Osman YILDIRIM | Istanbul Arel University (original) (raw)

Books by Osman YILDIRIM

Research paper thumbnail of SOSYAL BİLİMLER EKONOMİ VE ÇEVRE


Giriş Günümüzde örgüt yöneticileri insan kaynakları profesyonelleri işten ayrılma ko-nusuna çok f... more Giriş Günümüzde örgüt yöneticileri insan kaynakları profesyonelleri işten ayrılma ko-nusuna çok fazla kafa yormakta ve enerji tüketmektedirler. İşten ayrılmanın doğal olan şekli vardır (emeklilik, ölüm ve hastalık gibi) karşılıklı anlaşma ile olanı vardır (gönüllü ayrılma gibi) ve bir de istenmeyen hali vardır (en iyi çalışanı kaybetmek, en iyi çalışanın rakip organizasyona geçmesi gibi). İşten ayrılma ile ilgili bir takım planlar yapmak için işten ayrılan kişiye bir ta-kım sorular sorarak geri bildirim almak gerekir. Ayrılan kişiden geribildirim almak çoğu zaman zordur veya etkili bir yol değildir. Ayrılan kişiden ayrılma nedenlerini sağlayacak geribildirimin zor ve etkisiz olmasını sağlayan birçok neden sayılabilir. Birincisi, işten ayrılan kişiye ulaşmak zordur.İşten gönülsüz ayrılan kişi ya ayrıldığı örgütle hukuksal bir sürece girecek ve geri bildirimi yanlı bilgilerle yapacaktır. Do-layısıyla, bu durumda, geri bildirim etkisiz olacaktır. İkincisi, gönülsüz ayrılan kişi, ayrıldığı örgüt hakkında gerçekçi bilgiler vermeyebilir. Bu nedenle gönülsüz ayrılan kişiden geri bildirim almak zordur. Örgüt yöneticileri, insan kaynakları yöneticileri ve araştırmacılar, çalışanların işten ayrılma niyetini öğrenmeye odaklanırlar. Çünkü çalışanların işten ayrılma eği-limini ölçmek zaman zaman çalışanların ayrılma eğilimlerini ölçmek çok daha kolay ve etkili bir yaklaşımdır. Bu çalışmada da işten ayrılma eğilimine odaklanılmıştır. İşten Ayrılma ve Etkileyen Etmenler En basit tanımıyla, iş görenin çalıştığı örgütü ve dolayısıyla yürütmekte olduğu işi bırakmasına işten ayrılma adı verilir. İşten ayrılma, iş görenin, bilinçli olarak or-ganizasyondan işini sonlandırarak ayrılma isteği (Tett ve Meyer, 1993) veya işini tamamen terk etme eğilimi olarak tanımlanmaktadır (SlatteryveSelvarajan,2005). İşten ayrılma, örgüt yönetimlerinin veya organizasyon sahiplerinin istemediği bir durumdur. İşten ayrılma düşüncesinin iş görende oluşması bile yıkıcı bir eylem ola-rak tanımlanmaktadır (Rusbult vd., 1988).

Research paper thumbnail of SOSYAL BİLİMLER EKONOMİ VE ÇEVRE

Research paper thumbnail of AKADEMİSYEN YAYINEVİ Sosyal Bilimler Ekonomi̇ ve Çevre BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMALAR KİTABI akademisyenyayinevi 2018 Sosyal Bilimler Ekonomi̇ ve Çevre akademisyen com AKADEMİSYEN KİTABEVİ

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship marketing: The impact of emotional intelligence and trust on bank performance

If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emeral... more If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please visit www.emeraldinsight.com/authors for more information. About Emerald www.emeraldinsight.com Emerald is a global publisher linking research and practice to the benefit of society. The company manages a portfolio of more than 290 journals and over 2,350 books and book series volumes, as well as providing an extensive range of online products and additional customer resources and services. Emerald is both COUNTER 4 and TRANSFER compliant. The organization is a partner of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and also works with Portico and the LOCKSS initiative for digital archive preservation.

