ♦John King. John Weswain. William Hill.

Richard Poole-

S. Tickel.

Ab. Blackleach.

Samuel Wentworth. William Lawson. John Earle. Robert Key Tubb. Richard May. Robert Neale.

7-143 151 Two Fire-ships.

First-bat Royal James ,

Triumph . . . St. Andrew . Rauibow . . .


Resolution . Henrietta. . .


Revenge . . Monk ....

Foitbth-r Newcastle . Mary Rose .


Portland . . .



Reserve . . , Assurance . E.xpedition , Bear

Milford.... Colchester Garland . . Speedwell

Paradox . True Love Merlin . . .

Fourth-rate Hired Ships. E. India Merchant Bemlish .


John and Abigail Constant Catherine Catherine. .











































































Chr. Myngs, Vice-Adra. Val. Pine, Capt. Willoughby Hannam.

Robert Sansum, Rear-Ad. ♦Walter Wood, Capt. ♦Arthur Browne. Robert Holmes. Thomas Penrose. Edward Spragge.

Thomas Page.

William Reeves.

Thomas Evans.

Jos. Aylett.

William Jennings.

William Poole.

Joseph Tyrwhitt.

*Jos. Jefferyes.

Tobias Sackler.

Jo. Waterworth, Dutch pr.

Jo. Scale.

Daniel Haylin.

Ch. Talbot.

Jo. Lightfoot.

John Cuttle, Span, prize.

Leonard Guy, Span, prize.



Jo. Wilgresse. ♦R. Taylor. J. Hubbard. S. Wentworth. Joseph Saunders.


Royal Catherine. .






Dreadnought .




Princess . . . .


Centurion . . Swallow . . . .


Assistance . .


Hampshire . . Adventure . . ProWdence . . Marraaduke

Fifth-r^ Guernsey.. . Forester . . . Pembroke




Little Gift . Blackmore .

Fourth-rates. Hired Ships.

Good Hope

Hambro Merchant John and Thomas.

Castle frigate


Golden Phoenix . . . Maryland

) men not reek-


ned). One Fire-ship, six Ketches. Grand Total, exclusive of Fire.ships, &c., no Ships, carrying 4,537 Gims, and manned with 22,206 Men.











































































Sir G. Ayscue, Vice-Adra. T. Tiddiman, Rear-Adm. ♦Henry Tedman, Capt.

♦Henry Fenn. Jo. Swanley. Henry Teme. R. Utber. ♦Jo. Hayward.

George Swanley. H. Hyde. Robert Moulton. R. Hodges. ♦Robert Kirby. Zach. Brown. Jo. Lloyd. George Batts. Benj. Young.

Jo. Best.

H. Coningsby.

Edward CottereU.

Thomas Darccy.

Phil. Bacon.

Peter Foot, Dutch prize.

Jo. Andrews.

Jo. Johnson, Span, prize.

Jo. Barton.

Ant. Archer. ♦James Cadman. Henry Dawes.

' The captains marked with an asterisk commanded ships in June and July, l653.

{To face page hi. Vol. J.


fire-ships. The wind was light from south-east, and the Dutch fleet bore from the English about east-south-east, a bearing which the Dutch endeavoured to keep, in order to insure a port of refuge on their own coasts. After working to windward all that day and during the night, the ships drop- ping anchor when the tide made against them, the Dutch fleet, on the morning of the 2nd, was still five leagues to windward. The chase continued all that day also, %vithout altering in a great measure the relative positions of the fleets : but in the evening one of the Dutch shi^DS having caught fire, caused some confusion in their line.

The chase contmued all night with some advantage to the English, but early in the morning of the 3rd of June, the wind changed to south-west, which gave to the English, by tacking, the weather-gage; but the Dutch, unwilling to sur- render the advantage, tacked also. The English line was then formed on the starboard tack, extending several miles. Prince. Rupert's being the van division, the duke of York in the centre, and the earl of Sandwich in the rear. Opdam, also, was stationed in the centre of the Dutch line, Cornelius Tromp leading the van. After much manoeuvring, the Dutch van ships commenced firing upon the centre of the English line at 3h. a.m., and the cannonade extended throughout the Dutch van and rear of the EngHsh as the two fleets passed on opposite tacks ; but the Swiftsure bore the prin- cipal part of the encounter, and one of the English rear ships was cut off*. At 6h. a.m. the Enghsh fleet again tacked by signal, as did also the Dutch, and as the two fleets again closed, the action recommenced. The Dutch had gained a httle in their last tack, but not being able or wilhng to cut the English line, bore up and passed to leeward, as before. The English admiral now made the signal for his rear to tack, the sooner to close with the enemy ; but this not being well performed, some little delay and admixture of ships occmTed. The Enghsh line was, however, well formed, and Vice- Admiral Sh' John Lawson led, followed, two or three ships only astern, by the Royal Charles. At lli. p.m., the van of the Dutch, having again tacked, weathered upon the leading Enghsh ships ; but although the Dutch had so far achieved their object, theii* defeat was the result, for says the "Narration," published in 1665, "We passed so near

5Q BATTLES OF [16 6 J.

about tlie middle of them, tliat we divided their fleets The action then became very close and animated, the ships engaging yard-arm and yard-arm. The Royal Oak, com- manded by the brave Lawson (to whom it is highly probable the honour of first executing that decisive evolution is due), did excellent service, and the Royal Charles engaged Opdam's ship with such effect, that about 3h, p.m. she caught fire, and blew up -svith the admiral and all on board. The van of the Dutch fleet, mthout attempting to succour the rear thus cut off, made for the Texel, followed by as many ships as could join them, leaving the English in possession of a decisive victory. Whether the English ships which passed through the Dutch line tacked immediately afterwards is not clearly stated ; but the vast number of ships engaged, and the fact that the principal details are furnished by landsmen, prevent the clearer elucidation of the proceedings.

The loss to the Dutch is recorded to have been as follows : — The Concord, eighty-four gims and 500 men (bearing the Dutch commander-in-chief's flag), and the Orange Tree, of seventy-six guns, blown up : four shijDS, having got foul of each other, burnt by an English fire-ship — they were the Couverden, of sixty guns, bearing the flag of Vice- Admiral Campen ; Prince Maurice, fifty. Captain De Wit ; Utrecht, forty-four. Captain Jacq. Houdaert ; and a forty-gun ship, name not known. Three other ships, the Marseveen, of seventy-eight guns, Captain De Reus ; Tergoes, forty-eight, Captain Gerbrand Boes ; and Swanenburg, thirty, Captain Cornelius Cuyper, also fouled, and were burnt by another fire-ship. The principal ships taken were the Mens, forty- six ; Zelandia, forty-four ; Carolus Y., fifty-three ; Delft, thirty-two ; and Nagelboom, fifty-two. Their whole loss was summed up by the son of Sir W. Penn, as follows : — *' twenty-four ships taken, burnt, and sunk ; 2,500 prisoners, besides the slain and wounded ;" supposed by Coventry in all to amount to 8,000, and by others rated at 6,000 men. Among the Dutch commanders killed, besides the great admii-al of Holland, Opdam,^ Lieutenant-Admirals Cortenaer and Stellingworth, and Vice- Admiral Schram, also fell.

' Tills gallant admiral, prior to his leaving Holland, received positive orders to engage the English fleet under any circumstances. Previously to the action, he thus expressed himself before a council of war, which


The loss to tlie English was very severe, and many persons of distinction fell. Rear- Admiral Robert Sansum, and the earl of Marlborough (a brave seaman, who commanded the Old James, of sixty-eight guns), were killed. Captains John Alleson, of the Guinea, Robert Kirby, of the Breda, and John Chappel, of the Clove Tree, also fell ; and among the volunteers, the earl of Portland, earl of Falmouth, Lord Muskerry, and Honourable Mr. Boyle, second son of the earl of Cork, who, standing together, were killed by one shot on board the Royal Charles. Vice- Admiral Sir John Law- son was wounded in the knee ; but although the wound was at first deemed of little importance, yet he died in con- sequence on the 2oth of the same month, at Greenwich. The total number killed is stated at 250, and the wounded at 340, and one ship lost.

On the 3rd and 4th of August, an attack was made by Rear- Admiral Sir Thomas Tiddiman upon a Dutch convoy in the port of Bergen. The Hector, Captain John Cuttle, was sunk by the Dutch, with her captain and crew (except twenty-five), and Captains Thomas Searle, John R. Utber, Thomas Haward, William Lawson, James Cadman, Vincent Pearce, and James Lamb, with many men, also fell a sacrifice to the indiscreet nature of the attack. Four Dutch ships of war and ten merchant shij^s were taken in the following month by the same commander.

  1. — In the month of May, Captain Pliineas Pett, in command of the Tiger frigate, was killed in action with a Zealand privateer of forty gams. The action was continued after the death of the captain by the Heutenant, ]3ut the Tiger being disabled in her masts, the privateer escaped.

The Dutch, having recovered from their severe losses, fitted out a fleet, under the command of Admirals De Ruyter, Cornelius Tromp, and Evertzen ; the English fleet was also fitted out in equal force, but, unhappily, the duke of Albe- marle and Prince Rupert shared the command. A good feeling had never existed between these men, and the sequel proved how greatly that want of unanimity injured the public service. The squadron of Prince Rupert had been

had recommended his declining the combat, — " I am entirely in your sentiments ; but here are my orders. To-morrow my head shall be bound with laurel or with cypress."

58 BATTLES OF ' [1666.

detached from the other division of the fleet by a false report of the sailing of a French fleet, and the duke of Albemarle, at daybreak, on the morning of the 1st of June, was lying at the back of the Goodwin, expecting the prince to rejoin, and in order to expedite the junction, weighed with the intention of proceeding to the westward. At 7h. A.3r. the signal was made that the Dutch fleet was at anchor to leeward, in number eighty sail, or, according to Lediard, seventy-one sail of the line, twelve frigates, thirteen fire- ships, and eight yachts, carrying 4,716 guns and 22,000 men. The duke's force amoimted to no more than sixty ships, with which his grace unadvisedly bore down on the Dutch. The English being close upon them, the Dutch cut or slipped, and stood im.der easy sail to the northward on the larboard tack. The A\Tnd was blowing fresh from south- west, and in accordance with the usual practice, the English maintained the weather-gage, although the ships were unable to open their lee lower deck ports in consequence. The Dutch, on the other hand, were enabled to open their weather ports, and therefore committed great slaughter and damage on the English ships. The action was desperate ; Tromp's ship was so much injured, that he shifted his flag to another ; De Ruyter, also, was severely handled, and one Dutch ship Avas blown up. At the latter end of this day's fight the Henry, bearing the flag of Sir John Harman, rear-admiral of the White, was sm-rounded by Dutch shijDs, one commanded by Admiral Evertzen, but performed prodigies of valour. Admiral Evertzen was killed, and three of the assailants, which appear to have been fire-sliips, were sunk. Sir John Harman's ship was reduced to an unmanageable state, and himself severely wounded ; and, having beaten off' his enemies, he was obliged to make for Harwich. The part performed by Lieutenant Thomas Lamming, of the Henry, ought to be recorded. This officer, observing the imminent danger to w^hich the ship was exposed from a fire-ship Vv^liich had fouled, jumped on board, and finding by the light of the fire the fastenings of the grappling-irons, cast them loose, and then returned to his own shijD. The lieutenant was immediately promoted for his conduct.

Sir Wniiam Berkeley, vice-admiral of the White, vfith two sliips, was attacked by an overpowering force, himself


and the major part of his crew killed, and the three vessels taken. ^ Night coming on, the fleets separated. On the 2nd the wind was moderate, and for one part calm j this interim was occupied by both parties in refitting the rigging and repairing damages, the English, es2)ecially, being much shat- tered. Shortly after noon, the wind coming from the south- ward, the fleets closed, and the action recommenced with vigour. Tromp was again hard pressed, and must have been captured, had not De Ruyter rescued him, and the Dutch vice-admiral, Hulst, was killed by a musket-ball. The Dutch were at one time nearly beaten, and had the squadron of Prince Kupert been present, as it might have been, a decisive victory would have been obtained. On this day, three English ships were disabled, and night again separated the combatants.

On the 3rd the wind was from the eastward, and the Dutch, reinforced by sixteen fresh ships, bore down to attack the English. Under these cu'cumstances, the did5:e of Albe- marle bore up, in. the hope of being joined by Prince Rupert. The fleet retreated in good order, ha^ong sixteen ships in line abreast, to protect the rear, and the disabled ships, except three which were destroyed, ahead. The Dutch pursued under all sail, but could not get up until 5h. p.m., when they recommenced firing, but to very little purpose. Before that time, however, twenty sail were descried ahead, which proved to be Prince Kupert's squadron ; but in edging down, the sooner to effect a junction, the largest British ships touched on the Galloper. All went over the sands except the Boyal Prince, seventy-eight, bearing Vice-Admiral Sir George Ayscue's flag, which ship was taken possession of by the Dutch, and the admiral and crew being first removed, was set on fire and destroyed. Night again coming on, and Prince Pupert having joined, the Dutch hauled their mnd, followed by the English ; and on the 4th, between eight and nine o'clock, the battle was again renewed. Sir Christopher Myngs was the first to commence, and he engaged the Dutch until his ship was disabled, when he bore up. This brave ofl&cer received a musket-ball in the throat, but could not be

^ The Dutch, with a noble feeling, embalmed the body of Sir William Bei'keley, and placed it in the chapel of the great church at the Hague, to await the pleasure of King Charles as to its disposal.


prevailed upon to quit tlie deck, nor to have the wound dressed, stanching the ])leeding with his hand ; but half an hour afterwards he received another and a mortal wound. Sir Josej^h Jordan had liis flag in the Royal Oak, and that gallant old seaman again took liis full share in the hard-fought battle, boarding and setting fire to a Dutch -sdce-admii^al's shi]), and ha\dng uj) wards of 100 men killed and wounded in the four days ; and although victory leaned to the side of the Dutch, failure was not attributable to a lack either of skill or valoiu' on the part of indi'idual commanders. Most of the English sliips were greatly disabled, and nine or ten taken or destroyed. The loss in men was very severe, amounting, according to Evelyn, to 600 killed, 1,100 wounded, and 2,000 prisoners. Captains Philemon Bacon, Thomas Whitty, Jeffery Dare, Eoger Miller, John Coppin, and Peter Mootham, were among the killed in this severe action. Had a proper feeling subsisted between the joint commanders-in- chief, or had the did?:e of Albemarle been a sailor, a com- plete victory, instead of a partial defeat, would have been obtained.

NotNvithstanding these heavy losses, both fleets were at sea again in the course of a few weeks ; but the Dutch being first out of port, paraded in gi'eat force ofl" the moii-th of the Thames. From this their threatening attitude, however, they were soon driven by the approach of the English fleet, which, by great industry, was again equipped, and jointly commanded, as before, by Piince Pupert and the duke of Albemarle. In tliis instance both admirals were embarked in the same ship. The fleet, as recorded by Pepys, in his Diary, from Sir W. Coventry's statement, consisted of eighty- nine men-of-war, and but one of them a fifth-rate (the Sweeji- stakes, of forty guns), and eighteen fire-sliips. The Loyal London, which bore Sir Jeremy Smith's flag, was considered the finest ship in the world, and carried 800 men. The flag- officers were Sir Josej^h Jordan, Sir Robert Holmes, Sir Thomas Allen, Sir Jeremy Smith, Sii- Thomas Tiddiman, and Sir Edward Spragge ; and Captains Richard Utber and John Kempthorn also bore flags. The Dutch fleet vv^anted one ship of being equal with, the English, and was com- manded, as before, by De Ruyter, Tromp, and Evertzen.

On the 2-5th of July the fleets met off" the IS'orth Fore-


land. The action was commenced by the "Wliite squadron, under Sir Thomas Allen, who at noon engaged Evei*tzen's squadron ; and shortly afterwards the Red squadron also engaged De Ruyter, and the fight continued three hours with varied success. Evertzen's squadron was put to flight by Sir Thomas Allen, Admiral Evertzen, Vice- Admiral De Vries, and Rear-Admiral Coenders, being killed. Yice- Admiral Bancquert's ship was taken and burnt, as was also the Sneik, of fifty guns. The Red squadron was also suc- cessful : the Guelderland, of sixty-six guns, Admiral De E-uyter's second astern, was disabled, and his squadron so hardly pressed, that, being deserted by most of his ships, he at length bore up, and joined his squadron to leeward. For some considerable time the ships of the English and Dutch commanders-in-chief Avere engaged single-handed. Tromp's squadron was attacked with equal vigour by Sir Jeremy Smith and the Blue squadron, and so eager were the com- batants, that both edged off the Avind, and separated from the main body of the fleets. Tromp's rear-admiral, Houtuyn, was killed, and his vice-admiral's sliip reduced to a wreck, with the loss of upwards of 100 men, killed and wounded. On the part of the English, the Resolution was burnt by a Dutch fire-ship, and Captains John Parker of the ^N^onsuch, Hugh Seymour of the Foresight, William Martin, Joseph Sanders, and Arthur Ashby, lost their lives in this desperate encounter. The Dutch sustained a complete defeat, and were pursued into the Weilings, none lamenting the necessity more than De Ruyter.^ Twenty of their ships are re- ported to have been sunk or burnt, and 4,000 men killed and drowned in this action.

The English fleet continued off the coast, destropng Dutch shipping, and on the 8th of August Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Holmes and Sir William Jennings, with a num- ber of fire-ships, were despatched to destroy a large fleet of merchant vessels in the Ylie and at Schelling. The wind not being favourable, the expedition worked up with some (lifiiculty to the anchorage at Schelling, where, on the 9th, they destroyed 160 Dutch merchant ships, and two ships of

' Campbell attributes to De Euyter the exclamation ''^Vhat a wretch am I ! amongst so many thousand bullets is there not one to put me out of my pain i "

62 BATTLES OF [1667.

war. Tlie English tlieu landed and burnt the town of Bandaris, losing only six men altogether.^

De Ruyter again put to sea with seventy-nine ships, and passed Dover on the way to Rochelle, where a French fleet of forty sail was Ipng ready to join them. Prince Rupert immediately pursued with a superior force ; and De Kuyter took refuge in Boulogne Beads, and hauled the ships so close in shore, that they could not be easily approached by large ships. While preparations were making for an attack by boats and fire-ships, a hea\y gale came on, drove Prince Bupert off the coast, and obliged him to proceed to St. Helen's. In the meanwhile, the French fleet from Bochelle had put to sea, but being separated in the gale, Sir Thomas Allen fell in with a part, and caj)tured the Buby, of 1,000 tons and seventy guns. The French admiral, wanting only an excuse to return to port, deemed this suf- ficient, and relinquished his intention of joining the Dutch; the Dutch also returned into port.

On the 25th of December a squadron of six sail, under the command of Commodore Bobert Bobinson in the Warspight, fell in with and engaged a Dutch squadron of five sail off the coast of Norway, three of which, including the Dutch commodore's ship, were captin-ed after a short action.

  1. — On the 4th of February the ten-gun ketch Dept- ford, Commander Mark Pearce, fought a gallant action near Aldemey, with an armed French squadron convojdng merchant vessels. Although the enemy's force was much superior, the Deptford engaged and dispersed it, and cap- tured a frigate-built merchant shij) of 400 tons, mounting six guns.

On the 5th of February the fifty-gun ship St. Patrick, Captain Bobert Sanders, having a fire-shi]D in company, fell in with two Dutch ships of war ofi' the North Foreland. Although the St. Patrick was scarcely half-

1667.] THE BRITISH XAYY. 63^

inaunecl, Captain Sanders determined on fighting, and after taking the gTeatest part of the men out of the fire-ship, bore down upon the two shij^s, each of the same size as the St. Patrick. After a desperate action, in which Captain Sanders was killed, the St. Patrick was overj^owered and caj^tui'ed.

While a treaty of peace was negotiating at Breda, De "Witte was putting in force a most treacherous proceeding. Although our magazines, storehouses, and dockyards were well filled, and ships were in sufficient number, Charles had been persuaded that notliing was to be feared from the Dutch, and that they, on the contrary, were much disposed to peace, and only two small squadrons were fitted out, commanded by Rear- Admiral Sir John Harman and Sir Jeremy Smith.

On the 10th of May, being off St. Christopher's with only twelve frigates, Sir John Harman ^ fell in with the French and Dutch squadrons united, commanded by M. de la Barre and Commodore Kruysen, and together consisting of twenty-two ships, having 1,300 soldiers on board. The gTeat inferiority of his force was not considered, but the brave admiral immediately closed with his adversaries. ^ The English ships were surrounded ; but being well supported by his officers, Sir John obtained a complete victory, and succeeded in bm^ning five or six of the enemy's ships, and in sinking several others. The Dutch commodore was so displeased with the French, that he departed from St. Kjtt's in disgust, leaving them at anchor there. Sir John Harman taking advantage of tliis withdrawal, entered the harbour, and bm-nt and sank every remaining ship, with the loss of eighty men ; Captain Arthur Laugharne, of the Colchester, was among the killed. Sir John concluded his successes by re-

'■^ Sir John Harman about the time of this action was suffering much from the gout ; yet, upon the discovery of the enemy's fleet, he got up and walked about, giving his orders as usual, till the fight was over, when he again became lame.

€4 BATTLES OF [1667.

taking Surinam from the Dutch : Captain Thomas Wil- loughby was killed in assisting at this recapture.

On the 7 th of June De Ilu)^er,\vith seventy ships, appeared off the Thames, and sent in a squadron to attack Sheerness. Hear-Admiral Sir Edward Spragge was stationed in the river Avith a small squadron, and hearing of the meditated attack, he drew together such forces as he could obtain, to prevent that town from falling into their hands ; but the gPvrrison being ill prepared, he was unable to offer any effectual resistance. The fort was therefore taken, and the magazines of stores burnt and plim.dered. On the 11th of June the duke of Albemarle arrived at Chatham, but there, also, was found the fatal result of the king's bad policy. Scarcely 1,000 men were employed in the dockyards, and those so distracted by the near approach of the enemy, that they were of little service. The boats and vessels belonging to the yard v/ere, for the most part, employed in removing the property of the commissioner and others to a place of safety, instead of preparing to resist the invaders. Every- thing was disorder and confusion, and all that could be done was to raise two temporary batteries, constructed of rotten planks, which were hastily manned. A party under Captain Winton was next despatched to strengthen the ganison of Upnoi" Castle. The duke then proceeded to sink ships in the Medway, to prevent the further progress of the Dutch ; but these offered no obstacle, for a high tide and a strong easterly wind carried their ships over.

At about lOh. a. m. on the 12th, the enemy advanced with two ships of war and five or six fire-ships, capturing the Unity, Matthias, and Crane, in their way up the Med- way, which they ascended as far as Upnor Castle. On Thiu-sday morning, Upnor Castle, in expectation of being besieged, was well garrisoned. Two ships fired upon the castle for some time without doing much damage, while several fire-sliips advanced higher up, where they burnt the Loyal London, Great James, and Royal Oak,^ and carried off the Royal Charles in triumph, after which the Dutch retired, without doing any further injury, and got safe out to sea, with the loss of two small ships only.

' It was in this ship that the heroic Captain Douglas chose to meet his death rather than leave his station v/ithout orders.


1667-68-69.] the British navy. 65

On the 29tli of July, twenty sliips of the Dutch fleet, still blockading the lower Thames, ventured up as far as the HojDe, at wliich place Sir Edward Spragge and Sir Joseph Jordan, with a few ships, were lying, who instantly got under way, and began to engage. Sir Edward drove the Dutch back as far as the Nore, and deeply must those commanders have regretted the paucity of their force, which obliged them to relinquish the pursuit. One Dutch fire-ship was burnt in the river. Another attempt made by the Dutch to advance up the river was also defeated by the bravery of Sir Edward Spragge, who, in return, attacked them in the Hope, and obliged them to retreat. In the course of a few days, on the conclusion of a peace, the Dutch withdrew from the river, and returned to their ovm coasts. In the North Sea, Sir Jeremy Smith meantime captured a vast number of merchant vessels, and also a sliip of war.

  1. — On the 17th of May, Captain Heniy Dawes, in command of the Elizabeth fiigate, engaged two Danish men- of-war, each of forty guns. Captain Dawes was killed by a cannon-ball, and the lieutenant being desperately wounded, the command de'olved on the master, who also soon shared the fate of the captain ; to the master succeeded the gunner, who, with the remaining crew, continued the action, and carried the ship safely into port.

  2. — SirT. Allen, in conjunction with a Dutch force under Yan Ghent, reduced the piratical states to entii^e subjection.

1669.— On the 29th of December, 1669, as the Mary Rose, a third-rate, carrying forty-eight guns, vdih a crew of 230 men, commanded by Captain John Kempthom, was convoying a fleet of merchant sliips through the Straits of Gibraltar, seven large Algerine corsairs, full of men, stood towards her. Captain Kempthorn ordered the convoy to make sail, while he, single-handed, advanced to engage this formidable force. The Algerines attacked the Mary Rose with much fury, and boarded her ; but were beaten ofl* with considerable loss.^

' The above is as recorded by Campbell ; but there is an original picture representing this engagement, in the Painted Hall at Greenwich, iinderneath which are the following lines : —

'' Two we burnt, and two we sunk, and two did run away ; And one we carried to Leghorn Eoads, to show we'd won the day."


66 BATTLES OF [1670-72.

  1. — In tlie month of July the Advice frigate, Captain Benjamin Young, had a severe engagement off Cape de Gatt with seven Algerine corsairs. After a long and gallantly- sustained conflict, the Algerines were beaten off A^dth con- siderable loss ; but the Advice also had the captain and seven men kiUed, and fifteen wounded.

Yice-Admiral Sir Edward Spragge was very successfiil while commander-in-chief of the Mediterranean fleet, and in particular in his operations against the Algerines.

  1. — Sir Edward Spragge continued in command of the squadron employed in suppressing the depredations of the corsairs. In 1672 Commodore Eichard Beach, of the Mon- mouth, one of Sir Edward's squadron, captured a very larger pirate, moimting forty guns, and carrying 350 men. Com- m.odore Beach was particularly successful while on this station, and fought many desperate actions with these law- less marauders. This continued series of disasters had the desired effect ; the Algerines rose upon and assassinated the dey, and elected another in liis stead, who made peace with the English.

The peace with Holland continued till the year 1672, when it appearing desii'able to quarrel. Sir Robert Holmes was ordered to intercept the Dutch homeward-bound Smyrna fleet, and under the pretence of demanding the homage of the flag, which it was known would be resisted, to capture them. The Dutch fleet, consisting of seventy-two sail of merchant ships, under the convoy of six sliips of war anived in the Channel earlier than was anticipated, and Sir Robert Holmes had only sufficient time to take with him seven or eight ships, with which, on the 13th of March, he fell in with them off the Isle of Wight. The Dutch being fully j)repared, he met with no great success, and was himself severely wounded. He however continued all day engaging them, and on the next day liis brother. Captain John Holmes, in the Gloucester, captured a ship of fifty-four giins, com- manded by Captain Jolm Yan Nes, who was killed ; and this, with two or three small ships, formed all the advantage which accrued. King Charles shortly afterwards ordered all Dutch ships to be seized, and on the 17th of March published his declaration of war.

Towards the end of April, having received intelligence that


a squadron of Algerine corsairs was lying in Bngia Bay, Sir Edward determined on attacking them. The expedition was however delayed till the 2nd May, when the boats of the fleet, commanded by Lieutenant Pom i nick I^ugent, pro- ceeded on this service, but owing to the premature ignition of one of the fire-ships, the attack failed. On the 8th, a second attempt was made, in which Caj^tain Leonard Harris, commanding the Little Victoiy fire-ship, and Captains John Pearce and Edward Finn, commanding divisions of boats, distinguished themselves. The fleet, taking advantage of a breeze of wind, stood close in to the batteries and ojDened fire, and although the corsau's were protected by a strong boom and secured in the best manner from injury, yet the first was destroyed after much labour by the boats, and a fire- ship well directed being sent in among them, the whole, numbering ten ships, mounting from tliirty-four to twenty- four guns, were totally destroyed. On the part of the Enghsh, seventeen men were killed and forty-one wounded.

The Enghsh being joined by the French, a fleet of forty ships, under Count d'Estrees, arrived at Portsmouth on the 3rd of May, where the English fleet, of nearly 100 sail, was also lying, under the command of the duke of York ; the earl of Sandwich being admiral of the Blue squadron. This large fleet put to sea, and on the 1 9th of May discovered the Dutch fleet about eight leagues east-south-east of the Gun- fleet ; but thick weather came on, and the combined fleet anchored in Solebay, and remained till the 28th, when the Dutch unexpectedly appeared in the ofiing. Many ships cut their cables, so much were they taken by surprise, and the utmost speed was necessary to enable them to get ready to receive the enemy. The Dutch fleet consisted of seventy-five large ships and forty frigates, commanded by Admirals De Pujrter, Bancquert, and Yan Ghent.

The action commenced at 8h. A.sr. with an attack upon Count d'Estrees by Admii-al Bancquert. The French acquitted themselves with much bravery at the outset, but in a short time bore uj) and left the fight. The duke of York's squadron was next assailed by De Pi.uyter, and the St. Michael, bearing his royal highness's flag, lost her main- topmast, and was so injured that the duke thought it neces- sary to shift his flag to the Loval London.


68 BATTLES OF [1672.

The earl of Sandwich, at the head of the Blue squadron, evinced most exemplary bravery. His flag was flying in the Koyal James, of 100 gims, which, being the largest present, was the mark for which every ship aimed. The Great Hol- land, 80, Captain Ackian Brackel, first attacked her, and was soon supported by Yaii Ghent and a squadron of fire- ships. The Great Holland laid the Royal James alongside, and endeavoured to board, while Van Ghent also attacked her, and against these combined enemies the conflict was maintained for a long time. Van Ghent was killed, three Dutch fire-sliips sunk, and the Great Holland beaten off" with the loss of her captain and most of the ofiicers, as well as two-thirds of her crew. For near five hours the Royal James was thus closely beset, and being greatly damaged, and having lost many of her spars, she fell to leeward of the Blue division, the ships of wliicli were for the time too closely ])ressed to attend to the admiral. At length a Dutch fire-ship boarded, and set her on fire. At this time, of 1,000 men who had composed her crew at the commence- ment of the action, 600 were lying dead on the deck ; the remainder, unable to extinguish the flames, except some few who escaped, perished in the ship, the earl of Sandwich among the number. Captain Sir Richard Haddock miracu- lously escaped, having been picked up out of the sea badly wounded.

The confusion caused by the death of Van Ghent made it necessary for the Dutch to withdraw from the contest, which gave the Blue squadron an opportunity of uniting with the duke of York's, which was at that time attacked by the united squadrons of Bancquert and De Ruyter. Thus rein- forced, the duke of York was enabled to make some impres- sion upon the Dutch. CorneHus Evertzen was killed, and De Ruyter and Rear- Admiral Allemand narrowly escaped destruction from a fire-ship. ^

De Ruyter being wounded, his ship disabled, and having lost 150 men, was obliged to quit the combat. The late

' During the late war, fire-ships were found, for the most part, useless ; but in the times of which we are treating, they must have been regarded as enemies of no mean description, as, from the vast number of ships which then commonly composed a fleet, much injury was almost certain to result from their employment.

Sir ~S. L ely pin-r .



Van Ghent's squadron being restored to some order, then made sail to the suppoi-t of De Ruyter's and Tromp s squadrons, and the fury of the fight was renewed ; but the French still kept at a distance. At about nine at night the fire slackened, and, as both fleets had suffered severely, a separation took place, as if by mutual consent, the Dutch retiring to the northward unmolested. The loss on both sides seems to have been nearly equal. The English had four ships burnt, sunk, or disabled, among which number was the Boyal James ; and the Dutch lost three of their largest ships, — one sunk, a second burnt, and a third captured, and the Great Holland reduced to a sinking state.

But the loss in men proves more clearly how desperate must have been the action. Besides the earl of Sandwich, there were slain Captains Digby, of the Henry ; Geoffi^ey Pearce, of the St. George ; John Watei'worth, of the Anne ; Sir Fretcheville Holies, of the Cambridge ; Sir John Cox, of the Prince ; Willoughby Hannam, of the Triumph ; William Pinch, of the Crown ; and Ezekiel Yennis : and of volunteers, Lord Maidstone, Mr. Montagu, Sir Phihp Carteret, Sir Charles Harboard, Mr. Trevanion, and many others ; and of other officers and seamen, 2,500, and as many wounded. The Dutch did not publish any list of their loss ; but De Ruyter described the action in his letter as the hardest-fought battle he had ever witnessed.

  1. — The island of St. Helena was taken from the English by the Dutch, but recaptured by a squadron of four sliips of war, commanded by Commodore Richard Munden, homeward-bound from the East Indies. This service was so acceptable to the English government, that the commodore was knighted in consequence.

In the spring of this year an insufficient fleet was fitted out, and the command given to Prince Rupert, — the duke of York being excluded by the Test Act, recently passed, from holding the command. Party feeling appears to have de- prived the fleet of the services of several talented admirals, and great discontent prevailed eveiywhere. The Count d'Estrees, -with his fleet, was still nominally attached to the English fleet ; but it would appear, from the concun-ent testimony of liistorians, that the French would have better served England had they remained in their own ports.

70 BATTLES OP [1673.

On the 28t]i May an action took place, the fleets being nearly equal. Sir John Harman, in the London, was vice- admiral under Prince Rupert, and Sir Edward Spragge com- manded the Blue squadron. The combined fleet being to windward, bore down upon the Dutch, and Su' Edward Spragge, in the Royal Prince, gallantly attacked Tromp. Tromp was thrice obliged to shift his flag, the ships he fought in being disabled. The Dutch were so furiously attacked, that they were under the necessity of retreating, taking refuge anjong the sands ofi* their coasts, where they knew the Eno:Hsh would not follow them.

No further fight occurred till the 4th of June, when, being reinforced by a number of fresh ships, the Dutch again put to sea. The combined EngHsh and French fleets, in order to draw the Dutch ofi* the coast, made sail away : but at 5h. P.M., having shortened sail, to allow the Dutch to close, an action began. Spragge and Tromp, as usual, vied mth each other in acts of bravery, and their squadrons en- gaged ship to ship, with great slaughter on both sides. Cap- tains Richard White, of the Warspight, John Tempest, and Thomas Foules, were among the number killed. The fight lasted tiU lOh. p.m., when the Dutch hauled to the ^vind, and retired, as before, to the shelter of their own flats. Neither fleet lost a ship in this battle.

Having landed their wounded, and slightly refitted, the combined fleets put to sea on the 17th of July with 4,000 troops, intending to make a descent upon the coast of Zea- land. The fleet arrived off the Maese, but, without landing, distracted the attention of the Dutch by parading before their coast, and taking a rich Indiaman in their sight. The Dutch fleet bore this for a fortnight, when it again put to sea in great force, consisting of more than 100 sail, com- manded by Admirals De Ruyter and Bancquert, while the combined fleet, including thirty French, consisted of ninety ships. The Dutch manoeuvred in the night to get in shore of the combined fleet, and on the morning of the 11th of August being to windward, bore down to the attack. The French, which had previously been distributed among the EngHsh shiiDS, were on this occasion in a separate squadron, and at the first onset made sail away, lea^dng the English to fight the battle alone. The English admiral, thus deserted,

Vanjijiie pi.





found it advisable to retreat towards his own shores, pre- serving the order of sailing ; and a running fight ensued. Tromp and Spragge, as before, singled out each other's ships, the former in the Golden Lion, the latter in the Royal Piince. Spragge backed his main-topsail to wait Tromp's coming up ; and, after severe fighting for three hours, the Koyal Prince was disabled. ^ Spragge then took his boat, and went on board the St. George, where he rehoisted his flag. Tromp also, about the same time, changed his flag into the Comet, and these comparatively fresh ships renewed the fight with fiuy. The St. George, after engaging some time, lost her mainmast, and the determined Spragge again took to his barge, intending to go on board the Royal Charles ; but in this he was disappointed, for he had hardly quitted the St. George when the boat was simk by a shot, and he was drowned close alongside the ship. The fight continued till night, when the Dutch hauled ofi^ and re- turaed to their own coast.

Vice- Admiral the earl of Ossory gained much distinction by going to the rescue of the Royal Prince ; and Sir John Kempthorn and Sir John Chichely also rendered themselves conspicuous by their gallantry. Admirals Sir John Harman and Sir John Holmes, with Captains William Davies, Robert Stout, George Legge, Sir John 'Berry, Sir John Ernie, Sir Roger Strickland, and Richard Carter, Avere also honour- ably mentioned by Prince Rupert. Captains Sir William Reeves, Francis Courtenay, John Hayward (sen.), Richard Le Neve, and John Price, were killed in tliis memorable engagement.

Of ships the loss to the English was inconsiderable ; but from the large number of soldiers on board, the slaughter was very gi-eat : historians, however, are silent upon this point. There is little doubt that, had the French done ever

^ Before Sir Edward quitted the Koyal Prince that ship was wholly dismasted, most of her tipper tier of guns disabled, and 400 out of the 750 men who had composed her crew killed or wounded. In this situation a large ship bore down on her with two fire-ships, intending to take or destroy her ; but the gunner, Eichard Leake, father to the sub- sequently renowned Sir John Leake, took command of the ship, which, it is said, was about to be surrendered by the lieutenant, sunk the fire- Bhips, obliged the man-of-war to sheer o% and preserved the ship from capture.

72 BATTLES OF [1674.

SO little in support of tlieir confederates, a different result might have been obtained ; but, as the matter stands, it would be vain to deny the victory to the Dutch, although they carried off no trophy. We cannot attribute the con- duct of D'Estrees to pusillanimity, but rather to the orders he had received from his government ; nor the misfortune of the EngHsh to any other cause than the folly of depending on an ally who had so repeatedly evinced a lukewarmness, from which nothing but desertion in time of need ought to have been expected. ^ A treaty of peace was shortly after- wards set on foot, and a peace concluded.

  1. — We must next record a chivakous battle between Captain Thomas (son of Sir John) Harman, in the Tiger, and the Schaerles Dutch ship of thirty-six guns, fought on the :23rd February.

The action is thus naiTated by Campbell : " The Schaerles, Captaui Paschall De Witte, of thirty-six guns and 1 40 men, met with Captain Harman in the Tiger, a small Enghsh frigate, which had been careening at Tangiers, and came with him to CacUz. The Spaniards jesting with De Witte, and telHng him that he durst not fight the Enghsh captain, and that tliis made them so good friends, Admnal Evertz heard it, and thereupon told De Witte that he must, for the honour of his nation, challenge Captain Hannan. He did so, and his admiral lent him sixty mariners and seventy soldiers. Captain Harman had but 184 men in all ; however, he stood out to sea, and fairly engaged the Dutch frigate in sight of the town. Their sliips were within pistol-shot before either fired, and then Captain Harman's broadside brought down the Dutchman's mammast, and killed and wounded four- score men. The English captain followed up liis advantage, entered the enemy's vessel with his resolute crew, and became master of the ship in an hour's time ; but she was quite dis-

' The only officer in the French fleet who appeared to think it was his duty to fight was Rear- Admiral de Martel, who, with four ships, maintained a very gallant action against the Dutch, by whom he was nearly overpowered. The reward of his honesty, however, is too clear a proof of the correctness of the view we have above taken, for, on his return to France, he teas sent to the Bastille. It. was a joke among the Dutch sailors, that the French had hired the English to fight for them, and that their only business there was, to see that they earned their wages.

1674.1 THE BKITI3H KAVY. 73

abled, and had 140 men killed and wounded. The English had only nme killed and fifteen wounded, one of whom was the brave Harman, by a musket-shot, wliich went in at his left eye and out between the ear and jaw-bone ; but from v>-hich he perfectly recovered."

The peace with Holland was concluded previously to the above encounter, on the 9th FebiTiary, 1674 : the Dutch covenanting that not only separate sliips but that whole tieets. shoidd strike their sails to any fleet or single ship carrying, the king's flag, as well as to pay a full compensation in money for the war.

74 BATTLES OF [1675-76.


  1. — In order to repress, if possible entii-ely, the still- continuecl piracies of the Tripoline states, Commodore Sir John Narborough was despatched from England with a powerful squadron. In the course of this year he committed great havoc among these corsairs, and blockaded their ports.

  2. — Sir John's instructions directing him to try the effect of negotiation upon the dey, as well as force, Lieute- nant Cloudesley Shovel, on the 1 6th January, was ordered to land and wait upon his majesty. At the same time he was to make observations on their strength. The dey, despising the youth of Mr. Shovel, treated him with much disrespect, and sent him back with an indefinite answer. On his return to the ship, he reported to Sir John Narborough what he had observed, and was sent with a second message, which was still more uncourteously received. Mr. Shovel, however, made such remarks upon the position of the sliipping, that on his retm'n he assured the commodore of the practicability of burning it. Accordingly, on the 4th of March, in the middle of the night, the boats of the squadron were despatched, under the orders of the lieutenant, to attempt the destruction of the ships in the port. The boats entered unperceived and captured the guard-ship ; they then proceeded, undiscovered, towards four other ships, mounting fifty, thirty-six, twenty-four, and twenty guns. The boats' crews boarded and carried them all, and having set them on fire, departed, without the loss of a man. The boldness of this measure so terrified the regent of Tripoli, that he immediately sued for peace ; yet the terms not being agreeable, and the treaty in consequence delayed, Sir John Narborough cannonaded the tov/n, and again landing a party of men, burnt a magazine of timber. Sir John then sailed to Malta, and returning thither again sud- denly, induced the regent to enter into a treaty to cease from his piratical practices ; but the presence of an English squadron was continually necessary to enforce the proper performance of the same. This was followed by a similar

1677-78-80.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 75

expedition, under Sir Jolin, to Algiers, wliere promises in abundance were obtained, but which, like those of Tripoli, were never respected, unless their fulfilment was occasionally- enforced by the guns of a man-of-war.

  1. — On the 19th January, the 26-gun ship Guernsey, Captain James Harman, engaged the White Horse, Algerine ship-of-war, of fifty gims and 500 men. The crew of the Guernsey niunbered only 110 ; but the action was continued with much determination. At length the Algerine, taking advantage of the Guernsey's disabled state, sheered oiF and escaped. Captain Harman received three musket-balls in his body, and also a severe contusion from a cannon-shot. He retained the command, however, until from exhaustion he sank upon Ms shij)'s deck, and three days afterwards expii-ed. The loss of the Guernsey in the action was nine killed and many were wounded. Lieutenant John Harris, who ably supported his gallant commander, was promoted in the month of August following.

On the 28th October, the galley-frigates Charles and James, Captains Thomas Hamilton and George Canning, engaged a large Algerine ship of war in Tangiers Bay. The action was desperate, and Captain Canning fell, and the Algerine was not caj^tiu'ed until nearly the whole of her crew had been either killed or wounded.

  1. — On the 1st April, the 64-gun ship Rupert, Com- modore Arthur Herbert, having in company the Mary, Cap- tain Roger Strickland, brought to action the Tiger, a large Algerine war ship of foi-ty guns and 400 men. The Rupert being much in advance of the Mary, engaged the Tiger alone ; but the Algerine was obstinately defended, and until the Mary had arrived up, refused to surrender. The Tiger lost one-half of her crew before she struck. Captain Herbert (afterwards Lord Torring-ton) lost an eye, and nearly all his officers and nineteen men were killed, and between tliirty and forty wounded.

  2. — On the 12tli April, the Hampshire frigate. Captain Edward Finn, engaged four Algerine ships of war between Tangier and Tarifia, capturing the Calabash of twenty-eight guns and a numerous crew. The lO-gun ship Adventure, Captain William Booth, hea\ing in sight, the other three Algerines made sail and escaped. The Hampshire had three

76 BATTLES OF [1681-83.

men killed and nine wounded. Thirty Christian prisoners were found on board the pi'Lze.

  1. — ^On the 8th of April the 40-gun ship Adventure, Captain William Booth, fell in with the Algerine shij) of war Golden Horise, mounting forty-six gTuis, and commanded by Morat Rais, a notorious Dutch renegade. The crew of the Golden Horse compiised 508 Moors and ninety Christian slaves. At 2h. a.m. the action commenced, and was continued at intervals till 3h. p.m., when Morat Rais, having had his leg broken, discontinued the action. Just at this time, howev'er, a large ship hove in sight under Turkish colours, which encouraged the Algerine to recommence the action, and it was prosecuted till night. Captain Booth considering it probable he would be attacked in the night by the stranger, gave orders to a fire-sliip in company to bum either the Algerine he had been engaging, or the one then closing with him ; but fortunately the fire-ship missed the objects, for at dayhght the stranger was seen under English colours, and proved to be the 40-gun ship Nonsuch, Captain Francis Wheeler. The Golden Horse, being dismasted, then sur- rendered, having six feet water in the hold, and 109 of her crew killed, and 120 wounded.

In the middle of May, Captain Morgan Kempthorn, in the 42-gTin ship Kingfisher, brought to action seven Algerine corsairs in the Mediterranean. The Algerines closed round the Kingfisher, and made several desperate attempts to board. Captain Kempthorn ^ being well sup- ported by his ofiicers and crew, gallantly resisted their fierce assaults, and received his death-wound wliile nobly encou- ra^nor his men. The command then devolved on Lieutenant Balph Wrenn, who continued the defence of the ship, and the Algerines were at length cMven from their object with great slaughter. The Kingfisher, besides her captain, had eight killed and thirty-eight wounded. Lieutenant Wrenn was immediately promoted, and appointed to command the 40-gun ship Nonsuch.

  1. — On the 1st August, Commander Charles Carlisle, in the Francis sloop, destroyed the Trompeuse, a notorious

' Tliis promising officer, the son of Sir John Kempthorn, was only twenty- three years of age when he fell.

1G85-89.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 77

pirate, at the island of St. Thomas, in the West Indies. The Trompeuse had cruised with considerable success, and her destruction was an object of importance to commerce.

IQS5. — On the 12th June, Cajjtain Thomas Lighton, of the Lark frigate, having under his orders the Greyhound, Captain Randall Macdonald, and Bonaventure, acting com- mander Stafford Fairborne, arrived off the bar of the Mamora river, in which were observed two large Sallee rovers. In consequence of some information respecting them, Captain Lighton determined to attempt their capture by boats, and Captain Macdonald was intrusted with the command of the expedition. At 8h. p.m. the boats of the three sliips pro- ceeded on the service, and although the attack was expected and the boats were exposed to a severe fire from the batteries and sliipping, Captain Macdonald boarded the Sallee ships, one mounting thirty-six the other twenty-six guns, and set them on fire. The British loss was one man killed and five wounded. Four Christian slaves were liberated.

  1. — On the 2oth March the 36-gmi frigate N'onsuch, Captain Roome Coyle, engaged two French sliips off Guernsey, one mounting thirty the other twenty-two guns. CajDtain Coyle and the master being killed, and there being no lieu- tenant on board, the boatswain, Robert Simcock, took the command, and so spiritedly contmued the action, that both French ships were captured. Mr. Simcock's conduct was duly appreciated, for he was promoted to the rank of captain, and appointed to command the Nonsuch.

On the 29 th of April, as the fleet under the command of Admiral Arthur Herbert, consisting of eight third-rates, ten fourth-rates, one fifth-rate — in all nineteen sail of the line — and two tenders, was cruising off the coast of Ireland, near Kinsale, a strange fleet was discovered on a wind, apparently making for the harbour. Admiral Herbert, who was to wdndward, also stood in for Kinsale, to succour that place. On the 30th the French fleet, having evaded him, was not in sight, but having received information that it had gone to Baltimore, Admiral Herbert bore up for that place, and not finding it there, he continued steering to the westward, and in the evening the French fleet was discovered to the west- ward of Cape Clear. The admiral continued liis pursuit, but the French succeeded in getting into Bantry Bay, and

78' BATTLES OF [1690.

ancliored. The Englisli fleet remained in the ofling all night ; but on the morning of the 1st of May stood into the bay. Upon seeing the English, the French fleet, consisting of twenty-eight ships of war, of from sixty to seventy gnns^ and five fire-sliips, imder the command of Admii^al Chateau Eenaud, instantly got under way, and bore down in line close to the English. The action was commenced by the French with the Defiance, Captain John Ashby, the leading ship of the English line ; and as other ships got near enough, a smart fight took place. Admiral Herbert endeavoured in vain to get the weather-gage by tacking ; but finding the French to maintain the advantage, he made a stretch ofi"- shore, in order, it is said, to allow his ships to get into a line of battle. The French fleet, however, though greatly superior in force, did not pursue the English, and the latter having formed the line, found it impracticable to work into the bay again that night ; nor did Admiral Herbert think it prudent to make another attack the next day against a force so greatly superior, but remained ofl* the port, so that the French might have renewed the action. The loss on the part of the Eng- lish in this skii-mish amounted to Captain George Aylmer, of the Portland, and ninety-four seamen killed and 250 wounded in the fleet.

  1. — On the 30th June an action took place ofl" Beachy Head. The French fleet, commanded by Comte de Tour- ville, consisted of seventy-eight ships of war, principally large ships, besides twenty-two fire-ships, mounting uj)wards of 4,700 guns. This fleet, which was very perfect in its equip- ment, had sailed from Brest with the intention of creating a diversion in favour of King James ; and with this view made a descent upon the coast of Sussex, where a few prisoners were taken, and placards distributed ofiering pardon to all those captains who should declare in favour of the ex-king. Intelligence of the ajDjDroach of the French having reached the English fleet at Spithead, the latter put to sea on the 21st Jime, and soon gained sight of the French fleet. Being joined by a Dutch squadron, the two fleets remained in sight of each other for several days ; and on the eventftd day, Admiral the earl of Torrington, who in the meanwhile had: received positive orders to engage the enemy, to prevent the Jacobite party from gaining confidence, found himself in


command of only fifty-six sail. The combined fleet was thus ordered : — The Dutch division, consisting of twenty-two large ships, the best equipped in the fleet, commanded by Admirals Evertzen, Callemberg, and Vander Putten, formed the van ; Admiral Edward E-ussell, and Vice- Admiral Ralph Delaval; commanding the Blue squadron, formed the rear ; and the centre, or Ked division, was under the earl of Tor- rington. Vice- Admiral Sir John Ashby, and Rear- Admiral the Honoui'able George Rooke.

At daylight, on the morning of the 30th, the English admiral made the signal to form a line. At this time the French fleet was lying to, formed in line on the larboard tack, the ships' heads to the northward, and to leeward of the combined fleet. The opportunity of bringing on a decisive action was therefore in the power of the earl of Torrington ; and having made the signal for the fleet to bear up in line abreast and engage the enemy, the Dutch, with their accus- tomed valour, bore down, and did not bring to until closely engaged by the French van. At 9h. a.m. the action com- menced. The Blue squadron, following the example of the allies, at 9h. 30m. brought the French rear to action, and fought well. But the earl of Torrington brought to before the ships of his division were within gun-shot. ^ The French centre taking advantage of the backwardness of the Enghsli Red division, and of the large opening left in consequence, kept their "vvind, and passing through it, completely cut off the Dutch squadron. But the latter plied their guns so well, that although opposed to double their number, very little impression was made upon them. The fight lasted during the greatest part of the day ; and at 5h. p.m. the combined fleet anchored ; but at 9h. p.m. weighed, and retreated to the eastward, followed by the French fleet as far as Ptye Bay. On the 1st July, the 70-gun ship Anne, being totally dismasted, went on shore, and was burnt by her own crew.

The English loss in this inglorious affair amounted to one

' It is difficult to account for this backwardness, unless we are to suppose that the earl was not quite sure of the dispositions of his cap- tains. The ex-king had doubtless many of his old adherents in the fleet;, and one bad example might have proved the ruin of the Protestant cause.

60 BATTLRS OF [1690-91-92.

ship destroyed, and Captains WiUiani Botham, of the Restora- tion ; John Jennifer, of the Edgar ; two captains of marines, and 350 men, killed and wounded. Three Dutch ships were sunk, and three destroyed by their crews. Rear- Admirals Dick and Brackel, and Captain Nordel, were killed, and a great many inferior officers and men ; but that nation gained reputation in proportion to the English loss. The earl of Torrington was tried by court-martial, and acquitted of all blame.

The preponderance of force against the combined fleet was undoubtedly considerable ; for the number of guns carried by the latter was less by one-fourth : but when we reflect upon the trifling advantage gained by the French over their beaten enemy, we cannot l)ut regret that a greater degree of energy had not animated the Red division ; for had this been the case, we should in all probability have been spared the odium of a defeat, and of having kept aloof from succouring a brave aUy when fighting our battle.

On the 18th July, the oO-gim ship St. Alban's, Captain Richard Fitzpatrick, captured in the Enghsh Channel, after a long engagement, a French 36-gun frigate, having on board, in addition to her proper com23lement, 200 seamen and fifty soldiers. The large number of men on board the French ship enabled them to protract the defence, and she was not surrendered until forty of her people were killed or woim.ded. The St. Alban's had four killed and seven wounded. In the following month of February, Captain Fitzpatrick, in conjunction with the Happy Return, Captain Thomas Monk, drove on shore two small French frigates, and captured fourteen sail of merchant ships.

  1. — On the 2nd January, the 60-gim ship Montagu, Captain Jolui Laton, captured a French 24-gun privateer ship, after a long chase and severe running fight. Captain Laton and one man were killed before the French ship siuTendered.

  2. — Commodore Ralph Wrenn, who commanded the squach'on in the West Indies, fell in with a French squadron of eighteen large ships of war ofi" Deseada. The British squadron consisted of one third-rate, four foiu-th-rates, two liii'ed armed ships, and two privateers ; but, although the enemy was manifestly superior, the commodore so ably con-




ducted the defence, that he saved a large convoy from capture, and then returned to Barbadoes.

A formidable fleet was fitted out against France, and the command given to Admiral Edward Russel. This fleet was di\dded into squadrons, as follow : —


Gun Sliip

Gun Ship

Britannia (flag)

' Eagle

Royal William


100 -

London (flag)

70 -


St. Andrew . Royal Sovereign (flag)


^ Lenox

90 -

' St. Michael

00 -


Sandwich . Royal Catherine

Rupert LYork


, Devonshire






St. Albans


50 -


70 -



Hampton Court








Gvm Ship.

Gun Ship

100 Victory ^flag)

' iMonmouth

96 Neptune


' Albemarle Windsor Castle (flag)

70 -

Stirling Castle


Of) J Vanguard ^^ ! Duchess



Ossory .Duke


60 '


80 Cornwall


74 Royal Oak

^ Dreadnoiight

' Resolution




'' Advice

^r. J Northumberland 1 Berwick


50 ■<






Admii-al Russel's flag (miion at the main) was flying on board the Britannia; his vice and rear-admirals were SirEalph Delaval, in the Royal Sovereign, and Sir Cloudesley Shovel, in the London. The Blue squadron was commanded by





Admiral Sir John Ashby, in the Victory ; Yice- Admiral George Rooke, in the Windsor Castle ; and Bear- Admiral Richard Carter. This fleet carried 4,504 guns and 27,725 men, and was united to a Dutch fleet of thirty-six ships, under Admii^al AUemonde, carrying 2,494 guns and 12,950 total, 99 ships, 6,998 guns, 40,675 men.


The French fleet, commanded by Admiral Comte de Tour- AoLle, consisted of the following : —

Giin Ship

Gun Ship


Soleil Eoyal

68 Amiable



^ Content

' Ambitieux


96 -





64 -


' Monarque




90 -


^ Juste


' Furieux



' Grand

St, Michel



St. Philip


84 -






60 -



St. Louis



' Magnifique






76 -


Sans Pareil




f Courageux


58 \ Fleuron


1 Pompeux [ St. Esprit


K J \ Tdmeraire



^* (Ti-ident

' GaiUard

r Mac^rer


50 -| Heureux Retour

68 H




exclusive of seven smaller vessels, twenty-six ships armee en fliite, and fourteen others. The design in assembling this 'fleet was to replace James on the throne of England.

On the 18th May, the combined fleet, in all ninety-nine

sail of the line, left Spithead, and probably was the most


pow-erfiil fleet ever assembled. Scarcely liad tliey cleared the Isle of Wight, intending to stand over to the French coast, to harass the French, and induce their fleet to put to sea, when at daybreak on the morning of the 19th, Cape Barflem' bearing south-west by south, the French fleet was descried to the westward. The morning was hazy, and it being doubtful on which tack the enemy was, the Blue divi- sion was ordered to tack to the northward. At about 4h. a.m., the sun having dispersed the haze, the French fleet, of about seventy sail, was distinctly seen on the starboard tack, the same as the van and centre of the English, and forming their line j upon seeing which, the signal for the rear to tack was annulled, and the admiral bore away in his own ship to join the leewardmost ships, and form a line ahead in close order of sailing. At 8h. a.m. the line was formed — the Dutch in the van, Admiral Bussel in the centre, and Sir John Ashby in the rear. By 9h. the French had stretched riearly as far to the southward as the combined fleet. The wind continued from south-west, but was gradually falling light, so that the French fleet might with ease have delayed the engagement; but De Tourville waiving the evident superiority of the enemy, at lOh. 30m. a.m. his fleet was observed to bear away together. While the French fleet was thus bearing down on the centre and rear of the Enghsh, Admiral Russel, forbear- ing to use the advantage of firing upon the French as they advanced, ordered that the signal to engage should not be made until De Tourville had taken his own distance ; at the same time he ordered the van to tack to the northward. The French were therefore met by a force not greatly superior, and advanced until within musket-shot of the English line, when hauling up to windward, the Soleil Boyal, at llh. 30m., opened fire upon the Britannia.

De Tourville's act was politic ; and had the evolution been carried out to its proper extent, by cutting the English line, the probability is that the English centre would have been cut to pieces before the rear . or van could have approached to the rescue, as the light breeze of wind, in consequence of the firing, had dwindled down to a calm. In bringing to as he did, however, the French admiral relinquished liis ad- vantage. For an horn- and a quarter the Soleil Eoyal and Britannia, as well as the whole of the Bed division, continued

84 BATTLES OF [1692.

warmly engaged, by Avhicli time tlie Soleil Eoyal was so much cut up in sails, rigging, and spars, tliat she ceased firing, and was towed out of the action. The celerity with which the EngHsh broadsides were poured in was most remarkable as compared AAdth the French. An officer present in the action states that the English fired three times while the French fired t%vice. Shortly after noon, there came on so thick a fog, that the sliips could not be distmguished from each other, and the firing ceased. Tliis fog kisted mitil the evening, and from its being calm the ships drifted together with the tide, and the fire became hazardous, as a friend might have been mistaken for an enemy.

Hitherto the rearmost ships had not at all participated in the engagement, having been unable to get up on account of the calm, althougli the boats of the ships were all ahead towing. At 7h. p. m. Rear-Admiral Carter's flag was ob- served from the Victory, and shortly afterwards the French admii-al and part of the French fleet were seen, upon which a cUstant cannonading took place, till 9h. 30m. p. m., when each ship again lost sight of the other in the fog and dark- ness. Four of the enemy's ships were burnt by fire-ships. The killed and wounded in this day's fight were very numerous. The Eagle alone had seventy men killed, and 150Avounded. Among the killed were Rear- Admiral Carter, find Captain Anthony Hastings, of the Sandwich.

In the course of the night, a light air of Avdnd sprang up from the eastward, and the combined fleet made sail to the north-west, in hopes of falling in with the French the next morning. It is generally supposed that the French fleet anchored with all sail set, knowing that the wind was not sufficient to enable them to stem the flood tide, wliich the combined fleet not doing, lost much ground in the pursuit.

On the morning of the 20th, a j^art of the French fleet, consisting of thirty-eight ships, was discovered about nine miles to the westward, and a general chase ensued, with a. light air still from the eastward. Shortly after noon, the wind veered to south-west, and the chase continued till 4h. P. M., when the ebb having ceased, both fleets anchored and furled sails. At lOh. 30m. p. m., the fleet again weighed, and jjfied to the westward under all sail, with a south-west wind. On the 21st, at oh. a. m., the fleet anchored near


tlie Race of Alderney, in fifty fathoms, Cape la Hogue bearing from the body of the English fleet about south. Twenty- three French ships also anchored, but much nearer the Race, and fifteen others about three leagues further to the west- ward. The Britannia, having lost her fore -topmast on the preceding night, was much to the eastvv^ard. Soon after the fleets had anchored, the flood tide came up rather strong, and fifteen or twenty of the sliips that had anchored near Alderney were observed dming, and in a short, time were to leeward of Cape la Hoijue. Three of these sue- ceeded in getting into Cherbourg, and Admiral Russel made the signal for Vice- Admiral Delaval, who with the admiral and about forty sail had gone in pursuit, to stand in shore and destroy them. The vice-admiral stood in shore, and found three three-decked ships, including one of the largest of the French navy — the Soleil Royal — aground close to the beach, and surrounded by rocks. Finding it impracticable to approach with the large ships, he shifted his flag to the St. Albans, and taking with him the Ruby and some fire- ships, stood in. The French ships opening a galling fire, the vice-admiral stood out again, the better to mature his plan of attack. Next morning, having collected the ships which di*ew least water, he stood in again ; but not knomng the proper channel, and being in four fathoms, he found it necessary to emj)loy fire-ships. Three fire-ships were selected for this purpose, the vice-admiral himself embarking on board one. The ships proceeded, and two (one commanded by Captain Thomas Heath) succeeded in burning two of the three-deckers, but the third fire-ship, commanded by Captain Thomas Foulis, was sunk by the enemy's shot. The third French ship being on shore, the St. Albans and Ruby approached and opened theu^ fire upon her, until observing that her crew had deserted. Vice- Admiral Delaval boarded, and finding none but the wounded and dead on board, he ordered these to be removed, and the sliip to be set on fire.

The other ships which drove entered La Hogue, but those which kept at their anchors succeeded in making their way through a dangerous passage, known only to clever French pilots, to St. Malo. Sir John Ashby and part of the Blue division, in expectation of being able to attack the ships, as he thought to the westward, continued at anchor ;


but on tlie morning of the 22nd, finding they had eluded him by pushing through the intricate navigation of the islands before mentioned, made sail to the eastward, and meeting, joined Admii-al Russel off La Hogue.

At noon on the 23rd, the combined fleet had assembled off La Hogue, and at 3h. p. M. Admii-al Eussel made the signal for all boats, manned and armed, to proceed to the destruction of the ships in the harbour. Vice-Admiral Eooke was appointed to command the expedition, and ac- cordingly shifted his flag into the 70-gun sliip Eagle, Avhich drew little water. The boats, under cover of the guns of the frigates, and accompanied by fire-ships, proceeded as the night closed in to the attack ; but it was soon found that there was not water sufficient for any but the smallest frigates, for the ships had been all laid aground, and many were high and dry on the sands. The boats, however, pro- ceeded, and notmthstanding a severe fire from the forts and sliipping, boarded six of the shijos with very little loss. These were shortly in flames, but the remainder being high up on the beach, and protected by a large body of troops, could not at that time be attempted. On the following morning the boats returned to the attack, and burnt all those left on the preceding night ; in all, sixteen large sail of the line, and many transports,^ This important service was performed with loss, on the part of the English, of no more than ten men killed ; and its effect was that of seating AVilliam III. much more firmly on his throne; the destruc- tion of that fleet having completely dissipated the hopes of James.

  1. — The command of a squadron was this year con- ferred upon Sir George Rooke (he having been knighted for his gallantry in the pre\dous May), who was ordered to convoy the Mediterranean fleet, consisting of English, Dutch, Swedish, and Danish ships. The French king despatched a fleet of seventy-one sail of the line, on purpose to intercept this convoy. Rooke's force, consisting of twenty-three sail

' The names of the French ships destroyed are thus given by Campbell : — Soleil Royal, Ambitieux, Adniirable, Tonnant, Terrible, Magnifique, St. Philip, Couqu^rant, Triomphant, Amiable, Fier, Glorieux, Serieux, Ti'ident, Prince, Sans Pareil, and another, name unknown. This enu- meration includes those ships destroyed at Cherbourg.


only, English and Dutch, being off Lagos Bay on the morning of the 17th of June, discovered part of the French fleet — of the real force of which he was not aware — stretching out from under the land. Indeed, Sir George had been misled by the crew of a fire-ship he had taken, who deceived him, stating that the French fleet consisted of fifteen sail of the line only. At noon, however, no less than eighty large ships were counted, most part of the line, sixteen of which were standing towards his fleet, and Sir George instantly ordered the convoy to make the best of their way into Cadiz, Ferrol, and St, Lucca. At about 3h. p. m. the combined squadron was only four miles to windward of the French fleet ; but many ships being more to leeward, Eooke backed his main-topsail to allow them to get up. The French admiral and -vice-admiral of the Blue, with eight or ten of their ships, meanwhile, gained considerably on the English and Dutch ; and at 6h. p. m. opened fire upon the two leewardmost ships, which maintained the united fire of seven or eight Fi'ench ships for several hours, with great gallantry, but were at length overpowered and captured. At about lOh. p. m. the Dutch merchant-ships which had remained with the squadron tacked, and stood in shore ; while the English merchant-ships contiuued on the same tack, standing out to sea. Upon seeing the Dutch ships tack in the night, the French fleet also tacked, and the next morning Sir George Booke, having stood off shore all night under a heavy press of sail, found fifty-four merchant- ships and several men-of-war in company, with which he sailed to Madeira for water. The loss, which principally fell upon the Dutch, was very severe, amounting to ninety sail of merchant-ships, and two Dutch and one English man-of-war, the whole valued at a million sterling ; but had it not been for the skill of Sir George Booke, the whole 400 sail would in all probability have suffered capture.

Li retaliation for this severe loss, an expedition was fitted out, and the command given to Commodore John Benbow, who was ordered to proceed to the French coast, and bom- bard St. Malo. He sailed with his squadron, of twelve ships of war, four mortar vessels, and ten brigantines ; and on the 16th of November, aniving off that place, he anchored before Quiace Fort,, and when the tide permitted the vessels

88 BATTLES OF [1694.

to get near enough, lie sent three of the mortar vessels and brigantines to bombard the to^\ai. Tliis bombardment was repeated for several days, the vessels taking care to ^vithdraw in time to avoid grounding. On the 18th a party landed and destroyed a convent, but on the follo^^ing day an extraordinary descrij)tion of fire-ship \yas sent in, which is thus described by a French writer : —

" The vessel was a new galliot, of about 300 tons. In the lower part of her were placed 100 barrels of powder, covered with all sorts of combustible materials. Over these as^aiii was a row of planks or beams, with holes in them to com- municate the fire from above ; and upon them were placed 340 carcasses or chests, filled "svitli grenades, cannon-balls, iron chains, loaded fire-arms, large pieces of metal wrapt up in tarpaulins, and other destnictive missiles. The design was to have secured tliis to the wall of the town, and had it l^een properly managed, it must have reduced the houses to a heap of ruins." When near liigh water, this infernal machine was sent in before the wind, and it had reached the foot of the wall to wliich it was to have been secured, when a sudden gust of wind drove it off" again, and it grounded on a rock at some di.stance. It was set on fire by the engineer ; but owing to the principal part of the powder beiiig damp, the explosion lost great part of its efiect ; notwithstanding which, it was sufficient to blow down a part of the town wall, and to shake and severely damage every house in the town. The capstau of the vessel was blown to a gTeat dis- tance. This, with the demolition of Quince Fort, and making- eighty prisoners, was the extent of the injury sustained by the French. It ought to be observed that St. Malo being at that time a principal resort of privateers, the attack was only retributive.

  1. — On the 14th of January, the EugUsh merchant- ship Conquest, of eight gains and twenty men, John Staple- ton, master, on her voyage from Seville to England, fell in with a French 26-giiii frigate off" the Rock of Lisbon. Stapleton, determined to defend liis vessel as long as possible, brought seven guns on one side, and gallantly continued a running action from Ih. till 7h. p.m. By this time he had only four cartridges left, and his boatswain, carpenter, and six of his small crew, Avere Ipng dead on the deck. His


guns, however, being all loaded, he determined to fire them before surrendering. In discharging these the Conquest wa,s set on lire, and falling on board the frigate, set her on fii-e also ; but dropping clear, Stapleton succeeded in extinguish- ing the flames, and in the confusion escaped. The French captain owned to a loss of twelve men killed and sixteen wounded. Gallantry so conspicuous was not unrewarded, for in September following Mr. Stapleton received his commis- sion as master and commander of the Drake frigate.

In the month of May Captain Peter Pichard, of the G6-gun ship Monmouth, was despatched, having under his orders the Pesolution, Captain Simon Foulkes, and Poebiick fire-ship, to attempt the destruction of a fleet of merchant- ships, reported to be lying in Bertheaume Bay. At day- light on the 10th of May tliis squadron arrived ofi" Conquet Bay, and at .5h. a.m., on opening a point of the bay, discovered the object of search. On observing the approach of the English, the merchant-ships cut or slipjDed ; but Captain Pichard was intent on the capture of the ships of war appointed for the convoy. The boats of the squadron were accordingly sent away, which boarded a large armed fly-boat, while the Monmouth chased and drove a large ship (late Enghsh Jei'sey) on the rocks, wliicli was set on fire by her own crew and destroyed. Twenty-five merchant-ships were then burnt by the British boats' crews, as were several others in and about Conquet Bay ; and a large merchant-shij:) was brought off from under the guns of a heavy battery. Among the ships destroyed were two corvettes, which were burnt by the Jersey French sliip, and a large shij) laden with can- non and mortars.

On the ITtli of June the French privateer 54-g'un ship Invincible was captm-ed after a long chase and gallant action by the "Weymouth and Medway, fourth-rates, Captains William Jumper and Thomas Dilkes. On the 31st of June Captain Jumper took a second large privateer, and on the 21st of August a tliird, mounting twenty-eight guns. The- latter was exceedingly well fought, and having a numerous- crew and a brave and skilful captain (who was killed in the action), sustained the combat till upwards of fifty of her men were either killed or mortally wounded.

In the month of June, an unsuccessful attempt was made

90 BATTLES OF [1694.

upon the town of Brest by a large force, under the command of Admiral Lord John Berkeley and Lord Carmarthen, in which a severe loss was sustained — ^that on board the ships amounting to 400 killed and wounded.

On the 12th of July Dieppe was bombarded, and another infernal machine sent in under the command of Captain Dunbar. The machine was arrested in its progress towards the town by several vessels full of stones sunk before it, so that on exploding little mischief was occasioned. Captain Dunbar acquired much reputation by his intrepidity ctn the occasion ; for the train not taking fire when expected, he re- turned to the vessel which he had quitted, and a second time ignited the fuse. The bombardment was continued until the town was nearly levelled. From thence. Lord Berkeley re- paired to Havre, which underwent similar treatment.

Dunkirk was next doomed to be attacked, and a frigate squadron, under Sir Cloudesley Shovel, sailed from England in September. The command of the smaller ships and ves- sels was conferred upon Commodore Benbow, and with him Mr. Meesters, the constructor of the infernal macliines, who, with a number of Dutch pilots, was attached to the expedi- tion. The engineer, aided by his pilots, was to conduct the small vessels, and direct the machines. On the 12tli of September the expedition ajDpeared before Dunkirk, con- sisting of thirteen English and Dutch ships of war, two mortar- vessels, and seventeen machines and smaller craft. In the evening. Commodore Benbow undertook to sound the Western Channel, and notwithstanding he was exposed to a continual fire from the citadel and ships, he performed the task. On the 13th, the attack commenced, and the boats, small vessels, and two machines were sent in. The fii'st machine took fire before it was near enough to take any efiect j the second, which was larger, reached within a few yards of the pier-head, but was rendered nugatory by the precaution of the French in driving piles at some distance from the pier, upon which the machine gTounded. Sir Cloudesley, finding Dunkirk to be for a time unassailable, owing to the taking off of the tides, sailed for Calais, and threw a great many shells into the town, which destroyed forty houses ; but from tliis place he was driven by a gale of wind, and returned with his fleet to the Downs. Thus ended


for the year tlds expensive expedition, whicli, it was calcu- lated, liad cost England much more for its equipment than it ]iad done damage to the French; but it should be re- marked, in extenuation of such a mode of warfare, that although the injmy to the French was rather personal than national, it principally fell upon those who had committed serious depredations upon the English trade by their priva- teering.^

On the 19th of July the 30-gun frigate Scarborough, Captain Thomas Killingworth, was captured after a gallant fight by two large French privateers, one mounting forty, and the other twenty-six guns. Captain Killingworth, and thii'ty of his ship's company, were killed in the combat.

In the same month, the Portsmouth frigate. Captain John Clements, engaged in the Channel, and took a French ship of thirty-six guns. Captain Clements was killed by a musket- ball just before the enemy surrendered, and was the only person hurt on the occasion.

  1. — On the Mth of January the Nonsuch, fom^th- rate. Captain Thomas Tayler, was captured about seventy leagues west of Scilly (the captain and many of the crew being killed, and the ship dismasted), by a French 56-giin ship.

On the 27th of January, a squadron of six frigates, com- manded by Commodore James Killegrew, in the 60-g'un ship Plymouth, being between Cape Bona, on the Barbary coast, and Pantellaria, discovered two large French ships, Avhich proved to be the Content, of sixty guns, Captain the Marquis du Chalard, and the Trident, fifty-two guns. Captain Count d'Aulnoy. The French, mistakiiig the frigates for merchant-ships, made sail towards them : but discovering their error, hauled to the wind and endeavoured to escape. Commodore Eallegrew chased, and the Plymouth outsailmg the other ships of the squadron, at 4h. p.m. got within gun- shot of the French ships, upon which she gallantly opened fire. For more than an hour this ship, unsupported, main- tained a conflict with two powerful ships — the wind being

• Mr. Meesters undoubtedly found in the English government very ready speculators ; but a short time svij6&ced to prove that the whole scheme was a perfect failure, the projector an impostor, and the mem- bers of the government his credulous dupes.

92 BATTLES OF [1695;

so light as to preclude the otlier ships from closing — during which time the brave commodore was killed bj a cannon- baU. The Falmouth, Captain Caleb Grantham, next got into action, but she also was alone for an hour. As soon as the four remaining frigates — Carlisle (Captain John Norris), Newcastle, Southampton (Captain Eichard Kirby), and Adventure had arrived up, the French ships separated, but were pursued — the Content, by the Carlisle and Newcastle ; and the Trident, by the Falmouth and Adventure. The French fought their sliips well, and maintained a running fight throughout the night ; but in the forenoon of the fol- lowing day both surrendered, ha\Tiig lost many men, and being much disabled. The Trident, being leaky, was sent into Gorcjonti, and the Content was carried to Messina. The Plymouth suffered the most severely, having, in addition to the commodore, foui-teen men killed and thkty wounded ; besides being greatly damaged, and with the loss of her fore-topmast. The other five ships lost together about double that number. Commodore Killegrew was buried at Messina with military honours.

On the 16tli of April, the 70-gun ship Hope, Captain Henry Robinson, Vas captured in the Channel, after a brave and long-protracted resistance (in the course of which eighty men were killed and wounded), by five French ships of war.

On the 4th of February, the 44-gun ship Dartmouth, Captain Roger Vaughan, was captured by two French 40- gun ships, after a gallant defence of six hours' duration.

In the summer of this year, a second expedition was fitted out, consisting of English and Dutch vessels, to be employed on the French coast, under the command of Lord Berkeley, and the Dutch admii^al Allemonde. St. Malo was the first place selected. On the 4th of July they amved off Quince Fort, which was immediately cannonaded. Next day, three English and two Dutch mortar-vessels, under Colonel Richards, proceeded to attack the forts on one side of the channel, and the other side was committed to the Dutch, while Com- modore Benbow, at the head of a third party, with a red flag flying, proceeded in the Charles galley. The frigates followed, and anchoring as near the town as possible, the bombardment commenced at 6h. a.m., and continued for


some hours witli great fmy. At 8h. a.m. the town was on fire in several places. Quince Fort, being of wood, was set on fire by two fire-ships, and burnt for two hours. The bombardment continued uninterruptedly all day, but at evening, the mortar-vessels, having expended their ammu- nition— nearly 9,000 shells and carcasses — put to sea. The force upon which this enterprise depended consisted of six Enghsli and four Dutch men-of-war, nine galliots, fourteen flat-bottomed boats, and two brigantines, which suffered a loss of sixty killed and wounded, and one mortar-vessel and several boats sunk. The houses of St. IMalo, being chiefly of wood, were completely destroyed. Benbow dis- tinguished himself in this attack, and was afterwards de- tached with a squadron of eight frigates to bombard Granville. Arriving there on the 8th of July, he attacked it so \dgorously that in a few hours he departed for Havre, leaving Granville in flames. A demonstration only was made at Havre, and the squadron returned to Spithead, to join the fleet fitting for the bombardment of Dunkirk.

On the 1st of August at 9h. a. m. the attack upon Dun- kirk was commenced by several mortar- vessels and gun- boats ; but so great had been the preparations of the French, that little impression was made ; and misunderstandings •having arisen between the land officers and Mr. Meesters, the engineer, the attempt was given up, and the fleet sailed to Calais. On the 17th of August, Calais was bombarded — (600 shells were thrown into the to^vn, and much damage was occasioned. These attacks, however unsuccessfully con- ducted, had the eftect of doing great injury to the privateers, which, during the war, had done immense mischief to the trade of England and Holland.

On the 30th of May, a small vessel belonging to Poole, commanded by William Thompson, was fishing ofi* Purbeck, when a privateer sloop from Cherbourg was perceived standing towards her. The fishing vessel was provided with two swivels, and a few muskets ; and her crew consisted of ■the master, one man, and a boy. Thompson resolved to resist the privateer, and prepared for a defence. The pri- vateer closed, and an engagement ensued between these unequally-matched vessels ; but in a short time Thompson .wounded the captain and mate of the privateer, and six of

94 BATTLES OF [1696.

the men, upon which the privateer made sail and endea- voured to escape. Thompson chased ; and so skilfully manoeuvred his vessel and handled his two guns, that he compelled the vessel to surrender. Thompson carried his ■pvize into Poole, with fourteen prisoners on board. The French vessel, when she commenced the action, mounted two patereroes, and had a crew of sixteen men. For this exploit, the Admiralty awarded to Thompson a gold chain and medal value <£60.

A similar action occurred shortly afterwards. The coasting sloop Sea Adventure, commanded by Peter JoHffe, observing a French privateer off Portland taking possession of a small fishing vessel belonging to Weymouth, made sail after her, and attacked her so smartly that the privateer was glad to release the prize. Joliffe followed up his success, and at length succeeded in driving the privateer ashore in Lulworth Bay, and the inhabitants of the small village of Lulworth assembling on the beach, completed the triiunph by taking possession of the vessel and making prisoners of the crew. Joliffe was also rewarded by a gold chain and medal.

  1. — On the 30th of April, the oO-gim ship Foresight Captain Hovenden Walker, and Sheerness, of thirty-two guns, having a small outward-bound convoy in charge, gallantly engaged in the Channel, and succeeded in beating off, two large French line-of-battle shij)s which attacked them, and preserved the convoy entire.

In the month of December, the Weymouth, Captain William Jumper, engaged and sank the FougTieux French 4 8 -gun sliip, pierced for sixty guns ; on the 22 nd of the month, the Weymouth gallantly engaged a French 50-gun ship ; but some powder on board the British sliip acci- dentally taking fire, blew up the poop and disabled the ship for further immediate action, when the enemy made sail and endeavoured to get away. Having repaired her damages, the Weymouth again closed with the enemy ; but the two ships falling foul, the Weymouth's bowsprit and three lower masts fell by the board. Having now no further difficulty in doing so, the French sliip escaped.

Admiral Du Bart, with a French squadron of seventeen large ships, entered Dunkirk, in the month of January, and was afterwards blockaded by Bear- Admiral Benbow ; but


Du Bai-t, taking advantage of a strong southerly wind, effected his escape, and attacked the Dutch Baltic fleet before Benbow (whom the Dutch refused to follow) was able to get up with them. During this year, also, various attempts were made ujDon the coast of France, particularly in Camaret Bay and at the isles of Bhe and Belleisle. The peace of Byswick was shortly afterwards concluded.

  1. — On the 30th April, the 60-gun ship Medway, Captain William Cleveland, cruising off Scilly, chased and brought to action the French private ship of war Pontchartrain, mount- ing fifty carriage-guns and twelve swivels, with a picked crew of 400 men. The action began at 6h. a.m., and was con- ducted within musket-shot for three hours, the enemy attempting at one period to board the Medway ; but at the expiration of this time, the Pontchartrain, having nearly 100 men killed or badly wounded, hauled down her colours. The Medway's loss amounted to five men killed, and ten or twelve dangerously and slightly wounded.

On the 14th Augaist, a squadron, consisting of the 80-gTin ships Torbay and Devonshire, 70-gun sliip Bestoration, and 64-gun sliip Defiance, mider the command of Com- modore Thomas Harlow, had an action with a French squadron of five sail of the line, commanded by M. Pointis; but the enemy having the advantage of sailing, and conse- quently of declining action, after engaging some short time, made sail away. The EngHsh squadron pursued, and on the 16th the French again allowed them to come within gam- shot, and a second time hauled off. In the two partial actions the Torbay had one man killed and five wounded, the Bestoration six killed and fomi;een wounded, the Devonshire eleven killed and eleven wounded, and the Defiance sixteen wounded.

On the 19th Aug-ust, Captain Jumper, in the "Weymouth, had another opportunity of distingTiishiiig himself, which is thus descril^ed in his own letter : —

" On the 19th, in the afternoon, I saw a sail to leeward, between the land of Clonne and St. Martin's, whereupon I crowded sail to leeward to him, trimming my sails on a wind, though I went before it, that he should not discover my square yards ; keepLug my head to him, and making a little yaw sometimes to show my French ensign. He kept his

96 BATTLRS OF [1G97.

wind to me, and braced to. Another frigate that was at anchor under a castle weighed and stood off to us ; and believing I could beat them both, I brought all the strength I could on one side for dispatch. The man-of-war first men- tioned coming near, suspected me, and made sail off shore ; but I outsailed him, and went close under his lee side. I kept my French ensign flying to prevent his firing at my masts till I was near enough, then put up the English ensign and poured a broadside in him. I braced my maintopsail aback, and before half the second round was fired she stnick, being called L'Aurore, of Rochefort, the king's ship, one year old, in the nature of our galleys, carrying twenty guns on the upper deck, none on the lower deck^ but four on the quarter- <leck ; and between decks small jDorts for oars." The other, Avhich was a ship of the same description, observing the fate of L'Aiu'ore, made her escape.

On the 26th August, the 50-gun ship Hampshire, Captain John Fletcher, Avas destroyed in Hudson's Bay by a French .jsquadron, and Captain Fletcher killed in her defence.

1700-2.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 97


Queen Axxe ascended the throne on the 8th of March, 1702, and on tlie 2nd of May declared war against France. In September, 1701, Vice- Admiral Benbow had sailed to the West Indies with a squadron of ten sail of third and fourth- rates, imder orders to detain the Sjoanish galleons. Admiral Chateau Renaud also sailed from Brest for the same place, with foiu'teen sail of the line and sixteen frigates, to meet the galleons, and convoy them to Cadiz. Benbow performed great service to the trade of the West Indies, and had intel- ligence of the proceedings of the French, which he, in a great degree, succeeded in combating. On the 19th of August, 1702, in the evening, the vice-admiral with his small squadron, being off Santa Martha, fell m with ten sail of French ships, under Eear-Admii-al Du Casse ; the squadron, consisting of four ships, mounting seventy and sixty guns, one large Dutch ship, another full of troops, and the remainder chiefly small vessels, were running down close in-shore, under their top- sails. Benbow immediately chased ; but his ships being very much separated, he was under the necessity of waiting their arrival before commencing the attack. At 4h. p.m. the engagement began.

The British squadron consisted of the following : —

Guns. Ships.

^^ -n 1 i Vice-Admiral John Benbow I Captain Christopher Fogg

64 Defiance ,, Richard Kirkby

54 Greenwich .... ., Cooper Wade

f Ruby ., George Walton

j^j^J Pendennis .... ,, Thomas Hudson

I Windsor ., John Constable

I Falmouth .... ,, Samuel Vincent

Benbow s intention appears to have been to overtake the leading French ship, and as soon as his second astern was a,breast of this ship the action was to have commenced. His object, doubtless, was to disable these, when the remainder would have become an easy prey j but the Falmouth was the first to break liis orders, that ship, being in the rear, iiaving closed with and engaged the Dutch ship. The


98 BATTLES OF [1702.

Windsor and Defiance also engaged the ships nearest them ; but the two latter, after a few broadsides, hauled off, and stood out of gunshot. The brunt of the action was borne by the vice-admiral, in the Breda, which ship was opposed to the two sternmost French line-of-battle ships, by which she was much disabled. The fight lasted from 4h. p.m. tUl night, and the British admii^al continued his pursuit of the enemy till the next morning ; but at daybreak he found he had only the Kuby near him, the rest of the ships being four or five miles astern.

At 2h, P.M. on the 20th, the sea breeze having set in, the French formed a line and made sail on their way, followed by the Breda, Ruby, and Falmouth. The remaining four British ships — Defiance, Greenwich, Pendennis, and Windsor — made no effort to join in pursuit of the enemy. The Breda and her two seconds, in the course of the afternoon, distantly attacked the enemy's rear ships, but without making any visible impression ; Benbow, however, continued to fol- low, under every disadvantage, for the two succeeding days.

At 2h. A.M. on the 24:th, owing to a change of wind, the Breda was enabled to pass within hail of the sternmost French ship, and a smart action ensued. Benbow in person boarded the French ship three times, in performing which he received a severe wound in the face, and another in the arm, and shortly afterwards the gallant admiral had his right leg shattered by a chain-shot, and was carried below ; but he insisted on being again taken upon deck, where he remained, and, while lying in his cradle, continued to give directions respecting the action.

The Breda's immediate opponent was in a short time reduced to a wreck, having lost her fore-topmast, main-yard, and mizen-mast, and her hull was completely riddled with shot j but soon after daylight Benbow observed the French ships bearing down to her assistance. At the same time he had the mortification to witness the Windsor, Pendennis, Greenwich, and Defiance, actually bearing up and mnning away to leeward, in despite of his signal then flying for close action. The French, observing the dastardly conduct of Benbow's captains,^ steered for the Breda, upon which ship


tliey opened a fire, that shot away her main-topsail-yard, and otherwise damaged her considerably. Then they sent fresh hands on board the Breda's late opponent, and taking her in. tow, made sail away "s\ithout any attempt on the part of the ships before mentioned to prevent it.

Admiral Benbow determined still to follow the enemy, communicated with his captains, and ordered them to keep their stations in the line, and behave like men ; upon which Captain Kirkby, of the Defiance, came on board, and told the admiral " that he had better desist ; that the French were very strong, and that from what was passed he might guess he could make nothing of it." On sending for the captains of the other ships, to his inconceivably great sur- prise and chagrin, they coincided in opinion with Kirkby ; and although at that time the English squadron possessed advantages in strength and position, the gallant Benbow found himself obliged to give over the pursuit, and to pro- ceed with the squadron to Jamaica, ^ where he died of his wounds on the 4th of November. ^

tiying occasion. One of his lieutenants having expressed his sympathy on the loss of the admiral's leg, he replied — '^I am sorry for it too ; but I had rather have lost them both than have seen this dishonour brought upon the English nation. But do you hear," he continued, '^ if another shot should take me off, behave like brave men, and fight it out."

^ On the 16th of October, a court-martial assembled to try Captain Kirkby, on charges of cowardice, disobedience of orders, and neglect of duty ; and these charges having been most clearly proved, he was sen- tenced to be shot. Captain Constable, of the Windsor, was charged with the like offences ; but being relieved by his officers fi'om the charge of cowardice, he was only sentenced to be cashiered. Wade, of the Green- wich, had the offence of drunkenness added to the misdemeanours of Xirkby, and met with the same sentence. Wade and Kirkby met the just reward of their cowardice or disaffection (for their conduct was never fully explained) at Plymouth, in pursuance of the sentences of the court- martial. They were shot on board the Bristol, on the 16th April, 1703. Captain Hudson died a few days before the trial came on, and Captains George Walton and Samuel Vincent were alone exonerated from blame.

2 Shortly previous to his death, Benbow received the following laconic epistle from Admiral Du Casse : —

'' Carihagena, August 22nd, 1702.

*' Sir, — I had little hopes on Monday last but to have supped in your cabin ; but it pleased God to order it otherwise ; I am thankful for it. As for those cowardly captains who deserted you, hang them up, for

by they deserve it. " Yours,

" Du Casse." h2

100 BATTLES OF [1702.

Captain Thomas Hardy, commanding tlie Pembroke, while lying in Lagos Bay, received intelligence that the galleons, which Benbow had been sent to intercept, had arrived at Yigo on the 16th of September, under convoy of the French squadron. He immediately sailed to communicate the in- formation to Admii'al Sir George Eooke. It was the 6th of October, however, before he could acquaint Sir George with the news, it blowdng a gale of wind for three days, and there being no code of signals to express the information. Sir George, in the Royal Sovereign, with the fleet, imme- diately quitted Cadiz, where he had met mth only partial success, and hastened to Vigo. On arriving off Vigo, the Kent's boat was despatched to obtain intelligence respecting the force and disposition of the French and Spanish sliips. This being ascertained, it was determined that since the whole fleet could not act upon the enemy's ships, and that they would, on the contrary, only impede each other, fifteen EngHsh, and ten Dutch men-of-war, Avith all the fire-sliips, should be sent in to destroy the enemy's fleet. The frigates and bomb-vessels were directed to follow this detachment, and the larger ships were to proceed in afterguards, should there be occasion for their services. The troops were ordered to land at the same time, and attack the foi-t on the south of Redondella.

To give greater eclat to the attack, all the flag- officers went on board the squadron. Vice- Admiral Hopson was ordered to lead the van, followed by Vice-Admii-al Vandergoes. Sir George Rooke, Rear-Admiral Sir Stafford Fairborne, and Admiral Callemberg, with Baron Wassenaer, commanded the centre division ; and Rear-Admiral John Graydon, and Vice- Admiral Pieterson brought up the rear, with the mortar vessels and fire-ships.

On the 1 2th of October, in the morning, the squadron got underway, and made sail for the harbour ; the entrance of which is very narrow, and was protected by a strong boom, composed of masts and yards, secured to anchors, dropped in mid-channel, and the ends attached to two of the larsrest French ships, the Esperance and Bourbon. Within the boom five ships of from sixty to seventy guns were moored, with their broadsides bearing upon the mouth of the harbour. The van division had scarcely reached within gun-shot of the




batteries, when the wind died away, and the ships were under the necessity of anchoring. A strong breeze, however, shortly afterwards sjDrang up, and Vice- Admiral Hopson, in the Torbay, immediately cut, and crowding every sail, bore down upon the boom. The velocity the ship acquired gave her such power, that the boom was broken, and the Torbay was instantly between the Bourbon and Esperance. The other ships had some difficulty in following their gallant leader, owing to the sudden flaws of wind. Vice-Admiral Vandergoes, however, and the remainder of the squadron, at length found a way through the passage which Hopson had made ; and the Bourbon was captured. Hopson, meanwliile, was in gi'eat danger from a fire-ship, and owed his presei-^^a- tion to a very singular circumstance. The enemy was a French merchant ship, having on board a large cargo of snuff, wliich, in the hurry of })reparing her for a fire-ship, had not been removed ; and when the fire reached the snuffy it so deadened the flames, that the Torbay was saved from destruction. Yet had the Torbay suffered very severely, for she lost no fewer than 115 men killed and drowned, besides many wounded, including among the latter Captain James Moodie. Her foretop-mast was shot away, the foreyard, and foresail destroyed by fire, and the larboard shrouds, fore and aft, burnt down to the deadeyes. The 'ice-admiral then shifted liis flag to the Monmouth.

Captains William Bokenham (Association), and Francis "VVyvill (Barfleur), attacked the batteries on either side the harbour with great success, and the French admiral, finding that the land forces, which had made a simultaneous attack from on shore, had gained possession of part of the town, and that more ships were entering the harbour, gave orders for setting fire to the shipping. Before the order could be carried into effect, however^ a great many ships were taken possession of. The following is a summary of the French loss : —

Burnt and otherwise destroyed

rr, 1 i by the Ensrlish

1 Ships. Guns.


7 4 6

334 284 342

2,030 1,750 2,043

Taken < ■, ^i r\ ^ v.

( by the Dutch

Total loss to the French




102 BATTLES OF [1703.

Three Spanisli men-of-war, carrying 178 guns, were de- stroyed, and of fifteen galleons found there, four were taken by the English, five by the Dutch, and four destroyed. The gold and silver on board this fleet was computed at twenty millions of pieces of eight, fourteen millions of which had been removed previous to the attack : the remainder being either taken or sunk in the galleons. Merchandize, also, was taken or destroyed of a like value ; besides much plate, the property of individuals. This was a severe blow to the Trench and Spaniards, and was accomphshed with a very slight loss to the fleet, if we except that received on board the Torbay.^ The Kent had her boatswain wounded, and her foremast damaged ; the Association two men killed, and a few wounded ; and the land forces lost in killed one colonel^ two lieutenants, and forty men, and two colonels and thirty woimded.

Sir George Rooke left Vigo in charge of Sir Cloudesley Shovel, who was intrusted to fit out the prizes j and who suc- ceeded in rescuing a large portion of treasure from the sunken galleons, and recovered the Dartmouth, an English 50-gun ship, which had been captured in the previous war. He also took out of some of the French ships, which were lying aground, partially destroyed, fifty brass guns, and about sixty from the shore ; and before sailing firom the port, completed the destruction of every ship that he could not bring away.

  1. — On the 13th of October, the 50-gun ship Dragon, Captain Robert Holyman, being ofi* Vigo, gallantly engaged a French 70-gun ship. The action was continued for some considerable time, and Captain Holyman was killed, but his first lieutenant, Charles Fotherby, maintained a resolute defence, and eventually beat off" the enemy. Besides the captain, twenty-five of the Dragon's crew were killed and many wounded.

  2. — On the 10th of April, the 50-gun ship Salisbury, Captain Richard Cotten, in company with the 44-gun ship A dventure, ofi" the coast of Holland, fell in with a squadron of seven French ships of war, from Dunkirk, commanded

1 Vice- Admiral Hopson, on his return to England, was presented to the queen, and received the honour of knighthood, with a pension of £500 a year, and £300 a year to Lady Hopson, in the event of her sur- viving him.

1703,] THE BRITISH NAVY. 103

by M. St. Paul. Captain Gotten ha-vdng charge of a convoy of mercliant ships, which were some of them astern with the Adventure, gallantly ran down to their support j but one had surrendered before he was able to assist her. Had the Adventui-e supported the Salisbury as she might have done, it is probable the French would have been beaten off; but unfortunately that ship made all sail away, leaving Captain Cotten to engage the enemy single-handed. For two hours the Salisbury fought the French squadron. Two ships boarded her, and were beaten off ; but the commodore's and another ship, having at leng-th taken uj) theii' stations on the Salisbury's bow and quarter, and other ships also approaching to the attack. Captain Cotten deemed a further defence un- availing, and hauled down his colours. Before surrendering, the Salisbury was cut to pieces in hull and spars, and several of her guns were dismounted ; she had eighteen men killed, and two lieutenants, and forty-three men wounded. The Adventure was also chased and captured by the same squadron.

In July, a squadron under the orders of Rear- Admiral Thomas Dilkes was sent to look after a large French convoy, in Cancalle Bay. On the 25th, he anchored with his squadron off the south-west end of Jersey, and despatched the Spy to obtain intelligence from the governor. The governor of Jersey sent Captains James Lempriere and Thomas PijDon, who were well acquainted with the coast, and who furnished the rear-admiral with information that a fleet of about forty sail had been seen endeavouring, on the 15th, to get into Granville. The rear-admiral imme- diately got underway, notwithstanding an unfavourable tide, and on the following morning discovered the French at anchor, a league to the westward of Granville. On seeing the EngHsh, the enemy got underway, and stood farther in- shore. The rear-admiral followed with his ships as far as his pilots considered it prudent, and then ordered the boats to the attack. The enemy's force consisted of three ships of war and forty-five merchant ships j and the boats captured and brought away fifteen, biu-nt six, and sank three ; but the remainder escaped to a bay between Avranche and Mount St. Michel, where they strengthened themselves against any further attack. On the 27th, a fire-ship and

104 BATTLES OF [1704.

several small A^essels, together with the boats of the squadron, proceeded in-shore — the rear-admiral being j^resent, and accompanied by Captains Robert Fairfax, Thomas Legge, James ^lighells, James Lempriere, and Thomas Pipon. One French ship of eighteen guns was burnt by her own crew; and another of fourteen gims set on fire by John Paul, first lieutenant of the Kent ; a third, of eight guns, was brought out, and seventeen merchant ships destroyed. Four only escaped by taking shelter under the guns of Fort Granville. lieu- tenant Paul was severely wounded in the lower jaw, and had four men kiUed ; but it does not appear that any other loss was sustained by the squadron. Queen Anne was so much gratified by the result of this expedition, that she caused o-old medals to be struck and distributed anion 2: the principal parties engaged.

About the same time Captain John Norris, in the 70-gun ship Orford, captured the French 36-gun ship Pliilippeaux, after a very gallant defence. The Pliilippeaux, out of a crew of 240 men, had fifty killed and wounded, and the Orford eight men badly wounded, besides having her fore and mizeii- masts and main-yard disabled.

In the month of July, the 50-gun sliip Chatham, Captain Robert Bokenham, cruising olf the Pock of Lisbon, vnth. the fleet of Sir Cloudesley Shovel, and beuig ahead of the admiral, at a little past midnight fell in with the Jason and Auguste, French line-of-battle ships. The Chatham engaged them within pistol-shot until daylight, when, discovering the fleet, the French ships endeavoured to get awg.y. The Chatham continued the pursuit, and several other ships ha\dng arrived up with the combatants, the Auguste, a fine new 54-gun ship, was at length, after a brave defence, obliged to surrender ; but the Jason succeeded in effecting her escape. The Auguste was added to the British iia^y.

On the IGtli of November, the French 52-gun ship Hazard, Captain De la Rue, was captured by the Orford, Captain Sir John Norris, Warspight, and Lichfield, three ships belonging to Sir Cloudesley Shovel's fleet. The Hazard was added to the royal navy.

  1. — On the 16th of January, the 32-gun ship Lyme, Captain Edmund Letchmere, engaged a large French pri- vateer, mounting forty-six guns, off the Deadman. The




action was long and sanguinary, and Captain Letclimere was among the killed, which, with the wounded, amounted to thirty-six. After the fight had continued three hours, the privateer sheered off*, and the Lyme was too much disabled for pursuit.

On the 17th of July, the combined English and Dutch fleets, under Admiral Sir George Rooke, having been aug- mented by the junction of Sir Cloudesley Shovel's fleet, it was decided to make an attack upon Gibraltar. The fleet therefore crossed over from Tetuan, and on the 21st anchored in Gibraltar Bay. The same day, at 3h. P. M., the marines, English and Dutch, amounting to 1,800, were landed to the northward, on the isthmus which joins the rock to the mainland, imder the orders of the piince of Hesse, who, having posted his men, sent a summons to the governor to surrender the fortress for the ser-sdce of his Catholic majesty Charles III. of Spain. The governor returned for answer, that the garrison had. sworn to be tnie to their natural lord, King Philip Y., and that, as faithful and loyal subjects, they would sacrifice their lives in defence of the place.

Admiral Sir George Kooke then gave orders for the attack to commence, and on the 22nd, Rear- Admiral George Byng, in command of the following, —




Eanelagh Rear- Admiral George Byng

' Monmouth Captain John Baker




Grafton . . . Nottingham Montagu . Kingston . Nassau . . . Swiftsure . Berwick . . .


Burford . . .


Yarmouth .

Robert Kirktown John Huhbard Sir Andrew Leake Samuel Whitaker William Cleveland Edward Acton Francis Dove iRobert Wynn Robert Fairfax Lord Hamilton Kerrit RofFey William Jumper Jasper Hicks

together with Rear- Admiral Yanderdussen, and six Dutch ships, and the ships destined for the attack of the South Mole head, under Captain Hicks, in the Yarmouth, got underway in order to take up the stations assigned to them.

106 BATTLES OF [1704.

The wind proving contrary, the bombarding fleet was unable to get to their berths ; but in order to divert the enemy from the intended attack, Captain Whitaker was sent in with a detachment of boats, and burnt a French privateer of twelve guns, at the old mole.

On the 23rd, before daylight, the ships having taken up their stations, the admiral gave the signal for the com- mencement of the cannonade, which was conducted with much spirit ; 15,000 shot were fired in five or six hours' time, against the town, and the enemy fairly driven from their guns, especially at the South Mole head. The admiral, perceiving the advantage which must result from gaining that important position, ordered Captain Whitaker, with all the boats, to endeavour to obtain possession of it. The landing was efiected with great expedition ; but Captains Hicks and Jumper, being in the headmost boats, and not waiting for the remaining boats to come up, dashed alongside the battery, and drove the Spaniards fi'om their guns. The enemy had prepared for the assault, and before quitting sprung a mine, which blew up the fortifications, killed two lieutenants and forty men, and wounded sixty. The re- maining portions of the crews of the boats, however, kept possession of the platform, until Captain Whitaker landed with the rest of the seamen. The whole party then united and advanced upon a small bastion half-way between the mole and the town, which they took, together with a great many guns. On a second summons being sent in to the governor, the garrison capitulated ; and thus on the 24th July, this impregnable fortress, as it is now deemed, fell into the hands of the besiegers. The attack made by the seamen is described to have been brave beyond example ; and the reduction of Gibraltar was accomphshed with the loss of two lieutenants, one master, and sixty men killed ; and one captain, seven lieutenants, a boatswain, and 216 men wounded.

Having completed the capture of the fortress, the fleet stood over to Tetuan Bay to water, and while returning from that place to Gibraltar on the 9th of August, the Centurion made a signal for seeing an enemy's fleet to wind- ward. The fleet under Sir George Kooke's orders consisted of forty-five sail of the line, mounting 3,154 gims, and manned

1704.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 107

with 20,045 men ; six frigates, seven fire-ships, and five others ; but four line-of-battle ships being absent in charge of convoys, he had actually with him on this occasion only forty-one EngHsh, anu twelve Dutch sail of the line, so that we may reckon the line-of-battle force of the fleet at about 3,700 guns and 23,200 men.

The French fleet, which at this time made its appearance, was commanded by Admiral Comte Thoulouse, in the Fou- droyant, of 104 guns ; and consisted of fifty line-of-battle ships, in excellent condition, carrying 3,543 guns and 24,155 men; eight frigates, mounting 149 guns, with 1,025 men; nine fire-ships, and two transports. The French fleet con- tained three ships of 104 guns, and four of ninety-two and ninety gams ; while the combined fleet contained only three of ninety-six guns, and two of ninety guns ; the remainder being from eighty to fifty ; the remainder of the French being from eighty-eight to fifty-two guns. The French ships were invariably better built, and better armed ; they had also a very great advantage in point of sailing. The follow- ing is a list of the English fleet : —

Guns. Ships.

90 Royal Catherine .-, Admiral Sir George Eooke

Q^ ( St. George Captain John Jennings

I Namur ........... „ Christopher Slyngs

80 Shrewsbury „ Leonard Crow

{Nassau „ Francis Dove

Grafton. ....... ... „ Sir Andrew Leake

Monmouth .-^ -. .-. „ John Baker

60 Montagu ... „ William Cleveland

50 Panther . . ... ... ... „ Peregrine Bertie

Qfi T? rfl \ Vice- Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovel

.......... I Captain James Stewart

-^ \ Eagle . . ,- „ Lord Archibald Hamilton

I Orford . . . . . . ._. ... „ John Norris

66 Assurance......... „ Robert Hancock

^.^ { Warspight „ Edmund Loades

I Swift sure .......... „ Robert Wynn

60 Nottingham . . ... ... „ Samuel Whitaker

•50 Tilbury „ George Delaval

70 Lenox . . . . ... ... , . „ William Jumper

90 Prince George \ ^^-ice- Admiral Sir John Leake

° ( Captam George Martin

SBoyne . . . . ... . , . . ,, Lord Dursley Newark „ Richard Clarke Norfolk. . ... . . . „ John Knapp

108 BATTLES OF [1704.

Guns. Ships.

^^ \ Yarmouth Captain Jasper Hicks

I Berwick ,, Robert Fairfax

( ^ , , { Rear- Admiral George Byng

80 •> ° ( Captain John Cow

( Somerset „ John Price

70 Firme „ Baron Wild

50 Triton „ Tudor Trevor

82 Dorsetshire „ Edward Whitaker

80 Torbay „ William Caldwell

70 Essex ,, John Hubbard

60 Kingston ,, Edward Acton

56 Centurion „ John Home

'■n -ir f \ Rear- Admiral Thomas Dilkes

■ ■ ■ ( Captain Harman

76 Royal Oak ,, Gerard Elwes

50 Swallow ,, Richard Haddock

80 Cambridge ,, Richard Lestock

70 Bedford „ Thomas Hardy

60 Monk „ James Mighells »

^^ ^ Suffolk ,, Robert Kirktown

I Burford , „ Kerrit Rofifey

A council of war was called, which decided that the French fleet should be engaged to the eastward of Giljraltar. The confederate fleet was thus ordered : the centre was com- manded by Sir George Rooke, ha\dng for his rear-admirals Byng and Dilkes. Sir Cloudesley Shovel and Sir John Leake led the van, and Vice-Admu^al Callemberg, with Rear- Ad- miral Yanderdussen, commanded the Dutch shijis in the rear.

After a tedious pursuit, the French fleet was at length, on Sunday, the 13th of August, brought to action oft' Malaga. On the morning of this day, the combined fleet being to windward, the admiral made the signal to bear do^vn upon the enemy, who remained lying to until the fleet had reached \vdthin half gun-shot, when the French filled, edged ofl" the wind, and commenced the action. The design of Sir George Rooke was very probably to break the French line, and engage to leeward ; for being short of ammunition, he was anxious for close quarters : but this movement of the French set aside liis mode of attack, and a distant can- nonading commenced. Shovel's division was gallantly led by Sir John Leake, and the action maintained until 2h. p.m., when several of the English ships ceased filing for want of

1704.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 109

ammunition. The ]Monk was tliree times attempted to be boarded by a ship of seventy guns, but each time the boarders were repulsed with great slaughter. The contest throughout was most vigorous ; and had it not been for the shyness evinced by the French admiral in avoiding close action, the probability is that more than one trophy would have been gained by the allies. The Dutch behaved with their cus- tomary -valour, and continued the firing till night, their magazines having been better stored.

In the night, the French made all sail to leeward, and on the following morning, the wind having shifted in the night, were discovered four or five leagues to windward. In this encounter both fleets suffered severely in loss of men. On board the English fleet. Captain Leake, of the Grafton ; Cow, of the Ranelagh ; four lieutenants, two warrant-officers, and 687 men were killed ; and Captains Myngs, Baker, Jumper, IMighells, and Kirktown, thirteen lieutenants, thirteen warrant- officers, and 1,632 men wounded. The Dutch lost one cap- tain, and 400 men killed and wounded. The French loss was stated by themselves at "rather more" than 1,500 ; but from their retreat, and from their putting into Toulon for the remainder of the year, in consequence, as they said, of the great number of their wounded, we may fairly assume equal, if not a much greater, slaughter to have occurred on board their ships. Campbell gives 3,048 as the total number of private men killed and wounded, and 191 as the number of officers. The French admiral's object was to assist the Spaniards in the recovery of Gibraltar ; but that project was now relinquished.

The following table ^vill show the loss on board each British ship : —









1 Wounded

Itoyal Catherine St. George . . . . ...

Namur ... . . ... ...

Shrewsbury ... ...

Nassau ... . . . . ...

Grafton ... ... ... ...

Monmouth ... ... ...

Montagu ... ... ...

Panther ... . . ... . .

Barfleur ^.

Easfle . . .- -. ...






















94 93 44 73 26 66 62 34 16 24 57 9 14 44 33 19 25 78 57 52 32

Brought forward





Somerset . . . . ._. Firme

368 15

7 23 24 31 25

5 12 21 13 14 10 15 20

1 11 12 36 13 11

952 20 26 24 45 62 48 21 20 50 36 46 33 26 33 3 27 51 52 38




Dorsetshire ... ...



Orford... . . -. .-. .-.

Assurance ... .- ...

Warspight ... ... . .

Swiftsure ... ... ...

Nottingham ......


Lenox. . . . ... ... ...

Prince George ... Boyne ... ... ... ... . .

Newark ...

Carried forward


Centiirion . . . . ...


Royal Oak

Swallow .-. ... ... ...

Cambridge . . . . ...

Bedford ..

Monk ... ...


Burford ... ...





1632 1


d and wounded

j English . . 2,3 • • I Dutch . . 4






The crews of the English ships amounted in all to 19,385, so that the killed and wounded were nearly one eighth part. In Lord Howe's actions of the 28th and the 29th of May, and 1st of June, 1794, in which the crews of the British fleet amounted to 17,241 men, the total loss was no more than 290 killed, and 858 wounded, or one-fifteenth only.

Queen Anne was pleased to bestow on Rear- Admirals Byng and Dilkes the honour of knighthood j and also upon Captain Jennings, of the St. George.

Yice-Admiral Sir John Leake having been left with a squadron for the protection of Gibraltar, put into Lisbon to refit, and while there, received information of a projected attack, which induced him with all speed to repair to


Gibraltar ; but on arriving at that place, bearing of the approach of a much larger fleet under Admiral Pointis than he could contend against, Sir John returned to Lisbon, On the 2oth of October he sailed for Gibraltar, and on the 29th, captured and destroyed seven ships lying there. Sir John then landed a portion of the crews of the ships to defend the outposts, which were continually besieged ; and succeeded in holding out until a reinforcement of troops having arrived, he was enabled to withdraw his sailors, and prepare for an attack from a French fleet then in Cadiz. He sailed to Lisbon, where he was shortly afterwards joined by Sir Thomas Dilkes, with four third-rates.

On the 4th of August the 70-g-un ship Revenge, Captain William Kerr, and 48-gun ship Falmouth, Captain Thomas Kenney, were overtaken in the Channel by a French squadron, commanded by M. St. Paul. After a desperate action, in which Captain Kenney was killed, the Pevenge and Falmouth Avere overpowered and taken. The defence was highly creditable, and a court-martial honourably ac- quitted Captain Kerr.

On the 12th of November the 70-gim ship Elizabeth, Cap- tain WilKam Cross, was captured l)y a French squadron. Captain Cross was tried by court-martial, and dismissed the service for not proi^erly defending the ship.'

  1. — On the 10th of March, the squadron commanded by Sir John Leake being ofl* Cabrita Point, five large ships were observed standing out of the bay, which were imme- diately chased by Sir Thomas Dilkes, in the Revenge, with the Newcastle, Antelope, Expedition, and a Dutch ship, fol- lowed distantly by the remainder of the squadron. The French squadron made for the Barbary shore ; but finding the British gaining in the chase, tacked, and stood in for the Spanish coast. At 9h. A.M., the chasing ships captured the French 60-gim ship Arrogant. The Magnanime, seventy-foui', bearing Admiral Pointis's flag, and the Fleur-de-hs, eighty-six, made a good resistance, but were at leng-th driven on shore, to the westward of Morbella, and totally destroyed. The Magnanime took the ground with such force, that her masts went over the side, and she bilged almost immediately. The

» This person died in April, 1746, a private pensioner in Greenwich Hospital.

112 BATTLES OF [1705.

small portion 'wliich remained above water was fired by the French before quitting. The fourth ship, the Ardente, sixty- six, and the fifth, the Marquis, fifty-six, were captured by two Dutch ships. Sir John Leake having succeeded in relieving Gibraltar, and captured several merchant ships, returned to Lisbon.

Sir George Rooke sailed from Plymouth in January with a squadron, to convoy a large fleet of merchant ships out of the soundings ; having effected which, he cruised off the French coast, and captured the French 44-,gun ship Thetis, twelve privateers, and seven merchant ships, comprising 2,070 prisoners and 334 gims.

On the 20th October, the 48-gun ship Blackwall, Captain Samuel Martin, together with two other small ships of war, while convoying twelve merchant ships from the Baltic, fell in with M. St. Paul's squadron from Dunkirk. After a most gallant action, in wliich the French commodore St. Paul (one of the most efficient officers in the French service) and Captain Martin were killed, the Blackwall and consorts were captured. Louis, on being told of this event, is reported to have said, " I wish they (the English ships) were in any English port, provided that would restore me St. Paul."

On the 20th October, the 48-gun ship Pendennis, Caj^tain John Foljamb, was captured by a French ship of superior force, after a very gallant action, in wliich Captain Foljamb was killed, many of his crew killed and wounded, and the «hip knocked to pieces.

In the morning of the 19th of November, the 60-gun ship Montagu, Captain Bennet Allen, ofi" Cape Nicolas, Hispaniola, discovered two strange sail to leeward, and to avoid being seen, furled sails, and lay under the land till noon, when sail was made towards them, the strangers keeping their wind to close the Montagu. At 41i. p.m., the Montagu brought the two ships — a frigate of fifty guns, and a fly-boat of forty guns — to action, and fought for an hour. At 5h. the Montagu tacked, as did the French ships also, when, having had her topsail cut from the bolt-rope by shot and the force of the wind together, the Montagu bore up to bend another. The French ships pursued, and the Montagu cut away her long boat ; but having bent another topsail, the French sliips hauled their wind, and the action ceased for the night, On

1706.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 113

the following morning, the French ships were within gun- shot, but no engagfinent took place ; the cause of which is thus recorded in the master's journal: — "At 6h. a.m., we were within gun-shot of them again ; but our captain, being unwilling to bear down to engage them any more, went into his cabin and writ a paper, and called all his officers, and told them that if we should lose a mast, he believed we should be taken ; and told them if they would sign that paper it Avould be no detriment to them at all, but to clear liim ; then after that they had signed, bore away for Jamaica, and would not engage them, having lost one man, John Miller, killed in the engagement." After this extraordinary proceeding, it is further recorded, that on the 29th of the same month, a court-martial was held at Jamaica ujDon the captain and officers, when all except the captain and " chirurgeon" were dismissed the sliij).^

1706.— On the 11th February, the 32-gun frigate Fowey, Oaptain Charles Parsons, had a severe engagement in the Mediterranean, in which Captain Parsons was killed. The Fowey was so much disabled in the action, that her enemy, a ship of superior force, was able to escape.

