Aleksandar Vuletić | University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Applied Arts (original) (raw)

Papers by Aleksandar Vuletić

Research paper thumbnail of Conservation Terms for Wall Paintings and Architectural Surfaces: Do We Have a Word in This Race?

Уметност и наука у примени: искуство и визија = Art and Science Applied: Experience and Vision

The observed need for a precise, reliable and therefore coordinated and standardised communicatio... more The observed need for a precise, reliable and therefore coordinated and standardised communication within the international community of material heritage preservation experts has resulted in a two-year project (2014-2016) and the publication of EwaGlos-European Illustrated Glossary of Conservation Terms for Wall Paintings and Architectural Surfaces. The glossary, which covers terminology in 11 languages and in the realisation of which Serbian scientific and vocational conservation community did not participate, is a true trailblazer. It can guide the direction and manner in which Serbian professional terminology should evolve, adjust and become normative, providing, meanwhile, an opportunity for linguists (as recognised by the authors of this paper) and conservation-restoration practitioners to jointly contribute to the field. The subject of this paper are selected Serbian terms and expressions used in conservation of wall paintings and architectural surfaces, that is, the selection, formation and formal-functional descriptive analysis of those terms, arising parallel to their correspondents and equivalents provided in the EwaGlos. The aim of our work is to come up with non-prescriptive suggestions of concrete terminology solutions in Serbian lexis related to this branch of conservation, and to do so by employing a competent research, scientific, vocational and linguistic-terminological methodology. This would primarily entail following internationally recognised recommendations for the formation of quality and sustainable nomenclature, as well as the existing Serbian scientific-vocational oral and written conservation-restoration discourse. Additionally, we hope to contribute to the process of creating norms and standards for abstruse Serbian terminology in the said field, and to draw attention of Serbian scientific-vocational community to a necessity for participating in international lexicographic endeavours, such as the EwaGlos. Aside from relying on a quantitative statistical method, we also took a qualitative research approach-contact-contrastive, comparative-distribu-analysis. We propose that the added value of this work lies in its general benefit to the Anglo-Serbian comparative linguistics, terminological lexicography, philological and applied-art education, while also being inclusive of the whole conservation-restoration community and all the institutions dealing with the aforementioned problematics in both narrow and wider senses.

Research paper thumbnail of Декомпоновање обрнуте учионице енглеског језика за примењене уметности: студија случаја

5th International Conference Language – Profession – Science – 2.1 24th and 25th April 2021, Belgrade, Serbia

Обрнута учионица (енг. flipped classroom) је педагошки приступ заснован на инвертовању начина фун... more Обрнута учионица (енг. flipped classroom) је
педагошки приступ заснован на инвертовању
начина функционисања традиционалне учионице
– студенти самостално савлађују нове наставне
јединице и теме ван учионице, а рад у учионици
предвиђен је за вежбања и интеракцију са осталим
студентима и предметним наставником.
Стављање студента у центар процеса учења,
решавање проблема великог броја студената у учи-
оници, недостатак времена за квалитетну обраду
наставних јединица, те могућност имплементације
комбинованог учења (енг. blended learning), уз упо-
требу најразноврснијих образовних софтверских
алата, били су више него довољни разлози да се
аутор овога рада одлучи на примену концепта
обрнуте учионице у једносеместралном периоду
наставе на предмету Енглески језик на Факултету
примењених уметности у Београду. Циљ студије
описаног случаја, интризичне и инструменталне
по својој природи, јесте дескрипција, анализа и
евалуација свих релевантних аспеката наставе
језика струке у оквиру поменутог приступа –
како самог тока, непосредних чинилаца студије
и степена њене успешности, тако и њеног субјекта
(студената) и објекта (аналитичког контекста у
којем се субјекат посматра). Триангулацијом ква-
литативних и квантитативних метода истражи-
вања утврђујемо предности и недостатке наставе
у режиму рада обрнуте учионице, односно изно-
симо могућности за даљу – потпуну, парцијалну
или модификовану – примену оваквог приступа
у настави језика струке. Нашом студијом, уз при-
каз резултата других истраживача у предметној
области, бацамо додатно светло на ову значајну
глотодидактичку појаву.
Кључне речи: обрнута учионица, енглески језик
за примењене уметности, студија случаја.