Research paper thumbnail of Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology Relationships between teachers' perceived leadership style, students' learning style, and academic achievement: a study on high school students

Relationships between teachers’ perceived leadership style, students’ learning style, and academic achievement: a study on high school students, 2008

n15l7i8n92e40.5c (oomnline) There is debate about whether the leadership style of the teacher or ... more n15l7i8n92e40.5c (oomnline) There is debate about whether the leadership style of the teacher or the learning style of the
student affects academic achievement more. A large sample (n = 746) of eighth-grade students
in Istanbul, Turkey, participated in a study where the leadership style of the teacher was
assessed in terms of people orientation and task orientation. The learning styles examined
were: group, individual, visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic. Multiple discriminant
analysis indicated that teacher leadership style was the main factor affecting academic
performance. No significant relationship was found between learning style and academic

Research paper thumbnail of BULLETIN OF GEOGRAPHY. SOCIO-ECONOMIC SERIES Evaluation of enterprise investment attractiveness under circumstances of economic development

This article introduces a step-by-step methodology for evaluating an en-terprise's investment att... more This article introduces a step-by-step methodology for evaluating an en-terprise's investment attractiveness in the context of economic development, using appropriate valuation parameters at macro, meso and micro levels. A system of indicators of macro-level investment attractiveness has been formed based on the criteria of socioeconomic and legal attractiveness and investment risks. The indicators for assessing investment attractiveness of the industry have been grouped by the criteria of: prospects of the industry, positioning of the enterprise in the industry market, and sectoral investment risks. The indicators of investment attractiveness have been systematised with the use of three-dimensional current and operational analysis, as well as the method of risk assessment, which helped to determine the area of reaction to risk zones of the enterprise's investment potential. The research allowed us to assess the position of a company in the market and to predict the risks of investing in the chemical industry.

Research paper thumbnail of Current Researches in Economics and Administrative Sciences

Current Researches in Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2020

Papers by Osman YILDIRIM


Istanbul Arel University Journal UYSAD, 2018

ÖZET Günümüz organizasyonlarında insan kaynakları yönetimi büyük bir dikkatle ele alınmaktadır. O... more ÖZET Günümüz organizasyonlarında insan kaynakları yönetimi büyük bir dikkatle ele alınmaktadır. Orga-nizasyonlarda, kilit görevlere sahip yetişmiş çalışanların kaybı istenmeyen bir durumdur. İş gören-lerin işten ayrılmasına etki eden birçok neden sayılabilir, ancak çalışanın işten ayrılma niyeti içine girmesi kimi zaman bir kaç önemli etmenin gözden geçirilmesi ile engellenebilmektedir. Bu araş-tırmada, işten ayrılma niyetini önemli ölçüde etkileyen iş özerkliği değişkeni ile başarı hedef yöne-limi değişkeni ele alınmıştır. Veri toplamak amacıyla, literatürde yer alan işten ayrılma niyeti, başarı yönelimi ve iş özerkliği ölçeklerinden bir araştırma anketi oluşturulmuştur. 126 akademisyene ko-layda örnekleme yöntemiyle anket uygulanarak veri toplanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler AMOS 22.0 paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmada güvenilirlik analizi için sorular arası korelasyona bağlı uyum değeri olan Cronbach's Alfa modeli kullanılmıştır. Güvenirlik analizleri için araştırılan Cronbach Alpha değerleri 0.80 değerinden yukarıda çıkmıştır. Literatürden alınan her bir ölçek için ayrı ayrı doğrulayıcı faktör analizleri yapılarak ölçüm modellerinin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Araştırma anketinde kullanılan işten ayrılma niyeti, başarı yönelimi ve iş özerkliği ölçeklerinin orijinal boyutları doğrulanmıştır. Modelin ölçüm değerleri incelendiğinde mo-dellerin kabul edilebilir sınırlar dahilinde olduğu görülmüştür. Bunun sonrasında ise tam modelin uygunluğu iyi uyum değerleri ölçütleri yardımıyla test edilmiştir. Analiz sonucu elde edilen x2 ve x2/df değerleri modelin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu görülmektedir. Ayrıca, RMSEA, GFI, CFI ve SRMR gibi uyum değerleri incelendiğinde modelin kabul edilebilir sınırlar içinde olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Başarı hedef yönelimi ile işten ayrılma ilişkisinde iş özerkliğinin rolünü incelemek amacıy-la yapısal eşitlik modelinden yararlanılmıştır. Bu ilişkileri incelemek amacıyla AMOS 22.00 programı ile yol analizi yapılmıştır. Yapısal parametrelerin tahminin de en çok olabilirlik-maximum likelihood yöntemi kullanılmıştır. İstatistik analizler ile elde edilen bulgulara göre iş özerkliğinin hedef başarı yönelimi ve işten ayrılmaya etkisinde aracı role sahip olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu çalışma ile akade-mik kurumlarda görev yapan yöneticilerin işten ayrılma, hedef başarı yönelimi ve iş özerkliği kav-ramlarının önemine dikkatlerinin çekilmesi sağlanmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Work Autonomy and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Communication


