A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces - Chapter 1 - zachycards (original) (raw)

Chapter Text

Date: On The Evening Of October 5, 2012

With my eyes drooping, I thought better than to click "Next episode" and instead decided to sleep. The red LED's of the clock next to me informing me of the early hour. I switched off the third episode of "A certain scientific railgun" just as the credits began to roll. I dropped the remote next to me as the tv turned dark. My eyes drooped and finally closed, sending me into what I assumed to be a dream at first.

Date: October 2, 2009 (Continuing Off Of The Oneshot)

When my eyes opened once again, the darkness of my room had been replaced with the grime covered floor of an alleyway.

"Wait a second, this isn't my apartment..." I thought to myself.

"Hey!" I heard familiar female voice call to me. "You gotta focus!"

"Wait, hold on...that voice...it couldn't be..." I thought to myself, as I looked up to see Mikoto Misaka staring at me with wild eyes. "Sis, we got a situation here! I don't need you zoning out, girl!" Misaka said, as she gestured frantically at the thugs surrounding us.

"Wait, Britney Karbowski?" I asked myself, as I recognized the voice actor behind the girl.

"Wait, did she just call me girl?" I thought to myself, realizing what she had just said to me.

As I very much knew myself to be a guy, I looked down slowly as my hands came up slowly, my hands resting on the foreign lumps on my chest at the same time as my eyes.

"Well, this is going to take some getting used to, I guess I'm a female now," I admitted to myself silently.

It was then I noticed a single tendril of soft blue hair had fallen into my line of sight. My brows furrowed at the color, knowing my own hair to be short and dark.

"Okay, so my natural hair color is light blue? I guess that is something else to get used to," I thought to myself as my eyes scanned the rest of me.

"School uniform?" I thought to myself as I sighed, school was the one thing from my childhood I had never missed. I then looked up at Misaka once more and noticed our uniforms to be the same. The Tokiwadai middle school emblem embroidered in the corner.

"Earth to my sister?!" came Misaka's voice, as she pulled me from my stupor and back to the fight.

"Okay, so I guess I am in the world of the A Certain Scientific Railgun anime...I only managed to watch as far in as the dummy check episode...still...I may not know anything past that point, but I do know of Mikoto Misaka...so this is what the 3rd ranked level 5 Esper in all of Academy City looks like in person...not to mention that she holds the nicknames of both Railgun, and The ace of Tokiwadai...Wait isn't she supposed to be a tsundere with a very short fuse? Well then...let me just make a mental note of that being part of who she is...because I am going to have to learn to get used to that...And despite the fact that I would have to call her Mikoto...if I'm being honest, that doesn't sit right with me to call her that...Sure, I'm her sister and all...But, I will just refer to her as Misaka...Since that is how most people called her in the dub of the anime...hold on...wouldn't me being her sister technically mean that I am an electromaster as well? I can't assess that, at least, not in this alley...still...I might as well help her out since I am here...okay let me concentrate..." I thought to myself, as I then took a breath, stretched my left hand out, in a gesture, that looked like, I was holding an arcade coin, between my thumb, and index finger, and calmed my mind, as I then closed my eyes.

"Okay...concentrate...oh...well that is an unusual sensation...wait...what are those?!" I thought to myself, as I started envisioning two long electricity lashed rails extending out into infinity in my mind. Pulling myself back to reality as I then quickly opened my eyes, almost as if I knew what would happen if I chose to continue envisioning those rails. I then felt the electricity course through the air before it seemed to course through me. And after a moment, the gathered static shot down my arm and out through my fingers, leaving goosebumps on my skin at the sudden new feeling.

The alleyway then lit up with a flash as all the thugs shuddered erratically, their bodies unable to cope with the force of my attack. Once the lightning had dispersed once again, the alleyway fell dim, the light of the shocked men vanishing almost as soon as it appeared. They made only dull thuds as they dropped to the ground one by one until it was just me and the girl who called me sister in the alleyway.

I then looked at Misaka. "Wait, I did this? That is clearly the case, seeing as how Misaka hadn't attacked at all..and what is this smell in the air, it's as if someone has toasted a piece of bread on the highest setting, because this alleyway is filled with the stench of burning. Well, that is going to leave a memory I can never erase." And as he seconds ticked by, the stench continued to linger. I then crinkled my nose and sighed. "I really hope I don't have to get used to that smell...because that is quite a strong odor..." I thought to myself.