On the 6th June, the 32-g-un frigate Winchelsea, Captain John Castle, was captured, after a brave defence (in which Captain Castle was killed), by a French shiji of sujierior force.

Admiral Sir John Leake performed the imjiortant service of driving Marshal Tesse, who had an army of 14,000 men imder liis command, and a French fleet, from before Gibraltar. Sir John also succeeded in reducing Majorca, Ivica, and Palma, for the king of Spain. The takmg of Alicant deserves

' We have taken much trouble to unravel this affair, in consequence of the confessions of Lediard and Campbell of their inability to furnisli the name of the captain of the ship. By referring to their statements, also, it will be seen that the blame is by those authors imputed to the officers and crew of the ship, and that the conduct of the captain is highly extolled. On the other hand, Chamock, in his JBiograr)hia N'avalis (vol. iii. p. 194), states that Captain Bennet Allen (making no mention of the above transaction) was dismissed the Montag-u in 1706, and that he died in 1750 in obscurity. Charnock is also WTong : Captain Allen commanded the Montagu till May, 1708, when he was succeeded in the command of her by another captain, and until his death was upon the half-pay list of the navy.


114 BATTLES OF [1706.

particular notice. On the 28th of June, the siege was com- menced. Sir George Byng, with five ships, anchored in line close under the walls of the town, wliile Sir John Jennings and the marines attacked the suburbs. The battering from the ships commenced early in the morning, and in a short time a breach was effected in the round tower at the west end of the town, and another in the middle of the curtain. The land forces then advanced to the breach in the round tower, and the boats pushed off to support them. The grenadiers were beaten back before Sir John's party landed ; but the boats proceeded, and all the men getting on shore, Captain John Evans, of the Royal Oak, was the first to mount the breach, and succeeded with a party of seamen in getting into the town. Captains William Passenger, of the Royal Anne, and John Watkins, of the St. George, followed with more seamen, while Sir John Jennings, with the remainder, took possession of the suburbs, and then moved on to their support. The garrison surrendered the next day ; and this important conquest was achieved with the loss of thirty killed and eighty wounded, including land and sea forces.

The 50-gun ship Romney, Captain William Coney, being in company with the 3 2 -gun frigates Milford and Fowey, Captains Philip Stanhope and Richard Lestock, received intelligence on the 12th of December, that a French pri- vateer, with thirty brass guns on board, recovered from the wreck of the Magnanime, was at anchor under the forts of Malaga. Captain Coney resolved to proceed and endeavour to cut her out, and, on arriving off the port, steered directly for the French ship, and, unaccompanied by either of the frigates, succeeded in bringing her out in the face of the heavy fire to which his ship was exposed, and carried his prize to Gibraltar. On the 26th, the Romney, accompanied by the MiLford and Fowey, chased the French 64:-gun ship Con- tent, which ship took shelter close under a small fort at about eight leagues to the westward of Almeira. The Ronmey taking a position athwart her bows, and the Milford and Fowey on her bow and quarter, opened so destructive a fire, that in a short time she blew up with all her crew.

1707.] THE BKITISH NAVY. 115

  1. — On the 19tli March, the 70-gun ship Resolution, Captain the Hon. Henry Mordaunt, having on board the earl of Peterborough, and the envoy to the duke of Savoy, on her way to Genoa, fell in with six large French ships. The frigates Enterprise and Milford'were in company with the Resolution, and the earl and Spanish envoy embarked on board the former, and made their escape to Oneglia. The Mil- ford, Captain Philip Stanhope,^ made sail in another direction, and effected her escape. The French squadron then chased the Resolution, but without gaining very rapidly, until the latter having carried away some of her spars, the enemy neared, and opened a destructive fire. In this emergency, the ship being much disabled and near the shore, Captain Mordaunt deter- mined to run the ship aground, wliich he effected at 3h. p.m. The Resolution took the ground in a sandy bay, within a short distance of the beach, and directly under the gTins of the Genoese castle of Ventigmilia, but which afforded her no protection. At 4h. 30m., Captain Mordaunt was wounded in the thigh. The squadron anchored as near the Resolution as possible, and were pouring into her a heavy fire ; but the commodore, finding he could not induce the Resolution to surrender, ordered all the boats of the squadron, under cover of the guns of a 74-gun ship, to attempt her destruction. Although nearly all the Resolution's guns were silenced, sufficient of her crew remained to repulse the boarders with great slaughter, and the remamder retired for the night. On the 21st, at 6h. 30m. A. M., the largest of the French ships, mounting eighty guns, took up her station as near to the Resolution as the depth of water would permit, and brought her broadside to bear. The Resolution could only bring her stern chase-guns to bear in return, and to add to her de- fenceless state, her magazine was swamped, the water being- over the orlop deck ; so that it was found impossible to hold out any longer ; orders were therefore given to set her on fire, and for the crew to make their escape to the shore, which was thoroughly effected, and the ship at 3h. p.m. was burnt down to the water's edge. Captain Mordaunt


116 BATTLES OF [1707.

never recovered from tlie effects of liis wounds, and died in 1710.

On the 1st of May, a large outward-bound convoy, under the protection of the following shi2:)S, —

Guns. Ships.

, 76 Royal Oak Commodore Baron Wyld

! ^^ ( Grafton ^ Captain Edward Acton

' I Hampton Court „ George Clements

sailed from the Downs, and on the 2nd fell in mth the Dunkirk squadron, of ten sail of the line, a frigate, and four privateers, commanded by M. Forbin. Commodore Wyld took five of the largest merchant ships into his line, and boldly met the attack. For two hours and a half a heavy fire was kept up ; but Captain Acton being killed, the Grafton surrendered to the overwhelming force opposed to her. The Hampton Court fought desperately, and sank the Salisbury, but was at length obliged to surrender. The Royal Oak having eleven feet water in her hold, escaped with great loss, by running on shore under Dungeness, from whence she was next day got off, and carried into the Downs. The French took twenty- one sail of merchant ships, and carried all into Dunkirk. It is recorded that a mid- shipman, whose name has never transpired, belonging to the Hampton Court, after the enemy had taken possession of the ship, conveyed Captain Clements, avIio was moi-tally wounded, into the long boat, which was towing astern, into wliich himself and seven men also got unperceived, and hid them- selves under the thwarts. They then watched their oppor- tunity to cut the boat adrift, and succeeded in reaching Rye harbour on the 3rd of May with the dead body of their captain. On the 30th of June it was determined l^y Sir Cloudesley Shovel and the confederated forces, to open the passage of the Var, where the enemy were strongly intrenched ; and Sir John Norris, with four English and one Dutch ship, sailed into that river, and advanced within musket-shot of the enemy's works. He then opened so well-directed a fire, that the cavalry and a great part of the infantry, being quite unpre- pared, quitted the camp, which Sir Cloudesley Shovel — who had followed Sir John Norris — observing, ordered Sir John to land with the seamen and marines, and attack them in flank. This service was performed so successfully, that the French

1707.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 117

fled from tlieir intrencliments in confusion, and the duke of Savoy, lialf an hour afterwards, passed up ^\ithout meeting any resistance.

On the 1 7th of July, an attempt was made upon Toulon by the combined English and Dutch forces, again assisted by the fleet under Sir Cloudesley Shovel. 100 guns were landed from the difierent ships, for the batteries, and a great number of seamen to serve them j Sir Thomas Dilkes also bombarded the town with the fleet ; but, not-withstanding the success which at one time seemed likely to follow, it was afterwards deemed prudent to withdraw from before the place. The French, however, sustained much loss, for, in addition to eight of their largest ships, which were burnt, several magazines and 130 houses were destroyed. Shovel was greatly chagrined at the partial failure of this expedition, and departed for England, ^ leaving a squadron under the command of Sir Thomas Dilkes to blockade Toulon.

Notwithstanding the fate of Commodore Wyld's squadron in May, the Admiralty provided no better convoy for the Lisbon fleet, which, after much delay, sailed in October. The merchant ships consisted of 130 sail, in charge of the following : —

Guns. Sliips.

o „ ( Cumberland .... Commodore Richard Edwards

I Devonshire Captain John Watkins

76 Royal Oak „ Baron Wyld

p.^ { Ruby ,, Peregrine Bertie

I Chester ,, John Balchen

118 BATTLES OF [1707.

On the 10th of October, being off the Lizard, the convoy fell in with the squadrons of Count Forbin and M. Du Guai Trouin, consisting together of twelve sail of the line. Commodore Edwards formed a line, and stood towards the enemy, in order to give the merchant ships an opportunity of escaping. At about noon the action commenced ; M. Du Guai Trouin and two other ships attack- ing the Cumberland. The fight was conducted with great skill ; but the Cumberland, being dismasted and reduced to a defenceless state, struck her colours. The Devonshire maintained a running fight with five French ships until dusk, when she blew up ; two only out of her crew of 700 being saved, ^ The Achille boarded the Royal Oak, and a long and desperate action ensued ; but having disabled the Achille, the former escaped into Kinsale. The Chester and Ruby were also captured.^ The merchant ships effected their escape, and arrived at Lisbon in safety.

As a very poor set-off to this success of the French, Cap- tain Nicholas Haddock, in command of the Ludlow Castle, on the 30th of December, off the Long-sand-head, fell in with two large privateers, each carrying more men than the British ship. These ships were the Nightingale and Squirrel, fitted out at Dunkirk ; the Nightingale being under the command of one Thomas Smith, who had been dismissed the English ser\dce. The two ships attacked the Ludlow Castle, but were so warmly received, that they endeavoured to make

^ We perform the tardy justice of recording the names of the devoted captain and ofl&cers of this bravely-defended ship, which historians, who wrote when the subject was fresh in the memory of all, omitted to do. Captain John Watkins, who distinguished himself at the taking of Alicant, perished in command of this ship. This oflBcer removed into the Devonshire on the 30th of August, 1706, as flag-captain to Kear- Admiral Sir John Jennings, but the latter hauled down his flag on the 28th April, antecedent to this action. The lieutenants were, Thomas Witts, William Payne, and Eobert Tempest ; master, Thomas Tribbett ; chaplain, Alexander Walker ; gunner, John Eollo.

2 A court-martial assembled October 27th, 1708, to try Captains Edwards, Balchen, and Wyld, when the two former were honourably acquitted, and the latter cashiered, and rendered incapable of further service in the royal navy, a sentence which appears to have been a very- severe one upon Captain Wyld, who, on so many previous occasions, as well as on this, appears to have behaved well. It afibrds pleasure, however, to add, that he was subsequently reinstated, and lived to be a rear-admiral.

1708.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 119

off. Captain Haddock gave chase to the largest, which he captured the same night.

  1. — On the 1st March, the 44-gun ship Adventure, Captain Robert Clark, was captured in the West Indies by a superior French force, and Captain Clark killed.

Commodore Wager, who commanded the West-India squadron this year, hearing of the arrival of a French squadron at the Havannah, under M. Du Casse, for the purpose of convoying home a fleet of Spanish treasure-ships, resolved to intercept the latter previous to their reaching the Havannah. The Severn, Captain Humphrey Pudner, was accordingly despatched to reconnoitre Porto Bello, where the Spanish ships were to assemble, from whom the commodore received intelligence, on the 23rd of May, that the fleet had sailed for Carthagena on the 19th. The ships with Commodore Wager, who had his broad pendant in the 60-gun ship Expedition, Captain Henry Long, consisted of the 60-gun ships Kingston and Portland, Captains Simon Bridges and Edward Windsor, and Vulture fire-ship, with which he cruised till the 27th. On the 28th, at noon, the Spanish ships, seventeen in num- ber, were seen from the mast-head. Commodore AYager immediately chased j but the Spanish admiral, despising a force so paltry, proceeded on his course without deig-ning to notice it. Unable to weather a small island called Baru, the Spaniards tacked, and thus neared the British. The Spanish admiral then drew his ships into a line, his own ship, bearing a white pendant at the main, in the centre. Of the seventeen sail, two were sloops, and one a brigantine, which withdrew from the action, and made sail in-shore. This squadron had on board specie to the amount of forty-eight million pieces of eight. Commodore Wager decided on engaging the Spanish admiral's ship of sixty-four guns himself, and ordered the Kingston to engage the vice-admiral, and the Portland the rear-admiral. The sun was just setting as the commodore commenced the engagement, which, as the ships neared, became very fierce. In about an hour and a half the Spanish admiral's ship took fire, and blew up with a tremendous explosion, vast quantities of the burning fragments falling upon the deck of the Expedition. Seeing the fate of the admiral, the Spaniards dispersed in the gi^eatest confusion, and it was some time before the commodore could renew the

120 EATTLES OF [1709.

actiou : but at about lOh., the night being very dark, he succeeded in getting alongside the Spanish rear-admii-al's ship, into which he poiu-ed a broadside. Commodore Wager, who had hoisted a Hght, being perceived by the Portland and Kingston, was soon joined by those sliips, and shortly after midnight the Spanish sliip surrendered.

Before daybreak another large ship was discovered by Commodore Wager on his weather-bow, and three sail upon the weather-quarter, three or four leagues off ; upon wliich, his own ship being unable to carry a press of sail, he ordered the two ships of his squadron which were uninjured to chase to windward. This order was tardily obeyed ; but the signal being repeated, they at length ran the commodore out of sight. It appeared, by the captains' statement on rejoining, that the ship they had chased was the vice-admii'al's, but that she had got among the shoals of Salmadinas, and that they were deterred by the dangerous navigation from follow- ing.^ The freight on board the Spanish admiral's ship which blev/ up was valued at seven million pieces of eight ; the vice-admii'al had six millions ; and the one taken was the least valuable. Commodore Wager was promoted to be rear-admiral on the dav of the action.

1709.— On the 25th of February, the following—

Guns. Ships.

70 Assurance Captain Anthony Toilet

60 Sunderland .... ,, George Forbes

! Hampshire .... „ Hon. Henry MajTiard Anglesea „ Thomas Legg Assistance „ Abraham Tudor

sailed from Cork in charge of the traders for England ; and on the 2nd of March, being eight leagues south-south-west of the Lizard, four large sliips were discovered standing towards them. The convoy was ordered to disperse ; and the Sunder- land and Anglesea having parted company the day before. Captain Toilet signalled his three remaining ships to form a line. At 8h. a.m. the enemy bore down in Ime, and having arrived ^^^.tllin musket-shot, hoisted French colours. Com-

' A court-martial was held on the 23rd of July, upon Cap tain. <i Bridges and Windsor, for not persevering more in endeavouring to destroy the Spanish vice-admiral, and they were both dismissed their ships.

1709.] THE BillTISH NAVY. 121

modore Du Guni Trouin, in the 70-guii ship Achille, ranged up so close to the Assurance, that she fell on board, and both ships commenced a furious cannonade, their yardarms touch- ing. The French ship having men in her tops, committed great havoc on the quarter-deck of the Assurance, killing and womiding nearly every man upon it. For half an hour this destructive fire continued, when the two ships ha\ing fallen oft* before the wind, separated j but they again closed, and renewed the action in a short time upon the other side, and with equal fury, when the Achille sheered off", and pur- sued the merchant sliips. The other three French ships, wliich mounted from forty to fifty guns each, then engaged the Assm*ance, but were soon compelled to desist. The Assurance was left without a shroud or a stay uncut, her foresail and fore-topsail were shot to pieces, her best bower-anchor cut from the bows, one of the flukes of the sheet-anchor shot away, and her small 'oower-anchor driven into her bows. Captain Toilet had been four months absent from Ms duty sick, but was on this occasion taken on deck in a chaii^, in which he was wounded. The first lieutenant was wounded in the leg, but his wound being dressed, he returned on deck. The second lieutenant was killed, as were several French officers, passengers. Altogether, the Assurance sustained a loss of twenty-five kiUed and fifty-three wounded, many of the latter mortally. The French squadron having principally directed their strength upon Commodore Toilet's ship, the Hampshire had only two men killed and eleven wounded, and the Assistance eight killed and twenty wounded, among Avhich latter was Captain Tudor, mortally. M. Du Guai Trouin's ship and squadron suffered very severely, although their loss is not recorded. The Assurance lost no time in refitting, and in pursuing the French squadron, to protect the convoy. Five merchant ships, however, were unavoidably captured, two of which foundered loefore reaching France.

Rear- Admiral Lord Dursley, who commanded a squadron in the Channel, having received intelligence that M. Du Guai was cruising oft" Scilly, departed in pursuit of him ; and having escorted the Lisbon fleet as far as he considered necessary, he on the 9th of April got sight of the Achille. The 50-gun ships Glorieux and Bristol were also in com- pany ; and these latter were overtaken and captured, but the

122 BATTLES OF [1709.

Achille escaped by her suj^erior sailing. Several smaller prizes were taken by Lord Dursley's squadron ; but the French were equally on the alert, and a very harassing and destructive warfare was canied on.

In the month of April, the 32-gun frigate Sweepstakes, Captain Samuel Meade, was captured off the coast of France by two large French privateers, each of superior force to the British ship. Captain Meade was tried for the loss of his ship, and sentenced to be dismissed the service ; but he was shortly afterwards reinstated.

On the 14th April, the 32-gun frigate Fowey, Captain E-ichard Lestock, was captured in the Mediterranean by two large French privateers.

On the 18th of May, the 50-gun ship Falmouth, Captain Walter E-yddel, when off Scilly, in charge of the homeward- bound Xorth American convoy, feU in Avith four French men-of-war. The commodore of the French squadron, in a 64-gun ship, attacked the Falmouth, and attempted to board her, which evolution Captain Kyddel gallantly met by laying the French ship athwart hawse, and in this position, with their bowsprits locked together, the two ships for an hour and a half kept uj) a heavy fire. The French crew several times attempted to board, but were beaten back with much loss ; and finding there was no chance of capturing the Falmouth, the French ship disengaged herself, and made sail away. Captain Ryddel made sail after the convoy, which he con- ducted in safety to Pljrmouth. In this truly gallant encounter on the part of Captain Eyddel, the Fahnouth sustained a loss of thirteen men killed ; and the captain, in the right leg, second lieutenant, Mr. Lawi-ence (a volunteer), and fifty-three men, wounded. The Falmouth had on board a freight of £20,000.

On the 18th May, Captain George Cammock, in the Speedwell, captured in Beerhaven a large French privateer, and recaptured a valuable merchant ship, her prize. On the next morning, the Speedwell captured a second privateer, consort to the above ; and three weeks afterwards, a fine vessel, mounting twelve guns, with ninety men, in the act of taking possession of three merchant ships.

On the 20th of September, the 60-g-un ship Plymouth, Captain Jonas Hanway, being in the Channel, engaged a

1709.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 123

French ship of war. The action lasted an hour, when, having had fourteen officers and seamen killed, and sixty- wounded, the French ship hauled down her colours. She proved to be the Adriad, a Dunkirk privateer, mounting forty guns, with a crew of 260 men. The complement of the Plymouth being much reduced by sickness, was only able to man forty of her guns ; and her loss in this action amounted to a captain of marines and seven men killed, and sixteen wounded.

The indefatigable Commodore Du Guai Trouin continued to harass every English convoy entering or quitting the Channel; and on the 26th of October, being about 150 leagues to the westward of Scilly, captured the 64-gun ship Gloucester, Captain John Balchen. On the 2nd of Novem- ber, this same squadron, consisting of five sail of the line, with the Gloucester in company, captured the 50-gun ship Hampshii'e, Captain the Hon. Henry Maynard. One ship of fifty-six g-uns and 550 men closely engaged the Hampshire for several hours, but was beaten off. The Hampshire was chased into Baltimore (Ireland), into which harbour she was assisted by boats from the shore ; and it was not until the boats were observed coming off to her succour that Du Guai gave over the pursuit. The captain of the Gloucester, who was on board one of the French ships, afterwards stated that the chief opponent of the Hampshire had 120 men killed and wounded. The Hampshire received seventy-two shots in her hull, her masts were all more or less shattered, and her loss amounted to fifteen killed, as many dangerously, and others sHghtly wounded. The above particulars, which differ materially fi'om those given in our former version, and also from every other published account, are derived firom the Hampshire's log.

Rear-Admiral Wager's squadron continued to do good service in the West Indies, in protecting the trade of the colonies, and in harassing that of the French. In the month of April, the 50-gun ship Portland, Captain Stephen Hutchins, after convoying the traders to Porto-Bello, was lying in the Bastimentoes, from which place four ships, two of fifty, and two of thirty guns, were observed at anchor in the harbour of Porto Bello. The two largest Captain Hutchins understood to be the Coventiy and Slignon, from

124 BATTLES OF [1709>

Africa. On tlie 1st of May, intelligence was brought to liiui that these ships had sailed on the previous night ; and the Portland immediately put to sea in quest of them. On the 3rd, at 8h. a.m., two ships were discovered to windward, which at noon bore up to close the Portland. They did not, however, approach near enough to engage that day ; but on the morning of the 4th, by tacking in the night. Captain Hutcliins got within gun-shot on the lee quarter of the Mignon, which he engaged. The Coventry dropped astern to support her consort, and taking her station on the lee bow of the Portland, both ships kej^t up a cross fire upon her, wliich did great damage to the rigging and sails. A running fight of some hours continued, when the Portland having had her maintopsail-yard cut in two, dropped astern. All the remainder of the day and night was employed on board the Portland in repairing the damages of the pre^dous day's action, and at 4h. A. M. on the 5th, that ship was again in chase j but it was not until the 6th that Captain Hutcliins was again enabled to bring them to action. At 7h. A. jr., the Coventry having given the Portland an opportunity, those two ships closed, and a well-directed fire was opened. The Coventry's deck was observed to be so crowded with men, that Captain Hutcliins did not tliink it prudent to attempt to board ; but a close action was main- tained with spirit until llh. a. m., when the French ship lost her mainmast. "With much obstinacy, however, she continued the fight, but at 12h. 30m. surrendered. The Migiion escaf)ed. The Coventry had her captain killed, and her second captain wounded, together with a great many men ; her crew having been much augmented from the Mignoii. The Portland, out of a crew 220, sustained a loss of nine killed and twelve wounded. The prize had on board 20,000 pieces of eight.

On the 8th of November, at daylight, the 50-gun ships Defiance and Centiuion, Captains John Evans and John Miliell, being off Fuengirola, were chased by two French sliips of sixty or seventy guns. The British ships shortened sail to receive the enemy, and at 8h. 30m. the French ships ranging up to leeward of the Defiance and Centurion, com- menced a furious action, which lasted until about noon, when the French ships sheered ofi"; but not without making an

1710.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 125

imsiiccessfiil attempt to board the Centurion. The British ships chased the enemy till 4h. p. m. ; but, being very much shattered, were miable to overtake them. The loss of the Defiance amounted to the master, William Fearne, gunner, Thomas Griffin, and fifteen men killed ; and Captain Evans, the lieutenant of marines, and G7 wounded. The Centurion had twenty-one, including Lieutenant Thomas Best and the chaplain, Robert Williams, killed ; and forty men wounded. The French ships w^ere reported to have lost upwards of 100 men ; and in a shattered state reached Malaga.

On the 27th of November, the 40-gun ship Wincliester, Captain Robert Hughes, chased and, at 8h. p. m., overtook a large privateer belonging to Flusliing. On arriving ^^dthin hail, Captain Hughes ordered the stranger to heave to and send a boat on board ; but the only reply to this hail was a musket-ball. The Winchester then opened her fire, and after a short action, in which the Dutch captain was killed, the crew of tlie privateer called for quarter. The above is the account furnished by the Winchester's journal, and it will be seen, on comparison, that it differs materially from our former account, wdiicli was derived from the pages of Camp- bell and others.

  1. — On the 10th of February, the oO-gun ships Salis- bury and St. Albans, Captains Francis Hosier and Thomas Laurence, captured, after a smart action, a French 60-gun ship off Cape Clear. The Salisbury lost in the action, John Kersey, boatswain, and four men killed ; and twenty-five men wounded. The prize was added to the navy under the name of Salisbury's Prize.

On the 3rd of May, the 70-gun ship Suffolk, Captain William Cleveland, captured off Messina the French o6-gun ship GalHard, but which had only thirty-eight guns mounted.

On the 29th of July, the fleet of Admiral Aylmer, com- mander-in-chief in the Channel, discovered several sail, wliich the Kent, Assurance, and York were ordered to chase. The 70-g-un ship Kent, Captain Robert Johnson, took the lead, and chased aU night ; and, on the following morning, having i-un her consorts out of sight, came up with, and, after a smart action, compelled the stranger to surrender. The pme proved to be the Superbe, of fifty-six guns, a well-kno^\m and skilfiil cruiser. Her crew was composed of

126 BATTLES OF [1710.

picked men, and more numerous than those of the Kent. The Superbe, being nearly a new ship, was added to the British navy.

Towards the end of July, the combined English and Dutch fleet being off Toulon, stood into Hyeres Bay, where a French ship from Scanderoon, valuably laden, and mount- ing fifty guns, was discovered, which had taken shelter under the guns of three strong batteries. Sir John Norris, tliink- ing the service practicable, despatched the boats of the fleet, under the command of Captain Thomas Stepney, to endea- vour to bring her out. The boats, being manned, put ofl". and shortly afterwards the French crew were observed leaving the vessel. The boats rowed hastily alongside and boarded the vessel, which proceeding had been j)i^O"^'ided for by the French ; for the men had scarcely reached her deck, when all on board were blown to atoms. Before leaving the vessels, a train had been laid, which communi- cated with the magazine ; and previously to the last man quitting, a slow match Avas ignited. The vessel blew up with tliirty-five Englishmen on board, most of whom were killed.

On the 13th of December, the TO-gnin ships Warspight and Breda, Captains Josiah Crow and Thomas Long, cruising off Cape Boxent, chased a large French ship. The Breda, taking the lead, first engaged the enemy, but the latter did not surrender until the arrival of the Warspight. The prize proved the Maure, of forty-eight guns and 276 men. Cap- tain Long and his grandson were killed in the action, and eight men wounded.

In the month of August, the 50-rgun ships Rochester, Severn, and Portland, Captains John Aldred, Humphrey Pudner, and George PurAds, visited the French harbours on the north side of Newfoundland, and committed gTeat devas- tation. In theii* way thither, also, they took two richly- laden merchant ships, valued at £30,000, one of wliich was afterwards surprised and recaptin-ed. The following was the amount of their successes : — In the harboui' La Couche, two vessels moimting together thirty guns, with 145 men ; in Carouse, three vessels, mounting in all sixty-four guns, with 210 men ; at Petit Maitre, one vessel, of eighteen guns and eighty men j and at Great St. Julian, one vessel, of thirty guns and

1711.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 127"

120 men ; three of which were brought away, but the rest were destroyed.

On the 29th of December, the 64-gTm ship Pembroke, Captain Edward Rumsey, and 3 2 -gun ship Falcon, Captain Charles Constable, were fallen in with to the southward of Nice, by three French ships of war of superior force. The Toulouse, of sixty-four guns, engaged the Pembroke with much spirit, and the other ships, mounting sixty and fifty- four guns, coming to the assistance of the Toulouse, the Pembroke struck. Captain Rumsey was killed, 140 of his crew killed and wounded, and the ship a wreck. The Falcon was also pursued, and Captain Constable, although severely wounded, refused to quit the deck, and continued the action as long as a chance of success remained, when he struck.

  1. — On the 22nd of March, the Mediterranean fleet, still commanded by Sir John Norris, being in Vado Bay, the signal was made for seeing four ships, upon which the admiral ordered the 60 -gun ships Nassau and Exeter to proceed in chase. The Lion, Lyme, and Severn, British look-out ships, joined in the pursuit, and on the 26th an engagement took place. The French ships mounted from sixty to forty guns each, and maintained a running fight with such of the Enghsh ships as could get up. The Severn, Captain Hum- phrey Pudner, and Lyme, Caj)tain James Gunman, were in consequence disabled (the former having had twenty-three and the latter six men killed and wounded), and obliged to return into port ; but the Lion, Captain Galfridus Walpole, and the Exeter, Captain Beaumont Raymond, continued the chase. Captain Walpole lost his right arm, and had forty men killed and wounded, and his ship was almost unrigged before he relinquished the pursuit. The Exeter followed, and engaged the Pembroke (late English), a 50-g-un ship, which struck, but the Exeter could not take possession, owing to her disabled state.

On the 27th of June, the 4:6-gun ship Advice, Captain Lord Duffus, while lying at anchor in Yarmouth Roads, was attacked by eight large Dunkirk privateers. Such was the vigour of their assault, that the Advice was in a short time reduced to a wreck, and had two-thirds of her crew either killed or wounded — the captain among the latter. The ship was can-ied to Dunkirk, where the indignities offered to the

128 BATTLES OF [1711.

English prisoners proved the captors to deserve the appel- lation of pirates, rather than privateers.

On the 10th of June, the 50-gim ship Newcastle, Captain Sampson Bourne, oif Antigua, fell in with a flotilla com- prising a ship of thirty-six guns, one of twenty-four guns, -two merchant ships, and nine sloop privateers, which had put to sea from Martinique, with the design of reducing Antigua. Though for some time unable to brmg the New- castle's broadside to bear, Captain Bourne persevered, and at length, after a three hours' action, completely disabled them, and having killed sixty-four of their men, compelled the flotilla to return to Martinique. On the 27th July, the oO-gun ship Salisbury and 60-gun ship Salisbury's Prize, Captains Francis Hosier and Robert Harland, captured off Carthagena a Spanish galleon mounting 60 brass guns. The Salisbury's Prize had one man killed and six wounded in the encounter.

On the 21st of October, the 70-gun ships Hampton Court and Stu^ling Castle, Captains James Mighells and Pichard Hughes, when off" Minorca, chased two French ships, the Trident and Toulouse, each of fifty-two guns. The Hampton Court overtook and engaged the Toulouse, and after an action of two hours' duration, the French ship surrendered, and was taken possession of by the Stirling Castle, the Hampton Court having no boat that would swim. The Toulouse was commanded by M. Grandprez, and had a crew of 400 men: she formerly mounted sixty-four guns. The Trident escaped.

The operations of the combined English and Dutch fleet, under Admiral Sir John Leake, were tliis year confined to the protection of the English coast, and to destroying the privateers wliich infested the Channel, many of which were captured. Still fewer actions do the annals of 1712 afford; and we will therefore briefly sum up the events of this me- morable war, which was terminated by the peace of Utrecht, signed on the 1st of April, 1713, and which cannot be better done than in the words of Campbell : —

" Upon the close of the war, the French found themselves totally deprived of all pretensions to the dominion of the sea. Most of our conquests — indeed, all of them that were of any use to us — were made, or at least chiefly, by our fleets. Sir

1711.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 129

George Rooke took Gibraltar; Sir John Leake reduced Mi- norca; and it is also evident that it was our fleet alone that supported King Charles in Catalonia, and kept the king of Portugal steady to the grand alliance; which, besides the advantages it brought to the common cause, secured to us the invaluable profits of our trade to that country. At the same time our fleets prevented the French from so much as saiUng on the Mediterranean, where they had made a fig-ure in the last war, and kejDt many of the Italian states in awe. The very Algerines and other piratical states of Barbary, contrary to their natural propensity to the French, were now obsequious to us, and entertained no manner of doubt of the superiority of our flag. In a word, to smn up all, we had to deal in the first of the war with the fleets of Brest and Toulon, capable of disputing with us the dominion of the sea in our full strength."

Then follows a summary of ships of war captured or destroyed belonging to the English and French navies ; by which it appears, that in the course of the war the English sustained a loss of thirty-eight ships, mounting 1,596 ginis ; while that of the French exceeded ours by eighteen ships and 1,498 guns. Great Britain retained possession of Gibraltar, Minorca, Hudson's Bay, the whole of Nova Scotia, the island of St. Christopher's, and also Newfoundland, with a few exceptions.


130 BATTLES OF [1715-18.


George I. commenced Ids reign in a period of peace j and we have to pass over tliree years before any battle presents itself.

  1. — The piratical states being again on the alert and committing piracies, Vice- Admiral John Baker, commander- in-chief in the Mediterranean, cruised against them. But the Sallee rovers for a time continued their depredations with impimity, owing to their drawing little water, wliich enabled them to evade our cruisers. In the month of Octo- ber, Captain Arthur Delgarno, of the 20-gun ship Hind, fell in with one of their largest, a ship of twenty-four guns, which he engaged for two hours and a half, and compelled to strike. The vessel sank with all her crew immediately after surrendering. The Bridgewater destroyed another, moimting eight guns.

  2. — A Spanish force having been despatched with an army to attack Sicily, the British court, determined to uphold Austria, and maintain the neutrality of Italy, ordered a fleet of 20 sail of the line, under the command of Admiral Sir George Byng, to proceed to the Mediterranean. On the 3rd of June this fleet sailed from Spithead, and on the 24th arrived at Cadiz. At this place the admiral acquainted the king of Spain, by letter, ^dth his intention of acting against all those who should attempt to violate the peace of Italy. The king of Spain returned for answer, "that the admiral might follow his orders." The fleet then sailed for Naples, where it anchored on the 21st of July.

On the 30th of July, being to the northward of, Messina, the admiral received intelligence that the Spanish fleet had been seen ofl" Reggio ; and early in the morning two sail were discovered. At the same time a felucca came from the Calabrian coast with intelligence that the Spanish fleet was visible from the heights. The fleet then made sail through the Faro of Messina, in chase of the two vessels, and at noon observed the Spanish fleet formed in a line of battle. Admiral Don Antonio Castaneta commanded the Spanish




fleet, wliicli consisted of twenty-six ships of war, thirteen Lombs and smaller vessels, and several store-ships, &c. Upon seeing the British fleet, Castaneta made sail with the mnd abaft the beam, but maintaining the order of sailing. Sir George Bjng ordered the Kent, Superbe, Grafton, and Or- ford, to make what sail they could after the Spanish fleet, and endeavour to keep sight of them during the night. On the morning of the 31st of July, at daylight, the British fleet had gained considerably, and the smaller vessels of the Spanish fleet tacked and endeavoured to get in shore. Sii- George, however, despatched the Canterbury, Captain Wal- ton, together with the Argyle and six others, to cut them off" ; and as those ships approached, the Spaniards fired a broadside into the Argyle, thereby commencing hostilities.

Leaving these eight ships to deal with the in-shore squa- dron, Sir George stood on after the larger ships; and here we will insert a list of the two fleets : —




Admiral Sir Greorge Byng

90 Barfleur -


Sanders, 1st captain


Richard Lestock, 2nd „

80 Shrewsbury

Vice-Admiral Charles Cornwall (white) Captain John Balchen

Dorsetshire .... -

Rear- Admiral George Delaval (white) Captain John Furger

Burford . , . . . .

Charles Vanbrugh


Richard Rowzier

Grafton . . ... ...

Nicholas Haddock


Lenox . . . . ^. . .

Charles Strickland

Breda . . ... .^ ._.

Barrow Harris

Orford . .

Edward Falkingham


Thomas Matthews

Royal Oak . . ...

Thomas Kempthorne

^Captain . . . . . .

Archibald Hamilton

' Canterbury ....

George Walton

Dreadnought ...

William Haddock

Rippon . . ... . .

Christopher O'Brien

60 ^

Superbe ... ... , .

Streynsham Master

Rupert . . ... ... . .

Arthur Field

Dunkirk .......

Francis Drake

^Montagu .... ...

Thomas Beverley

j.^ ( Rochester . . ...

Joseph Winder


Coningsby Norbury

The aggregate of the crews of the above ships is stated at 8,88-5. The Spanish fleet consisted of the following : —









74 Philip *»

Name unknown f

70 Prince ofAsturias*

44 <


' Royal *


Porcupine (French)

St. Louis


Surprise *

St. Ferdinand



St. Carlos*



Sta. Isabella *

20 <


Sta. Rosa*

( Count de Tholouse

St. John Baptist LSt. Peter

26 Tyger *

24 Eagle



22 St. Francis Areres

Name unknown f

o/x j Little St. Ferdinand ^" I Little St. John


, St. Isidore *

' Esperenzaf

18 Arrow



The crews of the above fleet numbered 8,830.

Sir George Byng continued pursuing the main body of the Spanish fleet ; and the Orford and Grafton being the leading ships, were fired at by the sternmost ships of the Spanish fleet at about lOh. a.m. The admiral, however, cautiously ordered those ships not to return the fire of the Spaniards, unless it was repeated ; but this having been done, the Orford attacked, and in a shoi*t time took the Santa Rosa, sixty-four. The San Carlos, sixty, stinick to the Kent. The Grafton, having shot ahead, took up a position close to the Principe de Asturias, seventy, bearing the flag of Yice- Admiral Chacon, which he engaged with great eflect ; but finding the Breda and Captain to be closing Avith him, Captain Haddock gallantly made sail for the next ship, leaving the Principe, much shattered, to be taken possession of by those shij)s. This was the plan pursued throughout the action by the brave Haddock, which accounts for no ship having struck to the Grafton. At about Ih. p.m., the Kent and Superbe having arrived up, engaged the Spanish admiral in the St. Philip, but, supported by two ships of his fleet, Castaneta maintained a running fight for two hours. The Kent, by her superior sailing, passing under the stern of the St. Pliilip, fired a destructive raking broadside into her, and then hauled up on her lee-quarter. The Superbe also attacked her on the weather-quarter ; and after an obstinate

^ We anticipate the course of the history by affixing * to those ships taken, and f to those burnt or destroyed ; the remainder escaped.

1719.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 133

defence, the Spaniard surrendered, having lost 200 men. The Barfleur was attacked by two 60-gun ships, just arrived from Malta in the midst of the engagement, one, the St. Louis, bearing Rear- Admiral Guavara's flag ; but after firing their broadsides, both tacked and stood in for the land. The Barfleur tacked after them, and pursued till nearly dark ; Ijut the ^\dnd being light and baffling, Sir George Byng was obli.o'ed to bear up for his o^vn fleet. The Essex captured the Juno ; the Montagu and Bupert, the Volante ; and the Dorsetshire, the Santa Isabella. Tliis memorable action was fought about six leagues from Cape Passaro.

We now return to Captain Walton, from whom, on the 18th, the admiral received the following laconic epistle : —

" Sir, — We have taken and destroyed all the Spanish ships and vessels which were upon the coast, the number as per margin.

" I am, &c., "Canterbury, off Svracusa, "G. Walton."

"August 16 (N.S.), 1718."

These shij^s, '•' as per margin," comprised the Royal, sixty, bearing Rear-Admii-al Mari's flag ; one ship of fifty, one of forty-four, and one of twenty-four guns, with a bomb-vessel, and a ship laden Avith military stores, captured. Those burnt were one of fifty-four guns, two of forty, and one of thirty guns ; Avith a fire-ship and bomb-vessel.

The ship wliich suffered most on the 31st July was the Grafton. Her loss, by a reference to the ship's log, has been ascertained to have amounted to Lieutenant Richard Bram- ble and fifteen men killed, and thirty-seven wounded. Kone of our histories make the slightest mention of the above, or of the loss in the two fleets ; but little doubt can be enter- tained that it was severe on both sides, and particularly on board the Spanish ships.

The conduct of Sir George Byng was wholly approved hj the government.

The St. Philip was destroyed by fire at Port Mahon a short time afterwards, and Don Antonio Castaneta died of woimds received in the action shortly after having been landed at Sicily. War was formally declared against Spain on the 17th of December.

  1. — In the succeeding year, Sir George Byng, who for

134: BATTLES OF [1719.

his eminent services liad been created Viscount Torrington, besieged and took the citadel of Messina, and carried on his operations, in conjunction with some Austrian forces, with such energy, that the Spaniards were under the necessity of evacuating the island.

On the 28th of June, the 40-gun ship Looe, Captain George Protheroe, captured a large Spanish privateer between Corsica and Capri, after an heroic defence, in which the latter sus- tained a loss of eighty men killed and wounded, and the Looe of two men killed.

On the 1st July, the 70-gun ship Grafton, Captain Ni- cholas Haddock, chased three Genoese ships, conveying a reinforcement of 800 soldiers to the Spaniards, and a large quantity of arms. Two were taken, and the third driven on shore. The 70-gun ships Lenox, Breda, and Essex, Captains Charles Strickland, Barrow Harris, and Bichard Rowzier, heaving in sight during the action, stood towards the stranded ship, and, after engaging the castle, close under which she was on shore, succeeded in burning her.

In August, a British squadron, commanded by Captain Bobert Johnson, with a body of troops imder Colonel Stan- hope, attacked the Spanish shipping in Port Antonio : 200 seamen landed with Colonel Stanhope ; and having destroyed two batteries and forty-seven pieces of cannon, they proceeded to the arsenal, where the seamen burnt one ship of seventy guns, and two of sixty guns on the stocks, nearly ready for launching, besides setting fire to the timber deposited there. This exploit was attended with the loss of four or five seamen drowned in landing.

On the 15th of September, Captain Bobert Johnson, in the Weymouth, having under his orders the Winchester frigate and Dursley galley, received intelKgence that two Spanish ships of war and a large merchant ship were lying in the harbour of Bibades, about sixteen leagues to the eastward of Cape Ortugal. Leaving the Dursley off the Groine, Cap- tain Johnson, accompanied by the Winchester, arrived at Bibades on the 1 6th. Having sent the boats ahead to sound, the ships stood in under easy sail, and anchored between the ships and a battery of eight guns, withm musket-shot of each. In a short time the fire of the ships and battery also was silenced, and a party of men landed and took possession of

1720-22.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 135

the latter ; the sMps of war blew uj) before they could be boarded, but the merchant ship was caiTied off. Captain Johnson received the honour of knighthood.

On the 29th September, a land and sea force, commanded by Lord Cobham and Vice-Admiral James MigheUs, attacked and surprised Yigo, with the loss to the British of two officers and four men killed. The operations were continued only about four days, when the place surrendered. Large quantities of brass cannon, 8,000 muskets, and ammunition were seized, all wliich were to have been employed against England. Seven ships, including three privateers, were captured. From Vigo the troops departed for Ponta Yedra, which place surrendered without opposition, and was found to contain vast quantities of military stores.

On the night of the 7th of December, a squadron, com- manded by Commodore Pliilip Cavendish, consisting of the Dover, Advice, and Norwich, fell in, off Cape St. Vincent, with three large Spanish ships, which they engaged on the 9th ; but owing to the state of the weather, which pre- vented the British ships from opening their lower deck ports, the Spanish ships escaped. The British squadron lost in this engagement forty men killed and wounded.

  1. — His CathoHc majesty acceded to the quadruple alUance in February of this year.

  2. — The West Indies and coast of Africa were infested by pirates ; and one, who bore the name of Koberts, said to have been a man of good education, rendered himself parti- cularly formidable, as well by the squadron at his disposal, as by his dexterous seamanship.

On the 4th February, the 60-gun ship Swallow, Captain Sir Chaloner Ogle (having a few days previously received intelligence at Whydah, on the west coast of Africa, re- specting this piratical ship, which had captured and de- stroyed several ships of various nations), being off Cape Lopez, observed three ships at anchor in-shore. Beheving the ships to be those of which he was in search. Sir Chaloner stood off shore, in order to draw out one or more in pursuit. Having disguised the Swallow as much as pos- sible, the pirate imagined her to be another Indiaman, of which he had la,tterly made many prizes ; and accordingly, the Little Banger, commanded by one Skyrme, mounting

136 BATTLES OF [1722-34.

tliirty-two guns, witli a crew of 130 meiij was ordered in chase. The Swallow contmued standing out to sea before the wind, but with her main tack aboard, and yards braced sharp up, so as to allow the pirate sliip to overtake her; and having by these means succeeded in drawing her out of sight of her companions, rounded to, and allowed the pirate to close. The latter bore down ^vith the black flag flpng, and enofasred the Swallow : but on the Swallow hoisting; her ensign and pendant, it was hauled down ; the flag was, however, rehoisted, and kept flying till her surrender. This soon took place, for on opening the Swallow's lower deck ports, the pirate received so heavy and unexpected a fire, that, Skyrme l3eing killed, the crew called for quarter. Ha\nng sent his prize to Princes Island, Sir Chaloner Ogle, two days after- wards, stood into the bay in which the Great Ranger and the remaining consort were lying ; and by employing the ruse of hoisting the black flag over English colours, he suc- ceeded in getting alongside the pirate before the true state of the case was known. Roberts was killed by the first broadside, otherwise he would have blown up the ship, or have sunk, instead of surrendering ; but the captain being dead, and the mainmast being shot away, the crew asked quarter, wliich being promised, the black flag was hauled down. The tliird ship, mounting twenty guns, had been captured from the French a short time previously, at "VYliydah. Several of the pirates escaped on shore, but the remainder, to the number of 160, Avere, Avith the three prizes, carried to Cape Coast. The pirates were there tried, and seventy condemned, fifty- two of whom were hung in chains along the coast. ^

  1. — The first occurrence of note in the reioni of


Georoe II. was the reduction of Morocco. The blockade of their ports Avas so successfidly performed by Captain James Cornwall, in the Greyhound, Asdth the 20-g-un ships Dursley and Rose, Captains Thomas Smith and Chai'les Wyndham, that the emperor Avas compelled to release all his English prisoners, to the number of 140. During the A'arious opera- tions, tAvo large corsairs, each mounting tAventy-six gims, Avere destroyed by the 20-g-un ship Shoreham, Captain John Towry, assisted by the Rose.

' Several of the gibbets until very lately remained standing.

1739.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 137


  1. — The conduct of the Spanish giiarda costas, and of the king of Si")ain in refusing to afford restitution and com- pensation for the injuries sustained, occasioned an expedition to be fitted out to act against the Spanish West India settlements, in the neighbourhood of which the atrocities complained of had been committed. At the same time, aa embargo was laid upon Spanish ships fomid in English ports.

On the 24tli of July, this expedition, commanded by Vice-Admii-al Edward Yernon, consisting of the Lenox, EHzabeth, Burford, and Kent, of seventy guns ; "Worcester, Strafibrd, and Princess Louisa, of sixty guns ; and 50-giui sliij:) ISToi^ch — sailed from Spithead. Owing to adverse winds in the Channel, the ships were forced into Plymouth, where Admiral Vernon received intelligence respecting the Azogues fleet, then daily expected, and for which a Sftanisli squadron was looking out off Cape Finisterre. The vice- admiral therefore sailed from Plymouth on the 3rd of August, and on the 9th arrived off Cape Ortugal. Here he received intelligence that the Azogues fleet had not arrived, and that the Spanish squadron had returned to Cadiz. Leaving the Lenox, EHzabeth^ and Kent, to cruise for it, he, with the remainder of the squadron, sailed for INIadeira and the West Lidies. On the 29th of September, he arrived at Antigua. After some delay in obtaining the requisite intel- ligence, the expedition having been joined by Commodore Charles Brown, sailed for Porto BeUo on the 5tli of Novem- ber. On the 20th, the squadron, consisting of the follo-sving, —

Guns. Ships. Men.

f Burford 500 i X'''!'^'^'^,^ ^^ ^^^i^''^ ^'^™^^ ^^^^^)

( Captain Ihomas > atson

70 J TT„_,i.^ n <• Ac- \ Commodore Charles Brown Hampton Court . .49o < ^ , . -n»- i, -r* j. ^ ( Captain Digby Dent

L Worcester 400 ,, Perry Mayne

gQ j Strafford 400 „ Thomas Trevor

\ Princess Louisa . .400 „ Thomas Waterhouse

50 Norwich 300 „ Richard Herbert

came in sight of Porto Bello, and having chased many ves- sels into the harbom-, the Spaniards became fully aware of their presence ; but so wanting was Don Francisco M. de Ketez, the governor, in energy, that no precaution was taken

138 BATTLES OF [1739.

to defend the place. Porto Bello stands on the north, side of the Isthmus of Darien, and has a convenient bay — ^in depth about a mile — with a good anchorage. On the north side of the bay, near the entrance to the harbour, stood a strong castle, caUed the Iron Castle, mounting seventy-eight guns, with a battery of twenty-two guns, nearly level with the water ; the whole garrisoned by 300 men. On the southern side of the bay, about a mile farther up, on an eminence, stood Gloria Castle, consisting of two regular bastions, towards the bay, which mounted ninety guns ; besides a Hne of eight g"uns, pointing towards the entrance to the anchorage ; which was garrisoned by 400 men. Above tins castle again, on a sandy point, running into the bay, stood Fort St. Jeronimo, a quadrangular redoubt, strongly built, mounting twenty guns. The two last-named castles commanded the anchorage, and, together with Iron Castle, rendered the entrance to the harbour difficult. At the bottom of the bay, built along the shore in the form of a crescent, was the town of Porto Bello.

On. the 21st, the squadron got underway with an easterly wind, and worked up to the harbour ; and at 2h. p. m. the Hampton Court anchored close under the Iron Castle, and commenced cannonading it. The Hampton Court was soon supported by the Norwich and Worcester ; and the united fire of these ships quickly silenced the battery. Vice-Ad- mkal Vernon arriving up about this time, and observing the slackness of the enemy's fire, ordered the boats, manned and armed, to assemble near him ; but the enemy, on the arrival of the admiral, appeared to have been desirous of making another effort, and recommenced their fire ; but the admiral's ship, adding to the cannonading they had already endui^ed, again obliged them to slacken, and the soldiers in the lower batteries were driven from their guns by the small-arm men stationed in the ships' tops. Upon this, the vice-admiral ordered the boats, commanded by Lieutenant Thomas Bro- derick, to shove off from the ships, and in a short time the seamen, clambering up the face of the rampart, by the aid of each other's heads and shoulders, made themselves masters of the castle, and advanced towards the town. The Spa- niards fled in all directions ; and as reinforcements of sailors arrived from the ships, all appearance of opposition ceased,

1740.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 139

and a wMte flag was held out from the walls of the town, in token of a desire to capitulate. The castles of Gloria and St. Jeronimo still held out ; and means were resorted to for reducing these on the following day ; but the Spanish governor oifered to surrender upon certain terms ; but which not being admissible, the admiral proposed others, which the governor, after a few hours' deliberation, agreed to. Captain Newton was accordingly sent, with 200 soldiers, to take j)ossession of the castles and town, and a party of seamen to secure two ships of twenty gTins, in the harbour, together with a great number of smaller vessels. The loss on the part of the British was slight. The Bmford had three men killed, and five wounded; the Worcester, a like number; and in the Hampton Court, one man was wounded. Treasure to the amount of 10,000 dollars found in Porto Bello, in- tended for the payment of the garrison, was seized, and immediately distributed amongst the captors ; but the town was not plundered. Forty guns, ten field-pieces, four mor- tars, and eighteen patereroes, all of brass, were sent off to the ships, together with ammunition ; but the iron guns were destroyed. Captain Charles Knowles, assisted by Captain Boscawen, was ordered to superintend the destruc- tion of the forts. The task was one of difficulty, owing to the streng-th and thickness of the walls, and was not com- pleted till the 6th of December, when the mines being pro- perly charged and sprung, the castles, which had so long afforded protection to the guarda costas, were levelled.

  1. — On the 18th of April, the Spanish 74-gun ship Princeza, Captain Don Parlo de Gera, was captured off Cape Pinisterre, after a most noble defence, by the 70-gun ships Lenox, Orford, and Kent, Captains Covill Mayne, Lord A. Pitzroy, and Thomas Durell. The Spanish ship, out of a crew of 650 men, had thirty-five killed and 100 wounded ; and the three ships before mentioned lost, in all, seventeen killed and forty wounded. Among the latter was Captain Durell, who lost one of his hands. The Piinceza was a fine new ship, and was, under the same name, added to the British navy.

On the 22nd of ]March, Vice- Admiral Vernon entered the river Chagre with his squadron, demolished the Castle of Lorenzo^ and took a large quantity of plate; but, o^ving to

140 BATTLES OF ' [1741,

the arrival of a -s'astly superior force, he was compelled to remain in Port Royal harbour for the remainder of the year.

On the 19th of December, an action took place ofi' His- paniola, between the Prince Frederick, Captain Lord Aubery Beauclerk, Orford, and Weymouth, and a large French ship which they fell in with. After the sliips had lost many men, it was deemed advisable to discontinue the action, the countries not being at war.

  1. — The squacbon of Vice-Admiral Yemon was rein- forced by Rear-Admiral Sir Chaloner Ogle, in the 80-gun ship Cumberland, and it was determined to attack Cartha- gena. On the 2oth of February, the vice-admiral got under- way with the fleet, consisting, with transports, &c., of 124 sail, and on the 4tli of March, anchored in Plaza Grande Bay, between Carthagena and Point de Canoa. A feint was here made at landing, winch had the effect of drawing a large body of troops to this part of the shore, where they began intrenching. The garrison of Carthagena consisted of 4,000 men; but to oppose to this, the expedition contained land forces to the number of 12,000, and twenty-nine sail of the line, with a large proportion of frigates, containing in the whole 15,938 seamen. On the 9th, Sir Chaloner Ogle shifted his flag to the 60-gun ship Jersey, Captain Peter Laui'ence, and the whole moved towards the intended place of debarkation.

The entrance to Carthagena is six miles to the westward of the city, between two narrow peninsulas called Terra Bomba and the Baradera. This entrance is called Bocca Cliica, and is so narrow that only one sliip can enter at the same time. On the side of Terra Bomba, was the square fort St. Louis, having four bastions, mounted with eighty- two guns and three mortars; to which was added Fort St. PhiKp, mounting seven guns, and St. Jago, mounting fifteen guns ; and a smaller battery of four guns, called Battery de Chamba, serving as outworks to it. On Baradera side, the fortifications were equally strong, consisting of a fascine bat- tery of fifteen guns, called the Baradera ; and in a small bay at the back of that, another battery of five guns. Facing the entrance of the harbour also, on a small flat island, stood Foii, St. Joseph, mounting twenty-one guns. The Bocca was, in addition, protected by a strong boom, flanked by the

1741.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 141

broadsides of four large ships of the line, one of which bore the flag of Admiral Don Bias de Leso.

As the ships passed along, the Chamba battery began to fire^ but was soon silenced by the Princess Amelia, Captain James Hemmington ; the fascine battery also gave no trouble. About noon, the 80-gun ships Norfolk, Russel, and Shrews- bury, Captains Thomas Graves, Richard ISTorris, and Isaac ToAvnshend, anchored very close to the forts St. Jago and St. Philip, which in an hour they so shattered that the Spaniards abandoned them, and the soldiers landed and took possession. This success was obtained with the loss of a few men killed on board the Norfolk and Pussel ; but the Shrewsbury, owing to having had one of her cables cut, whereby her stern became exposed to the united fire of the enemy's ships inside, as well as of two fascine batteries, sufiered more severely. Captain Townshend, however, refused to retire, but maintained the combat for seven hom^s ; and night having put an end to the contest, the Shrewsbury was brought off", having had twenty men killed, and forty wounded, the sliip being almost a wreck.

The next three days were occupied by the land forces in making arrangements for the investment of Fort St. Louis ; but receiving much annoyance from the forts on the Baradera side, the vice-admiral determined that the forts on that side should be attacked, and taken, if possible, by surprise. Ac- cordingly, a division of boats was appointed, and the command of the party intrusted to Captain Thomas Watson, of the 70-gim ship Biirford, having under his orders Captains Harry Norris and Charles Coleby. The storming party was under the orders of Captains Edward Boscawen, Wilham Laws, and Thomas Cotes. The enterprise was delayed by bad weather till the 19th. At midnight, the boats landed about a mile to leeward of Baradera battery, wliich batteiy mounted fifteen 24-pounders. The boats pushed in between two reefs of rocks, and close under the walls of a 0-gun battery, which perceiving their approach, opened fire. The report of the guns acted as a spur to the crews of the boats, who, in the course of a few minutes, scrambhng over the walls and through the embrasures, quickly possessed themselves of tliis im})ediment. The guns of the small battery had, however, acted as an alarm also ; and the larger battery, rightly

142 BATTLES OF [1741.

guessing tlie cause of the firing, pointed three of tlieir guns at it, and poured in a constant fire of round and grape shot. Owing to the bad aim taken, few shot took efiect, and the storming party advanced at a quick pace upon the large battery, and after a stout resistance carried it also ; when, spiking the guns, and breaking up the platform, they set fire to everything that would burn within the battery, and returned to their ships, having sustained a very trifling loss.

The enemy still holding out against the besiegers, another attack from the shipping was determined upon ; and Com- modore Richard Lestock, with two ships of eighty, three of seventy, and one of sixty guns, was intrusted with it. Five ships, under Sir Chaloner Ogle, were appointed to take the place of any disabled ship. Early on the morning of the 23rd, Commodore Lestock, in the Boyne, with the Princess Amelia, Prince Frederick, Hampton Court, Sufiblk, and Til- bury, Captains James Hemmington, Lord Aubery Beauclerk, Digby Dent, William Davies, and Charles Long, took up their stations under the batteries, and abreast of the foui* ships inside the boom ; aU which, upon the approach of the British, opened a heavy fire. The Boyne being a little to leeward of her intended position, was exposed to a tre- mendous cross-fire ; but the Princess Amelia being better stationed, did great execution, demolishing a fascine battery, while the Prince Frederick and Hampton Court kept up a smart cannonading throughout the day ; but towards night, the Boyne being obliged to quit her position, these ships had to sustain the fire which that ship had previously received, and before morning were so much shattered, that the admiral ordered them ofi". The Suffolk and Tilbury continued their fire upon the Fort St. Louis throughout the night. The effect of the fire of the British squadron was less destructive to the enemy than it was disastrous to the crews of the different ships, which suffered very severely : the exact amount of the loss is not recorded. Captain Lord Aubery Beauclerk was killed in this encounter.

On the 24th, Captain Hemmington, in the Princess Amelia, with the 50-gun ship Lichfield, and 20-gun ship Shoreham, Captains Knowles and Boscawen, were ordered in to attack the battery on the Baradera side, which had

1741.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 143

before been taken j and at the same time Captain Watson, having under his orders Lieutenant Arthur Forrest, was sent with a party of sailors to effect a landing, which he did, and passing over the neck of land, burnt a sloop in the har- bour. The land forces having by this time succeeded in making a breach in Fort St. Louis, wliich it was determined to storm, Vice- Admiral Vernon ordered that, at the same time, a party of seamen should land on the Baradera side, in-order to distract the enemy's attention. Accordingly, on the afternoon of the 25th, Captain Knowles, at the head of the seamen, landed, and drawing up his party near the fascine battery, soon attracted the attention of the besieged to that side. At five o'clock General Wentworth gave the signal for the attack — the breach was stormed and carried, with the loss of only one man. The confusion into which the Spaniards were thrown by this successful and unexpected assault being observed by Captain Knowles, he, with his sailors, rowed, close up to Fort St. Joseph, and landing, stormed, and car- ried it with very little trouble. Leaving Captain Cotes in. charge of this fort, Captain Knowles, with Captain Watson, then proceeded to the entrance of the harbour, and getting inside the boom, boarded and captured the 70-gun ship Gal- licia, with her captain on board, before they could find time to take out a plug, by wliich she was to have been sunk. The boom was next destroyed ; and thus were the prmcipal obstacles to the advance of the fleet, and the total destruc- tion of Carthagena removed. But sickness among the troops, and ill temper among the land and sea commanders, lost the reward for which they had so long toiled. The want of unanimity, which characterized every subsequent j^roceeding, led to the most fatal results. On the 30th of March the fleet entered the harbour ; and the Spaniards, on observing its approach, abandoned such forts as they knew were not tenable, and sank their two remaining ships of war. Here the success terminated ; for the troops being repulsed with gi-eat loss at Fort Lazar, it was resolved to raise the siege, which on the 14th of April was accordingly done.

Vice-Admii'al Vernon determined, on the 16th of April, to send in the Gallicia, fitted as a floating battery, to anchor off the city and attack it, wliich was performed with much gallantly by Captain Daniel Hore. After cannonading the

144 BATTLES OF ' [1742.

town for five hours, tlie Gallicia was reduced to a wi^eck by the fire from the Latteries, and ha\dng then cut her cable, with the sea-breeze succeeded in getting out from among the shoals, with the loss of six killed, and fifty-six v/ounded. That Vice-Admiral Vernon was blameable for the failure of this expedition, is proved by this fruitless attack. Where the Gallicia went, the fleet might have been conducted ; and there can be no doubt, that had the co-operation of the fleet and seamen been afibrded, the attack on Fort Lazar would have succeeded, and the town of Carthagena have fallen. The troops Avere reduced by sickness and casualties to 3,000 men.

On the 9th of October another unsuccessful attack w^as made upon St. Jago de Cuba. During the siege, the 20-gun ship SquiiTel, Captain Peter Warren, discovered a Spanish priva- teer of sixteen guns and 130 men at anchor in a small cove, under shelter of a rock ; most of her crew being at the time on shore cuttmg a spar. The SquiiTel stood in and anchored close to the privateer, and in the course of a short time compelled the crew to abandon her. To prevent the Squirrel from taking possession, the crew opened a galling fire of musketry from the shore. Upon this, Captain Warren de- spatched a lieutenant with twenty men to dislodge them ; and the privateer's men instantly retreated,^ but a great many were overtaken and made prisoners.

  1. — On the 27th of December, the British 16-gun privateer Pulteney, with a crew of 142 men, James Piu'cell commander, on her return to Gibraltar from a cruise, was attacked by two large Spanish zebecks, each carrying twelve guns and 120 men. The wind being very light, the zebecks by the aid of their sweeps w-ere enabled to choose their position, and overtook the privateer close ofi" Europa Point. On arriving up, the Spaniards ordered the Pulteney to sur- render ; and being answered by a broadside, attempted several times to carry her by boarding, but were on each occasion repulsed with great slaughter. After an action

' One of the sailors observing a Spaniard lying dead on an English ensign, swore he should not have so honourable a bed, and having rolled him off. carried the flag on board his ship, when concealed in a corner of it were found papers of much consequence relative to an intended junc- tion of the French and Spanish forces.

1743.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 145

which lasted near two hours, the Spanish vessels sheered off and returned to their port, with the loss of near 100 men killed and wounded. The Pulteney had only one man killed, and five wounded.

  1. — On the 11th of January, Captain Charles Holmes, in the 40-gun ship Sapphire, received intelligence that five Spanish privateers, which had been doing much injury, were lying in the harbour of Vigo, under repair ; and on the 15th arrived off the town. The privateers had landed their guns and mounted them on the quay; and had also constructed a small battery to the southward for protection. The Sap- phire stood in for the harbour, and as soon as she got within gun-shot, the Spaniards commenced firing from the quay, a shot from which dismounted one of the Sapphire's lower deck guns, killed one man, and wounded seven. Another shot passed through her foremast, and a third struck her between wind and water. The Sapphire proceeded, without the ability to return a shot ; but at length, having anchored close to the town, opened so well-directed a fire upon the batteries and privateers, that she sank two of them, and greatly damaged the other three ; . when weighing anchor, Caf>tain Holmes stood out to sea, having sustained no further loss than that already mentioned.

Vice-Admiral Sir Chaloner Ogle, who had succeeded to the West-India command, determined on attacking the forts on the Caracca coast, and on the 18tli of February, Com- modore Knowles, having been despatched thither, arrived off La Guira with the under-mentioned squadron, for that purpose.

Guns. Ships.

( o^fT^iT, ^ Commodore Charles Knowles

70 ^ ' \ Captain Edward Pratten

Burford Franklyn Lushington

Smith Callis Thomas Gregory Elliot Smith Richard Watkins Henry Stewart Laughlin Leslie John Gage Kichard Tyrrel

The squadron stood in for La Guira, led by the Burford, and commenced the attack at noon. La Guira was protected VOL. I. L

( Assistance . . 50 < Norwich ....

( Advice

40 Eltham

20 i ^'^""^^y

( vScarborough

li Otter

Comet, bomb

146 BATTLES OF [1743.

by powerful batteries, and, owing to the sballowness of the water, the position taken up by the squadron was nearly a mile distant from them. In addition to this great disad- vantage, a heavy swell set into the roadstead, which ren- dered it difficult for the ships to point the guns properly. The Spaniards worked their g-uns very well, and, by means of red-hot shot, set the ships on fire. Notwithstanding these untoward circumstances, the hou.ses and churches were greatly damaged, and the batteries also. At 4h. p. m. the fire of the batteries was beginning to slacken ; when a shot cut the Burford's cable, and before that ship could let go another anchor, she fell foul of the Norwich, driving her, and also the Eltham, out of the line. The current carried these ships out of range of the batteries before they could bring up again ; and, encouraged by this disaster, the enemy re- newed their fire upon the remaining ships. The mortar vessel committed great havoc in the town, throwing a shell into a magazine ; but night coming on, and the ships being greatly shattered, the commodore gave orders for discon- tinuing the bombardment, and next morning proceeded to Curacoa to refit. The loss sustained in this well-conducted but disastrous attack was very severe. The Suffolk received ninety-seven shot in her hull, nineteen between wind and water — lost mizen and main-topsail yards — had fourteen guns dismounted — was twice set on fire by red-hot shot, and had thirty men killed, and eighty wounded. The Burford suffered equal damages, and besides Captain Lushington, who was mortally wounded, had twenty-five men killed, and fifty wounded. The Norwich had one man killed and eleven wounded. The Advice was greatly damaged, and had two siu'geon's mates and five men killed, and fifteen wounded ; and the Assistance, twelve killed, and seventy-one wounded. The Eltham had fourteen killed, and fifty-five wounded. The Lively, a lieutenant and six men killed, and twenty -four wounded ; and the Scarborough, two men wounded. — Total, ninety-seven killed, and 308 wounded.

Undaunted by the unfortunate issue of this expedition, Commodore Knowles, being reinforced by some Dutch volunteers, resolved to attack Porto Cavallo. On the 20th of March he sailed from Cura9oa ; but did not reach the

1743.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 147

Keys of Barbaret until tlie 15th of April. His squadron was tlie same as that already particularized, with the exception that Captain Richard Watkins now commanded the Burford, and Captain Pliilip Durell the Eltham, and that the Otter and Comet were not included. The Spaniards had strength- ened the place by every means in their power, and had moored a 60-gun ship, and another of fort}^ g^uis, close over on the north shore. A large ship was also prepared, chained to the shore, to sink, if necessary, at the entrance of the harbour. Several new batteries were also erected. Upon reconnoitring all these preparations, the commodore per- ceived that these batteries might be flanked, and that by obtaining possession of them, he could use them against the Spaniards, whereupon a plan was devised for attacking them. The Eltham and Lively were sent to cannonade the batte- ries, wliich they silenced at sunset. As soon as it was dark, a party to the number of 1,200, consisting of the Dutch volunteers, all the marines, and 400 seamen, landed, accom- panied by Commodore KJnowles in person ; but the whole returned to the ships without having effected anything. On the 24th the commodore resolved to make another attempt with the ships, and the squadron proceeded in ; but nothing was effected beyond a vast expenditure of ammuni- tion, and the loss of 200 men killed and wounded.

The 60-gim ship Rupert, Captain John Ambrose, and 40-gun ship Faversham, Captain Richard Hughes, per- formed several important services in the Mediterranean this year, by cutting out vessels in various ports in the possession of the Spaniards, particularly at Viveros. Captain Hughes, having chased a vessel into that place, observed two settees and a barca-longa at anchor, under the castle of Pensacola, and Captain Ambrose determining on attacking them, the two ships stood in and cannonaded the town for a great many hours. The boats were then sent in and destroyed the vessels, together with thirty other settees, which for security had been hauled close up, under the walls of the town. The ships did not lose a man.

The oO-gun sliip Guernsey, Captain Samuel Cornish, destroyed a Spanish privateer of twenty-two guns, which had taken shelter under an eight-gun battery, near Cape De


148 BATTLES OF [1743.

Gatt. Captain Cornish also performed numerous other ser- yices of the same kind, and took and destroyed a fleet of zebecks laden with provisions.

On the 20th of May, the 70-gun sliip Monmouth, and 60-gun ship Medway, Captains Charles Wyndham and George Cockburn, cruising off the Canary Islands, stood into the road of Santa Cruz, in the island of Gomera. Three forts immediately commenced firing at them ; upon which the two ships, which had previously entertained no hostile intention, ran in, and anchoring Avithin a quarter of a mile from the batteries, opened so well-directed a fire upon them that they entirely demolished the forts, and did gi-eat injury to the to^^l.

On the 20th of June, the 50-gun ship Centurion, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore George Anson, being off Espirito Santo in search of the Manilla galleon, was fortu- nate enough to fall in with her ; and after a warmly-con- tested action, the galleon was overpowered. This action would have been far less commendable, had it not been for the fact, that the Centurion was not half manned, and that even those of her crew which sickness had left were in a very debihtated condition. The engagement lasted two hours, and the Spanish loss is reported to have amomited to sixty- seven men killed, and eighty-four wounded ; while that of the Centurion was only two killed, and seventeen wounded, all of whom, with one exception, recovered. The value of the galleon was X3 13,000 sterling.

1744.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 149


  1. — On the 21st of Marcli, France declared war against England; and, on the 31st, England issued a counter decla- ration against that comitry.

The war commenced under favourable circumstances to England, since she had a large fleet and a great number of talented officers at command. In the Mediterranean, Ad- miral Matthews commanded a fleet of twenty-seven sliips of the line, nine of fifty gmis, and twelve of forty guns, and less. The French govermnent had despatched to the Medi- terranean a fleet of eleven sail of the line and ten frigates, to reinforce the Spanish fleet in Toulon.

On the 9th of February, the French fleet having effected the junction, the Franco-Spanish fleet, numbering in all t^'enty-eight sail of the line, including three of fifty guns, appeared outside Toulon, where the British fleet, wliich had been lying at anchor in Hyeres Bay, got sight of them. The two fleets spent that day, and all the next, in manoeuvring ; but on the 11th, Admiral Matthews, fearful of being drawn through the Straits of Gibraltar, made the signal for action. The Biitish fleet, consisting of the following, formed in the order of sailing on the larboard tack : —

Guns. Ships.

70 Stirling Castle Captain Thomas Cooper

60 Warwick „ Temple West

70 Nassau ,, James Lloyd

80 Somerset „ George Slater

90 Barflen \ Rear-Admiral William Rowley (red)

I Captain Meyrick De L'Angle

80 Princess Caroline . . ,, Henrj^ Osborne

70 Ber-w-ick ,, Edward Hawke

80 Chichester „ WiUiam Dilkes

r.r. \ Kingston ,, John Lovatt

I Dragon „ Charles Watson

70 Bedford ,, Hon. George Townsend

74 Princessa „ Robert Pett

80 Norfolk „ Hon. John Forbes

!Namur ^ Admiral Thomas Matthews (blue)

80 Dortetshire ,, George Burrish


150 BATTLES OF [1744

Guns. Ships.

70 Essex ... Captain Richard Norris

60 Rupert ... ., John Ambrose

70 Royal Oak .-. „ Edmund Williams

60 Dunkirk . . . . ,, Charles Wager Purvis

80 Cambridge . . . . ... ... „ Charles Drummond

70 Torbay... ......... ... ,, John Gascoigne

f.^ XT i \ Vice- Admiral Richard Lestock (white)

90 Neptune ........... -J n . • r< cj.

^ ( Captain George btepney

80 Russell .... ... ... .-. „ Robert Long

70 Buckingham ... ... — ,, John Towry

80 Boyne . . . . ... ... . . . . „ Rowland Frogmore

-^ j Elizabeth . . . . ... . . „ Joshua Lingen

I Revenge ............ „ Hon. G. Berkeley

The following were not included in the line of battle : —

Guns. Ships.

I'Rominey ........... Captain Henry Godsalve

Nonsuch . . ... .-. ... . . „ Edmund Strange

Salisbury... _. . . ,, Peter Osborne

Chatham .... . . . . ... „ Richard Hughes

Guernsey. . ... . . ... . . „ Samuel Cornish

^Oxford ,f Harry Paulet

j.^\ Feversham „ Richard Watkins

ij Diamond „ Giles R. Vanbrugh

20-g'un ships, sloops, &c.

At the time Admiral Matthews made the signal for action, his vice-admiral was unavoidably five miles astern, but endeavouring under all sail to close. The combined fleet were under easy sail, and the ships' heads to the south- ward on the starboard tack ; the French in the van. At Ih. p. M., the 90-gun ship Namur, bearing the admiral's flag, had arrived abreast the Koyal Philip, a ship mounting 114 guns, bearing the Spanish Admiral jS^avarro's flag, and Kear-Admiral Kowley, in the Barfleur, was shortly after- wards abreast the 74-gun ship Terrible, bearing the French iidmiral's (M. De Court's) flag. At Ih. 30m., the Namur (and the example was quickly followed by the Barfleui-) bore down upon the enemy. The Marlborough also, being next astern of the Namur, gallantly bore up out of the line, and brought the E,oyal Philip to close action. The few other ships which, in very proper disregard of the admiral's signal for the line of battle, bore up and engaged the enemy, were the Norfolk, Princessa, Bedford, Dragon, and Kingston; the Barfleur was gallantly supported by the

1744.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 151

Princess Caroline and Berwick, which latter ship made a pri2;e of the Spanish 74-gun ship Poder.

The wind was so light and variable, that the ships could with difficulty keep clear of each other ; and the action was therefore, for a time, fought at close quarters. The IsTamur and Marlborough soon reduced the Poyal Philip to a wreck ; and succeeded in beating her supporters out of the line. In the heat of the action Captain Cornwall, of the Marlborough, had both his legs carried off by a shot, and soon afterwards died ; when the command of that ship devolved on Lieu- tenant Frederick Cornwall, cousin of the captain, who nobly supplied his place, but soon after lost his right hand. Al- though the Marlborough was in the most perilous situation, and had only her foremast standing, none of the ships astern appeared at all desirous of assisting her, but continued firing distantly upon the Spanish ships. The Royal Philip lay close by her, equally disabled, but still having her colours flying ; and although a fresh ship must in a short time have compelled her surrender, no such was sent. Admiral Mat- thews, however, thought fit to try the old expedient of a fire-ship upon the Spanish admiral. He accordingly made a signal for the boats of such ships as were near to tow the Marlborough clear, and at 4h. 30m. p. M., the Anne, galley fire-ship, crowded all sail, and endeavoured to close the Royal Philip. As the Anne, Captain Mackay, neared the Spanish ship, the attention of the fleet was attracted towards her. The little vessel boldly pursued her way — a target for every ship which could bring a gun to bear upon her. Finding his people to be dropping fast from the enemy's fire, Captain Mackay ordered the principal part of the men into the boat towing astern, and took the helm himself; but the Spanish guns were pointed with much precision, and it soon became evident that the galley was sinking. A Spanish launch, full of men, was sent to tow her clear of the Royal Philip, and shortly afterwards the fire-ship was seen to blow up with all on board ; having, it is supposed, been set on fire by a shot : one man only, exclusive of those in the boats astern, was saved.

These appear to have been the principal events of this encounter ; which, whether for want of skill in the dis- position of the attack, or (with two or three honourable

152 BATTLES OF [1744,

exceptions) in the execution, stands on record as one of the few actions of wliich Englishmen need be ashamed. A great deal was written on both sides, one tending to exculpate and others to inculpate Yice-Admiral Lestock, who, it is stated, did not do his utmost to join the admiral's division. However, Admiral Matthews made a fruitless attack ; and Vice- Admiral Lestock, on his court-martial, was able to adduce proof sufficient for his honourable acquittal, that the calms and baffling light airs which prevail in that part of the Mediter- ranean precluded him from taking his share in the action.

The loss to the British on tliis occasion fell principally on the Marlborough. In the engagement that ship lost, besides her captain, Robert Cotton, master, Captain Godfrey, of the marines, and forty seamen and marines killed ; Lieu- tenant Frederick Cornwall, and 120 seamen and marines wounded, twenty of whom died of tlieii" wounds. The admiral's shij), ISTamur, had eight men killed, and Captain John E-ussell (with the loss of the left arm, of which he shortly afterwards died), and eleven men wounded. The Barfleur had twenty-five men killed (five by the bursting of a gun), and twenty wounded. The Princess Caroline, eight killed, and twenty wounded; and the Norfolk, nine killed, and thirteen wounded. The Poder was, on the succeeding day, destroyed, to prevent her from falling into the hands of the enemy. The loss to the Spaniards is estimated at 1,000 men kiUed and wounded ; and a JFrench work^ asserts that 700 wounded men were landed from the Spanish ships at Port Mahon. Courts-martial were successively held upon Vice-Admiral Lestock, who was, however, acquitted, and Admiral Matthews, who was cashiered; also upon four cap- tains, all of whom were dismissed the service.

On the mornmg of the 8th of May, the fleet of Vice- Admiral Sir Charles Hardy, cruising off the Pock of Lisbon, discovered a sail to the northward, and the 70-gun ship Northumbei'land, Captain Thomas Watson, was ordered to chase. The stranger was soon made out by the Northimi- berland to be a ship of the line, and to be accompanied by two other ships. It was, in fact, a squadron, under M. Du Penier, bound to the West Indies, consisting of the 68-gun

1744.] THE BRITISH NAYY. 153"

ship Mars ; 60-gun sliip Content, M. De Conllans ; and 26-gun frigate Venus, M. D'Aclie. Instead of signalling the force of tlie ships in sight to the admiral, Captain Watson continued standing towards them under all sail, and was soon out of sight of his own fleet. The French ships were much scattered ; and at 5h. p.m. having arrived up with the sternmost, which j^roved to be the Mars, that ship opened a hea\y Are upon the Northiunberland, which was immediately returned with vigoui*. Captain "VYatson, instead of con- tinuing to engage the Mars, pushed on and endeavoured to close the Content also ; maintaining, meanwhile, a running action with the Mars. On closing the Content, a furious battle took place, which lasted three hours. The Northum- berland being unmanageable, and having had her wheel knocked to pieces, flew up into the wind. About the same time Captain Watson was mortally wounded ; and the master, contrary to the captain's desire, and before any of the lieutenants could get on deck, struck the British colours. The Northumberland lost in this action eighteen men killed, and thirty wounded ; and the loss on board the French ships — proving the English guns to have been well pointed — is estimated at 130 killed and wounded. The ship was carried into Brest; and on the officers and crew obtaining their release, a court-martial was assembled, when all, except the master, were honourably acquitted, he being sentenced to the Marshalsea for life.

In the month of September, Captain Robert Young, of the 44-gun ship Kinsale, lying in St. John's, Newfoundland, received intelligence that five French ships were in the port of Fishotte, in Nova Scotia, and resolved on desj)atching an armed prize to attack them. The prize was named the St. Philij), and was manned by eighty men of the Kmsale's crew, and commanded by one of her lieutenants,^ and accompanied by thi-ee 10-gim colonial privateers. The St. Philip succeeded, after grounding several times, in reach- ing the Moderate, of twelve guns and seventy-five men, wliich was boarded and carried ; then turning the Mode-

' We have in vain sought to ascertain the name of the lieutenant thus, despatched in the St. Philip, but we have succeeded in finding the names of two of the lieutenants of the Kinsale at that time, which were — Thomaa Crosse and Charles Cheesemore.

154 BATTLES OF [1745.

rate's guns against tlie remaining sliips, without the assist- ance of the privateers (Avho did not get into the harbour in time), compelled the whole to surrender. The St. Phihp had ten killed, and thirty wounded. The loss ou board the French ships was more severe. The five vessels, which had on board 18,000 quintals of fish and eighty tons of oil, mounted together sixty-six guns, and carried 342 men.

On the 1st of December, ^ the 24-gun ship Rose, Captain Thomas Frankland, overtook off the Havannah, and captured, after an action of five hours' dm-ation, the Spanish freight ship Conception of twenty guns, having on board 326 men. The prize, which was very valuable, had forty men killed, and 116 wounded ; and the Rose, foui' killed, and John Mitchell, master, and nine men wounded.

  1. — On the 9th of July, the 58-gun ship Lion, Captaia Piercy Brett, fought a desperate action with the French 64-gun ship Elizabeth. The Elizabeth sailed from France with the intention of escortiug the expedition of Charles Edward to the coast of Scotland; but on the day above named, being m lat. 47° 57' IST., she was discovered by the Lion, which ship immediately pursued. The chase contiuned for some time, but at 5h. p.m., having got within pistol-shot of the Elizabeth, the Lion opened her fire, and the action com- menced with fury, and lasted five hours. The French ship having sufferedveiy severely in hull — having had several of her ports beaten into one — endeavoured to make off, and a smaller vessel, belonging to the expedition, commenced an attack upon the Lion, but was soon compelled to discontinue it. The Lion was in no condition to pursue the enemy, having had her mizen-mast, main, main-topsail, and fore-topsail yards shot away, and her fore and main masts badly wounded, and had lost fifty- five men in killed, and 107 wounded, seven mortally. Captain Brett, all tlu'ee lieutenants (Samuel Scott, John Campbell, and Archibald Seaton), and the master (John Tory), were wounded, but with much gal- lantry these officers refused to quit their stations. The loss on board the Elizabeth was afterwards ascertained to have been sixty-four men killed, and 140 wounded. Lieutenant Scott was immediately afterwards promoted to be master

' Chamock erroneously gives the date December 21st ; the above is from the ship's log.

1745.1 THE BRITISH NAVY. 155

and commander; and the gallant conduct of Lieutenant Walter Graham, of the marines, obtained for him a troop in the 4th di-agoons.

On the 26th of July, the 60- gun ship Jersey, Captain Charles Hardy, fell in, near the Straits of Gibraltar, with the French 74-gim ship St. Esprit. An engagement ensued, which lasted two hours and a half, when the St. Esprit, being much disabled, having lost her foremast and bowsprit, and twenty of her crew killed, bore up for Cadiz to repair her damages. The Jersey was also much cut up, and being unable to follow her, proceeded to Lisbon.

On the 31st of October, the squadron of Yice- Admiral Isaac Townshend, commander-in-chief of the Leeward Island station, chased a French fleet of forty sail of merchant vessels off Martinique, under the convoy of the 80-gun ship Magnanime, Commodore Macnamara, and four other ships of war. Thirty sail of the merchant ships were taken and destroyed, and the ships of war driven on shore.

On the 29th of March, the 40-gun ship Angiesea, Captain Jacob Elton, cruising in the Channel, engaged L'Apollon, French privateer, of fifty g-uns and 500 men. After a gallant action, in which Captain Elton and his first lieutenant were killed, and upwards of sixty of the crew (originally but 200) were killed or wounded, the second lieutenant, Baker Philips, surrendered the ship. Mr. Philips was tried by a court-martial on the 8th of July, for the loss of the ship, and sentenced to be shot ; which sentence was carried into effect on board the Princess Royal at Spithead, on the 19th of July.

In the month of April, the 60-gun ship Augusta, Captain the Hon. John Hamilton, with one broadside, sank a pri- vateer belonging to St. Malo, mounting twenty-four guns, and having a crew of 200 men, all of whom perished.

On the 4th of June, the 70-gim ship Captain, Captain Thomas Griffin, captured in the Channel the French 32-gun privateer Grand Turk. The prize was added to the British navy.

On the 12th of June, the 24-gun ship Fowey, Captain Polycarpus Taylor, drove on shore and destroyed the 26-gun privateer Griffin, of St. Malo, making prisoners of forty of her crew.

On the 3rd of July, the 2 4- gun ships Bridge water and

156 BATTLES OF [174G.

Slieemess, Captains Lord George Graham and "William Gordon, together with the Ursula hired armed vessel, Lieu- tenant John Ferguson, fell in with three Dunkirk privateers, mounting twenty-eight, twenty-six, and twelve guns re- spectively, the whole of which, after an obstmate engage- ment, they compelled to surrender. Six or seven prizes, which the privateers were escorting to Dunkirk, were re- captured.

The French 3 2 -gun 2:)rivateer Lys was also captured by the Hampton Court, Captain Savage Mostyn, and being a fine new ship, was added to the British navy.

In the monthof January the 7 0-gun ships Ca2:)taLQ and Hamp- ton Court, Captains Thomas Griffin («) and Savage Mostyn ; 6 0-gun ships Dreadnought and Sunderland, Captains Thorpe Fowke and John Brett, in the Channel, chased the French 74-gun ships Neptune and Florissant. A third ship, the Mars, an English privateer, captured a short time previously, being in comjiany, separated from the two French ships, upon which Cajjtain Griffin bore up in chase, leaving the other three ships to chase the two line-of-battle ships. The Mars was recap- tured ; but, owing to the Sunderland losing her fore-topmast, and to the want of anxiety on the part of the Hampton Court's captain to engage the enemy, the pursuit was aban- doned just as the action might have been commenced. Cap- tain Mostyn was tried by a court-martial, but acquitted. Captain Griffin's conduct in pui'suing the smallest ship was anything but creditable to him, while the more important enemy was in sight.

  1. — On the 9th of February, the 50-gun ship Portland, Captain Charles Stevens, overtook in the Channel and engaged the French 50-gun ship Auguste. After a smart action, which lasted two hours and a half, in which the Portland had fi"e men killed, and tliirteen wounded, the Auguste sur- rendered. The enemy, out of a crew of 470 men, had fifty killed, and ninety-four wounded, and was totally dismasted before she struck. The Auguste, being a fine new ship, was added to the British navy under the name of the Portland's Prize.

On the IStli of April, the 60-gun ship Defiance, Captain Charles Powlett, captured, after a short action, the French 40-gun ship Ambuscade ; wliich ship, of her crew of 365

1746.1 THE BRITISH NAVY. 157

men, had twenty-six killed and wounded. The Defiance had one man killed, and three wounded. The Ambuscade, beino- a fine ship of 906 tons, and just ofi" the stocks, was added to the British navy, to which she became a vakiable acquisition.

The 20-gun ship Shoreham, Captain James Osborne, ciiiis- incy ofi" the coast of Spain, having captured a small Spanish privateer, of two carriage-guns and twelve swivels. Captain Osborne gave the command of the prize to the master of the Shoreham, William Browne, and putting on board a few men, sent her out • to cruise. On the 24th of April, Mr. Bro^vne, being at anchor in-shore, and observing a vessel in the offing, immediately departed in pursuit, and shortly before noon approached the vessel, which, despising the paltry force of the tender, shortened sail, to allow her to close. A running tight commenced, and lasted five or six hoiu's, by which time Mr. Browne had succeeded in destroying the sails and rigging of his enemy, and having nearly expended his ammunition, determined on boarding her. With this intention, the wind being light, the sweeps were resorted to ; and having laid his vessel alongside the enemy, she surrendered without further resistance. The prize proved to be a privateer snow, from Bilboa, mounting ten carriage-guns and eighteen swivels, and commenced the action with seventy-eight men, of whom she had only thirty-two alive when she struck. On the 26th of the same month, Mr. Browne captured another Spanish, privateer, of five guns and thirty-two men. So highly were these exploits esteemed, that Mr. Bro"vvne was promoted on the 1st of August, to the command of a sloop-of-war named the Shoreham's Prize, and subsequently gained the rank of post-captain.

In the same month, the Alexander privateer of twenty guns, Captain Philips, being on a cruise oflT the Isle of Rhe, observed a large sliip at anchor in St. Martin's Road, under a small fort, which he determined on bringinsf out. The design was put into execution with such alacrity, that the crew of the sliip — wliich proved to be the Solebay, of twenty- two guns (captured two years before from the British) — were taken by surprise, and were unable to ofier any effectual resistance to the vigorous attack of the English. This ex- i^loit was performed without loss to the Alexander : and the

158 BATTLES OF [1746-

king was so pleased, that lie ordered Captain Pliilips a gold medalj and a gratuity of 500 guineas.

On the 25th of June, being off Negapatam, a squadron, consisting of the following —

Guns. Ships.

60 Med way Captain Edward Peyton

( Preston „ Lord Northesk

50 < Hai-wich

( Winchester ... 40 Medway's Prize 20 Lively

Philip Carteret Lord Thomas Bertie Thomas Griffin (b) Nathaniel Stephens

fell in with a French squadron of nine sail, commanded by M. La Bourdonnois. A partial action took place, in which the British loss amounted to fourteen killed, and forty-six wounded, when the French were suffered to escape. Cap- tain Peyton was severely censured for his conduct while holding the command on this station, and shortly after tliis action was superseded by Bear-Admiral Thomas Griffin.

On the 8th of October, the British 12-gun sloop-of-war Weazel, Commander Hugh Palliser, engaged two French privateers — one of six g'uns, and forty-eight men ; and the other of ten gmis, and ninety-five men ; both of which he ca^^tured ; for which act of gallantry he was promoted, and placed in command of a frigate.

On the 11th of October, the British 60-gun ship IN'ot- tingham. Captain Pliilip Saumarez, being off Cape Clear, fell in with the French 64-g-un ship Mars. A well-contested action followed, which continued for two hours, w^hen the Mars, having had forty of her crew (originally 550 men) killed and wounded, struck her colours, and was taken pos- session of The Nottingham's loss amounted to only three or four men killed and wounded. The Mars was added to the British navy under the same name.

On the 18th of October, the 50-gun ships Woolwich and Severn, Captains Joseph Lingen and William Lisle, on their return from the West Indies in charge of a merchant fleet, were chased by a French squadron of three sail of the line, under M. De Conflans, in the 70-gun ship Terrible. The two ships, observing the enemy's superiority, ordered the convoy to make the best of their way into port, while the Woolwich and Severn hauled up, to enable the convoy to escape. A.




ininning action was maintained throughout the day ; but at length the Severn was overpowered, and captured. The Woolwich escaped. In order to mark their approval of Cap- tain Lisle's conduct, the Admiralty, on liis release, appointed him to the command of the 64-gun ship Vigilant.

  1. — Information was received by the British govern- ment that two powerful expeditions had been fitted out by the French for the purpose of prosecuting their designs in the East Indies ; and the following were put under the command of Yice- Admiral Anson, with instructions to en- deavour to intercept them : —

Guns. Ships.

90 Prince George

66 Devonshire .

74 Namur

i Monmouth Prince Frederick Yarmouth

Princess Louisa .-. Nottingham . . . ,

Defiance . .

Pembroke . . .- .^,


Centiirion .......


Bristol . .

Ambuscade . . . .


50 40

Vice -Admiral George Anson (blue) Captain John Bentley Eear-Admiral Peter Warren (white) Captain Temple West

,, Hon. E. Boscawen

„ Henry Harrison

„ Harry Norris

;, Piercy Brett

„ Charles Watson

„ Philip Saumarez

„ Thomas Grenville

,, Thomas Fincher

,, Thomas Hanway

„ Peter Denis

,, Blomfield Barradell

,, Hon. W. Montagu John Montagu

Falcon, sloop ; Vulcan, fire-ship.

Anson sailed from Plymouth on the 9th April, and crviised off Cape Finisterre until the 3rd May, on which day a French fleet of thirty-eight sail, commanded by M. Dela Jonquiere,was discovered. On observing the British, the French admiral, beiug to leeward, Avith the wind at north-east, formed a plan which, but for the able suggestions of Rear- Admiral Warren, might have enabled the greater part of liis fleet to escape. Nine of their largest ships shortened sail, and formed a line of battle, while the remainder, and subsequently the nine ships also, made all sail to the westward. The signal was then made for a general chase ; and at about 4h. p.m. the Centurion, having gained on her companions, arrived up with the rearmost French ship, and commenced the action in the

160 BATTLES OF [1747.

most gallant manner, and with such effect, that two large ships dropped astern to the support of their consort. The Namur, Defiance, and Windsor, however, soon after arriving up to the suj)port of the Centurion, a general action ensued between these and five of the French ships. The Centurion having had her main-topmast and fore-topsail yard shot away, and five feet water in the hold, dropped astern ; but Captain Denis, with commendable celerity, repaired the damages, and persevered in following the enemy, which he a second time brought to action. The Devonshire and Bristol having arrived up, the Serieux surrendered ; but without waiting to take possession of the vanquished ship, the Devonshire pushed on for the Invincible, which ship had already been engaged by and had suffered much from the fire of the Namur. Being ably supj^orted by the Bristol, the In- vincible also struck, Ijut afterwards rehoisted her colours, and again hauled them down on the arrival of the Prince George. The Bristol brought to action the Diamante, which struck at 6h. 30m. p.m., and eventually the v/hole squadron surrendered. The names of the French captured ships were — Serieux, sixty-six gams, 536 men, the commodore's ship ; Invincible, seventy-four, 700 men ; Diamante, fifty - six, 450 men ; Jason, fifty-two, 355 men ; Bubis, fifty-two, 328 men ; and Gloire, forty-foiu", 330 men. There were also four armed ships belonging to the French East-India Company — tlie Apollon and Philibert, of thirty guns ; and Thetis and Dartmouth, twenty guns. In the heat of the action. Captain Thomas Grenville, of the Defiance, was killed, and Captain Boscawen badly wounded in the shoulder. The loss of men amounted to 520 killed and wounded.^

' Such is the vague account of the loss ; Lut we have ascertained that individually sustained by the ships principally engaged, with the excep- tion of the Centurion's, which is not mentioned in her log :— Devonshire, five men killed, and — Page, third lieutenant, and nine men wounded. Bristol, one man killed, and five wounded. Namur, thirteen seamen killed, and sixty-three wounded. Defiance, Captain Grenville and three men killed, and one mortally wounded. Windsor, Lieutenant Stewart, of the marines, and four men killed, and eighteen wounded. Princess Louisa, two men killed, and six wounded. The total of the above gives only 133 ; so that a large number remains to be accounted for, of which, however, the logs of the different ships make no mention. The Prince "George, Nottingham, and Prince Frederick, sustained no loss whatever.

1747.] THE EEITISH 2^AYY. 161

Vice- Admiral Anson was created a peer, and received the personal thanks of his sovereign ; and Rear- Admiral Warren, whose spirited exertions did much towards bringing about the successful issue, Avas honoured with the military order of the Bath. All the ships of war, and the Thetis Indiaman, vrere purchased into the navy. The name of the Serieux was changed to that of Intrepid, and that of the Diamante to Isis.

Commodore Fox was despatched, simultaneously with Vice- Admiral Anson, in command of tlie following : —

Guns. Ships.

74 Kent Captain Thomas Fox

64 Hampton Court . . „ Savage Mostyn

Eagle ,, Geo. Bridges Rodney

I Lion „ Arthur Scott

50 Chester „ Philip Durell

44 Hector „ Thomas Stanhope

Pluto and Dolphin fire-ships.

The design of this squadron was to intercept the French West-India homeward-bound fleet, under convoy of four ships of war. On the 20tli June Commodore Fox obtained sight of the expected fleet oflT Cape Ortugal, in all 170 sail of ships, and sail was made in pursuit. The French ships of war, however, being fast-sailing sliips, escaped ; but forty- eight sail of merchant ships, whose united tonnages amounted to 16,051 tons, and crews to 1,197 men, were captured by the British squadron.

On the 2nd of June, the Fortune sloop, of ten guns, fourteen SAvivels, and 110 men, Commander Edward Jekyll, stationed off Yarmouth to protect the coasting trade, was attacked by five large French privateers. Taking the For- tune for a merchant ship, the privateers chased her. The Fortune made sail away, in order to draw them ofi* shore, and also to gain the weather-gage, which having succeeded in, she tacked and stood for the privateers. The enemy discovering their error, dispersed, but the Fortune, after a nine hours' chase, succeeded in overtaking and capturing the Charon, of ten guns, eight swivels, and eighty-five men.

On the 11th of August, the 10-gun sloop Viper, Lieutenant Hobert Hay, engaged the French South-Sea shijD Hector, of twenty-eight guns and sixty men. The action commenced





at about 61i. p. m., and at 61i. 30m. tlie Yiper s commander was killed. Lieutenant John Lendrick then assumed the command, and continued the action till 8h. p. M., when he laid the enemy alongside, and shortly afterwards the Hector surrendered. The French ship had ten men kiUed and sixteen wounded j and the Viper, in addition to her com- mander, had the boatswain (William Connorton) and three men killed, and eight wounded, one of whom mortally. The prize had on board £7,000 freight.

On the 12th of August, the 14-gun ship Merhn, Com- mander David Brodie, captured in the West Indies, after a smart action of two hours' duration, two richly-freighted French ships, having on iDoard specie to the amount of £30,000. In this action Captain Brodie lost his right arm. For the gallantry and activity he had disj^layed, he was pro- moted shortly afterwards, and appointed to the 50-g-un ship Canterbury.

On the 9th of October, a squadron, under the command of Hear- Admiral Hawke, sailed fi'om Plymouth, consisting of the

( Rear-Admiral Edward Hawke

I Captain John Moore

„ Thomas Cotes

„ Thomas Fox

,, Charles Saunders

„ Henry Harrison

„ Charles Watson

„ Thomas Hanway

„ Arthur Scott

„ Robert Harland

„ Philip Saiimarez

„ John Bentley

„ Geo. Bridges Rodney

„ Philip Durell

„ Charles Stevens



6Q Devonshire

70 Edinburgh ... ... ... ...

( Kent

64 < Yarmouth

f Monmouth ... ...

r Princess Louisa ... ...

Windsor ... ... ... . . . .

Lion. . ... .-, ... ... . . ...

60 j


Nottingham ... . . . .


Eno-lft .

_„ i Gloucester ... . . ... . .

50 ■


The object was to effect the destruction of a fleet of mer- chant ships in Basque Roads, lying under the protection of a strong squadron of ships of war. The French squadron, however, under the command of M. de Letendeur, had sailed from He d'Aix, on the 6th October, in charge of the convoy, and consisted of the following ; —

1747.] THE BRITISH XAVY. 163

Guns. Ships. Guns. Ships. 80 Tonnant ( Trident

( Intrepide 64 < Fougueiix 74 ■< Terrible ( Content

( Monarque 56 Severn 70 Neptune

And a great many frigates and smaller vessels.

Early in tlie morning of the 14tli of October, when off Cape Finisterre, with a fi'esh wind at east-south-east, the squadrons got sight of each other. Hawke immediately made all sail to close the^ enemy, then on the weather-bovv- in the south-east quarter, and at lOh. a.m. had neared sufficiently to make out several large ships, upon which he deemed it prudent to form a line of battle. The French commodore, on the other hand, had hitherto considered the British squadron as a portion of his own convoy, w^hich had separated from him in the night, and edged away to close them, but on disco vermg his error, instantly ordered the merchant ships and transports, under the charge of the Content, sixty-four, and frigates, to make the best of their way, while he, %^dtli the abovenamed ships, drew into a line ahead to meet the enemy.

The Intrepide, Trident, and Terrible formed the French van ; the Tonnant and Monarque the centre ; and the Severn, Fougueux, and Trident, the rear. But Hawke soon observing that the design of the French commodore was to cover the escape of his convoy to vrindward, hauled down his signal for a line of battle, and threw out another for a general chase ; and in half an hour afterwards to engage the enemy. The Lion and Princess Louisa took the lead in the 23iu'suit, and at llh. 45m. the former opened her fire ; but in his eagerness to reach the van of the enemy, and so retard their escape. Captain Scott exposed his ship to the fire of the whole French squadron. These ships were soon joined by the Tilbmy, Eagle, Windsor, Monmouth, Yarmouth, and Edinburgh, and the action became gene- ral. The Severn stimck to the Devonshire ; but Hawke j)ushed on, leaving the prize to be taken possession of by his frigates. He v/as, however, unfortmiately deterred from his intention of engaging the Tonnant by the Eagle, which ship, in a disabled state, fell on board the Devonshire, and both ships were placed hoi^s de combat for some time.


164 BATTLES OF [1747.

To add to this disaster, the breechings of the Devonshire's guns broke. ^ In this situation, the Tonnant closed and en- gaged the Devonshire, and but for the timely arrival of the Tilbury, she might have fared badly ; but having replaced the fittings of her guns, the Devonshire was soon in a con- dition to recommence the action, and succeeded in getting alongside the Trident and Terrible, both which ships struck at 7h. P. 51. The Neptune struck to the Yarmouth, after having lost her captain, and 200 of her crew killed and ■wounded, and being dismasted. Three ^ other ships, the Monarque, Fougueux, and Severn, struck at 5h.. p.m.

Towards the conclusion of the action, the Intrepide and Tonnant, after having behaved most gallantly, endeavoured to effect their escape ; which intention being perceived by Captain Saunders, of the Yarmouth, that officer determined on preventing it, if possible ; and accordingly hailed the Eagle and Nottingham to join in j^ursumg them. The three ships immediately made all sail in chase ; but, except the Nottingham, they could not get near enough to bring them to action. The Nottingham having the lead, might have succeeded in retarding their escape ; but Captain Saumarez being mortally wounded, the commanding officer relinquished the chase ; so that these two ships escaped into a French port. As the night closed in. Rear- Admiral Hawke recalled the ships of his squadron, and deeming it imprac- ticable to overtake the convoy, discontinued the further pursuit.

The loss to the British in this action amounted to 15-i killed, including the gallant Captain Philip Saumarez, and ijoS wounded. The same obscure and unfaii' mode of lumping the killed and wounded, of which we complained in Admiral Anson's action, is again followed -with reference to this ; and with great difficulty we have ascertained the loss individually sustained, as under, by a reference to the journals of the ships ; but it vvill be seen that we are unable to account for the v/hole number stated in the official return : —

' This account is given out of respect to Rear-Admiral Hawke"s official letter ; but no mention whatever is made of the circumstance in the Devonshire's journal, neither is there of the breaking of the breech- jngs of the guns.









Officers killed or wounded.

Devonshire ....


Loss not stated.


480 480




Edinburgh ....





( Lieut, of Marines (Clay-

Monmouth ....




y ton Brewster) and 1 Gunner (Thomas Sut- ( ton) wounded.

Princess Louisa








{ Lieuts. James Eobson ( and Alex. Mills killed.


400 400



Loss not stated.


Nottingham ....



Captain killed.









j Lieut. P. Taylor (mor- ( tally) wounded.













The loss to the French was two 74-giin ships, one of seventy, two of sixty-four, and one of fifty-six guns, all of which, except two, were wholly dismasted ; and the loss in men is estimated at about 800 killed and wounded. As much time was necessarily occupied in refitting their prizes, they did not reach Plymouth until the 31st of October.^ Seven ships of the convoy shortly afterwards fell into the hands of Captain Peter Denis, in the Centurion.

In this action Captain Fox, of the Kent, having been, thought to have neglected his duty, a court-martial was held

' In his official letter, Rear- Admiral Hawke made use of the follow- ing mode of expression : — " As the enemy's ships were large, except the Severn, they took a deal of drubbing." The letter was being read to King George II., and on arriving at this part, his majesty, from his imperfect knowledge of the English language, not understanding the term " drubbing," requested Lord Chesterfield, who was reading the despatch, to explain it to him. At this moment the duke of Bedford entered the closet, and his grace having a short time previously been engaged in a fracas on the race-course at Lichfield, Lord Chesterfield, with his accustomed wit, referred his majesty to the duke for an expla- nation, upon which the king laughed heartily, and expressed himself perfectly acquainted with the term.

166 BATTLES OF [1747.

■upon liim j but it being proved that the fault in question arose principally from a misunderstanding of the signals made, Captain Fox was acquitted of the main charge, but dismissed his ship.

On the 8th of October, the British 50-gun ship Dartmouth, Captain the Hon. John Hamilton, fell in with the Sj)anish 70-gun ship Glorioso, which ship had, on the 15th July pre- viously, been chased by the 44-giui ship Lark, and 60-gmi ship Warwick, Captains Jolm. Crookshanks and Robert Erskine, and engaged by the latter. Captain Hamilton gallantly attacked the Spanish ship, but in the heat of the action the Dartmouth took fire and blew up. The Prince Frederick privateer being at some distance astern, succeeded in picking up Lieutenant Christopher O'Brien and eleven of her men ; but the captain, and the remainder of his gallant crew, perished. On the following day, the British 80-gun ship E-ussel, Captain Mathew Buckle, overtook the Glorioso, and compelled her to strike ; but the defence of this ship must ever rank foremost in Spanish naval history.

On the 18th of August, the British 24-gim ship Bellona, Captain the Hon. Samuel Barrington, captiu^ed off TJshant the Due de Chartres, a French Indiaman, of 700 tons, 175 men, and thirty guns, laden with pro^dsions and stores. The action lasted two hours.

On the 12th of September, the British 26-gTin frigate Amazon, Captain Samuel Faulknor, cruising in the Channel, engaged the French 32-gun frigate Benommee. The action continued several hours, when the Benommee sheered off. The Amazon, having received much damage in sails and rigging, was unable to follow. The Amazon had a gTeat many men killed and wounded. On the following day, the 44-g-un ship Dover, Captain the Hon. Washington Shirley, fell in with the Benommee, and after a short action comj)elled her to strike. The Benommee was purchased into the navy.

British cruisers and privateers were this year very success- ful, and the following is a summary of the respective gains and losses. British vessels captured by the Spaniards, 131 ; by the French, 420 ; taken by the British — Spaniards, 91 ; French, 556. The Spanish and French prizes were many of them very valuable, while those captured from the British were for the most part of small value.

1748.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 167

  1. — On tlie 31st of January, the squadron of Rear- Admiral Hawke, cruising in the Channel, observed a large ship to leeward. The 60-gun ship Nottingham, Captain Robert Harland, was ordered to chase ; and that ship having at lOh. A.M. closed with the stranger, commenced the actiou, and a running fight of six hoiu-s ensued. The rear-admiral observing the size of the sliip Captain Harland was engaging, ordered the 60-gun ship Portland, Captain Charles Stevens, to proceed to the jSTottingham's assistance. The Portland accorcUngly made sail, and having neared the enemy (still closely engaged with the Nottingham), and fired a few shot, the French ship surrendered. The prize proved to be the Magnanime, a large class 74-gun ship, commanded by the Marquis d' Albert. The Nottingham had sixteen men killed, and eighteen wounded, and the Portland four men wounded. The Magnanime, out of a crew of 686 men, had forty-five killed, and 105 wounded. Being a fine new ship, she was added to the British navy tuider the same name, and con- tinued long a favourite ship.

In the West Indies this year, a Spanish squadron, under Admiral Beggio, was defeated by Bear- Admiral Knowles. This action was preceded, on the 8th of March, by an attack upon Port Louis, Hispaniola, in which, though the reduction of the place was achieved, it was severely bought, no less than seventy men being killed and wounded in the squadron. Among the former was Captain James Bentone, of the Strafford. The rear-admiral shortly afterwards attacked St. Jago de Cuba, but was beaten off" with loss. This failure was attributed to Bear- Admiral Knowles, and his after suc- cess did not entirely remove the remembrance of liis previous; failure. The British squadron consisted of the following : —

Gtms. Ships. SO Cornwall . .

70' Lenox . . . .

(Tilbury ..". /.^ 3 StraflFord . .

) Warwick . .

( Canterbury 50 Oxford

{ Rear- Admiral Charles Knowles ( Captain Poly car pus Taylor „ Charles Holmes „ Charles Powlett „ David Brodie ,, Thomas Innes ,, Edward Clarke Edmund Toll

' This ship had only fifty-six guns mounted.

168 BATTLES OF [1748.

The squadron was manned with 2,900 men.

The Spanish squadron also consisted of seven ships, but larger, and their crews numbered 4,lo0.

On the 1st of October, these squadrons met half-way be- tween the Tortugos and Havannah ; and the Spanish admiral being to leeward, formed a line, and awaited the British attack. Owing to the bad sailing of the Canterbury and Warwick, the action was commenced upon unequal terms. At a little past 2h. p.m., the Cornwall having arrived within musket-shot of the T^-gain ship Africa, bearing the flag of "Vice- Admii'al Reggio, a spirited action ensued. The Spaniards firing liigh, quickly disabled the Cornwall, which ship having had her mamtopmast and foretopsail-yard shot away, dropped out of the line. The Lenox then took the Cornwall's place, and maintained the action ^vith great spirit ; when the Spanish shif)s closing round their admiral, rendered the situa- tion of the Lenox very critical. The Lenox was, however, soon supported by the arrival of the Canterbury and War- wick, and the action became general, and continued till 8h. P.M., when the Spaniards commenced a retreat. The crew of the Cornwall having refitted their ship, she was again in a condition to renew the action ; and the Conquest- adore, seventy-four, having been likewise disabled, and much astern of her squadron, was the object of her renewed attack. The Cornwall opened so animated a fire upon her, that her captain and most of her officers being killed, with a great many of her men, she struck, and was taken possession of. The British rear-admiral having collected his squadron, made sail in chase of the Spaniards, but the pursuit was not prose- cuted with vigour. But chance added to his success ; for two days afterwards, the squadron fell in Avith the Africa, which having been dismasted soon after the chase was given up, had anchored in distress a few leagues from the Havannah. The Sjmniards, on the approach of the British, took to their boats, after setting her on fire, and she blew up before pos- session could be taken. Captain Don San Justo, of the Con- questadore ; Don Quitana, second captain of the Africa ; and Don Garrecocha, captain of the Galga, and eighty-six men, were kiUed ; and the vice-admiral, fourteen officers, and 197 men, wounded. On board the British squadron, fifty-nine men

1748.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 160"

were killed, and 120 wounded; but no officer ia named among the number.

Great discontent having prevailed in the squadron re- specting the mode of attack pursued by the rear-admii-al, a court-martial was assembled on his arrival in England ; and the Court having heard the arguments, were of opinion that he was guilty of negligence in not having shifted liis flag to a fresh ship when the Cornwall was disabled ; and for not bearing down on the Spanish squadron, as he might have done, with more effect ; and therefore adjudged liim to be reprimanded.

The peace of Aix-la-Chapelle put an end to further hos- tilities. The follomng is a summary of results : —


Ships captured from the Spaniards . . . .1,249 „ „ French ...2,185



Ships captured by the Spaniards 1,360

„ „ French .1,878

3,233 Balance in favour of the British .... 196

The above is the mode in use by the earUer naval histo- rians ; but it is a method not at all suited to convey a correct notion of the subject, since, as in the case of the Spanish captures made, the value of one of their ships was more, than equivalent to twenty of the majority of those lost to the British. The gain to the British during this v/ar is. estimated by Dr. Beatson at two milHons sterling.

170 BATTLES OF [1748-55.


The terms of tlie peace concluded in 1748 liad been so frequently infringed by French ships, that it became at length necessary to retaliate. Accordingly, fleets were fitted out, and the command of one being given to Yice- Admiral Bos- cawen, he was ordered to proceed to North America, to counteract the measures of a French fleet under M. De la Motte. Although war was not formally declared, the warlike preparations of the French plainly evinced their hostile designs upon, the British North American colonies. Bos- cawen's orders were, to protect the British possessions, and to attack the French squadrons wlierever he found them. These instructions were not, however, given secretly, for they were communicated to the French ambassador at London, who conveyed them to the French king ; upon which, the latter repHed, " that the first gun fired on the sea in a hostile manner should be held equivalent to a declaration of war."

Boscawen fidfiUed his instructions to the letter. On the 6th of June, 1755, being near the entrance to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, he fell in with four sail of the line, which had parted from M. De la Motte in a gale of ^vind. On the 8th, at noon, after a chase of forty-eight hom^s, the 60-gun ship Dunkirk, Captain the Hon. Richard Howe, arrived up with the French 64-gun sliip Alcide. After some little preliminary hailing, the Dunkirk opened so furious a cannonade, that on the approach of the Torbay, the French ship struck her colours. The 64-gTin ship Lys, armed en-flute, was also captured ; but omng to a fog the third escaped. Thus Avas this, known as " the seven years' war," commenced.

On the 14th of November, a squadron, under the command of Admiral the Hon. John Byng, cruising in the Channel, fell in %\dth, and took, the French 74-gun ship Esj)erance ; but bad weather coming on, and the ship being greatly damaged, the prize was set on fire and destroyed.

  1. — War was formally declared : by the English on

1756.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 171

the 17th of May, and by the French on the 16th of June, 1756.

Although the British government had received intelligence of an extensive armament fitting out at Toulon to attack Minorca, no steps were taken for its defence, mitil the clamom^s of the peoj^le ckove ministers to order the equip- ment of a fleet for that purpose. A fleet was appointed, but instead of its being of a description suited to obtain command of the Mediterranean, it consisted of ten sail of the line only, wretchedly prepared. The most unaccountable negligence was observable in manning this fleet ; for being ordered to convey a reinforcement of troops to Gibraltar and Minorca, the marines were ordered to be landed, to make room for troops ; and thus the proper complement of each ship was materially diminished. The fleet should have sailed early in the year, but delay followed delay, and the remonstrances of the admiral were unheeded. The crews were incomplete by several hundreds of men, yet they might have been filled up in a day, had the order been given to draft men from ships lying in comparative idleness.

On the 6 th of April the squadron sailed ; it consisted of ten sail of the line, and although the admiral petitioned for only two or three frigates, one was denied him. On the 2nd of May the squadron, after having encoimtered much bad weather, arrived at Gibraltar, where Byng learnt the strength of the French squadron ; and that it had already escorted a large body of troops to Minorca, and obtained possession of the whole island, with the exception of Fort St. Phihp. The difficulty of throwing in succom's then occupied his attention, but he determined to make the attempt with the under- mentioned : —

Guns. Ships. Men.

90 EamilHes 780 \ ^"^^^^^^^ ,S°°- ^^^^ '^y^S (blue)

( Captain Arthur Gardiner

68 Buckingham . . 535 j ^^^^'f ^f/.^J^ Temple West (red)

= ( Captain INIichael Everitt

74 CuUoden ....600 „ Henry Ward

( Trident 500 „ Philip Durell

64 < Revenge . . . .480 „ Fred. Cornwall

( Intrepid 480 ,, James Young




Guns. Ships. Men.

p, j Captain .^ . . .. 480 I Lancaster . . . .520 ( Kingston 400

60 < Princess Louisa 400


Charles Catford Hon. G. Edgecumbe William Parry Hon. Thomas Noel

( Defiance 400

Tliomas Andrews

;,. JDeptford ,...280 ^^ ( Portland .... 300

John Amherst Patrick Baird

40 Chesterfield ..220

J. Lloyd

20 Phcenix 130

Hon. A Hervey


Fortune, Experiment, and Dolphin, sloops.