The aim of this study was to explore the impact of work autonomy and organizational commitment on... more The aim of this study was to explore the impact of work autonomy and organizational commitment on organizational communication. To this end, a questionnaire was designed by using the scales of work autonomy and organizational commitment to organizational communication. in this paper, the impact of work autonomy and organizational commitment on organizational communication was studied considering the perceptions of health employees. The results showed a high-reliability level (> .80) of organizational communication and organizational commitment scales which were applied in the research. Sub-dimensions of the organizational commitment scale, namely, normative commitment, affective commitment, continuance commitment, revealed a high-reliability values of dimensions. As a result of the applied structural equation model, work autonomy variable positively affects the organizational commitment variable. It was found that the increase in the organizational commitment and work autonomy variables affect the increase of the work autonomy variable. Confirmatory factor analysis of research scales was found to be meaningful because the model test values were x 2 , x 2 /df. Further, the fit index values GFI, CFI, SRMR, RMSEA were found to be within acceptable limits. In this model, work autonomy variable could be explained by 52% and organizational communication variable by 26%. In the designed model, Organizational Communication variable adversely affects the organizational commitment variable and work autonomy variable adversely affects it. The increase in the organizational commitment and work autonomy variables affect the organizational communication variable.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Perceived Corporate Reputation of a Turkish University on Affective Commitment of Students

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2015

Enterprises, organizations or groups with a common cause focus on creating affective commitment a... more Enterprises, organizations or groups with a common cause focus on creating affective commitment and sense of trust in their customers, followers or employees by building a strong reputation in order to achieve their goals, gain a competitive advantage and prestige, maintain their position or simply persevere. The present study conducted a survey with 214 students to demonstrate the effect of corporate reputation of a Turkish university on its students and reveal students' affective commitment to their university. The study results showed that the students' perceptions of the corporate reputation of their university were evaluated as partially positive for all dimensions of the scale, and the students' affective commitment to their university was significantly and positively related with all dimensions of the corporate reputation scale.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Erasmus Programme on the Organizational Learning Capacity and Globalization

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 2016

Globalization is among the most discussed subjects of research recently because it has both posit... more Globalization is among the most discussed subjects of research recently because it has both positive and negative impacts on all social structures and organizations. Many people consider globalization as a rescue to be embraced right away, while others have completely opposite thoughts. During globalization, countries struggle with a significant issue to offer an education system which would maintain the cultural and natural values as they provide the essential components of a global world such as acquisition of information, skills, attitudes and behaviors. Such education systems and organizations require a learning capacity in order to survive and success. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine organizational learning capacity and globalization through the mediator role of the Erasmus Programme in higher education institutions. The study data was collected using a survey-based method. SPSS and AMOS software programs were used for data analysis. The results showed that organizational learning capacity has a positive impact on globalization, in which the Erasmus Programme acts as a mediator.