UPDATES IN MEDICAL ENGLISH (ME) Studies in applied linguistics and ME methodology, 2017

Its major purpose is to fulfil the need for continuous professional development of foreign langua... more Its major purpose is to fulfil the need for continuous professional development of foreign language professionals and researchers in medical higher education institutions and connected fields, in order to help them keep abreast developments and learn about latest trends, adapt and adopt the best practices and gold standard approaches in applied linguistics and language teaching. Chapters by established worldwide and local authors (Italy, Serbia, Bulgaria, France, Romania), focusing on a wide range of topical ME subjects, were assigned to the two main volume parts: Part 1-Approaches and methods in Medical language learning/ teaching including methodology (videos, literary texts, case history forms and roleplays, flipped learning), syllabus and course design, assessment and testing, as well as initial education and training of ESP teachers; PART 2-Applied linguistics focusing on communication and pragmatic competence in a medical context as well as on different types of medical discourses: medical advertising, medical research articles, the dental discourse, clinical linguistics and its role in the study of language disorders, impaired discourse in people with aphasia, etc. We hope that the information provided in this volume will benefit professionals in the field and will conduct to new pathways and further understanding of ME teaching and applied linguistics.


UPDATES IN MEDICAL ENGLISH (ME) Studies in applied linguistics and ME methodology, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Planiranje nastave engleskog jezika

Philologia, 2005

IzdavaP hilologia Glavni i odgovorni urednik doc. dr Biljana ^ubrovi} Ure|iva~ki odbor mr Marko ^... more IzdavaP hilologia Glavni i odgovorni urednik doc. dr Biljana ^ubrovi} Ure|iva~ki odbor mr Marko ^udi} dr Biljana \ori}-Francuski Recenzenti prof. dr Ranko Bugarski prof. dr Boris Hlebec prof. dr Brankica Paci} prof. dr Christina Schaeffner prof. dr Barbara Wotjak prof. dr Federico Zanettin prof. dr Jelena Filipovi} prof. dr Vladislava Gordi} Petkovi} prof. dr Ljiljana Markovi} prof. dr Jelisaveta Milojevi} prof. dr Zoran Paunovi} prof. dr Dalibor Soldati} prof. dr Radojka Vuk~evi} doc. dr Tihomir Brajovi} doc. dr Gordana Petri~i} doc. dr Smiljka Stojanovi} Lektor za srpski jezik Bojana Milosavljevi} Lektor za engleski jezik mr Jonathan Boulting Korektura Mirjana Dani~i} Sergej Macura Likovno-grafi~ka oprema Za CeLUS, Vojislav Ili} Prelom teksta Sr|an \ur|evi} [tampa Svelto, Beograd Tira3 00 3 UVODNA R EẐ adovoljstvo je i ~ast ure|ivati ~asopis koji tek stasava, koji uglavnom objavljuje radove mla|ih kolega, koji prave}i svoje prve nau~ne korake, bivaju oboga}eni novim nau~no-istra`iva~kim iskustvima i izrastaju u sve zrelije filologe. Prirodno, ovakav ~asopis sazreva sa svojim saradnicima, a za Ure|iva~ki odbor nema ve}e satisfakcije od rezultata koje je ~asopis Philologia postigao za samo tri godine svog postojanja. Centar za evaluaciju u obrazovanju i nauci iz Beograda 2005. godine kategorisao je ~asopis Philologia, {to na{im saradnicima obezbe|uje poene u procesu vrednovanja projekata, izbora u zvanja i drugim sli~nim prilikama. Ne treba ni pomenuti koliko je mladom istra`iva~u va`no dobijanje kategorizacije, u trenutku kada se vrata SCG sve vi{e otvaraju prema svetu u smislu dostizanja objedinjenog evropskog okvira kome univerziteti na ovim prostorima toliko te`e. Pred Vama se nalazi jedan neobi~an mozaik radova iz nauke o jeziku, metodike i didaktike, nauke o knji`evnosti, kulture i dru{tva, prevodila{tva. U ovom broju ~asopisa zastupljene su angloameri~ka, japanska, ma|arska, nema~ka, srpska i {panska filologija, ~emu su doprineli autori iz Srbije i Grne Gore (Beograd, Ni{, Novi Sad), Bosne i Hercegovine (Banjaluka), Slovenije, [panije i Velike Britanije. Njihove radove pa`ljivo su pregledali brojni recenzenti sa doma}ih i stranih univerziteta-beogradskog, kragujeva~kog, nik{i}kog, novosadskog, ali i Univerziteta iz Lajpciga (Nema~ka), Peru|e (Italija) i Astona (Velika Britanija). Emeritus je jedna Katedra, ~iji jubilej re~ju i slikom krasi ovaj broj Philologije. Uredni{tvo `eli da iskoristi priliku i zahvali iskusnim pojedincima {to }e sa~ekati naredni, ~etvrti broj i tada ispuniti po~etne stranice ~asopisa. Kona~no, Udru`enje Philologia svoju duboku zahvalnost duguje institucijama koje su pomogle u realizaciji ovog broja ~asopisa: Ministarstvu za nauku i za{titu `ivotne sredine Republike Srbije i nema~kim kofinansijerima (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) i (Universität Osnabrück, Institut für Germanistik), a posebno direktorki Krisuli Kambas (Chryssoula Kambas). Redakcija ~asopisa i ovog puta `eli da pozove na saradnju sve kolege koji su zainteresovani za nauke koje ovaj ~asopis promovi{e. Rok za predaju radova za ~etvrti broj je 1. mart 2006, a svoje priloge mo`ete slati od 1. januara U V O D N A R E~ 4 2006. godine. Sva dodatna obave{tenja u vezi sa ~asopisom, ali i udru`enjem Philologia, mo`ete prona}i na na{em vebsajtu na adresi

