ARCTICA NATURA (original) (raw)

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joyeux pepperoni no text
May your Christmas be all dressed!
Happy Pepperoni!

It's friggin' cold here!
Untitled by artist Karel Funk

Hurricane Sandy Box
The Cat is right in the middle of it!

Be safe!

moving furn 2
Change being the key to survival, we predict The Cat will not survive another interior improvement of the igloo. Oh well, Orwell!

New data from NASA's Voyager 1 indicate that the spacecraft is drawing ever closer to exiting our solar system.

JO Badminton

The Games
Let the games begin!

Air Ingmar

Still Havent Found

Not a particle

This is Air Kitten flight 999 requesting permission to land.
Control Tower, this is Air Kitten flight 999 requesting permission to land.
Control Tower, do you read me?
Control Tower?

Note from the AN creator: Opps! Forgot to include a control tower! My bad!

tsunami debris

By Brigitte Dusseau (AFP)

NIAGARA FALLS, New York — Spectators at Niagara Falls held their breath Friday as famed tightrope walker Nik Wallenda prepared to risk winds, spray and even birds on the first walk over the falls in more than a century.

AN Niagara Falls
First walk over the falls in more than a century??
We @ Arctica Natura beg to differ, mademoiselle!

Edit @ 23h15:
Wallenda successfully completes tightrope walk across Niagara Falls
Montreal Gazette‎ - 11 minutes ago
Daredevil Nik Wallenda has finished his attempt to become the first person to walk on a tightrope 1800.


A tornado has swept through the Sant’Erasmo island in Venice’s lagoon, ripping the roofs off buildings and uprooting trees on its path of destruction.
Althought the cit’s historic centre survived unscathed.
Despite the force of the wind, so far only one minor injury was reported.
Only a group of tourists and the gondola they were in are missing.

Change affects timing of birth, rearing of young
by Bob Weber of The Chronicle Herald

A surprise discovery suggests thinning Arctic sea ice could be upsetting the delicate timing of birth and growth for northern wildlife. Scientists have long known that warming temperatures have increased the amount of thinner, first-year ice in waters that used to be covered by metres-thick, multi-year ice. That first-year ice, as thin as half a metre, allows light to pass through.

AN thin ice
Olaf's ruler is still in inches.

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