Research paper thumbnail of Structural, Optical, Electrical and Electrocatalytic Activity Properties Of Luminescent Organic Carbon Quantum Dots

Chemistry Select, 2018

Carbon is an essential element in human life and recently becoming technologically prominent due ... more Carbon is an essential element in human life and recently becoming technologically prominent due to the emerging field of "Carbononics". We demonstrate organic carbon quantum dots (qdots) containing nitrile bonded (C N bond) d-glucose-like traces in various sizes obtained from wheat flour to be promising for imaging applications and to possess a relaxor ferroelectric property and an enhanced electrocatalytic activity that could reduce the cost of energy devices and simple to scale up for the commercialization. The secondary electron microscopy (SEM) imaging shows that the particle size of carbon qdots can be controlled via the sonication exposure time. Elemental analysis and vibrational spectroscopy results show that carbon qdots are sensitive to N 2 gas in the atmosphere and could weaken its "carbogenic" property by making a stable C N bond at ambient atmosphere. Rietveld analysis and HR-TEM studies demonstrate that the structure of the C qdots was found to fit best with an acentric primitive orthorhombic lattice. The laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) images show enhancement of the light emission when reducing the size and characteristic excitation wavelength-dependent light emission of C qdots. The photoluminescence and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy techniques show surface dominant emission and absorption upon the nitrile bonding.

Research paper thumbnail of Innovative Behavior: Relations with Developmental Culture, Psychological Empowerment, Distributive Justice and Organizational Learning Capacity

International Business Research, 2016

Competitive advantage has a significant role in organizations' survival and the key path to achie... more Competitive advantage has a significant role in organizations' survival and the key path to achieve that advantage passes through innovation. Organizations need employees who do not just create new ideas but also implement them. These innovative behaviors may provide great contributions to both organizational performance and success. There are certain factors which motivate employees to exhibit such behaviors. Concordantly, the present study aims to discover how innovative behaviors of employees are related with developmental culture and psychological empowerment as well as distributive justice and organizational learning. The study sample included 276 participants from the aviation sector. The study data were collected through the survey method and data analysis was performed via SPPS and AMOS programs. The results showed that developmental culture and psychological empowerment had positive relationships with innovative behavior, whereas distributive justice and organizational learning capacity positively affected developmental culture.


Journal of Faculty of Business, 2004

This article aimed at introducing the application of HR Scorecard, which is a contemporary concep... more This article aimed at introducing the application of HR Scorecard, which is a contemporary concept in strategic human resources management and especially used to measure the effect of HR functions on firm performance. For this purpose, the definition, goals, dimensions and the differences with respect to Balanced Scored are explained and Huselid, Becker ve Ulrich's HR Scorecard model is investigated.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the link between Distributive Justice and Innovative Behavior: Organizational Learning Capacity as a Mediator

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 2016

Justice in an organization is related with several favorable outcomes at both individual and orga... more Justice in an organization is related with several favorable outcomes at both individual and organizational levels. Employees with a perception of fairness in the workplace are likely to engage in more innovative behaviors. Innovation is considered as the key concept for organizational survival and success, and employees' innovative behaviors may be the most important resource in this regard. In order for an organization to adopt an innovative climate, a learning capacity is required since information is essential to innovation. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to determine whether distributive justice is related with innovative behaviors of employees and whether organizational learning capacity plays a mediating role in such relationship. The study data were obtained using questionnaires and analyzed in SPSS and AMOS software programs. The study results demonstrated a significantly positive relationship between distributive justice and innovative behavior as well as a mediating effect of organizational learning capacity on this relationship.

Research paper thumbnail of Software Aided Battery-Operated Wheel Chair

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, 2010

The aim of this study is to give the software consideration of a low cost battery-operated wheelc... more The aim of this study is to give the software consideration of a low cost battery-operated wheelchair and also to introduce the easy application of PIC programming and the specifications of a commonly used Microcontroller Microchip PIC16F877. In this paper, we have described a software application of a battery-operated wheel chair. The proposed system is meant to give simple and clear interface programming data to potential designers. The calculating values (the maximum direction values such as right-left and reverse motion) which are favorable for the user have been detected in the experiments. Herewith the user"s easier control of the vehicle has been maintained. It is noted that modern motion control software may be applied to reduce such problems as grounding, shielding, susceptibility, structuring related wheelchair.



This research aims at clarifying the relation between students’ personality types and their envir... more This research aims at clarifying the relation between students’ personality types and their environmental awareness. Study was conducted on the departments of engineering students (N=137) at Istanbul Arel University. According to the research findings, there are strong relationships between students’ personality types and their choices. In this study, the questionnaire for the academic students has been provided, applied and consequently, the conscience level of awareness of the subject has been researched and some statistical data have been added.