On the 8th of May the British squadron sailed from Gibraltar, and on the 16th reached Majorca, where in- telligence was received, fully confirming that which had been obtained at Gibraltar. At daybreak on the 19th, having had a fine wind during the preceding night, the fleet arrived in sight of Minorca, and the admiral despatched the Phoenix to reconnoitre Port Mahon, and ascertain the pos.sibility of throwing supplies into Fort St. Philip, as also with a letter to General Blakeney, the commandant of the garrison. In the meanwhile the squadron made every effort to get in- shore, but the appearance of the French fleet quickly changed the nature of the British admiral's movements. His first object was to strengthen his weakest-manned ships from the crews of the smaller vessels, and he converted the Phoenix into a fire-ship. Byng then stood towards the French fleet., which consisted of the following ships : —





Ships. Foudroyant Couronne Redoutable Guerriere Temeraire Fier

Frigates — Junon, 44

Guns, Ships.

Triton Lion 64 -j Content 'Sage I. Orphee 50 Hippopotame Po.se, 30 ; Gracieuse, 30 ; Topaze, 26 ; N^-mphe, 26.

This well-appointed fleet was manned vntli 9,552 men.. Towards night, the French had neared the British squadron wdtliin a few miles, when they tacked, to obtain the weather- gage, but Byng possessing at that time tliis advantage, tacked also. The two fleets therefore continued working to wind- ward all night, with light variable airs of wnnd, and at daybreak on the 20 th, they were not visible to each other.

1756.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 173

The Defiance, a little after daybreak, captured a tartan containing a reinforcement of men from Minorca for the French fleet, and shortly afterwards the latter was discovered to leeward, but at so great a distance that it was 2h. p.m. before Byng considered it necessary to form his order of attack.

The signal was then made for the British squadron in two lines to bear away two points, and engage the enemy. Hear- Admiral West, whose division was leading, misinter- preting the signal, bore up seven points ; and at 2h. 4om. p.m. the Defiance, in the most spirited manner, engaged the van ship of the enemy. The other ships of Rear-Admiral West's division engaged with equal gallantry, and the action soon became general wdth the British van, and the French van and centre. The French sliips were under topsails only, with their main- topsails to the mast.

Byng, with his division, shortly afterwards bore up to the support of his rear-admiral ; but the Intrepid, the last ship of the leading division, had not been long in action ere her foretopmast was shot away, and, in a manner wholly un- accountable, threw the centre division astern of her into confusion. The loss of a foretopmast to a ship sailing with the wind on her quarter ought not to have been attended with any material consequences, and the only efiect it would have had upon experienced seamen would have been, that the ships astern would have passed the disabled ship to leeward, and have continued to close the enemy. It is impossible to justify the proceedings of Admiral Byng, and the ships of his division. The Intrepid rounded to, and threw all a-back, but not before she was in such a position as to engage the ship opposed to her in the line Avith efiect. The Revenge, the ship next astern, lufled up, in order to pass the Intrepid to vnndward, but did not in fact pass her at all, as she remained upon the Intrepid's- weather quarter. The Princess Louisa and Trident were also brought to by the same cause, as well as the Ramillies, bearing the admiral's flag. The latter ship did not get into action at all, although her crew wasted much ammunition by firing when out of gun-shot ; neither did the Revenge, Trident, Oulloden, or Kingston. The division of Rear-Admiral West, which led, sufiered most ; and had the French not filled, and made sail after




about three hours' cannonading, his ships must inevitably have fallen into their hands.

As so much has been said and written respecting this action, we tliink it ad\T.sable to illustrate it with a diagram, shoA\dng the position of the two fleets at the commencement of, and dulling the engagement. The facts upon which the diagram is foimded are derived from the minutes of the court-martial.

feH ^


^^,^.^■5^. 5^:


^^ ^^.

2 :;










^ ^ 4^ ■•^4^



^ ^ ^ ^ ^

.,- ■••- ' . ''

The French squadron was vastly superior in weight of metal. This will be seen by comparing the ships of the two admirals :—





British 90 -gun Ship.

Lower deck 26

Middle deck 26

Upper deck 26

Quarter-deck 1 0

Forecastle 2

32 prs.

18 „

12 „

6 „

6 „

Total 90 guns. Broadside 686 lbs. Tons .... 1,742


French 84 -gun Ship.^ Lower deck 30 ,-. 42 prs. Main deck 32 . . 24 „ Quarter-deck 18 ., 8 ,, Forecastle 4 ^ . 8 „

Total 84 guns. Broadside 1 , 1 59 lbs. ^ Tons 1,977

The four 74-gmi ships of the French fleet mounted 42-pounders on the lower deck, and the 64-gun ships, 36-pounders. The conduct of M. De Gahssioniere, therefore, was surprising; for, with such ships, he ought to have cap- tured every ship of the British fleet. But this does not exonerate the British admiral, whose indecision is softened only by the severity of the penalty he paid.

The British loss is shown upon the diagram. Among the number were Captain Andrews (who so nobly commenced the action in the Defiance), and Captain ISToel. Byng quitted Minorca and returned to Gibraltar, where he was soon after- wards superseded by Sir Edward Hawke. This unfortunate admiral was shot in Portsmouth harbour on the 14th of March, 1757, on board the 74-gun ship Monarch — an exe-

2 Tliis calculation allows for the difference between the French and English weights, for w^hich see the following table : —






English "Weight,


English Weight.


English Weight.a


English Weight.


English pj_ Weight. ^'''^•

English Weight.








Ih. 03.

39 114

26 71

19 134

13 34

8 134

6 93

32 24 18 12 8 6

Tb. 03.

34 125 26 2i 18 94 13 1 8 104 6 84







lb. 03.

38 14

25 144

19 7

12 15^

8 10

6 74







lb. 03.

36 S

24 54

18 4

12 2%

8 14

6 Ik

48 42 36 30 24 18 12 8 6

». 03.

44 154 39 54 33 114 28 1§ 22 71 16 13i

11 ?3

7 7i

5 94

42 36 30 24 18 12 8 6

lb. 03.

37 14i 32 74 27 94 21 104 16 .3| 10 13i

7 H 5 64

a The French shot has been found to exceed this calculated weight by a few ounces.


cution the severity of whicli v/as undoubtedly, under all the circumstances, extreme.

On the 17th of May, early in the morning, the 50-gun ship Colchester, and 2G-g\ni sliip Lyrae, Captains Lucius O'Brien and Edward Vernon, being off the Isle of Oleron, chased two sail. At 5h. p.m., the Colchester arrived up with the sternmost, which was the 50-gun sliip Aquilon, and engaged her very closely ; while the Lyme brought to action her consort, the 3 2 -gun frigate Fidelle. After an action of six hours' duration, the French ships made off, leading the Colchester and Ljnne much damaged in hull and rigging, ■\vith the loss of a great many men.

On the 6th of July, the Hon. Captain Richard Howe, in the 60-gun ship Dunkirk, having under his orders a squadron of six ships, destroyed a fort erecting on Chausse Island, near St. Malo.

On the 7th of October, a gallant action was fought by the Dispatch sloop, Commander James Holbourne, with a French privateer, which mounted eighteen guns and had a crew ot 170 men. The action lasted two hours, and the privateer made several ineffectual attempts to board, but was beaten off with much loss. Commander Holbourne, who behaved nobly, was mortally wounded by a flint stone about the size of a nutmeg, and died on the 9th. The lieutenant of the Dispatch (John Hodges) conducted the sloo]) in a shattered state into port.

The Adventure, a small brig tender mounting six 3 -pounders. Lieutenant James Orrock, was attacked off Bam- borough Castle, by the Infernale, of twelve guns, with a crew of 148 men. After two hours' action, and ha^dng expended all his ammimition, and had five of his crew kiUed and eighteen wounded. Lieutenant Orrock surrendered. The privateer had seven men kOled and twenty-five wounded. For his conduct on this occasion Lieutenant Orrock was deservedly promoted.

On the 23rd of December, the 26-gun privateer Terrible, Captain Death, being on a cruise, fell in with and captured, after a sharp action, in Avhicli his lieutenant and sixteen of his crew were killed, the Grand Alexander, of twenty-two guns and 100 men. While the Terrible was convoying the prize into port, the latter was attacked and captured by the

1757.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 177

French privateer Vengeance, of tliirty-six guns and 3 GO men. The Fi'ench captain then manned his prize, and both pur- sued and attacked the Terrible. In the first broadside they siiot away her mainmast, but Captain Death defended his ship with the most obstinate valour for a considerable time. The contest was most desperate; but the English captain being killed, v.ith half of his crew, and nearly all the remainder wounded, the Terrible was taken possession of. The Vengeance lost in the action her first and second cap- tains killed, and two-thirds of the crew.

  1. — Captain Arthur Forrest, of the 60-gun ship Au- gusta, belonging to the squadron on the Jamaica station, was despatched, in the month of October, to cruise ofi* Cape Francois, where the French were assembling a fleet of mer- chant ships for Europe. Captain Forrest had under his orders the 64-gini ship Edinburgh, Captain William Langdon, and 60-gun ship Dreadnought, Captain Maurice Suckling. E,ear-Admiral Cotes, the commander-in-chief on the station, had received intelligence relative to the force intended to convoy the fleet at Cape Francois, which led him to believe that the above ships would be found equal to cope with it ; but M. De Kersaint, the French commodore, had been unexpectedly reinforced by the junction of several ships, and when Captain Forrest arrived off the port, was in command of the undermentioned, —

Guns. Ships. j Guns. Ships.

( Sceptre | r,.y ^ Sauvage

64 Opiniatre "^"' | Licorne

50 Greenwich ' j

manned with 3,850 men, including many vokmteers from the garrison and merchant ships.

With this force at his disposal, the French commodore had reason to believe he should be able to cMve Captain Forrest from his station ; and early in the morning of the 21st of October,- or more probably on the night previous, put to

' Captured by a French squadron of five sail of the line, on the 14th of March preceding, while commanded by Captain Robert Roddam.


178 BATTLES OF [1757.

sea, and stood off shore in search of the British squadron. At 7h A.M. the Dreadnought made the signal for an enemy, and at noon the Erench squadron was in sight from the deck. Captain Forrest then made the signal for liis captains, and on their arrival on the Augusta's quarter-deck, is said to have addressed them with — " "Well, gentlemen, you see they are come out to engage us." Upon which Captain Suckling- replied — '• I think it would be a pity to disappoint them." Captain Langdon being of the same opinion. Captain Forrest dismissed them to their ships, and hoisted the signal for the squadron to make all sail to close the enemy. Having a moderate breeze, the three British ships — the Dreadnought leading — at 3h. 20m. p.m., commenced the action with great spirit. The Intrepide, the headmost ship, was engaged ^vith such vigour, that being much disabled in her spars, she dropped astern and fell foul of the Greenwich, her next astern. This accident caused such confusion, that all the sliips of the French squadron fell foul of each other, and became exposed to the fire of the British ships, without the ability to return more than a few shot. The fight had con- tinued two hours and a half, when the French commodore, in the Intrepide, made the signal for one of the frigates to tow his ship out of the action, and the whole French squadron made sail to leeward. The British ships had suffered so much in their sails and rigging, that it was found impossible to follow; and Captain Forrest was reluctantly compelled to return to Jamaica to repair damages.

In this gallant engagement the Augusta had her first lieutenant and eight men killed, and twelve dangerously and seventeen slightly wounded ; all her masts, sails, rigging, and boats received considerable injury. The Dreadnought had nine killed, and twenty dangerously and ten slightly wounded. She lost her main and mizen-topmasts, and mizen- yard; and every mast and yard was greatly injured, except the foretopmast and foretopsail-yard ; she also received a great many shot in her hull. The Edinbrn-gh lost only five in killed, and thirty wounded j but her masts, yards, and sails

ber, and that Captain Suckling's nephew — the immortal Nelson, who went to sea under his uncle's auspices — should, on that very day forty- eight years, have completed his unparalleled series of victories by a glorious death at Trafalgar.

1757.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 179

were greatly damaged, and she had several shot in her hull. The French loss is stated to have amounted to near 600 killed and wounded. The Opuiiatre was dismasted, and the whole much disabled ; but during the unavoidable absence of Captain Forrest, the French commodore sj)eedily repaired his damages, and made his escape from Cape Francois.

On the 24th of November, Captain Forrest, in the Au- gusta, was despatched by Hear- Admiral Cotes to cruise off Gonave for two days. He proceeded up the bay between the islands Gonave and Hispaniola, with a view to cut out a rich fleet, im.der convoy of two armed merchant frigates. The day after parting company from the admiral, he stood in-shore, and disguised his ship with tarpaulins, and hoisted Dutch colours. At 5h. p.m. seven sail were seen standing to the westward; but in order to avoid suspicion, the Augusta made sail away from them until dark, when all sail was crowded in pursuit. At lOh. p.m. two ships were seen ahead, one of which fired a gun, and the other made sail in-shore for Leogane Bay. Shortly afterwards eight sail were seen to leeward, close under Petit Guave. The Augusta was very soon alongside the ship which had fired the gun, when Captain Forrest hailed the stranger and cautioned her cap- tain, on pain of being sunk, not to give the smallest alarm; at the same time the lower-deck ports were opened, to cany the threat into execution. The ship submitted without oi>position, and ha'ST.ng taken her crew out, Captain Forrest put a lieutenant and thirty-five men into the prize, mth directions to stand in for Petit Guave to intercept any of the ships which might make for that port. The Augusta then made sail after the body of the convoy, and by dawn of day was in the midst of them, firing at all in turns. The French ships retm^ned an ineffectual fire for some little time ; but three of the largest having struck, they were employed by Captain Forrest to pursue the remainder. Only one small snow escaped; and thus, by the able measures of Captain FoiTCst, this valuable convoy, consisting of nine ships, the imited tonnages of which amounted to 3,070, carrying 112 guns, and 415 men, fell into his hands. Their value was very considerable.

Scarcely a week passed without some action occurring in the Channel between French j^rivateers and British cruisers.


180 BATTLES OF [1757.

More than forty were captured this year by the British men-of-war alone, independent of those taken by jDrivateers; but the commander most successful in capturing vessels so destructive to the trade of England, was Captain John Lockhart, in the 28-gim frigate Tartar. While cruising in the Channel, Captain Lockhart, on the 18th of February, fell in with the Mont-Rozier, Rochelle privateer, mounting twenty long 9-pounders, with a crew of 170 men. After a short engagement, the privateer struck ; but while preparations were making for taking possession of the prize, she bore up, and attempted to board the Tartar. The Tartar's crew were on the alert, and repelled the attack with such energy, that thirty-six of the privateer's crew were killed and a great number wounded. The privateer then sheered off and recommenced the action, but after losing fifty-eight men surrendered.

On the 27th of March, Captain Lockhart being on shore sick, the Tartar, under the command of Lieutenant Thomas Baillie, fell in \vith the privateer Maria Yictoria, of 24 guns and 236 men ; and after a smart action, the privateer sur- rendered. Being a remarkably fine vessel, the prize was added to the British navy, by the name of Tartar's Prize, and the command deservedly conferred on Lieutenant Baillie, together with liis commission as master and commander.

On the 1 6th of April the Tartar fell in ^vith the privateer Due d'Aiguillon, of 600 tons, twenty-six guns, and 2o4 men, and after an action which lasted an hour and a quarter, in which the privateer had fifty men killed and woimded, and the Tartar four men killed and one wounded, captured her also.

On the 18tli of May, the same enterprising officer cap- tured the privateer Penelope, of eighteen guns and 181 men, fourteen of whom were killed. In October he captured the privateer Comtesse de Gramont, of eighteen guns and 155 men. This vessel was purchased into the na^'y, and named the Gramont.

On the 2nd of November, Captain Lockhaii; rendered himself still more conspicuous. Being in the Channel, in company of some other cruisers, the Tartar chased a large sail, which, after a pursuit of thirty hours, she overtook. The chase, which was the Melampe privateer, of Bayonne, of 700

1757.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 181

tons, and mounting twenty-six long 12 -pounders, and ten C-pomiders, with a crew of 330 men, engaged the Tartar with much spirit ; but after a running fight of three hours, in wliich the former suffered a loss of twelve men killed and twenty-six wounded, and the Tartar four killed, the privateer stnick her colours, and was taken possession of At this time the ships which had been in company with the Tartar when she commenced the chase were only in sight from the masthead. The prize proved a remarkably fine vessel, and had only been launched two months. She measured 116 feet upon the keel, and thirty-three feet extreme breadth, and was added to the British na\y under her French name, where she long continued as a 3 6 -gun frigate, a favourite ship. Such distingTiished services called forth the gTatitude of the merchants of London and Bristol ; the former pre- sented Captain Lockhart with an elegant piece of plate, value 200 guineas ; and the latter, with a similar mark of their sense of his achievements, by a piece of plate valued at 100 guineas. The corporation of Plymouth also pre- sented him with the freedom of the town in a silver box. The master of the Tartar (Patrick Lukey) was made a lieutenant. In the month of February, as the British 12 -gun sloop Badger, Commander Thomas Taylor, was ciTiising off the French coast, she fell in with and captured a French privateer, of eight guns and seventy-two men, which was sent into the Downs. On the 24th of the same month, the Badger chased the privateer Escorte, belonging to St. Malo, of eighteen long 8-pounders and 157 men. Undeterred by the disparity of force, the Badger engaged her, and a close action of one hour and a half ensued, when the privateer surrendered. The Badger had only seven men wounded, but the captain of the privateer, and twenty of her crew were killed. This action was the more creditable to the captors, from the circumstance of the Badger's being sliort of com- plement, in consequence of the prize crew recently sent away. There were no marines on board ; but the purser, Andrew Butherford, ha\dng gallantly volunteered his ser- vices, was stationed on the forecastle of the sloop in charge of a -partj of small-arm men, and conducted himself with gi'eat braver}^ Commander Taylor was promoted, on the 3rd of March, to post rank, and appointed to the Seahorse

182 BATTLES OF [1757.

frigate ; and Mr. Kutlierford was appointed to the Coventry. The Escorte was added to the navy under the same name.

On the 10th of March, as the British 3-pounder 8-gnn sloop Happy, Commander Thomas Burnet, was on her return from Jersey, having on board twenty soldiers from that island, she was attacked by the French privateer In- fernal, mounting six 6-pounders, eight 4-pounders, and six swivels, with a crev/ of seventy-five men. To obviate the inferiority in point of armament, the commander of the Happy grappled the privateer, and boarded her. The troops being very useful in clearing the decks, the privateer's crew surrendered. For this gallant little exploit Commander Burnet was promoted, on the 5th of May following.

On the 18th of May, the British 28-gun frigate Unicorn, Captain John Bawlings, criiisuig off the coast of Ireland, chased and overtook the French privateer Invincible, of twenty-four g-uns and 286 men. In the early part of the action which ensued. Captain Bawl ings was mortally wounded in the head, and the command of the ship devolved on Lieutenant Michael Clements, who conducted the fight with gi^eat skill, and compelled the privateer to surrender. The Unicorn lost, besides her captain, the boatswain and two men killed, and five men wounded. The Invincible had a great many men killed and wounded, before she struck. Having obtained information from some of the prisoners respecting another privateer, which had been cruising in company with the Invincible, Lieutenant Clements, after seeing his prize into Eansale, went in pursuit of the other, and had the good fortune to fall in with and capture her. The second prize proved to be a privateer, of eighteen guns and 143 men, belonging to Bordeaux. Lieutenant Clements was deservedly promoted for his gallantry.

On the 13th of May, the 50-gun ship Antelope, Captain SamueP Hood, cruising off the French coast, brought to action the French 50-giin sliip Aquilon. After exchanging a few broadsides, the Aquilon sheered off and stood in for

^ All our naval historians, with the exception of Schomberg, have given the credit of this action to Captain Alexander Hood ; and we formerly stated, in accordance with the concurrent testimony of so many authorities, that the Antelope was commanded by Alexander Hood, but, on turning to that ship's log, we find that Schomberg alone is right.

1757.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 183

the land, followed by tlie Antelope under aU sail. Finding- it impossible to escape, the Aquilon ran upon a ridge of rocks in Audierne Bay, and was totally wrecked. The Antelope had three men killed and thirteen wounded in this encounter. Among the latter was a young midshipman named Murray, who had both his legs carried away by a shot. It is stated, that while under the surgeon's hands, hearing the crew on deck give three cheers, he waved his hand round his head and expired. The loss of the Aquilon amounted to fifty- five killed and wounded.

On the 30th of May, the Due d'Aquitaine, French East- India shijo, of 1,500 tons, mounting fifty long 18-pounders, with a crew of 463 men, was captured, after an hour's action, by the 60-gun ships Eagle and Medway, Captains Hugh Palliser and Charles Proby. The Eagle had ten men killed, and the Medway ten wounded, before they compelled the French sliip to strike. This shij) was pierced for sixty-four guns, and was purchased into the royal navy.

On the 25th of July, at llh. p.m., the British 32-gim frigate Southampton, Captain James Gilchrist, being off St. Alban's Head on her way to Plymouth, conveying money to the dockyard at that port, was fallen in with by five large French privateers, comprising two ships, a snow, a brigantine, and a cutter. One of the ships shooting ahead, engaged the Southampton for half an hour, and the others also coming up, made several attempts to board ; but on each occasion were repulsed with much slaughter. Two of the privateers having the advantage of sailing, then took up their positions, one on the frigate's bow and another on her quarter, and for nearly an hour continued a well-directed fire ; but by the great skill of the British captain and crew, the whole were at length obliged to sheer off, leaving the South- ampton too much disabled for pm^suit. The Southampton had all her masts, sails, and rigging very much cut, and had received a great many shot in her hull, and several between wind and water, so that she was compelled to put into Weymouth. The Southampton had twenty-four men killed or mortally wounded, and a great many slightly wounded.

On the 1st of August, the 21:-gun ship Seahorse, Captain Thomas Taylor, who so distinguished himself in the Badger

184 BATTLES OF [1757.

sloop, ^ liaviug under his orders the Raven and Bonetta sloops, Commanders John Bover and John Clarke, fell in with two 12-poimder French frigates off Ostend. The Seahorse being at anchor \vith the sloops, weighed and stood out to meet the enemy ; and at 12h. 30m, p.m., brought the weathermost ship to action, within pistol-shot distance. The fire of the British sliip induced her opponent, after a short engagement, to bear up and close her consort to leeward, under jury topmasts ; but was closely followed by the Seahorse, which for a con- siderable time engaged the two French ships single-handed. The Baven and Bonetta joining, the frigates, at 3h. 45m. bore up and made all sail, leaving the Seahorse so much cut up in sails and rigging, as to be unable to chase. The Sea- horse had ten men killed or mortally wounded, and nine, including her captain, slightly wounded. Commander Bover, of the Baven, was also wounded. The Bonetta was dis- abled early in the action, and did not render any material service.

On the 24th of August, the 40-g*un ship Prince Edward, Captaui "William Fortescue, engaged a French 36-gun frigate off Scilly. Owing to the freshness of the breeze, the Prince Edward, being a 40-giin ship on two decks, was unable to open her lower-deck ports, in consequence of which the French frigate possessed a very decided advantage. The action lasted till night, and was renewed the next day ; but the Prince Edward, having her main and mizenmasts shot away, was unable to bring her guns to bear on the frigate, which, fortunately for the former, sheered off The Prince Edward had ten men killed and forty wounded.

On the 12th- of September, the British 32-gun frigate Southampton, stUl commanded by Captain James Gilchrist, belonging to the fleet of Admiral Sir Edward Hawke, cruis- ing off Brest, ha^-ing been despatched by the admiral to reconnoitre the harbour, was chased by a large ship. As soon as the stranger was perceived, the Southampton tacked and stood towards her, upon which the stranger shortened sail and hove to. Owing to light airs and calms, it w^as 2h. p.Ji. before the Southampton could get near enough to open

1757.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 185

her fire. At that time, bemg within musket-shot, the stranger, which proved to be tlie French 2 6 -gun frigate Emeraude, opened fire on the Southampton, but it was not returned until the British frigate had arrived within twenty- yards. In consequence of the calm caused by the firing, the ships di-ifted foul, when the French endeavoured to board the Southampton, but the attempt was repelled with vigour, and the boarders beaten back with loss. The struggle for \ictory lasted thirty-five minutes, at the expiration of which time, the Emeraude, having lost her first and second captains, most of the officers, and sixty men killed and wounded, surren- dered. The Southampton had her second Heutenant (Thomas Ford) and nineteen men killed, and every officer, except the captain, and twenty-eight men wounded. In this action the two ships were as nearly as possible of equal force, and the contest affords convincing proof of great coiu'age and skill on both sides. The Emeraude was added to the royal navy under the English name Emerald, and continued for many years a cruising ship.^ While conducting the prize into port, the Soutliampton captured a 10-gun privateer belongmg to Dunkirk.

On the 2nd of ISTovember, the British 9 -pounder 28-gun frigate Unicorn, Captain Matthew Moore, cruising in the Channel, engaged the 12 -pounder 28-gun French frigate Hermione. The action lasted five hours, when the Hermione suiTendered. This prize was added to the British navy under the name of Unicorn's Prize.

The following action affords sufiicient proof of the general inefiiciency of the two-decked forty and fifty-gim ships. On the 3rd of November, the 50-gam ship Antelope, Captain Thomas Saumarez, cruising in the Channel, captured the French 22-gun privateer Moras, having a crew of 285 men.

186 BATTLES OF [1758.

Owing to the heavy sea rimning, the Antelope was unable to open her lower-deck ports, and the privateer engaged nearly two hours before surrendering, nor did she then strike until her mizenmast was shot away, and escape impracticable. The Antelope had two men killed and sixteen wounded.

On the 23rd of November, the British 28-gim ship Hussar, Captain John Elliot, and 24-gun ship Dolphin, Captain Benjamin Marlow, chased a large French ship. The Hussar closed with the stranger at about 8h. p.m., and commenced the action, in which she was soon joined by the Dolphin. At lOh. P.M. the stranger, which was dismasted, went down with her colours flying. The enemy was supposed to have been the French 50-g-un ship Alcyon, armed en flute. The Hussar had received much injury, and had no boat that would swim ; the Dolphin, however, sent a boat, but, unfor- tunately, was not able to save any of the devoted French crew.

On the 24th of November, the French 36-gmi frigate Bien-acquis was captured by the 70-gun ship Chichester, Captain Saltren William Willett, and 24-gun ship Sheerness, Captain Thomas Graves. The Mgate was added to the British navy by the name of Aurora.

  1. — On the 1st of January, the hired armed ship Adventure, of eighteen long 6-]oounders, Commander John Bray,l3ring at anchor in DungenessBoads, observed a large brig standing towards her, upon which the Adventiu-e cleared for action. Captain Bray, at 2h. p.m., ordered the Adventure's cable to be cut and sail to be made on the sliip, and shortly afterwards the action commenced. Observing the brig about to rake the Adventure, the latter's helm was put hard a-port, and she wore round, and fell athwart hawse of her opponent. Captain Bray and the pilot then passed a hawser round the brig's bowsprit, and secured it to the Adventure's capstan, and a vigorous fight with small-arms was maintained for nearly an hour ; when the brig's deck being nearly cleared, she struck. The prize was the Machault, Dunkirk privateer, mounting fourteen long 8-pounders, with a crew of 102 men, of which she lost forty in killed and wounded. Commander Bray was deservedly promoted to post rank.

At daybreak on the 8 th of January, the British 28-gun frigate Hussar, Captain John Elliot, cruising off" the Lizard,

1758.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 187

observed a large ship to leeward, to whicli cliase was' imme- diately given. The pursuit lasted till 3h. p.m., at which time the stranger hove to, and the Hussar having arrived up, an engagement commenced, wliich lasted near two hours ; when the enemy having had her main and mizenmasts shot away, five g-uns dismounted, and eight feet water in the hold, hauled down her colours. The prize was the French privateer Vengeance, of St. Malo, and was armed with thirty-two 12 and 8-pounders, and about twenty swivels. She com- menced the action with 319 men, out of which she had fifty-two killed, and thirty-seven wounded. The privateer's foremast was so much damaged that it fell next morning. The Hussar sustained a loss of six men killed and fifteen wounded. The Vengeance was added to the British navy under the same name. The Hussar captured, shortly after- wards, the Heureux, of twenty-two guns and seventy men, laden with merchandize.

On the 28th of February, at daybreak, the Mediterranean fleet, commanded by Admu-al Hemy Osborn, being off Cape de Gata, came in sight of four large ships to leeward. From their not answering the private signal, the admiral dii'ected several ships to go in pursuit. The strangers, on perceiving the British fleet, separated, each steering a different course. At about 7h. p.m., the 64-gun ship Bevenge, Captain John Storr, having overtaken the ship she was chasing, com- menced action ; and for half an hour continued a close and spirited cannonading. The 64-gun sliip Berwick, Captain Bobert Hughes, having arrived up, and fired a broadside, the stranger, which proved to be the French 64-gun ship Orphee, sm-rendered. The Orphee, out of a crew of 502 men, had twenty-one killed and eighty-nine wounded. The Bevenge suffered more severely, in consequence of the heavier metal of the French sliip, and had thirty-two men killed and fifty- fom' wounded ; among the latter were Captain Storr and Lieutenant EdAvard Mountford.

The 74-gun ship Swiftsure, Captain Thomas Stanhope, and 64-g-im ships Monmouth and Hampton Court, CajDtains Arthiu: Gardiner and Hon. A. J. Hervey, pursued the larger sail, which was the 84-gun ship Foudroyant. At 8h. P.M., the Monmouth having run her consorts out of sight, got up with the chase and commenced the action. Captain

188 BATTLES OF [1758*

Gardiner was among tlie earliest wounded, but liis hurt was* in tlie arm, and not considered by him to be of consequence sufficient to cause liim to go below. Having succeeded in knocking away some of the Fouch^oyant's spars, the Mon- mouth got close under her starboard quarter, and for foiu- hours maintained the unequal contest. At 9h. p.m. Captain Gardiner was mortally wounded in the forehead by a musket- ball,^ and the command of the sliip devolved on Lieutenant Robert Carket, who continued to fight the ship \nih the most exemplary courage and skill. At a little past nine the Monmouth's mizenmast was shot away, upon which the French crew gave three cheers ; but this was soon afterwards followed by the Foudroyant's mizenmast, when the British sailors returned the compliment, and shortly afterwards the British crew had the gratification to ^itness the fall of the French ship's mainmast. The action continued with un- abated \dgour till 12h. 30m. A.M., and the Foudroyant's fire had ceased. The Swiftsure arriving up, Captain Stanhope hailed the French ship to ask if she had struck j and being answered by a volley of musketry and a few guns, the Swiftsure opened fire, but before the second broadside, the French ship surrendered. M. Du Quesne, the captain of the Foudroyant, presented his sword to Lieutenant Carket, thus awarding the honour of capture to the Monmouth. The loss of the Monmouth in this most gallant and meritorious action amounted to the captain and twenty-seven killed, and seventy-nine wounded, and the Foudroyant had 190 killed and wounded. The armament of the Foudroyant consisted of long -lii-pounders on the lower deck, and 24-pounders on the maindeck ; while that of the Monmouth was only 24-pounders on her lower deck, and 12-pounders on the maindeck, so that the comparative broadside weight of metal stood thus : —

Monmouth, 5401bs. Foudkoyaxt, l,1361b3.

When the disparity above shown, and the difference in

1 Captain Gardiner was flag-captain to Admiral Byng in the action off Minorca, in which, it will be remembered, the Foudroyant bore the French admiral's flag ; and it is related that this gallant officer had been heard to say, that if ever he fell in with the Foudroyant, in whatever ship he might be, he would attack her at all hazards, though he should perish in the encounter.


1758.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 189

tonnage and number of men are taken into consideration, the above encomium will scarcely be found unmerited. Caj^tain Gardiner was Admiral Byng's caj)tain in the Ramillies, but on the court-martial stated that the admiral directed every movement. Had it been otherwise, we have a right to suppose that the man who thus, single-handed, brought to action so formidable an enemy, would not have suffered an eager ship's company to fire their guns at the air.

The Foudroyant was for many years the finest ship in the British navy. She exceeded the largest British first-rate in length by twelve feet, and measured 1,977 tons. All her guns abaft the mainmast were brass. The Monmouth, in the action, expended eighty barrels of powder (near four tons), 1,546 round shot, 540 grape, and 156 double-headed shot. Admiral Osborn was so much pleased with the cap- ture of the Foudroyant, that he most deservedly promoted Lieutenant Carket to the command of that ship.^

On the 18th of April, the 90-gun ship Prince George, Captain Joseph Peyton, bearing the flag of Rear -Admiral Broderick, on her voyage out to Gibraltar, was accidentally burnt, and out of 745 people, only 260 were saved.

On the 3rd of March, Admiral Sir Edward Hawke sailed from Spithead, with a squadron of seven sail of the line and three frigates, destined for the attack of a French squadron at the Isle of Aix, which had assembled there for the purpose of convoying a large fleet of transports to the French American colonies. Sir Edward arrived of£ the Isle of Rhe on the 3rd of April, and next evening discovered the enemy's squadron ofi* the Isle of Aix, consisting of one ship of seventy- four guns, and four 64-gun ships, besides six or seven frigates, and forty transj)orts, having on board 3,000 troops. Hawke immediately made the signal for a general chase, and stood in-shore ; but at 5h. p.m. the enemy's ships were observed to have cut, and slipped their cables, and to be lamning on shore. There not being sufiicient water to allow the squadron to follow, and night coming on, the signal was made to anchor. On the morning of the 5th, the French

190 BATTLES OF [1758.

sMps were discovered aground, and almost dry, about four miles distant, many of the ships of "war, and most of the merchant ships, on their broadsides. Attempts Avere made to destroy the shipping, but except landing a party of marines on the island, who destroyed some new works erected there, the attempts were unattended ^Yiih. any great success. The injury occasioned by diiving the sliips on shore, delayed the French expedition, and facilitated the conquest of Cape Breton.

On the 7th of April, twelve sail of transports, under convoy of the Galathee, of twenty-two gams, and a letter of marque, of twenty gims, were fallen in Avith, bound to Quebec, by the G4-gun ship Essex, Captain John Campbell, and Pluto fire-ship. Commander James Hume, when on their way to join Sir Edward Hawke's squadron. The Galathee, one transport, and letter of marque, were taken ; the latter by the Pluto, after a gallant action, in which the Pluto's commander was killed. Two other vessels of this convoy were taken by the Antelope and Speedy.

On the 29th of April, an action was fought off Negapatam, in the East Indies, between the British and French squadrons, commanded respectively by Vice-Admiral Pocock and the Comte d'Ache. The British squadron consisted of the un- dermentioned : —

Guns. Ships.

■XT XT, \ Vice- Admiral George Pocock

Yarmouth ._ •< ^-^ , . -n . ^ 9

„. I ( Captain J onn Jdarrison.

FT Vi +T \ Commodore Charles Stevens

I Captain Richard Kempenfelt

( Tiger ,, Thomas Latham

I Weymouth


56 Cumberland f.f. ) Salisbury.- °" I Newcastle

Nicholas "Vincent William Brereton John S. Somerset George Legge

Queenborough, frigate.

The French squadron consisted of one ship of seventy-fom- guns, one of sixty guns, one of fifty-eight, two of fifty, two of forty-four, and one frigate ; and their loss is reported to have been 162 killed and 360 wounded. The loss sustained on board the British ships was as follows : — Yarmouth, seven killed, thirty-two wounded. Elizabeth, three killed, eleven wounded. Tiger, foiu" killed, twelve wounded. WejTUOuth,

1758.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 191

three wounded. Cumberland, seven killed, thirteen wounded. Salisbury, eight killed, sixteen wounded. Newcastle, two men wounded. The Cumberland received so much injury in the action, that it was found necessary to reduce her arma- ment by ten guns. The escape of the French squadron having' been attributed to the conduct of some of the British commanders, Captains Legge, Vincent, and Brereton were tried by comij-martial, when the former was cashiered, and the two latter dismissed their ships.

An expedition against St. Malo, under the duke of Marl- borough and Commodore Howe, sailed on the 1st of June. The result of the first attack was the destruction at Solid ore of one 3^-gun frigate, four ships of twenty guns, one of twelve gims, two of sixteen guns, and twelve merchant shij)s and sloops, ready for sea, and one 30-gun ship building; and at St. Servan, a ship of fifty gams, on the stocks, one of thirty-six gains, one of twenty-two, one of eighteen gams, and sixty-two merchant ships and small craft, were de- stroyed j together with large storehouses and stacks of timber. The damage done was estimated at £800,000. The land forces re-embarked at Cancale Bay on the 10th of June, and a descent was intended to have been made near Gran\Tlle, but it was afterwards laid aside, as well as a projected landing at Cherbourg.

Commodore Howe's fleet returned to Spithead, and ha\Tiig been reinforced by the 60-g-un ship Montagu, amounted to twenty-five sail of ships of war, principally frigates and small vessels, and near 100 sail of transports. The expedition sailed again on the 1st of August, expressly to attack Cher- bourg, and on the 6th arrived off that port. The French had meanwhile strengthened their works by throwing up batteries, in anticipation of the attack. Early in the morn- ing of the 7th the fleet moved to Marais Bay, about two leagTies to the westward, where the frigates and smaller vessels were anchored close to the shore, to cover the landing of the troops. These vessels opened so warm a cannonade on the enemy's intrenchments, that the troops quitted, and fled for shelter to an adjoining wood, from whence they were also dislodged by the bomb-vessels, which threw pound balls from the mortars. The British troops, therefore, in four divisions of boats, conducted by Captains Robert Dufi*,

192 BATTLES OF [1758.

Joshua Rowley, Jervis Maplesdon, and "William Paston, effected a landing in the afternoon with very little opposition or loss. The piers at the entrance of the harbour Avere destroyed, all the batteries and magazines demolished, and upwards of 200 pieces of ordnance brought away or de- stroyed. The army re-embarked, having sustained a loss of twenty killed and thirty wounded.

A third attempt was made at St. Cas, in wliich the failui'e v/as lamentable ; but the loss of the British forces would have been still greater, had it not been for the able superinten- dence of their re-embarkation by Commodore Howe, and the captains under liim; four of whom, — Rowley, Maplesdon, Paston, and John Elphinstone, — were made prisoners.

On the 29th of May, the British 70-gun ship Dorsetshire, Captain Peter Denis, being in company with the Intrepid and Achilles, Captains Edward Pratten and Hon. S. Bar- rington, was ordered by Captain Pratten to chase a strange sail in the south-west quarter. The Achilles was soon after- awards ordered to join in the pursuit, as the chase was observed to be of force. At 7h. p.m., the Dorsetshire closed ■with the chase and commenced the action, and on the arrival of the Achilles, the enemy surrendered. The prize proved to be the French 64-gun ship Baisonnable, commanded by the Prince de Mombason, Chevalier de Rohan. Out of a crew of 630 men, with which she commenced the action, the Raisonnable had sixty-one killed and one hmidred wounded. The Dorsetshire had fifteen men killed and twenty wounded. The Raisonnable was added to the navy under the same name, but which, by some strange jumble, was written Rai- sonable.

On the 25th of May, a French privateer appeared in St. Helen's Road, fired three guns and sent a boat on shore ; but their signals remaining unanswered, the jDrivateers boat returned on board. She then stood towards Spithead, and, by way of finesse, hoisted EngHsh colours and saluted the admiral ; then stood off again, and fired five guns. This conduct creating a suspicion that she was an enemy, the admiral ordered a frigate to slip and go in chase, on obserAdng which the privateer crowded all sail to get away ; which she in all probability would have effected, had not the 20-gun ship Lowestoffe, Captain Robert Haldane, coming into St.

1758.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 193

Helen's from the eastward, intercepted her. Tlie privateer made no resistance, having thrown her gnus overboard to expedite her escape.

On the 21st of May, intelligence ha\dng reached Leith roads, where the British 24-gim ship Dolphin and 20-gnn ship Solehay, Captains Benjamin Marlow and Bobert Craig, were at anchor, that the French 44-gun privateer, Mareschal de Belleisle, v/as cruising ofi" the Frith of Forth, those ships immediately departed in pm-siiit. On the 27th the privateer was seen off the Bedhead ; and at 8h. a.m. the Dolj)hin com- menced the action, which she continued for an hour and a half before the Solebay was near enough to particijiate in the contest. At noon the privateer, having cut to pieces the rigging and sails of both her antagonists, made sail and escajDcd. The Dolphin had one man killed and fifteen wounded ; and the Solebay, five killed and tliirteen wounded ; among the latter was Captain Craig, who received so bad a wound in the throat, that he was ever afterwards precluded by it from active ser\dce. The privateer was commanded by M. Thurot, celebrated as well for his great skill as for polite- ness and humanity to his prisoners. According to the state- ment of a master of a merchant ship, who was a prisoner on board, the privateer had as many as eighty of her crew killed and wounded in tliis action.

On the 26th of July, during the niege of Louisbourg by the British forces under Generals Amlierst and Wolfe, the following very creditable performance fell to the share of the boats of the fleet under Admiral Boscawen. Two ships, the remnant of the French squadron, the 74-gim ship Frudente, and Bienfaisant of sixty- four giTns, having severely galled the army during the progress of the siege, were ordered to be attacked; and accordingly, two boats from every ship, in each of which were a lieutenant and midsliipman, were selected; the whole formed in two di\isions, and placed in command of Commanders George Balfour and John Laforey. At midnight, the whole having pre\iously assembled along- side the ships of Sir Charles Hardy's squadron, stationed off the mouth of the harbour, departed on their mission ; and, aided by the foggy darkness of the night, entered the harbom- .unperceived either from the island battery or ships. The boats, after taking a ciixuit of the harbour, arrived within


194 BATTLES OF [1758,

hail of the two ships, when the sentinels hailed and fii'ed into them. Commander Laforey's division then made for the Prudente, and Commander Balfour's for the Bienfaisant; and after giving thi'ee hearty cheers, boarded in gallant style. In a short time both ships were in possession of the British sailors, with very sHght loss. The cheers of the seamen soon convinced the besieged of the truth of what had occurred, and immediately a hea-\y fire of shot, shell, and musketry was opened upon the ships from the batteries ; but this did not deter the captors from endeavouring to carry off their prizes. The Prudente, however, was fast aground, and it was therefore found necessary to set her on fire, which was accordingly done, her own boats and a schooner being left alongside as a means of escape for the prisoners. Ha\dng effected this service. Commander Laforey, with his di-vision of boats, proceeded to the Bienfaisant, which latter ship was canied off triumphantly amidst a heavy fire from every gun which could be brought to bear upon her. The gallant leaders of the enterprise were immediately promoted to post rank.

On the 2nd of October, the British 28-gun ship Lizard, Captain Broderick Hartwell, fell in with, the French cor- vettes. Heroine and Duke of Hanover, off Brest. After engaging for more than an hour, the Heroine — the largest of the two — made all sail for the rocks near the opening of the passage of Pontenoy, and escaped. Captain Hartwell then directed his attention to the Duke of Hanover, which latter struck. The prize mounted 14: guns.

In the month of October, the British 32-gun frigate Southampton, Captain James Gilchrist, captured, after an obstinate engagement of three hours' duration, the Dunkirk privateer Caumartin, a new vessel of 280 tons, mounting sixteen long six-pounders, with a crew of 147 men. The Southampton also captured a Bayonne privateer of twenty guns and 210 men, which struck without firing a shot.

On the 2nd of November, the British oO-gun ship Ante- lope, Captain Thomas Saumarez, captured off Lundy Island the French 64-gTm ship BeUiqueux, from Quebec, having on board merchandize and invalid soldiers. The Bhinoceros French 36-gun ship, also from Quebec, was captm'ed about the same time, in a very leaky state, by the 50-gun ship Isis, Captain Edward Wheeler.

1759.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 195

  1. — On tlie 21st of February, the 32-gun frigate Vestal, Captain Samuel Hood, belonging to the squadron of Rear- Admiral Holmes, bound to North America, being a-head of the admiral, descried a strange sail, which he asked and obtained permission to chase. The Rear- Admiral, fearing the Vestal might be overpowered, ordered the 28-gun ship Trent, Captain John Lindsay, to chase also. At 2h. p.m., Captain Hood closed with the enemy, and commenced the action, and after a running fight of four hours' duration, the enemy struck. The prize was the French 32-gun frigate Bellona, commanded by the Comte de Beauhonnoir, and out of a crew of 220, she had forty men killed and a great num- ber wounded. The Vestal, owing to the desire of the French frigate to disable her masts, had only five men killed and twenty-two wounded ; but her sails and rigging were cut to pieces, and her topmasts fell over the side shortly after the conclusion of the action. The Trent was four miles astern when the action ceased. The Bellona was added to the British navy under the name of Repulse.

On the 12th of March, the 32-gun frigate Thames, and 28-gun frigate Coventry, Captains Stej^hen Colby and Carr Scrope, while lying to in a gale of wind, ofi" Scilly, discovered at lOh. A.M. two sail on the lee bow. The frigates made sail to close with the strangers, which were the French 74-g'un ship Palmier and a 28-gun frigate. The Thames, about noon, commenced firing chase guns at the Palmier, when the latter hauled close to the wind, to bring her broadside to bear on the Thames, which also hauled wp and gallantly exchanged broadsides with the enemy. The sea was running so high, that the Palmier could not open her lower-deck ports ; she, however, pointed her upper-deck guns with such precision, that the Thames was obliged to tack and discon- tinue the action, having five feet water in the hold, and her magazine floor under water. The Palmier tacked in chase, but at night bore up and continued her course for the French coast. The French frigate did not take any active part in the action. The Thames and Coventry followed the French ships all night, firing signal gims in hope of drawing the attention of British ciiiisers, and also during the next day. On the afternoon of the 13th, Captain Colby, obser^dng that the Palmier had struck her foretopmast and foreyard, accom-


196 BATTLES OF [1759.

panied by tlie Coventry, made sail as soon as it was dark to close with her, and having got under her stern, the two British frigates raked her v/ith much execution, and con- tinued their fire till midnight. Captain Colby persevered in keeping sight of the French ships till they entered Brest. The Thames sustained no loss in killed, and the Coventry one man killed and four wounded.

On the 15th of March, the British 50-gun ship Isis, and 32-gun frigate -^olus. Captains Edward "Wheeler and John Elliott, cruising off the French coast, got sight of a fleet of coasting vessels, under convoy of four frigates. Three frigates hauled up to meet the two British ships, when the Isis stood for the leewardmost, to prevent any of the rest from getting in shore, if jjossible. But the frigate the Isis steered for — ^the Savage, of thii-ty-two guns — bore up, and made all sail away without engaging. A second frigate, the Blonde, thirty-two, closed with the ^olus, and an action of short duration took place between the two frigates ; when the British ship having had all her braces and bowlines shot away, her sails were thrown all aback, which the Blonde, taking advantage of, made all sail away. The ^olus lost no time in reeving new running gear, and soon brought the third ship to action, which she compelled to surrender, having lost thirty men killed. The prize was the Mignonne, French ship of war, of twenty guns and 143 men. The Blonde escaped with some difficulty.

On the 27th of March, the British 60-gun ship Windsor, Captain Samuel Faulkner, cruising off the Rock of Lisbon, discovered four warlike sail to leeward, and immediately bore up for them. As the Windsor closed, the strangers, three of which were line-of-battle sliips, formed a line-of- battle a-head. Undaunted by this formidable array. Captain Faulkner gallantly closed with the enemy, and brought the rear ship to action. The three headmost ships then made all sail away from their companion, which, after a short engagement, in which she had twenty-eight men killed and eighteen wounded, surrendered. The prize, which was very valuable, was the French 60-gun ship Duc-de-Chartres, armed en flute, and her consorts were a 74 and a 54-gun shij), similarly armed. The fourth was a 26-gun ship, mounting eighteen guns. The Windsor had one man killed

1759.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 197

and six wounded. The conduct of Captain Faulknei% in running do^vn to engage a squadron to all appearance trebly superior, caunot be too bigbly lauded ; and its successful issue was such, as he could scarcely have anticipated.

We have next to record another, and the last exploit, of that enterprising officer. Captain James Gilchrist, of the Southampton. On the 28tli of March, the Southampton, and 36-gun frigate Melampe, Captain William Hotham, cruising in the North Sea, chased two large ships. The Melampe outsailing the Southampton, was the first to get into action, and for three-quarters of an hour engaged single- lianded the two strangers, which, proved to be large class French frigates. The Melampe being much damaged, dropped astern ; but the Southampton passing her, brought the sternmost frigate to action, when the other made all sail away. After a very warm contest, the Southampton's opponent, which was the French 40-gun frigate Danae, finding the Melampe to be again approaching to renew the action, surrendered. Out of a crew of 330 men, the Danae lost her first and second captains, and thirty men killed and a great many wounded. The Melampe sustained a loss of eight men killed and twenty wounded. The Southampton had one man killed and eight wounded ; but among the latter was her gallant captain, who received so bad a wound in the shoulder, from a pound shot, that he was disabled from further employment ; and in reward for past services, a pension of £300 was settled upon him. The Danae was purchased into the navy, and under the same name, as a 38-gun frigate, continued for a long time a most desirable ship.

On the 4th of April, the British 60-gun ship Achilles, Captain the Honourable Samuel Barrington, cruising to the westward of Cape Finisterre, captured, after an action of two hours, the Comte-de-Florentine privateer, of sixty guns and 483 men, commanded by the Sieur de Montay. The Florentine was totally dismasted, and had the captain and IIG men killed and wounded; and the Achilles, two men killed and twenty-two wounded. The prize was of great value, and, being a fine ship, was added to the British na^y, as a 60-gun sliip, by the name of Florentine.

On the 1 8th of May, a British squadron, consisting of the

198 BATTLES OP [1759.

50-gnn sliip Chatham, and frigates Yenus, and Thames, Captains John Lockhart, Thomas Harrison, and Stephen Colby, being in Andierne Bay, chased a strange sail. After a two hours' pursuit in a strong breeze, the chase carried away her topmasts, and the Thames, having closed with her, commenced the action. The enemy made a^good defence, and did not surrender until the arrival of the Venus, when she hauled down her colours. The prize was the French 32-gun frigate Arethuse, commanded by the JNIarquis de "Vaudreuil, and, being a fine new sliip, was added to the British navy under the same name.

The fleet in the Mediterranean, watching M. de la Clue in Toulon, consisted of the following : —

Guns. Ships.

T^ i Admiral Hon. Edward Boscawen (blue)

r^amur | Captain Matthew Buckle

p . ( "Vice-Admiral Thomas Broderick (blue)

^^'^^^^ I Captain Josepb Peyton

80 Newark „ William Holburne

John Bentley Smith Callis Robert Harland Thomas Stanhope F. W. Drake Edward Vernon Edward Pratten James Kirk William Lloyd John Barker


'* I CuUoden

^^ i Conqueror ....

\ Swiftsure

^. i Edgar

^* i St. Albans ....

Intrepid . . . . -. ^^ , America

Princess Louisa


Pf. j Guernsey. Lieut. M. Kearney, acting

( Portland Captain Jervis Maplesdon

Frigates — Ambuscade, Rainbow, Shannon, Active, Thetis, Lyme, Gibraltar, Glasgow, Sheemess, Tartar's Prize ; Favourite and Gramont, sloops ; ^tna and Salamander, fire-ships.

On the 7th of June, perceiving two French frigates endea- vouring to enter Toulon, the fleet stood in to cut them off, upon which the frigates bore up for a bay, and anchored under some heavy batteries. The Culloden, Conqueror, and Jersey, were ordered next day to attack them. The ships had scarcely entered the bay when they were becalmed, and, drifting under the batteries, became exposed to a hea\y fire, without the power of making an adequate return. The ships, after some time, were towed by their boats to the stations assigned to them by Captain Callis and commenced firing on

1759.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 199

the batteries — the frigates having hauled so close in shore that it was impossible to get near them with the line-of- battle ships. After two hours' action, the admiral, observing that the Culloden had lost her main-yard and mizen-topmast, and that the frigates were beyond their reach, made the signal of recall, and sent the boats of the fleet to tow the Culloden off. In this affair the Culloden sustained a loss of sixteen men killed and twenty-six wounded, the Conqueror two killed and four womided, and the Jersey eight killed and fifteen wounded. All these ships were very much cut up in sails and rigging.

The fleet sailed on the 24th of July for Gibraltar, to refit, lea'ing the 24-gun sliip Lyme, Captain James Baker, to cruise off Malaga ; and the Gibraltar, Captain William McCleverty, off Ceuta, to give notice of the approach of the French fleet should it leave Toulon. On the 17th of August, the latter discovered the enemy close over on the Barbary shore, and immediately hastened to communicate their force to the British admiral. The French fleet, when seen by Captain jNIcCleverty, was composed of the following, under M. de la Clue -.i—





80 Ocean (flag)

' Modeste

' Eedoutable


Fantasqiie f





.Triton +



1 Tier f


1 Oriflamme

Frigates — Chimere,f Minerve,f Gracieuse.i*

When the intelligence reached the British fleet the ships were very unprepared ; but after great exertion they got to sea at lOh. p.m., and at 7h. a.m. on the 18th gained sight of seven sail to the westward. The British ships were much separated, the only ships near the admiral being the War- spight, Culloden, S\viftsm^e, Intrepid, America, Portland, and Guernsey. Vice- Admiral Broderick, with the remainder of the fleet, was many leagues astern. The French admiral, who in the night had parted from eight ships of liis fleet, deeming the British to be the missing ones, stood towards

^ The ships marked f parted company from the admiral on the night of the 17th.

200 BATTLES OF [1759.

them and made private signals; but finding tliem unan- swered, made all sail to escape. At 9ii. Boscawen made tlie signal for a general chase. At this time the sternmost British sliips, having a fine easterly breeze, were fast closing with the admiral. The French meanwhile were becalmed, and the British fleet, holding the breeze, were, at about Ih. 30m. P.M. fired at by the sternmost French ships. The enemy getting the breeze, the British chasing shijDs gained very little, and it was not until 2h. 30m. that the CuUoden, the leading ship, was near enough to fii'e ^\ith effect uj^on the Centaur, the French rear ship. The Culloden was soon supported by the America, Portland, Guernsey, and War- sx)ight ; but just as the latter ships commenced firing, the wind died away, and they were unable to close the enemy. At 4h. Admiral Boscawen, in the Namur, having shot a-liead of the other ships of the fleet, brought to action the Ocean, wliich bore the French admiral's flag, and a well-contested action of half an hour's duration ensued. At the expiration, of this time the Kamur, having had her mizen-mast and fore and main-topsail yards shot away, dropped astern out of the action. The French admiral, with all his ships except the Centaur, which was too much disabled, again crowded all sail to get away, but was closely pursued by the British. The Centaur, after a most determined and highly honourable resistance, having had her topmasts shot away, and her cap- tain and 200 men killed, surrendered. Admiral Boscawen, having shifted his flag to the Newark, continued the chase all night.

At daylight on the IDtli, only four sad were in sight, the Souverain and Guerriere ha^dng escaped during the night by alterino- their course. These four ships were embayed, and the British were not more than three miles astern, and only five leaf^ies from Lagos. At 9h. a.m. the Ocean took the ground in the midst of the breakers ; l3ut the remaining three ships, less daring, anchored close in shore. The Ocean's masts fell shortly after her taking the ground, and the America having, by the admii-al's orders, anchored very close to her and fired a few guns, the French colours were hauled down. She was then boarded by a boat from the America, and Captain Comte de Carne, and her remaining officers and crew (many having quitted the ship with JM. de la Clue), bemg brought away.

1759.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 201.

the ship, as it was considered impossible to get her off, was set on fire and totally destroyed. The Warspight anchored near the Temeraire, and, after a short action, compelled her to suiTender. The Modeste was captured by Vice- Admiral Broderick's squadron; but the Eedoutable having followed the Ocean's example, was also destroyed.

The loss on board the captured ships was very severe ; among the number was the French admiral, v/hose gallantry and perseverance merited a better fate. Having been wounded in the leg, he was taken on shore, and died of his wound at Lagos. The British loss was as follows : — ISTamur, — Caswell, midshipman, and thirteen men killed, and Lieut. Michael H. Pascall and forty-three wounded; CuUoden, four kQled and fifteen wounded; Warspight, twelve killed and forty-two wounded; Newark, five wounded; Swiftsure, five killed and thirty-two wounded; Conqueror, two killed and six wounded; Intrepid, six killed and ten wounded; St. AFoans, six killed and two wounded ; America, three killed and sixteen wounded ; Guernsey, fourteen wounded ; and the Portland, six killed and twelve wounded. Total, fifty- seven killed and 198 wounded.

Admiral Boscawen received, in reward for his services, the appointment of General of Marines, with a salary of £2.000. a-year, and Captains Bentley and Stanhope were knighted. The Centaur, Temeraire, and Modeste, were added to the- British navy under the same names.

The British squadron, in the East Indies, under the com-- mand of Yice-Admii'al George Pocock, consisted of the under-mentioned : —

Guns. Ships.

P^ -y- ^, j Vice- Admiral George Pocock (red)

6S Grafton . . .

64 Elizabeth .


60 -^ Sunderland .

( Weymouth . 58 Cumberland -^ \ Newcastle . ^" ( Salisbury . . . 24 Queenborough

Captain John Harrison j Rear-Admiral Charles Stevens (red) ( Captain Richard Kempenfelt Richard Tiddiman William Brereton Hon. James Colville Sir William Baird John Stukely Somerset Colin Michie Digby Dent Robert Kirk

Line-of-battle force, 536 guns.

202 BATTLES OF [1759.

The French squadron was discovered off Ceylon on the 4th September, and after an anxious chase for six days, a change of wind favoured the British, and gave Admiral Pocock an opportunity of engaging. The French squadron, commanded by the Comte d'Ache, in the Zodiaque, consisted of the following : —

Guns. Ships.

i Zodiaque (flag) Minotaur Comte de Provence 70 Centaur n . { Illustre ^^ Actif

Guns. Ships.

„ , \ Vengeur \ Fortune ( Due d'Orleans 60 ] St. Louis

( Due de Bourgoyne

Line-of-battle force, 740 guns. Frigates — Sylphide, 36 ; and Diligente, 24 guns.

At 6h. A.M. on the 10th, the French squadron, in line ahead on the starboard tack, bore south-east, distant eight miles, the wind being about north-west, when the British fleet bore up in line abreast under easy sail, steering directly for the enemy. At lOh. the French squadron wore and came to the wind upon the larboard tack. The British fleet, having arrived vitliin pomt-blank range of the enemy, also hauled to the wind on the larboard tack, thus losing the opportunity of bringing on a decided action, and giving the French the full advantage resulting from their heavier metal. The Grafton gallantly commenced the action by firing on the Zodiaque ; but after a few broadsides, relinquished that ship to Admiral Pocock, and making sail a-head, attacked the Vengeur, until, to avoid the fire of the Grafton, that ship bore up out of the line. The Grafton then pushed on to the support of the Tiger and Newcastle, which ships were opposed to the St. Louis and Due d'Orleans, and having driven the St. Louis out of the line, the British rear-admiral followed up his plan, and, until the conclusion of the action, was warmly engaged with the Orleans and Minotaur. Admiral Pocock continued to engage the Zodiaque, while the Illustre was opposed to the 50-gun ship Salisbury. The Salisbury being disabled, the Sunderland and Weymouth having got into action, attacked her late opponent. Such was the nature of this action, that the details serve only to create confusion ; and it is sufficient to say, that after a combat of six hours' duration, the French squadron bore up, and quitted the scene

1759.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 203

of action, leaving tlie British too much shattered to follow. The Tiger had her mizenmast and fore-toj)mast shot away, and the Yarmouth a fore-topsail yard ; and the sails and rigging of all were very much damaged. The loss in killed and wounded on board the British ships was severe, and affords a tolerable proof of the weight of the French ships' shot ; it was as follows : — Yarmouth, thirty-nine killed and wounded, including the master killed ; Grafton, eighty- three ; Elizabeth, seventy-seven, including the boatswain, killed ; Tiger, 168, including Liutenant B. Elliot, killed. Captain Brereton ^ (slightly), and the gunner (mortally) wounded ; Sunderland, two ; Cumberland, fifty-two, including Captain Somerset, wounded ; Newcastle had Captain Michie, Lieu- tenant Redshaw, and Captain Gore, of the marines, killed, and 112 men killed and wounded ; and the Salisbury, thu-ty- six killed and wounded ; total, 569. The number killed, and who died of their wounds, was 184 ; 122 dangerously, and 263 slightly wounded. The French loss was estimated at 1,500 killed and wounded ; and had the action been fought at close quarters, it is probable there would have re- mained to Admiral Pocock one or two trophies of a victory, which, as it was, the French admiral claimed with about an equal right. The object of the French admiral was to avoid an engagement, and reUeve Pondicherry, and this he was. enabled to accomplish.

The British fleet bockading Brest consisted of the

Guns. Ships.

T AA x> 1 ri \ Admiral Sir Edward Hawke (blue)

100 Koyal George . . ] ri j. • r -u r^ u ^^ •^ ^ ( Captam J onn Campbell

QQ jy . { Vice- Admiral Sir Charles Hai-dy (blue)

( Captain Thomas Evans

74 Mars Commodore James Young

Q^ i Duke Captain Thomas Graves

( Namur ,, Matthew Buckle

^ Warspight j Hercules . . .

74 J Torbay . _

j Magnanime. I Resolution , I Hero

Sir John Bentley William Fortescue Hon. A. Keppel Lord Viscount Howe Henry Speke Hon. G. Edgecumbe

' This is the same officer who, as mentioned at p. 191, was dismissed his ship by court-martial : his conduct on this latter occasion speaks volumes in his favour.







Ships. Swiftsure . . . Dorsetshire .

Captain Sir Thomas Stanhope ,, Peter Denis

Burford . . .

, James Gambier

Chichester .

Saltren Wm. Willett


, Hon. Washtn. Shirley , John Storr

Revenge . . .


, Liicius O'Brien

Kingston . . . Intrepid . . , Montagu . . . Dunkirk . . . Defiance . . .

, Thomas Shirley , Jervis Maplesdon , Joshua Rowley , Robert Digby , Patrick Baird


The following ships, &c., being Commodore Duff's squadron, joined a few hours prior to the action : —



Commodore Robert Duff

I Rochester

f,r.) Portland ._ Captain Harriot Arbuthnot

^^ 1 Falkland „ F. S. Drake

( Chatham ,, John Lockhart

Frigates — Minerva, Venus, Vengeance, Coventry, Maidstone, and Sapphire — Captains Alex. Hood, Thomas Harrison, George Nightin- gale, Francis Burslem, Dudley Digges, and John Strachan.

Sir Edward Hawke having been driven by stress of weather into Torbay, sailed from thence to resume his station off Brest, on the 14th of November, and on the same day Admiral M. de Conflans put to sea with the following : —



Ships. ( Soleil Royal ) Tonnant \ Formidable ( Orient I Intr^pide I Glorieux ii -> Thesee Heros JNIagnifique 70 Juste

Guns. Ships.

7Q \ Superbe

( Dauphin Royal ^ Dragon






Bizarre ^Inflexible


Frigates^Hebe, Vestale, Aigrette, Calypso, and Prince Noir.

Hawke conjecturing the destination of the French fleet to be Quiberon Bay, to attack Commodore Duff's squadron, on being made acquainted with its escape from Brest, pro- ceeded thither under all sail. Havmof to contend against a strong south-east wind, it was the 20th before the British ships arrived off Belleisie.

1759.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 205

At 8]i. 30m, A.M., Belleisle, by tlie reckoning, bearing about east by north, the Maidstone made the signal for a fleet. The weather was hazy, and blowing a fresh gale from the north-west. Hawke made the signal for the line abreast, in order to get his ships together. At 9h. 45m. the Mag- nanime, having been ordered in shore to make the land, and ascertain the precise position of the fleet with reference to it, signalled an enemy. Soon afterwards the weather clear- ing up, the French fleet was discovered crowding sail, to get away, and Sir Edward ordered the seven line-of-battle sliips nearest him to chase. The pursuit soon became general, both fleets under all the sail the fresh gale then blowing rendered it possible to carry. At 2h. 30m. p.m. the Warspight and Dorsetshire, having amved up with the French rear, gal- lantly commenced the action, but the Warspight having been driven foul of the Magnanime by the Montagu, the former received so much damage that she fell astern, and was passed by many sliips. The Magnanime (Lord Howe), Revenge, Torbay, Montagu, Kesolution, Swiftsure, and Defiance, having also got up with the enemy, the action became very animated. Rear- Admiral Verger, in the Formidable, sustained the fire of the Resolution, and of a great many other ships, for some time ; but having had 200 men killed, struck at -ih. p. M., and was taken possession of by the Resolution.

The Magnanime soon became closely engaged with the Thesee ; but the latter being disabled, drojDped astern, and was engaged by the Torbay, wliile Howe pushed on in search of a fresh opponent, which he found in the Heros. Captain de Kersaint, of the Thesee, imagining from a slight lull of the wind that he could fight his lower-deck guns, unfor- tunately tried the hazardous experiment, and commenced firing at the Torbay. Captain Kej)pel followed de Kersaint's example, and narrowly escaped the same fate. A heavy squall took the Thesee, and she filled and went down ; and out of her crew of 800 men, only twenty were saved by the British boats. The Torbay shipped a great deal of water, but by great exertion the ship was preserved. The Superbe ^Iso overset and sank from the same cause. At 5h. the Heros having been closely engaged by the Magnanime, siuTendered, and anchored, but the sea ran so high, that it

206 BATTLES OF [1760.

was considered dangerous to lower a boat to take possession of her. The night coming on dark and tempestuous, and Hawke having no pilots for the French coast, considered it prudent to discontinue the chase, and to anchor the fleet. The Koyal George anchored in fifteen fathoms, the island of Dumet bearing about east, distant three miles. Unfortu- nately, the admiral's signal to anchor was not perfectly understood ; and the Resolution drove on shore, and was totally wrecked, with the loss of a great many men.

At daybreak on the 21st,theHeros was discovered aground, and the Soleil E-oyal at anchor, dismasted ; the latter also cut and ran ashore, on seeing the British. Sir Edward ordered the Essex to stand towards her, but unfortunately that ship was wrecked on the Four Bank : her crew, however, was saved. The two French ships were set on fire. Seven or eight others were observed at anchor, near the YUaine, but it was found impracticable to destroy them ; and the French ships, after taking theu' guns out, crossed the bar of the river, and warped into a place of security.

The British loss, on this occasion, is given in the same vague terms of which we have ah'eady comjDlained in Anson's and Sir Edward Hawke's former actions. Lieutenant Price, of the Magnanime, and fifty seamen and marines were killed in the fleet ; and Captain Baird, of the Defiance, and 250 wounded. The greatest part of this loss must have been borne by the ships whose names have been prominently mentioned.

  1. — The squadron of M. Thurot escaped from Dunkirk on the 17th of October, 1759, and at that time his squadron was composed of five frigates, on board of which were embarked 1,300 troops. Thurot's object was a descent upon the north coast of Ireland. After a variety of adventures, among the most important of which was the taking of Car- rickfergus, the French squadron, reduced to three frigates, was returning to France ; but information ha\T.ng reached Captain ElHot at Kinsale, that ofiS.cer at once proceeded in search of the French commodore. The British squadron consisted of the 32-gun frigate ^olus. Captain John EUiot, and 36- gun frigates Pallas and Brilliant, Captains Michael Clements and James Loggie. The sliips "v^dth M, Thurot were, the 44:-gun ship Marshal- Belleisle, 32-gun firigate Blonde, and

1760.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 207

26-giui frigate Terpsichore. These ships, including troops, had on board 1,245 men. On the 28th of February, at 4h. A.M., the two squackons got sight of each other, and the chase commenced. At 9h. a.m. the ^okis arrived up with the Marshal-BeUeisle, and commenced the action, and being well supported, it in a short time became general. The Marshal-Belleisle was defended with the utmost bravery by her gallant commander ; nor were her coloui's struck until the ship was reduced to a sinking state, and her decks covered with killed and wounded, amongst whom was M. Tlim'ot, who was killed. This ship also had her bowsprit, mizenmast, and main-yard shot away, affordmg proof of the skill of her antagonists. At lOh. 30m. all three ships sur- rendered.

Captains Clements and Loggie behaved with the utmost gallantry, and their conduct was emulated by all engaged. The ^'Eolus had four men killed and fifteen wounded ; Pallas, one killed and five wounded ; and Brilliant, eleven wounded. The French loss was estimated at 300 killed and wounded. The Blonde and Terpsichore were added to the British navy, under the same names.

Information of the miserable protection j^rovided for the convoy of the outward-bound Lisbon trade — consisting of the Jamaica sloop — having reached the French government, the 36-gun frigate Malicieuse and 32-gun frigate Opale were despatched to intercept it. The frigates were, how- ever, faUen in with by the 24-gun ship Flamborough and 20 -gun ship Bideford, Captains Archibald Kennedy and Launcelot Skynner. On the afternoon of the 4tli of April, the British ships discovered the French frigates, and not^svith- standing the evidently superior force of the enemy, chased them. At about 7h. p.m., the enemy, perceiving the paltry- force of the pursuing ships, bore up to close, and commenced the action. At 7h. 30m. Captain Skynner was killed. Lieu- tenant KnoUis gallantly suppHed his place, until he also fell mortally wounded. The master, Thomas Stacey, then took the command, and continued to fight the ship with the most determined obstinacy. At 9h. the enemy made sail a-head, upon which the crews of the British ships repaired their damaged rigging, and again made sail after the frigates. The action was renewed at about lOh., and continued till past llh..




when the frigates again made sail and escaped. The British were in no condition to follow the enemy, and in a shattered state reached Lisbon, where the convoy was found to have arrived, having narrowly escaped capture — the giuis fired during the action having been distinctly heard. The Flam- borough lost in this most gallant affair, Lieutenant Thomas Price, of the marines, and four men killed, and ten wounded ; the Bideford, Captain Launcelot Skynner and eight men killed, and Lieutenant C KnoUis (mortally), and twenty-four men wounded. When the comparative force of the comba- tants is taken into consideration, the action •svill aj>pear in a

still stronger hght.


22 long 9-poiinders, 2 „ S-pounders, Men, 170, Tons, 500, Weight of broadside, 102 lbs.


20 long 9-pounders,

Men, 150,

Tons, 470,

Weight of broadside, 90 lbs.


26 long 12-pounders,

10 ,, 6-pounders,

Men, 350,"

Tons, 800,'

Weight of broadside, 199 lbs.


26 long 12-poiinder3, 6 ., 6-pounders, Men, .300,* Tons, 700, > Weight of broadside, 187 lbs.

In Se]otember, Captain Lucius O'Brien, of the British 70-gun ship Temple, having under his orders the 28-gun frigate Griffin, Captain Thomas Taylor, received information that seven sail of vessels, including three large privateers, were at anchor at Grenada, laden with provisions for Mar- tinique. The two ships having proceeded tliither, anchored, under the batteries, which they quickly silenced. The boats, under the command of Lieutenant Nathaniel Vincent, then put off from the ships, boarded and brought out the vessels. Among the captures was the Virgin sloop, which had been taken in the previous April. The Temple had two men killed, and Lieutenant Vincent (with the loss of a leg) and nineteen men wounded.

Rear-Admii'al Holmes, who commanded on the Jamaica station, having received intelligence that five French frigates

^ Suppositious.

1760.] THE BKITISH NAVY. 209

with other vessels were at Cape Fran9ois, getting ready to sail for France, despatched thither the oO-gun ship Hamp- shire, Captain Charles Norbury, Avith the 28-gun frigate Boreas, Captain Samuel Uvedale, and 20-gun shij:* Lively, Captain the Hon. Frederick Maitland, to cruise off that port, and endeavour to intercept them. On the 17th of October, being off Cape Nicholas, the British ships discovered the expected squadron, and immediately crowded all sail in chase ; but owing to the variableness of the Avind, little progress was made until towards night. The Boreas, having outsailed the other ships, at midnight arrived up with and engaged the French 32-gun frigate Sirenne, bearing Commodore M'Cartie's broad pendant ; but the Boreas being disabled in sails and rigging, the Sirenne got out of gun-shot. Having repaired damages, the Boreas, on the 18th, at 2h. p.m., again got alongside of the Sirenne, and after two hours' close action, compelled her to surrender, with the loss of eighty, out of her crew of 280 men, killed and wounded. The Boreas had one man killed and one wounded.

The remaining four ships, having taken different courses, were pm^sued by the Hampshire and Lively ; and on the 18th, at daylight, the enemy's ships were six miles ahead, endeavouring to get into Port-au-Paix. By sweeping, the Lively, at a little before eight, brought the sternmost ship to action, and, after near two hours' hard fighting, compelled her to smTender, with the loss of a lieutenant and thirty- seven men killed, and her captain (Talbot), master, boat- swain, and twenty-tv/o men wounded. The Hampshii-e pursued the remaining three frigates, and, as the breeze freshened, neared them so fast, that at 3h. 30m. p.m. she got between the two headmost ships, and opened her fire on the Due de Choiseuil ; but the latter, having the advantage of the wind, escaped into Port au Paix, leaving her companion, the Prince Edward, to be engaged by the Hampshire. The Prince Edward, unable to contend mth her powerful adver- sary, ran aground about two miles fi^om Port au Paix, and the ship v/as set on fire so effectually that she shortly after- wards blew up. On the 19th, the Hampshire, having the Lively and her prize in company, stood into Freshwater Bay, to attack the Fleur-de-Lys, the fifth ship, which had taken refuge there. The French, however, did not wait

VOL. I. p

210 BATTLES OF [1761.

their arrival, but took to the boats, having previously set the ship on fire. Thus were four out of the five ships accounted for.

During this year the boats of the Trent, Captain John Lindsey, and Boreas, under the command of Lieutenants George Millar and Patrick Stuart, cut out of Cumberland Harbour the French 10-gun privateer Yainqueur, and 6-gun privateer Mackau, after a desperate fight. In the boats of the Boreas one man was killed, and five wounded, and her barge sunk by the enemy's fire ; and in those of the Trent three men were killed, one was wounded, and one missing.

  1. — On the 4th of January, the 28-gun frigate Trent, Captam John Lindsey, being off Cape Tiberooh, fell in with the Bien Aime French merchant frigate of twenty guns and eighty-five men. The Bien .Aime, which was of great value, continued the action for one hour, and had t^'enty killed and wounded before she struck. The Trent had one man killed, and five wounded.

On the 8th of January, the British 28-gun frigate Unicorn, Captain Joseph Hunt, cruising off the French coast, dis- covered, at 8h. A.M., and chased the French 32-g-un frigate Vestale. The action began at lOh. 30m., and Captain Hunt^ was mortally wounded by the tliird broadside of the enemy. The command devolved upon Lieutenant John Symons, who continued the action till 121]. 30m., when the Vestale siu-- rendered. M. Boisbertelot, who commanded the Vestale, had his leg shot away, and died the next morning ; and a great number of the French crew, which originally amounted to 220 men, were killed and wounded. The Unicorn had five men killed, exclusive of her gallant captain, and ten woimded. The Vestale was added to the British navy under the name of Flora, a Vestal being already in the service.

' Almost immediately after Captain Hunt was carried down to the cockpit with his right thigh dreadfully shattered, and while the surgeon and his assistants were busily employed in attending to his case, one of the sailors less dangerously wounded than himself was brought down also, when Captain Hunt magnanimously insisted upon the surgeons at once attending to the wounded man, saying at the same time that his own case was too desperate to be benefited by surgical skill. Like Wolfe, he retained his senses just long enough to be made acquainted with the surrender of the enemy, when he expressed his satisfaction, and, fainting, breathed his last. — Charnock.

17 61. J THE BRITISH NAVY. 211

Lieutenant Symons was deservedly promoted to be a master and commander.

On the lOtli tlie Unicorn cliased tlie French frigate Ai- grette,^ but the latter escaped, in consequence of the damaged state of the Unicorn's sails and rigging. The Aigrette, when cUscovered by the Unicorn, was engaging the Seahorse, Captain James Smith, which ship, having only twenty guns momited, was appointed to convey astronomers to Bencoolen, and who were at the time on board. The Seahorse was most gallantly defended, and had had eleven men killed and thirty- eight wounded when the Unicorn so opportunely hove in sight. Captain Smith, being obliged to return to England to refit his ship, was promoted to the command of the Guern- sey 50-gun ship.

On the 10th of January, the British 36-gun frigate Yen us, Caj)tain Thomas Harrison, and 32-gun frigate Juno, Captain Philips Towry, being off Scilly, chased the French 36-gun frigate Brune. The Venus taking the lead, arrived up with the enemy, and commenced a running action, which lasted two hours, when the Juno having also closed, the Brune struck. The Venus had five killed, and Captain Harrison, the first lieutenant (Thomas Dumaresq), master (Thomas Tripp), and fifteen wounded. The Juno had two men wounded. The Brune had nineteen killed and tliirty-nine wounded. The prize was added to the British navy under the same name. The second lieutenant of the Venus (Wil- liam Abdy) was promoted in the month of May following.

On the 23rd January, the British 32-gun frigate Rich- mond, Captain John Elphinstone, while ofl' the coast of Flanders, received intelHgence that a French frigate had the day previously ransomed an Enghsh merchant-ship. At 7h. P.M. on the same day the Richmond obtained sight of the frigate in question, which was the French 32-gun frigate Felicite, and which at first stood towards the Richmond ; but discovering her character, endeavoured to escape. The two ships continued throughout the night mider all sail, neither gaining much on the other; but at lOh. 30m. a.m. on the next day, the Richmond got alongside the enemy, and com- menced the action, both ships standing in for the land near


212 BATTLES OF [1761.

the Hague. At a little past noon the two ships grounded close alongside each other, still continuing the action with unabated vigour, and appearing to hundreds of spectators on shore to be scarcely conscious of the fact of their being aground. The Kichmond, drawing less Avater than the Fe- licite, was floated off by the rising tide, and drifted some short distance from her enemy before her anchor brought her up, when the firing recommenced. The French crew were shortly afterwards observed quitting the ship, ujoon which she was boarded and taken possession of. The Fe- licite had her caj)tain, M. Donnel, and nearly a hundred men killed and wounded; and the Richmond three killed and thirteen wounded. The Felicite was bound to the West Indies, and had on board a cargo valued at £30,000 ; but the shijD being hard and fast aground, it was considered necessary to destroy her, and she was accordingly biu-nt.

On the 23rd January, being off Cape Pinas, the British 32-gun frigate Minerva, Captain Alexander Hood, discovered at daylight a large two-decked ship steering to the westward before a fresh easterly breeze. Notwithstanding the enemy's apparent superiority, Captain Hood determined to attack her, and at lOh. 20m. got alongside of her to leeward, and began the action. At llh. the stranger's fore a.nd main-top- masts being shot away, she fell foul of the jNIinerva's star- board bow, and then dropped alongside. The heavy sea, however, quickly parted the combatants, and just at the same time the British ship lost her bowsprit and foremast. Notwithstanding these untoward circumstances. Captain Hood, having secured the mainmast, put before the wind after the enemy, by that time some three leagues to leeward. At 4h. P.M., having again got within gun-shot, the action was resumed, and continued three-quarters of an hour, when the French ship surrendered. The prize proved to be the 60-gun ship (late British) Warwick, armed en Jliite, having only thirfcy-four guns mounted, commanded by M. de Bellaii*, and had on board 295 men, including seventy-four soldiers, of which number fourteen were killed and thirty-two wounded. The Minerva had fourteen men killed and thirty- four wounded. At 9h. the Minerva's mizen-mast fell over the side, and her mainmast shortly afterwards followed,

1761.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 213

leaving her a complete wreck. Captain Hood, however, succeeded in conducting his prize to a friendly port.

On the 31st of January, the British 28-gun frigates Sole- bay and Amazon, Captains John Dalrymple and Basil Keith, chased and drove ashore, under the walls of Calais, the French 18-gun privateer CheM.'ette. The privateer, having hauled doAvn her colours, was got off by the exertions of the crews of the British ships, and added to the navy under the name of Pomona.

On the 9th of March, the British 60-gun ship Bippon, Captaiu Edward Jekyl, being off Cadiz, chased the French 61:-gun ship Achille and a frigate. At 6h. p.m. the latter bore up for the Rippon, under English colours; but on dis- covering the force of the British ship, crowded sail to get away. The chase lasted all that night and next day; and at 2h. 30m. p.m. on the 10th, the Rippon brought the Achille to close action; but the frigate, having altered her course, got away. The wind being very strong, and a heavy sea rimning (both ships before the wind, and going ten knots), the Rippon could with great difficulty fight her lower-deck guns, and the men w^ere up to their knees in water. The fire was slackening on board the Achille, when unfortunately one of the Rippon's lower-deck guns burst, killing eight, and wouncHng eight men, and extinguisliing all the lights. It was then found necessary to close aU the ports, except of the four aftermost guns. Having shot away the Achille's fore- topmast and fore-yard, the Rippon passed ahead of her, and liauling her \vind across the French ship's bows, raked her as she passed. The Achille then passed under the Rippon's stern; but the confusion was so great on board, that the opportunity of raking the British ship was lost. One gun only was fired, the shot from which cut away the Rippon's main-topsail sheet. The Rippon then endeavoured to put before the wind again after the enemy ; but having had liei- jib and staysail halyards shot away, as well as the head- braces, this was found impracticable until the running gear was replaced. In the mean time a hard squall with hea\y rain came on, adding to the pitchy darkness of the night, dining which the enemy w^as lost sight of ; and when the Rippon again got her head in the supposed direction of the

214 BATTLES OF [1761.

Achille, all sail was made j but at daybreak slie was nowhere to be seen. The Achille reached the Groyne, and her cajD- tain pubHshed an account of the action, in which he took credit for having beaten off an English 74-gun ship.

On the 13th of March, the British 9-pounder 26-gun frigate Vengeance, Captain Gamaliel Nightingale, chased a large ship, and at 5h. p.m. commenced engaging. The Ven- geance, in less than an hour, was five times set on fire by the enemy's wads, and her sails so much cut, that becoming unmanageable, the enemy shot ahead. Having rej)aired damages, the Vengeance brought the enemy to action a second time, and another fight of an hour's duration took place, when the enemy sheered off and again made sail away. Owing to the damages received, it was some time before the British ship could wear and follow the enemy j but at length she brought the French ship to action for the thii-d time, and, after engaging for another hour and a half, compelled her to strike. The prize was the French 44:-gun ship Entre- prenant, armed en Jlide, and having only twenty-two long 12-pounders and four long 6-pounders mounted. Her crew, when she commenced the action, consisted of 203 men, of which number she had five killed and twenty-four wounded. The crew of the Vengeance amomited to 200 men, of which she had six men killed and twenty-seven wounded — several mortally, and the rest severely.

On the 1st of April, the 50-gun ship Isis, Captain Edward Wheeler, belonging to the Mediterranean squadron, being off Cape Tres-Forcas, discovered a large ship, which was immediately chased. At 6h. p.m., the Isis commenced action, and a running fight was kept up till lOh. 30m. At the beginning of the encounter. Captain Wheeler, together with a midshipman and quarter-master, were killed by one shot, and the command devolved on Lieutenant James Cun- ningham. The stranger, at a little before llh., evincing a disposition to close the Spanish shore. Lieutenant Cunning- ham ran the enemy on board, when the stranger surrendered. The prize was the French 50-gun ship Oreflame, valuably laden, but had only fourteen 18-pounders and twenty-six long 12-pounders mounted. Betw^een forty and fifty of her crew were killed or wounded. The Isis's loss, independent of her captain, was three killed and nine wounded.

1761.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 215

On the 3rcl of April, the French 64-gun ship Bertin, but having only twenty-eight guns mounted, laden vnth. ord- nance and naval stores, was captured by the 74-gun sliip Hero, Captain William Fortescue ; and Venus frigate. Gap- tain Thomas Harrison. The prize was of great value, and had on board 24,000 dollars. Being a fine ship, she was purchased into the British navy, and named the Belleisle.

On the 5th of June, the French 64-gun ship St. Ann was captured in Donna-Maria Bay, Port-au-Prince, by the West India squadron, under Rear-Admiral Holmes, in the Cam- bridge. The chasing ships, which compelled the St. Ann to surrender, were the 74-gun ship Centaur and 50-gun ship Hampshire, Captains Arthur Forrest and Arthur Usher. The prize was added to the British navy under the same name.

On the 14th of July, a British squadron, consisting of the 74-gun ship Thunderer, Captain Charles Proby; 64-gTm ship Modeste, Honourable Robert Boyle ; 32-g-un frigate Thetis, Captain John Moutray ; and 18-gmi slooj) Favourite, Com- mander Philemon Po^atioU, was cruising ofi" Cadiz, in order to intercept the French 64-gun ship Achille (the Rippon's late opponent), and 32-gun ship Buffon, expected to sail from that port. Having discovered that the French ships had escaped out of port, the squadron departed in pursuit, and on the 16th succeeded in getting sight of the enemy. At Ih. A.M. on the 17th, the Thunderer arrived up with the Achille, and commenced a very animated cannonade, in the midst of which one of the Thunderer's quarter-deck guns burst, and blew up part of the poop, killing and wounding many men, and setting the ship on fire. By great exertion the fire was extinguished, and the chase resumed ; when, getting close alongside the Achille, the Thunderer ran her on board, and Lieutenant Charles Leslie, at the head of 150 men, gallantly sprang on her deck. After an inefiectual resistance, the Achille surrendered. In this sjmited en- counter the Thunderer sustained much loss, amomiting to seventeen men killed, and Captain Proby (sHghtly), her second and third lieutenants, and 110 men woimded, seven- teen mortally. The Achille's loss is not recorded.

The Thetis overtook the Buffon at 7h. a.m., and engaged till the Modeste also got up, when the French ship struck.

216 BATTLES OF [176L

The Thetis had none killed or wounded. The Favourite, a few days afterwards, captured a Spanish privateer, of twelve guns and eighty-five men.

On the 13th of August, in the evening, the British 74-gun sliip Bellona, Captain Robert Faulkner, and 36-gun frigate Brilliant, Captain James Loggie, being off Vigo, discovered and stood towards tlu-ee large ships, evidently of force. The strangers, which were the French 74-gun sliip Courageux, and 36-gun frigates Hermione and Malicieuse, behe'ing the British to be line-of-battle ships, made sail away ; they were, however, kept sight of during the night, and on the follo\Tng morning, perceiving the real force of theu' pursuers, or rather taking the Bellona for a 50-gun ship, the French commodore made the signal for the two frigates to run down and attack the frigate, Avhile the Courageux stood towards the Bellona. The two frigates having closed the Brilliant, commenced the action, and the gallant Captain Loggie determined, if possible, to find so much for his adversaries to do, that the Bellona should be able to bend all her energies against the Coura- geux. So vigorously were the guns of the Brilliant plied, that the frigates received such injury to then' sails and rigging as to be obliged to sheer ofi" to repair damages. The Brilliant had her master and five men killed and sixteen wounded.

The Bellona and Com-ageux, having got witliin musket- shot, commenced a furious action ; and, as the water was smooth and only a light air of Avind blowing, the contest became one simply of gamnery. Few .shots were wasted, and, in nine minutes after the commencement of the engage- ment, the Bellona's mizen-mast was shot away, and her standing and running rigging cut to pieces. Captain Faulk- ner fearing, from his ship's disabled state, that the Courageux might escape him, gave orders to board, and the Bellona. having wore round by means of her studding sails, fell on board the Courageux, her larboard beam taking the star- board quarter of the enemy. In this position the British ship's larboard guns were fired with, such effect into the stern and quarter of the enemy, that in twenty minutes she hauled down her colours. While preparations were making to take possession, the firing recommenced from the French sliip's lower deck. The British crew, exasperated at this proceed-

1761.] THE BKITISH XAVY. 217"

ing, poured two more broadsides into tlie Courageux, when lier men called for quarter. The two frigates made all sail and escaped. The action lasted from 6h. 2om. till 7h. 4m. p.m., when the French ship finally surrendered, during which interval the Courageux, out of a crew of 700 men, had 200 killed and 110 wounded. Among the wounded was Captain M. Dugue Lambert, mortally.^ The loss of the Bellona amounted to six killed and twenty-five wounded. This action may be well selected as an instance of the proficiency of British seamen in gunnery at this period ; the carnage in half an hour is equal to that of any subsequent encounter on the ocean. The Courageux proved a valuable prize, having on board £8,500 in specie. She was taken to Lis- bon and refitted, and afterwards added to the British iiBbvy imder the same name. While a,t Lisbon, the French crev,-^ were in great distress ; but, with the proverbial liberality of British sailors, a subscription was set on foot on board the Bellona and Brilliant, as well as on shore, w^hich enabled the poor fellows to reach France. The first lieutenant of the Bellona, Thomas Male, was promoted.

In August, Lieutenant John Macbride, commanding the hu'ed armed cutter Grace, stationed ofi' Dunkirk, observing that two prames, lately at anchor in the roads, had gone into the harbour, and that only four flat-bottomed boats and a dogger privateer remained, proposed to Captain Dudley Digges, of the Maidstone, if he w^ould allow him four of the ship's boats, to go in and cut out the privateer. Being- intrusted Avith the expedition, Lieutenant Macbride de- parted at lOh. P.M., and with muflled oars approached the privateer. As the boats neared, the privateer hailed, but the boats pushed on, and in a few minutes carried her with no other injury than two men wounded. This well-con- ducted enterprise was efiected close under a fort, on the east side of the harbour.

Captain Francis Burslem, in the 28-gim frigate Coventry, having been despatched by Commodore Keppel to recon- noitre the French coast, chased and drove ashore the French

• Captain Lambert, or L'Ambert, died at Lisbon on the 25th, and was buried on shore with the honours which his bravery deserved, being attended to the grave by the British as well as the remainder of his own


218 BATTLES OF [1762.

14-gun sloop of war Leverette in a smaU sandy bay, near the entrance to Port TOrient. The Coventry, having an- chored near the French vessel, comj^elled her to surrender, the crew abandoning her. The prize was got off, having sustained very little damage. That which adds a degree of interest to this little affair was the generosity of the captors, who gave up the entire proceeds of their prize to the widow of Lieutenant Cook, who was drowned a short time previ- ously in Quiberon Bay.

In the course of the year 1761, the captures from the French numbered 117 privateers and armed merchant ships, which mounted 698 guns and 239 svdvels, and carrying 5,576 men, exclusive of four Indiamen, whose cargoes were valued at £400,000, and other merchant sliips. The French navy lost six line-of-battle ships and eight frigates. In the course of the same year 800 English merchant ships were captured, which arose from the insufficiency of the sliips sent in charge of convoys, and from the large number of privateers, which, in point of fact, formed the chief naval force of France. Only one small vessel of war, the Speed- well cutter, captured in Vigo Bay, was lost to the navy in this year ; and one valuable East-India ship, the Ajax, com- manded by Captain Lindsay, who was killed, was taken by the French 64-gun ship Prothee.

  1. — On the 4th of January, war was formally declared against Sj^ain, and on the 18th a counter declaration was issued by the king of Spain. These hostile announcements were occasioned by a treaty of alliance concluded between the courts of Madrid and Versailles.

On the 31st of January, the British 38-g'un frigate Danae, Captain Willia,m Hay, having thirteen sail of merchant ships under convoy, bound to Gibraltar, feU in mth the French 26-gun jjrivateer Tigre.^ The French ship hove to for the convoy, and, having taken up a j)osition alongside the Danae, commenced an action with the yardarms of the two shii^s touching. The contest lasted nearly three hours, by which time the ships were both in an un-

' The Tigre belonged to the French navy, but was lent to merchants to be used as a privateer, a tolerable proof of the poverty to which the war had reduced the French government, which, unable to maintain their navy, lent ships to private individuals.

1762.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 219

manageable state. The Tigre's bowsprit, foreyard, and fore and main-topmasts were shot away ; and a few more broadsides must have dismasted her entirely. The Danae's lower masts and all her spars had suffered so much, that it was impossible for her to make any sail after her enemy ; which the latter perceiving, put before the wind and escaped. The Danae lost in this engagement no less than eighteen men killed, seven mortally, and thirty-five severely wounded. The Tigre's loss is not recorded. The Danae carried her convoy in safety to Gibraltar. The Tigre also beat off the 20-gun ship Deal Castle, Captain George Tindal ; but was ultimately captured by the King George privateer, Captain Read, after two hours' action. On this latter occasion tln-ee of the Tigre's guns burst, and killed a great many men ; and her loss is stated to have been eighty killed and wounded. The loss of the King George was three killed, eight mortally, and four slightly wounded.

On the 6th of February, the British IS-gam sloop FeiTet, Commander Peter Clarke, while cruising off Porto Kico, captured a small Spanish trading vessel ; the master of which, on condition that his own vessel should be restored, gave information of a much more valuable vessel, moimting twenty-fom^ guns. The Fen-et was conducted by the Spanish master to the entrance of a small bay in the island ot Zaccheo, in which the ship was observed at anchor. The entrance to the anchorage was intricate and dangerous j and it was found necessary to delay the attack until the 10th, while the boats sounded in search of the channel. Having found a passage with fifteen feet of water. Captain Clarke de- termined to attempt it. The enemy, therefore, had had ample time to make preparations for defence, but probably from their supposed secure anchorage did not see danger. As the Ferret neared the enemy, she became exposed to a very gall- ing fire, to which no return could be made. The Ferret had hardly got within point-blank range when she took the ground ; but haAing at length brought her broadside to bear upon the enemy, she opened fire, and an action commenced, which lasted two hours, when the enemy hauled down her colom's, and the men took to the boats and quitted her. It is supposed that the enemy's loss v/as considerable, as much blood was upon the decks ; but all the killed and woimded

220 BATTLES OF [17G2.

were carried off. The i)rize, which was very vakiable, was bound from the Caraccas to Cadiz. Commander Clarke was promoted into the Melampe, his j^ost commission bearing date May 5, 1763.

On the 7th of March, at lOh. a.m., the British 28-0^1 frigate Milford, Captain Robert Man, in lat. 34° 15' N., long. 25° T W., after a twelve hours' chase, brought to action the French letter-of-marque La Glou'e, pierced for twenty guns, but ha\ing only sixteen long 6-pounders and ten swivels mounted. In the early part of the engagement Captain Man had his right thigh shot away (of which he died next morning), and the command devolved on Lieu- tenant T. Day, who fought the sliip with great spiiit till llh. 30m. P.M., when he also was mortally wounded by a musket-ball through the head. The second lieutenant, Ezekeil Nash, then took the command, and contmued the action till 2h. 30m. of the following morning, at which time the Milford's adversary hauled down her colours. Out of a crew of ninety-four men, the Gloire had six men killed and eighteen wounded ; and the Milford, exclusive of her captain and first lieutenant, two men killed and thirteen wounded.

On the 14th of March, at 6h. 30m. p.m., the British 24-gTin sliip Fowey, Captain Joseph Mead, being off Cape Tiberoon, fell in with and attacked the Spanish 12 -pounder 26-g-un frigate Ventura. The Spanish ship being greatly superior in weight of metal and number of men (she ha^dng on board a creAV of 300, while the Fowey's crew, owing to the absence of a lieutenant and twenty-four men, did not consist of more than 130), was found to be a very formidable opponent, and after an action of one hoiu' and a half, the Fowey had sustained so much damage to her sails and rigging, that she was obliged to haul off to repair. The next morn- ing Cajitain Mead, shortly after daylight, again brought the Ventura to action. At 8h. 30m. the Spanish ship, having had forty men killed, and a great number wounded, hauled down her colours. The difficulty was to take possession of the prize, for neither ship had a boat that would swim, nor was there a tackle left to hoist one out. One of the Fowey's boats being at length patched up with a tarpaulin, was with difficulty got alongside the Ventura, and returned ^^dth some of the Spanish officers. The Fowey had ten men killed and

1762.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 221

twenty-four wounded. The Yentura was of gi-eat value, having on board money to pay the troops at the Havannah.

On the 3rd of April, the British 28-gun frigate Hussar, Captain Robert Carket, observing four large French priva- tieers at anchor, under the guns of Fort Tiberoon, stood in to attack them, and succeeded in obligmg the crews to abandon tlieir vessels and take to the boats. One of the privateers, mounting sixteen guns, was burnt, and one of fourteen g-uns sunk ; but the other two, of sixteen and twelve guns, were brought out. In this affair the Hussar had one man killed and twelve wounded ; but the loss of the enemy is stated to have been seventeen killed and thirty- five wounded. The Hussar was shortly afterwards -s\Tecked off Hispaniola.

On the 21st of May, the British 28-gun frigate Active, Captain Herbert Sawyer, and 18 -gun sloop Favourite, Com- mander Pliilemon PownoU, cruising off Cadiz, in the hope of intercepting a rich ship expected from Lima, chased the Spanish register ship Hermione. Ha'ing arrived up witli her. Captain Sa\vyer hailed the frigate, and informing them of the war, requested the Spanish captain to strike. Being unprovided for a defence, the demand was submitted to, and possession obtained of the most valuable prize taken through- out the war. The net proceeds of the Hermione's cargo amounted to £519,705. Is. 6d.^

On the 3rd of November, the 26-gun frigate Terpsichore, Captain the Honourable John Buthven, cruising off the French coast, captured, after a short action, the French letter-of-marque Marquis de Marigny, mounting twenty long 9-pounders, with a crew of 118 men, of which she had nine killed and eighteen wounded. The Terpsichore had her boatswain and four men killed, and Captain Buthven and fifteen men wounded.

Having a large available force in the West Indies on the declaration of the war, the British ministry ordered an attack

^ The treasure S*om the Hermione was landed at Portsmouth, and conveyed to London in twenty waggons, decorated with British colours over Spanish, and under escort of a party of sailors. The whole formed a grand procession, and entered London on the 12th of August, the day on which his royal highness the Prince of Wales (his late majesty King George IV,) was bom.

222 BATTLES OF [1762.

to be made upon the Spanish ^possessions, and the Havannah was accordingly selected. The army which proceeded on this service amounted to little less than 16,000 men, 4,000 of whom sailed from England with General the Earl of Albe- marle in the fleet of Admiral Sir George Pocock, on the oth of March, and eventually reached the Havannah, and efiected a landing on the 7th of July. The fleet employed at the reduction of the Havannah consisted of twenty-two sail of the line, four ships of fifty guns, ten frigates, fourteen vessels of from twenty-four to fourteen guns, and three mortar vessels. So formidable a force the Spaniards could not long- resist ; and on the 12th of August the Havannah and its dependencies fell into the hands of the besiegers. In the harbour were found twelve sail of the line, nine of wliich reached England, the remaining three ha^dng been sunk at the entrance to the harbour by the Spaniards. The prize- money paid to the captors amounted to £736,185.

The British arms were also victorious in the East. Manilla and the port of rCavite were attacked by the British sea and land forces, under the orders of Yice-Admiral Samuel Cornish and Brigadier-General Draper. The naval force consisted of seven sail of the line, one 50-gun ship, a 28-gun frigate, and two 20-gun ships, carrying together 4,330 men ; but the army, composed partly of Cafli-es, Topasses, and Lascars, numbered only 2,330. Manilla and the Philippine Islands were surrendered on the 6th of October, together with a large quantity of ordnance, naval stores, and treasure. Manilla was saved from plunder upon the promise of a ransom of one million sterling, which terms, however, were afterwards negatived by the king of Spain, peace having occurred in the interim of their negotiation and demand for the settlement.

During the progress of the siege, the \ice-admiral received intelHgence that the galleon from Acapulco had arrived in the straits, and immediately despatched the 60-gun sliip Panther, Captain Hyde Parker, and 28-gun frigate Argo, Captain Richard King. On the 30th of October, after a cruise of twenty-six days, the galleon was descried, and the Argo was the first to arrive up with the chase, but so well was the Spanish ship defended, that the Argo was obliged to discontinue the action in order to repair damages. On the




31st, in the morning, tlie Panther overtook the galleon, which, after a distant cannonading of two hours, surrendered. The galleon, although pierced for sixty gims, had only thii^teen mounted when captured ; and when first engaged by the Argo had only six gims in use, but her sides were so thick as to have been almost impervious to the shot of the British ships, which accounts for the time occupied in effecting the capture. She was manned with a crew of 800 soldiers and sailors, and her freight registered and unregistered (or smuggled), was computed at two millions of dollars.

The preliminaries for a peace with France and Spain were signed at Fontainebleau on the 3rd of November.

Having now brought this celebrated war to its conclusion, it remains only to sum up, in as few words as possible, the results ; and the following table "wdll exhibit the loss of the French, Spanish, and British navies respectively : —







74 70

64 to 60

50 to 44

40 to 32


to 26

24 to 20

18 to 6

( captured




4 6 1


14 2 3


4 2

13 9



2 1

12 1 2

8 3

72 30 11

French < ■, , , i by the British ( ( by accident . .

Total loss

. .


31l' 119







(^ • >, j captured

1 1

5 5 1 2





15 3

P \ destroyed

Total loss









1 6

1 4



3 2 5

7 7




^"^^^^^destrd. jl^y^^^pjy ;•••

( / by accident . . Totalloss

i 1

i 2




3 7








Spain paid dearly for the ten months' war. She lost the Havannah, with a gi*eat part of the island of Cuba, and a large squadron of ships of war ; the PhiHppine Islands, with a great many merchant vessels; the Manilla galleon, and




tlie Hermione. This nation had, at the conckision of the war, neither fleets, cruisers, nor privateers, sufficient to give any great annoyance to the British commerce ; and almost any terms might at that time have been extorted from her. France, also, was reduced to a low ebb ; without a fleet Avhich could question British supremacy, she was compelled to trust only for her oflensive operations to frigates and privateers. These, for a time, inflicted much injury upon British traders, but towards the end of the war the coasts were nearly freed from their depredations ; and the mer- chants who fitted them out tii-ed of such unjorofitable specu- lations.

Notwithstanding that England at this time possessed a most powerful fleet,' and comparatively undiminished re- sources, she was contented to accept terms suited more to a nation overwhelmed by difficulties, and anxious for peace upon any conditions. Oiu* gains, and what was relinquished, are thus summed up by Beatson : — " By this famous treaty of peace, we gained in America the whole province of Canada, with the islands of St. John and Cape Breton, and all that

EoYAL Navy at the Conclusion of the Seven Years' Wak.

In commission In ordinary . . .













66 to 64



44 to 40

Fri- gates


to 20





32 to




9 6


4 2

24 13



21 12

24 10


6 9



47 10

26 8



286 93



2 6





24 21


57 34



Tlae number of seamen voted by Parliament in each year, for 1760, 61, and 62, was 70,000 ; but notwithstanding so great a number, it will be obvious that it was insufficient wholly to man the fleet above stated to have been in commission. The full complements of men for the above would have been about 85,000.

1762.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 225

part of Louisiana which lies on the east of the river Missis- sippi (the town of New Orleans excepted), and the free navigation of the river Mississippi. The French were per- mitted to fish on the banks of Newfoundland, under certain limitations. The islands St. Pierre and Miguelon were ceded to them for curing their fish and conducting their fishery ; but they were not to erect any fortifications there, nor keep a gariison stronger than fifty men. Spain to relinquish her claim to fish on the banks of Newfoundland. Great Britain to be permitted to cut logwood and build houses in the Bay of Honduras, but not to erect fortifications, and to demolish those already erected. Spain to restore any places she may have conquered in Portugal, and to cede to Great Britain the pro'ince of Florida, in consideration of which, Great Britain was to restore the Havannah and its dependencies to Spam. Martinico, Guadaloupe, Marigalante, to be restored to France, together with the neutral island of St. Lucia. Great Britain to retain the Grenadas and Gre- nadines, with the neutral islands of Dominica, St. Vincent, and Tobago. In Europe, the island of Minorca to be re- stored to Great Britain, and of Belleisle to France. The fortifications of Dunkh'k to be demolished. In Africa, Great Britain to retain Senegal, and restore Goree to France. In Asia, all our conquests made from France to be restored, but with the restriction that she was not to erect fortifications in the province of Bengal."


226 BATTLES OF [1775.


The preliminary treaty of peace signed at Fontaineblean, in the month of November, 1762, was confirmed in February, 1763, and from this time till the disturbances in the British colonies of North America, which in the year 1775 burst out into open rebelhon, England enjoyed the blessings of peace.

The North American colonists havins: resisted certain revenue laws imposed by the British government, orders were given to the cruisers on the station to assist the autho- rities, and suppress illegal traffic. At Rhode Island, the Gasp^j a schooner of 102 tons, carrying four or six 3-pounders, commanded by Lieutenant William Dudingstone, was stationed ; and the commander having rendered himself obnoxious to smugglers by his diligence, was among the first to be attacked by some of the rebellious colonists. On the night of the 10th June, 1772, the Gaspe having grounded while chasing a supposed smuggling vessel in the river lead- ing to New Providence, was surrounded in the night by a number of boats filled with armed men. The attack, though unexpected, was gallantly resisted ; but the crew were at length overpowered. Lieutenant Dudingstone had his right hand nearly severed from the wrist by a sabre-cut, and was also wounded dangerously in the thigh by a musket-ball. Several of the Gaspe's crew, originally but twenty-seven, were wounded. The lieutenant ^ and his crew w ere then put into boats to make their way to the shore, while the victors set the Gaspe on fire, and destroyed her.

  1. — On the 23rd of November, a small fleet of trans- ports, under convoy of the Tartar frigate, arrived off Boston, and, with the exception of two, safely entered the port. The ship Hunter and a brig, owing to a shift of wind, were obliged to anchor outside the harbour ; which being observed by two American privateers that had been following the

1776.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 227

convoy, they, in the most daring manner, attacked and boarded them, setting one on fire. A signal was imme- diately made for the Raven to weigh and go in chase ; but Lieutenant John Bourmaster, who had been appointed to protect the Boston lighthouse, then under repaii', and who was in command of an armed transport, on obsei'ving the privateers fii'e upon the Hunter, slipped, and reached the transports in time to retake both, and to save the one which had been fired from destruction. When Lord Howe assumed the command on the station. Lieutenant Bourmaster was promoted, and appointed to command a king's ship.

  1. — Proclamations, tantamount to a declaration of war, having been issued by the British government, instructions were given by Vice-Admiral Graves, the commander-in-cliief on the station, to attack all places in opposition. Cariying out his orders, the vice-admiral directed the equipment of a small squadron, or flotilla, the command of which was con- ferred on Lieutenant Henry Mowat.

The following composed the squadron : — Armed 6 -gun ship Canceaux, 6-gun schooner Halifax, and 6-gun armed sloop Spitfire ; to which was added the armed transport Symmetry, mounting eighteen fight guns. Lieutenant Mowat's instruc- tions were tempered with moderation. He was directed to confine his operations to certain enumerated towns, which had rendered themselves conspicuous by open acts of hostility.

On the 1 7th of October, the squadron arrived at Falmouth, and anchored close to the town. Lieutenant Mowat then sent an officer on shore with a letter, informing the au- thorities that he would allow two hours for the inhabitants to remove themselves and families from the town, which he was ordered to burn. On the receipt of this message, de- puties were sent off to negotiate ; and Lieutenant Mowat agreed to suspend hostilities till he could communicate with the commander-in-chie1^ upon condition that they would send him four carriage-guns, deliver up their small-arms and ammunition, and give four hostages. These terms being finally rejected. Lieutenant Mowat, at half-past 9h. a.m. on the following day, opened tire, and threw carcasses into the town, by which it was quickly burnt. While the negotiation pended, the inhabitants removed their most valuable effects ; but the principal part of the town was completely destroyed.


228 BATTLES OP [1776.

The loss was a serious one to the Americans, as the store- houses burnt contained provisions and ammunition intended for the use of the army before Boston. The coast being by this time alarmed, Lieutenant Mowat returned to Boston on the 2nd November for the admiral's further instructions. ^

On the 5th of December, the 24-gun ship Fowey, Cap- tain George Montagu, being off Cape Ann, chased the American brig Wasliington, of ten guns (6 and 4-pounders) and ten swivels, which she captui-ed after a long chase. The Washington was commissioned by Congress, and had a crew of seventy-four men, commanded by Sion Martingale.

A resolution of Congress, passed on the 13tli October, 1775, appointed a committee to fit out two fast vessels ; and on the 30th of the same month further powers were granted. In consequence of these resolutions, the Alfred and Columbus were purchased. The Alfred is supposed to have been armed with twenty long 9-pounders on her main-deck, and from two to ten gims on the quarter-deck and forecastle. The Columbus mounted eighteen long 9-pounders. Commodore Ezekiel Hopkins w^as appointed commander-in-chief of the navy, and to hoist his broad pendant in the Alfred. Of this ship John Paul Jones was appointed first-lieutenant, and he has claimed to have first hoisted the flaor of America.^ Con-


^ This expedition was for a long time the theme of animadversion in America, and Cooper stigmatizes it as a "ruthless proceeding ;" but it is difficult to discover in this particular act any great cause of complaint. Flushing had rendered itself obnoxiox;s ; and the pi'oceedings of Lieute- nant Mowat, so far fi-om being "ruthless," were marked bj'^ humanity, until he found that by a further extension of that virtue he would be neglecting the orders he had received. From some unexplained cause, unless it may be attributed to the animadversions above noticed, Lieu- tenant Mowat's services were overlooked for a considerable period ; for we find his name on the list of lieutenants in 1781, his seniority in that rank being 22nd January, 1759 ; but on the 26th October, 1782, he was promoted to the rank of post captain.

^ Mr. Cooper, vol. i. p. 88, says : "This event could not have occuired previously to the vote appointing a commander-in-chief (December 22, 1775), as we are expressly told that the flag was shown when that officer first repaired on board his ship. ^Vhat that ensign was is not now cer- tainly known, but it is thought to have been a device representing a pine- tree with a rattlesnake about to strike, coiled at its root, with the motto

1776.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 229

gress having received information of the defenceless state of the island of Providence, despatched a squadron thither, con- sisting of the following ships : —

Guns. Ships,

oA ^^f.. A \ Commodore Ezekiel Hopkins

-* Altrea j Captain Dudley Saltonstall

20 Columbus ,, Abraham ^^lipple

^ , ( Andi-ea Doria .... ,, Nicholas Biddle

( Cabot ,, John B. Hopkins

12 Providence „ — Hazard

Schooners — Hornet, 10, Wasp, 8 ; and despatch vessel.

The object of the expedition was to obtain possession of the magazine on that island ; but the Governor, having received intimation of the -visit, caused the chief part of the gunpowder to be removed the day before the squadron made its appearance. The island being without a garrison, and incapable of making any defence, surrendered on the first summons,^ and the Americans obtained possession of a store of cannon and mortal's, but only fifteen barrels of powder. HaAing shipped these, and made the Governor prisoner, the squadron sailed for New London. On the 4th April, the squadron captured a tender of six guns, and on the oth the Bolton, 12-gun brig, commanded by Lieutenant Edward Sneyd.

On the 6th of Aj^ril, being off Block Island, Commodore Hopkins fell in -wdth the British 20-gun ship Glasgow, Cap- tain Tyringham Howe. At 2h. a.m. the Cabot, a large brig, approached, and was hailed by the Glasgow, shortly after

feo clear. It was not until June 14th, 1777, that Congress formally adopted the present national colours." Dr. Beatson conveys a different idea of the early American colours, he says : "The king's speech to both houses at the opening of this session of parliament, and the account of the fate of the petition of the continental Congress, excited in America great rage and indignation. The speech was publicly burnt in the rebel camp before Boston ; and the Congress, to show their displeasure, ordered their national colours to he changed from a ];>lam red ground, ivhich they had hitherto v^sed, to a flag with thirteen stripes." — Naval and Mil. Memoirs, vol. iv. p. 129.

"' Mr, Cooper, in his Naval History, vol. i. p. 90, says: "The duty (making tlie descent) was handsomely perfonned, and Captain Nichols, senior marine officer, got complete possession of the forts and entire com- mand of the place in the course of the afternoon and of the following luoniing, after a vei^ insignificant resistance."

230 BATTLES OF [1776.

wliicli a gi'enade was tlirowii from the brig's top into the Glasgow. The latter immediately opened fire ; but having re- ceived much damage, and her captain being severely wounded, master killed, and several injured, the brig made sail ahead. A large ship with a top hght, supposed to have been the Alfred, then ranged up on the starboard beam of the Glasgow, and closely engaged ; Avhile the Providence and Andrea Doria bore up under her stern, and took up positions — the one on the larboard bow, and the other on the larboard quarter. After a smart connonading for one hour, the Alfred's wheel-rope was shot away, and the ship flew up in the wind, enabling the Glasgow to pour in a severe raking fire. At about 4h. a.m. the American vessels had dropped on the quarters of the Glasgow, and the brig was hT.ng across her stern, firing occasionally. Captain Howe then gave orders to bear up for Rhode Island, and, at the same time, ran out two stern chase-guns, from which a brisk fire was main- tained until daybreak, at which time the real force of the enemy was discovered. Commodore Hopkins, apprehensive that the firing would bring the Newport squadi'on out against him, and seeing little chance of overtaking the Glasgow, made a signal for his vessels to haul by the wind. Thus terminated this unequal contest ; and after making every due allowance for the caution of Commodore Hopkins, which, circumstanced as he was, he was perfectly justified in using, it is clear that the Glasgow was ably handled and gallantly fought, and that very great credit was due to Captain Howe for his conduct on the occasion. The Glasgow was a ship of only 451 tons — inferior in size to either the Alfred or Columbus — and her armament consisted of twenty long 9-pounders on the main-deck. The casualties on board the Glasgow amounted to one man killed and three wounded — all by small-arms ; while the Alfred and Cabot had twenty- three men killed and wounded between them. The action was made the subject of an American court-martial upon Captains Whipple and Hazard, the former of whom was acquitted, and the latter cashiered. Commodore Hopkins never regained favom- with the Congress, and in the following January was formally dismissed the service.