Research paper thumbnail of On Translating Some Applied Arts Terms from Serbian Into English: An Explicative Analysis

Nasledje Kragujevac, 2021

The goal of this paper is to account for the gaps in the aspectual paradigms of experiencer verbs... more The goal of this paper is to account for the gaps in the aspectual paradigms of experiencer verbs (verbs of emotion) in Serbian, i.e. to explain why certain verbs lack certain aspectual versions (imperfective, perfective or secondary imperfective). The proposed analysis ties the availability of aspectual forms to the thematic roles of participants in the situation denoted by the verb. Relying on Ramchand's (2008) decompositional view of VP, it is assumed that there are two possible perfectivization options both of which depend on the presence of particular layers in VP structure and consequently particular thematic roles associated with those layers. The first perfectivization option is dependent upon the presence of the initiator argument (and InitP) while the second option is conditioned by the presence of the proper (affected) theme (or ResP). The lack of these two participants results in the systematic lack of perfective (the perfective gap). Secondary imperfective gaps are accounted for by the lack of true endpoint (the entailed endpoint of the resulting state, not just the situation denoted by the verb) while imperfective gaps are explained on a case-by-case basis appealing to the lack of lexicalization of certain verbal meanings or the fact that the verbal form is derived from a non-verbal stem.

Research paper thumbnail of Semantic transformation as a source of picturesqueness of the language of banking

The objective of this paper is to underline the expressiveness of the language of profession and ... more The objective of this paper is to underline the expressiveness of the language of profession and science - an extremely important, but frequently neglected and insufficiently explored characteristic, both of the English and Serbian language of banking. Expressiveness, i.e. picturesqueness of the language of banking, is based on semantic transformation, mostly induced by metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche, whereas within our research by referring to semantic transformation we would also imply the figurative usage of specialized lexemes. We have examined this phenomenon both from the micro-linguistic (contrastive linguistics) and macro-linguistic (sociolinguistics, contact linguistics and linguo-stylistics) perspective. The examples of semantic transformation were divided into two groups. The first group of examples contains the forms of transformation within the registry collocation, mostly noun compounds. The second group does not involve any registry words and semantic transformatio...