Research paper thumbnail of SOSYAL BİLİMLER EKONOMİ VE ÇEVRE


Giriş Günümüzde örgüt yöneticileri insan kaynakları profesyonelleri işten ayrılma ko-nusuna çok f... more Giriş Günümüzde örgüt yöneticileri insan kaynakları profesyonelleri işten ayrılma ko-nusuna çok fazla kafa yormakta ve enerji tüketmektedirler. İşten ayrılmanın doğal olan şekli vardır (emeklilik, ölüm ve hastalık gibi) karşılıklı anlaşma ile olanı vardır (gönüllü ayrılma gibi) ve bir de istenmeyen hali vardır (en iyi çalışanı kaybetmek, en iyi çalışanın rakip organizasyona geçmesi gibi). İşten ayrılma ile ilgili bir takım planlar yapmak için işten ayrılan kişiye bir ta-kım sorular sorarak geri bildirim almak gerekir. Ayrılan kişiden geribildirim almak çoğu zaman zordur veya etkili bir yol değildir. Ayrılan kişiden ayrılma nedenlerini sağlayacak geribildirimin zor ve etkisiz olmasını sağlayan birçok neden sayılabilir. Birincisi, işten ayrılan kişiye ulaşmak zordur.İşten gönülsüz ayrılan kişi ya ayrıldığı örgütle hukuksal bir sürece girecek ve geri bildirimi yanlı bilgilerle yapacaktır. Do-layısıyla, bu durumda, geri bildirim etkisiz olacaktır. İkincisi, gönülsüz ayrılan kişi, ayrıldığı örgüt hakkında gerçekçi bilgiler vermeyebilir. Bu nedenle gönülsüz ayrılan kişiden geri bildirim almak zordur. Örgüt yöneticileri, insan kaynakları yöneticileri ve araştırmacılar, çalışanların işten ayrılma niyetini öğrenmeye odaklanırlar. Çünkü çalışanların işten ayrılma eği-limini ölçmek zaman zaman çalışanların ayrılma eğilimlerini ölçmek çok daha kolay ve etkili bir yaklaşımdır. Bu çalışmada da işten ayrılma eğilimine odaklanılmıştır. İşten Ayrılma ve Etkileyen Etmenler En basit tanımıyla, iş görenin çalıştığı örgütü ve dolayısıyla yürütmekte olduğu işi bırakmasına işten ayrılma adı verilir. İşten ayrılma, iş görenin, bilinçli olarak or-ganizasyondan işini sonlandırarak ayrılma isteği (Tett ve Meyer, 1993) veya işini tamamen terk etme eğilimi olarak tanımlanmaktadır (SlatteryveSelvarajan,2005). İşten ayrılma, örgüt yönetimlerinin veya organizasyon sahiplerinin istemediği bir durumdur. İşten ayrılma düşüncesinin iş görende oluşması bile yıkıcı bir eylem ola-rak tanımlanmaktadır (Rusbult vd., 1988).

Research paper thumbnail of SOSYAL BİLİMLER EKONOMİ VE ÇEVRE

Research paper thumbnail of AKADEMİSYEN YAYINEVİ Sosyal Bilimler Ekonomi̇ ve Çevre BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMALAR KİTABI akademisyenyayinevi 2018 Sosyal Bilimler Ekonomi̇ ve Çevre akademisyen com AKADEMİSYEN KİTABEVİ

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship marketing: The impact of emotional intelligence and trust on bank performance

If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emeral... more If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please visit www.emeraldinsight.com/authors for more information. About Emerald www.emeraldinsight.com Emerald is a global publisher linking research and practice to the benefit of society. The company manages a portfolio of more than 290 journals and over 2,350 books and book series volumes, as well as providing an extensive range of online products and additional customer resources and services. Emerald is both COUNTER 4 and TRANSFER compliant. The organization is a partner of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and also works with Portico and the LOCKSS initiative for digital archive preservation.