The Americans, probably with the -view to diverting the attention of the British, invested Quebec. Veiy gal-

1776.1 THE BRITISH NAVY. 231

lantly did they fight, attempt to carry the city by assault, and endure fatigue and privation during the winter of 1775-G ; and most nobly, also, did the British garrison per- severe in their defence amidst many sufieriiigs. The month of May brought the latter relief, a squadron, commanded by Captain Charles Douglas, having arrived from England con- taining large reinforcements. Attempts to burn the town were made during the siege by means of red-hot shot ; and a fire-ship was sent into the cul de sac for the purpose of burning the shipping and lower town. The arrival of the squadron was the signal for the Americans to decamp ; and General Carleton considered the moment a favourable one for making a sortie. A few shot only were exchanged on the occasion, and, on the British pressing forward, the enemy fled with precipitation, abandoning their artillery and mihtary stores. Captain Douglas immediately ordered the Surprise, Captain John Linzee, and Martin to proceed up the river as far as the rapids of Richelieu, to harass the enemy in their flight. This measure prevented the American forces on the opposite bank of the river from joining in the retreat towards Montreal. General Carleton officially ac- knowledged the services of the navy, and particularly men- tioned Captain John Hamilton, of the Lizard, who " com- manded the battalion of seamen ; and also the masters, inferior officers, and seamen belonging to the transports and merchant ships." The Americans having previously obtained possession of Montreal, the retreating army proceeded thither ; but from which they were soon driven by the advance of the British. The struggle now removed to the lakes, upon which the Americans held the ascendancy. Several vessels had been sent in frame from England in the squadron under Captain Douglas, and a party of 600 seamen from the ships of war and transports was forthwith sent off to Lake Champlain, to assist in building and equipping them. In twenty- eight days the Inflexible was put together at St. John's, and armed with eighteen long 12-pounders. The Inflexible was the largest vessel that had, at that time, been seen on the lakes. In six weeks a fleet of thirty vessels of war was built or put together ; and a gondola, and a large number of flat-bottomed boats and bateaux, were trans- ported over land, and dragged up the rapids of Theresa and




St. Jolm's. Captain Douglas, who siiperiiitended this service, spoke in high tenns of the zeal which had conquered the difficulty of this operation. The Lake squadron having been got ready for sea, the command was given to Captain Thomas Pringle, vvith the title of commodore, who hoisted his pen- dant on board the 14-gun schooner Maria, and proceeded from its station at He aux Noix in search of the enemy. On the 11th October, the British squadron came in sight of the Americans at anchor under the island of Yalcour ; and formed in a line extending from the island to the west side of the continent. The British flotilla was composed of the following vessels : —

Rig'. Name. Guiis.

Schooner . . Maria 14

Ship Inflexible

Schooner . . Carleton

Pounders. Commander.

Commodore Pringle Lieut. John Starke „ JohnSchanks


.18 ..12

12 . . 6 ,, J. R. Dacres

(6 . . 24 )

Radeau. . . . Thunderer. . . . < 6 ..12> ,, Wm. Scott

( 2 howitzers )

Gondola . . Loyal Convert 7 . . 9 ,, E. Longcroft

Twenty gwn-boats, each having from 24 to 9 -pounders, and some with howitzers ; four long-boats, with each a carriage-gun ; twenty-four boats with provisions.

The American flotilla consisted of-

Rig. Schooner



Do. Sloop . .

Cutter . .




Name. Guns.

Royal Savage . . 12 Enterprise .... 12

Revenge 10

Liberty 10


Lee 4 "I

Congress 10 ^





. . 6 and 4

— "VVynkoop

. . 6 and 4

— Dixon

. . 6 and 4

— - Laman

.. 4

— Plumer




.. 12




.. 18


. . 12


.. 12


. . IS


.. 12


.. 9


.. 6 the same

. Trumbull 10

Eight gondolas, each carrying an IS-pounder in the bow and two long 9-pounders as broadside guns, and some with four broadside guns.

1776.] THE BRITISH NAVY, 233

The wind being unfavourable for the larger vessels, the <nm-boats only could be brought into operation. Lieutenant Dacres, in the Carleton, at length got up to their assistance, and for several hours this portion of the squadron sustained a very heavy cannonading. It appearing to the commodore impracticable to bring any more of the flotilla into action, he made the signal of recall, and came to anchor in the best l)osition to prevent the retreat of the enemy. But during the ensuing night the flotilla passed the British squadron unperceived, and at daybreak on the 12 th had got a con- siderable distance up the lake. The day was therefore em- ployed in pursuit ; and on the moruing of the 13th the flotnia, consisting of eleven sail, was got sight of making in for Crown Point. After an anxious chase of seven houi's, the Maria, having outstripped the Carleton and Inflexible, got within range of the Americans. It was then noon ; and although the smaller vessels of the squadron were a long distance astern, the Maria commenced the action with great vigour. The cannonading had lasted two hours, when the Congress galley (on board which was General Arnold) and five gondolas ran ashore. The Washington, with Brigadier- General Waterton (or Waterbuiy^) on board, hauled down her colours, and was taken possession of ; but the remainder reached Crown Point, and got in safety to Ticonderago. The- Congress and the five gondolas were set on fire, and they blew up before the British could get near enough to board them. In the action of the 11th, the Royal Savage 12-gun schooner received so much damage, that it was found neces- sary to destroy her, and one of their gondolas was sunk. Their loss during the day is stated by the Americans at sixty. On the 12tli, another gondola was captured. The destruction of the Ameiican flotilla, therefore, was almost complete, and their loss in men very considerable. Lieu- tenant Dacres was made the bearer of the despatches to England, and consequently promoted. General Carleton was made a K.B. ; Captams John Hamilton and Charles Douglas created baronets ; and Captains Mackenzie and Pringle immediately posted. The crews of the Isis and squadron engaged on this service, and who had greatly

234 BATTLES OF [1777.

exerted themselves in forcing the sliips tlirough opposing fields of ice, were granted double pay from the time of their leaving England to the raising the siege of Quebec.

  1. — The army, unable any longer to retain possession of Boston, evacuated that place on the 17th March ; and it being desirable to secui'e some other position on the American coast, it was determined to make an attempt upon Charlestown, in South Carolina. Information of this intention had, however, been permitted to reach the Americans, and preparations were accordingly made by them to finstrate the design. A small squadron having arrived from England, under the command of Commodore Sh- Peter Parker, in the 50-gun ship Bristol, measures were taken to carry the plan into effect ; and on the 4th June the squadron anchored off Charlestown. Here it was found necessary to take the guns out of the largest ships, in order to admit of their crossing the bar ; and this circumstance, added to the necessity of sounding over the bar, and laying down buoys, occasioned serious delay. It was not until the 7th that the frigates of the squadron got over the bar, and anchored in Five-fathom Hole ; the Bristol did not get over till the 10th. On the 9th, General Clinton landed on Long Island with about 500 men, and by the 15th all the troops were disembarked, when measures were projected for a conjoint attack upon the fortress of Sullivan's Island by the squadron and land forces. This fortress is stated by Cooper to have been built of Palmetto logs, mounted with twenty-six guns (18 and 26-pounders), and garrisoned by about 400 men, of whom 300 were regulars. Colonel Moultrie com- manded in the fort ; but Major-General Lee was in the vicinity with an army. It was intended that the British troops should ford the river at low tide, at a j)oint where there was usually not more than eighteen inches water ; but OAving to a succession of easterly winds, the water had been so forced up the passage, as to render its being forded im- practicable. This circimistance was not ascertained until the troops were about to attempt to cross it, when it was found there was a depth of seven feet. The squadron, upon which the whole brunt of the action therefore fell, was composed as follows : —

1777.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 235

Gxms. Ships.

_. T, . , , S Commodore Sir Peter Parker

^^ ■^"'*^^ \ Captain John Morris

50 Experiment „ Alex. Scott

/ Active ^ ;, Wm. Williams

nn ) Solebay -. ,, Thos. Symonds

i Actseon - „ Christoijher Atkins

( Syren ,, Tobias Furneaux

20 Sphynx ... „ Anthony Hunt

22 Friendship (armed vessel) ,, Chas. Hope

8 Ranger - „ Eoger Wills

8 Thunder (bomb) ,, James Reid

6 • St. Lawrence (schooner) Lieut. John Graves

On tlie 28tli of June, tlie wind and other circumstances iDeing apparently favourable, Sir Peter Parker communicated to Major-General Clinton his readiness to proceed to the attack. At lOh. 4om. the Bristol, Experiment, Active, and Solebay, anchored in their aj)pointed stations, with springs on their cables. Owing to some mismanagement on the part of the pilots, the Sphynx, Actseon, and Syren got foul of each other, and drove on shore on the IVIiddle Ground. The Sphynx and Sjrren got off with the flowing tide, but the Actgeon remained immoveable. The Thunder commenced the action by thromng shells, but the shells fell short. Colonel James, of the Artillery (who was on board the Thunder throughout the action), endeavoured to remedy this miscalculation of distance by increasing the charge of powder. A few shells were thus thrown into the fort, but produced no effect, as they fell into a morass, and the fuses were extinguished. The increased charge of powder caused such a heavy recoil, that the beds of the mortars broke down, and the vessel was useless for the remainder of the day. . The ships, led by the Active, took up their positions without molestation. The Active anchored off the east bastion, the Experiment off the west bastion and curtain, the Solebay off the west bastion, and the Bristol off the curtain, in seven fathoms. A deadly fire was then poiu-ed into them from the Ajnerican batteries. This was returned with spirit, but to the e\ddent disadvantage of the British. The material of which the fort (afterwards named Fort Moultrie) was con- structed, rendered the guns of the British ships almost harm- less, while the shot of the enemy passed through both sides

23G BATTLES OF [1777.

of the ships, and did immense execution. It was about noon, when the action was at the hottest, that the commodore looked for the co-operation of the troops, but in which, from the cause previously stated, he was disappointed. The Bris- tol's quarter-deck was at one time cleared of all but the commodore. Captain Morris lost his right arm, and re- ceived so many other wounds, that he died a few days after- wards. The lieutenants of the Bristol were Toby Caulfield, Anthony J. P. MoUoy, and Charles E. Nugent, and of their conduct the commodore spoke in the highest terms. Their powers of endurance, and those of the brave crew, were put to a severe test during an almost incessant cannonading of nearly ten hours' continuance. For a shoi-t time the enemy slack- ened their fire, and it was thought their guns were effectually silenced ; but the cannonade was shortly renewed Avith \dgour. It was about 2h. p.m. when the fort ceased firing ; and it did not recommence till 3h. 30m. At this time the ebb-tide beginning to make, it was deemed advisable to drop the small bower-anchor astern, to prevent the ship from swinging to the tide ; but scarcely had this been done, when both the small bower cable and spring were cut by the shot from the foi-t, and the Bristol swang to her best bower anchor. While in the act of swinging, she became exposed to a tre- mendous raking fire, which swept her decks fore and aft. The Experiment was little better off than the Bristol. The carnage on board both was aj)palling ; but the Active and Solebay were more fortunate. Finding no probability of succeeding in silencing the fort, Avhich was constantly being reinforced by fresh troops from the mainland, ^ Sir Peter, at about 9h. p.m., ordered the sliips to cease firing, and make the best of their way out. All the ships, \vith the exception of the Actseon, succeeded in getting out ; but the latter was set on fire, and abandoned.

The loss on board the Bristol amounted to Captain Morris (mortally wounded) and forty men killed, and the master (John Holland) and seventy-one men wounded. The Ex- periment had twenty-three men killed, and Captain Scotfc (with the loss of the right arm) and fifty-five men vrounded.

1777.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 237

In the Active, Lieutenant Pike was killed, and six men wounded ; and in the Solebay, eight men wounded : making the total loss sixty-foiu' killed and 143 wounded. The American loss is stated by themselves at thirty-six killed and wounded. Lord William Campbell, Governor of South Carolina, served as a volunteer in the Bristol, and took charge of a division of the lower-deck guns durmg great part of the action. Sir Peter Parker, in his official despatch eulogized the conduct of the seamen belonging to the trans- ports, fifty of whom gallantly volunteered their services, to supply the place of others in the sick list, and Mr. Chambers, the master of the Mercury, is specially named.

Commander Hope, who took home the despatches, and also Commander Reid and Lieutenant Toby Caultiekl, were j)romoted to post rank, and Lieutenants MoUoy and I*^ugent were made commanders.

The damages sustained by the Bristol in hull and rigging were considerable ; the main and mizen-topmasts were shot away, and the mizenmast fell over the side on the ensuing day, before it could be secm-ed. The sliip was comjjletely unrigged, and two lower-deck guns and one main-deck gun w^ere dismounted.

On the IGth of June, a transport, having on board troops and stores, commanded by Lieut. -Colonel Archibald Camp- bell and Major Menzies, with two companies of General Frazer's newly-raised (71st) regiment of Highlanders, igno- rant of the evacuation, arrived off Boston. On the following day they were smTounded, and after a desperate defence, captured by privateers. Major Menzies and eight soldiers being killed, and fourteen soldiers wounded.^

' Mr. Cooper's version is much more animated, though not probably more correct. He says : "The Connecticut colony brig Defence, fourteen. Captain Harding, left Plymouth, Massachusetts, early in the morning of the 17th June, and on working out into the bay, a desultor}'^ firing was heard to the northward. The Defence crowded sail in the direction of the cannonading, and about dusk fell in with four light American schooners, which had been in a running fight with two British transports that had proved too heavy for them. The transports, after beating off the schooners, had gone into Nantasket Roads and anchored. One of the schooners was the Lee, eight, Captain Waters, in the service of Massa- chusetts— the little schooner that had so successfully begun the maritime warfare under Captain Manby — the other three were privateers. After laying his plans with the commanders of the schooners, Captain Harding

238 BATTLES OF [1777.

The na'vy found ample employment in co-operating witk Sir William Howe's army on the banks of the Delaware. An ingenious contrivance, invented by Dr. Franklin, was employed in this riA^er. It was a sort of chevaux de frise, formed of large square pieces of hea^y timber. Two long pieces, at a proper parallel distance from each other, fonned a horizontal base, winch rested on the bed of the river. Over these were placed two other beams of similar size, sharpened and pointed with iron, rising from toward the end of the horizontal base, at such an angle that a vessel striking upon them would almost inevitably be j)ierced. The points did not appear above the water, and the elevation was such as to offer the greatest resistance. The four main pieces were luiited by many transverse ones, and the whole so well con- trived, that its own weight, and the ballast attached to it,

stood into the roads, and about 11 o'clock at night he anchored between the transports, within pistol-shot. The schooners followed, but did not approach near enough to do much service. Some hailing now passed^ and Captain Harding ordered the enemy to strike. A voice from the largest English vessel answered, 'Ay, aye, I'll strike,' and a broadside was immediately poured into the Defence. A sharp action that lasted more than an hour followed, when both the English vessels struck. These transports contained near 200 soldiers, of the same corps as those afterwards taken by the Doria, and on board the largest of them was Lieut. -Colonel Campbell, who commanded the regiment. In this close and sharp conflict the Defence was a good deal cut up aloft, and had nine men wounded. The transports lost eighteen killed and a large number wounded. Among the slain was Major Menzies, the officer who had answered the haU as just stated. The next morning the Defence, with the schooners in company, saw a sail in the bay and gave chase. The stranger proved to be another transport, with more than 100 men of the same regiment on board." There are in the above rich sparklings of Mr. Cooper's romantic imagination : First, in making one transport into " two ;" and secondly, in making the loss in killed eighteen instead of eight, and the number of wounded indefinitely hea-vy. " Two hundred men" would answer well to " two companies," and the capture of the second transport on the following morning plainly points to the fact that Captain Harding captured but one on the night of the 17th June, and the second in company with the schooners on the 18th. It is hardly pos- sible to conceive that Captain Harding woidd have dared to anchor a small low vessel, such as the Defence in all probability was, "within pistol-shot" and between the fire of two transports filled with troops, and still less conceivable that she should have escaped with only nine men wounded. Major Menzies was buried on shore at Boston, with military honours. Colonel Campbell was detained a prisoner for a long time, and endured many hardships.

1777.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 239

effectually prevented its being moved from its jDosition or tui'ned over.

The squadron got as liigh as Chester, and endeavoured to force its way to Pliiladelphia. Captain Andrew Snape Hamond, in the 44-gun ship Roebuck, was very actively engaged in this ser\T.ce. While the army gave employment to the enemy on the banks of the river, Captain Hamond, and the ships under his orders, were employed in cutting a passage through the frames, and at length, after much hard work, succeeded in opening a channel sufficient for the lai'gest ships. The enemy, however, did not remain idle, and every of)position was made by means of fire-rafts, galleys, and other small craft ; but, through the care and skill of British officers and seamen, no injury was done by these dangerous enemies. The destruction of the enemy's forts and a free passage up the river, were the indispensable con- ditions of Sir William Howe's remaining at Philadelphia, The defences of the Americans consisted of an enclosed work named Fort Mifflin, constructed on a flat muddy island a little below the entrance of the Schuylkill, and strengthened by four block-houses. The island was further defended by two floating batteries of nine guns each, and twelve or fourteen galleys, and other river craffc, mounting heavy guns. Opposite to tliis island, on the eastern shore, at Redbank, above Manto Creek, they had a strong redoubt, with con- siderable outworks, which afforded protection to their flotilla. In front of these defences, to the extent of more than half a mile below Fort Mifflin, the deep-water channel was not more than a hundred fathoms in width. In this passage several tiers of chevaux de frise were sunk. Before this obstruction could be removed, it was necessary to obtain possession of both banks of the river. The most vigorous measm-es were pursued with this object ; but the first attempt to dislodge the enemy from Redbank failed. This took place, on the 22nd of October. The intended co-operation of the squadron was unavoidably frustrated, or it is probable another result would have been obtained, as the assailants were severely galled by the floating batteries and galleys, which the ships might have silenced. The armed ship Vigilant, of sixteen long 24-pounders, Lieutenant Hugh C. Christian, was selected for that service, but a strong northerly wind

240 BATTLES OF [1777.

prevented her proceeding to her appointed station. The particular service expected from that ship, was the making a passage through a shallow and confined channel between Hog Island and the Pennsylvanian shore, and so to be able to attack the rear and least defensible part of the work, Avhile the troops made the assault. A diversion was also to have been attempted in the eastern or main channel, by the 50-gun ship Isis, Captain the Hon. W. Cornwallis, and 64-gun ship Augusta, Captain Francis Rejmolds.

Notwithstanding the inability of Captain Christian to reach his station, Captain Reynolds was ordered on the 22nd to proceed in the Augusta, taking the Roebuck, Captain Andrew S. Hamond, 28-gun frigate Liverpool, Caj^tain Henry Belle w, 32-gain frigate Pearl, Captain Thomas Wil- kinson, and 16-gun sloop Merlin, Commander Samuel Reeve, and to go above the first range of chevaux de frise, to be in readiness for any further ser^dce. As soon as it was per- ceived, on the evening of the 22nd, that Colonel Donop had commenced his attack, the Augusta and squadron slipped their cables and proceeded up the river with the flood tide. Owing to an alteration in the channel of the river, caused by the obstructions before described, the Augusta and Merlin took the gi'ound some distance below the second line of cJievazix de frise. The rise of the tide having been checked by the prevalent winds, the two ships could not be got off that night. A desultory firing took place for a time between the frigates and the enemy's galleys ; but as night advanced this ceased, the troops having been repulsed, and Colonel Donop and several officers killed.

On the morning of the 23rd, at daybreak, the positions of the Augusta and Merlin became known to the Americans, and a heavy fire was immediately opened upon them from every gini. that could be brought to liear. The floating bat- teries and galleys joined in the attack ; but their gunnery being bad, and the distance too great, the injury inflicted was inconsiderable. Four fire-ships were next tried ; but the gallantry and readiness of the crews of the squadron and transports rendered this attempt also abortive. Accident, however, efiected that which the enemy had failed in doing. While the Isis was warping through the lower chevaux de ■frise to the assistance of the Augusta, and light transports

1777.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 241

were getting ready to lighten the sliip, preparatory to lier being hove off, a number of wads took fire abaft, and the flames spread with such rapidity that all attempts to arrest their progTess were fruitless. ^ Boats were therefore sent to rescue the crew, and such were their surprising exertions that nearly the whole Avere saved. A few perished when the ship l3lew up, and among the nimiber, the second lieutenant (Baldock), the chaplain, and gunner. The Merlin was set on fire and abandoned, as, from her proximity to the Au- gusta, her destruction appeared inevitable.

Captain Henry Duncan, of the Eagle, was now actively employed with the boats of the squadron in conveying artilleiy, provisions, and stores to the river Schuylkill, by the channel in the rear of Fort Mifflin. Six 24-pounders from the Eagle, and four 32-pounders from the Somerset, were mounted on different batteries constructed under the direction of Sir William Howe ; and on the 1 0th of Novem- ber, the wind being fair for the advance of the Vigilant, and a hulk, mounting three long 24-pounders, offensive operations w*ere recommenced.

The hulk was commanded by Lieutenant John Botham, of the Eagle ; and these vessels were assisted by the Boebuck, Pearl, and Liverpool, a.nd Cornwallis, galley, and other small vessels. Captain the Hon. William Cornwallis, who had command of this expedition, gained much credit for the judicious and gaUant manner in which he attacked Fort Island, and the enemy's galleys.

The means of resistance possessed by the besieged w^ere very great. In addition to the Fort and its contiguous batteries, block-houses, and two floating batteries, they had seventeen galleys and armed vessels, and a division of heavy guns mounted on the Jersey shore. The besiegers endured this heavy cannonading with great forbearance and resolu- tion ; but the fire of the British shij)ping soon told upon the American defences Avith terril^le effect. Dreading the con- ,sequences of another assault, the Americans in the night of the loth of November, evacuated Fort Mifflin ; and it was

^ Cooper states that the Augusta had been lightened previou.-^ly to going on this service, and partially fitted as a floating battery, and that the fire originated in some pressed hay which had been secured to her quarter to make her shot-proof.


242 BATTLES OF [1777.

immediately taken possession of by the grenadiers of the guards. In this ajftaii* the loss sustained by the enemy amounted to near 400 killed and woimded ; while the casual- ties on board the squadi'on, and on shore, did not exceed thirteen killed and thirty wounded.

The British squadron had now full command of the Dela- ware from the Capes to the American capital ; and the Americans were forced to destroy all their shipping (except a few galleys which escaped up the river), includmg the Andrea Doria, of foiu-teen, Wasp, of eight, and Hornet, of ten guns, to prevent their falhng into the hands of the British. The 24-gun sliip Dela^^•are, Captain Charles Alex- ander, had previously been captm-ed in an attempt to destroy the batteries thrown up by the British.

The successes of the British cruisers were considerable. In March, the 14-gun brig Cabot, Captain Jose2')h Oluey, was chased on shore on the coast of Nova Scotia, by the 28-gun frigate Milford, Captain John Burr. The Cabot, a vessel of 189 tons, was got off and taken into the British service.

On the 27tli of June, the 12-pounder 32-gun frigate Han- cock, Commodore John Manly, and 24-gim frigate Boston, Captain Hector McNiel, being on a cruise near the banks of Newfoundland, fell in mth the British 28-g'un frigate Fox, Captain Patrick Fotheringhame. An action commenced, which lasted two hom-s. In the com-se of the fight the Fox took fire in the main chains, where a number of wads had been deposited. The Americans ceased firing until the flames were extinguished, when the fight was resumed. The Fox being reduced to a •\-reck, and having sustained a severe loss in killed and wounded, Captain Fotheringhame ordered the colours to be hauled do%vn. Lieutenant of marines the Hon. James J. Napier was among the killed.

On the 6th of July, the Hancock and Boston with their prize on their Avay to Boston, came in sight of the British 44-gun ship Rainbow, Captain Sir George Collier, and Victor, brig.^ Sir George Collier immediately ordered all sail to be made in pursuit of the three ships, but lost sight of them in the night. At daybreak on the 7th, the enemy's vessels

1777.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 24:3

were again got sight of, Lading a sloop in company, wliicli they had brought to in the night. Obsei-^ing the near approach of the Rainbow, Commodore Manly ordered the sloop to be set on fire ; and the three frigates formed a line of battle ahead, and set all possible sail. The chase, one of the most animated on record, lasted throughout the day, although the Rainbow was only about six miles from the Americans at daybreak. At about 6h. A.M., another saO. hove in sight to leeward, and was soon made out to be a fiigate, under British colours. Although the stranger fired two guns to leeward, yet, as she did not answer the private signal, Su' George Collier had considerable doubts as to her nationality. The stranger, however, proved to be the 32-gTin frigate Flora, Captain John Brisbane ; and after crossing the bows of the Rainbow on the opposite tack, hove round on the same tack as the Rainbow. The American shi23s now bore up, and steered difierent courses. The Flora chased the Fox, while the Rainbow pursued the Hancock, and by night- fall the Flora and Rainbow lost sight of each other. The Rainbow's piu'suit continued throughout the night, the Han- cock being near enough to be watched by night-glasses. At daybreak on the 8th, the two ships were only a mile apart, and the Rainbow commenced firing her bow giins. At 8h. 30m., the Rainbow was within hail, and Commodore Manly was ordered to siuTcnder ; but the breeze freshening a little, which it was thought would favour his escape, the order was not attended to, and observing the men going aloft to set studding-sails, the Rainbow gave the American frigate a broadside, whereupon her colours were hauled down. Thus, after a most arduous chase of thirty-six hours, was captured the finest ship in the American service. The Hancock measured 730 tons (being only 100 tons less than the Rainbow), and was accounted the fastest-sailing ship at that time afloat, but was out of trim and foul. She was- armed with long 12-pounders on the main deck, and had on board when captured a crew of 229 men. The Hancock, imder the name of Iris, was added to the British navy. The Boston effected her escape ; but the Flora overtook and recaptured the Fox without resistance, which she carried into Halifax, whither she was soon followed by the Rainbow and prize. This capture was a very unwelcome blow to


244 BATTLES OF [1777.

tlie infant navy of the Americans. A court-martial was shortly afterwards held upon Captains Manly and Mc]N"eil ; and it appearing that the latter had parted company from the Hancock unad\isedly, or without orders, he was dis- missed the service. Captain Manly was honoui-ably acquitted. Captain Fotheringhame was tried by court-martial at Ports- mouth for the loss of the Fox, on the 3rd of March, 1778, and, together with liis officers and crew, lionourably ac- quitted.

The province of Nova Scotia being threatened with an invasion from the eastern parts of New England, Sir George Collier, having under his orders the 32-gun frigate Blonde, Captain John Milligan ; 28-gun frigate Mermaid, Captain James Hawker ; and armed vessel Hope, Lieutenant G. Dawson, sailed from Halifax to Machias, where he arrived on the IStli of August.

On the morning of the 14th, in the face of a strong opposition from armed bodies on both sides of the river, the marines of the squadron landed and destroyed the fort., and several magazines, and captured a quantity of naval stores. On this service Sir George Collier destroyed a ship laden with masts for the French navy, also three brigs, eleven sloops, and fifteen schooners.

The ship sloop Beaver, of fourteen long 6-pounders, Com- mander James Jones, in the course of this year captured the American privateer Oliver Cromwell, of fourteen long 9 -pounders, besides ten swivels and ten cohorns, and 150 men, after a lengthened action. The Beaver escaped with two men wounded ; while the Oliver Cromwell's loss amounted to twenty killed and twenty wounded. Captain Jones was rewarded for liis meritorious action by promotion, and was shortly afterwards appointed to command the 28-gun frigate Penelope, which sliip is supposed to have foundered in the West Indies in the year 1782.

On the 4th of September, the homeward-bound fleet from the West Indies under convoy of the 22-gun ship Camel, Captain the Hon. William Finch, 14-gun ship sloop Druid, and IG-gun ship sloop Weazel, Commanders Peter Carteret and Samuel Warren, being in lat. 40° 30' N., long. 50° 17' W., vv^as chased by two large ships. At the time, the convoy was much dispersed, and the largest ship was observed bear-

1777.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 24:5

ing down upon the Driiid, then about five miles astern of the Camel. This was the United States 12-pounder 32-giin fri<;ate Raleigh, Captain Thomas Thompson. The American D -pounder 24-gun frigate Alfred, Captain Elisha Hinman, was some miles to leeward. The Druid cleared for action, and at 5h. fm., the Raleigh, being to windward, ranged up alongside the Druid, hoisted American colours, and ordered the British vessel to strike. Captain Carteret, undismayed by the overpowering superiority of the foe (the tonnage of the Druid being 285, and of the Raleigh 697), was not slow to return the American's broadside, and a smart action ensued. Captain Carteret was mortally wounded by the first broadside ; and the master killed. Lieutenant John Bourchier then took command, and sustained so vigorous a resistance, that at 6h. p.m. the enemy made sail ahead. The Druid endeavom'ed, with much persevering gallantry, to follow the frigate ; but was too much disabled in sails and rigging. At 6h. 20m., the Raleigh, having the mnd abaft, hauled dowTi her colours, and made sail to leeward to close the Alfred.

The Raleigh and Alfred were now chased by the Camel and Weazel, but mthout effect ; and the two American frigates permitted themselves to be driven from the convoy "without a single trophy of victory. Cooper endeavoiu-s to account for this extraordinary exhibition of pusillanimity in the follovv^ing mannner : " A squall had come on, and at first it shut in the two ships engaged. When it cleared away, the convov was seen steerino- in all directions in the utmost con- fusion j but the vessels of war, with several hea^'y well- armed West Indiamen, tacked and hauled up for the Raleigh, leaving no doubt of their intention to engage. The frigate lay by her adversary until the other vessels were so near, that it became absolutely necessary to quit her ; and then she ran to leewai-d and joined the Alfred. Here she short- ened sail and waited for the enemy to come down ; but, it being near dark, the British commodore tacked and hauled in among his convoy again. The Raleigh and Alfred kept near this fleet for several days ; but no {)rovocation could induce the vessels of war to come out of it, and it was finally abandoned." ^

246 BATTLES OF [1777.

After incorrectly describing the force of tlie Druid at " twenty guns," Mr. Cooper goes on to comment upon the behaviour of Captain Thompson : " In this affair," he writes, " Captain Thompson discovered a proper spirit ( ! ) ; for he might easily have cut out of the fleet half a dozen merchant- men ; but he appears to have acted on the principle, that vessels of war should first seek vessels of war." A most lame and impotent conclusion ; but it will be worth while to analyze the British and American forces, and then judge whether Captain Thompson did indeed discover " a proper spirit." The Camel was a ship of 516 tons, and armed on the main deck with eighteen long 9-pounders, and four 6 -pounders on the quarter-deck and forecastle : making her broadside weight of shot 93 lbs. The Druid — the only ship engaged — measured 285 tons, and mounted fourteen 6-pounders : broadside weight of shot, 42 lbs. The Weazel was a sloop of war of 308 tons, and mounted sixteen 6-pounders : broadside weight of shot, 48 lbs. : total of the three vessels, 183 lbs., and the aggregate of the crews about 380. On the other hand, the Raleigh, a fine ship of 697 tons, probably mounted on her main deck twenty-six long 12-pounders, and six 9-pounders on the quarter-deck and forecastle, giving her a broadside weight of 183 lbs. ; and the Alfred, whose tonnage was probably about 563 tons, she being of the same class as the Delaware., mounted on her main deck twenty long 9-pounders, and four long 6-pounders on the quarter-deck, or 102 lbs. : total, 285 lbs.; and their united crews would not be less than 400 men. Thus we have the account as follows : —




Weight of Shot.



British ._. .

3 .

. 54

.. 183 lbs. .,

, 1,109 .

. 380

American .

...2 .

. 56

. . 285 „ . ,

, 1,260 .

. 400

It is impossible, with such figures before us (and even these do not show the full extent of the advantage on the side of the American ships arising from their superior tonnage), to feel satisfied that Captains Thompson and Hinman did evince that ".proper spirit," for wliich the historian of the American navy gives them credit. Captain Carteret, whose left thigh was dreadfully shattered, underwent amputation of the Hmb, but died on the following morning ; the master

1777.] THE BEITISH NAVY. 247

of the Druid and five men were killed, and four more died of their wounds ; and the woimded amounted to twenty-one, including Lieutenant of marines James Nicholson, and Mr. Poison, surgeon's mate. The Americans state the Ealeigh to have had only three men killed and wounded, and to have sustained little or no injury. Lieutenant Bom-cliier received the reward of his spirited defence by promotion, and a confirmed commission for the Druid. ^

On the 18th of September, the American 4-poimder 16-g-un brig Lexington, Captain Johnston, quitted Morlaix for America with despatches ; and on the 19th at daybreak, being about fourteen leag-ues to the westward of Ushant, was chased by the British 4-pounder 10-gun cutter Alert, Lieutenant John Bazeley. At 7h. 30m. a.m., the Alert, being close up with the Lexington, commenced the action, and a running fight was kept up till lOh., when the Lexing- ton bore up, and made sail. Having repaired damages, Lieutenant Bazeley renewed the pursuit; and at llh. p.m., again brought the brig to action. After another hour of close fighting, the Lexington surrendered, and was taken possession of by the gaUant little victor. The Alert, out of a crew of 60, had two men killed, and one mortally, and, two badly wounded ; and the Lexington, whose crew num- bered eighty-four, had seven killed, and eleven wounded, besides being considerably damaged aloft. The prepon- derance of force was greatly in favom' of the Lexington ; and Lieutenant Bazeley gallantly earned the promotion, which was immediately bestowed upon him.-

About the same time the 12-g'un sloop Antigua, Lieu- tenant Billy Douglas, captured the American privateer Blacksnake, of twelve guns and sixty men, after a very severe action. Lieutenant Douglas also received promotion.*^

The 10-gun schooner Bacehorse (probably a tender to the Antelope, flag-ship to Yice- Admiral Layton on the Jamaica station), acting Lieutenant Joseph Jordan, fell in with the

' This ofiBcer was made a post captain on tlie 13th of April, 1782 ; appointed a captain of Greenwich Hospital, 1801 ; and succeeded Sir Eichard Pearson as lieut. -governor of that establishment in 1805.

2 He obtained his post rank April 15, 1778, and died an admiral.

" This officer was promoted to post rank, August 15, 1781, and died an admiral.

248 BATTLES OF [1777.

American 16 -gun privateer Guest; and, after an engagement of two hours' duration, boarded and carried her. The Gue.st was commanded by an officer holding a commission from Congress ; but the privateer's crew was chiefly French, and numbered between ninety and a hundred. The Racehorse, wdiose complement of men was only thirty-seven, had one killed and eight wounded ; wliile the enemy suffered a loss of sixteen killed and forty wounded, before surrendering. Several Ameiican privateers were captured in the Mediter- ranean^ among which was the Vigilant, of fourteen guns, Captain Kichard Whitear, which had been fitted out at Dunkirk. The Yigilant was taken by the Levant, Captain George Murray.

The most enterprizing among American ciiiisers in the European seas was Gustavus Cunningham,^ a native of Ire- land, and the precursor to John Paid Jones. Tliis year the American commissioners at France sent across an agent to Folkstonc, to purchase a fast-sailing English-built cutter. The purchase was made, and the cutter brought across to Dunkirk. After fitting her as a vessel-of-war with ail the privacy possible, Gustavus Cunningham was appointed by the commissioners to command her, under the name of the Siu*- prise. Tlie legaHty of the commission given to Cunningham admitted of very great question. It was a blank com- mission from John Hancock, the president of Congress 'p' and this convenient descrij^tion of instrument the commissioners dated March 1st, 1777, and gave to Cunningham. The au- thorities of Dunku'k, however, notwithstanding the secrecy with which the vessel was fitted, having a suspicion that the Surprise was illegally equipped, demanded security that the vessel should not be employed in any improper manner. This security was given by Mr. Hodge, the American agent, and the Surj)rise left Dunkii'k aj^parently in ballast. The Surprise anchored in the roads at Dunkirk, and the gims, ammunition, and crew were sent off to the vessel, which im- mediately put to sea.

This bold adventurer sailed on the 1st of May, and on the 2nd fell in Avith the Harwich packet. This was the Prince

' Mr. Cooper, for what reason, or upon what authority he does not state, persists in spelling tlie name of this person CvnDngliam.

1778.] THE BRITISH NAYY. 240

of Orange, then a few leagues from the Dutch coast. So wholly iniexpected was the presence of an enemy, that the captain of the packet was below at breakfast mth his pas- sengers when Cunningham walked down into the cabin, and acquainied him that he was a prisoner. Cunningham then secured the mail-bags, and thinking liis performance one of considerable merit and consequence, re-entered Dunkirk with liis prize. ^

  1. — It having been ascertained that several vessels of war were building along the Jersey banks of the Delaware, and that magazines were in course of erection, it was deter- mined by the admiral and general to send a conjoint force to destroy them. The troops selected for this service were placed under the command of Major the Hon. John Mait- land, and the seamen under Captain John Henry, of the 24-g-un ship Fowey. On the night of the 7th of May, the second battalion of infantry and two field-pieces were em- barked, and proceeded up the river in eighteen flat boats, convoyed by the galleys Hussar, Cornwallis, Ferret, and Philadelphia, and by the armed schooners Viper and Pem- broke, and four gun-boats. After advancing about twelve miles, the ebb-tide obliged the flotilla to anchor ; but at 5h. A.M. on the 8th, the expedition was again in motion, and at noon was abreast of Whitehill. At this place the troops disembarked in the face of a large pai"ty of horse and foot, but which did not offer any opposition. INIajor Maitland then commenced his march towards Borden Town, of which he gained possession after much rather sharp skirmishing. In the meanwhile, Captain Henry was not inactive, for the

' The French governrneiit were compelled to take notice of tliia glaring infi'ingement of the law of nations, and, in deference to the vigorous remonstrances of the British ambassador, orders were given to the authorities at Dunkirk to imprison Hodge, the security, and also Cunningham and his men, to seize the cutter, and liberate the prize. Tlie make-believe commission, also, was taken from Gustavus, and sent to Versailles, and never returned. Proceedings apparently so decided pacified the British government, and it was for the time believed that France intended to pay some small respect to the existing treaty. It was, however, believed at the time, and so stated in the public papers, that the Prince of Orange packet was not restored to the British government in the manner above related, or out of any deference to their remonstrances, but that she was purchased with British money, and that Cunningham received the value of his prize.

250 BATTLES OF [1778.

seamen destroyed the 3 2 -gun frigate Washington and 28-giui frigate Effingham, neither of which had ever been to sea, toge- ther with a brig and sloop. Maj or Maitland having by tliis time got into Borden Town, the galleys and gun-boats moved up to Crosswell Creek, and burnt several large ships and privateers, including the Sturdy Beggar privateer of eighteen giins. The total of vessels destroyed by the naval force consisted of two frigates, nine large ships, three privateer sloops, each of six- teen guns, three of ten guns each, besides twenty-three brigs, with a number of sloops and schooners.

On the 24th of May, an expedition started from Newport, Rhode Island, commanded by Captain Samuel W. Clayton, of the 32-gun frigate Isis, assisted by Lieutenant John Knowles, and the mihtary part by Lieutenant-Colonel Camp- bell, of the 22nd regiment. At midnight, the troops em- barked at Arnold's Point in flat boats, and proceeded towards Warren Biver. The 32-gun frigate Flora, Captain John Brisbane, and other ships, took the best positions they could to cover the advance of the expedition. The troops effected a landing at daybreak about three miles below Warren, and a mile above Bristol, and made a successful incursion as far as the Kickamuct Biver. At this place 12o large boats, some of which measured fifty feet in length, Avere destroyed, and also a galley, mounting six 1 2-pounders, and two sloops laden with stores. The guns of the galley and others cap- tured by the British were spiked, and otherwise effectually disabled by knocking off the trunnions. The troops re- tm-ned to Warren, Avhere they further destroyed a park of artillery, and a large quantity of ammunition and warlike stores. A privateer of sixteen guns ready for sea was bm^nt in the river. The troops re-embarked in the most perfect order, and with very trifling loss.

On the 25th of May, another expedition, conducted by Captain Samuel Beeves, started at 2h. A.ii. with the Bigot galley. Lieutenant Henry Edwin Stanhope, and six armed boats, under Lieutenant James Kempthome, and passed the battery at Bristol Berry without molestation. The Bigot having anchored in Mount Hope Bay, Lieutenant Kemp- thorne was despatched ^vith. the armed boats to the mouth of Taunton Biver, where he landed, and brought off a galley armed with ten gains (18, 12, and 6-pounders). The

1778.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 251

Americans being surprised, offered no opposition. The follow- ing morning, Lieutenant Philip D'Auvergne, of the Alarm galley, landed a party of marines at Fogland Ferry, and burnt the guard-house, retiring without loss. The before- mentioned of&cers, and also Lieutenant Hugh C. Christian, received the thanks of the commodore.

On the 24:th of May, an expedition quitted Rhode Island, the troops under Major Ep*e, of the 54th, embarking from Ai^nold's Point in flat boats. The Pigot, Lieutenant Henry E. Stanhope, and the armed boats, under the direction of Lieutenant Hugh C. Christian, of the Kingfisher, convoyed the expedition, the object of which was to destroy some saw- mills erected on a creek near Taunton Piver, busily at work preparing materials for building a flotilla to be employed in an invasion of Phode Island. The Pigot grounded in passing Bristol Ferry; but the boats proceeded, and soon after day- break reached the intended point of disembarkation. Here a formidable opposition was threatened ; but the guard being dispersed by the fire of the gun-boats, the troops effected a landing, and destroyed two mills, together with a large quan- tity of planks ready for ship-building purposes. The alarm having now spread, and the number of armed men increasing. Major Eyres gave orders to return to the boats ; and after destroying the guard-house, a store, and niue boats, the party made good their retreat, having sustained a loss of two men killed, and Lieutenant Goldsmith and four men wounded. The Pigot being assisted by the boats of the Flora, got off with the rising tide ; but Lieutenant Andrew Congalton, of that ship, Avas badly wounded, and two men were killed by the fire from the enemy's batteries.

France, though fi:om the commencement of the struggle the secret abettor and ally of America, at length, openly espoused her cause ; and Comte d'Estaing was ordered to proceed to America Avith the Toulon fleet. D'Estaing sailed from Toulon on the 12th of April, but the British govern- ment, though there existed a moral certainty of the French fleet's destination, kept a fleet of thirteen sail of the Hne under Vice-Admiral Byi'on in reserve, instead of ordering it to proceed at once to New York. The North American squadron under Lord Howe was miserably small, and had it not been for its withdrawal from the Delaware on the

252 BATTLES OP [1778k

evacuation of Philadelpliia, it must have Deen crushed hy the advancing fleet. D'Estaing's fleet was watched coming through the Straits of Gibraltar, by Captain Evelyn Sutton in the Proserpine, and that officer conveyed the intelligence to the Admiralty on the 6th of June. Orders were then given to Vice- Admiral Byron to proceed — not to Nev/ York — ^but in search of D'Estaing. The British fleet was ovei-taken by a heavy gale and dispersed, thus leaving the oallant Howe to defend himself as he best could from his


powerful enemy.

On the 7th of July, while the British squadron was lying at Sandy Hook, a Heutenant from the 28-gTm frigate Maidstone, Captain Alan Gardner, arrived with despatches, announcing that the Toulon squadron had been seen by the Maidstone ofi" the coast of Yirgmia, apparently intending to enter the Chesapeake. Captain Gardner had continued to watch the motions of the squadron, however, and had seen it enter the Delaware ; where he left it on the 6th. Tliis intelligence was confirmed by the arrival of the Boebuck, Captain Andrew S. Hamond ; and while Lord Howe was busy in making preparations to receive a visit from such a superior force, the Zebra, Commander Henry Collins, arrived on the 11th, and gave information that on the evening before a fleet of twelve sail of two-decked ships, under French colours, had been fallen in ^vith, steering for New York. At noon on the same day (11th), the French fleet hove in sight, and in the course of the afternoon came to anchor ofi" Shrewsbury Inlet, four miles from Sandy Hook. Lord Howe's situation was not very enviable, for in addition to his squadron being very inferior to that now in sight, liis ships were all short-handed. The British squadi'on at tliis time was composed of the following : —

Guns. Ships. Men.

! Vice- Admiral Lord Viscount Howe (red) Cai)tain Henry Duncan ,, Roger Curtis ^ ., , e-ii~ \ Commodore John Elliott

64 Trident .... 51 / j ^^^^^-^ ^_ J. P. Molloy

^^ ^ ^ o/?- i Commodore William Hotham

i,0 Preston .... 36/ j ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ Uppleby

( Nonsuch . . 500 „ Walter Griffiths 64. \ Somerset . . 500 ,, Geo. Ourry f St. Albans 500 „ Richard Onslow

1778.] THE BRITISH XAVY. 253

(tuhs. Ships. Men.

C)i Ardent .... 500 Captain Geo. Keppel

50 Isis 350 ,, John EajTior

^ Roebuck . . 280 ,, Andrew S. Hamond

^^ { Phoenix .... 280 „ Hyde Parker

In addition to the above, there were attached to the .squadron the 32-gTin frigate Pearl, Captain John Linzee, i20-gnn armed ship Vigilant, Captain Hugh C. Christian, three fire-ships, two mortar-vessels, and four galleys.

The French fleet consisted of the following : —

Guns. Ships.

90 Languedoc 80 Tonnant C^sar Z6U Hector Protecteur


Guns. Ships.

^., \ Marseillois ' il Guerrifere

( Vaillant 64 ^ Provence

( Fantasqne 54 Saoittaire

il6-gun frigates Fleche, Aimable, Alcmene, Chimfere, and Engageante, and 16 -gun sloop Eclaire.

It was, however, gi*atifying to Lord H we in this emer- gency to find himself surrounded by a devoted band of followers. The spirit of patriotism soon extended itself to the crews of the transports and hired merchant ships. A thousand men presented themselves as volunteers. The ^.gents could Avith difiiculty retain a sufficient number of men to take care of their own sliips. Not only did this /enthusiasm reign among the navy, the soldiers expressed also their readiness and desire to serv^e on board the ships in lieu of marines. So eager were the noble fellows belonging to the grenadiers and light infantry to devote their best energies to the service at this crisis, that it became necessary to cast lots to determine upon whom the duty should fall. Tlie masters and mates of the merchant ships offered to take their stations at the guns with their men, and in every way evinced their ardent love of country. It is recorded in particular that Gideon Duncan, the master of a merchant ship, offered to convert his vessel — the only property he had belonging to him — into a fire-ship, and further, to command her, with the determination to lay the French admiral's ship on board while at anchor off the Hook, and this without 'hope or expectation of reward. The French admiral had aiTived too late to gain an undisputed victory over the British. A somewhat tedious voyage, and the chase of the

254: BATTLES OF [1778.

British. 28-guii frigate Mermaid^ Captain James Hawker, which vessel was driven on shore^ had delayed their progress. Had more sj^eed been observed, the French fleet might easily have reached the Delaware previously to the evacuation of Philadelphia, when Lord Howe would have been found with only two 64-gun ships, one 50-gun ship, and a few frigates. Thus the total defeat not only of the squadron but of the army must have ensued ; and tliis catastrophe was averted only by a succession of adverse winds.

The British and French forces continued in the same posi- tion, Lord Howe daily expecting to be attacked. He therefore placed his ships so as to offer the most effectual resistance. The Leviathan, an old 70-gun ship, commanded by Captain Joseph Tathwell, but employed as a store-ship, was brought forward, armed with gims from the park of artillery, and manned with volunteers. This ship, with the Ardent, Nonsuch, Trident, Somerset, Eagle, and Isis, were an- chored with springs on their cables in a line stretching from the Hook towards the S.W. point of the spit. Astern of the Leviathan, the Carcass and Thunder, bombs, were placed ; and the St. Albans and some frigates, stationed inside the line, to render such services as might be re- quired ; while the Vigilant, Phoenix, and Preston were appointed to act as advanced ships, to aiuioy the enemy in passing the bar. The four galleys were ranged across the narrow part of the channel abreast of the Hook, from which position they could retreat into shoal water. Lord Howe personally sounded the channel and ascertained the peculiar sets of current, fr"om which practical knowledge he formed liis plans for defence. A battery of two howitzers, and another of three 18-pounders were erected on the point wliicli the enemy must have romided before entering the channel ; and four regiments, imder the command of Colonel O'Hara, were posted there to prevent the enemy from taking posses- sion of the place.

This state of affairs continued until the 21st of July, by which time it appeared, from the less frequent communi- cations with the shore, that the French fleet had completed their water and provisions. On the 22nd, the wind blowing fresh from the northward, Lord Howe expected to be attacked, as at 8h. a.m. the French fleet was observed to be underweigh.

1778.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 255

and to be working to windward, in order, it was supposed, to gain the jDroper position for crossing the bar at about 9h., when the tide would best have served. All things seemed to favour the looked-for attack. It was an anxious time for the British admii^al ; for upon the result of the contest must have hung the fate of the British cause in America. Hemmed in and surrounded on all sides by enemies, with no prospect of reinforcements of any kind, the British had enough to damp the ardour of less gallant men ; but there stili existed the determination to do their duty to the last, and to sell their lives dearly. But there was no despair ; and despite the fearful odds against them, there were no anticipations of defeat. To the astonishment of the British, however, Comte d'Estaing made no attempt to bring on an action. After hovering about the entrance till the afternoon, apparently undecided, he at length hauled off to the south- ward. D'Estaing,^ however, seemed perfectly satisfied with having made a demonstration of his strength, and shortly afterwards entered Delaware Bay, from whence he proceeded to Rhode Island.

Beinforcements now began to arrive. The 50-gun ship Renown, acting Captain George Dawson, came into New York from the West Indies on the 26th of July, having, the day before, passed the rear of the French fleet unob- served. The 64-gun ship Raisonnable, and 50-gun ship Centurion, Captains Thomas Eitzherbert and Richard Braithwaite, were shortly added ; and the 74-gun ship Cornwall, Captain Timothy Edwards — ^the first of Yice- Admiral Byron's fleet wliich reached America — crossed the bar on the 30th. The Cornwall had parted company from the admiral in a gale on the 3rd of July. At the same time, all the squadron separated except four ships, all of which subsequently parted company, and the admiral, in the Prin- cess Royal, prosecuted the voyage alone.

In the meanwhile the Americans were j^rojecting an

1 M. D'Estaing was made prisoner in 1758, before Madras, but was permitted to return to Europe on his parole, wliich, however, he broke, and made an attack on our settlements. This induced Boscawen to say that if ever he was successful enough to take him, he would chain him to the deck like a monkey. D'Estaing was guillotined iu the revolution of 1794.

256 BATTLES OP [1778.

expedition against Rhode Island, relying in a great measure upon the co-operation of their French ally. Major-General 8ir Robert Pigot, who commanded the forces at Rhode Island, made every disposition for defence. The British squadron consisted of the 32-gim frigate Flora, Captain John .Brisbane ; 32-gun frigates Lark, OriDheus, and Juno, and 28-gun frigate Cerberus, Captains Richard Smith, Charles Hudson, Hugh Dairy mple, and John Symons ; and the Kingfisher sloop. The French fleet appeared off JSTewport at llh. A.M. on the 29th July, when two line-of-battle ships and two frigates were detached to occupy the Narraganset and Seconet passages. In a few days they became masters of Connanicut, the British forces having been previously withdra^vn, and the batteries on Beavertail Point, and on the Dumplins destroyed. In order to jirevent the nearer advance of the French fleet. Captain Brisbane sank the Flora in the channel of the outer harbour, and several large vessels at the entrance to the inner harbour. On the 7th of August he caused the frigates and sloops to be burnt, not being able to bring them into the inner harbour ; and the crews of those ships were stationed on shore at batteries erected on Brenton's Point and Goat Island ; and, also, at the North batteries. On the 8th of August, the French fleet got underweigh at noon, and stood towards the harbour in line ahead ; and, after cannonading the batteries, brought up, at -ih. P.M., between Goat Island and Connanicut. The batteries smartly returned the fire of the French ships, being well manned by the seamen of the frigates, and ably commanded by Captain Hugh C. Christian, and Lieutenants Thomas Forrest and William A. Otway. Intelligence of the contemplated attempt on Rhode Island, and of M. d'Es- taing's movement, reached Lord Howe on the 1st of August; but he was unable to cross the bar until the 6th. He imme- diately proceeded to Rhode Island, and arrived off that place on the 9th, to the great relief of the British. The sight of Lord Howe's squadron appeared to be enough for JNI. d'Es- taing, who, on the 10th, got underweigh; and, bestowing a passing fire upon the batteries, stood out to sea.

Twelve large sail of the line was a greater force than Lord Howe would have been justified in attacking with tlie squadron under his command, and especially without having the

1778.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 257

advantage of the weather gage, at that period considered an important one. During the 10th and 11th, the rival fleets continued in sight of each other ; and every preparation was made by Lord Howe for action. In order the better to direct the operations, Lord Howe shifted his flag from the Eagle to tlie Apollo frigate. In the night, however, it came on to blow a heavy gale, in which the squadron was dispersed, the Apollo disabled by the loss of her fore and main top- masts, and the n^iinmast sprung ; and the other ships more or less crippled. The gale continued several days, which obliged the sliips to run for Sandy Hook, where most of the squadron had reassembled, when Lord Howe arrived on the 17th.

The French fleet had also been dispersed in the gale, and sufiered more severely than the British in masts and spars. The Languedoc was totally dismasted ; the Tonnant lost fore and mizen-masts ; and serious damages were sustained by the other ships. On the evening of the 18th of August, the Lan- guedoc was fallen in with by the 50-gun ship Renown, Captain George Dawson. M. d'Estaing was on board the Languedoc ; but the ship being totally dismasted, bore no flag to denote his presence. The Renown being under full command, had it, therefore, in her power to sail round her unwieldy enemy, and pour in her shot; receiving only in retui-n an occasional fire from the stern chase-guns. Captain Dawson, on closing the Languedoc, hailed and ordered them to show their colours ; after which he ordered the upper deck guns to be fired into her, and hauled ofi" to windward. The sea running very high, it was impossible to fire with much precision ; nor was it safe to open the lower deck ports, yet the Renown manoeuvred so as to pass close under the French 90-gun ship's stern, and to give her the contents of the lower as well as upper deck gims. The Renown con- tinued the engagement for a short time ; Captam Dawson intending to keep close to the disabled ship during the night, and to renew the action in the morning. Had he, however, given the Languedoc a few more broadsides, she must have suiTendered ; and Captain Dawson would have had credit for his capture. Had he been unable to carry his prize into port, he might have destroyed her. But it happened other- ^vise ; and the first broadside, fired by the Renown next

VOL. I. s

258: BATTLES OF [1778.

morning, brought six sail of the line to the rescue of the LangTiedoc, from which Captain Dawson ^ had much trouble in making his escape.

The 50-gun ship Isis, Captain John Kaynor, fought another ship of the French squadron, while the Renown was engaged, as just stated, with the Languedoc. The 74-gTin ship Cesar, bearing the flag of Rear- Admiral Bou- gain\alle, discovered the Isis in the afternoon of the 18th August ; and, observing the small size of the ship, made sail in chase. The C6sar was as superior in speed, as in tonnage, weight of metal, and number of men ; and Captain Raynor, no doubt, believed Ms capture to be inevitable. But it is the ruling principle of a British sailor never to despair while a possibility of escape remains ; and he will always endeavour to make up in stratagem, for that of which he may be deficient in power. The Cesar had cleared for action, and was fast overtaking the little 50-gun ship, the latter being under a heavy press of sail on the weather bow of the French ship. It was customary, at that period, for French ships to clear the ship for action on the engaged side only; and to stow between the guns of the intended-to-be-dis- engaged side, lumber which, in British ships, is usually thrown overboard. The Cesar, according to the prevailing custom, had only cleared away her starboard g*uns, expect- ing that the Isis would keep the weather gage, which she then had. Not so, however; for Captain Raynor suddenly bore up across the Cesar's bows, and brought her to action on the larboard side. By this manoeuvre the Isis made the Cesar a breakwater, and was enabled to ply her guns with steadiness, while the luiexpected change in her position caused the French ship's fire to be ineffectual. The Cesar soon felt that her antagonist, though small, was ably handled. Captain Raynor, who was well supported by his officers, encouraged the gallant tars at the guns, and the Cesar was soon glad to escape from under their hands. She bore up and made all sail before the wind, feehng that her safety consisted in flight. The Isis followed ; but the Cesar sailed two feet to the British ship's one. The damages of the Isis were chiefly

^ Captain Dawson was dismissed the service in 1783, for some miscon- duct committed while captain of the Phaeton, in the Mediterranean. — Schomberg's Naval Chronology, vol. v. p. 348.

1778.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 259

confined to her rigging and sails. One man was killed and fourteen wounded. The French sliip suffered more severely^ ha\dng had seventy men killed or wounded, including, among the latter, Rear-Admiral Bougainville (wounded in the arm), and his first lieutenant, with the loss of a leg. Cajitaiu Furneaux, lato of the Syren, was a passenger on board the Tsis, and distinguished himself during the action ; and the duke of Ancaster was also a volunteer, and was highly spoken of

A thii'd action was fought the same night by Commodore Wm. Hotham, in the 50-g*un ship Preston. The 80-gun ship Tonnant, having only her mainmast standing, was fallen in -with and closely engaged ; but the firing brought other ships to the Tonnant's rescue, and compelled the Preston to retreat.

On the 7th of March, at 5h.A.M., the 64-gun ship Yar- mouth, Captain Nicholas Vincent, cruising to the eastward of Barbadoes, got sight of a squadron of six sail — two ships, three brigs, and a schooner. The Yarmouth made sail to close the strangers, and at 9h. a.m. was near enough to hail the largest, which proved to be the American 32-gun frigate Handolph, Captain Nicholas Biddle. The Pandolph imme- diately hoisted her colours, and fired a broadside at the Yarmouth, which being returned, a inmning fight of half an home's dui^ation ensued, when the Randolph blew up.^ The Yarmouth, being to windward, fortunately escaped being involved in the catastrophe ; but several pieces of the burning wreck fell on her deck. An American ensign, rolled up, was blown upon the Yarmouth's forecastle not singed. The Yarmouth had five men killed and twelve wounded. The temerity of Captain Biddle in thus engaging a ship so much superior to his own, deserved a better fate. Mr. Cooper states that the squadron comprised, besides the Randolph, the General Moultrie, eighteen, Polly, sixteen, Notre Dame, sixteen, and Fair American^ fourteen.

1 On the 12th, the Yarmouth fell in with a piece of the wreck of the Kandolph, on which were found four men, part of the crew of the ill- starred ship. The poor fellows had been on the wreck four days, and had subsisted on the rain-water which had been imbibed by a piece of blanket which they had picked up. With these exceptions, all hands had perished.


260 BATTLES OF [1778.

The American frigates Raleigh and Alfred, Captains Thomas Thompson and Elisha Hinman, whose fruitless attack upon a British convoy has already been noticed,^ subseqiiently sailed for Port I'Orient. Here they took on board a considerable quantity of military stores and ammu- nition, and started on their return voyage to America in February. On the 9tli of March, they were discovered by the 20-gun ship Ariadne, CajDtain Thomas Pringle, and 16-gun ship sloop Ceres, Commander Richard Dacres. The Ariadne and Ceres crowded sail in pursuit, and at noon the former ship succeeded in bringing the stemmost American ship — the Alfred — to close action. Here was an opportunity for the disjDlay of prowess, but Captain Thompson, of whose "projoer spirit" we have already given a sample,^ did not think proper to avail himself of it. Though his ship was greatly superior to the Ariadne, he left Captain Hinman to his fate, and the Alfred fell an easy prey to the British ships. The Alfred mounted when captured twenty long 9-pounders, and had a crew of 180 men. The Ariadne was a ship of 429 tons, and her main deck guns were 9-pounders. The Raleigh succeeded in reaching America, where Captam Thompson was " reheved from the command " of the sliip, and Cap- tain John Barry, an officer of considerable merit, who had distinguished himself in the Lexington, appointed to the command.

An event now occurred in the British waters which caused no slight sensation. The British government, regardless of the safety of our own shores, had not reserved a squadron of any importance to be employed upon it. A few small ships dispersed about the coasts of England and Scotland, were considered .sufficient to secure them from insult ; the sequel, however, proved the folly of such a presumption. The un- protected condition of many of our seaports, and especially mercantile ports, had been frequently represented to Con- gress by the American commissioners at Paris, and plans were submitted by Mr. Silas Deane-^ for burning Liverpool, Bristol, and other ports, as far back as 1776. In order to carry this de- sign into execution, it was necessary to procure the ser\ices of persons intimately acquainted with the localities to be destroyed,

^ The supposed abettor of the incendiary Jack the Painter.

1778.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 261

and John Paul Jones was selected for the contemplated work of destmction. Captain Jones was a native of Scotland, and having for years been engaged in mercantile vessels, was well acquainted with the coasts marked out. He was appointed to command the 1 8-gun ship Ranger, in which he left Ameiica the beginning of the year. He arrived at Brest, and ha\dng refitted his ship, quitted that port on the 10th of April, 1778. Careful to lose no time, Jones attempted on the 17th to burn the shipping and town of Wliitehaven. Two parties landed in the night ; the forts were seized and the guns spiked, the few look-outs that were in the works being confined. In effecting tliis duty, Captain Jones was foremost in person, for ha-vdng once sailed out of the port, he was familiar with the situation of the place. An accident common to both the parties into which the expedition had been divided, was the principal cause of the object of the expedition being defeated. They had brought candles in their lanterns to serve for lights and torches, and when it became necessary to use them for the latter purpose, it was found that all had been consumed. As the day was appearing, the party under Lieutenant Wallingford returned to the boat without having effected anything ; but Captain Jones sent to a detached building and obtained a candle. With this, he boarded a large ship, kindled a fire in her steerage, and by placing a barrel of tar over the spot, soon had the vessel in flames.^ Captain Jones and his party then put off under a fire from the shore, and the alarm having been given, the people of the town and shipping came together in great numbers, and extinguished the flames.

Captain Jones's next exploit was at St. Mary's Isle, the seat of the earl of Selkirk, where a party landed, with Captain Jones at their head, with the view, it is stated, of obtaining possession of the person of the earl of Selkirk. But his lordship being absent, the party demanded the family plate ; this was given, and Paul Jones and his men made off with their plunder. The Banger then crossed over to Car- rickfergu.s, where the 1 8-gun ship sloop Drake, Commander George Burdon, was at anchor. The Ranger had attempted to carry tliis ship a few days previously by boarding, but owing

' Cooper's History of the United States Navy, vol. i. p. 168.

262 BATTLES OF [1778.

to tlie anchor's uot having been let go in oime, the Hanger was obliged to slip and stand out to sea again. On the 24th of April, the Kanger having made her appearance off the baj, Captain Biu'don sent a boat out to reconnoitre, which boat went alongside, and the officer and crew were of course made prisoners. Observing the capture of the boat, the character of the stranger was no longer doubtful ; and the Drake was shortly afterwards under sail, and working out of the harbour. It was dusk before the Drake arrived up with the Ranger, when an action commenced, but the night coming on very thick, the combatants parted. On the 25th, the action was renewed by the Drake, notwithstanding the superior force to which she was opposed ; but after an action of rather more than an hoiu*. Captain Burdon and his only lieutenant (William Dobbs) ^ being killed, and twenty-two of her crew killed or wounded, besides being much crippled in her spars, the Drake surrendered.- Captain Jones carried his prize into Brest, previously landing his prisoners on the coast of -Scotland.

The conduct of France, at length, drew down the anger of the British ; and a fleet was fitted out, the command of which was conferred upon Admiral the Hon. Augustus Keppel. War had not been formally declared between the two nations, but the hostile feelings of each were so well known that its declaration was daily looked for, and both held themselves in readiness. The French had a powerful fleet in Brest, consisting of fine new ships.

On the 12th of Jime, Admiral Keppel put to sea, with twenty sail of the line, three frigates, and a fire-ship, having

^ This officer only joined the Drake a few hours previously to her putting to sea ; he belonged to the 64-gun ship Defiance.

2 The crew of the Drake was more numerous than has been generally supposed. The exact number borne upon her books at the time of the action, including officers, supernumeraries, and boys, was 151, and it appears probable, from this excess over the Drake's established com- plement (100 men), that she had been employed in volunteering and pressing men on the coasts of Scotland and Ireland. An extensive draft of her original, and doubtless best, men, had been made to other ships a few months previously, and judging from the large number on board rated landsmen, we may conclude that the general quality of the whole was exceptionable. The strongest proof of their general worthlessness is found in the iact that upwards of 20 volvmteered for the rebel service.


discretionary power. On the 17tli, being off tlie Lizard, two frigates and a schooner were discovered, wliich the admi- ral ordered the Arethusa and Milford to pursue. The 32-gim frigate Arethusa, Captain Samuel Marshall, towards night arrived up with the stranger, which was the French 40-gun frigate BeUe-Poule. Captain Marshall hailed, and requested the stranger to accompany him to the admiral. This request being refiised, the Arethusa fired a shot across the French ship's bows, and received in return her broadside. The action then commenced, and continued at close quarters without intermission for two hours, when the BeUe-Poule made sail, and, being less cut up in sails, succeeded in getting under the land. The Arethusa was in a disabled condition, and had eight men killed and thirty-six wounded. The Belle-Poule had four officers and forty-four men killed, and fifty wounded.

The 12-gun cutter Alert, Commander W. G. Fairfax, gallantly attacked the schooner, having first hailed with the same result as the Arethusa. After some little fighting, Captain Fairfax laid the schooner alongside, and, after much hard fighting, carried her. The schooner was the Courier, mounting ten guns, with a numerous crew, of which she had five killed and seven mortally wounded. The Alert had two mortally and two severely wounded.

The Milford, Captain Sir William Burnaby, and the 74- gun ship Hector, compelled the other frigate to haul down her colours. This was the 32-gun frigate Licorne. On the 18th, the French 32-gun frigate Pallas was also detained by the British fleet, and sent into Plymouth; and Admiral Keppel, having obtained intelhgence from this ship that the French fleet consisted of thirty-two sail of the line, re- turned to Spithead for a reinforcement.

On the 11th of July, the British fleet, consisting of the following ships, departed in search of the French.

Guns. Ships.

( Admiral the Hon. A. Keppel (blue) 100 Victory . . . . . . . . < Rear- Admiral John Campbell

( Captain Jonathan Faulkner Q^ggj^ \ Vice-Adm. Sir Eobt. Harland (red)

QQ ) ■ . • . I Captain Joseph Prescott

Formidable j Vice-Admiral Sir Hugh Palliser (blue)

( Captam John Bazeley




Guns. Ships.

Duke Captain "William Brereton



Sandwich Prince George ( Ocean . . ., . . . . 80 Foudroyant

Courageux . . . . Thunderer . . . .



Vengeance . . . .







Elizabeth . . .





Stirling Castle

Bienfaisant , . .


Worcester . . .




Eichard Edwards

Sir John Lindsey, K.B.

John Laforey

John Jervis

Kight Hon. Lord Mulgrave

Hon, E. B. Walsingham

Hon. J. L. Gower

Sir Richard Bickerton

Michael Clements Joshua Rowley

Sir John Hamilton

Philips Cosby

Sir John L. Ross

Joseph Peyton

Hon. Keith Stewart

Hon. Frederick Maitland

Alexander Hood

John Carter Allen

Robert Digby

J. N. P. Nott

Sir Charles Douglas

John Macbride

Richard Kingsmill

Mark Robinson

Right Hon. Lord Longford

Samuel C. Goodall

Frigates — Arethusa, Proserpine, Milford, Fox, Andromeda, and Lively ; Pluto and Vulcan fire-ships, and Alert cutter

The French king, using the capture of the frigates as a pretext, gave orders for his fleet to make reprisals. Comte d'Orvilliers sailed from Brest on the 8th July, with one ship of 110 guns, one of ninety-two, three of eighty, thirteen of seventy-four, twelve of sixty-four, and one of fifty gmis, and

thirteen frigates. The admiral's flag was in the


ship Bretagne, the largest and finest ship afloat. This fleet, exclusive of the frigates, carried 2,222 guns ; but although the British fleet carried more, the advantages arising fr'om the heavier metal of the French ships, and theii' superior sailing qualities, more than compensated for the deficiency. In number of men the French greatly exceeded the British. On the 23 rd of July, the two fleets came in sight ; but the French being to windward, evaded every attempt to bring on an action. On the 27th, the British fleet, in con- sequence of the chase and variableness of the wdnd, was much separated ; and the wind shifting about foiu' points,




enabled it to lay up for the French fleet. To bring his fleet into a more compact order, Keppel signalled several ships of Sir Hufifh Palliser's di\ision to chase to windward. At Oh. A. jr., the French fleet formed on the starboard tack, the British being then on the larboard, close hauled. At lOh. 4:5m., being then upon the weather quarter of the enemy, the British fleet tacked ; but the wind heading a little, threw the British more to leeward. Soon afterwards- a dark squall came on, which obscured the two fleets from view of each other for nearly half an hour, and on its clearing ofl", the wind fell light, and the French fleet was observed endeavoiu'ing to form on the larboard tack. Having fallen to leeward in the squall, the French admiral found that he could not cross the British with his whole fleet, and there- fore determined on bearing uj) and passing along the British, line to windward with his most advanced ships. This we endeavour to illustrate by a diagram.




%. ^



■^ ^



^. ^

^ ^



^ ^ ■ %


/ O

■ ^\

At about llh. 45m., the Victory opened fire upon the Bretagne, to which succeeded the Ville de Paris, ninety-two,




and each sliip of the French line as she passed to windward. The British van escaped with little danger or loss ; but the rear division, under Sir Hugh Palliser, suffered considerably, owing to the slow progress of the French ships, when be- calmed by the cannonading. At Ih. 30m. p.m., the French fleet ha^'ing passed along the British line, Keppel made the signal to wear and follow the enemy, and the Victory and other ships of the Bkie di^dsion wore accordingly ; but many hai'ing received several shot between wind and water on the starboard side, found it impracticable to continue on the lar- board tack. The admiral therefore wore round upon the starboard tack, and edged away, to be ready to cover his disabled ships, in case the French admiral should attempt to renew the action. After passing the British line as de- scribed, the French admiral came to the wind on the star- board tack, on the lee-beam of the British fleet j but, owing in part to some misunderstanding of Sir Hugh Palliser, who did not close with the Blue or Keppel's di\ision as they edged away in chase, the action was not renewed. This has been attributed to the bad code of signals in use at the time, which caused much delay in sending messages by frigates.^ The loss of the British fleet was as follows : —











Shrewsbury ....


Stirling Castle . .


Courageux .... Thunderer .... Vigilant ......


Valiant . . . . ... . .


Foudroyant ....

2 4 1




6 2 2 2 6 11 5

9 6





13 5 3 20 26 24 18

Prince George ., Vengeance . . . .


Worcester ....




Formidable ....




Egmont ...-,.. Ramillies ......

Total . . .^ . .
















17 17 49 18 17 21 19 16



^ Courts-martial ensued upon Admirals Keppel and Palliser ; but the whole became a party squabble, and the different partisans gave so varied a colour to the transactions that it is most difficult to say to whom the blame of not renewing the action really attached.

.1778.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 267

The Formidable had Lieutenant jSTicholas Clifford ; the Shrewsbury, Lieutenant "VVilliam Samwell ; the Elizabeth, her surgeon ; and the Prince George, Lieutenant of marines John McDonald, wounded. The French loss amounted to 163 killed and 519 wounded.

On the 8th of July, the 14-gun sloop Ostrich, Commander Peter Rainier, on the Jamaica station, in company with the 10-gun armed brig Lowestoffe's Prize, chased a large brig. After a long run, the Ostrich brought the brig, which was the American privateer Polly, to action, and, after an en- gagement of three hours' duration (by which time the Lowes- toffe's Prize had arrived up and taken part in the contest), compelled her to surrender. The prize, besides her armament of sixteen long 6 and 9-pounders, mounted twenty-three swivels and eight cohorns, and her crew amounted to 170, of which number the captain and a great many men were killed. When boarded, twenty-three men were found dead upon her deck, and several were thrown overboard previous to her surrender. The Ostrich's crew did not exceed 120 men. The master and four men were killed, and Captain Painier, Lieutenant L. O'Brien, and twenty-eight men wounded. Captain Painier was wounded by a musket-ball through the left breast ; he could not, however, be prevailed upon to go below, but remained on deck till the close of the action. He was posted, and apjDointed to command the 64-gun ship Burford.

On the 2oth of July, the 32-gun frigate Pearl, Captain George Montagu, captured off Sandy Hook, after a smart action, in which three men were killed and fourteen wounded, the American 26-gun privateer Industry. The activity of Sir George CoUier on this station materially checked the hordes of privateers sent to sea by the Ameri- cans, and his tenders made a large number of prizes.

On the 10th of August, a British squadron, under Com- modore Sir Edward Vernon, consisting of the following ships,

Guns. Ships.

60 Rippon \ ^'''T^'^n^^ ^''' S-'^'^^'"^ ^^^^^'^

^ { Cap tain Cxeorge Young

28 Coventry ,, Benjamin Marlow

24 Seahorse _,, J. A. Panton

16 Cormorant . . . . „ William Owen

Armed ship Valentine .... ,, James Ogilvie

268 BATTLES OF [1778.

being off Pondiclierry, encountered a French squadron, con- sisting of the 64-gun ship Brillant, 36-gun frigate Pourvoyant, 3 2 -gun frigate Sartine, and two armed country ships of twenty-four guns each, commanded by Commodore Tronjolli. The action was commenced by the Rippon, at about 2h. 45m. P.M., and continued at close quarters till 4h. 45m.^ when the enemy made sail, and, being less crijDpled in spars and faster sailers, escaped into Pondicherry. The number of killed and wounded is believed to have been severe on both sides. Although Sir Edward Vernon frequently offered battle to M. de Tronjolli, he was imable to bring liim again to action ; but on the 25th of October, the Seahorse engaged and took the Sartine, which, being a fine ship only two years old, was taken into the British na\y.

On the 10th of September, the 28-gun frigate Fox, Captain the Hon. Thomas Windsor, off the French coast, was chased by the French 34-gun frigate Junon, Vicomte de Beaumont „ The weather being thick, the Junon was not perceived until close aboard the Fox ; upon which the latter hove to, and awaited the enemy's approach. An action commenced, and lasted three hours, when the Fox, being totally dismasted, several guns disabled, eleven men kiUed, and Captain Windsor and forty- nine wounded, many of whom mortally, hauled down her colours. The armament of the Fox consisted of twenty-four long O-jDounders and four 4-pounders, and her crew of 200 men ; while that of the Junon was twenty-eight long twelves and six 6-pounders, ^vith a crew of 330 men.

On the 25th of September, the United States 3 2 -gun frigate Raleigh, Captain John Barry, after an action of an hour and a half, was driven on shore near Boston, and sur- rendered. The boats of the Experiment, Captain Sh' James. Wallace, and Unicorn, bemg close to the ship, rendered it necessary for Captam Barry and his crew to make an expe- ditious escajie. The Raleigh's boats not being sufficient to contain all the crew, a number became prisoners of war. Mr. Cooper states that the Unicom had ten men killed and many wounded ; and that she was so much cut up by the fire of the Raleigh, that after the action she lost her masts. The same writer also states that the Raleigh had twenty-five men killed and wounded ; but we are unable to find any corroboration of these statements. The Raleigh was got off

1779.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 269

without damage, and added to the British navy as a 12 -pounder 3 2 -gun frigate.

On the 20th of October, the 50-gun ship Jupiter, Captain John Reynolds, and 28-gun frigate Medea, Captain James Montagu, cruising off the coast of Spain, engaged the French 64-gun ship Triton. The Triton, after an action of short duration, made off, and had thii-teen men killed and thirty wounded. The Jupiter had three men killed and three mor- tally and eight slightly wounded. The Medea took no part in the action.

On the 3rd of November, the 9-pounder 28-gim frigate Maidstone, Captain Alan Gardner, cruising off the Chesa- peake, observed at a little past midnight a sail bearing north- east, steering to the eastward before the wind. The Maid- stone was quickly under a crowd of sail in piu-suit, and at 3h. 30m. A.M. got alongside the stranger, which hoisted French colom'S. An action at close quarters commenced ; but after engaging an hom^, the Maidstone had received so much injury in sails and rigging from the langridge fired by the enemy, that she was under the necessity of heaving to to repair her damages. At daybreak another ship hove in sight, which made signals to the Maidstone ; and as they were not understood, it was concluded that she was a consort of the enemy ; but not closing with the British frigate, the latter again made sail after her antagonist. At noon. Cap- tain Gardner brought the enemy a second time to action, and at 111. P.M. compelled her to surrender. The prize was the French 40-gun sliip Lion, 12 and 6-pounders, Captain James Mitchell, with a crew of 216 men, of which she had eight killed and eighteen wounded. The Maidstone had four killed, and Captain Gardner and eight men wounded. The Lion, which was laden with sugar and tobacco, had four feet water in her hold when she struck.

  1. — On the 31st of January, the 32-gun frigate Apollo, Captain Philemon PownoU, cruismg off the French coast, chased a frigate and a convoy of ten sail. At Ih. 30m. a.m., being off St. Brieux, and close to the rocks, the Apollo brought to the fi'igate, and, after an action of one hour and a half, compelled her to surrender. The prize was the French 26-gun frigate Oiseau, Chevalier de Tarade, and had on board 224 men. The Apollo had six men killed, and Captain

270 BATTLES OF [1779.

Pownoll, his two lieutenants, and nineteen men wounded, two mortally. The master, John Milburn, who brought the action to its successful close, does not appear to have received any reward.

On the 14th of March, the 10-gun cutter Rattlesnake, Lieutenant Wilham KneU, being off the Isle of Wight, got sight, at daybreak, of two French cutters. The Kattlesnake chased to within twelve miles of Havre, and at Ih. 30m. p.m. brought the largest to close action ; the other then tacked and closed the Rattlesnake. This unequal contest was main- tained till 4h., when the largest cutter hauled down her colours. Her consort then endeavoured to make off; but Lieutenant Knell, anxious to secure both, chased, and having arrived close alongside, gallantly boarded at the head of his men, and compelled her to surrender. In the mean time, however, his former prize repaired damages, and rehoisting her colours, escaped into port. The pri^e was the Frelon de Dunkerque, mounting twelve carriage-guns, with a crew of eighty-two men, and was considered the fastest-sailing cutter out of France ; she had her captain and twelve men killed and thirty wounded. Lieutenant Knell, one midshipman, and ten men were wounded. The commander of the Rattle- snake was most deservedly promoted.

On the 18th of March, the 32-gun frigate Arethusa, Cap- tain Charles H. Everitt, chased a French frigate close to Brest. A line-of-battle ship in the outer road of Brest was despatched to the assistance of the frigate ; and the Arethusa, in endeavouring to escape from this latter enemy, struck on a rock in the night near Molines, and went to pieces. The crew were saved, but, mth the exception of a boat's crew, which escaped with much difficulty, were made prisoners.

On the 30th of March, the 12-gun cutter Kite, Lieu- tenant Henry Trollope, cruising off Portland, was fired into by a French frigate, and sustained much damage. The frigate observing a deeply-laden brig to windward, quitted the Kite, and stood towards the merchant vessel ; and while the Kite was repamng damages, an 18-gun privateer brig bore down, and brought her to action. Lieutenant Trollope attacked this new opponent, and reduced her to a wreck, having shot away her mainmast, and killed a great many of her»crew : but the Kite was so much injured, that it wa&

1779.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 271

impossible to make a prize of the brig. Tlie Kite had only- four men wounded. Lieutenant TroUope was immediately promoted.

A French expedition having been fitted out against the Channel islands, intelligence thereof was conveyed to Ports- mouth. Captains J. L. Gidoui, in the 32-gun ship Rich- mond, and Sir James Wallace, in the 50-gun sliip Experi- ment, having with them four frigates and seven smaller vessels, were instantly sent to Jersey. The squadron sepa- rated and took difierent courses, and on the 13th of May the ExjDeriment and squadron drove on shore in Cancale Bay, a division of the French force, all of which were destroyed except the 34-gun frigate Danae, which was brought off. The British were, for a time, exposed to a severe fire from the batteries, but which the Experiment silenced, after which the French ships were destroyed with- out difficulty. Two men were killed, and thirteen wounded on board the Experiment, and the 14-gun sloop Cabot, Commander Edward Dodd, had her purser and two men wounded.

On the 26th of May, the 50-gun ship Jupiter, Captain John Reynolds, cruising off Cape Finisterre, chased a large outward-boimd West India convoy, under charge of a French squadron of five sail of the line, and some frigates. Having closed with the convoy in the night. Captain Beynolds suc- ceeded in capturing one of the merchant ships, into which he put a prize crew ; but, being observed, the large ships chased the Jupiter, recaptured the prize, and the British fihi]) escaped with difficulty. Captain Beynolds, the master, and two or three men, were wounded in engaging a frigate, which endeavoured to prevent their taking possession of the merchant ship.

On the 31st of May, the 32-gun frigate Licorne, Captain the Honourable Thomas Cadogan, captured the French 24-gun privateer Audacieuse after a sma^t action, in which the latter had twenty-two men killed and seventeen wounded, and the Licorne one man wounded.

On the 2nd of June, the French 36-gun frigate Prudente was captm-ed in the Bight of Leogane, St. Domingo, by the 64-gun ship Buby, acting Captam Michael John Everitt, accompanied by the ^olus frigate and Jamaica sloop. As





tlie Ruby arrived up with the Prudente, the latter opened a fire from her stern chasers, by which Captain Everitt and one seaman were killed. The Prudente was added to the British navy under the same name.

Comte d'Estaing, whose proceedings on the North Ame- rican coast we have just noticed, ha\dng quitted the latter, steered for the West Indies, when the fleet under his com- mand comprised two 80-gun ships, twelve of seventy-four, eight of sixty-four, and tln-ee of fifty guns ; besides ten frigates. The British force on the station consisted of the following : —



90 Princess Eoyal . Prince of Wales . Conqueror






Royal Oak . . .

Magnificent .






L Grafton


f Prudent


Stirling Castle

Yarmouth . . .

I Lion

j Vigilant

L Monmouth . . .


Vice-Adm. Hon. John Byron (Ijlue) Captain William Blair Vice-Adm. Hon. S. Barrington (blue) Captain Benjamin Hill Rear-Adm. Hyde Parker (red) Captain H. Harwood Rear-Adm. Joshua Rowley (blue) Captain H. C. Christian

Thomas Pitzherbert

John Elphinstone

John Buchart

Alan Gardner

George Bowyer

William Truscott

Timothy Edwards

Thomas Collingwood

Herbert Sawyer

A. J. P. Molloy

Walter Griffith

Robert Carket

Nathaniel Bateman

Hon. W. Cornwallis

Sir Digby Dent

Robert Panshawe

William Affleck

D'Estaing overpowered Grenada after a defence, which cost the besiegers nearly 400 men, and also took the island of St. Vincent. Tliis latter Vice- Admiral Byron determined to recapture, and departed from St. Lucia on the 3rd of July, in order to attempt it, ha\ing in company a fleet of trans- ports, with troops under Major-General Grant. Being off St. Vincent's, intelligence was received that a large fleet had been seen steering for Grenada, and tliither the British fleet proceeded. At daybreak on the 6th, the French fleet was

1779.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 273

observed iii St. George's Bay getting luiderweigh with a liglit air of wind. The Vice- Admiral, deeming the enemy's force inferior, made the signal for a general chase to the south-west, and for each ship to engage as she arrived up. The leading British ships close hauled on the larboard tack were, the Prince of Wales, Boyne, and Sultan, and they ha%T.ng a fresh sea-breeze from east-north-east, while the French were nearly becalmed under the land, were at 7h. fired upon by the enemy, but at too great a distance to cause much execu- tion. As the sea-breeze extended itself to the French fleet, the ships, before lying in a cluster, were enabled to form their line of Ijattle by bearing away on the starboard tack across the bows of the British. The enemy's force was then first discovered to be superior j but, notwithstanding their great superiority. Vice- Admiral Byron made the signal for a close engagement. It was here that the superior sailing of the French ships became observable. All the French ships were coppered, and for the most part fine large ships ; but not so the British. The Prince of Wales, Boyne, and Sultan, gallantly commenced the action at about 7h. 30m. A.M., and the whole British line soon afterwards became exposed to the enemy's fire, as the French fleet passed to leeward, steering about north-west. The Grafton, Cornwall, and Lion, being the British rear ships and to leeward o their stations, suffered very much, being exposed to the fire of the whole French line, and the Monmouth, haAing bore up to close the enemy's van, was completely disabled. It appears possible that, had the fleet bore up together at this time, a close and decisive action might have been brought on. This we endeavour to illustrate by a small diagram.





V. t

z z





'^P- ^^^ PFLof \MALES- SULTAN.

^ -2»


^ 1


The opportunity was lost when the two fleets had passed ; for D'Estamg, having at lOh. cleared the British rear, tacked, and hauled close to the wind, with the intention of cutting off the disabled British ships and the transports. To frus- trate this design, Yice-Adrcdral BjTon tacked and bore up to their support, and the French fleet was enabled to escape to windward. The ships which sustained most damage were the Monmouth, Grafton, Cornwall, and Lion ; the latter lost her fore and main topmast, and was reduced to an un- manageable state. The loss on board the different ships will be shown by the follo^ving table : —







Suffolk . .








Stirling Castle ...



Eoyal Oak ....






Prince of Wales

• 26





Magnificent ....



Cornwall ......






Monmouth ....





Grafton . .





4 16

9 39





Princess Royal . .



The officers killed were Lieutenants W. B. Parrey (Royal Oak), John Hutchings (Grafton), Jonah Yeale, of the marines (Sultan), and Nicott Brown, g-unner (Grafton) ; and the wounded were Yice-Admii-al Barrington, Lieute-

1779.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 275

nants William Bett (Grafton), Kicliards, of the marines (Royal Oak), Caldwel], 46tli regt. (Siiltan), Bowdens, 4tli regt. (Magnificent). The French loss amounted to 1,200 men killed and L500 wounded.

D'Estaing retui-ned to St. George's Bay, and the British made sail for St. Christopher's, and anchored in Basseterre Boads on the 15th of July. "While Vice- Admiral Byron was refitting his fleet, D'Estaing appeared off the roadstead with twenty-eight sail of the line, but did not venture upon an attack, and the British fleet not being then in a condi- tion to put to sea, the enemy, after parading some time, made sail for Cape Fran9ois.

The North American squadron during the active portion of tliis year was under the command of Commodore Sir George Collier.^ His squadron consisted of the 64-gun sliip Baisonnable, bearing his broad pendant ; the I&is, fifty ; three 44:-gun ships, eight frigates, and twenty-four sloops and smaller vessels. Sir Henry Clinton, commander-in-chief of the forces, having received intelligence that the Americans had collected a great quantity of stores and magazines in Virginia, determined if possible to destroy them. He con- certed with Sir George Collier, and embarked a body of 2,500 infantry, under command of Major-General Edward Matthew. Sir George Collier undertook the command of the naval part of the expedition, and with the Baisonnable, Baiu- bow, and Otter, Captains Francis H. Evans and Bichard Creyk, and Diligent and Haerlem sloops, and Cornwallis galley, sailed from New York on the 5th of May. The ex- pedition arrived off the Cape of Virginia on the 8th. On the 9th, shipping were observed at the entrance of James's Biver getting underweigh, and afterwards running up Elizabeth -

^ Since termed Piscataqua Eiver.


276 BATTLES OF [1779.

and James rivers. The squadron ancliored in Hampton Roads, and as soon as tlie tide made up, Sir George shifted his broad pendant to the Rainbow, she drawing less water, and proceeded up the Elizabeth River with some of the smaller vessels m pursuit of the American shipping, and also to land the troops. On the 10th, it was calm, and the squadron being unable to sail higher up, omng to the want of wind and intricacy of the channel, Major-General Matthew embarked the first division of troops in fiat boats, and under cover of the Cornwallis galley, and two gun-boats, proceeded to the intended place of debarkation, about five miles distant. At 3h. p.m. the troops landed at the Glebe, three miles below the town of Portsmouth, and beyond the range of the heavy guns of Fort Nelson. A breeze enabled the Rainbow and squadron to follow ; and the whole of the troops efiected a landing. While General Matthew w^as making preparations to invest Fort Nelson, the garrison, finding their retreat would be cut ofi" if the preparations were completed, evacuated the fort before the British coidd obtain, command of the south branch of the river. The army then took possession of Portsmouth, where the troops encamped, the inhabitants having fied. Previously to evacuating Fort Nelson, the Americans set fire to the ships building in the dockyard, including a fine frigate just ready for launching. The flames quickly spread, and several vessels were involved in the destruction. The troops under Colonel Garth efiected the destruction of the magazmes, and also obtained possession of Norfolk. Immense quantities of j^rovisions and stores were captured or destroyed at these places.

Sir George Collier, thinking that many of the enemy's vessels had penetrated higher up the river, despatched in pursuit the Cornwallis galley, two gun-boats, four flat boats, and four privateers, all under the command of Lieutenant

Rose Bradley, assisted by Lieutenants Hitchcock and

Clement Johnson. The party succeeded in capturing and burning a great nmnber of vessels, some on the stocks and nearly completed. The 14-gun privateer Black Snake, which •was one of the vessels captured, offered a stout resistance. After being cannonaded by the gun-boats for some time, she was at length boarded and carried with loss of part of her defenders ; and two men belonging to the British were

1779.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 277

wounded. Wliile the transports and squadi^on were engaged in the Elizabeth River, Captain Creyk, in the Otter, with a squadron of small craft, was despatched by Sir George Collier up the main branch of the Chesapeake. This expedition succeeded j)erfectly. Many vessels valuably laden were cap- tiu'ed and destroyed. Fort Nelson was razed ; and on the 17th, a strong detachment of the 42nd regiment, under Colonel Stirling, escorted by gun-boats, destroyed a large quantity of public stores at Kempe's landing in Princess Anne county. On the 22nd, another expedition destroyed six vessels on the stocks in Tanners Creek, including a privateer pierced for sixteen guns, and nearly ready for launching.^ The intrinsic value of the naval and military stores shipped on board the trans])orts, and conveyed to New York, was considerable, and the loss to the Americans was incalculably severe. The number of vessels captured or destroyed ex- ceeded 130, including one 21:-gun ship almost rigged, one 36-gun frigate nearly finished, and five privateers of eighteen, sixteen, and foui-teen guns. The squadron returned to Sandy Hook on the 28th of May, having seventeen valuable prizes in company.

Sir Henry Clinton, having received information that the

' Sir George Collier's official letter contains a paragraph the import- ance of which seems to have been overlooked. Had the suggestion been acted upon, it must have had a great effect in bringing hostihties to an earlier close. After detailing the proceedings of the squadron, he ■WTote, — " I have now informed your excellency of the detail of our militaiy operations by sea to the present time. Our success, and the present appearance of things, infinitely exceed our most sanguine expectations ; and if the various accounts the general and myself have received can be depended upon, the most flattering hopes of a return to obedience to their sovereign may be expected from most of this province ; the people seem importunately desirous that the royal standard may be erected, and they give the most positive assurances that all ranks of men will resort to it. Permit me, however (as a sea-officer), to observe that this port of Portsmouth is an exceeding safe and secure asylum for ships against an enemy, and is not to be forced even by great superiority. The marine yard is large and extremely convenient, having a considerable stock of seasoned tunber, besides great quantities of other stores. Prom these considerations, joined to many others, I am fimily of opinion that it is a measure most essentially necessary for his majesty's service that this port should remain in our hands, since it appears to me of more real conse- sequence and advantage than any other the crown now possesses in America ; for by securing this the whole trade of the Chesapeake is at an end, and consequently the sinews of the rebellion destroyed. "

278 BATTLES OF [1779.

Americans were fortifying the posts of Stony Point and Yerplanks, on the Hudson, considered it important to stop their progress, and to occupy the same. The troops intended for this service being all in readiness on the arrival of Sir George Collier, that officer at once undertook to proceed with them. The troops returned from Virginia also joined in the new expedition, and on the 30th of May, the whole proceeded up the river. The Eaisonnable led the squadron, followed by the 20-gun ship Camilla, Captain John Collins, Vulture sloop, Cornwallis, Crane, and Philadelphia galleys, and two gun-boats. After passing the chevaux-de-frise without accident. Sir George anchored the Raisonnable, shifted his broad pendant to the Camilla, and, together with the transports, made sail up the north river to Verplanks Point, where they anchored for the night. On the following morn- ing, a body of trooj)s landed on the east side of the river, under the command of Major-General Vaughan, while the squadron, with the 17th, 63rd, and 64th regiments, proceeded towards Stony Point. On the approach of the shipping, however, the Americans adandoned their works on Stony Point, and the troops obtained possession of the works after a, slight show of resistance. Fort de la Fayette, on Verplanks Point, held out till the 2nd of June, when, by the united fire of the squadron and guns mounted on Stony Point, the garrison was obliged to surrender. The possession of these points was of great importance, and Sir Henry Clinton caused them to be fortified and garrisoned.

The next conjoint service was an expedition to Long Island Sound, which place had always been a harbour for small privateers. Sir George Collier despatched the 50-gun ship Renown, Captain George Dawson ; 32-gun frigate Thames, Captain Tyringham Howe ; 14-gun sloop Otter, Commander Richard Creyk ; and two armed vessels, to block up the eastern entrance to the Sound and New London, while he himself proceeded in the Camilla, with the Scorpion and Halifax, through Hell Gate. The commodore effected a junction with the Penown on the 3rd of July, and on the 5th the whole anchored off Newhaven. One division of troops, commanded by General Garth, landed a little to the south of Westhaven, and a second, under General Tryon, disembarked on the eastern side of the harbour. A 3 -gun battery, which

1779.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 279

commanded the entrance of the harbour, having been cap- tured, the squadron entered, and facilitated the junction of the two divisions of troops at Newhaven. The pubhc stores, and some vessels and ordnance were destroyed, and six field- pieces and a privateer ready for sea were brought off. The troops re-embarked on the 6th, and on the 8th arrived off Fairfield. Here they again made good their landing, although opposed by a formidable party of militia, and a body of con- tinental troops. During the march of the troops to Fairfield, the enemy unwisely opened a fire upon them from the house- tops and windows, in revenge for which some of the royalist party set fire to the houses, and nearly the whole town was consumed. Several whale-boats were here destroyed.

On the 9th the troops crossed the Sound to Huntingdon Bay, for the purpose of procuring provisions, after which the fleet returned with them, and anchored near Norwalk Bay. The troops, on landing, were again attacked from the houses, and the general ordered the town to be burnt. Here five large vessels, two privateer brigs on the stocks, and twenty w^hale-boats, with saw-mills, warehouses, and stores, were destroyed. The same measiu'e was pursued towards Green- field from the same cause ; and two row-boat privateers, with many whale-boats, were destroyed. ^ The expedition was then recalled to New York, and shortly afterwards found sufficient occupation in regaining possession of Stony Point, which had been adroitly surprised and carried by a body of troops imder General Wayne on the night of the 15th July. Sir George Collier conducted a squadron up the river on the 19th, as soon as the northerly winds which prevailed would

^ It was a great subject of complaint in England that these towns should have been so severely dealt with. The American party loudly condemned the proceedings as of great inhumanity ; but it should be remarked that the act was not contemplated, and that the provocation to commit it came from the Americans. The design of the various destructive expeditions was not to distress private individuals, nor to attack private property. Public and warlike stores, vessels, and means of offence and defence, formed legitimate objects of attack, and any wanton destruction of private property was uniformly forbidden, and never resorted to unless provocation of the kind above described was first committed. This plan was also followed up during the American war in 1813-14. Sir George Cockburn, who commanded in the rivers and at the capture of Washington, studiously avoided attacking private houses, unless they were first turned into fortresses or made a cover for assailants.

280 BATTLES OF [1779^.

allow liim ; but upon the approach of the shipping, the Americans precipitately retreated.

The expedition to the Penobscot was, however, the most important. Sir Henry CHnton, considemig it desirable to establish a post on the Penobscot, had given orders to Brigadier-General McLean, who commanded the forces at Halifax, to detach such part of the troops as he could safely spare for that purpose. General McLean personally took command of the expedition. The troops destined for this service accordingly embarked, and sailed from Halifax under convoy of the sloops of war Albany, North, and Nautilus, Commanders Henry Mowatt, Gerard Selby, and Thomas Farnham. On the 16th of June the expedition reached Penobscot Bay, and landed a body of troops on the peninsula of Majebig-^vaduce, consisting of 450 of the 74th regiment, commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Campbell, and 200 of the 82nd. Here they made every exertion to clear the land, in order to build a fort ; but the difficulties with which they had to contend were so great, that the end of July still found them unprepared to contend against the enemy, wliich was advancing to drive them from their position. On the 21st of July, General McLean received information that a considerable armament had sailed from Boston for the pur- pose of attacking him, under the command of General Lovell and Commodore Saltonstall. The works were at tliis time in a very unfinished state, but immediate jDreparations were made for the due reception of the enemy. The cr^ws of the three sloops of war Avere actively employed assisting to throw up batteries and mount gims, and the best possible use was made of the available means. On the 2oth of July, the American flotilla, consisting of thii^ty-seven sail, came in sight, and the armed vessels, whose united force amounted to 330 guns and 2,150 men, in three divisions, attacked the defences of the British, wliile the land forces, numbering about 1,000 more, embarked in boats, and endeavoured to effect a landing. The sloops of war and temporary batteries, hovv'ever, gave the assailants so warm a reception tliat they retired ; and the attempted landing was also fi'ustrated. Active operations were carried on until the 12th of August, in the course of which tlie Americans obtained possession of the islands on the south side of the harbour, and effected a

1779.] THE BRISTIH NAVY. 281

landing on the peninsula, where they erected powerful bat- teries. General McLean having been informed that an attempt to storm the works would be made on the night of the 12th, made every preparation for defence ; but the Americans suddenly abandoned their camp and works, and re- embarked their troops, baggage, and artillery. This unlooked- for retreat was soon, however, accounted for by the arrival of a British squadron in the bay on the 14th, under Sir George Collier, consisting of the following : —

Guns. Ships.

64 Raisonnable . . Commodore Sir George Collier

or) j Blonde Captain Andrew Barclay

( Virginia ,, John Orde

iGrej^hound .... „ Archibald Dickson Camilla „ John Collins Galatea ,, John Howorth

li Otter „ Richard Creyk

Sir George Collier's approach was known to the Americans by means of their look-out vessel, but was an agreeable surprise to General McLean and his gallant band. On the squadron entering, the Americans appeared disposed to dis- pute the passage, and formed a crescent across the river ; but tliis was mere show, for on the advance of the Blonde, Virginia, and Galatea, the enemy bore up in the greatest confusion, ^vithout firing an effective shot. Although the Americans could not perhaps have made a very successful resistance, yet so precipitate a flight was not creditable, as a list of their squadron will show : —

Guns. Ships.

32 Warren Commodore D. Saltonstall

22 Sally Captain Holmes

Putnam , ,, Watei's


Hector ,, Cairns

Kevenge „ Hallet

Monmouth.... ,, Ross

Hampden .... „ Salter

Hunter ,, Brown

( Vengeance .... ,, Thomas

15 < Black Prince . . „ West ( Sky Rocket . . „ Burke


18 Hazard „ Williams

16 Active

2S2 BATTLES OF [1779,

Guns. Brigs.

Tyrannicide . . Captain Cathcart


Defiance ,

Diligence .... ,, Brown

Pallas . . .-. ... . . „ Johnstone

12 Providence.-. . . „ Hacker

Together with mneteen sail of transport-vessels. It is stated by Cooper 1 that the above consisted chiefly of privateers, bnt this, if correct, does not satisfactorily account for the panic which prevailed. Sir George CoUier, observing the pellmell retreat of the enemy without waiting to form his squadron, threw out the sigual for a general chase. The Hunter and Defence eudeavoured to escape by the west passage of Long Island, but finding it impracticable, the former ran ashore under all sail, and the latter entered a small creek, in the hope of escaping observation. This being seen by Sir George Collier, he despatched Lieutenant David Mackay, of the Kaisonnable, with fifty men, to board the Hunter ; and Captain Collins, in the Camilla, was directed to proceed after the Defence. Lieutenant Mackay succeeded in obtaining possession of the Hunter without loss, but the Defence was set on fire by her own crew on the approach of the Camilla. The British squadron, now including the sloops of war Albany, North, and Nautilus, which had quickly repau-ed the damages sustained during the siege, continued the pursuit of the flyiag enemy, but at the imminent risk of their own safety, from being ignorant of the pilotage, and from the narrowness and intricacy of the channel. Added to the danger arising from such difficulties, was that caused by the burning ships on each bank of the river. The Hampden being closely pursued and unable to escape by running ashore, surrendered ; but the Warren was set on fire by her own crew, and destroyed. A more finished day's work was never performed : twenty-four sail were completely destroyed by the enemy or by the pursuers, not one vessel escaping. The American force thus taken and destroyed had on board 3,000 men. Sfr George Collier returned once more victorious to New York with his prizes, where he found Yice-Admiral Arbuthnot, who had just arrived from England to take com- mand of the squadron. ,

» History of the U. S. Nav}', vol. i. p. 237.

1779.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 283

D'Estaing, as we liave seen, after his action witli Admiral Bjrron, proceeded to Cape Francois. At this place he found himself besieged with overtures from the American Congress to joLD. his forces to those of General Lincoln, then about to attack the British army in South Carolina. D'Estaing ac- quiesced, hoping thereby to cancel the remembrance of his pre\dous short-comings at E/hode Island. The French fleet, consisting of twenty sail of the line, two 50-gun ships, and eleven frigates, quitted Cape Fran9ois on the 20th of August, having on board 5,500 troops. General Lincoln's army con- sisted of 3,500, including free blacks and mulattoes ; but which was afterwards reinforced with greater numbers. On the 1st of September, the fleet arrived ofi" the coast of Georgia, and on the 3rd, the advanced squadron was observed from Tybee, by Lieutenant Richard Lock, of the Rose, who had been detached in a fast-sailing tender to reconnoitre the strangers. Captain John Henry, senior officer in the Savan- nah, who commanded the Fowey, immediately despatched Lieutenant Whitworth in a tender to New York with the intelligence. The tender put to sea on the 6th, but was chased back into port by the enemy ; a second and more successful attempt was however made on the night of the 7th. The position of the British at this moment was extremely critical. The naval force in the Savannah was as follows : —

Guns. Ships,

o/v i Fowey . . ... . . ... . . . , . . Captain John Henry

I Rose . . ... „ John Brown

18 Vigilant (armed ship) .. ,, Hugh C. Christian

Comet, Scourge, Vindictive, Viper, Hornet, and Snake, galleys ; and

Keppel and Germain, hired aitned vessels.

On the 8th, forty-one sail were descried to the southward of Tybee, beating to windward agaiust a northerly wind ; and on the 9th, the fleet anchored ofl" the bar. Captain Henry, upon the advance of the enemy, destroyed the marks for entering the channel, and ascended the river to join his force to that of General Prevost. Having; removed some of the guns and stores, the Fowey and Rose reached Five-fathom Hole, three miles below the town, where the remainder of the gims and ammunition were taken out. During the 14th and 15th, the seamen were employed landing the cannon and ammunition from the ships and small vessels, and the

284 BATTLES OF [177&.

sailors were tlien distributed among the different batteries, and the marines incorporated with the grenadiers of the 60th regiment. All hands were now employed night and day in raising batteries and works. Soldiers and sailors, naval and mercantile, wrought side by side, and cheered each other on to redoubled exertions. The enemy were astonished at the resources of the besieged. It being appre- hended that the French ships would be brought up the river, and so approach too near the town. Captain Henry determined to sink the Rose, Savannah, four transports, and smaller vessels in the bed of the river. A boom was also drawn across to prevent an attack from fire-rafts. Previously to this, the Fowey, Keppel, Comet galley, and armed ship Germain, were brought up near the town, and the Germain, having her guns on board, was placed off Yamairaw so as to flank the British lines. Three French frigates advanced up the river as high as Mudflat, accom- panied by two American galleys ; but did not approach near enough to render their fire effectual.

On the 3rd of October, the French having completed their battery of nine heavy mortars, opened upon the town. They also commenced a cannonade from thiii;y-seven heavy guns landed from the fleet. The bombardment continued until the morning of the 9th, the besieged making little or no return. D'Estaing now determined to storm the British lines ; but met ^vith a desperate resistance and disastrous repulse. Although only 300 men were opposed to the numerous force brought against them, the steadiness and skill of the British routed the enemy at all points. The fire from three seamen batteries, and the field-pieces, taking the assailants in every direction, threw them into some disorder ; and at this most critical moment. Major Glasier, of the GOth, vnth. the 60th grenadiers and the marines^ advancing rapidly from the lines, charged with fury. In an instant the ditches of the redoubt, and a battery to its right,, in rear, were cleared. The grenadiers charging headlong, drove the enemy in confusion over the abbatis, and into the swamp. On this occasion Captain Wickham, of the grena- diers, greatly distmguished himself.

The loss amounted to one captain, one lieutenant, and fifteen rank and file killed ; and one captain, three subal-

1779.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 285

terns, and thirty-five rank and file wounded. The loss to the navy amounted to two seamen and two marines killed, and nine seamen and seven marines wounded. The French lost near 1,200 oflicers and men killed and woimded. After this severe repulse, they precipitately abandoned their works, and re-embarked their troops, while General Lincoln and his motley army retreated up the country, destroying bridges, and catting ofi" every means of pursuit. Captam Henry honoui'ably mentioned the services rendered by those under his orders, particularly by Captain Brown and Lieutenant Richard Lock, of the Rose, and Lieutenant David Crawford, of the Fowey. Captain Richard Fisher, who acted as bri- gade-major, and Captain John Knowles, who served on shore at the batteries, and Lieutenant Thomas Goldesborough (of the Vigilant, by whose zeal and activity the king's troops were brought through Wallscut to Savannah) were also warmly commended, and the latter appointed to command the Vigilant in the absence of Captain Christian, who was intrusted with the despatches. Captain Mowbray, of the Germain, and the following masters and mates of merchant ships, were also honourably mentioned in the gazetted des- patch— viz. Masters : John Wilson, Archibald M'^Curdy, John Higgins, Arthur Ryburn, Christopher Watson, and John Tate. Mates : James McDonald, John Steele,^ John Chapman, James Ryburn, Coward, and Harrison.

The French fleet put to sea on the 26th of October, and their frigates and galleys on the 2nd November, having j^er - formed no other real service than the capture of the dis- masted 50-gun ship Experiment on the 24th of September, the 24-gun ship Ariel, the Myrtle, Navy Victualler, and Champion, store-ship.

On the 14th of September, the British 32-gun frigate Pearl, Captain George Montagu, while cruising off the Azores, early in the morning, chased a large ship bearmg north-west, and at 9h. 30m. a.m. brought her to action. The chase, which was the Spanish 28-gun frigate Santa Monica, main- tained an animated fire for two hours, at the expiration of which, having had thirty-eight men kiUed and forty-five wounded, she surrendered. The Pearl sufiered a loss of

' Distinguished himself so much during the siege that Captain Henry afterwards appointed him to command the Viper.

286 BATTLES OF [1779-

twelve men killed and nineteen wounded. The Santa Monica was a fine new sliip, mounting twenty-six long 12-pounders on her main deck, and two 4-pounders on her quarter-dect, with a crew of 271 men. She exceeded the Pearl in point of tonnage, and became a great acquisition to the British navy, to which she was added as a 32-gun frigate.

From the time that Captain John Paul Jones returned to Brest in the Banger with his prize, the Drake, until early in 1779, that individual had been vainly soliciting employ- ment iinder the French or American flag. His importunity at length succeeded in inducing some members of the French government to place under Jones's command a ship named the Duras, formerly an Indiaman. Ships of this class were at that period built very strong, and fit to carry either cargo or guns, and it was no uncommon thing to find them em- ployed as ships of war. Their scantling was stout, and their ports large, and properly fitted for guns of good calibre. The Duras, which name was subsequently changed for that of Bon Homme Bichard, was fitted out at L'Orient, under the personal direction of Captain Jones. The precise arma- ment of the Bon Homme Bichard is involved in some obscurity. Mr. James, in his introductory chapter to his " Naval History," describes a vessel called the Bon Acquis, which seems to embody many of the admitted peculiarities of the Bichard. The Bon Acquis, captured in 1757 by the Sheer- ness and Chichester, measm^ed 946 tons, and mounted on the lower deck eight 18-pouriders, on the main deck twenty-eight long 12-pounders, and two long 6-pounderson the forecastle : total, thirty-eight guns.^ Mr. Cooj)er, in describing the Bichard, says : — " She was properly a single -decked ship, or carried her armament on one-gun deck, with the usual addi- tions on the quarter-deck and forecastle ; but Commodore Jones, with a view to attacking some of the larger convoys of the enemy, caused twelve ports to be cut in the gun-room below, where six old 18-pounders were mounted, it being the intention to mount all the guns on one side in smooth water. "^ The Bon Acquis, however, is, we conceive, the best type of the Bichard, of which we have any authentic account.

The squadron with which Captain Jones sailed from

*■ James's Naval History, vol. i. p. 42, 2nd edition, ' Cooper's History of the U. S. Navy, vol. i. p. 193.


1779.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 287

L'Oi'ient, consisted exclusively of the ship he commanded, of the American 36-gun frigate Alliance, Captain Pierre Landais, French 32-gun frigate Pallas, Captain Nicolas Cottineau, French armed 14-gun brig Vengeance, Captain Phihp N. Ricot, and French 14-gun cutter Cerf, Captain Joseph Yarage. Before quitting L'Orient, the whole of the above-named officers signed an agreement giving to each an independent authority, and which stamped the expedition as a privateermg one. Although ostensibly under the American national flag, and nominally under the commission of that government, the orders of the French minister of marine, and the American commissioners at the court of France, were to be executed. On the 23rd of Sej)t ember, being off" Flamborough Head, the Baltic fleet, under convoy of the 44-gun ship Serapis, Captain Richard Pearson, and armed 2 2 -gun ship Countess of Scarborough, Captain Thomas Piercy, was descried. As at this time the dockyards of England, in common with those of her hostile neighbours, were veiy deficient of stores, the importance of this convoy was very great ; and it leaves discredit upon the British naval authorities of that day, that it was intrusted to so puny an escort. Of all classes of ships belonging to the British navy, during the last century, none surpassed, in bad quaUties,the 44-gun ship on two decks ; the two-decked 50-gun ships were bad enough, but the 44-gun sliips were infinitely worse. Their lower deck ports were so close to the water's edge, that it was impossible to open them with safety in a sea-way, besides which the space between decks was so low as to render it extremely difficult to work the guns. On the other hand, the upper deck had only a light breast-high bulwark. The Serapis was one of this useless class of vessels, and being quite new, had not had an opportunity of proving her many defects until brought into the presence of a supe- rior enemy. In a letter from Captain Pearson, preserved among the admiralty records, it is stated, that the lower deck guns were so long and unwieldy as to prevent their being easily rmi in, and that the 12 -pounders on the main deck were old, and their vents so large that great part of the powder exploded through them ! Yet thus imperfectly armed did this slii^D proceed on a service of considerable moment ! The Serapis measiu-ed 886 tons, and her armament

288 BATTLES OF [1779.

consisted of twenty long 18-pounders on tlie lower deck, twenty-two long 12-pounders on tlie main deck, and two long 6-pounders on the forecastle: total — forty-four guns. Mr. Cooper greatly misstates the force of the Serapis, when he describes it as " twenty 18-pound guns, twenty 9 -pound guns, and ten G -pound gims, making an armament of fifty swas in the whole."

Captain Pearson having received information from the bailiffs of Scarborough, that the squadron of Paul Jones was off" the coast, on seeing the strangers, instantly made the signal for the ships under his convoy to bear up under the lee of the Serapis. But although he endeavoured to enforce the signal with guns, his orders were disregarded until noon, when some of the most advanced of the merchant tieet got sight of the enemy. They then tacked and stood in shore for Scarborough, letting fly top gallant-sheets as a signal for an enemy. The Serapis was soon under all sail stretching off" shore to get a sight of the enemy's squadron, which, at Ih. P.M. was seen from the masthead. Captain Pearson, observing the enemy's force to be three large sliips and a brig, made a signal to the Countess of Scarborough to join, and hove to for the purpose of allowing her to close. At 4h. P.M. the enemy's squadron was seen from the deck, bear- ing down with a light breeze from the southward and west- ward. At 6h. the Countess of Scarborough having closed the Serapis, both ships tacked with their heads in shore, the better to cover the retreat of the convoy, both ships being then on the larboard tack, and the Countess of Scarborough the headmost. The enemy's force was, by this time, dis- tinctly seen to be a two-decked ship,^ and two frigates ; but from their being end on, no colours were visible. At about 7h. 20m., the two-decked ship brought to on the larboard bow of the SerajDis within musket-shot, when Captain Pearson hailed her and asked, " What ship is that f An answer was returned, " The Princess Royal." Captain Pearson then asked from whence they came, to which an evasive answer was returned, when Caj^tain Pearson said he would fire into

^ This explicit declaration made by Captain Pearson is a positive con- tradiction of Mr. Cooper's theory, derived, however, from Paul Jones's assertion that the Bon Homme Richard's *' gun-room" only had porta in it.

1779.1 THE BRITISH NAVY. 289

them if they did not answer his question dii'ectly. A gim was then fired from the stranger, in return for whicli the Serapis gave her a broadside. Both ships were under top- sails and top-gallant sails. The Richard returned the fire of the Serapis, and several broadsides were exchanged, when the American sliip hove all aback, and dropped on the quarter of the Serapis. Mr. Cooper, who quotes Lieutenant Dale's authority, states that, at the second broadside, two of the six guns that were in the gun-room of the Bon Homme Richard " bursted," blowmg up the deck above, and killing or wounding a large proportion of the people that were stationed below, and that this disaster caused all the heavy gims to be instantly deserted. ^ The same story is told by Captain Jones. Captain Pearson, however, makes no men- tion of the alleged calamity ; and most assm-edly, had such an accident occurred, it must have been observed from the Serapis. Indeed, when it is considered that the renowned Commodore Decatm', as will be hereafter shown, attributed the escape of the Belvidera, in 1812, to the bursting of one gun on board the President, we think Commodore Jones would have been justified in at once hauling liis wind and quitting the Serapis after such an event as the bursting of two. But the facts, as stated by Captain Pearson, show that the ship was not disabled, and that she merely dropped astern, pro- bably with the view of attempting the manoeuvre of raking the Serapis, by bearing up under that ship's stern. But the Richard, after dropping upon the weather quarter of the Serapis in the manner described, filled again and ran the British ship aboard on the weather or larboard quarter. An attempt was then made to board, but Avliich was at once repulsed, and the Richard again dropped astern. The yards of the Serapis were now backed to enable her to get square with her antagonist ; but having gathered too much stern way, the Richard was able to fill and stand across the bows of the Serapis. This manoeuvre, however, did not wholly succeed, as the mizen shrouds of the Richard caught the jib-boom of the Serapis, and the spar giving way, the ships droj-tped alongside each other head and stern. The spare anchor of the Serapis, haAing entered the quarter

290 BATTLES OF [1779.

gallery of the E-icharcl, held the shijDs fast, and a furious action then took place, the muzzles of the guns touching. This contact occurred, by Captain Pearson's calculation, at 8h. 30m. P.M. From tliis time till lOh. 30m. the cannonade lasted uninterruptedly j but the contest had ceased to be an equal one. The 12-pounder 36-g'un frigate Alliance, shortly after the Serapis and Bon Homme Hichard had got foul in the manner described, bore do%vn upon the combatants, and " sailing round them," pom^ed in a galling fire, to which no retui-n could be made from the Serapis.

