EMAP / EMARE (original) (raw)


The European Media Art Platform (EMAP), initiated by werkleitz and co-funded by Creative Europe since 2018, is a consortium of 15 leading European media art organizations specialised in Digital and Media Art, Bio Art and Robotic Art. The consortium includes several renowned festivals dealing with these interdisciplinary art forms. Through an open call, EMAP members offer practitioners two-month residencies built on the legacy of the European Media Artist in Residence Exchange (EMARE) which exists since 1995. EMAP also acts as a marketplace for Partners to select artists and works for their own festivals and exhibitions. In addition to production support for artists, EMAP provides an international platform to promote and disseminate the work of media artists.

The residency is based on intercultural and interdisciplinary knowledge exchange between the selected artists, host organizations and various experts from science, arts and technology involved to consult, support or train the artists. Each member host provides an artist grant, travel expenses, production budget, paid accommodation during the residency and access to labs and facilities. Events include solo exhibitions and group shows, on- and offline conferences and capacity building workshops to share knowledge.

Photo: Rainbow Mirages, draft mockup based on the existing installation Ethereal Fleeting; Lukas Truniger, Bruce Yoder

Photo: Rainbow Mirages, draft mockup based on the existing installation Ethereal Fleeting; Lukas Truniger, Bruce Yoder

EMAP Residency Call 2024: Winners selected

Following an international open call which received 586 artist proposals from 42 countries, we are excited to announce the artists selected for 2024.

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masharu, photo by Jonny Bliss

Credit: Jonny Bliss

Residency 2024: masharu

Dr. masharu (they/them) is an earth eater, an earth lover, and a founder of the Museum of Edible Earth. They hold a PhD in Mathematics from Eindhoven University of Technology. masharu’s work combines scientific research with personal desires and cultural practices, and addresses relationships between humxns and more-than-humxns. It has been presented across 30 countries, and received several awards, such as Award of Distinction at Prix Ars Electronica (Austria) and YouFab Global Creative Awards (Japan).

Collaborators: Sil Zeigarnik, Evy de Nijs, Emma Polman, Sophia Komarov-Reinisch, Open Wetlab of Waag Futurelab.

Along with EMAP, Compost as Superfood is developed within the Soil Life programme in the Netherlands, initiated by the Platform DIS and the Bodemzicht Foundation. Compost as Superfood is co-funded by the Creative Industries Fund NL.

Dorotea Dolinšek, photo by Mario Zupanov

Credit: Mario Zupanov

Residency 2023: Dorotea Dolinšek

Following an international open call which received 641 artist proposals from 35 countries, we are excited to announce the selected artist for 2023: Dorotea Dolinšek Illuminates exciting possibilities for interplanetary existence with her proposal ‘Biosymbiotic Exoskeleton’.

Dorotea Dolinšek is Ljubljana based intermedia artist. She holds a bachelor degree in painting that she gained at Academy of fine arts in Venice. Currently, she’s working on her master thesis at Academy in Ljubljana, Video and new media art department. She’s collaborating with Kersnikova Institute (Kapelica Gallery) since 2020. In 2021 she received a student award at the International Festival of Computer Arts in Maribor, Slovenia.

All selected artists of 2023

Charlotte Jarvis

Residency 2022: Charlotte Jarvis, Dr. Patricia Saragüeta, Prof. Susana Chuva de Sousa Lopes

Exactly 500 submissions from 37 countries were received for the 2022 Open Call. 15 media artists or collectives were selected to complete their fully funded, two-month residencies at an EMAP partner organisation. The residency at Ars Electronica goes to artist Charlotte Jarvis, who is supported by researchers Dr Patricia Saragüeta and Prof Susana Chuva de Sousa Lopes.

Charlotte Jarvis is an artist working at the intersection of art and science whose projects have been shown in eleven international solo exhibitions and over two hundred group exhibitions. Charlotte Jarvis’ work has won the Bioart and Design Award and been published in the Leonardo Journal. She is currently a lecturer at the Royal College of Art in London.

Dr. Patricia Saragüeta has a degree and doctorate in chemistry. She is a CONICET researcher and professor at the Department of Physiology and Molecular and Cellular Biology, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, UBA. She is a scientist and artist interested in genomics, cell and molecular biology.

Prof. Susana Chuva de Sousa Lopes has a PhD from Utrecht University (Hubrecht Institute). For the past five years, her group at Leiden University Medical Centre has focused on research into the developmental trajectories of human organs and tissues.

Learn more about the project.

All selected artists of 2022

The basic purpose of the program is to enable European artists to collaborate on projects and consequently to create closer bonds between European media organisations. EMAP offers an opportunity to work within these bounds, as defined by the individual artists, which enables the latter to develop their own projects within a new context, and thereby give something back, in turn, to their host organization. This process of encouraging artists’ projects and building stronger links between media organizations is enhanced by the rapid development of network technologies and also reflects the moves towards integration taking place throughout Europe. The various new technologies now coming to the fore require a relatively high degree of know-how and, although each individual organization has its own unique set-up, facilities and staff, opportunities for the exchange of information and skills give a further boost to the programme.

Find more information here.

Artists can submit project proposals for the open calls. Please check call.emare.eu
If you are an digital art organization and interested in becoming a partner, please get in touch: info@emare.eu


Marco Barotti, Credit: vog.photo

TransPlant: May the Chlorophyll be within you

TransPlant: May the Chlorophyll be within you
Quimera Rosa, Credit: vog.photo

Online Culture Wars

Online Culture Wars
DISNOVATION.ORG, Credit: JürgenGrünwald


The Aims of EMAP/EMARE are:

EMAP is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme. Creative Europe is the European Commission’s framework programme for support to the European audiovisual, cultural and creative sector. The different funding schemes encourage the audiovisual, cultural and creative players to operate across Europe, to reach new audiences and to develop the skills needed in the digital age. By helping European cultural and audiovisual works to reach audiences in other countries, the programme also contributes to safeguarding cultural and linguistic diversity.

Partner institutions

EMAP is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

European Cooperations