Valeri Modebadze | Georgian Technical University (original) (raw)

Papers by Valeri Modebadze



The aim of this research was to find out if the war in Ukraine affects the Russian society and Si... more The aim of this research was to find out if the war in Ukraine affects the Russian society and Sino- Russian relations and if Beijing is capable of saving the Russian economy from destruction. With regards to research methods, a document analysis method was used to obtain valid information about the socio-economic consequences of the war. A wide range of documents and scholarly articles were analyzed in order to obtain reliable and objective information. The research revealed that the war has devastating effect on Russia’s economy and could cause aggravation of socio-economic problems in the future. Russia could become an isolated and impoverished country. The war has also negative effect on Sino-Russian relations. Despite having close ties with Russia, Beijing refuses to support Russia during these difficult times and does not offer financial, economic and military assistance to Kremlin. Indeed, China’s ability to save Russia from economic disaster is limited.

Research paper thumbnail of ევროკავშირის გაფართოების ხელისშემშლელი ფაქტორები და ევროკავშირის წინაშე არსებული გამოწვევები

საქართველოს ტექნიკური უნვერსიტეტის პოლიტიკისა და საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების დეპარტამენტის საერთაშორისო რეფერირებადი და რეცენზირებადი სამეცნიერო ჟურნალი „საისტორიო ვერტიკალები“, 49 – 50, თბილისი, 2021

სტატიაში აღწერილია თუ რა ფაქტორები უშლის ხელს ევროკავშირის გაფართოებას და ახალი წევრების მიღებას ... more სტატიაში აღწერილია თუ რა ფაქტორები უშლის ხელს ევროკავშირის გაფართოებას და ახალი წევრების მიღებას სუპრანაციონალურ ორგანიზაციაში. გაანალიზებული და განხილულია გარე და შიდა საფრთხეები, რომელიც ხელს უშლის ევროკავშირის აღმოსავლეთით გაფართოებას. ევროპა ამჟამად უამრავი გამოწვევების წინშე დგას, რის გამოც ევროკავშირის გაფართოება აღარ არის მიჩნეული პრიორიტეტულ საკითხად ევროპის პოლიტიკურ წრეებში. ეკონომიკურმა კრიზისმა და პოლიტიკურმა არასტაბილურობამ მოსახლეობის განწყობა შეცვლა და გააძლიერა ევროსკოპტიციზმი ევროპაში. ამჟამად, ევროკავშირის წევრი ქვეყნების მოსახლეობა უარყოფითად არის განწყობილი გაფართოების პროცესის მიმართ. 2008 წლის გლობალურმა ფინანსურმა კრიზისმა ნეგატიურად იმოქმედა ევროპის ეკონომიკურ განვითარებაზე და შეაფერხა ევროპის გაფართოება. ევროპაში თანდათანობით მვკიდრდება მოსაზრება, რომ ევროკავშირს არ გააჩნია ამჟამად აბსორბციის შესაძლებლობა და არ შესწევს უნარი, რომ მიიღოს ახალი წევრები სუპრანაციონალურ ოგრანიზაციაში. ახალი წევრების მიღებამ შეიძლება კიდევ უფრო მეტად შეაფერხოს ევრკავშირის განვითარება და უფრო დიდი გამოწვევების და პრობლემების წინაშე დააყენოს სუპრანაციონალური ორგანიზაცია.

Research paper thumbnail of Აშშ-ჩინეთს შორის კონფლიქტი და ბრძოლა ჰეგემონობისათვის

საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია „თანამედროვე მსოფლიო წესრიგი - პოლიტიკურ-სამართლებრივი გამოწვევები“ სტატიების კრებული, საქართველოს ტექნიკური უნივერსიტეტი: თბილისი. , 2022

კვლევის მიზანი იყო აშშ-სა და ჩინეთს შორის არსებული კონფლიქტის გაანალიზება და მეცნიერულად შესწავლა... more კვლევის მიზანი იყო აშშ-სა და ჩინეთს შორის არსებული კონფლიქტის გაანალიზება და მეცნიერულად შესწავლა. რაც უფრო სწრაფი ტემპით ვითარდება ჩინეთი, მით უფრო იზრდება დაპირისპირება ამ ორ ზესახელმწიფოს შორის. ორივე სახელმწიფოს ჰეგემონური ამბიციები გააჩნია და ეჯიბრებიან ერთმანეთს აზიაში გაბატონებისათვის. ჩინეთის სწრაფმა აღზევებამ გლობალური პოლიტიკის რადიკალური ტრანსფორმაცია გამოიწვია ბოლო ათწლეულებში. ძალთა ბალანსი თანდათანობით აზიისკენ იხრება, რაც ამერიკის შეერთებული შტატების სირიოზულ შეშფოთებას იწვევს. ჩინეთმა ბოლო ათწლეულებში სწრაფი ტრანსფორმაცია განიცადა და გახდა აზიის ყველაზე ძლიერი სახელმწიფო. აშშ შეშფოთებით ადევნებს თვალს თუ როგორ ხდება ჩინეთის სწრაფი აღზევება ანარქიულ საერთაშორისო სისტემაში. ჩინეთი უკვე გახდა რეგიონული ლიდერი აზიაში, რაც ამერიკის შეერთებული შტატებისთვის დიდ გამოწვევას წარმოადგენს. ჩინეთის ეკონომიკური და სამხედრო პოტენციალის ზრდასთან ერთად, მუდმივად იზრდება მისი გეოპოლიტიკური ამბიციებიც. კვლევის შედეგად დადგინდა, რომ მომავალში ჩინეთსა და აშშ-ს შორის კონფლიქტის ალბათობა არ არის გამორიცხული. აღმოსავლეთ აზიაში ბევრი პოტენციური ცხელი წერტილია სადაც კონფლიქტი შეიძლება ნებისმიერ დროს დაიწყოს აშშ-სა და ჩინეთს შორის. პოტენციურ ცხელ წერტილებად მოიაზრება ტაივანი, აღმოსავლეთ ჩინეთის ზღვა და სამხრეთ ჩინეთის ზღვა. ჩინეთსა და მეზობელ სახლემწიფოებს შორის არსებობს უამრავი ტერიტორიული დავები, რაც შეიძლება მომავალში ღია კონფლიქტში გადიზარდოს. ამ ტერიტორიული დავების გარდა შეკავების პოლიტიკამაც შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს კონფლიქტის ესკალაცია ახლო მომავალში. აშშ აპირებს შეკავების პოლიტიკის გატარებას ჩინეთის მიმართ, რაც გამოიწვევს ურთიერთობების მაქსიმალურად დაძაბვას ამ ორ ზესახელმწიფოს შორის და კონფლიქტის ესკალაციას. ბევრი ექსპერტი თვლის, რომ აშშ და ჩინეთი მომავალში ვერ შეძლებენ „თუკიდიდეს ხაფანგისგან“ თავის დაღწევას.