Captain Jones, for some reason of his own, thought proper to stigmatize Captain Landais with treachery, and therefore charged him with directing his guns at the American ship instead of the British. The absurdity of this argument, upon which great stress is laid in all the American accounts, is sufficient to disprove it.^ Had the Alliance united her fire ■with that of the Serapis in the manner stated, the Bon Homme Bichard must inevitably have been sunk in an hour. Captain Pearson, therefore, having two opponents to contend against, soon found his case a bad one : and to add to the difficulty of his position, an accident occurred which destroyed his hopes of success. The lower deck battery, for an hour after the ships had come in contact, had kept up a con-

' Had Captain Landais fired the guns with his own hand, it is possible the act might have been committed and proof to the contraiy be still difficult ; but inasmuch as the guns were fired by his crew, most of whom were Americans, it is not possible that he could have ordered them to fire into their consort without some, at least, being able to bear out Jones in his calumnious and mendacious falsehood.^' But to look only at the facts — the Serapis was a superior ship to her adversary ; the latter, according to the Dale and Jones versions, had been reduced to her 12-pounder main deck battery. The action was at such close quar- ters, that skiU in gunnery on either side would have been comparatively valueless, and yet the Serapis was finally overpowered ! A braver or a better and more experienced officer than Captain Pearson did not grace the British na"vy list, his officers were efficient and skilfixl, his crew devoted, consequently, with such adjuncts, his victory must shortly have been complete, but for the circumstance of the guns of the AlUance.

1779.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 291

tinuous fire ; but at 9h. 30m. a hand-grenade, wliicli had Ijeen thrown into one of the lower deck ports, ignited a quantity of powxler, and caused a most destructive explosion fore and aft the deck. It is supposed that the supply of 2)owder from the magazme had been handed up faster than it could be used, and that an accumulation had consequently taken place. So hea"y was the loss, that the guns from the mainmast affc were rendered useless during the remainder of the action. The Serapis had been on fire in at least a dozen places from combustibles thrown on her deck ; but still no thought save of victory was entertained.

The condition of the Bon Homme Richard was no less desperate ; and had not a tliii'd ship been at hand,i her cap- ture would have been certain. At this juncture, a nise was tried, which, though natural and excusable enough in a privateer, is not to be justified in a national ship of w^ar. " At lOh. P.M.," says Captain Pearson, in his oflicial letter, " they called for quarter from the ship alongside, and said they had struck. Hearing tliis, I called upon the captain to know if he had struck, or if he asked for quarter ; hut no answer being made after rejjeating my ivords tioo (yr three titnes, I called for the boarders, and ordered them to board, which they did : but the moment they were on board they dis- covered a superior number lying under cover with pikes in theii* hands ready to receive them, upon which our j)eople instantly retreated into oiu* own ship, and returned to their guns." Captain Jones, in his letter reporting the action,- admits that some of his crew called for quarter, and in liis Memoirs states that the gunner, belie\Tiig the ship to be sinking, was among the number. Jones also acknowledges that he heard Captain Pearson's hail, to which for a time he paid no attention, but at lengih answered, "I have not dreamt of such a thing, but am determined to make you strike." At tliis time also the ensign of the Bon Homme Ptichard was hanging over the stern in the water, the staff

'■ Mr. Cooper seems tacitly to admit this, when he says: "There is little doubt that the Alliance did materially more injury to the Eichard than to the Serapis, though, as Captain Pearson could not have known this fact at the time, it is highly 2^robahle that her proximity raay have influenced that officer in inducing him to lower his flag." — History of the United States Navy, vol. i. p. 227.

^ Sherburne's Memoirs of Paul Jones.


292 BATTLES OF [1779.

having been shot away.^ These admissions are sufficient to warrant a belief that calling for quarter was a deliberate ruse, and that its object was to entrap a number of the Serapis's men on board, with probably the captain at their head, and so gain a mean and unfair advantage. Had Cap- tain Jones or Lieutenant Dale replied to the hail of Captain Pearson, as honoiu^able men would have done, the alleged unauthorized act of calling for quarter would have been nega- tived immediately. Coupling this with the fact that there was a large party of the enemy's crew lying in wait with pikes ready to receive unwary boarders, we cannot avoid terming the whole as a premeditated and most dishonourable transaction.

The action continued till lOh. 30m. p.m. The Alliance had taken up her position under the stern of the Serapis, from which she was able to rake the British ship ^vith impunity. Captain Pearson was left almost alone upon the quarter-deck. Many of his officers were killed or woiuided, and two-thirds of his crew Jiors de combat. His ship was a wreck, the lower masts in a tottering state, and resistance could not hopefully be prolonged. Captain Pearson therefore reluctantly ordered the colours to be struck, in order to save the remainder of his gallant crew, and at the same moment the mammast fell over the side. His duty had been per- formed. The convoy was safe, and the cruise of Paul Jones spoiled.

Immediately the ship struck. Captain Pearson and his first-Heutenant were hurried on board the Bon Homme Bichard, which they found in a sinking state, her quarters on the lower deck having been completely driven in, and all her lower deck guns dismounted. The ship was also on fire in two places, and had six or seven feet water in her hold.^

History of the U. S. Navy, vol. i. p. 218.

1779.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 293

The water gained so rapidly during the night, that it was found necessary to remove the crew and prisoners to the Serapis ; but before all the wounded could be got out, the Bichard sank. Captain Pearson, in his official letter, states that the Bon Homme Bichard " sunk with a great number of her wounded people on board ;" but this has been con- tradicted by the advocates of Captain Jones. It is, how- ever, so exceedingly probable, that one is more inclined to think Captain Pearson s statement the most correct.

The crew of the Bon Homme Bichard was very numerous. It is stated by Captain Pearson that the American ship had a complement of 375 men, and that 300 j:)nsoners were on board the squadron ; but Mr. Cooper states that the crew on the muster-roll of the Bon Homme Bichard when she commenced the action (exclusive of soldiers, and '•' a few volunteers not mustered"), did not exceed 227, and that many of those were absent in prizes. The soldiers numbered 120, which increases the complement to 347 j and probably if the " few volunteers not mustered" are added. Captain Pearson's estimate will not be found so very extravagant. Of these there were, according to the Cooper version, forty- two seamen killed, or died of their wounds, and forty-one seamen wounded ; and the loss of soldiers serving as marines is set down at forty-nine, making a total of 132 killed and Tvounded. " It is known, however," writes Mr. Cooper, "that in the commencement of the action the soldiers, or marines, suffered out of proportion to the rest of the crew ; and general report having made the gross loss of the Bichard 150 men, we are disposed to believe that it was not far from the fact." 1 Captain Bearson's letter, on the other hand, states that the enemy's loss was 317, which probably included some of " the few volunteers not mustered," and some of the English prisoners of war, which, it is generally believed, were forced to fight against their countrymen.^ The loss of the

without touching anything. The rudder was cut from the stem-post, and the transoms nearly all driven out of her. Ail the after part of the ship in particular that was below the quarter-deck was torn to pieces, and nothing had saved those stationed on the quarter-deck but the impossibility of elevating guns that almost touched their object."

' History of the U. 8. Kavy, vol. i.

294 BATTLES OF [1779.

Serapis was very severe. She commenced the action with 264 men, exclusive of a number of lascars, being supernume- raries, borne for a passage, and of these she had one master's mate, WiUiam Brown ; two midsliipmen, George Ludwig and WiUiam Bunting ; the boatsv/ain, Edward Place ; pilot, George Posgate ; two petty officers, twenty-seven seamen, and fifteen marines killed ; and the second-lieutenant, Michael Stanhope ; second-lieutenant of marines, Samuel Wightman ; two surgeon's-mates, John McNight and Walter Elitchen ; John Brownell, master's-mate (severely) ; William Popple well, midshipman ; William Mycock, clerk ; three petty officers, forty-six seamen, and twelve marines wounded ; total, forty- nine killed, sixty-eight wounded. This number mcluded only the badly wounded; but numerous others sufiered from burns. The list was sadly augmented by the bad attendance and miseries to wliich the crew were subjected prior to the exchange of jDrisoners ; so that the deaths were increased to sixty-one, including sixteen marines.

The armed sliip Countess of Scarborough, under the com- mand of Captain Thomas Piercy, was not at all a inatch for the Pallas ; but Captain Piercy, notwithstanding liis greatly inferior force, maintained a smart action, and did not siu"- render until four of his crew were killed and twenty wounded, three of whom died.

Captain Pearson and his remaining crew were carried into the Texel on the 6th of October, and from the Dutch autho- rities they were demanded by the British government, and after some delay were at length released. Captains Pearson and Piercy were both rewarded, as was their due, for their gallant conduct : the former received the honour of knight- hood, and the latter promoted ; and the further to mark the public sense of the skill and bravery whicn preserved a valuable fleet ffom capture, the London Assurance Company presented both these officers with pieces of plate to the value of 100 guineas to Captain Pearson,^ and of fifty to Captain

master-at-arms were mustered at the pumps, turning their consternation to account.

' Sir Richard Pearson was afterwards appointed lieutenant-governor of GreenAvich Hospital, where he died in 1805. Tlie annexed portrait is kindly presented by his grandnephew, the Eev. George Thompson, M.A., of Wisbeach.

1779.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 295

Piercy. Yarious other pubKc companies and corporations ackiiowledgecl the meritorious service performed. The first- lieutenant of the Serapis, John Wright, was promoted, and a court-martial honourably acquitted the captains and officers of both ships.

On the 6th of October, the British 12-pounder 32-gua frigate Quebec, Captain George Farmer, while cruising off Brest in company "vvith the Bambler cutter, Lieutenant George, chased two sail in the south-west quarter, which at 8h. A.M. were made out to be a large frigate and a cutter. The stranger, which was the French 18-pounder 40-gTin frigate Surveiliante, at 9h. a.m. commenced firing upon the Quebec as she bore down to close her ; and as the two frigates, both edging off the wind, neared each other, a vigorous action took place. The Rambler, at llh., brought to action the French 16-gun cutter Expedition, and after engaging for three hours, obUged her to sheer off. So deter- mined was the fight between the two frigates, that at 2h. p.m. both were dismasted, and the fall of the Quebec's mizen-mast unfortunately caused the shij) to take fire, in consequence of the main-sail, which hung over the muzzles of the guns. The Rambler endeavoured to approach to the assistance of the Quebec, but the light air of ^\TLnd prevented her doing so ; boats were however sent to endeavour to save her crew. The Quebec continued to burn furiously till 6h. p.m., when she blew up with colours flying. The boats of the cutter picked up one master's mate, two midshipmen, and fourteen men ; Lieutenant Francis Roberts was saved by the French fi'igate, and Mr. Wilkie, captain's clerk, by a Prussian vessel. Previously to this conclusion, Captain Farmer and about eighty of his crew had been killed or wounded, when by this unfortunate catastrophe 1-50 brave men were lost. The SurveHlante was reduced to a sinking state, and reached France with great difficulty. The number of her crew killed and wounded is not known, but it must have been very great, judging from her shattered and dismasted state. The great inferiority of force under which the Quebec fought was such as to throw the highest lustre on Captain Farmer's determined conduct ; and the loss of so brave an officer was deeply to be deplored. To mark his sense of this action, the king conferred upon Captain Farmer's eldest son a baronetcy ;

296 BATTLES OF [1780.

and Lieutenant Roberts was most deservedly promoted to be a commander.

On tlie S-lth of October, the French 30-gim frigate Alcmene was captured by a squadron under the command of Captain Richard Edwards, oft" Martinique. On the 18th of December, Caj^tain Walter Griffiths, when commanding the 74:-gun ship Conqueror, was killed in a partial encounter on the same station with a French squadron under M. de la Mothe Piquet. On the 20th of December, the French 36-gun frigate Blanche and 40-g'un frigate Fortunee, and on the 23rd the 28-gun frigate ElHs, belonging to Comte d'Estaing's fleet, were captured by the squadron of Rear- Admiral Hyde Parker. The Blanche and Fortunee were added to the British navy.

On the 11th of November, the Spanish 38-gun frigate Santa Marguerita was captured off Cape Finisterre by the British 28-gun frigate Tartar, Captain A. Grasme, belonging to the squadron of Commodore George Johnstone. The Santa Marguerita, being a fine ship, was added to the British navy as a 12-pounder 36-gan frigate, in which she was for a long period a ser^^.ceable cruiser.

On the 12th of December, at daybreak, the British 50-gun ship Salisbury, Captain Charles Inglis, being off Porto de Sail, in the Bay of Honduras, chased a large ship. The pur- suit lasted till 6h. 30m. p.m., when the chase hoisted Spanish colours, and an action commenced. At 8h. 30m. the Spanish ship's mainmast was shot away, and, being reduced to a defenceless state, with the loss of a great part of her crev/, she surrendered. The prize was the San Carlos privateer, of fifty guns, long 12 and 6-pounders, and 397 men. Her guns were principally brass ; and besides those momited, she had on board twelve brass 24-pounders, a quantity of shot and shells, and 5,000 stand of arms. On l)oard the Salisbuiy four men were killed, and fourteen wounded, five mortally, anions: whom was the master, Mr. ]Millar. Prizes were taken fi'om the French and Spaniards to the amount of no less than d£l,025,G00; and although the British also met wdth great losses, yet they were not to be compared with their successes.

  1. — The fleet of Admiral George B. Rodney, consisting of twenty-one sail of the line and nine frigates, Avhile on its outward voyage for the relief of Gibraltar, captured on the

1780.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 29?

1st of January a Spanish squadron belonging to the Caraccas Company. This squadron, commanded by Commodore Don Juan Augustin de Yardi, in the 64-gun ship Guipuscoano, comprised six ships of war ; and the convoy, variously freio-hted, consisted of fifteen sail. Having arrived off Cadiz, Admii-al Rodney received information that a Spanish fleet of fourteen sail of the hue, commanded by Admiral Don Langara, was cruising off Cape St. Vincent, and made prepa- rations for action.

On the 16th of January, at Ih. p.m.. Cape St. Vincent beai'iug north, distant four leagues, a fleet was discovered in the south-east quarter, upon which the signal was made to bear up east in line. At 2h. Admiral Rodney, perceiv- ing that the strange fleet was the one of which he had intelligence, and that the ships were crowding all sail to escape, made the signal for a general chase. The wind was blo^'ing strong from the westward, with hazy weather. The coppered ships gained rapidly in the pursuit ; and shortl}^ after 4h. p.ji. the 74-gim shijjs Defence, Bedford, Resolution, and Edgar, Captains James Cranston, Edmund Affleck, Sir Chaloner Ogle, and John ElHot, commenced firing on the enemy, retreating in great disorder. The 64-gun ship Bicnfaisant, Caj^tain John Macbride, ha\dng at a little before 5h. got up with the Spanish 70-gun ship San Domingo, the latter blew up with a tremendous explosion, and every man perished. One man, picked up by the Pegasus, was in so dreadful a state, that he expired before reacliing Gibraltar. The action was continued during the night, which was dark and squally ; but at 2h. a.m. on the following morning Admiral Rodney, conceiving the enemy's ships to be all so disabled as to prevent their escaping, and the wind ha\ing increased to a gale, ordered the fleet to heave to.

The ships engaged, and which sustained any loss, were the following : — Prince George, Rear-Admiral Digby, Captain Philip Paton, one killed and three wounded ; Bedford, Captain Edmund Aflieck, three killed and nine wounded ; Defence, Captain James Cranston, ten killed and twenty-one wounded ; Edgar, Captain John Elliot, Lieutenant of marines C. H. Strachan, and six kiUed, and Lieutenant John Forbes and twenty men wounded ; Cumberland, Caj^tain Joseph Peyton, one man wounded ; Invincible,




Captain Samuel Cornish, tliree men killed and fonr wounded ; Monarch, Captain Adam Duncan, three killed and twenty- six wounded ; Terrible, Capta,in John Douglas, six killed and twelve, including the master, wounded ; Ajax, Captain Samuel Uvedale, Lieutenant Forrest, mortally, and six men wounded. The number, force, and fate of the Spanish fleet were as under : —

Guns. Ships.

80 Phoenix (taken)

' San Augustin (escaped) San Genaro do. San Justo do.

San Lorenzo do. San Julian (taken) San Euo-enio do.




Ships. San Domingo (blown up) Monarca (taken) Princeza do. Diligente do. Sta. Gertrudie (escaped) Sta. Rosalia do.

The morn i no; was further advanced when the sis'nal was made to the admiral that the fleet was in shoal water ; and it then became necessary to get the sliips' heads ofi' shore. Two of the prizes, the San Julian and San Eugenio, on board which prize crews had been put — ^but from which, on account of the weather, it was found impossible to remove the officers and crews — being greatly damaged in their masts, were unable to get ofl* shore with the rest of the fleet, and the prize crews were overpowered by the Spaniards, who carried the ships into Cadiz. The Phoenix, accompanied by the Defence and Bienfaisant,^ parted company from the fleet, and arrived at Gibraltar two days after the action.

On the 30th of January, the 28-gun frigate Surprise, Captain Samuel Reeve, being off the Dodman, fell in ^vith two French privateers, a brig and shij), in pursuit of which Captain Keeve had been despatched from Plymouth. The brig effected her escape, but ha'ing brought the largest, which was the Du-Guai-Tromn, of twenty 8-pounders, to action, she soon compelled her to surrender, and Lieutenant Charles

1780.] THE BKITISH NAVY. 299

Henry Lane, with a midsMpman, and seven men, were sent on board to take possession. The wind had, by this time, increased to a heavy gale, and it was Avith difficulty that the boat Could get alongside the ]irize, and, in effecting it, the boat was swamped and knocked to pieces. Lieutenant Lane, with his small party, was thus placed among 130 French- men ; and so heavy was the gale, that it was found imjDos- sible to give him further assistance from the Surprise. Dm'ing one whole day the Surprise was not in sight, and it required the utmost firmness on the part of Mr. Lane to keep the French crew from taking command of the ship. By perseverance and coui*age, however, the Du-Guai-Trouin was carried into Plymouth, and being a fine new ship of 252 tons, was added to the British navy, under the name of Trouin as a 14:-giin ship sloop.

On the 13th of March, the 74-gun ships Alexander and Courageux, Captains Lord Longford and Lord Mulgrave, ci'uising to the westward of Scilly, caj^tm'ed, after a pursuit of eighteen hours' duration, the French privateer Monsiem', of forty gams, 12 and 6-pounders, and 362 men. The prize, being a fine new frigate, was added to the British navy.

On the 20th of March, the 64-gun ship Lion, Captain the Honourable W. Cornwallis, having in company the 50-giui shij^ Bristol, Captain Toby Caulfield, and 44-gun ship Janus, Cajjtain Bonovier Glover, being off Monte Christi, fell in with a French squadron of five sail and a convoy, under the command of M. de la Mothe Piquet. The French squadron consisted of the 74-gun ships Hannibal and Diademe, 64-gun ship Befleche, 56-gun ship Amphion, and 32-gun frigate Amphitrite. The French squadron was to windward, and, on perceiving the inferior force of the British ships, made sail in chase ; upon which Commodore Cornwallis made sail in line ahead. At 5h. p.m., the Hannibal having gained on the British, opened fire upon the Janus; but, instead of bringing that ship to close action, yawed occasionally to fire her broadside, and in tliis way kept up a running fight during the night. The morning of the 21st was calm, and the Janus (by this time at some distance astern of her consorts) was in danger of falling into the hands of the enemy ; but Commodore CornAvallis, ordering the boats of the Lion and




Bristol ahead to tow, succeeded in getting into action with the enemy, with whom a distant cannonading was kept up for two hours, during which the Hannilial's mizen topmast and foretop-gallant mast were shot away. The French squadron, taking advantage of a light air, then hauled off to windward, and the British ships employed the time thus afforded in reeving new running rigging, and repairing the damages sustained. At sunset, the French again stood towards the three British ships, but did not renew the action. At daylight on the 23rd, three fresh ships hove in sight, which proved to be the 64:-gun ship Ruby, and Niger and Pomona frigates ; upon seeing which reinforcement, the French squadron hauled to the wind, and made all sail away. Notmthstanding every endeavour to bring M. de la Motlie Piquet to action, it was found impossible. The British ships in this engagement had only twelve men killed and wounded. The commodore and the captains, officers and seamen, received the marked thanks of Sir Peter Parker.

Admiral Sir George Bridges Bodney, commander-in-chief of the West India station, blockaded the French fleet, under Comte de Guichen, Ipiig in Fort Boyal Bay, Martinique ; but, on the night of the 15th of Apiil, this fleet, consisting of twenty-three sail of the line, five frigates, a corvette, a lugger, and a cutter, eluded the Aagilance of the British admiral, and put to sea. The French fleet comprised two 80-gun ships, eleven of 74 guns, and ten G4:-gun ships ; and the British fleet the follomng : —


o 1 • 1 \ Admiral Sir G-. B. Rodney (white)

Sandwich i ri 4- • w^ ^^. ^^

( Lap tain VV alter i ounsr


j Rear- Admiral H. Parker ( Captain Henr}^ Harmood \ Rear-Admiral Joshua Rowley (red) \ Captain Thomas Watson p p, i Commodore T. Collingwood

( Captain Thomas Newnham { Commodore "W. Hotham \ Captain J. Holloway

Samuel Uvedale

Princess Royal Conqueror . . .



Ajax . .


Albion . .




Hon. F. Maitland Geo. Bowyer John Douglas Timothy Edwards Thomas Crespin

1780.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 301

Guns. Ships.

^,. j Montagu Captain Jolm Houlton

' ( Magnificent „ John Elphinstone

70 Boyne ,, Charles Cotton

' Stirling Castle .... ,, Kobert Carkett

Trident „ A. J. P. Molloy

6-1 < Yarmouth „ Nat. Eateman

Vigilant „ Sir G. Hume, Bart.

^Intrepid „ . . ,, Hon. H. St. John

60 Medway . . „ William Affleck

Frigates, &c. — Centurion, Richard Braithwaite ; Venus, John Fer- guson ; Pegasus, Greyhound, Andromeda, and Deal Castle, Captains John Bazeley, William Dixon, Henry Byrne, and William Fooks.

On the 1 Gtli of April, Sir George Rodney got sight of the enemy bearing north-west, and about eight leagues to lee- ward of the Pearl Rock, and made the signal for a general chase. The mnd was southerly, and at 5h. p.m. the two fleets had shortened the distance between each other so much, that the force of each was plainly discernible, and at sunset Sir George Rodney formed his fleet in line ahead, and ordered the frigates to keep sight of the enemy during the night. At daybreak on the 17th, the wind continuing southerly, the British fleet, in line ahead on the starboard tack, was to windward of the enemy, who was observed forming on the same tack. At 6h. a.m. Rodney, judging from the state of the French fleet that an attack on their rear would be attended with success, communicated his wish by signal ; and, having ordered his fleet to wear and form the line on the larboard tack, at one cable's length distance, Jhe continued under easy sail till 8h. 30m. Having, by this time, reached a desirable position, and being at no great distance to windward. Sir George Rodney made the signal to bear up in line abreast, and commence the action. This manoeuvre, however, v^as adroitly frustrated by the French admiral, who, observing that his rear was about to be at- tacked, also wore round on the larboard tack, thereby reversing his line. Sir George Rodney, thus foiled in his design, hauled to the wind on the starboard tack, and stood on until 11 h. a.m., when, being nearly parallel with the French fleet, he made the preparatory signal, and a little before noon made that for the fleet to bear up in line abreast, and close the enemy. Orders so clear and explicit, joiaed to the example of the oommander-in-chief, and the sliips near




Mm, coiild scarcely have been misunderstood ; yet several ships of the British van division, led hy Captain Kobert Carkett, kept their hxS, and endeavoured to bring to action the French van ships. Sir George Kodney, in the Sandwich, brought to action a French ship which was astern of De Guichen, and was nobly supported by Kear-Admu-al Rowley and the rear division ; and, but for the unfortunate mistake of the British van ships, a decisive action must have ensued. After engaging till 4h. p.m., the French fleet bore up and made sail before the wind, while, from the disunited and crippled state of the British fleet, it was found inexpedient to pursue the enemy. The killed and wounded were as follow : —








Sandwich . . . . . .

Princess Koyal _. Conqueror . . . .


Vengeance ..... Ajax

14 5

13 2 1 4 9 3








16 o

49 12


Magnificent .....


Stirling Castle . .


Yarmouth ....





9 1 2 4 14 5

10 3

30 10

34 26 15

2 11



Albion ._.


Cornwall ......




The officers killed and wounded on board the fleet were as follow : — Intrepid : Captain the Hon, H. St. John, and Lieutenants Bichard Deacon and Thomas Hooper, killed ; and the gunner wounded. Sandwich : Lieutenant Monckton, killed. Medway : Lieutenant Wigmore, killed. Mon- tagu : Caj)tain Houlton, Lieutenant the Hon. A. Forester Cockrane, Captain of marines Bobert Carey, and Captain Ogle, 87 th regt., wounded. EHzabeth : Lieutenant of marines John Herriott, wounded. Grafton : Captain Newn- ham, and Lieutenants Nathaniel Stuart and Edward Smith, wounded. The French loss amounted, including officers, to 158 killed and 820 wounded.

Captains Carkett and Bateman were severely dealt with, and the latter dismissed the service by a court-martial, but immediately afterwards reinstated. That their conduct pro-

1780.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 303

ceeded from error in judgment only, is to be inferred from tlieir previous gallantry. Rear- Admiral Hyde Parker, who commanded the division, was, in strictness, answerable for the disobedience, as it was termed, but, more j^roperly, mis- construction, of the admiral's signals. Why did he not bear up in obedience to the signal 1 Captain Carkett, it will be remembered, was the first lieutenant of the Monmouth, when she captured the Foudroyant, and the same who nobly fought the ship after Captain. Gardiner's death ; neither ought Captain Bateman (who had more killed and wounded on iDoard his ship than his rear-admiral) to have been selected as a victim to appease the disappointment of the pubHc.

A partial engagement took place on the 19 th of May, on which occasion the Albion had twelve men killed and sixty-one wounded ; and the YigUant, nine killed and fifteen wounded. The other ships sustained little damage.

On the 7th of June, in the morning, the 32-gun frigate Iris, Captain James Hawker, while cruising ofi" the North American coast, discovered a strange sail on her lee beam, and wore towards her. The stranger was the French 36-gun frigate Hermione, commanded by M. La Touche, who had, a short time previously, made a pompous sjoeech to the State of Massachusetts Bay, ofiering to scour the coast of British frigates. The two frigates, having approached within musket- shot, exchanged broadsides as they passed on op- posite tacks ; when the Iris wearing round, brought the Hermione to close action, both ships running off the wind. After an action of one hour and twenty minutes, the Her- mione endeavoured to get away. The Iris lost no time in making sail after her opponent ; but having received much damage in her sj)ars, and having had most of her studding sail l)Ooms shot away, she was unable to overtake her. After following the Hermione for some time, a strange sail hove in sight ahead, to which the French frigate made signals of recog-nition, when Captain Hawker discontinued the pursuit. In hauling to the wind, the Iris's fore-topsail yard went in the slings, and her lower masts, being much wounded, it was feared, would follow : the smoothness of the water alone preserved them. The Iris had seven men killed, and Lieut. Bourne, of the marines (mortally), and nine men wounded. The Hermione escaped into Boston, leaving Captain

304 BATTLES OF [1780.

La Touclie very little to boast of in liis action wdtli the Iris.

On tlie loth of June, the 32-gun frigate Apollo, Captain Philemon Pownoll, cruismg in the Korth Sea in company with the Cleopatra, Captain the Hon. George ]Murray, was despatched in chase of a cutter in the south-west quarter. At lOh. 30m. A.M., being nearly within gun-shot of the cutter, a large ship was observed standing out from the land, upon which Captam Pownoll endeavoured to close the stranger. The wind was about north-east, and the stranger, standing to the northward on the starboard tack, was enabled to cross the Apollo's bows. At llh. the stranger tacked to the eastward, and the Apollo also hove about, until the stranger being on her weather quarter, the Apollo again tacked, as did also the enemy. The stranger, which was the Prencli 32-gun merchant frigate Stanislaus (but ha\ing only twenty-six long I2-pounders mounted), and the Apollo exchanged broadsides in passing, when the latter again tacking, brought her to close action under all sail at about noon. As the fight proceeded, the two ships edged off the wind, standing in for Ostend. The cannonading had con- tinued nearly an hour, when the brave PoAvnoU was killed, and the command of the ship devolved on Lieutenant Edward Pellev/, who continued the fight with great spirit. Pinding the intention of the enemy was to run ashore, the AjjoUo's now youthful commander gallantly endeavoured, by every means in his power, to frustrate the design in crossing and recrossing the enemy's bows ; but being in little more than twenty feet water, he deemed it prudent, with the advice of the master and other officers, to wear the ship, and come to the wind with her head ofif shore. In a few minutes after the ApoUo discontinued the action, the Stanislaus took the ground, and her foremast and main-topmast fell over the side. Ostend being neutral ground, it was considered im- proper to violate the neutrality by renewing the engagement, and while the point was under discussion the Stanislaus fired a gun to leeward to claim the protection of the Dutch. The action, therefore, was not recommenced. The Stanislaus was afterwards got oflT and carried into Ostend, where she was bought by the British government, and added to the navy by the name of Proselyte. The Apollo lost in the

1780.] THE BRITISH XAVY. 305

action, besides lier captain, five men killed and twenty wounded. Her rigging was cat to pieces, and slie liad tliree feet water in lier hold when she left off the action. The loss of the French ship is not recorded.

Lieutenant Pellew (who was promoted on the 1st of July), in a private letter addressed to the Admiralty, mentioned, in glowing terms, the assistance he derived from Mr. John Milburn, the master, and also from Lieutenant J. Browne Bunce, second of the ship, Lieutenant of marines George V. Mansfield, and Ritchie, master's mate.

On the 1st of July, the 50-gun ship Romney, Capt^iiii Boddam Home, cruising off Cape Finisterre, after a close action of forty minutes, captured the French 18-pounder 40-gun frigate Artois, Captain de Fabre. The Artois, out of 460 men, had twenty killed and forty Avounded ; and the Romney two men wounded. The Artois measured 1,159 tons, and was the finest frigate at that time afloat, and was a valuable acquisition to the British navy, to wliich she was added under the same name. On the 6th, the Bomney captured the French corvette Perle, of eighteen guns and 138 men.

On the 4th of July, the Prudente, of tliirty-six guns, and Licorne, of thirty-two guns. Captains the Hon. William Waldegrave and the Hon. Thomas Cadogan, cruising off Cape Ortegal, at lOh. a.m., chased a large frigate. Light airs and foggy weather delayed the pursuing ships ; but the Piiidente, at midnight, brought the stranger to close action, who fought until she had lost her mainmast and had five feet water in her hold, when she struck. The prize was the French 40-gun fi^gate Capricieuse, but with only thirty-two guns moimted, and 308 men, commanded by M. de Bausanne, who fell in the action. So desperate had been the defence of the Capricieuse, that, after being surveyed, it was con- sidered impossible to convey her into port ; and as soon as the prisoners were removed, she was set on fire and de- stroyed. The necessity of destroying so fine a frigate as the Capricieuse, a ship of 1,100 tons, and only a few months old, was much to be lamented, and her destruction does not appear to be justified by the report of her survey.^ The

' Tlie following statement, of damaf'es was made previous to the destruction of this beautiful ship : — "Foremast shot in several plaues ; foretopmast over the side ; mainmast shot av/ay ten feet above the deck,


306 BATTLES OF [1780.

Capricieuse lost lier first and second captains, and about 100 men killed and wounded ; and the British loss amounted, in the Prudente, to four midshipmen (John Dismond, Richard Montgomery, Thomas England, and "William Dismond), twelve seamen, and one marine killed. Lieut. Joseph Ellison (lost right arm), one midshipman (William M'^Carthy), twenty-five seamen, and four marines wounded, three of whom mortally. The Licorne had three men killed and seven wounded.

On the 14th of July, the 64-gTin ship Nonsuch, Captain Sir James Wallace, while cruising off Belleisle, chased a French convoy, which was under the protection of three frigates; but, with the exception of one frigate (La Lazere), wliich took the ground, the whole succeeded in entering the Loire. The Lazere, though pierced for thirty-six guns, had only twelve mounted, and the boats of the Nonsuch were sent to destroy her ; but while this service was being effected, three large ships were discovered in the ofiing making signals to each other. The attention of Sir James Wallace was accordingly dii'ected to this more important object, and the Nonsuch was soon under a crowd of sail to close with the strangers. About midnight the Nonsuch, being a remarkably fast-sailing ship, overtook the sternmost. which was the 12 -pounder 3 2 -gun frigate Belle Poule, com- manded by the Chevalier Kergariou, and after a ininning action of two hours' duration obliged the enemy to surrender. The Nonsuch had three men kiUed, and two mortally, and eight wounded, more or less severely. The loss on board the Belle Poule in her noble defence, out of a crew of 275 men, amounted to twenty -five killed, including the captain ; and the majority of the officers and fifty men were wounded. The j)rize measured 902 tons, and was added to the British navy under her French name. The other two ships (one of which, the Aimable, was a frigate of the same class as the Belle Poule) effected their escape.

On the 22nd of July, the 20-gmi ship Porcupine, Captain Sir Charles Knowles, while cruising off Valencia, beat off

lying fore and aft ; mizenmast shot in several places ; mizen-topmast the same ; all her spare yards and masts rendered unserviceable by shot ; a number of shot-holes betwixt wind and water, and many other damages ; I ^ and we left her with six feet water in the hold/' &c.

1780.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 307

two large Spanish polacres, the largest of which mounted twenty-eight long 9 -pounders and the smallest twenty-four guns. A third vessel joined in the combat, but after several unsuccessful attacks the whole made sail away. The Por- cupine had only four men wounded. A few days afterwards Sir Charles Knowles, having in company the Minorca sloop, Captain Lawson, brought to action, off the Barbary coast, the French 32-gun frigate Montreal. After an en- gagement of near two hours, the ships separated, the Porcu- pine having had three men killed and two wounded, and the Minorca two men killed.

On the 10th of Aug-ust, at 4h. 30m. p.m., while the 36-gun frigate Flora, Captain WilHam Peere Williams, was cruising off Ushant, a frigate and cutter were discovered to leeward. The wind was moderate from east-north-east, and the stran- gers were observed to be on the starboard tack, distant about lour miles. The Flora bore uj), and made sail in chase, and the ship, which was the 36-gun frigate Nymphe, having backed her mizen-topsail, the Flora, at 5h. 10m., commenced the action v/ithin musket-shot. The cannonading lasted for an hoiu', the ships gradually nearing each other, until the Flora's wheel being shot away, she fell on board the ISTymphe. The action continued fifteen minutes longer, when the enemy quitted their guns, and made several attempts to board, but were rej)ulsed with loss. The British crew, headed by Lieu- tenant Edward Thornborough, then boarded the ISTymphe, and, after a short but severe struggle, hauled do^vn the French colours. The Nymphe, commanded by the Chevalier Bomain, commenced the action with 291 men. She w^as pierced for forty guns, but had only thirty-two long 12 and G-pounders mounted. She lost her first and second cap- tains, her first lieutenant, and other officers — ^in all, sixty- three killed, and sixty-eight (including a great many officers) woimded. The Flora was an 18-pounder frigate, mounting, including carronades, forty-two guns, with a crew of 259 men, of which she had nine killed, and the master (Mr. Creed) and seventeen men wounded. Lieutenant Thornborousfh was deservedly promoted on the 14th of September follo%ving. The ISTymphe was added to the British navy under the same name, as a 12 -pounder 36-gun frigate.

On the 13th of August, the 64-gun ship Bienfaisant, and


308 BATTLES OF [1780.

44-giin ship Charon, Captains John Macbride and John Symonds, being off the Old Head of Kinsale, chased a large Prench ship. At 7h. 30m. a.m. the Bienfaisant brought the stranger to action, and being well supported by the Charon, the enemy at 9h. a.m. struck. The prize was the French 64-gun privateer Comte d'Artois, ha\dng a crew of 640 men, and commanded by Chevalier Clonard, lieutenant de vaisseau. She had twenty-one men killed, and thirty-five wounded. The Bienfaisant had three men killed, and twenty-two wounded, and the Charon one man wounded.

On the 30th of September, the 32-gun frigate Pearl, Cap- tain George Montagu, being off Bermuda, captured, after a well-contested action, the French merchant frigate Esperance, mounting tv/enty-eight guns, 12-pounders. The Pearl's loss in the action was Lieutenant Foulke, of the marines, and five men killed, and the master ( — Dunbar) and nine wounded. The EsjDerance, out of 123 men, had tw^enty killed, and twenty-four wounded. The prize measured 736 tons, and w^as added to the na"vy as the 32-gun frigate Clinton.

On the 2nd of November, the 14-gun brig Zephyr, Com- mander John Inglis, caj^tured, after a gallant action, the French 18-gun ship Senegal (formerly the British Race- horse), lying vnth some prizes in the river Gambia. The French loss amounted to twelve men killed, and twenty-two wounded ; and the Zephyr's to two killed, and four wounded. On the 22nd of November the Senegal took fire and blew up, w^hen preparing for the homeward voyage. Lieutenant George Crofts and twenty-two ofiicers and men perished.

On the 8th of December, while the squadron on the East India station, imder Vice- Admiral Sir Edward Hughes, was off Mangalore, several vessels belonging to Hyder Ally were observed in the Boads. There not being sufficient water for the ships, the boats were sent away under cover of two of the H. E. I. Company's snows, which with great gallantry boarded and destroyed the whole, with the exception of one armed brig, w^hich escaped by throwing overboard her guns, and running into the harbour. Tliis service was, however, attended with severe loss, amounting to Lieutenant — Gos- nam, of the Burford, and ten men killed ; and Lieutenants Samuel Sutton, of the Superb; Dunbar M'Lellan, of the Eagle, and fifty-one men wounded.

1781.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 309

On the SOtk of December, war being declared against Holland, the Dutch 54-gnn ship Princess Caroline was cap- tured off the Goodwin by the 74-gun ship Bellona, Captam Pdchard Onslow. The Dutch loss was four men killed, and twelve wounded ; and that of the British, one killed, and two Avounded. The prize was added to the British na\y under the same name.

  1. — On the 4th of January, the 74-gun ships Courageux and Yaliant, Captains Lord Mulgrave and Samuel G-oodall, being off Brest, chased three French frigates, but were only able to overtake one, which, after a running fight of great obstinacy Avith the Courageux, surrendered. The ship captured was the (late British^) 32-gun frigate Minerva, Captain Chevalier de Grimouard j and she sustained a loss of forty-nine men killed, and her captain and twenty-three wounded : her hull was much damaged, and masts unserviceable. The Courageux was much injured by the frigate's fire, and had ten men killed, and seven wounded. The Minerva was restored to the British navy under the name of Recovery.

On the .5th of Januaiy, the Dutch 50-gun ship Rotterdam, Captain Volbergen, was captured by the 50-gun ship War- wick, Cai>tain the Hon. George Keith Elphinstone, after a smart action. The Rotterdam had been pre\dously engaged by the 50-gun shij) Isis, Captain Evelyn Sutton ; but the British ship being fifty men short of complement. Captain Sutton did not prosecute the action with sufficient vigour, and the Dutch ship was permitted to escape. Captain Sutton was tried by court-martial for neglect of duty, and reprimanded. The Rotterdam was added to the British navy under the same name.

On the 22nd of January, in the morning, the 36-gain fi'igate Prudente, in company with the Proserpine, chased a strange sail ; but the former outsailing her consort, con- tinued the pursuit alone. At night the Prudente brought the stranger to action within pistol-shot ; but the latter had recourse to some clever manceuvre, and succeeded in evading her pursuer until the 24th, and escaped a second time in the night. On the 2Gth the stranger was again seen to leev»^ard

' The Minerva, Captain John Stott, was captured in the West Indies, by a large French fiigate, in 1777, Captain vStott being at the time unaware of the declaration of war.

310 BATTLES OP [1781.

without a main-topsail-yard, and tlie Prudente having once more closed with her^ she hauled down her colours, and was taken possession of. The prize was the French 32-gLin pri- vateer American, and had on board a crew of 245 men. She had thrown overboard her quarter-deck guns in the chase, so that, when captured, she had only twenty-four g-uns (long 8-pounders) on board.

On the 25th of February, the 32-gun frigate Cerberus, Captain Robert Mann, being twenty leagues to the westward of Cape Finisterre, chased a frigate bearing south-west. Having, in a few hours, closed with the stranger, the Cerberus opened fire, and in less than twenty minutes compelled her to strike. She proved to be the Spanish 28-gun frigate Grana, Captain Don Nicolas de Medina, and commenced the action with 166 men, of which she had six killed and seven- teen wounded. The Grana was added to the British navy by the same name.

On the 1 6th of March, Yice- Admiral Marriot Arbuthnot's squadron, consisting of the undermentioned ships, being off the Chesapeake, foiu'teen leagues from Cape Henry, came in sight of the French squadron under M. Ternay. The British squadron was disposed in the follo^ving order, but which was reversed in the action which ensued.

Guns. Ships.

64 America Captain Samuel Thompson

74 Bedford „ Edmund Affleck

50 Adamant. ..... ,, Gideon Johnstone

f^o T 1 \ Rear- Admiral Thomas Graves (red)

98 London . . . . . . i n 4- • -r\ -a r^

( Captain David Graves

"4- V lot \ Vice-Admiral Marriot Arbuthnot (white)

^ ^ ^ .... I Captain William Swiney

f,. ^ Prudent ....... „ Thomas Burnet

( Europa ........ ,, Smith Child

74 Hobust ........ ,, Phillipps Cosby

32-gun frigates Iris and Pearl, Captains George Dawson and George

Montagu, and Guadaloupe, twenty-eight, Captain Hugh Robinson,

The French squadron, consisting of seven sail of the line, one ship of forty-four guns, two frigates, and one 64-guri ship, armed en jiute, was brought to action, at 2h. p.:m., by the Robust, Europa, and Prudent, the leading British ships, and they continued engaging imtil 3h., when the French squadron bore up. It appears to have been in the power of

1781.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 311

the sliips which were not engaged to have brought the enemy to action, but the Admiral chose rather to stay by his crippled ships, and the enemy was permitted to escape. The loss on the part of the British was as follows : — Kobnst, fifteen killed, including Lieutenant the Honourable

Littleton, and twenty-one wounded. Eiu"opa, eight

men killed and ten woimded. Prudent, seven men killed and twenty-four wounded. Royal Oak, London, and Ame- rica, each three wounded. Total : thirty killed and sixty- four wounded. The British squadron returned to Lynn Haven Bay to refit.

On the 1 6th of April, a squadron, consisting of the

Guns. Ships.

rn -p i Commodore George Johnstone

^ ■ * ■ ' ( Captain Eoddam Home 74 Hero ...... „ Charle-s Wood

. 64 Monmouth . . „ James Ahns Pf. { Jupiter .... „ Thomas Pasley

I Isis . . ,, Evelyn Sutton

Frigates, &c. — Diana, Active, Jason, San Carlos, E. Charlotte

— together with a large convoy, lying in Porto Praya Bay, St. Jago, was attacked by a French squadron under Com- modore Suffrein. Commodore Johnstone, considering the neutrality of the port a security, was engaged in watering the ships, and had taken no measures for their defence. From the shoalness of the water in shore however, the Hero, Monmouth, Isis, and Jupiter were compelled to anchor outside, and opposed their broadsides to the entrance. The British ships were in this unprepared state, and great part of the crews on shore, when the French squadron, at about 9h. 30m. A.M., appeared in the ofiing. The men were imme- diately recalled from the shore, and the ships put in the best posture which the time permitted for defence.

The French squadron, consisting of five sail of the line {74-gTm ships Heros and Hannibal, and 64-gun ships Artisan, Sphynx, and Yengeiu^), and several fiigates and smaller vessels, in aU eleven sail, ha\ing a fine breeze of wind, rounded the east point of land at lOh. 45m., and stood in line of battle towards the British squadron. Shortly after- wards Commodore Suffrein, in the Heros, dropped anchor abreast of the Monmouth, intending to bring up with a

312 BATTLES OF [1781.

Spring on tlie cable, and engage that ship ; but ha-ing too much way, the cable parted and the ship drove alongside the Hero. Suffrem was followed by other ships, and in a short time the firing became general. So well, however, did the two outermost British ships fight theii* guns, that the French were beaten ofi* with considerable loss. All except the Hannibal succeeded in getting out of the bay without difficulty ; but that ship, being totally dismasted, was com- pletely in the power of the British. But she was permitted to escape with a small sail set on the stump of her foremast, and was subsequently taken in tow by a French frigate.

After some dehberation. Commodore Johnstone deter- mined upon going in pursuit of the enemy ; but, being accompanied by part of the convoy, he did not gain m.uch in the chase, and at sunset returned to Porto Praya. The loss sustained by the British, was — in the Bomney, seven men; Hero and Jupiter, each two men ; and Monmouth, six men wounded ; in the Isis, four killed and five woimded ; and in the Jason, Lieutenant George Keith, and one man killed, and seven wounded. The East-India ships suffered more by the enemy's fire than the ships of war ; and, in the whole, the British loss Avas tlm-ty-six killed, and 147 wounded. The French made one capture among the East- India ships, but this vessel was retaken by the squadron on the next day.

On the 20th of April, as the 28-g'un frigate Besource, Captain Bartholomew Samuel Bowley, on the Jamaica station, was cruising off Cape Blaise, a strange sail was observed standing towards her. Ha\ing tacked and made the private signal, which remained unanswered, the Besource cleared for action, and hove to for the enemy. At 4h. 30m. P.M. the stranger hoisted French colours, ranged up alongside the British frigate, and commenced the action, which con- tinued until 6h., when the French ship struck. The prize proved to be the late British 24-gun ship Unicorit (caj)tured in the preceding year by a French squadron) ; and, in addition to her twenty long 9-pounders, she mounted eight carronades, 12-pounders, Avith a crew of 181 men, commanded by the Chevalier de St. Ture. The Unicorn was not surrendered until reduced to an unmanageable state,

Yith eight men killed and thirty wounded. The Besource

1781.] THE BRITISH XAVY. 313

lia,d on board ^Major Alexander Campbell, with a party of Loyal American Rangers and ai-tillerjonen, and from the large number on her decks, her loss was severe, amounting to fifteen men killed and thirty wounded : among the latter was the second lieutenant, Valentine Edwards. The Unicorn was restored to the British navy as a 24-gun ship.

On the 29th of April, an action took place oif Fort Royal Bay, Martinique, between the British and French fleets under Rear-Admiral Sir Samuel Hood and Comte de Grasse. The French fleet was greatly superior in point of force, and also possessed the advantage of the wind, as well as superior sailing quahties, but the French admiral declined bringing on a decisive engagement ; and it was not in the power of the British fleet to do so. In the partial and distant can- nonading which took place, the principal loss and damage sustained was by the Centaur, Russel, Shrewsbury, and Gibraltar, and other ships of the rear division. The Centaur had her captain (John N. P. Isott), Lieutenant Jame^ Plowden, and ten men killed, and one lieutenant of marines and twenty-six men wounded. The Russel, Captain An- drew Sutherland, had the master, Robert Johnson, and six men killed, and sixteen wounded ; the Shrewsbury, Captain Mark Robinson, six men killed and fourteen wounded ; and the Gibraltar, Rear-Admiral Drake, five killed and sixteen wounded. The total loss sustamed by the British fleet was thirty-six killed and 161 wounded, and the French loss, 119 killed and 150 wounded. The Centaur and Russel received much damage in their hulls ; the latter was reduced to a sinking state, and ^vith difficulty reached St. Eustasius. The two fleets remained in sight for several days, but no action of consequence ensued.

On the 1st of May, the 74-gun ship Canada, Captain Sir George Collier, ha\ing been detached by Vice- Admiral Darby, commander- in-cliief of the Channel fleet, to watch the port of Brest, discovered a squadron of small ships, which, dispersing on her approach, the Canada chased the largest. After a pursuit of 210 miles, the Canada overtook the chase on the morning of the 2nd. After a running fight, which w^as prolonged to an hour and a half, in consequence of the heavy sea, which prevented the Canada from opening her lower deck ports, the frigate smTendered. The prize was

314 '. BATTLES OF [1781.

Santa Leocaclia, Captain Don Francisco cle Wenthiiisen (who lost liis arm in the action), pierced for forty guns, but had only thirty-four (principally long 12-pounders) mounted. The Santa Leocadia was a remarkably fine, fast-sailing shi]D, the first in the Spanish service that was coppered, and Avas added to the British navy under the same name. The Canada had one of the trmmions of a lower deck gun shot ofi:

On the 14th of May, the 64-g"un ship Xonsuch, Captain Sir James Wallace, being oif Brest, chased a large ship bearing east-south-east. At lOh. 30m. p.:m. the Nonsuch Avas alongside the chase, then discovered to be a large line- of-battle ship. A mutual cannonading took place, which continued at close quarters till midnight. During the action the ships fell foul, carrying away the sjoritsail-yard of the Nonsuch, and breaking the fluke of her anchor. The com- batants having separated, the French ship made all sail to get away. The Nonsuch, ha\T.ng lost her mizenmast, and having sustained other serious damages to her sails and rigging, could not make sail in pursuit for some time j but, after great exertions on the part of her officers and crew, the Nonsuch, by daylight on the 15th, was in a state to renew the action. The enemy Avas the French 74-g-un ship Active, and obserAing the damaged state of her late oppo- nent, waited her approach, and at oh. a.m. the action recom- menced Avith gTeat spirit, and lasted till 6h. 30m, By this time the Nonsuch had her fore-yard shot aAvay, all her masts, sails, and rigging cut to pieces, and several of her guns dismounted ; and Sir James, finding he had no chance of OA^ercoming a ship so much superior in size and Aveight of metal, determined on relinquishing the contest. In this gallant encounter the Nonsuch, whose full complement was only 500 men, sustained a A^ery severe loss, amounting to twenty-six killed and sixty-four — including Lieutenants Thomas Spry, John K. Falconer, and Augustus Markett

Stone, master, and Hotham, boatSAvain — wounded.

Her opponent, which commenced the action Avith 750 men, had one lieutenant and fourteen men killed and thirty-eight Avoundedj and that the damage to her hull was great, may be inferred from her haAing relinquished the engagement when, to all appearance, victory was within reach. The

1781.] THE BRITISH XAVY. 315

Active, commanded by M. de Boades, belonged to tlie squadron of M. de la Mothe Piquet.

On the afternoon of the 27th of May, the 16-gun shij) Atalanta and 14-gTin brig Trespassey, Commanders Edward Edwards and James Smith, while cruising off the Kortli American coast, got sight of a sail in the south-east. Per- ceiving, on closing, that she was a large frigate, the two British vessels hauled to the Avdnd, pursued by the stranger. At noon, on the 28th, being within half a mile to leeward, the frigate hoisted American colours. Finding an action inevitable. Captain Edwards determined on attacking the frigate, and the two brigs bore up accordingly. The action, under cu'cumstances so unfavourable to the British, was continued for two hours and a half. CaiDtain Smith was killed at a little past Ih. p.m., but Lieutenant King con- tmued the action with great spirit, until the brig being perfectly disabled, vnth five out of her small crew (originally not more than eighty) killed, and ten wounded, was com- pelled to strike. The Atalanta continued the action for some time after the Trespassey had surrendered ; but was at length compelled to surrender, ha^dng a great many men killed and wounded. Among the latter was Lieutenant Samuel Arden, in his right arm ; but, after having his w^ound temporarily dressed, he heroically returned to the deck, and continued to assist in fighting the sliip. The ship which had captured the two brigs was the American 40-gun frigate AlHance, of 300 men, commanded by Captain Barry. The Atalanta was retaken by a squadron of British frigates while steering for Boston. Lieutenants Arden (right arm ampu- tated) and King were most deservedly promoted shortly afterwards.

On the 30th of May, the 36-gTui frigate Elora and 28-gun frigate Crescent, Captams William Peere Williams and Hon. Thomas Pakenham, belonging to the Gibraltar squadron, chased the Dutch 36-gun frigates Castor and Brill. At oh. A.M. the British engaged the Dutch ships, the Flora singhng out the Castor, Captain Peter Melvill, and the Crescent engaging the Brill. After two hours' action, the Castor, having had twenty-two men killed and forty-one "ivounded, surrendered.

The Crescent being a smaller ship, was unequally matched,

316 BATTLES OF [1781.

and tlie Flora liad received so mucli damage to her spars, as. to be unable to proceed to Captain Pakenbam's assistance. Thus unaided, Captain Pakenham, after a most gallant resistance — bis ship ha\ing lost her mainmast, and being' otherwise completely defenceless — ordered the colours to be hauled down. The Brill, however, had received so much damage, that she was unable to take possession of the Crescent, and, observing the exertions on board the Flora to reach the scene of action, the Dutch frigate made sail, and, in a shattered condition, reached Cadiz. The loss on board the Flora w^as nine killed and thirty-two wounded, eight mortally ; and on board the Crescent, Captain Play- ward, of the navy (a volunteer), and twenty-five men were killed, and Lieut. EUery (mortally) and sixty-six men wounded. Having struck his colours. Captain Pakenham declined to resume command of the Crescent. Captain Williams, there- fore, having effected her recapture, put Lieutenant John BHgh in command of the prize. While on their voyage to England, the fi'igates and their prize were fallen in wdth by two French frigates ; and Captain Williams made the signal for each sliip to shape a different course; and the Flora escaj)ed, but Captain Williams had the mortification of witnessing the recaj^ture of his hard-earned prize, and of the Crescent. The captors were the French frigates Friponne and La Gloire. Captain Pakenham was afterwards tried by court- martial for the surrender of the Crescent to the Brill, and most honourably acquitted, together with his officers and ship's company.

On the 2nd of July, a small squadron on the North Ame- rican station, commanded by Captain Henry F. Evans, in the 28-gun frigate Charleston, consisting of the 20-gun armed ship Allegiance, Commander David Phipps, 14-g-un sloop Vulture, Commander Morgan Laugharne, and Pupert, George, Vernon, and Jack, armed ships, bound to Cape Breton, with a convoy of fourteen sail, was chased by the French 40-gun frigate Astree and 36-gun frigate Hermione, Captains de la Perouse and de la Touche. Finding that the enemy gained rapidly in the pursuit, Captain Evans formed his little squadron in line ahead, and, at about 8h. p.m., commenced the action. The Jack, being more exposed to the fire of the enemy, was compelled to strike ; but so

1781.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 317

vigorous was the fire of the remaining British ships, that the two frigates were content with their paltry trophy. In the engagement, which lasted two hours, CajDtain Evans was unfortunately killed, together with seven of the Charles- ton's crew, and twenty-nine wounded. The Allegiance had one man killed and five wounded ; the Vulture, one killed and two wounded ; and the Vernon, seven killed and six wounded. Commander Phipps then became the senior officer ; and, during the night, he made a signal to the squadron to alter the course a few points, so that on the follo^ving morning the enemy was not in sight, and the convoy was preserved.

We have next to record a very sanguinary battle familiarly knoAvn as the Dogger Bank action. The British squadron, under Vice-Admiral Hvde Parker, beinor oif the Doof^er Bank, on its return to England with the Baltic convoy, con- sisted of the following : —

Guns. Ships.

74 Fortitude \ ;^ice-Admiral Hyde Parker (red)

( Captain George Kobertson 80 Princess Amelia . . ,, John Macartney

74 Berwick „ James Ferguson

64 Bienfaisant „ Richard Braithwaite

GO Buffalo „ William Truscott

50 Preston „ Alexander Graeme

44 Dolphin ,, William Blair

Frigates — Belle Poule, Phillip Patton ; Latona, Sir Hyde Parker ; Cleopatra, George Murray ; Artois, John Macbride ; Iphigenia, Charles Hope ; and Tartar, Robert M. Sutton. Sloops, cutters, &c. — Cabot, Alert, Leith, Busy, Sprightly, and Surprise,

On the 5th of August, at daybreak, a Dutch squadron, •commanded by Rear- Admiral Zoutman, was discovered steering nearly the same course as the British, and also ^escorting a fleet of merchant ship.s. The Dutch squadron xjonsisted of the foUowincr : —

Guns. Ships.

Guns. Frigates.

68 Admiral De Ruyter


r Venus

74 Admiral General


C4 HoUandia

36 -^ Zephyr

;, , j Batave


( Admiral Petit Hein

I, Beliona

50 Erns Prince

24 Dolphin

44 Argo


Cutters. Ajax South Carolina

318 BATTLES OF [1781.

At 411. A.M., Vice -Admiral Parker, placing tlie convoy in charge of Captain Sutton in the Tartar, ordered him to make the best of his way to England. At 6h. a.m., the British squadron was ordered to form a line of battle, at two cables' length distance, and make all sail in chase. The Dutch admiral, however, showed no desire to avoid an action, and, ha\4ng stationed liis frigates and convoy to leeward of the squadron, hauled to the wind on the larboard tack under easy sail. The morning was fine and clear, with a light breeze of wind from north-east, and the British, led by the Berwick, were soon bearing down in good order to the attack. At 8h. a.m., the British having arrived within 25istol-shot to windward without the enemy's having fired a shot, an action commenced, which, for steadiness on both sides, has been in few instances surpassed ; but, o^ving to some little confusion among the British ships in taking Tip their stations, occasioned in some measure from the damages sustained by the fall of spars at the commencement, the ships were not equally matched. After an incessant cannonading of three houi's and forty minutes, Vice-Admiral Parker hauled down the signal for battle, and the British ships hove to, and commenced repairing damages. The For- titude lost in the action twenty killed, and Lieuts. Joseph Har- rington (mortally), John Waghorn, and Martin Hinckley, the boatswain, the pilot, and sixty-seven men wounded. Princess Ameha had her captain, the gunner, and nineteen men killed, and Lieuts. Richard Hill, Isaac Smith, and Bichard Leggatt, and fifty-six men wounded. Berwick, two midshipmen, and the pilot, and eighteen men killed, and Lieuts. "William Skipsey, George Maxwell, Captain James Campbell, and Lieut. Hugh Stewart (of the marines), six midshipmen, and fifty-eight men wounded. Bienfaisant, six men killed, and the gunner and twenty-one men wounded. Bufialo, twenty men killed, and Lieut. Bandall (mortally), the boatswain, and sixty-four men wounded. Preston, ten men killed, and Captain Graeme (lost right arm), Lieut. Da^id Hotchkis, and forty men wounded. Dolphm, Lieut. Dalby, and eleven men killed, and the boatswain and thirty-three men wounded. Total, 109 killed and 362 (many mortally) wounded. The Fortitude received ten shot between wind and water, masts, &c., badly wounded, most of the standing and running

1781.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 319

rigging sliot away, and seven guns rendered unserviceable. Princess Amelia, lower masts and bowsprit rendered unser- viceable, and hull much damaged. Berwick, fourteen shot between wind and water, mizen-topmast shot away, several ports beat into one, ten gTins dismounted, and part of the poop shot away. Bienfaisant, hull and masts much damaged, and main-topmast shot away. Buffalo, thirty-nine shot passed through the hull, stern gallery beat to pieces, and masts, (fcc, much damaged. Preston, five shot between wind and water, thirty-two 42 lb, shot sticking in her sides, and fourteen passed clean through her. Dolphin, all her masts, (fee, much damaged.

The Dutch loss was even more severe, and the Hollandia sank the same night. Her flag, which was kept flying, was taken away by the Belle Poule, and carried to Admiral Parker. The total loss in the Dutch squadron, exclusive of the crew of the Hollandia, is reported to have been 142 killed and 403 wounded. After Yice-Admiral Parker dis- continued the action, the Dutch admiral put before the wind with his shattered ships, and reached Holland. It is to be regretted that the British should have had nothing- else to show by way of trophy than the HoUandia's flag, which had been nobly kept flying by her gallant defenders. The Dutch claimed a victory, and published an exaggerated version of the affair j and the States-General hberally re- warded the surviving captains and officers.^ ^

On the 7th of August, the 14-gun brig Helena, Com- mander Francis Roberts, at 5h. a.m., was off the Eock of Gibraltar, to the southward of Cabrita Point, and a third across towards Europa Point. It being a dead calm, the crew were endeavoming to sweep towards the rock, when discovered by the Spanish gun-boats in Algesiras Bay, four- teen of which immediately stood towards the brig. Captain Poger Curtis, in command of the Brilliant frigate, observing the danger to which the Helena was exposed, immediately manned the Repulse and Vanguard, two gun-boats, and, taking with him as many boats as he could collect, proceeded to the Helena's assistance. The Spanish boats, however, succeeded in getting within gun-shot of the brig long before

^ One of the mode.s of conferring distinction on the junior officers present in the action was by allowing them to wear epaulets.

320 BATTLES OF [1781.

Captain Curtis 'vvas able to assist her, and at 81i. a.m. opened a heavy fire of round and grape. The Helena, keeping her broadside to the enemy by the aid of her sweeps, opened a smart and well-directed fire in return, and, as soon as the British boats got near enough to commence the attack, a spiiited contest ensued between them. At about 9h. the sea-breeze having reached the Helena, she was enabled to close Captain Curtis, and by lOh. the Spanish gun-boats retreated in shore. A 30-gun xebeque was on the point of making sail to join the gun-boats, but, observing their retreat, she returned to her anchorage. The Helena had only one man killed on board, but her sails and rigging were very much cut.

On the 9tli of August, the 32-gun frigate Iris, Captain George Dawson, on the Korth American coast, brought to action the American 32-gun frigate Trumbull, and, after engaging her one hour, compelled her to haul down her colours, with the loss of four men killed, and three officers and seven men wounded. The Iris had only one man killed and six wounded.

On the 14th of August, the 14 -gun brig Cameleon, Com- mander Thomas Drury, being off" the Texel, chased a large Dutch lugger, mounting eighteen long 6-pounders. After engaging about a quarter of an hour, the lugger blew up with a tremendous explosion. Every endeavour was made by the British boats to save the imfortunate crew, but without effect. Commander Drury and eleven men were wounded, and the Cameleon damaged by fire.

On the 2nd of September, the 50- gun ship Chatham, Captain Andrew Snape Douglas, captured the French 32-gun frigate Magicienne, in Boston Bay. The Magicienne was commanded by the Chevalier Bouchetierre, and commenced the action with 280 men, of which she had thirty-two killed and fifty-four wounded before she struck. The Chatham had only one man killed and one wounded. The Magicienne, being a very fine frigate, was added to the British na\y under the same name, in vrhich she continued nearly thirty years.

On the morning of the 5th of September, a French fleet of twenty-four sail of the line, commanded by Comte de Grasse, was at anchor in Lynn Haven Bay, off* which

1781.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 321

anchorage Rear- Admiral Thomas Graves appeared with the following, which are placed in the order of sailing : —

Guns. Ships.

74 Shrewsbury .... Captain Mark Robinson

64 Intrepid „ A. J. P. Molloy

74 Alcide ,, Charles Thompson

^^ T-, . \ Rear- Admiral F. S. Drake (blue)

70 Prmcessa | ^^^^^j^ ^ Knatchbull

^ . ( Ajax ^ ,, Nat. Charington

'^ \ Terrible „ Hon. W. C. Finch

64 Europa ,, Smith Child

w , j Montagu „ George Bowen

'* I Royal Oak „ J. P. Ardesoife

„.., -J- , \ Rear- Admiral Thomas Graves (red) I Captain David Graves

^ , ( Bedford ...... ,, Thomas Graves

' I Resolution .... „ Lord R. Manners

64 America „ Samuel Thompson

I Monarch „ Francis Reynolds

qn T) n j Rear- Admiral Sir Samuel Hood (blue)

■ I Captain Alexander Hood

74 Invincible .... ,, Charles Saxton

64 Belliqueux .. ... ,, James Brine

74 Alfred „ William Bayne

50-gxin ship Adamant, Captain Gideon Johnstone. Frigates — Fortunde, H. C. Christian ; Sibyl, Hon. J. Rodney ; Nymph, F. J. Ford ; Solebay, Thomas Everitt ; Richmond, Chas. Hudson ; and Santa Monica, John Linzee.

Tlie Solebay, being the advanced ship, at 9h. 30m. a.m., made the signal for seeing the French fleet at anchor, bearing south-west. At this time the wind was moderate from north-east, and the weather fine. The British fleet continued to stand in shore, and at llh. could plainly distinguish the enemy's fleet at anchor within the Capes of Virginia, when Rear- Admiral Graves signalled to form the line on the starboard tack at two cables' length distance. The French fleet got underweigh as soon as the tide served, and stood off shore on the larboard tack.

At Ih. P.M. the two fleets were nearly abreast of each other on opposite tacks, and, .shortly afterwards, the signal was made for Eear-Admiral Drake, who commanded the rear di\asion of the fleet (but which then became the van), to bear up and close the enemy ; and, subsequently, the whole British fleet wore round on the larboard tack. At





41i. 15m. the leading British ships, having got within less than half' gun-shot of the enemy's van, commenced the action. The engagement soon became pretty general with the British van and the centre, but the rear was unable to participate at all, and, after cannonading for about two hours, the British fleet hauled to the wind, and the action ceased. At the termination of the action. Cape Henry bore north- west three leagues distant. The British van ships suffered in their masts and rigging. The Shrewsbury's topmasts and topsaU-yards were rendered unserviceable, and she received much damage besides. The Intrepid had her fore and main- topsail-yards shot away, and her topmasts and other spars much cut. The loss in killed and wounded was as follows : —







Shrewsbury . . . .

Intrepid ... ... ...

Alcide . . . . ... . .

Princessa . . . . . .

Ajax . . ... ... ... ...

Terrible . . ... ...

Europa ... ... ... . .

14 11

2 6 7 4 9

52 35 18 11 16 21 18


Royal Oak ....



Resolution ....


8 3 4 8 3

1 22


i 12

1 4 ! 16


' 230

The first lieutenant of the Shrewsbury was killed, and Captain Mark Bobinson lost a leg. The loss on board the French fleet is stated, in their official account, to have been one captain and three other officers killed, and eighteen officers wounded, and about 200 men killed and wounded. The French fleet ^ was superior to the British in number, weight of metal, and men, and continued for fom- days in sight of the British with the power of bringing on an action at their pleasure, but no attempt appears to have been made to do so.

The leading ships, and among the number the Intrepid, gained distinction on this day. We name the Intrepid, because on a subsequent occasion (we allude to the 1st of June, 1794), Captain Molloy's behaviour was severely stig- matized; but it would appear that, on the 5th of September,

1 British

! Ships . Guns . Men .

19 1,408


French. -




1781.J THE BRITISH NAVY. ' 323

1781, at least, lie did his duty nobly. Comte de Grasse was reinforced a few days afterwards by eight sail of the line, under M. de Barras, which, in their passage from Rhode Island, had captured the British frigates Iris and Bichmond, Captains Dawson and Charles Hudson. Under such altered circumstances, the British fleet, after destroying the Terrible, in consequence of her damaged state, proceeded to New York to refit.

On the 6th of September, in the morning, the Id-gun ship sloop Savage, Commander Charles Stirling, being ten leagues to the eastward of Charleston, observed a ship bearing do\sTi, which was at first taken for a privateer, of which Captain Stiiiing had received information. As the stranger neared, however, Captain Stirling, perceiving that her force was too great to allow him to hazard an engagement, endeavoured to escape. The enemy gained rapidly in the chase, and finding escape impossible. Captain Stirling determined on making the best defence in his power. At lOh. 30m., the enemy commenced firing bow guns, and at 1 Ih., having arrived close under the quarter of the Savage, a vigorous fire of great guns and musketry was opened, which continued for one hour ; when the enemy, having received much damage, dropped astern, leaving the Savage in a defenceless state. Having repaired damages, the stranger again got alongside the Savage, and renewed the action, and continued till near 3h. P.M., when, from severe loss of men and the unmanageable state of the ship, deeming it to be useless further to protract the defence, Caj)tain Stirling ordered the colours to be struck. The enemy proved to be the United States ship Congress, Captain Geddes, mounting twenty long 12-pounders on the main-deck, and four long 6-pounders on her quarter-deck, with a crew of 215 men; of which eleven were killed and thirty wounded. The Savage in this gallant afiair lost, out of her small complement of originall}'- not more than 100 men, the master (Wightman) and seven men killed, and the captain. Lieutenant William Shield, three midshipmen, and twenty-seven men womided. It is gratifying to be able to state that Captain Stirling and his officers and crew received every attention and kindness from the American captain. The Savage, before reaching an American port, was recap- tured by the Solebay.


324r BATTLES OF [1781.

On the 3rd of December, the 40-gmi frigate Artois, Cap- tain Jolin Macbride, cruising in the North Sea, was attacked by two schooners, each mounting twenty-four long 9-pound- ers, both of which were compelled to siu'render after half an hour's fighting. The two vessels were quite new, belong- ing to Amsterdam, and were named the Mars and Hercules : the crew of the former numbered 145 men, of which she had nine killed and fifteen wounded; and of the latter to 16-4, out, of which she lost thirteen killed and twenty wounded. The Artois had one man killed and six wounded. The prizes, each measuring 399 tons, were added to the British navy under the names of Pylades and Orestes, and for a long time continued active and useful cruisers.

At daybreak on the 12th of December, a fleet, fifty

leagues to the southward of Ushant, of twelve sail of the

line, one 50-gun ship, and four frigates, under Rear- Admiral

Kichard Kempenfelt,in the Victory, fell in with a French fleet

of twenty-one sail of the line (including five llO-gain ships)

and six frigates, commanded by Admiral Comte de Guichen.

Ignorant of the superior force of the enemy, Kempenfelt

ordered all sail to be made in chase. At 9h. p.m., the British

fleet, close hauled on the starboard tack, had neared the

enemy's fleet sufiiciently to make out that it consisted of

large ships steering to the westward, about two points ofl*

the wind. At lOh. 30m., the rear-admiral observed the

headmost ships to be forming a line, upon which he also

made the signal for a line of battle, but continued under a

heavy press of sail on the contrary tack to the enemy,

hoping to cut off" part of the convoy. The 74-gun sliip

Edgar, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore John

Elliot, led, and as she closed the rear of the French fleet,

the 80-gun ship Triomphant was observed crossing her bows.

In order to avoid a raking broadside, the Edgar kept away

a few points, and received the enemy's fire on her larboard

bow" ; when lufiang up, she poured her broadside into the

French ship, and shot away her main-yard and main- topmast.

Finding his ships too much separated, Kempenfelt tacked to

allow his sternmost ships to close before attempting to

renew action. At daylight the next morning, the enemy

was seen ahead, when, observing the disparity between the

two fleets, the rear-admiral contented himself with attacking


1 i^^^-'fyn/cl4.

1782.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 325

the convoy, fifteen sail of which, containing 1,062 soldiers and 548 seamen, were captured. A hea'y gale shortly afterwards dis^^ersed the French fleet and convoy, and drove them back to France, five sail more of the convoy falling into the hands of Captain Benjamin Caldwell, in the Aga- memnon, -svith the Prudente, Captain Hon, W. Waldegrave.

The British fleet, mentioned at p. 321, wliich engaged Comte de Grasse and returned to New York to refit, having been reinforced by two or three fresh ships, sailed to the "West Indies, under Rear-Admh-al Sir Samuel Hood ; and it being known that the French were besieging the island of St. Christopher's, Sir Samuel made sail for that place. The British fleet, on the 23rd of January, consisting of twenty-two sail of the line, was close off* the south-east end of Nevis, and on the following day captured the French 16-gun cutter Espion, laden with shot and shells for the use of the besieging forces at St. Christopher's. At daybreak on the 2oth, the French fleet was discovered standing to the southward on the larboard tack, comprising one shii:> of 110 ,gims, twenty-eight two-decked sliips, and two frigates. Hood stood towards the enemy, with the apj^arent intention of bringing on an action, which had the effect of drawing the French fleet off* the land ; but no sooner had he effected this, than, aided by a favom-able change in the wind, he tacked and fetched the anchorage of Basseterre, which the French admiral had quitted. Comte de Grasse, em-aged at being thus defeated, made three distinct and furious attacks upon the British fleet on the 2Gth ; but was each time repulsed ^vdth great loss. The loss on board the British fleet, if any, is not recorded.

  1. — On the oth of January, a large party of seamen and maiines, belonging to the squadi'on of Vice- Admiral Sir Edward Hughes, landed on the island of Ceylon, under the command of Captain John Cell, of the Monarca, assisted by Captains James Montagu, of the Medea, and Henry Reynolds, of the Combustion, accompanied by a detachment of troops and sepoys. Before dark the whole had safely disembarked about three miles below Trincomale fort, and made so rapid a movement that the gamson suiTendered without opposi- tion. Learning, from the prisoners, that the remainder of the Dutch troops had retired to Fort Ostenburgh, it was

326 BATTLES OP [1782.

determined to attempt its reduction j and, at daybreak on tlie llth, 450 seamen and marines, covered on each, flank by a company of pioneers, and provided with a suffi- cient reserve, advanced to the assault, and, gallantly driving the enemy from their works, gained possession of the fort. The loss sustained on this occasion amounted to Lieutenant George Long, second of the Superb, and twenty men killed ; and Lieutenants William Wolsely (navy) and Samuel Orr (marines) and forty men wounded. The enemy's loss was very severe. In the harbour were found two richly-laden Dutch ships, and sixty-seven pieces of cannon, besides guns, dismounted mortars, &c., which also fell into the hands of the captors.

On the 8th of February, Sir Edward Hughes with his squadron arrived in Madras Koads, %Yhere he received infor- mation that a French fleet had arrived off the coast, and had taken several ships. The British squadron was at this time much too weak to risk an action ; but, on the following day, three ships, under the command of Captain Alms, fortunately joined company, and Sir Edward Hughes sailed on the 16th with his squadron, consisting of the under- mentioned : —

Guns. Ships.

^ , Q , j Vice -Admiral Sir E. Hughes, K.B. (blue)

/4 aupero j Captain William Stevens

„ , Tp , ( Commodore Richard King

04 Jixeter j Captain H. Eeynolds

Charles Wood John Gell Ambrose Reddal James Alms George Talbot Peter Eainer Hon. Thomas Lumley

74 Hero

68 Monarca . .


Monmouth Worcester Burford . .

50 Isis


Seahorse, 24-gun ship.

Commodore Suffrein, w-ho commanded the French force, imaware of the reinforcement of the British squadron, ar- rived in sight of Madras Koads with the design of attacking it at anchor ; but on perceiving nine two-decked ships instead of six, he made dispositions for his own defence.

On seeing the French squadron in the offing. Sir Edward

1782.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 327

Huglies made the signal to weigh. In the night he recap- tured several British merchant ships, and took one large ship laden with military stores. Continuing to stand to the south-east, the two squadrons, at daybreak on the 1 7th, came in sight — the French squadron bearing north by east about three leagues distant — the weather being hazy, with light winds and occasional squalls from north-north-east. The enemy was soon observed coming down before the wind to the attack, consisting of the following: — 74-gun ships H6ros, Annibal, Orient, and Artisan ; 64-gun ships Severe, Yengeur, Brillant, Sphinx, and Ajax ; 50-gun ships Flamband, and Hannibal.^ 40-gun frigates — -Pourvoyante, Fier, Bellone. Corvette — Subtile.

At 4h. P.M., the two squadrons were within gun-shot, the British being formed in line ahead on the larboard tack. The French, in a double line abreast, or in no very regular order, began the attack upon the centre and rear of the British. The Exeter, being the sternmost ship, suffered severely, having four ships upon her at once ; and the ships between the Exeter and Superb (Monarca, Hero, and Isis) bore with them the brunt of the action. The van, in which were the heaviest British ships, was unable, from the light- ness of the wind, to tack to theif support. The steady bravery, evinced by the British ships, was most admirable ; and for two hours the action continued with undiminished vigour. At 6h. p.m., a squall came from the south-east, which took the British ships aback, and they paid off with their heads to the north-east ; and, as this would have enabled the British van to advance to the assistance of the centre, the French commodore made the signal for the action to cease, and hauled to the northward, leaving the majority of the British in no condition for pui^suit. The Superb had her mainyard shot away, all the rigging cut, and more than five feet water in her hold. The Exeter was a perfect wreck, and in a sinking state. The loss on board the different ships engaged was as follows : — Superb, eleven men killed, and Captain Wilham Stevens (mortally). Lieutenants

^ Late British ; captured on the 18th of January previously, while commanded by Captain Alexander Christie, by the above squadron, after a protracted defence.

328 BATTLES OF [1782.

Charles Hughes and Henry Newcome, and thirteen men wounded. Exeter, Captain Henry Reynolds,^ and ten men killed, and Lieutenant Charles Jones and forty-five men wounded. INIonarca, one man killed and five wounded. Hero, nine killed and seventeen wounded. Isis, one killed and three wounded. Total, tliii'ty-two killed and eighty- three wounded. On the morning of the 18th, the French squadron was not to be seen, and Sir Edward Hughes, finding the defects of his own ship and the Exeter to be great, proceeded to Triacomale.

"We continue to foUow the fortunes of the British squadron. On the 30th, Sir Edward was joined by the 74-gun ship Sultan, Captain James Watt, and 64-gun ship Magnanime, Captain Charles Wolseley, from England. These ships were extremely sickly ; but so urgent was the demand for their services, that they could not be spared to go to Madras to land the sick.

On the 8th of April, the two squadrons again got sight of each other, and on the 12th the second action took place, the British squadron being then a few miles to the north- ward of Trincomale. The French, having on that day suc- ceeded in getting to windward of the British, were observed, at daylight, bearing down to the attack. At 9h. a.m.. Sir Edward Hughes made the signal for the line ahead on the starboard tack, at two cables' length distance ; the enemy then bearing north by east, distant six miles, and the wind being about north. The British line was thus formed : — Exeter, Hero, Isis, Burford, Monarca, Superb, Monmouth, Worcester, Eagle, Sultan, Magnanime. The French squadron consisted of twelve sail of the line and three frigates. The French commodore, whose broad pendant was still in the Heros, having at length formed his plan of attack, ordered £ve sail, which composed his van, to engage the British van,

^ ^Miile the battle raged with the greatest fury, the blood, &c., of Captain Keynolds were dashed all over Sir Richard King by a cannon- ball, in such a maimer that he was for a time absolutely blinded ; stilL, however, he preserved a most admirable equality and composure of temper, and when at the close of the action the Exeter was little better than a floating wreck, the master came to ask him what he should do with the ship, as two of the enemy were again bearing down upon her, he with gi-eat firmness answered, "There is nothing to be done, but to fio-ht her till she sink." — Beatson.

1782.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 329

while, with the remaining seven ships, Suflrein bore dow^i upon the centre. The action commenced at Ih. 30m. p.m., with the van divisions, and almost simultaneously the Superb was attacked by the Heros and Orient, within pistol-shot distance, and the Monmouth by two other shijis. The action raged with much fury between the two commanders, but so vigorous was the fire of the Superb, that the Heros, after only ten minutes of close engagement, sheered off, and closed with the Monmouth. The brunt of the fin^ht was borne by the British centre, and particularly the Monmouth, which closely engaged three ships, without being able to receive succour from the ships astern. At 3h. p.m., this well- fought ship lost her mizenmast, and shortly afterwards the mainmast, when she dropped out of the line. At this juncture Sir Edward, considering the Monmouth in danger of being captured, nobly proceeded to her rescue. At 3h. 40m., disappointed in the expected land-wind, and finding his ships di'ifting too near the shore, from which they were only a few miles distant, Sir Edward Hughes made the signal for the squadron to wear, and come to the wind on the larboard tack. The action continued until near 6h. p.m., when the British admiral, finding his squadron, especially the Monmouth, still drifting into shoal water, made the signal to anchor ; and, at 6h. 40m., the French ships hauled their wind to the eastward in great confusion, ha-ving suffered in about an equal degree in masts and yards, except that no French ship had lost a lower mast. The Heros was so disabled, that Commodore Suffrein was under the necessity of shifting his broad pendant to the Annibal, and the former sliip anchored at no great distance from the British, to repair damages. In the course of the night, the French frigate Fier, approaching to take the Heros in tow, fell on board the Isis, and struck her colours ; but availing herself of the darkness of the night, and of the crippled state of the Isis, rehoisted them and got away.

The Superb had two lieutenants, the master, and fifty-nine men killed, and Benjamin W. Page, master's mate, and ninety-five men woimded. One of the above lieutenants, George Alms (son of Captain Alms, of the Monmouth), with several of the men, were blown up by the explosion of some cartridges. The Monmouth suffered in proportion to




her extensive damages : she had one lieutenant of markies and forty-five men killed, and 102 wounded — nearly one- third of her crew. The Burford and Worcester had each a lieutenant wounded, and the casualties on board the. several ships, as they were formed in line, will be shown in the sub- joined table : —







Exeter 1

Hero . . . . -.

Isis . . ... . . ... ...

Burford... ... ... ...

Monarca ... . . ...



4 2 6 6

7 59 45

40 13 51 36




Worcester . . . .


Sultan . . . . ... . .

Magnanime ....









The Erench owned to a loss of 139 killed and 264 wounded ; but judging from the injuries their ships sus- tained, and from the duration of the action, this must be greatly under-stated.

Having refitted his fleet at Trincomale, and re-embarked the wounded and convalescent, Sir Edward sailed on the 23rd of June, to watch the French squadron on the Coro- mandel coast, and, on the following day, arrived at Nega- patam. On the 5th of July, at noon, while lying in that roadstead, the enemy appeared in the offing, upon which all despatch was used, and the British, at 3h. p.m., weighed and stood under all sail to the southward.

At daylight, on the 6th, the French squadron was seen at anchor bearing north-north-east, distant seven or eight miles ; and at 5h. 50m. the British, with the wind at south-west, bore away in line abreast for the enemy. At 6h. the enemy was observed getting underweigh, and standing out to the eastward ; upon which the admiral made the signal for a line ahead on the starboard tack, and at 7h. bore up for the enemy — each ship for her proper opponent in

' Captain Charles Hughes was appointed to this sliip, vice Captain Beynolds.

1782.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 331

the line. The firing commenced at lOh. 40m. by the French, and at lOh. 4om. Sir Edward Hughes made the signal for close action. From llh. 10m. till past noon, the action was general from van to rear ; within about 200 yards' distance. At Ih. P.M. the enemy appeared in some disorder. The French commodore's second ahead, the Brillant, had lost her mainmast, and the van-ship had bore up out of the line. At this time, when the victory appeared about to declare for the British, the sea-breeze set in strong from the south- south-east, taking most of the ships aback in both squadrons. The 64-gun ship Severe feU on board the Sultan, and after a smart cannonading, struck ; but while the Sultan was wearing to join the British admiral, the Severe hauled to the wind, and, pouring a broadside into the Sultan, rehoisted the colours, and got away.^

Sir Edward Hughes, finding his squadron greatly disar- ranged by the change of wind, made the signal to wear round on the starboard tack, intending a general chase ; but the breeze had, by this time, set in fresh, and most of the ships, which had been closely engaged, had suffered so much in their masts and rigging that to carry sail would have been very dangerous. The Hero having made the signal of distress. Sir Edward deemed it advisable to relinquish his intention for the time, and to form on the larboard tack, with the ships' heads in shore, so as to cover the crippled ships. The action ceased at about Ih. 30m., and, towards evening, the squadron anchored between Negapatam and Nazore. Sufirein anchored three leagues to the northward, and the next day proceeded to Cuddalore.

' The following is the resvilt of an inquiry into this transaction, which afterwards took place at Paris and was published by authority. The second captain of the Severe being badly wounded and obliged to quit the deck, M. de VUleneuve Cillar, the first captain, ordered the colours to be struck. The firing was still continued below, notwithstanding the captain's orders to the contrary. The Sieur de Tien, an auxiliary officer, who was upon deck, could not without indignation see the ship strike to one more damaged than herself, and .therefore addressed M. de Cillar, saying : — "Monsieur^ you are wounded, and more dangerously than you think ; you had better retire, to be taken care of." M. de CUlar took the hint, and quitted the deck ; upon which M. de Tien assumed the command, harangued the crew, ordered the colours to be rehoisted, and rejoined the fleet.




The loss of officers in this action was as follows : — Superb, Captain Dunbar McLellen ;^ Hero, Lieutenant Henry Chap- man, killed ; Burford, Captain Y. Jenkinson, 98th regiment, killed ; Edward Derby, master, wounded ', Magnanime, Lieutenant T. H. Wilson, and Captain of marines William Adlam, wounded ; IMonmouth, Lieutenant Sabine Gascoyne, wounded ; Eagle, Lieutenant William Wood, wounded ; Sul- tan, Lieutenant John Drew, and First-lieutenant of marines Richard Williams, wounded ; Monarca, Frederick Corrie, master, and Captain Abbot (H.E.I.C), wounded ; Exeter, Thomas Cribbon, master, wounded ; Worcester, First-lieu- tenant of marines George Johnson, wounded ; boatswains, Kobert Daniel and William Cunningham, wounded. The loss in men was as follows, in the order the ships were formed in Kne : —







Hero , . .




11 9

7 16

7 8

23 24 19 34 21 19 46

Worcester. .....

Monmouth ....


Magnanime ....










Superb .........





The best account of the French loss gives it at 412 killed and 676 wounded, of wliich number the Heros, it is said, alone lost 140 killed and 240 wounded, a number wholly incredible, were it not for the fact that the crew, together with the troops, numbered 1,200 men.

The foiui;h action with SufFrein happened on the 3rd of September. The British squadron, with the addition of the 64-gun ship Sceptre, Captain Samuel Graves, comprised three ships of seventy-four giuis, one of seventy, one of sixty-eight, six of sixty-foui-, one 50-gun ship, and four frigates. The French, four ships of seventy-four guns, eight of sixty-four guns, and three 50-gun sliijDS. The British were very badly found in stores, and their crews much reduced by sickness,

1782.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 333

while the French were iii good condition, and full of men. The French had got j^ossession of Trincomale, where their squadron was at anchor, but on perceiving the British, imme- diately weighed, and stood out of Back Bay to the south- east, the wind l)lo^ving fresh from south-west. The British being to leeward. Sir Edward made the signal for the line ahead at two cables' length distance ; and in order to render the action the more decisive, as well as to get his sliips in order, stood off the land before the wind until llh. a.m.

Having at length hauled to the wind on the larboard tack, the squadron formed thus : — -Exeter, Isis, Burford, Sceptre, Hero, Superb, Sultan, Monarca, Eagle, Magnanime, Mon- mouth, and Worcester. The French, at 2h. 30m. p.m., commenced the action, five ships bearing down upon the British van, and two on the Monmouth and Worcester. The latter shijD was very severely handled ; but the Monmouth observing her to be oppressed, and having beaten off the ship immediately opposed to her, gallantly threw all aback and dropped astern to her support. The action then became general from van to rear, the two flag-ships engaging with much spirit. At 3h. 30m. the ship astern of the Heros lost her mizenmast, and her next ahead, fore and mizen-topmasts. The action continued till oh. 30m., at which time the ^vind shifted to east-south-east. The British squadron immediately braced theii' yards round, and the action was continued in the same order, with this difference, that the British were now to windward, and had the power of closing with the enemy. The effect of the fire then opened was soon shown in the fall of the mainmast of the Heros, which was shortly followed by her mizenmast. The Worcester, about the same time, lost her main-topmast. At 7h. p.m., Suffrein wore and stood in shore to the southward, receiving a most severe fire from the British line as they passed to leeward.

It apj)ears extraordinary that no effort should have been made to follow the beaten enemy. The vicinity of the land was an insufficient reason for declining to render this, the foui-th fight, decisive in its results, and yet, had the British wore and followed Suftrein, the Heros, with only a foremast standing, must have been captured. In the three preceding actions there were substantial reasons why Sir Edward Hughes did not pursue the enemy, but in the present in-




stance there appears to have been no sufficient reason for this omission.

The loss of officers was again remarkably severe in pro- portion to the men. Captains James Watt, of the Sultan ; Charles Wood, of the Worcester; and the Hon. Thomas Lumley, of the Isis ; Lieutenant Amyas Barret, and Captain of marines Robert Ckigstone, of the Monarca ; Lieutenant of nifirines Devereux Edwards, and the boatswain, of the Worcester, and master's mate, — Bell, of the Isis, were killed. The wounded were Lieutenants Joseph Murray, Charles Bartholomew, — Sandeland, — Armstrong, Thomas Stephenson, and James Atkia. Captain Maitland (78th regiment). Lieutenants Thompson (98th), Stewart (78th), and Samuel Orr, of the marines. The annexed table shows the loss each ship sustained in the four actions :^ —


6th Feb.

12th April.

6th July.

3rd Sept.


'a o





3 o

'6 o




Superb. . . . . . . . . . . .

Hero .^ .^ . . . . ... . .


11 9



10 1




45 3







4 8 6








22 40 26 51

7 12 16









19 23 21 17 12 46 34

9 24

9 19

4 1 4 3


4 2 8 6 6 7

52 17 43 17 3 22 38 23 14 19 16 19











Magnanime .-. . . .-. . .


Monarca . . . .


Sceptre ...... -. .-.



Worcester ... .-. . . . . Isis -

66 115

Total ... .- -.










The French squadron re-entered Trincomale the same night, except the 74-gun ship Orient, which grounded going in, and was wrecked. Sir Edward Hughes, with his shattered squadron, proceeded to Madras.

1782.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 335

On the l6th of March, at daylight, the 32-giiri frigate Success, Captain Charles M. Pole, and the armed store-ship Vernon (mounting twenty-two long 6-pounders), John Fal- coner commander, being off Cape Spartel, on their voyage to Gibraltar, observed a strange sail ahead, standing towards them on the larboard tack, with the wind at south-west. The weather being hazy. Captain Pole at first mistook the stranger for a line-of-battle ship, and wearing round on the larboard tack, made sail away. At 2h. 30m. p.m., observing that the Vernon was losing ground in the chase, Captain Pole shortened sail to allow her to close. Shortly afterwards, the haze clearing away, the ship in chase was discovered to be a large frigate with a poop, which, at about 5h. p.m., hoisted Spanish colours and a commodore's broad pendant. At 6h., the Spanish frigate having approached within random shot, the Success wore and steered for the lee bow of the enemy (still on the larboard tack), apparently with the in- tention of crossing her bows and engaging to leeward ; but having arrived within musket-shot, the Success suddenly hauled up, and passing to windward, poured a most de- structive broadside into the larboard bow of her adversary. So unexpected was this clever manoeuvre of Captain Pole's^ that the lee gims of the Spanish frigate were fixed, under the firm belief that the enemy was to leeward. The Success then wore round, and took up her position on the lee quarter of the enemy, and being most gallantly seconded by the Vernon, the Spanish frigate having lost her mizenmast, at 8h. 20m. hauled down her colours, and was taken possession of by Lieutenant Oakley, of the Success. The prize was the Spanish 12-pounder 34-gun frigate Santa Catalina, com- manded by Don Miguel Tacon, the senior officer of the squadron cruising in the Straits. Out of 300 men, the Santa Catalina had twenty-five killed and eight wounded, and the Success one killed and four wounded. The piize being very leaky, and six strange sail heaving in sight the next day, Captain Pole considered it necessary to destroy her, and she was accordingly set on fire and blown up. The Spaniards had formed a plan to take possession of the Suc- cess, but which was happily frustrated by the vigilance of the British officers.

On the 7th of April, the 18-gun sloop General Monk,

336 BATTLES OF [1782.

Commander Josias Rogers, being off Cape May, North America, in comijany Avith the 32-gun frigate Quebec, Cap- tain Christopher Mason, eight sail of vessels were discovered close in shore. The Quebec, during the night, endeavoured to get through the Henlopen Channel, to prevent the retreat of the vessels into Philadelphia, while the General Monk followed the Cape May Channel, and proceeded to the attack. At noon on the 8th, the General Monk, having been joined by a New York privateer of fourteen guns, entered Cape May Heads, upon which the Americans got underweigh and made all sail in shore. A privateer of sixteen guns ran ashore under the Cape, and was abandoned. A brig of foiu'teen guns struck to the General Monk, and was taken possession of ; and, in a short time, the whole eight vessels would have been taken or destroyed, had not the New York privateer grounded. Captain Rogers, however, contmued to pursue the enemy, and brought to action the Hyder Ally, of eighteen long 6-pounders, and 130 men. The armament of the British sloop- of- war consisted of only sixteen carronades, 12-pounders, and two long 6-j)ounders ; but the former, nnder any circumstances almost useless, were in this case badly fitted, and upset at every discharge. This defect being observed on board the Hyder Ally, the captain was em- boldened to continue the attack, and, after an action of near two hours' continuance. Captain Rogers was under the necessity of ordering the colours to be hauled down. The loss on board the British vessel, out of 110 men, amounted to William Johnson, lieutenant, the master, Robert Thomas, and six seamen killed ; and Captain Rogers, the purser, Halliday, the boatswain, and twenty-five wounded, foiu' of whom mortally. The prize to the General Monk over- powered the prize crew, and regained her port.

Early on the morning of the 8th of April, the look-out ships of the fleet of Sir George Rodney were perceived standing towards St. Lucia, where the fleet was lying at anchor, ^vith the signal flying for the enemy havmg put to sea from Martinique. The British fleet instantly weighed, and by noon the whole had cleared the bay and were under all sail in search of the enemy. It consisted of the following :- —








Admiral Sir G.

_, -in ) 1st Captain' Sir

Formidable < ri„^^„;V. t^-u

B. Rodney (white) Charles Douglas Captain John Symons „ Lord Cranstoun ■r, r, \ Rear- Admiral Sir Sam. Hood (blue)

^^^^"^^ j Captain John Knight

( Rear-Admiral Fran. S. Drake (blue) I Captain Charles Knatchbull ( Commodore Edmund Affleck I Captain Thomas Graves „ Robert Fanshaw

70 Princessa , 74 Bedford .



iNamur , Prince George Duke

r Royal Oak . . .




Monarch ......

Warrior ... . . .


Magnificent .



Resolution . . .

Hercules . . . . _


Fame .......


Conqueror . . .



, Marlborough .

Yarmouth . . .

Belliqueux . . .

Prince William


St. Albans . . .

Agamemnon .



Anson .


Endymion, Fortun^e,

, John Williams

, Alan Gardner

, Thomas Burnet

, William Bajme

, George Bowen

, Samuel C. Goodall

, Francis Reynolds

, Sir James Wallace

J. N. Inglefield

, Robert Linzee

, Nathaniel Charrington

, Hon. Wm. Cornwallis

, Lord Robert Manners

, Henry Savage

, James Saumarez

, Robert Barbor

, John L. Gidoin

, George Balfour

, Charles Thompson

, Samuel Cornish

, Taylor Penny

, Anthony Parrey

, Andrew Sutherland

,, George Wilkinson

:, Thomas Dumaresq

,, Charles Inglis

,, Benjamin Caldwell

,, Charles Bucknor

, Samuel Thomson

,, William Blair

„ William Truscott Nymphe, Flora, Santa Monica, Con-

vert, Alarm, Andromache, Lizard, Pegasus, Sibyl, Triton, Champion, and Eurydice. Sloops — Zebra, Germaine, and Alert. Fire-ships — Salamander and Blast.


' With rank of rearatlmiral. Z

338 BATTLES OF [1782.

On the morning of the 9th of Aj^ril, the French fleet was discovered ; two flag-ships and fourteen sail of the line bein'^ in the passage between the Saintes and Dominica, and the remainder with a numerous convoy of transports becalmed in Prince Rupert's Bay. Sir Samuel Hood's division was in the van, which, ha^dng, at 7h. a.m., got the sea-breeze (east- south-east), stretched to the northward on the starboard tack in chase, while the centre and rear divisions were still becalmed, or vmder the influence of a light air from the northward. The French fleet, ha\dng formed their line also on the starboard tack, observing the isolated position of the British van, bore up at 9h. 30m. a.m., in the hope of cutting- it off. The jDlan of attack pursued by De Grasse was both ingenious and novel, and we will endeavour to illustrate it with a diagram.

,4 h



■^ i.„...

FRENCH FLEET. V^ ■: ■ , , ^j-

1'* '

, 'T






The dotted lines denote the track of the French during their attacl:

The British ships, it will be observed, to enable the centre and rear to close, were hove to ; and, in consequence, the French ships, by keeping under sail, were enabled to manoeu- vre as they pleased ; but, at the same time, it is e^ddent that the plan pursued by Hood was, under the circumstances, most masterly. His shij)s were united in a compact body, opposing vigorous and well-directed broadsides to the enemy's attacks.

1782.] THE BEITISH NAVY. 339

In tliis manner from lOh. till llli. A.M., eight ships were opposed to fifteen, and so ably, that when at the latter period the sea-breeze extended to the British centre, the French admiral tacked, and stood in shore to rejoin his rear. The British centre, having been driven so much nearer the land by the northerly wind, was of course more to windward, when the sea-breeze reached ; but the sailing of the French ships was so superior, that it was found impossible to come up ^vith any part. At llh. 30m. the French fleet formed the line on the starboard tack ; but, with the exception of some distant and ineffectual cannonading, nothing further took place. The principal loss sustained by Hood's division was by the death of Captain Bayne, of the Alfred.

The two succeeding days were occupied in chasing ; but the superior sailing of the French ships made it evident that a change of wind or some accident could alone enable the British to force an action. On the 12th of April, at sunrise, the British fleet was about five leagues north-west of Prince Rupert's Bay, standing to the northward, with a light air of wind, in the order of sailing. The French were upon the same tack to windward of the Saintes, with a fresh sea- breeze ; and one ship, having lost her foremast and bowsprit, was in tow of a frigate, standing in for Guadaloupe. Rodney made the signal for four ships to chase the disabled ship, which being perceived, De Grasse bore up with his fleet to protect them. But finding that by persevering in this course he should give the British the weather gage, he gave up his intention, and formed his line on the larboard tack. Rodney, perceiving an engagement inevitable, recalled his chasing ships, and made the signal for a line of battle on the star- board tack ; Rear-ildmiral Drake's division, on this day, leading. Thus formed, the two fleets gradually neared each other, the French being only far enough distant to windward to cross the bows of the British. At a few minutes before 8h. A.M. the Marlborough, being the leading ship, opened fire upon the centre and rear of the French. At 8h. Sir George made the signal for close action, and shortly afterwards the action was commenced by all the other ships of Rear- Admiral Drake's division. Hood's division, and a great part of the centre, were nearly becalmed, but the leading ships had the breeze ; and the same variation in the strength of the wind

340 BATTLES OF [1782.

was soon afterwards experienced by the French. The breeze, as the ships got more to the southward, had also drawn more southerly, so that their van ships could not lay liigher than south-west, while the centre and rear, having the sea-breeze at about east, were lying up south. This southerly breeze, although it completely broke the French Hne, did not neces- sarily disarrange the British ; but Rodney, perceiving the aperture in the enemy's line, kept a close luff, and at a little before llh. passed through it.




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The arrows denote the various sets of the xoind.

This point we endeavour to illustrate by the above dia" gi'am. It gives an entire ly new feature to the affair ; and although it does not accord ^'ith the theory that Rodney deliberately planned the breaking of the enemy's line, ac- cords him the merit of abrogating the stiff notion of pre- serving a line of battle, when an advantage rendered a departure from it expedient. Rodney's movement was the main cause of the discomfiture of the enemy; and although many assert that the preservation of the line would have

1782.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 341

rendered the victory more decisive, yet when the sailing qualities of the two fleets are taken into account, it is very doubtftd. By pia-siung the plan he did, Rodney separated his ship, and the six ships which followed him m liis gallant movement, from the van, part of the centre and the rear. It has been said that tliis evolution was inadvertently per- formed; but this can hardly be. The Formidable luffed out of the line, which could not have been done inadvertently,, and it is therefore imfair to impute the victory obtained to accident, and still more so to Mr. Clerk's system of tactics. Sir Alan Gardner, however, who commanded the Duke. the admiral's second astern, was afterwards heard to say, " the wind was very Light at the commencement of the action, but as it advanced it fell calm : my ship drop2yed through the enemy's Ime, and I, thinking I was wrong, and out of my station, did everything I could to get back again,, but was unable to do so."

Hood's division did not follow Rodney tlrrough the French fleet, for a reason wliich must be obvious. By continuing his course, he soon became necessarily opposed to the French van, separated from the centre, from the causes above de- sciibed, and between these a warm and close action was maintained, till at leng-th the smoke and concussion of the firing, which also dissipated the light air of wind, so com- pletely enshrouded the sliips of both fleets, that a cessation of filing on both sides took place. It was past noon ere the smoke cleared away, by which time the French ships, for the purpose, it is supposed, of effecting a rejunction, had all bore up, and were then seen to leeward retreating in disorder. A general chase ensued, and the 74-gun ship Glorieux, being dismasted, was taken possession of by the Royal Oak ; the Cesar, by the Centaur, after having been engaged by that ship and the Bedford ; the Hector, engaged by the Alcide and Canada, was taken possession of by the former. After the Hector smTcndered, the Canada made sail, and over- taking the Ville de Paris, brought her to action, and con- tinued to engage until Hood, in the Barfleur, arming up, fought her till she struck.^ The G-i-gun ship Ardent was captured by the Belliqueux. It being now sunset, Rodney




made tlie signal of recall, and the action ceased. The rela- tive force of the two fleets may be gathered from the fol- lov.'ing summary : —


5 8 4 -gun ships 19 74 „

6 64 „

3 80


5 90 -gun ships 20 74 „

6 64 H 64 (1 70

The above calculation, which the heavy metal carried by the French ships warrants, leaves a preponderancy in their favour of the Ville de Paris. By another mode of reckoning — that of simply numbering the guns — it will appear as under : —

French. | English. Guns. 2,560 | Guns 2,640

The number of men on board the French ships greatly exceeded the British.

The following table shows the number killed and wounded on the 9th and 12th ; the ships in order as they entered the action : —







Marlborough . .



St. Albans ....


Arrogant . . ... ...



Canada . .



Alcide . .



RepiJse. -.



Nonsuch . .






Conqueror ... ...





Princessa . . .-. . .



Prince William

Prince George . .



Magnificent . . . .



Torbay ... . . ... . .



Centaur. .



Anson .^ ., -.



Belliqueux ....












Monarch ......



America . . , . . .


1 ,

Barfleur ......



Hercules .......



Valiant _. ...









Resolution ....















Eoyal Oak ....



Formidable ... ...


15 6

39 25




1782.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 343

The loss in officers -was as follows : — Formidable, Lieut. Christopher Hele killed. Royal Oak, Lieut, of marines George Watkins killed, captain of marines wounded. Alfred, Captain William Bayne killed. Montagu, master, WiUiam Cade, killed, Lieuts. of marines David Bruce and WiUiam Buchan wounded. Yaliant, Lieut. Richard Winterbottom killed, and Lieut. William Brown and the master, Thomas

Backhouse, wounded. Warrior, Stone, master, wounded.

Magnificent, Captain of marines Samuel Biggs, wounded. Ajax, Lieut. John Elliot and the pilot, Thomas Rossitor, wounded. Repulse, the master and captain of marines wounded. Duke, Lieut, of marines George Cornish, the

master, Cooper, boatswain, Scott, wounded.

Agamemnon, Lieut. W. A. Brice (mortaUy) and Richard Incledon wounded. Resolution, Captain Lord Robert Man- ners (mortally) wounded. Prothee, the master, Thomas Love, wounded. Hercules, Lieut. Hobart killed. Cap- tain Savage wounded. America, Lieut. John Callowhill killed, and Lieut. Trelawney wounded. Anson, Captain William Blair killed. Torbay, Lieut, of marines Benjamin Mounier killed. Princessa, Lieuts. George Dundas, David M'^Dowall, and Samuel Laban (marines) wounded. The French loss is stated to have been 3,000 killed, which number probably included the wounded also. The Yille de Paris had on board a great quantity of specie, and was con- sidered the finest ship afloat. She measured 2,300 tons, and had been presented by the city of Paris to Louis XV. at the close of the preceding war. It is stated that the cost, in building and fitting her for sea, was £156,000. The Cesar, also a very fine ship, was unfortunately burnt on the night after her capture, by which accident 400 of her crew, as well as a lieutenant and fifty British seamen, perished. Not one of the French ships captured on this day ever reached England, the Yille de Paris, Hector, and Glorieux having foundered on their passage home.

This victory caused unbounded satisfaction, and Sir George Rodney and Sir Samuel Hood were both elevated to the peerage, and Rear- Admiral Drake and Commodore Affleck created baronets. Public monuments in Westminster Abbey were also erected in memory of the tlu^ee captains who fell in the action.

344 BATTLES OF [1782,

Sir George Rodney proceeded to Jamaica, Laving previously despatched Sir Samuel Hood in the Barfieur, ^\dth the Valiant and Magnificent, to look after disabled ships among the islands. On the 19th of April, in the Mona Passage, five sail were discovered and chased. After a smart action, the French 64-gun ships Caton and Jason, 3 2 -gun frigate Aimable, and corvette Ceres, were captured. The fifth, the 36-gun frigate Astree, escaped. The Valiant had four men killed and six wounded, and the Magnificent four killed and eight wounded.

On the 20th of April, the 84-gun ship Foudroyant, Cap- tain John Jervis, attached to the fleet of Vice- Admiral Barriugton, ofi" Ushant, was ordered, with other ships, in chase of a strange fleet. At sunset the Foudroyant had got far ahead of her consorts, and near enough to the strangers to make them out a convoy, and four ships of war, two being line-of-battle ships. The squadron soon afterwards separated, and, at lOh. 4om., the largest ship, which the Foudroyant was pursuing, also bore up. A hard squall, Avith hazy weather, coming on about the same time, the Foudroyant lost sight of the fleet, and, about half an hour after midnight, brought the chase to close action. After engaging about three-quarters of an hour, the Foudroyant boarded the stranger, and compelled her to surrender. The prize was the French 7 4 -gun ship Pegase, commanded by the Chevalier de Sillaus. Out of a crew of 700 men, she had upwards of 100 killed and wounded. Only two or three men were wounded in the Foudroyant. Other ships ar- ri\T.ng up, the Pegase was taken possession of; she was a fine ship of 1,778 tons, and was added to the British navy under the same name. The Queen, Captain the Honourable Frederick Maitland, next day captured the 64-gim ship Actionnaire, armed enjliite.

On the 28th of April, the 14-gun brig Pelican, Com- mander Edward Pellew, being ofi* the Isle of Bas, several vessels were observed at anchor in the road. Commander Pellew stood in shore for the purpose of making an attack, when two privateers — a brig and schooner, each of equal force to the Pelican — sprang their broadsides towards the entrance to the roads to oppose her. The Pelican, however, entered the roads, and drove the two j^rivateers^ as well as a

1782.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 345

third, on shore, under shelter of some hea^y batteries, which opened fire upon the Pelican, by which two of her crew were wounded. For this well-executed and spirited per- formance. Commander Pellew received his post commission.

On the 20th of June, the hired armed ship Defiance, mounting fourteen or sixteen long 4-pounders, Lieutenant George Cadman, being ofi" Portland, observed a large brig standing out of West Bay, As the two vessels closed, the brig hoisted Dutch colours, and an action of two hours' dura- tion ensued, when the brig hauled down her colours. The 2)rize was the privateer Zeuse, belonging to Flushing, and mounted one long 18-pounder on a pivot, and sixteen broad- side guns, 6-pounders, with a crew -of 113 men, of which she had twenty-one killed and seventeen wounded. She had been launched only three weeks. The crew of the Defiance nmnbered only sixty-eight men, of which she had one killed and one wounded ; her masts, sails, and rigging were much damaged. Lieutenant Cadman was most deservedly promoted.

On the 29th of July, at daybreak, the 36-gun frigate Santa Margaritta, Captain Elliot Salter, bemg off' the Chesapeake, chased the French 36-gun frigate Amazone. Shortly afterwards, eight large ships were observed standing out from the land, which induced Captain Salter to haul to the wind and make sail to the northward. The Amazone then became the pursuer, and, at 3h. p.m., the Santa Mar- garitta, having drawn her out of sight of the strangers, tacked, and again stood towards her. At 5h. p.m., as the two ships passed on opposite tacks (the Santa Margaritta on the larboard, and the Amazone on the starboard tack), the Amazone opened fire ; but the British frigate reserved her broadside until on the point of wearing, and, having arrived on the Amazone's weather beam, the Santa Margaritta's helm was put a-weather, and, wearing round under the French frigate's stern, a destructiA'e raking broadside was thrown in ; then lufiing up alongside of her to leeward, a most animated fight ensued. The action had lasted one hour and a quarter, when the Amazone surrendered, and was taken possession of. She was a fine ship, commanded by Vicomte de Montguiote, who was killed in the action ; and out of a crew of 301 men, she sustained a loss of seventy killed and eighty wounded, including every officer except one

346 BATTLES OF [1782.

in the ship. Her main and mizen-masts fell shortly after she was taken possession of, and she had four feet water in her hold. The loss on board the British frigate was compara- tively slight ; she commenced the action with 255 men, of

which number she had one midshipman, Dalrymple,

and four men killed, and seventeen men wounded. All her spars and rigging were greatly damaged, but none fell.

Every exertion was made, during the night, to shift the prisoners, but, having only one boat that would swim, this was found difficult ; and only sixty-eight, including officers, were removed. The Amazone was then taken in tow, and Captain Salter made sail to the eastward, hoping to increase his distance from the French squadron, which he was in- formed by his prisoners those ships belonged to which he had seen in the morning. At daybreak, however, he had the mortification to see the French squadron in chase. So near was the enemy, that he had only time to remove the men from the prize, and, not being able to take out the remainder of the prisoners, could not destroy her, and she was shortly afterwards recaptured. This action reflects the highest praise on the skill Captain Salter evinced in the manner in which he conducted his attack ; and aware, at the same time, that he was not far from the formidable force which afterwards robbed him of his trophy.

On the 12th of August, the 28-gun frigate Coventry, Captain Andrew Mitchell, had an action with the French 40-gun frigate Bellone. The engagement continued upv/ards of two hours, when the latter sheered off, leaving the Coventry too much disabled to follow ; and with the loss of fifteen killed and twenty-nine wounded.

On the 29 th of August, the 100-gun ship Boyal George, bearing the flag of Rear- Admiral Kempenfelt, overset and sank at Spithead, whereby near 800 human beings perished. Captain Martin Waghorn, Lieutenant P. C. C. H. Durham, and about 200 of her crew only were picked up.

On the 1st of September, the 18-gun sloop Due de Char- tres. Commander John C. Piu^vis, on the North American station, fell in with the French 22-gun corvette Aigle, M. de Preneuf, bound from Cape Fran9ois to Boston with despatches. After a smart action of one hour's duration, in which the Aigle had her captain and twelve men killed, and


1782.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 347

t"wo officers and thirteen men wounded, the French ship surrendered. The Due de Chartres had not a man hurt. Commander Purvis was promoted for the abiHty displayed on this occasion.

On the 4th of September, the 44-gun ship Rainbow (armed entirely with carronades), Captain Henry TroUope, being off the Isle of Bas, chased a French frigate. At 7h. A.M., having arrived within gun-shot of the enemy, the Rainbow commenced firing chase-guns, which were returned by the frigate ; but, at 8h. 30m., the Rainbow having got alongside and fired a broadside, the stranger surrendered. The prize was the French 18-pounder 40-gun frigate Hebe, a fine new ship of 1,063 tons, commanded by the Chevalier de Yigny, capitaine de vaisseau, and had on board 360 men, of whom she had her second captain and four men killed. Her wheel was shot away, and one 68-pound shot had disabled her foremast. The surrender of this ship, after so slight a resistance, is not surprising when the unusual armament of the Rainbow is taken into con- sideration, which is subjoined, as well as that of the Hebe : —

Rainbow. Hebe.

!10 68-pounders ) lbs. (,., ^o j Jibs.

11 42 „ 1,238 1 1^ 1^°S 18-pounders / gg^

The Hebe was purchased into the British navy, and being a beautiful ship, served as a model to EngHsh shipwrights for many years. The Rainbow had no one hurt.

On the 5th of September, the 74-gun ship Hector (one of the prizes captured on the 12th of April), Captain John Bourchier, being on her voyage to England, and having separated from the ill-fated squadron with which she had sailed from Jamaica, was fallen in with by the French 40-gun frigates Aigle and Gloire. The Hector was very ill prepared for two such opponents, having only fifty-two guns mounted, and her whole crew, officers included, being only 223. There were on board for a passage to England sixty-two French and American prisoners, and seven officers and sixty-six invalid soldiers from the different regiments in the West Indies : among the passengers was Captain William O'Brien Dnny. At 2h. a.m. the frigates were first descried bearing

348 BATTLES OF [1782.

down upon the Hector ; they were fine new ships, and fiilly manned, and had on board a great number of troops. Every preparation was made on board the Hector for defence ; and at 2h. 20m., the frigates having taken up their positions, one on the bow and the other on the quarter, commenced the action. Encom^aged by the slackness of the Hector's fire, the frigates closed and attempted to board, but were beaten back with much loss, and the fight was continued till half an hour after daybreak, when they made sail away. The Hector's masts and yards were all much damaged, and her sails cut to ribands ; several shot, also, had struck between wind and water, wliich, added to her previous unsea- worthiness, reduced her to a sinking state. Her loss amounted to Lieutenant Tothill and eight men killed, and Captain Bourchier (right arm shot away, and back much injured), and thirty-two men wounded. Captain Bourchier was wounded about the middle of the action, but the assist- ance rendered by Captain Drury prevented this loss from being felt so severely as it must otherwise have been. The Hector, unable to prosecute her voyage homeward, bore up for Halifax ; but after suliering dreadful privations, and losing nearly all her crew, it was found impossible to keep her afloat any longer, and on the 3rd of October she was abandoned ; the crew being rescued by the Hawke brig. Commander John Hill.