It was then that the sound of shoes hitting the sidewalk, caused us to stand defensively once more. That is until a familiar face coming around the corner made Misaka ease. I, however, stood my ground as my blood ran cold. "Oh right I forgot about her..." I thought to myself. As Kuroko Shirai then began her judgment introduction. "Halt! In the name of judgement!" She demanded, her breath ragged from her desire to get to the scene faster. "We have been alerted to your activities, come quietly or I will be forced to-" She stopped mid sentence at the sight of us and the various scattered bodies in the alley. She visibly smelt the charred remains of the thugs as her nose crinkled. "What happened here?" She gasped, trying not to inhale too much of the smoke emanating from the deceased thugs.

"Oh, hey Kuroko," Misaka said, giving a polite expression, as electricity crackled through the bangs of her hair.

"I guess Misaka's polite personality is accurate to the show..." I thought to myself.

"Sissy…and Keiko, you're here too." I then resisted the urge to turn and shrug, instead choosing to raise my hand and smile awkwardly.

"Keiko," I repeated to myself. "Add my name to the list of things that I need to get used to," I thought to myself, as I inwardly sighed.

I then watched Kuroko's eyes drift down to the Misaka's chest and then back swiftly, thinking no one saw her quick glance.

"Oh, well I see that Kuroko is still a pervert like in the show...and I thought that Infinite Stratos's Tabane Shinonono was perverted, actually you know what...let me do my best not to make an enemy out of her...she is Misaka's...well...let's just gloss over the fact that she calls Misaka 'Onee-Sama' , or 'sissy', since this is the english dubbed version of the anime...well...time for me to make light of the situation..." I thought to myself.

"You still don't skip a beat when it comes to being a judgement officer, eh Kuroko? You'll be appointed a superior next," I sassed with a toothy grin. Unexpectedly, Misaka giggled at Kuroko's now pink cheeks, and yet, Kuroko wound up giving a small shy smile at the thought. And silently, the three of us then thought it best to avoid giving an explanation of the scene.

Instead, choosing to return to school using the park as a shortcut. Misaka kicked a vending machine as we all stopped to huddle around it and choose our drinks.

"Nothing like a little vandalism to quench that thirst," I scoffed, as I pulled a small coin purse from my pocket. Misaka rolled her eyes and opened her drink as I made my choice. As I pressed the buttons, I then heard her cough and splutter at the temperature of the drink, having expected it to be cold. "Mah tong!" She exclaimed, holding her tongue out in an attempt to cool the aching muscle.

Bots beeped in the distance as my chosen drink clattered to the bottom of the machine. But before I could grab it, Kuroko had clasped a hand around my wrist, teleporting the three of us to the nearby overpass. "Oh, come on Kuroko, I paid for that," I angrily thought to myself, as I then sighed.

"Honestly, was that really necessary?" Kuroko asked, her eyebrows raised as she chastised Misaka gently.

It was during our walk back, the school just on the horizon. That I then realized something. "Oh right, now I remember today is the day of the Tokiwadai system scans. I assume that with my abilities being the same as Misaka, my results will wind up being the same as hers, if not similar. That's a bet I would make," I thought to myself confidently.

The small screen of my tv had done nothing to portray the size and beauty of the school. The red brick gave it a historic feel, while the large airy windows and arched walkways made it a little more modern. I couldn't exactly place the age of the building off the top of my head and silently chastised myself for not knowing more about the anime before watching it.

The two girls and I paused at the sound of an announcement, calling Kuroko and others to one side of the school. My sister and I made our way to the other for our own scans. Thinking back to the anime, I remembered a scene between Kongo and Kuroko that I desperately wished to see in person. "I haven't met Kongo yet, but seeing her fall on her ass would make my entire year. And yet I also remember that she likes hearing herself talk a little too much...still...she is a level 4 Esper with an ability called Aero Hand. If I remember correctly from reading about it, it gives the individual who has it to touch any object, and then send it flying..." I thought to myself.

Unfortunately for me, Misaka's grasp on my wrist was tighter than a vice as she dragged me to our areas to perform. Forbidding me from sneaking across campus to witness the scene. Kuroko willingly relayed the story to us afterwards as we sat in the restaurant.

I reveled in the thought of the Kongo falling until Kuroko changed the subject to our tests. I swallowed hard and glanced at Misaka, who delighted in telling the story, proudly declaring the both of us to hold the title of "Railgun."

"How?" Kuroko asked, unable to look me in the eye, after the two of us had shared a misunderstanding in the bath not an hour prior, that neither of us wished to discuss. "Yea, so Kuroko is 13, and she had the nerve to sexually fondle me and Misaka...well, let me just add that to the list of things that I am going to have to look out for...because I can always use my electricity to shock her, if she decides to attempt something indecent like that again..." I thought to myself with a sigh.

"Well…" Misaka began, as she prepared to relay to Kuroko about how the results of our systems scan had gone.