Research paper thumbnail of Mediation as an effective strategy for conflict resolution

9th International Online Conference on Social Researches and Behavioral Sciences SADAB, June 25-27, 2021b Antalya, Turkey. Proceeding Book, ISBN: 978-625-409-155-1, 2021

Mediation plays very important role in conflict resolution. This article describes and analyzes t... more Mediation plays very important role in conflict resolution. This article describes and analyzes the role of mediation in the conflict resolution process. It discusses what skills a successful mediator should possess. Scholars and experts agree that a good mediator should have the appropriate knowledge, skills, sense of humor, tact, and detailed information about the conflict in which he or she intends to engage. Resolving conflicts is one of the most difficult and complicated issues, which requires special skills and talents. Various methods are used to resolve the conflict (negotiation, mediation, facilitation, arbitration, etc.) International conflict or international disputes are regulated in exactly the same way as disputes within a country. Initially, the parties try to resolve the issue through diplomacy. Although resolving disputes through diplomacy is a priority, when the negotiation process comes to a standstill, the parties turn to a mediator. Good Mediator tries to gain the trust of the rivaling parties and remains neutral and impartial during the conflict resolution process. Various mediation strategies are also analyzed in detail, such as communication-facilitation strategy, procedural strategy and directive strategy. This article describes main factors that need to be considered to properly manage the mediation process.


Kutbilim Journal of Social Sciences Vol.1, Issue 2 , 2021

This article analyzes the importance of drones in modern warfare and armed conflicts. It explains... more This article analyzes the importance of drones in modern warfare and armed conflicts. It explains how states and non-state actors use drones for various purposes. The United States of America was the first country globally to use drones twenty years ago to eliminate dangerous terrorists. George W. Bush was the first president of USA who used drones for counterterrorism operations in different countries. Drones proved to be very effective tool during the war on terror. If USA used drones only as killing machines for the elimination of terrorists, Azerbaijan was the first country that used them for military purposes in the war against Armenia. The massive usage of drones by the armed forces first took place in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in 2020. This conflict often referred to as the "war of drones," demonstrated how effective drones could be in modern warfare if used wisely and rationally. This conflict has shown that even a small state can achieve total air supremacy in the conflict if it uses drones properly and effectively. After the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War, the number of states willing to purchase drones has increased considerably.
However, it is also noteworthy that not only states are interested in drones, but also terrorist organizations and aggressive non-state actors. Many terrorist organizations have started to use drones in order to achieve
their goals. One of the main challenges that faces states today is to develop effective defense mechanisms to neutralize and eliminate threats coming from drones quickly. The research question of this paper is: how
did the usage of drones affected modern warfare and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the massive usage of drones? The main goal of this article is to find out positive and negative sides of the usage
of drones in modern warfare. The aim of this article is also to find what threats to do the states face because of the massive usage of drones by the terrorist organizations.

Research paper thumbnail of Major factors that prevented the resolution of Nagorno -Karabakh conflict through peaceful means and diplomacy

10th International Online Conference on Social Researches and Behavioral Sciences SADAB, October 29-31, Antalya, Turkey. Proceeding Book, ISBN: ISBN:978-625-00-9640-6, 2021

This article describes emergence of the conflict between Armenians and Azerbaijanis and explains ... more This article describes emergence of the conflict between Armenians and Azerbaijanis and explains those factors that caused the escalation of tensions and prevented the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Despite many efforts of the International Community to deescalate tensions between the conflicting parties and bring them back to negotiating table, the outbreak of the Second Karabakh War was inevitable. Armenia refused to make any concessions during negotiations and return occupied territories to Azerbaijan. Since the 1990-s the OSCE Minsk group tried to solve the conflict through negotiations and diplomacy. Three countries, Russia, France, and the USA acted as mediators during the peace talks which were ongoing for 27 years but without any kind of progress. All attempts to solve the conflict peacefully were futile. In the 1990-s, after the end of the First Karabakh War Armenians intended to use seven districts around Karabakh as a bargaining chip during negotiations with Azerbaijan, but later their attitude towards this issue changed and they refused to make any concessions to Azerbaijan. As time passed Armenia's position hardened considerably and they began to view these occupied territories as their own land. The government of Armenia for decades has completely ignored United Nations Security Council resolutions that demanded the withdrawal of Armenian occupational forces from Nagorno-Karabakh and the return of occupied territories to Azerbaijan. When the government of Azerbaijan saw that nothing could be achieved through diplomacy and negotiations, then it decided to resolve the Karabakh conflict by the use of force and increased considerably military spending. The 2020 Karabakh War was the result of the diplomatic failure. Keywords: Nagorno-Karabakh war, conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Conflicts in the South Caucasus, Geopolitical interests of great powers in Caucasus region.


Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, 8(1), 277-291 , 2022

The purpose of this study was to see whether the Taliban regime poses a threat to the internation... more The purpose of this study was to see whether the Taliban regime poses a threat to the international community. The research primarily examined the threats that the formation of a theocratic regime in Afghanistan poses to neighboring countries and the international community. With regards to research methods, a document analysis method was used to obtain valid information and to analyze and describe the complex situation in Afghanistan. A wide array of documents and scholarly articles were analyzed to obtain reliable and objective information. This research revealed that the Taliban has not changed at all and still rules Afghanistan with medieval methods and strategies. Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, the economic situation has deteriorated considerably and people face severe hardship. Therefore, hundreds of thousands of Afghans want to leave their homeland and migrate to the West. The Taliban violates constantly human rights and discriminates against women, ethnic and religious minorities. The Taliban has transformed Afghanistan into a narco-state. Neighboring countries fear that Afghanistan might become a hotbed of terrorism and extremism again.


National security and the future, Volume 23, No. 1, 2022

The aim of this research was to explain how the coronavirus pandemic led to the rise of authorita... more The aim of this research was to explain how the coronavirus pandemic led to the rise of authoritarianism throughout the world. With regards to research methods, A document analysis method was used to obtain valid information and to analyze and describe the complex situation after the spread of COVID-19. A wide array of documents and scholarly articles were analyzed in order to obtain reliable and objective information. The research question of this paper is: How did the coronavirus pandemic affected the government performance and did it cause the rise of authoritarianism? Is there a causal link between the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and the rise of authoritarianism? This research revealed that the COVID -19 caused the unprecedented rise of government power in different parts of the world. In many countries the governments took advantage of the crisis and imposed a lot of restrictions on the people. Governments use the pandemic as a pretext to limit human rights. On the pretext of controlling the pandemic such fundamental human rights as freedom of speech and expression, freedom of assembly and association, the right to privacy, etc. are massively restricted. Since the outbreak of the pandemic civil space has been severely restricted and press freedom is a thing of the past in many countries. The state of emergency in various countries creates favorable conditions for the government to restrict human rights and impose total control over the society in order to prevent the outbreak of pandemic.