On the 15th of September, L'Aigle and La Gloire were chased into the Delaware by Captain the Hon. Keith Elphinstone, in the 50-gun ship "Warwick, ha\TLng in com- pany the 64-gun ship Lion, Captain William Fooks ; 28-gim frigate Yestal, Captain William Fox ; and the Bonetta slooj;), Comm.ander Bichard G. Keats. The Gloire succeeded in orettinor so far up the river that she could not be attacked with any prospect of success, the British ships having no pilot on board ; but the Aigle having grounded, the Vesta and Bonetta, drawing less water, were despatched to the attack of the French frigate, accompanied by the Sopliie, a prize, mounting twenty-two guns, and manned with 150 men from the Warwick and Lion, under the command of Lieutenant Walter Lock, The Yestal ran aground on the starboard quarter of the Aigle, tlie Bonetta anchoring within 200 yards of her larboard quarter, while the Sophie anchored

1782.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 349

under her stern. The ships were so judiciously placed, that the Aigle was unable to bring a gun to bear on them, and, after receiving a few broadsides, surrendered. The Aigle measured 1,002 tons, and was armed with long 24-pounders^ on her main deck, and twelve long 8-pounders on the quarter- deck and forecastle. She was commanded by Commodore Comte La Touche, and had on board M. de la Fayette, and several noblemen (who escaped), and GOO men, including troops. Before surrendering, the Aigle's masts were cut away and the ship scuttled ; but she was got off, and added to the British navy under the same name. The Soj)hie was also added to the navy.

On the 17th of October, the 74-gun sliip Torbay, Captain John L. Gidoin ; 90-gun ship London, Captain James Kemp- thorne, and Badger sloop, being on a cruise off the east end of St. Domingo, chased a Hne-of-battle ship and frigate, bearing north-west, the -svind being from the southward. The strangers bore up and made all sail, with the wind on the starboard quarter ; and the London, taking the lead, at 2h. 24m. P.M. was fired at by the French 74-gun ship Scipion. The London returned the enemy's fire from her bow-chasers, and occasionally yawed to fire her broadside; and at 8h. p.m. succeeded in getting alongside the enemy to leeward, and a close action of forty minutes' duration took place. The Scipion's consort, the 40-gun frigate Sibylle, meantime kept uj^ a galling fire under the London's bows. The Scipion showing a disposition to escape, the London \n\t her helm down in order to get athwart her hawse, and the two ships fell foul, the Scipion's larboard cathead being abreast of the London's starboard gangway, and in this position the action continued with increased fury. After a little time, however, the Scipion, having dexterously backed clear of the London, bore up imder her stem and fired her broadside. Immediate attempts were made to wear the London, but the leading block of the weather tiller-rope having ^^nfortunately been shot away mth part of the sweep, the ship came round head to wind. Having at length wore round, the London again closed the Scipion, and recommenced the action, in which the Sibylle again took part, and it was continued until

350 BATTLES OF [1782.

lOh. 20m. P.M., when the Scipion ceased firing, and it was conckided that she had struck, as the Sibylle made all sail away from her. The London also ceased firing 3 but, having had the larboard fore-yardarm shot away as well as most of the irmning rigging and sails, was unable to close the Scipion to take possession.

The Torbay now arriving up. Captain Kempthome com- municated the state of the London, and the Torbay made sail after the Scipion, which in the meanwhile, aided by a partial air of wind, was making sail in shore. Although Captain Gidoin crowded all sail, the Scipion preserved her distance, and at daybreak on the following morning, was stiU a mile and a half ahead. At 3h. 30m. p.m. of the 18th, the Torbay, having at length closed the Scipion, filled a broadside, when she bore up, and running into English Harbour, struck on a rock, and was totally lost The Scipion was commanded by the Chevalier de Grimouard (the same who commanded the Minerva when captured in 1781, by the Courageux), who was wounded in the action^ and, in his most gallant defence, sustained a loss of fifteen men killed and forty-six wounded. The London, in her equally gallant engagement with the Scipion and Sibylle, had nine men killed and two mortally wounded, and Lieutenants Richard Kundell Burgess, Hankey, and John Trigge, and seventy-two men wounded.

On the 6th of December, the 64-gun ship Huby, Captain John CoUins, belonging to the squadron of Sir Richard Hughes, being to windward of Barbadoes, after an action of forty minutes' duration, compelled the French 64:-gun ship Solitaire to surrender. The Solitaire, commanded by the Chevalier de Borda, had her mizenmast shot away, and twenty men killed and thirty-five wounded. The Ruby had only two men wounded. Captain Collins received the honour of knighthood for this action.

On the 12th of December, at 7h. a.m., the 44-gun ship Mediator, Captain the Hon. John Luttrell, being ofi" Ferrol, five sail were observed to leeward, which the Mediator bore up to examine. At 8h. the hulls of the strangers formed in line of battle, close hauled, were distinctly visible, and con- sisted of the frigate-built SG-gTin ship Eugene, with a crew of 130 men, Captain Baudin j an American brig, of fourteen

1782.] THE BRITISH NAVY, 351

guns and seventy men ; 6-i-gun sliip Menager, laden ^vitll gunpowder, mounting on her main deck twenty-six long 12-pounders, and four long 6-pounders on her quarter-deck, with a crew of 212 men; Alexander, of twenty-four long 9-f)0unders and 102 men, wearing a French ensign and an American pendant, and commanded by Captain Gregory, in the service of the American Congress ; the sternmost was the French ship Dauphin Royal, of twenty-eight guns and 120 men. Notwithstanding this formidable array. Captain Luttrell continued bearing down under plain sail, and at lOh. A.M. was fired at by the Menager j but as the shot were observed to come from the upper deck only. Captain Luttrell rightly concluded she had no lower-deck guns. After rang- ing along the enemy's line to windward, the Mediator tacked and bore up, in order to bring the rear ship to action. At lOh. 30m. she opened fire on the Dauphin Royal, when that ship and the Alexander bore up out of the line. The Eugene, Menager, and American brig, then wore and en- deavoured to protect the two rear ships. The Mediator, after gallantly fighting her way through her nimierous foes, took possession of the Alexander ; and, as by this time the enemies were all endeavouiing to escape before the wind, great expedition was necessary to remove the prisoners ; but this being done, and a prize-master and crew put on board, the Mediator made sail after the retreating ships. At 3h. p.m. the Eugene hauled to the wind, but the Mediator now fol- lowed the Menager, which, at 5h. 30m. she brought to action. Just at this time a heavy squall coming on, the Mediator was nearly filled in consequence of the lowness of 'her lower-deck ports, and was obliged to put before the Avind to get the ports in and clear the ship of the water. At 9h. the Mediator, having again got up with the Menager, was on the point of filing into her, when she also struck and was taken possession of Being then not more than five miles from Ferrol, Cap- tain Luttrell judged it prudent to haul ofl* shore. In this most gallant attack, the Mediator sustained no loss, the enemy having fired principally at her masts, which Vv-ere much cut. The Alexander had six men killed and nine wounded, and the Menager a passenger and three seamen killed, and several wounded. The Dauphin and brig were seen next morning ; but having already 300 prisoners, and

352 BATTLES OP [1783.

being on an enemy's coast. Captain Luttrell was under the necessity of foregoing any further proceedings, and made sail for England with his two piizes, A villanous attempt was made by Captain Gregory, of the Alexander, at the head of a party of the prisoners, to gain possession of the Mediator. This was the more disgracefLil, as the man had received much kindness from Captain Luttrell ; it was, however, subdued after much exertion, and the originator placed in irons. The French officers had no part in the treacherous proceeding. Captain Luttrell's gallantry and skiU merit the highest encomium.

On the 19th of December, the United States frigate South Carolina, Captain Joyner, carrying the unusual armament of twenty-eight long 36-pounders on her main deck, and twelve long 12 -pounders on the quarter-deck and forecastle, was cap- tured by a British squadron consisting of the 3 2 -gun frigate Quebec, Captain Christopher Mason ; 44-gim ship Diomede, Thomas L. Frederick ; and 32-gim frigate Astrea, Matthew Squire. The South Carolina was built at Amsterdam in 1780, mth the scantling and dimensions of a 74-gun ship. She was originally named the Indien, and belonged to France, but was hired by the Americans. It does not appear that she was purchased into the navy.

  1. — On the 2nd of January, the 44-gun ship Endymion, and 36-gun frigate Magicienne, Captains Edward T. Smith and Thomas Graves, being ofi' Cape Francois, chased a French convoy of seventeen sail, under the protection of the 3G-gun frigate SibyUe, and 14-gun brig Ptailleur. The Magicienne was soon far ahead of the Endymion, and at noon brought the Railleur to action, and having silenced her, pushed on and brought the Sibylle to action. The engagement between these two sliips was very severe, they being so close together that the men fought with pikes and rammers out of the ports. At 2h. 30m. p.m. the Sibylle's fire slackened, and hopes v/ere entertained of bringing the matter to a success- ful termination, when the Magicienne's fore and main masts fell over the side, and she dropped astern. The SibyUe instantly made aU sail away, and at 3h. 30m. the Endymion passed \vithin hail, cheering as she passed, and pursued the Sibylle, but ineffectually, and the Magicienne with difficulty reached Jamaica on the 17th. Besides being totally dis-

1783.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 353

masted, the Magicienne had sixteen men killed and thii'ty-one wounded. The loss sustained by the Sibylle, as acknowledged by the French, amounted only to thirteen men killed, and her commodore (M. de Kergariou), and twenty-nine danger- ously, and eight slightly w^ounded ; but, considering the duration and severity of the contest, this appears much too sKght. That the Sibylle would have become the prize of the Magicienne, had it not been for the unfortunate fall of her masts, seems highly probable ; but this is at least certain, that the gallantry with which the action was conducted was such as to confer much honour upon the captain, officers, and crew of the Magicienne.

On the 6th of January, the Sibylle was also dismasted, and, being jury-rigged, was fallen in with oif the Chesapeake, on the 22nd, by the British 28-gini frigate Hussar, Captain Thomas M. Russell. The Sibylle had been under the necessity of throwing twelve of her main-deck guns over- board, and was otherwise apparently in a defenceless state, and this, added to an inexcusable misuse of the signal of distress, and to her hoisting British over French colours, induced Captain Russell to nm down under her lee to afford assistance. On coming close alongside, however, the Hussar unexpectedly became exposed to a broadside from the Sibylle, which ship, bearing \i) across the Hussar's hawse, badly sprang her bows2:)rit, and then attempted to board. Backing clear of the enemy, the Hussar quickly returned the fire, and the two ships running off the wind, maintained a deter- mined action for an hom\ The Sibylle then hauled to the wind on the larboard tack, followed by the Hussar, and, after two hours' chase, was again brought to action, and compelled to haul down her colours. At this time the French frigate's magazine was swamped in consequence of the damages re- ceived, and further resistance was impossible. Commodore Kergariou, on being brought on board the Hussar, presented his sword to Captain Russell, who, justly incensed at the treatment to which he had been subjected, broke the sword in pieces, and put the French commodore in confinement as a state prisoner. The 50-gun ship Centurion, Captain James Cotes, hove in sight to windward shortly after the action commenced. Captain Russell, on his return to England, was ■offered the honour of knighthood, but which was declined.

VOL. I. 2 A

354 BATTLES OF [1783.

On the lOtli of January, the 28-gTin frigate Coventry, Captain William Wolseley, was captui-ed in the Bay of Bengal by the French fleet, after an honourable defence.

On the 18th of January, at Ih. p.m., the 50-gun ship Leander, Captain John Willet Payne, off Jamaica, observed a large ship coming down before the wind. The stranger, having approached within five or six miles, hauled up to the southward; and although evidently a large Kne-of-battle ship, Captain Payne determined on chasing. At 4h. p.m., the Leander tacked and made all sail, and at Ih. a.m. on the 19th, closed with the French 80-gun ship Couronne j and ranging up alongside to leeward at the distance of not more than fifty yards, gallantly commenced the action. The Leander's position was on the Couronne's starboard-bow, and was so near that she was three times set on fire by the French ship's wads. The ships were at one time foul, and the French attempted to board ; but, although the Couronne's deck was fuU of soldiers, who kept up a tremendous fire of musketry in order to cover the boarders, the assailants Avere beaten off with loss. For two houi^s the Leander sustained this un- equal contest, in the course of which, from the heavy metal of her opponent, the ship was rendered almost unmanageable, and had suffered a severe loss in killed and wounded. While in this crippled state she dropped to leeward of the Com^onne, and the latter, observing her apparently defenceless state, attempted to bear up under her stem to rake her ; but by putting the Leander's hehn aport, the two ships paid off be- fore the wind, the action meanwhile being continued with spiiit. After a short time the Couronne dropped astern, and hauling to the wind, discontinued the action, and at day- break the French ship was nowhere to be seen. Mr. James, in alluding to this gallant performance, states that the French ship was the Pluton, seventy-four. Captain de Bioms ; that she had a lieutenant and four men killed, and eleven wounded ; and that the Leander had thirteen killed or badly wounded. On the 18th of January, at daybreak, the 44-gun ship Argo, Captain John Butchart, being off Sombrero, on her way to Antigua, sprang her main-topmast in a fresh gale of wind ; and while getting another up, was chased by the French 36-gun frigates Concorde and Nymphe, which had sailed from Martinique to look after her. At llh. a.m. the




Nymplie closed and commenced the action, wliicli tlie Ai^go was not able to return ^vith proper ejQfect, in consequence of the heavy sea nmning, and the lowness of her ports. The Argo put before the wind, closely followed by the frigate, and a lamning fight was kept up, the Argo's deck meanwhile being knee-deep in water. After having engaged the Nymphe for nearly two hours, the Concorde arrived up and took part ill the action. At 4h. p M. the Argo, having sustained a loss of thirteen men killed and a great many wounded, and all her lower masts being greatly injured, her main-topmast shot away, besides many shots between wind and water, hauled down her colours, and was taken possession of The Ai'go continued in possession of the enemy till the morning of the 20th, when she was chased and recaptured by the 74-gun ship InAdncible, Captain Charles Saxton.

On the 16th of February, the Concorde, after a long chase, was overtaken and captured by the 74-gun ship Magnificent, Captain Robert Linzee, after a very gallant resistance.

The action which concluded this long and sangTiinary war, was a fifth engagement between the rival commanders in the East Indies, and took place ofi" Pondicherry on the 20th of June, the news of the peace not having then reached. The British squadron having been reinforced from England by five sail of the line, under Sir Richard Bickerton, consisted

of the following :-

Guns. Ships.




80 Gibraltar...,

( Cumberland 74 "I Sultan ... . . ( Defence ... 70 Burford . . 68 Monarca ... '' Monmouth Eagle . . . . r^i J Magnanime Sceptre . . Africa . . ... Worcester

{ Vice- Admiral Sir Edward Hughes, K.B.

\ Captain Henry Newcome

( Commodore Richard King

\ Captain Theophilus Jones

i Commodore Sir Richard Bickertou

\ Captain Thomas Hicks

„ William Allen

„ Andrew Mitchell

„ Thomas Newnham

„ Peter Rainier

„ John Gell

„ James Alms

,, William Clarke

„ Thomas Mackenzie

„ Samuel Graves

„ Robert Macdonald

„ Charles Hughes

2 a2

356 BATTLES OP [1783.

Guns. Ships.

64 Exeter Captain John S. Smith

54 Inflexible. ... ,, Hon. J. W. Chetwynd

^„ j Isis ,, James Burney

•"^ ( Bristol „ Charles Halliday

Frigates, &c. — Chaser, Harriet, Medea, Naiad, San Carlos, Juno, Lizard, Minerva, Pondicherry, Combustion, Seahorse, and Active.

The French squadron was still greatly superior in point of sailing, and De Suffrein able to decline or bring on an action at pleasure. After a continued endeavour on the part of Sir Edward Hughes to bring the enemy to action, the latter, on the day above mentioned being to windward, bore up, and at 4h. p.m., having taken up a position a Kttle Avithin long gun-shot of the weather-beam of the British, an engage- ment commenced, which continued three hours, when Suffrein made sail to mndward. M. Suffrein was probably induced to take this bold step in consequence of the known state of the crews of the British squadron, nearly one-third of whom "were labouring under the effects of virulent scurvy, and confined to their hammocks. The British squadron suf- fered very much in masts and rigging, the Gibraltar and Isis in particular, and the loss in killed and wounded, in the order the ships were formed, was as follows : —









7 3 3 6 4 5 8 4 12 6

38 30 30 40 9 25 32 20 41 14



Magnanime ....










20 47 16 S 21 10 19 11










Monmouth .... Cumberland ....




The officers killed and wounded were as follows : — Lieu- tenant Robert Travers (Monarca) ; James Dow (Sultan) ; and John Lett (Defence) ; and Thomas G. Parker, master (Defence), killed ; and Lieutenants Middlemore (Hero) ; and James Watson (Sceptre) ; and Thompson, of the marines (Hero) ; Ormsby Sloane, master (Sultan) ; — Hunter, boat-




swain (Defence) ; and — Sinclair, boats\vain (Worcester), wounded.

The French loss is not stated, News of the peace reached Sir Edward Hughes only a few days afterwards.

On the 20th of January, preliminary articles of peace were concluded at Versailles between Great Britain and France, and also ^vith Spain.

We will now endeavour to submit at one view the losses sustained by each of the belligerent powere during this war : —


( captured










64 to 60



56 to 40


40 to 30








a o o

"3 o



10 51 1 6

F^^^^^' destroyed j^y^^^.'jy;- ( (by accident

Total loss







lli 62


( captured

Spanish' destroyed j^y^"^.°?yV ( ( t>y accident

Total loss


4 2 1

4 3

2 2

..| 11

5 12

.. 1





5i 24


TN i T. . { captured

1 1




1 6

1 2


Dutchi ] , ^, ,

1 destroyed

Total loss





2 8

A • [ captured

9 4

21 11

23 53 17 32

American < ^'^p^^^cu.

( destroyed

Total loss





( captured


1 3

4 1 3








2 44

76 12 93

^"'^^'^ j destroyed \ l^ ^"^.^?y •/ ( (by accident

Total loss









19 f^^



■ 1

' Exclusive of privateers.



The following table exhibits the state of the jislyj at the close of the war : —




Afloat .-. . Building .





1 4


60 1 to



57 46 29



20,15 313

40 34 to I to 36 28

2065 2683

6 29 1112


8123 28 26 94!27'95

361 106


With reference to the above, Beatson gives the following as the number in commission at tliis period : — Ships of the line, 112; of fifty gnns, twenty; frigates, 150; but this latter number is intended to include 20-gun ships and sloops. The number of seamen voted for the four years respectively — vi2., from 1780 to 1783, both inclusive— was 85,000, 90,000, 100,000, and 110,000.

  1. — On the 20th of November, an action took place off Mangalore between the British 36-gun frigate Phoenix, Captain Sir Bichard Strachan, and 32-gun French frigate Resolue, in consequence of the British captain insisting upon searching two merchant vessels in company with the frigate. The Besolue hauled down her colours after an engagement of twenty-five minutes' duration, in which she sustained a loss of twenty-five killed and forty wounded, including the captain dangerously. The loss on board the Phoenix was six killed and eleven wounded, including Lieutenant of marines Greorge Pinley, mortally. The merchant ships having been searched, were permitted to proceed on the voyage, and the Mgate was carried to Mahe Boads — the Trench captain declining to resume possession of the ship — and there left.

^ Exclusive of armed ships, transports, cutters, fire-ships, &c. &c.





Ox the 2nd of Januaiy, 1793, the 16-guii sloop Childers, Commander Robert Barlow, was standing in towards the harbour of Brest, when one of the batteries which guard the entrance fired a shot at her. Supposing the character of his vessel to be unknown, Captain Barlow hoisted his colours : upon which the forts also hoisted French coloiu's, with a red pendant over them, and both opened fire upon the British vessel, which had, by this time, been driven by the flood-tide still nearer. A breeze coming ofif the land, the Childers made sail and got out of gun-shot, without ha^T.ng sustained any loss. One shot only — a 48-pounder — struck one of her guns, and split into three pieces, but injured no one.

On the 21st of January, the French revolutionary party murdered Louis XYI. ; and the king of England, refusing to countenance such horrible proceedings, ordered the French ambassador to quit the comitry. On the 1st of Februarv, the National Convention declared war against Great Britain and the United Netherlands, which was fol- lowed by a counter declaration of war against France on the 11th of the same month. The king of Spain also not feehng an inclination to side with the French party, war was declared against that nation by France on the 4th of March, in which war Portugal was also involved.

Mr. James gives the following as the actual line-of-battle force of the rival na^es of England and France at this period : —

British line French line

No. of Ships.

No. of Guns.

Aggregate Broadside

Weight of Metal

in English Pounds.



8,718 6,002

88,957 73,957

The above statement is very essential to a right under-

360 BATTLES OF [1793.

standing of the real difficulties and force which the British navy had to contend against. The first column, without the second, would not suffice, owing to the large number of 64-gun ships in the British naw, and of 110 and 120-gun ships in the French ; neither would the second convey the requisite knowledge, without the third, in consequence of the heavier metal employed in the French na\y ; but together they show that the real preponderance of the English over the French navy did not amount to ^lore than 15,000 lbs., or, in other words, about fifteen sail of the line. The navy of Spain was not much inferior to that of France and Portugal also possessed several fine 74-gun ships.

The first action of tliis celebrated war was fought on the 13th of March. The British 16-gun brig Scourge (but wliich had only eight long 6-pounders mounted). Commander George Brisac, being off Scilly, fell in with the French privateer Sans-Culotte, mounting eight long 8-pounders, and four 12-pounder carronades, with a crew of eighty-one men. The action lasted three hours ; but proved victorious to the Scourge, which, out of a crew of seventy men and boys, had one man killed and one wounded. The privateer had nine killed and twenty wounded.

The first British officer who lost his life in tliis war was Lieutenant John Western, of the 32-gun frigate SjTen, who, in command of a gun-boat (the gun of which he was at the time levelling), was actively co-operating vnth. the forces under the orders of H. R. H. the duke of York, at the Noord, on the Moor Dyke, on the 21st of March, v»^hen he received a musket-ball through his head from the enemy's intrenchments. Lieutenant Western was buried in the church of Dordrecht, to vrliich place his remains were fol- lowed by the duke of York, who ordered a suitable monu- ment to be erected to his memory. The naval medal has been conferred upon the participators survi-ing in June, 1847.

On the 14th of April, a squadron under Bear- Admiral Gell, consisting of the following, —

Guns. Ships.

_„ C.J. /-I \ Rear- Admiral John Gell

98 St. George . . j ^.^^^^.^ ^^^^^ p^^^^

(Ganges „ A. J. P. Molloy

74 I Edgar „ Albemarle Bertie

( Egmont ..... ,, Archibald Dickson

38 Phaeton .... /, Andrew S. Douglas.

1793.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 361

bound to tlie Mediterranean, fell in with and captured the General Dumourier privateer, of twenty-two long 6 -pounders, and 196 men, together with the San-Iago Spanish galleon, which she was convoying to a port of France. The galleon was fi-om Lima, with a cargo valued at £200,000. Both w^ere taken to Plymouth, and ultimately condemned. The- seizure of tliis recaptured ship occasioned a great sensation at Madrid ; and was one of the principal causes of the war between Spain and Great Britain.

On the 13th of May, at 5h. p.m., in lat. 42° 34' K, long. 13° ,12' "W., the 12-pounder 32-gun frigate Iris, Captain George Lumsdaine, standing to the southward, with the wind at north-east, discovered a sail on her weather quarter. The Iris hauled to the Avind to close the stranger, and at, 6h. hove to. At 6h. 30m. the stranger — a French frigate — hove to on the weather quarter of the Iris, and commenced the action. At 8h,, the stranger made sail to windward and escaped. The Iris endeavoured to piu'sue, and lost her- foremast, main-topmast, and mizenmast in the attempt. The Iris reached Gibraltar five days afterwards, and it was conjectured that she had engaged the Medee of thiriy-six guns, wliich statement subsequently appeared in the London journals ; but it was afterguards pretty clearly ascertained that her opponent was the Citoyenne Francaise, an old French 32-gun frigate, then a privateer, which ship arrived at Bordeaux in a shattered state. Out of a crew of 217, the Iris had foiu' seamen killed ; her first lieutenant, master,

Magee (mortally), and tlurty seamen and marines

wounded. The Citoyenne, out of 250 men, had her captain (Dubedal) and fifteen killed, and thirty-seven wounded.

On the 27th of May, at daybreak, Cape Finisterre bearing south-east, distant 120 leagues, the 12-pounder 32-gun frigate^ Venus, Captain Jonathan Faulknor, and French 36-gun fri- gate SemiUante, descried each other. At 4h. 30m. a.m., the Semillante tacked, and hauled to the wind, and at 7h. 30m., having reached the lee beam of the Venus, a warm cannonade commenced, the two shij)s gradually nearing each other until lOh. A.M., when they were within a cable's length, the Venus to Tvindward. The Semillante had, by tliis time, lost her fii'st and second ofiicers, and her spars and hull were much damaged. For the last half-hour she had made but. a weak retui-n to the spirited fire of the Venus, and just as

362 BATTLES OF [1793.

Captain Faulknor had bore down, in tlie hope of taking possession, a stranger liove in sight to leeward, which made signals to the Semillante, upon which she bore up to join her friend. The Venus, which had also suffered severely in masts, yards, and rigging, hauled to the wind to repair damages. According to the statement of the captain of an EngHsh merchant-ship on board the Semillante, that ship had five feet water in the hold when she reached port. The Venus, out of a crew of 192, had two men killed and nine- teen wounded ; and the Semillante, out of 300 men, had twelve killed and twenty wounded. This ship's consort, which was the Cleopatre, crowded all sail after the Venus ; but being far to windward, with smooth water, the Venus got clear off, and rejoined the Nymplie, from w]uch she had parted two days before.

On the 27th of May, early in the morning, about two leagues distant from Cape Tiburon, the Hyaena, of twenty- four guns,^ Captain William Hargood, was chased by the Concorde, the advanced frigate of a French squadron. Cap- tain Hargood, after making every possible effort to escape, in which the ship carried away several spars, finding that, as the wiud had fallen light, and the Concorde was bringing up a fine breeze, he could offer no effectual resistance, after consulting his officers, surrendered the ship. On the 11th of October, 1793, Caj^tain Hargood was tried by court- martial in Hamoaze, and most honourably acquitted.

On the 17th of June, the 36-gun frigate Nymphe, Cap- tain Edward Pellew, sailed from Falmouth on a cruise. On the next day, at 3h. 30m. a.m., the Start bearing east by north five or six leagues, a sail was discovered to leeward, and the Nymphe bore up imder all sail. At 51i. the stranger — the French 36-gun frigate Cleopatre, — shortened sail, and awaited the approach of the Nymphe. At 6h. a.m., the Nymphe hauled up on the weather quarter, and was hailed from the Cleopatre. The hail was responded to by three loud British cheers. Captain MuUon, the French com- mander, then came to the gangway, and wa^vdng his hat, exclaimed, " Vive la nation!" his crew making a noise in imitation of the British cheers ; at the same time the

^ The Hyaena had not more than ninety men on board; her second lieutenant and several of the crew being absent in prizes.

1793.] THE BRITISH NAVY, 363

Cleopatre filled and bore up. At 61i. lorn., tlie Nymphe, having taken up her station on the starboard quarter of the Cleopatre, commenced a furious action, both frigates running before the wind within hail. At 6h. 30m., the Cleopatre suddenly hauled to the wind on the larboard tack, but her mizenmast and Avheel being shot away, she paid round off before the wind, and fell on board the Nymphe, her jib-boom, passing between the fore and mainmasts, and pressing hard against the latter. As the main and spring stays were shot away, the mainmast was expected every moment to fall ; but the jib-boom of the French ship gave way, and the mast kept its place. Both ships then dropped alongside, head and stern. The Cleopatre's main-topmast studding-sail boom-iron having hooked the leech-rope of the IsTymphe's main-topsail, the mainmast was again endangered, but a tojD-man named Burgess sprang aloft and cut away the rope ; and, at the same time Lieutenant Pellowe let go the anchor. The Cleopatre was gallantly boarded, and, at 7h. 10m., the repub- lican colours were hauled down. The Nymphe had her boatswain Tobias James, master s mate Bichard Pearce, mid- shipmen George Boyd, John Davie, and Samuel Edfall, fourteen seamen, and four marines killed; her second lieut. George Luke, midshipmen J. A. Norway and John Plaine, first Ueut. of marines John Whittaker, seventeen seamen and six marines wounded : total, twenty-three killed and twenty- seven wounded. The Cleopatre had her captain kiUed,^ two lieutenants wounded ; and altogether 63 killed and wounded. Except in number of men, — the Nymphe having 240, and the Cleopatre 320, — the ships were equally matched; the only difference being that the Nymphe mounted eight 32-pounder carronades, instead of long 6-pounders. On the 21st, the Nymphe arrived at Portsmouth with her prize, and on the 29th, Captain Pellew, with his brother Israel, a volun- teer on board the Nymphe, were presented to George III. The honom' of knighthood was conferred on the senior,^ and

1 Captain Mullon was wounded in the back and hip by a round shot ; and it is related of him, that having in his pocket the list of coast signals in use by the French, he took out what he considered to be the paper, and died biting it to pieces.

364 BATTLES OF [1793.

the rank of post-captain on the junior brother. The first lieutenant, Amherst Morris, received immediate promotion to the rank of commander. The prize was purchased into the service, and named the Oiseau.

Towards the end of July, the 12-pounder 32-gun frigate Boston, Captain George W. A. Courtenay, was ciTiising off New York, and watching the French 36-giin fi-igate Embus- cade, Captain Bompart, lying in that harbour. Caj^tain Bompart, mistaking the British frigate for the Concorde, a frigate under liis orders, sent his first lieutenant and twelve men on board the Boston, with orders for her to proceed in quest of a pu'ate. The lieutenant and his crew were, as a matter of course, made prisoners. On Captain Courtenay expressing to the Keutenant his desire to meet the Embus- cade at sea, the French officer assured him of his captain's readiness to accede to his wishes ; and that if he, the lieu- tenant, were permitted to write to his captain, the Embus- cade would be outside the Hook in a few hours. This was accordingly done, and the letter sent into New York by a pilot-boat, accompanied by a verbal message from Captain Courtenay that he would wait three days for the meeting. The master of the pilot-boat, not liking to deliver the message, posted it in a public coffee-room. While anxiously expecting the Embuscade, twelve sail appeared on the 30th in the ofiing, which the French lieutenant stated to be the 74-gun ships Eole, and America, four frigates, and six cor- vettes, from the Chesapeake. At sunset they were about nine miles off. On the 31st, a ship was seen coming do^vn before the Avind, and the Boston cleared for action. At 3h. 30m. A.M. the stranger passed about three miles to wind- ward, making signals with false fires, and at 3h. 50m. was discovered to be a French frigate. The Boston hoisted French colours, upon which the French ship hoisted a blue flag with a white cross at her peak, thus making herself known as the Embuscade. At 4h. a.m. both ships wore to the eastward, and set main-sails. At 5h., having hoisted each their proper colours, and apj)roached within pistol-shot, the Boston and Embuscade backing their main-topsails,

announced to the king, at that time in the theatre, it was immediately communicated to the audience, by whom it was received with loud cheers and acclamations. The naval medal is awarded for this action.

1793.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 365

commenced the action. The land of Neversink, in the Jer- seys, bore north-west, about twelve miles distant. At 5h. 20m. the Boston's cross-jack-yard was shot away, and at 6h. 10m. her main-topmast and topsail-yard fell over the larboard iiide. At 6h. 20m. Captain Courtenay and Lieut, of marines James E. Butler, whilst standing together on the quarter- deck, were killed by one shot. The Boston's mizen-topmast soon afterwards fell. The only two Keutenants, — John Ed- wards and Alexander R. Kerr, were below, wounded ; the latter lost the entire use of one eye, and the former received a contusion in the head. On the captain's death, although Lieutenant Edwards had suffered severely, he returned on deck and took command of the ship. At 6h. 45m. the Em- buscade, which had also suffered very much in her masts and gear, dropped astern a little and bore up vvith the intention of raking the Boston, which the latter with difficulty wore to avoid. As the wreck of the main-topmast lay over the lar- board side and rendered her guns useless, the Boston, unable to offer an effectual resistance, made all sail before the wind. The Embuscade stood after her, to all appearance as much crippled as herself ; but at 8h. when about four miles off, the French ship brought to with her head to the eastward, and was soon lost sight of. The Boston had her captain, lieutenant of marines, and eight seamen killed ; two lieu- tenants, one master's mate, two midshipmen, and nineteen seamen and marines wounded : total, ten killed and twenty- four wounded.

The Embuscade, a ship of 900 tons, and a crew numbering 327, was also greatly superior in point of equipment to the Boston, the latter measuring only 670 tons with a crew of 204 men, and armed with long 12 and 6-pounders, and useless 12-pounder carronades. The Embuscade returned to New York with fifty men killed and wounded, and was obliged to have all her masts taken out. The Boston reached New- foundland on the 19th.i

At the declaration of war against England, France pos- sessed in the harbour of Toulon a very large fleet, of which the subjoined tabular statement ^vill convey full infor- mation : —





State of the ±'kench Meditekka- NEAN Force on the Arrival of Lord Hood in August, 1793.












In Toulon -

In the outer harbour, )

ready for sea )

In the inner ditto, refitting

In ditto and basin repair- )

ing, or in want of repair )

^Building ... . . ... ...... ...

1 1

1 1


15 2

7 1

2 2


3 1






34 5

16 3

Cruising in the Mediterranean ... ... ._.



25 1

4 3


7 5


2 2



58 17








2 4



In the montli of August the command of Vice-Admiral Lord Toulon : —


fleets under the Hood, assembled off


Guns. Ships.


Britannia ... -. Windsor Castle i ■{ Princess Eoyal

St. George ... ...

^Alcide .-

Terrible ... ... ...

Egmont ... ... , .

Kobust.-. ... ... ...

Courageux ... ...

Bedford ... ... ...

Berwick ... ... ...

Captain ... ... ...

Fortitude -, ...

Leviathan .... ...


, Illustrious ... ...


i Vice-Admiral Lord Hood < Rear- Admiral Sir Hyde Parker ( Captain John Knight Vice-Admiral William Hotham Captain John Holloway Vice-Admiral Philips Cosby Captain Sir Thomas Byard Rear- Admiral Samuel G. Goodall Captain John C. Purvis Rear- Admiral John Gell Captain Thomas Foley f, Robert Linzee „ Skeffington Lutwidge „ Archibald Dickson „ Hon. G. K. Elphinstoue „ Hon. W. Waldegrave „ Robert Mann „ Sir John Collins „ Samuel Reeve ■" „ William Young „ Hon. H. S. Conway „ Charles M. Pole ,, Thomas L. Frederick

1793,] THE BRITISH NAVY. 367



Ships. Agamemnor Ardent



, Captair


1 Horatio Nelson Eobert M. Sutton

Diadem . . Intrepid ...

Andrew Sutherland Hon. Charles Carpenter

The French fleet was commanded by Rear- Admiral the Compte de Trogoff, a monarchist, and his principles pervaded the fleet. The same spirit of disafiection to the cause of republican France also reigned to a great extent throughout the southern provinces. On the 23rd of August, two com- missioners, delegates from the monarchical party on shore, arrived on board the Victory to negotiate with the British admii'al for the surrender of Toulon to him, in trust for Louis XVII. They were well received, and every assistance promised upon the proposed terms. Lord Hood also caused to be circulated amongst the Toulonese, proclamations de- claring his object, which was to hold Toulon in the name of the French monarch. The Toulonese, however, anticipating the vengeance which they knew would be wreaked upon them by the monsters of the French revolution in case of failure, hesitated to comply with Lord Hood's requisition. A republican party existed in the fleet, and Rear- Admiral St. Julien, the second in command, and a large body of the captains, ofiicers, and men, professed similar principles.

Matters being in this unsettled state. Lieutenant Edward Cooke, of the Victory, was sent on shore, on the 2-ith, to treat with the royalist party. After some perilous adven- tures, this officer returned to the ship, but the matter not being concluded, returned to Toulon, narrowly escaping capture ; and having by his presence afforded fresh impetus to the royaUst cause, and obtained much information, he retm-ned to the Victory, accompanied by a special com- missioner from the Committee-General. Upon the assurance of this latter personage that Louis XVII. had been pro- claimed by the sections, who were determined to suj^port his cause. Lord Hood agreed to land troops to take possession of the forts commanding the shipping. On the approach of the British forces under Captain Elphinstone, of the Robust, the forts surrendered, and the fleet also submitted, and hoisted the white flag ; but Rear- Admiral Julien, and 5,000

368 BATTLES OF [1793.

seamen, made their escape into the interior, and joined the republican forces. Lord Hood then entered Toulon, acconi- jDanied by a Spanish fleet of seventeen sail of the line, under Adliiiral Langara.

The British admiral now found that he was to endure a long and harassing siege, in order to retain possession of the place. Undaunted by the formidable army of 33,000 men, under Generals Kellerman and Carteaux, which was marching against him, he determined on holding it as long as he was able. The total number of troops at Lord Hood's disposal, including 2,000 British, was only 1G,890 men. The details of the defence of Toulon are too lengthy to come within the scope of this work ; but the destruction of the sliipping in Toulon having been executed in an able manner by the British sailors, we must confine ourselves prmcipally to that transaction.

On the night of the 14tli of December, the French be- sieging force, augmented to near 50,000 men, marched from their encami^ment in three columns, each division taking a, Toute leading to a difierent point of the line of posts, so that theu" attacks might be simultaneous. By the 16th, one division had thrown up five batteries in front of Fort Mul- grave, which they continued to bombard with great effect till the 17th. At 2h. that morning, in the midst of dark and tempestuous weather, they succeeded in entering the fort on the SjDanish side, and after a determined, but fruitless resistance on the part of the British garrison, headed by Captain Conolly, of the 18th regt., compelled it to retire. Among the officers wounded in the defence of this fort, were Lieut. Thomas Goddard and Midshi2:)man John Wentworth Loring. During these operations, the column under General LajDoype carried all the posts upon the height of Pharon, and the ships were consequently compelled to retire to a position of safety, as the guns mounted for their immediate protection were now available for their destruction.

In this desperate state of affairs, a comicil of war was held, when it was resolved to evacuate Toulon as soon as proper arrangements could be made. The sick and wounded were embarked; the French ships, which were armed, were got ready to sail out with the fleet, and it was determined to destroy those that remained, together with the arsenal and


mafrazines. Admiral Langara was charged with the destruc- tion of the ships in the basin, and to sink the Iris and Mon- treal, two frigates fitted as powder-ships. In the course of the 18th, the remaining troops had concentrated in the town and fort Lamalgue, ready to embark as soon as the destruc- tion of the shij)ping had been effected. Tliis latter service was intrusted to Sir W. Sidney Smith, who had arrived only a fortnight jDreviously from Smynia. On the same afternoon he repaired to the dock-yard, the gates of which had been closed and secured, to prepare the combustibles. The people had already assiuned the tricoloured cockade. The galley- slaves, to the number of 800, were, for the most part, unchained, and appeared to look mth a jealous eye upon the destruction about to begin. The guns of Sir Sidney's tender, the Swallow, and of a gun-boat, however, served to keep these in check. Sir Sidney was further mterrupted in his operations by the shot and shells fired from the fort Mal- bousquet.

As the night closed in, the enemy in great numbers descended the hill and opened a heavy fire of musketry and cannon ujDon the British, to which the gam-boats and small vessels returned a vigorous fire of grape. At 8h. P.ii. the Vulcan fire-ship. Commander Charles Hare, entered the basin. in tow of the boats, and was placed so that her v/ell-shotted ^ms should served to keep the enemy in check. At lOh. rm. all being ready, the preconcerted signal was given ; the trains leading to the difierent storehouses and magazines were ignited, and the train of the Yulcan fired by the commander, who, by the bursting of the priming, was severely wounded. The flames now began to ascend from all parts with terrific splendour; the Vulcan's guns went off as the fire reached them. The devouring element spread rapidly, and the men were overpowered by the heat. The enemy, directed by the fire, were enabled to point their guns at the daring band thus employed. A tremendous explosion put a stop for an instant to the proceedings; but the work was speedily resumed. It was ascertained that the Spaniards had com- mitted the mistake, in their hurry to execute their part of the service, oi firing instead of scuttling the powder-sliips. The explosion shook the Union gun-boat to pieces, and killed the commander and three of the crew ; and a second gun-

VOL. I, 2 b

370 BATTLES OF [1793.

boat was blown into the air, but her crew miraculously saved. Having completed the desti-uction of the arsenal, Sir Sidney proceeded 'towards the basin in front of the to\vn, across which a boom had been laid; but the British were received ^yiih such repeated volleys of musketry, that Sir Sidney was compelled to abandon his design. He then proceeded along- side the two 74-gun ships Heros and Themistocle, lying in the inner road, and filled with French prisoners. Terrified by the awful work which had been enacted, these, although greatly superior in number to the British party, consented to be landed in a place of safety, and having cleared them, the ships were set on fire and completely destroyed. After having effected as much as it was possible for men to do, so badly supported as they had been by their allies the Spaniards, Sir Sidney was preparing to return to the fleet, when the explosion of the second powder-vessel — the Mon- treal— took place close to them, with an effect even more powerful than the former one. The little Swallow and three boats, although within the sphere of the falling timber — which in its fall caused the water to foam around them — singular to relate, received not the smallest injury. Many of the gallant British band, exhausted with their fatiguing employment, fell asleep on their oars as the boats slowly quitted Toulon on their way to join the fleet.

Sir Sidney Smith in his perilous undertaking, was accom- panied and supported by the following oflficers, to whose exertions the effectual destruction of such a vast amount of property was due : — Commanders — Charles Hare and William Edge ; Lieutenants — Carre, Tupper, John Gore, John Mel- huish, Richard HoUoway, Matthew Wrench, Thomas F. Bichmond, Balph W. Miller, John Stiles, Charles D. Pater, Bobert G. Middleton, Henry HiU, Joseph Priest, James Morgan, and Francis Cox ; Master — George Andrews ; Sur- geon— WilUam Jones ; Master's Mates, &c. — John Eales, Bichard Hawkins, Thomas Cowan, WiUiam Knight, Henry Matson, P. H. Yaliant, and Thomas Young (killed).

The troops commenced evacuathig Fort Lamalgue, when the conflagration began, and by dayhght in the morning- had all embarked under the superintendence of Captains Elphinstone, Hallowell, and Matthews, without the loss of a man. The British sailors, during the important transactions

1793.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 371

which called for their exertions throughout this harassing defence, deserved the highest praise. Their devotion and skill, not less than their strength and activity, afforded a theme of praise and admiration to all who witnessed their conduct. The melancholy fate of the unfortunate inhabitants of Toulon, forms a page in history of the most damning nature to the monsters in the shape of men connected with it. The miserable creatures fled from their homes, and flocked in numbers to the water-side, hoping to find an asylum on board the British fleet. Many succeeded in gain- ing the British boats, and to the number of 14,877 — men, women, and children — were received on board the different ships of the fleet. Many in their way to the shore were cut in two by cannon-balls, and others, overcome by terror, fancied the hurried steps of their pursuers were behind them, and fainted on the way ; while some, ^vith then- infants clinging to their breasts, rushed into the sea, and perished ! Those who remained in the town, trusting to their age and sex to shield them from the bayonets of the soldiery, trusted to a vain hope ! A savage decree of the Committee of Public Safety had doomed the whole to destruction, and those on whom the task of carrying this inhuman sentence into effect devolved, enacted it to the fullest measure. When the British entered Toulon, it was calculated that the town con- tained 28,000 souls; but in a few weeks after they quitted, there were but 7,000 left !

The subjoined table will show the exact amount of gain to the British, and loss to the French, caused by the seizm'e and evacuation of Toulon.

The French vessels that were in the port when the British entered were thus disposed of : —





'■ Statement of the Toulon Fleet on • the Evacuation of that Port, December 18, 1793,















2 3 2 2


14 9 7 3

Burnt, or otherwise destroyed

( 4.U T. •^- 1. i serviceable . . Brought away by ] '^^ ^"tzsh j ^^^^^,^^^^,^

( the Allies

Tn+-1 i ^°^* ^^ ^^® French

■^^^" (left to ditto



8 1 2 2 1 ..

.. 2 1 .. 2..

1 1



3 1

4 2

3 ...






Grand Total


4 '251 4

7 ^



Of the fifteen ships brought away by the English, the Perle, Arethuse, and Topaze were fine frigates ; but scarcely any of the smaller vessels reached a British port except to be laid up. The Puissant, seventy-four, never quitted Portsmouth, nor was that superb ship the Commerce de Marseilles ever employed as a British cruiser. The Com- merce de Marseilles measured 2,747 tons, and was the largest and most beautifid ship that had ever been seen, and sailed and worked like a frigate ; but being slightly put together, was found on examination unseaworthy. The Pompee, seventy-four, was a fine vessel of 1,900 tons, and long remained an ornament to the British na^y. The Scipion took fire and blew up in Leghorn Poads.

In the month of September, Lord Hood despatched the follo^vulg squadron from Toulon, to co-operate with the in- surgent Corsicans under General Paoli : —

Guns. Ships.

„ - \ Alcide

( Courageux ..

64 Ardent

Frigates — Lov/estoffe and

Lord Amelias Beauclerk.

On arriving off Corsica,' Commodore Linzee found that the only possible service which with his smaU squadron he could

{ Commodore Robert Linzee I Captain John Woodley

„ John Matthews

„ Robert M. Sutton Nemesis, Captains William Wolseley and

1793.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 373

render, must be directed against the redoubt of Fomeilli, which^ being two miles in advance of the town of San Fiorenzo, coiild not, he believed, be supported by it. An attack being unexpectedly made by the Lowestoffe and Nemesis upon the Mortella Tower was successful ; the gar- rison abandoned it, and Lieutenants John Gibbs and Charles Annesley, of the Lowestoffe, at the head of thirty men, landed and effected an entrance to the fortification, although the sally-port Avas twenty feet from the ground. Three long gims, two twenty-foiu"s, and one 18-pounder, were found mounted on the platform of this remarkable erection ; but the powder had been destroyed.

The Nemesis immediately conveyed intelligence of this success to the commodore, and had the squadron immediately attacked Forneilli, it is probable that the like success would have happened ; but a delay taking place, the garrison advantageously employed the time for the defence. On the 1st of October, early in the morning, the three line-of-battle ships took up their stations, and opened then- broadsides upon the redoubt, but with so little effect, that after about four hours' cannonading, the commodore made the signal to dis- continue the action, and to haul out of gun-shot. The Courageux and Ardent having been exposed to a raking fire from the town of San Fiorenzo, suffered severely ; the former having been four times set on fire by hot shot. The Alcide had nine seamen wounded, three of whom mortally. Courageux, first Heutenant (Ludlow Sheils), and one seaman (in the act of cutting a hot shot out of the ship's side), killed ; and second lieutenant (William H. Daniel) and twelve seamen wounded. Ardent, John Martin, midship- man, and tliirteen men killed, and seventeen wounded. The enemy's force consisted of thirteen guns, principally long 24-pounders, and six heavy mortars.

On the 19th of October, the 36-gun fngate Crescent, Captain James Saumarez, sailed from Spithead, and having received information respecting a French frigate, stood over to the French coast close under Barfleur, and as the day dawned on the 20th, descried a ship and a cutter standing in shore. The Crescent, being to windward, edged away, and in a short time brought to, to wmdward of the French 36-gun frigate Heimion, Captain Fran9ois A. Denian. An action

374 BATTLES OF [1793.

ensued, in tlie early part of wliicli the Crescent had her fore-topsail-yard and her fore-topmast shot away, when, put- ting about, she brought her larboard guns to bear uj)on the Keunion's stern and quarter. The Reunion, having lost her foreyard and mizen-topmast, became unmanageable, and ex- posed to the raking fire of the Crescent ; and, after a gallant resistance of two hours and ten minutes, struck her colours. The Circe, of twenty-eight guns, Captaiu Joseph S. Yorke, which had been becalmed during the action, about three leagues off, was at that time coming up. The cutter made off as soon as the firing commenced, and got into Cherbourg. The Crescent had not a man hurt by the enemy's shot j but one seaman had his leg broken by the recoil of a gun. The Reunion had thirty-three mejn killed and forty-eight severely wounded. The French beiug a 12-pounder frigate, and the Crescent mounting 18-pounders, the defence of the former "svas highly honourable. The Reunion was superior to the Crescent in number of men, the former ha^dng had 300, the latter 257. Captain Saumarez received the honour of knight- hood, and the city of London presented him with a handsome piece of plate. First lieutenant George Parker was j)romoted, and the Reunion purchased into the British service by the same name. This action is selected for the naval medal.

On the 22nd of October, at 2h. A.M., the 64:-gun ship Agamemnon, Captain Horatio Nelson, being off Sardinia, fell in with a squadron of five French frigates, under Com- modore Perree.

At 2h. A.M. the strangers were observed standing across the Agamemnon's bows to the north-west, close to the wind. At 2h. 30m., observing the Agamemnon, they fired rockets ^nd tacked, being then about three miles distant on the weather bow. At 4h. a.m. the Agamemnon hailed a frigate, l3ut receiving no answer, fired a shot ahead of her, when she made all sail, steering two points free.

The Agamemnon crowded sail in chase, keeping the stranger on the weather bow. At daylight the chase hoisted French colours, and commenced firing her stern guns, and occasionally yawing and firing a broadside, which, from her superior sailing, she was enabled to do. The other four ships were under all sail on the Agamemnon's weather quarter j and at 9h. a.m. gaining fast — the Agamemnon

1793.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 375

being nearly becalmed. The French frigate, which was the Melpomene, then hauled up to rejoin her squadron. The Agamemnon, having had her masts badly wounded, a,nd her sails and lower and running rigging much cut, was not in a condition to haul to the wind in chase. The French squadron had the option of bringing the British sixty-four to action all day, but did not make the attempt, and the Agamemnon proceeded to Cagliari to repair damages. The Agamemnon had only 345 men on board during the action, of which number she had one killed and six wounded. The Melpomene's loss was never ascertained.

On the 24th of October, at 9h. 30m. a.m., the 32-gun. frigate Thames, Captain James Cotes, being in lat. 47° 2' N., long. 7° 22' W., and standing to the south-east close hauled on the starboard tack, with the wind at west-south-west, observed a sail on the starboard bow. The weather soon afterwards coming on thick, the stranger was lost sight of until lOh. 15m., when she was seen standing towards the Thames. At lOh. 30m. the stranger, which was the French l-O-gTin frigate Uranie, passed close to windward of the Thames, hoisted her colours, and fired a broadside ; then, wearing round, hauled up on the British ship's weather quarter, and a spirited action commenced. At 2h. 30m. p.m., the Uranie, bearing up, passed under the stem of the Thames, and raked her with great effect. She then hauled up again and attempted to board her on the starboard quarter ; but receiving a well-directed double-shotted broadside, threw all aback and hauled off. The crew of the Thames gave three cheers at parting, but the ship was in too crippled a state to pursue.

The Thames commenced the action with 184 men, and had ten seamen and one marine killed, George Eobinson (second lieutenant), George ISTorris (master), Da\id Valentine (mas- ter's mate), and James Dale (midshipman), fourteen seamen, and five marines wounded. The Thames was a small 12-pounder frigate, of 650 tons, yet maintained a fight with a first-class French frigate, whose crew numbered 320 men, and whose broadside weight of metal was 403 lbs. The Uranie was a ship of 1,100 tons. The loss of the Uranie could not be ascertained, more than that her captain (Tartue) was killed. The Thames, having had most of her lower

376 BATTLES OF [1793".

rigging shot away, and lier masts badly wounded, was under the necessity of putting before the wind. Her main-topsail- yard was shot away, and her topmasts crippled ; her huU was torn to pieces by shot ; her decks in places ripped up, bitts cut away ; several guns dismounted ; and six shot between wind and water. The XJranie also suffered very severely. While in this helpless state, a French squadron hove in sight, and a frigate ranged up under the stern of the Thameif, and fired a broadside. Unable to offer further resistance, the Thames was surrendered, and the British flag struck to the 4:0-giin French frigate Carmagnole, Captain Allemand. The French commodore, taking his capture in tow, arrived at Brest on the following day.

It was supposed that the Uranie had gone down after the action ; but in order to hide the disgrace of her defeat, the Uranie's name had been changed to Tortue. The Tortue was captiu-ed by the Polyphemus, in 1796, and was taken into the navy by her original name of Uranie.

On the 2oth of November, at Ih. a.m., the 12-pounder 32-gun frigates Penelope and Iphigenia, Captains B. S. Bow- ley and Patrick Sinclair, in the Bay of Leogane, St. Domingo, chased the Frencli 36-gun frigate Inconstante. At Ih. 30m., the Penelope got close alongside the French ship, and a smart; action commenced, which was obstinately continued by the Inconstante, until the Iphigenia joined in the contest, when she struck her colours. The Penelope had one seaman killed, and John Allen, midsliipman, and six seamen wounded. The Inconstante, out of 300 men, had her first lieutenant and six seamen killed, and her captain and twenty wounded. The prize was added to the British navy under the same name.

On the 1st of December, the packet Antelope, Captain Cui'tis, being off Cumberland Harbour, Cuba, on her way to England, fell in with two large French schooner jDrivateers. The Antelope bore up for Jamaica, followed by the strangers under all sail. The Atalante, one of the privateers, outsail- ing her consort, continued the chase alone, and during that and the following day, the packet had a shght advantage in sailing ; but the wind falling light, the privateer took to her sweeps, and swept up alongside. After exchanging a few iihot, the schooner sheered off, and nothing more Avas done

]793.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 377'

until the Srd, when at oh. a.m. the schooner again swept up, grappled the Antelope on the starboard side, fired her broad- side, and attempted to carry her by boarding. The Ante- lope's crew behaved nobly, and drove back the assailants with much loss ; but unfortunately Mr. Curtis was killed, and the steward, and a French gentleman, a passenger, and the first mate badly wounded. The boatswain, Mr, Pascoe, now took the command, and, with the few brave men left, gallantly supported by the passengers, repulsed several attempts to board. The privateer at length endeavoured to cut the Antelope's grappHngs, and sheer ofi" ; but Pascoe observing this, ran aloft, and lashed the schooner's square-sail-yard to the Antelope's fore-topmast shrouds. The British crew then firing a Avell-directed volley of musketry into the privateer, the crew called for quarter. Although the schooner had fought under the red, or piratical flag, this was granted, and she was taken possession of. The Antelope mounted six 3-pounders, and her eSective crew numbered only twenty-one men and boys, of which three were killed and four wounded. The Atalante's armament was eight 3-pounders, and her crew sixty-five men, French, Americans, and Irish, thirty of whom were killed and seventeen wounded in the encounter. The gallantry of a French passenger, M. Nodin, formerly a midshipman in the French nav^'-, was most conspicuous. The young man stood by the helm, which he attended to, while armed with a musket and pike he defended the stern and quarter of the packet from the boarders, and continued liia labours for an hour and a quarter, despatching in that time a great many men. The House of Assembly of Jamaica voted 500 guineas to the packet's crew.

378 BATTLES OF [1794.


On the lltb. of January, unaware of tlie evacuation of Tou- lon, the 32-gun frigate Juno, Captain Samuel Hood, arrived at that port from Malta, with 150 supernumeraries for the garrison. The Juno arrived abreast of the harbour at lOh. P.M., and anxious to get in, Captain Hood, although he had no pilot on board, nor any one acquainted with the dangers, determined to find his way in, if possible. As the frigate entered the outer road, the officer of the watch with night- glasses looked in vain for the British fleet; and Captain Hood concluded that, from the strong easterly winds which had jDi'ovailed, the fleet had gone for shelter to the inner harbour. The Juno accordingly proceeded under topsails, and entered the inner harbour, where seeing several ships at anchor. Captain Hood concluded he was close to the British fleet. Finding the Juno could not weather a brig that lay off Pointe Grande Toiu', the driver and foresail were set in order to enable her to tack under the brig's stern. As the Juno neared the brig, the latter hailed, but no one on board the Juno could understand the precise meaning of the hail; Captain Hood, however, deeming it to be simply an inquiry respecting their name, answered, and told them the name and nation of the frigate. " Viva ! " was the answer from the brig; and after seemingly not understanding several questions put to them in French and English, the Juno, as she passed under their stern, was hailed to "luff'." The dread of shoal water caused the Juno's helm to be instantly put down ; but the ship grounded before she came head to wind. As the wind was light, and the water perfectly smooth, the sails were clewed i\p and handed. Just then a boat was seen to pull from the brig towards the town, for what purpose was not suspected. Before the men who were aloft furling the sails had quitted the yards, a sudden flaw of wind drove the ship's head off" the bank, and the Juno's anchor was let go, when the ship swang head to wind ; but her heel was still on the shoal, and the rudder immovable. The launch was then hoisted out, and the kedge-anchor put

1794.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 379

into her, with hawsers, to warp the ship off. Before this service was completed, a boat appeared iii sight, and on being hailed, answered, '• aye, aye ! " as if she contained an officer. The boat pulled alongside, and the crew hiuTied up the ship's side, when one of two persons, apparently officers, addressed Captain Hood, and said, he came to inform him that it was the regulation of the port, and the commanding officer's orders, that the ship should go to another part of the har- bour to perform ten days' quarantine. Captain Hood de- manded where Lord Hood's ship was, when an unsatisfactory answer excited some suspicion ; and the remark of one of the midshipmen, " they are national cockades," induced Captain Hood to look at their hats more steadfastly, when by the light of the moon the three colours were distinctly visible. To a second question relative to Lord Hood, one of the officers finding they were now suspected, replied in French, '• Make yourself easy, the English are good people ; we will treat them kindly ; the EngHsh admiral has departed some time."

Captain Hood's feelings may be easily imagined ; and the words, '■'• we are prisoners," ran through the ship like wildfire. The officers assembled aft to ascertain the truth of the report, and at this moment a flaw of wind coming down to the harbour. Lieutenant William H. Webley, third of the ship, said, " I believe, sir, we shall be able to fetch out if we can get her under sail." The attempt to escape was imme- diately decided upon ; the crew were ordered to their sta- tions, and the French gentlemen below. Some of the latter began to draw their sabres, but the half-pikes of the marines compelled them to submit quietly. In about three minutes every sail was set, and the yards braced up for casting ; when the cable was cut, the Juno's head paid off, and the sails being filled, the ship started from the shore. A freshening breeze of wind gave her, at the same time, addi- tional way through the water, and, pro\dded she was not disabled by the forts, the Juno had every prospect of escaping. The launch and the French boat were cut adrift. No sooner had the Juno began to loose sails, than a stii' was observable on board the brig, and lights appeared in the bat- teries. The brig soon afterwards opened fii-e, as well as a fort on the starboard bow, followed by every fort which could

380 BATTLES OF [1794^

point a guxL. It was at one time feared that a tack would be necessary ; but the v>dnd favouiing a few points, the Juno, at about 12h, 30m. a.m., was clear of danger, without having lost a man. The frigate sustained much damage in sails and rigging, and two 36-pound shot struck her hull ; but she returned the fire occasionally with apparent effect. The escape of a ship from an enemy's 2:>ort filled with armed vessels, and flanked by guns in every direction, afibrds a proof of what may be done by perseverance and skill.

After quitting Toulon, Lord Hood departed for Corsica to co-operate Avith General Paoli, in the attempt to expel the French from that island. On the 7th of February, Commo- dore Linzee's squadron, ^ with several transports containing troops, anchored in Mortella Bay, and the same evening the trooi:)s, to the number of 1,400, landed, and took possession of a height which overlooked the tower called Mortella, from which the point took its name. The Fortitude and Juno anchored on the 8tli in the best position for battering, and for near three hoiu's kept up a continuous fire without pro- ducing any visible efiect. But the fire from the tower had been very destructive to the Fortitude, which had received many shot in her hull (dismounting three of her lower-deck gims), and several hot shot, wMch set the ship on fire, so that gi'eat exertion was necessary to extinguish it by cutting them out of the ship's sides. The Fortitude had six men killed and fifty-six wounded, but the Juno was only sUghtly damaged. The attack from the heights was more successful, for by the use of hot shot, they set on fire the bass junk, wliich lined the parapet of the tower, and the garrison sur- rendered, two being mortally wounded. The tower, which was garrisoned vnih thirty-three men only, mounted one 6 and two 18-pounders.

The next object of attack was the Convention redoubt, mounted with twenty-one pieces of hea-vy ordnance, and con- sidered as the key to San Fiorenzo. By the most surprising exertions on the part of the ofiicers and seamen of the squadron, several 18-pounders were dragged to an acclivity 700 feet above the level of the sea. This rocky elevation^

' See p, 372; ante.

1794.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 381

owing to its being nearly perpendicular at its summit, was deemed inaccessible ; but the sailors surmounted every obstacle, and contrived to plant the gims upon it. The paths along which the men crept would often admit of only one at a time, and on the right was a descent of many hun- xlred feet, down wbich one false step would have jDrecipitated them, while on the left were beetling rocks, wliich occasion- ally served as fixed points to which to attach the tackle- blocks. From the guns so posted, a continual cannonading was kept up during the IGtli and 17th of February, when the works of the redoubt were stormed and carried. Part of the garrison were made prisoners, but the greater portion escaped. The 38-gun frigate Minerve, which the French bad sunk, was raised, and added to the British navy under the name of San Fiorenzo.

Lord Hood having failed in bringing Major-General Dundas, the commander of the land forces, to his opinion as to the practicability of reducing Bastia, with the means at .their disposal, departed from San Fiorenzo on the 2nd of April, to execute that service with the seamen and marines, and such of the land forces under Lieutenant-Colonel Vilettes as had been ordered to do the duty of marines on board the .fleet. The command of the seamen employed on shore was committed to Captain Horatio Nelson, of the Agamemnon, who throughout this harassinoj service evinced that untirinoj energy and zeal which characterized all his actions, and eventually made him the idol of the British navy. The Proselyte, an old 28-gun frigate, brought from Toulon, was fitted up for a floating battery, and the command given to Commander "Walter Serocold. On the 1 1th of April, the cignal was made, upon which this ship, as well as the bat- teries on shore, opened upon Bastia. The Proselyte, how- ever, was found unfit for the service, and her cables being cut by shot, she swang round, and became exposed to a tre- mendous fii*e of hot shot, which in the course of a short time set the ship on fire. The boats from the fleet took out the gi^eater paii; of her crew, with the captain, but the Proselyte was totally destroyed. After a continued siege of thirty- seven days, a negotiation was opened, and the garrison ■capitulated on honom-able terms. The possession of Bastia

382 BATTLES OF [1794.

was acquired with the loss to the besiegers of Lieut. Carre Tupper^ and six seamen killed, and Lieut. George Andrews, of the Agamemnon, and twelve seamen wounded. The loss to the army was seven private soldiers killed, and two cap- tains and nineteen private soldiers v/ounded. The principal naval officers associated mth Nelson in this exploit were Captains Anthony Hunt, Joseph BuUen, and Walter Sero- cold ; and Lieutenants John Gore, Hemy Hotham (acting), John Styles, George Andrews, and Charles Brisbane.

This success was followed by the taking of Calvi, in the month of August, by forces, principally under the orders of Captain Nelson, after which the whole island was reduced, and the French for the time extirpated. The loss at the reduction of Calvi, on the part of the navy, was Captain Serocold, one midshipman, and five seamen killed, and Cap- tain Nelson (with the loss of the sight of the right eye) and six seamen wounded. Among the vessels found in the port were the 40-giui frigate Melpomene, and 32-gun frigate Mignonne ; the former of which for many years graced the list of the British nav}^, but the latter was afterwards burnt at the evacuation as unserviceable.

On the 23rd of April, at 4:h. a.m., Guernsey bearing north- east, distant seven leagues, the wind south-south-west, a squadron, consisting of the following

Guns. Frigates.

38 Arethusa. . . . Captain Sir Edward Pellew

Flora Commodore Sir J. B. Wan-en, Bart.

Melampus . . Captain Thomas Wells Concorde.... „ Sir Richard Strachan Nymphe ..... ,, George Murray


being on the starboard tack, discovered four sail ahead on the larboard tack, which proved to be the undermentioned French squadron : —

Guns. Frigates. Engas^eante Eesolue


Guns. Frigates. 44 Pomone 20 Babet

^ This gallant young ofl&cer, a lieutenant of the Victory, who had greatly distinguished himself at Toulon, was killed in the Victory's pinnace, in a volunteer attempt to obtain information as to the state of the enemy's garrison. His body was taken on board the ship, but after- wards buried under the waUs of Bastia.

1794.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 383

The French squadron formed in line ahead (the Engage- ante leading), crossed the bows of the British squadron, and the Flora, the headmost ship of the British, on reaching the enemy's wake, tacked, followed by the Ai-ethusa, Melampus, and Concorde in succession ; but the Nymphe was too far astern to tack with the rest of the squadron. The wind shifting to south, soon after the British ships tacked, enabled them to weather the enemy, and at 6h. 30m. the Flora, being then abreast of the rearmost French ship, opened fire. She however j)ushed on, engaging in succession the Babet, Pomone, and E-esolue. At 7h. 30m., having her maintop- mast shot away, and being much crippled aloft, the Flora dropped astern ; but her place was soon suppHed by the Arethusa. The Engageante and Besolue then set every sail they could crowd, and endeavoured to make off, leaving the Pomone and Babet to their fate. At 8h. 30m. the latter, having lost her foretop-mast, surrendered. The Pomone, having now to sustain the miited fire of the Arethusa and Melampus, in a short time lost her main and mizen-masts, and being defenceless;, at 9h. 30m. hauled down her colours, and was taken possession of by a boat from the Arethusa. The Concorde and Melampus meanwhile made sail after the Engageante and Besolue, and brought the former to action at a little past noon. The Besolue gallantly bore down to support her consort, and, having taken a position across the Concorde's bows, did great damage to her rigging and sails. Sir Bichard Strachan having at length brought the Engage- ante to close action, that ship, at Ih. 4.5m. p.m., after a brave defence, struck her colours. The Besolue escaped into Mor- laix. The British loss was as follows : — Flora, one killed and three wounded ; Arethusa, three killed and five wounded ; Melampus, master and four men killed, and a lieutenant of marines and four men wounded ; Concorde, one killed and twelve wounded. The Pomone had nearly 100 killed and woimded ; and the Babet and Engageante suffered in propor- tion. The Pomone, a 24-pounder frigate, of 1,239 tons, was the finest frigate afloat, and was added to the British navy under the same name.

On the 5th of May, on the East-India station, the 32-gun frigate Orpheus, Captain Hemy Newcome, captured, after a short action, in which she had one midshipman killed, and




one mate and eight men wounded, the French 34-giin ship Dugtiay Trouin (late Princess Royal Indiaman). The Cen- turion and Kesistance, Captains Samuel Osborn and Edward Pakenham, were in company with the Orpheus, but too far astern to participate in the action. The Duguay Trouin had twenty-one killed and sixty wounded.

On the 5th of May, the 74-gun ship Smftsure, and G4-gun ship St. Albans, Captains Charles Boyles and James Vashon, conducting a convoy from Cork, came in sight of two frigates. Both ships made sail in chase ; but the Swiftsure, outsailing the St. Albans, continued the pursuit of one frigate until the 7th, when having overtaken her, she struck, after a spirited resistance. The prize was the French 36-gun frigate Atalante, Captain A. L. D. Linois. Out of 274 men, ten were killed and thirty-two wounded. The St. Albans lost sight of the other frigate in the night. The Atalante was added to the British navy under the name of Espion. On the 8th, at lOh. A.M., the Swiftsure, ^vith her prize, narrowly escaped capture by three sail of the line.

On the 2nd of May, the Newfoundland and West-India convoy, with the fleet under Lord Howe, numbering 148 sail, of which forty-nine were ships of war, and thirty-four of the Ime, weighed from St. Helen's. On the 4th, when off the Lizard, the convoys were ordered to part comj^any, and Hear- Admiral George Montagu, with six 74-gun shijDs and two frigates, w^as ordered to accompany them as far as the latitude of Cape Finisterre — Captain Rainier, in the Suffolk, .74, one C4-gun ship, and five frigates, protecting them during the remainder of their voyage. The Channel fleet, consisting of the following twenty-six sail of the line, arrived off XJshant -on the 5th : —





Queen Charlotte . .

Royal Sovereign . . Royal George . . . .


Admiral Rich. Earl Howe (union) 1st Captain Sir Roger Curtis I Captain Sir And. S. Douglas i Admiral Thomas Graves (blue) \ Captain Henry Nicholls j Admiral Sir A. Hood, K.B. (blue) ( Captain William Domett •on ( Rear- Admiral Geo. Bowyer (white)

{ Captain Cuthbert Collingwood

Rear-Admiral B. Caldwell (white)


( Captain Geo. Biagdon Westcott


74 80




Queen . . . . . .



Gibraltar . . . .


MontagTi .-. . . Tremendous Valiant . . . . Ramillies . . . . Audacious . . Brunswick . .


Defence . . . , Leviathan . , Majestic . . . . Invincible . .



Marlborough Thunderer . , Culloden . . . ,

j Rear- Admiral Alan Gardner (white) ( Captain John Hutt

,, John Elphinstone j Rear- Admiral Thomas Pasley (white) ( Captain William Hope

„ Thomas Mackenzie

,, Anthony Jas. Pye Molloy

,, James Montagu

,, James Pigott

„ Thomas Pringle

„ Henry Harvey

,, William Parker

„ John Harvey

„ John Bazeley

„ James Gambler

„ Lord Hugh Seymour

„ Charles Cotton

„ Hon. Thomas Pakenham

„ John Thomas Dxickworth

„ John Willett Payne

,, Hon. George Berkeley

,, Albemarle Bertie

„ Isaac Schomberg



28 H.S.

Frigates, &c. Phaeton Captain William Bentinck

Latona .




Aquilon . . . . Pegasus . . . . Charon

Edw. Thornborough Hon. A. Kaye Legge Hon. Robert Forbes William Brown Hon. Robt. Stopford Robert Barlow George Countess

Comet and Incendiary, Commanders WiUiam Bradley and John Cook. Cutters — Rattler and Ranger, Lieutenants John Winne and Charles Cotgrave.

The Orion, with the Phaeton and Latona, having recon- noitred the French fleet in Brest, Lord Howe departed on a cruise in the Bay of Biscay. He returned to Brest on the 1 9th, and discovered that the French fleet had sailed. The fleet, consisting of twenty-five sail of the line and fifteen frigates and corvettes, had sailed from Brest on the 1 6th, and on the 17th, diu'ing a very dense fog, were so near the British as to hear their fog-signals of drums and bells. The Patriote, ond; of Admiral Nielly's squadron, who had shortly before captured the British 32-gun frigate Castor, Captain Thomas Troubridge, with part of a convoy from Newfound- land, joined the French fleet on the 19th, and on the 20th,

VOL. I, 2 c

386 BATTLES OF [1794.

the Lisbon convoy of fifty-three sail, mostly Dutch, also fell into the hands of the French.

On the 28th of May, after cruising in every direction, anxiously looking for the French fleet, at 6h. 30m. a.m., lat. 47° 34' K, long. 13° 39' W., the wind fresh at south- by-west, with a heavy sea, it was seen to windward by the British look-out frigates. The Bellerophon and three other line-of-battle ships, were ordered to reconnoitre, and at 9h. A.M. the enemy's fleet having wore, was observed running down towards the British, with top-gallant sails set. The French fleet was then found to consist of twenty-six sail of the hne and five frigates. Having aj^proached within nine miles, the enemy hauled to the wind on the larboard tack, and hove to ; a three-decker was then obsei-ved passing along the line as if to speak each ^hip, after which the whole formed in line ahead. At lOh. 30m. the British wore in succession, and came to the wind on the same tack as the- enemy, and continued under a heavy press of sail endeavour- ing to close. At Ih. P.M. the French fleet filled and tacked, upon which Lord Howe, seeing that the enemy was declining the engagement, made the signal for a general chase, and to engage the enemy as the ships got up.

At 2h. 30m. p.m. the Bussell, being the headmost British ship, fired at the rearmost ship of the enemy, and at 6h. the Bellerophon, having tacked before gettmg into the enemy's wake, reached the lee beam of the 120-gun ship Kevolu- tionnaire, and gallantly opened upon her. For more than an hour the Bellerophon maintained the unequal contest ; when, being disabled, she bore up to rejoin her fleet. The Bussell and Marlborough also closed the Bevolutionnaire, and the latter, having lost her mizenmast, and being otherwise much crippled, bore up out of the line. The French three-decker was, however, intercepted by the Leviathan, and closely and gallantly engaged by the Bussell and Audacious, which latter sliips bore up, and taking a position upon her lee quarter, poured in a destructive fire. The Bussell being recalled by signal, the Audacious, single-handed, continued the engage- ment, and the action became most animated. The sails and rigging of the Audacious being much damaged, it was with difiiculty she could keep clear of her huge opponent, which, by this time was almost mimanageable. At lOh. p.m. the Eevo-

1794.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 387

lutionnaire having lost, besides lier mizenmast, her main and maintop-sail-yards, fell athwart the bows of the Auda- cious ; but the latter having extricated herself, the French sliip fell off before the wind, and under her fore-topsail directed her course to leeward. The crew of the Audacious, and also of the Russell, declare that the Revolutionnaii'S struck ; but whether this was the fact, or not, the French ship was clearly in a beaten and defenceless state, and had only returned three shot to the last broadside of the Auda- cious. The Revolutionnaire's loss amounted to near 400 men. The Audacious was so crippled, that she could with difficidty wear clear of the French fleet ; she, however, after being engaged by a frigate and corvette, made her way to Phmouth. This ship, notwithstanding her gallant and close action, had only six men killed, and sixteen (including George Morris, midshipman, who lost a leg) wounded. The Revo- lutionnaire subsequently lost her masts, and with much difficulty reached Rochefort in tow of the Audacieux.

Both fleets carried a press of sail during the night, in a parallel coui'se, every British ship showing a light. At day- light, on the 29th, the enemy was about six miles on the weather bow. The wind was fresh fi'om south-by-west, with a hea^-y head sea. At 7h. a.m. the detached ships having rejoined, the whole formed thus : — Csesar, Queen, Russell, ' Valiant, Royal George, Invincible, Orion, Majestic, Leviathan, Queen Charlotte, Bellerophon (remainder uncertain) ; and Lord Howe, A'ith the desire to make some impression on the enemy's rear, ordered the fleet to tack in succession. When on the larboard tack, the signal was made to pass through the enemy's Hne ; and as the British neared the French rear, on the opposite tack, the latter commenced firing. In a few minutes Lord Howe displayed the union at the main, and all the ships hoisted their colours. The Caesar and Queen opened their fire, but at 8h. a.m. the French van wore in succession, and ran down to leeward of their line to support their rear, and after passing their rear ship, hauled close to the ^ind on the same tack as the British. At 9h., both fleets being on the larboard tack, — the French some dis- tance to windward, the latter edged away a few points, and at lOh. opened fire on the British van. At 12h. 30m. the signal was made to tack in succession, upon which the Coesar,


388 BATTLES OF [1794.

the leading sliip, making the signal of inability, wore, and ran down past the Majestic, the eighth ship in her own line, before hauling up on the starboard tack. At Ih. p.m. the Terrible, being the third French ship from the rear, pitched away her fore-topmast, and at that time the Queen, the van ship of the British, wore, and passing under the stern of her second astern, luffed up, so as to fire distantly on the third ship of the enemy's van. She then passed along their line, and having reached the centre, became warmly engaged, and continued so until she had passed to their rear ship. The signal to cut through the enemy's line was still flying, but the Queen having sustained much damage, made the signal of inability.

Lord Howe observing that the Queen was suffering severely, and that the French ships, which carried their mainsails and single-reefed topsails, would reach so far ahead as to defeat his intention of passing through their line, resolved to set the example; and at Ih. 30m. p.m. the Queen Charlotte, under double-reefed topsails, courses, jib, and ffiaiiPtopmast staysail, tacked,, and 3racing sharp up, passed under tlie lee of the Orion, still on the larboard tack, and astern and to windward of the Csesar. Stretching on gal- lantly, and recei\dng the fire of the French line, the Queen Charlotte arrived abreast of the Eole, the sixth sliip from their rear, and luffing close round that ship's stern, poured a broadside into her. The Bellerophon and Leviathan quickly tacked after their chief, the Bellerophon passing ahead of the Terrible, and the Leviathan under the stern of the same ship, The Queen Charlotte having gone through the line, shortly afterwards tacked, and hoisted the signal for a general chase, leaving the Tyrannicide and Indomptable, the two sternmost and most disabled French ships, to be en- gaged by his rear. These were attended to by the Orion and Barfleur, which ships closed and maintained a spirited fire on them. The Tyrannicide and Indomptable were rescued by the French admiral, who gallantly wore out of the line, and led his fleet with the wind, on the starboard quarter, to their rescue. Lord Howe having only the Leviathan and Bellerophon with him, and they being both crippled, could not prevent the success of this skilful manoeuvre. This we have endeavoured to illustrate by a diagTam.

1794.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 389









/# ,




g /


^ /


9 t














The Queen Charlotte then wore, and at 4h., calling the ships round her, ran down to cover the Queen and Royal George, on wliich the French admiral appeared to have some design. Both vans were again engaged, and the Glory pass- ing within pistol-shot of three ships in succession, knocked away a topmast from two of them. At 5h, the fire ceased, and both fleets formed in Ime on the larboard tack, the British being to windward. The damages of the British ships were soon repaired, and the utmost expedition ha\dng been used on board the Queen, that ship, on the following morning, was reported again ready for service. In this day's action, the Royal Sovereign had eight men killed and twenty- two wounded. The Caesar three killed and nineteen wounded. Queen, twenty-two killed and twenty-seven wounded, in-

390 BATTLES OF [1794

eluding Wm. Mitcliell, master, killed; and Captain Hutt, who lost a leg, and Lieutenants Robert LaA\Tie and A. P. Hollis (tlie latter sliglitly and not reported), wounded. Royal George, fifteen killed and twenty-three wounded, including Lieutenant George Heighham, and John Hughes, midshipman, killed. In^dncible, ten killed, and William Whithurst, midshipman, and twenty wounded. Orion and Ramillies, each three men killed. Defence, one killed and four wounded. Majestic, one killed and thirteen wounded ; and the Queen Charlotte lost her sixth lieutenant, Roger R. Rawlence, and one man killed ; making a total of sixty-seven killed and 128 wounded.

On the 30th, the fog (which during the night had been thick) clearing away, the enemy was seen on the starboard tack, bearing south-west, but who, on perceiving the British, wore round upon the larboard — the same tack as the British. The Invincible, having sprung her mainmast, quitted the line, and was taken in tow by a frigate. At lOh. a.m. the British fleet formed in two columns, and the starboard, fol- lowing the Queen Charlotte, bore up towards the enemy ; but the fog coming on tliick. Lord Howe made the signal for the fleet to come to the wind again on the larboard tack, and to form in close order ; but notAvithstanding all their caution, the ships became much scattered. On the 31st, at 9h. a.m., ■the weather again cleared, and the British ships regained their proper order of sailing. At noon, the French fleet of thirty-two sail (twenty-six of the line) was seen bearing north, and in a perfect state. At 2h. p.m. Lord Howe again bore up, and the enemy also edged away and formed the line on the larboard tack. At oh. 30m. the British hauled up a little, and formed in line on the larboard bearing, still steering towards the Rrench. At 5h. p.m., when about five miles distant, the van and centre were signalled to engage respectively those divisions of the enemy ; but Lord Howe afterwards considered it advisable to delay his attack till the next day, and at 71i. p.m. the fleet hauled to the wind on the larboard tack, the Phaeton and Latona being stationed a mile to leeward to watch the enemy's motions.

Between the 29th of May and this day, the Montagnard, Indomptable, and Montblanc, quitted the French fleet ; and the Juste, Trente-un-Mai, Trajan, Sans Pareil, and Temeraire,

1794.] THE BEITISH NAVY. 391

under Rear-Adniii-al Nielly, joined Admiral Yillaret, whose fleet thus reinforced consisted of the following twenty-six ships of the line, as they were formed in the order of battle on the 1st of June : —






Ships. Trajan

Eole America Tem^raire Terrible ' Impetueux Mucins Tourville Gasparin. Convention Trente-un-Mai Tyrannicide Juste

Guns. Ships.

120 Montagne (flag)

Jacobin ^Acliille






Neptune ^ Pelletier


Sans Pareil






The English fleet continued, during the night, to stand to the westward. At daybreak on the 1st of June, in lat. 47° 48' K, long. 18° 30' W., the wind moderate from south- by-west, the French were seen about six miles on the lee bow, formed in line of battle, on the starboard tack. At 5h. A.M., by signal, the British bore up together, steering north-west, and at 6h. 15m. north, until about 7h., when they hauled to the wind on the larboard tack, in order that the 2:)eople might breakfast.

At 7h. 1 6m. Lord Howe made the signal that he intended to attack the enemy's centre, and engage to leeward. The fleets, at this time, were about four miles apart, and hove to. At 8h. 12m. the British fleet tilled and bore up, and Lord Howe made the signal for each ship to steer for and engage her proper opponent. After some interchanges, the British were thus formed in line abreast, beginning from to wind- ward : — Csesar, Bellerophon, Leviathan, Bussell, Royal Sove- reign, Marlborough, Defence, Impregnable, Tremendous, Barfleur, Invincible, Culloden, Gibraltar, Queen Charlotte, Bruns's\T.ck, Yaliant, Orion, Queen, Ramillies, Alfred, Mon- tagu, Royal George, Majestic, Glory, Thunderer.

Both fleets were under single-reefed topsails ; the French backing and filling to preserve their stations in their Une, which extended about east and west. The British fleet, in

392 BATTLES OP [1794.

running down, steered about north-north-west, with the wind fresh at south-by-west, going about five knots an hour. At 8h. 30m. the preparative was hauled down, and signal to engage kept flying, upon which Lord Howe shut his signal- book, as the matter was so clear that it was impossible for any captain to mistake his duty. At 9h. the enemy's van opened fire upon the Defence, which ship was rather in advance of the line.

At 9h. 30m. the Queen Charlotte, setting a noble example, steered for the Montague, 120, and was fired at by the Yengeur, the third ship astern ; but instead of returning it, the British admiral ordered the top-gallant sails and foresail to be set, which soon carried him abreast of the Achille. After receiving and returning that ship's broadside, Lord Howe directed his course for th^ larboard quarter of the Montague. It was a critical moment ; and ordering the Charlotte's helm to be put hard aport, that ship passed so close under the Montague's stern, that the French ensign brushed her lower rigging. A tremendous broadside was poured into the Montague's stern ; but just at this time the Jacobin, the Montague's next astern, was seen stretching ahead, and occupying the position abreast of the Montague, which Howe was himself desu^ous of taking. While Lord Howe was expressing his regret to the master, Mr. Bowen, that quick-sighted seaman observed by the movement of the Jacobin's rudder that she was in the act of bearing up, and instantly ordering the helm hard a-starboard, the Charlotte passed the Jacobin on the weather quarter, but so closely, that her jib-boom grazed the larboard mizen-shrouds of the French ship. As the Jacobin bore up, she received the Queen Charlotte's starboard broadside in her larboard quarter. In return, the Jacobin shot away the Charlotte's fore-topmast. The Admiral then endeavoured to haff alongside of the Mon- tague, but the loss of the fore-topmast prevented it ; and thus disappointed of liis object, the Charlotte could only keep up a cannonade upon the Montague's starboard quarter, which, however, proved most destructive, killing and Avound- ing nearly 300 men. After having sustained this fire for some considerable time without returning a shot, the Montague hauled aft her jib-sheet, and crossing the Charlotte's bows,

1794.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 393

quitted the line.^ Observing that tlie Jacobin and several other ships were following the Montagne's example, Lord Howe made the signal for a general chase. At this time the Juste was on the larboard bow of the Queen Charlotte, and the Jacobin on her starboard quarter. The Juste, being also distantly engaged by the Invincible, lost her foremast, which was soon followed by the fall of her main and mizen-masts. At about the same time the Charlotte's main-topmast fell over the side. The Juste, then lying abreast, and to wind- ward of the British admiral, with a French jack at her bowsprit end, set her sprit-sail, and wearing round, passed under the stern of, and raked the Charlotte. The Republicain, 120, was now seen on the weather quarter, engaged by the Gibraltar ; and very shortly afterwards the Republicain's main and mizen-masts went by the board ; the latter then bore up, and passed astern of the Charlotte without firing. On quitting the Charlotte, the Montague and Jacobin set their top-gallant sails, and stood towards their own van, which having reached, the Montague wore, and, followed by eleven ships, directed their course towards the Queen, then lying in a disabled state not far from the Charlotte. Lord Howe, perceiving her danger, directed such ships as were near to close and form in line for her protection, and having with difficulty wore round on the starboard tack, the Queen Charlotte, followed by several ships, stood towards their disabled consort. The French admiral, on seeiag this, pro- ceeded to the aid of five of his crippled ships to the eastward.

Taking the ships as they were placed in the line of battle, the following is a short statement of their proceed- ings.

The Csesar hove to about 500 yards to windward of the French line. On being directed by signal from the Bellero- phon, Captain Molloy endeavoured to bear up ; but a shot having disabled the Caesar's tiller, that ship did not bear up nor engage with any decided efiect. None of her spars were

' This silence may be thus accounted for. French ships were not in the habit of clearing for action except on the side likely to be engaged, and believing the British admiral would bring to to windward, as had been usual in fleets, the Montagne's starboard guns were not cleared away.

394 BATTLES OF [1794.

shot away, but lier masts and yards were wounded. Sixty- four shot lodged in lier starboard side, and seven guns were disabled ; she had fourteen men killed, and twenty-three, including Lieutenant Edward S. Dickson, wounded.

The Bellerophon did not open fire until uj^on the weather quarter of the Eole, within musket-shot ; and, owing to the Caesar's not closing, she had to sustain the fire of the three headmost ships of the enemy. At lOh. 50m. Rear- Admiral Palsey lost his leg, and was taken below. At llh. 4.5m. the Eole and the leading ship, setting toi:)-gallant sails, wore round, and after firing then* starboard broadsides at the Bellerophon, stood away to the eastward. The Bellerophon attempted to wear, but her fore and main-topmasts fell over the side ; and at noon, having sufiered considerably, Captain Hope called the Latona to her assistance. The frigate gal- lantly comjDlied, receiving the fire of the tvv^o ships in passing, which she returned with some effect. The Bellerophon had her mainmast badly wounded, all her boats and spars on the booms, her running, and a great part of her standing rigging cut to pieces ; but had only three seamen and one soldier killed, and the rear-admiral, captain of marines, Walter Smith, James Chapman, boatswain, and twenty-four seamen and soldiers wounded.

The Le\iathan, at 8h. 50m., commenced firing on the America, and in less than an hour shot away her foremast. The Trajan and Eole, as they passed to leeward of the French line, hove to, and opened a galhng fire on the Le\da- than's starboard cjuarter. The Leviathan and her opponent then w^ore round, and the latter becoming the weathermost, the America endeavoured to escape ; but her main and mizen- masts falling, she lay a mere hulk, mth a third part of her crew killed and wounded. Her colours were flying on the stump of the mizen-mast when the Leviathan quitted her, and made sail to close the admiral in obedience to the sio'nal. The Leviathan's fore-topsail-yard was shot away, and all her masts wounded. She had ten seamen killed, and Nesbit Glen, midshipman, thirty-one seamen, and one soldier wounded.

The Russell, at 8h. 30m., hove to, and engaged the Teme- rau-e to v>dndward. At lOh. her fore-topmast was shot away. At llh, the Temeraire, percei\dng that the ships in her van

1794.] THE BRITISH KAVY. 395

had wore, filled, and made sail to leeward, followed through the line by the Russell ; but the French ship hauHng up to starboard, the Kussell, in her disabled state, was unable to pursue her, and brought to on the larboard tack, to leeward of three Frencli van ships. Receiving the fire of the Eole and Trajan, the Russell, after firing into the stern of the America, joined the line forming astern of the Queen Char- lotte, and at 2h. 30m. p.m., hauled up, in obedience to the signal to stay by prizes. The Russell had eight seamen killed, and twenty-six, including John Stewart and Montagi' Kelly, midshipmen, and John Douglas, boatswain, wounded.

The Royal Sovereign, at 9h. 23m., opened fire on the Terrible, which was immediately returned. At lOh. Yice- Admiral Graves was badly wounded and carried below. At IQh. 38m. the main and mizen-masts of the Sovereign's opponent were shot away, and she bore up, or rather fell off before the wind from the loss of her after-sail. In this position she was raked several times by the Sovereign ; but Captain IsTichols, observing the van of the enemy making off, ordered the Royal Sovereign's courses to be set, and pursued the Terrible. The Montague and Jacobin coming to the assistance of the latter, brought on an engagement at llh. 4om. between the Sovereign and Montague; but the latter, in about half an hour, bore away, and the Sovereign, after following her a short distance, hauled up in obedience to the signal to stay by prizes. Subsequently, she made sail after the America, which ship was escaping under her sprit- aail, and took possession of the prize. The Royal Sovereign had William Ivey, midshipman, ten sea.men, and three sol- diers killed ; and Yice- Admiral Graves, Captain of marines Charles B. Money, and Lieutenant of marines Stephen ^Mitchell, and forty-one seamen and soldiers wounded.

The Marlborough, at 9h., commenced firing upon the Impetueux, and having passed under that ship's stern, hauled up to leeward, and closely engaged her. At 9h. 15m. the Impetueux fell on board the Marlborough, hooking her lar- board mizen-rigging, and in this position a furious cannon- ading took place. At lOh. 15m. the Mucins, the next ship astern, made sail away from the Defence, and this ship also fell on board the Marlborough. Previously to this accession of opposing force, the British ship had lost her mizen-mast ;

396 BATTLES OP [1794.

and just after tlie Mucius fell foul of her, tlie fore and main- masts were also shot away J Still the gallant crew main- tained an undiminished fire, which soon dismasted both oppo- nents. To add to her already unequal contest, the Montague now ranged up, and fired a broadside into the Marlborough's stern, which occasioned much loss, and wounded Captain Berkeley (who was obliged to quit the deck) and a midship- man. Lieutenant John Monkton then took the command, and continued to fight the ship until, being in almost a defenceless state, the Aquilon frigate was called to her assistance, and took her in tow. The Impetueux, whose loss amounted to 100 killed and seventy-five severely wounded, was taken possession of by the Russell. The Mucius, although equally shattered, escaped. The Marlborough had one mid- shipman (Abraham Nelham), twenty-three seamen, and five soldiers killed ; her captain. Lieutenants Michael Seymour (lost left arm) and Alexander Rudach ; "William Pardoe (master s mate), William Fitzgerald, John Linthorne, Richard Shortland, Walter Clarges, and David Humphreys, midship- men (the two latter mortally), and eighty-two seamen and soldiers wounded.

The Defence, being rather in advance, was the first ship to cut throught the enemy's line, passing between the Mucius and the Tourville. She was quickly surrounded, and her main and mizen-masts both fell, when her opponents, seeing her crippled state, passed ahead to the aid of their van sliips. After the Mucius left her, as before related, the Republicain and other ships approaching to attack her, the Defence, after losing her foremast, made the signal for assistance, and the Phaeton came down and took her in tow. William Webster, master ; John Fitzpatrick, boatswain ; eleven seamen and four soldiers were killed ; and John Elliot, master's mate ; William H. Dillon, midshipman (slightly) ; Ensign Charles Boycot, 2nd regt. ; twenty-five seamen and nine soldiers

' It is confidently affirmed in Sir John Barrow's Life of Lord Howe, that a cock, which some of the numerous shot flying about had released from its coop, in the heat of the action, perched upon the stump of the mainmast, and, flapping his wings, crowed proudly. This anecdote was for a time subject to some ridicule ; but the testimony of several sur- vivors of the Marlborough's crew goes to prove its authenticity. The bird, on the arrival of the ship at Plymouth, was presented to Lord George Lenox, and lived to a good old age.


"wounded. The Phaeton, in approaching to take the Defence in tow, passed under the stern of the Impetueux without firing ; but the latter, contrary to the usage of war, opened her larboard guns on the frigate, upon which the Phaeton hauled up and returned the fire of the seventy-four for ten minutes, during which engagement she had three killed and five wounded.

The Impregnable, Tremendous, Barfleur, Invincible, Cul- loden, and Gibraltar brought to at some distance to wind- ward. These ships were much damaged in sails and rigging. The Invincible had four men killed and ten wounded. Im- pregnable had her master, Da^^.d Caird, and six seamen killed, and Lieutenant William Buller (mortally), Patterlo, boatswain, and twenty-two seamen wounded : this ship had her three top-gallant-masts and fore-topsail-yard shot away. Tremendous had her first Heutenant (Francis Ross) and two men killed, and eight wounded. Barfleur, nine killed, and Pear-Admiral Bowyer, Lieutenant William Prowse, George Pogo, and William demons (midshipmen), and twenty-one men wounded. Culloden, two seamen killed, and Lieutenant Tristram Whitter and four men wounded ; and Gibraltar, two killed and twelve wounded.

The Queen Charlotte's proceedings have already been related ; her main and fore-yard and three topmasts were wounded in several places, her fore and main-topmasts and topsail-yards shot away, and her sails and rigging much dis- abled. One lieutenant of foot (John Neville) and eleven seamen were killed, and Captain Sir Andrew Douglas, Mid- shipman John Holland, twenty-two seamen, and five soldiers wounded. Her principal loss was sustained in running down to break the enemy's line.

The Brunswick, the next ship to the admiral, sufiered much from the fire directed at the Charlotte, and her cock- pit was filled with wounded before she returned a shot. The Jacobin having shot ahead, as before mentioned, and the Achille having advanced to fill her place, the Brunswick bore up for the opening astern of the Achille, and was attempting to pass between the Achille and Yengeui' ; but the latter gallantly pushed forward, and closed the interval. The Brunswick then, having no alternative, ran the Yengeur on board to windward, her anchor hooking the French ship's

308 BATTLES OF [1794.

larboard fore-sliroTids and channels. Captain Harvey, on being asked by tlie master, Mr. George Stuart, if they should endeavour to cut her clear, exclaimed, " No ; we have got her, and we will keep her." The ships then swang broad- side to broadside, and both paying round off before the wind, dropped out of the line, engaging furiously. So close were these ships locked, that the Brunswick was unable to open her midship lower-deck ports, which were consequently blown off by the eager crew. At llh. the Achille bore down on the Brunswick's larboard quarter, having her rigging and gangways crowded with men, as if intending to board the British sliip ; but the discharge of a double-shotted, well- directed broadside from the latter, added to the cannonading she had prcA^ously received from the Queen Charlotte, brought down all three masts, the wreck of which falling- over the starboard side, rendered her incapable of further resistance, and she struck her colours ; they were however subsequently rehoisted. The Brunsmck and Yengeur still continued their furious and destructive fight. Captain Har- vey was wounded and knocked down by a splinter ; but he still kept the deck, until having received a severe contusion in his right arm, he was obliged to go below. When de- scending the ladder, he called to those of his crew near him, and admonished them " bravely to fight the ship for the honour of their king and country," adding, " Remember my last words ! the colours of the Brunswick shall never be struck ! " The command of the ship devolved on Lieutenant William Edward Cracraft, and after remaining three hours entangled, the two ships separated, tearing away the Brunswick's sheet and bower-anchors. The Bamillies coming up, endeavoured to take a position under the Yengeur's stern, but the difficulty of striking one ship and not the other obliged Captain Harvey to haul off, after attempting a fev/ broadsides. The Ramillies then made sail after the Achille, of which ship she made a prize. The Vengeur, about Ih. p.m., ceased firing, and showed a imion-jack over her quarter, which she afterwards chsplayed at her cross-jack-yardarm ; but the Brunsmck had no boat to send to take possession. At 111. 30m. the Brunswick lost her mizen-mast, and her other masts were so badly wounded, that she was unable to haul up for the fleet ; she therefore steered to the northv,^ard,

1794.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 399

with the intention of making the first British port. The Brunswick had been three times on fire, twenty-three guns disabled, her starboard-quarter gallery knocked away, and the best bower-anchor, wdth the starboard cathead towing under her bottom. Her loss amounted to Captain of foot Alexander Saunders, Thomas Dalton (master's mate), and James Lucas (midshipman), thirty seamen and eleven soldiers killed ; and her captain (mortally), Lieutenants Rowland Bevan and Charles F. Wintour, Henry Hurdis, midshipman, Ensign Harcourt Yemen, ninety-one seamen and nineteen marines wounded ; total, forty-five killed, 113 wounded.

Shortly after the Brunswick quitted the Yengeur, the latter's fore and mainmasts fell, and with her mizen-mast only standing, she lay rolling, her lower-deck ports in the w^ater, many of w^hich having been torn off or shot away by the Brunswick, she was soon filled with water ; but, although fast sinking, her colours, which had been rehoisted, were kept flying. Fortunately for her, at 6h. lom. p.m., the Alfred, Culloden, and Battler (cutter) approached her, and observing her state, humanely sent their boats alongside, and by great exertions saved about 400 men.^

The Valiant hove to at 9h. 30m. to windward of the Patriote, but soon afterwards passed through the line ahead of the French ship, and engaged the Achille just as the Queen Charlotte quitted her. At lOh. 5m. the Achille's main and mizen-masts fell over the side, upon which the Yaliant pushed on, • and brought to to windward of the Boyal Sovereign. The Yaliant had her main-topsail and cross-jack-yards shot away, two men killed and nine wounded.

The Orion engaged the ]!^orthumberland and also the Patriote distantly, both which ships bore up at lOh. 30m., and the masts of the former having been much disabled by the Queen, fell over the side. The Orion lost her main-

400 BATTLES OF [1794.

topmast, which carried with it the maintop and topsail-yard. She then hauled up in support of the Queen Charlotte. She had two killed and twenty-four wounded.

The Queen suffered much while running down into action, and in endeavouring to get alongside the Northumberland, which having set her courses was fast shooting ahead. Un- able to close the Northumberland, the Queen steered for the Jemappes, which ship also made sail and bore up ; but the Queen followed the Jemappes, keeping close upon her star- board quarter. At lOh. 45m. the Jemappes lost her mizen- mast, and at llh. a.m. the mainmast of the Queen fell, springing the mizen-mast, and crushing the fore part of the poop and larboard bulwarks of the quarter-deck. The Jemappes' fore and mainmast soon afterwards came down ; and her crew, having been driven from their guns, came on deck and waved their hats in token of submission. But the Queen was so disabled that, after an hour's hard work in repairing damages, she could only then be got round with her head towards her own fleet. At 12h. 30m. p.m. twelve sail were seen through the smoke standing towards her, but their designs were frustrated, as we have seen, by the Queen Char- lotte. The Montague and her second did not fire, but the remaining ships, the last of which was the Terrible, with only her foremast standing, fired upon the Queen in passing. The latter French ship was in tow of three frigates, two of which having cast her off, also hauled to the wind to engage the Queen, but soon bore away again, taking the dismasted Jemappes with them. The Queen had foui-teen men killed, and Lieutenant Richard Dawes, Acting Lieutenant George Crymes, Francis W. Kinneer (midshipman), and thirty-seven men wounded. The proceedings of the next five shij^s afibrd little room for remark.

The Rami Hies, previously to her attack upon the Yengeur and taking the Achille, engaged the Pelletier. The Mon- tagTi's loss in the action amounted to Captain Montagu and three men killed, and thirteen, including the Honourable John A. Bennett and Thomas Muir, midshipmen, wounded. The Alfred had eight men wounded only ; and the Majestic two killed and five wounded.

The Royal George, at 91i. 38m. a.m., opened fire on the Sans-Pareil and Republicain, and passed through the line

1794.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 401

between tliose sliips, engaging botli in gallant style. Her loss in tlie action amounted to five killed, and Lieutenant Thomas Ireland, Jolin Bamborougli, master, Thomas Boys and Thomas Pierce, midshipmen, and forty-five seamen and marines wounded.

The Glory was a verj'' slow-sailing ship, but at leng-th got into action, and, passing under the stern of the Scipion, hauled up and closely engaged her to leeward. In a little time she knocked away the Scipion's three masts, herself losing her fore-topmast and main and mizen top-gallant masts. Then shooting ahead, the Glory became opposed to the Sans Pareil, whose fore and mizen-masts had just before been shot away by the Royal George. The Glory and Royal George then together raked the Republicain, and compelled her to retreat with her masts in a tottering state, so that shortly afterwards her main and mizen masts fell over the side. The Glory was much crippled, and had her master, George INIetcalfe, Da\T.d Greig, midshipman, and eleven men killed, and thii'ty-nine wounded. The loss of the Sans Pareil from the fire of the Royal George and Glory amounted to 300 in killed and wounded ; but although she surrendered, neither of the two British ships were in a condition to take possession of her.

Notwithstanding the number of ships which surrendered, and that others were in such a dismasted and crippled state that a single broadside from a British ship must have com- peDed them to strike, the following were the only trophies of the victory of the glorious fii-st of June : — 80-gun ships Sans Pareil and Juste, and 74-gun ships America, Impetueux, Achille, and ISTorthumberland.

The following table shows the number killed and wounded, together -svith the name of the first lieutenant of each ship : —

VOL. I. 2d




Name of Ship.

28 & 29 May

1st June.

First, or Senior Surviving Lieutenant.



S o

-d o


•d o



Queen Charlotte Royal George . . Royal Sovereign


Impregnable .... Queen

2 15




2 6



10 3



27 19



13 21

12 5

14 9 7


13 2

14 4 4 3 2


17 10

2 4 2 8 29
















113 8 37 33 5 10 24 26 90


43 92 8S 34 31

103 52 14

160 31 17 11 11 9 22

15S 8 57 43 21 45 29 34



Thomas Larcom John Draper Peter M'Kellar Adrian Renou William Burgess Samuel J. Ballard WiUiam Ogilvy John Marsh John Whitby George Burlton Ross Donnelly Thomas W. Clayton George Rice Joseph E^des Joseph Bingham William E. Cracraffc John Chesshyre John Larkan Robert Larkan Chapman Jacobs Henry Blackwood Roger Mears Henry Vaughan John Monkton Joseph Larcom Edward Rotheram




Bellerophon ....


Tremendous ....



Audacious^ ....









Marlborough ....








It was the 3rd of June before Lord Howe was enabled to make sail with his fleet and prizes. He then steered to the north-east, and on the 13th anchored at Spithead with his six prizes. The royal family visited Portsmouth, and his majesty, attended by his prime minister, held a levee on board the Queen Charlotte at Spithead, and there presented the gallant veteran (then sixty-nine years of age) with a sword valued at 3,000 guineas, and also with a gold chain to be


OB , 1814,

1794.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 403

worn round his neck. The next officer in command of the fleet was created Lord Graves, and Sir Alexander Hood became Yiscoimt Bridport. Rear- Admirals Bowyer, Gard- ner, Pasley, and Curtis were created baronets ; and Sir George Bo^\yer and Sir Thomas Pasley had each a pension of £1,000 per annum granted for their wounds. The senior lieutenants were made commanders, and a vote of thanks to the officers, seamen, marines, and soldiers passed both houses of par- liament. Mr. James Bowmen, the master of the Queen Char- lotte, was rewarded by promotion, and the captains, to testify their admiration of his conduct, appointed him their agent for the prizes.

On the 29th of May^ the 28-gun frigate Carysfort, Captain Francis Laforey, fell in with the French (late British) 32-gun frigate Castor, Captain L'Hullier. After an action of an hour and a quarter, the Castor struck her colours. The Carysfort was but shghtly injured, and only had one man killed. The Castor had her maintop-gallant-mast shot away, mainmast injured, and sixteen men killed and wounded. The Castor was restored to her place in the British naw. The naval medal is granted for this action.

On the 8th of June, at daybreak, a frigate squadron, con- sisting of the Crescent, thirty-six. Captain Sir James Sau- marez ; Druid, thirty-two, Captain Joseph Ellison ; and Eurydice, twenty-fom^, Captain Francis Cole, while proceed- ing from Plymouth to Guernsey, and being about twelve leagues to the northward of that island, fell in with the French oO-gun rases Scevola and Brutus, two 36-gun fngates, and a brig. DecHning to engage a force so superior. Captain Saumarez directed the Eurydice to make the best of her way to Guernsey, wdiile the Crescent and Druid kept under easy sail, and distantly engaged the enemy, in order to give the Eurydice an opportunity of escaping. Seeing the latter well ahead. Sir James Saumarez also made sail for Guernsey ; but this the French squadron endeavoured to prevent, and w^ould in all probability have cut off the Diiiid and Eurydice, had not Sir James, by a masterly manoeuvre, defeated their plan. The Crescent, hauling her wind, stood close along the French line, and thus diverted the attention of the French commodore, who considered himself sure of making the Crescent his prize. But the British captain, to whom, as well as to his pilot, every

2 d2

404 BATTLES OF [1794.

inch of tliat critical navigation was well known, having pre- served the Druid and Eurydice, pushed through a narrow passage never entered before by a British man-of-war, and reached Guernsey in safety. This gallant movement was witnessed by hundreds of spectators assembled on the island.

On the 17th of June, the 50-gun ship Komney, Captain the Hon. William Paget, while conducting a convoy from Smyrna to Naples, discovered a French frigate under the island of Miconi, in the Archipelago. Resigning his charge to the Inconstant, then in the offing. Captain Paget stood in for Miconi, and on nearing the port, sent a message to the French captain, requiring him to surrender. The demand being resisted, the Pomney warped into the harbour, exposed to the frigate's fire, and also to that of two armed merchant vessels, and at Ih. p.m. commenced action at close quarters. At 2h. 20m. the French 40-gun frigate Sibylle, commanded by Commodore J. M. Pondeau, struck her colours. The Sibylle, out of 380 men, had forty-six killed and 112 wounded. The Pomney had only 264 men on board, and had eight sea- men killed, and twenty-eight (two mortally) men wounded. The Sibylle, being a fine new frigate of 1,091 tons, was added to the British navy. This is a naval medal action.

On the 23rd of August, Commodore Sir J, B. Warren, in the Flora, thirty-six, with a squadron of five frigates, chased the French 36-gun frigate Volontaire, and drove her on shore on the Penmarcks, where she was completely wrecked. This squadron also drove on shore the Alerte and Espion, of eighteen guns ; but the latter was got off again, without having sustained much injur}'-.

On the 21st of October, the 38-gun frigate Artois, Cap- tain Edmund Nagle, being in company with the 38-gun frigates Arethusa, Diamond, and Galatea, Captains Sir E. Pellew, Sir Sidney Smith, and Pichard G. Keats, chased the French 40-g-un frigate Pevolutionnaire. The Artois took the lead, and having arrived up, engaged her for forty minutes. On the approach of the Diamond, the French frigate, having had eight killed, and her captain and four men wounded, surrendered. The Artois had first lieutenant of marines Patrick Craigie and two seamen killed, and five wounded. The Pevolutionnaire was a splendid ship, of

1794.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 405

1,148 tons, and under the same name was added to the British navy. Captain Nagle received the honour of knight- hood, and his first lieutenant, Kobert Dudley Oliver, was made a commander.

On the 22nd of October, e^t llh. a.m., the 50-gun ship Centurion, Captain Samuel Osborne, and 44-gun ship Dio- mede, Captain Matthew Smith, cruising off the Isle of France, chased the French 40-gun frigate Cybele, 36-gun frigate Prudente, 20-gun corvette Jean Bart, and Courier of fourteen gims. The French ships formed a line ahead, Commodore J. M. Renaud, in the Prudente, leading. The Centurion placed herself abreast of the two frigates, and the Diomede was opposed to the Cybele and Jean Bart. The firing commenced at 3h. 30m. p.m., witliin musket-shot. At 4h. the Centurion was much cut up in her sails and rigging, and the Prudente bore up and ran out of gun-shot. The Cybele having then closed the Centurion, shot away her mizen-topmast and fore top-gallant-mast. At 5h. 15m. the Cybele, having lost her main top-gallant-mast, bore up to close her commodore, who, with the other French vessels, had wore round, and were coming to her support. At 5h. 45m. the Cybele lost her fore-topmast : the Prudente then took her in tow, and made sail to the westward, followed and fired at by the Diomede until dark. The Centurion had three men killed, seven severely, and seventeen slightly wounded ; Diomede,^ none killed or wounded ; Prudente, fifteen killed and twenty wounded ; Cybele, twenty-one killed and sixty wounded.

On the 6th of November, in lat. 48° 20' N., long. 7° 53' W., a French squadron of five sail of the line, under Pear- Admiral Nielly, fell in with the British 74-gun ships Alexander and Canada, Captains Pichard P. BHgh and Charles P. Hamilton, on their return to England from escorting the Lisbon convoy. At 4h. a.m. the British ships bore up under all sail, pursued by the enemy. After gal- lantly sustaining the combined and separate attack of three ships, the Alexander surrendered at Ih. p.m., having had thirty-six men killed and wounded. The Canada escaped.

On the 22nd of March in this year, a combined naval and

' Captain Matthew Smith was tried by a court-martial and dismissed the service, but subsequently reinstated, though never again employed.

406 BATTLES OF [1794.

niililaiy force, under Vice- Admiral Sir John Jervis, K.B., and Lieutenanl-General Sir George Grey, after a long and arduous siege, gained possession of Martinique, with the loss to the navy of Captain James Milne and thirteen seamen kiUed, and Captain Sandford Tatham, Lieutenants Thomas H. AVilson and Thomas Clarke, one surgeon, and twenty-four men wounded. The Zebra, Commander Robert Faulknor, was particularly distinguished by running alongside and storming and capturing the bastion of Fort Royal ; and the naval medal has accordingly been granted to those who served in that brig. The medal has also been conferred upon those present in the boats of the fleet at the capture of the Bienvenue, and other vessels in Fort Royal Bay, on the 17th of March. On the 4th of April, St. Lucia was taken ; and Guadaloupe also fell on the 3rd of July to the same force, but was retaken on the 10th of December. At the reduction of Guadaloupe, the British naval loss amounted to Captain Lewis Robertson and six men killed, and two officers and twenty-seven men wounded j and at the recapture, three killed and eighteen wounded.

On the 30th of December, the boats of the 12-pounder 32-gTin frigate Blanche, Captain Robert Faulknor, cut out a French schooner mounting eight guns, from under a fort in the island of Desirade, in which affair — Fitzgibbon, midshipman, and one marine were killed, and four men Avounded.

1795.] THE BRITISH NA'STT. 407


On the 4t]i of January, the Blanche, proceeding on her cruise, arrived off Pomte-a-Pitre, Guadaloupe, and at daybreak discovered the French frigate Pique lying at anchor outside the harbour. At 7h. A.M. the Pique, in company with a schooner, worked out from under the land, upon which the Blanche made sail to meet her. At 2h. p.m. the Pique and Blanche crossed on opposite tacks, the former hoisting French colours, and firing four shot, wliicli was replied to by the Blanche. At 2h. 30m., finding that the Pique had tacked and was standing towards her, the Blanche shortened sail to allow her to close ; but at 3h. 30m., hoping to induce the Pique to follow, she filled and stood towards Marie- Galante under easy sail. At 8h. p.m. the French frigate was seen astern, on which the Blanche tacked, and made all sail in chase. About midnight the Blanche, on the starboard tack, passed to leeward of the Pique on the larboard tack, and at 12h. 30m. a.m. the Blanche tacked, and at Ih., when within musket-shot of the Pique's starboard quarter, the Pique wore to cross her oj)ponent's hawse; but the Blanche, to defeat this manoeuvre, bore up, and both frigates became closely engaged, running off the wind. At 2h. 30m. the Blanche, being ahead of the Pique, luffed across her bows to rake her, when the Blanche's main and mizen-masts fell over the side, on which the Pique ran her aboard on the starboard quarter. Several vigorous attempts were now made to carry the Blanche by boarding, but the enemy was on each occasion repulsed with much loss ; the Blanche's guns, meanwhile, causing great havoc on the Pique's deck. At about 3h. a.m., while assisting the second lieutenant (David Milne) and some of the crew to lash the Pique's bowsprit to the Blanche's capstan. Captain Faulknor was shot through the heart by a musket-ball. The lashing of the bowsprit having parted, soon afterwards the two ships separated ; but the Blanche, for the want of any after-sail, paid round ofi", and again fell on board the Pique. The bowsprit of the French ship was

408 BATTLES OF [1795.

then lashed to tlie stump of the Blanche's mainmast, and in this manner, the two ships before the wind, a fire, principally of musketry, was kept up from both shijDS, but particularly from the Pique's tops. The fire of the Blanche's guns was principally confined to two quarter-deck 6-pounders, as she had no stem-ports on the main deck. After vainly endea- vouring to cut ports, it was found necessary to resort to more summary measures, and the two aftermost guns were fired through the stern frame, and from the openings thus made two 1 2-pounders were pointed, and phed with such destructive efiect, that the Pique's mainmast, at 3h. 15m., fell over the side, her fore and mizen having previously fallen. The fire was continued till 5h. 15m., the Pique having for a long time been imable to return a shot, when some of the crew of the Pique ran out to the end of the bowsprit and called for quarter. The Blanche commenced the action with 198 men, of which she had her captain, William Bolton, midshipman, five seamen, and one marine killed ; and Charles Herbert, midshipman, fourteen seamen, and four marines wounded : total, eight killed and twenty-one wounded. The Pique, out of a crew of 275 men, had seventy-six killed and 105 wounded.

The Pique was added to the British navy as a 12-pounder 36-gun frigate. After a lapse of more than a year. Lieu- tenant Watkins was promoted to post rank ; but his com- mission was dated back to April 6th, 1795. Lieutenant Milne was made commander on the 20th of the same month, and his post commission bore date October 2nd of the same year. The naval medal has been granted for this action.