Research paper thumbnail of Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology Relationships between teachers' perceived leadership style, students' learning style, and academic achievement: a study on high school students

Relationships between teachers’ perceived leadership style, students’ learning style, and academic achievement: a study on high school students, 2008

n15l7i8n92e40.5c (oomnline) There is debate about whether the leadership style of the teacher or ... more n15l7i8n92e40.5c (oomnline) There is debate about whether the leadership style of the teacher or the learning style of the
student affects academic achievement more. A large sample (n = 746) of eighth-grade students
in Istanbul, Turkey, participated in a study where the leadership style of the teacher was
assessed in terms of people orientation and task orientation. The learning styles examined
were: group, individual, visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic. Multiple discriminant
analysis indicated that teacher leadership style was the main factor affecting academic
performance. No significant relationship was found between learning style and academic

Research paper thumbnail of BULLETIN OF GEOGRAPHY. SOCIO-ECONOMIC SERIES Evaluation of enterprise investment attractiveness under circumstances of economic development

This article introduces a step-by-step methodology for evaluating an en-terprise's investment att... more This article introduces a step-by-step methodology for evaluating an en-terprise's investment attractiveness in the context of economic development, using appropriate valuation parameters at macro, meso and micro levels. A system of indicators of macro-level investment attractiveness has been formed based on the criteria of socioeconomic and legal attractiveness and investment risks. The indicators for assessing investment attractiveness of the industry have been grouped by the criteria of: prospects of the industry, positioning of the enterprise in the industry market, and sectoral investment risks. The indicators of investment attractiveness have been systematised with the use of three-dimensional current and operational analysis, as well as the method of risk assessment, which helped to determine the area of reaction to risk zones of the enterprise's investment potential. The research allowed us to assess the position of a company in the market and to predict the risks of investing in the chemical industry.

Research paper thumbnail of Current Researches in Economics and Administrative Sciences

Current Researches in Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2020


Istanbul Arel University Journal UYSAD, 2018

ÖZET Günümüz organizasyonlarında insan kaynakları yönetimi büyük bir dikkatle ele alınmaktadır. O... more ÖZET Günümüz organizasyonlarında insan kaynakları yönetimi büyük bir dikkatle ele alınmaktadır. Orga-nizasyonlarda, kilit görevlere sahip yetişmiş çalışanların kaybı istenmeyen bir durumdur. İş gören-lerin işten ayrılmasına etki eden birçok neden sayılabilir, ancak çalışanın işten ayrılma niyeti içine girmesi kimi zaman bir kaç önemli etmenin gözden geçirilmesi ile engellenebilmektedir. Bu araş-tırmada, işten ayrılma niyetini önemli ölçüde etkileyen iş özerkliği değişkeni ile başarı hedef yöne-limi değişkeni ele alınmıştır. Veri toplamak amacıyla, literatürde yer alan işten ayrılma niyeti, başarı yönelimi ve iş özerkliği ölçeklerinden bir araştırma anketi oluşturulmuştur. 126 akademisyene ko-layda örnekleme yöntemiyle anket uygulanarak veri toplanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler AMOS 22.0 paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmada güvenilirlik analizi için sorular arası korelasyona bağlı uyum değeri olan Cronbach's Alfa modeli kullanılmıştır. Güvenirlik analizleri için araştırılan Cronbach Alpha değerleri 0.80 değerinden yukarıda çıkmıştır. Literatürden alınan her bir ölçek için ayrı ayrı doğrulayıcı faktör analizleri yapılarak ölçüm modellerinin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Araştırma anketinde kullanılan işten ayrılma niyeti, başarı yönelimi ve iş özerkliği ölçeklerinin orijinal boyutları doğrulanmıştır. Modelin ölçüm değerleri incelendiğinde mo-dellerin kabul edilebilir sınırlar dahilinde olduğu görülmüştür. Bunun sonrasında ise tam modelin uygunluğu iyi uyum değerleri ölçütleri yardımıyla test edilmiştir. Analiz sonucu elde edilen x2 ve x2/df değerleri modelin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu görülmektedir. Ayrıca, RMSEA, GFI, CFI ve SRMR gibi uyum değerleri incelendiğinde modelin kabul edilebilir sınırlar içinde olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Başarı hedef yönelimi ile işten ayrılma ilişkisinde iş özerkliğinin rolünü incelemek amacıy-la yapısal eşitlik modelinden yararlanılmıştır. Bu ilişkileri incelemek amacıyla AMOS 22.00 programı ile yol analizi yapılmıştır. Yapısal parametrelerin tahminin de en çok olabilirlik-maximum likelihood yöntemi kullanılmıştır. İstatistik analizler ile elde edilen bulgulara göre iş özerkliğinin hedef başarı yönelimi ve işten ayrılmaya etkisinde aracı role sahip olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu çalışma ile akade-mik kurumlarda görev yapan yöneticilerin işten ayrılma, hedef başarı yönelimi ve iş özerkliği kav-ramlarının önemine dikkatlerinin çekilmesi sağlanmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Work Autonomy and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Communication