Research paper thumbnail of How the coronavirus pandemic caused the rise of authoritarianism in the Eurasian region

1st International Eurasian Symposium on Social Sciences and Arts, 13-14 May, 2022, Antalya / Turkey, Proceeding Book, ISBN: 978-605-73444-1-0, 2022

The aim of this research was to explain how the coronavirus pandemic caused the rise of authorita... more The aim of this research was to explain how the coronavirus pandemic caused the rise of authoritarianism in the Eurasian continent. Many autocratic leaders have taken advantage of the crisis to accumulate more power and impose harsh restrictions on people. International organizations and human rights activists often complain that human rights conditions have considerably worsened since the spread of pandemic in many countries of the Eurasian continent. We have witnessed the rise of authoritarianism across Eurasia. With regards to research methods a document analysis method was used in order to obtain objective and reliable information about the rise of authoritarianism. The research revealed that there is a strong causal relationship between the spread of COVID-19 and the rise of authoritarianism. The coronavirus pandemic offered an excellent opportunity to European and Asian leaders to concentrate as much power as possible in their hands. There is a widespread fear among human rights activists that many leaders will not relinquish the extraordinary powers that they have accumulated, once the pandemic will be over.

Research paper thumbnail of The causes of poverty. Theoretical Explanations and Interpretations of Poverty

11th International Online Conference on Social Researches and Behavioral Sciences SADAB, October 29-31, Antalya, Turkey. Proceeding Book: ISBN: 978-605-71623-0-4., 2022

The aim of this research was to analyze and explain the causes of poverty. This article offers th... more The aim of this research was to analyze and explain the causes of poverty. This article offers theoretical explanations and interpretations of poverty. When explaining poverty, particular attention is played to theories such as modernization theory, theory of neocolonialism and dependency theory. This article also explains how the industrial revolution managed to reduce poverty rate considerably and improved living-conditions of ordinary people. In preindustrial times, the poverty rate was much higher in the world and almost everyone lived in extreme poverty. Industrial revolution played very important role in the reduction of poverty and created vast opportunities for horizonal and vertical mobility. At the same time, it inflicted enormous damage on environment and caused the emergence of ecological problems such as air pollution, global warming, deforestation, desertification etc. One of the most acute problems that the industrial society is facing is, how to reduce poverty without inflicting damage on the environment.


SSAD Stratejik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2022

The aim of this research was to discuss and analyze various methods of assessment of leader's per... more The aim of this research was to discuss and analyze various methods of assessment of leader's personal characteristics and leadership style. In fact, there are various methods that can be used to assess personal qualities and psychological characteristics of a leader. This research focused mainly on the methods developed by distinguished American scientists such as Margaret Herman, James David Barber and David A. Winter. With regards to research methods, a document analysis method was used to obtain valid information and to analyze and describe various methods of assessment of leader's personal traits and leadership style. This research revealed that it is quite possible to obtain information about leader's personal qualities and psychological characteristics even without meeting him or her. Marguerite Herman developed a method of assessing the personality traits of leaders which is known as Personality Assessment-at-a-Distance. This method allows us to evaluate leader's personal qualities and psychological characteristics distantly by analyzing his or her speeches and conversations.

Research paper thumbnail of Conflicts between Soviet Russia and Georgia in 1918 - 1921

The International Scientific Conference is held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of establishment of the Democratic Republic of Georgia - "BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA - THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA (1918-1921)", Proceedings, Caucasus University Publishers, 2018, Tbilisi., 2018

After the declaration of independence, the Democratic Republic of Georgia faced many problems wit... more After the declaration of independence, the Democratic Republic of Georgia faced many problems with its northern neighbor. Both the Red Army and the White Army were equally hostile to the idea of Caucasian independence and the Caucasian people were forced to fight against them on the battlefield, as well as on the diplomatic front. During the Russian Civil War, Soviet Russia could not dispatch enough troops to Caucasus in order to occupy the Democratic Republic of Georgia. Therefore, it was offering financial, political and military support to separatist forces in Georgia. With the help of Soviet Russia, separatist forces in Abkhazia and South Ossetia organized many uprisings against the Democratic Republic of Georgia. Soviet Russia was also offering assistance to all anti-Georgian organizations: the Caucasian Regional Committee of the Russian Communist party, the Russian National Council of Transcaucasia, the Russian clergy of Tbilisi, the Russian National Council of Batumi and Sukhumi, etc. Soviet Russia helped these organizations to organize revolts against the Democratic Republic of Georgia. The aim of these anti-government revolts was to overthrow the government and establish a Soviet rule in Georgia.
After defeating General Denikin and the White forces, Soviet Russia approached Caucasus and renewed its subversive activities in the Democratic Republic of Georgia. The Caucasian Regional Committee of the Russian Communist party was doing everything it could to organize “peasants’ and workers’ rebellion” in Georgia. With the help of Soviet Russia, this organization supported Ossetian separatists and local rebels in the fight against the Georgian government. The aim of this article is to analyze conflicts between Russia and Georgia in 1918-1921. The article also describes the occupation of Georgia by the Red Army and its consequences. This research is based on historical method. Conflicts that took part between Russia and Georgia are analyzed in detail by using the above mentioned method.

Research paper thumbnail of A Georgian minority in Iran. Will the Fereydan Georgians manage to maintain their ethnic identity

5th international scientific conference - POLITICS AROUND THE CAUCASUS, Proceedings, Tbilisi, 2019 , 2019

This article deals with Georgians living in Iran. For centuries Eastern part of Georgia remained ... more This article deals with Georgians living in Iran. For centuries Eastern part of Georgia remained under the Persian influence. After Persian military campaigns and invasions, a large number of Georgians were displaced to Iran. The largest mass deportation of Georgians to Iran took place during the reign of Shah Abbas I in 1614-1617. The population of kingdom of Kakheti was forcibly resettled to various provinces of Iran. They were scattered across different provinces of Persia. Only Fereydan Georgians were able to preserve their ethnic identity and culture. Compact settlement in the isolated mountains of Iran enabled them to keep their Georgian identity. Unfortunately, the number of Georgian language speakers in Fereydan is gradually diminishing. This article explains problems that Fereydan Georgians are facing in Iran.

