Self-organised complex aerial displays of thousands of starlings: a model (original) (raw)

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Abstract: Aerial displays of starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) at their communal roosts are complex: thousands of individuals form multiple flocks which are continually changing shape and density, while splitting and merging. To understand these complex displays both empirical data and models are needed. Whereas detailed empirical data were recently collected through video recordings and position measurements by stereo photography of flocks of thousands of starlings, there are as yet no models that generate these complex patterns. Numerous computer models in biology, however, suggest that patterns of single groups of moving animals may emerge by self-organisation from movement and local coordination (through attraction, alignment and avoidance of collision). In this paper, we investigated whether this approach can be extended to generate patterns resembling these aerial displays of starlings. We show in a model that to generate many of the patterns measured empirically in real starlings we have to extend the usual rules of local coordination with specifics of starling behaviour, mainly 1) their aerial locomotion, 2) a low and constant number of interaction-partners and 3) preferential movement above a roosting area. Our model can be used as a tool for the study of these displays, because it provides new integrative hypotheses about the mechanisms underlying these displays and of swarming patterns in biological systems in general.

Submission history

From: Charlotte Hemelrijk [view email]
[v1] Wed, 19 Aug 2009 05:32:55 UTC (2,270 KB)