The aim of this study was to explore the impact of work autonomy and organizational commitment on... more The aim of this study was to explore the impact of work autonomy and organizational commitment on organizational communication. To this end, a questionnaire was designed by using the scales of work autonomy and organizational commitment to organizational communication. in this paper, the impact of work autonomy and organizational commitment on organizational communication was studied considering the perceptions of health employees. The results showed a high-reliability level (> .80) of organizational communication and organizational commitment scales which were applied in the research. Sub-dimensions of the organizational commitment scale, namely, normative commitment, affective commitment, continuance commitment, revealed a high-reliability values of dimensions. As a result of the applied structural equation model, work autonomy variable positively affects the organizational commitment variable. It was found that the increase in the organizational commitment and work autonomy variables affect the increase of the work autonomy variable. Confirmatory factor analysis of research scales was found to be meaningful because the model test values were x 2 , x 2 /df. Further, the fit index values GFI, CFI, SRMR, RMSEA were found to be within acceptable limits. In this model, work autonomy variable could be explained by 52% and organizational communication variable by 26%. In the designed model, Organizational Communication variable adversely affects the organizational commitment variable and work autonomy variable adversely affects it. The increase in the organizational commitment and work autonomy variables affect the organizational communication variable.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Perceived Corporate Reputation of a Turkish University on Affective Commitment of Students

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2015

Enterprises, organizations or groups with a common cause focus on creating affective commitment a... more Enterprises, organizations or groups with a common cause focus on creating affective commitment and sense of trust in their customers, followers or employees by building a strong reputation in order to achieve their goals, gain a competitive advantage and prestige, maintain their position or simply persevere. The present study conducted a survey with 214 students to demonstrate the effect of corporate reputation of a Turkish university on its students and reveal students' affective commitment to their university. The study results showed that the students' perceptions of the corporate reputation of their university were evaluated as partially positive for all dimensions of the scale, and the students' affective commitment to their university was significantly and positively related with all dimensions of the corporate reputation scale.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Erasmus Programme on the Organizational Learning Capacity and Globalization

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 2016

Globalization is among the most discussed subjects of research recently because it has both posit... more Globalization is among the most discussed subjects of research recently because it has both positive and negative impacts on all social structures and organizations. Many people consider globalization as a rescue to be embraced right away, while others have completely opposite thoughts. During globalization, countries struggle with a significant issue to offer an education system which would maintain the cultural and natural values as they provide the essential components of a global world such as acquisition of information, skills, attitudes and behaviors. Such education systems and organizations require a learning capacity in order to survive and success. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine organizational learning capacity and globalization through the mediator role of the Erasmus Programme in higher education institutions. The study data was collected using a survey-based method. SPSS and AMOS software programs were used for data analysis. The results showed that organizational learning capacity has a positive impact on globalization, in which the Erasmus Programme acts as a mediator.