Research paper thumbnail of Learning medical English: A prerequisite for successful academic and professional education

The aim of this paper is to present specificities of the English language teaching necessary for ... more The aim of this paper is to present specificities of the English language teaching necessary for successful education and professional training of medical students. In contemporary globalized world the English language has become the basic language of communication in all scientific fields including the field of medical science. It is well established that Medical English teaching should primarily focus on stable linguistic competence in English that is created by means of content and context based curriculum, thus preparing students for active use of English upon graduation. In order to achieve this it is very important that English language teaching be based on specific real situations in which the language is to be used. In addition, students should be encouraged to adapt practical skills applicable in specific future professional setting. Medical English teaching represents constant challenge for teachers because they need to be flexible, open to new approaches and methods, make decisions and adapt themselves to constant changes. In addition, long-term learning is at the core of higher education, and being equal partners, both students and teachers should be aware that education is a two-way process.


Proceedings: First International Conference SmartArt - Art and Science Applied. From Inspiration to Interaction, 2020

Cultural heritage as a concept in social legacy is meant to represent a culture and its significa... more Cultural heritage as a concept in social legacy is meant to represent a culture and its significant achievements and artifacts to the rest of the world. Conservation-restoration helps keep and preserve that heritage for future generations and relies on international cooperation and sharing of research and experience for the betterment of the practice. However, an issue promptly arises if there is a lack of a unified terminological front when preparing to present the work done on the international stage. Translators who help promote that work may hit a wall while looking up terminology and encountering an abundance of different phrases relating to a single concept. This paper focuses on just a sample of vocational terminology issues the authors experienced while translating conservation restoration related material. Starting from the basic concept of cultural property (kulturno dobro) as cited in the Republic of Serbia's law and contrasted with cultural heritage (kulturno nasleđe), the binary system of terms zaštita vs konzervacija-restauracija, all the way to the instance of deciphering types of adhesives used in restoration and the confusion ensuing from the terms being loan-words from different languages. By using contrastive, analytical and descriptive methods, the authors wish to contribute to the ongoing debate bridging the fields of humanities and applied arts. The aim is to underline the importance of having a standardized glossary of terminology, and furthermore the need for participating in a national and transnational discourse between both art-field professionals and those aiding them en route to international presence.

Research paper thumbnail of Conservation Terms for Wall Paintings and Architectural Surfaces: Do We Have a Word in This Race?

Уметност и наука у примени: искуство и визија = Art and Science Applied: Experience and Vision

The observed need for a precise, reliable and therefore coordinated and standardised communicatio... more The observed need for a precise, reliable and therefore coordinated and standardised communication within the international community of material heritage preservation experts has resulted in a two-year project (2014-2016) and the publication of EwaGlos-European Illustrated Glossary of Conservation Terms for Wall Paintings and Architectural Surfaces. The glossary, which covers terminology in 11 languages and in the realisation of which Serbian scientific and vocational conservation community did not participate, is a true trailblazer. It can guide the direction and manner in which Serbian professional terminology should evolve, adjust and become normative, providing, meanwhile, an opportunity for linguists (as recognised by the authors of this paper) and conservation-restoration practitioners to jointly contribute to the field. The subject of this paper are selected Serbian terms and expressions used in conservation of wall paintings and architectural surfaces, that is, the selection, formation and formal-functional descriptive analysis of those terms, arising parallel to their correspondents and equivalents provided in the EwaGlos. The aim of our work is to come up with non-prescriptive suggestions of concrete terminology solutions in Serbian lexis related to this branch of conservation, and to do so by employing a competent research, scientific, vocational and linguistic-terminological methodology. This would primarily entail following internationally recognised recommendations for the formation of quality and sustainable nomenclature, as well as the existing Serbian scientific-vocational oral and written conservation-restoration discourse. Additionally, we hope to contribute to the process of creating norms and standards for abstruse Serbian terminology in the said field, and to draw attention of Serbian scientific-vocational community to a necessity for participating in international lexicographic endeavours, such as the EwaGlos. Aside from relying on a quantitative statistical method, we also took a qualitative research approach-contact-contrastive, comparative-distribu-analysis. We propose that the added value of this work lies in its general benefit to the Anglo-Serbian comparative linguistics, terminological lexicography, philological and applied-art education, while also being inclusive of the whole conservation-restoration community and all the institutions dealing with the aforementioned problematics in both narrow and wider senses.