On the 13th of March, at 7h. a.m., Ushant bearing south, distant thirteen leagues, the 32-gun frigate Lively, acting Captain George Burlton, discovered and chased three strange sail. The Tomi:erelle, of twenty-eight guns. Captain Montalan, tacked, and stood towards the Lively ; and at lOh. 30m. both ships fired their broadsides. The Tourterelle then wore, and having brought to on the Lively's weather beam, continued in close action until Ih. 30m. p.m., by which time her three topmasts having been shot away, and being much disabled in hull and rigging, the Toiu^terelle hauled down her colours. Her mainmast soon afterwards fell over the side. The Lively had only Lieutenant Loftus 0. Bland and





two seamen wounded. The Tourterelle, out of a crew of 230 men, liad sixteen killed -and twenty-five wounded. The Tourterelle was fitted vnih a furnace for heating shot, and several hot shot were fired from the privateer during the action. Upon this advantage Captain Moutalan must have relied for obtaining the victory ; otherwise his attack upon a ship of superior force is inexplicable. The Lively's first lieutenant, Joshua R. Watson, was promoted.

The prize was purchased into the navy, and rated a 28-gun The above is a medal action.

Intelligence having reached Toulon that the British fleet had quitted Corsica and retii'ed to Leghorn, 5,000 men were embarked on board the fleet under Rear-Admiral Martin, who, with fifteen sail of the line, six frigates, and two brigs, put to sea on the 3rd of March.

On the 7th of March, the 74--gun ship Berwick, Captain Adam Littlejohn, being jury-rigged, was chased and captured by the French fleet. Captain Littlejohn was killed early in the chase, and four men wounded ; after which, Lieutenant Nisbet Palmer, upon whom the command devolved, suiTen- dered the ship.

On the 8th, Admiral Hotham was lying in Leghorn Roads with the following : —





-D .. . ( Vice-Admiral Wm. Hotham (red)

I Captain John Holloway i Vice Admiral S. C. Goodall (white) \ Captain John Child Purvis j Vice-Admiral Sir Hyde Parker (blue) I Captain Thomas Foley i Rear- Admiral Robert Linzee (red) ( Captain John Gore

„ Chevalier Carraccioli, Neap.

„ Samuel Reeve

,, William Young ,, Thomas Lenox Frederick „ George Campbell

„ Augustus Montgomery „ Davidge Gould ,, John Sutton ,, Horatio Nelson Charles Tyler

Princess Royal St. George . . .

1 Windsor Castle

f Tancredi


Fortitude . . . Illustrious . . .


Courageux . . .,



Agamemnon . , Diadem

Frigates — Pilade and Minerva (Neapolitan), and Inconstant, Lowestoffe, Meleager, and Romulus ; two sloops and a cutter.

In the course of the day the Moselle, Commander Charles

410 BATTLES OF [1795

T>. Pater, appeared in the offing %^dtli the signal for a fleet bearing north-west. On the 9th, the British fleet put to sea with a strong breeze at east-north-east, and steered for Cape Corse ; and on the 10th, the French fleet was seen by the British advanced ships working back to Toulon, consisting of

the following : —

Guns. Ships.

Guns. Sliips.

120 Sans Culotte

^ Duquesne

Ca-Ira 80 I Tonnant



( Victoire



( Ak'ide


^,. y Barras

1 Censeur

Peuple Souverain


( Conquerant

On the morning of the 1 3th, the British admiral, finding the French had no intention of fighting, made the signal for a general chase. At 8h. a.m. the (^a-Ira (third from the French rear) ran foul of her second ahead, — the Yictoire, — and carried away her own fore and main-topmasts. CajDtain Thomas F. Fremantle, of the Inconstant, at 9h, a.m., being far advanced in the chase, on seeing the disabled state of the (^a-Ira, gallantly ranged up on her larboard side, and engaged for some time. The French frigate Yestale then bore do^vn to take the (^a-Ira in tow, and fired into the Inconstant. At lOh. 50m. the Agamemnon and Captain attacked the ^a-Ira, and continued annoying her until 2h. 15m. p.m., when several French ships bearing down to the support of their disabled companion, the Agamemnon and Captain bore up to rejoiu their fleet by signal from the admiral. The enemy kept on the larboard tack during the night, with the wind at south-west, followed by the British, each ship of which carried a light.

At daybreak on the lltli, Genoa bearing north-east, dis- tant seven leagues, the ^a-Ira was observed a long distance astern and to leeward of her fleet, in tow of the Censeur. About 5h. 30m. a breeze springing up from the north-west, obliged the British to tack, and gave them the weather gage. The Captam and Bedford, in obedience to signal, bore up, ■and at 7h. engaged the (^a-Ira and Censeur, while the re- mainder of the British fleet stood on in close order of battle for the body of the French fleet. The Captain in approach-




ing the (^a-Ira received so much injury from the fire of the two French ships, that she made the signal for assistance. The Bedford was also disabled, and towed out of the action. At 8h. the French fleet having wore in succession, with the intention of passing between their disabled ships and the British line, closed the British fleet on opposite tacks ; but in order to frustrate the design of the French admiral, the British fleet edged away, and obliged the French fleet to go to windward. Beyond this passing fire, nothing appears to have been done ; for after having cleared the British fleet on the larboard tack, the French fleet tacked, and stood away to the westward under all sail, leaving the ^a-Ira and Censeur to their fate. These ships did not surrender until after a desperate resistance, in which their masts were shot away, and they sustained a loss of 400 men. The killed and womided in the British fleet were as follow j the ships in their proper order of sailing : —










Princess Royal . . Agamemnon ....


Courageux ....



Windsor Castle


7 1 3




7 6


18 5 8 13 70 33 18 21 31


St. George ....




Inconstant .... Minerva


3 4

1 3





14 4



The Illustrious lost main and mizen-masts, and fore-top- mast ; and the Courageux her main and mizen-masts. Several other ships had also received injiuy. The following are the names of the ofiicers killed and wounded : — Moore, midshipman of the Illustrious (killed), and Lieutenants Thomas Hawker (Windsor Castle), and Robert Honeyman (St. George), John Wilson, master (Agamemnon), and John Coleman, midshipman (Illustrious), wounded.

Taking in tow the dismasted ships and prizes, the fleet bore away for Spezzia. The Illustrious, ha^/ing parted com- pany ill tow of the INIeleager, experienced very bad weather,

412 BATTLES OF [1795.

and ancliorecl in Valence Bay, where she parted her cables, struck the ground, and after every attempt having been made in vain to save the ship, the crew were taken out by the exertions of Captains Brisbane and Hallowell, and the ship set on fire. The naval medal has been granted to the parti- cipators in this action.

On the 10th of April, at lOh. a.m., Rear-A dmiral Colpoys, with five sail of the line and three frigates, being in the Channel, discovered three frigates in the north-west quarter. The 74-gun ship Colossus, Captain John Monkton, having got within shot of the sternmost, opened fi^re, which the frigate returned. The frigates then separated, steering different courses. The 3 2 -gun frigate Astrea, Captain Lord Henry Paulet, with the 74-gun ships Robust and Hannibal, pursued the ship that steered to the north-west, and having, at 6h. P.M., outsailed the line-of-battle ships, arrived up with the French 36-gTm frigate Gloire. At lOh. 30m. the Astrea brought her to close action, and after fifty-eight minutes' warm contest, the French colours were hauled down. Both ships were much disabled in masts and rigging. The Astrea had eight men wounded ; Gloire, forty killed and wounded. Lieutenant John Talbot was made a commander, and posted the following year. The Gloire's consorts were the 36-gun frigates Gentille and Fraternite. The former was captured by the Hannibal, seventj^-four, but the Fraternite escaped. The Gloii'e and Gentille were added to the British navy under the same name. The naval medal has been granted for the above action.

On the 9th of May, at daybreak, as Captain Sir Richard Strachan's frigate squadron, consisting of the Melampus, with the Diamond, Hebe, Niger, and Syren, Captains Sir WiUiam S. Smith, Paid Mincliin, Edward J, Foote, and Graham Moore, was lying at anchor in Gourville Bay, Jersey, a French convoy of thirteen vessels was observed running down the French shore to the soutliward. The squadron weighed, and proceeded in chase. At 6h. a.m. the Melampus opened fire, and the whole convoy, with the exception of a cutter, which got round Cape Carteret, ran in shore, and took shel- ter under the guns of a small battery and of two gun-vessels. The boats of the frigates were then ordered away, and under cover of the frigates' guns, notwithstanding a smart fire from

1795.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 413

the battery and gun-boats, boarded and brought off all but one of the convoy (principally laden with ship-timber and stores), including also the gun-boats, each of which mounted three long 18-pounders. The casualties in the boats were in those of the Melampus, eight men wounded ; Diamond, two men wounded ; Hebe, John Leggatt, surgeon, and two men woimded ; Niger, Lieutenant Charles Long and one man woimded ; and in those of the Syren, John M'Guffock, mid- shipman, and one marine killed and two seamen wounded : total, two killed and seventeen wounded. On the 3rd of July, Sir Richard, having with him only the Hebe, captured off St. Malo six out of thirteen vessels laden with military stores, as well as one of the armed brigs which formed their convoy.

On the 17th of May, the 38-gun frigate Thetis and 28-gun frigate Hussar, Captains the Hon. Alexander Inglis Cochrane and John P. Beresford, chased the French store-ships Trajan, Prevoyante, Heureux, and Raison, off Cape Henry, Chesa- peake. After a gallant defence, the Raison was captured by the Hussar, and the Prevoyante by the Thetis. The Thetis had eight men killed and nine wounded ; the Hussar, three wounded. This is a naval medal action.

On the 25th of May, the 16-gun sloop Thorn, Commander Robert W. Otway, on the Windward Island station, cap- tured, after a warmly- contested action of thii^ty-live minutes, the 18-gun ship corvette Courier National. The Thorn, out of a crew of eighty men, had five men wounded ; and the Courier National, out of 119, had seven men killed and twenty wounded.

On the 24th of June, the 28-gun frigate Dido, Captain George H. To wry, and 3 2 -gun frigate Lowestoffe, Captain Robert G. Middleton, having been despatched by Admiral Hotham to reconnoitre the harbour of Toulon, discovered nearly ahead, and standing towards them, the French 40-gun fi'igate Minerve, Captain Perree, and Artemise, thirty-six, Captain Charbonnier, which frigates had been despatched to obtain information of the British fleet. The private signal having been made by the Dido, the enemy wore and stood away, pursued by the British frigates. At 8h. a.m. the enemy, perceiving the inferiority of the pursuing sliips, wore and stool towards them. When witliin a mile of the Dido's

414 BATTLES OF [1759.

weather-bow, tlie Minerve, being aliead of her consort, wore and came to the wind on the larboard tack to windward, and at 8h. 30m. commenced the action. The Dido resei^ed her fire until 8h. 45m., by which time the Minerve was on her weather-beam. The Minerve then putting her helm a-weather, and squaring her yards, bore dovvTi upon the little ship with the apparent intention of sinking her, which, from her size and the fresh wind, she probably would have done. But just as her flying jib-boom was touching the main-yard of the Dido, the latter, to avoid the shock, bore up also, and the round of the Minerve's bow struck her on the larboard quarter. The shock was so great, that it threw the British frigate athwart the Minerve's hawse, the bowsprit of the latter locking in the Dido's mizen rigging. After a short time the bowsprit snajjped, carrying with it the Dido's wounded mizen-mast. With the bowsprit (which for a time had been a ladder for the French to board by, and had literally suspended the Dido by the latter's mizen rigguig) several of the French assailants were carried overboard, and also with the Dido's mizen-mast the British colours. These latter were, however, quickly replaced by a union-jack, which, with characteristic bravery, was nailed to the stump of the mizen-mast by Henry Barling, one of the Dido's quarter- masters. The Minerve now ranged ahead of the Dido, and the cannonade, which had scarcely ceased for a moment, was for a time suspended by the arrival of the Lowestoffe. Having passed ahead of the Dido, the Lowestofie placed herself on the French ship's larboard bow, and at 9h. a.m. shot away her foremast and remaining topmasts. At 9h. 15m., the escape of the Minerve being impossible. Captain Towry made the signal to chase the Artemise (which ship was making off). The Lowestofie accordingly made sail in chase ; l)ut Captain Towry, perceiving that the French ship gained on the Lowestoffe, recalled the latter, and at llh. 30m. renewed the action with the IMinerve. At llh. 45m., on the fall of her mizen-mast, the Minerve surrendered. At this time the Artemise was hull down to windward. The Dido, out of a crew of 193 men, had her boatswain (Cuth- bert Douglas) and five seamen killed, and her first lieutenant (Richard Buckoll), captain's clerk (Richard Willan), and tliirteen seamen wounded. The Lowestoffe sustained no




loss ; and tlie Minerve is said to liave had no more than twenty kiUed and wounded, exdusive of those lost overboard with the bowsprit. Captain Towiy was appointed to com- mand the Minerve, and Lieutenant Buckoll promoted to the rank of commander; Lieutenant Joshua S. Horton, of the Lowestoffe, was also promoted. This is a navy medal action. On the 30th of May the following squadron sailed from Spit head for a cruise off Ushant : —




32 Pff.lS

Ships. Eoyal Sovereign .



Brunswick .... Bellerophon



Kino'fislier ....

j Vice-Adm. Hn. W. Cornwallis (blue)

( Captain John ^\Tiitby

„ Sir Charles Cotton

,, Sir Erasmus Gower

,, Lord Charles Fitzgerald

,, Lord Cranstonn

,, Hon. Robert Stopford

„ Hon. Henry Curzon

„• T. le Marchant Gosselin

On the 8th of June, the Triumph, at lOh. 30m. a.m., made the signal for six sail bearing east by north. The strangers formed a squadron under Rear-Admiral Vence, with a convoy bound to Brest, and they chased them into Palais Road, Belle Isle. The British squadron, having secured eight sail of small vessels, continued to blockade the French squadron. Information of the blockade ha'vTJig reached Brest, a squadron of nine sail of the line sailed on the 12th of June, and on the 15th effected a junction with Admiral Vence off Groix. Theii' force was then as under : —






120 Peuple (late Montague)

' Mucius

' Alexandre


Droits de I'Homme








^Jean Bart



Brave ) , Scevola j ^^^^^








Name unknown


On the 16th, at lOh. 30m., this fleet, under the command

416 BATTLES OF [1795.

of Yice-Admiral Yillaret Joyeuse, while beating to windward, with the wind at west-north-west, came in sight of Yice- Admiral Cornwallis's squadron, returning to look after M. Yence. The Phaeton, after making the signal for the enemy, did not haul to the wind until tiieir force had been ascertained to consist of thirteen sail of the line and fourteen frigates. This being signalled, the squadron came to the wind on the starboard tack in the following order : — Bruns- \vick, Eoyal Sovereign, Bellerophon, Triumph, Mars. At 2h. P.M. the French fleet separated ; one division continuing on the same tack as the British, while the other stood to the northward on the larboard tack. At 6h. p m. the wind shifted to the northward. During the night the wind was light and variable, and at daylight on the 17th the French fleet was observed in three divisions ; the weather division, consisting of three sail of the line and five frigates, being nearly abreast, and to windward of the British squadi^on; the centre division, of six sail of the Hne and four frigates, being on the weather quarter of the squadron ; and the lee division, of four sail of the line, five frigates, two brigs, and two cutters, right astern. At 6h. a.m. the British squadron bore away two or three points, so as to enable the ships to set the starboard studding-sails, which altered the relative positions of the French fleet. At 7h. the admiral ordered the Bellerophon to go ahead of the Koyal Sovereign. At 9h. A.M. the van ship of the French weather division, as- sisted by the Yirginie, Captain Bergeret, commenced firiag on the Mars. At llh. 10m. the Phaeton, being then along distance to •wondward, made the signal for a fleet, by letting fly top-gallant sheets, in order to deceive the enemy ; but the deception did not appear to take efiect, as the French ships continued to chase and engage the sternmost British ships without any apparent difference. At Ih. 30m. p.m. the Zele, having lost her maintop-gallant-mast, and being otherwise damaged by the fire of the Mars, dropped astern, and was succeeded by her next astern. Observing that the Mars had fallen much to leeward, and that it was likely, from her disabled state, she would be overpowered by the enemy's ships, then closing round her, the admiral, in the Boyal Sovereign, at 3h. 3om., gallantly wore out of the line, and bore ujD in company with, the Triumph to protect her. At




3h. 52m., on nearing the Mars, the crew greeted the admiral •with three hearty cheers. The effect of this movement on the part of the Royal Sovereign was most decisive ; for the leading French ships, not desirmg to encounter the broadside of the British three-decker, wore, and left the Mars un- molested. A partial firing continued till 7h. 10m., when the French fleet hauled to the wind, and gave over the action. The only two British ships which sustained any injury from the fire of the enemy were the Mars and Triumph. The Mars had her masts and yards much cut by shot, and twelve men woimded, but none killed. The Triumph had her masts and sails cut, and received several shot in her hull, but had no one hurt. This action entitles the participators to the naval medal.

The French fleet anchored off Belle Isle, and having weighed from thence, on the 22nd of June, at 3h. 30m. a.m., came in sight of the Channel fleet in the north-west, eonsist- iner of the folio wins: : ^ —


Guns. Ships.

( Royal Geor^^e ^ Admiral Lord Bridport (white)

) .to^ai vreor^e .... ^ Captain William Domett

( Queen Charlotte . . Sir Andrew S. Douglas

Queen ^ Vice-Adm. Sir Alan Gardner (white)

i[ Captain William Bedford

i Vice-Adm. John Colpoys (blue)

I Captain Edward Griffith

( Rear- A dm. Henry Harvey (red)

I Captain John Bazely

„ Chas. Powell Hamilton

„ James Richard Dacres

,, William Edg-e

98 -i




London ......

Prince of Wales



^, Prince George Sans Pareil ^ Rear-Adm. Lord H. fceymour

( Captain William Browell

'Valiant . .

Robust* . .

Orion . . . .

Thunderer* I Irresistible

Russell . . . . t Colossus . .


Frigates, &c. — Revolutioimaire,

Christopher Parker Edward Thornborough Sir James Saumarez Albemiarle Bertie Richard Grindall Thomas Larccm John Monkton Joseph Ellison Thalia, Nymphe, Aquilon, Astrea,

^ The ships marked * were part of Sir John Warren's squadron, but were too far to leeward, when ordered by Lord Bridport to join, to be able to participate in the action.

yoL. I. 2 E

418 BATTLES OF [1795.

Babet, Msegara, Incendiary, and Charon ; Captains, Francis Cole, Lord H. Paulet, George Murray, Robert Barlow, Eichard Lane, Edward Codrington, Henry Blackwood, John Draper, and Walter Lock. Argus and Dolly, luggers.

Lord Bridport put to sea to protect an expedition to Qui- beron, under Sir John Warren ; and having reached Belle Isle, the fleet stood off again, to be prepared for the Brest fleet.

Lord Bridport, finding that the French fleet had no inten- tion of offering battle, made the signal for the Sans Pareil, Orion, Colossus, L^resistible, VaHant, and Russell to chase, and at 6h. 45m. a.m. the signal was made for a general chase. The British fleet then crowded every sail, but at noon the enemy were twelve miles distant, standing in for the land. At 7h. 26m. P.M., having closed the French a little, directions were given to harass their rear ; but at lOh. it fell calm.

On the 23rd, at daybreak, a light breeze sprang up from the south-west, and the French fleet was seen ahead in a cluster, about three miles to the eastward. The British ships were much scattered, the Queen Charlotte being a long dis- tance ahead of all except the Irresistible. At 4h. a.m. Belle Isle bore east, about eight miles distant on the lee bow. At 5h. a French frigate took the Alexandre in tow ; and at 6h. this ship and two others opened fire on the Irresistible. The friga,te soon cut the Alexandre adrift, and made sail ahead, when the Irresistible engaged the latter, and was passed by the Orion and Charlotte. At about 6h. 15m. the Charlotte fired her starboard Ijroadside into the Formidable, Captain Linois, and a close action commenced. At 6h. 30m. the Formidable was fixed into by the Sans Pareil, but leaving the Formidable to the Charlotte, the Sans Pareil pushed on. The French ship about this time caught fire on the poop, and being much disabled, dropped astern. On her mizenmast falling, she bore up and struck her colours. The Queen Charlotte was also by this time quite unmanageable, and having dropped astern, at 7h. 14m. fired a broadside into the Alexandre, and that ship being akeady in a very crippled state, hauled down her colours. The Tigre was brought to action by the Sans Pareil, and the London and Queen also taking part, the French ship surrendered. At 8h. the Boyal George passed the Queen Charlotte, but the latter having

1795,] THE BRITISH NAVY. 419

repaired some of lier damages, speedily made all sail ahead to support the admii-al. At 8h. 15m. the Colossus and Sans Pareil's simals were made to discontinue the action. The Royal George, after receiving the fii^e of the Peuple, bore up, and fired her broadside into the latter ; but by this time the fleet had got so close in 'svith the land, that Lord Bridport considered it prudent to discontinue the chase.

The British fleet having given over the pui'suit, the French admiral kept his wind, and after several tacks anchored within the Isle of Groix. The Queen Charlotte, Sans Pareil, and Irresistible were the only ships whose masts and spars were materially injured.

The following is a statement of the loss sustained by each ship, in the order in which they engaged : — Irresistible, three killed, and eleven, including Captain Grindall and the master, Thomas Troughton, wounded. Orion, six killed and eighteen wounded. Queen Charlotte, four killed, and thirty-two, including David Coutts and Hornby Charles, mid- shipmen, wounded. Sans Pareil, Lieutenant C. M. Stocker, Lieutenant of marines William Jephcott, and eight men killed, and Francis J. Nott and Pichard Spencer, midshipmen, wounded. Colossus, five killed, and thirty, including Lieu- tenant Pobert Mends and John Wiley, midshipman, wounded, Pussell, three killed, and ten, including Captain Bacon, 118th regt., wounded. London, three wounded. Poyal George, seven wounded. Total, thirty-one killed and 113 wounded. The Tigre had 130 men killed and wounded; Alexandre, 200 ; and Formidable, more than 300. Lord Bridport, Sir Alan Gardner, and Lord Hugh Sejrmour, received the thanks of Parliament. The naval medal has been awarded for this action. The Tigre retained her name in the British navy, but the name of the Formidable (a very fine ship) was changed to Belleisle. The Alexandre was also restored to her place in the navy list.

On the 6th of July, the Agamemnon being ofi" Cape del Melle, was chased by the Toulon fleet of seventeen sail of the line. Closely pursued, the Agamemnon made for St. Fiorenzo Bay, and at 9h. 30m, a.m., on the 7th, got sight of the British fleet of twenty-two sail of the line at anchor in that bay, when the French admiral hauled to the westward. At





Oh. P.M. Admiral Hotliam, having used the greatest expedi- tion, weighed v/ith the following ships : —

Guns. Ships.

Britannia . 100 ]


Princess Royal . . j fjg ^ St. George |

64 80



' Windsor Castle


Agamemnon . .


f Captain

j Fortitude

I Bombay Castle


Cumberland . .

Terrible ......



CuUoden ......


Courageux . . .-

Audacious . . . .

Guiscardo . . . . ^Samnito ......


Admiral Wm. Hotham (blue) Captain John Holloway Rear- Admiral Robert Mann (blue) Captain John Knight Vice-Admiral S. C. Goodall (red) Captain John Child Purvis Vice-Admiral Sir Hyde Parker (red) Captain Thomas Foley Vice-Admiral Robert Linzee (white) Captain John Gore

„ John Bazely Commodore Horatio Nelson Captain .John Pakenham

„ Samuel Reeve

„ William Young

„ Charles Chamberla^-ne

,, James Douglas

,, Barth. Samuel Rowley

„ George Campbell

„ Thomas Wells

„ John Sutton

,, Thomas Troubridge

,j Davidge Gould

„ Benjamin Hallowell

„ William Shield

Neapolitan ,, Charles Tyler

At noon on the 8th, the fleet having cleared the bay, made all sail after the enemy, and on the 13th, being off the Hyeres Islands, at 3h. A.M., it having blown a heavy gale during the night, the French fleet was discovered about ten miles distant on the lee beam, bearing from the British east- north-east, and standing to the northward. The van ship of the enemy, at 3h. 30m., was half a point before the lee beam of the Victory, the leading ship of the British Five sail were also observed two or three miles astern of the body of the fleet. Admiral Hotham, from some unexplained cause, instead of bearing up for the French then under liis lee, ordered his fleet, at 3h. 45m., to form on the starboard tack, thereby standing right away from the enemy. The British continued to stand on the starboard tack for one hour, when

1795.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 421

the signal was made to form on tlie larboard tack under easy sail. The French, taking advantage of this oversight of the British admiral, formed a compact line and stood away, two jDoints off the wind, tov>'ards a friendly port. At 8h. Admiral Hotham made the signal to chase, but by this time the French were a long distance ahead. The pursuing fleet made all the sail the masts would bear — it still blowing fresh ; but as the sun got up, the wind fell hght, and at noon was nearly a calm. By this time the Victory, gallantly supported by the Cumberland, Culloden, Agamemnon, and Defence, was only three-quarters of a mile from the rear of the French fleet, and seven or eight lailes in advance of their own, the sternmost being half-topsails down. At 12h. 30m. P.M. the wind shifted suddenly from south-west by west to north, taking the ships aback, which on their coming round on the starboard tack, brought the broadsides of the three sternmost French ships to bear on the Victory. The annexed diagram will elucidate this point : —

v;iND ^ SWby v;




422 BATTLES OF [1795.

In twenty minutes tlie Alcide was so disabled by the fire of the Victory and Culloden, that she ceased firing, and at 2h. struck her colours. The Culloden having lost her main-top- mast, and the Victory's foretopsail-yard being shot away, and her sails and running rigging cut to pieces, the Cumberland passed them, and attacked the Justice frigate, which, with the Alceste, had approached to take the Alcide in tow ; but she had only taken up her position alongside, when the signal to discontinue the action was seen flying on board the Britannia ; but the Victory had to repeat the signal more than once to the Cumberland before it was obeyed. When the recall was made by Admiral Hotham, the Blenheim, Gibraltar, Captain, and some others, were closing mth the rear ships of the enemy ; but those ships having wore, in obedience to the signal, the French fleet, unmolested, pro- ceeded on to Frejus Bay. The Victory,^ Culloden, and Cumberland, were the only ships disabled. Their loss was as follows : — The Victoiy, two midshipmen, James Beale and WiUiam "Willison, and three marines killed; and Lieutenant Martin Hinton, Midshipman William Irwin, Major Frederick Hill Flight, and Lieutenant William Darley, of the marines, and eleven seamen wounded. Culloden, two men killed, and Lieutenant Tristram ^n;iitter and four men wounded. Blen- heim, two men killed and two wounded. Captain, one killed j and the Defence, one soldier killed and six wounded : total, eleven killed and twenty-eight wounded. The Alcide, subsequently to her surrender, and before she could be taken possession of, caught fire, and was destroyed.

On the 22nd of August, at Ih. p.m., a squadi'on, consisting of the 36-gun frigate Beunion, Captain John Alms ; 50-gmi ship Isis, Captain Ivobert Watson ; frigates Stag and Vestal, Captains Joseph Sydney Yorke and Charles White ; while cruising in the North Sea, discovered and chased the Dutch 36-gun frigates Alliance and Argo, and 16-gun cutter Vlug-

^ Instances of extreme personal bravery and skill are not wanting in the British navy, but the gallantry of a midshipman of the Victory ought not to go without particular mention. In her anxious chase of the. French fleet, the weather leach-rope of the Victory's foretopsail was cut by a shot, and the sail consequently in great danger of splitting ; but Mr. Thomas Hoskins, being in the foretop, ascended to the topsail-yard, and, lowering himself down by the reef-tackle, by means of the third reef earing stoppered the bolt-rope and saved the sail.

1795.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 423

held, standing towards tlie coast of Norway. A change of wind enabled the Stag, at 4h. 15m. p.m., to close with the Alliance, which, after an hour's action, she compelled to strike. The Stag had four men killed, and thirteen, including William B. Proctor, midshipman, wounded. The Argo and the cutter got into Egeroe.

On the 28th of September, the 12-pounder 32-gun frigate Southampton, Captain James Macnamara, while watching the port of Genoa, fell in with the French 36-gT.in frigate Vestale, 28-gun corvette Brune, and 14-gun brigs Scout and Alerte. At lOh. p.m. the Southampton having hailed with- out receiving a satisfactory answer, fired a broadside into the Vestale's larboard quarter, wliich was promptly returned. At lOh. 25m. the French frigate tacked, as did also the Southampton ; but having had her sails and rigging much cut, the latter dropped astern, upon wliich the French ships made all sail away. At llli. p.m. the Southampton, having repaired damages, was again closing with the Vestale, when her mizenmast fell over the side, and the French frigate and squadron escaped.

On the 28th of September, at 4h. 35m. a.m., the hii-ed cutter Rose, Lieutenant William Walker, of eight 4-pounders, and only thirteen men, being near Capraria, fell in with three French felucca privateers. Although Lieutenant Walker had .£10,000 in specie on board, he determined on making an attack, and bore away before a moderate breeze with smooth water for the largest of the privateers, which was rather to leeward of the other two. Lieutenant Walker intended to give this vessel the cutter's stem, and conned the Rose accordingly ; but on nearing the privateer, being himself anxious to head the boarders, he ran forward, and the helmsman allowed the privateer to shoot too far ahead, so that the cutter's bowsprit only carried away the felucca's mizenmast and the overhang of her stern. , In passing under her stern, the Rose poured in her broadside, treble shotted ; then shooting ahead to leeward, she tacked and crossed her bows, giving her another raking broadside, and carrying away her foreyard with the main-boom. Thus spiritedly dealt with, the privateer called for quarter, and surrendered. Lieutenant Walker then stood after the other vessels, and sank one, but the third escaped to windward.

424 BATTLES OF [1795-

He then retiu'iied to his prize, which mounted one long brass 6-poiinder, four swivels, and twelve musketoons on her gun- v^ales, and had on board, when taken, twenty-nine men, exclu- sive of thirteen reported to have been killed. The Kose con- ducted her prize to Bastia.^ The Kose received several shot in her hull, and the main-boom was very much wounded, but the crew escaped without loss.

On the 7th of October, the 74-giui ship (late French) Censeur, commanded by Captain John Gore, being under jury-masts, on her voyage to England, in company with the British 74-gun ships Bedford and Fortitude, and a convoy, was captured, after an obstinate defence, by a French squadron of six sail of the line and three frigates, under Rear- Admiral Bichery. The Bedford and Fortitude escaped, but thirty sail of the convoy fell into the hands of the enemy.

On the 10th of October, the British 32-g-un frigate Mer- maid, Captain Hemy Warre, cruising off Grenada, discovered the French 18-gun corvette Republicain, and 10-gim brig Brutus, at anchor off La Baye, which at lOh. 30m. a.m. weighed and stood to the southward. The Mermaid chased the brig into the Bay of Bequain, from whence she was cut out by the frigate's boats, the French crew ha"sing first landed and attempted to set fire to her. On the 13th, the Mermaid fell in with the Bepublicain, and after a running fight of some hours, and a close action of ten minutes, captured her Avith the loss to the Mermaid of one seaman killed and three wounded, and to the corvette of twenty men killed.

On the 15th of October, in the morning, the British frigates Melampus, Captain Sir Bichard J. Strachan ; and Latona, Hon. A. Kaye Legge, being off the Isle of Groix, gave chase to the French 36-gun frigates Tortue and Nereide, and brig Eveille. The Orion, seventy-four. Sir James Sau- marez, and Thalia, tliirty-six, shortly afterwards hove in

1795.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 425

sio'lit, and joined in the pursuit. The Latona and Thalia, from the inability of the pilot, who refused to conduct them v.'ithin the Barges d'Olonne, had the mortification of seeing the French frigates enter the Pui*tuis-Breton in safety. The Eveille was captured by the Thunderer, seventy-foui'. Captain A. Bertie.

In July, a force under the order of Kear- Admiral Rainier, in the Sufiblk, seventy-four, with the Centurion, fifty, Captain Samuel Osborn, and several transports, sailed from Madi'a^ to reduce the Dutch possessions in the island of Ceylon. On the 18th of August, Trincomale surrendered ; and on the 27th, the fort of Oostenburg also fell into the possession of the British ; likewise the post at Jafihapatam. On the 1st of October, Molletive, and on the 5th, Manar, were also taken. The settlement of Malacca capitulated on the 17th of August to the force under Captain Newcome, of the Orpheus frigate. Chinsurah, Cochin, and all the remain- ing Dutch settlements, surrendered before the close of the year.

In the month of September the Cape of Good Hope was sun-endered to a British force, consisting of the follo^ving ships : —

Guns. Ships.

( ^f 1, i Vice-Ad. Sir Geo. Keith Elphiastone, K.B. (blue)

\ Monarch ■ . i r^ *. ■ r -u -ct ^ ■ i.

HI ) ( Laptam John ii-Iphmstone

j Victorious „ William Clark

( Arrogant. . ,, Richard Luca.s

i America . . ,, John Blankett

Stately . . ,, Billy Douglas

Echo .... Commander Temple Hardy ( Rattlesnake ,, John Wm. Spranger

and a large body of troops under General j^Jured Clarke and Major Craig.



426 BATTLES OF [1796.


Ox the lOth March, the French 8-poimder 20 -gun cor- vette Bonne Citoyenne, having sustained much damage in a gale of wind on the 7th, was captured in the Bay of Biscay by the 38-gun frigate Phaeton, Captain the Hon. Robert Btopford, and a squadron under his orders. The Bonne Citoyenne measured 511 tons, and was for a long time the finest vessel of her class in the British navy, to which she was added under the same name.

On the 18th of March, the 38-g-un frigate Diamond, Cap- tain Sir William Sidney Smith, 14-gun brig Liberty, Lieu- tenant George McKinley, and Aristocrat lugger, Lieutenant Abraham Gossett, stood in shore and attacked the batteries commanding the entrance to the Port of Spergui, near Cape Frehel, on the French coast. Lieutenant Horace Pine, of the Diamond, landed at the head of a party, and stormed the batteries ; after which, the squadron entered the port without molestation, and destroyed the French 16-gun corvette Etourdie, four brigs, two sloops, and one armed lugger. Two seamen were killed, and Lieutenants Horace Pine and Edmund Carter, of the marines (the latter mortally), and five seamen wounded. This action has been selected for the naval medal.

On the 20th of March, a frigate squadron under Commo- dore Sir John B. "Warren, in the Pomone, Anson, Artois, and Galatea, Captains P. C. C. H. Durham, Sir Edmund Nagle, and Bichard G. Keats, chased off the Penmarks a French squadron, of four frigates, a 20-gun corvette, and the Etoile armed store-ship. After a long and animated chase and running fight, in which the Galatea alone sustained any loss, the Etoile was cut ofi", but the remainder of the squadron took shelter among the Penmark Bocks. The Galatea's loss amounted to — Evans, midshipman, and one seaman killed, and Lieutenant James Barker and six seamen wounded.

On the 13th of April, the 38-gmi frigate Bevolutionnaire, Captain Francis Cole, belonging to Sir Edward Pellew's


1796.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 427

squadron, after a long chase, overtook and captured the French 12-pounder 36-gim frigate Unite.

On the 17th of April, Captain Sir Sidney Smith, of the Diamond, having ventured into the port of Havre with the boats, to cut out six French luggers, was overpowered, and having had four men killed and seven wounded, was made prisoner.

On the 20th of April, a frigate squadron, consisting of the Indefatigable, Commodore Sir Edward Pellew ; Amazon, Captain Kobeii; C. Reynolds ; and Concorde, Captain An- thony Hunt, while lying-to off the Lizard, waiting to be joined by the Revolutionnaire, a large frigate was observed to seaward, and all sail instantly made in chase. After a run of 168 miles in fifteen hours, the Indefatigable, at a little after midnight, got up with the chase, which proved to be the French 40-giui frigate Virginie, Captain Jacques Ber- geret; and after encountering a most gallant resistance, compelled her to surrender, just as the Concorde was about to take part in the action. The Virginie had fifteen men killed and twenty-seven wounded, and when taken possession of, had four feet water in her hold. The Virginie, being a fine new frigate, was added to the British navy, and the com- mand of her given to Captain Hunt. The naval medal is granted for this action.

On the 25th of April, intelligence having reached Com- modore Nelson that a convoy laden with stores for the use of the French army m Italy had entered Laona Bay, he proceeded thither in the Agamemnon, with the 64-gun sliip Diadem, Captain George H. Towry; Meleager, Captain George Cockburn ; and 1 6-gun sliip sloop Peterel, Commander John Temple. On his arrival, four vessels were seen lying under the heavy batteries in the bay, upon which the boats were sent away, covered in their advance by the guns of the ships. Although exposed to a severe fire, the service was effectually performed, and without loss of life ; but Lieutenant James Noble, of the Agamemnon, and two seamen were wounded, the former badly. Lieutenants Maurice W. Suckling, JSToble, and "William Compton, of the Agamemnon; Jolui Culver- house, of the Meleager ; and James Ryder, of the Diadem, were all honourably mentioned.

On the 27th of April, the boats of the Niger, Captain

428 BATTJ^ES OF [1796.

Edward J. Foote, were sent in after an armed lugger, wliicb. was anchored among the Penmark Rocks. The British boats, commanded by Lieutenants George Long and Thomas Tliompson, and — Morgan and James Batten, masters mates, after an obstinate resistance, succeeded in effecting her destruction. The lugger mounted eighteen -i-pounders, with a crew of 105 men, many of whom were lolled and wounded. Lieutenant Long, Mr. Batten, and five men, were woimded in the boats of the Niger.

On the 4th of May, the 16-gun sloop Spencer, Commander Andrew F. Evans, in lat. 28° N., long. 69° W., captured the French 12-gun brig Yolcan, after a spirited action of an hour and a quarter, in which the Spencer had one man killed "and one wounded. Lieut. Joseph Lenox and the master were honourably mentioned.

On the 12tli of May, the Argo, Dutch 36-gun frigate, after a short engagement, in which she had six killed and twenty-eight wounded, was captured by the 36-gun frigate Phcenix, Captain Laurence W. Halsted, having in comj^any, but at some distance astern, the 50-gun ship Leopard, 28-gun frigate Pegasus, Captains Wm. Harwood and R. Donnelly, and Sylph slooj), Commander John C. White. The Phcenix had one man killed and three wounded. While the Phcenix was engaging the Argo, the Pegasus and Sylph drove on shore two Dutch armed brigs which were in company, and recaptured the Duke of York buoy-boat. A third brig, named the Mercury, pierced for sixteen gims, was captured by the Sylph. The Argo was added to the British na\y under the name of Janus, and the Mercury was called the Hermes.

On the 27th of May, the 14-gun brig Suffisante, Com- mander Nicholas Tomlinson, after a long chase and an engagement of thirty minutes, in which one man v;-as woimded, captured the French 12 -gain brig Revanche, Lieut. George H. Draveman.

On the 8th of Jime, the British 18-pounder 32-gun frigate Unicom, Captain Thomas Williams, and 12-pounder 36-gun frigate Santa Margarita, Captain Thomas B. Martin, discovered the French 36-gain frigates Tribune and Tamise, and 18-gTin corvette Legere, forming part of a French squadron mider Commodore Moulston, which had sailed on the 4th of June from Brest. At 9 h. a.m. the British

1796.] " THE BRITISH NAVY. 429

frigates bore away in chase, and at Ih. p.:-i. the French ships, having hoisted their coloiu's, and the Tribune a broad pen- dant, fired theii' stern-chasers, which did great damage to the sails and rigging of the British ships. At 4h. p.m. the Tamise bore up to rake the Santa Margarita, which enabled the latter to place herself alongside the Tamise, and, after a close engagement of twenty minutes, compelled her to haul down her colours. The Tamise sustained a loss of thirty-two killed and nineteen wounded ; and the Santa Margarita, two killed and three wounded. The Tamise (late the British 32-gun frigate Thames), Captain Fradin, had been mounted with additional 36-pounder carronades, and had on board, during the action, in all forty guns. The combatants, there- fore, were, in most respects, well matched. Commander Josef)h Bullen, a volunteer on board the frigate, was honom^ably mentioned in Captain Martin's official letter, also Lieutenant George Harrison, and both these officers received promotion. The Tamise was restored to the British navy as a 12-pounder 32-gun frigate. This service is distinguished as a medal action.

The Unicorn, from the disabled state of her sails and rifforinsr, did not get alono-side of the Tribune until lOh.

Co O' o o

30m. P.M., having run 210 miles. The Unicorn having arrived on the weather quarter of the Tribune, the crew cheered, and commenced the action ; but after engaging for thirty-five minutes, the Tribune dropped astern, and it was supposed to be her intention to cross the stern of the Uni- com; this was, however, prevented by the latter, who, throwmg all a-back, took up her position as before. The mainmast and mizentopmast of the Tribune soon afterwards fell, and she then siuTendered. The Unicorn's first lieu- tenant and some of her best seamen were away in a prize, leaving only 240 on board : she sustained no loss whatever. The Tribune had thh^ty-seven men killed, and Commodore Moulston and fourteen men wounded. The number of men (more by 100) on board the French ship, as well as her advantage in point of size (the Unicorn being of 791 and the Tribune 916 tons), in a great measure compensated the Tribune for the Unicorn's 1 8-pounders. The second lieutenant, William Taylor, though highly spoken of, never received pro- motion. Captain Williams had the honour of knighthood

430 BATTLES OF [1796.

conferred upon him. The naval medal is granted to the surviving participators.

On the 13th of June, at Ih. A.M., the 18-pounder. 36-gun fiigate Dryad, Captain Lord Amelius Beauclerk, cruising to the eastward of Cape Clear, got sight of the French 18-pounder 36-gun frigate Proserpine, Captain PeAiieux, the fourth ship of Commodore Moulston's squadron. The Dryad made all sail, both ships being close-hauled on the starboard tack, with the wind at north-west. At 8h. p.m. the French frigate hoisted colours, and commenced firing stern-chasers. At 9h. the Dryad ranged up on her oppo- nent's lee quarter, and at 9h. 4:5m., after a close action, the Proserpine, having had thirty men killed and forty-five wounded, struck her colours. The Dryad had only two killed and seven wounded. Lieutenant Edward Durnford Xing was promoted to the rank of commander. The Proser- pine was added to the British navy under the name of Amelia. This is also a medal action.

The Legere, the last of Commodore Moulston's squadron, was captured on the 22 nd of June by the British frigates Apollo and Doris, Captains John Manley and Charles Jones.

On the 8th of June, the Dutch 36-gun frigate Jason, Captain Donckum, was carried into Greenock by the crew, which had placed the captain and officers in confinement. The ship was taken possession of by the 16-gun brig Pen- guin, Commander John K. Pulling.

On the 9th of June, the fleet, under Sir John Jervis, while cruising off Toulon, observed a corvette, which took shelter in Hyeres Koads, under the batteries of Porquerolles. Cap- tain Macnamara, of the 32-g-un frigate Southampton, having received permission to go in and attack her, stood in shore accordingly, and at 8h. 30m. p.m. succeeded in getting along- side the Utile, of twenty-four guns. Captain Fran9ois Vega, lying close under the heavy guns of Fort Bregan9on. After a few broadsides, she was gallantly boarded by Lieutenant Charles Lydiard and a party of seamen, and after ten minutes' spirited resistance carried. The French captain fell mortally wounded while fighting at the head of his crew ; and the Utile sustained a further loss of eight killed and seven- teen wounded. One marine of the Southampton was killed. After passing and receiving a heavy fire from the batteries,

179 6. J THE BRITISH NAVY. 431

tlie frigate with her prize rejoined the fleet at Ih. p.m. on the 10th. The Utile was purchased into the service, and imme- diately commissioned by Lieutenant Lydiard, who was most deservedly promoted to the command of her. The naval medal is granted for the action.

On the 15th of July, the 50-gun ship Glatton^ (armed with CS-poimder carronades on the lower and 32-pounders on the upper deck), Caj)tain Henry Trollope, being on a cruise near the coast of Flanders, fell in with a squadron of four French fiigates and two corvettes, bearing down to join a brig and a cutter. At 8h. p.m. the Glatton steered for the French ships, which were by this time formed in line on the larboard tack. Captain Trollope deeming this a good opportunity for trying the effect of his novel armament. The French squadron was composed of the 46-gun frigate Brutus (a razeed 64-gun ship) ; 38-gun frigate Incorruptible ; 36-g-un frigate Magicienne ; Kepublicain, twenty-eight ; two corvettes of twenty-two guns each, and a cutter. At 9h. 45m. the Glatton arrived abreast of the three sternmost ships, but reserving her fire, she steered for the largest, being the second from the van ; Cap- tain Trollope considering this to be the commodore's ship, hailed and ordered her to strike. French colom's were instantly displayed, and the whole squadron commenced firing on the Glatton. Being within twenty yards of the enemy, the Glatton poured in her terrific broadside. The van ship, which was ahead of the Glatton's opponent, tacked, and in passing the Glatton to windward, received the contents of her larboard broadside. The effect was astounding, and the frigate showed no desire for a repetition. The Glatton continued on the larboard tack, to windward of the French commodore, although the pilot declared to Captain TroUope that the ship would soon be ashore. Captain Trollope's reply was, '•' When the French ship takes the gi-ound, do you go about." The enemy soon afterwards hove in stays, and in tliis position received a raking broadside from the Glatton. The Glatton also tacked, but -svith difficulty ; and her masts being much wounded, the men were ordered up to reef the topsails. The French ships deeming that the Glatton, from her temporary silence, was about to surrender, tacked to

432 BATTLES OF [1796.

close with lier, but the fire from the British ship soon com- pelled them to haul off again ; and the whole squadron, thus completely beaten, made sail out of gunshot. To pursue was useless, as the Glatton's sailing powers were not on a par with her broadside force ; and the French sliips therefore on the follo^\ing day reached Flushing, where one of the sliips sank, and four of them had their decks ripped up, and re- ceived great damage ; but their loss in killed was never ascer- tained. The Glatton had none killed and two (Captain H. L. Strangways, of the marines, and one marine) wounded. For this most dashing performance Captain Trollope was pre- sented by the merchants of London with an elegant piece of plate.

On the 22nd of July, the 32-gmi frigate Aimable, Captain Jemmett Mainwaring, fell in with the French 36-gun frigate Pensee, off Guadaloupe. At 6h. 3om. p.m. the frigates crossed on opposite tacks, and a close action began, wliich continued until 8h. 10m., when the French ship crowded sail to escape. The Aimable continued in chase all night, and at 7h. on the following morning the Pensee, having shortened sail, the Aimable, at 8h. 35m., closed, and both ships bore up and •engaged until 9h., when the Pensee again made sail, pursued by her opponent. At lOh. the Aimable had fallen so far to leeward as to be out of gunshot ; and the Pensee succeeded in reachino; St. Thomas's much damaged, and is said to have had ninety men killed and wounded. The Aimable had two men wounded.

On the 8th of August, at noon, the 12-pounder 32-gmi frigate Mermaid, Captain Pobeii} W. Otway, brought to close action the French 18-pouuder 40-gun frigate Vengeance, and engaged until 3h. 40m., when the French sliip took refuge under the batteries, and finally succeeded in reaching Basse- terre, Guadaloupe. The Mermaid had none killed or wounded, but the Vengeance had twelve killed and twenty-six wounded.

On the 19th of August, a treaty of alhance, ofiensive and defensive, betvreen Fi-ance and Spain, was signed at Madrid, binding each nation to furnish fifteen sail of the line and ten frigates, reciprocally, when circumstances requii'ed it.

On the 23rd of August, the French 3G-gun frigate Ancko- maque was chased by the squadron under Sir John B. AVarren,


and driven on shore and destroyed near Arcasson, by the 18-pouncler 32-giin frigate Galatea, Captain Kichard G. Keats, and 18-gun brig Sylph, Commander John C. White.

On the 25th of August, in lat. 41° 39' N"., long. 66° 24' W., the 20-gun ship Raison, Captain John P. Beresford, engaged the French 40-gun frigate Vengeance, late the opponent of the Mermaid ; but a fog coming on, the combatants separated. The Raison received much damage, and had three men killed and six wounded.

On the 28th of August, a squadron of five sail, under the command of Yice- Admiral George Murray, in the 7 4 -gun ship Resolution, being off the Chesapeake, chased three French fi'igates. The 36-gun frigate Topaze, Ca2}tain Stephen G. Chiu-ch, overtook and captm-ed the 36-gun frigate EUzabeth. The others escaped.

On the 9 th of September, an action occurred in the East- Indies, off Point Pedro, in the Straits of Malacca, betAveen the squadron of Rear-Admiral Sercey, consisting of six frigates, and the British 74-gun ships Victorious and Arro- gant, Captains Richard Lucas and William Clark, It being calm, the Victorious had to sustain the raking broadsides of three heaAy frigates for some time, without the pov/er of retuiTdng anything more than her stern-chasers ; and a breeze springing up, the French squadron made off, leaving the British ships very much disabled. The Victorious had .seventeen seamen and marines killed ; and her commander, one midshipman, and fifty-five seamen and marines wounded. The Arrogant had one midshipman and six seamen killed and twenty-seven wounded. The loss of the French squadron amounted to forty-two killed and 104 wounded.

On the 23rd of September, at daybreak, being off Desirade, the 18-gun brig Pelican, Commander John C. Searle, was found close imder the lee of a large French frigate. To escape appeared impossible, and the crew, it is said, were at first disposed to consider an attempt to defend the brig use- less ; but on being remonstrated with, they gave three cheers, and determined to fight while the brig would swim. At 7h. A.M. the Pelican shortened sail, and v/aited the approach of her formidable enemy ; and the latter having got within reach of the brig, opened her fire. Captain Searle deter- mining on engaging at close quaii;ers, where Ids 32-pound

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434 BATTLES OF [1796.

carronades would have full eflfect, allowed the frigate to approach within musket-shot before returning her fire^ when she poured in her broadside. The brig maintained a close action with the French fHgate for upwards of an hour and a half, when the latter, apparently in great confusion, ceased firing, and set her mainsail. The Pehcan had only one man wounded, but her sails, masts, and yards were ciit to pieces.

While repauTng damages, a strange sail was discovered from the Pelican's masthead, which in the course of the day she captured. The prize was the Alcyon, a British victualler, prize to the French frigate M6dee, which the Pelican had beaten off. The Alcyon, however, was on the following day retaken by the boats of the M6dee. The prize-master — acting Lieutenant Thomas Ussher — ^who was carried prisoner into Guadaloupe, ascertained the force and loss of the Peli- can's opponent. The Pelican's fii^st broadside killed the man at the wheel, wounded three men, and disabled a gun ; and the Medee's loss, out of 300 men, was thirty-three killed and wounded. Ou reaching port, the French captain gave out that the Medee had engaged a frigate with her mizen-mast out. The Pelican had only ninety-seven men and boys on board during the action.

On the 13th of October, at daybreak, the 12 -pounder 32-gun frigate Terpsichore, Captain Richard Bowen, dis- covered the Spanish 34-gun frigate Mahonesa, Captain Don Ayaldi, wliich at 9h. 30m. a.m. approached within hail of the British frigate, and fought a spirited action until lOh. 20m. The Terpsichore being disabled in her rigging, the Mahonesa endeavoured to escape ; but having repaired damages, the Terpsichore again succeeded in getting alongside her enemy, and compelled her to strike. The Mahonesa, out of 275, had thnty men killed and thii-ty wounded ; but the Terpsichore, whose crew numbered only 182, had four wounded. This action was fought off Carthagena, where the Spanish fleet was at anchor. The above is a naval medal action.

On the 26th of November, the 28-gun frigate Lapwing, Captain Robert Barton, being off Anguilla, at lOh. p.m. brought to action the French 20-gan sliip Decius and the 6-gun brig Yaillante, having on board upwards of 200 troops. AAer an hour's contest, the brig bore away, and in twenty minutes the Decius surrendered. After securing her prize.

1796.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 435

the Lapwing chased the brig, which she drove on shore, and completely destroyed. The Lap^ving had one man killed and six woinided ; but the Decius is represented to have lost out cf 336 men, including troops, eighty killed and forty wounded. On the following day, the Lapwing Avas pursued by the ThetLs and Pensee, upon wliich Caj)tain Barton set the prize on fire. The above is a naval medal action.

On the 12th of December the Terpsichore, having repaired the damages received in action with the Mahonesa, was off Cadiz, and at daybreak made sail for a frigate on her weather quarter. Owing to a fresh gale, which lasted throughout the day, and the variableness of the wind, nothing could be done. On the 13th, at 9h. 30m. p.m., the stranger — the French 36-g'un frigate Yestale, Captain Eoucaud, shortened sail, and allowed the Terpsichore to come witliin hail of her weather quarter. Having received no reply to his hail, Captain Bowen, being about half pistol-shot distant on her weather beam, commenced the action. A spirited contest ensued, and at llh. 40m., the French frigate having been reduced to an unmanageable state, with her captain and principal officers killed, hauled down her colours. The Vestale's mizen-mast fell shortly afterwards ; and at that time another gun going off accidentally, badly wounded in the shoulder Lieutenant George Bowen, who was the only lieutenant on board. The British frigate commenced the action with 166 men and boys, and had four men killed, and eighteen, including Lieutenant Bowen and Francis W. Fane, midshipman, wounded. The Vestale, out of 270 men, had her captain, two officers, and twenty-seven men killed, and thirty-seven wounded. The Vestale's fore and main-masts fell before she was folly in possession of the British ; and being a wreck uj)on an enemy's coast, and lee shore in a strong gale of wind, Captaia Bowen was unable to secure his prize. The Terpsichore was Avith difficulty saved. The master of the Terpsichore, James Elder, was in charge of the prize, and having anchored her, she rode out the gale during the night. On the succeeding day, the Terpsichore attempted to tow her off the land, but was unsuccessful, and the frigate, having all her crew on board, which it had been fomid impossible to remove, was left another night in the same predicament. The prisoners dujing the night rose upon the small prize crew, and carried

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436 BATTLES OF [1796.

the ship into Cadiz. The naval medal is granted for this action.

On the 19th of December, the 40-gmi frigate Minerve, Captain George Cockburn, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore Nelson, on her passage to Gibraltar, fell in with the Spanish frigates Sabina and Ceres. The 32-gun frigate Blanche, Captain D'Arcy Preston, being in company -with the Minerve, was ordered to attack the Ceres, while the Minerve stood for the largest of the two ships, which Vv^as the 40-gun frigate Sabina. At lOh. 40m. the Minerve brought the Sabina to action, and engaged till Ih. 30m. p.m., when the frigate, having had her mizen-mast shot away, and ten men killed and forty-five wounded, surrendered. The Minerve had one midsliipman and six seamen killed, and Lieutenant James Noble, the boatswain, and thirty-two men wounded. The Blanche forced the Ceres to haul doAvn her colours, but was unable to take possession, owing to the approach of the Spanish frigates Matilda and Perla.

The Sabina was taken in tow by the Minerve, and Lieu- tenants John Culverhouse and Thomas M. Hardy, ^ith forty men, were put on board as a prize crew. At 4h. p.m. the Spanish 34-gun frigate Matilda approached the Minerve, upon wliich she cast off the Sabma and commenced the action with this ship. The Matilda would have been added to the Minerve's trophies, had not the approach of a Spanish three- decker and two frigates made it imperative upon the British frigate to provide for her own safety. The Minerve, on the morning of the 20th, was to leeward of the Spaniards, and would, in all probability, have been captured, had not the Sabina, on board which sliip English colom'S v>^ere hoisted over Spanish, succeeded in drawing the whole squadron in chase. The Spaniards continued a runni>ig fire ujDon the Sabina, but could not induce her to surrender until the Minerve was out of reach, when her fore and main -masts having fallen, the Sabina struck, and was taken possession of. Lieutenants Culverhouse and Hardy were taken to Cartha- gena, from whence they were soon after exchanged, and rejoined the British fleet in time to communicate valuable information, and share in the glories of the 14th of February. The naval medal has been awarded to the Minerve for this action.

1796.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 437

Holland being under the dominion of France, many clianges took place in the Dutch colonies this year. Colombo, in the island of Ceylon, was captured by a British squadron, consisting of the 32-gun frigate Heroine, Captain Alan H. Gardner ; 1 6-gun sloops Rattlesnake, Echo, and Swift, Com- manders E. Kamage, A. Todd, and John S. Rainier, with transpoi-ts, <fcc., containing troops under Colonel Stuart. The spice and merchandize, independent of the naval stores, Tv'ere valued at iJ300,000 sterling. On the 16th, Amboyna sm-rendered to an expedition under Rear-Admiral Peter Rainier ; and on the 8th of March, Banda^ was taken posses- sion of by the same squadron.

On the 17th of August a Dutch squadron,^ commanded by Rear- Admiral Lucas, was captured in Saldanha Bay by a squadron under Yice-Admiral Sir George Keith Elphinstone.

On the 24th of December, the 64-gun ship Polyphemus, Captain Geo. Lumsdaine, captured the French 50-gun ship Justine armee en-Jlute, having on board 600 troops and military stores. Before she could be secured, however, a violent gale came on, in which she foundered with all hands. On the 31st the Polyphemus captured the French 40-gun frigate Tortue, after a chase of four hours and running action.

' Each of the captains present at the taking of Amboyna and Banda received as their share of prize-money £15,000.

438 BATTLES OF [1797.


On the ITtli of December, last year, a fleet of seventeen sail of the line, under Vice- Admiral Morard de Galles, with thirteen frigates and some transports, sailed from Brest, having 17,500 troops on board, with the intention of landing on some part of the Irish coast, to assist the cause of the rebellion. General Hoche was commander-in-cliief, having under him Grouchy and Humbert. On the 22nd, fifteen sail reached Bantry Bay, the Seduisant, seventy-four, having been wrecked on the Steven et Rock, in going out of Brest, and the Nestor, seventy-fom', with three frigates, having parted company. A heavy gale got up on the 23rd, and blew with such increased violence on the 25th, that the fleet separated.

On the 1st of January, Rear- Admiral Bouvet, with six ships, returned to Brest. On the 11th, five more reached the same port ; and on the 13th, four sail of the line also got in. The 74-gun ship Droits de I'Homme, Commodore La Crosse, hov/ever, continued to be buflfeted about by heavy gales, until the 7th, when, having looked into Bantry Bay, and not finding any of the French fleet, he steered for Belle- Isle.

On the 13th, at 3h. 30m. p.m., Ushant bearing north-east, distant fifty leagues, two sail were discovered to leeward, which were the 44-gun frigate Indefatigable, Captain Sir Edward Pellew, and 36-gun frigate Amazon, Captain Ro- bert C. Reynolds. At 4h. 15m. the Indefatigable made out the stranger to be a sliip of the line without a poop, and shortly afterwards her fore and main-top masts were seen to go over the side in a heavy squall. At 5h. 30m., the Indefatigable, being seven or eight miles ahead of the Amazon, closed ^vith the disabled sliip to windward, and exchanged broadsides, both ships being ofi" the wind. The Indefatigable then endeavoured to shoot ahead and rake

1797.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 439

her ; but the French ship luffed tip, and attempted to run the frigate on board. This evohition, obliging the Indefati- o-able to haul close to the wind, gave the Droits de I'llomme an opportunity of bestowing upon the frigate a raking fire from her main-deck guns. Fortunately for the frigate, the sea ran so high, and the sills of the 74-gun ship's lower-deck ports being a foot nearer to the water's edge than in the generality of French ships of her class, the principal battery- was rendered useless.

At 6h. 45m. the Amazon arrived on the quarter of the French ship, within pistol-shot, and fired her broadside ; ]3ut an attempt at raking was again evaded ; and both frigates continued to engage on the same side imtil 7h. 30m., when they passed ahead. At 8h. 30m., the frigates placed themselves one on each bow of the Droits de rHomme, raking her with great effect, which the 74 could only return by yawing occasionally. At lOh. 30m. p.m., the niizenmast of the French ship was cut away, on which the frigates took positions on either quarter of their opponent ; and the action continued, with the exception of a short interval, until 4h. 20m. a.m. ; when Lieutenant George Bell (2), of the Indefatigable, discovered the land, by the aid of a glimpse of moonhght, about two miles ahead, bearing about north- east. The Indefatigable immediately hauled to the Avind. The lieutenant had scarcely reported the land to Sir Edward Pellew, when breakers were discovered on the lee bow. At daybreak, the land appearing close on the Indefatigable's weather bow, and breakers to leeward, the ship wore to the southward. At 7h. a.m., on the 14th, the Droits de I'Homme was seen ashore, in Audierne Bay, lying on her broadside, with a tremendous surf breaking over her. The Indefa- tigable passed within a mile of her, without the possibility of rendering assistance, and, at llh. A.M., with the utmost difficulty weathered the Penmarks. The Amazon was not so fortunate. Seeing the signal of her consort for danger, she stood to the northward, and in about half an hour after- wards struck on the rocks. The crew, with the exception of six men, Avere safely landed and made prisoners.

During the action the sea ran so high, that the crews of the frigates were up to their knees in water on the main-

440 BATTLES OF . [1797.

deck. Tlie Indefatigaole had four feet water in tlie hold, and her masts were badly wounded. The Amazon was nearly in the same state, and had expended all her cordage in ree\dng new rigging. The Indefatigable, out of 330 men, had her first lieutenant, John Thompson, and eighteen, including John M^Keiiie, midshipman, wounded. The Amazon, out of 260, had three killed and fifteen wounded. The Droits de I'Homme, out of 1,300 men, had 100 killed and 150 wounded, and the remainder of her crew, except about 200, miserably perished in endeavouring to reach the shore. Lieutenants Thompson and Robert B. Lit- tlehales (of the Amazon) were promoted to the rank of commander — the former January 30th, and the latter in September. This action is distuiguished by the grant of the naval medal.

On the 28th of January, a homeward-bound squadron of five or six H.E.I.C. ships, consisting of the Woodford, Ocean, Taunton Castle, Canton, and Boddam, Captains- Charles Lennox, Andrew Patton, Edward Studd, Abel Yy- vyan, and George Palmer, being ofi" the east end of Java, fell in with a French squadron of six frigates under Rear- Admiral Sercey. Fortunately, however, Captain Lennox's squadron exliibited so bold an appearance, that the Forte, which had bore up to reconnoitre, pronounced it to be com- posed of two line-of-battle ships and four fngates, and in consequence, M. Sercey crowded all sail, and left the mer- chant ships to pursue their way.

On the 31st of January, the 32-gun frigate Andromache, Captam John M. Mansfield, ha\dng run far ahead of a squadron of frigates, under Lord Garlics, in the Lively, cruising ofi" Tangiers, came up -svith a frigate, which, on being hailed, answered in Spanish, and the Andromache then opened fire. After forty minutes' close action, the stranger, having failed in several attempts to board, in which she lost a great many men, hauled down her colours. She proved to be an Algerine, about the same force as the Andromache, and had taken the latter for a Portuguese frigate. The British ship had three men Idlled and six wounded. The Aigerme's loss amounted to sixty-six killed and fifty woimded.




Sir Jolin JervLs sailed from the Tagiis, on the 18th of January ; and, being reinforced on the Gth of February by five ships from England, his fleet consisted of the follow- ing :—

Guiis. Ships.

r ( Admiral Sir J. Jervis, K.B. (blue)

I Victory I Captain Robert Calder

IGO-j ( _„ George Grey

-rj . . \ Vice-Adm. Chas. Thompson (blue)

l^ljritannia | Captain Thomas Foley

\ Vice- A dm. Hon. W. Waldegrave (blue)

( Captain J. Richard Dacres

j Rear-Adm, William Parker (red)

( Captain John Irwin

j Blenheim „ Thomas Lenox Frederick

LNamur ,, James Hawkins Whitshed

{ Commodore Horatio Nelson ( Captain Ralph Willett Miller ,, Sir C. H. Knowles, Bart.

( Barfleur

OS -( Prince George



Captain .. .

Goliath Excellent . . Orion . . . .

Colossus . . Egmont . . Culloden . . . Irresistible Diadem . .

18 Cutter

,, Cuthbert Collingwood ... ,, Sir James Saumai'ez

„ George Murray ... ,, John Sutton

„ Tliomas Troubridge „ George Martin ,, George Henry Towry Frigates.

Lively Captain Lord Garlies

Niger ,, Edward James Footo

Southampton .... ,, James Macnamara

Bonne Citoyenne Commander Charles Lindsay

( Raven . . ., ,, William Prowse

Fox Lieutenant John Gibson

On the 13th of Febi-uary, the Minerv^e, Captain George Cockburn, having on board Sir Gilbert Elliott, the ex- viceroy of Corsica, and Commodore ISTelson, joined the fleet, Avitli intelligence that, on the 11th, the Miner ve had been chased by the Spanish fleet, and before dark the signal-guns of the Spanish fleet were heard. At 2h. 30m. a.m., on the 14tli of February, the Carlotta, a Portuguese frigate, com- manded by Captain Campbell (a native of Scotland, but bearing a Portuguese commission), brought information that the Spanish fleet was then about five leagues to windward ; and at Gh. 30m., the following fleet, commanded by Don Josef de Cordova, hove in sight : —




Guns. Ships.

130 Santisima Trinidad (flag) Concepcion Conde de Regla Mexicano ] Principe de Asturias Salvador del Mundo t San Josef


Q^ \ Neptuno ^" / San Nicolas


Guns. Ships.

I'Glorioso Oriente Relayo San Antonio San Domingo San Francisco de Paula 74 -| San Genaro San Ildefonso San Juan Nepomuceno San Pablo San Ysidro Soberano I Terrible

Atalante Bahama Conquistador Firme

Twelve frigates and one brig.

Britisli fleet, in two divisions, was

on the starboard tack, •with the wind at west by

At 8h. Cape St. Vincent bore east by north, distant

eight leagues. The morning was hazy with a light

standing close-

The hauled south, about

breeze. At lOh., the Culloden, Blenheim, Prince George, Colossus, Irresistible, and Orion were ordered to chase in the south-west, and accordingly made sail ; but just before llh., the fog clearing away discovered to the British admiral the whole force of the enemy.

1 ^ ^^

llh. A.M.

^-- ^













1797.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 443

Tlie state of the Spanisli fleet at tliis time we have en- deavoured to illustrate by the foregoing diagram. It will be observed, that the weather division of the enemy was endeavoming to effect a junction with the six ships to lee- ward on the larboard tack, which six sliips the British admiral determined, if possible, to cut off. The British chasing ships, therefore, were recalled ; and the line formed as most convenient, close-hauled on the starboard tack. The Spanish admiral finding, as he advanced, that, by per- severing in his plan of joining his lee division, he must, with his fleet in great disorder, attack the British fleet, approaching in a well-formed and compact line, gave up his intention ; and wore round on the larboard tack, steering about three or four points off the wind ; two three-deckers and one 74-gun ship only joining the six detached ships. At llh. 30m,, the British fleet, formed thus — Culloden, Blenheim (rather to windward), Prince George, Orion, Co- lossus (to windward). Irresistible, Yictory, Egmont, Goliath, Barfleur, Britannia, Namur, Captain, Diadem, Excellent — hoisted their colours, and in a few minutes affcei'wards the signal to engage having been made, the Culloden opened her starboard broadside upon the Spanish weather division, as did also the Blenheim and Prince George (distantly), receiving in return the fire of the Spanish sliips. At about ten minutes past noon, the Culloden having past the rearmost shij), tacked per signal. The Blenheim, Prince George, and Orion, about six minutes intervening between each, followed the Culloden.

The Spanish lee division, by continuing to stand on the larboard tack, had by this time neared the British line, and now opened fire upon it, by which the Colossus sustained much damage, and while in the act of going about, had her fore- yard and fore-topmast shot away ; in consequence of which she missed stays, and was obliged to wear. Being thus thrown to leeward of the line, the Colossus became for a time closely engaged with the leading Spanish three-decker ; but the gallant conduct of the Orion, which ship backed her maintopsail to cover the crippled ship, preserved her from firrther molestation, and the Colossus fell to leeward, and was subsequently taken in tow by the ]Minerve. At about 12h. 30m., the leading ship of the lee division, supposed to

444 BATTLES OF [1797.

have Leeu the Principe de Asturias^ bearing a vice-admirars flag, attempted to cut the line ahead or astern of the Victory ; but that sliip poured so tremendous a fire into the Spanish three-decker, that she tacked in great confusion. The Victory then backed her mizen-topsail, and fired several destructive raking broadsides ; so that the whole division gave up their plan of cutting the British line, wore round, and bore up ; one ship, however, continued on the larboard tack, and passing to leeward, and astern of the British fleet, succeeded in joining the division to windward. At 12h. 45m. the Victory tacked, and at that time the follo^ving may be considered as pretty nearly the position of the two fleets.



or: cr>- ^-^ O-

VlC V->^ *-^ r'-V r^L-^, "" C>- ^:^^i:>-




SI'.LtE DIVISION'. V\ t21-..45.mP.rA


At about Ih. p.m., the Spanish admu^al, in the weather di\dsion, bore up to joui the ships to leeward, wliich design being observed by Commodore Nelson, he immediately gave directions to Captain Miller to wear the ship ; and this being done, she passed between the Diadem and Excellent, and closed the British van. We may here remark, that, although no signal was made to warrant this movement of the commodore's, liis position in the rear of the line enabled him to observe more clearly the design of the Spanish admiral. The time which must, unavoidably, have been lost in obtaining the admiral's permission would have proved

1797.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 445

fatal to the execution of his manoeuvre. If the responsibility- was great on his part, therefore, so was the necessity, and the result was such as fully to justify his disregard of the formalities of the service.


■•■•... cut- ■ '■■'■- '' ' '

/ / '




The Spanish admiral, thus promptly met, again hauled up. The Captain overtook and gallantly engaged the Santisima Trinidad ; but being relieved by the Culloden from the fire of the four-decker, the commodore pushed on in search of another opponent. As fresh ships arrived up to the support of the engaged ships, the action became more general ; and two of the Spanish 74-gun ships, San Ysidro and the Salvador, being in a disabled state, dropped astern ; and after much cannonading, surrendered, and were taken in tow by the Diadem and Lively. The Excellent, at 2h. 30m., arrived abreast of the Salvador del jMundo, and engaged her for a short time j but crossing her bows, Collingwood passed




Oil to the support of Nelson, then in the thickest of the fire, and engaging the San Nicolas. The Excellent nobly passed between these two opponents, thereby giving the Caj^tain an opportunity of replenishing her shot-lockers. At about 3h. 20m., the Excellent, having fired her broadside into the San Nicolas within less than pistol-shot distance, made sail ahead, leaving the Captain to deal with that ship, while she sought a fresh oj)ponent. The San Nicolas, in luffing up to avoid the Excellent's fire, ran foul of the San-Josef, which ship was also much shattered, and had lost her mizenmast in her engagement ^\ith the Prince George and other ships. No sooner had the Excellent shot clear of the San Nicolas,

than the Captain recom- menced firing ; but her fore-topmast having fal- len, and the ship being otherwise in a crippled state, it soon became evi- dent that, unless some- thing were done, the Captain must drop astern of the Spanish fleet, and lose the reward of her labom's. Nelson there- fore determined to board his immediate opponent, the San Nicolas, and orders being given to starboard the helm, the Caj)tain ran foul of the Spanish sliip, with her larboard cathead striking the starboard quarter of the enemy, and her spritsail-yard hooking the mizen-rigging. The boarding is vigorously described in Nelson's letter. " The soldiers of the 69th " (doing duty as marines), " with an alacrity which will ever do them credit, and Lieutenant Pearson, of the same regiment, were almost the foremost on this service. The first man who jumped into the enemy's mizen-chains was Captain Berry, late my first lieutenant (Captain Miller was in the very act of going also, but I


\ SAM J05EF.

/ ^\




\ .-

Jl SAN Nicholas,



^^■^-^.^^^ \cAP.T/aW.

\ ^^"7""*^-^


1797.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 447

dii-ected him to remain) ; lie was supported from our sprit- sail-yard, wbiicli hooked in the mizen-rigging, A soldier of the 69th regiment having broken the upper quarter-gallery window, I jumped in myself, and was followed by others as fast as possible. I found the cabin-doors fastened, and some Spanish officers fired their pistols ; but having broken open the doors, the soldiers fired, and the Spanish brigadier (com- modore with a distinguishing pendant) fell as he was retreat- ing to the quarter-deck. I pushed onwards immediately for the quarter-deck, where I found Captain Berry in j^ossession of the poop, and the Spanish ensign hauling down. I passed with my peoj)le and Lieutenant Pearson along the larboard gangway to the forecastle, where I met two or three Spanish officers, prisoners to my seamen ; they delivered me their swords. A fire of pistols or muskets opening from the ad- miral's stern-gallery of the San Josef, I directed the soldiers to fire into her stern; and, calling to Captain Miller, ordered liim to send more men into the San Nicolas, and directed my people to board the first-rate, which was done in an instant. Captain Berry assisting me into the main-chains. At this moment a Spanish officer looked over the quarter-deck rail, and said they surrendered. From this most welcome intel- ligence it was not long before I was on the quarter-deck ; when the Spanish captain, with a bow, presented me his sword, and said the admiral was dying of his wounds. I asked him on his honoui' if the ship was surrendered. He declared she was ; on which I gave him my hand, and desired him to call on his officers and ship's company, and tell them of it, which he did ; and on the quarter-deck of a Spanish first-rate, extravagant as the story may seem, did I receive the swords of the vanquished Spaniards, which as I received I gave to William Fearney, one of my bargemen, who put them with the greatest sang-froid under his arm. I was surrounded by Captain Berry, Lieutenant Pearson (of the 69th), John Sykes, John Thompson, Francis Cook — all old Agamemnons^ — and several other brave men, sailors and soldiers. Thus fell these two ships."

The Excellent, after quitting the San Nicolas, placed her- self alongside the Santisima Trinidad, already engaged by

' Lieutenant James Noble, likewise an '''old Agamemnon" and faithful follower of Nelson, ably assisted in boarding the San Nicolas.

448 BATTLES OP [1797.

Orion and Irresistible, The four-decker must also liave been added to the trophies of the day, as her fore and mizen- masts were gone and her guns silenced ; but, fortunately for her, the Spa,nish lee division coming up on the larboard tack, and four other ships bearing down to her support, she ^vas rescued. It is stated that this ship actually struck to the Orion, and hoisted English colom's. The Victory, at 3h. 50m., made the signal to brmg-to, in ordei* to cover the prizes and disabled ships, and to form a line in the Victory's wake. At 4h. 50m. the Britannia, Orion, and some other ships, ex- changed broadsides with the Sj^anish fleet ; but at 5h. p.m. all firing ceased.

The British fleet — with the exception of the Captain, Blen- heim, and Culloden — sustained little damage in then* masts and rigging. The ships most actively engaged in this celebrated action are jDretty correctly pointed out in the subjoined list of killed and v/ounded. We have abstained from giving the credit to any ship in particular of making a prize of any of the captured ships. Although this or that ship might have struck to any individual shij), it does not follow that the prize in question is due to that sliip. The credit of capturing the San Ysidro has been awarded to the Excellent, whereas the Excellent had less to do in obliging that ship to sur- render than either the Culloden or the Blenheim. It is also said that the Santisima Trinidad hauled down her colours to ,the Orion ; but, admitting this, the Orion's list of wounded — killed she had none — affords a clear proof it was not to the lire of that ship that the surrender was attributable. As v/ell might w^e claim for Nelson the captm*e of the San Josef, which he in liis own letter does not claim. The Spanish prizes were the prizes to the fleet generally ; but especially to the Captain, Culloden, Blenheim, Excellent, Prince George, Irresistible, &c. Not that by this selection we mean to deny credit to all the sliips of the fleet : the positions of the other ships alone prevented them from taking an equally prominent part ^vith those which did get into action. Had not the Captain v/ore out of the line, that ship would pro- bably, like other ships near her, have been prevented from getting into the action.

The killed and wounded were as follows : —







First Lieutenants,


10 12


5 1

2 25


47 49 7 9 5 14 5

8 7 1 5

56 2


Anselm J. Griffiths Robert Campbell Robert Williams John Luce Richard Prater William Bevians Hugh Downman George Burdett Joseph L. Popham John Bligh Valentine CoUard James Nash Peter Spicer H. E. R. Baker John Mortimer


Prince George















Officers killed and wounded : — Culloden : Lieutenant of marines George A. Livingstone, killed. Blenheim : Lieu- tenant E. Libby, Mate J. Moxon, and James Peacock, boat- swain, wounded. Orion : Thomas Mansel, midshipman, wounded. Irresistible : Lieutenant A. Thompson, Midship- men W. Balfour and H. McKinnon, wounded. Captain : Major William Norris, marines, James Goodench, midshipman, killed ; and Commodore Nelson, — Carrington, boatswain, and Thomas Lund, midshipman, wounded. Excellent : Peter Peffers, boatswain, killed ; and Mate E. A. Down, wounded.

Many of the enemy's ships suffered materially ; among the number were the Santisima Trinidad, the Principe de Asturias, and the Conde de Pegla. The Salvador lost her top- masts, and had 160 killed and wounded ; San Ysidro also lost her topmasts, twenty-nine killed and sixty-four wounded ; San Josef lost mizenmast and main-topmast, and 140 killed and wounded; San Nicolas the fore-topmast, and 140 killed and sixty woimded. The Santisima is reported to have had 200 killed and wounded.

On the 15th, at break of day, the two fleets were in sight of each other, and in the afternoon the Spanish fleet bore down, as if inchned to renew the action ; but no sooner had the British made a disposition to receive an attack, than.

VOL. I. 2 G

450 BATTLES OF [1797.

they hauled up again. On the 16th, the British fleet and prizes anchored in Lagos Bay, where the prisoners (about 3,000) were landed ; and on the 28th, the fleet and prizes arrived at Lisbon. Sir John Jervis was created a peer, by the title of Baron Jervis, of Meaford, and earl of St. Vincent, Avith a pension of £3,000 per annum. ^ Vice- Admiral Thomp- son and Rear- Admiral Parker were created baronets ; and Vice- Admiral the Hon. W. Waldegrave was rewarded by a lucrative appointment. Commodore Nelson, who was not mentioned in Sir John Jervis's letter, was made a knight of the Bath.

On the 17th of February, the island of Trinidad surren- dered to a British squadron, consisting of the undermentioned ships : —

Guiis. Ships.

qs Prince of Wales \ Rear- Admiral John Harvey yb l-rmce ot VVaie^ . . | Captain .John Harvey

iBellona .. .-. ... .. ,, George "Wilson Vengeance ... ... . . „ Thomas M. Kussell Invincible ... ... . . „ William Cayley

64 Scipio ,, Cliarles S. Davers

Frigates — Arethusa, Alai-m ; sloops — Favourite, Zebra, Zephyr, Thom^ and Victorieuse ; and Terror, bomb.

The troops were under the command of Lieutenant- General Sir Ralph Abercromby. On the approach of the British squadron, four Spanish sail of the line and one frigate, lying in Shaggaramus Bay, were set on fire by their own crews, and, excepting the 74-gun sliip San Damaso, were destroyed. The latter was taken unresisting possession of by the boats of the British squadron.

On the 22nd of February, a French frigate squadron anchored in Fisgard Bay, on the Welsh coast, where they landed about 1,200 men, principally galley-slaves, who were, however, quickly made prisoners by a body of militia, imder Lord Cawdor. The French 40-gun frigate Resistance, Captain Laroque, and 2 2 -gun corvette Constance, retui^ning from the abovenamed service, were fallen in with ofl" Brest by the British 38-gun frigate San Fiorenza, and 36-gun

' The naval medal was conferred upon the survivors of this action in June, 1847 ; but a private medal was distributed by Earl St. Vincent among a number of his followers, in commemoration of the service.

1797.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 451

frigate IS'ymplie, Captains Sir Harry B. Neale and John Cook, and after a running fight of short diu-ation, both the French ships siuTendered. The 74-gTin ship Robust, and 32-gun frigate Triton, hove in sight at the conclusion of the action. This is a naval medal action.

On the 1st of March, the 32-gun frigate Terpsichore, Captain Richai'd Bowen, discovered the Santisinia Trinidad ofi" Cadiz in a dismasted state, and instantly closed her ; and at lOh. A.M., in a 32-gun frigate, and alone. Captain Bowen brought this large ship to action, and continued to harass her until midnight, when she hauled off to repair damages and fill powder. On the 2nd, Admiral Cordova, with twelve sail, hove in sight, and the Terpsichore made sail for Tangier Bay.

On the 13th of March, the M-g-un cutter Yiper, Lieutenant John Pengelly, captured off Gibraltar, after a smart action, the Spanish 10-gun privateer brig Piteous Yii'gin IMary. The Yiper sustained no loss, but her opponent had one man killed, one mortally, and six badly wounded.

On the 22nd of March, the boats of the 32-gun frigate Hermione, Captain Hugh Pigot, were sent away in charge of Lieutenants David Reid and John Douglas, for the purpose of cutting out a brig and several smaller vessels observed at anchor in shore, between the islands of Zaccheo and Porto Pico. The frigate anchoring within half a mile of a small battery quickly silenced its fire ; but the boats were still met by a formidable resistance from the crews of the thi'ee French privateers, which they attacked. The privateers, with their prizes, were all taken and destroyed, and the guns of the battery, on the following day, were dismounted and spiked. No loss was sustained in the frigate's boats.

On the 1st of April, the 18-gun ship Hazard, Commander Alexander Puddach, captured, after a seven-houi's' chase, off the coast of Ireland, the French 18-gun brig privateer Hardi : the brig lost her topmasts in the chase. On the 2nd of December previously, the Hazard, under the same commander, ^captured the 22-gTin privateer ship Musette, wliich had a crew of 150 men. For the above good services Commander Puddach was promoted.

On the night of the 6th of April, the boats of the Magi- cienne and Pegulus, Captaius WiUiam H. Picketts and.

2 g2

452 BATTLES OF [1797.

William Carthew, under the orders of Lieutenants John F. Maples and Alexander M'Beath, first of their respective ships, assisted by Charles Cheshire and James Read, mastei's, lieutenants of marines Philip and Perry, and George Frazer, John Jordain, surgeon, and Abraham Adams, purser, entered the harbour of Cape Roxo (St. Domingo), the grand resort for French privateers, and receptacle for then- prizes. In a short space of time thirteen square-rigged vessels were cap- tured or destroyed, being all in the port except one Danish ship. Two 2-gun batteries intended for the protection of the harbour were also destroyed, and the service was effected without the loss of a man on the part of the British.

On the 1 6th of April, the French 36-gun frigate Hermione was driven on shore and destroyed about four miles to west- ward of Jean Rabel, St. Domingo, by the squadron of Yice- Admiral Hyde Parker. Having obtained information respecting several privateers and their prizes, which had been carried into Port au Paix and the harbour of Jean Rabel, an expedition was framed, and intrusted to Captain Hugh Pigot, of the British 32-gun frigate Hermione, having under his orders the frigates Quebec and Mermaid, Captains John Cooke and Robert W. Otway ; brig Drake, Commander John Perkins ; and cutter Penelope, Lieutenant Daniel Burdwood. On the 20th of April, the squadron departed on the enterprise, and having reached Avithin two miles of the vessels to be attacked, the boats of the ships put oif, and by 4h. A.M. of the 21st, nine vessels (one ship, three brigs, three schooners, and two sloops) were seen standing out with the land-breeze for the squadron. So well had the service been performed, that not a man in the boats was hurt ; but no mention is made of the names of the officers employed on this occasion.

On the 26th of April, the Irresistible, Captain George Martin, and Emerald, Captain Y. C. Berkeley, chased the Spanish frigates Santa Elena and Ninfa into Conil Bay, near Trafalgar ; and after a smart action the Santa Elena was sunk, and the Ninfa ca2:)tured. The Ninfa was added to the British navy under the name of Hamadryad.

On the 29th of May, Lieutenants Thomas Masterman Hardy, of the Minerve, and Loftus O. Bland, Harry Hopkins, and John Bushby, and Lieutenant Bobert Bulkeley (of the

1797.1 THE BSITISH JTAYY. 4:5%

marines), belongiug to the Lively ; with Lieutenants William Hall Gage and Thomas James Maling, also of the Miner's^ gallantly boarded and earned the French national 14-gutt brig Mutine, lying in the roads of Santa Cruz, Teneriflfe. The prize was brought out, notwithstanding a hea'vy fii^ from the batteries and troops on the beach, and from a large ship also in the road. In this well-conducted attack. Lieu- tenant Hardy and fifteen men, including John Edgar, midshipman, were woimded. Lieutenant Hardy was de- servedly promoted, and the command of the brig conferre<(i upon him. The naval medal has been awarded to those present in the boats on this occasion.

The fleet, under Earl St. Vincent, continued to blockade the Spanish fleet in Cadiz, with K^ar- Admiral Six- Horatid Nelson, K.B., in charge of the in-shore squadron. On the 3rd of July, Sir Horatio was intrusted -with the command of the launches and barges of the fleet, together with the Thunder mortar-vessel, Lieutenant John Gourly, in order t*3- bombard the town, and ten sail of the line at anchor in the harbour. At night, the whole proceeded, and the Thunder, having anchored near the town of San Sebastian, commenced throwing shells with much precision ; but her 13-inch mortar being after a short time rendered unserviceable, it was found necessaiy to remove her. No sooner did the Thunder retreat^ than a number of Spanish gunboats, under the orders of Don Miguel Tyrason, pushed out to attack the British boats. Nelson's barge in the melee became immediately opposed to that of the Spanish commodore, and a most vigorous fight took place ; but at length, eighteen of the crew of the Spanish boat being killed, and nearly all the rest wounded, the launch was captured. The Spaniards retreated, pursued by the British ; and in the course of the conflict, two mortar- boats also fell into their hands. The following officers were wounded in this skirmish : — Captain T. F. Fremantle ; Lieu- tenants William Selby, John E,owe, and Gregory Grant ; Hugh Pearson, master's mate ; and Bobert Tooley, midship- man ; nor must we forget John Sykes,^ Sir Horatio's coxswain,

' John Sykes was shortly afterwards made gunner of the Andromache,, with a view to his further promotion ; but hs was mortally wounded oa the 1st May, 1798, by the bursting of a gun.

4S4: BATTLES OF [1797.

who, at the expense of a severe wonnd in the head, saved the life of his admiral.

A second bombardment took place on the 5th ; the Stromboli, Terror, and Thunder, mortar-vessels^ which were most judiciously placed by Mr. John Jackson, master of the Ville de Paris, covered by the Theseus, and Terpsichore, and Emerald Mgates, proceeded on this service, and considerable execution was done in the town. The loss on this occasion was three men killed and twenty wounded. Among the officers were Lieutenants John Collins and John Hornsey, Captain of marines Thomas Oidfield, and John Collier and John Stephenson, midshipmen.

On the 16th of July, a frigate squadron, under Commo- dore Sir John Warren, drove ashore the French 28-gun frigate Calliope, in Audieme Bay. The 18-gun brig Sylph, Commander John C. White, then stood close in, and opened so effective a fire upon the ftigate, that, on the following day, the latter went to pieces. Several vessels, imder convoy of the Calliope, were taken and burnt by the squadron. The Sylph had five seamen and one marine wounded by the fire of the Calliope. Captain White, in the Sylph, also distinguished himself greatly on the 11th of August following, when he anchored his brig within a mile of Sable d'Olonne, and opened fire upon a corvette and gun-brig at anchor in the roads. The Pomone and Jason joining the Sylph shortly afterwards, the French vessels cut their cables, and ran for the river, at the entrance of which the gun-brig sank. The Sylph, on this occasion, had Henry Wrickson, master's mate, and one seaman killed, and two wounded.

On the 20th of July, the following ships, destined for the attack of Santa Cruz, Teneriffe, imder the orders of Sir Horatio Nelson, arrived off the island: —

Guns. Ships.

mi j Rear- Admiral Sir H. Nelson^ K.B.

xneseus ... ... j q^^^^:^^ j^^|p^ ^ ^j-^g^

Thos. Troubridge Samuel Hood Thos. Frans. Fremantle John Waller Richard Bowen

Lieutenant John Gibson


''* "^ CuUoden

Zealous 38 Seahorse 36 Emerald 32 Terpsichore . Cutter Fox . . ._. . . .

1797.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 455

On the 24tli, tlie squadron was increased by the arrival of Captain Thomas B. Thompson, in the 50-gun ship Leander. After some previous disappointment, on the 25th, at llh. P.M., nearly 700 seamen and marines embarked in the boats of the squadron, 180 on board the Eox, and seventy-five in a captured boat, to which was added a detachment of royal artillery ; making the whole force amount to near 1,100 men. These, commanded by Nelson in person, quitted the ships at Ih. 30m. a.m., and pulled in for the town. When the boats, in which were Captains Fremantle and Bowen, had reached mthin half gun-shot of the mole-head, the alarm was given, and forty pieces of cannon opened at once on the British. The Fox was struck by a large shot, and instantly sank ; and ninety-seven men on board her perished. Sir Horatio, just as his boat touched the shore, was struck by a shot on the elbow, as he was in the act of drawing his sword ; and being thus com- pletely disabled, he was immediately taken on board his ship by the two or three men^ that remained in her, the rest having landed. Seven men were drowned in the boat of Captain Bowen, which was sunk by a shot from the forts. But, notwithstanding all opposition, the landing was ejffected, and the mole-head, defended by 400 men and six 24-pounders, was eventually stormed and carried. Having spiked the guns on the mole, the order was given to advance; but the fire of musketry and grape from the citadel and houses flanking the mole, was so destructive, that very few of those gallant fellows escaped. Among those who fell was Captain Richard Bowen, who, together with his first lieutenant, George Thorpe, met a glorious death.

Captain Troubridge, ha-ving missed the mole-head, landed to the southward of the citadel; and Captain Waller, with several boats, landed at the same time; but the heavy surf, which broke on the beach, induced many to return to their ships, while those who reached the shore had their ammu- nition wetted and spoiled. Captains Troubridge and Waller,

' One of the men, named John Lovell, and who died (1849) a pensioner of Greenwich Hospital, taking his own shirt from his back, tore it into strips, to bandage Sir Horatio's shattered arm. This task he performed with much care, and probably by these means prevented the hero from losing so much blood as he would otherwise have done.

456 BATTLES OF [1797.

-with such men as could be mustered, advanced to the Prado — ^the appointed place of rendezvous ; but not findmg the admiral and the other officers and men there, Troubridge sent a sergeant to summon the citadel to surrender; but the sergeant was supposed to have been shot on his return. Having lost the scaling-ladders in the surf, an attack was impracticable, and Captain Troubridge therefore marched to the south-west, to meet Captains Hood and MiUer. At day- break the survivors amounted to 340 men only, and finding every street defended by artillery, and a force of 8,000 men advanciag, Captain Troubridge proposed to the governor that the British should re-embark with theu' arms, in which case he engaged that the squacU'on should not further attack the town, nor molest any one of the Cauary Islands. These terms having been acceded to, the governor gave permission to the British admiral to purchase such provisions as were required. The loss amounted to Captain Richard Bowen, Lieutenants John Weatherhead, George Thorpe, William Earnshaw, and John Gibson; Lieutenants of marines Kaby Robinson and WilUam Basham ; twenty-three seamen and fourteen marines killed. Bear- Admiral Nelson (right arm amputated). Captains Thomas F. Fremantle and Thomas B. Thompson, Lieutenant John Douglas, Midshipman Robert "VVatts, eighty-five seamen and fifteen marines, wounded; ninety- seven dro^vned and five missing: total, 141 killed and drowned, 105 wounded, and five missing.

On the 10th of August, the French corvette Gaiete, of twenty long 8-pounders and 186 men, was captured in lat. 30° 50' N., long. 55° 50' W., by the 38-gun frigate Are- thusa, Captain. Thomas Wolley. The Gaiete made no effort to escape from the frigate, but on the contrary, engaged her nearly half an horn-, sustaining a loss of two men killed and eight wounded. The Arethusa had one seaman killed, and the captain's clerk (with the loss of a leg) and two men wounded. The Gaiete was a fine ship of 514 tons, and a valuable addition to the British navy.

On the 15th of August, the 6-gun schooner Alexandrian, Lieutenant William W. Senhouse, tender to the flag-ship at Martinique, being on a cruise in search of privateers, cap- tured, after a spmted action, the French privateer schooner

1797.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 457

Coq, of six guns and thirty-four men, and the same evening chased and engaged a second, which escaped. On the 4th of October, in the forenoon, the Alexandrian being off Bar- badoes, engaged the French privateer Epicharis, of eight guns and seventy-four men, and after 50m. compelled her to sun-ender. The Alexandrian, out of her crew of forty men, had one killed and four wounded; and the Epicharis, four killed and twelve severely wounded.

On the 21st of August, early in the morning, the 9-pounder 16-gun brig Penguin, Commander John King Pulling, cmising between Ushant and Scilly, discovered right ahead two armed brigs standing towards her. The Penguin was on the larboard tack, ha\ing a strong breeze of wind from the eastward, accompanied by a heavy sea. The strangers, having arrived about a mile on the weather beam of the Penguin, at 9h. A.M., bore up for her, the headmost having English coloiu's flpng. Captain Pulling discovering the character of the strangers, the Penguin opened fire upon them as they neared, wliich was so well directed that the brigs appeared inclined to relinquish the attack, and hauled to the wind on the starboard tack. The Penguin immediately wore, and, ha\dng taken up a position to leeward of the brigs, engaged them with such effect, that at 9h. 45m. the stern- most hauled down her colours, and hove to. The sea was rumiing so high that it was found impracticable to take possession of the prize; and, as the larger brig of the two was observed endeavouring to escape, the Penguin made sail in chase of her. Captain Pulling succeeded in bringing this vessel also to close action, and, after a running fight of forty minutes' duration, in the course of which the British crew, working the guns, were often knee-deep in water, com- pelled her to surrender. This latter, which w^as the French 18-gun (long 8 and 12-pounders) brig privateer Oiseau, had in the action only one man killed and five wounded : but her masts and yards were much damaged. The Penguin sustained no loss. After securing the Oiseau, all sail was made after her first antagonist, which she overtook and captured. The second captm-e was the 14-gun brig Express, of Dartmouth, prize to the Oiseau.

On the 17th of September, at 8h. 45m. a.m., the 18-guii




brig Pelican, Lieutenant Thomas Wliite, acting commander, near St. Domingo, fell in with the French 12-gun privateer Trompenr, and a spirited fire was commenced and kept up until 9h. 20m., when the Trompem^ hauled on board her larboard tacks, and made sail to get away. As soon as the Pelican had repaired damages she pursued her ojjponent, and at 45m. past noon, again got alongside, and the contest was renewed with such vigour, that at Ih. 10m. p.m. the privateer blew up abaft, and sank. The Pelican had one man killed and five wounded. The captain of the Trompeur and sixty of his crew, originally consisting of seventy-eight men, were saved by the British boats.

On the 9th of October, the hired armed cutter Active, Mr. John Hamilton, master, appeared at the back of Yar- mouth Sands, with the sigTial flying for the enemy being at sea. Admiral Duncan immediately sailed with a fair wind for his station off the Texel, with the following ships, and including some that joined him at sea: —


Ships. Venerable .

Monarch ...

74 ■> Russell ,

Montagu ......


Powerful ... . . ...

^Triumph . . . . _.

CBelliqueux . . . .

Agincourt ... . .

Lancaster ... . . 64^ Ardent

Veteran ......

Director ... . . ...

^Monmouth .....

( Isis ...

( Adamant. . ... ...

Frigates, &c. — Beaulieu and tains Francis Fayerman,


< Admiral Adam Duncan (Islue) ( Captain William George Fairfax ( Vice-Adm. Kichard Onslow (red) \ Captain Edward O'Brien

Henry Trollope

John Knight

Sir Thomas Byard

William O'Brien Drury

William Essington

John Inglis

John Williamson

John Wells

Pichard Rundle Burges

George Gregory

William Bligh

James Walker (acting)

William Mitchell

WilHam Hotham Circe, and 16-gun ship sloop Martin, Cap Peter Halket, and Hon. Charles Paget.

On the 11th, at 7h. A.M., the Russell, Adamant, and Beaulieu, made the signal for the enemy, bearing south-west ; and at 8h. 30m. a.m. the Dutch fleet, imder Vice-Admii^al

1797.] THE- BRITISH NAVY. 459

de Winter, in the Vryheid, was seen, consisting of the following : —

Guns. Ships.

i Hercules, 3 Ley den, 10 "Wassanaer, 7 ( Alkmaar, 15 f,^ 1 Batavier, 8 j Berschermer, ( Delft, 16

Guns. Ships.

Vryheid, 5

States-General, 6 Cerberus, 12 /, i I Devries, 4 ^^ ^ Gelykheid, 2 Haerlem, 14

Frigates — Mars, Monnikendani, Ainbuscade, and Heldin ; two corvettes

and four brigs. The figures refer to the diagram.

Yice- Admiral de Winter quitted the Texel on the morning of the 7 th, and his departure was immediately observed by the Active cutter, which vessel was close off the mouth of the Texel. The Active speedily commimicated the inform- ation to Captain Peter Halket, of the Circe, and that frigate, with the Active and Speculator lugger, ]\Ir. Henry Hales, were closely pursued by the advanced frigates of the Dutch fleet. At night, Captain Trollope's squadron was seen, and early on the morning of the 8th, the Active cutter and Vestal frigate were despatched to convey the intelligence to Admiral Duncan and to the Admiralty, The Active was the first to reach Yarmouth, and to carry the news to the fleet, as we have elsewhere described. Captain Trollope con- tinued to watch the Dutch fleet until joined by Admiral Ihmcan on the 11th.

About llh. 30m. a.m. Admiral Duncan made the signal for his fleet to bear up and engage the enemy, which was formed in line and hove to on the larboard tack, about four leagues from the Wykerdens. The positions of the two fleets will be pretty clearly shown by the accompanying diagram.




■Bfc^ 24t

^\ '.



AM / ^^ H^

/ /■■■■ '^^


*^^ %_^#

^/ ■•^^^•'

^^ ,<':^--"


QRITISH ^ ^ >v-"^


^ ^^ - "*^


At nil. 53in. Duncan made the signal to pass through the enemy's line and engage to leeward ; but owing to the thick weather which prevailed, many ships were unable to distinguish it. This signal was shortly afterwards replaced by one for close action, and which was kept flying until shot away. At 30m. p.m. Vice-Admiral Onslow, in the Monarch, leading the lee division, passed through the Dutch line between the Jupiter and Haerlem ; but leaving the latter to the Powerful, her next astern, the Monarch brought the Jupiter to close action, being at the same time engaged to leeward by the Monnikendam frigate and Atalanta brig. The Monarch was soon followed and supported by the ships of her di\dsion.

About twenty minutes after the Monarch had broken the Dutch line, the Venerable having been prevented passing under the stern of the Vryheid by the gallantly of the States-General, in closing the Admiral, ran under the stern of the latter, but the States-General having bore up and quitted the action, the Venerable became engaged wdth the Viyheid, which ship was also engaged by the Ai'dent to wind- ward. The Triumph brought the Wassenaer to action ; and

1797.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 461

the Bedford, having cut the line astern of the Devries, rounded to and engaged that ship. The Bnitus, Leyden, and Mars, not having their proper opponents, closed round the Vryheid, and their fire was very destructive both to the Yenerable and Ardent. The Hercules having caught fire, bore up out of the line, and drifted to leeward, passing near the Yenerable. By great exertion the fire on board the Dutch ship was extinguished; but having thrown all the powder overboard, and having her mizen-mast shot away, she surrendered. The Venerable, having received serious damage from her numerous opponents, wore round on the starboard tack. The Triumph, after compelHng the Wasse- naer to strike, took a position near the Vryheid, which shijD, after having sustained the fire of the Venerable, Ardent, Director, and Triumph, and being totally dismasted, hauled down her coloiu's about 3h. p.m.

With the surrender of the Dutch admii*al the action ceased, leaving in the hands of the -victors the Vryheid, Jupiter, Devries, G^lykheid, Haerlem, Hercules, Wassenaer, and Delft ; and the frigates Ambuscade and Monnikendam. The BerscheiTQer, in the early part of the battle, wore out of the line, and, followed by several other Dutch ships, made off; which, as the land between Camperdown and Egmont was only five miles distant, they could do without the British ships being able to intercept them.

As soon as the action ceased, every exertion was made to secure the prizes before the night closed in. The British ships had sufiered little in their masts and yards. Not a topmast was shot away, and little damage was observable in their sails and rigging ; but their hulls bore marks of the efficiency of Dutch gunnery, and the shot which many ships had received between wind and water made it necessary to keep hands constantly at the pimips. The Ardent had above ninety-eight round shot in her huU ; and the Venerable, BeUiqueux, Bedford, and Monarch were also much shattered, and sufiered severely in killed and wounded. The captured ships, on the contrary, were either wholly dismasted, or so much crippled that their masts fell before reaching England ; and their hulls also were so riddled, that they were scarcely worth carrying into port. The British loss, as officially stated, is exhibited in the following table : —







First Lieutenants.



15 29 41 30

3 25


36 0 0 8 4

10 5 0

62 55 107 41 18 78 0 21









John Cleland Patrick Chapman John Phillips John Blake Christopher Watson Robert England C. J. W. Newsham William Lamb

Charles Ryder Charles Burrough John M'Taggart Thomas Linthorne Thomas Halton John Fyffe Charles Bullen William Lane




Bedford . . .^

Lancaster ... ... . . . . . .


Adamant ... -. . . ... ...



Monarch ... ... . .




Veteran ... . . . .

Powerfiil -. ... ...

Monmouth. . . . ... ... . .

Ao-incourt ... ...




The following are the names of the officers killed and wounded : — Venerable : Lieutenants Edward S. Clay and W. H. Douglas ; Lieutenant of marines George Chambers (lost both legs), and George Stewart, midshipman, wounded. Monarch : J. P. TindaU, midshipman, and Moyle Finlay, clerk, killed ; Lieutenants James Retallick and James J. Smith (marines) ; George Massey, Benjamin Clement, Daniel Shewen, Charles S. Moorman (mortally), and John Chimley, midshipmen, wounded. Kussell : Lieutenant David John- ston, Thomas Troughton, master, George Taylor, master's mate, John Brooks, boatswain, wounded. BeUiqueux : Lieutenant Robert Webster, and James Milne, midshipman, killed ; Lieutenant Bobert England, Captain of marines James Cassell, and James Scott, midshipman, wounded. MontagTi : Lieutenant Balph Sneyd, and James Eorbishley, midshipman, wounded. Bedford : Lieutenant George Keener, woimded. Powerful : Lieutenant Ulick Jennings, Lieutenant of marines R. G. Walker, and David Bogers, midshipman, wounded. Triumph : the captain. Lieutenants Patrick Chapman and George B. Trollope, James Bead, master, and


Thomas P. Jones, midsliipman, wounded. Lancaster : Lieu- tenant James Morgan, and Lieutenant of marines John Sandys, wounded. Ardent : Captain Burges, and Michael Dunn, master, killed ; Lieutenants James Rose and John Sibrell, Captain of marines Richard Cuthbert, John Tracey, John Airey, Thomas Lepard, and George Hillier, midsliip- men, and John Taylor, clerk, wounded. Isis : Lieutenant of marines Charles Rea, wounded. Monmouth : Lieutenant Francis Ferrett, killed.

The Dutch admiral and both rear-admirals were wounded, two captains (Holland aud Van Rossem) were killed, and their total loss, as published in a French newspaper, amounted to 540 killed and 620 wounded.

The following statement will convey a notion of the line- of-battle force of the two fleets : —

British. Dutch.

No. of Ships 16 .^ 16

Broadside Guns ] »i- '"' ,, ^^^ ........ ^

( Ids. . . 11,501 . . ... .^ . . 9,857

Crews, aggi-egate No. . . 8,221 7,157

Tons 23,601 20,937

Of the captured ships, three — the Delft,^ and Monniken- dam and Ambuscade frigates, were lost. One of the Dutch

' Steel's List for March, 1803, contains the following account of the loss of this ship : — " "When Lieutenant Charles BuUen, first of the Mon- mouth, came on board to take possession of the ship, he found her much damaged, having lost her mizenmast and mainyard, and all her masts and rigging being much cut. She had lost two officei's and forty-one men killed, and one officer and seventy-five men wounded. Lieutenant BuUen sent the captain and two officers on board his own ship, and requested the first lieutenant, Mr. Heilberg, who was not wounded, to assist him with the remaining crew to keep the ship from sinking. The exertions made were successful until the 14th, when the gale rendered the situation of the Delft very dangerous. The water in her hold increased to ten feet, and all hope of saving her was soon given up. Lieutenant BuUen represented this to Mr. Heilberg, and stated it to be his intention to abandon the ship with his crew, requesting him also to accompany him in his attempt to escape from almost certain death. Lieutenant Heilberg, however, refused to embrace the offer and to leave his wounded countrymen ; and his gallant answer so wrought upon Lieutenant BuUen, that he gave up his previous intention, and deter- mined on making another effort to preserve the lives of the whole. Lieutenant BuUen having ordered his own men to quit the sinking ship, remained to assist the Dutch crew ; and the RusseU having sent her boats to their relief, a gTeat many were saved ; but before the wL le could be

464 BATTLES OF [1797.

ships, the Brutus, which escaped, had an action with the Endymion, but succeeded in getting safe into port.

On the 17th of October, Admi^-al Duncan, after expe- riencing a heavy gale, arrived at the Nore with his trophies, and received those rewards Avhich his gallant conduct merited. He was created Baron Duncan of Lundie, and Yiscount Duncan of Camperdown ; Vice-Adniii*al Onslow was created a baronet ; Captains Trollope and Fairfax, knights bannerets ; and the first lieutenants, named in the preceding table, Avere promoted to the rank of commander. Gold medals were conferred on the captains, and the thanks of Parliament were voted to the seamen and marines of the fleet. A sword of 200 guineas' value was presented to Lord Duncan, and one of 100 to Sir Richard Onslow, by the city of London. The naval medal was awarded to the survivors in 1847.

In reviewing the events of this action, the details of which, owing to the unavoidably confused nature of the attack, cannot be clearly given or comprehended, it is hard to know which to admire most — ^the conduct of the gallant Duncan and his brave followers, or the courage of the enemy, by whom not a ship was surrendered while in a condition to continue the fight.

On the 25th of October, the Hysena (late British) was captured off the island of Teneriffe, after a long chase, by the 44-gun frigate Indefatigable, Captain Sir Edward Pellew. When recaptured, the Hyaena was found to have been razeed, wliich had improved her sailing qualities ; and with her new armament of twenty carronades, 32-pounders, and two long nines, she was restored to her place in the navy list.

On the 1 3th of November, the boats of the 1 6-gun corvette Eairy, Commander Joshua S. Horton, were sent in chase of two French luggers under the land near Calais ; and the launch, under the command of James Middleton, the purser, having separated from the other boats, attacked and gallantly carried the Epervier, mounting two carriage-gims, with a

taken out the ship went do\vn. Lieutenant Bullen was compelled, in order to save his life, to jump overboard, and was taken up by one of the Monmouth's boats ; but the brave Heilberg perished, a victim to his courage and humanity." This officer is now (1851) Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Bullen, K.C.B.


1797.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 465

crew of twenty -five men, commanded by an Irishman, who with thi'ee of the men eifected an escape. Mr. Middleton, in his spirited encounter, was badly wounded by a grape-shot.

On the 20th of December, at lOh. a.m., the 18-pounder 36-gun frigate Phoebe, Captain Robert Barlow, being in lat. ,48° 58' N., long. 8° W., observed the French 12-poimder ! 36-gun frigate Nereide, Captain Antoine Canon, standing ',-owards her. At llh. 30m. a.m. the Nereide having hauled her wind, the Phoebe made sail in chase. The ^vind was from the southward, and the chase continued throughout the day without much alteration in the positions of the two ships, which were close hauled on the larboard tack under all sail. At 6h. P.M. (the Nereide then bearing about west-south-west, (Ustant five miles) the vrind suddenly shifted to the westward, taking both ships aback, when they bore up, steering south. At 8h. P.M. the Nereide commenced firing stern-chasers. At 9h. 10m. the Phoebe was about to open fire, when the Nereide tacked across the Phoebe's bows, pouring in a raking broad- side. At lOh. P.M., the Phoebe having tacked and got up with her antagonist, both ships backed their main-topsail, and engaged within musket-shot. After the action had lasted about ten minutes, the Nereide fell foul of the Phoebe, and the latter bore uf) to clear her ; but when about to renew the action, the Nereide hailed to say she had surrendered, and hauled down the light she had carried. Neither sliip had a mast shot away ; but the Nereide was much shattered in hull. The Phoebe, out of a complement of 261 men, had three killed and ten wounded ; while the Nereide, which, though a smaller ship, had a crew of 330, had twenty killed and fifty-five wounded. The disproportion in point of force between the two ships renders the defence of the Nereide very creditable ; while the ability displayed on board the Phoebe during the action reflects great praise on Captain Barlow, his officers and crew. Lieutenant Michael Halliday, of the Phoebe, was promoted to the rank of commander on the 9th of July, 1798 ; but this reward w^as not conferred upon him until he had, as first lieutenant of the Mermaid, acquired an additional claim to the advancement. The Nereide measured 892 tons, and was added to the British navy as a 12-pounder 36-gun frigate. The naval medal has been granted for this action.

VOL. I. 2 H

466 BATTLES OF [1797.

On theSOtli of December, the 10-guii brig Growler, com- manded by Lieutenant John Hollingworth, being ofif Dmige- ness, in a very dark night, in company with some other ships of war, and escorting a convoy, was sm'prised and boarded by two French higgers, mounting ten and eight guns each, and full of men ; and after the loss of her commander, master, and several of the crew, was captured, and taken into Boulogne.

On the 29th of December, the 20-gun corvette Daphne (late British) was taken by the 44-gun frigate Anson, Captain Philip C. C. H. Durham ; but she did not surrender until ■five of her men were killed and several wounded.

1798.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 467


On the 3rd of Januaiy, the sloop Greorge, a tender, of six 4-pomiders, Lieutenant INIichael Mackey, on her passage from Demerara to Martinique, maintained a very gallant action for more than forty minutes against two Spanish privateers, one a cutter, mounting twelve guns, with 109 men, and the other a schooner of six guns and sixty-eight men ; and it was not until she had resisted two attempts to board, and sustained the loss of her master and seven killed, and her commander and sixteen wounded, out of her crew of forty men, that the George surrendered. The killed on board the privateers amounted to thirty-two, with a large number wounded.

On the oth of January, the 40-gun frigate Pomone, Cap- tain Robert C Reynolds, captured off XJshant the Cheri privateer, Captain Chassin, of twenty-six guns, long 12, 18, and 24:-pounders, and 230 men, affcer a very determined resistance, in wliich the j^rivateer had fifteen men killed, in- cluding her captain, and nineteen wounded. The Pomone's masts were wounded, her rigging a good deal cut, and one man killed and fom* wounded. The Cheri sank shortly after the prisoners were removed.

On the 8th of Januaiy, the 18-g'uii brig Kingfisher, Com- mander Charles H. Pierrepoint, cruising fifty leagues to the westward of Lisbon, captured the French privateer Betsey, of sixteen long 6-pounders, after an action of more than two hom's' dm-ation. Only one man was wounded on board the Kingfisher, but the Betsey had one killed and eight womided.

On the 16th of January, near Martinique, Lieutenant Samuel Pym, of the 20-gun ship Babet, Captain Jemmet Mainwaring, with two boats, each containing twelve men, proceeded to the attack of a schooner. Lieutenant Pym, in the pinnace, having outrowed the laimch, after much hard fighting, gallantly boarded the French 6-gun schooner Desiree. Two men were drowned, and Mr. Aslinluu'st (midshipman)

2 h2

468 BATTLES OF [1798.

and four seamen badly, and Lieutenant Pym slightly wounded.

On the 23rd of Januaiy, the 36-gun frigate Melampus, Captain Graham Moore, lat. 50° N., long. 12° W., captured the French 22-gun corvette Yolage, after a short action. The Melampus had five men severely wounded ; the Yolage, four killed and eight wounded. The Volage was added to the British navy under the same name.

On the 3rd of February, when about seventeen leagues west of Vigo, the 4-pounder H-gun brig Speedy, Commander Hugh Downman, discovered at dayhght the French 14-gun (12 and 8-pounders) privateer Papillon, steering towards her under all sail. At 3h. p.m. the Papillon hauled to the wind, and opened fire, and a distant and effectual cannonading was maintained until night, when the Papillon made off. On the 4th, after an anxious chase, the action was renewed at about noon, and continued with spirit until 2h. p.m., when the pri- vateer again made aU sail, and got away. The Speedy, in her gallant though unsuccessful encounter, had Lieutenant Hichard Dutton, her boatswain, and three seamen killed and four wounded, and received so much damage, that she was under the necessity of putting into Lisbon to refit.

On the 2oth of February, at 7h. A.M., the hired 4-pounder 12 -gun cutter Marquis of Cobourg, Lieutenant Charles Webb, cruising off Cromer, after a long chase, in a fresh gale, came up with the French 16-gun lugger privateer Revanche. After tv^o hours' close action, the main and mizen-masts of the lugger were shot away, and the crew called for quarter. The Revanche was so much shattered, that she sank soon after surrendering. The Cobourg had two men wounded ; and the privateer, whose crew consisted of sixty-two men, had seven killed and eight wounded.

On the 17th of April, the 10-gun cutter Recovery, Lieu- tenant William Ross, whilst cruising in the West Indies, captured the French 10-gun schooner privateer Revanche. The action was gallantly maintained on both sides for fifty minutes. The privateer had three men killed and nine wounded. The Recovery was very little damaged, and had not a man hurt.