Research paper thumbnail of Structural, Optical, Electrical and Electrocatalytic Activity Properties Of Luminescent Organic Carbon Quantum Dots

Chemistry Select, 2018

Carbon is an essential element in human life and recently becoming technologically prominent due ... more Carbon is an essential element in human life and recently becoming technologically prominent due to the emerging field of "Carbononics". We demonstrate organic carbon quantum dots (qdots) containing nitrile bonded (C N bond) d-glucose-like traces in various sizes obtained from wheat flour to be promising for imaging applications and to possess a relaxor ferroelectric property and an enhanced electrocatalytic activity that could reduce the cost of energy devices and simple to scale up for the commercialization. The secondary electron microscopy (SEM) imaging shows that the particle size of carbon qdots can be controlled via the sonication exposure time. Elemental analysis and vibrational spectroscopy results show that carbon qdots are sensitive to N 2 gas in the atmosphere and could weaken its "carbogenic" property by making a stable C N bond at ambient atmosphere. Rietveld analysis and HR-TEM studies demonstrate that the structure of the C qdots was found to fit best with an acentric primitive orthorhombic lattice. The laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) images show enhancement of the light emission when reducing the size and characteristic excitation wavelength-dependent light emission of C qdots. The photoluminescence and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy techniques show surface dominant emission and absorption upon the nitrile bonding.

Research paper thumbnail of Innovative Behavior: Relations with Developmental Culture, Psychological Empowerment, Distributive Justice and Organizational Learning Capacity

International Business Research, 2016

Competitive advantage has a significant role in organizations' survival and the key path to achie... more Competitive advantage has a significant role in organizations' survival and the key path to achieve that advantage passes through innovation. Organizations need employees who do not just create new ideas but also implement them. These innovative behaviors may provide great contributions to both organizational performance and success. There are certain factors which motivate employees to exhibit such behaviors. Concordantly, the present study aims to discover how innovative behaviors of employees are related with developmental culture and psychological empowerment as well as distributive justice and organizational learning. The study sample included 276 participants from the aviation sector. The study data were collected through the survey method and data analysis was performed via SPPS and AMOS programs. The results showed that developmental culture and psychological empowerment had positive relationships with innovative behavior, whereas distributive justice and organizational learning capacity positively affected developmental culture.


Journal of Faculty of Business, 2004

This article aimed at introducing the application of HR Scorecard, which is a contemporary concep... more This article aimed at introducing the application of HR Scorecard, which is a contemporary concept in strategic human resources management and especially used to measure the effect of HR functions on firm performance. For this purpose, the definition, goals, dimensions and the differences with respect to Balanced Scored are explained and Huselid, Becker ve Ulrich's HR Scorecard model is investigated.

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the link between Distributive Justice and Innovative Behavior: Organizational Learning Capacity as a Mediator

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 2016

Justice in an organization is related with several favorable outcomes at both individual and orga... more Justice in an organization is related with several favorable outcomes at both individual and organizational levels. Employees with a perception of fairness in the workplace are likely to engage in more innovative behaviors. Innovation is considered as the key concept for organizational survival and success, and employees' innovative behaviors may be the most important resource in this regard. In order for an organization to adopt an innovative climate, a learning capacity is required since information is essential to innovation. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to determine whether distributive justice is related with innovative behaviors of employees and whether organizational learning capacity plays a mediating role in such relationship. The study data were obtained using questionnaires and analyzed in SPSS and AMOS software programs. The study results demonstrated a significantly positive relationship between distributive justice and innovative behavior as well as a mediating effect of organizational learning capacity on this relationship.

Research paper thumbnail of Software Aided Battery-Operated Wheel Chair

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, 2010

The aim of this study is to give the software consideration of a low cost battery-operated wheelc... more The aim of this study is to give the software consideration of a low cost battery-operated wheelchair and also to introduce the easy application of PIC programming and the specifications of a commonly used Microcontroller Microchip PIC16F877. In this paper, we have described a software application of a battery-operated wheel chair. The proposed system is meant to give simple and clear interface programming data to potential designers. The calculating values (the maximum direction values such as right-left and reverse motion) which are favorable for the user have been detected in the experiments. Herewith the user"s easier control of the vehicle has been maintained. It is noted that modern motion control software may be applied to reduce such problems as grounding, shielding, susceptibility, structuring related wheelchair.



This research aims at clarifying the relation between students’ personality types and their envir... more This research aims at clarifying the relation between students’ personality types and their environmental awareness. Study was conducted on the departments of engineering students (N=137) at Istanbul Arel University. According to the research findings, there are strong relationships between students’ personality types and their choices. In this study, the questionnaire for the academic students has been provided, applied and consequently, the conscience level of awareness of the subject has been researched and some statistical data have been added.