Research paper thumbnail of Декомпоновање обрнуте учионице енглеског језика за примењене уметности: студија случаја

5th International Conference Language – Profession – Science – 2.1 24th and 25th April 2021, Belgrade, Serbia

Обрнута учионица (енг. flipped classroom) је педагошки приступ заснован на инвертовању начина фун... more Обрнута учионица (енг. flipped classroom) је
педагошки приступ заснован на инвертовању
начина функционисања традиционалне учионице
– студенти самостално савлађују нове наставне
јединице и теме ван учионице, а рад у учионици
предвиђен је за вежбања и интеракцију са осталим
студентима и предметним наставником.
Стављање студента у центар процеса учења,
решавање проблема великог броја студената у учи-
оници, недостатак времена за квалитетну обраду
наставних јединица, те могућност имплементације
комбинованог учења (енг. blended learning), уз упо-
требу најразноврснијих образовних софтверских
алата, били су више него довољни разлози да се
аутор овога рада одлучи на примену концепта
обрнуте учионице у једносеместралном периоду
наставе на предмету Енглески језик на Факултету
примењених уметности у Београду. Циљ студије
описаног случаја, интризичне и инструменталне
по својој природи, јесте дескрипција, анализа и
евалуација свих релевантних аспеката наставе
језика струке у оквиру поменутог приступа –
како самог тока, непосредних чинилаца студије
и степена њене успешности, тако и њеног субјекта
(студената) и објекта (аналитичког контекста у
којем се субјекат посматра). Триангулацијом ква-
литативних и квантитативних метода истражи-
вања утврђујемо предности и недостатке наставе
у режиму рада обрнуте учионице, односно изно-
симо могућности за даљу – потпуну, парцијалну
или модификовану – примену оваквог приступа
у настави језика струке. Нашом студијом, уз при-
каз резултата других истраживача у предметној
области, бацамо додатно светло на ову значајну
глотодидактичку појаву.
Кључне речи: обрнута учионица, енглески језик
за примењене уметности, студија случаја.


UPDATES IN MEDICAL ENGLISH (ME) Studies in applied linguistics and ME methodology, 2017

Its major purpose is to fulfil the need for continuous professional development of foreign langua... more Its major purpose is to fulfil the need for continuous professional development of foreign language professionals and researchers in medical higher education institutions and connected fields, in order to help them keep abreast developments and learn about latest trends, adapt and adopt the best practices and gold standard approaches in applied linguistics and language teaching. Chapters by established worldwide and local authors (Italy, Serbia, Bulgaria, France, Romania), focusing on a wide range of topical ME subjects, were assigned to the two main volume parts: Part 1-Approaches and methods in Medical language learning/ teaching including methodology (videos, literary texts, case history forms and roleplays, flipped learning), syllabus and course design, assessment and testing, as well as initial education and training of ESP teachers; PART 2-Applied linguistics focusing on communication and pragmatic competence in a medical context as well as on different types of medical discourses: medical advertising, medical research articles, the dental discourse, clinical linguistics and its role in the study of language disorders, impaired discourse in people with aphasia, etc. We hope that the information provided in this volume will benefit professionals in the field and will conduct to new pathways and further understanding of ME teaching and applied linguistics.


UPDATES IN MEDICAL ENGLISH (ME) Studies in applied linguistics and ME methodology, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Planiranje nastave engleskog jezika