Research paper thumbnail of The escalation of conflict between Armenians and Azerbaijanis and the problems of peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh war

Journal of Liberty and International Affairs |Vol. 6, No. 3, 2021| eISSN 1857-9760, 2021

This article explains why it is so difficult to achieve peace in Nagorno-Karabakh and what factor... more This article explains why it is so difficult to achieve peace in Nagorno-Karabakh and what factors prevent the peaceful resolution of the conflict. This conflict is very difficult to resolve because the conflicting parties have contradictory geopolitical interests and cannot achieve consensus during negotiations. We have to take into account Russia"s geopolitical interests in South Caucasus that Kremlin is interested in freezing this conflict to weaken both states, Azerbaijan and Armenia, and bring them back to Russia"s orbit. Moscow aims to establish firm control over South Caucasus which was viewed in the past as a "Russian backyard". Russia still views South Caucasus as its zone of influence and tries to bring this region back into Russia"s orbit.

Research paper thumbnail of The Issue of Nepotism and the Problem of Building transparent and efficient civil service in Georgia


The problem of Nepotism is widespread almost everywhere, not only in developing countries, but al... more The problem of Nepotism is widespread almost everywhere, not only in developing countries, but also in many economically advanced countries. One of the most acute problems that Georgia is facing today is the widespread nepotism in all spheres of public life. Nepotism reduces country’s economic development and leads to weakening of effectiveness of the government institutions. In case of nepotism a wide range of legal norms and principles are violated, such as equality before the law, impartiality and equal access to civil service for all citizens.
According to the research which was conducted by different non-Governmental Organizations, recruitment procedure in civil service is not conducted in accordance with the competition rules. This fact is also confirmed by those citizens that were dismissed from civil service. The violation of competition rules has become a common practice in civil service.
After the adoption of a revised EU-Georgia Association Agenda for the period 2017-2020, Georgian government has undertaken an obligation to establish a transparent, independent and impartial system of civil service. European Union demands from Georgia to reform the civil service and build a merit-based and professional civil service. The requirement to reform the civil service and the inclusion of this objective in the Association Agenda is a recognition of the fact, that the Georgian government has so far failed to create a competent and transparent civil service. The creation of a professional civil service can only be achieved if vicious practice of nepotism will be eradicated in all spheres of public life. Georgia needs professional, competent and knowledgeable civil servants, that can implement efficient policies and transform the country into western-style liberal democracy. Effective and efficient civil service is an essential prerequisite to Georgia’s economic progress. Therefore, it is essential to reform the civil service and staff it with qualified and competent people.

Research paper thumbnail of Factors that caused the deterioration in American - Turkish relations

Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, Volume 5, No. 3, 2020 | eISSN 1857-9760., 2020

During the Cold War Turkey had excellent relations with the United States of America. Both countr... more During the Cold War Turkey had excellent relations with the United States of America. Both countries needed each other and saw the Soviet Union as their main rival. Strategic Partnership was established between the two nations and USA provided military assistance to Turkey in order to contain the Soviet Union. With the assistance of the USA, Turkey managed to neutralize Soviet threat and integrate into NATO. Turkey became a close ally of the West. After the Cold War, American-Turkish relations have gradually cooled and deteriorated significantly over the last years. The aim of this article is to analyze those factors that have caused the deterioration of American-Turkish relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Problems Of democratization of Post Soviet Space

8 th International Online Conference on Social Researches and Behavioral Sciences April 22-24, 2021 / Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021

This article describes the problems that post-Soviet states face in building democracy and creati... more This article describes the problems that post-Soviet states face in building democracy and creating democratic institutions. When Soviet Union collapsed the West hoped that post-Soviet republics would carry out effectively democratic reforms and would become liberal democracies. However, the expectation that Post-Soviet states would soon be transformed into liberal democracies did not materialize. The political system that was established in most of the post-Soviet republics is far from what we call the liberal democracy. The political system that is widespread in these countries can be described as an electoral, or minimal democracy. This article describes conditions that are needed for an electoral democracy to be transformed into a consolidated democracy. Particular attention is paid to five spheres (civil society, economic society, political society, bureaucratic structure and rule of law) without which democracy cannot be consolidated. Any state that wants to become a liberal democracy has to pay particular attention to the development and consolidation of the above mentioned five spheres.

Research paper thumbnail of Negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic on tourism

International Scientific-Practical Online Conference "COVID 19 - Economic, Legal and Political Challenges", New Higher Education Institution, Tbilisi, 2020, 2020

The article describes the negative impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on both Georgia and the Eur... more The article describes the negative impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on both Georgia and the European tourism industry. The number of visitors and tourists in Georgia as well as in the EEuropean Union has sharply declined, which has dealt a fatal blow to the tourism sector. Due to the rapid spread of the pandemic, various countries around the world decided to introduce strict restrictions: reduced international air traffic, tightened border controls. The number of tourists has been drastically reduced due to the closure of airports, the suspension of flights and the introduction of strict restrictions. The tourism industry in both Georgia and various European countries is currently in turmoil and requires proper response from the government and the development of a crisis management strategy. If the pandemic lasts for a long time, it can deal a deadly blow, especially to those countries the economies of which are not diversified and depend only on one sector, tourism.

Research paper thumbnail of Debates about the Reform of the United Nations Security Council

7TH International Conference on Social Researches and Behavioural Sciences, October 24-25, 2020 / Antalya, Turkey, Proceedings Book ISBN: 978-605-65197-6-5 , 2020

This article explains why it is so necessary to reform the United Nations Security Council. The U... more This article explains why it is so necessary to reform the United Nations Security Council. The United Nations Security Council was established after the Second World War, in 1945. Since then, the world has changed immensely, but nothing has been done to update the structure of the United Nations Security Council. Its structure is outdated and is no longer representative of today's geopolitical reality. Over the last years, there have been many debates and discussions in the academic and political circles of various countries about the need of reforming the United Nations Security Council. The structure of the Security Council has to be changed in order to make it more representative of the "geopolitical realities of today". There are many proposals for reforming United Nations Security Council, but the member states of the United Nations cannot reach consensus and cannot agree how to carry out these reforms.


KutBilim Journal of Social Sciences and Arts, Volume 1, Issue 1 , 2021 ISSN: 2791-6340, 2021

As the world population continues to grow, humankind is expected to experience more social, econo... more As the world population continues to grow, humankind is expected to experience more social, economic and environmental problems. The global population keeps growing at a very rapid pace. According to the statistical data in 2030 the global population will reach 8.4 billion and in 2050 the total size of the population will be 9.6 billion. As a result of this phenomenal growth of population, the consumption of resources such as land, food, water, air, fossil fuels and minerals has grown rapidly over the last decades. More consumption means more waste, more water pollutants, toxic materials and greenhouse gasses. Unregulated population growth will cause the environmental degradation and ecological disaster in the future. The research question of this paper is: is there a causal link between the population growth and environmental degradation? The main goal of this article is to find out if the unchecked population growth causes damage to our environment.