On the 21st of April, the 74-gun ships Mars and RamilHes, Captains Alexander Hood and Bai-tholomew S. Rowley, and

1798.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 469

Jason fiigate, forming tlie in-sliore squadron of the Channel fleet, discovered a large ship working up under the land, endeavoin-ing to enter Brest. At 5h. 40m. p.m. all sail was made in chase ; but the Ramillies, at 6h. 15m., ha%T.ng car- ried away her fore-topmast, dropped astern. At 7h. 30m., the Penmarks bearing about south-east, distant seven miles, the Mars (having by this time outsailed the Jason also) tacked, and at 8h. 30m, the stranger, which was the French 74-gun ship Hercule, Captain Louis I'Heritier, unable to work up against a strong current, anchored and furled sails, the Bee du Raz bearing from her north by east, distant two or three miles. At 8h. 50m. the Mars hauled up her courses, and at 9h. 15m. the Hercule fired her starboard broadside, "which was quickly returned by the Mars ; but finding that the current would set him clear of the enemy, Captain Hood ordered the anchor to be let go. The Mars therefore ha'ing shot ahead, dropped her best bower across the Hercule's forefoot ; but before it could bring her up, her small bower- anchor hooking the anchor on the starl^oard bow of the Hercule, brought the two ships close alongside. A most determined fight ensued, during which the crew of the Hercule made two attempts to board, in which they were repulsed with great loss ; and at lOh. 30m., being very much shattered, and %vith a loss of 250 officers and men killed and wounded, hailed to say that she surrendered. Captain Hood being mortally wounded, and the first lieutenant absent from the quarter-deck upon some occasion, the second lieutenant, John Bowker, finding that the Hercule's firing had ceased, left his quarters on the main deck, and at the head of a party of men boarded and took possession of the ship. During the action, the ships' sides were so close together, that it was found impossible to nm the lower-deck guns out, and they were fired in board. From the closeness of the contact, the engaged sides were much burnt and blackened. Besides her captain, the Captain of marines James White, James Blythe, midshipman, fifteen seamen and four marmes w^ere killed ; and three seamen and five marines missing ; and Lieutenants Greorge Argles and George Arnold Ford, Thomas Southey, midshipman, thirty-six seamen and three marines wounded ; total, killed and missing, thii-ty ; woimded, sixty. The ships were exceedingly well matched in every particular. Captain

470 BATTLES OF [1798.

L'Heritier commanded the America on tlie 1st of June, 1794. Captain Hood, nephew to Lords Hood and Bridport, was mortally wounded by a musket-ball, about a quarter of an hour after the commencement of the action j but he lived to hear the cheers which announced the victory, and expired. The Jason came up a short time after the action terminated, and assisted in taking possession of the prize. The Hercule reached Plymouth on the 27 th, and was added under the same name to the British navy. Lieutenant William Butter- field was promoted to the rank of commander. The naval medal is granted for this action.

On the 24th of April, an action took place off Factory Island (one of the Isles de Loss) between the British 12-pounder 32-gun ft-igate Pearl, Captain Samuel J. Ballard, and a French squadron, consisting of two frigates, believed to have been the Begeneree and Vertu, an armed brig and a ship. The Pearl, in order to escape from a force so superior, ran between the two frigates, from which she received a smart cannonading, and got away with the loss of one man mortally wounded, but sustained much damage in hull, masts, and rigging.

On the 7th of May, the 14-gun brig Yictorieuse, Com- mander Edward S. Dickson, when passing to leeward of Guadaloupe with a convoy, was attacked by two French privateers — one a schooner, of twelve guns and fifty men, and the other a sloop, of six guns and fifty men. The latter was compelled to surrender, but the schooner escaped.

On the 13th of May, the French 18 -gun brig Mondovi was cut out from the port of Cerigo, in the Archipelago, by the boats of the British 36-gun frigate Flora, Captain Robert Gambler Middleton. This service was performed under the orders of Lieutenant William Bussell, assisted by Lieutenant William Hepenstall, Lieutenant of marines John Parry, Thomas S. Morton, mate, and the gunner (Tancock), with John Petley and Abel Hawkins, midshipmen. One seaman was killed, and Lieutenant Parry, the gunner, Mr. Morton, and five seamen were wounded.

On the 30th of May, at daybreak, the 38-gim frigate Hydra, Captain Sir Francis Laforey, bomb-vessel Vesuvius, Commander Bobert L. Fitzgerald, and 12 -gun cutter Trial, Lieutenant Henry Garrett, were standing towards Havre, close hauled

1798.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 471

on the larboard tack, when tkree sail hove in sight to wind- ward, which proved to be the French 3 6 -gun frigate Con- , fiante, 20-gun corvette Vesuve, and an armed cutter. The British squadron immediately chased, and after some passing firing, drove the frigate and corvette on shore, near the entrance to the river Dive. The corvette subsequently- floated off, but being closely pursued, ran ashore a second time near the river Caen, and although strenuously engaged by the Vesuvius and Trial, finally escaped into the Dive. The Confiante having been hauled closer to the shore, and being protected ])y batteries and numerous troops, was left till the 31st, when, findmg that many of her crew were quitting her. Sir Francis Laforey determined to attempt her destruction with the boats of the Hydra. Accordingly, at lOh. A.M., the frigate's boats, under the orders of Lieutenants George Aeklom and William J. Symons, with Lieutenant of marines Blanch, covered by the guns of the Trial, pro- ceeded to haul down the colours of and bum the frigate. A±- Ih. 30m. P.M., the French frigate was on fire fore and aft ; and this dashing service was performed without the loss of a man, in the face of a party of cavalry on the beach, and in sight of an army on the heights, assembled for the jDurpose of invading England. Great loss was supposed to have occurred on board the Confiante, from the number of killed on her decks ; but no mention respecting it was officially made.

On the 22nd of Jime, the 6-gun packet Princess Royal, Commander John Skinner, with a crew of thirty-two men, carrying the mail to New York, after a very gallant action, beat ofi", with much loss, the French brig privateer Aven- turier, of sixteen guns and eighty-five men. The packet had no one killed or wounded.

On the 26th of Jime, the 18-pounder 38-gun frigate Sea,- horse, Captain Edward J. Foote, being off the Sicilian coast, fell in with the French 12-poimder 3 6-gun frigate Sensible, Captain Bourde, from Malta, bound to Toulon. After a chase of twelve hours, the Seahorse, at 4h. 10m. a.m., on the 27th, brought the Sensible to close action, and in eight minutes the French colours were hauled do"\vn. The Sea- horse, in this spirited and cleverly-conducted action, had two men killed, and her first lieutenant (Da-vad Willmot) and

472 BATTLES OF [1798.

fifteen men wounded. The Sensible^ had eighteen men killed, and her first and second captains- and thirty-five men wounded. The prize was added to the British na\y.

On the 29th of June, the IS-pounder 40-gun French frigate Seine, commanded hj Lieutenant de vaisseau Gabriel Bigot, having 280 troops on board, was discovered near the Penmarks at 7h. a.m. by the British frigates Jason, Pique, and Mermaid, Captains Charles Stirling, David Milne, and N. Newman. At 9h. p.m. the Pique, after a chase of more than twelve hours, brought the Seine to action ; but the British frigate's main-topmast being shot away about half an hour afterwards, she dropped astern, and ran aground near Pointe de la Trenche, as did also the Jason. The Seine, being dismasted, like^dse grounded ; but she continued most gallantly to defend herself until on the Mermaid's arriving up she struck her colours. The loss on board the British frigates Jason and Pique was as follows : — Jason, Lieutenant Anthony R. Robotier and six men killed, and Captain Stirling, Frederick Bedford and Samuel Luscombe, midshipmen, and nine men wounded ; Pique, one seaman killed and one missing, and the boatswain and five men wounded. The loss on board the French frigate was very heavy. She commenced the action with 610 men, including soldiers, of which she had no less than 170 killed or drowned and 100 wounded. The Pique having bilged, was destroyed ; but the Seine, after throwing her guns overboard, was got oflT by the San Fio- renzo. Captain Sir H. Neale, and carried into port. The Seine was added to the British navy ])y the same name, the command being given to Captain Milne.

On the 11th of July, the boats of the 44-gun ship Regulus, Captain George Eyre, were sent away off Porto Pico to cut out five vessels at anchor in Aguada Bay, under the protec- tion of some batteries. The boats were commanded by Lieuts. John Good and William Hohnan, and Master's mate Thomas Finch ; and they succeeded in bringing out three of the largest vessels (a ship, brig, and schooner), but owing to

' On board the Sensible was found a beautifully-ornamented bras? field-piece, originally taken from the Turks, and which had been pre- sented by Louis XVI. to the Knights of Malta. It was presei'ved in the Tower of London, but has met another adventure by the fire at the Tower, fi-om which it was with difficulty rescued.

1798.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 4:73

want of wind, the other two were not brought off. Mr. Finch was killed by a grape-shot; but no other loss accom- panied this creditable service.

On the loth of July, at 9h. a.m., Carthagena bearing east, distant 30 leagues, the 6 4 -gun sliip Lion, Captain Manley Dixon, steering to the eastward, Avitli the w'nd at west- south-west, discovered on the starboard bow a Spanish squadron, under the command of Commodore 0 Neil, con- sisting of the 34-gun fi'igates Pomona, Proserpine, Santa Cazilda, and Santa Dorotea. Captain Dixon immediately shortened sail and hauled up on the starboard tack ; and, ha\dng secured the weather gage, bore up to the attack. The Spanish frigates were close hauled on the larboard tack ; but the sternmost — the Santa Dorotea, Captain Don DiegO" Errara — having lost her fore-topmast, and being in conse- quence rather to leeward of her companions, formed the principal object of attack. Having passed along the Spanish line, the Lion wore and endeavoured to close the Dorotea ; but that ship, sailing nearly as well mthout her fore-topmast as the Lion, kept up a galling fire from her stern-chasers, which retarded the British shiji's approach. The Spanish commodore, with his remaining sliips, shortly afterwards tacked in succession, and passed to windward of the Lion, within musket-shot, each ship in passing bestov/ing her broadside, wliich was returned with great effect, the Lion meanwhile pursuing the Dorotea.

Having failed in this attempt, the Spanish commodore tacked, and a second time endeavoured to succour his dis- abled consort; but the Lion, having succeeded in getting close alongside the frigate, engaged her yard-arm and yard- arm tUl, having had twenty of her crew killed and thirty-two wounded, she struck. The commodore, after making one more ineffectual attempt to rescue his frigate, hauled to the wind and made off. The Lion, in this gallant action, out of a crew fifty short of complement, had one midsliipman, Joseph Patey, and one seaman wounded. The prize was a ship of 958 tons; and, under the same name, was added to the British navy as a 12-pounder 36-gun frigate. Tliis action is distinguished by a naval medal.

On the 26th of July, the 28-gun frigate Brilliant, Captain Heniy Blackwood, being off Santa Cruz, was chased by the




French 38-gim frigates Vertu and Regeneree. Finding that both ships were gaining ground, Captain Blackwood, at 7h. 30m. P.M., being then on the larboard tack, bore away across the bows of the Kegeneree, and, by a well-directed broadside, shot away her main-topsail-tye, and badly wounded her foremast and bowsprit. The Brilliant then hauled up on the starboard tack. The Yertu had, in the meanwhile, by tacking, got on the Brilliant's weather quarter, and was soon afterwards joined by her consort. Having lost sight of her pursuers, during the night the Brilliant bore away south- east and escaped.

The 74-gun ship VangTiard, bearing the flag of Kear- Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, K.B., having been despatched on particular service by Earl St. Yincent with the Orion, Alexander, and three frigates, arrived off Toulon on the 31st of May,^ where he was informed of the sailing of the French fleet and expedition from Toulon. On the 5th of June, the Mutine brought intelligence that a reinforcement of ten sail of the line was near at hand; and, on the 7th, the squadron joined, making the force under Sir Horatio to consist of the following : —

Guns. Ships.




j Eear-Adm. Sir H. Nelson, K.B. ( Captain Edward Berry

Sir James Saumarez Thomas Troubridge Henry d'Esterre Dai-by Thomas Louis John Peyton Alexander John Ball Samuel Hood Davidge Gould Thomas Foley George Blagdon Westcott Benjamin Hallowell Ralph Willett Miller Thomas Boulden Thompson Commander Thomas Masterman Hardy.

On the 12 th of June, the rear-admiral steered for Corsica in search of the French fleet, calling at various places, and on the 17th, reached the Bay of Najoles: from thence he

' On the 20th of May, the Vanguard, in a heavy gale, in which she lost her foremast and main and mizen topmasts, separated from the frigates, and had now, therefore, a jury foremast.

50 16

Orion . . .-. Culloden . . Bellerophon Minotaur .„. Defence . . Alexander Zealous . . Audacious Goliath Majestic Swiftsure

. Theseus , Leander . Mutine ,

1798.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 475

proceeded to Messina, where he learnt that the French had possessed themselves of Malta and Goza. On the 22nd, a vessel spoken by the Mntine stated that the enemy quitted Malta on the 1 8th of June ; and, as Egypt then appeared to Nelson to be their probable destination, the British fleet steered for Alexandria. On reaching that port on the 28th, no news could be obtained of the fleet ;^ and, on the 29 th, the British steered away to the north-east. On the 4tli of July, they made the coast of Natoli, continuing to beat to windward imtil the 18th, and on the 19th, entered Syracuse for water.

On the 25th of July, Nelson again put to sea, and shaped his course for the Morea, and Captain Troubridge having been detached to Coron, learned that the French fleet had been seen on the coast of Candia four weeks previously^ steering south-east. Su' Horatio, with a fair wind, accord- ingly sailed in that direction, and on the 1st of AugTist, at lOh. A.M., arrived in sight of Alexandria. To their inex- pressible joy, it was discovered that the two ports were full of vessels, and that the French flag was flying on the walls of the town. At Ih. p.m., when the Pharos tower bore south-west, distant about four leagnies, the Zealous made the signal for seventeen ships, and that tliirteen were of the line. The British fleet then hauled up to the eastward, under easy sail, and made j^i'eparations for the attack. The French ships, at anchor in Aboukir Bay, were moored in line ahead, in the following order ; beginning with the headmost : —

Guns. Ships.

( Guerrier I Conquerant 74 -j Spartiate i Aquilon LPeuple Souverain 80 Franklin 120 Orient

Frigates of forty guns — Diane and justice ; and of thirty-six — Art^mise and S^rieuse. Two brigs — Alerte and Railleur ; three bombs, and several gun-boats.

^ On the 22nd of June, the two fleets crossed each other's track unperceived, and the French steered for Candia, while Nelson stood along the African coast and reached Alexandria two days before the French ; the latter an-ived in sight of the Pharos tower on the evening of the same day that the British disappeared.

Guns. Ships.

80 Tonnant „ . j Heureux

( Mercure 80 Guillaume Tell

I Timoleon




The Bay of Aboukir commences about twenty miles east- north-east of Alexandria, and extends from Aboukir Castle, in a deep curve, as far as the western mouth of the Nile^ which is distant from the castle about six miles. This bay has not suflScient depth of water for large ships nearer to the shore than three miles, a long sand-bank, on which there is only twenty-four feet water, extending to that distance. A bout two miles north-east by east from Aboukir Castle is a small island, which is fringed by the same chain of shoals, extending nearly a mile out to sea. The headmost of the French ships, as they were moored, was distant nearly two miles from Aboukir Island (or Nelson's Island, as it is now called), and between each of the ships was a distance of rather more than two ships' lengths, or about IGO yards. Their line formed a very obtuse angle, at the angular point of which vv^as the French admiral's ship L'Orient ; and the better to strengthen this position, a battery was erected on the island, and the bomb-vessels and gun-boats were so placed as to annoy an enemy in his approach. To render their position more intelligible, we insert a sketch taken from the chart of Cap- tain W. H. Smyth, who surveyed the bay in 1822, and ascertained the precise position of the wreck of L'Orient.


10 8


10 8



1798.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 477

The edge of the shoal in-shore of the ships was concave, so that the centre ship was a much greater distance from it than the ships at the extremities of the line. Each ship was moored, and provided with a stream cable to enable her to spring her broadside to the enemy.

At 3h. P.M., Nelson made the signal to prepare to anchor; at 4h., to anchor by the stern (each ship having already passed a cable out of one of her gun-room ports, and bent it to an anchor), and shortly afterwards to attack the enemy's centre. At 5h. 30m., the ships were directed to form in line of battle ahead and astern of the admiral, as convenient. The Zealous was ordered to lead the fleet j and Captain Hood, although he had no chart of the bay to guide him, by keep- ing the lead constantly going, conducted the ships towards the enemy ; and rounding the shoal as close as their safety permitted, bore away with the wind (from north-north-west) on the starboard beam. At 6h. p.m., the British ships hoisted their colours, and imion jacks were displayed in various parts of the rigging. The ships were formed thus : — Goliath, Zealous, Orion, Audacious, Theseus, Yanguard, Minotaui', Defence, BeUerophon, Majestic, Leander ; the Culloden at some distance to the northward, and Alexander and Swiftsure at a stiU greater distance to the westward, carrying all sail endeavouring to get up.

At 6h. 20m. p.m., the French ships hoisted their colours, and the Guerrier and Conquerant opened fire on the GoUath and Zealous, which sliips were at some distance in advance of the British line j and at the same time shells were thrown from the island, though without effect. The Goliath, cross- ing the head of the French line, raked the Guerrier, and then steered for the inner bow of that ship ; but having too great a scope of cable out, the anchor did not bring the ship up in time ; and she reached the larboard quarter of the Conquerant, with which ship she became warmly engaged, and was occasionally also fired at by the frigate Serieuse, stationed in the inner Hne. The Zealous dropped anchor in five fathoms on the larboard bow, and inside of the Guenier, and just as the sun was sinking below the horizon, shot away the French ship's foremast. This auspicious com- mencement was greeted with cheers from the whole British fleet. The Audacious steered for the stern of the Guerrier,

4:78 BATTLES OF [1798.

but brought up head to '^\TLQd withiu fifty yards of the Con- querant's starboard bow, which ship she continued to engage. The Theseus following the track of the Zealous and Goliath, passed between those ships and their opponents, and an- chored by the stern about 300 yards on the in-shore side of the Spartiate. The Orion, having passed under the stern of I the Zealous, was running down to take up her station, when * the Serieuse frigate opened fire upon her. The Orion returned the frigate's fire with a broadside, which dismasted and sank her. The Orion then brought up head to wind, a little abaft the beam, of the Peuple Souverain. At 6h. 40m. P.M., the Vanguard edged away towards the enemy's centre, but having in passing down sustained a severe raking fire from the van, she anchored about eighty yards on the starboard beam (or outside) of the Spartiate. The Minotaur anchored next outside the Aquilon ; and the Defence, at 7h., brought up abreast of the Peuple Souverain.^

The BeUerophon, at a little past 7h., having brought up by the stern close alongside the French admiral's ship L'Orient, became exposed to the three-decker's tremendous broadside, and the Majestic, a few minutes afterwards, anchored on the starboard side of the Tonnant, within musket-shot. The Culloden, to the indescribable chagrin of her gallant captain, grounded on the reef off the island of Aboukii', where she remained until 2h. on the following morn- ing. The Swiftsure did not get into action till past 8h., by which time the BeUerophon was entirely dismasted, and had been imder the necessity of retiring fr'om her station. The Swiftsure immediately clewed up her sails, and dropped her stern anchor about 100 yards on the star- board bow of the Orient, not far fr'om the berth which the BeUerophon had occupied. The Leander, having been de- tained by endeavouring to assist the Culloden, now arrived up, and took a most advantageous position athwart the bows of the Franklin, in which she did gxeat execution not

1798.] THE BRITISH NAVY. 479

only to her immediate opponent, but also to the ships astern of the Franklin. The Alexander was the last, and brought up on the larboard quarter (or in-shore) of the three-decker at about 8h. 10m.

Having now shown the relative positions of the respective fleets, we Avill proceed to recount the fate of each particular ship. The Guerrier, having been raked by thi*ee ships suc- cessively, and engaged very closely by the Zealous, lost her thi'ee masts, and, after having been repeatedly hailed by the Zealous to know if she had sm-rendered, her fire being silenced, was compelled to haul down her colours at 9h. p.ji. The Guerrier's l^owsprit and figTire-head were shot away, her hull torn to pieces, and half her ship's company were either killed or wounded. The admirable position of the Zealous preserved her crew from loss, and she had only seven men wounded. The Conquerant, after receiving the fire of the ships which passed her, became closely engaged by the Goliath and Audacious ; and in about twelve minutes — her fore and mizenmasts having fallen, her maimnast being in a tottering state, a large number of men killed, and a great many, including her captain, wounded — the Con- querant struck her colours. The Conquerant's two prin- cipal oj^ponents did not come off so well as the Zealous, for the GoHath had twenty-one men killed and forty wounded, and the Audacious one killed and thirty-five wounded. The Spartiate, on the starboard side, was ex- posed to the YangTiard's broadside, having previoiLsly been subjected to an animated fire from the Theseus, assisted by the Minotaur and Audacious. Her masts having fallen, this well-defended ship surrendered about 9h. p.m., after sustaining severe loss. The position of the Yanguard, between the Spartiate and Aquilon, subjected her to a heavy raking fire from the latter, in addition to the fire of the Spartiate, wliich she had to sustain, until the Minotaur having crippled the Aquilon, that ship was unable to offer any further annoyance. The Vanguard's loss Avas very severe, amounting to thii-ty killed and seventy-six wounded.

The Aquilon having been engaged, as above stated, by the IMinotaur (the only ship having 3 2 -pounder carronades on her quarter-deck) on the starboard, and for some time by the Theseus on the larboard side, was also dismasted, and

480 BATTLES OF [1798.

her captain, M. Thevenard, having fallen, she struck at 9h. 25m. P.M. The Peuple Souverain was most vigoroiLsly engaged by the Defence, and was also exposed to several raking broadsides from the Orion, which had anchored on the French ship's larboard quarter. Having lost her fore and mainmasts, and her cable having been cut by a shot, she dropped out of the line, but reanchored about 400 yards from the Orient. Her captain, P. P. Kaccord, was among the killed, which, as well as the wounded, were very nume- rous. The Franklin, in addition to the raking fire of the Leander, was engaged, after the Peuple Souverain had quitted her station in the line, by the Defence ; but at this time the operations of both fleets were arrested by an awfully grand spectacle.

At 9h. P.M., the Orient was perceived to be on fire in the mizen chains,^ and the flames were soon observed to spread with great rapidity, and ascending the rigging, quickly enveloped the ship in her fiery shroud. The burning mass illumined the horizon, and objects might be clearly seen as by daylight. At lOh. p.m., she blew up with a tremendous explosion ; the concussion shook the surrounding ships, and did considerable injury. The Tonnant, Heureux, and Mer- cure had cut their cables before the explosion took place ; but the Franklin's deck was covered by the bui^ning frag- ments, and she was on fire in several places. The British ships, by which the Orient was surrounded, being much

^ Within the first hour of the action Vice-Admiral Brueys received two wounds ; and at 8h., as he was descending fi-om the poop to the quarter-deck, a shot cut him nearly in two. With his last breath this truly gallant officer desired to be suffered to die upon the deck, upon which, after lingering a quarter of an hour, he expired. Commodore Casa Bianca was badly wounded just as his admiral breathed his last ; hut what other loss was sustained previous to the catastrophe is not known. Rear- Admiral Ganteaume and about seventy of her unfortunate crew are stated to have been all which were saved, most of which were picked up by the British boats ; but the rear-admiral escaped in a boat to the Salamine brig. The cause of the fire is said to have been, that the men having been painting the ship's sides on the day of the action, had placed the empty and unused oil-jars and paint-buckets on the poop, and that the wadding of the gims of the British ships set fire to them ; but it is much more probable that the accident was the result of the ignition of some of the unextinguishable combustible materials employed on board the French ships, some of which was thrown on board several ships, and was also found on board the captured ships.

17 98. J THE BKITISH NAVY. 481

nearer, the flaming particles flew over them, except some pieces of wreck of trifling size, wliich fell on board the Alexander and Swiftsure. For several minutes after this dreadful catastrophe, the firing totally ceased, but the silence was at length broken by the Franklin's firing into the Defence and Swiftsure, then on her starboard bow and quarter. Having now no second ahead or astern, and her main and mizen masts having fallen, the Franklin, after having been most bravely fought, struck her coloiu's. At midnight the Tonnant was still engaging with great si)mt, and her heavy shot were doing great execution to the Swiftsure, which ship, owing to the position of the Alex- ander, which was on the other side of the Tonnant, could make but a very ineflTectual return. The Tonnant's principal opponent, however, was the Majestic, and she still continued the action ; but, at about 3h. a.m., the British ships' main and mizen masts were shot away. Shortly afterwards the Tonnant's three masts went over the side, disabling most of her guns ; but still disdaining to surrender, her cable was veered away, and quitting her antagonist, she took up her position ahead of the Guillaume Tell and other ships. The Tonnant's heroic captain — Du Petit Thouars, — had both his arms and one leg shot away ; and finding him- self dying from loss of blood, issued his last orders not to surrender the ship, which command was attended to while a possibility of resistance remained.

At 4h. A.M., just as the day broke, the firing, which had only for a short time ceased, was resumed by the Tonnant, Guillaume Tell, Genereux, and Timoleon, and the British ships Alexander and Majestic ; but the latter being soon supported by the Theseus and Goliath, the fom- French ships got underweigh. The frigate Artemise having struck her colom's on receiving the fire of the Theseus, when about to be boarded, was perceived to be on fire, and she soon afterwards blew up. The four line-of-battle ships dropped to leeward out of the bay, and were soon out of gun-shot ; but at 6h. a.m., observing that they meditated an attack upon the disabled Bellerophon, the Zealous, Goliath, and Theseus were ordered to weigh and proceed to her assistance. The Alexander and the two latter, together wath the Leander, stood towards the Mercure and Heureux, which

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ships had grounded to the southward of the bay, and after firing a few shot at them, compelled both ships to surrender. Taking advantage of the absence of the Goliath, Theseus, and Alexander, the Timoleon ran on shore, losiag her foremast by the shock ; and at about llh. a.m. the Guillaume Tell and Genereux, Justice and Diane frigates, made all sail to the north-east — the small remains of the fleet which, only seven- teen hours previously had made so gallant a show. The Zealous happening to be the only British ship in that direc- tion hauled close up, and passing withiu musket-shot, received the fire of the four retreating ships. More than forty shots passed through the Zealous's mainsail, but she had only one man kiUed. The Zealous would probably have contiuued the fight, but being recalled by signal, the French ships effected their escape.

Eight ships had now surrendered, and two were destroyed. The Timoleon was on shore, but with her colours flying; and at about two miles distant from her the Tonnant was also aground v/ith her colours on the stump of her mi2;en-mast. This ship was compelled on the 3rd to surrender to the Theseus and Leander ; the Timoleon was set on fire and destroyed by her own crew, which then escaped to the shore. The following table shows the loss of each ship, with the name of the first lieutenant, in the order in which each entered the action : —





First Lieutenant.

Goliath . . ... . .




George Sarradine

Zealous ... ... ...




WiUiam H. Webley





James Barker





Thomas White

Theseus ......




Kichard Hawkins

Vanguard .....




Edward Galwav

Minotaur . . . .




John HiU





E-ichard Jones

Bellerophon ...




{ Robert Cathcart (sen. ( surviving)

Majestic .......




Robert Cuthbert

Swiftsure ... ...




Thomas Cowan

Alexander ... ...




John Whipple

Leander . .

Total ... .. 1



WilUam Richardson




1798.] CASUALTIES, ETC. 483

The following are tlie names of officers killed and wounded : — Goliath : William Davies (mate) and Andrew Brown (midshipman), killed ; Lieutenant W. Wilkinson, Laui-ence Graves (schoolmaster) and James PajTie (midship- man), wounded. Orion : the captain's clerk, killed ; Cap- tain Saumarez, Peter Sadler (boatswain), PhiHp Eichardson, Charles ]Miell, — Langfesty, and Thomas Mansell (midship- men), wounded. Audacious : Lieutenant John Jeans and her gunner, wounded. Theseus : Lieutenant Richard Haw- kins, woimded. YangTiard : Captain of marines William Paddy, J. G. Taylor and Thomas Seymoui' (midshipmen), killed ; the rear-admiral, Lieutenants Nathaniel Vassal and James Adye, admiral's secretary Mr. J. Campbell, — Austin (boatswain), James Weatherston and George Antrim (mid- shipmen), wounded. Minotaur : Lieutenant John G. Kirch- ner and Peter Walters (mate), killed ; and Lieutenant Thomas Irwin, Lieutenant of marines John Jewel, Thomas Poster (second master), and Martin Wells (midshipman), wounded. Bellerophon : Lieutenants Robert S. Daniell, Philemon W. Launder, and George Joliffe, and Thomas Ellison (mate), killed ; Captain Darby, Edward Kirby (master). Captain of marines John Hopkins, John Chapman (boatswain), and Nicholas Bettson (midshipman), woimded. Majestic : Captain Richard B. Westcott, Zebedee Ford (mid- shipman), and Andrew Gilmore (boatswain), killed ; and Charles Seward and Charles Boyle (midshipmen) and Robert Overton (clerk), wounded. Swiftsure : William Smith (mid- shipman), wounded. Alexander : Lieutenant John E. Collins, killed ; Captain Ball, Captain of marines John Creswell, William Lawson (master), and George Bully and Luke Ander- son (midshipmen), wounded.

Sir Horatio Nelson was painfully wounded by a splinter in the early part of the action ; it struck him above his right eye, causing the flesh to hang over the lid, which was after- wards replaced and sewn up ; but having had the wound bound up, he returned to the deck, and continued there during the remainder of the action.

The damages sustained by the British fleet were chiefly confined to the masts and rigging, with the exception of the Bellerophon, which ship was totally dismasted, and dreadfully shattered in every part. The Majestic had lost main and



mizen masts. The fore-topmast of the Defence, and the mizen-topmast and fore and main top-gallant-masts of the Alexander, were shot away, and the latter's main-topmast also fell on the 3rd, in consequence of the wounds it had received, as did likewise that of the Goliath.

The island of Aboukir was taken possession of on the 9 th of August, and the two mortars and two brass 12-pounders with which it was fortified, were brought away. On the 13th, the Mutine, into which the Hon. Thomas Bladen Capel had been promoted, sailed for Naples with a duplicate of Admiral Nelson's despatches. Captain Hardy was at this time posted into the Vanguard, in room of Captain Berry, who was sent away in the Leander with the despatches.

On the 14th, the Orion, Bellerophon, Minotaur, Defence, Audacious, Theseus, and Majestic, with the prizes Franklin, Tonnant, AquUon, Conquerant, Peuple Souverain, and Spar- tiate, under the charge of Captain Sir James Saumarez, in the Orion, weighed and stood out of the road, and on the following morning proceeded on their voyage ; but the Heureux, Guerrier, and Mercure, being found unseaworthy, were burnt. On the 19th, the Vanguard,* Culloden, and Alexander sailed for Naples, leaving the Zealous, Goliath, Swiftsure, Seahorse, Emerald, Alcmene, and Bonne Citoyenne, under the orders of Captain Hood, to cruise off the port of Alexandria. On the 14th of September, the prizes, under the escort of Sir James Saumarez, arrived at Gibraltar. Here the Peuple Souverain was surveyed, and found unfit to proceed to England. Her name therefore was changed to Guerrier, and she was converted into a guard-ship. The

' Of those in command of the ten French ships principally engaged, one admiral and two captains were killed, and Rear- Admiral Blanquet and the remaining seven captains wounded. The wounded were all taken on board the Vanguard, and most hospitably entertained by the British admiral. The following anecdote in reference to them may be depended on. A few days after they had taken up their residence on board the Vanguard, while they were on their passage to Naples, they were as usual dining with Nelson. One of the captains had lost his nose, another an eye, and another most of his teeth by a musket-ball. Nelson, during the dinner, half blind from his wound, not thinking what he was about, offered to this latter a case of toothpicks, and, on discovering his error, became excessively confused, and in his confusion handed his snuff- box to the captain on his right, wlw had lost his nose.


five other prizes, after receiving some slight repairs, sailed for England, and arrived safely at Plymouth. The Franklin ^ was renamed the Canopus, but the Tonnant and Spartiate retained their names in the British navy.

Nelson was created Baron Nelson of the Nile and of Burnham Thorpe, in the county of Norfolk ; a pension of £2,000 per annum was conferred upon him and his two next heirs male from the parliament of England, and £1,000 from that of Ireland. Gold medals ^ were presented to his lordship and to each of the captains; and the first lieutenants were promoted to the rank of commander. The East-India Company, with their wonted liberality, presented Lord Nelson with the sum of .£10,000, and the Grand Seignior sent him a diamond aigrette, or chelengh, with 2,000 sequins for the wounded of his crew.

To attempt to eulogize Nelson's conduct, or that of his fleet, on this memorable occasion is, we know, a vain thing ; but the subject must not be dismissed without comment. "Without one exception, the victory in Aboukir Bay is the grandest on record. Whether we consider the determination, the ability, or the vigour displayed, or the result, the battle stands unrivalled, and will probably ever remain so. Not the slightest insinuation to the prejudice of one ship has ever been mooted ; and this was probably caused by the clearness of the admiral's plans. Each captain knew before- hand the wish of the admiral, and gallantly strove to further it. Success, brilliant and unprecedented, attended such an union, and such will ever be the effect of unanimity and

Franklin, 80-gun ship. British 98-gun ship.

Lower deck.. 32 long 36-pounders .... 28 long 32-pounders

Middle deck .. 30 „ 18

Main deck . . 34 „ 24 „ 30 „ 12

Quarter-deck 14 „ 12 „ 8 „ 12

Forecastle . . 6 „ 12 „ _ .^ 2 „ 12

Poop 6 carr. 36 „ .... 6 carr. 18

92 guns, 1,287 lbs. 104 guns, 1,012 lbs.

' The silver naval medal and clasp was awarded to the surviving par- ticipators in this great action in 1847 : but a private individual, Mr, Bolton, at his own cost, presented medals to both officers and men in 1798.


skill. The crews of the British, by constant exercising, had attained to a degree of proficiency in gunnery which probably never will be surpassed.

On the 4th of August, Lieutenant Thomas G. Shortland, •with the boats of the 38-gun frigate Melpomene, Captain Sir Charles Hamilton, and 14-gun brig Childers, Commander James O'Brien, boarded and carried the French national 14-gun brig Adventurer, anchored in the port of Coregeiou, Isle of Bas ; and notwithstanding a heavy fire from the bat- teries, succeeded in working her out against a fresh gale, lieutenant Shortland performed this dashing service with the loss of two men killed and four wounded. For this exploit Lieutenant Shortland was made a commander.

On the 7th of August, the French 20-gun ship Vaillante •was captured ofi" the Isle of Rhe by the 44-gun frigate Inde- fatigable, Captain Sir Edward Pellew. The prize was added to the British navy under the name of Danae, and armed •with twenty carronades (32-pounders) on the main deck, and twelve carronades (12-pounders) and two long sixes on the quarter-deck and forecastle.

On the 7th of August, the 14-gun brig Espoir, Commander Loftus Otway Bland, cruising near Gibraltar, fought a gallant action with the Genoese pirate Liguria, moimting twelve long 18-pounders, four 12-pounders, and ten long 6-pounders, •with a crew of 120 men of all nations, of which she had seven killed, and the captain and thirteen wounded. The Espoir had her master, — Solsby, killed, and six men vv-ounded. Commander Bland was deservedly promoted on the 25th of September. The naval medal and clasp has been awarded for this action.

On the 12th of August, at noon, lat. 46° 15' N., long. 18° 25' W., the 18-gim ship sloop Hazard, Commander William Butterfield, at 4h, p.m., brought to action the French armed ship Neptune, mounting ten, but pierced for twenty guns. The Neptune fought all her guns (6-pounders) on one side, and having on board 273 soldiers, in addition to fifty- three seamen, made several ineffectual attempts to board the Hazard ; but, after an action of one hour and fifty minutes, struck. The Hazard received very little damage to her hull, and had only six men wounded ; but the loss on board the Neptune amounted to between twenty and thirty killed and


wounded. During the action a privateer, under Frencli colours, was in sight to leeward. Captain Butterfield, not- withstanding his numerous prisoners (nearly 300), managed to keep them under with his crew of not more than 100 men and boys, and carried his prize into port.

On the 18th of August, the 50-giui ship Leander, Captain Thomas B. Thompson, having on board Captain Edward Berry in charge of the despatches of the Nile action, being off the west end of Candia, descried, at daybreak, a large ship standing towards her, with a fine breeze from the south- ward, while the Leander was lying becalmed. The stranger was soon known to be one of the ships escaped after the Nile action, and proved to be the 74-gun ship G^nereux, bound to Corfu. When the breeze reached the Leander, aU sail was made ; but at lOh. a.m. the Genereux had arrived within half gun-shot on her weather quarter, and the action commenced — the Leander continuing imder easy sail, with a light air of wind on her larboard beam. The action con- tinued until lOh. 30m., at which time the Genereux being abreast of the Leander, put her helm up and ran her aboard on the larboard bow, and then dropping alongside, made several attempts to board. But the British marines, headed by their sergeant (no officer having replaced Lieutenant Robinson, killed at Teneriffe), and the small-arm men on the quarter-deck, on each occasion drove them back with loss. In the meanwhile a furious cannonading was kept up from the main and lower decks of both ships, when at length a light air of wind separated them, driving the Genereux ahead of the Leander, whose mizenmast had by this time fallen over the starboard quarter, her fore-topmast over the larboard bow, and whose fore and main yards were lying across the booms. The Genereux now wore round on the starboard tack across the Leander's bows ; and the latter, under her spritsail only, succeeded in crossing the stem of her antago- nist, and, making good use of the opportimity thus afforded, raked her with effect. It again falling a stark calm, and the sea being smooth, the action was protracted with spirit untn 3h. 30m. p.m., at which time a breeze enabled the Genereux to take a position on the larboard bow of her antagonist. The Leander was then hailed to know if she had surrendered ; and as the ship was totally ungovernable,


an answer was given in the affirmative, and the British colours were struck. The boatswain, with a midshipman, then swam from the French ship, neither having a boat which would swim, and took possession of the prize. The Leander had only the shattered remains of her fore and main masts and her bowsprit left standing, and had in this tremendous conflict sustained a heavy loss, as follows : — Peter Downs, John Gibson, and Edward Haddon, midshipmen, twenty-four seamen, and Sergeant Dair and seven marines, killed ; and Captain Thompson (badly in three places). Captain Berry (slightly). Lieutenants Bridges Watkinson Taylor and "Wil- liam Swiney, Michael Lee, master. Boatswain — Mathias, John Leckey, miaster's mate, and Edward Naylor, midship- man, forty-one seamen, and nine marines, wounded. Total, thirty-five killed and fifby-eight wounded. The Leander having a lieutenant, a midshipman, and fifty men absent in one of the captured ships at Aboukir, commenced this action with only 2S2 men and boys ; her killed and wounded, there- fore, amounted to one-third of her gallant crew.

The Genereux had received on board a part of the crew of the Timoleon, and her crew at the commencement of the action amounted to 936, of wliich number she had 100 killed and 180 wounded. To put this most meritorious defence in its true light, it is necessary to resort to Mr. James's formula, to show the comparative force of the two ships.

Leander. Genereux.

-o J • J r- 5 No. . . 26 40

Broadside Guns JYbs. .. 432 1,024

Crew No. .. 282 '936

Size ..Tons .. 1,052 1,926

Too much cannot be said in praise of the captain, officers, and crew of the Leander ; and it would be some satisfaction to know that a defence so gallant won the admiration of an enemy ; but truth forbids us to state that any such feeling was shown in this instance. Commodore Lejoille encouraged his crew in an organized plan of plunder, and the transactions which took place could have been expected only from a Barbary corsair. Every article of clothing, except two shirts in a handkerchief, were taken from Captain Thompson ; and his officers and men v/ere stripped of their clothing and everything belonging to them. Although Caj^tain Thompson


was severely wounded, his cot was refused him, and the attendance of liis own surgeon denied ; in consequence of which, a musket-ball in his arm was not extracted until after the ship's arrival in Corfu, when Mr. Mulberry, the surgeon, was smuggled on board the Genereux unknown to her brutal captain. Such of the seamen as were removed to the Gene- reux were compelled to knot and splice the rigging, and those who remained in the Leander had to rig jury-masts. The food supplied to the prisoners consisted only of rancid oil and bad rice. Some time after the arrival of the ships at Corfu, the principal part of the officers were sent home on their parole ; but the carpenter, Thomas Jarrat, was detained, for refusing to furnish Lejoille with the dimensions of the Leander's masts and yards. To add to his other enormities, Captain Lejoille endeavoured to induce some of the British sailors to enter the French navy, and to assist in fighting the Genereux through a Turco-Russian squadron blockading the port ; but this proposal was indignantly rejected ; and a maintop-man, named George Bannister, thus gave vent to

his feelings — " No ! you d d French rascal ; give us back

our little ship, and we'll fight you again till we sink ! "

A court-martial was assembled on the 17th of December, at Sheerness, to try Captain Thompson and the officers for the loss of the ship ; when the court came to the unanimous conclusion, that the gallant and almost unprecedented defence of Captain Thompson, of liis majesty's late ship Leander,'- against a force so superior, was deserving of every praise his country and the court could give ; and that his conduct, to- gether with that of the officers and men under his command, reflected not only the highest honour on them, but on the country at large, and they were therefore most honourably acquitted. Sir Edward Berry (who had been knighted on the 10th) also received the thanks of the court ; and Captain Thompson, on his return to the shore, was cheered from all


the ships in the harbour. Tliis brave officer also received the honour of knighthood.

On the 22nd of August, the French 36-gun fiigate Decade was chased off Cape Finisterre, and captured by the British frigates Naiad and Magnanime, Captains William Pierrepoint and Hon. Michael de Courcy. The Decade measured 915 tons, and was added as a 12-pounder 36-gun frigate to the British navy.

On the 2nd of September, the 74-gun sliip Swiftsure, and Emerald frigate, part of Captain Hood's squadron, cruising off Alexandria, observed a cutter standing in for the land ; and notwithstanding several shot were fired at her, per- severed in her course, and at length took the ground a little to the westward of Marabou tower. The boats were des- patched to endeavour to cut her out ; but in the mean time the crew of the cutter effected a landing, and the vessel was soon knocked to pieces by the hea^vy surf which broke along the beach. The shore, as far as the eye could reach, presented notliing but a barren sand ; but before the boats had returned to the ships, parties of Arabs were observed advancing towards the French, who now, when it was too late, perceived that they had better have become prisoners to the British. In the hope of preserving their enemies from the barbarous savages, it was determined to make an effort, and the boats were accordingly rowed as close to the edge of the surf as the safety of their own crews permitted. With most commendable gallantry, Francis William Fane, midshipman of the Emerald, intrepidly leaped into the raging surf, and pushing before him an empty barrel to v/hich a line Avas attached, reached the shore. By this means the commander of the cutter and four seamen were saved from the fate which befel their companions. The cutter was the Anemone, carrying despatches for General Bonaparte, and had on board Adjutant-General Cam in and Captain Yalette, who, together with the remaining crew of the cutter, about fifty-five men, were in a short time after- wards murdered in cold blood by the Ai^abs. The humane courage of Mr. Fane cannot be too highly lauded.

On the 7th of September, at noon, the frigates Phaeton and Anson, Captains Stopford and Durham, cruising off the




French coast, captured, after a long chase, the French 32-gun frigate Flore. ^

A French squadron, commanded by Commodore Bompart, in the Hoche, consisting of










36 <


46 <



Loire ^


^ S^millante





sailed from Brest on the 1 6th of September, having on board 3,000 troops intended for a descent on the coast of Ireland. On the morning of the 17th, this squadron was fallen in ■with when about five leagues to the westward of the Bee du Eaz, by the 38-gim frigates Boadicea and Ethalion, Captains Keats and Countess, and IS-giin brig Sylph, Coramander J. G. White. Captain Keats immediately made sail in search of Lord Bridport, leaving the Ethalion to watch the move- ments of the French squadi'on, which on the 18th bore away south-west. The EthaHon was joined soon afterwards by the 38-gun frigate Amelia, and on the 19th by the 44-gun frigate Anson j and these ships continued watching the movements of the enemy until the 1st of October, when blowing and thick weather separated the British ships ; but on the 11th, the Ethalion and Anson, which had for a time lost sight of the enemy, were joined by Commodore Sir J. Borlase Warren. The British squadron then consisted of —




Canada. . . . .^

Commodore Sir John Borlase Warren, Bart

• Robust. . .-. . .

Captain Edward Thornborough


Foudroyant .

Sir Thomas Byard


Magnanime ..

Hon. Michael de Courcy


Ethalion . . ..

George Countess


Anson . . ... .

Philip C. C. H. Durham


Melampns .

Graham Moore


Amelia . . . . .

Hon. Charles Herbert

^ The capture of this ship under her original name, Vestale, by the Unicorn, Captain Hunt, will be found at p. 210 of this volume. She was named the Flora, in the British service, and, while under the com- mand of Captain John Brisbane, was sunk at the evacuation of Rhode Island in 1778, to prevent her falling into the enemy's hands ; but was afterwards weighed by the Americans, and by them sold to the French,


Commodore Bompart, on losing sight of the British frigates, steered for Lough Swilly, in fulfilment of liis orders, but was discovered on the same day off Tory Island. During the night the Anson, in a heavy squall, carried away her mizen-mast, main, and main-topsail yards ; and the Hoche lost her main-topmast, and fore and mizen top-gallant-masts. At oh. 30m. A.M. on the 12th of October, Commodore Bom- part, with his squadron, found himself at no great distance from the British. The French ships at this time were formed in two ill-constructed lines, with the disabled Hoche in the centre of the second. The Bobust and Magnanime were about four miles astern, the Amelia on the lee quarter, and the Melampus, Foudroyant, and Canada also to leeward, and the latter distant eight miles : the Anson had parted company in the night. At 7h. A.M. the British endeavoured to form a line astern of the Bobust ; and the French squadron, being hemmed in with the land about Donegal Bay, steered south-west, with the wind on the starboard beam, formed in line ahead thus: Semillante, Bomaiue, Bellone, Immortalite, Loire, Hoche, Besolue, Coquille, and Embuscade. At 7h. 45m. the Bobust having obtained a position on the enemy's weather quarter, edged away for the Embuscade and Coquille, and having passed under the stem of the former, ranged up to leeward, and opened fire upon the Hoche: these ships were soon in close action. The Magnanime followed, and, passing the Bobust to leeward^ commenced action Avith the Loire, Immortalite, and Bellone, which had bore up to rake her; but these ships, after receiving a few broadsides from the British 44, made sail to leeward. The Magnanime then placed herself across the bows of the Hoche; and at lOh. 50m., the latter being dis- abled, having 25 guns dismounted, and a great part of her crew killed and wounded, hauled do^'Tl her colom's. The Embuscade surrendered at llh. 30m. ; but the Coquille made sail after the Loire and Immortalite. No time was lost in pursuing the four frigates, the object of which appeared to be to cross the bows of the Foudroyant, still on the starboard tack. In this the Loii-e and Immortalite succeeded; but

in whose navy she retained her name, Flore, It is probable that, whea taken by Captain Stopford, she was a private ship.


tlie Bellone sailing indifferently, was unable to effect it, and was therefore obliged to keep her luff. After engaging the Melampus, whose masts she disabled, and keeping tip a run- ning fight of one hour and fifty minutes with the Ethalion, the French frigate, having had twenty killed and forty-five wounded, struck her colours. The Coquille being engaged by the Melampus, was also obliged to strike, and was taken possession of by a boat from the Magnanime. The Anson was by this time in sight, but so far to leeward as to be incapable of taking part in the attack; she, however, was successively engaged by the Loire and her three consorts as they made off to leeward ; from which cause the Anson had two men killed and tliirteen wounded, with masts and yards much crippled.

The loss on board the British ships was as follows : — the Canada, one man mortally wounded ; the Foudroyant, nine wounded; Robust, ten seamen killed, and Lieut. David Colby (lost an arm), and Lieut, of marines William Cottle (mortally), and foi*ty men wounded ; Melampus, one wounded ; Magnanime, seven wounded; Anson, two killed and three wounded; and Ethalion, one killed and four wounded : making a total of thirteen killed and seventy-five wounded. The French loss amounted to 462 k;^lled and wounded. The first Heutenants of the ships engaged were, W. J. Turquand (Canada) ; David Colby (Robust) ; Charles Dashwood (Mag- nanime) ; George Sayer (Ethalion) ; John Hinton (Anson) ; John H. Martin (Melampus) ; Meabron Holmes (Etha- lion) ; of whom the four first named were promoted shortly afterwards.

On the 14th of October, the Immortalite and Resolue were chased, and the latter overtaken by the Melampus, Captain Graham Moore, and after a feeble resistance cap- tured. The Immortalite made no effort to succour her consort, or to bring the Melampus to action.

On the 15th of October, the 32-gun frigate Mermaid, and 38-gun frigate Revolutionnaire, Captain James Newman NeMTnan and Thomas Twysden, with the 1 8-gun brig Kan- garoo, Commander Edward Brace, cruising off Black Sod Bay, discovered two frigates on the weather beam, bearing north, wind north by east ; which, on perceiving the Britisli, edged off the wind, and as the night closed in, separated, and


were pursued, one by the Kevolutionnaii-e, and the other by the Mermaid and Kangaroo, the two latter hauling up on the larboard tack. On the IGth, the Mermaid and Kangaroo regained sight of the ship they were pursuing, and at 3h. p.m., the brig being far advanced in the chase, succeeded in bringing the Loire to action in the most gallant manner, and continued to engage until, her fore-topmast being shot away, she dropped astern. At daybreak on the 17th, the Mer- maid having continued the pursuit, and outsailed the brig, the Loire shortened sail, and at 6h. 45m. both ships going nearly before the wind, steering north-east, the action com- menced, and was kept up with great spirit on both sides. The Loire made an attempt to board, which was, however, frustrated by the able management of the Mermaid's first lieutenant, Michael Halliday; and shortly afterwards the Mermaid gaining a position on the larboard bow of her op- ponent, was enabled to ply her starboard guns with con- siderable effect, and closing within pistol-shot, brought down the Loire's fore-topmast and cross-jack-yard. At 9h. 15m. the Lon-e lost her main-topsail-yard, which was followed by the fall of the Mermaid's ; and just as Captain Newman was on the point of reaping the reward of his bravery, and had directed the Mermaid to be luffed across the hawse of the Lou'e, the mizen-mast of the British frigate was shot away, and her main-topmast came down. Thus crippled, and having all her sails riddled, and her remaining masts badly wounded, the Mermaid ceased firing, upon which the Loire put before the wind, and was soon out of sight. The Mer- maid had three men killed and thirteen wounded. The Mermaid was of the small 12-pounder class, of 693 tons only, and 200 men; while the Loire was a first class 18-poimder frigate, of 1,100 tons, and including soldiers, had on board 624 men, of which her loss is not stated. A heavy gale came on shortly after the action, in which the Mermaid lost her foremast, and after a dangerous run, reached Lough Swilly on the 19th. Lieutenant Michael Halliday, having on this occasion, as well as when first lieutenant of the Phoebe, at the capture of the Nereide, distinguished himself^ was promoted to the rank of commander, and his commission dated back to the previous July.

On the morning of the ISth^ the Loire, with the loss of


fore aud main topmasts, was discovered to leeward by the Anson and Kangaroo. The former, as before stated, was without her mizen-mast, and her main-yard and main -cross- trees were likewise carried away. At lOh. 30m. a.m. the Anson opened fire, which was continued tUl 11 h. 45m. The Anson, as well as the Loire, by this time was in a very dis- abled state, and was dropping astern, when Captain Brace, in the Kangaroo, having received a shot and some volleys of musketry from the Loire, gallantly ranged up alongside, and for the second time brought the Loire to action. Unable to contend with this spirited httle enemy, and her mizen-mast falling over the side, carrying with it her colours, the obsti- nately-defended French frigate was surrendered, and a boat from the Kangaroo took possession of the prize. The Anson had two seamen killed, and Lieut, of marines William Abell, William Robilliard and Francis E. Payler, midship- men, eight seamen and two marines, wounded. The Loire had forty-eight men killed and seventy wounded.

On the 20th of October, the Immortalite, on her way to Brest, was fallen in with by the 38-gun frigate Fisgard, Captain Thomas Byam Martin. All sail was made in pur- suit, and as the Fisgard gained rapidly in the chase, the Immortalite, at llh. a.m., hoisted her colours, and fired her stern chasers. At llh. 30m. the Fisgard commenced firing her bow guns, and at 12h. 30m. succeeded in getting along- side, when a well-contested action took place. At a little before Ih. p.m. the Fisgard's sails and rigging had received so much damage, that she dropped astern, and the French fiigate endeavoured to escape; but at Ih. 30m., the Fisgard having repaired damages, again got up with her antagonist. The action continued until 3h. p.m., by which time the Im- mortahte having her mizen-mast shot away — her other masts badly wounded — very leaky from shot-holes — and her cap- tain and first lieutenant, two military ofticers, and fifty-four men being killed, and sixty-one wounded, hauled down her colours. The Fisgard, when the action terminated, had five feet water in her hold, her masts and rigging much injured, and had sustained a loss of ten seamen killed, and Lieut, of marines Mark A. Gerard, twenty-three seamen, and two marines, wounded. The prize carried twenty-four long 24-pounders on her main deck, and fourteen long 8-pounders,



and four brass 36-poiinder carronades, on lier quarter-deck and forecastle, making a total of foi-ty-two guns. The Fis- gard was an 1 8-pounder frigate, and in all mounted forty-six guns. Lieutenant Sunnan Garden, first of the Fisgard, was made a commander. This action is distinguished by the naval medal.

As this was the last of Bompart's squadron captured, it may be desirable to recapitulate the fate of her consorts.

Guns. Ships.

74 Hoche ]

[ Coquille f Captured by Sir John Borlase Warren'.s

cyr. \ Embuscade . . . . ( squadron, on the 1 2th of October.

j Bellone )

Resohie Struck to the Melampus on the 14th.

k After an action with the Kangaroo and Mer-

Loire < maid on the 16th, captured by the Anson

40 -j ( and Kangaroo on the ISth of October.

It * ta' S Captured bv the Fisgard on the 20th of

[Immortante . . ^ ^ - ^^^^^^^^^

40 Eomaine ]

36 S^millante . . . . > Reached Brest or L'Orient. Schooner Biche }

The Hoche was a beautiful sliip of 1,900 tons, and long remained an ornament to the British navy, under the name of Donegal. The Coquille and Embuscade were 900-ton frigates, of the 12-pounder class, and the latter, under the name Ambuscade, performed good service; but the former took fire and blew uj) in Hamoaze, shortly after being sur- veyed preparatory to purchase. The Bellone and Besolue were ships of 880 tons, but although purchased into the navy, were never actively employed. The Loire and Immortalite had a long inin, and will be found honoiu'ably mentioned in the succeeding pages. The thanks of both houses of par- liament were voted to Commodore Warren, and the captains, <fec., imder his orders, and the naval medal was bestowed in 1847 upon the sur'iving participators in the action.

On the 24th of October, at 8h. a,m., the 1 8-pounder 36-gun frigate Sirius, Captain Richard King, cruising off the Texel, fell in with the Dutch 12-pounder 36-gun frigate Furie, Captain Pletz, and 24-gun corvette Waakzaamheid, Captain Neirop. The two Dutch ships being about two miles distant from each other, Captain King determined to bring the


•weathermost to action first, and firing a broadside into the Furie as slie passed, hauled tip for the corvette, which at 9h. A.M. hauled do\vn her colours. The Furie, on seeing the fate of her commodore (Captain Neirop being the senior officer), bore up, and endeavoured to escape ; and before the Sirius pould get the prisoners out of the corvette, was nearly out of sight. The Sii'ius, however, at 5h. p.m., overtook the frigate, and brought her to close action; but the superior fire of the British frigate quickly disabled the Furie, and a little before 6h. p.m. her coloiu's were hauled dov.Ti. The Sirius had only one man wounded. The Furie, out of 328 (including 165 soldiers), had eight men killed and fourteen wounded. The "Waakzaamheid had a crew of 222 men, including 122 soldiers, and sustained no loss.

On the otli of December, the British 12-pounder 32-gun frigate Ambuscade, Captain Henry Jenkins, sailed from Plymouth on a cruise ; and on the 8th, captured a French brig and chasse-^naree, into which the second lieutenant and a prize crew were sent, and thirty prisoners were received on boai'd the Ambuscade. This, with another prize crew at Plymouth, reduced the number of men on board the frigate to 190. The Ambuscade expected to be joined off Bordeaux by the 32-gun frigate Stag, Captain Joseph Sydney Yorke, and on the 14th of December, at 7h. a.m., a sail was seen coming down before the wind ; and Captain Jenkins believing the stranger to be his expected consort, hove to, in order to facilitate her junction, and the people went to breakfast.

At 9h. A.M., the stranger having approached within two miles of the Ambuscade's weather beam, hauled to the wind on the starboard tack, and Captain Jenkins then discovered that the stranger was not the Stag. The hands were imme- diately turned up, and all sail made. The hammocks were J>iped down, and every means resorted to in order to increase the speed of the Ambuscade ; and, at 11 h. 30m., the British frigate fired a bow gun at the chase, which was instantly returned fi-om the enemy's stern chasers. The stranger was the French national 28-gim ship Baionnaise, Lieutenant de vaisseaii Edmond Richer, mounted tliirty-two guns, and had a crew (including an officer and thirty soldiers) of 250 men. Both ships then hoisted their colours, and the

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Baionnaise having shortened sail, the Ambuscade ranged up on the larboard quarter of the enemy, and a very steady cannonading ensued, which was kept up, to the manifest disadvantage of the Baionnaise, until Ih. p.m., when one of the Ambuscade's main-deck guns burst, and wounded eleven men, besides blowing up the gangway, cutting the port down to the lower deck, and staving the boats on the booms. The confusion and distrust which such a disaster always produces can hardly be described ; and the Baionnaise, willing to profit by the accident, made sail, and endeavoured to escape. She was, however, soon followed by the Am- buscade, which a second time ranged up to leeward, and commenced the action ; but having too much way, shot ahead of her opponent. The latter was by this time much cut up in sails and rigging, and her loss in killed and wounded was considerable, including her captain and fii'st lieutenant. As a last effort for victory, therefore, the officer in charge of the troops suggested to the commanding officer of the Baionnaise that an attempt should be made to board, which their number of men appeared to render advisable. Accordingly, the helm of the Baionnaise was put up, and she ran the Ambuscade (which ship was then on her lee bow) on board, her bowsprit carrying away the Ambuscade's mizenmast, demolishing the starboard bulwark, and knocking away her wheeL

The French ship having carried away her own jib-boom, and the head of the bowsprit, would then have gone clear of the Ambuscade, had not the fluke of one of her anchors hooked the frigate's rudder-chains, by which the two ships were held together. The French crew then, assembled in great numbers upon the forecastle and bowsprit of the Baionnaise, from whence they kept up a continual discharge of musketry, which was returned by the marines of the Ambuscade with great animation and effect. The Ambuscade's first lieutenant (Dawson Mayne) was one of the earhest to fall under this galling fire ; he was mortally wounded, and expired very soon after being carried below. Captain Jenkias was also wounded in the thigh-bone, and taken off the deck. Lieutenant Sinclair, of the marines, was wounded in the shoulder and thigh ; he, too, was com- pelled to quit the deck. Mr. James Brown, the master, was


shot thi'oiigh the head, and fell dead upon the deck ; and Lieutenant Joseph Briggs, who, hearing of the loss of officers, had gallantly quitted a sick bed to take part in the action, was wounded in the head almost as soon as he made his appearance. Mr. William Bowman Murray, the purser, next volunteered to take command, and was very soon the only officer left on the quarter-deck. At this period, when the men upon deck were exerting themselves to their utmost to repel the assailants, the gunner ran aft to say that the ship was on fire. The fire was, however, not of great con- sequence in itself, and was occasioned by the explosion of some cartridges on the rudder-head, which blew out part of the stern frame, and stove the jolly-boat hanging in the stem davits. But the confusion natural to this event was soon evident to the enemy ; and the crew of the Baionnaise, making a bridge of the bowsprit, boarded, and with small opposition (for very few men remained ahve on the quarter- deck of the British ship) hauled down her colours.

The Ambuscade, including her first lieutenant and master, had ten killed, and Captain Jenkins (dangerously). Lieu- tenants Briggs and James Sinclair, and thirty-three wounded. The Baionnaise, whose crew has already been stated, had thirty officers and men killed, and thirty wounded. The Ambuscade was a ship of 684 tons, mounting twenty-six long 12-pounders (guns which, had each of them undergone an examination, would have been condemned as unfit for use, and more dangerous to friends than foes), in addition to which she mounted twelve ill-fitted 24-pounder carronades on her quarter-deck and forecastle. The Baionnaise, on the other hand, was a fine little ship, of 580 tons, armed with twenty-four French 8-pounders (answering to 9-pounders English), with six useful 6-pounders, two 36-pounder car- ronades, and eight swivels on her quarter-deck and forecastle. The result of the action, therefore, when we take into con- sideration the smaU number of the British crew, and truth compels us to add, the bad description of men which formed a large part of it, and the general want of discipline on board, cannot cause surprise. The early wound of the cap- tain and loss of officers, the accidental position of the two ships during the latter part of the contest, which afforded the enemy full opportunity for the use of the advantage



■whicli they possessed, arising from the nmnerous crew, are points which must have due weight ; although it must ever he a source of regret that a British frigate should have been compelled to surrender to an enemy nominally (but nomi- nally only) a corvette ; yet, under all the circumstances, we do not view the captui-e of the Ambuscade in the very severe light in which it has by some been Ijeheld. The court- martial assembled to try Captain Jenkins and his surviving officers and crew, pronounced a sentence of acquittal upon all ; but conveyed severe censures upon a part of the ship's company, which had not acted well.

On the 7th of December, the British 22-gun ship Perdiix, Captain William C. Fahie, cruising to leeward of St. Tho- mas's, received information that a French ship of war had been seen seven leagues to windward of Yirgin-Gorda. Strong adverse gales prevented the Perdrix from beating up to the spot pointed out; but on the 11th succeeded in m getting sight of the stranger, which, after a sixteen hours' chase, was brought to close action. The action was con- tinued for forty-two minutes, when the stranger surrendered, and proved to be the French 18-gun privateer ship Armee d'ltalie. The Perdrix, out of a crew of 153 men and boys, had only one man wounded, and the privateer, out of 117, had six killed and five wounded. Captain Fahie reported very favourably of the conduct of his officers. Lieutenants Edward Ottley and James Smith, Moses Cra^vford, master, and Samuel Piguenet, purser.



The exigencies of the nation led to the trial of every plan which ingenuity could suggest ; and, among numerous experiments, one was projected by Captain Schank. The Wolverine, a merchant vessel, of 286 tons, was purchased into the navy, intended principally for the protection of convoys ; and rigged as a bark. Her armament consisted, on the main deck, of six 24-pounder carronades, and two long 12-pounders ; and on the quarter-deck and forecastle she mounted five 12-pounder carronades. These guns were so fitted, that, by means of grooves across the deck, they could be transported from one side to the other ; and, con- sequently, her armament was considered equivalent to that of a 26-gun ship, since she could fight thirteen guns on either side. But one bad quality in the Wolverine could not be remedied, which was her sluggishness. The Wol- verine, Commander Lewis Mortlock, while cruising off Boulogne, on the 4th of January, during foggy weather, was attacked by two large luggers, which, taking her for a merchant vessel, bore down upon her. The Ruse, one of the luggers, mounted eight long 4-pounders, with a crew of seventy men ; and the other, the Furet, fourteen long 4-pounders, with eighty men. In order to favour the delusion, the Wolverine displayed Danish colours ; and when the Furet, having arrived close to her, hailed to know her character. Captain Mortlock answered, that he was from Plymouth, bound to Copenhagen. The lugger, being then on the Wolverine's starboard quarter, immediately boarded, running her bow- sprit between the bark's main and mizen masts. English colours quickly superseded Danish, and the Wolverine opened a fire of great guns and small arms upon the unsus- pecting Frenchman. Captain Mortlock himself assisted in lashing the bowsprit of the Furet to the mizen rigging of the Wolverine. The French then made several attempts to board, but on each occasion were repulsed with loss. The Buse now closed, and laid the Wolverine on board on her


larboard bow, and also attempted to board ; and it required the most strenuous endeavoui's of the British sailors to defeat the object. The crew of the Furet, observing that the major part of the Wolverine's men were engaged repelling the attack of the Ruse, made a simultaneous effort, and three men gaiued a footing on the poop of the bark. One of these, cheering on his comrades to the assault, was despatched by Captain Mortlock.

Bags of combustibles were now thrown into the Wol- verine's cabin windows, which set her on fire just over the magazine ; and while the British crew were engaged in extinguishing the flames, the privateers sheered off, and escaped. The last shot mortally wounded Captain Mortlock, who had previously received three wounds. He was carried below, and soon afterwards fainted from loss of blood ; but with his latest breath he enjoined his lieutenant to " luff, and keep close to them." In this desperate skirmish, with more than double their number, the Wolverine had two mien killed, the captain (mortally) and seven wounded. The loss of the luggers, as acknowledged by the French, Was ss follows : — Furet, five men killed, her captain and five men mortally, and ten badly wounded ; Rus6, three officers and two men kUled, and five mortally, and several badly wounded.

On the 6th of February, the 74-gun ship Leviathan, Com- m.odore John T. Duckworth, and 44-gun ship Argo, Cap- tain James Bowen, having rounded the east end of Majorca, at 4h. P.M., in a fresh gale of wind from the westward, dis- covered two Spanish frigates at anchor, both of which cut their cables, and made sail to the north-east. Towards night the Leviathan split her main-topsail, and the Spanish frigates soon afterwards separated. One making off before the wind, the Argo bore up after her, and about midnight closed with her chase, which, after a feeble resistance, hauled down her coloiu-s. She proved to be the Spanish 34-gun frigate Santa Teresa, mounting in all forty-two guns, and commanded by Captain Don Pablo Perez. Her consort, which was the Proserpine, escaped. The Santa Teresa, being a fine new ship of 950 tons, was added to the British navy imder the same name, as a 12-pounder 3 6 -gun frigate.

On the 9th of Febi-uary, at daybreak, the 12-poimder


32-gan fiigate Daedalus, Captain Henry Lidgbird Ball, being off Cape Natal, on her way to the Cape of Good Hope, dis- covered two sail on her starboard bow, which proved to be the French 36-gun frigate Prudente, Captain Le JoUiffe, and an American ship, her prize. The latter having on board, as a prize crcAv, seventeen of the Prudente's men, together with ten G-pounders from the frigate's quarter-deck, left the Prudente with twenty-six long 12-pounders, two long 6-pounders, and two 36-pounder brass carronades. At 7h. A.M., the two strangers separated — the larger one, which was distant about six miles, running in towards the land, and the smaller ship standing off to the southward. All sail was instantly made by the Dsedalus in pursuit of the frigate, and at noon she got witliin reach of her stem chasers, and ten minutes afterwards (having by tliis time afforded oppor- tunity for the escape of her prize), the Prudente shortened sail and hauled up on the larboard tack across the bows of the Dsedalus, and fired her broadside. The Daedalus having also shortened sail, at 25m. past noon passed close under the stern of the French frigate, and firing a broadside, luffed up within pistol-shot on her starboard quarter. After a spirited action, which lasted till Ih. 20m., by which time the Pru- dente had lost her mizenmast, and was otherwise much cut up, with the loss of twenty-seven men killed and twenty-two wounded, the French colours were hauled down. The Daeda- lus commenced the action with 212 men and boys, and had two killed and twelve wounded. Although a trifling advan- tage was possessed by the British frigate, in consequence of the guns which were on board the Prudente's prize, yet in every other respect the Daedalus was inferior, and the result is creditable to the skill of the British officers and crew. Taking her prize in tow, the Dsedalus proceeded to the Cape, and both anchored in Table Bay on the 15th. The first lieutenant of the Daedalus, Nicholas Tucker, was honourably mentioned by Captain Ball in his official letter.

On the 22nd of February, the 14-gun brig Espou', Com- mander James Saunders, cruising off Malaga, descried a Spanish xebeck, mounting fourteen guns, with three vessels in company. The Espoir, after a short chase, brought the xebeck Africa to close action ; and after an engagement of one hour and twenty minutes, the Spaniard Avas boarded and


carried. Out of 113 men, the Africa had nine killed and twenty-eight wounded. The Espou' had two men killed and two wounded.

On the 19th of February, the 38-gun frigate Sibylle, Captain Edward Cooke^ sailed from Madras in search of the 44-gun French frigate Forte, Captain Beaulieu Le Long, which had become a terror to the Indian seas from her successes. On the 28th, at 8h. 30m. p.m., the Sibylle being off the South Sand Head, having obtained certain informa- tion of the cruising-ground of the enemy, and standing to the south-east vnih a light air from the southward, observed flashes of guns in the north-east quarter, and at 9h. 30m. three sail were seen. These were the Forte, and the Endeavour and Lord Momington, country ships from China, which she had just captured. The Sibylle stood on until able to fetch to windward of the strangers, and at lOh. tacked, and shortened sail to her three topsaUs, jib, and spanker, and steered for the centre sliip. The sea was quite smooth, and the breeze moderate. At midnight, the Sibylle having approached Avithin half a mile of the Forte, the latter, imagining the stranger to be another merchant ship, hove about on the larboard tack, and crossing the Sibylle's bows at no great distance, discharged her broadside, but only cut away her jib-stay. The Sibylle, however, reserved her fire until an opportunity of usmg her shot effectually was afforded, and when the Forte was abaft her weather beam, the Sibylle tacked, and gained a position on the weather and larboard quarter of her enemy. The Forte, expecting that it was the Sibylle's intention to engage to %vindward, pre- pared accordingly ; but the latter, when close to the Forte, suddenly bore up, and passing witliin a few feet of her stem, poured a most destructive rakmg treble-shotted broadside into her ; and then hauling close up under her lee, a deter- mined cannonading took place within half jDistol-shot distance. Captain Cooke was mortally wounded at Ih. 30m. a.m. (March 1st), and the command devolved on Lieutenant Lucius Hardyman. In a few minutes after the captain had been carried off the deck, Captain Da^des, aide-de-camp to Lord Mornington, was killed by a cannon-shot. The action continued unabated till 2h., when, the firing having ceased on board the Forte, she was hailed to know if she had sur-


rendered ; but as no rej)ly was made, the Sibylle recomrnenced firing. After a second cessation, obtaining no answer to the hail, and perceiving that the Forte was meditating an escape, another broadside was thrown in, which brought down her foremast ; this was quickly followed by her main and mizen masts and bowsprit, upon vv^hich the British seamen cheered, and at 2h. 28m. ceased firing.

The Sibylle's anchor was then let go in seventeen fathoms, and all hands were employed in bending sails and repairing the rigging, in expectation of an attack from the consorts of the Forte, of the character of which they were ignorant. About 3h. an English prisoner hailed from the Forte, re- questing that a boat might be sent on board, as all theirs were unfit for use, which was done ; and the Forte was taken possession of by the tliird Heutenant, Nicholas Mauger. The Sibylle had all her masts, and yards on the main and mizen masts, wounded, and her sails and running rigging very much cut ; but only six shot had struck her hull. Her loss amounted to Captain Davies and four seamen and soldiers killed ; Captain Cooke (mortally), and fifteen seamen and one soldier wounded : total, five killed and seventeen wounded. The Forte was totally dismasted, her hull very much shat- tered, and the starboard bulwark of the quarter-deck and forecastle levelled. More than 250 shot had entered her hull, and her cables were cut and rendered unserviceable in the tiers. Her loss amounted to her captain and sixty-five officers and men killed, and her first lieutenant and eighty wounded.

The Forte was one of the finest frigates in the world. Her model was beautiful ; and she measured 1,400 tons (length between decks 170 feet, and in breadth forty-three feet three inches), and mounted thirty long 24-pounders on her main deck, and fourteen long 8-pounders, and four brass 36-pounder carronades on her quarter-deck and fore- castle. Her crew numbered only 370, it having been much reduced by manning her prizes. The Sibylle's armament was the usual one of her class, viz. twenty-eight long 1 8-pounders on the main deck, fourteen 32-pounder car- ronades and six long 9-poimders on the quarter-deck and forecastle. Her crew, which had been greatly weakened by sickness, had been reinforced by a party of Scotch brigades


previously to her quitting Madras on lier mission ; so that she commenced the action mth 371 men. The triumph was indeed a proud one, but it received no shght damp from the mortal wound of Captain Cooke, than whom a more gallant or a better officer the navy could not boast. He Hngered in gi-eat pain from his woimds till the 25th of May following, and died at Calcutta. ^ The naval medal has been granted for this action.

The Forte was commissioned as a British frigate, and the command conferred on Lieutenant Hardyman, who was advanced to post rank in January, 1800. Captain Hardyman continued in command of this ship until she was wrecked near the entrance of the Red Sea.

On the 3rd of March, the French 74-gun ship Genereux, commanded by Captain Lejoille (whose inhuman treatment of the crew of the Leander has just been noticed), having nine transports with 1,000 troops on board for the relief of Corfu, sailed fr^om Ancona ; but on the passage called off Brindisi, where the Genereux grounded. She was fired at from the castle, and the first shot killed Captain LejoiUe and badly wounded General Clement. The Genereux, under the command of Lieutenant Claude Touffet, on learning that Corfu had surrendered, returned with the transports to Ancona.

On the 8th of March, Commodore Sir William Sidney Smith, in the 71:-gun ship Tigre, having been invested with the rank of minister plenipotentiary to the Sublime Porte, was lying off Alexandria, from whence he despatched the Theseus, Captain Ralph Willett Miller, %vith Colonel Phe- lipeaux, of the engineers (a French royalist officer), to Acre, in consequence of an express received from Aclimed Djezzar, with information that Bonaparte had invaded Syria, and that Jaffa had been carried by storm. Having also learnt that the French were preparing an expedition by sea. Sir Sidney sent Mr. James Boyer, midshipman, in the Marianne prize galliot, to reconnoitre the coast to the eastward, and rejoin him at Caiffa.

On the 13th, the Theseus arrived at Acre, and on the 15th the Tigre, AUiance, (wmee-en-jliite, and Marianne also an-


cliored in tliat port ; and Sir Sidney, finding that the Turks were disposed to defend the place, used every exertion to put the •walls in the best possible state to resist an attack. On the 17th, the Theseus was detached to the southward, and Sir Sidney, with the boats of the Tigre, proceeded to the anchorage of Ca'iffa, near the promontory of Mount Carmel. At lOh. p.m. the advanced guard of the French was seen, mounted on asses and dromedaries, passing close to the sea-side ; when Lieutenant John Bushby, with the launch, carrying a 12-pounder carronade, was sent to the entrance of the Kerdanneh river to defend the ford.

On the 18th, at daybreak, the launch opened an unex- pected fire on the French troops, and compelled them to change their route, taking the Nazareth road, in consequence of which they became exposed to the attacks of the Samaritan Arabs. The guns of the British ships having prevented the French firom making an attack along the north coast, they invested Acre on the north-east side, where the defences were much more formidable. As no return from artillery was made to the cannouade of the British boats, it was evident that the French had none ; and expecting that a flotilla was on its way to join, a look-out was kept, and on the 18th, at 5h. A.M., a corvette and nine sail of French gun- vessels, were seen from the Tigre. After a chase, the whole except the corvette were captured, together with the Torride, which had been taken fi:om the British that morning. The pmes mounted together thirty-two guns, and carried 208 men. They were laden with battering cannon, and every kind of ammunition and stores required for the siege, which they had brought from Damietta. These guns intended for the destruction, were now landed for the defence of Acre ; and the vessels employed to harass the enemy along the coast, and cut off supplies.

On the 18th, an attack was made on four transports, laden with supplies, l}^ng in the port of Caifia, by the boats of the Tigre and Theseus, accompanied by several gun-boats, which j)ushed in at lOh. A.M., but they were repelled with considerable loss, having JVIidshipmen Arthur Lambert, John Goodman, Jolm. Gell, and John Carra, and eight seamen killed ; and IVIidshipman John Waters and twenty-six sea- men woimded, eight of whom, and twelve others, were made


prisoners. Lieutenants Busliby, Samuel Hood Inglefield, William Knight, and James Stokes, with Lieutenant of marines Charles F. Burton, were honourably mentioned by the commodore as having distinguished themselves in this affair. The British ships were compelled to quit this un- sheltered anchorage by a heavy gale, but returned again on the 6th of April. During their absence, however, the French had pushed their approaches to the counterscarp ; and in the ditch at the north-east angle of the town, were mining the towers to widen the breach which had been already made by their tield-pieces.

As much danger was apprehended from their approach, a sortie was determined on, in which the seamen and marines were to force their way into the mine, while the Turks attacked the enemy's trenches on the right and left. Just before daybreak on the 7th the sortie commenced, but the Turks rendered abortive the attempt to surprise the enemy by their impetuosity and noise. Lieutenant John Westley Wright, of the Tigre, although wounded by two musket- balls, entered the mine at the head of the pike-men ; and having ascertained its direction, jDulled down the supporters, and did all the injury that could be effected at the time. Major John Douglas, -with the marines, ably supported the seamen in this desperate service, and brought off the wounded. Among the killed was Major Thomas Oldfield, of the marines, and two privates. Lieutenant Wright, of the navy — who was so exhausted from his exertions that he could scarcely crawl from the trenches — with Lieutenant George Beatty (marines). Midshipman Kichard Janvrin, and James M. B. Forbes, one sergeant and six private marines, and twelve seamen, were wounded. The Theseus had taken an excellent position to support the assailants, and her fire was very effectual in covering the retreat of the detachment on its return to the garrison. Bear- Admiral Perree, in the mean- ■ while, succeeded in throwing supplies into Jaffa, and four 18-pounders were landed from the French frigate Jmion.

The garrison made several sorties under cover of the boats of the squadron, which were continued until the 1st of May, by which time the French liaAdng widened the breach by a heavy cannonading of several hours from twenty- three pieces of artillery, made a desperate attempt to storm.


The Theseus was moored on one side the town, and tlie Tigre on the other, while the gun-boats and launches flanked the enemy's trenches. Notwithstanding a tremendous fire from the sliipping, and in the face of a heavy fire from the walls of Acre, the French bravely mounted to the assault, but were repulsed Avith great slaughter. The British had to lament the loss of Commander David Wilmot, of the Alliance, who, in en- deavoming to mount an howitzer on the walls, was killed by a rifle-bullet ; besides whom, Midsliipman Edward Morris and four seamen were killed, and Lieutenant William Knight (Tigre) and eight men wounded. Colonel Phelipeaux, the valued friend of Sir Sidney Smith, died on the 2nd of May, from fever brought on by excessive fatigue.

The French continued to batter in breach, but up to the 6th of May all their attempts to storm had been defeated ; nor were they more successful in their attacks on the two ravehns wliich Su* Sidney had constructed within musket-shot of the besiegers. Frequent sorties were made, which im- peded the French in their covering works, and on the 7th a reinforcement arrived from Rhodes, consisting of two Turkish corvettes and twenty-five transports with troops. Bonaparte determined on making another effort for victory before these troops could disembark ; and the fire from the French bat- teries was kept up with increased vigour, as was also that from the British gun-boats, but with less than their usual effect, in consequence of the epaulment and traverses thrown up by the French for protection. An 18-pounder, mounted in the lighthouse castle, under Christopher Scroeder, mas- ter's mate, and a 24-pounder in the north ravelin, under Mr. Jones, did great execution, being within grape-shot of the advanced forces ; and two 68-pounders, mounted in two djerms lying in the mole, under the direction of Mr. James Bray, carpenter of the Tigre, threw shells into the centre of the enemy's column with destructive effect. The besiegers, how^ever, gained ground, and having battered down the upper part of the north-east tower, the ruins formed a ladder for their ascent, and at daylight on the 8th the French succeeded in planting their standard on the outer angle of the tower. Their position was sheltered by two traverses, which had been constructed during the preceding night, composed of sand-bags and bodies of the dead built in with them, and these


were so Mgh that their bayonets only were seen above them. The troops of Hassan Bey, however, were in the meanwhile on their way to the shore ; and the enemy used, if possible, greater efforts to possess themselves of the place. This was a critical time, and Sir Sidney, anxious that the garrison should receive this reinforcement, himself landed at the mole, and in person led on the British seamen, armed with pikes, to the breach. Here were a few Turks, whose means of defence consisted of large stones, which they hurled on the assailants, and overthrowing the foremost down the slope, impeded the progress of the rest ; but fresh parties rushed on to the assault, until their muskets touched, and the Turks were then enabled to use their scimitars in personal contest.

According to the ancient custom, Djezzar Pasha had been sitting in his palace, rewarding such as brought him the heads of his enemies; but hearing that Sir Sidney was on the breach, he hastened thither, and pulhng the British back, said, " that if harm befel his English friends, all would be lost." This amicable dispute drew several Turks to this spot, and thus gained farther time for the arrival of Hassan Bey's troops. Sir Sidney had now to overcome the pasha's repug- nance to admit any troops into the seraglio gardens except his Albanians, but who were now reduced from 1,000 to 200. This was not a time for trifling, and Sir Sidney, leading in the Chifflic regiment of 1,000 men, armed and disciplined in the European style, animated the rest of the garrison ; and having formed in sufficient numbers to defend the breach, made a sally, but were beaten back with great loss. The sortie produced, however, good effects, for it obhged the French to expose themselves above their intrenchments, and drew upon them a renewal of the flanking fire. In a short time the small number remaining were killed or dispersed by some hand-grenades thrown by Roger Hall Savage, mid- shipman of the Theseus,

Every shot bringing down large pieces of the wall, which was less solid than that of the tower they had so long bat- tered, a new breach was effected to the southward of the lodgment. Bonaparte was now distinctly seen on an elevated piece of ground, called Richard Coeur de Lion's Mount, addressing his generals with great earnestness j and an aide-


de-camp was despatched to the camp, which showed that he waited a reinibrcemeiit in order to renew the attack. Sit" Sidney then gave directions for the Turkish vessels to take their stations in the shoal water to the southward, while the Tigre was ordered to join the Theseus to the northward.

Just before sunset, a massive column appeared advancing to the breach, which, according to the Turkish fashion, was suffered to mount unmolested, and descend into the pasha's garden ; but here the Turks, with the scimitar in one hand and a dagger in the other, rushed upon the enemy, and in a few minutes the most advanced of the Frenchmen lay head- less corpses. The rest fled precipitately, leaving General Rambeaud among the killed, and General Lannes was carried off wounded. In the confusion occasioned by the arrival of the reinforcement, to whom the Enghsh uniform was not well known, many British officers were nearly losing their lives, the Turks taking them for French. In this gallant affair, which lasted twenty-four hours, the loss of the British was one seaman killed and seven wounded, and Thomas Lamb, midshipman, and three seamen drowned.

General Kleber's division was next ordered to mount the breach ; but in order to frustrate this meditated attack, a sortie was resolved on, which took place on the 19th. The ChifHic regiment, led by its lieutenant-colonel, Soliman Aga, gained the third parallel of the besiegers, but their impetu- osity having carried many to the second trench, they sus- tained some loss. Previously to their retreat, however, they spiked four of the French guns. Kleber therefore, instead of storming the fortress, was occupied in recovering those works, which was not accomplished without considerable loss.

The Theseus, on the 14th of May, at 9h. 30m. A.M., dis- covered the squadron of Commodore Perree, off Cesarea, and was about to make sail in chase, when a dreadful explosion of twenty 36-pounder and fifty 18-pounder shells took place on the poop of the Theseus. Captain Miller was killed by a splinter, which struck him on the breast ; the schoolmaster, Thomas Segbourne, Midshipmen J. M. B. Forbes and Charles Webb, twenty-four seamen, and three marines, were killed ; six seamen and three marines drowned by jumping over- board, and forty-seven were wounded, including Lieutenant


James Summers, Thomas Atkinson, master, Lieutenant of marines George Beatty ; Robert Tainsh, surgeon ; Frederick Morris, chaplain ; Midshipman Charles Dobson and the car- penter (mortally) ; making a total of eighty-seven killed and wounded. The whole of the poop and the afterpart of the quarter-deck were blown to pieces, and the booms shattered. Eight of the main-deck beams were broken, and all the ward- room bulkheads and windows destroyed ; but the fire was subdued by the exertions of Lieutenants Thomas England and Summers. In the disabled state of the Theseus, it was a matter of gratulation that the French squadron did not attack her.

After the failure of General Kleber's attack, the French troops refused to mount the breach again ; and the stench of the putrid bodies had become so intolerable, that a flag of truce was sent in proposing a cessation of hostilities, in order to bury the dead. While this message was under consider- ation, a volley of shot and shells announced the commence- ment of another attack ; but fortunately the garrison was prepared to meet it, and the French were once more beaten back with great slaughter. In the night of the 20th, the French raised the siege, and made a precipitate retreat, lea'vdng beliind them twenty-three pieces of battering cannon.

The following officers were among those who commanded the gun-boats and launches employed during the siege : — Lieutenants James Stokes and Thomas C. Brodie ; Thomas Atkinson and Edmund Ives, masters of the Theseus and Tigre ; and George N. Hardinge, James Boxer, and Samuel Simms, midshipmen. The loss sustained by the crews of the three ships in the different attacks diu-ing the siege of Acre was as follows : — Tigre, seventeen killed, forty-eight wounded, four drowned, seventy-seven prisoners. Theseus, four killed, fifteen wounded, and five prisoners. AUiance, one killed, three wounded. Total, twenty-two killed, sixty-six wounded, four drowned, eighty-two prisoners. Sir Sidney, after ren- dering the Turks such further assistance as they required, sailed from Acre on the 12 th of June. The naval medal was awarded in 1847 to the surviving participators in the above successful operations.

On the 18th of March, at 7h. A.M., the hired armed 16-gun


brig Telegraph, Lieutenant James A. "Worth, being oS the Isle of Bas, brought to action the French 16-gun brig pri- vateer Hirondelle. Several attempts vi^ere made by both parties to board, and the firing was continued until lOh. 30m., when the Hirondelle, having her rigging much disabled, and being otherwise seriously damaged, struck her colours. The Telegi-aph had five men wounded, and the Hirondelle five kiUed and fourteen wounded. Lieutenant Worth was pro- moted to the rank of commander. This is a naval medal action.

On the 30th of March, the boats of the Trent frigate, under the orders of Lieutenant Nathaniel Belchier, assisted by Lieutenant George Balderston and by Lieutenant of marines George M'Gie, covered by the Sparrow cutter. Lieu- tenant John Wiley, attacked a ship and three schooners, lying in a bay in the island of Porto Bico, under the protection of a fort of five guns. Lieutenant Belchier with Lieutenant M'Gie stormed the battery and spiked the guns, while Lieutenant Balderston boarded the vessels with his party. The ship and one schooner were brought out, and the others scuttled by the Spaniards. Two seamen and one marine were wounded.

On the 9th of April, the 18-pounder 36-gun frigates San Fiorenzo and Amelia, Captains Sir Harry Neale and the Hon. Charles Herbert, standing in for the great road of Belle Isle, perceived three frigates and a cutter at anchor, but with their topsail-yards hoisted ready for making sail. At 9h. A.M., the Amelia, in a heavy squall, carried away her main topmast and fore and mizen top-gallant masts. The French squadron, consisting of the 18-pounder 40-gun fri- gates CorneUe and Vengeance, 12-pounder 36-gun frigate Semillante, and a cutter, observing this, immediately weighed, formed in line, and stood towards the British frigates. The San Fiorenzo, having made the signal to prepare for battle, steered towards the enemy, followed by the Amelia. At lOh. 10m., the French squadron, being to leeward, tacked and fired their broadsides distantly, which was returned by the San Fiorenzo and Amelia. The engagement lasted until Ih. 5m. p.m., but so distant that the British frequently bore up to close their opponents, which as often bore away. The frigates finally bore up for the Loire, and the cutter returned to Belle Isle. Both British ships suffered con-

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siderably in masts and rigging, and the San Fiorenzo had one man killed and eighteen wounded. The Amelia had Midshipman Bayley and one seaman killed, and seventeen wounded. The French commodore was wounded, and the captain of the Vengeance died of his wounds. Their loss exceeded 100 killed and wounded.

On the 13th of April, the 14-gun brig Amaranthe, Com- mander Francis Yesey, being off the east end of Jamaica, after a long chase^ arrived up with, engaged, and captured the French letter -of- marque schooner Yengeur, of six 4-pounders and thirty-six men. The Amaranthe had one man killed and three wounded, and the Yengeur four- teen killed and five wounded, one of whom mortally. Com- mander Yesey gave all possible credit to the gallant remains of the schooner's crew, whose defence was most honourable.

On the 14th of May, the 10-gun polacre Fortune, Lieu- tenant Lewis Davis, and a gun-boat, sailed from Acre, to cruise off the coast of Syria, and on the 8th were captured by the French 16-gun brig Salamine, in sight of Commo- dore Perree's squadron. The Fortune made a gallant resistance, and sustained a loss, out of her crew of only twenty-eight men, of two seamen killed, her commander and three seamen wounded.

On the 9th of June, the boats of the 32-gun frigate Success, Captain Shuldham Peard, under the command of Lieuts. PhiUp Facey and Gustavus Stupart, Lieut, of marines John Da\dson, and Pomeroy Peter, midsliipman, boarded a Spanish polacre, often guns and 113 men, lying under the protection of a battery in the harbour of La Selva. She was carried, after a spirited resistance, with the loss to the British of four seamen killed, and Lieutenant Stupart and eight men wounded.^ For this gallantly-executed service, Lieutenant Facey was promoted to the rank of commander. The naval medal has been granted to the officers and men present in the boats on this occasion;


On tlie 19tli of June, Yice-Admiral Lord Keitli ^vas off Minorca, witli nineteen sail of the line, when liis advanced squadi'on, consisting oi the 74-gun ships Captain and Bel- lona, and frigates Santa Teresa and Emerald, captured the French 38-gun frigate Junon, 3 6 -gun frigates Alceste and Courageuse, and brigs Salamine and Alerte, commanded by Hear- Admiral Perree. All these ships were added to the British navy by the same names, except the Junon, the name of which was changed to Princess Charlotte, and sub- sequently to that of Andromache.

On the 26th of June, in lat. 39° 30' K, long. 33° W., after a chase of four days, the 32-gun frigate Alcmeue, Captain Henry Digby, overtook and captured the French frigate privateer Courageuse, of twenty-eight guns (12 and 9-pounders), and 250 men. On the 18th of the fol- lowing month. Captain Digby having received information from the British lugger privateer Phoenix, of Jersey, Mr. Hammond, commander, that several large vessels were lying in the harbour of Yivero, on the north coast of Spain, proceeded thither with the lugger in company ; and at sun- set on the same day the Alcmene stood into the harbour, passing between two Spanish vessels about 500 yards dis- tant from each other. Lieutenants Charles Warren and "William Oliver were then sent away in the boats, to bring out the Spanish ships, which they performed in a veiy spirited manner. The Phoenix rendered much assistance in bringing off the prizes, one of which was a ship of 700 tons, pierced for twenty-two guns.

On the 11th of August, the 16-gun sloops Pylades and Espiegle, Commanders Adam M^Kenzie and James Boorder, and lO-gTin cutter Courier, Lieutenant Thomas Searle, part of a light squadron under Captain Frank Sotheron, in the Latona, being off the coast of Holland, proceeded to the attack of the late British gun-brig Crash, moored in a narrow passage between Schiermonikoog and the mainland of Groningen, The Courier, taking the lead, commenced the action ; but until the arrival of the Pylades and Espiegle the Crash could not be induced to surrender. The Pylades had one man killed and two wounded. Having fitted out the Crash and a captured schuyt, they, accompanied by the boats of the squadron, were despatched, on the 12th, in com'



mand of Lieutenant James Slade, of the Latona, assisted by Lieutenant Salusbury P. Hiunphreys, who had charge of the schuyt, to the attack of the Dutch 6-gun schooner "Vengeance, and a large row-boat moored under a batteiy upon the island of Schiermonikoog. The Courier was ordered to cover the attack ; but the cutter as weU as the Crash grounded so far from the shore as to be unable to render much assistance. The schuyt and boats proceeded, and drove the people from the battery, spiked the iron, and brought off the brass guns, and compelled the crews to abandon the vessels, some of which were taken possession of. This service was performed without loss. The Yengeance had been set on fire, but Lieutenant Humphreys, thinking it might be extinguished, jumped overboard, and endeavoured to swim to the prize ; in this, however, he was fortunately unsuccessful, owing to the strength of the tide ; for imme- diately afterwards the schooner blew up. The naval medal has been granted to those present in the boats on this occasion.

On the 13th of August, a squadron of six 64-gun ships and two ships of fifty guns, in company with two Russian shij)s of the line, under the command of Vice- Admiral Mitchell, sailed from the Downs with 17,000 troops, under the com- mand of Lieutenant-General Sir Ralph Abercromby, and, on the 15th, Admiral Lord Duncan joined in the 74-gun ship Kent. Having arrived off the Texel on the 30th, Admiral Mitchell anchored near the Dutch squadron, under Admiral Storey, who surrendered liis ships without firing a shot. They consisted of one ship of sixty-four guns, one of fifty, six of forty-four, two of twenty-eight, and three of twenty- four guns.

On the 20th of AugiLst, at 8h. 3m. A.M., the 18-pounder 38-g-un frigate Clyde, Captain Charles Cunningham, when about seven leagues to the westward of Cordouan light- house, discovered two sail in the south-west quarter, and miade sail in chase. At noon the strangers were within, three miles of the Clyde, when they bore up, making all sail on different coui'ses, and the largest was pursued by the British frigate. At Hi. 30m., the Clyde hoisted her colours and fired a gun, which was returned by the chase — the French 12-poimder 3 6-gun frigate Vestale, Captain Gaspard,


and a close and gallant engagement took place, wliich con- tinued one hour and fifty minutes, when the French frigate, having her masts badly wounded, and her rigging and sails cut to pieces, hauled down her colours. The consort of the Yestale was the 20-gun corvette Sagesse, and was in sight during the whole of the action. The Clyde, out of a crew of 281 men, had two killed, and three wounded. The Yes- tale mustered only 230 men, of which number ten were killed, and two officers and twenty men wounded. The first lieutenant of the Clyde, Alexander Robert Kerr, lost an eye in the Boston, when she fought the Embuscade. He was not promoted until April, 1802.

On the 25th of August, the British 38-gun frigate Tamar, Captain Thomas Western, cruising ofiT Surinam, chased the French 28-gun fidgate Republicain, Captain Le Bosec, and on the following day brought her to close action. After a gallant resistance, the Kepublicain struck her colours. The Tamar had only two seamen wounded. The Repub- licain, out of a crew numbering 281 men, had nine killed and twelve wounded.

On the 9 th of September, the sloop-of-war Arrow, Com- mander Nathaniel Portlock, mounting twenty-four guns (32-pounder carronades, on the non-recoil principle), and the bark Wolverine, Commander William Bolton, thirteen guns (already described),^ were detached by Vice-Ad miral Mitchell, in quest of a ship and a brig, lying at anchor under the island of Ulie, at the entrance of the Texel. As the British ships advanced, the strangers hoisted the Batavian repub- lican colours ; and the Wolverine, standing on, anchored mthin sixty yards of the 14-gun (12-pounders) brig Gier, and, having fired one gun, the Batavian fired three guns to leeward, and hauled down her colours. The ship lay further to windward, with springs on her cables, and her broadside opposed to the Arrow, which latter had to beat up to her against a strong tide, and for twenty minutes was exposed to the fire of the enemy before she reached a position to return it with effect. At length, having anchored within eighty yards, the Arrow opened her broadside. The action had continued fifteen minutes, when the Wolverine

• See page 501, ante.


coming tip, tlie Draak, mounting twenty-four guns (two long 32-pounders, sixteen long 18-pounders, and six brass 50-poimd howitzers), commanded by Captain-Lieutenant Yan Esek, surrendered. The Arrow had one killed, and her com- mander, William Wilson, master's mate, and seven seamen wounded. The Draak's loss could not be ascertained pre- cisely, but it was considered to have been seven. The prize, being worthless, was set on lire and destroyed. Commander Portlock was promoted on the 28th of the same month. The naval medal has been granted for this action.

On the 20th of September, the armed store-ship Camel, of twenty-four guns. Commander John Lee, and 16-gun sloop Rattlesnake, Lieutenant Samuel Gooch, were lying in Algoa Bay, with lower yards and topmasts down. Captain Lee, having a detachment of seamen with him, was serving with the army under General Dundas ; and the lieutenant and fifteen men were absent from the Kattlesnake, de- tained on shore by the violence of the surf While in this unprepared state, the French 36-gun fr^igate Preneuse, Cap- tain L'Hermite, stood into the bay, and anchored about 800 yards from the Rattlesnake. Lieutenant William Fother- giU, who was the senior officer, conducted the defence oi the British ships in so able a manner, that after an action of three hours' duration, in the course of which the Camel received much damage, and had five feet water in her hold, the Preneuse cut her cable and made sail out of the bay. The Camel, out of 101 men, had only six men wounded. The Rattlesnake, out of a crew of ninety -two men, had the carpenter and one seaman kiUed and seven wounded. The masts and yards of both ships were badly wounded.

On the 3rd of October, as the 14-gun brig Speedy, Com- mander Jahleel Brenton, was passing the Straits of Gibraltar, several small vessels were observed coming out of Algesiras, apparently with the intention of attacking a convoy entering the Straits. The Speedy made sail after the Spanish vessels, which, however, proved to be coasters, under the protection of an armed cutter and schooner. After much exertion on the part of the Speedy's officers and crew, especially of Lieutenant Richard W. Parker, these were driven on shore or swamped by the surf, the people ha'ving deserted them.

On the 6th of l^ovember following, while lying to oft'


Europa Point, waiting for lier convoy from, tlie Tagus to close, twelve Spanish gun-boats, two iDeing schooner-rigged, and armed with two long 24-]30unders each, and the remainder of the usual latteen-rig, mounting one long 24-pounder, with crews varying from twenty-four to fifty men, bore down to attack the Speedy. Having first sent on shore his despatches, Captain Brenton prepared to receive his enemies, and at 3h. 50m. P.M. commenced firing on them, in order to cover the escape of the transport Unity, upon which their attack appeared dii^ected. At 5h. the gun-boats, finding the chase of the transport fruitless, stood towards the Speedy. A breeze of wind enabled the brig to push through the tliickest of her foes ; and passing amongst them near enough to break many of their oars, she poured in so de- structive a fire of grape and musketry that they fled in the utmost confusion. At 6h. 30m. the gun-boats gained an asylum under Fort Barbary, where they remained several days, and then departed for Malaga. In this well-managed affair the Speedy received much damage to her sails and rigging, and also several shot between wind and water, in consequence of which the water was nearly level with her lower deck ; and her loss amounted to two seamen killed and one wounded. The Speedy was obliged to run to Tetuan Bay to stop her leaks, in consequence of the westerly wind, wliich, as her shot-holes were jDrincipally on the star- board side, prevented her making sail for Gibraltar. The loss of the gun-boats is represented to have been eleven men killed and a great many wounded. Captain Brenton's post rank quickly followed this action. The naval medal was awarded to the surviving participators in 1847.

On the 9th of October, the 50-gun ship Jupiter, Captain Wniiam Granger, sailed from Algoa Bay in pursuit of the Preneuse, whose attack upon the Camel and Rattlesnake has just been described ; and on the 10th the frigate was seen running before a strong gale from the north-Avest. At 9h. P.M. the Jupiter arrived ^vithin shot of the Preneuse, and commenced filing upon her from her chase gims, receiving in return the stern chasers of the frigate. At 2h. p.m., on the 11th, the Jupiter brought her opponent to close action ; but the sea ran so high, that the Jupiter was unable to open her lower-deck ports, in consequence of which she could only


oppose a broadside of eleven 12-poiinders and three 6-pounders to the fire of the Preneuse. The advantage accordingly leant so much to the side of the Preneuse, that the Jupiter was so crippled in her spars as to be unable to continue the action, and dropped astern, upon which the frigate hauled to the wind and escaped.

On the 12tli of October, the 16-gun sloop Trincomale, Lieutenant John Rowe, while cruising in the Straits of Babelmandel, discovered the French 22-gun privateer Iphi- genie. Captain Mabroux. After engaging two hours, the Trincomale blew up, and out of her whole crew only one seaman and one lascar escaped. At the time of the explosion the ships were so close to each other that the Iphigenie shared in the destruction ; and out of 115 officers and men, only thirty were saved by a prize vessel in company.

On the 14tli of October, the 18-gun sloop Echo, Com- mander Robert Philpot, cruising off Porto Pico, chased into Lagnadille Bay the French letter-of-marque brig Bonaparte, mounting twelve 4-pounders. On the 17th, Lieutenant Charles F. Napier, and — Wood, boatswain, with fourteen men, being in shore in search of an enemy, discovered the brig they had chased moored close to the shore, and protected by several guns on the beach. Notwithstanding this prepa- ration, the boats dashed on, boarded her on the bow, and in an inconceivably short space of time were in comjilete pos- session of her. The cables were no sooner cut, than the guns on the beach opened upon the vessel and boats, and the third shot sunk the pinnace while towing the brig. The prize was several times hulled ; but a light breeze springing up, she was soon out of gun-shot. The prize was a fine copper-bottomed American- built brig, with a valuable cargo.

On the 15th of October, in the morning, the 38-gun frigate Naiad, Captain William Pierrepoint, being in lat. 44° N., long. 12° 30' W., discovered and chased two Spanish frigates. The pursuit continued until 3h. 30m. a.m. on the 16th, when the Naiad was joined by the 38-gun frigate Ethalion, Captain James Young. At daybreak, the 12-pounder 32-gun frigate Triton and 1 8-pounder 32-gun frigate Alcmene, Captains John Gore and Henry Digby, hove in sight, the former astern, and the latter to the westward. At 7h. a.m.


the Spaniards separated, and tlie Ethalion chased and brol^ght to action at llh. 30m. a.m. the 34-gun frigate Thetis, which, after a short resistance, hauled down her colours. The Thetis's consort, Santa Brigida, bore up, and made sail for Corunna, closely pursued by the Triton and Alcmene. On the 17th, at 5h. a.m., the Santa Brigida passed so near to the rocks off Monte Lora, that the Triton, following her, struck heavily ; but fortunately got off, and soon afterwards commenced firing at the chase. The Alcmene being also close at hand, and firing upon the Spanish frigate, the latter also surrendered. The loss on either side was very slight. On the 21st the Thetis, and on the 22nd the Santa Brigida, accompanied by their captors, arrived at Plymouth with their valuable cargoes. ^

On the 20tli of October, the 18-pounder 32-gun frigate Cerberus, Captain James Macnamara, cruising about nine leagues off Cape Ortegal, discovered to leeward a Spanish convoy of eighty sail, under the protection of four frigates and two corvettes. The Cerberus having, when the night closed in, bore up, in the hope of cutting off some of the vessels, at 8h. p.m. passed close to one of the frigates and hailed her, upon which the Spaniard bore up to close her consorts ; but, in order to prevent this, the Cerberus bore up under her stern, and engaged her to leeward. In half an hour the Cerberus had silenced her opponent's fire j but the approach of the other frigates prevented her from taking possession. In hauling up to avoid a raking broad- side, the British frigate fell on board the headmost of the enemy's ships, and carried away the latter's main-topsail- yard. After a very gallant engagement, during which the Cerberus was often opposed to three ships of the enemy. Captain Macnamara, deeming it necessary to consult the safety of his ship, wore, and, at lOh., hauled to the wind, and escaped, having captured one brig of the convoy, which was set on fire by Lieutenant Hassard Stackpoole. The Cerberus sustained some damage to her sails and rigging,


but had only four of lier crew wounded. The squadron thus gallantly engaged were the 40-gun frigate Ceres and 34-gun frigates Diana, Esmeralda, Mercedes, and another, and two brigs.

On the 21st of October, the 28-gun frigate Siu'prise, Captain Edward Hamilton, arrived off the harbour of Puerto Cabello, in which was discovered the Hermione, late British 32-g'un frigate, which had on board a crew of 320 Spaniards, and was moored head and stern between two strong batte- ries, at the entrance of the harbour, mounting together upwards of 150 guns. On the 24th, Captain Hamilton turned the hands up, and acquainted the ship's company with his intention to cut the frigate out. At 8h, p.m.. Cap- tain Hamilton, with about 100 volunteers, officers and men, quitted the ship in two divisions ; that led by liimself was destined to board the fr'igate, while the other was to cut the cables and take her in tow. The Surprise, meanwhile, was to continue off the mouth of the harbom-, to render assistance if required. About midnight, the launch of the Spanish frigate, which was rovsdng guard about three-quarters of a mile in advance, was fallen in ^viih and driven back by the boats. The noise thus occasioned gave the alarm, and immediately afterwards the foremost guns of the Hermione were fired. It was now evident that the frigate was pre- pared : nevertheless, the boats pushed on, and about 12h. 30m. Captain Hamilton and John MaxweU, the gun- ner, with about ten men from his boat, got on board the Hermione, and gained possession of the forecastle without much resistance. The gig, commanded by the surgeon, John M'^MuUen, boarded on the larboard bow, and suc- ceeded in joining the captain's party. The first lieutenant and the boatswain, in the cutters, had been reiDulsed in theu' attempts at the gangway. Captain Hamilton, taking with him the surgeon's party, sallied aft to the quarter-deck along the larboard gangway, and the gunner, with twelve men, on the starboard. Here they were met by a very determined resistance for a quarter of an hour, and much carnage ensued. Among • the wounded were Captain Hamilton and the gun- ner. The first lieutenant, and acting lieutenant of marines Du Pin, having boarded with their divisions, and the cables


being cut, the boats took the ship in tow, while the topsails were loosed by the men appointed to that service. The Spaniards were then overpowered, and driven below, and very soon called for quarter. The batteries did not open untn the firing had ceased on board the Hermione, by which time she was underway. One shot struck her below the water-line, which rendered it necessary to keep the pumps going, and another shot cut away the main and spring stay, which, as there was a head swell, put the mainmast in some little danger. By 2h. a.m., the piize was out of gunshot of the batteries, and the boats were called alongside. The British had ten men wounded, including Captain Hamilton and the gunner. The Spaniards, out of a crew of 320, had 119 killed and ninety-seven wounded. The sur^dvors were afterwards put on board a schooner, and landed at Puerto Cabello. Captain Hamilton, with liis prize, arrived at Port Koyal, Jamaica, on the 12th of November. The Hermione was restored to the British service, under the name of Betiibution. Captain Hamilton was very severely wounded. He first received a violent blow from the butt-end of a musket, which knocked him senseless on the deck. He next received a sabre-cut on the left thigh, and a thrust of a pike in the right thigh, and a contusion on the right shin- bone by a grape-shot, besides other cuts and bruises. Cap- tain Hamilton, on his return to England in the Jamaica packet, for the recovery of his health, was captured and carried to France, but on being exchanged, arrived in England, and received the honour of knighthood. The naval medal has been awarded to the participators in this dashing exploit.

On the 22nd of November, the 32-gun frigate Solebay, Captain Stephen Poyntz, while cruising off" St. Domingo, discovered, at daybreak, a French squadron, consisting of the 12 -pounder 20-gun frigate-built store-ship Egyptien, 18 -gun corvette Eole, 12 -gun brig Levrier, and 8-gun schooner Vengeur. At 6h. a.m., the French commodore, in the Eg3rptieu, a fine warHke-looking vessel, having ascertained that the Solebay was a British frigate, made sail away; but at 2h. P.M., the squadron lying nearly becalmed, while the Solebay had a light breeze of wind, the frigate was



enabled to bring tbe Egjrptien and brig to action, wHcli, after a short resistance, were compelled to surrender. The Solebay then attacked the other two, which were also cap- tured. The aggregate of the force of this sqiiadron was fifty-eight guns and 481 men, so that the capture was by no means an insignificant triumph. The Eole was added to the British navy by the name of Nimrod.

On the 23rd of November, the hired armed 12-gun cutter Courier, Lieutenant Thomas Searle, while cruising off Flushing, discovered a sail to windward, and after a twelve hours' chase, came up with the Guerrier French cutter privateer, of fourteen long 4-pounders and forty-four men, Captain FeUx L'Allemand. After an action of fifty minutes' duration, the Guerrier struck her colours. Stephen Marsh, master of the Courier, was killed early in the action, and two seamen were wounded. The Guerrier had four killed and six wounded. Lieutenant Searle was promoted to the rank of commander shortly after the capture of this priva- teer. The naval medal has been granted for this action.

On the 11th of December, the 74-gun ship Tremendous, Captain John Osborn, and 50-gun ship Adamant, Captain William Hotham, while cruising off Port Louis, Isle of France, chased the Preneuse, Captain L'Hermite. On this occasion, finding his escajoe impracticable. Captain L'Hermite ran the frigate on shore, on the west side of the river Tom- beau, close under some powerful batteries. The French crew having deserted her, she was boarded, notwithstanding a heavy fire from the batteries, by Lieut. Edward Grey, first of the Adamant, assisted by Lieuts. John Walker and Ben- jamin Symes, and Lieut, of marines John Owen ; and having removed Captain L'Hermite, and the few remaining men of the crew, and saving as much private property belonging to the French captain as possible, the Preneuse was set on fire and destroyed. This service was executed without the loss of a man.

On the 21st of December, the 10-gun hired cutter Lady Nelson was attacked off Cabrita Point, and captured by three French privateers and some gun-boats. This capture being observed on board the Queen Charlotte, bearing the flag of Yice- Admiral Lord Keith, at anchor in the Bay of

1799.] VIPER AXD FUEET. 525

Gibraltar, Lieutenant William Bainbridge was intrusted with tlie ship's barge, and, accompanied by several other boats, pulled towards the cutter, then in tow of the priva- teers. Lieutenant Bainbridge, with sixteen men, gallantly- boarded, and after a sharp conflict recaptured the Lady Nelson, taking seven French officers and twenty-seven men prisoners. Lieutenant Bainbridge, who was severely wounded by a sabre-cut on the head, was promoted. The naval medal has been awarded to those present in the boats on this occasion.

On the 26th of December, the 14-gun cutter Viper, Lieutenant John Pengelly, while cruising off the Dodman, observed a suspicious sail to windward; and at lOh. 45m. a.m. brought her to close action. After engaging three-quarters of an hour, the privateer hauled off; but the Yiper pursued, and continued a running fight for an hour and a quarter. She then ran her opponent on board, and a well-directed broadside brought down the French colours. The prize proved to be the French lugger privateer Furet, mountmg fourteen long 4-pounders, with a crew of fifty-seven men, commanded by Citizen Louis Bouvet. The Furet had five men killed, and her captain, lieutenant, and seven men wounded. The Yiper also mounted fourteen 4-pounders, and her crew numbered forty-eight ; but although much cut up in rigging, and her mast rendered unserviceable by shot, she had only her commander and one seaman wounded, Thi^ was the second capture made by the Yiper of a vessel of equal force. This is a naval medal action.

" Among the weary hours to which a naval life is subject, none siu^ely can equal those passed on board a stationary flag-ship ; especially in a port where there is a constant egress and regress of cruisers, some departing in search of prizes, and others returning with prizes in their possession. During the whole of 1797, and the greater part of 1798, the 54-gun ship Abergavenny, as she lay moored in Port Koyal Harbour, Jamaica, daily exposed her officers and men to these tantahzations. At length it was suggested that a small tender sent off the east end of the island, or even to Cow Bay, scarcely out of sight of the harbour, might acquire for the parent ship some share of the honours that were


reaping by tlie ciniisers around lier. A 38-gun frigate's launch ha'\dng been obtained and armed witb a swivel in the bow (or more probably a 12- pounder carronade), the next difficulty was to find an officer who, to a willingness, could add the other requisites for so perilous and uncomfortable a service. It was not every man who would like to be cramped uj) night and day in an open boat, exposed to all kinds of weather, as well as to the risk of being captured by some of the many picaroons that infested the coast. An acting lieutenant of the Abergavenny — one on whom nature had conferred an ardent mind, habit an indifference about personal comfort, and eighteen or twenty years of active service, an experience in all the duties of his profession — cheerfully consented to take charge of the cruiser boat. Mr. Michael Fitton soon gave proofs of his ability, and the crew of the Abergavenny could now and then greet a prize of their own among the many that dropped anchor near them.

" With a part of the funds that a succession of prizes had brought to the ship, a decked vessel was at length pur- chased ; with the fruits of her gains, another ; and so on until the schooner, whose little exploit we are now about to record, came in her turn to be the Abergavenny's tender. On the 5th of October, the schooner Ferret, mounting six 3-pounders, with a crew of forty-five men and boys, com- manded by acting Lieutenant Fitton, while cruising off the north-east end of Jamaica, discovered a large schooner with eight ports of a side, and an English ensign and pendant, bearing down upon her. Judging from the great size of the ensign, and length of the pendant, wliich were large and long enough for a line-of-battle ship, that she was an enemy's cruiser, Lieutenant Fitton tacked to speak her. Having, by dint of excellent manoeuvring, succeeded in obtaining the weather gage, the Ferret brought the schooner (which had by this time substituted Spanish for English colours) to close action ; but after half an hour's fighting, the Spaniard bore up, and made all sail for St, Jago de Cuba. The Ferret pursued, and, by the aid of her sweeps, at 11 h. P.M., brought the schooner again to action; but notwithstanding all her gallant efforts to graj)ple with the


enemy, slie readied her port, followed by tlie Ferret to within gun-shot of the batteries. The Ferret's damages were confined to her sails and rigging ; but the loss of her antagonist, which, as was afterwards ascertained by one of her crew, who was taken prisoner, mounted fourteen long 6-pounders, with a crew of 100 men, was eleven killed and twenty wounded." ^

^ James's Naval History of Great Britain, vol. ii. p. 515.




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Demco, Inc. 38-293

2 &3

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rrrwv,^.^--. ^. .^.^ ..-^. -"-^ ..^^,'OLS. (3^- 6,7. eacli.)


crates, Ciito, Pluedo, Gorgias, Protngotas, Pli-<earus, Tlicfetetus, Euthypliron, Lysis.



Critias, with Introductions. \ 4-






  2. EURIPIDES, FROM THE TEXT OF DINDORF. VOL. 1, Containing 10 Plays.






containing tlie Entliydemus, Symposium, Sopliistes, ?oliticus, Laches, Parmenides,

Cratylus, and Meno.

  1. LIVY'S HISTORY OF ROME. VOL. 4 (which completes tlie work).


Spanish Wars, literally translated, with Notes and x very copious Index.


14. 15.





-.^-*»»- A ^m n A I ri„

DA70 A7

1852 v.l

Allen, Joseph

Battles of the British navy< New ed. , rev, and enl., London, H.G, Bohn, 1852.



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