Philologia, 2005

IzdavaP hilologia Glavni i odgovorni urednik doc. dr Biljana ^ubrovi} Ure|iva~ki odbor mr Marko ^... more IzdavaP hilologia Glavni i odgovorni urednik doc. dr Biljana ^ubrovi} Ure|iva~ki odbor mr Marko ^udi} dr Biljana \ori}-Francuski Recenzenti prof. dr Ranko Bugarski prof. dr Boris Hlebec prof. dr Brankica Paci} prof. dr Christina Schaeffner prof. dr Barbara Wotjak prof. dr Federico Zanettin prof. dr Jelena Filipovi} prof. dr Vladislava Gordi} Petkovi} prof. dr Ljiljana Markovi} prof. dr Jelisaveta Milojevi} prof. dr Zoran Paunovi} prof. dr Dalibor Soldati} prof. dr Radojka Vuk~evi} doc. dr Tihomir Brajovi} doc. dr Gordana Petri~i} doc. dr Smiljka Stojanovi} Lektor za srpski jezik Bojana Milosavljevi} Lektor za engleski jezik mr Jonathan Boulting Korektura Mirjana Dani~i} Sergej Macura Likovno-grafi~ka oprema Za CeLUS, Vojislav Ili} Prelom teksta Sr|an \ur|evi} [tampa Svelto, Beograd Tira3 00 3 UVODNA R EẐ adovoljstvo je i ~ast ure|ivati ~asopis koji tek stasava, koji uglavnom objavljuje radove mla|ih kolega, koji prave}i svoje prve nau~ne korake, bivaju oboga}eni novim nau~no-istra`iva~kim iskustvima i izrastaju u sve zrelije filologe. Prirodno, ovakav ~asopis sazreva sa svojim saradnicima, a za Ure|iva~ki odbor nema ve}e satisfakcije od rezultata koje je ~asopis Philologia postigao za samo tri godine svog postojanja. Centar za evaluaciju u obrazovanju i nauci iz Beograda 2005. godine kategorisao je ~asopis Philologia, {to na{im saradnicima obezbe|uje poene u procesu vrednovanja projekata, izbora u zvanja i drugim sli~nim prilikama. Ne treba ni pomenuti koliko je mladom istra`iva~u va`no dobijanje kategorizacije, u trenutku kada se vrata SCG sve vi{e otvaraju prema svetu u smislu dostizanja objedinjenog evropskog okvira kome univerziteti na ovim prostorima toliko te`e. Pred Vama se nalazi jedan neobi~an mozaik radova iz nauke o jeziku, metodike i didaktike, nauke o knji`evnosti, kulture i dru{tva, prevodila{tva. U ovom broju ~asopisa zastupljene su angloameri~ka, japanska, ma|arska, nema~ka, srpska i {panska filologija, ~emu su doprineli autori iz Srbije i Grne Gore (Beograd, Ni{, Novi Sad), Bosne i Hercegovine (Banjaluka), Slovenije, [panije i Velike Britanije. Njihove radove pa`ljivo su pregledali brojni recenzenti sa doma}ih i stranih univerziteta-beogradskog, kragujeva~kog, nik{i}kog, novosadskog, ali i Univerziteta iz Lajpciga (Nema~ka), Peru|e (Italija) i Astona (Velika Britanija). Emeritus je jedna Katedra, ~iji jubilej re~ju i slikom krasi ovaj broj Philologije. Uredni{tvo `eli da iskoristi priliku i zahvali iskusnim pojedincima {to }e sa~ekati naredni, ~etvrti broj i tada ispuniti po~etne stranice ~asopisa. Kona~no, Udru`enje Philologia svoju duboku zahvalnost duguje institucijama koje su pomogle u realizaciji ovog broja ~asopisa: Ministarstvu za nauku i za{titu `ivotne sredine Republike Srbije i nema~kim kofinansijerima (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) i (Universität Osnabrück, Institut für Germanistik), a posebno direktorki Krisuli Kambas (Chryssoula Kambas). Redakcija ~asopisa i ovog puta `eli da pozove na saradnju sve kolege koji su zainteresovani za nauke koje ovaj ~asopis promovi{e. Rok za predaju radova za ~etvrti broj je 1. mart 2006, a svoje priloge mo`ete slati od 1. januara U V O D N A R E~ 4 2006. godine. Sva dodatna obave{tenja u vezi sa ~asopisom, ali i udru`enjem Philologia, mo`ete prona}i na na{em vebsajtu na adresi

Research paper thumbnail of On Translating Some Applied Arts Terms from Serbian Into English: An Explicative Analysis