The aim of this research was to find out if the war in Ukraine affects the Russian society and Si... more The aim of this research was to find out if the war in Ukraine affects the Russian society and Sino- Russian relations and if Beijing is capable of saving the Russian economy from destruction. With regards to research methods, a document analysis method was used to obtain valid information about the socio-economic consequences of the war. A wide range of documents and scholarly articles were analyzed in order to obtain reliable and objective information. The research revealed that the war has devastating effect on Russia’s economy and could cause aggravation of socio-economic problems in the future. Russia could become an isolated and impoverished country. The war has also negative effect on Sino-Russian relations. Despite having close ties with Russia, Beijing refuses to support Russia during these difficult times and does not offer financial, economic and military assistance to Kremlin. Indeed, China’s ability to save Russia from economic disaster is limited.

Research paper thumbnail of ევროკავშირის გაფართოების ხელისშემშლელი ფაქტორები და ევროკავშირის წინაშე არსებული გამოწვევები

საქართველოს ტექნიკური უნვერსიტეტის პოლიტიკისა და საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების დეპარტამენტის საერთაშორისო რეფერირებადი და რეცენზირებადი სამეცნიერო ჟურნალი „საისტორიო ვერტიკალები“, 49 – 50, თბილისი, 2021

სტატიაში აღწერილია თუ რა ფაქტორები უშლის ხელს ევროკავშირის გაფართოებას და ახალი წევრების მიღებას ... more სტატიაში აღწერილია თუ რა ფაქტორები უშლის ხელს ევროკავშირის გაფართოებას და ახალი წევრების მიღებას სუპრანაციონალურ ორგანიზაციაში. გაანალიზებული და განხილულია გარე და შიდა საფრთხეები, რომელიც ხელს უშლის ევროკავშირის აღმოსავლეთით გაფართოებას. ევროპა ამჟამად უამრავი გამოწვევების წინშე დგას, რის გამოც ევროკავშირის გაფართოება აღარ არის მიჩნეული პრიორიტეტულ საკითხად ევროპის პოლიტიკურ წრეებში. ეკონომიკურმა კრიზისმა და პოლიტიკურმა არასტაბილურობამ მოსახლეობის განწყობა შეცვლა და გააძლიერა ევროსკოპტიციზმი ევროპაში. ამჟამად, ევროკავშირის წევრი ქვეყნების მოსახლეობა უარყოფითად არის განწყობილი გაფართოების პროცესის მიმართ. 2008 წლის გლობალურმა ფინანსურმა კრიზისმა ნეგატიურად იმოქმედა ევროპის ეკონომიკურ განვითარებაზე და შეაფერხა ევროპის გაფართოება. ევროპაში თანდათანობით მვკიდრდება მოსაზრება, რომ ევროკავშირს არ გააჩნია ამჟამად აბსორბციის შესაძლებლობა და არ შესწევს უნარი, რომ მიიღოს ახალი წევრები სუპრანაციონალურ ოგრანიზაციაში. ახალი წევრების მიღებამ შეიძლება კიდევ უფრო მეტად შეაფერხოს ევრკავშირის განვითარება და უფრო დიდი გამოწვევების და პრობლემების წინაშე დააყენოს სუპრანაციონალური ორგანიზაცია.

Research paper thumbnail of Აშშ-ჩინეთს შორის კონფლიქტი და ბრძოლა ჰეგემონობისათვის

საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია „თანამედროვე მსოფლიო წესრიგი - პოლიტიკურ-სამართლებრივი გამოწვევები“ სტატიების კრებული, საქართველოს ტექნიკური უნივერსიტეტი: თბილისი. , 2022

კვლევის მიზანი იყო აშშ-სა და ჩინეთს შორის არსებული კონფლიქტის გაანალიზება და მეცნიერულად შესწავლა... more კვლევის მიზანი იყო აშშ-სა და ჩინეთს შორის არსებული კონფლიქტის გაანალიზება და მეცნიერულად შესწავლა. რაც უფრო სწრაფი ტემპით ვითარდება ჩინეთი, მით უფრო იზრდება დაპირისპირება ამ ორ ზესახელმწიფოს შორის. ორივე სახელმწიფოს ჰეგემონური ამბიციები გააჩნია და ეჯიბრებიან ერთმანეთს აზიაში გაბატონებისათვის. ჩინეთის სწრაფმა აღზევებამ გლობალური პოლიტიკის რადიკალური ტრანსფორმაცია გამოიწვია ბოლო ათწლეულებში. ძალთა ბალანსი თანდათანობით აზიისკენ იხრება, რაც ამერიკის შეერთებული შტატების სირიოზულ შეშფოთებას იწვევს. ჩინეთმა ბოლო ათწლეულებში სწრაფი ტრანსფორმაცია განიცადა და გახდა აზიის ყველაზე ძლიერი სახელმწიფო. აშშ შეშფოთებით ადევნებს თვალს თუ როგორ ხდება ჩინეთის სწრაფი აღზევება ანარქიულ საერთაშორისო სისტემაში. ჩინეთი უკვე გახდა რეგიონული ლიდერი აზიაში, რაც ამერიკის შეერთებული შტატებისთვის დიდ გამოწვევას წარმოადგენს. ჩინეთის ეკონომიკური და სამხედრო პოტენციალის ზრდასთან ერთად, მუდმივად იზრდება მისი გეოპოლიტიკური ამბიციებიც. კვლევის შედეგად დადგინდა, რომ მომავალში ჩინეთსა და აშშ-ს შორის კონფლიქტის ალბათობა არ არის გამორიცხული. აღმოსავლეთ აზიაში ბევრი პოტენციური ცხელი წერტილია სადაც კონფლიქტი შეიძლება ნებისმიერ დროს დაიწყოს აშშ-სა და ჩინეთს შორის. პოტენციურ ცხელ წერტილებად მოიაზრება ტაივანი, აღმოსავლეთ ჩინეთის ზღვა და სამხრეთ ჩინეთის ზღვა. ჩინეთსა და მეზობელ სახლემწიფოებს შორის არსებობს უამრავი ტერიტორიული დავები, რაც შეიძლება მომავალში ღია კონფლიქტში გადიზარდოს. ამ ტერიტორიული დავების გარდა შეკავების პოლიტიკამაც შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს კონფლიქტის ესკალაცია ახლო მომავალში. აშშ აპირებს შეკავების პოლიტიკის გატარებას ჩინეთის მიმართ, რაც გამოიწვევს ურთიერთობების მაქსიმალურად დაძაბვას ამ ორ ზესახელმწიფოს შორის და კონფლიქტის ესკალაციას. ბევრი ექსპერტი თვლის, რომ აშშ და ჩინეთი მომავალში ვერ შეძლებენ „თუკიდიდეს ხაფანგისგან“ თავის დაღწევას.

Research paper thumbnail of Mediation as an effective strategy for conflict resolution

9th International Online Conference on Social Researches and Behavioral Sciences SADAB, June 25-27, 2021b Antalya, Turkey. Proceeding Book, ISBN: 978-625-409-155-1, 2021

Mediation plays very important role in conflict resolution. This article describes and analyzes t... more Mediation plays very important role in conflict resolution. This article describes and analyzes the role of mediation in the conflict resolution process. It discusses what skills a successful mediator should possess. Scholars and experts agree that a good mediator should have the appropriate knowledge, skills, sense of humor, tact, and detailed information about the conflict in which he or she intends to engage. Resolving conflicts is one of the most difficult and complicated issues, which requires special skills and talents. Various methods are used to resolve the conflict (negotiation, mediation, facilitation, arbitration, etc.) International conflict or international disputes are regulated in exactly the same way as disputes within a country. Initially, the parties try to resolve the issue through diplomacy. Although resolving disputes through diplomacy is a priority, when the negotiation process comes to a standstill, the parties turn to a mediator. Good Mediator tries to gain the trust of the rivaling parties and remains neutral and impartial during the conflict resolution process. Various mediation strategies are also analyzed in detail, such as communication-facilitation strategy, procedural strategy and directive strategy. This article describes main factors that need to be considered to properly manage the mediation process.


Kutbilim Journal of Social Sciences Vol.1, Issue 2 , 2021

This article analyzes the importance of drones in modern warfare and armed conflicts. It explains... more This article analyzes the importance of drones in modern warfare and armed conflicts. It explains how states and non-state actors use drones for various purposes. The United States of America was the first country globally to use drones twenty years ago to eliminate dangerous terrorists. George W. Bush was the first president of USA who used drones for counterterrorism operations in different countries. Drones proved to be very effective tool during the war on terror. If USA used drones only as killing machines for the elimination of terrorists, Azerbaijan was the first country that used them for military purposes in the war against Armenia. The massive usage of drones by the armed forces first took place in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in 2020. This conflict often referred to as the "war of drones," demonstrated how effective drones could be in modern warfare if used wisely and rationally. This conflict has shown that even a small state can achieve total air supremacy in the conflict if it uses drones properly and effectively. After the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War, the number of states willing to purchase drones has increased considerably.
However, it is also noteworthy that not only states are interested in drones, but also terrorist organizations and aggressive non-state actors. Many terrorist organizations have started to use drones in order to achieve
their goals. One of the main challenges that faces states today is to develop effective defense mechanisms to neutralize and eliminate threats coming from drones quickly. The research question of this paper is: how
did the usage of drones affected modern warfare and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the massive usage of drones? The main goal of this article is to find out positive and negative sides of the usage
of drones in modern warfare. The aim of this article is also to find what threats to do the states face because of the massive usage of drones by the terrorist organizations.

Research paper thumbnail of Major factors that prevented the resolution of Nagorno -Karabakh conflict through peaceful means and diplomacy

10th International Online Conference on Social Researches and Behavioral Sciences SADAB, October 29-31, Antalya, Turkey. Proceeding Book, ISBN: ISBN:978-625-00-9640-6, 2021

This article describes emergence of the conflict between Armenians and Azerbaijanis and explains ... more This article describes emergence of the conflict between Armenians and Azerbaijanis and explains those factors that caused the escalation of tensions and prevented the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Despite many efforts of the International Community to deescalate tensions between the conflicting parties and bring them back to negotiating table, the outbreak of the Second Karabakh War was inevitable. Armenia refused to make any concessions during negotiations and return occupied territories to Azerbaijan. Since the 1990-s the OSCE Minsk group tried to solve the conflict through negotiations and diplomacy. Three countries, Russia, France, and the USA acted as mediators during the peace talks which were ongoing for 27 years but without any kind of progress. All attempts to solve the conflict peacefully were futile. In the 1990-s, after the end of the First Karabakh War Armenians intended to use seven districts around Karabakh as a bargaining chip during negotiations with Azerbaijan, but later their attitude towards this issue changed and they refused to make any concessions to Azerbaijan. As time passed Armenia's position hardened considerably and they began to view these occupied territories as their own land. The government of Armenia for decades has completely ignored United Nations Security Council resolutions that demanded the withdrawal of Armenian occupational forces from Nagorno-Karabakh and the return of occupied territories to Azerbaijan. When the government of Azerbaijan saw that nothing could be achieved through diplomacy and negotiations, then it decided to resolve the Karabakh conflict by the use of force and increased considerably military spending. The 2020 Karabakh War was the result of the diplomatic failure. Keywords: Nagorno-Karabakh war, conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Conflicts in the South Caucasus, Geopolitical interests of great powers in Caucasus region.


Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, 8(1), 277-291 , 2022

The purpose of this study was to see whether the Taliban regime poses a threat to the internation... more The purpose of this study was to see whether the Taliban regime poses a threat to the international community. The research primarily examined the threats that the formation of a theocratic regime in Afghanistan poses to neighboring countries and the international community. With regards to research methods, a document analysis method was used to obtain valid information and to analyze and describe the complex situation in Afghanistan. A wide array of documents and scholarly articles were analyzed to obtain reliable and objective information. This research revealed that the Taliban has not changed at all and still rules Afghanistan with medieval methods and strategies. Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, the economic situation has deteriorated considerably and people face severe hardship. Therefore, hundreds of thousands of Afghans want to leave their homeland and migrate to the West. The Taliban violates constantly human rights and discriminates against women, ethnic and religious minorities. The Taliban has transformed Afghanistan into a narco-state. Neighboring countries fear that Afghanistan might become a hotbed of terrorism and extremism again.


National security and the future, Volume 23, No. 1, 2022

The aim of this research was to explain how the coronavirus pandemic led to the rise of authorita... more The aim of this research was to explain how the coronavirus pandemic led to the rise of authoritarianism throughout the world. With regards to research methods, A document analysis method was used to obtain valid information and to analyze and describe the complex situation after the spread of COVID-19. A wide array of documents and scholarly articles were analyzed in order to obtain reliable and objective information. The research question of this paper is: How did the coronavirus pandemic affected the government performance and did it cause the rise of authoritarianism? Is there a causal link between the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and the rise of authoritarianism? This research revealed that the COVID -19 caused the unprecedented rise of government power in different parts of the world. In many countries the governments took advantage of the crisis and imposed a lot of restrictions on the people. Governments use the pandemic as a pretext to limit human rights. On the pretext of controlling the pandemic such fundamental human rights as freedom of speech and expression, freedom of assembly and association, the right to privacy, etc. are massively restricted. Since the outbreak of the pandemic civil space has been severely restricted and press freedom is a thing of the past in many countries. The state of emergency in various countries creates favorable conditions for the government to restrict human rights and impose total control over the society in order to prevent the outbreak of pandemic.