Nasledje Kragujevac, 2021

The goal of this paper is to account for the gaps in the aspectual paradigms of experiencer verbs... more The goal of this paper is to account for the gaps in the aspectual paradigms of experiencer verbs (verbs of emotion) in Serbian, i.e. to explain why certain verbs lack certain aspectual versions (imperfective, perfective or secondary imperfective). The proposed analysis ties the availability of aspectual forms to the thematic roles of participants in the situation denoted by the verb. Relying on Ramchand's (2008) decompositional view of VP, it is assumed that there are two possible perfectivization options both of which depend on the presence of particular layers in VP structure and consequently particular thematic roles associated with those layers. The first perfectivization option is dependent upon the presence of the initiator argument (and InitP) while the second option is conditioned by the presence of the proper (affected) theme (or ResP). The lack of these two participants results in the systematic lack of perfective (the perfective gap). Secondary imperfective gaps are accounted for by the lack of true endpoint (the entailed endpoint of the resulting state, not just the situation denoted by the verb) while imperfective gaps are explained on a case-by-case basis appealing to the lack of lexicalization of certain verbal meanings or the fact that the verbal form is derived from a non-verbal stem.

Research paper thumbnail of Semantic transformation as a source of picturesqueness of the language of banking

The objective of this paper is to underline the expressiveness of the language of profession and ... more The objective of this paper is to underline the expressiveness of the language of profession and science - an extremely important, but frequently neglected and insufficiently explored characteristic, both of the English and Serbian language of banking. Expressiveness, i.e. picturesqueness of the language of banking, is based on semantic transformation, mostly induced by metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche, whereas within our research by referring to semantic transformation we would also imply the figurative usage of specialized lexemes. We have examined this phenomenon both from the micro-linguistic (contrastive linguistics) and macro-linguistic (sociolinguistics, contact linguistics and linguo-stylistics) perspective. The examples of semantic transformation were divided into two groups. The first group of examples contains the forms of transformation within the registry collocation, mostly noun compounds. The second group does not involve any registry words and semantic transformatio...

Research paper thumbnail of Learning medical English: A prerequisite for successful academic and professional education

The aim of this paper is to present specificities of the English language teaching necessary for ... more The aim of this paper is to present specificities of the English language teaching necessary for successful education and professional training of medical students. In contemporary globalized world the English language has become the basic language of communication in all scientific fields including the field of medical science. It is well established that Medical English teaching should primarily focus on stable linguistic competence in English that is created by means of content and context based curriculum, thus preparing students for active use of English upon graduation. In order to achieve this it is very important that English language teaching be based on specific real situations in which the language is to be used. In addition, students should be encouraged to adapt practical skills applicable in specific future professional setting. Medical English teaching represents constant challenge for teachers because they need to be flexible, open to new approaches and methods, make decisions and adapt themselves to constant changes. In addition, long-term learning is at the core of higher education, and being equal partners, both students and teachers should be aware that education is a two-way process.


Proceedings: First International Conference SmartArt - Art and Science Applied. From Inspiration to Interaction, 2020

Cultural heritage as a concept in social legacy is meant to represent a culture and its significa... more Cultural heritage as a concept in social legacy is meant to represent a culture and its significant achievements and artifacts to the rest of the world. Conservation-restoration helps keep and preserve that heritage for future generations and relies on international cooperation and sharing of research and experience for the betterment of the practice. However, an issue promptly arises if there is a lack of a unified terminological front when preparing to present the work done on the international stage. Translators who help promote that work may hit a wall while looking up terminology and encountering an abundance of different phrases relating to a single concept. This paper focuses on just a sample of vocational terminology issues the authors experienced while translating conservation restoration related material. Starting from the basic concept of cultural property (kulturno dobro) as cited in the Republic of Serbia's law and contrasted with cultural heritage (kulturno nasleđe), the binary system of terms zaštita vs konzervacija-restauracija, all the way to the instance of deciphering types of adhesives used in restoration and the confusion ensuing from the terms being loan-words from different languages. By using contrastive, analytical and descriptive methods, the authors wish to contribute to the ongoing debate bridging the fields of humanities and applied arts. The aim is to underline the importance of having a standardized glossary of terminology, and furthermore the need for participating in a national and transnational discourse between both art-field professionals and those aiding them en route to international presence.