Research paper thumbnail of How the coronavirus pandemic caused the rise of authoritarianism in the Eurasian region

1st International Eurasian Symposium on Social Sciences and Arts, 13-14 May, 2022, Antalya / Turkey, Proceeding Book, ISBN: 978-605-73444-1-0, 2022

The aim of this research was to explain how the coronavirus pandemic caused the rise of authorita... more The aim of this research was to explain how the coronavirus pandemic caused the rise of authoritarianism in the Eurasian continent. Many autocratic leaders have taken advantage of the crisis to accumulate more power and impose harsh restrictions on people. International organizations and human rights activists often complain that human rights conditions have considerably worsened since the spread of pandemic in many countries of the Eurasian continent. We have witnessed the rise of authoritarianism across Eurasia. With regards to research methods a document analysis method was used in order to obtain objective and reliable information about the rise of authoritarianism. The research revealed that there is a strong causal relationship between the spread of COVID-19 and the rise of authoritarianism. The coronavirus pandemic offered an excellent opportunity to European and Asian leaders to concentrate as much power as possible in their hands. There is a widespread fear among human rights activists that many leaders will not relinquish the extraordinary powers that they have accumulated, once the pandemic will be over.

Research paper thumbnail of The causes of poverty. Theoretical Explanations and Interpretations of Poverty

11th International Online Conference on Social Researches and Behavioral Sciences SADAB, October 29-31, Antalya, Turkey. Proceeding Book: ISBN: 978-605-71623-0-4., 2022

The aim of this research was to analyze and explain the causes of poverty. This article offers th... more The aim of this research was to analyze and explain the causes of poverty. This article offers theoretical explanations and interpretations of poverty. When explaining poverty, particular attention is played to theories such as modernization theory, theory of neocolonialism and dependency theory. This article also explains how the industrial revolution managed to reduce poverty rate considerably and improved living-conditions of ordinary people. In preindustrial times, the poverty rate was much higher in the world and almost everyone lived in extreme poverty. Industrial revolution played very important role in the reduction of poverty and created vast opportunities for horizonal and vertical mobility. At the same time, it inflicted enormous damage on environment and caused the emergence of ecological problems such as air pollution, global warming, deforestation, desertification etc. One of the most acute problems that the industrial society is facing is, how to reduce poverty without inflicting damage on the environment.


SSAD Stratejik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2022

The aim of this research was to discuss and analyze various methods of assessment of leader's per... more The aim of this research was to discuss and analyze various methods of assessment of leader's personal characteristics and leadership style. In fact, there are various methods that can be used to assess personal qualities and psychological characteristics of a leader. This research focused mainly on the methods developed by distinguished American scientists such as Margaret Herman, James David Barber and David A. Winter. With regards to research methods, a document analysis method was used to obtain valid information and to analyze and describe various methods of assessment of leader's personal traits and leadership style. This research revealed that it is quite possible to obtain information about leader's personal qualities and psychological characteristics even without meeting him or her. Marguerite Herman developed a method of assessing the personality traits of leaders which is known as Personality Assessment-at-a-Distance. This method allows us to evaluate leader's personal qualities and psychological characteristics distantly by analyzing his or her speeches and conversations.

Research paper thumbnail of Conflicts between Soviet Russia and Georgia in 1918 - 1921

The International Scientific Conference is held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of establishment of the Democratic Republic of Georgia - "BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA - THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA (1918-1921)", Proceedings, Caucasus University Publishers, 2018, Tbilisi., 2018

After the declaration of independence, the Democratic Republic of Georgia faced many problems wit... more After the declaration of independence, the Democratic Republic of Georgia faced many problems with its northern neighbor. Both the Red Army and the White Army were equally hostile to the idea of Caucasian independence and the Caucasian people were forced to fight against them on the battlefield, as well as on the diplomatic front. During the Russian Civil War, Soviet Russia could not dispatch enough troops to Caucasus in order to occupy the Democratic Republic of Georgia. Therefore, it was offering financial, political and military support to separatist forces in Georgia. With the help of Soviet Russia, separatist forces in Abkhazia and South Ossetia organized many uprisings against the Democratic Republic of Georgia. Soviet Russia was also offering assistance to all anti-Georgian organizations: the Caucasian Regional Committee of the Russian Communist party, the Russian National Council of Transcaucasia, the Russian clergy of Tbilisi, the Russian National Council of Batumi and Sukhumi, etc. Soviet Russia helped these organizations to organize revolts against the Democratic Republic of Georgia. The aim of these anti-government revolts was to overthrow the government and establish a Soviet rule in Georgia.
After defeating General Denikin and the White forces, Soviet Russia approached Caucasus and renewed its subversive activities in the Democratic Republic of Georgia. The Caucasian Regional Committee of the Russian Communist party was doing everything it could to organize “peasants’ and workers’ rebellion” in Georgia. With the help of Soviet Russia, this organization supported Ossetian separatists and local rebels in the fight against the Georgian government. The aim of this article is to analyze conflicts between Russia and Georgia in 1918-1921. The article also describes the occupation of Georgia by the Red Army and its consequences. This research is based on historical method. Conflicts that took part between Russia and Georgia are analyzed in detail by using the above mentioned method.

Research paper thumbnail of A Georgian minority in Iran. Will the Fereydan Georgians manage to maintain their ethnic identity

5th international scientific conference - POLITICS AROUND THE CAUCASUS, Proceedings, Tbilisi, 2019 , 2019

This article deals with Georgians living in Iran. For centuries Eastern part of Georgia remained ... more This article deals with Georgians living in Iran. For centuries Eastern part of Georgia remained under the Persian influence. After Persian military campaigns and invasions, a large number of Georgians were displaced to Iran. The largest mass deportation of Georgians to Iran took place during the reign of Shah Abbas I in 1614-1617. The population of kingdom of Kakheti was forcibly resettled to various provinces of Iran. They were scattered across different provinces of Persia. Only Fereydan Georgians were able to preserve their ethnic identity and culture. Compact settlement in the isolated mountains of Iran enabled them to keep their Georgian identity. Unfortunately, the number of Georgian language speakers in Fereydan is gradually diminishing. This article explains problems that Fereydan Georgians are facing in Iran.

Research paper thumbnail of The escalation of conflict between Armenians and Azerbaijanis and the problems of peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh war

Journal of Liberty and International Affairs |Vol. 6, No. 3, 2021| eISSN 1857-9760, 2021

This article explains why it is so difficult to achieve peace in Nagorno-Karabakh and what factor... more This article explains why it is so difficult to achieve peace in Nagorno-Karabakh and what factors prevent the peaceful resolution of the conflict. This conflict is very difficult to resolve because the conflicting parties have contradictory geopolitical interests and cannot achieve consensus during negotiations. We have to take into account Russia"s geopolitical interests in South Caucasus that Kremlin is interested in freezing this conflict to weaken both states, Azerbaijan and Armenia, and bring them back to Russia"s orbit. Moscow aims to establish firm control over South Caucasus which was viewed in the past as a "Russian backyard". Russia still views South Caucasus as its zone of influence and tries to bring this region back into Russia"s orbit.

Research paper thumbnail of The Issue of Nepotism and the Problem of Building transparent and efficient civil service in Georgia


The problem of Nepotism is widespread almost everywhere, not only in developing countries, but al... more The problem of Nepotism is widespread almost everywhere, not only in developing countries, but also in many economically advanced countries. One of the most acute problems that Georgia is facing today is the widespread nepotism in all spheres of public life. Nepotism reduces country’s economic development and leads to weakening of effectiveness of the government institutions. In case of nepotism a wide range of legal norms and principles are violated, such as equality before the law, impartiality and equal access to civil service for all citizens.
According to the research which was conducted by different non-Governmental Organizations, recruitment procedure in civil service is not conducted in accordance with the competition rules. This fact is also confirmed by those citizens that were dismissed from civil service. The violation of competition rules has become a common practice in civil service.
After the adoption of a revised EU-Georgia Association Agenda for the period 2017-2020, Georgian government has undertaken an obligation to establish a transparent, independent and impartial system of civil service. European Union demands from Georgia to reform the civil service and build a merit-based and professional civil service. The requirement to reform the civil service and the inclusion of this objective in the Association Agenda is a recognition of the fact, that the Georgian government has so far failed to create a competent and transparent civil service. The creation of a professional civil service can only be achieved if vicious practice of nepotism will be eradicated in all spheres of public life. Georgia needs professional, competent and knowledgeable civil servants, that can implement efficient policies and transform the country into western-style liberal democracy. Effective and efficient civil service is an essential prerequisite to Georgia’s economic progress. Therefore, it is essential to reform the civil service and staff it with qualified and competent people.

Research paper thumbnail of Factors that caused the deterioration in American - Turkish relations

Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, Volume 5, No. 3, 2020 | eISSN 1857-9760., 2020

During the Cold War Turkey had excellent relations with the United States of America. Both countr... more During the Cold War Turkey had excellent relations with the United States of America. Both countries needed each other and saw the Soviet Union as their main rival. Strategic Partnership was established between the two nations and USA provided military assistance to Turkey in order to contain the Soviet Union. With the assistance of the USA, Turkey managed to neutralize Soviet threat and integrate into NATO. Turkey became a close ally of the West. After the Cold War, American-Turkish relations have gradually cooled and deteriorated significantly over the last years. The aim of this article is to analyze those factors that have caused the deterioration of American-Turkish relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Problems Of democratization of Post Soviet Space

8 th International Online Conference on Social Researches and Behavioral Sciences April 22-24, 2021 / Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021

This article describes the problems that post-Soviet states face in building democracy and creati... more This article describes the problems that post-Soviet states face in building democracy and creating democratic institutions. When Soviet Union collapsed the West hoped that post-Soviet republics would carry out effectively democratic reforms and would become liberal democracies. However, the expectation that Post-Soviet states would soon be transformed into liberal democracies did not materialize. The political system that was established in most of the post-Soviet republics is far from what we call the liberal democracy. The political system that is widespread in these countries can be described as an electoral, or minimal democracy. This article describes conditions that are needed for an electoral democracy to be transformed into a consolidated democracy. Particular attention is paid to five spheres (civil society, economic society, political society, bureaucratic structure and rule of law) without which democracy cannot be consolidated. Any state that wants to become a liberal democracy has to pay particular attention to the development and consolidation of the above mentioned five spheres.

Research paper thumbnail of Negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic on tourism

International Scientific-Practical Online Conference "COVID 19 - Economic, Legal and Political Challenges", New Higher Education Institution, Tbilisi, 2020, 2020

The article describes the negative impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on both Georgia and the Eur... more The article describes the negative impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on both Georgia and the European tourism industry. The number of visitors and tourists in Georgia as well as in the EEuropean Union has sharply declined, which has dealt a fatal blow to the tourism sector. Due to the rapid spread of the pandemic, various countries around the world decided to introduce strict restrictions: reduced international air traffic, tightened border controls. The number of tourists has been drastically reduced due to the closure of airports, the suspension of flights and the introduction of strict restrictions. The tourism industry in both Georgia and various European countries is currently in turmoil and requires proper response from the government and the development of a crisis management strategy. If the pandemic lasts for a long time, it can deal a deadly blow, especially to those countries the economies of which are not diversified and depend only on one sector, tourism.

Research paper thumbnail of Debates about the Reform of the United Nations Security Council

7TH International Conference on Social Researches and Behavioural Sciences, October 24-25, 2020 / Antalya, Turkey, Proceedings Book ISBN: 978-605-65197-6-5 , 2020

This article explains why it is so necessary to reform the United Nations Security Council. The U... more This article explains why it is so necessary to reform the United Nations Security Council. The United Nations Security Council was established after the Second World War, in 1945. Since then, the world has changed immensely, but nothing has been done to update the structure of the United Nations Security Council. Its structure is outdated and is no longer representative of today's geopolitical reality. Over the last years, there have been many debates and discussions in the academic and political circles of various countries about the need of reforming the United Nations Security Council. The structure of the Security Council has to be changed in order to make it more representative of the "geopolitical realities of today". There are many proposals for reforming United Nations Security Council, but the member states of the United Nations cannot reach consensus and cannot agree how to carry out these reforms.


KutBilim Journal of Social Sciences and Arts, Volume 1, Issue 1 , 2021 ISSN: 2791-6340, 2021

As the world population continues to grow, humankind is expected to experience more social, econo... more As the world population continues to grow, humankind is expected to experience more social, economic and environmental problems. The global population keeps growing at a very rapid pace. According to the statistical data in 2030 the global population will reach 8.4 billion and in 2050 the total size of the population will be 9.6 billion. As a result of this phenomenal growth of population, the consumption of resources such as land, food, water, air, fossil fuels and minerals has grown rapidly over the last decades. More consumption means more waste, more water pollutants, toxic materials and greenhouse gasses. Unregulated population growth will cause the environmental degradation and ecological disaster in the future. The research question of this paper is: is there a causal link between the population growth and environmental degradation? The main goal of this article is to find out if the unchecked population growth causes damage to our environment.